No 66, 9 October 1936, 1871
Bumb. 66. 1871 SUPPLEMENT '1'0 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, OCTOBl1JR 8, 1936. WELLIKG'rON, FRIDAY, OC'l'OBEH 9, H)3o. Notice undeT the Regulations Act, 1936, ~f the making uf I Appointment of 18suing Officers fur the Purpose of issuing Regulationl3. Licenl3es to fish for Trout under the Rotorua Trout·fishing Regulationl3, 1929. Serial No.: 43/1936. URSUANT to thc provisions of Regulation ,'i of the Short title: The Rotorua Trout.fishiug Rogulations, 1929, P Rotorua Regulations, 1929, I, Joseph Amendment No.7. William Allen Heenan, Under· Secretary of the Department Statutory authority for enactment: The Fisheries Act, 1908. of Internal AHairs of the Dominion of New Zealand, do Date on which the regulations were made: 8th day of October, here by authorize-- 1936. Alexander, J. R., lies' Sports Depot, Fcnton Street, Rotorua, Copies can be purchased at tho Government Printing and I Altherr, K., Launch'proprietor, Fenton Street, Rotorua, Stationery Office, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Price for cash Atkins, D. B., Fishing Lodge, Hamurana, with order 3d., plus postage ld. extra. Prices for quantities Atkinson, Mrs. P., Rotoma, via Rotorua, supplied on application. Copies may be ordered by quoting Bell, H. E., Storekeeper, Waimana, above serial number. Butement, A. G., Launchmaster, Tourist Department, Te G. H. LONEY, Wairoa, Government PrintPl'. Cochrane, J. W., Cochrane Park, Mourea, via Rotorua, Cooney, Mrs. M. F., Postmistress. Murupara, Cuff, Harold, P.O. Box .53, Te Puke, Cutler, 1<'. B., and Co., Sports Dealers, Whakatane, Davies, Mrs. K., Ngongotaha, Notice under the Regulatwn13 Act, 1936, of the making of District Manager, Department of Industries and Commerce, RegulatiOnl3 .
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