INLAND WATERS BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINES AND RESOURCES © Information Canada Ottawa, 1971 Cat. No. M26-411/1968-4 -I,, •lr·


This Publication was prepared by personnel of the Water

Survey of Canada under the direction of the Director, Inland Waters

Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa.

The basic data were collected and compiled under the

supervision of the District Engineers at Calgary, Alberta; Winnipeg,

Manitoba and Vancouver, British Columbia.

The co-operation received from various organizations is

gratefully acknowledged.



S M T W T F S s M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ,12 13 14 15 16 17 18 .10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31



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APRIL 1968 MAY 1968 ·JUNE 1968

s M T W T F S S M T W T F s s M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1, 2 3 4 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 ' 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 '14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


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SMTWTFS SM T.W TFS S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 34,56789 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 '13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ·15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31 CONTENTS Page Page

Preface ...... iii Publication of Surface Water and Sediment Data...... vii Introduction ...... v.ii Definition of Terms and Abbreviations : ...... viii Organization and History of Hydrometric Method of Tabulation of Hydrometric Survey Data...... viii Survey Operations ...... vii Accuracy of Discharge Data...... viii Co-operation and Acknowledgments ...... vii Order of Listing Gauging Stations...... ix Scope of this Publication ...... vii Convenient Equivalents of Measurement...... ix



Station Station No. Page No. Page

Alsek River: Teslin River near Teslin ...... 09AE001 19 . Dezadeash River at Haines Junction ...... 08AA003 1 Teslin River near Whitehorse ...... 09AF001 20 . . Aishikik River near Whitehorse ...... 08AA001 2 Big Salmon River near Carmacks ...... 09AG001 21 Yukon River at Whitehorse ...... 09AB001 3 . Pelly River at Ross River ...... 09BC002 22 Yukon River above Frank Creek ...... 09AB009 4 Pelly River at Pelly Crossing ...... 09BC001 23 Yukon River at Carmacks ...... 09AH001 5 . Ross River at Ross River ...... 09BA001 24 Yukon River above White River ...... 09CD001 6 . Anvil Creek: Yukon River at Dawson ...... 09EB001 7 .. Rose Creek below Faro Creek ...... 09BC003 25 Marsh Lake near Whitehorse ...... 09AB004 8 White River: M'Clintock River near Whitehorse ...... 09AB008 9 Donjek River: Tagish River: . Kluane River at Outlet of Kluane Tagish Lake: Lake ... , ...... 09CA002 26 Atlin River: .. Kluane Lake near Burwash Landing ...... 09CA001 27 . Atlin Lake: Stewart River at Mayo ...... 09DC002 28 . . Lubbock River near Atlin ...... 09AA007 10 . Stewart River at Stewart Gros sing ...... 09DD002 29 Nares River: . Stewart River at Mouth ...... 09DD003 30 Bennett Lake at Car cross ...... 09AA004 11 . Klondike River above Bonanza Creek ...... 09EA003 31 . . Wheaton River near Carcross ...... 09AA012 12 . Porcupine River below Bell River ...... 09FB001 32 .. Watson River near Carcross ...... 09AA009 13 . Porcupine River at Old Crow ...... 09FD001 33 Tagish Creek near Carcross ...... 09AA011 14 Yukon River Drainage Basin, Miscellaneous Takhini River at Outlet of Kusawa Lake •...... 09AC004 15 Discharge Measurements made in...... 33 Takhini River near Whitehorse...... 09AC001 16 : . Kusawa Lake near Whitehorse ...... 09AC005 17 . at Upper Crossing ...... lOAAOOI 34 Teslin River: .. Frances River near Watson Lake ...... lOABOOl 35 Teslin Lake at Teslin ...••.•.••••••...•...... 09AE002 18 . above Canyon Creek, ...... lOMAOOI 36


Mackenzie River near Fort Providence ...... lOFBOOl 37 . at Outlet from Kakisa Lake ...... 07UC001 57 Mackenzie River at Fort Simpson ...... lOGCOOl 38 Trout River near Outlet Trout Lake ...... lOF AOO I 58 Mackenzie River near Wrigley ...... lOHCOOl 39 Liard River at Fort Liard ...... IOEDOOI 59 Mackenzie River at Norman Wells ...... lOKAOOl 40 . above Virginia Mackenzie River at Fort Good Hope ••.....•..•..•.. lOLDOOl 41 Falls ...... !OEBOOl )0 Mackenzie River (Peel Channel) at . South Nahanni River above Clausen Aklavik ...... lOMCOOl 42 Creek ...... •.. lOECOOl 61 at Yellowknife Bay...... 07SBOOI 43 . Flat River at Mouth...... 10EA003 62 Great Slave Lake at Snowdrift...... 07QB001 44 Willowlake River near the Mouth, ...... lOGBOOl 63 Great Slave Lake at Fort Resolution ...... 07PB001 45 near the Mouth ...... !OHBOOl 64 Great Slave Lake at ...... 070B002 46 : Frank Channel: at Fort Radium •...... • lOJAOOl 65 Marian Lake: Camsell River at Outlet of Glut Russell Channel:' Lake ...... IOJA002 66 .. Russell Lake: at Outlet of ...... lOPBOOl 67 ... at Bigspruce Lake ...... 07SA003 47 below Deep Rose Lake •...... •. lORCOOl 68 Baker Creek Main Stem ...... , ...... 07SB009 48 Chesterfield Inlet: . Pocket Lake Outlet near Yellowknife ...... 07SB008 49 Thelen River: Muskeg Creek near Yellowknife ...... 07SB007 49 Baker Lake at Baker Lake ...... 06MA001 69 at Inlet to Prosperous Thelen River: Lake ...... • 07SB003 50 . Dubawnt River: Lockhart River at Outlet from Artillery . Marjorie Lake at Outlet ...... 06KC002 70 Lake ...... 07RD001 51 . Dubawnt River below Marjorie Lake ...... 06KC003 71 Taltson River: Baker Lake: near Snowdrift...... 07QD002 52 . Kazan River at Outlet ~of Ennadai Taltson River at Outlet Tsu Lake ...... 07QD001 53 'Lake ...... 06LA001 72 . at Bell Rock ...... 07NB003 54 . Kazan River above Kazan Falls ...... 06LCOOI 73 . Little Buffalo River near Pine Point . Ennadai Lake at Ennadai...... 06LA002 74 Highway ...... 07PB002 55 Thelen Rtver Drainage Basin, Miscellaneous . Hay River near Hay River ...... 070B001 56 Discharge Measurements Made in ...... 74

v ' INTRODUCTION or to the :pirector, Inland Waters Branch, Departrnen:t of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa 4, Ontario. The Inland Waters Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources herein presents for October to December 1967 and for the 1968 calendar year, the results of the hydrometric PUBLICATION OF SURFACE WATER survey investigations which were made in the Yukon and North­ AND SEDIMENT DATA west Territories by the Water Survey of Canada. A program for the collection and publication of surface water and sediment data has been carried on for a number of ORGANIZATION AND HISTORY OF HYDROMETRIC years. Data for the 1964 water year and earlier years were SURVEY OPERATIONS published in the Water Resources Paper series. Subsequent data are being published in a new format adopted for. published During 1967 and 1968, the hydrometric surveys in data of the Water Survey of Canada. the Yuk:on and Northwest Territories were conducted by the Water Survey of Canada under agreement with the Territories. To facilitate uniform publication of surface water data, Canada was divided into four main drainages, and a separate CO-OPERATION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Water Resources Paper was published for each drainage. Each paper containing surface water data was identified by a specific Co-operative undertakings with other agencies form an number, the name of the drainage and the year(s) in which the important part of the activities of the Water Survey of Canada. data were collected. Close co-operation has been maintained with public agencies and private organizations concerned with water resources. The new format which has now been adopted represents Runoff and other data have been mutually exchanged and stream­ a departure from the Water Resources Paper series. In the gauging operations have been facilitated by the assistance new format, Canada is divided into eight regions. The provinces received from a number of organizations. each represent a separate region except for the Atlantic Provinces which together form one region, and the Yukon and For the valuable assistance and co-operation received Northwest Territories which make up another. In the new series, in obtaining hydrometric survey records, the Water Survey of the publicati?n will be identified by the province{s) or territories Canada is indebted to the following organizations: covered and the year in which the data were collected.

Federal - Northern Canada Power Commission, The publications containing sediment data are being Department of Transport; published in the new format but in a single publication for all of United States Geological Survey. ~anada, as heretofore.

Private - Anvil Mining Corporation; During the years 1947 to 1960, some sediment data were Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company; collected for several prairie rivers to meet the needs of Crest Exploration Limited. particular projects. The first Paper containing sediment data incorporates a selection of these data and also data for part of SCOPE OF THIS PUBLICATION the year ending September 30, 1961 at stations established for the continuing program. The second issue is a biennial publication This publication is one of a series containing hydrometric covering only the continuing program for the 1962 and 1963 water survey data for the Yukon and Northwest Territories. years. The third issue is an annual publication and all future issues will be published on an annual basis. The papers containing Data for the 1964 water year and those preceding were sediment data prior to 1965 are designated with the letter 11 8 11 published in the Water Resources Paper series and each issue ',and a number as follows: was designated with an official number in that series. Water Resources Papers Nos. Publications containing data for the 1965 to 1967 water years are identified by the type of data collected, such as S-1 (see above) surface water data or sediment survey data, by the name of the Province(s) or the Territories in which the data were collected, S-2 (1961-62 & 1962-63) and the water year to which the data apply. A water year refers to the 12 month period from October to September. Commencing S-3 (196 3-64) with the 1968 publication, data are published on a calendar year basis. The 1968 publication contains data for the period October to December 1967. Flood Reports Details on individual stations and related records, as well as recent data which have not yet been published, may be obtained Several damaging floods have occurred in recent years upon application to: in various regions of Canada. For three re cent floods, data have District Engineer, District Engine er , been published in special issues of the Water Resources Papers Water Survey of Canada, Water Survey of Canada, so as to m-ake available detailed streamflow data and pertinent Inland Waters Branch, Inland Waters Branch, meteorological observations in a form convenient for reference. Department of Energy, Department of Energy, Similar reports will be prepared from tiine to time as studies Mines and Resources, Mines and Resources, are brought to completion. The flood reports currently 700 Calgary Power Building, 521 Federal Building, available are designated by the letter "F" together with the Calgary, Alberta. Winnipeg 1, Manitoba. number of the paper containing the related surface water data. District Engineer, Water Survey of Canada, Water Resources Papers Nos. Inland Waters Branch, 113F - Flood of June 1953 in the South Saskatchewan Department of Energy, River Basin. Mines and Resources, 121F - Flood of 1957 in the Carrot River Basin. 1001 West Pender Street, 134F - Floods of 1961 in New Brunswick. Vancouver 1, B.C.

vii 11 Copies of these publications may be obtained on (b) t1Manual - a_ non-recording type of gauge from which application to the Director, Inland Waters Branch, Department observations of stage normally are obtained once daily. of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Period of Record - refers to the length and continuity of record obtained at the gauging station. DEFINITION OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Reference is made to any change in the name of the "Acre-foot" (ac-ft) is the volume of water required to gauging station from that shown in previous publications. cover an area of one acre to a depth of one foot. It is equal to 43 ,560 cubic feet, When reference is made in the description of one station to records which have been obtained at some other "Control" 1s the condition downstream from a gauging station on the same river, such reference appears under station that determines the stage-discharge relationship, It "Remarks". may be a stretch of rapids, a weir or other artificial structure. In the absence of such features, the control may be a less Mean Discharge - refers to the mean discharge for the obvious condition such as a convergence of the channel or even number of years indicated. It is based only on·complete simply the resistance to flow through a downstream reach. years (or complete periods) of record at those gauging A shifting control exists where the stage-discharge relationship stations for which at least five complete calendar years tends to change because of impermanent bed or banks. (or periods) of record have been obtained.

11 Cubic-foot per second11 (cfs) is a unit expressing rate of Extremes Recorded - refers to the estremes of stage or discharge. One cfs is equal to one cubic foot of water flowing discharge for the period of record. The maximum and past a particular point in one second, This is the basic unit in minimum instantaneous values are given where available; general use, other unitS being computed from it by the use of otherwise, the daily extremes are given. factors as given in a later paragraph under "Convenient Equivalents of Measurement''. Revisions - refers to changes made in previously published records. The period for which records were revised is "Gauging station 11 is a location where systematic records shown. When the revised records haye been published, of stage or stage and discharge are obtained. the publication in which they appear is indicated. Where such revisions have not been published, the District "Stage-discharge relationship" is the relation between the Engineer who can provide copies of the revised records gauge height and the discharge at a gauging station, is specified.

Remarks - contains a statement pertaining to the accuracy METHOD OF TABULATION OF HYDROMETRIC of the current discharge data and includes pertinent SURVEY DATA information not covered elsewhere.

For most gauging stations where a systematic record ACCURACY OF DISCHARGE DATA of stage or discharge was obtained during the year under review, the following data are given where available: The accuracy of discharge data depends upon (1) the stability of the stage-discharge relationship, or if the control is unstable, the frequency of discharge measurements, and (2) I. Description of the station; the accuracy of observations of stage, measurements of dis­ charge and interpretation of records. 2, Table of daily stage or discharge; In order to give some indication of the quality of the 3. Summary of monthly and annual data. currently published discharge recqrds, the·probable accuracy is indicated as "excellent", "good", ff fair" or "poor".

1. The description of the station contains the following: The following outline was used as a. guide in the definition of the quality of the discharge records: Location - refers specifically to the location of the gauge unless otherwise indicated and for most stations also (a) Excellent: Records olJ:_tained during open water represents closely the location of the discharge measure­ periods at a station, (i) which is equipped with a ment section. However,. if the gauge and the discharge recording gauge, (ii) which has a stable control, and measurement section are located an appreciable distance (iii) which has a well-defined stage-discharge apart, the location of the discharge measurement section relationship. is indicated in relation to that of the gauge under 1 OR ' Drainage Area". Records obtained during periods of ice con~ditions Drainage Area - refers to that area enclosed by a topo­ at a station which meets the above requirements graphic divide such that direct surface runoff from during open-water periods and for which, under ice precipitation would drain by gravity into the stream conditions (i) an intense discharge measurement above the station. The year in which the latest drainage program was carried out to define the iCe effect, area revision was made _is indicated. (ii) the correction for backwater due to ice is very small or very consistent, and (iii) flow at the Gauge - is the installation used to obtain water level data. discharge measurement section is regular and free For the purpose of refere:r;i.ce herein, the gauges are of slush ice. indicated as follows: (b) Good: Recqrds obtained during open-water periods (a} "Recording" - water-stage recorder from which at a station, (i) where the stages are reasonably continuous water levels are obtained. uniform and a water level observation is made at

viii least once daily, {ii) which may have minor shifting more than 15 days, only a footnote indicating the termiMl of the control, and {iii) which has a well-defined dates is given. stage-discharge relationship. 11 A 11 , manual gauge observation - indicates that one or OR more manual gauge observations per day were obtained and used as the mean for the day at a gauging station Records obtained during periods of ice conditions equipped with a recording gauge. at a station which meets the requirements for excellent or good records under open-water conditions and for "B 11 , ice conditions - indicates the presence of ice at which, under ice conditions,(i} discharge measure­ the gauging station. For gauging stations were discharge ments are made with sufficient frequency to define data are obtained, this symbol indicates that the presence the ice effect, (ii) the correction for backwater due of ice has affected the normal stage-dis charge relationship. to ice is small, and (iii) flow at the discharge measurement section is regular and relatively free of "E", estimated - indicating any estimated data, For slush ice, gauging stations at which discharge data are collected, it indicates that the discharge was determined by some (c) Fair: Records obtained at a station during open­ indirect method such as interpolation, comparison with water periods, (i) when there is frequent occurrence other streams or by correlation with meteorological data. of short periods of estimated records or infrequent occurrences of longer periods of record estimated 3. A sw:nmary of monthly and annual data is given below the by correlation with a hydrograph of a comparable table of daily data. stream, and (ii) when a shifting control, a poor discharge measurement section or a scarcity of ORDER OF LISTING GAUGING STATIONS discharge measurements results in a poorly-defined stage-discharge relationship. In this publication, gauging stations are listed in an upstream to downstream order_ All stations on the main stem OR are listed first; these are followed by the stations in the drainage basin of the :rriost upstream tributary. Stations in the drainage Records obtained during periods of ice conditions basin of the next downstream tributary are then listed; this is at a station which meets the requirements for continued until all tributaries have been covered, excellent, good or fair records under open-water conditions or excellent or good records under ice In the Table of Contents, the names of tributaries of the conditions but for which the correction for backwater main stem are indented and the indentation indicated by one due to ice is relatively large or subject to frequent period; tributaries to these tributaries are further indented, and substantial change. using two periods, etc. This system enables stations in the same drainage basin to be selected at a glance. {d) Poor: Records obtained at a station during open water periods, (i) when long periods of record are .CONVENIENT EQUIVALENTS OF MEASUREMENT estimated with some uncertainty, and (ii) when a poor control, a poor discharge measurement section The following is a list of convenient equivalents of or a scarcity of discharge measurements results in measurement for use in hydraulic computations: a poorly-defined stage-discharge relationship. 1 mile equals 5,280 feet. OR 1 square mile equals 640 acres. I acre equals 43,560 square feet or 0.0015625 square mile. 1 cubic foot of water weighs approximately 62.4 pounds.at 52° F. Records obtained at a station during periods of 1 cubic foot equals 6.23 Imperial gallons; equals 7.48 United ice conditions, (i) when discharge measurements are States gallons. not made with sufficient frequency to define the ice I foot per second equals O. 682 mile per hour. effect, and (ii) when flow at the discharge measurement I cubic foot per second for one day equals 1.9835 acre-feet. section is affected by .slush ice. 1 cubic foot per second for one day covers one square mile to a depth of O. 03719 inch. 2. The table of daily stage or discharge gives the daily stage in 1 foot equals 0. 3 048 metre. feet or the daily discharge in cubic feet per second at the I acre equals 0.4047 hectare. gauging station. I mile equals 1.60935 kilometres. 1 cubic meter per minute equals 0.5886 cubic foot per second. 1 horsepower equals 550 foot~pounds per second. Within the table of daily discharge, the maximum and I horsepower equals 76.0 kilogram-metres per second. minimum daily discharges for each month are underlined. 1 horsepower equals 746 watts or O. 746 kilowatt. When such maximum or minimum discharge occurs more 1 cubic foot per second acting through 1 foot of head gives 0.1135 than once during the month, it is underlined only for the horsepower or 0.0847 kilowatt. earliest date of occurrence. Avci-ilable water power at a site may be determined approximately as follows: The following standard symbols are used opposite the daily stage or discharge, to which they apply. If the symbol Cubic feet per second x fall in feet+ lO=net horsepower from applies to not more than two periods, one of which must be water wheel, realizing 88% of theoretical power.


Location: Lat. 60° 441 54", long. 137° 301 19", Yukon Territory, at the Haines road bridge, three-tenths of a mile south of Mile 1016, Alaska Highway, and eighty-four miles west of Whitehorse. Drainage Area: 3,200 square miles. Gauge: Manual. PerIOd of Record: December 1952 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (16 years) 1,590 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 10,100 cfs on June 28, 1961. Minimum daily discharge, 238 cfs (estimated), March 22 to 24, 1967. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and poor during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Daily Dir:charges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 2,190 1,020 590 11...... 1,740 700 640 21...... 1,380 E 690 520 2 ...... 2,120 980E 590 12 ...... 1,710 700 700 22 ...... 1,360 700 550 3 ...... 2,040E 960 590 13 ...... 1,690 E 660 bOO 23 ...... 1,340 E 680 480 4 ...... 2,000E 903 610 14...... 1,680 660 600 24 ...... 1,320 630 440 5 ...... l,950E 880 580 15 ...... 1,650 720 580 25 ...... 1,260 E 600 420 6 ...... 1,920 850 570 16 ...... 1,620 790 540 26 ...... 1,240 640 480 7 ...... 1,890 840 580 1 7 ...... 1,570 760 520 27 ...... l,200E 640 470 8 ...... 1,890 E 760 550 18 ...... 1,500 810 560 28 ..... : ...... 1,190 580 500 9 ...... 1,820 780 580 19 ...... 1,420 E 750 520 29 ...... l,150E 620 540 10 ...... 1,790 780 600 20 ...... 1,390 690 450 30 ...... 1,120 600 600 31...... 1,130 E 560

Ice Conditions November 5 to December 31. E - Estimated. Total 49,210 22,373 17,110

Mean 1,590 746 552 A ere-feet 97,600 44,400 33 ,900

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 520 360 540 550 822 2,820 3 ,160 2,790 2,400 2,410 1,470 800 2 ...... 470 370 570 590 878 2,760 3,530 2,770 2,430 2,400 1,360 750 3 ...... 535 440 560 590 878 2,970 3,320 2,660 2,380 2,340 1,440 700 4 ...... 520 480 550 560 934 2,770 3,040 2,730 2,350 2,320 1,380 650 5 ...... 530 540 590 590 918 I 2,650 3,120 2, 710 2,660 2,260 1,280 680 6 ...... 542 570 597 650 1,130 2,430 7,210 2,710 2,660 2,290 1,330 760 7 ...... 565 570 520 610 1,180 2,570 7 ,430 2, 710 2,630 2,190 1,250 740 8 ...... 582 580 520 620 1,310 2,350 5,600E 3,770 2,490 2,140 1,120 740 9 ...... 600 560 560 650 1,090 2,400 4,280 3,380 2,570 2,110 1,100 760 10 ...... 580 600 530 620 1,180 2,520 4,000E 3,380 2,660 2,090 1,030 800 11...... 540 560 530 660 1,240 2,840 3,690 3,200 E 2,600 2,070 1,050 850 12 ...... 550 490 580 650 1,1 70 2,870 3,610 3,040 2,530 2,020 1,000 820 13 ...... 500 540 520 690 1,290 2,980 3,920 2,870 2,400 1,970 960 780 14 ...... 420 490 460 680 1,340 3,020 3,880 2,630 2,370 1,760 900 860 15 ...... 420 500 530 690 1,430 3,090 3,730 2,570 2,310 1,810 800 960 16 ...... 460 530 450 690 1,440 2,950 3,530 2,500 2,350 1,720 700 860 I 7 ...... 500 480 390 718 1,480 2,890 3,410 2,440 2,460 1,760 740 760 18 ...... 480 530 420 700 1,880 2,790 3,230 2,450 E 2,410 1,850 780 790 19 ...... 500 480 440 640 2,500 2,810 3,000 2,460 E 2,500 1,830 820 880 20 ...... 560 460 480 694 3,140 2,820 2,930 2,470 2,760 1,760 770 930 21...... 530 520 510 724 4,400 2,680 2,950 2,410 2,820 1,740 800 820 22 ...... 565 580 520 655 8,610 2,660 2,850 2,350 2,710 1,690 840 810 23 ...... 620 550 480 655 9,200 2,610 2,770 2,340 2,680 1,680 780 700 24 ...... 520 560 500 730 5,340 2,570 2,770 2,350 2,630 1,680 720 740 25 ...... 450 600 510 665 4,500 2,520 2,770 2,280 2,520 1,690 740 660 26 ...... 480 600 550 730 3,800 2,460 3,000 2,200 E 2,440 1,710 780 620 27 ...... 520 540 510 718 3,630 2,350 2,980 2,130 2,430 1,700 E 803 640 28 ...... 540 590 560 730 3,400 2,650 2,850 2,130 2,630 1,690 860 660 29 ...... 520 590 570 784 3,230 3,070 2,820 2,280 2,570 1,760 900 600 30 ...... 460 - 540 --878 2,970 3,340 2,840 2,280 2,440 1,420 850 570 31...... --410 - 560 - 3,050 - 2,710 2,400 - 1,450 - 590 Total 15 ,989 15,260 16,147 20,111 79,360 82,210 110,930 81,390 75,790 59,310 29,353 23,280 Mean 516 526 521 670 2,560 2,740 3,580 2,630 2,530 1,910 978 751

Acre-feet 31,700 30,300 32,000 39 ,900 157 ,000 163,000 220,000 161,000 150,000 118,000 58 ,200 46,200

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, 9,200 cfs on May 23 Minimum daily disch_arge, 360 cfs on February 1 Mean discharge, 1,660 cfs Total discharge, 1,210,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to April 17 and November 5 to December 31. E - Estimated. 2 AISHIHIK RIVER NEAR WHITEHORSE - STATION No. 08AA001

Location: Lat. 60° 51' 40", long. 137° 03.1 40", Yukon Territory, about one-quarter of a mile upstream from the Alaska Highway bridge at Mile 997, approximately two miles north of mouth, sixty-nine miles west of Whitehorse. Drainage Area: 1,620 square miles. Gauge: Manual. Period of Record: Mainly continuous, May 1950 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (16 years) 526 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 5,050 cfs (estimated) on June 20, 1962. Minimum daily discharge, 79 cfs, March 20 to April 18, 1952. Remarks: Records good during open-.water period and fair during ice periods.

Daily Di.scharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 858 627 262 11...... 767 596 228 21...... 627 524 261 2 ...... 858 634 280 12 ...... 750 578 245 22 ...... 655 506 250 3 ...... 844 620 280 13 ...... 739 572 260 23 ...... 627 390 250 4 ...... 837 608 255 14...... 732 590 278 24 ...... 634 360 246 5 ...... 809 596 260 15 ...... 732 578 265 25 ...... 608 330 225 6 ...... 809 578 268 16 ...... 704 554 230 26 ...... 614 300 230 7 ...... 802 578 270 17 ...... 676 566 240 27 ...... 614 280 245 8 ...... 767 596 255 18 ...... 697 566 260 28 ...... 620 295 265 9 ...... 753 596 240 19 ...... 669 566 245 29 ....••...... 614 311 280 10 ...... 788 602 225 20 .•...... 662 548 252 30 ...... 608 290 270 31...... 602 252

Ice conditions November 23 to December 31. Total 22,076 15 ,335 7,872

Mean 712 511 254

Acre-feet 43 ,800 30,400 15 ,600

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 240 210 .Zl5 202 258 699 608 846 1,050 846 615 500 2 ...... 230 188 225 212 262 720 594 850 1,020 860 601 470 3 ...... 215 165 204 210 258 744 577 850 1,020 85b 615 455 4 ...... 220 Tii5 206 212 240 695 m 944 1,050 842 580 490 5 ...... 230 185 196 220 2b4 604 822 968 1,080 808 587 -520 6 ...... 240 210 192 215 284 590 2,530 944 1,080 822 580 480 7 ...... 250 230 182 200 280 584 3,230 964 1,040 744 580 430 8 ...... 257 240 175 205 304 574 1,470 1,950 1,020 738 538 408 9 ...... 250 255 170 190 360 608 1,160 1,740 980 752 532 400 I 0 ...... 2.34 245 170 192 440 699 964 1,420 1,060 724 541 425 11...... 217 260 200 215 435 755 884 1,200 1,090 766 499 430 12 ...... 224 240 220 210 472 748 839 1,100 1,030 752 487 400 13 ...... 210 250 220 210 490 737 944 1,050 992 730 475 420 14...•...... 200 225 182 200 475 730 1,530 1,020 952 689 493 440 15 ...... 210 235 190 190 481 717 1,100 968 948 689 487 462 16 ...... 192 192 180 186 535 695 944 952 940 661 493 490 1 7 ...... 205 210 162 T8b 565 598 880 908 988 675 487 520 18 .....•...•.. 220 235 nm 195 660 932 853 908 972 675 499 450 19 •...... 220 230 196 210 1,010 b85 818 932 980 682 517 420 20 ...... •..... 240 228 200 210 1,360 608 825 948 1,040 682 499 450 21...... •. 265 250 220 200 2,510 587 940 924 1,050 668 523 480 22 ...... •.• 285 250 232 205 4,850 580 916 904 1,030 657 541 420 23 .••...... •. 250 250 225 220 3,140 571 928 880 972 650 529 390 24 •.•.•..•.•.. 260 270 200 215 1,890 ~ 896 857 996 650 540 365 25 .•.•....•..• 235 2'IO zoo 225 1,460 584 888 872 964 615 540 380 26 ...... ••.•.• 235 240 180 225 1,150 577 976 888 940 580 580 325 27 •.•.••••••.. 200 230 200 235 1,010 571 992 924 932 608 610 330 28 ..••...... 210 238 202 240 944 601 932 932 940 636 550 345 29 •..•.•.••... 225 220 215 242 846 594 876 932 916 608 570 315 30 ..•..••..... 240 - 204 250 832 622 860 900 876 550 530 330 31. ...••...•.. 245 - 195 - 811 - 839 916 - 580 - 300

Total 7,154 6,616 6,138 6,327 28,876 19,586 32,213 31,391 29,948 21, 795 16,218 13,040

Meari 231 228 198 211 931 653 1,040 1,010 998 703 541 421 AC.re-feet 14,200 13,100 12,200 12,500 57,300 38,800 63,900 62,300 59 ,400 43,200 32,200 25,900

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge., 4,850 cfs on May 22 Minimum daily discharge, 162 cfs on March 17 Mean discharge, 599 cfs Total discharge, 435,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to April 29 and November 24 to December 31. YUKON RIVER AT WHITEHORSE - STATION No. 09AB001 3

Location: Lat. 60° 421 50", long. 135° 021 35", Yukon Territory, at Robert Campbell bridge. Drainage Area: 7 ,500 square miles. Gauge: Manual, relocated on October I, 1960 at different datum, one-half mile upstream from former location. Gauge heights are referred to an assumed datum. Period of Record: Miscellaneous measurements only, 1915; gauge heights only, May to October, 1902 to 1927 and continuous May 1928 to September 1943; discharges, continuous, October 1943 to December 1968. Records prior to 1947 were published under the title "Lewes River at Whitehorse" and in 1947 and 1948 under the title "Yukon (Lewes) River at Whitehorse". Mean Discharge: (25 years) 8,570 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 22,800 cfs on August 9 and 10, 1953. Maximum daily gauge height, 10.00 ft on November 14, 1935 (referred to location and datum then in use). Minimum daily discharge, 1,150 cfs on May 19, 1962 and May 21, 1964. Minimum daily gauge height, -1.00 ft, May 8 to 12, 1913 (referred to location and datum then in use). Remarks: Records good. Flow may be affected by dam at outlet of Marsh Lake and by operation of power plant.

Dailv Di.scharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 17 ,3 00 12,900 6,370 11...... 16,500 10,900 5,440 21...... 14,400E 9,800 5,620 2 ...... 17,500 12,200 b,3bO 12 ...... 15, 700 10,800 5,270 22 ...... 14,400 9,720 5,440 3 ...... Tb,bQl'iE 12,200 6,370 13 ...... 15,800 10,500 5,170 23 ...... 13,900 9,610 5,390 4 ...... 15,900 12,400 E 6,110 14...... 15, 700 10,500 5,840 24 ...... 14,000 6,560 5,370 5 ...... 16,700 12,200 E 5,830 15 ...... 15,600 10,500 6,020 25 ...... 13,700 6,540 5,340 6 ...... 16,200 11,800 5,920 16 ...... 15,400 10,400 5,990 26 ...... 13,500 6,480 5,330 7 ...... 16,700 11,800 5,720 17 ...... 15,300 9,700 6,130 27 ...... 13,700 6,440 5,310 8 ...... 16,600 11,600 5,700 18 ...... 15,100 10,200 5,910 28 ...... 13,300 6,440 5,460 9 ...... 16,500E 11,000 5,570 19 ...... 14,400 10,IOOE 5,880 29 ...... 13,lOOE 6,430 5,470 10 ...... 16,400 10,900 5,550 20 ...... 14,400 9,920 5,670 30 ...... 12,900 6,470 5,480 31...... 12,500 5,480

lee conditions November 28 to December 31. E - Estimated. Total 469 '700 297,010 176,510 Flow data for period November 28 to December 31 supplied by Northern Canada Power Commission, representing flows through Whitehorse Rapids power plant. Mean 15,200 9,900 5,690

Acre-feet 932,000 589,000 350,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

!...... 5,390 3,950 3,460 3,290 2,570 6,400 10,700 15,200 15,900 15, 700 12,000 8,340 2 ...... 5,510 4,050 3,330 3,260 2,510 6,570 10,900 15,600 16,200 15,700 12,100 '7,bIO 3 ...... 5,450 4,010 3,480 3,250 2,510 6,850 11,400 15,,400 16,000 15,500 11,500 6,340 4 ...... 5,320 4,050 3,540 3,110 2,550 7 ,070 11,300 15,400 16,100 15,400 11, 700 5,960 5 ...... 5,350 3,750 3,540 3,180 2,700 6,760 11,700 15,400 16,300 15,400 11,400 i 5,870 6 ...... 5,180 3,860 3,590 2,980 2,540 7 ,070 11,800 16,200 16,600 15,l 00 11,400 5,940 7 ...... 5,240 3,890 3,640 3,140 2,650 7,550 11,800 15, 700 16,400 15,000 11,200 5,850 8 ...... 5,150 3,590 3,580 3,160 2,840 7 ,530 11,900 16,000 16,500 14,800 11,200 5,950 9 ...... 5,140 3,520 3,690 3,090 2,660 7 ,390 12,500 16,l 00 16,600 14,900 11,300 5,760 10 ...... 5,210 3,620 3,b30 2,980 2,760 7 ,410 12,900 16, 100 16,500 14,800 11,400 5,670 11...... 4,870 3,740 3,640 2,910 2,830 7 ,860 13 ,300 16,400 16,700 14,500 10,600 5,640 12 ...... 4,840 3,840 3,520 2,710 2,690 7,940 13,300 16,400 16, 700 14,200 10, 700 5,760 13 ...... 4,760 3,810 3,600 3,050 3;040 8,200 13 ,300 16,500 16,600 14,400 10,300 5,800 14 ...... 4,800 3.,780 3,470 2,880 3,350 8,360 13,200 16,600 16,400 15, 700 10,100 5,770 15 ...... 4,630 3,750 3,530 3,000 3 ,300E 8,490 13,600 16,600 16,400 13,900 9,940 5,720 16 ...... 4,550 3,800 3,360 2,780 3,220 8,490 13,700 16,800 16,400 14,200 11,800 5,990 17 ...... 4,480 3,660 3,560 2,790 3,050 8,240 13,800 16,900 16,200 14,000 10, 700 5,960 18 ...... 4,410 3,660 3,370 2,920 3,650 9,070 14,100 16,800 15,900 14,100 10,800 6,070 19 ...... 4,460 3,580 3,310 2,800 3,020 9,230 13,900 16,800 16,000 13,600 10,100 5,970 20 ...... 4,410 3,630 3,040 2,620 3,370 8,810 13,300 16,800 16,100 13,400 9,730 5,960 21. •...... 4,410 3,440 3,150 2,710 3,880 8,870 14,100 16,900 15 ,900 13,200 9,120 5,950 22 ...... 4,190 3,850 3,470 2,900 4,500 8,980 15,300 16, 700 15,300 13,400 8,850 5,910 23 ...... 4,430 3,400 3,320 2,580 5,070 9,340 14,100 17 ,100 15,600 13,l 00 9,070 5,720 24 ...... 4,390 3,350 3,490 2,550 5,070 9,510 14,100 16,400 15 ,900 13,200 9,160 5,560 25 ..•...... 4,320 3,490 3,460 2,760 5,480 9,940 13,900 16,500 15 ,600 13,200 8,620 5,440 26 ...... 4,300 3,420 3,460 2,780 5,370 10,100 14,300 16,400 15,900 13,200 9,200E 5,410 27 ...... 4,290 3,460 3,410 2,650 5,440 10,000 14,400 16,200 15,900 12,700E 9,870 5,120 28 ...... 4,130 3,440 3,490 2,390 6,300 9,530 14,800 16,300 16,000 12,300E 9,120 5,250 29 ...... 4,200 3,400 3,310 . 2,750 6,740 10,200 14,900 16,200 15,700 12,300 9,070 5,050 30 ...... 4,200 - 3,300 2,690 5,880 10,300 15,100 16,300 15,700 12,000 8,810 4,970 31...... 4,000 - 3,420 - 6,300 - 15,200 16,200 - 11, 700 - 4,930

Total 146,010 106,790 107 ,160 86,660 11 7 ,840 252,060 412,600 504,900 484,000 434,500 310,860 181,240 Mean 4,710 3,680 3,460 2,890 3,800 8,400 13 ,3 00 16,300 16,100 14,000 10,400 5,850 Acre-feet 290,000 212,000 213,000 172,000 234,000 500,000 818,000 1,000,000 960,000 862,000 617 ,000 359,000 For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, 17 ,100 cfs on August 23 Minimum daily discharge, 2,390 cfs on April 28 Mean discharge, 8,590 cfs Total discharge, 6,240,000 ac-ft

IC:e conditions January 1 to March 27 and December 3 to 31. E - Estimated. Flow data for periods January I to May 11, July 28 to August 20, August 24 to October 15 and December 3 to 31.supplied by Northern Canada Power Commission,and represent flows through Whitehorse Rapids power plant. 4 YUKON RIVER ABOVE FRANK CREEK --STATION No. 09AB009

11 Location: Lat. 61° 331 ion, long. 135° 06 1 50 , Yukon Territory, approximately one mile above Frank Creek, twelve miles above confluence with Teslin River and fifty-five miles southeast of Carmacks. Drainage Area: 12,000 square miles. Gauge: Recording, relocated May 30, 1962, eleven miles upstream from former location. FeriQd of Record: Miscellaneous measurement only, 1951; mainly continuous, June 1953 to December 1968. Records prior to 1962 were published under the title "Yukon River at Hootalinqua near Carmacks" and prior to 1965 under Station No. 9AH-2. Mean Discharge: {12 years) 11,600 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 29,200 cfs at 11.30 a.m. on August 29, 1961. Minimum daily discharge, 2,500 cfs on March 28, 1956. Remarks: Records excellent during open-water period and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 23,900 17 ,500 12,500 11...... 22,300 15,600 11,100 21...... •... 20, l 00 13 ,900 9,900 2 ...... 23,900 17,200 12,300 12 ...... 22,100 15,400 11,000 22 ...... 19,900 13,800 9,800 3 ...... 23,800 17 ,000 12,100 13 ...... 22,000 15,200 10,800 23 ...... 19,800 13, 700 9,650 4 ...... 23 ,500 16,900 12,000 14...... 21,800 15,000 10, 700 24 ...... 19,400 13 ,500 9 ,550 5 ...... 23,300 16,800 11,900 15 ...... 21,500 14,900 10,600 25 ...... 19,300 13,300 9,400 6 ...... 23,100 16,600 11,800 16 ...... 21,400 14,800 10,500 26 ...... 19,000 13,100 9,350 7 ...... 23,000 16,300 11,700 17 ...... 21,100 14, 700 10,400 27 ...... 18,800 13 ,000 9,250 8 ...... 22,800 16,100 11,600 18 ...... 20,800 14,500 10,200 28 ...... 18,500A 12,900 9,100 9 ...... 22, 700 15,900 11,400 19 .. '· ...... 20,600 14,300 10,100 29 ...... 18,000 12,800 9,000 10 ...... 22,500 15,700 11,200 20 ...... 20,500 14,100 10,000 30 ...... 17,800 12,700 8,950 31...... 17.700 8,800 Ice conditions December 16 to 31. Estimated October 29 toDecember 15. Total 654,900 447,200 326,650 A - Manual gauge. Mean 21,100 14,900 10,500 Acre-feet 1,300,000 887 ,000 648,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 8,700 6,030 4,650 4;000 4,500 7,260 13,200 20,800 22,400 21,000 15,900 10,900 2 .•...... 8,630 5,970 4,590 4,000 4,550 7,460 13,600 20,900 22,400 20,900 T5,800 10,800 3 ...... 8,550 5,900 4,500 4,010 4,580 7,650 13,900 21,200 22,200 20,900 15, 700 10,700 4 ...... 8,460 5,850 4,400 4,020 4,620 7,780 14,300 21,300 22,200 20,600 15,400 10,500 5 ...... 8,400 5,800 4,300 4,030 4,660 7,920 14, 700 21,400 22,200 20,500 15,200 10,400 6 ...... 8,300 5,800 4,220 4,040 4,700 8,070 15,000 21,500 22,300 20,400 15,000 10,200 7 ...... 8,200 5,800 4,180 4,050 4,750 8,240 15,300 21,800 22,300 20,200 14,900 1O,l00 8 ...... 8,100 5,800 4,150 4,060 4,800 8,380 15,700 21,900 22,400 20,000 14, 700 9,950 9 ...... 8,000 5,800 4,100 4,070 4,850 8,550 16,100 22,100 22,300 19,900 14,500 9,800 1 o...... 7,950 5,780 4,050 4,080 4,900 8,670 16,500 22,300 22,400 19, 700 14,300 9,700 11...... 7,820 5,750 4,040 4,090 4,950 8,830 16,900 22,400 22,400 19,500 14,100 9,600 12 ...... 7,760 5,600 4,030 4,100 5,000 9,000 1 7,200 22,500 22,200 19,400 13,900 9,430 13 ...... 7,660 5,450 4,000 4,120 5,060 9,210 17,300 22,700 22,400 19,200 13, 700A 9,320 14 ...... 7,600 5,4QO 4,000 4,140 5,130 9,380 17 ,800 22,900 22,300 19,000 13,500 9,220 15 ...•...... 7,500 5,300 4,000 4,160 5,200 9,590 18,100 22,900 22,400 18,900 13 ,400 9,020 16 ...••.....•. 7,400 5,200 3,990 4,180 5,260 9,780 18,500 23,000 22,400 18, 700 13,200 8,950 1 7 ...... 7,270 5,100 3,980 4,200 5,330 10,000 18,700 23,000 22,300 18, 700 13,000 8,850 18 ...... 7,270 5,030 3,970 4,200 5,420 10,300 18,800 23,000 22,100 18,400 12,900 8,760 19 •...... •.... 7,160 4,960 3,960 4,200 5,500 10,500 18,900 23,000 22,100 18,200 12,700 8,650 20 ...... •....• 7,100 4,900 3,950 4,220 5,600 10,800 19,100 23,100 22,100 18,100 12,500 8,580 21...... •..••. 7,080 4,830 3,940 4,260 5,700 11,000 19,200 23,200 22,000 17,900 12,400 8,400 22 ...... •. 7,060 4,760 3,930 4,300 5,800 11,200 19,400 23,100 21,800 17,800 12,200 8,300 23 .•••....•••• 7,040 4,750 3,920 4,320 5,920 11,500 19 ,500 23,100 21,700 17 ,500 12,000 8,200 24 ...... •...•. 7,000 4,700 3,910 4,340 6,050A 11,800 19,600 23,000 21,700 1 7,600 11,900 8,050 25 ....•..•.... 6,970 4,650 3,900 4,360 6,200 12,000 19,700 22,900 21,700 17,200 11,800 ·7,950 26 ...... •.. 6,820 4,660 3,890 4,380 6,410 12,200 19,800 22,800 21,700 17 ,000 11, 700 7,850 27 ...... •...•. 6,700 4,680 3,900 4,400 6,530 12,300 20,000 22,800 21,700 16,800 11,600 7,750 28 ...... •. 6,500 4,720 3,920 4,420 6,680 12,500 20,100 22,600 21,500 16,600 11,400 7,600 29 ...... 6,350 4,720 3,940 4,440 6,860 12,700 20,300 22,600 21,300 16,400 11,200 7,500 30 ...... 6,200 - 3,960 4,470 7,020 13,000 20,400 22,500 21,200 16,200 11,000 7,400 31. ...••...... 6,100 - 3,980 - 7 ,150 - 20,600 22,500 - 16,000 - 7,280

Total 231,650 153,690 126,250 125,660 169,680 297 ,570 548,200 694,800 662,100 579,200 401,500 279,710 Mean 7,470 5,300 4,070 4,190 5,470 9,920 17 ,700 22,400 22,100 18, 700 13 ,400 9,020

Acre-feet 459,000 305,000 250,000 249,000 337,000 590,000 1,090,000 1,380,000 1,310,000 1,150,000 796,000 555,000

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 23,300 cfs at 0115 YET on August 21 Minimum daily discharge, 3,890 cfs on March 26 Mean discharge, 11,700 cfs Total discharge, 8,470,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to March 31 and December 1 to 31. Estimated April 1 to May 23 and November 13 to 30. A - Manual gauge. YUKON RIVER AT CARMACKS - STATION No. 09AH001

Location: Lat. 62° 051 45", long. 136° 161 18", Yukon Territory, at Whitehorse-Mayo Highway bridge, three-quarters of a mile upstream from Carmacks. Drainage Area· 33,600 square miles. . q-_~~ Recording, installed in October 1959, three-quarters of a mile upstream from former manual gauge location. per:[()([ of Record: .Mainly continuous, July 1951 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (15 years) 25,900 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 127 ,000 cfs on June 24, 1962. Minimum daily discharge, 4,800 cfs, March 15 to 27, 1952. Revisions: 1951 to 1956, WRP 128. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 40,200 30,600 15,200 11...... 38,900 23,000 10,800 21...... 3 6,000 18,200 11,900 2 ...... 40,200 30,000 14,800 12 ...... 38, 700 22,000 10,600 22 ...... 35,700 18,500 11,900 3 ...... 40,200 28 ,800 14,200 13 ...... 38,400 21,000 I 0,400 23 ...... 35,300 18,800 11, 700 4 ...... 40,000 28,500 13,600 14...... 38,200 20,500 10,200 24 ...... 34, 700 18,800 11,400 5 ...... 39,600 28 ,000 13,200 15 ...... 38,000 20,000 10,200 25 ...... 34,200 18,200 10,800 6 ...... 39,400 27 ,800 13,000 16 ...... 37 ,900 19,500 10,500 26 ...... 33,900 17 ,800 10,500 7 ...... 39,400 28,200A 12,400 I 7 ...... 37 ,600 19,000 10,800 27 ...... 33,600 17,200 10,3 00 8 ...... 39,200 27,000 11,800 18 ...... 37,000 18,700 11,200 28 ...... 33,400 16,700 10,100 9 ...... 39,000 25,000 11,200 19 ...... 3 6,500 18,200 11,600 29 ...... 32,600 16,000 10,000 10 ...... 39,000 24,000 11,000 20 ...... 36,100 18,100 11,700 30 ...... 31,900 15,700 10,100 31...... 31,800 10,100

Ice conditions November 8 to December 3L A - Manual gauge. Total 1,146,600 653 ,800 357 ,200

Mean 3 7 ,000 21,800 11,500

Acre-feet 2,270,000 1,300,000 709,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 10,300 9,400 9,600 9,700 10,400 39 ,000 51,800 48,400 41,000 48,800 32,000 l 9,800A 2 ...... 10,600 9,350 9,550 9,750 10,400 40,500 51,400 50,400 41,l 00 48,400 31,500 l 9,400E 3 ...... 10,800 9,250 9,500 9,750 10,500 42,000 51,500 50,900 40,900 48,100 31,800 19 ,000 4 ...... 10,800 9,200 9,500 9,800 10,500 43,900 51,200 50,900 41,000 48,100 31,200 18,500 5 ...... 10,60"6 9,250 9,450 9,800 10,600 44,000 51,000 51,200 41,200 47 ,600 29 ,800 17,800 6 ...... 10,400 9,300 9,400 9,800 10,600 44,000 53,200 50,000 42,100 46,800 28,800A 17 ,200 7 ...... 10,200 9,350 9,400 9,850 10,600 44,600 58,400 49,300 43,800 46,100 28,300 E 16,800 8 ...... 10,000 9,500 9,350 9,850 1o,700 45,700 55,800 49,300 45,600 45,600 27 ,800E 16,000 9 ...... 9,800 9,650 9,300 9,850 10,700 46,500 53,900 49,400 45 ,900 45,400 27 ,100 E 15,500 10 ...... 9,650 9,750 9,300 9,850 10,700A 46,500 53,l 00 48,800 46,200 44,900 26,400 E 15,000 11...... 9,550 9,800 9,250 9,850 11,000A 48,500 52,200 48,200 46,900 44,500 26,000 E 14,800 12 ...... 9,450 9,900 9,200 9,850 11,200 52,000 52,000 47,900 47 ,800 44,100 25,400 E 14,400 13 ...... 9,400 9,950 9,200 9,850 11,700 51,300 51,600 47 ,100 47 ,900 43,500 25,000 E 14,200 14 ...... 9,400 9,850 9,200 9,900 11,900 52,100 52,300 46,600 47 ,600 42,.900 24,700E 14,000 15 ...... 9,400 9,850 9,200 9,900 11,700 52,700 52,200 46,100 47 ,500 42,200 24,lOOE 13 ,900 16 ...... 9,400 9,970 9,200 9,900 11,600 53,600 51,500 45,600 47,800 41,800 23,800E 13,800 1 7 ...... 9,450 9,900 9,200 9,950 11,900 54,200 51,500 45,200 48,200 41,3 00 23,200E 13,800 18 ...... 9,500 9,850 9,300 9,950 13,100 53,600 52,100 44,800 48,600 41,000 22,900 E 13,900 19 ...... 9,600 9,800 9,400 9,950 15,300 53,300 52,100 44,500 48,400 40,600 22,500E 13,900 20 ...... 9,700 9,800 9,530 9,980 18,900 53,900 51,600 44,300 48,800 39,900 22,200E 13,800 21...... 9,900 9,800 9,550 9,980 23,400 54,000 51,400 44,100 49,500 39,300 21,900 E 13,800 22 ...... 10,100 9,800 9,550 10,000 27,500 53,600 50,900 44,000 49 ,500 38,800 21,500 E 13,800 23 ...... 10,300 9,750 9,600 10,100 33,400 54,200 50,500 43,600 49,200 38,400 21,000 E 13,700 24 ...... 10,400 9,750 9,600 10,200 31,400 55,000 50,100 43,000 48,800 37,900 20,800 E 13,500 25 ...... 10,400 9,750 9,600 10,200 30,000 53,900 49,500 42,700 49,000 37,400 20,700A 13,300 26 ...... •.. 10,400 9,700 9,600 10,300 31,800 52,800 48,800 42,200 49,200 36,300 20,500E 13,200 27 ...... 10,300 9,650 9,600 10,300 33,100 52,300 48,600 41,800 49,300 35,200 20,300E 13,100 28 ...... 10,200 9,650 9,600 10,300 33,900 51,600 48,600 41,500 49,300 35,200 20,lOOE 13,000 29 ...... 9,900 9,600 9,650 10,400 34,600 51,500 48,600 41.400 49,800 34,900 20,000 E 13 ,000 30 ...... 9,700 - 9,650. 10,400 35,900 52,000 48,600 41,200 49,500 33,800 19,900E 12,900 31...... 9,450 - 9,650 - 37,300 - 48,100 41,200 - 32,500 - 12,800

Total 309,050 280,120 292,680 299 ,260 586,300 1,492,800 1,594,100 1,425 ,600 1,401,400 1,291,300 741,200 461,600

Mean 9,970 9,660 9,440 9,980 18,900 49,800 51,400 46,000 46,700 41, 700 24,700 14,900

Acre-feet 613,000 556,000 581,000 594,000 1,160,000 2,960,000 3,160,000 2,830,000 2,780,000 2,5 60,000 1,470,000 916,000

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 59,000 cfs at 0900 YET on July 7 Minimum daily discharge, 9,200 cfs on February 4 and March 12 to 17 Mean discharge, 27 ,800 cfs Total discharge, 20,200,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 9 and December 3 to 31. A - Manual gauge. E - Estimated. 6 YUKON RIVER ABOVE WHITE RIVER - STATION No. 09CD001

Location: Lat. 63 ° 081 59", long. 139 ° 33 1 10", Yukon Territory, two and one-half miles above confluence of White and Yukon Rivers and sixty-four miles south of Dawson. Drainage Area: 58,400 square miles. , Gauge: Recording, installed in September 1965, fourteen and one-half miles downstream from former manual gauge location.

FerI'Od of Record: Miscellaneous measurements only in 1965 water year; mainly continuous 1 September 1956 to September _1964 and and October 1965 to December 1968. Records prior to 1962 were published as "at Kirkman Creek near Stewart.River" and from 1962 to 1965 as ttat Kirkman Creek". Mean Discharge: (6 years) 41,300 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 272,000··cfs on June 25, 1962. Minimum daily discharge, 8,000 cfs on March 31, 1959. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

I ...... 55,800 39,000 20,500 11...... 51,400 31,700 15,800 21...... 47,100 24,000 19 ,100 2 ...... 54,600 38 ,200 20,000 12 ...... 50,800 30,800 15,900 22 ...... 46,300 23 ,800 19 ,900 3 ...... 55,200 37,700. 19,700 13...... 50,500 29,000 16,ooo· 23 ...... 46,200 23,700 19,200 4 ...... 54,900 37 ,000 19 ,000 14...... 50,200 27. 700 16,200 24 ...... 45,600 23 '700 18,800 5 ...... 54,500 36,700 18,300 15 ...... 49,900 26,700 16,400 25 ...... 44,900 23 ,500 1 7 ,900 6 ...... 54,100 36,000 17 ,900 16 ...... 49,300 26,100 16,800 26 ...... 43 '700 22,900 17,l00 7 ...... 53,200 35,300 17 ,300 17 ...... 49,300 25,500 17 ,300 27 ...... 43,000 22,400 16, 600 8 ...... 52,800 34,600 1 7 ,000 18 ...... 49,200 25,000 18,000 28 ..... : ...... 42,800 21,900 16,200 9 ...... 51,900 34,000 16,400 19 ...... 48,800 24,500 18,800 29 ...... 42,200 21,300 15,800 10 ...... 51,700 33,000 15,900 20 ...... 48,000 24,200 19,000 30 ...... 40,800 20 ,800 15,700 31...... 39,800 15,600

Ice conditions November 12 to December 31. Total 1,518,500 860,700 544,100

Mean 49,000 28 '700 1 7 ,600 Acre-feet 3,010,000 1, 710,000 1,080,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 15,500 11,600 10,900 12,300 13,500 112,000 9 6, 700 70,500 57 ,400 69,600 39,500 22,800 2 ...... 15,500 11,400 10,900 12,300 13,600 111,000 97 ,900 70,700 58,600 69,200 39,200 22,500 3 ...... 15,600 11,200 11,000 12,400 13,600 110,000 96,800 73,300 59 ,400 68,400 38,800 22,100 4 ...... 15,700 11,000 11,000 12,400 13,700 108,000 95,l 00 75,800 58,600 67 ,700 38,000 21,800 5 ...... 15,800 10,900 11,000 12,400 13,700 107,000 93,400 76, 600 59 ,000 67,200 37 ,300 21,200 6 ...... 15,700 10,800 11,000 12,500 13,800 106,000 91,100 78,400 59 ,100 66,200 35,800 20,500 7 ...... 15,600 10,800 11,000 12,500 13,800 101,000JI 93,300 80,000 60,000 64,500 35,000 20,000 8 ...... 15,400 10, 700 11,000 12,600 13,900 101,000 99,600 82,400 62,100 62,400 34,000 19, l 00 9 ...... 15,200 10, 700 11,000 12,700 13,900 101,000 99,800 84,000 65,700 61,100 33 ,200 18,300 10 ...... 15,000 10,700 11,000 12,700 13,900 101,000 100,000 83 ,800 67 ,700 60,400 32,200 18,000 11...... 14, 700 1o,700 11,100 12,700 14,000 100,000 99,800 80,800 69,300 59,300 31,500 17, 700 12 ...... 14,300 10, 700 11,100 12,800 14,200 101,000 97 ,400 77,600 70,800 58,000 30,800 17,200 13 ...... 14,000 10,700 11,200 12,800 14,600 106,000 95,300 74,400 72,800 57,000 3 o,ooo 17' 100 14 ...... 13 ,800 10,800 11,200 12,900 15,000 106,000 93,l 00 71, 700 74,400 55,900 29,300 16,900 15 ...... 13, 700 10,800 11,300 12,900 16,000 107 ,000 94,800 69 ,500 75,000 54,800 28,800 J 6,700 16 ...... 13,600 10,800 11,300 12,900 18,000 107 ,000 93,800 67 '700 75,000 53,800 28 ,000 16,500 1 7 ...... 13,600 10,900 11,400 13,000 21,500 106,000 91,400 65,900 75,400 52,300 27 ,700 16,400 18 ...... •..... 13,600 10,900 11,500 13 ,000 25,500 105,000 91,200 64,200 75,200 52,100 27 ,000 16,200 19 •...... 13 '700 10,900 11,600 13,000 29,000 103,000 91,400 63,000 75,000 51,400 26,700 16,100 20 ...... 13,800 10,900 11,800 13 ,000 36,500 101,000 90,900 61,800 74,200 50,800 26,300 16,000 21...... 13,900 10,900 11,900 13 ,100 44,000 101,000 89,400 61, 700 74,700 50,400 26,000 16,000 22 ...... •... 14,000 10,900 11,900 13 ,100 51,500 101,000 87 ,700 61, 700 75,200 49,500 25,800 15,900 23 ..••...... 13,900 10,900 12,000 13,100 60,000 101,000 85,800 62,000 75,200 48,900 25,200 15,800 24 ...•...•..•. 13,800 10,900 12,000 13,200 70,000 101,000 84,000 62,400 73,800 48,300 24,900 15,800 25 ...•...... •. 13,700 10,900 12,000 13,200 76,000 101,000 81,800 62,100 72,000 47 ,800 24,500 15,700 26 ...... 13,400 I 0,900 12,100 13,200 68,000 99,500 79,200 61,700 70,800 46,600 24,000 15,500 27 •.....••.... 13 ,000 10,900 12,100 13 ,300 90,000 98,200 76,600 61,100 70,200 44,700 23,800 15,300 28 ...... 12,700 10,900 12,200 13 ,300 110,000 96,700 75,200 60,000 69,500 43,700 23,600 15,200 29 ...... •.•... 12,400 10,900 12,200 13 ,300 11.4,000 94,600 73,600 59 ,300 69 ,3 00 42,500 23,300 15,200 30 ...... 12,100 - 12,300 13,400 113,000 94,100 72,200 58,600 69 ,500 41,400 23 ,000 15,l 00 31. ...•...... 11, 700 - 12,300 - 112,000 - 71,300 57,900 - 40,900 - 15,000

Total 438,400 316,000 356,300 38 6,000 1,250,200 3,088,100 2,779,600 2,140,600 2,064,900 1, 706,800 893,200 543,600 Mean 14,100 10,900 11,500 12,900 40,300 103,000 89,700 69,100 68,800 55,l 00 29,800 17 ,500 Acre-feet 870,000 627 ,000 707 ,000 766,000 2,480,000 6,130,000 5,510,000 4,250,00.0 4,100,000 3 ,390 ,000 1, 770,000 1,080 ,000

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, 114,000 cfs on May 29 Minimum daily discharge, 10,700 cfs, February 8 to 13 Mean discharge, 43,600 cfs Total discharge, 31,700,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 9 and November 3 to December 31. Estimated May 10 to June 6. A - Manual gauge. No records April 20 to June 6 on account of orifice tubing being severed during break-up. YUKON RIVER AT DAWSON - STATION No. 09EB001 7

Location: Lat. 64° 041 20 11 , long. 139° 25' 21 ", Yukon Territory, twelve hundred feet upstream from City garbage dump, one and one- quarter miles below mouth of Klondike River. Drainage Area: 106,000 square miles. Gauge: Manual, relocated in April 1961, approximately one mile downstream from former location. PeriOd of Record: Gauge heights only, Juoe to September 1944; discharges, continuous, March 1945 to September 1952 and August to October 1954, and mainly continuous,Juoe 1956 to December 1968. Records prior to October 1964 were published uoder Station No. 9EA-1. Mean Discharge: {17 years) 79,300 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 526,000 cfs on June 11, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 6,350 cfs on February 22 and 23, 1951. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. 36,000 23 ,200 1 ...... 89 ,600 57 ,000 30,000 11...... 77 ,300 43,500 21,000 21...... 67 ,000 23,400 2 ...... 88,400 56,000 29 ,000 12 ...... 76,000E 42,000 20,800 22,, ...... 66,000 36,500 36,500 22,800 3 ...... 87 ,600 55 '700 28,000 13 ...... 73 ,900 40,500 20,500 23 ...... 65,000 22,100 4 ...... 8 6,200 55 ,000 27 ,000 14...... 73 ,3 00 38,500 20;200 24 ...... 64,000 36,000 21,500 5 ...... 83,700 54,000 26,000 15 ...... 73 ,100 37,500 20 ,200 25 ...... 63,000 35 ,500 20,800 6 ...... 81,300 53,000 25,000 16 ...... 71,100 37 ,000 21,000 26 ...... 62,000 34,000 20,400 7 ...... 80,100 51,000 24,000 17 ...... 71,100 36,500 21,500 27 ...... 61,000 33,000 20,200 8 ...... 80,200 49,500 23,000 18 ...... 70,000 36,000 22,500 28 ...... 60,000 32,000 20,100 9 ...... 77 ,400 47,000 22,000 19 ...... 69,000 35,500 22,800 29 ...... 59 ,000 31,000 20,000 10 ...... 76,100 45,000 21,500 20 ...... 68 ,000 35 ,500 23 ,000 30 ...... 58,000 30,000 31...... 57 ,500 20,000

Ice conditions October 18 to December 31. E - Estimated, Total 2,235,900 1,246,200 703,500

Mean 72,100 41,500 22,700 Acre-feet 4,430,000 2,470,000 1,400,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov, Dec.

1 1 ...... 20,500 16, 700 16,200 20,000 20,100 221,000 218,000 131,000 104,000 E 105,000 E 58,000 28,9 00 2 ...... 20,700 16,200 16,300 20,000 20,200 216,000 210,000 131,000 103,000E 104,000 E 57 ,500 28, 700 3 ...... 20,800 16,000 16,400 20,000 20,300 216,000 200,000 134,000E 102,000 E 102,000 E 55,500 28,500 4 ...... 20,800 15,900 16,500 20,000 20,400 219,000E 198,000 138,000 lOZ,OOOE 101,000E 53 ,500 28,200 5 ...... 20,300 15 ,800 16,600 20,000 20,400 223,000 192,000 138,000 102,000 E 100,000 E 52,000 28,000 6 ...... 20,100 15,800 16,800 20,000 20,600 218,000 193,000E 139,000 102,000E 98,000E 49,500 27 ,900 7 ...... 19 ,800 15 ,800 16,900 20,000 20,700 214,000 195,000E 144,000E 102,000E 96,000 E 47,500 27,800 8 ...... 19 ,500 15 ,800 17 ,000 20,000 20,900 213,000 197 ,000 152,000 102,000 E 92,000 E 46,500 27 ,700 9 ...... 19,000 15,800 17,200 20,100 21,200 207 ,000 198,000 150,000 103,000 E 89,000 E 45,500 27,500 10 ...... 18,800 15 ,800 17 ,300 20 ,100 21, 700 204,000 19 6,000 148,000 104,000 E 86,000 E 44,500 27,400 11 ...... 18,300 15,800 17 ,400 20,l 00 22,500 202,000 194,000E 145,000 107,000E 84,000E 43 ,500 27,300 12 ...... 18,100 15 ,800 17 ,500 20,100 24,500 202,000E 191,000 141,000 108,000 E 82,000E 42,500 27.,200 13 ...... 17 ,800 15,800 17 '700 20 ,100 28,000 207 ,000 188,000 138,000 109,000E 81,000 E 41,900 27,100 14 ...... 17 ,500 15 ,800 17 ,800 20,100 35,000 219,000 198,000 135,000 ll0,000 E 79,000 E 40,500 27,000 15 ...... 17 ,200 15 ,800 18,000 20,100 44,000 228,000 187 ,OOOE 132,000 111,000 E 78,000 E 40,000 26,900 16 ...... 17,200 15 ,800 18,200 20,100 53 ,000 229,000 180,000E 122,000 112,000 E 77 ,000 E 39,000 26,800 1 7 ...... 17 ,200 15,800 18 ,500 20,100 68,000 225,000 174,000 119,000 113 ,000 74,000 E 38,000 26, 700 18 ...... 17 ,300 15 ,800 18,600 20,100 97 ,400 220,000E 173,000 116,000 115,000 E 72,000 E 37 ,.000 26,600 19 ...... 17 ,400 15 ,800 19,000 20,100 109,000 218,000 170,000 113,000 117 ,000 E 70,000 E 35,900 26,400 20 ...... 17,500 15 ,800 19,200 20,100 123 ,000 214,000 167,000 111,000 117 ,000 69,500 E 34,800 26,300 21...... 17,700 15 ,900 19,200 20,100 147 ,000 201,000 165,000 110,000 116,000 69,000 E 34,000 26,100 22 ...... 17 ,900 15,900 19,400 20,100 139,000 194,000 165,000 111,000 115,000 68,000 E 33 ,000 25,900 23 ...... 18,000 15 ,900 19,600 20,100 179,000 191,000 167 ,000 114,000 114,000 67,000 E 32,000 25,500 24 ...... 18,100 16,000 19,800 20,100 217 ,000 191,000E 165,000 116,000 ll3,000 66,000 E 31,500 25,300 25 ...... 18,200 16,000 19,800 20,100 253,000 191,000 162,000 120,000 ll 1,000 65,500 E 31,000 25,100 26 ...... 18,000 16,000 19 ,900 20,100 257,000 189,000 155,000 119,000E ll l ,000 64,000 E 30,400 24,900 27 ...... 17 ,900 16,100 19,900 20,100 250,000 193,000E 150,000 117 ;OOOE ll 0,000 63,500 E 30,100 24,800 28 ...... 17 ,800 16,100 19 ,900 20,100 254;000 199,000 147,000 114,000E 108,000 62,000 E 29 ,800 24,500 29 ...... 17 ,600 16,200 19,900 20,100 246,000 194,000 142,000 110,000E 107,000 61,000 E 29 ,300 24,200 30 ...... 17 ,300 - 19,900 20,100 234,000 185,000 136,000 109,000E 106,000 60,000 E 29 ,000 24,000 31...... 17 ,000 - 19,900 - 227 ,000 - 133,000 107 ,OOOE - 59,500 E - 23,900

Total 571,300 461,700 5 66,300 602,200 3,213,900 6,243,000 5,506,000 3,924,000 3 ,25 6,000 2,445 ,000 1,213,200 823,100 Mean 18 ,400 15 ,900 18,300 20,100 104,000 208,000 1 78,000 127 ,000 109,000 78,900 40,400 26,600

Acre-feet 1,130,000 916,000 1,120,000 1,190,000 6,370,000 12,400,000 10,900,000 7 ,780,000 6,460,000 4,850,000 2,410,000 1,630,000

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge,,257,000 cfs on May 26 Minimum daily discharge, 15,800 cfs, February 5 to 20 Mean discharge, 78,800 cfs Total discharge, 57 ,200,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 17 and November 1 to December 31. E - Estimated, 8 MARSH LAKE NEAR WHITEHORSE - STATION No. 09AB004

Location: Lat. 60° 301 44n, long. 134° 19 1 34.u, Yukon Territory, twelve miles east-southeast of control dam and twenty-nine miles southeast of Whitehorse. Gauge: Recording, installed in July 1966. Elevations are referred to Geodetic Survey of Canada datum, Publication 24-B (1960). Period of Record: Periods of varying length, 1950 to 19 68. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daii"y elevation, 2,155.08 ft on August 25, 19 61. Minimum daily elevation, 2,143.94 ft on May 18, 1966.

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 52.98 50.24 48.23 11...... 52.18 49.46 48.14 21...... 51.26 48.59 47.58 2 ...... 52.91 50.14 48.19 12 ...... 52.08 49.23 48.07 22 ...... 51.16 48.58 47.52 3 ...... 52.81 50.06 48.16 13 ...... 52.00 49.14 48.10 23 ...... 51.09 48.52 47.46 4 ...... 52.65 49.94 48.16 14...... 51. 91 49.04 48.09 24 ...... 50.98 48.46 47.39 5 ...... 52.57 49.85 48.16 15 ...... 51.83 48.96 48.07 25 ...... 50.90 48.40 47.36 6 ...... 52.55 49.77 48.15 16 ...... 51. 75 48.96 48.01 26 ...... 50.84 48.40 47.35 48.14 51.63 48.88 47.92 27 ...... 50.70 48.40 47.34 7 ...... 52.46 49.64 17 ·············· 8 ...... 52.37 49.54 48.13 18 ...... 51.48 48.78 47.83 28 ...... 50.61 48.36 47.33 9 •••••••••••• 52.30 49.50 48.14 19 ...... 51.42 48.76 47.74 29 ...... 50.54 48.36 47.33 10 ...... , 52.24 49.46 48.16 20 ...... 51.36 48.66 47.65 30 ...... 50.44 48.28 47.29 31...... 50.34 - 47.28

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 47.26 46.06 45.62 44.76 44.26 46.09 48.76 51.60 52.23 51. 76 49.56 47.56 2 ...... 47.19 45.98 45.62 44.73 44.24 46.18 48.92 51.68 52.24 51. 73 49.50 47.46 3 ...... 47.14 45.93 45.62 44.70 44.23 46.31 49.08 51.74 52.23 51. 65 49.42 47.46 4 ...... 47.13 45.87 45.61 44.67 44.22 46.38 49.23 51. 75 52.23 51.59 49.35 47.44 5 ...... 47.07 45.80 45.59 44.66 44.21 46.46 49.44 51.78 52.28 51.55 49.23 47.43 6 ...... 47.04 45.76 45.56 44.62 44.21 46.53 49.58 51.80 52.32 51.46 49.16 47.39 7 ...... 46.96 45. 79 45.55 44.61 44.21 46.60 49.69 51. 91 52.38 51.42 49.12 47.36 8 ...... 46.89 45.81 45.52 44.60 44.20 46.65 49.83 52.00 52.48 51.36 49.12 47.36 9 ...... 46.83 45.86 45.46 44.59 44.21 46.72 49.93 52.06 52.44 51.30 49.08 47.32 10 ...... 46.76 45.89 45.44 44.56 44.21 46.78 50.09 52.11 52.48 51.22 49.01 47.30 11...... 46.66 45.91 45.36 44.55 44.22 46.88 50.17 52.15 52.49 51.14 48.90 47.26 12 ...... 46.60 45.89 45.31 44.51 44.23 46.97 50.29 52.18 52.48 51.07 48.82 47.26 13 ...... 46.52 45.87 45.29 44.50 44.23 47.04 50.39 52.21 52.44 51.00 48.75 47.21 14 ...... 46.47 45.86 45.26 44.48 44.22 47.16 50.43 52.25 52.38 50.94 48.63 47.18 15 ...... 46.41 45.85 45.25 44.46 44.26 47.30 50.49 52.30 52.35 50.87 48.56 47.16 16 ...... 46.37 45.84 45.21 44.44 44.28 47.40 50.63 52.34 52.33 50.82 48.47 47.14 17 ...... 46.32 45.81 45.14 44.42 44.29 47.55 50.69 52.35 52.29 50.86 48.39 47:13 18 ...... 46.28 45.79 - 44.42 44.31 47.64 50.68 52.35 52.20 50. 72 48.35 47.06 19 .•.•...... 46.25 45.77 - 44.40 44.34 47.79 50.69 52.35 52.12 50.59 48.32 46.99 20 ...... •..... 46.20 45.76 - 44.38 44.40 47.93 50.72 52.37 52.06 50.54 48.28 46.94 21...... •... 46.15 45.75 - 44.34 44.52 48.02 so. 73 52.40 52.05 50.48 48.20 46.90 22 •...... 46.20 45.73 45.09A 44.32 44.73 48.11 50. 79 52.40 51.98 50.39 48.14 46.86A 23 ....•...... 46.22 45.70 45.08 44.31 44.98 48.15 50.85 52.39 51.93 50.30 48.06 - 24 ...... •.••. 46.26 45.68 45.08 44.28 45.17 48.23 50.93 52.36 51.89 50.33 47.98 - 25 •....••..... 46.26 45.67 45.08 44.30 45.30 48.29 51.00 52.35 51. 91 50.18 47.89 - 26 ..•...... 46.26 45.65 45.02 44.30 45.44 48.35 51.07 52.34 51.86 50.07 47.86 - 27 ...... 46.25 45.61 44.99 44.31 45.54 48.42 51.20 52.31 51. 95 50.01 47.84 - 28 .....•...... 46.23 45.63 44.93 44.30 45.65 48.45 51.28 52.28 51.98 49.92 47.76 - 29 ...... 46.19 45.63 44.90 44.28 45.74 48.51 51.38 52.28 51.85 49.83 47.77 - 30 ...... 46.18 - 44.86 44.28 45.84 48.61 51.47 52.28 51.80 49.73 47.66 46.41A 31...... 46.13 - 44.84 - 45.99 - 51.54 52.25 - 49.64 - 46.41

For the Year 1968•••.•• ·Maximum instantaneous elevation, 52.54 ft at 1900 YET on September 11 Minimum instantaneous elevation, 44.18 ft at 0545 YET on May 10

A - Manual gauge. Add 2,100.00 to obtain elevation in feet, Geodetic Survey of Canada datum, Publication 24-B (1960). I


Location: Lat. 60° 36' 56", long. 134° 27' 19 11 , Yukon Territory, about four miles north of Alaska Highway bridge and twenty-two miles east- southeast of Whitehorse. Drainage Area: 597 square miles. Gauge: Record~ng. PeriOd of Record: Periods of varying length, October 1955 to December 19 68. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 3,260 cfs on May 22, 1957 (from high water mark). Minimum daily discharge, 60 cfs, March 29 to April 12, 1959. Remarks: Records excellent during open-water period and poor during ice periods.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 355 240 160 11...... 333 221 140 21...... 281 190 128 2 ...... 345 240 T58 12 ...... 320 220 138 22 ...... 271 188 126 3 ...... 332 240 154 13 ...... 295 217 13 6 23 ...... 259 183 124 4 ...... 320 238 152 14...... 282 213 135 24 ...... 252 181 123 5 ...... 319 237 150 15 ...... 280 210 134 25 ...... 261 178 121 6 ...... 320 236 149 16 ...... 278 205 133 26 ...... 252 174 121 7 ...... 321 235 148 17 ...... 276A 201 130 27 ...... 257 172 122 8 ...... 325 230 146 18 ...... 283 200 130 28 ...... 248 170 124 9 ...... 335 228 144 19 ...... 269 198 129 29 ...... 240 166 126 10 ...... 342 226 142 20 ...... 266 194 129 30 ...... 240 163 126 31...... 240 126

Ice conditions October 29 to December 31. Estimated October 1 to 16. Total 8,997 6,194 4,204 A - Manual gauge. Mean 290 206 136

Acre-feet 1 7 ,800 12,300 8,340

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec,

1 ...... 126 110 112 109 148 1,120 497 413 407 620 300 141 2 ...... 126 109 TIT T09 153 99T 489 473 383 m 290 T40 3 ...... 127 T09 110 109 160 984 467 449 377 586 278 139 4 ...... T27 109 109 109 170 984 453 483 ~ 589 265 138 5 ...... 127 109 109 109 185 884 461 513 477 586 255 137 6 ...... 127 109 108 109 200 791 503 491 593 5 61 245 135 7 ...... 126 110 108 109 220 752 483 511 602 533 240 134 8 ...... 126 111 107 110 240 716 463 709 563 537 228 133 9 ...... 125 112 T07 110 250 687 443 b5li' 547 517 220 131 10 ...... 124 113 107 110 260 663 425 618 582 497 215 130 11...... 122 114 107 110 278 663 417 595 629 497 210 129 12 ...... 120 115 107 110 286 771 405 574 606 483 200 128 13 ...... 118 116 107 110 334 759 487 553 586 469 195 127 14 ...... 118 117 107 111 339 735 483 527 557 449 192 127 15 ...... 118 1Tii 107 111 330 711 455 503 559 439 189 125 16 ...... 117 115 107 111 334 699 439 481 557 427 182 124 1 7 ...... 116 114 107 112 391 651 431 465 576 431 179 124 18 ...... 114 114 107 113 543 604 427 449 578 429 172 123 19 ...... 113 114 107 115 811 641 407 435 574 423 169 122 20 ...... 112 113 107 116 1,140 604 403 425 609 423 164 122 21...... 111 112 108 117 1,530 574 411 417 658 405 162 122 22 ...... 112 112 108 119 2,050 533 399 435 661 403 160 120 23 ...... 112 111 108 121 2,330 511 401 405 644 389 158 120 24 ...... 111 111 108 123 1,790 493 385 385 639 393 154 120 25 ...... 112 111 108 126 1,590 475 --373 373 673 390A 150 119 26 ...... 112 112 108 128 1,450 461 383 364 665 379 149 118 27 ...... 112 113 108 130 1,320 443 403 366 641 369 149 117 28 ...... 112 113 108 136 1,210 439 403 368 651 350 15.2 115 29 ...... 111 112 108 140 1,130 4TI 427 356 680 340 150 114 30 ...... 111 - 108 -- 146 1,110 487 399 3b8 .m 325 -144 112 31...... --110 - 108 - 1,130 - 395 377 - --310 - -110 Total 3,655 3,256 3,346 3,498 23,412 20,289 13 ,417 14,539 17 ,298 14,142 5,916 3,896 Mean 118 112 108 117 755 676 433 469 577 456 197 126 Acre-feet 7,250 6,460 6,640 6,940 46,400 40,200 26,600 28,800 34,300 28,100 11,700 7 ,730

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 2,450 cfs at 0930 YET on May 23 Minimum daily discharge, 107 cfs, March 8 to 20 Mean discharge, 346 cfs Total discharge, 251,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 10 and October 26 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. 10 LUBBOCK RIVER NEAR ATLIN - STATION No. 09AA007

11 1 Location: Lat. 60° 04' 35 , long. 133° 51 30", Yukon Territory, two miles below Tarfu Creek, approximately five miles above mouth and thirty-five ffiiles north of Atlin. Drainage Area: 650 square miles. Gauge: Recording. FerIQd of Record: Miscellaneous measurement only in October 1951; periods of varying length, October 1954 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: MaximU!ll instantaneous dischar·ge, 662 cfs at 1700 PST on June 7, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 19.9 cfs on March 11, 1959. Remarks: Records fair. Flow may be affected by beave_r activity and temporary damming.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

! ...... 114 113 ~24 11...... 106 105 105 21...... 142 123 108 2 ...... 113 111 TIT 12 ...... 112 106 105 22 ...... 141 124 109 3 ...... 111 108 119 13 ...... 119 107 104 23 ...... 139 125 109 4 ...... 109 106 117 14...... 125 109 104 24 ...... 138 126 109 5 ...... 107 105' 116 15 ...... 134 110 103 25 ...... 138A 127 109 6 ...... 105 105 114. 16 ...... 140 112 104 26 ...... 135 128 109 7 ...... 103 104 111 17 ...... 141 114 104 27 ...... 138 ITS 108 8 ...... 102 T04 108 18 ...... 144 117 105 28 ...... 138 128 107 9 ...... 101 104 107 19 ...... 145 119 108 29 ...... 138 127 107 10 ...... T53 104 106 20 ...... 143 121 107 30 ...... 137 126 106 31...... 13 6 105

Ice conditions November 1 to December 31. Estimated October 1 to 24. Total 3,897 3,446 3,379 A - Manual gauge. Mean 126 115 109 Acre-feet 7 ,730 6,840 6,700

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

! ...... 103 77.0 82.5 64.0 108 231 119 105 112 207 195 172 2 ...... TOT 75.5 83.0 63.0 TIT 229 Tib 107 108 205 196 TI4 3 ...... 99.0 75.0 83.0 62.5 125 217 112 107 TIT 204 197 157 4 ...... 98.5 75.0 82.5 61.5 127 212 109 108 128 221 TIO 150 5 ...... 94.5 75.0 82.0 61.0 130 209 113 109 132 --225 186 148 6 ...... 93.0 75.0 81.0 60.5 132 203 110 107 131 221 186 148 7 ...... 91.0 76.0 80.0 bO:s 133 197 110 108 129 217 187 149 8 ...... 89.0 76.5 78.0 60.5 136 189 107 115 128 213 189 151 9 ...... 87.0 76.5 75.0 61.0 141 182 103 TIO 137 E 213 189 150 10 ...... 86.0 76.0 73.5 61.0 145 180 101 109 139E 213 189 143 11...... 85.0 76.0 72.5 61.5 151 178 97.8 104 144E 212 187 142 12 ...... 84.5 75.0 71.0 62.0 153 177 99:-b 101 151 E 210 185 134 13 ...... 84.0 74.0 70.5 63.0 159 170 107 98.4 156A 209 179 132 14 ...... 84.0 73.0 70.0 63.5 156. 162 105 96.0 156 208 174 133 15 ...... 84.0 72.0 69.5 64.0 158 154 103 93.6 153 207 171 13 5 16 ...... 84.5 71.0 69.5 65.0 156 147 102 91.2 155 205 170 140 1 7 ...... 84.5 71.0 69.5 66.0 160 142 101 88.2 158 205 ITO 145 18 ...... 85.0 71.0 70.0 67.0 161 136 101 88.2 166 202 171 145 19 ...... 86.0 71.5 70.0 68.0 166 135 98.4 90.0 168 205 174 140 20 ...... •..... 86.5 72.0 70.5 70.0 180 130 98.4 92.4 184 205 175 140 21...... 87.0 72.5 70.5 71.0 185 126 99.0 87.6 189 203 173 141 22 ...... 88.0 73.0 71.0 74.0 219 122 98.4 8'7:b 194 207 1 71 139 23 ...... 88.0 74.5 71.0 76.0 197 121 99.6 89.4 196 201 171 132 24 ...... • 88.0 75.0 71.0 79.5 196 116 98.4 89.4 214 199 173 132 87.6 133 25 ••...•.•••.• 77.0 70.0 83.0 199 113 100 90.6 -216 198 174 26 ...... 87.0 79.0 69.5 86.0 201 112 119 91.2 209 197 172 134 27 ...... •.... 85.0 80.0 69.0 90.0 208 106 115 96.o 203 197 171 135 28 ...... 85.0 81.0 68.0 94.0 216 Tib 113 96.0 200 197 171 134 29 ...... 82.0 82.0 67.0 99.0 224 116 118 95.4 208 196 172 131 30 ...... •..... 80.0 - 66.0 --104 228 116 106 97.8 207 196 174 128 31., ...... 78.0 - 65.0 - 227 - 103 104 - .!22. - -125 Total 2,725.5 2,178.0 2,261.5 2,122.0 5,194 4,744 3,282. 6 3,053.0 4,885 6,393 5,382 4,382 Mean 87.9 75.1 13.0 70.7 168 158 106 98.5 163 206 179 141

Acre-feet 5,410 4,320 4,490 4,210 10,300 9,410 6,510 6,060 9,690 12, 700 10,700 8,690

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 235 cfs at 0945 PST on May 22 Minimum daily discharge, 60.5 cfs, April 6 to 8 Mean discharge, 127 cfs Total discharge, 92,500 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 2 and Oc.tober 28 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. E - Estimated. BENNETT LAKE AT CARCROSS - STATION No. 09AA004 11

Location: Lat. 60° 09' son, long. 134° 42' 20", Yukon Territory, at outlet, on White Pass and Yukon Railway wharf (corrected) at Carcross. Gauge: Recording, installed on May 15, 1968, at manual gauge location. Elevations are referred to Geodetic Survey of Canada datum, Publication 24-B (1960). Period of Record: Mainly continuous, July 194 7 to December 19 68. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily elevation, 2,155.48 ft on August 25 and 26, 1961. Minimum daily elevation, 2,145.09 ft on May 9, 1968.

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Period October to December 1967 Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov.

1 ...... 11 ...... 49.74 21 ...... 48,88 2 ...... 48.31 12 ...... 49.68 22 ...... 48.91 47.70B 3 ...... 13 ...... 49.61 23 ...... 48.84 4...... 52.87 50.31 14...... 49.51 24 ...... 48.78 5 ...... 50.25 15 ...... 49.46 25 ...... 48.71 6 ...... 50.19 16 ...... 49.43 47.77B 26 ...... 48.68 48,66 7 ...... ••.•• 50.14 17 ...... 49.38 27...... 51.09 48.64 8 ...... 50.08 18 ...... 49.31 28 ...... 48.62 9 ...... 50.00 48.05B 19 ...... 49.16 29 ...... 10 ...... 49.76 20 ...... 49.11 30 ...... 31 ...... 47.45 B Manual gauge October 1 to December 31. ,B - Ice conditions.

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. ! ...... - - - - - 47.77 49. 77 52.04 52.59 52,07 50,08 48.18 2 ...... - - - 46.16B - 47.79 49.91 52.10 52.60 52.06 50.02 48.16 3 ...... - - - 46.19 B - 47.79 50.05 52.11 52.60 51.99 49.93 - 4 ...... - - - 46.17 B - 47.81 50.16 52.13 52.62 51.98 49.84 - 5 ...... - - - 46.18 B - 47.81 50.29 52.21 52.67 51.92 49.79 - 6 ...... - - - - - 47.82 50.36 52,29 52. 71 51.87 49.71 - 7 ...... - - - - 45.10 47.84 50.47 52.38 52,79 51.85 49.64 - 8 ...... - - - - - 47.85 50.55 52.47 52.80 51. 79 49.60 - 9 ...... - - - - 45.09 47.88 50.63 52.50 52.80 51. 71 49.52 - 10 ...... - - 47 .17 B - - 47.97 50. 74 52.54 52.84 51. 64 49.43 - 11...... - - 47.07 B - - 48.04 50.83 52.56 52.83 51.58 49.36 - 12 ...... - - 46.97 B - - 48.14 50.85 52.59 52.81 51.51 49.25 - 13 ...... - - 46.85 B - - 48.27 50.96 52.62 52.76 51.46 49.21 - 14...... - - 46.67 B - - 48.42 50.99 52.66 52.70 51.36 49.11 - 15 ...... - - 46.60 B - 45.44 48.56 51.03 52.69 52.68 51.31 49.06 - 16 ...... - - 46.50 B - 45.44 48.67 51.09 52.72 52.63 51.25 49.01 - 17 ...... - - 46.48 B - 45.49 48.77 51.11 52.74 52.55 51.22 48.93 - 18 ...... - - 46.38 B - 45.55 48.84 51.14 52.74 52.51 51.13 48.88 - 19 ...... - - 46.36 B - 45.66 48.90 51.14 52. 74 52.49 51.01 48.84 - 20 ...... - - 46.38 B - 45.84 48.92 51.19 52.76 52.45 50.97 48.78 - 21. .•.•...... - - 46.39 B - 46.13 48.95 51.24 52. 76 52.37 50.87 48.66 - 22 ...... •. - - 46.42 B - 46.63 48.96 51.34 52. 77 52.31 50.85 48.62 - 23 ...... - - 46.37 B - 47.21 48.99 51.39 52. 74 52.31 50. 75 48.59 - 24 ...... - - 46.25 B - 47.57 49.05 51.46 52. 71 52.27 50.71 48.53 - 25 ...... - - 46.26 B - 47. 77 49.07 51.54 52.69 52.25 50.59 48.50 - 26 ....•...... - - 46.27 B - 47.86 49.13 51.67 52.66 52.21 50.55 48.44 - 27 ...... - - 46.28 B - 47.85 49.16 51. 75 52.64 52.14 50.46 48.40 - 28 ...... - 46.23B 46.29 B - 47.83 49.25 51.83 52.63 52.14 50.35 48.44 - 29 •...... - - 46.30 B - 47.82 49.39 51.88 52.61 52.12 50.26 48.36 - 30 ...... - - 46.32 B - 47.81 49.59 51.95 52.60 52.10 50.23 48.26 47.31 B 52.58 50.16 31...... 1 - - 46.33 B - 47.77 - 51.99 - - -

For the Period .....• Maximum instantaneous elevation, 52.89 ft at 1030 YET on September 11 Minim= daily elevation, 45.09 ft 'On May 9

Manual gauge February 28 to May 15 and on December 2. B - Ice conditions Add 2, 100.00 to obtain elevation in feet, Geodetic Survey of Canada datum, Publication 24-B (19bd). 12 WHEATON RIVER NEAR CARCROSS - STATION No. 09AA012

Location: Lat. 60° 08 1 osn, long. 134° 53 1 45", Yukon Territory, three and one-quarter miles above mouth and seven miles southwest of Carcross. Drainage Area: 337 square miles. Gauge: Recording. PeriOd of Record: Periods of varying length, October 1955 to August 1965 and continuous, October 1965 to December 19 68. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 2,420 cfs (estimated) on June 10, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 31.6 cfs on March 14, 1956. Remarks: Records excellent during open-water period and poor during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Dailv Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 29$ 165 101 11...... 273 146 87.5 21...... 214 120 79.0 2 ...... 284 TI4 TOO 12 ...... 261 144 86.5 22 ...... 214 118 78.0 3 ...... 277 162 98.0 13 ...... 250 142 85.5 23 ...... 192 116 77.5 4 ...... 272 160 96.5 14...... 245 140 84.5 24 ...... 203 114 77.0 5 ...... 266 158 95.0 15 ...... 242 138 83.5 25 ...... 200 112 76.0 6 ...... 268 155 94.0 16 ...... 233 136 83.0 26 ...... 195 108 75.5 7 ...... 267 153 92.0 1 7 ...... 217 132 82.0 27 ...... 195 106 75.0 8 ...... 263 151 91.5 18 ...... 225 130 81.0 28 ...... 179 105 74.5 9 ...... 268 149 90.0 19 ...... 208 126 80.5 29 ...... 179 103 74.0 10 ...... 276 148 88.0 20 ...... 219 122 80.0 30 ...... 172 102 74.0 31...... 165 73.5

Ice conditions November 1 to December 31. Total 7,220 4,025 2,614.0

Mean 233 134 84.3 Acre-feet 14,300 7,980 5,180

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec,

1 ...... 73.0 58.0 45.5 43.4 110 438 1,480 621 492 351 142 68.0 2 .•...... 72.8 57.5 45.0 43.6 ill 402 1,290 572 481 348 TIO b7:5 3 ...... 72.4 57.0 44.8 43.8 130 445 1,120 530 456 355 118 67.0 4 ...... 72.2 56.5 44.6 44.0 150 406 1,020 596 492 368 112 66.5 5 ...... 72.0 56.0 44.4 44.2 160 378 1,040 673 630 342 106 66.0 6 ...... 71.8 55.5 44.2 44.3 180 395 909 609 947 329 104 65.5 7 ...... 71.4 55.0 44.0 44.5 210 427 792 580 m 297 102 65.0 8 ...... 71.0 55.0 43.8 44.6 250 442 833 899 698 310 98.0 64.5 9 ...... 70.6 54.5 43.6 44.8 280 442 847 787 609 288 96.0 64.0 10 ...... 70.4 54.0 43.4 44.9 300E 1,010 716 677 630 288 94.0 63.5 11...... 70.0 53.5 43.2 45.0 340E 760 647 601 568 279 92.0 63.0 12 ...... 69.5 53,0 43,2 45.5 360E 690 638 564 530 270 90.0 63.0 13 ...... 69.0 52.5 43.0 46.0 340E 913 810 541 499 267 88.0 62.5 14 ...... 68.5 52.0_ 43,0 46.5 320E 996 673 522 474 239 86.0 62.0 15 ...... 68.0 51.1 42.8 46.9 297 E 1,060 572 503 456 239 84.0 61.5 16 ...... 67.5 51.0 42.6 47.2 294E 937 533 492 438 239 83.0 61.0 1 7 ...... 67.0 50.5 42.4 48,0 291 E 824 549 463 435 250 81,0 60,5 18 ...... 67,0 50,0 42.4 49.0 297E 760 526 442 431 242 80.0 60.0 19 ...... 66.5 49.5 42.2 50.0 300E 703 511 445 424 239 79.0 60.0 20 ...... 66.0 49.0 42.2 51.2 310E 617 549 431 431 231 78.0 59.5 21...... 65.0 48.5 42,0 53.2 381 E 576 751 438 413 228 77.0 59.0 22 ...... 64.5 48.0 42.0 58.0 1,730 561 698 431 406 225 76.0 58.5 23 ...... 64.0 48.0 42,0 61.0 1,750 617 694 406 385 214 75.0 58.0 24 ...... 63,5 47.5 42.0 65.0 1,010 630 651 375 413 222 74.0 58.0 25, ...... 63.0 47.0 42,0 70.0 690 592 694 371 402 203 73,0 57,5 26 ...... 62.5 46.5 42.1 74.0 522 613 1,030 368 381 198 72.0 57.0 27 ...... 61.0 46.0 42.2 80,0 417 609 976 388 368 219 71.0 56.5 28 ...... 60.0 46.0 42.3 90.0 371 976 824 409 413 217 71.0 56.5 29 ...... 59.0 45.5 42.8 96.0 388 1,470 725 417 395 198 70,0 56,0 30 ...... 2..§..Q_ - 43.0 ~ 406 1,450 643 406 368 175 E 69.0 56.0 31...... 58.0 - 43.2 - 467 - 643 453 - --155 E - 55.5 Total 2,075.1 1,494.1 1,335. 9 1,669.6 13,175 21,139 24,384 16,0l 0 14,884 8,025 2,671.0 1,899.0 Mean 66.9 51.5 43.1 55.7 425 705 787 516 496 259 89.0 61.3

Acre-feet 4,120 2,960 2,650 3,310 26,l 00 41,900 48,400 31,800 29 ,500 15,900 5,300 3,770 For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 2,270 cfs at 2030 YET on May 22 Minimum daily discharge, 42.0 cfs, March 21 to 25 Mean discharge, 297 cfs Total discharge, 216,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 9 and November 1 to December 31. E - Estimated. WATSON RIVER NEAR CARCROSS - STATION No. 09AA009 13

Location: Lat. 60° 13' 00", long. 134° 43 1 son, Yukon Territory, four miles upstream from mouth and four miles north of Carcross. Drainage Area: 452 square miles. Gauge: Recording, installed in April 1966, twenty feet upstream from former manual gauge location. Period of Record: Miscellaneous measurements, 1962 to 1965; mairµy continuous, February 1955 to September 1961 and December 19 65 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 1,730 cfs at 0845 YET on May 24, 1968. Minimum daily discharge, 10_0 cfs on April 1, 1956. Remarks: Records excellent during open-water period and fair during ice periods.

Daily DLscharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

! ...... 247 120 69.8 11...... 213 93.0 62.2 21."."" ... ". 173 78.0 63.8 2 ...... 243 TIS 6'9.0 12 ...... " ..... 208 91.0 62.2 22 ...... 170 76.0 63.8 3 ...... " ... 234 113 68.0 13 .. " ...... 199 90.0 62.8 23 ...... 167 75.0 63.8 4 ...... 229 110 67.0 14...... 191 98.0 63.8 24 ...... 150 74.0 63.8 5 ...... 228 107 66.o 15 ...... 187 86.9 63.9 25 ...... 146 72.8 63.8 6 ...... 217 104 65.5 16 ...... 184 84.0 64.0 26 ...... 158 72.0 64.0 7 ...... 215 102 64.5 17 ...... 169 83.0 64.0 27 ...... 158 72.0 64.0 8 ...... 214 100 64.0 18 ...... 158 81.0 64.0 28 ...... 154 71.8 64.0 9 ...... 208 97.0 63.5 19 ...... 170 80.0 64.0 29 ...... 126 70.0 64.0 10 ...... 211 95.0 63.0 20 ...... 155 79.0 63.9 30 ...... 129 70.0 64.0 31. .... " ...... 125 65.5

Ice conditions October 30 to December 31. Total 5,736 2,663.5 l,999.6

Mean 185 88.8 64.5

Acre-feet 11,400 5,280 3,970

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov, Dec. I...... " .... 65.8 60.0 53.3 59.0 77.0 271 787 367 291 312 157 76.0 2 ..•...... 66.2 60.0 53.8 59.8 79.0 270 825 351 314 300 ITO 75.0 3 ...... 67.4 59.9 53.8 60.0 83.0 247 687 333 316 297 144 74.0 4 ...... 67.4 59.7 53.2 61. 7 88.0 246 580 327 333 312 137 73.0 5 ...... 67.5 59.0 53.0 62.0 94.0 232 526 332 373 ll2. 130 72.0 6 ...... 67.0 58.2 53.0 62.2 99.0 217 524 348 467 298 126 72.0 7 ...... 66.8 58.0 53.0 63.0 107 210 504 346 604 277 120 71.8 8 ...... 66.2 58.0 52. 7 64.0 114 ZIT 456 357 '590 270 117 70.0 9 ...... 66.0 57.0 52.2 64.5 125 221 434 438 526 261 112 69.0 10 ...... 65.5 57.0 52.1 65.0 139 228 420 --462 481 261 109 69.0 11...... 64.0 57.0 52.5 65.8 151 264 391 407 477 261 106 68.0 12 ...... 63.8 56.o 53.2 66.0 157 421 371 373 445 255 103 67.9 13 ...... 63.0 56.0 53.5 66.0 151 394 380 346 418 249 101 67.0 14 ...... 63.0 55.8 53.5 66.8 144 496 429 322 396 242 99.2 66.0 15 ...... 62.0 55.0 54.0 67.8 139 518 420 308 384 238 96.0 66.0 16 ...... 62.0 54.0 54.0 68.0 131 542 380 295 367 233 94.0 67.3 17 ...... 61.0 54.0 54.0 69.0 123 488 352 288 360 212 93.0 66.0 18 ...... TI:O 53.0 54.0 69.0 120 418 338 279 360 233 92.0 63.0 19 ...... •.. 61.0 53.5 54.0 70.0 141 384 327 276 362 229 90.0 60.0 20 ...... 61.0 53.8 54.0 70.0 207 369 330 273 366 228 89.0 65.0 21. •...... •.. 62.0 53.9 54.1 70.2 344 338 338 270 367 219 88.0 65.8 22 ...... •.... 62.2 54.0 54.2 71.0 656 316 378 270 364 215 86.0 65.0 23 .•••...... 63.0 54.0 54.2 71.7 1,400 300 378 265 356 229 85.0 65.0 24 •...... •. 63.8 53.8 54.5 72.0 1,510 295 380 253 351 208 84.0 64.0 25 ..•.....•... 62.2 53.8 55.0 72.0 ---.,zrj 29~ 371 --242 359 238 82.0 64.0 26 ••...... • 62.2 53.7 55.5 72,5 510 292 384 246 354 228 80.0 64.0 27 •...... 62.2 53.5 56.0 73.6 403 288 438 264 335 202 79.0 63.8 28 ...•...... 62.0 52.4 56.0 74.0 336 300 481 271 330 193 78.0 63.0 29 ...... •..... 62.0 52.8 56.5 74.5 292 385 456 265 335 183 78.0 62.2 30 ..•...... 62.0 - 57.5 76.0 271 799 421 258 333 173 76.0 62.2 31.. ···•·· .... 61.0 - 58.0 - 273 - 387 265 - --163 - 62.0 Total 1,972.2 1,616.8 1,678.3 2,027 .1 9,193.0 10,255 13,873 9,697 11,714 7 ,538 3,081.Z 2,079.8 Mean 63.6 55.8 54.l 67.6 297 342 448 313 390 243 103 67 .1

Acre-feet '3,910 3,210 3,330 4,020 18,200 20,300 27,500 19,200 23,200 15,000 6, 110 4,130

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 1,730 cfs at 0845 YET on May 24 Minimum daily discharge, 52.1 cfs on March 10 Mean discharge, 204 cfs Total discharge, 148,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 6 and October 28 to December 31. 14 TAGISH CREEK NEAR CARCROSS - STATION No. 09AA011

Location: Lat. 60° 171 32", long. 134° 18' 00", Yukon ,Territory, two miles upstream from mouth and two miles southwest of Tagish. Drainage Area: 31.0 square miles. Gauge: Recording, installed on October 15, 1965, at former manual gauge location. FeriQd of Record: Miscellaneous measurements, 1963 to 1965; mainly open water 1955 to 1962 and continuous, October 1965 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 144·cfs on May 21, 1957. Minimum daily discharge, 1.1 cfs on January 29, 1959. Revisions: 1955 and 1956, WRP 124. Re:inarks: Records good during open-water period and poor during ice periods.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov, Dec.

1 ...... 10.5 7 .5 4.4 11...... 12.0 5.1 4.5 21...... 9.0 4.8 4.6 2 ...... 10.2 TI 4.4 12 ...... 11.5 5.1 4.5 22 ...... 8.4 4.7 4.6 3 ...... 10.1 7.0 4.4 13 ...... 10.9 5.1 4.5 23 ...... 8.3 4.7 4.6 4 ...... 9.8 6.6 4.4 14...... 10.2 5.1 4.6 24 ...... 8.2 4.6 4.5 5 ...... 9.4 6.2 4.4 15 ...... 10.2 5.1 4.6 25 ...... 8.0 4.6 4.5 6 ...... 9. 7 5.8 4.4 16 ...... 10.2 5.0 4.6 26 ...... 7.9 4.5 4.4 7 ...... 9.8 5.5 4.4 17 ...... 10.2A 5.0 4.6 27 ...... 7.8 4.5 4.4 8 ...... 9. 7 5.2 4.4 18 ...... 10. l 5.0 4. 7 28 ..... : ...... 7. 7 4.5 4.4 9 ...... 9.8 5.2 4.4 19 ...... 10.0 4.9 4.b 29 ...... 7. 7 4.4 4.4 10 ...... 11.5 5.1 4.4 20 ...... 9.8 4.9 4.6 30 ...... 7.6 4.4 4.5 31...... 7.5 4.5

Ice conditions October 18 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. Total 293.7 157.3 139.2

Mean 9.5 5.2 4.5

Acre-feet 583 312 276

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 4.5 4.4 4.1 4.3 5.7 12,6 10,8 11.6 12. 7 15.8 11. 9 8.8 2 ...... 4.5 4.4 4.1 4.3 5.8 IT.2 9.9 9.6 11.4 15.1 11.8 8.7 3 ...... 4,5 4.4 4.1 4.3 6,0 11.4 9.4 9.2 13.0 14.9 11.6 8.6 4 ...... 4,5 4.4 4.1 4.4 6.1 11. l 9.1 9.4 12. 7 16.4 11.5 8.5 5 ...... 4.5 4.4 4.1 4.4 6.3 10.8 9.4 9.1 21.l TI:4 11.4 8.4 6 ...... 4.5 4.4 4.1 4,4 6.6 10,6 9.5 9.2 25.9 14, l 11.3 8.3 7 ...... 4,5 4.4 4.1 4.4 7,0 10,4 9.2 10.5 2D.9 14. 7 11.2 8.2 8 ...... 4.5 4.5 4,1 4.5 7.6 10.1 9.0 13,3 17, 9 13.9 11.1 8.1 9 ...... 4.5 4,5 4.1 4,5 8.6 9.9 8.8 TI:b 16.0 13.5 11.0 8.0 1 o...... 4.4 4.6 4.1 4.5 9.6 9.9 8.6 11.2 17.4 13.6 10,8 7.9 11...... 4.4 4.6 4.1 4.5 12.0 10.3 8,6 9.5. 16.9 13.4 10.6 7.8 12 ...... 4.3 4.5 4.1 4.5 15.6 10.9 9.0 9.0 15.5 13.2 10.5 7. 7 13 ...... 4,3 4.5 4.1 4.6 19.2 1o.7 11,2 7,7 14.5 13.1 10.5 7.6 14 ...... 4.3 4.5 4,1 4.6 22.1 10.1 10.7 9.3 13. 7 13.1 10.4 7.5 15 ...... 4,3 4.4 4.1 4.6 20.0 9.9 9.7 8.2 13,3 12.6 10,3 7.4 16 ...... 4.3 4.4 4.0 4.7 17.0 9.6 9.3 8.0 13, l 12.1 10.2 7.3 1 7 ...... 4.3 4,3 4,0 4.7 21.3 9.2 9.2 7.8 13.6 11.6 10.1 7.2 18 ...... 4.3 4.3 4,0 4.8 29.6 9.2 9.1 7.8 14.9 11.4 10.0 7, l 19 ...... 4,3 4.2 4,0 4,8 41.4 9. 7 9.0 7.7 15.3 11.2 10.0 7.0 20 ...... 4.3 4.1 4.0 4.9 51.2 9.5 9.1 7.9 16.4 11. 2 10.0 6.9 21 ...... 4.4 4.1 4.1 4.9 43.7 9.2 9.2 8.2 17. 6 11,2 9.9 6.8 22 ...... 4,4 4,0 4,1 5,0 68.3 9.0 9.1 8.2 17.2 11. 2 9.8 6. 7 23 ...... 4.5 4.0 4.1 5.0 52,0 8.9 9.2 8.0 15,9 11.0 9. 7 6.6 24 ...... 4,6 3,9 4,1 5,1 35,6 8.8 8.9 7.8 16. 7 11.0 9.6 6.5 25 ...... '4.b 3.9 4.1 5.2 26.5 8.8 9.2 7.8 18.1 11.1 9.5 6.4 26 ...... 4.6 4.0 4.1 5.3 21.3 8.6 11.5 8.2 17.4 11,2 9.4 6,3 27 ...... 4.6 4,0 4.2 5.4 17.9 8.4 11,6 9.0 16.6 11.3 9.3 6.2 28 ...... 4.5 4.1 4.2 5.5 15.5 9.0 11.2 9.7 19.1 11.4 9.2 6.0 29 ...... 4.5 4.1 4.2 5.5 14.5 10.1 11.0 8.8 19.4 11,5 9.0 5.9 30 ...... 4.5 - 4.2 ~ 13. 7 10.8 10.1 8.8 17.4 11.6 ~ 5.8 31...... 4.4 - id - 13.1 - 10.8 10.9 - 11.8 - g

Total 137.6 124,3 127.2 143.2 640.8 299.7 300.4 284,0 491.6 395.6 310.5 225.9 Mean 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.8 20,7 10.0 9.7 9.2 16.4 12.8 10.4 7,3

Acre-feet 273 247 252 284 1,270 594 596 563 975 785 616 448

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 80, l cfs at 1530 YET on May 22 Minimum daily discharge, 3.9 cfs on February 24 and 25 Mean discharge~ 9.5 cfs Total discharge, 6,900 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 12 and October 14 to December 31. TAKHINI RIVER AT OUTLET OF KUSAWA LAKE - STATION No. 09AC004 15

11 Location: Lat. 60° 361 37 ; long. 136° 07 1 26", Yukon Territory, at outlet of Kusawa Lake, thirty-seven miles west of Whitehorse. Drainage Area: 1,570 square miles (revised in 1965). Gauge: None at outlet of Kusawa Lake. Gauge heights obtained at Station No. 09AC005, Kusawa Lake near Whitehorse. pe;_:r()d of Record: Miscellaneous measurements, 1956 to 1958; mainly continuous, August 1952 to September 1956 and June 1958 to December 1968. Records prior to 1965 were published as "at Outlet of Kusawa Lake near Whitehorse". Mean Discharge: ( 7 years) 1,840 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 9,880 cfs at 0630 YET on June 21, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 128 cfs on April 11and12, 1956. Remarks: Records fair.

Daily Di~charges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 4,130 1,660 820 11...... 2,900 1,230 704 21...... 2,190 1,020 548 2 ...... 3,950 1,620 795 12 ...... 2,850 1,200 699 22 ...... 2,150 1,000 533 3 ...... 3,800 1,570 795 13 ...... 2,790 1,160 710 23 ...... 2,110 984 518 4 ...... 3,550 1,490 771 14...... 2,710 1,160 704 24 ...... 1,990 885 503 5 ...... 3,450 1,460 759 15 ...... 2,620 1,160 699 25 ...... 2,020 930 494 6 ...... 3,400 1,400 759 16 ...... 2,S40 1,140 652 26 ...... 1,940 918 494 7 ...... 3,330 1,350 740 17 ...... 2,420 1,090 635 27 ...... 1,890 895 479 8 ...... 3,180 1,330 765 18 ...... 2,360 1,090 618 28 ...... 1,840 880 479 9 ...... 3,080 1,330 734 19 ...... 2,310 1,060 590 29 ...... 1,780 870 465 10 ...... 2,990 1,260 728 20 ...... 2,290 1,010 580 30 ...... 1,740 850 475 31...... 1,700 460

Ice conditions December 1 to 31. Total 82,000 35 ,002 19, 705

Mean 2,650 1,170 636

Acre-feet 163,000 69 ,400 39,100

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 456 332 29S 276 - - -- 3,970 2,840 1,400 735 2 ...... 452 330 293 2'ib - - - 5,860A 3,910 2,770 1,410 730 3 ...... 439 328 291 276 - - -- 3,880 2,730 l ,380 725 4 ...... 426 326 290 276A - - -- 3,860 2,720 1,330 720 5 ...... 418 324 289 276E - - - - 3,910 2,630 1,310 710 6 ...... 422 323 288 27S E - - -- 4,060 2,590 1,280 705 7 ...... 410 322 288 275E - - -- 4,180 2,570 1,250 700 8 ...... 406 320 287 274E - - -- 4,290 2,520A 1,210 695 9 ...... 406 316 287 274E -- -- 4,210 2,470 E l ,2SO 690 I 0 ...... 402 312 286 273A -- - - 4,280 2,400 E 1,180 680 11...... 394 310 286 273 E -- S,990A - 4,180 2,320 E 1,180 670 12 ...... 378 309 285 272E -- - - 4,110 2,280E 1,150 660 13 ...... 371 308 284 272E -- - - 4,040 2,210E 1,120 649 14 ...... 361 307 283 272E 293A - - - 3,900 2,140 E 1,090 64S 15 ...... 361 306 282 271 E -- -- 3,890 2,100 E 1,030 640 16 ...... 361 306 282 271 E - - - - 3,770 l,990A 954 630 1 7 ...... 358 306 281 271 E -- -- 3,720 2,020 88S 620 18 ...... 358 305 281 270E -- - - 3,620 1,910 870 605 19 ...... 355 304 280 270E -- - - 3,530 1,870 86S S95 20 ...... 352 303 280 270E - - - - 3,SlO l,8SO 855 E 590 21...... •. 351 301 280 269 E -- - - 3,390 1,780 84SE 580 22 ...... 350 300 280 '2b9E -- - 4,850A 3,290 1,780 83SE S70 23 ...... 348 299 280 269A 870A - - 4,750 3,270 1,680 820E 560 24 ....•..•.... 346 299 280 270E -- - 4,630 3,170 1, 710 80S 5S5 2S .•...... 343 298 279 270E -- - 4,540 3,190 1,660 797 54S 26 .•.....•.•.. 341 298 278 270E -- - 4,390 3,140 1,610 780 535 27 ...... •..... 340 297 278 271 E -- - 4,290 3,090 1,600 780 530 28 ...... 339 297 278 271 E -- - 4,180 3,040 1,560 '765 520 29 ...... 338 296 278 271 E - - 5,700A 4,120 2,980 1,520 7S5 510 30 ...... 336 - 277 271 E l,930A - - 4,060 2,900 1,490 740 sos 31...... 334 - 276 -- - - 3,950 - 1,450 ~-- --soo Total 11,652 8,982 8,782 8,164 - - - - 110,280 64,770 30,931 19,304 Mean 376 310 283 272 -- - - 3,680 2,090 1,030 623 Acre-feet 23,100 17 ,800 17 ,400 16,200 -- - - 219,000 128,000 61,400 38,300 For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, S,990 cfs on July 11 Minimum daily discharge, 269 cfs, April 21 to 23

Ice conditions January 1 to April 3 and November 24 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. E - Estimated. Recorder chart not reliable January 19 to August 21 and November 20 to December 31. 16 TAKHINI RIVER NEAR WHITEHORSE - STATION No. 09ACOOI

1 1 11 Location: Lat. 60° 51 08", long. 135° 44 21 , Yukon Territory, three hundred and fifty feet upstream from Alaska Highway bridge, six miles upstream from Little River and twenty-nine nriles northwest of Whitehorse. Drainage Area: 2,640 square miles (revised in 1965). . . Gauge: Recording, installed in October 1964 and relocated in May 1968 three hundred and fifty feet upstream from former location. FeriOd of Record: Mainly continuous, August 1948 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (18 years) 2,200 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 17 ,200 cfs on September 2, 1949. Minimum daily discharge, 153 cfs on February 19, 1951. Remarks: Records good during open-water periods and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effect. The drainage area of 2,640 square miles does not include an area of 76. 6 square miles deducted for the Fish Lake Diversion. Flow affected by diversion.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 4,650 1,830 970 11...... 3,430 1,300 760 21...... 2,570 1,140 620 2 ...... 4,490 1,790 940 12 ...... 3,360 1,140 750 22 ...... 2,500 1,130 600 3 ...... 4,320 1,750 920 13...... 3,250 1,100 745 23 ...... 2,440 1,120 590 4 ...... 4,140 1,710 895 14...... 3,210 1,100 745 24 ...... 2,360 1,100 580 5 ... ······· .... 3,950 1,660 860 15 ...... 3 ,110 l,llO 750 25 ...... 2,250 1,090 575 6 ...... 3,870 1,650 845 16 ...... 3,000 1,120 755 26 ...... 2,280 1,080 570 7 ...... 3,820 1,570 825 17 ...... 2,890 1,140 745 27 ...... 2,180 1,050 570 8 ...... 3,680 1,520 805 18 ...... 2;730 1,150 725 28 ...... 2,120 1,030 565 9 ...... 3,560 1,490 795 19 ...... 2,680 1,160 690 29 ...... 2,060 1,010 565 10 ...... 3 ,510 1,450 775 20 ...... 2,620 1,150 650 30 ...... 1,990 ~ 565 31...... 1,950 560

Ice conditions November 11 to December 31. Total 94,970 38,630 22,305

Mean 3,060 1,290 720

Acre-feet 188,000 76,600 44,200

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968

Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 560B 390B 408B 400B 480B 2,160 5,360 5,940 4,770 3,560 1,450 880B 2 ...... SbOB 390 B 408B 400B 490B 2,190 5,490 5,840 4,780 3,450 1,430 840B 3 ...... 560 B 385 B 408B 400B 500B 2,260 5,520 5,780 4,740 3,390 1,450 790B 4 ...... 560B 390B 407B 400B 510E 2,300 5,540 5,700 4,720 3,330 1,410 B 770B 5 ...... 560 B 390B 407B 400B 520E 2,290 5,740 5,710 4,880 3,230 1,370 B 755B 6 ...... 555 B 390 B 407B 400B 533 E 2,280 5,980 5,730 5,120 3,120 1,330 B 745B 7 ...... 550B 390 B 407B 400B 546E 2,330 6,140 5,750 5,280 3,070 l,290B 740B 8 ...... 540 B 390B 406B 400B 559A 2,370 6,210 '6,020 5,400 2,990 1,300 740B 9 ...... 525 B 395 B 406B 400B 568 2,390 6,190 6,100 5,400 2,910 1,300 740B 1 o...... 500B 405 B 406B 400B 601 2,490 6,090 6,100 5,280 2,820 1,280 740B 11...... 485 B 400B 406B 401 B 628 2,780 6,060 6,130 5,280 2,780 l,150B 745B 12 ...... 460B 400B 405B 402B 658 2,830 5,950 6,090 5,180 2,700 1,030 B 755 B 13 ...... 450B 400B 405B 403 B 700 2,990 6,000 6,110 5,070 2,680 975 B 765B 14 ...... 440B 400B 405B 405 B 694 3,200 5,990 6,140 4,890 2,570 960B 770B 15 ...... 435 B 400B 405B 407 B 703 3,440 5,910 6,130 4,780 2,400 970B 775B 16 ...... 435 B 400B 404B 411 B 697 3,560 5,840 6,060 4,720 2,330 980B 780B 1 7 ...... 430B 400B 404B 415 B 685 3,620 5,710 6,040 4,640 2,290 990B 780B 18 ...... 430B 400B 404B 419 B 709 3,630 5,570 5,990 4,540 2,360 980B 775 B 19 ...... 430B 401 B 404B 421 B 797 3,710 5,440 5,960 4,440 2,200 970B 755B 20 ...... •.. 430B 402B 403 B 423 B 1,020 3,790 5,340 5,960 4,400 2,160 950B 720B 21...... •. 425 B 403 B 403 B 428 B 1,410 3,840 5,320 5,910 4,320 2,110 930 B 695 B 22 ...... •. 420B 404B 403 B 434B 2,940 3,770 5,340 5,770 4,170 2,060 904B 670B 23 ..•...... •. 420B 405B 403 B 439 B 3,170 3,710 5,350 5,660 4,100 2,020 900 B 645B 24 ...... 415 B 406B 402B 440B 2,590 3,700 5,370 5,530 4,050 1,940 895 B 630B 25 ...... 415 B 407B 402B 442B 2,460 3,700 5,380 5,360 4,040 1,920 885 B 605B 26 .••....•.•.. 410B 408B 402B 445B 2,360 3,710 5,420 5,250 3,980 1, 790 880B 595B 27 •...... 405 B 409B 402B 450B 2,180 3,740 5-,620 5,120 3,920 1,750 880:8 580B 28 •...•...... 400B 409B 401 B 459B 2,090 3,950 5,830 5,020 3,840 1,690 880B 575B 29 •.•...... 400B 408 B 401 B 463 B 2,060 4,560 5,990 4,900 3,820 1,630 895 B 565 B 30 ...... 395B - 401 B 470B 2,110 4,830 6,060 4,880 3,690 1,530 B 900B S"bS"B 31...... 390B - 401 B - 2,170 - 6,010 4,730 - 1,500 B - 570B Total 14,390 ll ,577 12,536 12,577 38,138 96,120 177,760 177 ,410 138,240 7 6,280 32,514 22,055

Mean 464 399 404 419 1,230 3,200 5,730 5,720 4,610 2,460 1,080 711

Acre-feet 28,500 23,000 24,900 24,900 75,600 191,000 353,000 352,000 274,000 151,000 64,500 43,700 For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 6,270 cfs at 1430 YET on July 8 Minimum daily discharge, 385 cfs on February 3 Mean discharge, 2,210 cfs Total discharge, 1,610,000 ac-ft

A - Manual gauge. B - Ice conditions. E - Estimated. KUSA WA LAKE NEAR WHITEHORSE - STATION No. 09AC005 17

Location: Lat. 60° 35 1 16n, long. 136° 08' 3gt1, Yukon Territory, on west shore, one and seven-tenths miles from outlet and thirty- eight miles west-southwest of Whitehorse. Gauge: Recording; gauge heights are referred to an assumed datum. PeriOcI of Record: Periods of varying length, 1952 to 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous gauge height, 10.49 ft at 1600 YET on July 4, 1953. Minimum daily gauge height, I.64 ft on April 30, 1965. Remarks: For discharge from Kusawa Lake, see Takhini River at outlet of Kusawa Lake near Whitehorse.

Daily Gauge Heights in Feet for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 7.42 4. 75 3.45 11...... 6.26 4.14 3.26 21...... 5.44 3.80 2.98 2 ...... 7.26 4.70 3.41 12 ...... 6.20 4.10 3.25 22 ...... 5.39 3. 77 2.95 3 ...... 7 .13 4.63 3.41 13 ...... 6.13 4.03 3.27 23 ...... 5.34 3. 74 2.92 4 ...... 6.90 4.51 3.37 14 ...... 6.04 4.03 3.26 24 ...... 5.19 3.57 2.89 5 ...... 6.81 4.47 3.35 15 ...... 5.94 4.03 3.25 25 ...... 5.22 3.65 2.87 6 ...... 6.76 4.38 3.35 16 ...... 5.85 4.00 3.17 26 ...... 5.13 3.63 2.87 7 ...... 6.70 4.31 3.32 17 ...... 5.72 3.91 3.14 27 ...... 5.06 3.59 2.84 8 ...... 6.55 4.29 3.36 18 ...... 5.65 3.92 3.11 28 ...... 5.00 3.56 2.84 9 ...... 6.45 4.29 3.31 19 ...... 5.59 3.87 3.06 29 ...... 4.93 3.54 2.81 10 ...... 6.36 4.18 3.30 20 ...... 5.56 3.79 3.04 30 ...... 4.87 3.50 2.83 31...... 4.82 2.80

Daily Gauge Heights in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 2. 79 7.28 6.19 4.39 2 ...... 2.78 8.53A 7.23 6.11 4.40 3 ...... 2.75 7.20 6.07 4.36 4 ...... 2.72 2.11 A 7 .18 6.06 4.28 5 ...... 2. 70 7.23 5. 96 4.25 6 ...... 2. 71 7.36 5.91 4.22 3.29A 7 ...... 2.68 7.46 5.89 4.17 8 ...... 2.67 7.55 5.83A 4.12 9 ...... 2.67 7.48 4.17 10 ...... 2.66 2.09A 7.54 4.07 11...... 2.64 8.59A 7.46 4.06 12 •...... 2.60 7.40 4.02 13 ...... 2.58 7.34 3.97 14 ...... 2.55 2.14A 7.22 3.92 15 ...... 2.55 7 .21 3.81 16 ...... 2.55 7.10 5.19 A 3.69 1 7 ...... 2.54 7.05 5.22 3.57 18 ...... 2.54 6.96 5.09 3.54 19 ...... 6.88 5.04 3.53 20 ...... 6.86 5.01 21...... 6.75 4.92 22 ...... 7.96A 6.66 4.92 23 ...... 2.05A 3.54A 7.89 6.64 4. 79 24 ...... 7 .81 6.54 4.83 25 ...... 7.74 6.56 4.75 26 ...... 7.63 6.51 4.68 27 ...... 7.55 6.46 4.67 28 ...... • 7.46 6.41 4. 61 29 ...... 2.26A 8.45A 7.41 6.34 4.55 30 ...... 5.11 A 7.36 6.25 4.51 31...... 7.26 4.45

For the Period ...... Maximum daily gauge height, 8.59 ft on July 11 Minimum daily gauge height, 2.05 ft on April 23

A - Manual gauge. 18 TESLIN LAKE AT TESLIN - STATION No. 09AE002

Location: Lat. 60° 091 5211 , long. 132° 421 12", Yukon Territory, at bridge across Nisutlin Bay, six-tenths of a mile east of Teslin. Gauge: Manual; elevations are referred to Geodetic Survey of Canada datum, Publication 24-B (1960). PerIQd of Record: Periods of varying length, 1944 to 1949 and 1951 to.1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily elevation, 2,252.93 ft on July 3, 1962. Minimum daily elevation, 2,228.63 ft on February 9, 1952. Remarks: For discharge from Teslin Lake, see Teslin River near Teslin.

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 35.78 34.01 11...... 35.10 21...... 36.51 2 ...... 36.50 12 ...... 22 ...... 34.47 3 ...... 33.91 13 ...... 23 ...... 33.25 4 ...... 36.52 35.48 14...... 33.60 24 ...... 5 ...... 33.86 15 ...... 25 ...... 36.38 34.31 6 ...... 36.53 16 ...... 33.57 26 ...... 7 ...... 35.34 17 ...... 27 ...... 8 ...... 18 ...... 28 ...... 36.15 34.19 33.17 9 ...... 36.57 35.22 19 ...... 29 ...... 10 ...... 20...... 36.62 34.54 30 ...... 36.01 31...... 33.13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c Add 2,200.00 to obtain elevation in feet, Geodetic Survey of Canada datum, Publication 24-B (1960).

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 31.41 41.86 39.55 39.56 2 •...... 33.06 31.89 36.74 3 ...... 31.55 41.70 4 ...... 33.00 31.48 41.77 39.23 39.40 5 ...... •...•. 31.88 41.95 41.45 37.40 36.41 6 ...... 32.93 31.49 31.57 39.53 7 •...•...... 42.09 41.31 37.63 8 ••...... 32.43 31.54 38.94 36.10 9 ...... 31.59 42.15 41.18 38.13 10 ..•••....•.. 32.43 31.84 38.74 39.22 11 ...... 31.46 41.05 38.66 38.24 35.79 12 ...... 40.98 39.03 13 ...... •.... 32.37 31.45 42.38 40.94 35.61 14...... 32.21 42.73 38.29 38.82 38.85 15 ••..•••.•.•. 32.24 40.78 35.46 16 ...... 32.56 38.44 35.38 17 ...... 32.19 43.07 38.18 39.48 18 ...... 31. 75 33.00 40.62 19 ...... 39.62 38.09 35.18 20 ...... •... 31.40 34.77 40.50 21. ....•...... 32.64 32.06 42.79 37.69 22 ...... 35.27 42.69 40.43 - 11'" 39. 75 37.82 35.00 23 ...... 31.67 24 ...... •..... 31.99 31.37 37.57 42.52 40.11 39.89 37.60 34.89 25 ...... 32.53 26 ...... 31.97 31.65 42.33 39.92 39.86 27 ...... 32.49 31.32 39.27 37.34 37.39 28 •...... 31.37 42.15 34.64 29 ...... 32.47 40.07 37.26 39.72 37.15 30 ...... 31.63 39.64 34.52 31 ...... •••.. 40.62

For the Period...... Maximum daily elevation, 43.07 ft on June 17 Minimum daily elevation, 31.32 ft on April 27

Add 2,200.00 to obtain elevation in feet, Geodetic Survey of Canada datum, Publication 24-B (1960). TESLIN RIVER NEAR TESLIN - STATION No. 09AE001 19

Location: Lat. 60° 29' 07'', long. 133° 18' 04'', Yukon Territory, at Johnsons Crossing, two and one-half miles below outlet of Teslin Lake and thirty miles northwest of Teslin. Drainage Area: 11, 700 square miles. Gauge: Manual. Period of Record: April to September 1944, September 1945 to August 1946, February 1948 to November 1954 and April 1955 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (17 years) 10,800 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 65,000 cfs on June 28, 1962. Minimum daily discharge, 1,350 cfs on February 24, 1956. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effect. For elevations on Teslin Lake, see Teslin Lake at Teslin.

Dailv Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. 10,600. 6,300 1...... 10,200 9,160 5,480 11...... 10,700 7,270 4,750 21...... 4,110 10,300 6,200 4,020 2 ...... 10,200 9,020 5,400 12 ...... 10, 700 7 ,100 4,710 22 ...... 3 ...... 10,300 8,790 5,350 13...... 10, 700 7,000 4,610 23 ...... 10,400 6,100 3,990 3,960 4 ...... 10,400 8,520 5,250 14...... 10, 700 6,950 4,580 24 ...... 10,400 6,000 10,100 5,950 3,900 5 ...... 10,600 8,360 5,200 15 ...... 10, 700 6,900 4,490 25 ...... 6 ...... 10,700 8,060 5,100 16 ...... 10, 700 6,830 4,410 26 ...... 10,000 5,900 3,840 7 ...... 10,700 7,980 5,030 17 ...... 10, 700 6,700 4,380 27 ...... 9,730 5,800 3,800 8 ...... 10,700 7,780 4,950 18 ...... 10,700 6,600 4,320 28 ...... 9,640 5,.720 3,760 9 ...... 10,700 7,640 4,910 19 ...... 10,600 6,500 4,220 29 ...... 9,600 5,620 3,680 10 ...... 10,700 7,400 4,820 20 ...... 10,600 6,400 4,190 30 ...... 9,420 5,580 3,620 31...... 9,210 3,590

Ice conditions November 13 to December 31. Total 321,400 210,130 138,410

Mean 10,400 7,000 4,460 Acre-feet 637 ,000 41 7 ,000 275 ,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 3,520 2,460 2,760 2,440 2,240 23 ,000 26,200 18,800 12,000 18,700 11,100 5,260 2 ...... 3,490 2,440 2,780 2,410 2,230 23,900 26,000 18,500 11,900 18,600 11,000 5,200 3 ...... 3,420 2,420 2,780 2,370 2,240 25 ,200 25,700 18,100 11,800 18,600 11,000 5,140 4 ...... 3,390 2,400 2,840 2,340 2,260 25,900 25,500 17,800 11,700 18,500 10,700 5,050 5 ...... 3,320 2,400 2,840 2,330 2,260 26,400 25,300 17,600 T2,200 18,400 I 0 ,400 5,000 6 ...... 3,290 2,390 2,810 2,310 2,360 26, 700 25,000 17 ,300 13,600 18,400 10,200 4,960 7 ...... 3,230 2,380 2,770 2,300 2,420 26,800 24,900 17,100 14,000 18,3 00 9,970 4,900 8 ...... 3,190 2,380 2,770 2,290 2,540 27,100 24,500 16,900 14,200 18,200 9,840 4,850 9 ...... 3,140 2,390 2,750 2,290 2,570 27 ,300 24,100 16,800 14,900 18,000 9,750 4,810 I 0 ...... 3,090 2,400 2,720 2,260 2,610 27 ,300 23,900 16,400 15 ,200 17' 700 9,570 4,780 11...... 3,040 2,410 2,710 2,270 2,670 27,200 23,400 16,100 15,400 17 ,300 9 ,310 4,740 12 ...... 2,990 2,410 2,700 2,260 2,700 28,100 23,100 16,000 15,800 1 7 ,200 9,120 4,680 13 ...... 2,960 2,420 2,700 2,260 2,930 28,200 23,000 15,800 16,200 17,100 8,720 4,610 14;...... 2,920 2,420 2,690 2,250 3,180 E 28,800 22,800 15,700 16,600 16,600 8,000 4,570 15 ...... 2,910 2,420 2,670 2,230 3,430 29 ,800 22,600 15,500 16,800 16,200 7 ,230 4,540 16 ...... 2,870 2,430 2,660 2,200 4,130 30,100 22,700 15,200 16,900 15,900 6,660 4,480 1 7 ...... 2,810 2,440 2,640 2,190 4,090 30,500 22, 700 14,500 17 ,200 15,600 6,560 4,410 18 ...... 2,780 2,460 2,640 2,180 4,160 30,100 22,400 13,900 17,400 15,200 6,450 4,370 19 ...... 2,750 2,480 2,610 2,150 4,600 30,000 22,300 13,800 1 7 ,500 15,000 6,350 4,310 20 ...... 2,710 2,500 2,600 2,130 4,300 29,900 21,900 13 ,600 1 7 ,800 14,800 6,250 4,240 21...... 2,690 2,520 2,600 2,140 6,500 29 ,300 21,500 13 ,400 18,000 14,600 6,070 4,200 22 ...... •. 2,670 2,540 2,570 2,160 7,520 29,100 21,300 13,000 18 ,000 14,200 6,010 4,170 23 ..•...... •. 2,640 2,570 2,540 2,180 10,100 28,900 20,800 12,800 18,100 13,900 5,950 4,130 24 ...... ••. 2,620 2,590 2,570 2,190 13,100 28,800 20,500 12,500 18,100 13,800 5,860 4,080 25 ...... 2,600 2,620 2,530 2,200 14,800 28,400 20,200 12,400 18 ,I 00 13,500 5,800 4,030 26 ...... •.. 2,580 2,650 2,480 2,220 16,800 27 ,800 19,700 12,300 18,100 13,300 5,700 4,000 27 ...... •..•.. 2,560 2,690 2,470 2,200 17,900 27,400 19,200 12,300 18 ,000 12,800 5,600 3,970 28 ...... 2,530 2,700 2,460 2,210 19,000 27,000 19,200 12,200 18,000 12,400 5,500 3,930 29 ...... 2,510 2,730 2,450 2,220 20,000 26,400 19,l 00 12,100 18,700 11,900 5,410 3,900 30 .•..•...... 2,490 - 2,430 2,230 20,600 26,300 19,100 T2,IOO 18,900 11,600 5,350 3,870 31...... 2,480 - 2,410 - 21,600 - 18,900 12,100 - 11,300 - 3,840

Total 90,190 72,060 81,950 67,410 227 ,840 831,700 697 ,500 462,600 481,100 487 ,600 235,430 139,020

Mean 2,910 2,480 2,640 2,250 7 ,350 27 ,700 22,500 14,900 16,000 15,700 7,850 4,480

Acre-feet I 79 ,000 143,000 163 ,000 134,000 452,000 1,650,000 1,380,000 918,000 954,000 967 ,000 467 ,000 276,000

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, 30,500 cfs on June 17 Minimum daily discharge, 2,130 cfs on April 20 Mean discharge, 10,600 cfs Total discharge, 7,680,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to March I and November 17 to December 31. E - Estimated. 20 TESLIN RIVER NEAR WHITEHORSE - STATION No. 09AF001

Location: Lat. 61° 29 1 21 ",long. 134° 46 1 35", Yukon Territory, approximately eight miles upstream from mouth, nine miles downstream from _Mason Landing and fifty-four miles north-northeast of Whitehorse. Drainage Area: 13,700 square miles. Gauge: Recording. JSeriQd of Record: Miscellaneous measurements only, 1951and1953 to 1955; mainly continuous, October 1955 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (8 years) 11,700 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 65,700 cfs at 1215 YET on June 28, 1962. Minimum daily discharge, 1,800 cfs, February 24 to March 4, 1956. Remarks: Records excellent during open-water period and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Daily Di~charges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov, Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec, Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 11,800 10,400 6,500 11...... 12,200 8,590 5,550 21...... 12,000 7 ,650 4,720 2 ...... 11,900 9,990 6,450 12 ...... 12,000 8,500 5,450 22 ...... 11,800 7,580 4,650 3 ...... 12,000 9,940 6,300 13 ...... 12,000 8,400 5,350 23 ...... 11,600 7,510 4,550 4 ...... 11,900 9,760 6,250 14...... 12,000 8,300 5,300 24 ...... 11,600 7,300 4,500 5 ...... 11,800 9,660 6,100 15 ...... 12,200 8,230 5,200 25 ...... 11,400 7 ,200 4,450 6 ...... 12,000 9,490 6,000 16 ...... 12,200 8,160 5,100 26 ...... 11,3 00 7,050 4,350 7 ...... 12,100 9,270 5,950 17 ...... 12,000 8,090 5,050 27 ...... 11,300 6,950 4,300 8 ...... 12,000 9,010 5,800 18 ...... 11,900 8,000 4,950 28 ..... : ...... 11, 1 00 6,850 4,210 9 ...... 12,000 8,850 5,700 19 ...... 11,800 7,950 4,SOO 29 ...... 10,800 6,750 4,100 10 ...... 12,100 8,740 5,650 20 ...... 11,900 7,890 4,800 30 ...... 10,800 6,650 4,050 31...... 10,600 4,000

Ice conditions November 11 to December 31. Total 364,100 248,710 160,230

Mean 11, 700 8,290 5,170

A ere-feet 722,000 493 ,000 318,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 3,940 2,550 3,910 3,020 3,850 23 ,200 28,300 20,700 13,600 20,500 12,900 6,000 2 ...... 3,870 2,520 3,900 3,020 4,000 24, 700 28,000 20,500 13 ,500 20,400 12,700 5,900 3 ...... 3,810 2,500 3,900 3,030 4,100 26,000 27 ,800 20,200 13,400 20,500 12,700 5,790 4 ...... 3,750 2,500 3,880 3,040 4,300 26,800 27,500 19,900 13 ,400 20,400 12,300 5,670 5 ...... 3,700 2,500 3,850 3,050 4,450 27,300 27 ,400 19 ,500 13 ,800 20, 100 12,100 5,560 6 ...... 3,650 2,510 3,760 3,070 4,700 27 ,800 27,400 19,300 14,400 19,900 11,800 5,460 7 ...... 3,580 2,520 3,710 3,080 4,900 28,100 26,800 19,300 14,900 19, 700 11,700 5,400 8 ...... 3,510 2,550 3,660 3,090 5,150 28,600 26,600 19,300 15,300 19,700 11,400 5,320 9 ...... 3,480 2,580 3,600 3,100 5,400 28, 700 26,200 19,000 15,700 19,500 11,300 5,220 10 ...... 3,410 2,600 3,550 3,110 5,700 29,200 25,800 18,700 16,200 19,200 11,000 5,170 11...... 3,350 2,630 3,500 3,120 6,000E 30, 700 25,400 18,400 16,900 19 ,100 10,800 5,100 12 ...... 3,300 2,690 3,450 3,150 6,300 E 30,300 25,100 17 ,900 17,300 18,800 10,500 5,010 13 ...... 3,250 2,710 3,400 3,170 6,600 E 31,000 25,200 17 ,500 1 7 ,600 18,500 10,400A 4,960 14 ...... 3,200 2,790 3,360 3,200 7,000 E 31,400 25,000 17,200 17 '700 18,200 9,900E 4,900 15 ...... 3,150 2,850 3,320 3,210 7,400 E 31,800 24,600 16,800 18,000 17,900 9,200E 4,820 16 ...... 3,100 2,900 3,300 3,220 7,800 E 32,000 24,600 16,400 18,300 17 ,600 8,400E 4,780 1 7 ...... 3,060 2,980 3,280 3,250 8,200 E 32,100 24, 700 16,200 18,700 17,500 8,100 4,740 18 ...... 3,000 3,010 3,250 3,280 8,800E 32,000 24,400 15,800 18,600 17,400 7,800 4,690 19 ...... •.. 2,950 3,100 3,210 3,300 9,400 E 32,300 24,100 15,500 18,700 1 7,000 7 ,600 4,610 20 ...... 2,900 3,200 3,200 3,320 10,000 E 32,200 23,700 15,200 19,100 16,600 7 ,400 4,580 21 ••...... 2,850 3,290 3,190 3,350 11,000E 31,800 23,600 15,100 19,400 16,300 7,250 4,540 22 ...... 2,820 3,350 3,170 3,390 12,lOOA 31,500 23,200 15,000 19,500 16,100 7,050 4,490 23 ...... 2,780 3,450 3,150 3,410 12,400 31,300 22,900 14,800 19,300 15,900 6,950 4,420 24 ...... •.•.. 2,740 3,520 3,120 3,450 13,100 30,900 22,500 14,500 19,600 15,600 6,750 4,390 25 ...... 2,710 3,600 3,110 3,500 15,200 30,500 22,000 14,200 19 ,800 15,300 6,650 4,360 26 ...... •.. 2,680 3,700 3,100 3,540 16,900 30,100 21, 700 14,000 20,000 14,800 6,550 4,330 27 ..•..•••.... 2,660 3,800 3,090 3,600 18,300 29,600 21,600 13,900 20,200 14,500 6,450 4,290 28 ...... 2,620 3,880 3,070 3,650 19,600 29,000 21,400 13,800 20,700 14,200 6,350 4,220 29 ..•...... 2,610 3,900 3,060 3,700 20,600 28,900 21,200 13,700 20,700 14,100 6,200 4,180 30 ...... 2,600 - 3,050 3,750 21,600 28,500 20,800 13,900 20,600 13,300 6,050 4,150 31...... 2,570 - 3,030 - 22, 700 - 20,700 13,600 - 13 ,200 - 4,120

Total 97,600 86,680 105,130 98 ,170 307 ,550 888,300 760,200 519,800 524,900 541,800 276,250 151,170

Mean 3,150 2,990 3,390 3,270 9,920 29,600 24,500 l 6;800 17 ,500 17 ,500 9,210 4,880 Acre-feet 194,000 172,000 209,000 195,000 610,000 1, 760,000 1,510,000 1,030,000 1,040,000 1,070,000 548,000 i 300,000 For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 32,600 cfs at 1600 YET on June 19 Minimum daily discharge, 2,500 cfs, February 3 to 5 Mean discharge, 11,900 cfs Total discharge, 8,640,000 ac-ft BIG SALMON RIVER NEAR CARMACKS - STATION No. 09AG001 21

Location: Lat. 61 ° 52' 45", long. 134° 52 1 00", Yuk.on Territory, two and one-half miles above mouth and approximately forty-nine miles east-southeast of Carmacks. Drainage Area: 2,640 square miles. Gauge: Recording, relocated in June 1962 one and one-quarter miles upstream from original location. PeriQ2[ of Record: Miscellaneous measurements only, 1951 and 1959 to 1961; periods of varying length,1953 to 1958, 1962 and 1963; continuous, August 1963 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (5 years) 2,620 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum iostantaneous discharge, 24,200 cfs at 1215 YET on June 23, 1962. Minimum daily discharge, 470 cfs, April 4 to 12, 1957. Remarks: Records excellent except during periods when flows are less than 4,500 cfs which are poor.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. 800 1 ...... 2,980 2,220 860 11...... 2,710 1,490 825 21...... 2,500 940 800 2 ...... 2,930 2,190 8bO 12 ...... 2,710 1,380 820 22 ...... 2,480 930 800 3 ...... 2,890 2,160A 855 13 ...... 2,680 1,280 820 23 ...... 2,450 920 4 ...... 2,870 2,150 855 14 ...... 2,610 1,180 820 24 ...... 2,380 905 795 5 ...... 2,820 2,130 850 ·15 ...... 2,590 1,100 815 25 ...... 2,430 895 795 6 ...... 2,770 2,070 845 16 ...... 2,580 1,080 810 26 ...... 2,380 890 795 7 ...... 2,740 1,990 840 17 ...... 2,580 1,040 805 27 ...... 2,420 880 790 8 ...... 2,700 1,840 835 18 ...... 2,550 1,010 805 28 ...... 2,330 875 790 785 9 ...... 2,650 1, 710 830 19...... 2,510 980 805 29 ...... 2,330 870 785 10 ...... 2,680 1,610 825 20 ...... 2,460 950 800 30 ...... 2,330 865 31...... 2,270 780

Ice conditions November 4 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. Total 80,310 40,530 25,295

Mean 2,590 1,350 816

Acre-feet 159 ,000 80,400 50,200

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 780 720 660 605 730 4,960 5,800 4,240 2,960 3,520 2,000 1,330 2 ...... 780 715 bbO 605 790 S,200 5,500 5,180 3,010 3,400 1,990 1,320 3 ...... 775 710 660 600 880 5,290 5,450 5,120 3,070 3,330 1,980 1,290 4 ...... 775 710 655 600 940 S,230 5,270 5,430 3,100 3,270 2,000 1,230 5 ...... 770 705 655 600 1,010 4,760 5,230 5,360 3,160 3,210 2,090 1,19 0 6 ...... 770 705 655 600 1,120 4,590 7 ,840 5,010 3,SSO 3,090 2,010 1,150 7 ...... 765 700 655 595 1,210 4,870 7 ,430 4,760 4,500 2,940 1,890 1,110 8 ...... 765 700 655 595 1,340 5,230 6,080 4,790 4,850 2,890 1,790 1,080 9 ...... 760 700 650 595 1,500 5,160 5,430 4,630 4,650 2,830 1,710 1,050 10 ...... 760 700 645 595 1,660 5,320 5,180 4,340 4,460 2,690 1,720 1,030 11...... 760 695 645 590 1,820 7 ,250 5,070 4,120 4,480 2,640 1,800 1,010 12 ...... 755 695 640 590 1,940 7 ,320 4,980 3,920 4,400 2,560 1,880 1,000 13 ...... 755 695 640 585 2,200 6,880 4,940 3,780 4,220 2,530 1,900 970 14 ...... 755 695 640 585 2,080 6,990 5,120 3,650 4,060 2,460 1,700 960 15 ...... 755 695 640 585 2,020 6,960 4,900 3,530 3,940 2,430 1,620 980 16 ...... 753 690 635 580 2,020 7,400 4,570 3,440 3,880 2,370 1,580 1,020 1 7 ...... 750 690 635 580 2,190 6,700 4,630 3,340 4,000 2,380 1,540 1,080 18 ...... 745 685 635 580 2,650 6,270 4,870 3,340 4,020 2,380 1,510 1,120 19 ...... 740 680 630 580 3,500 6,220 4,830 3,380 3,980 2,350 1,490 1,180 20 ...... 740 680 630 580 5,070 6,670 4,790 3,530 3,960 2,350 1,470 1,210 21. •...... 740 680 630 580 6,370 6,300 4,790 3,480 3,920 2,320 1,470 1,210 22 ...... 735 675 625 580 9,580 6,270 4,550 3,210 3,840 2,290 1,500 1,200 23 ..••...... 735 675 625 585 9,110 7,220 4,320 3,320 3,780 2,280 1,500 1,140 24 ...... •...• 735 675 620 590 5,850 6,730 4,200 3,210 3,720 2,280 1,480 1,090 25 ...... 730 675 620 595 5,270 6,010 4,060 3,100 3,720 2,220 1,430 1,020 26 ...... •.. 730 671 620 605 5,140 S,640 4,060 3,000 3,670 2,130 1,390 970 27 ...... •..•.. 725 670 615 620 4,810 5,570 4,040 2,980 3,610 2,070 1,310 930 28 ...... 725 665 615 640 4,260 5,450 3,980 2,920 3,590 2,190 1,300 880 29 ...... 720 665 610 660 4,080 5,910 4,100 2,920 3,700 2,210 l ,300 850 30 ...... 720 - 610 695 4,200 6,130 4,100 2,910 .3,650 2,110 1,320 810 31...... 720 - --605 - 4,510 - 3,920 2,920 - 2,040 - J..J.!}_ Total '23,223 20,016 19,715 17 ,975 99,850 1_80,500 154,030 118,860 115,450 79' 760 49,670 33,180

Mean 749 690 636 599 3,220 6,020 4,970 3,830 3,850 2,570 1,660 1,070 Acre-feet 46,100 39,700 39,100 35,700 198,000 358,000 306,000 236,000 229,000 158 ,000 98,500 65,800

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 11,000 cfs at 2000 YET on May 22 Minimum daily discharge, 580 cfs, April 16 to 22 Mean discharge, 2,490 cfs Total discharge, 1,810,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 12 and November 2 to December 31. 22 PELLY RIVER AT ROSS RIVER - STATION No. 09BC002

11 Location: Lat. 61° 59 1 12 , long. 132° 26' 54°, Yukon Territory, fifty feet upstream from steel suspension bridge and one mile down- stream from mouth of Ross River. Drainage Area: 7 ,670 square miles. Gauge: Recording, installed in April 1960, one mile upstream from former manual gauge location. Period of Record: Miscellaneous measurement only, 1951; mainly open water, October 1954 to September 1959 and continuous, December 1959 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: ( 9 years) 6,990 cfs. . Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 71,000 cfs at 1400 YET on June 7, 1964 (from high-water mark). Minimum daily discharge, 463 cfs on March 28, 1959. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec, Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 6,590 2,260 1,050 11...... 4,410 1,560 890 21...... 3,910 1,220 796 2 ...... "b,360 2,080 1,040 12 ...... 4,540 1,520 880 22 ...... 3,820 1,200 792 3 ...... 6,160 2,000 1,020 13 ...... 4,640 1,480 870 23 ...... 3,630 1,180 788 4 ...... 5,960 2,000 1,000 14...... 4,860 1,440 860 24 ...... 3,180 1,160 784 5 ...... 5,700 1,900 990 15 ...... 4,690 1,400 850 25 ...... 3,390 1,140 780 6 ...... 5,420 1,850 970 16 ...... 4,620 1,370 840 26 ...... 3,210 1,130 776 7 ...... 5 ,110 1,800 950 17 ...... 4,460 1,330 830 27 ...... 3,060 1,120 772 8 ...... 4,750 1, 750 930 18 ...... 4,200 1,300 820 28 ...... 3,050 1,110 768 9 ...... 4,560 1,680 910 19 ...... 4,360 1,270 810 29 ...... 2,890 1,090 764 10 ...... 4,510 1,600 900 20 ...... 3,950 1,240 800 30 ...... 2,860 1,060 762 31...... 2,570 760

Ice conditions November 3 to December 31. Total 135,430 44,240 26,752

Mean 4,370 1,470 863 Acre-feet 269,000 87,800 53,100

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

I...... 760 718 660 700 910 28,300 21,400 8,430 6,440 8,800 2,310 1,300 2 ...... TIO 7Tii bbl 703 9bO 28,400 20,800 9,380 6,440 8,460 2,230 1,280 3 ...... 760 714 663 705 910 28,600 19,400 11,400 6,470 8,140 2,150 1,250 4 ...... 760 712 664 708 950 28,800 18 ,ooo 12,900 6,550 7,880 2,070 1,220 5 ...... 760 710 665 710 1,000 29,000 16,900 13,800 6,720 7,530 2,000 1,190 6 ...... 759 708 666 712 1,050 28,900 16,000 14,100 7,050 7,280 1,960 1,160 7 ...... 8,140 1,920 1,130 759 706 668 714 1,100 28,500 16,700 13,700 I 7,000 8 ...... 759 704 669 716 1,150 28,200 18 ,100 13,000 9,380 6,610 1,880 1,100 9 ...... 759 702 670 718 1,380 28,100 17,600 12,l 00 10,300 6,170 1,840 1,070 10 ...... 757 700 671 720 1,700 27,600 16,700 11,100 11,100 5,680 1,800 1,040 11...... 755 696 672 724 2,300 27 ,500 15,800 10,200 12,200 5,380 1,780 1,020 12 ...... 753 692 673 728 3,000 27, 700 16,200 9,410 12,700 5,230 1,760 1,000 13 ...... 751 688 674 732 4,000 27,400 17 ,zoo 8,730 13,000 4,940 1,740 980 14 ...... 750 684 674 736 5,000 26,700 17 ,600 8,140 T2,bOO 4,730 1,720 950 15 ...... 750 680 674 740 7,000 24,900 17 ,300 7,620 11,900 4,570 1,690 920 16 ...... 748 678 674 748 6,420 23,800 16,700 7,140 11,200 4,230A 1,670 900 1 7 ...... 746 676 674 756 6,530 22,900 16.,400 6,860 10,600 4,100 E 1,650 880 18 ...... 744 674 674 764 7,620 22,300 16,300 6,720 10,100 4,000 E 1,630 860 19 ...... 742 672 674 772 11,500 21,900 15,700 6,940 9,740 3,900 E 1,610 830 20 ...... 740 670 674 780 15,700 21,500 14,900 7,470 9,440 3,750E 1,590 800 21...... 740 668 674 788 22,300 20,900 13,700 7 ,910 9,090 3,610 E 1,570 180 22 ...... 740 666 674 796 29,300 20,600 12,900 8,110 8,700 3,600 E 1,550 760 23 ...... •... 740 664 676 804 33,700 20,600 12,000 8,170 8,400 3,730A 1,530 740 24 ...... •••••. 740 662 678 812 33,300 21,300 11,100 8,110 8,170 3,780 1,510 710 25 ...... 740 660 680 820 30,800 21,500 10,400 7 ,910 8,170 3,400 1,490 680 26 ...... 737 660 684 836 30,400 20, 700 9,670 7,790 8,430 3,220 1,480 660 27 ...... •••.. 734 660 687 852 31,700 20,200 9,050 7,470 8,610 2,630 1,430 640 28 ...... 730 660 690 868 31,700 21, 100 8,640 7,250 8,770 2,600 1,400 620 29 ...... 727 660 693 884 30,100 22,400 8,400 7,000 8,770 2,500 1,360 600 30 ...... 724 - 696 900 28,200 22,000 8,370 6,720 8,770 2,450 1,330 570 31. .•...... --720 - --700 - 27,600 - 8,430 6,520 - 2,400 - --540 Total 23,144 19,860 20,926 22,946 -409 ,280 742,300 458,360 282,100 277 ,950 152,300 51,650 28,180 ·- Mean 747 685 675 765 13,200 24,700 14,800 9,100 9,270 4,910 1,720 909

Acre-feet 45,900 39,400 41,500 45,500 812,000 1,470,000 909,000 560,000 551,000 302,000 102,000 .55,900 For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 34,400 cfs at 2200 YET on May 23 Minimum daily discharge, 660 cfs, February 25 to March 1 Mean discharge, 6,800. cfs Total discharge, 4,930,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 15 and October 28 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. E - Estimated. PELLY RIVER AT PELLY CROSSING - STATION No. 09BC001 23

Location: Lat. 62° 49' 47", long. 136' 34' 50", Yukon Territory, at Pelly River bridge on Whitehorse-Mayo Highway, about one and three-quarter miles downstream from Mica Creek. Drainage Area: 19,700 square miles. Gauge: Recording, installed on June 16, 1961, approximately one-quarter of a mile downstream from former manual gauge loc~tion. Period of Record: Mainly continuous, October 1951 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (13 years) 14, 100 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 152,000 cfs on May 28, 1957. Minimum daily discharge, 1,020 cfs, March 17 to 23, 1956. Rem.arks: Records good during open-water period and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Dailv Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 14,300 5,800 3,850 11...... " ... 11,200 5,250 3,250 21...... "" ... 9,900 4,500 2,820 2 ...... 14,300 5,600 3,800 12 .. " .. " .... " 11,100 5,200 3,200 22 ...... 9,740A 4,400 2,800 3 ...... " ... 14,300 5,500 3,700 13 ...... 11,000 5,100 3,150 23 ...... 9,600 E 4,380 2,750 4 ...... 13 ,900 5,400 3,650 14...... 10,900 5,000 3,100 24 ...... 9,400E 4,300 2,700 5 ...... 13 ,400 5,380 3~600 15 ...... 10,900 4,980 3,050 25 ...... 9,000E 4,200 2,680 6 ...... 13,100 5,350 3,550 16 ...... 11,100 4,820 3,000 26 ...... 8,900E 4,180 2,650 7 ...... 12,600 5,300 3,500 17 ...... 11, l 00 4,750 2,950 27 ...... 8,600E 4,160 2,580 8 ...... 12,200 5,300 3,400 18 ...... 10,800 4,700 2,920 28 ...... 8,lOOE 4,140 2,540 9 ...... 11,700 5,300 3,350 19 ...... 10,400 4,600 2,880 29 ...... 7 ,870A 4,000 2,520 10 ...... 11,600 5,300 3,300 20 ...... 10,100 4,550 2,850 30 ...... 7.,750 3,900 2,500 31...... 7,300 2,480

Ice conditions November 2 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. Total 336,160 145 ,340 95,070 E - Estimated. Mean 10,800 4,840 3,070

Acre-feet 667,000 288,000 189,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I. .... " ..... 2,490 1,860 2,160 2,290 3,000 55,600 46,000 18,200 14,100 18,000 6,200 3,400 2 ...... 2,500 1,830 2,150 2,280 3,130 55 ,300 48,000 19 ,200 14,000 17 '700 5,900 3,360 3 ...... 2,550 1,820 2,160 2,250 3,280 56, 100 4b,1l1YO" 20,800 13,800 17,600 5,700 3,360 4 ...... 2,550 1,830 2,190 2,250 3,450 56,100 44,000 21,300 14,100 17 ,200 5,500 3,380 5 ...... 2,520 1,850 2,200 2,270 3,550 56, 700 42,000 22,600 13,800 16,600 5,400 3,400 6 ...... 2,500 1,890 2,240 2,300 3,800 57 ,000 39,800 24,200 14,100 16,000 5,350 3,400 7 ...... 2,420 1,940 2,230 2,340 4,000 58,000 37,000 25,400 14,700 15,300 5,300 3,350 8 ...... 2,330 1,980 2,200 2,350 4,400 57,000 36,100 25,800 16,000 14,600 5,280 3,150 9 ...... 2,300 2,000 2,180 2,320 5,000 56,000 37,500 25,'200 17 ,200 14,200 5,270 3,000 1 o...... 2,250 2,000 2,180 2,310 6,000 55 ,000 39,500 24,000 18,800 13,600 5,200 2,960 11...... " 2,200 1,980 2,180 2,280 7,490A 53,900 39,500 22,660 20,300 13,000 5,000 2,970 12 ...... 2,150 1,970 2,200 2,270 8,170 54,000 38,000 21,400 21,700 12,300 4,850 3,000 13 ...... 2,100 1,920 2,210 2,280 11,600 56,000 3 6,000 20,000 22,900 11,800 4,600 3,050 14 ...... 2,060 1,900 2,210 2,300 13,100 57,000 33,000 18,900 23,800 11,400 4,400 3,130 15" ...... "" 2,030 1,870 2,200 2,340 12,300 55,000 34,000 17 ,700 24,100 11,300 4,300 3,250 16 ...... 2,010 1,850 2,150 2,360 12,400 54,000 34,400 16,900 23,600 10,500 4,300 3,300 I 7 ...... 2,020 1,850 2,060 2,360 12, 700 51,000 33,500 16.,100 22,900 10,500 4,320 3,350 18 ...... 2,080 1,870 2,060 2,460 14,100 50,000 31,600 15,600 22,400 10,200 4,350 3,400 19 ...... 2,120 1,900 2,110 2,550 16,900 48,000 31,400 15,700 21,800 9,820 4,300 3,400 20 ...... 2,160 1,920 2,170 2,600 22,100 47,000 31,2-00 15,000 21,700 9,820 4,200 3,410 21...... 2,200 1,960 2,260 2,600 30,700 45,000 30,100 15,100 21,900 9,600 4,000 3,400 22 ...... 2,240 2,000 2,320 2,600 42,800 44,200 28, 700 16,000 21,800 9,360 3,900 3,320 23 ...... 2,260 2,060 2,330 2,610 55,400 43,900 27 ,200 16,600 20,900 9,180 3,900 3,200 24 ...... 2,280 2,100 2,340 2,650 64,600 43,500 25,400 16,900 20,000 9,110 3,900 3,050 25 ...... 2,270 2,150 2,320 2,680 69,400 ~ 24,000 16,800 19,200 8,770 3,900 3,000 26 ...... 2,230 2,200 2,300 2,700 68, 700 44,000 22,500 16,500 18,700 8,270 3,860 2,950 27 ...... 2,180 2,200 2,250 2,750 62,700 46,000 21,400 16,100 18,100 8,140 3,850 2,950 28 ...... 2,100 2,200 2,250 2,800 62,500 44,100 20,300 15,700 18,000 8,000 3,750 2,940 29 ...... 2,000 2,160 2,260 2,850 64,300 44,000 19,600 15,300 18,000 7,700 3,600 2,820 30 ...... 1,960 - 2,290 2,910 63,300 44,100 19,000 14,900 18,000 7,300 3,450 2,700 31...... 1,910 - 2,300 - 58,600 - 18,300 14,300 - 6,800 - 2,650

Total 68,970 57 ,060 68,660 73,910 813,470 1,531,000 1,015,000 580,800 570,400 3 63 ,670 137 ,830 98,000 Mean 2,220 1,970 2,210 2,460 26,200 51,000 32,700 18, 700 19,000 11,700 4,590 3,160

Acre-feet 137 ,000 113,000 136,000 147 ,000 1,610,000 3,040,000 2,010,000 1,150,000 1,130,000 721,000 273 ,000 194,000

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 70,900 cfs at 2300 YET on May 25 Minimum daily discharge, 1,820 cfs on February 3 Mean discharge, 14,700 cfs Total discharge, 10,700,000 ac-ft 24 ROSS RIVER AT ROSS RIVER - STATION No. 09BA001

Location: Lat. 61° 59' 40", long. 132° 22' 40", Yukon Territory, approximately two and one-half nrlles above confluence with Pelly River. Drainage Area: 2,800 square miles. Gauge: Recording, installed in October 1964. Period of Record: Miscellaneous measurements only, 1958 to 1960; mainly continuous, December 1960 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 24,400 cfs on June 10, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 153 cfs (estimated), April 6 to 9, 1967. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 2,250 1,090 450 11...... 1,530 745 389 21...... 1,590 570 335 2 ...... 2,200 1,030 445 12 ...... 1,560 720 383 22 ...... 1,400 560 330 3 ...... 2,110 969 440 13...... 1,650 695 377 23 ...... 1,3 60 550 325 4 ...... 2,020 931 430 14...... 1,660 670 371 24 ...... 1,270 535 320 5 ...... 1,950 910 425 15 ...... 1,660 660 365 25 ...... 1,350 520 315 6 ...... 1,900 880 419 16 ...... 1,630 635 360 26 ...... 1,240 510 311 7 ...... 1,780 850 413 1 7 ...... 1,610 620 355 27 ...... 1,290 500 307 8 ...... 1,700 820 407 18 ...... 1,580 605 350 28 ...... 1,270 490 303 9 ...... 1,620 790 401 19 ...... 1,550 590 345 29 ...... 1,220 466 300 10 ...... 1,560 770 395 20 ...... 1,470 580 340 30 ...... 1,100 460 297 31...... 1,040 295 Ice conditions November 5 to December 31. Total 49,120 20,721 11,298

Mean 1,580 691 364

Acre-feet 97,400 41,l 00 22,400

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 292 235 254 222 298 11,800 7 ,660 2,820 2,090E 3,420 780 560 2 ...... 289 Tib 253 222 TIO 12,000 7 ,460 3,560 2,lOOA 3,310 760 553 3 ...... 286 237 252 222 322 11,800 6,850 4,280 2,120 3,110 740 546 4 ...... 283 238 251 223 334 12,100 6,300 4,810 2,140 2,980 730 538 5 ...... 280 239 250 225 346 12,700 5,990 5,080 2,230 2,850 710 530 6 .....•...... 277 239 248 225 370 12,600 5,680 4,940 2,480 2,720 702 524 7 ...... 274 240 246 226 408 12,600 6,660 4,650 3,030 2,580 694 518 8 ...... 271 240 244 226 480 12,400 7,620 4,350 3,680 2,440 686 512 9 ...... 264 240 242 226 600 12,400 7 ,580 3,960 4,090 2,230 678 506 10 ...... 262 240 240 226 800 12,100 7 ,000 3,590 4,450 2,040 670 500 11...... 260 241 238 227 1,100 12,100 6,550 3,240 4,980 1,920 663 494 12 ...... 258 242 236 228 1,400 12,100 6,890 2,980 5,440 1,900 656 488 13 ...... 256 243 234 229 1,900 11,900 7 ,230 2,720 5,580 1,770 649 482 14 ...... 253 244 232 229 2,400 11,300 7,340 2,480 5,270 1,610 642 476 15 ...... 250 245 230 230 2,700 10,600 7 ,420 2,360 4,880 1,560 635 470 16 ...... 249 246 230 232 3,200 10,100 7,040 2,200 4,450 1,530 632 463 1 7 ...... 248 247 229 234 3,200 9,420 7 ,040 2,120 4,120 1,560 629 456 18 ...... 246 248 229 236 3,130 8,860 6,770 2,060 3,870 1,500 626 449 19 ...... 244 249 228 238 4,150 8,620 6,370 2,210 3,740 1,520 623 442 20 ...... •..... 242 250 228 240 7,080 8,300 5,890 2,400 3,560 1,440 620 435 21...... 241 252 228 244 9,860 7,820 5,270 2,530A 3,340 1,410 615 426 22 ...... •..... 240 254 227 247 13,000 7,420 4,780 2,650E. 3,180 1,470 610 417 23 ..•...•...•. 238 256 226 250 15,600 7,620 4,320 2,680 E 3,050 1,370 605 408 24 ...... •.•.. 236 258 225 255 14,900 8,220 3,930 2,710 E 2,950 1,350 600 398 25 ...... 235 Z58 225 260 13,000 8,460 3,540 2,720E 2,950 1,240 595 390 26 ..•...... •.. 235 258 225 266 12,500 8,060 3,240 2,700E 3,080 l,OlOE 589 378 27 ...... 235 257 224 272 13,500 7,820 3,000 2,500E 3,180 925 583 366 28 ...... 235 256 223 278 13,500 7,900 2,820 2,250E 3,240 880 576 354 29 ...... 235 255 222 284 12, 700 8,020 2,720 2,100 E 3,240 855 570 342 30 ..•.•...... 235 - 222 290 11, 700 7,820 2,720 2,050 E 3,370 830 565 330 31...... 235 - 222 - 11,600 - 2,720 2,060E - --800 - --320 Total 7,884 7 ,143 7,263 7,212 176,388 304,960 176,400 93,760 105,880 56,130 19 ,433 14,071 Mean 254 246 234 240 5,690 10,200 5,690 3,020 3,530 1,810 648 454

Acre-feet 15,600 14,200 14,400 14,300 350,000 605,000 350,000 186,000 210,000 111,000 38,500 27 ,900 For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 15,800 cfs at 2100 YET on May 23 Minimum daily dis.charge, 222 cfs, March 29 to April 3 Mean discharge, 2,670 cfs Total discharge, 1,940,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 17 and October 27 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. E - Estimated. ROSE CREEK BELOW FARO CREEK - STATION No. 09BC003 25

Location: Lat. 62° 20 1 30 11 , long. 133° 24 1 30 11 , Yukon Territory, approximately one thousand feet below Faro Creek and forty-five miles west-northwest of Ross River P.O. Gauge: Manual. PerlOd of Record: Mainly continuous, August and September 1966 and December 1966 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 1,150 cfs on May 31, 1967. Minimum daily discharge, 6.1 cfs on March 10, 1967. Remarks: Records fair. Since October 4, 1968, flows have been affected by dam on south fork of Rose Creek.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 56.5 23.9 18.2 11...... 49.6 22.3 1 Q.2 21...... 30.7 20.3 14.0 2 ...... 55.5 23.7 18.1 12 ...... 49.6 22.1 16.0 22 ...... 27.1 20.1 13.8 3 ...... 42.0 23.5 17.9 13 ...... 46.8 21.9 15.8 23...... 26.8 19.9 13.6 4 ...... 42.0 23.3 17. 7 14...... 40.1 21.7 15.6 24 ...... 26.5 19. 7 13.4 5 ...... 40.1 23.2 17 .4 15 ...... 40.1 21.5 15.2 25 ...... 26.0 19.5 13.1 . 6 ...... 41.0 23.1 17.2 16 ...... 41.0 21.3 15.0 26 ...... 25. 7 19.3 13.0 7 ...... 40.l 23.0 17.0 17 ...... 40.1 21.1 14.8 27 ...... 25.4 19.1 12.9 8 ...... 61.5 22.9 16.8 18 ...... 32.5 20.9 14.6 28 ...... 25.1 18.9 12.8 9 ...... 40.l 22.7 16.6 19 ...... 32.5 20.7 14.4 29 ...... 24.8 18.9 12.6 10 ...... 42.0 22.5 16.4 20 ...... 32.5 20.5 14,2 30 ...... 24.5 18.9 12.3 31...... 24.0 12.0

Ice conditions October 22 to December 31. Total 1,152.2 640.4 468.6

Mean 37.2 21.3 15.1

Acre-feet 2,290 1,270 929

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 11.8 8.0 7 .1 7.1 12.4 212 E 152 261 218 115 36,5 28.0 2 ...... IT.b TI TI 7.T 13.5 230E 139 316 280 rrr TI:-T 2'1.7 3 ...... 11.4 7.8 7 .1 7.1 14.5 205E 133 316 229 90.0 35. 7 27.4 4 ...... 11.2 7. 7 7 .1 7.2 16.o 185 E 114 351 253 70,0 35.3 27.0 5 ...... 11.0 7. 7 7 .1 7.2 17.5 181 198 23b 241 57.0 35.0 26.5 6 ...... 10.9 7.6 7.1 7.2 19.5 185 E 548 170 E 218 54.0 34. 7 26,2 7 ...... 10.8 7.5 7.1 7.2 22.0 190E 372 133 174 53.0 34.4 25.9 8 ...... 10.7 7.4 7.1 7.3 27.0 204E 211 115 196 47.1 34,l 25.6 9 ...... , ..... 10.6 7.4 7.1 7.3 32.0E 220E 178 106 210 E 46.0 33.8 25.3 10 ...... 10.4 7.4 7.1 7.3 35.8 250 E 168 97.0 220 E 45.0 33.8 25.0 11...... 10.3 7.4 7.1 7.3 44.0E 236E 159 88.0'E 234 44.0 33.6 24.6 12 ...... 10.2 7.3 7 .1 7.4 52.0E 228E 140 84.0E 227 43,0 33.4 24.2 13 ...... 10.0 7.3 7 .1 7.4 60.0E 213 170 83.0 211 42,0 33.0 23,8 14 ...... 9.8 7.2 7 .1 7.5 64.0E 201 150 80,6 198 42.0 32.8 23.4 15 ...... 9.7 7.2 7.1 7.6 68,0E 190E 160 78.2 181 42.0 32.5 23.0 16 ...... 9.6 7.2 7 .1 7. 7 70.0E 210 E 150 84.0E 202 42.0 32.3 22.2 1 7 ...... 9.5 7.2 7 .1 7.8 74.6 220 E 150 90.0E 200 42.0 32.1 22.4 18 ...... 9.4 7.1 7.1 7.9 52.0 240E 176 96.0E 200 41.0 31.9 22.1 19 ...... 9.2 7.1 7 .1 8.0 220 E 260E 166 100 E 198 41.0 31. 7 21.8 20 ...... 9.0 7.1 7 .1 8.2 270 E 295E 160. 108 183 40.0 31. 5 21.5 21...... 8.9 7.1 7 .1 8.5 330 E 302 140 106 168 39.5 31.2 21.1 22 ...... 8.8 7.1 7 .1 8.8 390 E 274 129 105 168 39.0 30.9 20.7 23 ...... 8.7 7.1 7 .1 9.0 440 236 131 97.0 160 38.5 30.6 20.:3 24 ...... 8.6 7.1 7.1 9.2 348 220E 114 148 156 38.0 30.3 19.9 25 ...... 8.5 7.1 7.1 9.5 300 E 206E 114 148 148 38.0 30.0 19.5 26 ...... 8.5 7.1 7 .1 10.0 280 E 200E 106 158 146 38.0 29.3 19.0 2 7 ...... 8.4 7.0 7 .1 10.5 260 E 194E 98.5 168 139 38.0 29.2 18,5 28 ...... 8.3 7.0 7.1 11. 0 230 E 185 E 98.5 168 142 37,5 29.1 18.0 29 ...... 8.2 7.0 7 .1 11.5 215 E 178 84.4 168 131 37,0 28.8 17 ,5 30 ...... 8.1 - 7 .1 11. 9 210 E 160 E 91:4 180 E 122 37:0 28,5 17 .o 31 ...... 8.T - 7 .1 - 205 E - 114 198 E --- 37.0 - 16.5

Total 300.2 212.1 220.1 248.7 4,392.8. 6,510 5,014.8 4,636.8 5,753 1,524. 6 972.1 701.6

Mean 9.7 7.3 7.1 8.3 142 217 162 150 192 49.2 32.4 22.6 Acre-feet 595 421 437 493 8, 710 12,900 9,950 9,200 11,400 3,020 1,930 1,390

For the Year 1968...... Maximum daily discharge, 548 cfs on July 6 Minimum daily discharge, 7.0 cfs, February 27 to 29 Mean discharge, 83,3 cfs Total discharge, 60,400 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 8 and October 5 to December 31. E - Estimated. 26 KLUANE RIVER AT OUTLET OF KLUANE LAKE - STATION No. 09CA002

1 11 Location: Lat. 61 ° 25 1 37", long. 139 ° 03 01 , Yuk.on Territory, at outlet of Kluane Lake, five miles north-northwest of Burwash Landing. Drainage Area: 1,730 square miles. Gauge: None at outlet of Kluane Lake. Elevations are obtained at Station No. 09CA001, Kluane Lake near Burwash Landing. PerIO"d of Record: Mainly continuous, December 1952 to December 1968. Records prior to 1965 were published as "at Outlet of Kluane Lake near Burwash Landing". Mean Discharge: (14 years) 2,440 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 11,900 cfs at 1815 YWT on August 10, 1966. Minimum daily discharge, 34.0 cfs, March 21 to 28, 1956. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and fair during ice periods. Flow may be affected when Duke River is in flood, In June 19 67, the greater portion of the flow from Kaskawulsh Glacier was diverted by natural means from Slims River to Kaskawulsh River. This diversion out of the basin will reduce the flow of Kluane River.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1%7 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

I...... 2,000 1,130 650 11...... 1,650 975 490 21...... 1,370 803 365 2 ...... 2,010 1,090 b30 12 ...... 1,650 906 475 22 ...... 1,330 795 353 3 ...... 1,980 1,080 615 13 ...... 1,580 930 460 23 ...... 1,260 775 347 4 ...... 1,950 1,080 598 14...... 1,430 966 445 24 ...... 1,310 760 339 5 ...... 1,820 1,110 580 15 ...... 1,500 957 435 25 ...... 1,240 740 330 6 ...... 1,720 1,110 562 16 ...... 1,490 914 420 26 ...... 1,160 720 320 7 ...... 1,720 1,090 550 17 ...... 1,520 874 400 27 ...... DbO 702 310 8 ...... 1,710 1,060 535 18 ...... 1,490 810 395 28 ...... 1,230 690 300 9 ...... 1,660 1,020 520 19 ...... 1,420 866 385 29 ...... 1,220 675 295 10 ...... 1,720 1,060 500 20 ...... 1,310 834 374 30 ...... 1,190 660 285 31...... 1,170 275

Ice conditions November 21 to December 31. Total 46,970 27,182 13,538

Mean 1,520 906 437

Acre-feet 93,200 53 ,900 26,900

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

!...... 268 174 380 415 562 1,920 4,430 6,190 4,500 2,220 1,330 320 2 ...... 2tiO 170 392 419 570 l,9bO 4,630 6,090 4,420 2,050 l,270 310 3 ...... 250 167 402 422 575 1,930 4,810 6,060 4,330 2,030 1,270 345 4 ...... 245 165 415 425 580 2,010 4,990 6,020 4,130 2,090 1,220 TIO 5 ...... 240 T67 426 430 585 2,010 5,220 6,040 4,180 . 2,090 1,200 232 6 ...... 232 170 430 435 590 1,980 5,870 5,980 4,080 2,030 1,100 240 7 ...... 228 172 430 439 596 1,980 6,320 6,150 3,970 1,970 1,020 228 8 ...... 222 181 430 442 596 1,960 6,500 6,570 3,890 1,910 980 210 9 ...... 218 193 430 448 610 2,010 6,730 6,730 3,780 1,910 998 208 10 ...... 215 202 425 450 624 2,040 6,940 6_,750 3,780 1,910 940 2T8 11...... 214 211 422 455 680 2,090 7,130 6,750 3,630 1,880 820 225 12 ...... 208 220 420 460 680 2,160 7,400 6,710 3,550 1,860 735 238 13 ...... 200 230 418 465 752 2,280 7,570 6,620 3,550 1,810 660 249 14 ...... 195 238 408 470 760 2,410 7,780 6,380 3,510 1, 770 640 260 15 ...... 190 244 403 475 776 2,550 7,800 6,260 3,420 l, 710 610 265 16 ...... 188 252 400 480 816 2,670 7,800 6,170 3,390 1,690 550 245 1 7 ...... 184 262 393 481 840 2,800 7,780 6,130 3,330 1,720 500 248 18 ...... 181 270 388 481 896 2,940 7,780 6,000 3,270 1,700 442 247 19 ••...•..••.. 180 280 383 490 920 3,080 7,800 5,960 3,180 1,690 420 290 20 ...... 180 289 381 500 992 3,160 7,760 5,680 3,080 1,580 422 270 21...... 180 295 380 505 1,080 3,250 7,700 5,510 3,050 1,580 428 265 22 ...... •.... 182 302 380 515 1,280 3,370 7,490 5,380 3,010 1,580 435 300 23 ..••...... 185 312 380 520 1,460 3,510 7,340 5,270 2,870 1,580 420 260 24 ....•.....•. 188 320 382 522 1,580 3,520 7,210 5,220 2,870 1,470 395 233 25 ...... •.. 189 330 386 525 1,690 3,650 7,040 5,130 2,680 1,470 398 233 26 ...... •.•.. 190 340 390 530 1,770 3,740 6,920 5,040 2,550 1,420 383 255 27 ...... 190 350 392 540 1,800 3,870 6,190 4,900 2,410 1,440 360 270 28 ...... 188 362 395 542 1,800 4,000 6,650 4,770 2,350 1,450 336 255 29 ...... •.... 185 --370 400 550 1,870 4,100 6,340 4,680 2,310 1,450 358 240 30 ...... •.... 182 - 402 --555 1,890 4,250 6,230 4,550 2,290 1,400 345 224 31. ...•...... ~ - 404 - 1,910 - 6,210 4,TIO - 1,420 - 215

Total 6,336 7,238 12,467 14,386 32,130 83,200 208,960 180,320 101,360 53,880 20,985 7,908 Mean 204 250 402 480 1,040 2,770 6,740 5,820 3,380 1,740 700 255

Acre-feet 12,600 14,400 24,700 28,500 63,700 165,000 414,000· 358,000 201,000 107 ,000 41,600 15,700

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous d!scharge, 7,840 cfs at 1800 YWT on July 19 Minimum daily discharge, 165 cfs on February 4 Mean discharge, 1,990 cfs Total discharge, 1,450,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 6 and November 3 to December 31. KLUANE LAKE NEAR BUR WASH LANDING - STATION No. 09CA001 27

Location: Lat. 61° 03 1 18", long. 138° 30 1 12", Yuk.on Territory, at Horseshoe Bay, at Mile 1064 on Alaska Highway, twenty-seven miles southeast of Burwash Landing. Gauge: Recording, installed in October 1963, approximately two miles north-northwest of former manual gauge location. Elevations ---a;:e-referred to Geodetic Survey of Canada datum, Publication 24-B (19 60). Pe:dod of Record: Mainly continuous, January 1953 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily elevation, 2,564.64 ft on August 18 and 19, 1957. Minimum daily elevation, 2,556.22 ft on FebruarY 17, 1954. Remarks: For discharge from Kluane Lake, see Kluane River at outlet of Kluane Lake. Elevations may be affected by backwater when Duke River is in flood. In June 1967 the greater portion of the flow from Kaskawulsh Glacier was diverted by natural means from Slims River to Kaskawulsh River. This diversion out of the basin will affect the regime of Kluane Lake.

Daily ·Elevations in Feet for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 8.89 8.13 7.79 11...... 8.60 7.96 7.76 21...... 8.36 7.82 7. 73 2 ...... 8.90 8.09 7.79 12 ...... 8.60 7.88 7.66 22 ...... 8.33 7. 78 7. 75 3 ...... 8.88 8.08 7.77 13 ...... 8.54 7.91 7.69 23 ...... 8.26 7.90 7. 74 4 ...... 8.85 8.08 7.76 14...... 8.42 7.95 7. 70 24 ...... 8.31 7.90 7.76 5 ...... 8.74 8.11 7.77 15 ...... 8.48 7.94 7. 71 25 ...... 8.24 7.80 7.74 6 ...... 8.66 8.11 7.76 16 ...... 8.47 7.89 7.72 26 ...... 8.16 7. 79 7.72 7 ...... 8.66 8.09 7.76 17 ...... 8.49 7.84 7.75 27 ...... 8.16 7. 75 7.74 8 ...... 8.65 8.05 7.73 18 ...... 8.47 7.76 7.74 28 ...... 8.23 7.81 7. 75 9 ...... 8. 61 8.01 7.76 19 ...... 8.41 7.83 7.73 29 ...... 8.22 7. 79 7. 71 10 ...... 8.66 8.05 7.76 20 ...... 8.31 7.79 7.73 30 ...... 8.19 7. 79 7. 75 31...... 8.17 7. 76 Ice conditions November 21 to December 31. Add 2,550.00 to obtain elevation in feet, Geodetic Survey of Canada datum, Publication 24-B (1960).

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 7. 71 7.83 7.88 7. 71 7.51 8.92 10.67 11.63 10. 71 9.16 8.37 8.11 2 ...... 7.72 7.83 7.88 7.69 7.50 8.95 10. 78 11.58 10. 66 9.03 8.31 8.09 3 ...... 7.76 7.83 7.89 7.69 7.49 8.93 10.88 11.56 1o.61 9.01 8.36 8.10 4 ...... 7.74 7.84 7.91 7.69 7.49 8.99 10.98 11.54 10.49 9.06 8.36 8.09 5 ...... 7.75 7.84 7.93 7.69A 7.49 8.99 11.11 11.55 10.52 9.06 8.36 8.08 6 ...... 7. 79 7.84 7.93 - 7.49 8.97 11.46 11.52 10.46 9.01 8.32 8.06 7 ...... 7.80 7.79 7.91 - 7.49 8.97 11. 70 11.61 10.39 8.96 8.31 8.06 8 ...... 7.80 7.79 7.91 - 7.49 8.95 11. 79 11.82 10.34 8.91 8.24 8.08 9 .•...... •.. 7.80 7.80 7.90 - 7.51 8.99 11.90 11.90 I 0.27 8.91 8.21 8.08 10 ...... 7.81 7.82 7.90 - 7.53 9.02 12.00 11. 91 10.27 8.91 8.21 8.05 11 ...... 7.79 7.82 7.90 - 7.61 9.06 12.09 11.91 10.18 8.88 8.24 8.05 12 ...... 7. 79 7.83 7.89 - 7.61 9.12 12.22 11.89 10.13 8.86 8.23 8.03 13 ...... 7.77 7.84 7.89 - 7.70 9.21 12.30 11.85 10.13 8.82 8.23 8.05 14...... 7.77 7.84 7.87 - 7.71 9.31 12.40 11.73 10.10 8. 78 8.22 8.03 15 ...... 7.78 7.84 7.87 - 7. 73 9.42 12.41 11.67 10.04 8.73 8.15 8.06 16 ...... 7. 78 7.85 7.87 - 7. 78 9.51 12.41 11.62 10.02 8. 71 8.11 8.06 1 7 ...... 7.78 7.84 7.86 - 7.81 9.61 12.40 11.60 9.98 8. 74 8.11 8.07 18 ...... 7. 77 7.84 7.83 7.63A 7.88 9. 71 12.40 11.53 9.94 8.72 8.12 8.06 19 ...... 7.78 7.84 7.83 - 7.91 9.81 12.41 11.51 9.88 8. 71 8.12 8.04 20 ...... 7. 77 7.85 7.83 - 8.00 9.87 12.39 11.36 9.81 8.61 8.13 8.07 21...... 7. 76 7.85 7.79 - 8.11 9.93 12.3 6 11.27 9.79 8.61 8.14 8.06 22 ...... 7.79 7.84 7. 79 - 8.32 10.01 12.26 11.20 9.76 8.61 8.16 8.05 23 ...... 7.77 7.86 7.80 - 8.50 10.10 12.19 11.14 9.66 8.61 8.15 8.05 24 ...... 7.79 7.86 7. 79 - 8.61 10.11 12.13 11.11 9.66 8.51 8.17 8.05 25 ...... 7.77 7.85 7.78 - 8. 71 10.19 12.05 11.06 9.52 8.51 8.17 8.05 26 ...... 7. 77 7.79 7.76 - 8.78 10.25 11.99 11.01 9.42 8.46 8.17 8.05 27 ...... 7.81 7.82 7.76 - 8.81 10.33 11.93 10.93 9.31 8.48 8.17 8.06 28 ...... 7.80 7.87 7. 75 - 8.81 10.41 11.86 10.86 9.26 8.49 8.18 8.06 29 ...... 7 .81 7.88 7.73 7.53A 8.87 10.47 11. 71 10.81 9.23 8.49 8.13 8.06 30 ...... 7.84 - 7. 73 7.51 8.89 10.56 11. 65 10.74 9.22 8.44 8.09 8.07 31...... 7.85 - 7.72 - 8.91 - 11.64 10.78 - 8.46 - 8.08

For tbe Year .•.... Maximum instantaneous elevation, 12.43 ft at 1800 YWT on July 19 Minimum instantaneous elevation, 7.45 ft at 1500 YWT on May 7

Ice conditions January 1 to May 6 and November 3 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. Add 2,550.00 to obtain elevation in feet, Geodetic Survey of Canada datum, Publication 24-B (1960). 28 STEWART RIVER AT MAYO - STATION No. 09DCOOZ

11 Location: Lat. 63° 35 1 26", long. 135° 53' 48 , Yukon Territory, one hundred yards west of White Pass and Yukon Route warehouse at Mayo and one-quarter of a mile upstream from mouth of Mayo River. Drainage Area: 12,100 square miles (revised in 1961). Gauge: Manual. ~of Record: Miscellaneous measurements only, 1947 and 1948; mainly continuous, January 1949 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (13 years) 13,300 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 145,000 cfs (estimated) on June 10, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 630 cfs, January 10 to 13, 1966. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Daily Di.scharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 15,000 5,990 2,810 11...... 10,000 4,300 3,100 21...... 6,510 4,210 3,000 2 ...... 13,900 5,500 2,830 12 ...... 9,800 4,120 3 ,100 22 ...... 6,670 4,210 2,980 3 ...... 13,400 5,400 2,900 13 ...... 9,600 4,000 3,050 23 ...... 6,660 4,210 2,900 4 ...... 12,900 5,350 3,000 14...... 8,000 3,860 2,950 24 ...... 6,930 4,210 2,830 5 ...... 12,500 5,200 3,050 15 ...... 8,700 3,870 2,850 25 ...... 6,770 4,190 2,770 6 ...... 11,800 5,000 3,010 16 ...... 8,990 3,900 2,780 26 ...... 6,580 4,000 2,700 7 ...... 10,800 4,830 3,000 17 ...... 8,890 4,000 2,780 27 ...... 6,380 3,650 2,640 8 ...... 9,650 4,720 3,000 18 ...... 7,790 4,020 2,900 28 ...... 6,380 3,330 2,580 9 ...... 9,620 4,600 3,000 19 ...... 8,080 4,110 2,980 29 ...... 5,930 2,890 2,520 10 ...... 10,000 4,410 3 ,010 20 ...... 6,400 4,200 3,000 30 ...... 6,090 2,810 2,510 31...... 5,990 2,510

Ice conditions November 3 to December 31. Estimated October 1 to November 2. Total 276,710 129,090 89,040

Mean 8,930 4,300 2,870

Acre-feet 549,000 256,000 177,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. : Dec. 1...... 2,550 1, 780 1,380 1,750 4,200 61,900 51,000E 13,600 10,800 8,750 4,330 2,380 2 ...... 2,580 1,700 1,480 1,740 4,600 64, 700 43,000E 13,600 10,900 8,880 4,220 2,280 3 ...... 2,550 1,620 1,510 1,750 5,400 67 ,000 40,000E 14,300 10,900 8;590 4,180 2,270 4 ...... 2,520 1,580 1,590 1,770 6,000 68 ,400 37 ,OOOE 14,300 10,700 8,190 4,050 2,330 5 ...... 2,490 1,520 1,620 1, 780 6,400 69,000 35,000E 15,200 10,300 7,780 4,010 2,400 6 ...... 2,400 1,480 1,680 1,760 7,000 70,400 33,000E 17,600 10,000 7,490 4,080 2,370 7 ...... 2,320 1,420 1,710 1, 780 8,000 67 ,500 32,300E 16,800 9,840 7 ,380 4,180 2,260 8 ...... 2,280 1,390 1,710 1,770 8,700 66,900 33,000E 15,300 9,660 7,030 E 4,210 2,100 9 ...... 2,220 1,370 1,680 1,730 9,700 65,900 32,000E 14,100 9,420 7 ,000 E 4,210 1,900 10 ...... 2,190 1,370 1,650 1,670 11,800 65,400 30,000E 13,200 9,760 6,850 E 4,020 1,800 11...... 2,120 1,390 1,610 1,600 14,100 61,800 28,500E 12,300 10,300 6,800 E 3,870 1,730 12 ...... 2,100 1,400 1,600 l,"610 17 ,000 62,300 28,1 OOE 11,800 11,100 6,300 E 3,730 1,700 13 ...... 2,050 1,390 1,580 1, 700 20,400 68,900 29,000E 11,400 10,600 5,850 E 3,570 1,700 14 ...... 2,000 1,420 1,570 1,800 16,400 73,900 28,500E 11,100 10,500 5,600 E 3,440 1,720 15 ...... 1,980 1,430 1,560 1,900 17 ,900 6b,'750 27 ,700E 10,700 10,500 5,400E 3,300 1,740 16 ...... 1,920 1,440 1,530 1,920 14,800 62,lOOE 26,800E 10,600 10,400 5,400 E 3,290 1,790 1 7 ...... 1,900 1,450 1,510 2,000 14,800E 59,000E 25,300E 10,300 9,920 5,400 E 3,320 1,810 18 ...... 1,850 1,430 1,500 2,100 15,ZOOE 54,000E 24,700 10,400 9,810 5,400 E 3,250 1,860 19 ...... 1,800 1,410 1,500 2,080 18,400 51,000E 23 ,200 10,900 9,890 5,400 E 3 ,100 1,890 20 ...... 1,790 1,400 1,520 2,130 27,600 48,500E 22,500 12,200 10,200 5,300 2,920 1,900 21...... 1,780 1,380 1,540 2,250 41,700 46,000E 22,300 13 ,300 10,300 5,150 2,810 1,880 22 ...... 1,780 1,340 1,590 2,300 54,200 43,500E 21,200 13,900 10,000 5,020 2,810 1,800 23 ..•...... •. 1,790 1,320 1,660 2,380 64,200 41,500E 19 ,800 14,100 9,630 4,980 2,620 1,700 24 ...... 1,800 1,310 1,730 2,440 58,800 41,900E 18,300 13 ,800 9,400 4,900 2,580 1,670 25 ...•...... 1,820 1,300 1,850 2,470 51,800 42,500E 17 ,3 00 13 ,900 9,290 4,800 2,610 1,610 26 ...... 1,830 1,290 1,870 2,600 55,400 42,500E 16,300 14,000 9,190 4,700 2,670 1,600 27 ...... 1,840 1,290 1,780 2,900 69,300 41,000E 15,700 13,500 8,960 4,610 2,700 1,590 28 ...... 1,870 1,290 1,770 3,100 68,100 42,000E 14,800 12,900 8,750 4,580 2,700 1,580 29 ...... 1,880 1,310 1,780 3,300 67 ,ZOO 70,400 14,200 12,200 8,570 4,500 2,650 1,520 30 ...... 1,890 - 1,770 3,800 65,200 60,000E 14,100 11,600 8,320 4,410 2,550 1,500 31. ...•...... • 1,850 - 1,760 - 60,800 - 13,900 11,100 - 4,400 - 1,470

Total 63,740 41,220 50, 500 63,880 905,100 1, 746,600 818,500 404,000 297,910 186,840 101,980 57 ,850

Mean 2,060 1,420 1,630 2,130 29,200 58,200 26,400 13,000 9,930 6,030 3,400 1,870

Acre-feet 126",000 81,800 100,000 127 ,000 1,800,000 3 ,460,000 1,620,000 801,000 591,000 371,000 202,000 115,000

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, 73,900 cfs on June 14 Minimum daily discharge, 1,290 cfs, February 26 to 28 Mean discharge, 12,900 cfs Total discharge, 9,390,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 12 to October 20 to December 31. E - Estimated. STEWART RIVER AT STEWART CROSSING - STATION No. 09DD002 29

Location: Lat. 63° zz1 56", long. 136° 401 59n, Yukon Territory, at Mile 213.2 on the Whitehorse-Mayo Highway, nine hundred feet upstream from mouth of Crooked Creek. Drainage Area: 13,500 square miles. Gauge: Recording. Period of Record: Miscellaneous measurements only in 1958; October 1960 and continuous, June 1961 to December 1968, Mean Discharge: (8 years) 15,300 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous. discharge, 153 ,000 cfs at 0230 'YET on June 11, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 1,650 cfs, January 20 to April 11, 1966. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and fair during ice periods.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 15,700 6,420 3,750 11...... 10,800 5,300 3,830 21...... 6,800 5,100 3,700 2 ...... 14,900 6,400 3,750 12 ...... 10,500 5,200 3,900 22 ...... 6,880 5,200 3,600 3 ...... 14,400 6,200 3,750 13 ...... 10,400 5,100 3,850 23 ...... 7 ,040 5,300 3,510 4 ...... 13 ,900 6,000 3,750 14...... 10,100 5,100 3,750 24 ...... 7 ,080 5,300 3,470 5 ...... 13 ,400 5,950 3,800 15 ...... 9,760 5,100 3,620 25 ...... 7 ,360 5,200 3,400 6 ...... 12, 700 5,800 3,900 16 ...... 9,520 5,150 3,590 26 ...... 7,200 5,000 3,340 7 ...... 11,3 00 5,650 3,940 17 ...... 9,760 5,150 3,670 27 ...... 7,000 4,700 3,270 8 ...... 10,400 5,600 3,750 18 ...... 9,580 5,100 3,820 28 ...... 6,800 4,400 3,250 9 ...... 10,400 5,500 3,690 19 ...... 8,230 5,050 3,810 29 ...... 6,760 4,000 3,300 10 ...... 10,800 5,400 3,700 20 ...... 8,500 5,050 3,800 30 ...... 6,320 3,870 3,400 31...... 6,520 3,520

Ice conditions November 2 to December 31. Total 300,810 158,290 113,180

Mean 9,700 5,280 3,650

Acre-feet 597 ,000 314,000 224,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 3,600 2, 710 2,350 2,320 5,000 60,900 64,600 14,300 11,700 9,610 5,250 3,700 2 ...... 3,650 2,700 2,400 2,320 5,300 61,300 57,400 14,300 11,500 9,820 5,200 3,450 3 ...... 3,650 2,640 2,460 2,320 5,800 62,800 50,600 14, 700 11,500 9,700 5,100 3,400 4 ...... 3,550 2,550 2,490 2,310 6,300 65 ,300 44,300 15,200 11,500 9,490 5,000 3 ,450 5 ...... 3,400 2,450 2,500 2,310 6,800 66,500 39,100 15,500 11,200 9,160 4,950 3,700 6 ...... 3,300 2,400 2,510 2,310 7,400 67,100 35,200 17 ,400 10,900 8,860 4,900 3,600 7 ...... 3,250 2,350 2,530 2,310 8,000 67,000 33,000 18,500 10,600 8,620 4,900 3,400 8 ...... 3,130 2,300 2,550 2,350 8,500 65,000 33,600 17 ,200 10,400 8,170 4,950 3,230 9 ...... 3,010 2,280 2,510 2,380 9,400 64,100 35,800 15 '700 10,200 7,750 5,000 3 ,100 1 o...... 2,920 2,280 2,500 2,400 10,300 63 '700 34,400 14,300 10,400 7,520 5,050 2,970 11...... 2,850 2,300 2,490 2,400 11,500 62,300 30,900 13 ,500 10,700 7,280 4,900 2,900 12 ...... 2,770 2,330 2,450 2,400 13,000A 60,400 28,800 12,900 11,200 7,260 4,800 2,820 13 ...... 2,700 2,440 2,420 2,470 16,800 62,100 30,300 12,400 11,700 7,080 4,700 2,790 14 ...... 2,610 2,500 2,400 2,500 19,600 66,100 32,500 12,100 11,3 00 6,700 4,600 2,790 15 ...... 2,600 2,530 2,380 2,530 19,600 67 ,800 32,300 11, 700 11,300 6,460 4,500 2,800 16 ...... 2,570 2,530 2,370 2,600 19,500 64,200 30,l 00 11,300 11,300 5,910 4,400 2,850 1 7 ...... 2,520 2,550 2,340 2,640 18,100 61,400 27,800 11,300 11,000 5,970 4,250 2,940 18 ...... 2,510 2,530 2,320 2,700 17,100 58,100 25,900 11,300 10,800 6,080 4,250 3,010 19 ...... 2,500 2,510 2,300 2,750 17,500 53,900 24,500 11,300 10,700 6,120 4,370 3,090 20 ...... 2,500 2,480 2,300 2,820 23,800 51,100 23,300 12,100 10,900 6,080 4,300 3,050 21...... 2,500 2,420 2,380 2,920 34,600 49,100 22,900 13,300 11,500 6,000 4,200 3,000 22 ...... 2,500 2,400 2,380 3,000 47,600 46,200 22,300 14,300 11,600 5,950 4,100 2,900 23 ..••...... 2,500 2,380 2,380 3,100 57,600 43,600 20, 700 14,500 11,100 5,900 3,900 2,800 24 ...... 2,500 2,350 2,380 3,200 61, 700 42,400 19,400 14,600 10,500 5,800 3,820 2,780 25 .•..•...•... 2,500 2,310 2,380 3,350 58,800 43,100 18,200 14,500 10,400 5,700 3,800 2,720 26 ...... •.•.. 2,540 2,310 2,380 3 ,510 56,400 44,800 17,100 14,500 10,300 5,600 3,800 2,700 27 ...... 2,600 2,310 2,380 3,700 59,400 43,600 16,3 00 14,600 10,100 5,550 3,850 2,680 28 ...... 2,610 2,310 2,380 3,970 65,100 41,000 15,600 13 ,900 9,880 5,500 3,920 2,650 29 ...... 2,660 2,320 2,360 4,250 66,600 48,800 14,800 13 ,300 9,760 5,450 4,000 2,600 30 ...... 2,720 - 2,350 4,500 b5;21iO 63,400 14,600 12,600 9,670 5,400 3 ,950 2,510 31...... 2,720 - 2,320 - 62,800 - 14,500 12,100 - 5,300 - 2,450

Total 87 ,940 70,470 74,640 84,640 885,100 1,717,100 910,800 429,200 325,610 215,790 134,710 92,830 Mean 2,840 2,430 2,410 2,820 28,600, 57,200 29,400 13 ,800 10,900 6,960 4,490 2,990

IA ere-feet 174,000 140,000 148,000 168,000 1, 760, 000 3 ,410,000 1,810,000 851,000 646,000 428 ,000 267 ,000 184,000

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 68,700 cfs at 0600 YET on June 15 Minimum daily discharge, 2,280 cfs on February 9 and 10 Mean discharge, 13,700 cfs Total discharge, 9,990,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 11 and October 21 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. 30 STEWART RIVER AT MOUTH - STATION No. 09DD003

Location: Lat. 63° 1'6 1 55", long. 139° 14 1 56 11 , Yukon Territory, approximately fifteen hundred feet below Tenderfoot Creek, and six miles southeast of Stewart River P.O. Drainage Area: 19,700 square miles. Gauge: Recording. Period of Record: Miscellaneous measurements only, 1951 and 1956 to 1963; continuous, October. ,1963 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (5 years) 17,300 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 199,000 cfs at 0545 YWT on June 13, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 2,050 cfs on April 1, 1957, Remarks: Records excellent during open-water period and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effec:t.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 20,000 7 ,800 4,900 11...... 13, 300 6,000 5,300 21...... 9,200 5,950 5,500 2 ...... 19,300 7,600 4,850 12 ...... 13,300 5,950 5,500 22 ...... 8, 750 6,300 5,290 3 ...... 18,400 7,400 4,850 13 ...... 12,800 5,850 5,500 23 ...... 8,400 6, 100 5,250 4 ...... 17 ,600 7,200 5,000 14...... 12,700 5,800 5,200 24 ...... 8,180 6,400 5, 100 5 ...... 16, 900 6,900 5,200 15 ...... 12, 300 5,700 4,900 25 ...... 7,900 6,650 4,850 6 ...... 16,000 6,800 5,550 16 ...... 11, 700 5,800 4,800 26 ...... 7,700 6,700 4,650 7 ...... 15,400 6,600 5,700 17 ...... 11,300 5,950 4,900 27 ...... 7,650 6,400 4,500 8 ...... 14,200 6,400 5,400 18 ...... 11,400 5,950 5,400 28 ...... 7,650 5,700 4,450 9, ...... 12,900 6,300 4,950 19 ...... 10,500 5,950 5,600 29 ...... 7, 750 5,250 4,550 10 ...... 12,800 6,200 5,000 20 ...... 9,840A 6,000 5,550 30 ...... 7,800 5,000 4,600 31...... 7,850 4,750

Ice conditions October 21 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. Total 371,470 188,600 157,540

Mean 12,000 6,290 5,080

Acre-feet 737,000 374,000 312,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

I...... 4,800 3,330 2,950 3,090 5,300 69,300 71,300 17 ,100 14,600 11,900 5,800 4,550 2 ...... 4,900 3,310 3, 100 3,090 5,700 69,100 62,600 17,100 14,000 11, 700 5,750 4,500 3 ...... 4,950 3,290 3,240 3,090 6,200 70,000 55,000 17 ,500 14,000 11,900 5,700 4,200 4 ...... 4,850 3,210 3,380 3,080 6,600 71,600 49, 700 17, 900 13,800 11,600 5,700 3,900 5 ...... 4,700 3,180 3,440 3,080 7,200 73 700 44,500 18,300 13,900 10,900 5,600 3,650 6 ...... 4,600 3, 100 3,500 3,070 8,000 72,900 41, IOO 18,300 13,600 10,500 5,600 3,650 7 ...... 4,450 3,030 3,470 3,060 8,900 73,500 38,300 20, IOO 13, 300 10.200 4,600 3,900 8 ...... 4,300 3,000 3,410 3,050 9,600 71,000 36,400 21,700 13,100 9,700 5,500 3,850 9 ...... 4,200 2,930 3,390 3,050 10,600 69,100 39,600 20, 300 13, 100 9,390 5,500 3, 700 10 ...... 4,000 2,910 3,320 3,060 12,000 E 68, 100 40,400 19,000 12, 700 9,000 5,550 3,550 11...... 3,900 2.900 3,300 3,050 13,800 E 67,000 36,200 17,600 12,800 8,800 5,650 3,450 12 ...... 3,810 2,910 3,270 3,050 15, 700 E 64, 700 33,300 16,500 13,400 8,600 5,700 3,400 13 ...... 3,710 2,970 3,210 3,050 17 ,200 E 64,100 33,400 15,500 15,000 8,400 5,600 3,450 14 ...... 3,620 3,000 3, 180 3,070 19,200 E 67,800 36,400 14,800 14,600 8,200 5,400 3,600 15 ...... 3,520 3, 100 3, 130 3,090 21,400 E 72,800 37, 100 14,200 14, 300 8, 100 5,300 3,800 16 ...... 3,430 3, 150 3, 110 3, 100 25,000 E 69,600 34,900 13,800 14, 300 7,900 5,200 3,990 1 7 ...... 3,350 3, 130 3,100 3,140 28,000 E 65,200 32,200 13,300 14,500 7,700 5,000 4,050 18 ...... 3,300 3,130 3,100 3,200 31,500 E 63,000 29,900 13,100 14,400 7,500 4,900 4,200 19 ...... 3,230 3,120 3,090 3,260 36,000 E 58,400 28,400 12,800 13,700 7,300 4,800 4,250 20 ...... 3,190 3,110 3,090 3,350 40,IOOE 54,400 27,100 13,000 13,800 7,000 4,800 4,300 21...... 3,170 3,100 3,090 3,450 46,000E 53,000 26,100 13,800 14,400 6,700 4,800 4,250 22 ...... 3, 160 3,050 3,090 3,550 51,500 50,300 25,500 15,300 15,200 6,500 4,800 4,150 23 ...... 3, 180 3,000 3,090 3,690 62,900 47,500 25,000 16,400 15.400 6,400 4,700 4,000 24 ...... 3, 190 2,960 3,090 3,800 73,800 46,600 23, 700 16,900 15,000 6,300 4,650 3,850 25 ...... 3,200 2,920 3,090 3,900 73,400 47,600 22, 100 17,000 14,100 6,300 4,400 3,600 26 ...... 3,210 2,910 3,090 4,080 66,600 49,000 20,300 17,000 13,600 6,200 4,400 3,450 27 ...... 3,220 2,900 3,090 4,220 66, 300 49,500 19,600 17,100 13,300 6,200 4,400 3,380 28 ...... 3,280 2,900 3,090 4,420 77,500 46, 700 18,800 17,300 12,800 6,000 4,400 3,350 29 ...... 3,300 2,910 3,090 4,700 78,000 48,300 18,200 16,600 12,500 6,000 4,400 3,300 30 ...... 3,310 - 3,090 4,900 73, 700 63,200 17,400 15, 900 12.100 5,950 4,500 3, 150 31...... 3,310 - 3,090 - 71,400 - 17,000 15, 100 - 5,900 - 3,000

Total 116,340 88,460 98, 770 102, 790 1,069, 100 1,857,000 1,041,500 510,300 415, 300 254, 740 154,000 117,420

Mean 3,750 }3,050 3, 190 3,430 34,500 61,900 33,600 16,500 13,800 8,220 5,130 3,790

Acre-feet 231,000 175,000 196,000 204,000 2, 120,000 3,680, 000 2,070,000 1,010,000 824,000 505,000 305,000 233,000

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 78,900 cfs at 0400 YWT on May 29 Minimum daily discharge, 2,900 cfs on February 11, 27 and 28 Mean discharge, 15,900 cfs Total discharge, 11,600,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 9 and October 10 to December 31. E - Estimated, KLONDIKE RIVER ABOVE BONANZA CREEK - STATION No. 09EA003 31

Location: Lat. 64° 02' 34", long. 139° 24 1 28", Yukon Territory, at bridge on Mayo-Dawson Road, about one mile above mouth and one and one-half miles southeast of Dawson. Drainage Area: 3,010 square miles. Gauge: Manual. PerlOd of Record: June 1965 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 16,000 cfs on July 5, 1965. Minimum daily discharge, 307 cfs (estimated) on April 4 and 5, 1967. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and poor during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

I...... 3,560 .Ll..!Q. 740 11...... 2,160 E 965 660 21...... 1,290 845 610 2 ...... 3, 180 1, 100 730 12 ...... 2,050 E 958 655 22 ...... 1,270 840 605 3 ...... 2,960 1,080 720 13 ...... 1,930 940 650 23 ...... 1,250 820 600 4 ...... 2,680 1,070 710 14...... 1,980 930 645 24 ...... 1,240 810 595 5 ...... 2,220 1,050 70_0 15 ...... 1,980 920 640 25 ...... 1,220 800 590 6 ...... 1,890 1,030 697 16 ...... 1, 780 900 635 26 ...... 1,200 795 585 7 ...... 2, 120 E 1,010 690 17 ...... 1,640 895 630 27 ...... l, 190 780 580 8 ...... 2,400 1,000 675 18 ...... 1,320 880 625 28 ...... 1, 180 770 578 9 ...... 2,220 992 670 19 ...... 1, 310 870 620 29 ...... l, 160 760 575 1 o...... 2,270 980 665 20 ...... 1, 310 860 615 30 ...... 1,140 750 568 31...... l, 120 562

Ice conditions October 21 to December 31. E - Estimated. Total 56,220 27,510 19 ,820

Mean 1,810 917 639

Acre-feet 112,000 54,600 39,300

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I...... 560 437 374 l.li 720 11,500 7,600. 2,410 2,600 l,340E 798 625 2 ...... 555 433 373 345 1, 100 12,000. 5,360 3,270 2,410 1,300 E 790 620 3 ...... 550 430 372 352 2,500 11,800 5,130 4,090 E 2,330 1,270 E 785 605 4 ...... 545 427 370 360 3,270 11,600 E 4,910 4,930 2,270 1,220 E 782 600 5 ...... 540 425 369 367 3,900 11,500 4,810 4,570 2,200 1,200 E 782 590 6 ...... 535 420 367 372 4,700 10, 900 4,500 E 4,070 E 2,130 I, 130 E 790 580 7 ...... 530 417 365 380 6,640 10,300 4,080 3,780 E 2,070 1, 110 E 790 570 8 ...... 525 415 363 390 5,660 10,300 3,650 3,390 2,020 l,080E 790 565 9 ...... 523 410 362 400 4,740 9, 710 3, 700 E 3,130 1,960 l,050E 782 565 10 ...... 520 405 361 408 8,220 9,100 4,080 E 2,950 1,930 1,030 E 782 560 11...... 518 402 360 412 7,520 9,820 4,350 E 2, 760· 1,880 1, 010 790 558 12 ...... 513 400 359 418 6,410 9,840 E 4,680 2,540 1,850 1,000 792 550 13 ...... 508 397 358 412 6,280 9,850 3,960 2,430 1,800 978 795 540 14 ...... 503 394 358 406 5,020 9,240 3,960 2,250 1, 790 960 800 538 15 ...... 500 392 357 400 3,900 9,100 3,770 2,230 1, 740 945 802 530 16 ...... 498 391 357 398 3,820 8,700 3,560 E 2,140 1,680 940 820 528 I 7 ...... 495 390 356 397 3,980 8,410 3,340 2,070 1,650 930 820 520 18 ...... 490 389 356 397 5,180 8,300 3,320 2,050 1,610 920 810 518 19 ...... 485 388 354 398 8,790 7,890 3,380E 2,080 1,650 910 790 515 20 ...... 480 387 352 400 10,200 7, 190 3,450 2, 110 1,680 900 770 505 21. •...... •. 477 385 350 405 12,600 6,430 2,320 2, 140 1,760 885 760 503 22 ...... 473 384 352 410 11,400 6,620 2,100 2,140 1,850 878 720 502 23 ...... 470 383 355 419 7,970 7,920 1,940 2,170 1,770 862 700 501 24 ...... 465 382 358 430 6,880 7,350E 2,230 2,270 1, 730 860 700 500 25 ...... 460 380 361 450 8,030 6,670 2,470 2,480 1,670 845 690 499 26 ...... 457 378 360 478 8,240 6,460 2,950 2,600 1,630 840 665 498 2 7 ...... 453 377 352 500 8,300 8,330 E 3,000 2,690 1,570 830 655 497 28 ...... 450 376 345 540 9,940 10,200 2,570 2,800 1,510 820 640 496 29 ...... 447 375 340 580 8,5JO 8,930 2,200 2, 760 1,440 810 638 495 30 ...... 443 - 338 640 7,870 7,350 2,200 2,740 1,400 E 805 £12. 494 31...... 440 - 335 - 8,430 - 2,140 2,670 E - 800 - 493 Total 15,408 11,569 11, 089 12,603 200, 780 273,310 111,710 86,710 55,580 30,458 22,663 16,660

Mean 497 399 358 420 6,480 9,110 3,600 2,800 1,850 983 755 537

Acre-feet 30,600 22, 900 22,000 25,000 398,000 542,000 222,000 172,000 110,000 60,400 45,000 33,000

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, 12,600 cfs on May 21 Minimum daily discharge, 335 cfs on March 31 Mean discharge, 2,320 cfs Total discharge, 1,680,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 3 and October 11 to December 31. E - Estimated. 32 PORCUPINE RIVER BELOW BELL RIVER - STATION No. 09FB001

1 11 Location: Lat. 67° 26' 25", long. 137° 47 01 , Yukon Territory, approximately sixteen and one-half miles downstream from mouth of Bell River and fifty-six miles east of Old Crow. Drainage Area: 13 ,900 square miles. Gauge: Recording. FerI'Od of Record: Miscellaneous measurements, 1963 and 1964; periods of varying length, August 1964 to September 1965 and June to December 1968. Records prior to 1968 were published as "below Bell Riv~r near Old Crow". Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 178,000 cfs on June 6, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 408 cfs on January 18, 1964. Remarks: Records good except for estimated flows which are fair.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968

Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 11,500 E 2,780 3,930 2,400 2 ...... 10, 100 E 2,720 3,780 2,250 3 ...... 9,000E 2,770 3,760 2, 190 4 ...... 8,000 E 2,780 3,760 2, 190 5 ...... 7, 150 E 2,780 3,670 2, 150

6 ...... 7,200E 2,800 3,530 7 ...... 7,250E 2,830 3,350 8 ...... 7,300 E 3, 100 3,180 9 ...... 7,470 3,460 3,020 10 ...... 6,980 3,670 2,960

11...... 6,740 3,720 2,830 12 ...... 6,430 3,720 2,800 13 ...... 5,860 3,620 2,750 14...... 5,330 3,300 2, 700 15 ...... 4,920 3, 170 2,670

16 ...... 4,630 3,240 3, 150 17 ...... 4,380 2,930 4,520 18 ...... 4,150 2,890 4,820 19 ...... 15,900 A 3,960 2,830 4,570 20 ...... 14,900 E 3,810 2,810 4,150

21 ...... 14,000 E 3, 720 2,810 3,850 22 ...... 13,600 E 3,600 2,850 3,620 23 ...... 13,500 3,460 2,890 3,490 24 ...... 20,400 3,340 2,940 3,420 25 ...... 24,600A 3,270 2,940 3,290

26 ...... 20,200 E 3, 120 2,940 3,070 27 ...... 18,000 E 3,010 3,070 2,860 28 ...... 16, IOO E 2,960 3,810 2,720 29 ...... 14,200 E 2,880 4,340 2,640 30 ...... 13,000 E 2,880 4,330 2,550 31...... 2,800 4,250

Total 167,200 99,090 101,410

Mean "5,390 3,200 3,380

Acre-feet 332,000 197,000 201,000

For the Period ...... Maximum daily discharge, 24,600 cfs on June 25 Minimum instantaneous discharge, 2, 140 cfs at 2200 YET on October 5

A - Manual gauge. E - Estimated. PORCUPINE RIVER AT OLD CROW - STATION No. 09FD001 33

11 1 11 Location: Lat. 67° 34' 10 , long. 139° 49 30 , Yukon Territory, at Old Crow settlement, about two miles downstream from mouth of Old Cir ow River. Drainage Area: 20,900 square miles. Gauge: Mainual. FerfOd of Rl,ecord: Mainly continuous, June 1961 to September 19 64, open water only 1965 to 1967, and continuous, June to December 1968. Extremes ~ecorded: Maximum daily discharge, 237,000 cfs on June 4, 1964. ~ Minimum daily discharge, 614 cfs on March 12, 1965. Remarks: I ecords good during open-water period and poor during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968

Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I .1 1...... ----- 140,000 El 33,500 3,530 4,610 1 950 1,330 840 2 ...••...... ---- - 158, OOQ_ 27 ,500 3,720 4,340 1,860 1,340 780 3 ...... --- - - 140,_000 E 18, 300 3,610 4,420 1, 750 1,360 760 4 .•...... --- - - 127,000 E 16,600 3,270 6,230 1, 700 1,380 770 5 ...... -- -- - 113,000 E 16, 100 3,270 4,180 1,660 1,370 810

6 ...... - - -- - 104,000 15,700 3,480 4,130 1,610 1,370 850 7 ...... - - - -- 93,600 16,400 3,350 4,080 1,590 1,350 870 8 ...... ---- - 77' 100 16,800 3,200 3,380 1,570 1,280 850 9 ...... •.. -- :- - - 65,400 17 ,900 3,640 3,590 1,530 1,260 800 10 •.•..•...... -- - - - 60,400 E 16,500 4,130 3,530 1,510 1,250 780

11...... ---- - 55,400 E 14,500 4,690 3,250 1,490 1,250 790 12 ...... ---- - 50,400 E 13, 100 4,950 3,020 1,470 1,250 800 13 ...... - - - - - 45,400 E 11,900 5,000 2,940 1,450 1,230 800 14...... ---- - 40,400 E 10, 700 4,690 2,770 1,420 1,210 810 15 ...... - --- - 35,400 E 10,000 4,480 2,530 1,390 1,200 820

16 ...... - --- - 31,400 E 9,030 3,900 2,280 1,380 1, 190 820 17 ...... - --- - 27,400 E 8,540 3,510 2, 190 1,370 1, 170 820 18 ...... ---- - 23,400 7,060 3,430 4,180 1,350 1, 120 810 19 ...... - - - - - 22,600 E 7,060 3,350 5,640 1,340 1, 120. 810 20 ...... -- - - - 21,700 6,200 3,250 5,370 1,320 1, 130 800

21...... - -- - - 21,500 5,760 3,140 4,950 1,310 1, 140 790 22 ...... ---- - 20,500 5,580 3,070 4, 180 1,300 1, 120 770 23 ...... - --- - 20,200 5,400 3,030 E 3,870 1,300 1, 110 740 24 ...... - - - - - 20,400 5,400 2,990 3,820 1,300 1, 100 720 25 ...... -- -- - 32,500 4,720 3,090 3,380 1,300 1,090 700

26 ...... -- -- - 50,600 5,060 _2,840 3,270 l,30G 1,080 680 27 ...... - -- - - 48,500 4,160 2,990 3, 140 1,300 1,070 670 28 ...... -- -- - 37 ,400 4,530 2,940 2,840 1, 310 1,060 660 29 ...... - - - - - 33,600 4,160 3,530 2,370 1, 310 1,020 650 30 ...... -- -- - 30,500 3,770 4,690 2.100 1,310 2£Q 640 31...... ------3, 790 4,610 - 1,320 - 640 Total -- - - - 1,747,700 345, 720 113,370 110,580 45,070 35,910 23,850 I Mean -- -- - 58, 300 11, 200 3,660 3,690 1,450 1,200 769 I Acre-feet I -- -- - 3,470,000 686,000 225,000 219,000 89,400 71,200 47,300

For the Petod ...... Maximum daily discharge, 158,000 cfs on June 2 Minimum daily discharge, 640 cfs on December 30 and 31

Ice conditi1ns October 6 to December 31. E - Estimated.


Date I Stream Tributary to Location Discharge cfs August 8, 19168 Slims River Kluane Lake At Mouth 2,510

December lf 1967 White River Yukon River Seven miles above mouth 2,330 February q, 1968 " " " 2,370 March 19, 1968 " " " 2,450 December lB, 1968 " " " 2,690

March 5, 19f8 . Yukon River Bering Sea Below Teslin River 7,980 34 LIARD RIVER AT UPPER CROSSING - STATION No. lOAAOOl

Location: Lat. 60° 03' oon, long. 128 ° 541 00", Yukon Territory, at Alaska Highway bridge, seven miles west of Watson Lake P .0. Drainage Area: 12,500 square miles. Gauge: Manual. PeriOd of Record: June 1960 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (8 years) 14,500 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, l 07 ,000 cfs on June 12, 1961. Minimum daily discharge, 1,750 cfs, March 23 to 28, 1966. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and fair during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 11,600 E 7 ,810 6,300 11...... 14,400 E 7,100 5,800 21...... 9,780 6,700 5,100 2 ...... 12, 700 7,700 6,200 12 ...... 13,800 E 7,050 5,700 22 ...... 9,540 6,700 5,050 3 ...... 12,400 7,650 6,200 13 ...... 13,300 E 7,000 5,650 23 ...... 9,030 6,600 5,000 4 ...... 16, 700 7,500 6,150 14...... 12, 700 E 7,000 5,600 24 ...... 9, 150 6,550 4,950 5 ...... 16, 100 E 7;400 6,100 15 ...... 12,700 E 6,950 5,550 25 ...... 9,330 6,500 4,900 6 ...... 15,900 E 7,400 6,050 16 ...... 11,500 E 6,900 5,500 26 ...... 9,030 6,500 4,800 7 ...... 15,300 E 7,300 6,020 1 7 ...... 11,lOOE 6,900 5,400 27 ...... 8,860 6,400 4, 750 8 ...... 15,000 E 7,200 6,020 18 ...... 11,500 E 6,800 5,350 28 ...... 8,620 6,400 4,700 9 ...... 14,300 E 7, 190 6,000 19 ...... 10, 100 6,800 5,250 29 ...... 8,590 6,400 4,650 10 ...... 15, 100 E 7,150 5,900 20 ...... 9,990 6,750 5,200 30 ...... 8,080 6,300 4,550 31...... 7 730 4,500

Ice conditions November 2 to December 31. E - Estimated. Total 363,930 208,600 168,890

Mean 11,700 6,950 5,450

Acre-feet 722,000 414,000 335,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 4,450 2,850 2,270 2,050 2,700 42,300 43,500 27 ,800 17,200 19.100 9,300 5, 750 2 ...... 4,400 2,800 2,250 2,050 2,760 42, 100 42,300 27,000 17,200 18,600 9,100 5, 700 3 ...... 4,350 2,790 2,240 2,050 2,840 42, 700 40,000 26,900 17,200 18,100 9,000 5,670 4 ...... 4,300 2,750 2,210 2,050 2,900 43,200 38, 300 26, 700 17 ,200 17,900 8,800 5,630 5 ...... 4,250 2,720 2,200 2,050 3,000 42,200 37,000 26,600 17' 900 17 '700 8,600 5,610 6 ...... 4,200 2,700 2,190 _2,040 3,100 39,200 36,200 26,600 18,400 17,500 8,400 5,600 7 ...... 4,150 2,690 2, 180 2,040 3,220 40,400 36,200 26,000 18,800 16,900 8,200 5,590 8 ...... 4,050 2,660 2,170 2,040 3,400 42, 300 35,800 25,400 20,700 16,200 8,000 5,580 9 ...... 4,020 2,640 2,150 2,040 3,600 41,600 35,800 24,900 21,000 15, 700 7,900 5,570 10 ...... 4,000 2,600 2,150 2,040 4,100 41,400 35,900 24,200 21,500 15,000 7,700 5,560 11...... 3,920 2,590 2,150 2,040 4,800 43,900 40,000 23, 100 22,800 15,000 7,600 5,530 12 ...... 3,900 2,550 2,150 2,050 6,000 50,600 41,200 21,500 23,900 14,400 7,400 5,500 13 ...... 3,800 2,530 2,140 2,060 7,000 54,400 42,400 20,900 23,700 14,000 7,300 5,470 14 ...... 3,760 2,510 2, 130 2,080 8,240 48,800 53,600 20,000 22,900 13,500 7, 150 5,440 15 ...... 3,700 2,500 2,130 2, 100 8,700 45,400 50,500 19,100 22,500 13,200 7,000 5,420 16 ...... 3,650 2,490 2,120 2, 120 8,810 45,200 45,800 18,600 22,200 12,900 6,950 5,400 1 7 ...... 3,600 2,480 2,110 2,150 9,750 43, 100 44,900 18,400 22, l 00 12,300 6,800 5,390 18 ...... 3,550 2,450 2,100 2,180 12,300 42,300 41, 100 18,200 21,900 12,000 6,690 5,380 19 ...... 3,500 2,440 2,100 2,200 16,600 42, 100 38,500 18, 100 21,800 11, 900 6,600 5,310 20 ...... 3,450 2,410 2,100 2,220 21,000 47,000 36, 900 18,600 21, 700 11,400 6,500 5,210 21...... 3,350 2,400 2,100 2,260 32,000 45,300 35,400 18,300 21,600 11,100 6,400 ·5,020 22 ...... 3,300 2,390 2,090 2,300 40, 700 45,500 34,300 18,100 21,400 10,900 6,300 4,980 23 ...... 3,250 2,360 2,090 2,350 43,500 46,000 33,500 17. 900 21,100 10,600 6,200 4,800 24 ...... 3,200 2,340 2,090 2,400 37,900 45,500 32,100 17. 700 20,800 10,400 6,100 4,610 25 ...•....•... 3,150 2,320 2,090 2,450 36,500 43,200 30,300 17' 700 21,200 9,780 6,020 4,500 26 ...... 3, 100 2,310 2,090 2,500 36,800 41, 700 29,200 17 ,500 22,100 9,360 6,000 4,350 27 ...... 3,050 2,300 2,080 2,540 36,500 41,600 29, 100 17,400 21,600E 9,300 5,950 4,210 28 ...... 3,000 2,290 2.050 2,580 35,500 41,200 28,500 17' 300 21,000 9, 150 5,900 4,050 29 ...... 2,990 2,280 2,050 2,620 35, 100 43, 700 29,200 17,200 20,500 9,360 5,810 4,000 30 ...... 2,960 - 2,050 2.670 36,600 45,200 29,800 17 ,200 19,400 9,630 5,800 3,950 31...... 2,900 - 2,050 - 40,000 E - 28. 300 17,200 - 9,480 - 3.900 Total 113,250 73, 140 66,070 66,320 545,920 1,319,100 1, 155,600 652, 100 623, 300 412, 360 215,470 158,680

Mean 3,650 2,520 2,130 2,210 17 ,600 44,000 37,300 21,000 20,800 13,300 7, 180 5, 120

Acre-feet 225,000 145,000 131,000 132,000 1,080,000 2,620,000 2,290,000 1,290,000 1,240,000 818,000 427,000 315,000

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, 54,400 cfs on June 13 Minimum daily discharge, 2,040 cfs, April 6 to 11 Mean discharge, 14,800 cfs Total discharge, 10, 700,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 13 and November 1 to December 31. E - Estimated. FRANCES RIVER NEAR WATSON LAKE - STATION No. lOABOOl 35

1 Location: :qat. 60° z71 14'. , long. 129° ?8' 08", Yukon ~erritor~, at Watson Lake-Ross River Hi?hwa_y bridge (revised), approximately one and one-quarter rmles above Middle Canyon, thirteen rmles north of mouth and twenty-six rmles north-northwest of Watson Lake P.d. Drainage A~ea: 4,950 square miles (revised in 1965) Gauge: Recbrding. P"eriQd of R~cord: Miscellaneous measurement only in 19 62; mainly continuous, March 19 63 to December 19 68. Extremes Rlecorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 39,100 cfs at 1200 YET on June 12, 1964. I Minimum daily discharge, 680 cfs (estimated) on April 11 and 12, 1968. Remarks: Records excellent during open-water period and poor during periods of estimated flows and ice effect.

I Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967

Day I Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 5,140 3,330 2,010 11...... 4,870 2,800 1, 780 21...... 4,210 2,340 1,600 2 ...... 5,140 3,330 2,000 12 ...... 4,820 2,760 1, 750 22 ...... 4,080 2,300 1,580 3 ...... 5,090 3,290 1,990 13 ...... 4,740 2,700 1, 740 23 ...... 3,990 2,280 1,550 4 ...... 5,070 3,200 1,970 14...... 4,640 2,650 1, 710 24 ...... 3,930 2,210 1,540 5 ...... 4,990 3, 120 1,920 15 ...... 4,570 2,600 1, 700 25 ...... 3,950 2,200 1,510 6 ...... 4,890 3,090 1,900 16 ...... 4,540 2,550 1,680 26 ...... 3,850 2,170 1,500 4,840 3,000 1,900 17 ...... 4,440 2,500 1,660 27 ...... 3,740 2, 130 1,490 4, 720 2,990 1,870 18 ...... 4,390 2,490 1,650 28 ...... 3, 740 2,100 1,470 L:::::::::r 4,620 2,910 1,870 19 ...... 4,320 2,410 1,630 29 ...... 3,640 2,090 1,440 10 ...... l 4,640 2,880 1,800 20 ...... 4,320 2,380 1,610 30 ...... 3,490 2.050 1,420 31...... 3,330 1 400

ce con d iticnsI N ovemb er 2 to Decemb er 3 Total 1 3 6 ,7 4 0 78,8 5 0 5 2, 64 0

Mean 4,410 2,630 1,700

Acre-feet 271,000 156,000 104,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 1,380 1,030 740 700 .L.llQ 14,200 20, 700 11,700 8,390 8,110 3,880 2, 150 2 ...... 1,330 1,010 735 700 1, 190 14,800 19,900 11,900 8,230 7,890 3,800 2, 120 3 ...... 1,300 1,000 730 700 1,250 15,600 19,300 11, 900 8, 170 7,620 3, 700 2, 110 4 ...... • 1,280 990 720 695 1,340 15, 900 18,500 12,100 8,170 7,590 3,600 2, 100 5 ...... 1,230 980 720 695 1,450 15,600 17' 700 12,300 8, 110 7,530 3,510 2, 100 6 ...... 1,210 965 715 695 1,520 15,700 17,400 12,400 8,200 7,290 3,440 2,090 7 ...... l, 190 960 715 690 1,620 16,000 17,800 12,600 8,610 7,080 3,350 2,070 8 ...... l, 170 940 710 690 1,720 16,400 17' 900 12,400 8,830 6,760 3,290 2,040 9 ...... l, 150 930 710 690 1,840 16,600 17,800 12,200 9,090 6,640 3,200 2,030 1 o...... 1,140 920 710 690 2,000 17, 300 17,800 11,800 9,360 6,420 3, 130 2,020 11...... 1, 120 900 710 680 2,110 18, 300 17' 700 11,500 9,850 6,310 3,080 2,010 12 ...... 1,110 890 710 680 2,300 18,800 17 ,400 11, 100 10,200 6, 150 3,000 2,000 13 ...... 1,100 885 705 690 2,400 18,900 19,600 10, 700 10,300 6,020 2,950 1,990 14 ...... 1, 100 880 705 695 2,760 18,800 21,000 10,300 10,300 5,840 2,880 1,990 15 ...... 1, 100 860 705 700 2,370 18,500 20,300 9,820 10,300 5,740 2,800 1,980 16 ...... 1,090 850 705 700 2,420 18,500 19,400 9,490 10,200 5,640 2, 730 1,950 1 7 ...... 1,090 840 705 700 2,680 18,300 18, 700 9,160 10,000 5,520 2,690 1,920 18 ...... 1,090 825 700 704 3,250 18,100 17' 900 9,160 9,890 5,390 2,620 1,900 19 ...... 1,090 820 700 720 3,950 18, 700 17,300 9,420 10, 100 5,270 2,550 1,860 20 ...... 1,090 800 700 740 5,140 20, 100 16,900 9,490 9,820 5,140 2,500 1,840 21. •...... 1,090 800 700 750 6,760 20,300 16,300 9,290 9,560 5,040 2,480 1,800 22 ...... 1,090 790 700 770 8,640 20,200 15,500 9,100 E 9,460 4,920 2,420 1, 790 23 ...... 1,090 780 700 800 9,290 20, 700 14, 900 9,000 E 9,160 4,770 2,390 1, 760 24 ...... 1,090 770 700 825 9,290 20,900 14,200 8,860E 9, 160 4,670 2,360 1, 740 25 ...... 1,090 760 700 860 9,890 20,800 13,600 8,760E 9, 190 4,420 2,300 1, 700 26 ...... 1,090 760 700 890 10,700 20,500 13,000 8,600 E 9,160 4,280 2,280 1,670 27 ...... 1,080 755 700 940 11,400 20,200 12,500 8,500 E 8,930 4,280 2,240 1,640 28 ...... 1,070 750 700 980 11, 900 20,600 12,200 8,400 E 8,570 4,280 2,200 1,600 29 ...... 1,060 745 700 1,010 12,400 20,900 12,400 8,350E 8,510 4,250 2, 190 1,550 30 ...... 1,050 - 700 1,070 13,000 20, 700 12,300 8,510 8,260 4,160 2, 180 1,510 31...... 1,040 - 700 - 13,600 - 11,900 8,510 - 3,950 - 1,500 Total 35,200 25, 185 21,950 22,849 161,290 550, 900 519,800 317,320 276,080 178,970 85, 7'40 58,530

Mean l, 140 868 708 762 5,200 18,400 16,800 10,200 9,200 5, 770 2,860 1,890

Acre-feet 69 ,800 50,000 43,500 45,300 320,000 1,090,000 1,030,000 629,000 548,000 355,000 170, 000 116,000 For the YeJr 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 21,300 cfs at 0500 YET on July 14 Minimum daily discharge, 680 cfs on April 11 and 12 . Mean discharge, 6, 160 cfs Total discharge, 4,470,000 ac-ft

Ice conditionsI January 1 to May 13 and November 1 to December 31. E - Estimated. 36 PEEL RIVER ABOVE CANYON CREEK - STATION No. IOMAOOI

Location: Lat. 65° 53 1 401r, long. 136° 021 10", Yukon Territory, ten miles below confluence with Hart River and one hundred and sixty-one miles northeast of Dawson. Drainage Area: 10,200 square miles. Gauge: Recording, relocated in July 1965 approximately one mile upstream from former location. PerIOd of Record: .Miscellaneous measurement only, 1961; periods of varying length;February 1962 to September 1965; and continuous, June to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 209,000 cfs at 0420 YET on June 4, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 640 cfs on December 31, 1968. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and poor during ice period.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968

Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1. ••••••••••• ------20,600 5,020 6,910 3,320A 1,120 785 2 ••.•...... ------16,500 5,060 7,050 3,050 1, 100 780 3 ...... ------14,200 5,270 6,840 2,800 1,080 775 4 ...... ------13,700 6,070 6,600 2,650 1,060 760 5 ...... ------13,900 7,370 6,250 2,500 1,040 758

6 ...... ------14,200 8,170 5,970 2,350 1,020 750 7 ...... ------13,300 8,910 5,650 2,240 1,010 740 8 ...... ------11,900 8,980 5,440 2,150 1,000 740 9 •...... •.• ------10,600 9. 100 5,230 2,040 980 738 10 ...... ------9,650 8,870 5,020 1,980 970 735

11...... ------9, 170 8,100 4,850 1,900 960 725 12 ...... ------9,020 7,440 4,680 1,820 940 720 13 ...... ------9,250 6,980 4, 710 1,770 930 718 14...... ------8,870 6,560 4,850 1, 710 920 715 15 ...... ------8,790 6,250 4,810 1,660 905 710

16 ...... - - -- - 17,500A 8,420 5,970 4,680 1,600 900 702 17 ...... -- -- - 17,500 8,070 5,580 4,610 1,550 890 700 18 ...... - - -- - 19,000 7,820 5,690 4,540 1, 510 880 699 19 ...... -- -- - 17,300 7,680 5,930 4,540 1,480 870 698 20 ...... - - -- - 15, 900 7,750 5,900 4,510 1,440 860 685

21...... -- -- - 15,000 7,720 5,860 4,480 1,400 855 680 22 ...... -- - - - 15,400 7,300 5,790 4,410 1,380 845 678 23 ...... - -- - - 19,700 6,950 5,760 4,280 l,_330 835 675 24 ...... -- -- - 45,400 6,560 5,690 4,020 1,300 830 670 25 ...... -- -- - 43,900 6,210 5,860 3, 710 1,280 820 665

26 ...... -- -- - 32,400 6,040 6,350 3,590 1,260 810 661 27 ...... -- -- - 29,800 "5,830 7,090 3,470 1,220 805 659 28 ...•...... • -- -- - 34, 700 5,550 7,260 3,410 1,200 800 656 29 ...... -- - - - 34,400 5,480 7,090 3,380 1, 180 795 651 30 ...... - - - - - 27' 100 5,270 6,810 3.350 l, 170 790 645 31...... ------5,090 6,740 - 1.150 - 640 Total ------291,390 207 ,520 145,840 55,390 27 ,620 21, 913 Mean ------9,400 6,690 4,860 1,790 921 707

Acre-feet ------578,000 412,000 289,000 11 o,ooo 54,800 43,500

For the Period ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 50,900 cfs at 1745 YET on June 24 Minimum daily discharge, 640 cfs on December 31

Ice conditions October 2 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. MACKENZIE RIVER NEAR FORT PROVIDENCE - STATION No. lOFBOOl 37

Location: Lat. 61° 16' long. 117° 32', Northwest Territories, about one hundred feet north of MacKenzie Highway at Mile 79.4. Drainage 4-rea: 375,000 square miles. Gauge: RE!cording. Period of Record: Miscellaneous measurements, 1958-to 1962; continuous, July 1963 to December 1968. Mean Discharge; (5 years) 168,000 cfs. E~tremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 312,000 cfs on July 9 and August 14, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 45,600 cfs on March 9, 1968. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and fair during ice periods.

Dail Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967

Day I Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 11. 245,000 212,000 104,000 11...... 230,000 206,000 76, 70!) 21 ...... 231,000 133,000 79,300 2 ...... 246,000 216,000 99,700 12 ...... 211,000 189,000 77,000 22 ...... 236,000 137,000 79 ,500 3 ...... !. 243,000 216,000 95, 700 13 ...... 208,000 164,000 77,200 23 ...... 239,000 144,000 79 ,800 4 ...... !. 240,000 218,000 91, 700 14...... 221,000 152,000 77,500 24 ...... 236,000 136, 000 78,300 5 ...... !. 239,000 223,000 87 ,609 15.,. :·· ...... 227,000 155,000 77' 700 25 ...... 236,000 114,000 77 ,900 6 ...... 1. 239,000 229,000 83,600 16 ...... 232,000 161,000 78,000 26...... 232, 000 128,000 77 ,500 7 ...... !. 242,000 223,000 79,500 17 ...... 237,000 165,000 78,200 27 ...... 231,000 124,000 76,100 8 ...... !. 240,000 218,000 75,500 18 ...... 240,000 149,000 78,500 28...... 228, 000 120,000 74,700 9 ...... !. 235, 000 228,000 78,500 19 ...... 217,000 133,000 78,800 29 ...... 218,000 116,000 74,100 10 ...... l 236,000 223,000 79,300 20 ...... 226,000 130,000 79,000 30 ...... 222,000 112,000 73,400 31 ...... 221,000 71,600

Ice conditibns October 17 to December 31 Total 7,184;000 5,074;000 2,495,900 i

Mean 232,000 169,000 80,500

Acre-feet 14;250,000 10,060,000 4;951,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I 1 ...... 70,100 58, 300 50,900 49, 700 63,700 219,000 243,000 223,000 196,000 175,000 172, 000 67 ,000 2 ...... 68,600 57 ,800 50,200 49,800 66, 100 220,000 242,000 219,000 184, 000 178,000 174, 000 65,000 3 ...... 65,200 57,200 48,200 51,000 69,800 222,000 242,000 220,000 190,000 181, 000 177,000 63,000 4 ...... 64,300 56,600 48,200 52, 100 74,300 223,000 244,000 218,000 186,000 182,000 169,000 62,000 5 ...... 63,200 56,000 48,200 51, 700 77 ,500 224,000 246,000 217,000 188,000 162,000 161,000 61,000 6 ...... 62, 100 55,500 48,200 50,900 80,400 225,000 251,000 214,000 191,000 154,000 159,000 60,000 7 ...... 60, 700 54,900 47,500 50,200 85, 700 226,000 250,000 213,000 192,000 170,000 159, 000 59,000 8 ...... 59,400 56,200 46, 100 51,400 92,800 227,000 243,000 213,000 192, 000 177,000 163,000 58,000 9 ...... 58, 700 57,600 45,600 50,000 102,000 228,000 241,000 213,000 191,000 180,000 163,000 57,000 l 0 ...... '57,300 57,800 46,100 51,600 107,000 228,000 242,000 209,000 192,000 183,000 154,000 56,000 11 ...... 57,400 58,300 47,000 50, 700 115,000 229,000 242,000 209,000 . 188,000 184,000 153,000 55,000 12 ...... 57,500 59,200 47,800 50, 700 124,000 230,000 245,000 213,000 188,000 184,000 153,000 54,000 13 ...... 57,500 58, 700 48,500 51,400 131,000 230,000 245,000 207 ,000 192,000 183,000 144,000 53,000 14 ...... 57 ,600 58,000 48, 700 52,400 138,000 231,000 244,000 204,000 187,000 182,000 142,000 ·5z,ooo 15 . ." ...... 57, 700 57,600 48,200 52,800 144,000 237,000 241,000 205,000 187,000 183,000 131,000 51,000 16 ...... 57,800 57,100 47,600 52,900 151,000 239,000 238,000 207,000 188,000 179,000 107,000 50,500 1 7 ...... 57,800 56,500 48,200 53,600 158,000 242,000 235,000 209,000 189,000 183,000 110,000 50,000 18 .....•...... 57' 900 56,900 48, 700 54,600 165,000 242,000 233,000 217,000 189,000 178,000 110,000 49,500 19 .•.....••... 58,000 56,200 49,000 55,100 172,000 244,000 232,000 218,000 187,000 177,000 107,000 49,000 20 ...•...... • 58,100 56,200 50,000 53,500 178,000 243,000 230,000° 213,000 186,000 180;000 102,000 48,800 21. .•...•.•... 58,100 57,300 50,500 52,600 185,000 243,000 230,000 207 ,000 185,000 182,000 95,000 48,600 22 ...... •••••. 58,200 57,800 50,200 52,200 192,000 246,000 230,000 205,000 186,000 185,000 91,000 48,400 23 ..•...... •• 58,300 57,600 48, 700 52,900 198,000 249,000 230,000 203,000 186,000 183,000. 87,000 48,200 24 ...... •••.. 58,400 57,300 47 ,500 54,600 201,000 249,000 221,000 201,000 188,000 182,000 84,000 48,000 25 ...... 58,400 56, 900 47,800 54,900 203,000 248,-000 219.000 200,000 183,000 178,000 81,000 47,800 26 .•.....•••.. 58,500 56,500 47,800 55,800 206,000 246,000 225,000 195,000 179,-000 174,000 78,000 47,600 27 ...... •.... 58,600 56, 700 49,000 57,600 207,000 244,000 228,000 192,000 179,000 177,000 75,000 47,400 28 ...••...... 58, 700 56,500 49,000 58,200 212,000 246,000 234,000 193,000 171,000 186,000 73,000 47,300 29 ...... 58, 700 53, 300 49,300 59,100 214,000 249,000 234,000 196,000 167,000 182,000 71,000 47,200 30 ....•...... 58,800 - 50,200 62,300 216,000 246,000 228,000 196,000 172,000 186,000 69,000 47,100 31. ...•...... 58,900 - 50,400 - 217 .ooo - 223,000 197 ,000 - 177,000 - 47 ,000

Total I 1,850,500 1,652,500 1,503,300 1,596,300 4,546,300 7,075,000 7' 331,000 6,446,000 5,579,000 5,547,000 3,714,000 1,645,400 Mean 59, 700 57 ,000 48,500 I 53,200 147,000 236,000 236,000 208,000 186,000 179,000 124,000 53, 100 Acre-feet 13,670,000! 3,280,000 2,980,000 3, 170,000 9,020,000 14;000,000 14;500,000 1?,800,000 11, 100,000 11,000,000 7,370,000 3,260,000

For the YeJr 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 255,000 cfs at 2100 MST on July 6 Minimum daily discharge, 45,600 cfs on March 9 Mean discharge, 132,000 cfs Total discharge, 96,200,000 ac-ft

Ice conditionsI January 1 to June 12 and October 26 to December 31. 38 MACKENZIE RIVER AT FORT SIMPSON - STATION No. lOGCOOl

Location: Lat. 61° 521 30 11 , long. 121° 201 40 11 , Northwest Territories, in the Northern Canada Power Commission water treatment plant, about one mile below mouth of the Liard River. Drainage Area: 491,000 square miles. Gauge: Recording. Period of Record: Mainly July to September, 1938 to 1960; continuous, October 1960 to June 1962 and part-year records, 1963 to 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge·, 830,000 cfs on May 30, 1961. Minimum daily discharge, 66,300 cfs on March 30, 1961. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and fair during ice periods. Discharge records for the period 1938 to 1959 are available upon application to the District Engineer at Calgary. Records for 1965 water year were published in 1966 Publication.

D a11v·1 D"lSC h ar ges in Cb'u lC F eet per s econd f or th e p er10 d 0 c t 0 b er t 0 D ecemb er 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 277,000 238,000 113,000 11...... 284,000 223,000 92,000 21...... 263,000 175,000 90,000 2 ...... 280,000 234,000 108,000 12 ...... --· .. 278,000 221,000 92,000 22 ...... 261,000 168,000 90, 000 3 ...... 286, 000 238,000 104,000 13 ...... 271,000 218,000 92,000 23 ...... · .. 261,000 161,000 90,000 4 ...... 297,000 233,000 101,000 14...... 268, 000 214,000 91,000 24 ...... 257,000 155,000 90,000 5 ...... 300,000 234,000 99,000 ·15 ...... 265,000 210,000 91, 000 25 ...... 257 ,000 148,000 89,000 6 ...... 297,000 234,000 97,000 16 ...... 268,000 203,000 91,000 26 ...... 254,000 140,000 89,000 7 ...... 295,000 235,000 95,000 17 ...... 271,000 199,000 91,000 27 ...... 250,000 134,000 88,000 8 ...... •.. 292,000 230, 000 94,000 18 ...... 272,000 194,000 90,000 28 ..... : ...... 249,000 128,000 88,000 9 ...... 289,000 229,000 93,000 19 ...... 267,000 187,000 90,000 29 ...... 246,000 122,000 88,000 10 ...... 288,000 229,000 92,000 20 .•...... •...•. 264,000 181,000 90, 000 30 ...... 245,000 117,000 88,000 31...... 243,000 - 88, 000 Ice conditions October 17 to December 31. Total 8,395,000 5,832,000 2,884,000

Mean 271,000 194,000 93,000

Acre-feet 16, 700,000 11,600,00C :5, 720,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May ·June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 87 ,000 81,000 7 3, 900 72, 700 158,000 439,000 497,000 424,000 324,000 294.000 200,000 109,000 2 ...... 87,000 80, 700 73,700 72, 700 172,000 436,000 491,000 434,000 323,000 288,000 197,000 108,000 3 ...... 86,000 80,500 73,400 72, 700 187,000 438,000 485,000 449,000 335,000 284,000 193,000 107,000 4 ..•...... 86,000 80,300 73,200 72, 700 202,000 444,000 476,000 452,000 338,000 283,000 190;000 106,000 5 ...... 86,000 80,000 73,200 72, 700 219,000 449,000 467 ,000 441,000 340,000 281,000 ·187,000 105,000 6 ...... •... 86,000 79,800 73,200 72, 700 23;i,OOO 448,000 461,000 435,000 343,000 270,000 183,000 105,000 7 ...... 86,000 79,500 73,200 72,600 250,000 447,000 461,000 435,000 345,000 266,000 178,000 104,000 8 ...... 86,000 79,300 73, 100 72,600 266,000 452,000 478,000 425,000 347 ,000 258,000 173,000 103,000 9 ...... 86,000 79,000 73,100 72,600 283,000 455,000 478,000 409,000 353,000 256,000 170,000 102,000 10 ...... 85,800 78,800 73, 100 72,600 300,000 446,000 465,000 394,000 362,000 257,000 165,000 101,000 11...... 85,800 78,600 73,100 72,600 317,000 440,000 457 ,000 381,000 364,000 256,000 161,000 101,000 12 ...... 85,600 78,300 73, 100 72,600 334,000 443,000 458,000 368,000 367,000 253,000 157,000 100,000 13 .....•...... 85,600 78,100 73,100 72,500 350,000 448,000 463,000 357 ,000 365,000 251,000 151,000 100,000 14 ...... 85,400 77,800 73,000 72,500 364,000 465,000 512,000 346,000 356,000 249,000 147,000 99,800 15 ...... 85,100 77,600 73,000 72,500 379,000 487,000 590,000 336,000 350,000 247,000 142,000 99,600A 16 ...... 84,900 77,300 73,000 72,500 390,000 508,000 615,000 330,000 344,000 243,000 138,000 99,600A 1 7 .•...... •... 84,600 77' 100 73,000 73,000 401,000 507,000 619.000 326,000 338, 000 241,000 135,000 98,000 18 ...... 84,400 76,800 73,000 75,000 412,000 485,000 602,000 323,000 330, 000 238,000 131,000 97,000 19 ...... 84,100 76,600 73,000 76,000 422,000 467,000 568,000 321,000 326,000 235,000 128,000 96,000 20 ...... 83,900 76,400 72,900 78,000 430,000 460,000 534,000 322,000 322,000 232,000 125,000 95,000 21 ...... 83,70b 76,100 72,900 81,000 438,000 480,000 506;000 326,000 322, 000 230,000 122,000 94,000 22 ...... •..... 83,400 75,900 72,900 83,000 445,000 505,000 483,000 330,000 320,000 228,000 119,000 94,000 23 .•••...•.... 83,200 75,600 72,900 88,000 450,000 509,000 464,000 331,000 318,000 226,000 117,000 93,000 24 ...... 82,900 75,400 72,900 92,000 455,000 507,000 449,000 329,000 312,000 223,000 115,000 92,000 25 ..... "." .. 82, 700 75,100 72,900 98,000 460,000 499,000 434,000 323,000 311,000 220,000 114,000 91,000 26 ...... 82,400 74,900 72,800 104,000 462,000 488,000 422,000 318,000 305,000 218,000 113,000 90,000 27 ...... 82,200 74,700 72,800 113,000 462,000 477,000 411,000 315,000 305,000 215,000 112,000 90,000 28 ...... 82,000 74,400 72,800 122,000 460,000 473,000 407,000 318,000 304,000 212,000 111,000 89,000 29 ...... 81, 700 74,200 72,800 132,000 458,000 494,000 401,000 318,000 297,000 209,000 111,000 88,000 30 ...... 81,500 - 72,800 145,000 453,000 502,000 400.000 318,000 298,000 206,000 110,000 88,000 31...... 81,200 - 72,800 - 447,000 - 411,000 319,000 - 204,000 - 87 ,000

Total 2,618,100 2,249,800 2,264,600 b ,521,800 11,061,000 14,098,000 14, 965,000 11,253,000 9,964,000 7 ,57 3,000 4,395,000 3,032,000

Mean 84,500 77,600 73,100 84, 100 357,000 470,000 483,000 363,000 332,000 244,000 147,000 97,800

Acre-feet 5,190,000 4,460,000 14,490,000 5,000,000 21,900,000 28,000,000 29, 700,00( 22,300,000 19,800,000 15,000,000 8, 720,000 6,010,000 For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 619,000 cfs at 1300 PST on July 17 Minimum daily discharge, 72,500 cfs, April 13 to 16 Mean discharge, 235,000 cfs Total discharge, 171,000,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January l to May 20 and November l to December 31. A - Manual gauge. MACKENZIE RIVER NEAR WRIGLEY - STATION No. lOHCOOl 39

Location: at. 63° 15 1 53n, long. 123° 35' 50", Northwest Territories, on right bank of river, opposite Wrigley Settlement. Gauge: Recording; gauge heights are referred to an assumed datum. Gauge heights for 1963 may be converted to present datum by subtrac ·ng 60.00 ft. Period of E.ecord: Gauge heights only, February to June 1963 and continuous, October 1963 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous gauge height, 64.38 ft at 1730 MST on May 13, 1963 (referred to present datum). Minimum instantaneous gauge height, 13.63 ft at 1900 MST on November 12, 1966. ·Remarks: Records fair.

Daily Gauge Heights in Feet for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. I l...... L 20.47 19.22 11...... 20. 71 18.78 21...... 19.82 16.10 2 ...... !. 20.36 19.52 12 ...... 20.58 18.33 22 ...... 19.79 16,09 3 ...... !. 20,28 19.44 13 ...... 20.34 18.04 23 ...... 19.66 16.50 4 ...... !. 20.47 19.25 14...... 20.10 17.69 24...... 19.60 19.03 5 ...... -r- 19.20 15 ...... 19.93 17.49 25 ...... 19.52 22.36 6 ...... 19.29 16 ...... 19.80 17.26 26 ...... 19.47 22.06 7 ...... !. 19.53 17 ...... 19.75 16.87 27 ...... 19.40 8 ...... l. 20.97 19.47 18 ...... 19.84 16.53 28 ...... 19.35 20.88 19.25 19 ...... 19.92 16.30 29 ...... 19.23 16:::::::::::1 20.77 19 .. 00 20 ...... 19.96 16.27 30 ...... 19.18 31...... 19.02 I

Daily Gauge Heights in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 17 .55 17.92 28.82 2 ...... 17.49 18.20 28.58 3 ...... 17.44 18.55 28.38 4 ...... 17.39 19.07 28.42 5 ...... 17.35 19.80 28.79 6 ...... 19.22 17.31 20.83 29.05 7 ...... 19.16 17.26 22.28 28.15 8 ...... 19.07 17.25 23.94 29.16 9 ...... 18.95 17.23 25.69 29.26 10 ...... 18.86 17.23 27.27 29.40 I

11...... 1 18.80 17 .23 28.15 12 ...... 18. 71 17.23 28.53 13 ...... 18.67 17.22 28.36 14...... 18.61 17.20 28.17 15 ...... 18.52 17.17 28.13 16 ...... 22.80 18.44 17.16 17 ...... 22.67 18.39 17.15 18 ...... 22.53 18.35 17.16 19 ...... 18.28 17 .15 20 ...... 18.24 17.14 21...... 18.16 17 .15 22 ...... 18.07 17.16 23.66 23 ...... 18.00 17.21 24.13 24 ...... 17.93 17.27 25.95 25 ...... 17.88 17.30 27.41 26 ...... 17 .85 17.32 28.04 27 ...... 17 .83 17.35 28.33 28 ...... 17.78 17,40 28.70 29 ...... 17.72 17.52 29.02 30 ...... 17.66 17.70 29.10 31 ...... 17.61 29.01 40 MACKENZIE RIVER AT NORMAN WELLS - STATION No. lOKAOOl

Location: Lat. 65° 161 54", long. 126° 50' 58", Northwest Territories, on right bank, about one thousand feet upstream from Pacific Western Airlines float plane dock. Drainage Area: 606,000 square miles, referred to discharge measurement section ,located about sixteen miles upstream from gauge. Gauge: Recording. Period of Record: Periods of varying length, 1943 to 1956 and 1961 to 1968; miscellaneous measurements only in 1960. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 960,000 cfs on July 17, 1963. · Minimum daily discharge, 78,000 cfs on December 7~ 1967. Remarks: Records fair. Discharge records for the period 1943 to 1956 have been computed and are available upon application to the District Engineer at Calgary.

Daily Discharges" in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov, Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 355.000 280,000 132,000 11...... 355,000 248,000 84, 700 21...... 315,000 216,000 96,200 2 ...... 354,000 277,000 123,000 12 ...... 353,oo·o 245,000 86,200 22 ...... 311,000 213,000 97,300 3 ...... 349,000 273,000 114,000 13 ...... 346,000 242,000 86,600 23 ...... 308,000 204,000 97,900 4 ...... 348,000 270,000 105,000 14...... 340,000 238,000 87' 300 24 ...... 305,000 195,000 98,300 5 ...... • 342,000 267,000 96,000 15 ...... ·'·· .. 335,000 235,000 89,200 25 ...... 302,000 186,000 98,300 6 ...... 345,000 264,000 86,900 16 ...... 330,000 232,000 91,000 26 ...... 299,000 177,000 98,100 7 ...... 351,000 261,000 78,000 17 ...... 328,000 229,000 93,200 27 ...... 296,000 168,000 97,900 8 ...... 353,000 257 ,000 78,200 18 ...... •...... 318,000 226,000 94,000 28 ...... 292,000 159,000 97, 900 9 ...... 352,000 254,000 80, 900 19 ...... 321,000 223,000 94,400 29 ...... 289,000 150,000 97' 700 10 ...... 351,000 251,000 83,500 20 ...... 318,000 219,000 95, ~00 30 ...... 286,000 141,000. 97' 700 31...... 283,000. - 97,500

Ice conditions October 17 to December 31. Total 10, 130,000 6,800,000 2,957,100 Mean 327,000 227 ,000 95,400

Acre-feet 20, 100,000 13,500,000 5,870,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... ------802,000 460,000 367,000 331,000 229,000 124,000 2 ...... ------722,000 457,000 369,000 325,000 228,000 122,000 3 ...... ------680,000 '462,000 376,000 321,000 227,000 120,000 4 ..•...... ------648,000 472,000 378,000 319,000 226;000 117,000 5 ...... ------626,000 484,000 376,000 319,000 224,000 115,000 6 ...... ------621,000 500,000 380, 000 314,000 222,000 113,000 7 ...... ------712,000 505,000 384,000 307,000 220,000 111,000 8 ...... ------800,000 '497,000 383,000 303,000 218,000 109,000 9 ...... ------768,000 487,000 383, 000 297,000 215,000 106,000 10 ...... - - - - - 606,000 E 691,000 480,000 383,000 290,000 212,000 104,000 11...... - - - - - 615,000 E 646,000 469,000 385,000 284,000 209,000 103,000 12 ...... - - - - - 615,000E 627,000 453,000 392,000 281,000 205,000 102,000 13., ...... - - - - - 604,000A 605,000 440,000 402,000 277,000 201,000 101,000 14...... - - - - - 588,000 587,000 423,000 406,000 275,000 197,000 101,000 15 ...... - - - - - 575,000 576,000 4o7;ooo 410, 000 272,000 192,000 100,000 16 ...... - - - - - 580,000 .582,000 ·. .395,000 411,000 270,000 187,000 99,000 17 ...•...... - - - - - 593,000 630,000 385,000 406,000 263,000 182,000 97,900 18 ..•...... •.. - - 97,300 - - 609,000 688,000 377,000 399,000 262,000 178,000 96,900 19 ...... •.. - - - 93,800 - 622,000 714,000 369,000 392,000 259,000 173,000 96,000 20 •••.•.••..•• - - - - - 619,000 709,000 364,000 380,000 257,000 168,000 95,000 21. •..•.••.••. - - - - - 599,000 687 ,000 361,000 373,000 254,000 163,000 94,000 22 ...... ••... - - - - - 576,000 654,000 361,000 371, 000 251,000 158,000 92,000 23 ..••...... •. - - - - - 565,000 619,000 361,000 359,000 248,000 153,000 90,000 24 ....•.••..•• - - - - - 582,000 589,000 365,000 353, 000 245,000 148,000 89,000 25 .••••..•.••. - - - - - 605,000 564,000 366,000 351,000 240,000 144,000 88,100 26 ..•...•..•.. - - - - - 616,000 539,000 371,000 348,000 237 ,000 139,000 87,100 27 •.•..•••.... - - - - - 615,000 519,000 388,000 345,000 234,000 136,000 86,000 28 ..•...•..... - - - - - 697,000 499,000 396,000 341,000 233,000 133,000 85,400 29 •.....•••.•. - - - - - 834,000 484,000 388,000 338,000 232,000 129,000 85,000 30 ..•..•..•••. - - - - - 884,000 473,000 378,000 334,000 231,000 126,000 84,400 31. ...••...•.• ------466,000 370,000 - 230.000 - 84, 100 Total ------19,527,000 12,990,000 11,275,000 8,461,000 5,542,000 3,097,900 Mean ------630,000 419,000 376,000 273,000 185, 000 99,900 Acre-feet ------3s,:zoo,il oo 25,800,000 22,400,000 16, 800, 0001 11,000,000: 6, 140,000

Ice conditions October 20 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. E - Estimated. I MACKENZIE RIVER AT FORT GOOD HOPE - STATION No. lOLDOOl 41

Location: Lat. 66° 151 30 11 , long.· 128° 381 20", Northwest Territories, at southern end of settlement, one hundred feet north of Jackfish Creek orl Roman Catholic Church property. ~ Redording; gauge heights are referred to an assumed datum.

Period of lcord: Gauge to December heig::i:~l:~:::i:::g:::::::tl::::~el:::i:od J~::~ber 1967

Day I Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

5.99 11.,...... 21...... L:::::::::::I: 5.98 l'z: ...... 22 ...... 3 ...... 6.03 13 ...... 23 ...... 4 ...... 6.lOA 14...... 24 ...... 5 ..•....•...... 15 ...... 25 ...... 6 .....•.•..•... 16 ...... 26 ...... 7 ...... •.•. 17 ...... •.... 27 ...... 8 ...... •..... 18.••...... 28 ...... 9 ....••...... • 19 ...... 29 ..•...... 10 ....•...... 20 ...... 30 ...... 31 ......

A - Manual gauge.

Daily Gauge Heights in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 11.18 7.62 6.50 2 ...... 10.87 7.48 6.36 3 ...... 10. 73 7.56 6.22 4 ...... 10. 75 7.80 5.95 5 ...... 11.08 7.99 5.67 6 ...... 11.47 7.94 7 ...... 11.97 7.96 8 ...... 12.24 8.13 9 ...... 12.17 8.17 10 ...... 11.87 8.19 11...... 11.59 8.22 12 ...... 11.27 8.30 13 ...... 10.72 8.48 14.••...... 10.18 8.80 15 ...... 9.66 9.05 i'6 ...... 9.09 9.20 17 ...... 15.67 8.60 9.25 18 ...... ••..•. 15.78 8.24 9.14 19 ...... · 16.11 7.92 8.92 20 ...... 16.43 18.48 7.61 8.78 21...... •. 16.38 18.72 7.43 8.48 22 .•..•..••.•. 15.88 18.24 7.29 8.11 23 ....•...... 15-37 17.38 7.16 7.80 24 ....••.••.•. 15.00 16.37 7.15 7.51 25 ...... 15.21 i5.44 7.21 7.28 26 ....•...... 15.68 14.66 7.28 7.16 27 ..••.....•.. 16.14 13.87 7.51 7.09 28 ...... 16.75 13.24 8.09 6.91 29 ...... 18. 76 12.55 8.49 6.75 30 ...... 11.94 8.33 6.69 31. •...... l l.48 7.97 42 MACKENZIE RIVER (PEEL CHANNEL) AT AKLAVIK - STATION No. lOMCOOl

1 11 1 11 Location: Lat. 68° 13 10 , long. 135° 00 00 , Northwest Territories, located on N.T. dock in town of Aklavik, on left bank of Peel Channel, Mackenzie River delta. Gauge: Manual. Period of Record: Gauge heights only, mainly June to September, 1967 and 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily gauge height, 23.04 ft, June 2 to 5, 1968.

Daily Gauge Heights in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 20.64 15.34 10.62 10.18 2 ...... 23.04 15.37 12.13 10.49 10.07 3 ...... 23.04 15.43 12.06 10.24 10.03 4 ...... 23.04 15.46 11.97 10.16 5 ...... 23.04 15.42 11.77 10.46 10.79 6 ...... 22.54 15.29 11.52 11.64 ? ...... 22.54 15.01 11.44 11.61 11.44 8 ...... 22.54 14.90 11.35 11.41 11.09 9 ...... 21.84 14.61 11.15 11.07 10.64 1 o...... 20.94 14.56 11.35 10.88 10.51 11...... 20.23 14.51 11.35 10.74 10.51 12 ...... 19.53 14.48 11.38 10.67 10.54 13 ...... 18.73 14.39 11.46 10.55 14...... 18.14 · 14.27 11-.34 10.66 15 ...... 17.64 14.25 11.14 10.66 16 ...... 17.04 13.98 11.01 10.70 1 7 ...... 16.80 13.82 11.04 10.95 18 ...... 16.44 13.69 11.01 10.93 19 ...... 16.13 13.54 10.95 11.19 20 ...... 15.82 13.27 10.74 10.99 21...... 14.53 15.61 13.17 10.74 10.98 22 ...... •. 14.53 15.32 13.17 10.73 10.89 23 .•••...... 15.17 15.03 13.57 10.72 10.90 24 ....•..•.••. 15.62 14.93 13.99 10.62 10.89 25 ...... •••. 15.97 14.82 13.88 10.47 10.96 26 ...... ••.•.. 16.22 14.80 13.57 10.46 11.06 27 ...... •.... 17.37 14.83 13.43 10.55 28 ...•...... 17.56 14.81 13.26 10.89 lp.30 29 ...... •. 14.84 12.98 10.81 10.30 30 ...... •.... 17.54 15.37 12.66 10.79 10.28 31...... 18.53 12.53 10.76

For the Period ...... Maximum daily gauge height, 23.04 ft,.June 2 to 5 Minimum daily gauge height, 10.03 ft on October 3 GREAT SLAVE LAKE AT YELLOWKNIFE BAY - STATION No. 07SB001 43

Location: Lat. 62° 261 3011 , long. 114° 211 00", Northwest Territories, at Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company dock. Gauge: Recording; elevations are referred to approximate Geodetic Survey of Canada datum. Records prior to October 1963 may be convertrd to pJ:esent datum by adding 21.05 ft. Period of Record: Periods of varying length, June 1938 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily elevation, 516.26 ft on October 6, 1962. Referred to present datum. Minimum daily elevation, 512.54 ft on April 5 and 28, 1946. Referred to present datum.

I Daily.Elevations in Feet for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. I l...... l - 514.37 514.21 11...... - 514.31 513.98 21...... - 514.29 514. 09 2 ...... t - 514.64 514.27 12 ...... - 514. 39 513.92 22 ...... - 514.13 514.11 - 514.60 514.37 13 ...... - 514. 36 514.05 23 ...... - 514.43 514.14 - 514.53 514. 26 14...... - 514.45 514.06 24 ...... - 513.94 514.08 L:::::::J - 514.55 514.22 15 ...... - 514.25 514.06 25 ...... - 513. 91 514.08 6 ...... [ - 514.60 514.24 16 ...... - 514.27 513.98 26 ...... 514.72 514.16 514.or - 514.44 514.13 17 ...... - 514.16 514.01 27 ...... 514.83 514. 30 514.07 L::::::::::l - 514.35 514.14 18 ...... - 514. 30 514.03 28 ...... 514. 74 514. 37 514.08 9 ...... - 514.44 514.12 19 ...... - 514.21 514.04 29 ...... 514.54 514.24 514.03 514.06 30 ...... 514.59 514.17 514.03 10 ...... 1 - 514.34 514.10 20 ...... - 514.22 31...... 514.49 - 514.04

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I 1...... 514.02 513. 75 ---- - 514.54 -- - 513.26 2 ...... 513.98 513.52 - --- - 514.53 --- 513.24 3 •...... 513.95 513.38 - - - - - 514.53 --- 513.20 4 ...•...... 513.99 513.81 - - - 514.74A - 514.43 - 513.87A - 513.20 5 •...... 514.01 513.23 --- 514. 73 - 514.48 514.22A 513.93 513.54A 513.22 6 ..•...... 514.03 513.53 -- - 514. 7 3 - 514.47 514.29 513.63 - 513.24 7 ...... 514.04 513.65 - -- 514.73 - 514.46 514. 30 513.69 - ~13.32 8 ...... •....• 514.07 513.84 --- 514. 72 - 514.40 514.32 513.80 513.67 A 13.18 9 ...... • 514.05 514.05 --- 514. 71 - 514.43A 514. 27 513.75 513.66 513.24 10 ...... 514.10 513.93 --- 514. 70 -- 514.32 513. 70 513.46 513.22 11 ..•...•..... 514.11 513.83 - -- 514. 71 - - 514. 31 513.66 A 513.44 513.22 12 ...... 514;06 513.85 514.35.A -- 514.67 - - 514. 26 - 513.38 513.24 13 ...... 514.02 513. 75 --- 514. 70 -- 514.24 - 513.22 513.26 14...... 514.11 513.62.A - - - 514. 73 - - 514.22 - 513.26 513.24 15 •...... 514.14 - --- 514. 72 514.68 A - 514.18 - 513.26 513.24 16 ....•...... 514.13 - - -- 514.68 514.68 - 514.17 - 513.26 513.26 17 ...... 514.15 ---- 514.70 ' 514.68 - 514.17 - 513.28 513.26 18 ...... 514.13 ---- 514.72 514.69 - 514.12A - 513.38 513.22 19 ...... 514.14 ---- 514. 70 514.67 - - - 513.36 513.22 20 ...... 514.13 ---- 514. 70 514.62 - -- 513.24 513.24 21...... 514.25 - - 514.31 A - 514.69 514.63 - - - 513.28 513.20 22 ...... 514.25 ---- 514. 71 514.62 - -- 513.26 513.24 23 ...... 514.35 ---- 514.72A 514.651 - -- 513.16 513.26 24 •...... 514.35 ---- - 514.62 - -- 513.16 513 •. 28 25 ...... 514.17 - --- - 514.60 - -- 513.20 513.26 26 .•...... 513.92 - - -- - 514.62 - -- 513.16 513.28 27 ...... 514.07 ---- - 514.62 - - - 513.44 513.26 28 ...... 514.17 ----- 514.60 - - - 513.46 513.24 29 .....•...... 514.09 - - --- 514.57 - -- 513.28 513.28 30 ...... 513.85 ----- 514.59 - - - 513.06 513.28 31...... 513.65 ---- - 514.59 -- -- 513.32 A - Manual. gauge. 44 GREAT SLAVE LAKE AT SNOWDRIFT - STATION No. 07QB001

Location: Lat. 62° 241 15fl, long. 110° 441 30t1, Northwest Territories, on the main dock at Snowdrift. Gauge: Manual; elevations are referred to approximate Geodetic Survey of Canada datum. Elevations prior to 1963 can be converted to present datum by adding 415.61 ft. Period of Record: Part-year records, 1959 to 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily elevation, 516.45 ft on September 1, 1962. Referred to present datum. Minimum daily elevation,· 513.44 ft on October 28; 1968.

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 514. 79 514.41 513. 71 2 •••••.•..... 514.98 514. 78 514.49 513. 73 3 ..••...... •. 514.88 514.65 514.59 4 .••••••••••• 514.86 513.94 5 ..•...... 514.78 514.69 6 .•..•..••. ;. 514.86 514.73 7 ••.••.•.•.•• 514.89 514.69 514.45 8 ••...... 514.89 514.68 514.33 513.95 9 ..••..•..••. 515.05 514.68 514.47 513.91 10 ...... 514.92 514. 70 513.88 11 ..••..•..... 514.85 514.50 513.86 12 ...... 514.83 514.64 514.23 513.93 514.21 13 .. ·········· 514.87 14...... •..•. 514.83 15 ...... 514.87 514.49 514. 33 513.86 16 ...... 514.87 514.40 514.24 17 ...... 514.86 514.30 514.22 18 ...... 514.88 514.32 514.20 513.9 3 19 ...... 514.86 514.43 514.28 513.88 20 ...... 514.91 514.44 514.21 513.99 21...... 514.90 514.36 514.12 513.95 22 ...... 514.88 514.42 514.06 513. 75 23 ...... 514.87 514.46 514.06 513. 72 24 .....•...... 514.36 514.04 513. 79 25 ...... 515.04 514.37 514.08 513.67 26 •...... 514.88 514.47 514.12 513.94 27 ...... 514.94 514.78 514.03 513.62 28 ...... 514.81 514.74 514.39 514.08 513.44 29 ••••••••••.. 514. 9 3 514.80 514.35 514.14 513.67 30 ...... 514.89 514.7.9 514.38 513.49 31...... 514.78 514.22 GREAT SLAVE LAKE AT FORT RESOLUTION - STATION No. 07PB001 45

Location: !Lat. 61° 10, long. 113° 42', Northwest Territories. Gauge: Repording,installed June 1967 at former manual gauge location; elevations are referred to approximate Geodetic Survey of Canada fiatum. To convert data 1957 to 1965 to present datum, subtract 11.69 ft. Data prior to 1957, add 509.89 ft. Period of Record: Mainly open water, 1934, 1935, 1938 to 1955 and 1957 to 1968. Extremes :Recorded: Maximum daily elevation, 516.39 ft on July 24, 1954. Referred to present datum. Minimum daily elevation, 512.69 ft on May 17 and 18, 1946. Referred to present datum. Revisions: 1950 to 1955, WRP 125. Remarks: Elevations are referred to brass cap in Dominion Observatory monlllilent, elevation 527 .69 ft (approximate Geodetic Survey ofI Canada datum). Extreme stage of July 24, 1954, was the result of northwest wind at 36 m.p.h.

I Daily Elevations in Feet for the Year 1968 Day I Jan. Feb, March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 514.38 1...... 1 514.03 514.17 514.18 514.57 2 ...... 1 514.06 514.16 514.17 3 ...... 514.00 514.15 514.20 514.64 514.0J 514.17 514.23 514.64 !::::::::::::: 514.01 514.14 514.22 514.58 6 ...... ' 514.00 514.12 514.31 514.41 7 ...... 514.01 514.13 514.29 514.34 8 ...... 514.02 514.10 514.25 514. 31 9 ...... 514.00 514.11 514.27 514. 35 10 ...... 514.02 514.16 514.23 514.25 11 ...... 513.97 514.13 514.20 514.34 12 ...... 513.99 514.18 514.27 13 ...... 514.02 514.18 514.27A 14 ...... 513.98 514.18 15 ...... 514.03 514.20 514.26A 16 ...... 514.07 514.18 514.25 17 ...... 514.02 514,20 514.32 18 ...... 514.07 514.19 514.36 A 514. 32 19 ...... 514.07 514.19 514.28 20 ...... 514.09 514.18 514.27 A 514.26 21...... 514.08 514.19 514.25 22 ...... 514.09 514.19 514,23 513.19A 23 ...... 514.08 514.19 514.36 513.90A 24 ...... 514.10 514.21 514.36 25 ...... 514.17 514.19 514.39 26 ...... 514.13 514.19 514.44 27 ...... 514.14 514.18 514.70A 514.49 28 ...... 514.16 514,18 514.42 29 ...... 514.15 514.19 514.37 30 ...... 514.14 514.38 31 ...... 514.17 514. 30

Missing record is due to a malfunction of the recorder. A - Manual gat!ge. 46 GREAT SLAVE LAKE AT HAY RIVER - STATION No. 070B002

Location: Lat. 60° 51', long. 115° 481 , Northwest Territories, on the west channel of the Hay River. Gauge: Recording, elevations are referred to Geodetic Survey of Canada datum. Records for 1965 and 1966 water years can be converted to present datum by adding 510.00 feet. . Period of Record: Miscellaneous elevations during the water year 1959 to 1960 and periods of varying length, July 19 61 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily elevation, 516.22 feet on September l, 1962. Minimum daily elevation, 513.62 ft on April 23, 1962. Remarks: Elevations are referred to bench mark in base of 8-inch poplar. elevation 522.60 feet~ approximate Geodetic Survey of Canada (from levels to GSC bench mark No. 906H).

Daily -Elevations in Feet for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 515.11 514.67 11...... 514.86 514.48 21...... 514.63 514.49 2 ...... 514.82 514. 79 12 ...... 514.67 514.48 22 ...... 514.75 514.47 3 ...... 514.81 514. 73 13 ...... 514.67 514.56 23 ...... 514.64 514.43 4 ...... 514.87 514. 74 14 ...... 514.65 514.58 24 ...... 514.90A 514.98 514.44 5 ...... 514.89 514.65 15 ...... 514.68 514.50 25 ...... 514.88 514.85 514.47 6 ...... : .... 514.82 514.53 16 ...... 514.63 514.57 26 ...... 514.86 514.61 514.49 7 ...... 514.90 514.63 17 ...... 514.63 514.53 27 ...... 514.88 514.54 514.57 8 ...... 514.89 514.63 18 ...... 514.54 514.48 28 ...... 514.82 514.64 514.41 9 ...... 514.88 514.66 19 ...... 514.66 514.47 29 ...... 514.88 514.62 514.37 10 ...... 514.91 514.54 20 ...... 514.59 514.49 30 ...... 514.92 ~14.70 514.57 31...... 515.02 514.53 A - Manual gauge.

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Year 1968 , Day Jan, Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec, 1...... 514.46 514.63 514.89 -- 515.24 515.19 515.09 514. 76 514.41 514.06 513.92 2 ...... 514.53 514.65 514.84 -- 515.28 515.18 515.09 515.23 514.28 514.06 513.90 3 ...•...... 514.53 514.68 514.86 - - 515.20 515.23 515.07 514.93 514.23 513.93 513.84 4 ...... 514.51 514.69 514.85 -- 515.25 515.24 515.16 514.86 514.29 513.84 513.85 5 ...... 514.43 514.64 514.93 -- 515.26 515.34 515.04 514. 75 514.10 513.90 513.91 6 .•...... 514.43 514. 76 514.94 - - 515.24 515.40 514.99 514.68 514.30 513.89 513.96 7 ...... 514.48 514.69 514.83 -- 515.22 515.23 515.01 514.69 514.18 513.92 513.97 8 ...... 514.47 514. 77 514.82 - 515.02 515.22 515.17 514.97 514.66 514.12 513.90 513.81 9 •••••••.•••• 514.54 514. 76 514.82 - 515.02 515.22 515.22 514.91 514.67 514.17 513.86 513.85 10 ...... 514.45 514. 71 514.87 - 515.08 515.28 515.25 514.89 514.64 514.21 513.86 513.86 11. ...•...... 514.44 514. 74 514.85 - 515.07 515.21 515.30 515.10 514.60 514.17 513. 93 513.87 12 ...... 514.46 514.67 514.85 - 515.07 515.18 515.33 514.94 514. 71 514.17 514.00 513.89 13 ...•...... 514.52 514.68 514.92 - 515.06 515.08 515.42 514.88 514. 71 514.17 514.21 513.96 14 ...... 514.60 514.67 514.87 - 515.06 515.14 515.26 514.93 514.65 514.12 513.98 513.95 15 ...... 514.54 514.66 514.80 - 515.10 515.19 515.21 514.90 514.65 514.18 513.86 513.93 16 ...... 514.55 514.61 514.85 - 515.17 515.16 515.18 514.90 514.62 514.13 513.81 513.93 17 ...... 514.55 514.69 514.83 - 515.16 515.15 515.17 515.07 514.64 514.07 513.83 513.91 18 ...... 514.66 514.68 514.80 - 515.20 515.19 515.15 515.19 514.67 514.00 513.84 513.83 19 ...... 514.62 514.68 514.80 - 515.21 515.21 515.16 515.05 514.57 514.11 513.94 513.84 20 ...... 514.65 514.84 514.88 - 515.27 515.19 515.18 514.88 514.51 514.11 513.83 513.86 21 ...... 514.64 514.83 514.92 - 515.21 515.21 515.17 514.87 514.46 514.10 513.91 513.83 22 .... : ...... 514.67 514.86 514.94 - 515.25 515.28 515.18 514.84 514.55 514.08 513.93 513.84 23 ...... 514.69 514.83 514.90 - 515.24 515.24 515.15 514.82 514.63 514.07 513.81 513.84 24 ...... 514.65 514. 77 514.87 - 515.25 515.23 515.-27 514. 79 514.51 514.05 513. 75 - 25 ...... 514.61 514. 75 514.91 - 515.19 515.22 515.25 514. 77 514.48 514.05 513.73 - 26 ...... 514.66 514. 74 514.92 - 515.16 515.23 515.14 514. 77 514.45 514.07 513.93 - 27 ...... 514. 72 514.83 514.89 - 515.18 515.27 515.19 514.76 514. 30 514.10 513. 93 - 28 •...•...... 514.62 514.80 514.82 - 515.16 515.48 515.24 514.73 514.22 514.12 513.90 - 29 ...... 514.63 514. 78 514.82 - 515.14 515.23 515.14 514. 78 514.34' 514.13 513. 78 - 30 ...... 514.59· - 514.81 - 515.17 515.20 515.08 514. 73 . 514. 36 514.30 513.88 - 31...... 514.64 - 514.78 - 515.20 - 515.09 514. 77 - 514.07 - -

For the Period .....•. Maximum instantaneous elevation, 515.87 ft at 0800 on June 28 Minimum elevation,not determined SNARE RIVER AT BIGSPRUCE LAKE - STATION No. 07SA003 47

Location: 11at. 63° 30' 43 11 ,. long. 116° 001 21 11 , Northwest Territories, in Northern Canada Power Commission power house at the dam on Bigspruce Lake, about ninety miles northwest of Yellowknife. Drainage A~ea: 5,880 square miles. Period ofR¢cord: October 1949 to December 1968. Mean Disch~rge: (19 years) J,700 cfs. Extremes R'°corded: Maxim= daily discharge, 8,355 cfs, August 2 to 8, 1959. I Minimum daily discharge, 269 cfs, April 21 to 25_, 1?66. . . . . Rem.arks: JJ)ischarge data computed by Northern Canada Power Comnuss1on from turbine and spillway ratings and observations of forebay ~torage. The discharges represent natural inflow to Bigspruce Lake less evaporation from the lake; they approximate the natur~l outflow from the lake but have not been corrected for variations in storage in the natural lake. Data for the years 1950 to lr59 were published in WRP 127,

I Dailv Disch arges in c ubic Feet per Second or t h e p er10 . d 0 cto b er to D ecem b er 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. I I...... 2,350 2,340 2,660 11...... 2,380 2,230 2,430 21...... 2.260 2,510 2,250 2 ...... 2,350 2,340 2,660 12 ...... 2,380 2,230 2,430 22 ...... 2,260 2,510 2,250 3 ...... 2,350 2,340 2,660 13 ...... 2,380 2,230 2,430 23 ...... 2,260 2,510 2,250 4 ...... 2,350 2,340 2,660 14...... 2,380 2,230 2,430 24 ...... 2,260 2,510 2,250 5 ...... 2,350 2,340 2,660 ·15 ...... 2,380 2,230 2,430 25 ...... 2,260 2,510 2,250 6 ...... 2,350 2.680 2,450 16 ...... 2,400 2,410 2,120 26 ...... 2,770 2,670 2,040 7 ...... 2,350 2,680 2,450 17 .... , ...... 2,400 2,410 2,120 27 ...... 2,770 2,670 2,040 8 ...... 2,.350 2,680 2,450 18 ...... 2,400 2,410 2,120 28 ...... 2,770 2,670 2,040 9 ...... 2,350 2,680 2,450 19 ...... 2,400 2,410 2,120 29 ...... 2, 770 2,670 2,040 10 ...... 2,350 2,680 2,450 20 ...... 2,400 2,410 2,120 30 ...... 2,770 2,670 2,040 31...... 2,770 - 2,040

Total 75,320 74,200 71, 790

Mean 2,430 2,470 2,320

Acre-feet 149,000 147,000 142,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

!...... ' l,800 1,290 l, 170 968 721 1,810 3,920. 4,530 2,840 2,200 1,680 1,310 2 ...... i 1,800 1,290 l, 170 9q8 721 1,810 3,920 4,530 2,840 2,200 1,680 1,310 3 ...... 1,800· 1,290 l, 170 968 721 1,810 3,920 4,530 2,840 2,200 1,680 1,310 4 ...... 1,800 1,290 l, 170 96.8 721 1,810 3,920 4,530 2,840 2,200 1,680 1,310 5 ...... 1,800 1,290 l, 170 968 721 1,810 3,920 4,530 2,840 2,200 1,680 1,310 6 ...... 1, 700 1,200 966 535 587 1,080 4,800 4,330 2,300 2, 140 1,280 1,320 7 ...... 1, 700 1,200 966 535 587 1,080 4,800 4,330 2,300 2, 140 1,280 1,320 8 ...... 1,700 1,200 966 535 587 1,080 4,800 4,330 2,300 2,140 1,280 1,320 9 ...... 1,700 1,200 966 535 587 1,080 4,800 4,330 2,300 2,140 1,280 1,320 10 ...... 1,700 1,200 966 535 587 1,080 4,800 4,330 2,300 2, 140 1,280 1,320 11...... 1, 780 l, 190 973 940 869 1,520 4,860 3,730 2,350 1,890 1,530 1,220 12 ...... 1,780 l, 190 973 940 869 1,520 4,860 3,730 2,350 1,890 1,530 1,220 13 ...... 1, 780 l, 190 973 940 869 1,520 4,860 3,730 2,350 1,890 1,530 1,220 14 ...... 1, 780 l, 190 973 940 869 1,520 4,860 3,730 2,350 1,890 1,530 1,220 15 ...... 1, 780 1,190 973 940 869 1,520 4,860 3, 730 2,350 1,890 1,530 1,220 16 ...... 1,660 1,470 1,010 820 1,260 1,650 5,210 \ 3,650 2,440 1,810 1,500 l, 130 l 7 ...... 1,660 1,470 1,010 820 1,260 1,650 5,210 3,650 2,440 1,810 1,500 1, 130 18 ...... 1,660 1,470 1,010 820 l,26Q 1,650 5,210 3,650 2,440 1,810 1,500 l, 130 19 ...... 1,660 1,470 1,010 820 1,260 1,650 5,210 2,650 2,440 1,810 1,500 l, 130 20 ...... 1,660 1,470 1,010 820 1,260 1,650 5,210 3,650 2,440 1,810 1,500 l, 130 21 ...... 1,630 1, 100 957 626 1,760 1,760 5,010 3,110 2,060 1,820 l,480 l, 170 .22 ...... 1,630 l, 100 957 626 1,760 1,760 5,010 3, l 10 2,060 1,820 1,480 l, 170 23 ...... 1,630 1, 100 957 626 1,760 1,760 5,010 3, 110 2,060 1,820 1,480 1, 170 24 ...... 1,630 l, 100 957 626 1, 760 1,760 5,010 3,110 2,060 1,820 1,480 1, 170 25 ...... 1,630 l, 100 957 626 1,760 1,760 5,010 3,110 2,060 1,820 1,480 l, 170 26 ...... 1,780 l, 130 961 724 1,480 3,410 4,790 3,140 1,930 1,640 1,480 I,050 27 ...... 1,780 1,130 961 724 1,480 3,410 4,790 3, 140 1,930 1,640 1,480 1,050 28 ...... 1, 780 1,130 961 724 1,480 3,410 4, 790 3,140 1,930 1,640 1,480 1,050 29 ...... 1,780 l, 130 961 724 1,480 3,410 4,790 3,140 1,930 1,640 1,480 1,050 30 ...... 1,780 ~ 961 724 1,480 3,410 4,790 3,140 1,930 1,640 1,480 1,050 31. ...•....•.. 1,780 - 961 - 1,480 - 4, 790 . 3,140 - 1,640 - 1,050 Total 53,530 35, 770 31,146 23,065 34,865 56,150 147, 740 115,590 69,600 59,140 44,750 37,050 I

Mean 1,730 1,230 1,000 769 1,120 1, 1,870 4,770 3,730 2,320 1,910 1,490 1,200

Acre-- feet 106,000 70,900 61,800 45,700 69,200 111,000 293,000 229,000 138,000 117,000 88,800 7 3,500 I For the Yea~ 1968 ...... Mean discharge, 1,940 cfs Total discharge, 1,400,000 ac-ft 48 BAKER CREEK MAIN STEM - STATION No. 07SB009

Location: Lat. 62° 301 35 11 , long. 114° 21 1 49", Northwest Territories, on right bank of creek, about four miles north of y ellowknife. Gauge: Recording. Period of Record: May to November 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum_ daily discharge, 48.8 cfs on June 3, 1968. Minimum daily discharge, 1.2 cfs on October 4, 1968. Remarks: Records poor.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 47.7 21.5 5.8 2.0 1.5 2.2 2 ...... 48.0 21.0 5.3 2. 7 1.5 2.3 3 ...... 48.8 20.2 5.0 2.9 1.4 2.2 4 ...... •.. 47.7 19.4 4.4 2.7 1.2 2.2 5 ...... 47.7 17 .9 4.2 2.6 LJ 2.2 6 ...... 45.5 17. 7 4.0 2.4 1.4 2.2 7 ....•..•.... 44.4 16. 7 3.8 2.3 1.4 2.3 8 ...... 43.4 16. 7 3.5 2.3 1.4 2.2 9 ...••.•..... 42.6 15. 7 3.3 2.3 I. 3 2.2 10 ...... 41.9 14.4 3.2 2.4 1.4 2.2 11...... 41.6 14.0 3.0 2.4 1.4 2.2 12 ...... 40.2 13.5 2.9 2.3 1.5 2.2 13 ...... 39.5 12. 7 2.8 2.3 1.5 2.2 14...... 38.4 12.0 2.6 2.3 1.5 2.2 15 ...... 17.9 37.0 11.5 2.5 2.2 1.5 2.2 16 ...... 13. l 36.3 11. l 2.5 2.1 1.8 I 7 .••..•.•••.• 14.6 35.3 10.8 2.4 2.1 1.8 18 ...... 16.1 34.2 10. 7 2.3 2.0 1.8 19 ...... •.. 17.7 32.5 10.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 20 ...... 19.2 31.8 10.1 2.1 1.9 1.8 21. ....•...•.. 20.5 31.5 9.8 2.1 I. 9 1.8 22 ...... 22.1 30.1 9.3 2.0 1.8 1.8 23 •.••....•.•. 24.4 28.8 9.0 1.9 I. 7 1.8 24 ...... 28.2 27.8 8.9 1.8 1.6 1.9 25 .•.•....•... 31.5 26.9 8.3 1.7 1.7 1.9 26 ...... 35.6 26.3 7.9 I. 7 I. 7 I. 9 27 ...... 38.4 25.6 7.5 1.6 I. 7 1.9 28 ...... 41.6 24.1 7.2 1.5 1.6 2.0 29 ...... 43.7 23.8 6.6 1.5 1.6 2.0 30 ...... 45.9 22. 7 6.3 1.4 1.6 2.2 31...... 47.0 .§.,1_ Ll ll

Total 1,092.1 385.0 86.3 63.1 52.2

Mean 36.4 12.4 2.8 2.1 I. 7 Acre-feet 2, 170 764 171 125 104

For the Period ...... Maximum daily discharge, 48.8 cfs on June 3 Minimum daily discharge, 1.2 cfs on October 4 Mean discharge, 11.0 cfs Total discharge, 3,330 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 22 and October 19 to December 31. POCKET LAKE OUTLET NEAR YELLOWKNIFE - STATION No, 07SB008 49

Location: at. 62° 30' 36fl, long. 114° 22' 16t1, Northwest Territories, about four miles north of Yellowknife and about one-quarter mile abo~e confluence with Baker Creek. . Drainage Area: 0.058 square mile. Gauge: Redording. Period of R~cord: April to October 1967 and May to December 1968. Remarks: good. No flow during 1967 and 1968 as water level below V-notch weir. r=<~ Daily Gauge Heights in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 ...... 0.92 0.62 0.31 0.14 0.22 0.34 0.47 2 ...... 0.92 0.60 0.28 0.21 0.21 0.35 0.48

3 ...... 1 0.92 0.60 0.26 0.25 0.22 0.36 0.48 4 ...... 0.90 0.58 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.37 0.47 5 ...... 0.89 0.60 0.22 0.25 0.24 0.37 0.47 6 ...... 0.88 0.59 0.21 0.25 0.21 0.37 0.48 7 ...... 0.87 0.55 0.21 0.25 0.19 0.36 0.50 8 ...... 0.87 0.56 0.19 0.25 0.20 0.39 0.49 9 ...... 0.85 0.56 0.18 0.25 0.21 0.40 0.49 10 ...... 0.84 0.54 0.19 0.27 0.22 0.39 0.49 11...... 0.83 0.53 0.18 0.27 0.24 0.39 0.49 12 ...... 0.79 0.53 0.17 0.28 0.24 0.40 0.49 13 ...... 0.77 0.52 0.16 0.28 0.25 0.41 0.50 14 ...... 0.79 0.76 0.49 0.14 0.28 0.26 0.41 0.50 15 ...... 0.80 0.76 0.47 0.13 0.27 0.27 0.39 0.50 16 ...... 0.80 0.75 0.46 0.14 0.27 0.27 0.39 0.51 17 ...... 0.81 0.72 0.45 0.14 0.27 0.31 0.39 0.50 18 ...... 0.83 0.71 0.44 0.13 0.26 0.31 0.40 0.49 19 ...... 0.86 0.70 0.44 0.11 0.26 0.31 0.42 0.49 20 ...... 0.88 o. 71 0.44 0.10 0.24 0.30 0.45 0.49 21...... 0.90 0.72 0.42 0.11 0.25 0.29 0.44 0.49 22 ...... 0.88 0.71 0.42 0.11 0.25 0.31 0,45 0.49 23 ...... 0.90" 0.69 0.40 0.11 0.24 0.31 0.45 0.49 24 ...... 0.91 0.68 0.41 0.11 0.23 0.31 0.45 0.51 25 ...... 0.90 0.69 0.38 0.11 0.25 0.32 0.45 0.50 26 ...... 0.91 o. 71 0.36 0.10 0.24 0.30 0.46 0.50 27 ...... 0.89 0.72 0.35 0.09 0.25 0.32 0.47 0.50 28 ...... 0.89 0.67 0.34 0.08 0.27 0.34 0.49 0.50 29 ...... 0.91 0.63 0.32 0.06 0.26 0.35 0.51 0.50 30 ...... 0.91 0.63 0.32 0,05 0.24 0.38 0.48 0.50 31...... 0.91 0.32 0.06 0.35 0.50


11 Location: llat. 62• 32' 10 , long. 114° 23' 28", Northwest Territories, about six and one-half miles north of Yellowknife and located in the Baker Creek watershed. Drainage A~ea: 0.091 square mile. Gauge: Reclording. Period of R~cord: April to August 1967 and May to November 1968. Extremes Riecorded: Minimum d~ily discharge, 0 cfs at various times. Remarks: · ecords poor. Control is a 2.0 foot head 90° V-notch weir. Notch leaked during 1968 but no flow assumed for the period. 50 YELLOWKNIFE RIVER AT INLET TO PROSPEROUS LAKE - STATION No. 07SB003

11 Location: Lat. 62° 40' 10 , long. 114° 151 45", Northwest Territories, below Bluefish Lake dam at inlet at north end of Prosperous Lake and about fifteen miles north of Yellowknife Bay, Great Slave Lake. , Drainage Area: 4,350 square miles. Period of Record: January to October 1939, January to July 1940 and January 1941 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (26 years) 956 cfs. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge (regulated), 3,440 cfs on July 28, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 146 cfs on July 2, 1943. Revisions: 1939, WRP 117; 1942, WRP 125. Remarks: Data supplied by Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company. Since January 26, 1941, published figures are the sum of the flow past Bluefish Lake Dam above Prosperous Lake and the flow diverted to the power plant at site Y2.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 977 1,016 991 11...... 1,001 1,009 1,028 21...... 1,031 1,001 977 2 ...... 967 1,002 995 12 ...... 1,032 1,006 1,017 22 ...... 1,031 1,002 968 3 ...... 957 991 998 13 ...... 1,039 1,008 1,010 23 ...... 1,031 1,001 960 4 ...... 950 999 1,002 14...... 1,043 1,008 1,002 24 ...... 1,028 1,002 961 5 ...... 947 1,004 1,005 15 ...... 1,047 1,009 995 25 ...... 1, 021 1,002 961 6 ...... 944 1,013 1,009 16 ...... 1,051 1,009 988 26 ...... 1,024 998 964 7 ...... 941 1,020 1,013 17 ...... 1,039 1,009 984 27 ...... 1,024 995 965 8 ...... 941 1,015 1,016 18 ...... 1,032 1,014 980 28 ...... 1,028 990 960 9 ...... 947 1,012 1,019 19 ...... 1,030 1,001 977 29 ...... 1,032 992 961 10 ...... 981 1,008 1,024 20 ...... 1,030 1,001 978 30 ...... 1,036 991 958 31...... 1,039 957 Total 31,221 30, 128 30,623

Mean 1, 010 1,000 988

Acre-feet 61,930 59 '760 60, 740

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 955 864 652 773 675 1.300 1.740 2, 760 2, 130 . 1,980 1,690 1,380 2 ...... ill 861 948 775 672 1,320 l,7N 2, 750 2, 130 l,950 1,670 1,400 3 ...... 947 860 916 775 671 1,350 1, 740 2, 740 2,130 1,940 1,660 1,410 4 ...•...... 944 859 823 775 667 1,380 1,920 2,730 2, 130 1,920 1,620 1,400 5 ...... 944 855 786 748 666 1,410 2,090 2, 700 2,130 1,900 1,630 1,380 6 ...... 945 838 783 760 664 1,430 2,210 2,670 2,130 1,880 1,620 1, 370 7 ...... 943 821 778 770 660 1,450 2,270 2,640 2,140 1,870 1,610 1,360 8 ...... 942 815 773 766 661 1,460 2,330 2,600 2,140 1,860 1,600 1,350 9 ...... 942 814 768 771 657 1,490 2,390 2,570 2, 150 1,860 1,580 1,330 1 o...... 942 813 762 773 654 1,510 2,530 2,540 2,160 1,850 1,570 1,310 11...... 943 812 758 776 665 1,520 2,680 2,510 2, 160 1,850 1,560 1,290 12 ...... 919 815 749 766 675 1,540 2,800 2,480 2,160 1,830 1,560 1,280 13 ...... 911 815 748 760 689 1,550 2,850 2,460 2,140 1,820 1,540 1,280 14 ...... 913 814 743 752 702 1,550 2,880 2,440 2,120 1,800 1,530 1,290 15 ...... 902 810 727 746 714 1,550 2,910 2,410 2, 110 1,800 1,530 1,300 16 .. ·········· 908 809 723 740 744 1,560 2,940 2,390 2,100 1,800 1,530 1,300 17 ...... 909 803 710 729 764 1,570 2,970 2,380 2, 100 1,800 1,530 1, 310 18 .....••..... 917 798 704 722 785 1,580 3,000 2,360 2,080 1, 790 1,530 1,320 19 ...... •. 926 793 698 712 813 1,600 3,020 2,340 2,080 1, 780 1,520 1,310 20 ...... 932 788 689 706 856 1,400 3 030 2,320 2,070 1, 760 1,510 1,300 21. •...... •. 936 769 686 703 896 1,500. 3,000 2,300 2,070 1,750 1,510 1,300 22 ...... •..... 942 759 698 703 936 1,650 2,960 2,290 2,060 1,740 1,500 1,290 23 ..••...... •. 945 759 713 701 990 1,510 2,910 2,280 2,050 1, 730 1,490 1,270 24 ...... 933 763 722 703 1,030 1,660 2,880 2,260 2,050 1, 730 1,470 1,250 25 ...... 919 764 730 703 1,080 1,640 2,840 2,240 2,050 1, 720 1,460 1,240 26 ...... 906 767 737 698 1, 110 1,620 2,820 2,240 2,050 1,720 1,440 1,240 27 ...... •.. 891 765 758 694 1, 180 1.740 2,810 2,190 2,040 1, 710 1,430 1,250 28 ...... 876 768 776 691 1,200 1,740 2,800 2,170 2,030 1, 700 1,410 1,270 29 ...... 872 769 773 687 1,230 1,720 2, 790 2, 160 2,020 1, 700 1,400 1,280 30 ...... •..... 872 - 771 685 1,250 1,740 2, 790 2, 140 2,010 1, 700 1,380 1, 310 31. ....•...... 866 - 770 - 1 280 - 2,780 2, 130 - I, 700 - 1,330

Total 28,593 23, 340 23, 372 22,063 26,236 46,040 81,420 75,190 62,920 55, 940 46,080 40, 700

Mean 922 805 754 735 846 1,530 2,630 2,430 2,100 1,800 1,540 1,310

Acre-feet 56, 700 46,300 .46,400 -43,800 52,000 91,300 161,000 149,000 125,000 111,000 91,400 80, 700

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, 3,030 cfs on July 20 Minimum daily discharge, 652 cfs on March 1 Mean discharge, 1,450 cfs Total discharge, 1,050,000 ac-ft LOCKHART RIVER AT OUTLET FROM - STATION No. 07RD001 51

Location: Lat. 62° 531 20", long. 108° 28 1 20", Northwest Territories, approximately two hundred and thirty air miles northeast of Fort Smith. Drainage Atea: 10,300 squg...Le miles. Gauge: Retlording. Period of Riecord: August and September 1944, continuous,August 1945 to September 1949 and May 1963 to December 1968; miscellaheous measurements only in 1950, 1951 and 1962. Extremes ~ecorded: Maximum daily discharge, 8,690 cfs on October 18, 1963. I Minimum daily discharge, 2,190 cfs on May 5, 1947.

Remarks: iecords fair~ ·1 D" h . C b" F S d f th p . d 0 t b t D auv lSC arges 1n U lC ee per econ or e er10 c 0 er 0 ecember 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. I l ...... ;,l 5,560 5,170 4,800 11...... 5,460 5,030 4,670 21...... 5,370 4,910 4,550 2 ...... 5,540 5,170 4,800 12 ...... 5,410 5,030 4,670 22 ...... 5,350 4,910 4,530 3 ...... 5,540 5,140 4,790 13 ...... 5,410 5,010 4,630 23 ...... 5,340 4,890 4,520 4 ...... 5,520 5, 120 4,790 14...... 5,410 4,990 4,630 24 ...... 5,320 4,890 4,520 5 ...... 5,520 5,120 4,750 15 ...... 5,390 4,990 4,620 25 ...... 5,280 4,890 4,500 6 ...... 5,520 5,100 4,740 16 ...... 5,410 4,980 4,600 26 ...... _5,260 4,860 4,480 7 ...... 5,500 5,100 4,740 17 ...... 5,390 4,960 4,600 27 ...... 5,250 4,840 4,480 8 ...... 5,520 5,080 4,720 18 ...... 5,390 4,940 4,580 28 ...... 5,230 4,840 4,460 9 ...... 5,480 5,070 4,720 19 ...... 5,390 4,920 4,580 29 ...... 5,230 4,820 4,450 10 ...... 5,480 5,070 4,690 20 ...... 5,370 4,920 4,570 30 ...... 5, 190 4,820 4,430 31...... 5, 190 - 4,410 Total 167,220 149,560 143,020

Mean 5,390 4,990 4,610

Acre-feet 332,000 297,000 284,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I 1...... 4,410 3,880 3.440 3,230 3,170 2,910 4.350 5,350 5,750 6,520 6.670 6,540 2 .••••...••.. 4,400 3,860 3,440 3,230 3, 170 2,920 4,380 5,350 5,770 6,540 6,650 6,520 3 ...... 4,400 3,830 3,430 3,220 3,130 2,930 4,400 5,370 5,780 6,520 6,610 6,500 4 ...... 4,380 3,850 3,430 3,250 3,120 2,960 4,410 5,390 6,060 6,570 6,570 6,460 5 ...... 4,370 3,820 3,430 3,250 3,120 3,000 4,460 5,390 6,080 6,570 6,540 6,440 6 ...... 4,350 3,790 3,420 3,250 3,120 3,090 4,570 5,410 6,080 6,590 6,520 6,420 7 ...... 4,330 3,790 3,370 3,230 3,090 3,140 4,580 5,440 6,080 6,590 6,540 6,400 8 ...... 4,330 3, 790 3,360 3,220 3,090 3,230 4,570 5,440 6,080 6,610 6,570 6,400 9 ...... 4,320 3,790 3,320 3,230 3,050 3,320 4,620 5,430 6,080 6,610 6,520 6,340 1 o...... 4,320 3,760 3,290 3,290 3,010 3,420 4,670 5,440 6,120 6,670 6,500 6,300 11...... 4,300 3,730 3,260 3,280 3,000 3,500 4,670 5,520 6,120 6,690 6,500 6,240 12 ...... 4,270 3,710 3,250 3,250 3,010 3,560 4,720 5,580 6,160 6,710 6,480 6,260 13 ...... 4,270 3,700 3,250 3,260 3,000 3,610 4,840 5,560 6,400 6,710 6,500 6,200 14 ...... 4,250 3,700 3,260 3,260 3,000 3,680 4,920 5,580 6,300 6, 710 6,520 6,200 ' 15 ...... 4,250 3,650 3,260 3,250 2,990 3,770 4,920 5,590 6,300 6, 730 6,480 6,180 16 ...... 4,240 3,590 3,230 3,220 2,990 3,820 4,980 5,590 6,320 6, 730 6,460 6,180 17 ...... 4,220 3,560 3,220 3,190 2,960 3,830 4,990 5,690 6,360 6, 710 6,410 6, 180 18 ...... 4,220 3,530 3,190 3, 190 2,920 3,850 4,990 5,750 6,320 6, 710 6,400 6, 180 19 ...... 4,210 2,530 3,190 3,180 2,920 3,920 4,990 5,770 6,300 6, 710 6,400 6, 140 20 •.....•....• 4,190 3,520 3,190 3,180 2,930 4,030. 5,010 5, 7501 6,280 6, 710 6,440 6,120

21. ••.•••..••. 4,160 3,520 3,190 3,180 2,920 4,060 5,010 5, 770 I 6,300 6, 710 6,440 6,100 22 ....••••••.•• 4,090 3,520 3,210 3,170 2,920 4,060 5,030 5,820 6,320 6, 710 6,440 6,020 23 ••••...... 4,090 3,520 3,220 3, 160 2,930 4,060 5,030 5,820 6,570 6, 710 6,480 6,020 24 •.•.•...•••• 4,090 3,500 3,250 3,170 2,920 4,080 5,070 5,860 6,570 6, 710 6,460 5,960 25 ...... 4,050 3,490 3,250 3,170 2,920 4,090 5,230 5,860 6,500 6,690 6,440 5,900 26 ••••.•••.•.• 3,980 3,490 3,260 3,160 2,930 4,140 5,230 5,880 6,500 6,690 6,460 5,900 27 .....•.•.... 3,970 3,470 3,260 3,170 2,930 4,190 5,230 5,780 6,500 6,690 6,460 5,880 28 ...... 3,950 3,460 3,290 3, 180 2,920 4,300 5,250 5,800 6,480 6,690 6,480 5,860 29 ...... 3,940 3,470 3,280 3,_170 2,920 4,330 5,260 5,860 6,480 6, 710 6,500 5,820 30 ...... 3,910 - 3,290 3,170 2,920 4,320 5,260 5,920 6,520 6, 730 6,540 5,780 31. ...•...... • 3,890 - 3,260 - 2,910 - 5,320 5,750 - 6, 730 - 5,770 Total 130, 150 105,820 101,990 I 96,360 92,930 110, 120 150,960 174,510 187,480 206,680 194, 980 191,210 Mean 4,200 I 3,650 3,290 3,210 3,000 3,670 4,870 5,630 6,250 6,670 6,500 6, 170 .Acre-feet I 258,000 210,000 202,000 191,000 184,000 218,000 299,000 346,000 372,000 410,000 387,000 379,000 For the Ye,lr 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, 6,730 cfs on October 15, 16, 30 and 31 Minimum daily discharge, 2,910 cfs on May 31 and J:une 1 Mean discharge, 4, 760 cfs Total discharge, 3,460,000 ac-ft 52 NONACHO LAKE NEAR SNOWDRIFT· STATION No. 07QD002

11 Location: Lat. 61° 431 05", long. 109° 40 1 00 , Northwest Ter.ritories, sixty air miles southeast of Snowdrift and one hundred and forty-five air miles northeast of Fort Smith on northeast tip of small island. Gauge: Recording; gauge heights are referred to an assumed datum. Gauge heights prior to 1965 may be converted to present datum, by subtracting 80.00 feet. Period of Record: Periods of varying length, 1962 to 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily gauge height, 21.04 ft.on October 10, 29 and 30, 1968. Minimum daily gauge height, 10.06 ft on May 10, 1966. Remarks: Gauge heights are referred to a one-inch diameter steel pin in bedrock, painted red, elevation 104.19 feet, assumed datum.

Daily Gauge Heights in Feet for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 13.29 11...... 13.09 21...... 2 .....•...... 13.25 12 ...... 13.06 22 ...... 3 ....•...... 13.23 13 ...... 13.07 23 ...... 4 •••..••..•...• 13.20 14 ...... 13.05 24 ...... 5 ...... •.•. 13.19 15 ...... 13.03 25 ...... 6 •••..•••...... 13.16 16 ...... 13.04 26 ...... 7 ...... •..•.... 13.15 17 ...... 13.02 27 ...... 8 ..•...•...... 13.13 18 ...... 13.03 28 ...... 9 .••..•..•..... 13.12 19 ...... 29 ...... 10 ...... 13.10 20 ...... 30 ...... 31......

Daily Gauge Heights in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... - - 11.35 11.35 11.35 11.89 - -- 20.81 21.02 20.88 2 ...... - - 11.34 11. 37 11.35 - --- 20.81 21.03 20.87 3 ...... - - 11.35 11.37 11.36 ---- 20.84 21.03 20.86 4 ...... - - 11. 35 11.37 11.36 ---- 20.87 21.02 20.86 5 ...... - - 11. 33 11. 37 11. 36 -- - - 20.85 20.97 20.85 6 ...... - 11.66 11.30 11.35 11. 36 -- 18.66 A - 20.85 20.98 20.85 7 ...... - 11.65 11.29 11.35 11. 37 - --- 20.88 20.98 20.83 8 ...... - 11.65 11.29 11.35 11. 37 ---- 20.91 20.98 20.82 9 ...... - 11.60 11. 30 11.35 11. 37 -- - - 21.02 20.96 20.81 10 ...... - 11.57 11. 30 11.36 11.37 - --- 21.04 20.94 20.78 11...... - 11.54 11. 30 11.36 11.38 - --- 21.00 20.96 20.n 12 ...... - 11.51 11.29 11.36 11.38 ---- 21.03 20.95 20.77 13 ...... - 11.50 11.29 11.36 11.39 ---- 21.02 20.96 20. 75 14•••...... - 11.48 11.29 11.36 11.40 -- - - 21.00 20.96 20.73 15 ...... - 11.48 11.28 11.36 11.41 - --- 20.97 20.95 20.72 16 ...... - 11.47 11.27 11. 36 11.42 -- -- 20.96 20.95 20.70 17 ...... - 11.47 11.26 11. 36 11.42 ---- 20.99 20.95 20.68 18 ...... - 11.46 11.25 11. 36 11.43 - -- - 20.99 20.95 20.67 19 ...... - 11.45 11.25 11.36 11.44 - - - 20.66 20.98 20.94 20.66 20 ...... - 11.46 11.25 11. 36 11.45 15.22A -- 20.67 20.98 20.94 20.64 21...... - 11.44 11.24 11.36 11.46 - -- 20.68 20.96 20.94 20.62 22 ...... - 11.43 11.24 11, 36 11.47 -- 19.66A 20.71 20.97 20.95 20.59 23 ...... - 11.42 11.24 11.35 11.48 - -- 20. 76 21.01 20.94 20.58 24...... - 11.42 11.25 11.35 11.50 - -- 20. 74 20.99 20.93 20.57 25 ...... 11.85 11.41 11.25 11.35 11.53 - - - 20. 75 21.01 20.92 20.56 26 ...... - 11.40 11.27 11. 35 11.55 - -- 20.76 20.97 20.91 20.55 27 ...... - 11.39 11. 30 11. 35 11.60 15.97 A - - 20.78 21.02 20.93 20.54 28 ...... - 11.37 11. 31 11.34 11.68 -- - 20.79 21.03 20.92 20.52 29 ...... - 11. 36 11.32 11.34 11. 71 -- - 20.77 21.04 20.91 20.51 30 ...... - - 11. 33 11. 35 11. 76 -- - 20.80 21.04 20.90 20.48 31 ...... - - 11. 35 - 11.85 ---- 21.02 - 20.47

For the Period ...... Maximum daily gauge height, 21.04 ft on October 10, 29 and 30 Minimum daily gauge height, 11.24 ft, March 21 to 23


Location: 1 at. 60° 381 50 11 , long. 111° 561 35", Northwest Territories, forty-four air miles from Fort Smith, at outlet on west side of Tsu Lhlce. Drainage A{-ea: 23,900 square miles gross; 19,900 square miles excluding Tazin Lake basin. A substantial portion of runoff in the Tazin Lake basin is diverted to the Athabasca Lake basin via Charlot River. Gauge: Redording. Period of Rlecord: March 1952 to July 1954 and March 1962 to December 1968. Extrenies B;ecorded: Maximllin instantaneous discharge, 16,400 cfs at 2200 MST on July 25, 1962. I Minimum daily discharge, 2,010 cfs on April 24, 1953.

Remarks: RI ecords good.

Daily Di!":charges. in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. I 1 ...... ·I· 9,850 8,580 7,470 11...... 9,280 8,240 7,390 21...... ······ 9,000 7,860 7,080 9,780 8,550 7,470 12 ...... 9,270 8,200 7,340 22 ...... 8,960 7,840 7,030 ;: :: : : : : : : : ::i: 9,720 8,500 7,470 13 ...... 9,260 8,170 7,310 23 .... ····· ..... 8,940 7,840 6,900 4 ...... !. 9,640 8,470 7,460 14...... 9,220 8,140 7,280 24 ...... 8,890 7,800 6,920 5 ...... 1. 9,590 8,430 7,460 15 ...... 9,140 8,080 7,240 25 ...... 8,850 7, 750 6,820 6 ...... I. 9,500 8,400 7 ,49-0 16 ...... 9,130 8,050 7,220 26 ...... 8,820 7,660 6, 740 7 ...... 1. 9,440 8,350 7,470 1 7 ...... 9,100 8,020 7,220 27 ...... 8,780 7,550 6, 700 8 ...... 1. 9,410 8,310 7,460 18 ...... 9,090 8,000 7,220 28 ...... 8, 760 7,520 6,600 9 ...... 1. 9,340 8,300 7,440 19 ...... 9,070 7,960 7,140 29 ...... 8,700 7 470 6,580 10 ...... !. 9,310 8,280 7,420 20 ...... 9,010 7,890 7,100 30 ...... 8,660 7,470 6,540 31...... 8.610 - 6,510 I Total 284,120 241,680 221,490

Mean 9, 170 8,060 7, 140

Acre-feet 563,600 479,400 439' 300

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 6,470 5,490 4, 710 4.040 2,960 6,660 8,320 7,140 6,950 - -- 2 ...... 6,450 5,440 4,650 3,990 3,060 6,720 8,310 7,060 6,930 - - - 3 ...... 6,430 5,400 4,620 3,910 3, 100 6,820 8,300 7,030 6,900 - -- 4 ...... 6,410 5,360 4,620 3,910 3,180 6,950 8,240 6,970 6,860 - -- 5 ...... 6,390 5,330 4,610 3,900 3,260 7, 100 8,230 6,990 6,820 -- - 6 ...... 6,350 5,280 4,640 3,850 3,350 7,210 8,220 7,010 6,800 - - - 7 ...... 6,300 5,250 4,620 3, 780 3,510 7,310 8,180 7,010 6,780 - -- 8 ...... 6,200 5,240 4,590 3,700 3,690 7,410 8,100 7,010 6,760 - - - 9 ...... 6,190 5,200 4,560 3,670 3,840 7,550 8,050 7,010 6,720 - -- 10 ...... ' 6, 150 5, 180 4,550 3,690 4,020 7,670 7,960 7,030 6,700 - - - 6, 110 5, 150 4,520 3,630 4,200 7,770 7,900 7,030 6,660 - - - iL:::::::::: ~ 6,080 5, 150 4,510 3,560 4,400 7,880 7,810 7,030. 6,620 - -- 13 ...... 6,040 5,130 4,490 3,480 4,580 7,960 7 '710 7,030 6,620 - -- 14 ...... 6,020 5,120 4,480 3,450 4,740 8,010 7, 700 7 ,010 6,600 - - - 15 ...... 6,010 5,090 4,450 3,400 4,950 8, 110 7,670 7,030 6,560 - - - 16 ...... 6,010 5,060 4,420 3,290 5, 160 8,160 7 ,610 7,030 6,530 - -- 1 7 ...... 5,990 5,020 4,380 3,230 5,320 8,240 7,580 7,030 6,510 - -- 18 ...... 5,900 4,970 4,340 3,190 5,430 8,280 7,580 7,030 6,450 - - - 19 ...... 5,880 4,950 4,310 3,130 5,540 8,300 7,570 7,030 6,410A - - 9,840 A 20 ...... 5,880 4,940 4,270 3,100 5,690 8,370 7,550 7,050 - - - 9,800 E 21. •...... 5,850 4,940 4,240 3,070 5,780 8,380 7,570· 7,060 - - - 9,760E 22 ...... 5,810 4,900 4,210 3,040 5,880 8,380 7,570 7,030 - -- 9,720E 23 ..•...... 5,810 4,890 4,200 3,000 6,020 8,380 7,550 7,050 -- - 9,690 E 24 ...... •.•.. 5,810 4,850 4,160 2,960 6, 100 8,370 7,540 7,010 -- - 9,650 E 25 ..••...... 5, 780 4,820 4,090 2,920 6,130 8,380 7,470 7,010 - 1,110A. - 9,610 E 26 .•••...•••.. 5, 740 4,800 4,070 2,890 6, 190 8,400 7,420 7,010 - -- 9,570 E 27 ...... ••... 5,690 4,800 4,090 2,860 6,280 8,410 7,390 6,990 -- - 9,530 E 28 ...... 5,640 4, 790 4,090 2,850 6,350 8,400 7,380 6,990 -- - 9,490 E 29 ...... •. 5,610 4,740 4,070 2,880 6,410 8,360 7,260 7 ,010 -- - 9,460 E 30 ...... 5,570 - 4,060 2,940 6,530 8,340 7,220 6,970 - -- 9,420 E 31...... 5,540 - 4,060 - 6,620 - 7,210 6,950 - -- 9,380A Total 186,110 147,280 135,680 101, 310 152,270 236,280 240, 170 217,640 - -- - Mean 6,000 5,080 4,380 3,380 4,910 7,880 7, 750 7,020 -- - - Acre-feet 369,000 292,000 269,000 201,000 302,000 469,000 476,000 432,000 -- - -

A - Manual ~auge E - Estimated. 54 SLAVE RIVER AT BELL ROCK - STATION No. 07NB003

11 Location: Lat. 60° 01' 35n, long. 112° 05' 30 , Northwest Territories, on landing dock at Bell Rock, ten miles north of Fort Smith. Gauge: Manual; gauge heights are referred to an assumed datum. Data to 1963 may be converted to present datum by subtracting ~Ofeet. Period of Record: Gauge heights only, mainly open water, 1948 to 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily gauge height, 32.18 ft on May 18_, 1967 (from high-water mark). Remarks: This station.;,..as established when Station No. 07NB002, Slave River at Fort Smith, was abandoned. Gau-ge heights are referred to bolt head on top of spruce stump about one hundred and fifty feet south of Northern Transportation Company office, gauge height 35.80 feet.

Daily Gauge Heights in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1.. ······ ... . 7.70 2 ...... 3 ...... 7.72 4 ...... 7.60 5 ...... 7.44 6 ...... 7.52 7 ...... 7.60 8 ...... 7.60 9 ...... 10 ...... 10.77 11...... 12.40 12 ...... 13 ...... 14.29 14 ...... 13.07 15 ...... 12.27 16 ...... 11. 37 17 ...... 9.88 18 ...... 7.98 19 ...... 20 ...... 6.68 21...... 6.43 22 ...... 6.33 23 ...... 6.27 24•...••...... 6.22 25 ...... 6.02 26 ...... 27 ...... 6.42 28 ...... 6.77 29 ...... 7.20 30 ...... 7.66 31...... 7.76 LITTLE BUFFALO RIVER NEAR PINE POINT HIGHWAY - STATION No. 07PB002 55

Location: at. 60° 021 54", long. 112° 41 1 59", Northwest Territories, one and one-quarter nriles below Pine Point Highway. Gauge: Recprding. Period of R<;>cord: Mainly May to October, 1965 to 1968. Extremes Rrcorded: Maximum daily discharge, 1,540 cfs on May 13, 1966 (a higher discharge may have occurred before May 13). I Minimum daily discharge, 5.4 cfs on August 23, 1965. Remarks: RI ecords good.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I 1...... -- - - 609 706 365 942 361 332 180 - 2 ...... -- - - 528 712 348 928 443 324 174 - 3 ...... - - -- 543 706 320 915 563 312 170 - 4 ..•...... -- - - 782 717 304 896 619 300 165 - 5 ...... -- -- 1,090 723 289 876 624 297 160 - 6 ...... -- - - l, 110 . 729 289 857 640 289 155 - 7 ...... -- -- 857 717 312 806 667 281 - - 8 ...... - - -- 902 706 332 776 694 274 - - 9 ...... -- - - 948 694 336 740 700 267 - - 10 ...... - - -- 928 678 336 700 694 267 - - 11...... - - -- 909 678 336 667 672 267 - - 12 ...... -- -- 889 656 344 640 645 260 - - 13 ...... -- -- 889 640 369 614 629 256 - - 14 ...... -- -- 883 629 412 583 614 253 - - 15 ...... - - - - 863 624 439 553 583 246 - - 16 ...... -- - - 850 604 462 528 568 242 - - 1 7 ...... -- -- 838 578 494 504 540 239 - - 18 ...... -- - - 838 568 543 494 533 235 - - 19 ...... -- -- 825 553 593 475 509 232 - - 20 ...... - - -- 825 543 572 462 490 232 - - 21. •...... - - -- 813 518 758 443 475 228 - - 22 ...... •..•. - - -- 782 509 825 425 452 225 -- 23 ..•.....•.•. -- -- 758 494 863 412 434 222 - - 24 ...... •. -- -- 734 480 857 386 421 219 - - 25 ...••...... - - -- 717 466 857 369 403 215 - - 26 .•.....•.... -- -- 729 457 850 356 386 210 -- 27 .•....•..•.. -- -- 712 443 857 344 377 205 - - 28 ...... -- - - 706 421 870 332 361 200 - - 29 ...... •.... -- - - 700 403 896 316 352 195 -- 30 .•...... - - -- 712 386 922 340 344 190 - - 31. ....•...... -- - - 712 - ill 348 - ill --

Total - - 24,981 17, 738 17,392 18, 027 15, 79 3 7,699 I - - -- Mean 806 591 561 582 526 248 - I -- - - - Acre-feet 31,300 1"5,300 I - --- 49,500 35,200 34,500 35,800 --

For the PeriodI ...... (May to October) Maximum daily discharge, 1, 110 cfs on May 6 Minimum daily discharge, 185 cfs on October 31 Mean discharge, 552 cfs Total discharge, 202,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions May 1 to 7 and October 26 to November 6. 56 HAY RIVER NEAR HAY RIVER - STATION No. 070B001

Location: Lat. 60° 441 45", long. 115° 51' 20", Northwest Territories, about six and one-half miles above Hay River. Drainage Area: 18,500 square nliles. Gauge: Recording. Period of Record: Periods of varying length, 1929 to 1931 and continuous, June 1963 to December 1968; miscellaneous measurements only in 1921 and 1952. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 36,000 cfs at 1630 MST on May 10, 1967. Minimum daily discharge, 13.3 cfs on March 4, 1952. Remarks: Records good.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 615 860 331 11...... 817 550 275 21...... 1,320 410 219 2 ...... 668 810 326 12 ...... 817 530 270 22 ...... 1,250 400 213 3 ...... " ..... 704 770 320 13 ...... 824 510 264 23 ...... 1,230 390 208 4 ...... 728 730 315 14...... 866 500 258 24 ...... 1,210 380 202 5 ...... 761 700 309 15 ...... 952 490 253 25 ...... 1, 310 370 196 6 ...... 789 670 303 16 ...... 1,040 470 247 26 ...... 1,530 360 191 7 ...... 796 640 298 1 7 ...... l, 120 460 241 27 ...... 1,380 354 185 8 ...... 810 610 292 18 ...... 1,250 450 236 28 ...... l, 110 348 180 9 ...... 817 590 286 19 ...... 1,280 430 230 29 ...... 1,040 343 174 10 ...... 817 570 281 20 ...... 1,340 420 225 30 ...... 960 337 168 31...... 900 ill Ice conditions October 28 to December 31. Total 31,051 15,452 7,659

Mean 1,000 515 247 Acre-feet 61,600 30,600 15,200

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov, Dec.

1...... 157 90.6 66.6 92.0 12, 900 6,510 3,820 4,460 1,600 1,300 840 365 2 ...... l5T 89.7 65.9 I~ 14,200 6,440 3,620 4,280 1,560 1,290 820 360 3 ...... •..... 146 88.8 62.3 112 15,500 6,380 3,450 4,130 1,510 1,280 800 350 4 ...... 140 87.9 64.6 122 16,800 6,210 3,290 4,000 1,530 1,270 780 345 5 ...... 135 86.9 64.0 132 17 ,600 6,260 3, 150 3,830 1,600 1,260 770 340 6 ...... 129 86.0 63.4 140 18,300 6,470 3, 170 3,760 1,660 1,260 755 335 7 ...... 123 85.1 62.7 146 18,200 6,840 2,960 3,850 I, 790 1,250 740 325 8 ...... 118 84.1 62.1 144 17,900 7, 140 2,830 4,470 1,940 1,260 720 320 9 ...... 112 83.2 61.4 148 17,300 7,260 2,810 4,870 1,990 1,290 705 310 I 0 ...... 111 82.3 60.8 168 16, 700 7,220 2,790 4,880 1,920 1,290 690 305 11. ... , ...... 110 81.4 60.1 650 15,900 7, !60 2,680 4,790 1,830 1,300 670 295 12 ...... 109 80.4 59.5 1,300 15,100 7,070 2.630 4,590 1,760 I, 310 655 290 13 ...... 108 79.5 58.9 2,000 14,400 7,080 2,910 4,450 I, 7 30 1,290 635 285 14 ...... 107 78~6 58.2 2,550 13,600 7,280 3,030 4,280 1,610 1,250 600 280 15 ...... 106 77.6 57.6 3,200 13,000 7,010 3,200 3,990 1,540 1,220 570 275 16 ...... 106 76.7 56.9 3,800 12,400 6,670 3,670 3,740 1,490 1,210 540 270 1 7 ...... 105 75.8 56.3 4,300 11,900 6,330 4,210 3,490 1,440 1, 180 520 265 18 ...... 104 74.9 55.6 4,400 11,400 7,220 4,820 3,230 1,380 1, 160 495 260 19 ...... 103 73.9 55.0 4,500 11,000 7,240 5,140 2,970 1,350 1, 120 475 255 20 ...... 102 73.0 61.0 4,550 10,600 7, 180 5,270 2,750 1,320 1,090 460 245 21. .•.....•... 101 72.4 67.0 4,650 10,100 6,990 5,300 2,580 1,320 1,060 446 240 22 ...... 99.9 71. 7 66.0 4,750 9,500 6, 710 5,450 2,420 1,290 1, 050 435 235 23 ...... 99.0 71.l 63.0 4,840 9,250 6,370 5,700 2,250 1,280 1,010 425 230 24 ...... 98.1 70.4 63.0 4,900 9,120 5,180 5,970 2,120 1,280 984 420 225 25 ..•.....•... 97 .1 69.7 64.0 4,990 8,780 4,880 6.020 2,030 1, 310 960 410 220 26 .•••...•..•. 96.2 69.1 65.0 6,300 8,300 4,640 5,950 1,920 1,320 945 400 210 27 ...... 95.3 68.5 76.0 7,610 7,890 4,450 5, 710 1,810 1,320 920 396 205 28 .•...... •. 94.4 67.9 82.0 8,930 7,570 4,250 5,420 1,760 1,320 900 385 200 29 ..•...... 93.4 67 .2 86.0 10,200 7,270 4,040 5,090 1,690 1,300 885 380 195 30 ...... 92.5 - 87.0 11.600 6,990 3.940 4,810 1,690 1,300 880 370 190 31 ...... 2.Ll. - 89.0 - 6,760 - 4,640 1,590 - 860 - 180 Total 3,440.5 2,264.4 2,020.9 101,328.0 386,230 188,420 129,510 102,670 45,590 35,334 17,306 8,405

Mean 111 78.1 65.2 3,380 12,500 6,280 4,180 3,310 1,520 1,140 577 271

Acre-feet 6,820 4,490 4,010 201,000 766,000 374,000 257,000 204,000 90,400 70,100 34,300 16, 700

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 18,500 cfs at 1800 MST on May 6 Minimum daily discharge,55.0 cfs on March 19 Mean discharge, 2,800 cfs Total discharge, 2,030,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 3 and October 25 to December 31. KAKISA RIVER AT OUTLET FROM KAKISA LAKE - STATION No. 07UC001 57

Location: at. 60° 551 , long. 117° 251 , Northwest Territories, at downstream boundary of Indian Settlement. Drainage A~ea: 5, 770 square miles. Gauge: Recfrding. Period of Record: June to November 1962 and continuous, September 1963 to December 1968. Mean Discharge: (5 years) 1,630 cfs. Extremes R~corded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 7, 140 cfs at 2210 MST on June 19, 1967. I Minimum daily discharge, 232 cfs on April 25, 1968. Remarks: lecords good.

I Dailv Discharges in c u b"1c Feet per s econ d f or t h e p er10 . d 0 cto b er to D ecem b er 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. I !...... 1,330 1,130 880 11...... 1,490 1,040 803 21...... 1,250 960 740 2 ...... 1,360 1,110 860 12 ...... 1,560 1,020 794 22 ...... 1,220 960 731 3 ...... 1,360 1, 110 860 13 ...... 1,470 1,020 785 23 ...... 1,230 950 722 4 ...... 1,350 1, 100 860 14...... 1,370 1,010 785 24 ...... 1,230 920 713 5 ...... 1,320 1,060 8_40 15 ...... 1,360 1,010 785 25 ...... 1, 150 960 704 6 ...... 1,300 1,070 840 16 ...... 1,300 1,000 767 26 ...... 980 920 695 7 ...... 1,300 1,050 830 17 ...... 1,300 990 776 27 ...... 1, 160 880 686 8 ...... 1,400 1,040 821 18 ...... 1,290 980 767 28 ...... 1,210 890 677 9 ...... 1,380 1,040 821 19 ...... 1,370 970 749 29 ...... 1,200 890 668 10 ...... 1,360 1,040 812 20 ...... 1,030 970 740 30 ...... 1, 160 880 650 31...... 1, 140 - 642 Total 39,930 29,870 23,803

Mean 1,290 996 768

Acre-feet 79,200 59,300 47,200

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I 1...... ·I 634 476 375 260 315 2,260 1,890 2,130 2,490 2,170 1,860 1, 140 2 ...... 626 476 370 256 330 2,330 1,760 2,200 2,500 2, 120 1,790 1, 130 3 ...... 602 476 365 256 350 2,430 1, 730 2, 180 2,330 2, 120 1, 770 1, 140 4 ...... 610 476 355 252 392 2,470 1, 700 2, 180 2,320 2, 180 1,490 1, 130 5 ...... 586 474 350 252 422 2,500 1,620 2, 180 2,210 2,610 1,800 1, 110 6 ...... 578 470 355 252 464 2,590 1,660 2,210 2, 120 2,260 1,600 1, 100 7 ...... 578 470 360 256 500 2,660 1,660 2,230 2,200 2,130 1, 710 1, 120 8 ...... 570 464 355 256 556 2, 710 1, 700 2,230 2,180 2,120 1, 710 1, 130 9 ...... 549 458 345 252 610 2,730 1,580 2,230 2,200 2,120 1,690 1, 130 1 o...... 521 458 340 272 677 2,700 1,440 2,320 2,260 2,100 1,660 1, 130 11...... 514 440 340 264 740 2,800 1,470 2,210 2,260 2, 130 1,620 1, 130 12 ...... 514 440 330 260 803 2;660 1,420 2,250 2,170 2,120 1,570 1, 130 13 ...... 507 440 330 264 870 2,890 1,530 2,370 2,280 2,100 1,590 1, 130 14 ...... 500 440 330 264 950 2,840 1,460 2,300 2,300 2,070 1,570 1, 140 15 ...... 500 434 320 264 1,040 2,880 1,460 2,210 2,170 2,090 1,300 1, 120 16 ...... •..... 494 422 305 260 1, 100 2,790 1,510 2,320 2,170 2,120 1,210 1,120 1 7 ...... 494 428 295 256 1, 180 2,680 1,550 2,260 2,120 2,060 1,410 1,110 18 ...... 500 416 285 252 1,260 2,610 1,570 2,180 2,180 2,120 1,380 1,090 19 ...... 494 416 276 252 1,240 2,660 1,630 2,230 2,200 2,040 1,420 1,070 20 ...... 488 416 272 248 1,330 2,590 1,640 2,250 2, 150 2,000 1,440 1,050 21. •...... 482 422 260 248 1,400 2,540 l",670 2,300 2, 170 1,980 1,400 1,030 22 ...... •. 476 416 256 244 1,450 2,380 1,700 2,300 .2, 150 1,950 1,400 1,010 23 ...... 488 416 256 240 1,580 2,320 1,770 2,300 2,230 1,950 1,360 990 24 .•..•...... 476 404 260 236 1,630 2,350 1,950 2,280 2,090 1,980 1,330 990 25 ...... 476 398 256 232 1,690 2,330 1,880 2,330 2,470 1,940 1,300 980 26 ...... 476 392 260 248 1,880 2,300 1,860 2,400 2,230 1,970 1,270 960 27 ...... 48Z- 386 256 260 1,940 2,170 1,820 2,330 2,250 1,720 1,260 950 28 ...... 482 386 264 264 2,010 1,970 .1,820 2,230 2,420 1,880 1,230 930 29 ...... 476 386 264 264 2,020 1,920 1,940 2,180 2,210 1,800 1,230 940 30 ...... 470 - 264 300 2, 180 1,890 2,030 2,230 2,200 1,890 1,170 940 31. ...•...... 470 - 260 - 2,250 - 2,120 2,260 - 1,660 - 950 Total 16,113 12,596 7,684 35, 159 74,950 52,540 69,810 67,230 63,500 44,540 33,020 I 9,509 Mean 520 434 307 256 1, 130 2,500 1,690 2,250 2,240 2,050 1,480 1,070 I Acre-feet 15_,200 133, 000 126,000 88, 300 65,500 I 32,000 25,000 18,900 69, 700 149,000 104,000 138,000 For the YeaJ 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 3,510 cfs at 1800 MST on September 28 Minimum daily discharge, 232 cfs on April 25 Mean discharge, 1,330 cfs Total discharge, 965,000 ac-ft

Ice conditionsI January 1 to April 10. 58 TROUT RIVER NEAR OUTLET OF TROUT LAKE - STATION No. lOFAOOl

11 Location: Lat, 60° 46 1 00", long. 121° 06 1 30 , Northwest Territories, about one and one-half miles below outlet of Trout Lake and seventy-five miles south of Fort Simpson. Gauge: Recording. Period of Record: Miscellaneous measurements only, 1965 and 1966; February to September 1967 and June to November 1_968. Remarks: Records fair.

Dailv Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 180 86.0 7.0 11...... 231 47.0 2.0 21...... 168 23.0 2.0 2 ...... 225 82.0 6.0 12 ...... 231 44.0 2.0 22 ...... 156 21.0 2.0 3 ...... 261 77.0 5.0 13 ...... 234 42.0 2.0 23 ...... 148 19.0 2.0 4 ...... 178 73.0 5.0 14...... 267 39.0 2.0 24 ...... 139 17 .o 2.0 5 ...... 178 68.0 4.0 15 ...... 279 36.0 2.0A 25 ...... 130 16.0 2.0 6 ...... 204 64.0 4.0 16 ...... 213 34.0 2.0 26 ...... 122 14.0 1.0 7 ...... 180 61.0 3.0 17 ...... 243 31.0 2.0 27 ...... 116 13.0 T.O 8 ...... 276 57.0 3.0 18 ...... 210 29.0 2.0 28 ...... 109 11.0 1.0 9 ...... 273 54.0 2.0 19 ...... 195 27.0 2.0 29 ...... 102 10.0 1.0 10 ...... 249 51.0 ·2.0 20 ...... 181 25.0 2.0 30 ...... 97.0 -2..:.Q 1.0 31...... 92.0 l.O

Ice conditions October 20 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. Total 5,867 .o l, 180.0 77.0

Mean 189 39.3 2.5

Acre-feet 11,600 2,340 153

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan, Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov, Dec. 1 ...... ------2,340 2,590 E 1, 120 1, 700 'll.Q - 2 ...... ------2,340 2,550 E 1,330 1,760 890 - 3 ...... ------2,290 2,510E 1,470 1, 730 870 - 4 .•...... ------2,210 2,470 E 1,570 1,680 830 - 5 ...... ------2,240 2,420E 1,610 1,600 810 - 6 ...... - - - OA - - 2,210 2,380 E 1, 700 1,540 770 - 7 ...... ------2,190 2,340E 1, 730 1,600 760 - 8 ...... ------2,280 2,300 E 1,870 1,640 730 - 9 ...... ------2, 130 2,260 E 1,880 1,570 700 - 10 ...... -- -- - 3,080A 2,160 2,210E 2,080 1,490 680 - 11...... ------2,230 2, 170 E 2,060 1,460 650 - 12 ...... ------2,120 2, 130 E 2,040 1,430 630 - 13 ...... ------2,390 2,090 E 2,040 1,450 600 - 14 ...... ------2,600 2,050 E 2,030 1,460 580 - 15 ...... ------2,720 2,000 E 2,060 1,370 550 - 16 ...... ------2,830 1,960 E 2,070 1,380 520 - 17 ...... -- - - - 3,010 A 2,920 1,920 E 1,930 1,480 500 - 18 ...... - - --- 2,960 2,980 1,880 E 1,920 1,480 480 - 19 ...... -- -- - 3,160 2,960 1,840 E 1,950 1,270 460 - 20 ...... • -- - - - 2,930 2,960 1,800 E 2,010 1,260 430 - 21. •...... •. -- - - - 2,800 2,940 1, 750 E 2,040 1,250 410 - 22 ...... •••... -- - - - 2,690 2,930 1, 710 E 1,930 1,240 380 - 23 ..•••.....•. ---- - 2,660 2,940 1,670 E 1,940 1,230 350 - 24 •••••••••••. - OA - - - 2,630 2,860 1,630 E 1,960 1,280 330 - 25 ...... • ---- - 2,590 2,750 1,590 E 1,960 1, no 320 - 26 ...... •.. - - --- 2,570 2,830 1,540 E 1,880 1,060 290 - 27 ..•...•..••. -- - - - 2,510 ·2,800 A 1,500 E 2.120 1,030 270 - 28 ...... - - -- - 2,280 2, 760 E 1,460 2,100 l,050 250 - 29 •.....•..... - - - - - 2,510 2,720E 1,470 1,840 990 240 - 30 ...... -- - - - 2,470 2,670 E 1,470 1,760 960 230 - 31...... ------2,630 E 1,440 - 930 - - Total ------79,930 61,100 56,000 42,480 16,420 - Mean ------2,580 1,970 1,870 1,370 547 - Acre-feet ------159,000 121,000 111,000 84,300 32,600 - Ice conditions October 30 to November 30. A - Manual gauge. E - Estimated. LIARD RIVER AT FORT LIARD - STATION No. lOEDOOl 59

Location: ILat. 60° 141 35u, long. 123° 28 1 45n, Northwest Territories, at Hudson1 s Bay Company Post, approximately three-quarters of a mil9 downstream from . Drainage Area: 85, 700 square miles. Gauge: Reclording, installed in June 1966 at former manual gauge location. Period of R~cord: Gauge heights only, mainly open water, 1942 to 1958; discharges, periods of varying length, October 1958 to Decembelr 1968. Records prior to 1965 were published under Station No. lODB-1. Extremes Rlecorded: Maximum daily discharge, 581,000 cfs on July 11, 1963 {a discharge of 654,000 cfs was observed at 1830 MST on July 11, 1963).

I Minimum daily discharge, 7,400 cfs, March 15 to 17, 1966. Remarks: Records good.

I Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967

Day I Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 62,300 40, 700 21,300 11...... 52,600 32,500 18,600 21...... 48,400 25,500 16, 900 2 ...... 69,400 40,200 21,000 12 ...... 52,200 31,500 18,400 22 ...... 46,600 25,000 16, 700 3 ...... 68,200 39,700 20,700 13 ...... 52,900 30,500 18,200 23 ...... 45,000 24,500 16,600 4 ...... 65,400 39,200 20,400 14...... 55,400 29,400 18,000 24 ...... 43,400 24,000 16,500 5 ...... 63,000 38,400 20,100 15 ...... 57,600 28,800 17,800 25 ...... 43, 000 23,500 16,400 6 ...... 60,200 37 ,500 19,800 16 ...... 57,000 28,200 17,600 26 ...... 42, 300 23,100 16, 300 7 ...... 59,400 36,500 19,500 1 7 ...... 55,300 27,600 17,500 27 ...... 41,900 22, 700 16, 100 8 ...... 56,900 35,500 19,300 18 ...... 53, 900 27,000 17,400 28 ...... 41,600 22, 300 15,900 9 ...... 55,100 34,500 19,000 19 ...... 51,700 26,500 17,300 29 ...... 41,300 21,900 15,800 10 ...... 53,800 33,500 18,800 20 ...... 50,200 26,000 17,100 30 ...... 41, 100 21,600 15, 700 31...... 40. 900 15.600

Ice conditi01~s October 24 to December 31 Total 1 628 000 897 800 556 , 300 ' Mean 52,500 29' 9 00 17' 900

Acre-feet 3,230,000 1, 780,000 1,100,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I 1...... 15,500 12,600 10,900 10,200 24, 700 163,000 202, 000 181,000 93,200 90,200 41, 100 18,600 2 ...... 15,400 12,500 10,900 10,200 27' 700 170,000 194,000 177,000 98,800 87 '700 39,400 18,500 3 ...... 15,300 12,400 10,800 10,200 30,600 174, 000 187,000 171,000 102, 000 85,700 36,600 18,400 4 ...... 15,200 12,300 10,800 10,200 33,600 172,000 179,000 166,000 107,000 83,600 35,200 18,300 5 ...... 15,100 12,200 10, 700 10,300 36,500 168,000 173,000 164,000 109,000 81,500 32,600 18,200 6 ...... 15,000 12,200 10,700 10,300 41,800 174,000 166, 000 156, 000 111,000 80, 100 30,600 18, 100 7 ...... 14,900 12,100 10, 700 10,200 51,700 179,000 161,000 148,000 116, 000 80,100 28,700 18, 100 8 ...... 14,800 12,000 10,600 .10, 100 59 ,800 170,000 157,000 138,000 122,000 79 ,400 26,800 18,000 9 ...... 14, 700 12,000 10,600 10,300 67,900 162,000 154,000 131,000 125,000 77,000 24,900 18,000 1 o...... 14,600 11,900 10,600 10, 300 76,000 161.000 153,000 121,000 126,000 74,000 23,200 18,000 11...... 14,500 11,800 10,600 10,500 86,000 164,000 156, 000' 113,000 123,000 71,600 22,800 18,000 12 ...... 14,300 11,700 10,500 10,600 96,000 182, 000 162,000 107,000 120,000 69,300 22,400 17 ,800 13 .•...... 14,200 11, 700 10,500 10, 700 106,000 207,000 235,000 101,000 118,000 67,800 22,000 17,800 14...... 14,200 11,600 10,500 10,700 116,000 238,000 296,000 97;000 114, 000 66,500 21,600 17 ,800 15 ...... 14,100 11,600 10,500 10,900 126,000 249,000 313,000 94,000 109,000 65,200 21, 200 17,800 16 ...... 13,900 11,500 10,400 11,200 130,000 223,000 321, 000 92,000 105, 000 63,200 20,800 17,800 1 7 .•...... 13,800 11,500 10,400 11,700 133,000 181,000 286,000 91,000 101,000 61, 700 20,400 17,800 18 ...... 13, 700 11,400 10,400 11,900 137,000 169,000 254,000 90,000 100,000 60,500 20,100 17 ,800 19 ...... 13,600 11,400 10,400 12,200 140, 000 167,000 231,000 89,000 102,000 59 ,zoo 19,800 17 ,800 20 .....•.•.... 13,500 11,400 10,400 12,800 144,000 194,000 212,000 90,000 101,000 58, 100 19,700 17 ,800 21. •...... 13,400 11,300 10,300 13,400 147,000 224,000 196,000 92,000 101,000 57,200 19,600 17 ,600 22 ...... 13,400 11,300 10,300 13, 700 151,000 229,000 185,000 94,000 99,500 56,100 19,500 17 ,600 23 ...... 13, 300 11,200 10,300 13,800 164,000 223,000 174,000 90,000 97,200 55,100 19,500 17,500 24 ...... 13,200 11,200 10,300 14,400 173,000 212,000 166,000 86,000 95,300 53, 700 19,300 17,500 25 ...... 13,100 11,200 10,300 15,200 181,000 201,000 157' 000 82,000 94, 900 52,500 19,300 17 ,400 26 ••.....•.... 13,000 11, 100 10,300 16,300 180,000 193,000 152,000 83,000 96,500 51,400 19,100 17 ,400 27 ...... 12,900 11, 100 10,200 17 ,500 178,000 183,000 146,000 84,000 97,000 49,900 19,000 17 ,400 28 ...... 12,800 11,000 10,200 18,800 178,000 184,000 143, 000 86,000 97,200 47,800 18,900 17' 300 29 ...... 12,800 11, 000 10,200 20,000 178,000 194,000 149,000 87,000 96,500 46,300 18,800 17, 100 30 ...... 12, 700 - 10,200 21,700 171,000 201,000 162,000 89,000 93,500 45,200 18, 700 17,000 31...... 12,600 - 10,200 - 162,000 - 175,000 91,000 - 43,000 - 17,000

Total 1433:59.0 338, 200 324, 700 380,300 3,527,300 5,711,000 5,997,000 3,481,000 3,171,600 2,020,600 721,600 551,200 Mean 14,000 11, 700 10,500 12, 700 114,000 112,000 106,000 65,200 24, 100 17,800 I 190,000 193,000 Acre-feet 1860,000 671,000 644,000 754,000 7 ,000, 000 11,300,000 11,900,000 6,900,000 6,290,000 4,010,000 1,430,000 1,090,000

For the YeaJ 1968 ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 326,000 cfs at 0300 MST on July 16 Minimum daily discharge, 10,100 cfs on April 8 Mean discharge, 72,800 cfs Total discharge, 52,800,000 ac-ft

I Ice conditions January 1 to May 2 and October 29 to December 31. Estimated May 3 to 22 and August 15 to 30. 60 SOUTH NAHANNI RIVER ABOVE VIRGINIA FALLS - STATION No. lOEBOOl

11 Location: Lat. 61° 38' OO", long. 125° 48' 00 , Northwest Territories, three miles above Virginia Falls and ninety miles northwest of Nahanni Butte. Drainage Area: 5,650 square miles .. Gauge: Recording. Period of Record: Periods of varying length, 1960 to 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 58,800 cfs on June 13, 1964 (a higher discharge probably occurred in 1961). Minimum daily discharge, 564 cfs on April 21, 1967. Remarks: Records good during open-water period and poor during ice periods.

Dailv Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 6,410 3,210 1, 130 11...... 5,280 2,160 993 21...... 3,940 1,470 983 2 ...... 6, 190 3,190 1, 110 12 ...... 5,310 2,080 991 22 ...... 3,500 1,420 982 3 ...... 6,030 3,020 1,080 13 ...... 5,310 2,000 990 23 ...... 3,500 1,380 982 4 ...... 5,820 2,960 1,060 14...... 5,240 1,920 989 24 ...... 3,450 1,340 981 5 ...... 5, 750 2,700 1,040 15 ...... 5,220 1,840 988 25 ...... 3,420 1, 310 980 6 ...... 5,570 2,560 1,030 16 ...... 5,100 1,770 988 26 ...... 3,410 1,260 979 7 ...... 5,380 2,520 1,020 17 ...... 5,030 1, 700 987 27 ...... 3,360 1,220 978 8 ...... 5,260 2,430 1,010 18 ...... 4,960 1,640 986 28 ...... 3,330 1, 190 977 9 ...... 5,280 2,340 1,000 19 ...... 4,870 1,580 985 29 ...... 3,310 1, 170 976 10 ...... 5,330 2,250 995 20 ...... 4,630 1,520 984 30 ...... 3,280 1, 150 976 31...... 3,260 975

Ice conditions October 19 to December 31. Total 145, 7 30 58,300 31,125

Mean 4,700 1,940 1,000

Acre-feet 289,000 116,000 61,700

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 974 947 926 910 - 25,800 - 13,400 9,150 6,720 3,290 1,970 2 .•...... 973 946 925 910 - 26,800 - 18,000 9,190 6,460 3,240 1,940 3 ...... 972 946 925 925 - 26, 700 - 17,400 9,100 6, 160 3, 170 1,910 4 ...... 971 945 924 930 - 29,200 - 18,200 9, 150 6,080 3,130 1,890 5 ...... 970 944 924 930 - 29,400 - 23,600 9,270 6,030 3,070 1,860 6 ...... 970 943 923 930 - 29,600 - 21,300 9,230 5,980 3,010 1,830 7 ...... 969 942 923 930 - 31,500 - 17,400 9,310 5,820 2,960 1,800 8 ...... 968 941 922 935 - 33,900 - 14, 700 10,700 5,650 2,900 1, 770 9 ...... 967 940 922 930 - 35, 900 - 13,200 13,000 5,380 2,850 1,740 1 o ...... 966 940 921 925 - 40,000 - 12,000 14,300 5,010 2, 790 1,720 11...... 965 939 921 915 - 46,500 - 11, 300 14, 000 4,890 2,740 1, 700 12 ...... 964 938 920 910 --- 10,800 12,500 4,780 2,690 1,670 13 ...... 964 937 920 905 --- 10,600 11, 700 4,780 2,640 1,640 14 ...... 963 936 919 900 --- 10,500 10,600 4,780 Z,590 1,620 15 ...... 962 935 919 ---- 10,400 9, 700 4, 740 2,540 1,600 16 ...... 961 934 918 --- 20,200 10,400 9,020 4,400 2,500 1,580 1 7 ...•...... 960 934 918 - - - 18,500 10,600 8,580 4,350 2,440 1,560 18 ...... 959 933 917 -- 35, 900 17,500 11, l 00 8,320 4,320 2,400 1,540 19 ...... •.. 958 932 917 -- 34,000 17 ,400 11,400 8,060 4,280 2,360 1,520 20 .....•.••..• 958 931 916 --- 17,100 11, 100 7,680 4,240 2,320 i;5oo 21. •..•...... 957 930 916 --- 16,500 11,000 7,410 4, 150 2,290 1,480 22 ...... •...... 956 930 915 --- 15,200 11,300 7,130 4,050 2,260 1,460 23 ...... 955 929 915 - 15,200 - 14,300 10,800 6,950 3,940 2,220 1,440 24 ...... 954 929 914 - 12,100 - 13,400 10,100 6,800 3,840 2,190 1,420 25 ...... 953 928 914 - 11, 700 - 13,200 10,100 6,750 3,730 2, 160 1,400 26 ...... 952 928 913 - 15,800 - 13,600 12,000 6,600 3,650 2,130 1,380 27 ...... 952 927 913 - 18, 700 - 12,000 11,900 6,490 3,590 2,090 1,360 28 ...... 951 927 912 - 18, 100 - 11,000 10,900 6,430 3,540 2,060 1,340 29 ...... 950 926 912 - 17, 700 - 12,000 9,970 6.320 3,470 2,030 1,320 30 ...... 949 - 911 - 19,500 - 13,600 9,310 6,490 3,420 2,000 1, 310 31...... 948 - ffi - 22, 900 - 13,200 9.020 - 3,350 - 1,300

Total 29' 791 27,137 28,466 -- -- 39 3,800 269,930 145,580 77,060 49,570 Mean 961 936 918 -- - - 12, 700 9,000 4,700 2,570 1,600 Acre-feet 59, 100 53,800 56,500 -- -- 781,000 535,000 289,000 153,000 98,300 Ice conditions January 1 to April 30 and October 16 to December 31.


1 11 11 Location· at 61° 15 10 long. 124° 02' 10 , Northwest Territories, about one-hali mile upstream from Clausen Creek and forty miles. abbv~ mouth. ' Drainage A~ea: 12,900 square miles, referred to gauging section located forty miles upstream from discharge measurement section. Gauge: Recfrding. Period of Record: Periods of varying length, October 1959 to December 1968. Records prior to October 1960, were published as "near Nahanni Butte near Fort Liard". Extremes Rbcorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 290,000 cfs, about June 17 or 18, 1962 {from high-water mark). I Minimum daily discharge, 1,690 cfs on March 25, 1961. Remarks: 1ecords poor.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967

Day I Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 J 11...... 8,290A 21...... c:::::::J i;:::::::::::::: 3,170B ~;:::::::::::::: 4 I 14...... 24 ...... c::::::J: ~~:::::::::::::: ~~:::::::::::::: 8 ...... J. 18...... 28 ...... 9 ...... J. 19...... 29 ...... 10 I 8,220 A 20...... 30 ...... ············1· 31......

A - Manual gauge. B - Ice conditions. Total Mean


Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 39.900 53, 100 32,000 27,400 15,100 8.120 5,460 2 ...... 40,900 50,500 53,000 27,200 14,400 8,010 5,390 3 ...... 41,500 45,000 49,100 25,600 13,600 7,910 5,310 4 ...... 43,600 42,200 44,300 26,200 13,500 7,800 5,240 5 ...... 45,100 41,000 50, 300 26,000 13,600 7, 700 5,160 6 ...... 45, 300 53,900 53,300 26,000 13, 300 7,600 5,080 7 ...... 48,500 73,000 45,600 27,400 12,900 7,500 5,000 8 ...... 51,100 63, 700 37' 700 28,500 12,300 7,400 4,930 9 ...... 51,700 53, 300 32,000 29, 700 11, 300 7,300 4,850 10 ...... 55,200 56,200 28,300 31,100 11,200 7,200 4,770 11...... : 60, 100 58,200 25,900 32,100 11,000 7,100 4,700 12 ...... 61,800 53,900 24,200 29,400 10,900 7,010 4,630 13 ...... 59,400 67,000 23,000 27,200 10, 700 6,910 4,570 14 ...... 54,500 88,200 22,400 24,900 10,600 6,820 4,500 15 ...... 48,900 63, 300 21,900 22,900 10,500 6,720 4,430 16 ...... 48,600 49, 700 21,500 21,500 10,300 6,640 4,370 1 7 ...... 48,900 42,800 21,500 20, 700 10,200 6,550 4,300 18 ...... 14,200 50,500 38,800 22,200 20,100 10,000 6,470 4,240 19 ...... 21,000 55,600 35,800 23, 300 19,400 9,900 6,380 4,170 20 ...... 32,900 74,500 34,_100 24,300 18, 700 9,760 6,300 4, 110 21. •...... •. 50,000 70,000 33,300 23,600 17,800 9,620 6,220 4,050 22 ...•...... •. 48,600 57,400 30,500 22, 700 17,200 9,480 6, 150 3,980 23 ..••....•••. 36,200 52, 700 28,000 22,300 16, 700 9,340 6,070 3,920 24 ..•...... •.. 26,600 48,900 26,100 21,200 16,200 9,ZOO 6,000 3,850 25 ...... 27,000 ~6,800 25,-100 21,300 16,400 9,060 5,920 3, 790 26 ...... ••••.• 36,300 44,300 25,400 28, 100 16,200 8,920 5,840 3,730 27 ...... ••••.. 41,500 50,900 24,600 30, 100 15, 900 8,780 5,770 3,660 28 ...... •... 39,000 94,500 22,800 28,000 15,400 8,640 5,690 3,600 29 ...... 34,500 77,000 27,000 27,000 15,100 8,500 5,620 3,530 30 ..•..•...... 32,900 60,800 32,100 26,000 15.000 8,360 5,540 3,470 31. ....•.....• 35,200 29,200 25, 100 8.220 3,400

Total 1,628,900 1,367,800 931,200 673,900 333,180 202, 260 136,190 Mean I, 54,300 44, 100 30,000 22,500 10, 700 6,740 4,390

Acre-feet I 3,230,000 2, 710,000 1,850,000 1,340,000 661,000 401,000 270, 000

For the Petiod ...... Maximum instantaneous d.isch~rge, 107,000 cfs at llOO PST on June 28

Ice conditilns October 9 to December 31. 62 FLAT RIVER AT MOUTH - STATION No. 10EA003

11 Location: Lat. 61° 321 00 11 , long. 125° 241 20 , Northwest Territories, two and one-half miles above confluence with South Nahanni River and one hundred and fifty-two miles northeast of Watson Lake Post Office. Drainage Area: 3,280 square miles. Gauge: Recording. Period of Record: Periods of varying length, 1960 to 1968. _ Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 37,800 cfs at 1500 PST on June 13, 1963. Minimum daily discharge, 460 cfs (estimated), April 1 to 30, 1962. Remarks: Records good.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. D_ay Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 2,050 11...... 21...... 2 ...... 2,000 12 ...... 22 ...... 3 ...... 1,940 13 ...... 23 ...... 4 ...... 14...... 24 ...... 5 ...... 15 ...... 25 ...... 6 ...... 16 ...... 26 ...... 7 ...... 17 ...... 27 ...... 8 ...... 18 ...... 28 ...... 9 ...... 19 ...... 29 ...... 10 ...... 20 ...... 30 ...... 31......




Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 7 ,180 9,280 11,000 7,710 4,210A 2 ...... 6,990 8,540 15,900 7,290 3 ...... 7, 150 7,930 13,400 7,570 4 .••..•...... 7, 180 7,590 12,500 8,370 5 ...... 6,540 7,430 13,300 8, 100 6 ...... 7,820 8,280 13,000 7,990 7 •...•..•.... 8,950 11,800 11,600 8,310 8 ...... 8,370 11,600 10,200 8,160 9 ...... 7,930 10,300 9,130 7,760 10 ...... 9,100 11,500 8,250 7,850 11...... 9,250 12, 700 7,590 8,310 12 ...... 8,510 10,800 7,050 7,680 13 ...... 7,650 18,100 6,600 7,050 14 ...... 6,860 29,500 6,290 6,540 15 ...... 6,390 17,600 6,010 6,060 16 ...... 6,470 13,500 5,790 5,790 17 ...... 6, 750 11, 700 5,640 5,640 18 ...... 5,500A 7,960 10,700 6,010 5,520 19 ...... 7,450 9,400 9,760 6,830 5,450 20 ...... 11,000 20,000 9,160 6,970 5,210 21...... 13,500 18,800 8,860 6,570 4,980 22 ...... 14, 700 13,900 8,080 6,110 4,790 23 ...... 10,800 12,500 7,340 5,670 4,610 24 ...... 7,730 11,600 6,670 5,330 4,560 25 ...... 7,260 10,300 6,410 5,940 4,700 26 ...... 8,630 9,580 6,830 7,620 4,790 27 ...... 9,920 9,670 6_,490 7,730 4,680 28 ...... 8,420 12,400 6,310 7,870 4,480 29 ...... 7,430 12,800 8,770 7,790 4,480 30 ...... 7,210 10,500 9,820 7,900 4,430 31...... 7,150 8,450 7,510

Total 288,500 321,800 259,100 188,860

Mean 9,620 10,400 8,360 6,300

Acre-feet 572,000 638,000 514,000 375,000

For the Period ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 32,500 cfs at 0230 PST on July 14


Location: at. 62° 39 1 10", long. 122° 541 50", Northwest Territories, nine miles above the junction with the Mackenzie River. Drainage A~ea: 8,330 square miles. Gauge: Recprding. Period of Record: Periods of varying length, December 1963 to May 1965 and continuous, June 1965 to December 1968. Extremes Rf>corded: Maximum daily discharge, 34,400 cfs on May 14 and 15, 1967. I Minimum daily discharge, 50.0 cfs on March 8 and 9; 1966. Remarks: Records fair.

I Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967

Day I Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 635 446 235 11...... 680 377 269 21...... 440 308 241 2 ...... 655 ill 262 12 ...... 685 374 264 22 ...... 452 306 237 3 ...... 655 428 294 13 ...... 670 356 260 23 ...... 498 304 225 4 ...... 695 428 288 14...... 645 342 257 24 ...... 510 308 217 5 ...... 720 416 290 15 ...... 600 322 251 25 ...... 534 304 212 6 ...... 715 389 292 16 ...... 595 304 253 26 ...... 530 304 211 7 ...... 705 374 292 17 ...... 514 296 252 27 ...... 514 304 210 8 ...... 705 383 288 18 ...... 449 296 249 28 ...... 502 300 209 9 ...... 700 383 282 19 ...... 419 296 245 29 ...... 490 266 205 10 ...... 685 374 274 20 ...... 434 304 242 30 ...... 490 247 202 31...... 458 ill

1 lee conditiols October 12 to December 31. Total 17,979 10,270 7, 709

Mean 580 342 240

Acre-feet 35, 700 20,400 15,300

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I 1...... 196 183 186 172 160 8,410E 7,260 1,250 480 2, 700 - - 2 ...... m Ts3 186 rn 159 8,310E 6,090 1, 170 490 2,660 - - 3 ...... 192 183 186 171 159 8,200E 5,170 1,090 530 2,370 - - 4 ...... 190 183 186 171 159 8,IOOE 4,530 1,050 3,930 2,280 -- 5 ...... 189 183 186 170 169 7,990E 4,040 990 4,440 2,230 - - 6 ...... 188 183 186 170 581 7,880E 3,900 930 3,630 2,220 -- 7 ...... 187 183 185 169 1,000 7, 780 E 4,140 900 3, 180 2,240 - - 8 ...... 187 183 184 169 1,430 7,670E 4,490 840 2,840 2, 160 -- 9 ...... 186 183 183 168 1,850 1, 7,570 E 4,640 800 2,650 2,010 - - 1 o...... 185 184 182 168 2,270E 7,460E 4,510 760 2,530 1,930 - - 11.' ...... " .. 184 184 182 167 2,690E 7,340 4,150 740 2,550 1,930 - - 12 ...... 183 184 181 167 3, 110 E 6,770 3,850 710 2,670 2,030 - - 13 ...... 183 184 181 166 3,540 E 6,020 3,580 670 3,420 2,130 - - 14...... 182 184 181 166 3,960 E 5,410 3,260 600 4, 760 1,900 - - 15 ...... ill 184 181 165 4,380 E 4,950 2,990 620 6,410 1, 770 - 491 16 ...... 181 184 180 165 4,800E 4,620 2, 750 610 7,580 1, 730 - - 1 7 ...... 181 184 180 164. 5,220 E 4,240 2,550 580 7,340 1,540 - - 18 ...... •... 181 184 179 164 5,650 E 3,950 2,380 580 6, 790 1,500 - - 19 ...... ••.. 181 184 179 164 6,070 E 3,640 2,260 570 6,140 1,500 - - 20 ...... 181 ill 178 163 6,490,E 3,400 2, 120 550 5,490 1,450 - - 21...... 182 185 178 163 b,910'E 3,180 2,000 540 4,910 1,400 - - 22 ...... •.... 182 185 177 163 7,330E 2,990 1,930 520 4,410 1,370 -- 23 ..••...... 182 185 177 162 7, 760 E 2,880 1,840 510 4,010 1,320 -- 24 ....•..•...• 182 185 176 162 8, 180 E 2,720 1,770 510 3,680 1,280 - - 25."" •. " •.• 182 185 176 162 8,60QA 2,600 1, 710 530 3,490 1,250 - - 26 ...... •••.• 182 185 175 161 9,050 2,530 1,660 520 3,340 1, 210 -- 27 ...... •.. 182 185 175 161 8,940E 3,580 1,600 520 3,230 1, 180 -- 28 ...... 182 185 174 161 8,840E 8,190 1,530 500 3, 110 1, 140 - - 29 ...... •.... 182 185 174 160 8,730E 10,200 1,460 490 2,980 1, 100 -- 30 ....•..•.... 182 - 173 160 8,630E 8,510 1,390 490 2,860 1,070 - - 31. ...•...... 183 - 173 - '8;520E - 1,330 500 - 1,030 --

Total 5,715 5,337 5,580 4,966 145, 337 . I 177,090 96,880 21,640 113,870 53,630 -- Mean 184 184 180 166 4,690 5,900 3,130 I 698 3,800 1, 730 - - Acre-feet ln,300 10,600 11,100 9,850 ,288,000 351,000 192,000 42,900 226,000 106,000 - - For the Per~od ...... Maximum instantaneous discharge, 11,000 cfs at 0400 MST on June 29 Minimum daily discharge, 159 cfs, May 2 to 4 Mean discharge, 2,070 cfs Total discharge, 1,250,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to March 9 and October 18 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. E - Estimated. 64 REDSTONE RIVER NEAR THE MOUTH - STATION No. lOHBOOl

Location: Lat. 64° 11 1 00", long. 124° 401 20-", Northwest Territories, about nine miles above confluence with Mackenzie River, approximately eighty-eight miles downstream on the Mackenzie River from Wrigley. Drainage Area: 6,080 square miles. Gauge: Recording. Period of Record: Part-year records, 1963 to 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum instantaneous discharge, 60,000 cfs on July 6 or 7, 1968 (from high-water mark). Remarks: Records poor.

Dailv Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October'to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec,

1 ...... 6,360 11...... 4,760 21...... 2 ...... 6;-060 12 ...... 4,710 22 ...... 3 ...... 5,900 13 .. ; ...... 4,540 23 ...... 4 ...... 5,650 14...... 4,230 24 ...... 5 ...... 5,370 15 ...... 4,260 25 ...... 6 ...... 4,860 16 ...... 4,380 26 ...... 7 .•..•...... 4,790 17 ...... 27 ...... 8 ...... 4,740 18 ...... 28 ...... 9 ...... 4,700 19 ...... 29 ...... 10 ...... 4,710 1, 180 20 ...... 30 ...... 31......

Ice conditions October 18 to December 31. Total



Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... -- - - - 10,500 21,300 11,900 15,700 7,580 - - 2 ...... -- - - - 10,500 20, 900 11,900 15, 300 7,310 - - 3 ...... - - --- 10,500 18,600 11,700 13, 900 7, 110 - - 4 ...... -- - -- 12,000 17,000 13,000 12,800 6,880 - - 5 ...... -- --- 12,800 16,500 15,400 12,100 6,990 - - 6 ...... - ---- 13,800 39,200 14,400 11,600 6,700 - - 7 ...... -- - -- 13,900 47 ,300 13,300 11,500 6,250 - - 8 ...... - - --- 14,000 31,600 12,200 11,800 5,900 - - 9 ...... -- --- 15,100 26,000 11,300 11,800 5,650 - - 10 ...... -- - - - 15,500 24,000 10,500 11,900 5,350 - - 11...... - - -- - 16,000 23,000 9,890 12,500 5, 170 - - 12 ...... --- - - 16,200 21, 700 9,490 12, 700 5, 190 - - 13 ...... -- -- - 15,000 20,500 9,250 12,000 5,320 - - 14...... - ---- 12,800 20,100 9,010 11,900 - - - 15 ...... --- - - 13,600 19,000 8,850 11,200 - - - 16 ...... ----- 14,800 17,600 8,820 10,500 - - - 1 7 ...... - - - - - 13, 100 16,200 8,880 10,500 - -- 18 .•..•...... - -- - - 12,000 15,400 9,380 11,600 - - - 19 •...... ••.• - ---- 11,200 15,200 9,520 10,900 - - ·- 20 ...... •..... --- - - 10,600 15,900 9,350 10,000 - - - 21. •...•...... --- - - 10,200 15,500 9,460 9,350 - - - 22 ....•...•.•• - --- - 11, 100 15,100 9,600 8,900 - - - 23 ...... - --- - 12,400 15, 000 9,160 8,570 - - - 24 ....•..••••• --- - - 11,600 14, 300 9,060 8,340 - - - 25 ...••••••... --- - - 11,100 13,800 9,920 8,440 - - - 26 .•...... •.. --- - - 11,300 13,800 18,400 8,370 - - - 27 •.....•.•... --- - 8,900A 39,200 E 13,200 19,200 8,220 - -- 28 ...... --- - 9,620 36,200 E 12,400 16,400 7,940 - - - 29 ...... •..... -- - - 10,000 30, 700 12,000 14, 700 7,920 - - - 30 .....•...... -- - - 9,980 22,800 12,200 13,900 7,820 - -- 31. ...•....•.• -- - - 10,400 - 12,400 13,800 - - - - Total --- - - 460,500 596,700 361,640 326,070 - - - Mean - -- - - 15,400 19,200 11,700 10,900 - - - Acre-feet -- --- 913,000 1, 180,000 717,000 647,000 - - - Ice conditions.. October 14 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. E - Estimated. GREAT BEAR LAKE AT PORT RADIUM - STATION No. lOJAOOl 65

Location: at. 66° 041 , long. 117° 521 , Northwest Territories, on Cameron Bay, in porch of Eldorado Mining and Refining Limited old powerhouse.1 Gauge: Rec}rding; elevations are referred to approximate mean sea level datum. Published records for 1934 can be converted to present datum by subtracting 86.39 ft. ·Period of RJcord: Part-year records, 1934, 1938, 1939, 1943, 1944, 1946 to 1950 and 1953 to 1961; continuous July 1961 to December 1968. ' Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily elevation, 390.81 ft on August 17, 1961. I Minimum daily elevation, 387.46 ft on April 27 and 29, 1948. Remarks: .Eflevations are referred to Eldorado bench mark 1 C 1 • Elevations based on present datum can be converted to Eldorado Mining anld Refining Limited datum at Port Radium by adding 2,990 ft.

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. I 1...... 389.53 389.49 389.05 11...... 389.54 389.34 388.99 21...... 389.45 389.26 - 2 ...... 389.54 389.47 389.02 12 ...... 389.61 389.25 388.85 22 ...... 389.47 389.17 - 3 ...... 389.50 389.47 389.02 13 ...... 389 .55 389.31 388.78 23 ...... 389.37 389 .22 - 4 ...... 389.55 389.43 389.00 14 ...... 389.53 389.27 388.84 24 ...... 389.43 389.22 - 5 ...... 389.53 389.32 388.97 15 ...... 389.51 389.26 388.96 25 ...... 389 .41 389.28 - 6 ...... 389.45 389.36 389.05 16 ...... 389.54 389.29 - 26 ...... 389.36 388.13 - 7 ...... 389.46 389.30 389.07 17 ...... 389.56 389.28 - 27 ...... 389.41 389.17 - 8 ...... 389.47 389;30 389.03 18 ...... - 389.27 - 28 ...... 389.35 389 .13 - 9 ...... 389.47 389.31 389.05 19 ...... - 389.28 - 29 ...... 389.41 389.12 - 10 ...... 389.46 389.37 389.05 20 ...... - 389.24 - 30 ...... 389.32 389.11 - 31...... 389.41 - -

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I l ...... - 389.25 389.14 389. 03 388.97 388.89 - 389.59 389.48 389.19 388.85- - 2 ...... - 389.25 389.20 389.01 388.96 388. 90 - 389.55 389.47 389.07 388.80 - 3 ...... - 389.22 389.10 389 .. 00 388.97 388.94 - 389.56 389.45 389.02 388. 77 - 4 ...... - 389.25 389.15 389.04 388.97 388.94 - 389.57 389.41 389.07 388.84 - 5 ...... - 389.19 389.14 389.07 389.97 388.97 - 389.55 389.38 389.22 388.85 - 6 ...... - 389.15 389. l 7 389.10 388. 97 388. 97 - 389.50 389.38 389.23 388.78 - 7 ...... - 389.15 389.16 389.08 388. 98 388.97 - 389.49 389.37 389.13 388.72 - 8 ...... - 389.16 389.15 389.07 388.96 388. 97 - 389.47 389.34 389.12 388.65 - 9 ...... - 389.19 389.05 389.00 388.93 388. 97 - 389.45 . 389.32 389.06 388.81 - 10 ...... - 389.15 388.95 389.11 388.94 388.97 - 389.44 389.31 389.05 388.82 - 11...... - 389.20 388.95 389.09 388. 95 388.97 - 389.43 389 .41 389.02 388.85 - 12 ...... - 389.15 388.90 389.09 388.93 388.93 - 389.43 389.27 389.02 388. 74 - 13 ...... - 389.23 388.93 389.08 388.95 388.93 - 389.47 389.32 389.02 388. 78 - 14 ...... - 389.22 389.00 389.09 388.95 388. 97 - 389.44 389.39 389.00 388.80 - 15 ...... - 389.23 388.96 389.ll 388.90 388.97 - 389.38 389.33 388.98 388.81 - 16 ...... - 389 .21 388.92 389.06 388.89 388.92 - 389.37 389.29 388.98 - - 17 ...... - 389.23 388.91 389.02 388.84 388.85 389.47 A 389.36 389.31 388.88 - - 18 ...... 389.27 A 389.25 388.89 389.02 388.90 388.84 389 .49 389.37 389.33 389.01 - - 19 ...... 389.25 389.17 388.83 389.04 388.82 388.83 389.54 389.38 389.34 388.98 - - 20 ...... 389.22 389 .15 388.87 389.04 388.87 388.85 389 .50 389.36 389.26 388.96 - - 21...... 389.25 389.15 388.87 389.02 388.82 388.85 389.50 389.34 389.23 388. 91 - - 22 ...... 389.19 389 .15 388.88 389.00 388.84 - 389.48 389.39 389.24 388.90 - - 23 ...... 389.25 389.19 388.94 389.04 388.88 - 389.57 389.42 389.2 l 388.98 - - 24 ...... 389.30 389. l 7 388.94 389.07 388.94 - 389.63 389.43 389.18 388.98 - - 25 ...... 389.27 389.16 388.94 389.04 388.90 - 389 .58 389.43 389.24 389.00 - - 26 ...... 389. l 7 389.14 388.97 389.02 388.84 - 389 .54 389.48 389.19 388.94 - - 27 ...... 389.12 389.13 389.03 389.04 388.80 - 389.47 389.46 389.16 388.81 - - 28 ...... 389.28 389.16 389.02 389.02 388.80 - 389.48 389.41 389.21 388.85 - - 29 ...... 389.28 389.15 389.01 388. 97 388.84 - 389.54 389.40 389.22 388.90 - - 30 ...... 389.27 - 389.03 388. 99 388.85 - 389.52 389.39 389.19 388. 91 - - 31 ...... 389.23 - 389.04 - 388.87 - 389.52 389.42 - 388.93 - - A - Manual ~auge. 66 CAMSELL RIVER AT OUTLET OF GLUT LAKE - STATION No. 10JA002

1 1 11 Location: Lat. 65-o 35 45", long. 117° 45 20 , Northwest Territories, at outlet of Glut Lake, on right bank at head of rapids, two miles above White Eagle Falls. Drainage Area: 12,000 square miles. Gauge: Recording. Period of Record: Periods of varying lengtb, 1963 and 1964; continuous, August 1964 to Decembe:r 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 5, 780 cfs on August 21, 1964. Minimum daily discharge, 1,280 cfs on May 12, 1966. Remarks: Records good.

Daily Dif>charges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 3,730 3,780 3, 780 11...... 3,780 3,780 3,770 21...... 3, 710 3,800 3,780 2 ...... 3,740 3,800 3,780 12 ...... 3,780 3,780 3,770 22 ...... 3,730 3,800 3,780 3 ...... 3, 770 3,780 3,770 13 ...... 3,770 3,770 3,770 23 ...... 3,750 3,780 3, 780 4 ...... 3, 770 3,780 3,770 14...... 3, 780 3,770 3,770 24 ...... 3,770 3,780 3, 770 5 ...... 3,780 3,780 3,770 15 ...... 3,770 3,780 3, 770 25 ...... 3,770 3, 780 3, 770 6 ...... 3, 780 3,780 3,770 16 ...... 3, 770 3, 780 3, 770 26 ...... 3, 770 3, 780 3, 770 7 ...... 3,780 3,780 3,770 17 ...... 3, 750 3, 780 3,780 27 ...... 3, 780 3, 780 3, 770 8 ...... 3, 780 3,770 3,780 18 ...... 3,730 3, 780 3, 780 28 ...... 3, 770 3,780 3, 770 9 ...... 3,780 3, 770 3,780 19 ...... 3,660 3,780 3,780 29 ...... 3,78(J 3,780 3, 750 10 ...... 3,770 3,780 3,780 20 ...... 3,710 3,780 3, 780 30 ...... 3,800 3, 780 3,750 31...... 3,800 3, 750 Total 116,610 113,420 116, 9 30

Mean 3, 760 3,780 3, 770

Acre-feet 231,000 225,000 232, 000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 3,750 3,710 3,310 3,130 2,860 3,000 3,840 3,870 3,500 3,120 3,000 2,800 2 ...... 3,750 3, 710 3,290 3,130 2,820 3,030 3,880 3,840 3,460 3,110 3,000 2,800 3 ...... 3,750 3,710 3,310 3,120 2,770 3,060 3,900 3,840 3,450 3,150 2,980 2,800 4 ...... 3,750 3, 710 3,310 3,110 2,760 3,080 3,970 3,820 3,450 3, 150 2,980 2,800 5 ...... 3,770 3, 710 3,310 3,110 2,730 3,110 4,000 3,820 3,450 3, 150 3,000 2, 790 6 ...... 3,770 3, 700 3,310 3, 100 2,730 3,140 4,020 3,800 3,430 3, 140 3,000 2,790 7 ...... 3,750 3,700 3,290 3,090 2,690 3,160 4,020 3,770 3,420 3,140 2,980 2, 790 8 ...... 3,750 3,610 3,280 3,080 2,660 3,190 4,050 3,770 3,400 3,140 2,980 2, 770 9 ...... 3,750 3,530 3,280 3,080 2.570 3,220 3,770 3,400 3, 140 2,970 2, 770 10 ...... 3,750 3,470 3,280 3,070 2,580 3,240 4,06 3,770 3,400 3,120 2,940 2, 770 11...... 3,750 3,460 3,280A 3,060 2,570 3,270 4,06 3,750 3,390 3,120 2,930 2,770 12 ...... 3,740 3,460 3,270 3,060 2,570 3,300 '·'"!4,09 3,750 3,390 3, 110 2,910 2,760 13 ...... 3,740 3,450 3,270 3,050 2,540 3,320 .i..l.h. 3,740 3,380 3,100 2,910 2, 760 14 ...... 3,740 3,460 3,260 3,040 2,520 3,350 4,110 3,730 3,360 3, 100 2,890 2, 760 15 ...... 3,740 3,460 3,250· 3,040 2,550 3,380 4,090 3,730 3,380 3, 100 2,890 2, 760 16 ...... 3,730 3,460 3,250 3,030 2,570 3,4QO 4,110 3,710 3,350 3,100 2,890 2, 750 1 7 ...... 3,730 3,460 3,240 3,020 2,600 3,430A 4,090 3,700 3,350 3, 100 2,870 2,750 18 ...... 3,730 3,460 3,230 3,010 2,630 3,450 4,090 3,660 3,320 3,100 2,870 2,680 19 ...... 3, 730 3,460 3,220 3,010 2,650 3,460 4,080 3,640 3,310 3,100 2,870 2,620 20 ...... 3,740 3,460 3,220 3,000A 2,680 3,500 4,050 3,630 3,310 3,080 2,870 2,610 21...... 3,740 3,450 3,210 3,000 2,710 3,530 4,050 3,630 3,310 3,080 2,860 2,610 22 ...... 3,740 3,430 3,200 2,980 2, 730 3,570 4,050 3,610 3,290 3,080 2,860 ·2,590 23 ...... 3,710 3,400 3,200 2,980 2, 760 3,630 4,030 3,600 3,260 3,080 2,860 2,580 24 ...... 3,710 3,400 3, 190 2,970 2, 790 3,710 4,030 3,560 3,240 3,050 2,840 2,580 25 ...... 3, 710 3,390 3, 180 2,970 2,810 3,740 4,030 3,560 3,220 3,050 2,840 2,580 26 ...... •.... 3, 710 3,390 3, 180 2,940 2,840 3,780 4,000 3,560 3,220 3,050 2,860 2,570 27 ...... 3, 710 3,360 3,170 2,940 2,870 3,750 4,000 3,540 3,_210 3,030 2,840 2,570 28 ...... 3,710 3,330 3,160 2,910 2,890 3,770 4,000 3,540 3,190 3,030 2,840 2,570 29 ...... 3,710 3,370 3, 150 2,900 2,920 3,800 3,970 3,530 3,120 3,030 2,830 2,560 30 ...... 3,710 - 3,150 2,870 2,950 3,820 3,940 3,520 3, 120 3,030 2,820 2,560 31 ...... 3, 710 - 3, 140 - 2,980 - 3,900 3,520 - 3,000 - 2,560 Total 115, 780 101,620 100,390 90,800 84,300 102,190 124,670 114,280 100,080 95,880 87,180 83,430

Mean 3,730 3,500 3,240 3,030 2,720 3,410 4·,020 3,690 3,340 3,090 2,910 2,690

Acre-feet 230, 000 202,000 199,000 180,000 167,000 203,000 247,000 227,000 199,000 190,000 173, 000 165,000

For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, '4,110 cfs on July 13, 14 and 16 Minimum daily discharge, 2,520 cfs on May 14 Mean discharge, 3,280 cfs Total discharge, 2,380,000 ac-ft

Estimated March 12 to April 19 and May 15 to June 16. A - Manual gauge. COPPERMINE RIVER AT OUTLET OF POINT LAKE - STATION No. lOPBOOl 67

Location: Lat. 65° z51 00", long. 114° 00' 10 11 , Northwest Territories, one-half mile southeast of Fishing Camp on Redrock Lake. Drainage Arba: 7,830 square miles. Gauge: Recchrding. Period of R~cord: Miscellaneous measurements in 1964 and continuous, July 1965 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 10,200 cfs on July 20, 1965. I Minimum daily discharge, 1,320 cfs on May 25, 1968. Remarks: R!lecords fair.

Dail y Di<>charges.. in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1 ...... 7, 160 6,860 5,210 11...... 7,210 6,560 4,060 21...... 7,210 6,080 3,170 2 ...... 7,210 6,830 5,100 12 ...... 7,320 6,520 3,950 22 ...... 7, 160 6,010 3, 120 3 ...... 7,190 6,810 4,990 13...... 7.380 6,480 3,840 23 ...... 7,130 5,940 3,070 4 ...... 7,210 6,780 4,880 14...... 7,320 6,440 3,730 24 ...... 7, 110 5,870 3,020 5 ...... 7,210 6,730 4,770 15 ...... 7,320 6,400 3,640 25 ...... 7,050 5,800 2,990 6 ...... 7,190 6,700 4;650 16 ...... 7,350 6,350 3,550 26 ...... 7,020 5, 710 2,960 7 ...... 7,190 6,680 4,530 17 ...... 7,350 6,300 3,460 27 ...... 6,940 5,620 2,930 8 ...... 7, 190 6,650 4,410 18 ...... 7,290 6,250 3,370 28 ...... 6,940 5,530 2,900 9 ...... 7,190 6,620 4,290 19 ...... 7,320 6,200 3,280 29 ...... 6,940 5,440 2,880 10 ...... 7,130 6,600 4,170 20 ...... 7, 190 6,150 3,230 30 ...... 6,940 5,320 2,860 31 ...... 6,920 - 2,840 Total 222,280 188,230 115,850

Mean 7, 170 6,270 3, 740

Acre-feet 441,000 373,000 230,000

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I 1 ...... 2.820 2,460 2.170 1,800 1,440 1,340 6,490 8,160 6,420 5.470 5, 190 4,500 2 ...... 2,800 2,450 2,160 1, 790 1,430 1,360 6,620 8,130 6,420 5,470 5, 190 4,460 3 ...... 2, 7~0 2,440 2,140 1,770 1,430 1,440 6,830 8,130 6,390 5,450 5, 170 4,420 4 ...... 2,760 2,430 2,130 1, 760 1,410 1,540 7,020 8,080 6,360 5,420 5,170 4,370 5 ...... 2,740 2,420 2,120 1,740 1,380 1,620 7,130 8,050 6,360 5,420 5, 170 4,330 6 ...... 2,720 2,410 2, 110 1,730 1,380 1, 730 7,240 7,960 6,290 5,420 5, 140 4,290 ? ...... 2,710 2,400 2,100 1, 710 1,380 1,830 7,380 7,850 6,260 5,420 5, 120 4,240 8 ...... 2,700 2,390 2,090 1,700 1,380 2,000 7,540 7,820 6,210 5,400 5,120 4,200 9 ...... 2,690 2,380 2,080 1,680 1,380 2,200 7,660 7,740 6, 180 5,400 5, 100 4,150 10 ...... 2,680 2,370 2,070A 1,670 1,380 2,380 7,800 7,630 6,140 5,400 5,070 4,110 11...... 2,670 2,360 2,060 1,650 1,380 2,540 7,880 7,570 6,090 5,400 5,030 4,070 12 ...... 2,660 2,350 2,050 1,640 1,380 2,660 8,020 7,520 6,060 5,380 5,030 4,020 13 ...... 2,650 2,340 2,040 1,620 1,380 2,850 8,160 7,460 6,010 5,350 5,010 3,980 14 ...... 2,640 2,330 2,030 1,610 1,370 2,980 8,220 7,400 6,010 5,350 5,010 3,940 15 ...... 2,630 2,320 2,020 1,590 1,360 3,110 8,330 7,350 5,980 5,330 4,980 3,890 16 ...... 2,620 2,310 2,010 1,580 1,360 3,240 8,380 7,210 5,950 5,330 4,960 3,850 1 7 ...... 2,610 2,300 2,000 1,560 1,350 3,360 8,410 7,160 5,910 5,300 4,960 3,800 18 ...... 2,600 2,290 1,990 1,550 1,350 3,540 8,410 7, 100 5,890 5,300 4,960 3, 760 19 ...... 2,590 2,280 1,980 1,530 1,350 3,710 8,380 7,080 5,890 5,300 4,940 3,720 20 ...... 2,580A 2,270 1,970 1,520 1,350 3,850 8,410 7,000 5,840 5,300 4,940 3,670 21...... 2,570 2,260 1,960 1,500 1,340 4,030 8,360 6,940 5,810 5,280 4,940 3,630 22 ...... 2,560 2,250 1,950 1,480 1,330 4,200 8,360 6,920 5,760 5,280 4,900 3,590 23 ...... 2,550 2,240 1,940 1,480 1,330 4,440 8,300 6,830 5, 740 5,280 4,850 3,540 24 ...... 2,540 2,230 1,920 1,470 1,340 4,680 8,300 6,780 5,690 5,260 4,810 3,500 25 ...... 2,530 2,220 1,910 1,466 1,320 4,920 8,300 6,730 5,640 5,230 4,770 3,460 26 ...... 2,520 2,210 1,890 1,460 1,340 5, 170 8,240 6,730 5,620 5,230 4,720 3,410 27 ...... 2,510 2,200 1,880 1,460 1,340 5,470 8,240 6,700 5,570 5,230 4,680 3,370 28 ...... 2,500 2,190 1,860 1,460 1,340 5,760 8, 190 6,680 5,540 5,210 4,630 3,320 29 ...... 2,490 2.180 1,840 1,440 1,350 5,990 8,190 6,620 5,500 5, 190 4,590 3,280 30 ...... 2,480 - 1,830 1,440 1,340 6,190 8,190 6,520 5,500 5, 190 4,550 3,240 31 ...... 2,470 - 1.820 - 1,340 - 8,160 6,470 - 5, 190 - 3, 190

Total I 81,310 67,280 62,120 47,850 42,330 100, 130 245,140 226,320 179,030 165, 180 148, 700 119,300

Mean 2,620 2,320 2,000 1,600 1,370 3,340 7,910 7,300 5,970 5,330 4,960 3,850 I Acre-feet 1161,000 133,000 123,000 94,900 84,000 199,000 486,000 449,000 355,000 328,000 295,000 237,000 For the YeaJ 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, 8,410 cfs on July 17, 18 and 20 Minimum daily discharge, 1,320 cfs on May 25 Mean discharge, 4,060 cfs Total discharge, 2, 940,000 ac-ft

Estimated JanuaryI l to April 20 and November 22 to December 31. A - Manual gauge. 68 BACK RJVER BELOW DEEP ROSE LAKE - STATION No. lORCOOl

1 Location: Lat. 66° 05', long. 96° 30 , Keewatin District, Northwest Territories, below Deep Rose Lake. Drainage Area: 33,100 square miles. Gauge: Recording. Period of Record: Miscellaneous measurements, 1960, 1961 and 1964; periods of various lengths, 1962, 1963 and 1968; continuous, October 1964 to September 1967. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 143,000 cfs on July 10, 1965 (from high-water mark). Minimum instantaneous discharge, 97 cfs at 0600 CST on June 8, 1967. Remarks: Records fair during open-water period and poor during ice periods.

Dailv Discharl!es in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 ! ! Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. ' Sept. : Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... ••.... - - - - 43, 700 19,800 ' 40,800 17 900 - - - - : I 2 •..••..••... ------42,400 i 19,900 41,300 17,600 - 3 •...•.•..... ------i 40,800 19,700 41,500 17,200 - 4 ...... ------40,000 19.400 41.600 16,800 - 5 ...... ------39,200 19,800 41,500 16,500 - 6 ...... ------38,100 20,900 41,300 16,100 - 7 .....•...... ------37,000 21,500 40, 700 15,700 - 8 ..•...... - - 2,130 - - - - 36,300 22,500 40,000 15,400 I - 9 ...... • ------35, 300 23,000 39,500 15, 100 - 10 ...... •... ------34,700 23,100 38,800 14,900 -

14,800 11...... - - - I - - - - 34,400 23, 700 39 '900 - 12 ...... •..... ------112,000 33,400 25,100 38,500 14,600 - 13 ...... •..... ------108,000 32, 100 26,000 37,900 14, 300 - 14..••.••.•••. ------103,000 31,400 27' 300 37,300 14,200 - 15 ..••.••...•. ------97,600 30,200 30, 000 36,500 13,700 -

16 ...... ------92,400 29,000 31,800 35,200 13,400 - 17 .....•..•... ------86,500 28,400 33,000 34,400 13,200 - 18 ...... ------81,300 27,800 33,900 33,500 13,000 - 19 .....•...... ------76,900 27,000 35, 000 33,300 13, 000 - 20 ...... •. ------73,300 26,000 35, 900 32,800 12,800 -

21. .•.••••••.. ------68, 700 25,400 36, 700 32,200 12, 700 - 22 .•.....•.... ------65,900 24,800 37,400 31,200 12,600 -. 23 ...... ••.•.. ------62,500 24,300 38,100 29,700 12,400 - 24 ...... •..... ------60,500 23,600 38,600 27 '900 12,300 - 25 •...... •... ------57 ,800 23,300 39,100 26,000 12,200 - 26 •....•...... ------56,200 22,700 39,500 24, 000 12, 100 - 27 ...... ••.. ------54,600 22,100 39,500 22,200 11,900 - 28 .•...•.....• ------51,800 21,800 39,600 20, 700 11,800 - 29 •••...••.••. ------49,300 21,100 39,900 19,500 11, 700 - 30 ....•...•... ------47,000 20,900 40.300 18,500 11.600 - 31. •••••..••.• ------45,400 20,300 - 18,200 - - Total ------9 37,500 900,000 1,036,4001 421,500 - Mean ------30,200 30,000 33,400 14, 100 - Acre-feet ------1,860,000· 1, 790,000 2,060,000 836,000 - Ice conditions January 1 to July 11 and October 30 to December 31. Estimated October 30 to November 30. BAKER LAKE AT BAKER LAKE - STATION No. 06MA001 69

1 11 1 11 Location: Lat. 64° 19 00 , long. 96° 01 00 , District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories, two_hundred feet east of Meteorological . Station W.irehouse at Baker Lake Settlement. Gauge: Rec~rding; elevations are referred to an assumed datum. Period of Record: Periods of varying length, 1965 to 1968. . Extremes Rdcorded: Maximum instantaneous elevation, 28.99 ft at 1700 CST on July 1, 1968. Minimum daily elevation, 23.40 ft on May 13, 1966. Remarks: A tidal effect of approximately one-half foot has been ascertained at Bak.er Lake. Gauge heights give approximate elevation I above meanl sea level.

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec, I 1...... 24. 73 25.07 24.61 11.-...... 24.66 24.61 24.50 21...... 24.37 24.45 25.00 2 ...... 24.66 25.11 24.67 12 ...•...... 24.84 24.43 24.54 22 ...... 24.49 24.59 24.86 3 ...... 24.67 25.03 24.69 13 ...... 24.98 24.38 24.60 23 ...... 24.57 24.62 24.84 4 ...... 24. 71 24.94 24. 73 14...... 24.94 24.40 24.60 24 ...... 24.62 24.62 24.72 5 ...... 24.68 24.82 24.81 15 ...... 24.73 24.48 24.68 25 ...... 24.77 24.66 24.56 6 ...... 24.53 24.75 24.84 16 ...... 24.51 24.67 24.78 26 ...... 24.75 24. 79 24.62 7 ...... 24.34 24.63 24.80 17 ...... 24.24 24.67 24.83 27 ...... 24.67 24.81 24.61 8 ...... 24.34 24.63 24.78 18 ...... 24.12 24.66 24.85 28 ...... 24. 79 24. 79 24.60 9 ...... 24.48 24.63 24.64 19 ...... 24.34 24.60 24.91 29 ...... 24.82 24. 74 24.60 10 ...... 24.54 24.68 24.51 20 ...... 24.32 24.49 25.00 30 ...... 24.87 24.67 24.57 31...... 24.92 - 24.52

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Year 1968

Day I Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 24.52 24.10 24.04 24.53 24.27 23.96 28.84 26.85 25.55 26. 71 - - 2 ...... 24.49 24.10 24.07 24.59 24.31 23.98 28.85 26.79 25.54 -- - 3 ...... 24.52 24.05 24.02 24.51 24.29 24.02 28.79 26.76 25.60 -- - 4 ...... •. 24.47 24.00 24.01 24.41 24.27 24.03 28.68 26.74 25. 70 - -- 5 ...... 24.40 23.97 24.06 24.25 24.22 24.02 28.56 26.40 26.02 - - - 6 ...... 24.37 23.86 24.01 24.30 24.17 24.10 28.46 26.17 26.05 --- 7 ...... 24.28 23. 79 24.02 24.29 24.09 24.05 28.34 26.11 26.10 --- 8 .....•...... 24.28 23.66 24.02 24.25 23.99 24.03 28.26 26.15 26.10 --- 9 ..•...... • 24.26 23.61 24.02 24.13 23.91 23.95 28.26 26.18 26.09 - - - 1 o...... 24.20 23.62 24.01 24.05 23.92 23.98 28.36 26.21 26.10 -- - 11 ..••••...... 24.19 23.58 24.00 23.96 23.98 24.03 28.37 26.48 26.15 -- - 12 .....•...... 24.25 23. 71 24.03 23.96 24.00 24.06 28.3°4 26.57 26.18 - - - 13 ...... •• 24.18 23.72 24.01 23.99 24.02 24.19 28.35 26.57 26.22 - - 24.70 14 ...... •.. 24.10 23. 77 24.04 24.05 24.10 24.37 28.39 26.49 26.39 -- 24.70 15 ...... •. 24.10 23.87 24.20 24.00 24.31 24.51 28.31 26.45 26.28 - - 24.68 16 ...... 24.22 23.99 24.07 24.07 24.36 24.69 28.21 26.41 26.15 - - 24.71 17 ...... 24.53 24.21 24.03 24.18 24.41 24.85 27.97 26.26 26.00 -- 24.73 18 •...... 24.39 24.38 23.96 24.16 24.39 25.00 27.67 26.11 25.95 -- 24.83 19 ...... 24.37 24.44 23.87 24.17 24.31 25.26 27.33 26.00 25.89 -- 24.90 20 ...... 24.39 24.45 23.80 24.10 24.20 25.56 27.14 25. 79 25.77 -- 24.96 21...... 24.40 24.40 23.75 23.98 24.73 25.94 26.97 25.71 25.69 - - 24.92 22 ....••...... 24.39 24.40 23.67 23.89 24.08 26.31 26.82 25. 71 25.69 - - 24.99 23 ...... 24.36 24.46 23.61 23.98 23.99 26.62 26.79 25. 70 25.80 - - 25.01 24 ...... 24.29 24.44 23.72 24.05 23.90 26.99 26.80 25.72 26.06 -- 24.96 25 ...... 24.27 . 24.41 23.78 24.08 23.87 27.30 26.97 25.72 26.40 -- 25.07 26 ...... 24.25 24.34 23.78 24.07 23.89 27.64 27.09 25.71 26.61 - - 25.17 27 ...... 24.17 24.27 23.88 24.08 23.98 27.93 27 .15 25.78 26. 71 -- 25.17 28 •...... 24.15 24.23 23.97 24.18 23.98 28.19 27.01 25.77 26.79 -- 25.04 29 ...... 24.04 24.12 24.08 24.19 23.99 28.50 26.94 25.72 26.70 -- 25.02 30 ...... 23.98 - 24.30 24.20 23.98 28. 71 26.86 25.60 26.70 - - 25.04 31...... 24.09 - 24.49 - 23.98 - 26.89 25.51 - -- 25.02

For the PerJd ..••... Maximum instantaneous elevation, 28.99 ft at 1700 CST on July 1 Minimum instantaneous elevation, 23.54 ft at 1415 CST on March 23 70 MARJORIE LAKE AT OUTLET - STATION No. 06KC002

1 11 11 Location: Lat. 64° 13 40 , long. 99° 28' 00 , District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories, at OU.tlet of Marjorie Lake~ Gauge: Recording; gauge heights are referred to an assumed datum. Period of Record: Mainly continuous, July 1966 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily gauge height, 47.16 ft on December 12, 1968. Remarks: Records for 1966 were published in 1967 Publication.

Daily Gauge Heights in Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 45.92 46.40 2 ..•...... 45.92 46.44 3 ...... 45.96 46.35 4 .••...... 46.04 46.20 5 ...... 46.07 46.19 6 ...... 46.04 46.25 7 ...... 46.05 46.36 8 ...... 46.06 46.37 9 ...... 46.09 46.34 10 ...... 46.11 46.26 11...... 46.12 46.25 47.07 12 ...... 46.13 46.26 47.16 13 ...... 46.15 46.19 14...... 46.12 46.15 15 ...... 46.47 46.15 46.14 16 ...... 46.21 46.12 1 7 •.•••.•.•.•• 45.71 46.22 46.13 18 ...... 45. 76 46.22 46.15 19 ...... 45.79 46.24 46.16 20 ...... 45.77 46.19 46.16 21...... 45.84 46.19 22 ...... 45.85 46.24 23 ...... 45.88 46.29 24 ....•...... 45.84 46.30 25 ...... 45.86 46.31 26 ...... 45.83 46.52 27 ...... 45.85 46.74 28 ...... 45.92 46.82 29 •...... 45.78 46.70 30 ...... 45.84 46.56 31...... 46.42

Ice conditions October 22 to December 31. DUBAWNT RIVER BELOW MARJORIE LAKE - STATION No. 06KC003 71

Location: Lat, 64"' 16' 01", long. 99° 35' 47", District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories, 4.3 miles below Marjorie Lake. Drainage ArJa: 21,900 square miles. Gauge: Non,;-gauge heights are taken from a recording gauge on Marjorie Lake. Period of Re~ord: September to December 1968. Remarks: Rbcords poor. Discharge records prior to 1968 were obtained at Dubawnt River below Marjorie Lake, Station No. 06KC001, and prior to 1963 published under the title "Dubawnt RiVer above Aberdeen Lake".

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 ! Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July I Aug. Sept. I Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... I 19 100 22,200 19.200 2 ...... 19,700 21,800 19,200 3 ....•..••..• 20,000 21,600 19, JOO 4 ...... 20,400 20,900 19,000 5 ...... 20,600 20, 9 00 18,900

6 .....•...... 20,400 21,200 18,800 7 ...... 20,500 22, IOO 18,700 8 ...... 20,600 22,200 18,600 9 ...... 20, 700 21,700 18,500 10 ...... 20,900 21,400 18,400

11...... 20,900 21,200 18,200 12 ...... 21,000 21,000 18, 100 13 ...... 21, 100 20,900 18,000 14...... 20,900 20, 300 17,900 15 ...... 22, 900 21,100 20,600 17,800

16 ...... 21,500 20,500 17,800 17 ...... 18, 500 21,500 20,400 17, 700 18 ...... 18,800 21,500 20,400 17,600 19 ...... 18, 900 21,600 20,400 17,600 20 .....•••.•.. 18,800 21,300 20,400 17,500

21. ...•..•.... 19,200 21,300 20, 200 17 ,400 22 ...... 19,300 21,300 20,100 17 ,400 23 ...... 19' 500 21,500 20, 000 17. 300 24 ...... 19,200 21,600 19,800 17,300 25 ...... 19,400 21,700 19, 700 17,200

26 ...... •..... 19,200 22, 200 19,600 17,100 27 ...... 19,300 22,900 19,500 17, JOO 28 ...... 19, 700 23, 700 19,400 17,000 29 ...... 18,900 23, 000 19,400 16,900 30 ...... 19. 200 22,400 19.300 16,900 31...... i I 21,900 16,800 ! -r-_ 659,400 619,100 555,000 Total I ! I ~- ! Mean I ! 21, 300 20,600 17,900

Acre-feet I I I '1,310,000 I, 230, 000Il,100, 000 Ice conditionJ October 22 to December 31. 72 KAZAN RIVER AT OUTLET OF ENNADAI LAKE - STATION No. 06LA001

11 1 11 Location: Lat. 61° 15 1 40 , long. 100° 58 20 , District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories, at outlet of Ennadai Lake. Drainage Area: 8, 100 square miles. Gauge: Discharges are related to gauge on Ennadai Lake, Station No. 06LA002. Period of Record: Periods of various lengths, 1962, 1963, 1965 and 1966; miscellaneous measurements only in 1964; continuous, May 1966 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily discharge, 12,800 cfs (estimated), October 10 to 12, 1968. Minimum daily discharge, 1,990 cfs, March 6 to 9, 1967. Remarks: Records good.

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1, ...... 5,400 5,240 4,380 11...... 5,540 4,820 4,270 21...... 5,360 4,490 4,270 2 ...... 5,480 5,200 4,380 12 ...... 5,540 4,800 4,270 22 ...... 5,220 4,-470 4,270 3...... 5,640 5,140 4,360 13...... 5,520 4,760 4,250 23...... 4,940 4,450 4,270 4 ...... 5,640 5,140 4,340 14...... 5,480 4,740 4,230 24 ...... 5,220 4,450 4,250 5 ...... 5,560 5, 100 4,320 15 ...... 5,540 4,700 4,230 25 ...... 5,280 4,470 4,230 6 ...... 5,560 5,060 4,320 16 ...... 5,440 4,660 4,250 26 ...... 5,280 4,510 4,210 7 ...... 5,640 5,000 4,300 17 ...... 5,380 4,620 4,250 27 ...... 5,240 4,550 4,190 8 ...... 5,580 4,920 4,300 18 ...... 5,520 4,570 4,250 28 ...... 5,220 4,450 4,190 9 ...... 5,560 4,880 4,280 19 ...... 5,600 4,530 4,270 29 ...... 5,220 4,420 4,190 10 ...... 5,460 4,860 4,270 20 ...... 5,440 4,510 4,270 30 ...... 5,220 4,400 4,190 31...... 5,240 4,190

Ice conditions November 8 to December 31. Total 167,960 141,910 132,240

Mean 5,420 4,730 4,270

Acre-feet 333,100 281,500 262, 300

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 . Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec .

!...... 4,190 4,070 4,070 4,070 3,750 4,780 ll,800 ll, 100 8,650 ll,600 E 11,lOOE 8,790 2 ...... 4,180 4,070 4,070 4,050 3,700 5,060 ll,800 11,000 8,490 ll,700E 11,000 E 8,650 3 ...... 4,180 4,070 4,070 4,030 3,680 5,420 ll,700 11,000 8,580 12,000 E 10,900 E 8,530 4 ...... 4,160 4,070 4,050 4,030 3,660 5,870 11, 700 10,800 8,490 12, 100 E 10,900 E 8,510 5 ...... 4,160 4,050 4,050 4,030 3,630 6,400 11,600 10,800 8, 740 12,200 E 10,900 E 8,390 6 ...... 4,160 4,050 4,050 4,030 3,610 6,870 ll,500 10,600 8,580 12,400 E 10,800 E 8,230 7 ...... 4,160 4,070 4,070 4,050 3,590 7,540 ll,400 10,500 8,530 12,500 E 10, 700 E 8,080 8 ...... 4,160 4,070 4,070 4,070 3,590 8, 150 11,400 10,300 8,550 12,600 E 10, 700 E 7,970 9 ...... 4,160 4,070 4,070 4,070 3,630 8,790 ll,400 10,200 8,510 12, 700 E 10,600 E 7,900 10 ...... 4,160 4,070 4,070 4,090 3,610 9,290 ll, 300 10,200 8,550 12,800 E 10,600 E 7,810 11...... 4,120 4,070 4,070 4,070 3,560 9, 720 ll, 300 9,910 8,600 12,800 E 10,400 E 7, 750 12 ...... 4,120 4,070 4,070 4,030 3,540 10,100 ll, 200 9,890 8,420 12,800 10,400 E 7,630 13 ...... 4,120 4,070 4,090 4,010 3,470 10,400 11,000 9,930 8,550 12, 700 10,300 E 7,590 14 ...... 4,120 4,07.0 4,100 4,000 3,530 10,700 11,200 9,960 8,700 12, 700 10,300 E 7,.540 15 ...... 4,120 4,070 4,100 4,000 3,530 10,800 11, 700 9,910 8, 130 12,700 10,300 E 7,470 16 ...... 4,140 4,070 4,090 4,000 3,460 10,900 11,800 9,790 8,230 12, 700 10,200 E 7,430 17 ...... 4,140 4,070 4,070 4,000 3,440 11,200 11, 700 9,690 8,930 12,500 10, 100 E 7,380 18 ...... 4,160 4,030 4,050 3,980 3,410 11,300 11,800 9,530 9, 140 12,600 10, 100 7,360 19 ...... 4,160 4,030 4,050 3,960 3,390 ll,400 11, 700 9,600 9,430 12,400 9,960 7,320 20 ...... 4,160 4,030 4,030 3,940 3,370 11, 300 11, 700 9,500 9,410 12,500 9,890 7,270 I 21...... 4,160 4,030 4,050 3,940 3,360 ll,400 ll,500 9,410 9,450 E 12,100 9,810 7,250 22 ...... 4,160 4,030 4,050 3,980 3,360 11,500 11,600 9,380 9,690 E 12,000 9,740 7,210 23 ...•...... 41,60 4,050 4,030 4,000 3,290 ll,500 ll,600 9,330 9,910E 11,900 E 9,620 7I180 24 ...... 4,160 4,070 4,010 4,010 3,290 ll,500 ll,600 9,310 10,lOOE ll,900E 9,530 7, 160 25 ...... 4,140 4,070 4,000 4,000 3,300 ll,500 11,600 9,260 10,300 E 11,80.0 E 9,410 7, 140 26 ...... 4,120 4,090 3,980 3,960 3,410 ll,500 ll,500 9, 140 10,600 E ll,700E 9,310 7,090 27 ...... 4,100 4,090 3,980 3,910 3,530 ll,500 11,400 9,070 10,800 E 11,600 9,210 7,050 28 ...... 4,090 4,090 4,000 3,910 3,800 11,500 11,400 8,910 11,000 E ll,500 E 9,090 7,000 29 ...... 4,070 4,070 4,030 3,830 4,070 11,600 ll,400 8,840 ll,300E ll,400 E 8,980 6,980 30 ...... 4,070 - 4,050 3,780 4,320 11,800 11,200 8,740 ll,400 E 11,300E 8,860 6,930 31...... 4,070 - 4,050 - 4,570 - 11, 100 8,700 - 11,200 E - 6,910

Total 128, 310 117,830 125,590 ll9,830 111,450 291,290 356,600. 304,300 277,760 377,400 303,710 235,500

Mean 4,140 4,060 4,050 3,990 3,600 9,710 11,500 9,820 9,260 12,200 10, 100 7,600

Acre-feet 255,000 234,000 249,000 238,000 221,000 578,000 707,000 604,000 551, 000 749,000 602,000 467 ,000 For the Year 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, 12,800 cfs,_October 10 to 12 Minimum daily discharge, 3,290 cfs on May 23 and 24 Mean discharge, 7,510 cfs Total discharge, 5,460,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to May 25 and November 18 to December 31. E - Estimated. KAZAN RIVER ABOVE KAZAN FALLS - STATION No. 06LC001 73

Location: Uat. 63-o 40' 25", long. 95° 45 1 30 11 , Keewatin District, Northwest Territories, approximately three miles above Kazan Falls. Drainage A~ea: 22, 700 square miles. Gauge: Recprding. Period of R.kcord: Miscellaneous measurements only, 1960 to 1965 and continuous, July 1965 to December 1968. Records prior to 1964 were pub~shed as "above Baker Lake 11 and in 1964 as "below Kazan Falls". Extremes R~corded: Maximum daily discharge, 73,700 cfs (estimated) on July 4, 1968 (a discharge of 103,000 cfs was measured on July 18, 1962). Minimum daily discharge, 2,000 cfs (estimated), May 1 to 5, 1966. I Remarks: RI ecords poor.

Daily Di"'.. charges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. I

1...... 1 16,300 13,500 9,040 1 i ...... 14,200 11,800 8,200 21...... 16,400 10,200 7,280 15,500 13,500 8,880 12 ...... 14,000 11,600 8,080 22 ...... 15,600 10,100 7,200 32 ...... ··········j 14,800 13,400 8,800 13 ...... 14,200 11,500 7,960 23 ...... 15,400 10,000 7' 120 4 ...... 14,500 13,100 8, 760 14...... 14,600 11,200 7,920 24 ...... 14,600 9,750 7,080 5 ...... 15,600 13,000 8,720• 15 ...... 15,900 11, 100 7,840 25 ...... 14, 000 9,700 6,960 6 ...... 15,300 12,600 8,560 16 ...... 15,000 10,900 7,680 26 ...... 14,000 9,600 6,880 7 ...... 15,400 12,500 8,480 17 ...... 14,600 10,700 7,640 27 ...... 14,500 9,520 6,840 8 ...... 14,500 12,300 8,400 18 ...... 13 600 10,600 7,560 28 ...... 14,900 9,400 6,800 14,400 12,200 8,360 19 ...... 13,800 10,500 7,480 29 ...... 15, 000 9,280 6, 720 16::: ::: ::: :: :::I 14,400 12,000 8,320 20 ...... 18,400 10,400 7,360 30 ...... 15, 200 9 160 6,520 31...... 14,500 - 6,480

Total 463, 100 335,110 239,920

Mean 14,900 11,200 7, 740

Acre-feet 918,600 664, 700 475,900

Daily Discharges in Cubic Feet per Second for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I 1...... 6,400 4,660 3,850 3,670 3,400 4,900 73,000 48,700 34,600 34,300 34,900 29.000 2 ...... 6,360 4,630 3,850 3,640 3,400 7,080 73,300 48,100 34,600 34,400 34,600 28,600 3 ...... 6,320 4,600 3,850 3,640 3,400 8,400 73,600 47,500 34,500 34,600 34,400 28,500 4 ...... 6,240 4,570 3,850 3,640 3,380 10,600 73, 700 47,000 34,500 34,500 34,200 28,300 5 ...... 6,120 4,540 3,880 3,610 3,380 12,500 73,600 46,200 34,400 33,800 34,100 28, 100 6 ...... 6,040 4,510 3,880 3,580 3,380 15,200 73, 300 45,200 34,400 34,200 33,800 27,800 7 ...... 6,000 4,450 3,880 3,550 3,360 17,500 72,900 44,400 34,400 34,600 33,600 27 ,600 8 ...... 6,000 4,390 3,850 3,520 3,360 19,300 72, 100 43,400 34,300 34,800 33,400 27 ,500 9 ...... 5,920 4,330 3,850 3,490 3,340 21,800 71,300 42,400 34,200 35,200 33,200 27,300 I 0 ...... 5,760 4,300 3,820 3,460 3,320 23,500 70,300 41,500 34,200 35,200 33,000 27' 000 11...... 5,680 4,270 3, 790 3,460 3,320 26,000 69,400 40,800 34,200 35,000 32, 700 26,900 12 ...... 5,640 4,240 3,790 3,460 3,300 27 ,600 68,600 40,300 34,200 35, 700 32,400 26, 700 13 ...... 5,520 4,210 3, 760 3,460 3,280 29,000 67,500 39,500 34,200 36,200 32,200 26,400 14 ...... 5,520 4,180 3, 760 3,460 3,300 30,400 66, 300 38,600 34,200 36,700 32,100 26,200 15 ...... 5,480 4,150 3,730 3,460 3,320 33,300 65, 100 38,100 34,200 37,000 31, 900 26,200 16 ...... 5,400 4,120 3, 730 3,460 3,300 36,600 64, 100 37,400 34,200 36,500 31,800 26,000 1 7 ...... 5,280 4,090 3, 730 3,460 3,280 40, 700 63,100 37,100 35,000 36,300 31,400 25, 700 18 ...... 5,240 4,060 3, 730 3,460 3,260 43,300 61,800 36, 700 35,000 36,500 31, 100 25,500 19 ...... 5,200 4,060 3, 730 3,460 3,240 46,000 60, 900 36,400 34,800 37,400 30, 9 00 25,400 20 ...... 5,170 4,060 3, 730 3,460 3,240 48,900 59' 900 36, 100 35,100 37,500 30,600 25, 100 21...... ····· 5,140 4,030 3, 730 3,460 3,240 50,800 59,200 35,900 34,600 37,800 30,600 25,000 22 ...... 5,020 4,000 3, 700 3,460 3,220 53,200 58,300 35, 700 34,500 37 '700 30,500 24,800 23 ...... 4,990 4,000 3, 700 3,460 3,220 55,200 57,100 35,500 33,600 36,900 30,400 24,400 24 ....•..•.... 4,960 3,970 3, 700 3,460 3,200 57,900 56,100 35,400 33,500 37' 000 30,400 24,200 25 ...... 4,900 3,940 3, 700 3,430 3,220 59,700 55,300 35, 300 34,200 36,200 30,200 24,100 26 ...... •.. 4,900 3,910 3, 700 3,430 3,220 61,800 54,200 35, 100 34,300 36,000 29,900 23, 700 2 7 ...... 4,870 3,880 3,700 3,430 3,240 64,300 53,000 35,000 34,300 35,800 29, 700 23,500 28 ...... 4,810 3,850 3, 700 3,430 3,300 66,900 52,000 35,000 33,600 35, 700 29,600 23, 300 29 ...... 4,750 3,850 3,700 3,400 3,400 69,500 51,200 34,900 34,000 35,400 29,300 23,100 30 ...... 4,750 - 3,700 3,400 3,580 71,900 50,400 34, 700 34,400 35, 100 29,200 22,800 31. ...•...... 4,690 - 3,670 - 3,850 - 49,500 34,600 - 35,000 - 22, 700

Total 121,850 I 169,070 116, 740 104, 760 103,250 1, 113, 780 1, 970, 100 1,222,500 1,030,200 1, 109,000 956,100 801,400 Mean 5,450 4,200 3,770 3,490 3,330 37,100 63,600 39,400 34,300 35,800 31,900 25,900 I Acre-feet 335,000 242,000 232,000 208,000 205,000 2,210,000 3,910,000 2,420,000 2,040,000 2,200,000 1,900,000 1,590,000 I For the Yea~ 1968 ...... Maximum daily discharge, 73,700 cfs on July 4 Minimum daily discharge, 3,200 cfs on May 24 Mean discharge, 24,100 cfs Total discharge, 17,500,000 ac-ft

Ice conditions January 1 to June 11 and October 25 to December 31. Estimated June 18 to September 14. 74 ENNADAI LAKE AT ENNADAI - STATION No. 06LA002

Location: Lat. 61 ° 08' 00", long. 100° 53' zon, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories, at Meterological Station. Gauge: Recording; elevations are referred to approximate mean sea level datum as obtained from Mines and Technical Surveys Map Sheet 65 S. W. Subtract 6.38 ft from 1962 and 1963 elevations to convert to present datum. Period of Record: Periods of varying length, 1962, 1963 and 1965 to December 1968. Extremes Recorded: Maximum daily elevation, 1,017.64 ft on October 12, 1968. Minimum daily elevation, 1,012.52 ft on May 15, 1966.

Daily Elevations in Feet for the Period October to December 1967 Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec. Day Oct. Nov. Dec.

1...... 1,014.45 1,014.37 1,014.05 11...... 1,014.52 1,014.23 1,013.96 21...... 1,014.43 1,014.13 1,014.0 I 2 ...... 1,014.49 1,014.35 1,014.05 12 ...... 1,014.52 1,014.22 1,013.98 22 ...... 1,014.36 1,014.12 1,014.00 3 ...... 1,014.57 1,014.32 1,014.05 13 ...... 1,014.51 1,014.18 1,014.02 23 ...... 1,014.22 1,014.12 1,014.02 4 ...... 1,014.57 1,014.32 1,014.00 14 ...... 1,014.49 1,014.18 1,013.98 24 ...... 1,014.36 1,014.08 1,014.00 5 ...... 1,014.53 1,014.30 1,014.01 15 ...... 1,014.52 1,014.18 1,014.00 25 ...... 1,014.39 1,014.10 1,014.00 6 ...... 1,014.53 1,014.28 1,013.98 16 ...... 1,014.47 1,014.16 1,013.97 26 ...... 1,014.39 1,014.11 1,014.00 7 ...... 1,014.57 1,014.25 1,014.01 17 ...... 1,014.44 1,014.16 1,013.98 27 ...... 1,014.37 1,014.11 1,014.01 8 ...... 1,014.54 1,014.25 1,014.00 18 ...... 1,014.51 1,014.15 1,013.98 28 ...... 1,014.36 1,014.11 1,014.00 9 ...... 1,014.53 1,014.24 1,013.98 19 ...... : .. 1,014.55 1,014.14 1,014.00 29 ...... 1,014.36 1,014.07 1,014.01 10 ...... 1,014.48 1,014.22 1,013.97 20 ...... 1,014.47 1,014.13 1,014.02 30 ...... 1,014.36 1,014.06 1,014.01 31...... 1,014.37 - 1,014.00

Daily Elevations in- Feet for the Year 1968 Day Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1...... 1,014.01 1,013.87 1,013.99 1,013.96 1,013.58 1,014.14 1,017.24 1,016.95 1,015.92 - - 1,016.22 2 ...... 1,014.02 1,013.89 1,013.99 1,013.94 1,013.55 1, 014.28 1,017.22 1,016.91 1,015.85 - - 1,016.18 3 ...... 1,014.02 1,013.90 1,013.97 1,013.93 1,013.54 1,014.46 1,017.20 1,016.90 1,015.89 - - 1,016.12 4 ...... 1,014. 00 1,013.88 1,013.94 1,013.92 1,013.53 1,014.68 1,017.19 1,016.82 1,015.85 - - 1,016.12 5 ...... •..... 1,014.01 1,013.90 1,013.93 1,013.91 - 1,014.93 1,017.15 1,016.81 1,015.96 - - 1,016.11 6 ...... 1,013.98 1,013.89 1,013.92 1,013.91 - 1,015.14 1,017.10 1,016. 75 1,015.89 - - 1,016.08 7 ...... 1,013.97 1,013.88 1,013.93 1,013.91 - 1,015.44 1,017.08 1,016.71 1,015.87 - - 1,016.06 8 ...... 1,013.97 1,013.89 1,013.95 1,013.92 1,013.49 1,015.71 1,017.06 1,016.60 1,015.88 - - 1,016.04 9 ...... 1,013.97 1,013.90 1,013.96 1,013.91 1,013.51 1,015.98 1,017.05 1,016.56 1,015.86 - - 1,016.03 1 o....••...... 1,013.94 1,013.90 1,013.97 1,013.85 1,013.50 1,016.19 1,017.01 1,016.58 1,015.88 - - 1,016.01 11. .•...... 1,013.95 1,013.89 1,013.98 1,013.89 1,013.47 1,016.37 1,017.04 1,016.45 1,015.90 - - 1,016.0l 12 ...... 1,013.98 1,013.90 1,014.00 1,013.90 1,013.46 1,016.52 1,016.98 1,016.44 1,015.82 1,017.64 - 1,015.98 13 ...... 1,013.98 1,013.90 1,013.99 1,013.89 1,013.42 1,016.66 1,016.89 1,016.46 1,015.88 1,017.60 - - 14 ...... 1,013.96 1,013.89 1,013.99 1, 013.85 1,013.45 1,016.76 1,017.00 1,016.47 1,015.94 1,017.60 - - 15 ...... 1,013.96 1,013.88 1,013.98 1,013.83 1,013.45 1,016.81 1,017.20 1, 016.45 1,015.70 1,017.63 - - 16 ...... 1,013.94 1,013.90 1,014.00 1,013.82 1,013.41 1,016.88 1,017.22 1,016.40 1,015.74 1,017.59 - - 17 ...... 1,013.98 1,013.90 1,014.00 1,013.81 1,013.40 1,016.98 1,017.20 1,016.36 1,016.04 1,017.51 - - 18 ..•...•..... 1,013.95 1,013.92 1,014.00 1,013.76 1,013.38 1,017.02 1,017.22 1,016.29 1,016.13 1,017.55 - - 19 ...... 1, 013. 95 1,013.93 1,014.00 1,013.77 1,013.37 1,017.05 1,017.21 1,016.32 1,016.25 1,017.50 - - 20 ...... 1,013.95 1,013.93 1,013.98 1,013.74 1,013.36 1,017 .04 1,017.18 1,016.28 1,016.24 1,017.52 - - 21...... 1,013.95 1,013.92 1,013.98 1,013.72 1,013.35 1,017 .07 1,017.13 1,016.24 - 1,017.35 - - 22 ...... 1,013.96 1,013.92 1,013.95 1,013.76 1,013.35 1,017.10 1,017.15 1,016.23 - 1,017.32 - - 23 ...... 1,013.93 1,013.95 1,013.92 1,013.77 1,013.31 1,017 .12 1,017.17 1,016.21 - - - - 24 ...... 1,013.93 1,013.96 1,013.92 1,013.73 1,013.31 1,017.11 1,017.15 1,016.20 - - - - 25 ...... 1,013.92 1,013.97 1,013.91 1,013. 72 1,013.32 1,017.11 1,017.14 1,016.18 - - - - 26 ...... 1,013.94 1,013.98 1,013.88 1,013.70 1,013.38 1,017.12 1,017.11 1,016.13 - - 1,016.36 - 27 ...... 1,013.93 1,013.99 1,013.88 1,013.67 1,013.45 1,017.10 1,017.05 1,016.10 - 1,017.14 1,016.32 - 28 ...... 1,013.92 1,014.00 1,013.89 1,013.67 1,013.61 1,017 .09 1,017.08 1,016.03 - " 1,016.30 - 29 ...... 1,013.91 1,013.96 1,013.95 1,013.63 1,013. 76 1,017.16 1,017.06 1,016.00 - - 1,016.28 - 30 ...... 1,013.90 - 1,013.95 1,013.60 1,013.90 1,017.22 1,017.00 1,015.96 - - 1,016.25 - 31...... 1,013.90 - 1,013.95 - 1,014.03 - 1,016.95 1,015.94 - - - -

For the Year ...... Maximum daily elevation, 1,017 .64 ft on October .12 Minimum daily elevation, 1,013.31 ft on May 23 and 24


Date Stream Tributary to Location Discharge cfs July 15 Thelon River Baker Lake Above Beverly Lake 27, 300 11 September 18 " 11 18,800 INDEX


Page Page

Accuracy of Discharge Data•...... viii Order of Listing Gauging Stations ...... ix Convenient !Equivalents of Measurement. ix Organization and History of Hydrometric Co-operaticrm and Acknowledgments .... vii Survey Operations ...... ••..... vii Definition dt Terms and Abbreviations .. viii Preface ...... iii Introductio~ ...... vii Publication of Surface Water and Sediment Data . vii Method of Tabulation of Hydrometric Survey Data . viii Scope of this Publication. vii

SURFACE WATER DATA Af•hlM> ru~ee om Whl•e>mo •. 2 M'Clintock River near Whitehorse 9 Muskeg Creek near Yellowknife 49 Back Riverl~elow Deep Rose Lake 68 Nonacho Lake near Snowdrift .• 52 Baker Crejk Main Stem ...... 48 Baker Lak9 at Baker Lake ...... 69 Peel River above Canyon Creek . 36 Bennett LaK.e at Carcross ...... 11 Pelly River at Pelly Crossing .. 23 Big Salmonl River near Carmacks .. . 21 Pelly River at Ross River ..... 22 Pocket Lake Outlet near Yellowknife. 49 Camsell Rifer at Outlet of Clut Lake ... . 66 Porcupine River below Bell River. 32 Coppermine River at Outlet of Point Lake 67 Porcupine River at Old Crow •. 33

I Dezadeash River at Haines Junction Redstone River near the Mouth 64 Dubawnt Rter below Marjorie Lake 71 Rose Creek below Faro Creek. 25 Ross River at Ross River . 24 Ennadai Lake at Ennadai. 74 Slave River at Bell Rock .• 54 Flat River Mouth ..•...... 62 Slims River at Mouth (Misc.}. 33 L1 Frances Rivler near Watson Lake .. . 35 Snare River at Bigspruce Lake 47 South Nahanni River above Clausen Creek 61 Great Bear Lake at Port Radium .. . 65 South Nahanni River above Virginia Falls. 60 Great Slave Lake at Fort Resolution . 45 Stewart River at Mayo .....•••. 28 Great Slav5 Lake at Hay River .. 46 Stewart River at Mouth ...... 30 Great Slave Lake at Snowdrift :-.... 44 Stewart River at Stewart Crossing 29 Great Slav1 Lake at Yellowknife Bay. 43 Tagish Creek near Car cross •... 14 Hay River near Hay River ...... 56 Takhini River at Outlet of Kusawa Lake. 15 Takhini River near Whitehorse •... 16 Kakisa Rivlr at Outlet from Kakisa Lake. 57 Taltson River at Outlet of Tsu Lake 53 Kazan Rive~ at Outlet of Ennadai Lake. 72- Teslin Lake at Teslin 18 Kazan Rive~ above Kazan Falls" ..... 7 3 Teslin River near Teslin ...... 19 Klondike R~ver above Bonanza Creek . 31 Teslin River near Whitehorse ... . 20 Kluane Lakk near Burwash Landing .. 27 Thelen River above Beverly Lake (Misc.). 74 Kluane RivJr at Outlet of Kluane Lake. 26 Thelon River Drainage Basin, Miscellaneous Discharge Kusawa Lai.le near Whitehorse ...... 1 7 Measurements Made in ...... 74 Trout River near Outlet Trout Lake 58 Liard Rivel at Fort Liard ...... 59 Watson River near Carcross ..... 13 Liard Rive,[. at Upper Crossing ...... •. 34 Wheaton River near Carcross •... 12 Little Buff~lo River near Pine Point Highway . 55 White River, Seven Miles above Mouth (Misc.} 33 Lockhart River at Outlet from Artillery Lake. 51 Willowlake River near the Mouth ..... 63 Lubbock Rter near Atlin ...... 10 Yellowknife River at Inlet to Prosperous Lake 50 Mackenzie fiver (Peel Channel} at Aklavik 42 Yukon River at Carmacks-•••.•••••..• 5 Mackenzie fiver at Fort Good Hope .. 41 Yukon River at Dawson •.••.•.•.••• 7 Mackenzie f-iver near Fort Providence 37 Yukon River Drainage Basin, Miscellaneous Discharge Mackenzie ftiver at Fort Simpson 38 Measurements Made in .•••. 33 Mackenzie f-iver at Norman Wells 40 Yukon River above Frank Creek •..... 4 Mackenzie River near Wrigley. 39 Yukon River above White River .•.... 6 Marjorie L~ke at Outlet ..•.. 70 Yukon River below Teslin River (Misc.}. 33 Marsh LakJ near Whitehorse .. 8 Yukon River at Whitehorse ...... •.. 3