Gender, Body, Health – in the Anthropocene, 18-19 November 2014 Conference venue and practical information The 8th annual conference of the Nordic Network Gender, Body, Health is to be held at the Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University. Below is some information about the Centre and its surroundings, travel information and suggestions for accommodation and meals. The conference will start at 13.00 on 18th November (coffee/tea and registration from 11.00) and end no later than 16.00 on 19th November. Registration procedure Deadline for registration is 17 October 2014. The conference fee is 300 SEK per person. Register for the conference by paying the fee (see below) and send an email to
[email protected] with the following information: • Name • Academic (or other) title • University/organization • Email address • Mobile phone number including country code (optional) • Any special information that we need to consider in order to facilitate your participation in the conference (optional) Pay the fee to the following account: Domestic payments (within Sweden): Pg 18 37 97 – 0, reference code “511” must be mentioned, as well as your name. International payments (outside Sweden): Nordea Bank. Account No/IBAN No: SE48 9500 0099 6042 0183 7970. BIC/SWIFT: NDEASESS, reference code “511” must be mentioned, as well as your name. The Centre for Gender Research The Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University, was founded in 2003. It aims at bringing together researchers interested in transgressive encounters between cultural, social and biological understandings of sex and gender. The result is a dynamic staff made up of around thirty people from various disciplines in the faculties of the humanities, social sciences, medicine and natural sciences.