Critique, Democracy, and Philosophy in 21st Century Information Society. Towards Critical Theories of Social Media. The Fourth ICTs and Society-Conference. Uppsala University. May 2nd-4th, 2012. This conference is supported by Vetenskapsrådet / Swedish Research Council CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 1. If not already done, please register on the ICTs and Society-platform: 2. Transfer the registration fee Registration Fees: Regular conference fee, including the conference dinner: 130 € or 1200 SEK Regular conference fee, excluding conference dinner: 85 € or 780 SEK Student conference fee, including the conference dinner: 110 € or 1000 SEK Student conference fee, without conference dinner: 60 € or 550 SEK Payment Information: Please include your FULL NAME in information field of the transaction. International conference participants: IBAN: SE4295000099603408508640 Swift: NDEASESS Swedish conference participants: Plusgiro PG 850864-0 3. Download and complete the registration form and send the completed form to
[email protected] The form is available at: doc: rtf: 1 4. You will receive a payment confirmation together with the conference material at the registration desk on the start day of the conference. ACCOMODATION INFORMATION Below you find a selection of Hotels and Hostels in Uppsala, which are within walking distance from the conference location. First Hotel Linné and Scandic Hotel Uppsala provide a limited number of rooms at reduced rates to conference participants. We furthermore recommend to check the website, which sometimes has special offers.