Grand Prix Standings Atlanta Track Club 2015 GRAND PRIX SERIES Grand Prix Standings through the ATLANTA’S FINEST 5K. Please note that these standings reflect your age on December 31, 2015. If you have any questions, please email
[email protected]. In the overall division, points are awarded to the top 5 Open and Masters male and female finishers of each event: First Place—100 Points; Second Place—80 Points; Third Place—60 Points; Fourth Place—40 Points; Fifth Place—20 Points Points are cumulative. OVERALL – OPEN MEN PLACE POINTS 1 HUBARTT, ALEXANDER, 25 340 2 JORGENSEN, BLAKE, 33 300 3 GRIFFITH, PERRY, 34 220 4 COLLOPY, JOHN, 35 200 4 PARKER, ELI, 17 200 4 HARDEN, LANCE, 28 200 7 COFFED, DOUGIE, 29 180 8 BROOKS, DEJON, 22 160 9 PURCELL, RYAN, 29 140 9 GUTHRIE, DAVID, 33 140 9 MCCANN, IAN, 32 140 12 DOBLAR, DOUG, 35 120 12 VECLOTCH, JASON, 27 120 12 BEAUCHAMP, EVAN, 27 120 15 O'BRYANT, ZAVEN, 29 100 15 DEATON, JOSHUA, 27 100 17 MINEN, JOHNNIE, 26 80 17 HARVELL, STEPHEN, 36 80 17 DUNN, DURRAN, 33 80 17 PARKS, JASON, 27 80 17 MOORE, JR, 30 80 17 THOMASSON, TIMOTHY, 39 80 24 DANIELS, OMAR, 15 60 24 GOMEZ, JONATHAN, 20 60 24 REILLY, JACKSON, 16 60 24 KENAH, EAMONN, 12 60 28 NUGENT, LIAM, 17 40 28 MCCAULEY, GRIFFIN, 16 40 28 BREWER, BO, 27 40 28 HHAWU, MARK, 37 40 28 WYLIE, GARRY, 33 40 | For questions regarding the Grand Prix Series, please email
[email protected] Grand Prix Standings 28 CURTIS, CANDLER, 17 40 34 BOTHE, STEVEN, 39 20 34 CONLEY, GREGG, 35 20 34 TOMAS,