1 Disaster Risk Reduction Country Document for Suriname, 2014 February 2017 National Coordination Center For Disaster Relief (NCCR) National coordination: National Coordination Center For Disaster Relief (NCCR) Colonel Jerry Slinjgard, Coordiantor NCCR Uno Kranenburg, Director NCCR Regional coordination: Alexcia Cooke, UNISDR Author: Maggie Schmeitz Cover photo: provided by NCCR This document covers humanitarian aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. ECHO UNISDR European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Protection Department Reduction Office for Central America and the Caribbean Regional office for the Americas Managua, Nicaragua Ciudad del Saber (Clayton), Panamá Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] URL: http://ec.europa.eu/echo/ URL: http://www.eird.org/ http://www.dipecholac.net/ http://www.unisdr.org/americas 2 Message from government authorities Reducing the risks that are associated with disasters is a crucial and literally life-saving aspect within the broad range of issues around disaster preparedness and management. That is why NCCR, the National Coordination Center for Disaster Management, embraces the old Surinamese saying of “Dringi dresi wakti siki”; take precautionary measures to prevent and be resilient against diseases! This report, the Country Document on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is a key part of the efforts to indeed increase Suriname's preparedness and resilience against potential disasters.