The Edinburgh Gazette, January 1, 1926
10 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, JANUARY 1, 1926. Albert Gravett, Constable, Metropolitan Police. Qamar-ud-din, Sub-Inspector, Punjab Police. William Hopkins, Constable, Metropolitan Balwaiit Singh, Sub-Inspector, Punjab Police. Police. Wasti Ram, Head Constable, Punjab Police. Thomas Mead, Constable, Metropolitan Police. Clyne Garden Stewart, District Superin- Charles Bates, Constable, Northamptonshire tendent, Burma Police. Constabulary. Udayalak Ram, Inspector, Burma Police. PIKE BRIGADES. Robert Scarth Farquhar Macrae, C.I.E., C.B.E., Deputy Inspector-General, Bihar William Hollington, Senior Superintendent, and Orissa Police. London Fire Brigade. Joseph Edward Warn, Sergeant-Major, Bihar Howard Beckwith, Superintendent, Stockport and Orissa Police. Police Fire Brigade. I Jatadhari Prashad, Sub-Inspector, Bihar and William Wilmshurst, Fireman, London Fire Orissa Police. Brigade. Johan Horo, Constable, Bihar and Orissa SCOTLAND. Police. William Gordon, Chief Constable of the Gaya Singh, Constable, Bihar and Orissa County of Dumfries. Police. James Christie, Chief Constable of the Trevor Latham, Deputy Inspector-General, Burgh of Greenock. Central Provinces Police. Gavin Mowat, Lieutenant, Edinburgh City Harold James Vickers, Superintendent, North Police. West Frontier Province Police. Robert Eraser, M.B.E., Superintendent and Khan Bahadur Ahmed Khan, retired Deputy Deputy Chief Constable, Midlothian Con- Superintendent, North West Frontier Pro- stabulary. vince Police. Robert Barrowman, Constable, Ayrshire Con- Rao Sahib Pattamada Devayya, Deputy stabulary. Superintendent, Coorg Police. Khan Behadur, Malcolm Ratanji Kothawala, NORTHERN IRELAND. M.B.E., Inspector-General. Rajputana Peter John Gilroy, Sergeant, Royal Ulster Police. Constabulary. Khan Bahadur Behramsha Fardunji Davar, Alexander Lockhart, Head Constable, Royal Deputy Superintendent, Western India Ulster Constabulary. States Agency Police. Sowar Buldan Sing Mesdan Sing, Constable, INDIA. Western India States Agency Police.
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