Vacancies In Down-Town Area WASHINGTON - (ANP) - The lily-white hiring policy, which Seventy-Five Turn OutTc».' has for years been practiced by the Washington telephone com­ pany, is at last beginning to break under the weight of the President's- Contract Compliance- Committee. city, Negro golfers are now playing on a city-ówned links.héy^ U STREET OFFICE Seventy-five Negro llnksmen toured the 18-hole Shelby Park lay-out in East Nashville Wednesday. "It certainly is mlghlj) The first step toward racial Inte­ gration in its employment’ practices nice," was the only comment made by members of the first four- was taken last week when the Ches­ some to.plpy op the course. ' apeake and Potomac Telephone Co. transferred two clerks from its seg­ The course ,wa$ opened to Ne­ TEMPORARY RELIEF i regated U Street office io till va­ groes two days u week by Federal The, ease on which Judge Davies Judge Elmer Davies, of the United ruled. was for a temporary lnjunCj SEEN IN THE ABOVE PHOTO left to right are Willje Green, Robert cancies occurlng in its main, down­ States'District Court on February tlon against the City Park CommlM town, accountingotficert-----; ■.— — 2, pending'- completion of á nine- sloners, to' prevent them.'frontTHtf This move is the result of sev­ hole 'municipal course for Negroes eluding colored golfers from the eral conferences between C&P of- ,In Juné? - . ; . ?? .' . links. Later the court is expected ’to? tlclals and members of the com­ Judge--. Davies . ordered: that the I war the real case, when Attorney mittee—u;,-government contracts—a A. Alexander and his associates Nab Quarter Million group appointed by the President gÓIf,11IUCS, J)e mude available to col­ to see that firms holding govern­ ored players on Wednesdays and touch ufl a legal battle aimed , at ment contracts do not practice ra­ Syndtiys one week' and Wednesdays permanently enjoining the Park Dollar Safe Crackers cial diccrimination to hiring. and Saturdays tlie next week. Commission from denying colored —After g;White House hearing, H NO "INCIDENTS" players the use of all municipal . Tlier.e .were no '.'incidents,” when golf links.------~’ .^t ■Yjt" By JIMMY COOPER The chain of events ..leading to. Holmes Vogel, C&P vice president TerryT'olston, JOhn Duffy Hodge, Judge Davies said Wednesday he their arrest started Wednesday said: Robert Lee Johnson of Columbus Roberta Davis and William Brewer, was "guided by several considera­ when Mr. Whitley notified Memphis. who comprised the first foursome, tions” when he ordered the Shelby Georgia and his two companions Police that the three were in Mem­ CLERICAL EMPLOYES'- "The company has for many years teed-olf and started down the fall­ Park Golf course opened to Ne­ Leroy Mott, 19, and Willie Green 28, phis with plans to Burglarize busi- way. groes. both of Columbus all three surrend­ aiess. places. He-said-that the three provided employment for Negroes in keeping with trie prevailing prac- — Sunny skies, and _warm_temperar. . '"I tried to__ rule__to a. way.' I' ered weekly without incident when were in a black Buick sedan bear­ tures greeted the golfers and the thought was the best," he Bald, Police broke down, the doors ol ing Florida license plates. Follow­ tice of the community. Recently a number of changes have taken place day passed quietly, although offi­ "and I realized that I couldn't their rooms at 646 Boston. ing the Georgia Chief of Detectives cials at tlie course said they found please everybody when I did it." Branded “Dangerous" by law en­ warning an all - car alarm was here in Washington which reflect a growing trend toward full Inte­ a cross Saturday planted In the cup He also pointed out that Negroes forcement officers the trio is want­ sounded leading to. the direct cap­ of the No. 9 green; It stood about wanted an 18-hole course. Shelby ed by Georgia authorities for the ture of-the"suspected safecrackers. gration. In recognition of this trend, we have moved in this direction by «lx feet high and had been burned Is the only 18-hole course owned by $123,000 robbery of a safe in Colum­ At 10:30 A. M. Thursday a police during the night. (Continued On Page Eight) bus. H. T. Whitley, Columbus Chiel informer called headquarters stating Integrating certain of pur present clerical employes.” of Detectives charging the suspects that he had talked with Johnson "PRETTY LITTLE THING", Gilda Lee, as she was Lt. George W. Lee, Elks grand commissioner of with the safe burglary of a Fitz­ and knew of his whereabouts. Cap­ Actually several months of ne­ gotiations were necessary to bring called by President Eisenhower last week at the education of Memphis; Congressman B. Carroll gerald, Georgia hardware ' store on ture by detectives followed immedi­ Reese of Tennessee and Mrs. J. Findley Wilson, October 31, 1953. ately. about this change in the telephone White House greets the President 6f the United company’s hiring palicy in spite of States gs (L-R): Robert Johnson, grandexalted wife of the late former Elks grand exalted ruler the fact that it holds government look on in the President's office. Gilda is the contracts for phone service. ruler of the Negro Elks; Huey Shepard, Elks ora­ Court On Property Deal daughter of George W. lee, Memphis.—Photo by -The company contended, that It torical contest winner from Long Beach, Calif.,* Hairgrow. , was complying with the law by hir­ Sl’ECIAL TO MEMPHIS WORLD ing Negro clerks In its up-town The heirs of .518 acres < of fertile. jim-crow office. But John A. Roose­ Mississippi land located to Mar­ velt, chairman of the subcommit­ Securing Blood thall County, 12 miles ■north, ol tee ori' government contracts, who Holy Springs, on the edge of the Scouts of America, working toge­ conducted the talks, claimed that For Blood Bank . "black diamond section" (So called Cubs Scouts Pack. 135 sponsored by ther there'Is eyery reason to' believe this is not enough. because oil has been discovered in the Mississippi Boulevard Chritian that in this rdom tonight there are GIRLS AS OPERATORS the . section have been summoned Cijtirch, were host to Ten Boy The Ralph Bunch’s the J. E. Wal­ TRAFFIC COURT I was fined $22 on disorderly conduct Discussed Here to appear before the Chancery Scout Troops Thursday night in a kers The 'ThurghiU Marshalls of to­ It is hoped that the subcommittee Henry Hopkins, 18 of 662 Hast- | and drunk charges. headed by the son of the Number of citizens at the call of Court of Marshall County at Holly 44th Anniversary, observance of Boy morrow. ing was fined $51 on reckless driv­ Ernestine Pugh, 29, of 692 Hami­ Springs, on Mo-day, March 8 to Scouts of America. , Mr. Chatman Scout master di­ late President Franklin D. Roose­ ing charges and .$26 on defective lton was fined $11 on gamming and M, Thornton the Mayor of Beale velt, will not let up on the telephone Street met at LeMoyne College to defend the bill of sale or their land Many parents and friends of the recting troop No. 115’is to be com­ brakes charges. loitering charges. for the division of proceeds. Scouts were-on hand to observe the mended for the fine work he is do­ company until it employs some Ne­ Chalies Fletcher, 25, of 1486 Ro- discuss the importance of Securing gro gii Is as operators. Smith, 24, of 1527 Willis Blood for the Bipod Bank in the The bill was filed1 In the court by boys in action of a most dramatic ing not only for the troop he Im­ zelle Was fined $26 on. disorderly Albert Hammond, a White resi­ mediately directs but for his con­ conduct charges and $26 on no driv­ City of Memphis. program which’ revealed that the A committee was organized to dent of Holly Springs., who claims Boy. Scouts are engaged in activity tribution to the scout ? program. er license charges. he is the rightful owner of the When he was presented to the 250 Steve ?Jackson, " 46. of . Natchez,■ launch a campaign for Blood Don­ which is wholesome and healthy to­ Lincoln-Douglas Event ors. Chaifiuipn; Atty. B. F.. Jones, property by a "Pro Oonfesso De­ ward producing strong bodies keen or more who had come at his com­ Miss.,' was fined $11 on drunk' cree'rendered on March 27, 1953 in mand to participate ih or witness charges. ,. Alovze Rowland, 60, of Co-Chairman, M. Thornton. Cam- minds kind : hearts and worth while oalgn Manager, Chas. Washburn, Senatobia, Miss. spirits in those who will be our men this program he was overwhelmed, Rt. l.'B . No. 209 Cordava was fin- The Chancery summons, issued and could not. keep back the tears M...... ’■drunk, running red light, Mrs. A. Maceo Walker, .secretary, of tomprow. Hailed As Fine Banquet Mrs. Mae Davenport, librarian of on January 8, 1954, demanded' the of joy) as he recalled the many jA license and defective apperrahce of Mra Bertha Isom Mr. Maceo Walker, president ol associations of* the past. cmu'ge. - ?.. . ■ LeMoyne College,' ass't ■ secretary, By ROSA BROWN BRACY the fifteen million Negroes . today Mrs. Rosa Brown Bracy, Editor of Teague of Cleveland, Cihlo; Mrs Universal Life Insurance Company Rev. Blair T. Hunte spoke brief­ who desire first.,plass cltzen.-hlp tn city Court Harriet Collier of Memphis, Ten­ and an officer of-the Miss. Blvd. ly on How wonderful it is to be a The Precinot and Ward Work­ Stanley Laster, 53. of 860 Mich, Memphis World, publicity chair­ ers of the Lincoln League cele­ America; ■■ man. nessee? Mrs. Nola B. Adams ol Christian Church brought an in­ boy. He made’all the women and Mrs? Evelyn (M. S ) Stuart, pres­ was fined $16 on drunk charge. Cleveland; Ohio; Miss Blanche spiring address to the 250 or mòre girls wonder if it is really wonderful brated the Birthday of Abraham Olive-R. Jackson, 58, of 430 Askland Other members of the committee Lincoln and' Frederic Douglass in ident of the Woman's Lincoln Lea­ was fined $16 on drunk charge. not present: Mr. Lewis Twigg, pre­ Brown, a minor and the unknown who witnessed the occasion. Mr. to be a boy or if he ywas just teas­ gue a member of the National Re- heirs of Gertrude Brown. Walker whose ’ son is a cub scout, ing (smile) a Program Banquet where 400 at­ Jimmie Canada. 26, of Tunica Miss, sident Union Protective, Mr. Jim­ tended at the Elks Rest on Beale. publican Woman's Federation, was fined $22 on disorderly conduct mie Franklin. Disk Jockey KWEM; Mrs. Collier, one of the heirs evidenced that even though he is a when presented' to the Banquet mentioned in the summons, stated man, capable of hard jobs and hea­ The Pet Milk Company with Home Street,. Thursday, Feb. 12; 1954. and disturbing the peace charges Rev. -W. C. Audrey, nastor Warner Consultant Mrs. Mildred Riley, di­ Raymond Lymon, president of Group' appealed to the Woman­ Johnnie Pratcher, 19, of 1379 S. Temple A M E Zion Church. that the property was heavily la­ vy loads that he is not too far re­ hood! of the Negroes of Memphis den with valuable timber and was moved from a boys world. recting and Mrs. Roland Evans as­ the Lincoln League was master of Main was fined $16 bn drunk char­ Mrs. L. E. Brown. sisting. served home-made Cookies ceremonies.'. Representatives of 61 to support the' Republican: Party. ge. Gus Williams, 74, at large was' the estate of her deceased parents Henry' Isom and1 hit? wife. Mrs. He commended the program 01 and Pet Milk Phlzz Frappe gener­ Precinct present The banquet was She recognizes the organization as fined $16 on trespassing charge. NOT ENOUGH PAY Scouting and he pointed out: ously to all present. truly representative of the appre­ the medium which, lifted' the Ne­ Eddie Johnson. 40, of Pittman Car­ AB’LENF.. TEXAS—Jesse James Narcissus Isom. Boys grow into youth; Youth Special Scout dignitaries present ciation which is held to day of the gro from Slavery to Freedom. She din'vyns fined $11 on drunk chnrges. recently quit his job as policeman CENTER OF CONTROVERSY grow Young Men; Young Men were: Mr. J. A. Beachamp, of Na­ Great Emancipator Abraham Lin­ Is conscious, however that as long, Robert' McEwen, 50, of S. 5th faced here. Reason— A policeman's pay Mrs.. Collier said .'After my fa­ grow to" be men. tional fame, Mr. Fred Han-is, asst., coln. and of Frederic Douglass the as segregation remains the Ne­ the judge on drunk charges and the •just wasn't enough ther’s death, my mother re-mar- Todays boys are but "Shadows of Mr. I. W. Ester. 1st Negro Scout abolitionist who brought Freedom groes áre not free. She belives tlhat choiftes were dismissed. Thomas Tomorrows men; Todays acts-to- master in Memphis (and he is still to so many then covered with dis­ the Republican, party with the MicHjs, 41, of 1998 Jefferson was- morro.v character. going strong.) tress and whose efforts gave Free­ present administration if support­ fineq $11 on gamming charges. C. Mr. Walker said that with the , Mr. J. T. Chandler was the MoB- dom to four million slaves, and. ed will do .away with segregation, V. 34. of 876 Fla. was fined $11 on work of the church and the Boy ter of Ceremonies. made possible a life of hope for to those areas which will make fol running a gaming house charge. equality. T'oza Marshall. 30 of 30 E. Bean To see Mrs. Staid rt in action and Ally,- mid Ade Alexander 39, of 237 to listen to her fervent plea is to W. Calif., were fined $11 each on know she is sincere. jamming charges. Attorney B. L. Hooks, brought a Appeal Reed, 28. of 600 Mosby was message on the Life of Abraham fined $63 on disorderly conduct, pro- Lincoln. He spoke of the great Li­ tanltv and resisting arrest charges. berator nis a. man of Destiny. He Ollie Buchaman, 14, of 265 Union referred to him as lover of Hu­ In the tear, was fined $11 on assault manity. Like Jesus the Christ, Lin-, coin knew -what it was to be pool', (Continued On Page Four) to suffer. He could appreciate the suffering of others. He knew hu­ mility he shared hjmself with the humble. It is said that at the time AAA Reveals he was notified’ that he had been elected President of ■ the of America he was down on Vacancies his knees playing marbles with a group of boys. The Army Audit Agency an­ Rev. W. H. Brewster, pastor ol. nounces that a number of vaoa't- East Trigg, and p'llgrim . Baptist cles exlnt for Auditor GS-7 thru Church and famous as a, Radio GS-12, $4205 to $7040 per annum. Commentator said: . There is an urgent need' for fill'ng Frederick Douglass was born' a these positions in the southeast- slave, but through his leadership on «fiatéei. Duties of the positions the constitution of the Un'ted involve auditing operations within States of America - was vindicated military establishments and audit­ and' the declaration of Independ­ ing Of contracts let by-the Depai't- ent'became .¿.reality -to 4 million, mert pt the Army. Persons in ter- slaves. ést«v*. who have experience in If- Douglass could speak to the public accounting, internal audit- Negroes today he would say as‘he ing or manufacturing cost account­ SHOWN AT THE ANNUAL Lincoln Day the. United States, Mrs. ■ Eisenhower; Herbert said almost a century ago. "The Re­ ing, are urged to file "application Washington, D. C., following,a doorkeepers con­ Hoover, former president pf the United States, publican Party is .the ship all else with thé Board' of XT. S. Civil Ser­ troversial decision not to let Howard University's vice Examiners, Atlanta Regional Joseph W. Martin, speaker of the House of Rep- Benson, Mrs. Benson, Arthur E. Summerfield, is the seal” .; ’ . .' ■ Glee Club into the Auditorium to participate in SHOWN EATING away happily while still and Reverend’ ..Brewster dedicated an Office, Army Audit Agency, Room resentatives, William Stratton of Illi­ Newsreel photographers have a field day are Postmaster General, Mrs. Charles E. Wilson, 745 Peachtree-Seventh Building the annual Republican function are dignitaries of original poem of his own making nois, and in the extreme background, John W. four members of President Eisenhower's Cabi­ Charles E. Wilson, secretary of defense; Mrs. W. entitled: "Lieut, George Washing-' Atlanta, Georgia. Further infer- the Executive Branch o fthe Government and the Humphrey, and Secretary of the Treasury Hum­ ton Lee."; ? .mation.'may be obtained: from Congress. From left to right qV sSen; to the Bricker, senior senator from Ohio and author bf net' eating.their’box liinches at the Annual Re­ your local post office or the At­ phrey, (face hidden).—Memphis World Staff Pho­ Rev. Nábors, pastor of First Bap- above photo are Chalies E. Wilson?Secretary of thé-controversial Bricker amendment.—Photo by publican ¿Lincoln? Day Dinner in Washington, • * lanta Regional Office, Army, Audit From left to right ore Secretary of Agriculture to by Hairgrow. (Continued on Page Five) Agency.' \ ' ■' Defense, Dwight David Eisenhower, president'of Hairgrow. Ite-®- - . ■ •: i ^AEMPHlS WORLD » Tuesday, February 16, 1954 ROSE HIGH NEWS rose Junior Department, Brown and Jeanette Watkins. a popularity contest; Tenor: Fred Bernard, Joseph Isa- - Was conducted by the 7-3A !• bel, James Hazely, Charles Johnson, Erma Clanton, teacher, Leonard Jones and Robert Craw­ V E irst .arid second place winners ford. ch 'title in the contest are as Bass: John Polk, Herman O’Neil, : 1 Bill Jamerson. Harris Beasley, Har­ j Friendliest Wanda L. Riley, per Brewer, Maurice Hardner, Bob­ Barbara King; Most Lady-Like, Sy- by Mitchell and Clayborne Smith. predate the simple talents for Young Children; a Parent’s blefMarins, Betty Johnson: Quiet­ Principal Mr. Campbell, talked abilities around us, we will learn Handbook...... fest, Freddie Ushrea, Addie Moore, about the library, .shop, home eco­ Hamilton High School to appreciate with joy the talents, Strain, Frances, Love at the Thres nomics department and many other JUNIOR Y TEEN abilities arid contributions of people hold. .Most Talented, Jolene Westbrooks. i ! from the game Thursday night??? Know Your Library Thelma Duckett.; Loudest Barbara classes of the school while pictures Desaree Williams was a beautiful (Maxine Coleman and Mittye Cowan of other- ways. ■ and; cultural back­ Whipple, Dorothy V., Our Ameri­ .Gilmore, Best Dancer, Thelma I were shown of these departments in model at the YMCA last Monday. 1 have been walking on air since the ground. - can Babies; the Art of Baby Care. By MAUDDEAN THOMPSON SEWARD If you want to acquire, maintain Wolf, ‘Anna W. Parents’ Manual. Dufeketl. Juanita Harris; Fastest, action. She is doing a very fire job... as... game Thursday night.. (What hap­ . t • • Ida Williams, Helen Glass, Biggest Director of the Dance Group who president of the Junior Y Teen, the pened chicks) ? Lucille Banks who and pursue wholesome family liv­ “WHOLESOME FAMILY LIVING”’ ing, why not call today at the Vance NEWLY PURCHASED BOOKS Pe§U Mary’ Byas, Mary Martin, danced to Changing Partners was following were elected officers for is the lucky guy Bennie Wade or “Learn to .read slow;/all’ other Dickerson, Roy, Growing Into Miss Georgia Rose Sylver. The the ensuing year: President. Desaree John Biij-ford?? . Avenue Branch of the Cossitt Libra­ ’Most Studious. Svble Manns, Ruby graces will follow in their proper ry 531 Vance Avenue and talk your Manhood. , mid Barbara Bailey < Tied >. Dance Group consisted of Monice Williams; Fannie Byd, Vice Pres-- places.” — Win. Walker Dickerson, Roy. So Youth May Best Physique. Kvra Sherrod, Williams. Dorestine Thomas, Anne idenl: Cecelia Ingram: Secretary I wonder what would happen If problems over with Mesdames Pearl Edward Randle would grow up?? Oates and Geneva Cooper, the lib­ Know Hattie Newton: Most likely to suc­ Erldgeforth, Herman O'Neil. Robert Janyth Smith Assistant Secretary; Do you have these qualities woven Duball, Sylvanus,Before You Mar­ ceed. Syble Manns; Jolene West­ Crawlcra and Jessie Wilburn. Lillian Larthaning, reporter. Mary Alice Chalmers I see you and into the fabric of family living? rarians and check out some of the Isacc Lacev are styling in the Che­ good books that have been provid­ ry. brocks and Barbara Bailev (tied); FOOTBALL JACKETS Ability to say. “I am sorry, Lendls, T. H., Your-Marriage and neatest. Syble Manns, Willene Pa­ AND LETTERS THE BASKETBALL TEAM vrolet Ella Clemons and Mose was my fault.” ed for your reading pleasure! They The Hamilton Wildcats tramped Thomas ore doing well, and Cell!«- - are always ready to suggest the Family Living. yne; MpsUPopular, Thelma Duckett, The ■ Melrose football team was Teamwork on’ hrtrd jobs’. Cour­ Little, Gail, Design for Mother­ given beautiful football jackets over llif. Melrose Golden Wildcats tine Shanks and Joseph'Thomas-.are right book for you particular prob­ Bernice Payne.. ■ tesy to all—even parents, children lem. hood . which were donated by the Orange 71 to 47 Thursday niclit. The game also.- Bobbie King I see you and or strangers. j Cutest. Gwendolyn Manning and Was. played at the Blair T. Hunt Ernest are really In love. Learline Mrs. Raychelle'Cahee, librarian at Read, Grantly, Childbirth ‘With­ Gwendolyn Dillard .(tied). Mound Civic Club, Union Protective Fairness. out Fear. Assurance Company, Victory Fun­ Gym. Mayes 4. J. Thompson 10, C. Harris, who is your cne and only?? the Manassas High School, has as­ ■ Bova: Friendliest, William Phil­ Thompson 12, Woods 15, Jeans 5; Willingness to adjust. sumed the special responsibility on Trueblood, Elton,_The Recovery of lips, Maurice Hurt; Quietest, Aaron eral Home and Melrose High Lynell Payne, why ddes a certain Honesty in little things and in Family. ' ; . ’ • Schoo). Those on the team re­ substitutes: Farmer 2, Jones 7, San­ person over to. Hamilton call you our committee for books and pam­ Taylor, Willie Irbv and Adam Cur­ ders 7, Griffin 4, Bolden 5. Our big things. phlets on Family Life and recom­ : Miss Margaret McCulloch, chair­ rin (tied) : Loudest, Bernard Wilson, ceiving jackets were: • • Carl or could he be talking to Bar­ An understanding and an appre­ man of our library committee on Sylvester'Henry, Jessie Wilburn,. next game will be played between bara Ford?? (I wonder). mends the following for your infor­ William Phillips: Biggest Pest. Ceci! the Douglass Red Devils Thursday ciation in others. mation: community service would like for Griffin,' John Griffin, and George William Ros:s, Roman Bates, Robert Herman Robinson, how goes Careful evaluation of right and us to remember that.Mr. Jesse Cun­ Crawford,' Bill Jamerson, Warren Feb 13. I will be looking for ail Bacmeister. Rhoda W., Your Child Truitt, (tied); Biggest Flirt, Ber­ you chicks and cats to come out things between you and Mammie wrong,, and repeated experience in and Other People at Home, at ningham, head librarian of the nard Wilron and Herman Arnett. Patton, Maurice Gardner, Joe La­ Morgan?? Joe Echols has every­ doing the right.. Crossitt Library, has provided a way cey Sharpe, Norris Beasley, Esker and boost the game. School, at Play. Best Physique. James Walker, Many were' seen at the game, thing turn out -o be ok for you and Joy in work. Cutts, Norma El, Better .Home by which each one of us can make Steve Taylor; Most likely to suc­. Harris,XT cl I I lb. BobbyDUUUV Mitchell.LVliLLUdl, HermanXflclll VAO ’- , . , , , Russell M. Harris?? (I hope so), Understanding of arid respect for Discipline, ______..— ; .. the library a greater hart’ of the___ . Neil; “James Smith,-Joseph Lee, Ro- ■ï'jme- lh“t caui’ht- my eye-•—were "Mary Wherry who was the fellow ceed Edward Smith. William Jack- •_ . . — .. Tjnrnt.nvDorothy GrppnGreen, 17nnVon TonninniTennione, Mary. people who are (different, and have De Schweinitz, Karl, Crowing UP. community by allowing us the pri­ son; Best Dancer, Clyde Battle. Alex bert Weeden ■ and Andrew Earth- you were walking down Beale St. different cultural background. Duncan, Eleanor SI, Parents’ Mag­ vilege of giving cash donations to man. Flynn, Georgia Ann Yates, Ruth L, Cox, Most Talented; Sam Cross: Douglass, Nettle Carr, Barbara In­ with Sat. about 4:30...Was' Sympathy. azine Book of Baby Care; a Moth­ the Vance Avenue Branch of the Jarhes Westbrooks. Those receiving letters were Cle­ any chance Clarence. Reaching out to all. peoples in friendliness er’s Guide to the First Six Years. Cossitt Library, and will match dol- - veland DeWitt, trainer;' Criven gram, Gloria Clark. . Alma Jeans, Ability to. forgive. Neatest, Sam Cross, David Elion, Loretta Woods, Learline Harris, SQUARES Duvall, Sylvanus M., Before You lar for dollar to buy books above the Most Studious, Edward Smith, Dean, Carl Betts, George Harris, the heaters. And this Is the way the Thoughtfulness of others even un­ budget. Keep your list, ' . i . Charles Graines, Willie Alston. Jen­ ■ Lurlean Bell, Ruth Douglass, Ed­ accident happen.- It happen at Marry. James Chandler: Most courteous. James Smith, Herman O’Neil, James na Yarbough, Albert Harris, Geor­ der trial .or when tried. Gruenberg, Sidonie, Parents, Chil Brooks Marcellas Woods. nie Williams, Alma Norris, Alfred 10:30 a m. Prof. Blain was not SIMPLE THINGS! Yes. But the ' James Estes, Janies Chandler, Most Mcore, James Crump, Sidney Green, gia Boyd, Otis Thomas, • Donell ■ dren, and Money; Learning to Popular. Bernard Wilson, Sam Members of- the basketball team there when it happen. The came­ texture of harmonious living is wov­ Shirlev Phillip, Horace Griffin. J. Word, William Ward, Curtiss Beri- raman taken the picture of our Spend and Save. NOTICE Cross, Cutiest, Frank Scott, Hand- receiving letters were Bobbye Mit­ nette, Davie Levorn, Ruth Douglass, en of appreciation and loving cul­ Hurlock, Elizabeth, Child Growth chell ana Robert Crawford.. B. Wilder, LaVerne Morris, James school.. This is my story, as I wrote tivation of little talents. If we I : somest Albert Wilson and Eddie Wilson, Robert Woods, Ola Bowen, Wionna Reddick, and Development. The Security Financial Institute Meadows (tied). 4. 10-A Class Popularity Contest LOVERS learn to draw ’each other and ap- __Levy, John,l_.The: -Happy.- Fam- I will meet_ .Wednesday., nighit, ..Feb, ••/• ’ S; ♦ ’ * * -Mary—Jacocks,------——- GIRLS Earline Matthew; Ruby Tafes, Alma. Lois Jeans and Eddie Tin­ ily. 17, .8 p. m. at the YMCA Lauder-, MELROSE ON TV Most. Beautiful, Katherine El­ sley, Charlotte Gibson and Lamar Langdon, Grace, Home Guidance dlale,. and Linden. more, Friendliest, Ruby Robinson; Cludette Jones. Bobbie Harris...and the senior glee club of Melrose many, many others. Newsom, Russell M, Harris and Joe, was presented on WMCT Sunday, Most Talented, Fredia Manry; Most Talkative. Fredia'Manry; Best .Dan­ .TEEN TOWN jIVE ______—:— Echols, Rose Thomas and ..Sylvester Feb. 7 at 3:00 P. m. under the Everybody that is going to. Bos­ Wolfe, Lynell Payne and Edward direction of-Miss Viola P. Flowers cer, Ruby Robinson, Most Studious, Sesely. Barbara Birden and Harvey Zellner Ivy; Most likely to succeed, ton, catch this train. It’s on its and.accompanied bv Mrs. Lauretta way. Alfred Moore, C. Johnson Purnell, Elizabeth Crawford and 25 Tennesseans To Attend Wright' ‘ ' Jones,------Charles- Keel and Zelliier Ivy; 'Best Physique, Ernes-' James Vann. Henri Lee Golliday tine Rucker;' ' , ‘ has eyes for you??Vernice Hassell, Johnny.London. do-you-think-about-Orlando -Biggs and Willie-Clark, Larry Woods, and - The theme of the program', was Most popular. Barbara Harris: Doris Lott. Neatest, Helen Douglas; Most Lady as much as he thinks of you? Chris­ White House Conference “Music in the Community.” Songs tine Johnson why don’t you fall in A PARTY. were sung from the church, school Like, Mary Rhodes: Most Dignified A surprise birthday party was giv­ In answer to President Eisen­ Twenty-five delegates from the Mary Rhodes. ■love and settle down?? Barbara Da­ Volunteer States’s business, civic, and social activities as follows: vis; Harold Mabon of Manassas has en at the home of Miss Doris Lat­ hower’s request to the governors l. MusiCin the church “The Lord's BOYS of the 48 states to help organize agricultural, and labor organiza- • Most Handsome, Henry Cooper'; eyes for you. Bernice Foster what’s' ham, for Doris. A delicious repast tioris; newspapers; radio stations, Prayer.” "Great and Marvelous." happening, with you and Chester was served. Some of the following the White House Conference on ..—n. Music- in the school. ’Lift Friendliest, Charles Perkins: Most were seen: -Theresa Brown,- Jean -Highway Safety, Governor Erank, and law enforcement agencies Talented, Joseph Isabel ; Most .Talk­ Marton? _~ will attend the 1954 White House' Every Voice and Sing,’’ “Winter Henri Golliday’s heart beats 199 Burton. Mildred Conner, Theodore G. Clement has pledged Tennes­ Sopg,” "The Whiffenpoof Song.” ative, Donald Gandy; Best Dancer, Wilkins. Frank Watts, Margaret see’s full cooperation. Conference on Highway Safety, William Harden; Biggest Flirt, Ed­ times whenever Willie Clark’s’ name February 17-19. m. Music iij Social Activities “I is mentioned. What’s to it?? Latham. Loraine Coller, Wardell Believe,” “Changing. Partners,” ‘Dry die Parker; Best Dressed Nathaniel Prude. Floyd Taylor, Mary Nel! My­ Matthews; Most Studious, Marvin Robert Weeden (Melrose) a chick Bones." has eyes for you. She’s from Hamil­ ers, Romelia Conner. Juanita Lewis. Members of the glee club who Tarpley; Most Likely,to Succeed, ton too. . (Lucky Boy). Fred Vales Juanita Johnson, Billye Jean Bur- FOR SAFE DRIVING participated on this program were: Marvin Smith, Best Athletic, Wil­ tch, Henry Conner, Robert Comfelso, liam Harden;. Most Gentlemanly', (Douglas) watch yourself. A chick Soprano: Fredia Manry, Annie Belle of Hamilton -will take you away Paul Foster, Sarah Daughtery, Al­ IN WINTER WEATHER German, Emily Fleming, Nedra Hol­ Joseph Isabel-. from your girl. Mamie Morgan.why fred Jackson. Maudine Ward, Tho­ mes, Ora Bland. Thelma Dickerson, TEEN AGE JUMP! so popular all .of sudden. B. D mas Evans, Floyd Harrison, Jenell Mary Dotson, Blanche West Bobbie A Teen Age Jump was given in and E. M. are you really in love? Green. Willie James Jones. Arezza- These five basic rules developed by the National Holman, Shirley Duckett and Evelyn the Melrose Cafetorium with music What happen to Christine Johnson lee Williams. Carter. “ by the Rhythm Bombers Friday. Tommie Ross. Richard Chambers, Safety Council's Committee on Winter Driving Alto:-Mary Harris, Katheryne El­ and Charlie Allen?? Jacquelyn Har­ The Bombers can really play and vey, some certain girls would like Rarlyne Taylor. Johnnie Cleves, more, Gaylois Goens, Patricia How­ sing like we like it. Wfe want them Clifford Johnson. Emmltt Suggs', Hazards, are recommended "rrfusfs" for safe ard, Barbara - Anderson, Camilla where do you hide your brother Phil to come back real soon. Some of Peterson?? Fred Campbell. Dave Tole, James winter driving: ~ ~ the Teen-Agers seen jumping were: Joseph Woods a little chick in 9- Shaw, Shirley Linton. Lavell Brown, Peggy Joe Hawkins and Richard 2A (E. J. B.); has eyes for you. Theodore Manuel. Helen Arthur, WhereTo Buy Your Woods, Ruby Robinson; ■ Mary Har­ Desaree W. Cooper sags he'has some Marlee Conner,-Rochell Oliver. Ray They are: ris, Dorothy Truitt; Alvin Neal, Mo­ talk for you. (What is R. W. say­ Jackson, and many, many others nice Williams, Herman O’Neil, Billy ing about that). Willie Alston make enjoyed themselves. Memphis World McCou. William Flemming, Duke £ IN SOUTH MEMPHIS up your mind. Who is the lucky ACCEPT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY Knox. Barbara Harris. Albert San­ girl. Johnny Williams or Lula Mc­ SERVICE DRUG STORE — 675 ders, Norma TapDin, Mary Martin; Ewen. Katherine .Shorter you ha J Lauderdale. Sylvester Henry. Doris Carson, Wil­ better keep your eyes on James Manassas to do all in your power to drive without acci­ r CENTRAL PHARMACY—Lauder­ liam Ross. Frank Tarum, Barbara Marshall because your friend B. dale Vance. Mitchell, Herman McClellean, Annie Sharp on-her way. (Stuff Girl). dent. Don't blame the weatherman for an ac­ CADE’S BARBER SHOP — 523 Belle German; Lillian Harden, Ag- Mary F just forget about Rochester East Georgia. ness Jones. Brenda Miller, Yvonne because E. Perkins has him cover­ cident. Be prepared and meet the situation. ! STANLEY’S SUNDRY—993 Miss. Shaw, Polly Scales, Alice McVay. ed. SCHOOL NEWS Avenue. Katherine Elmore, Beulah Ivery and Earl Holt, K. Shorter is very PEOPLE’S DRUG STORE—1014 many, more. • BY JAYCEE • much m love with you. (Upsetter). Well fellows and babes I. know Mississippi. Delores Cobb has a new bov friend GET THE "FEEL" OF THE ROAD DRUG STORE— McLemore LITERARY CLUB * *" ■ you’ve witness the changing of what will Joe Phillip say? Barbara partners around the- ' old school at -Orleans. BY ERNESTINE RUCKER Davis was seen at the Gay Hawk in ■ PAVIS BRQS. SUNDRY — 1246 The Literary -Chib -was -honored house. Such as Leola .Wade, and Try brakes occasionally while driving slowly and a 53 Pontiac. James Austin who were duplicated Florida: . with a review of Langston. Hughes Bobbie Ingram, is Charlie Mitchell UNIVERSAL SUNDRY—Parkway and his works by Miss Iram CÍanton in a vice form by Square Jtatwljce The Fidelia Club away from traffic. Find out just how slippery still - your heart throb?? Loretta and Marie Ford, oh yes, wfitBSJj. and Azalia. ,. Monday, February 8 during the Woods it it true that you love .Billy will present the road is, and adjust your speed to road and McGOWEN’S SUNDRY — Vance activity period. ■ Miss Clanton was pened tc- Arnett Montagufe^vaJ^icie McCou and Robert Williamson? Von disquaUfied completely in this arid. Fourth. presented to the group of seniors Tennion got out of a club because ROSA PAGE WELCH, Mezzo Soprano weather conditions. Remember, you can't stop and juniors by Emma Jean Park­ negotion. It seems that Martha ■ another member was going with F. Andrew , and Willie Greene are back of , in IN ORANGE MOUND DISTRICT er who divulged the fact that Miss F. Mary F. what happen between on an icy dime. ? GOLDEN SUNDRY — Park & Clanton is one of their favorite together again and now they are you. Frank and Theodore B. the discussing wedding bells. Addie Jonës Hamilton. teachers. We. enjoyed Langston night of thegtame. XXXXMarie D. RECITAL IN bingHampton DISTRICT Hughes’ early life, education and' can’t you see you’ve not wanted? is it true that Ben is all your heart Am I right L. V. T., N. D. and at the E.~ SIDE’ PHARMACY—284 Till­ travels as thev were most interest­ completely and by the way who is 3. KEEP THE WINDSHIELD CLEAR man.- ingly told. The review -was closed Henry James? Mississippi Blvd. Christian Church (Twenty).. .Does he go to BIW?? , Booker T. Little it’s alright to be MYERS—675 Lipford. by Miss Clantqn reciting "Peep, - Martha M. what hapDen bgfween 978 Mississippi Boulevard JERRY’S SUNDRY—554 Scott. one fool, but it has been said that —of ice and snow, fog and frost. Be sure head­ River" in her most capable manner. you and Joe C. has he put you you are two, why don’t you leave BLAIR T. HUNT, Pastor THREE- SISTERS SUNDRY - ¡Guests present were Mr. O. Nel­ down? Delores J. is It true that 1392-Kney. Barbara Gudger alone and find FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1954; 8:00 P. M, lights, windshield wiper, blades, and defrosters son and Mrs. M. V. Reid, Bobbye you and W. Ward are making pro­ somebody? worthwhile? Charlie Mrs. Welch is known throughout America the Far East and Africa as ri IN NORTH MEMPHIS DISTRICT Mitchell is president of the Literary gress? Ethel who carried you home Allen do you consider yourself a a Concert< Artist and has been acclaimed ______by., critics______as one of the finest. are in top condition. You have to see danger ;■ NO. SIDE DRUG—1098 Thomas. Club. . playboy if you do I’ve got news for She wastlfOC endorsedarvrTAvmrl and sentr-nwf’’ asr-, an AmbassadorA — — -of C- Good . _v WT.inWill by the1'- VIOLA'S SUNDRY — Poplar ant The New Home Makers of Amer­ our library are: to avoid it. 11 .13 Against the Odd, by Embree you. The girls say you’ve made your Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church. The United ¡Decatur. ica, sponsored by.Mrs. Doris Bod- last .score in other words, you’ve Christian Missionary Society and the United Council of Church Women i S^ROZIER’S DRUG—2192 Chel- * Story of Phyllis Wheatley, by j den are planning an out of town Shirley Graham. played out. Claudette Turner, what of America to the far East—and Africa. Come out and hear, this great 3^'iH'KLONDYKE DISTRICT !I trip for Saturday. We will tell you happened to you and the fellow in artist—who Is acclaimed a world citizen.- about their trip in the next issue. There Was Once a Slave, by Shir­ ley Graham - 12-A? I hear he's said sweet things 4. PUMP YOUR BRAKES : ALEXANDER’S DRUG—Leath & | The Intercollegiate Scholarship about you lately, you know good Great American Negroes, by B. . OFFICE: Examination for seniors rind early Ar Richardson. things doesn’t last always. RESIDENCE: —to slow down or stop. Jamming them on can SUNDRY —1293 Vollen- i entrants will be held in our schocl Your Most Humble Servant, by Frank Strozier and Lorraine are 361 BEALE AVENUE 379 SIMPSON AVENUE on March 3. Shirley Graham. still walking in the rain, but Rose Hrs. 9 A. M. to 6 P, M. Phone 9-0134 lock thè wheels and throw you into à dangerous 'jjidWN TOWN DISTRICT The Librarv staff enjoyed having Caviness doesn’t care ain’t’ that Mary McLeod Bethune, by C. O. —NIGHT AND SUNDAY BY APPOINTMENT— PANTAZE drug — Beale & Her- Mrs. L. McKinney bring her Eng­ Peare. right Herman Nelson? I believe Gil­ skid. A little skidding can carry you along way. lish classes to the library each peri­ Chariot in the Sky, by A. Bon- more Daniel has been hooked by ROBERT F. JONES TWAW hAT CO.—314 Beale Ave. od Tuesday to read and browse temps. Helen Duncan. What happen to thê I ' 1*SiS.i:OTTON SUNDRY—Lin- through Negro books and magazines George W Carver, by Shirley babs in the 11th and 12th grades INCOME TAX SERVICE denWlIirriando. to prepare for class discussions on Graham. huh? 5. FOLLOW AT A SAFE DISTANCE fi AAX-SUNDRY-Vance and Iler- Negro History for Thursday and Shuttered Windows, by F. Means. Well it’s abou time for Willie DAY OR NIGHT Friday. Some of the Negro books Great Day in the Morning, by F. McCain to fall in love. The Lucky I HAVE MOVED FROM 658 VANCE found very popular this week in Girl is Dorothy McKissic. You bet­ Keep well back of the vehicle ahead—give your­ '.------Means. Jackie Robinson, by Roeder. ' ter wâtch ■ him Dorothy has has self room to stop. Remember, without tire Sugar jRay Robinson, by Schoor already been over to Melrose, Hamil­ Your Own Bank Account Amos Fortune, Free Man, by E. ton. and Washington. He’s a lot of Office Phone 37-3052 -— Res. 38-1723 — 8-6794 chains, it takes three to twelve limes as far to Yates. hoy. But I believe you got him. ■ Up From .Slavery, by B. T. Wash­ What’s wrong with Jethro Alexan­ HOOKS BROTHERS STUDIO stop on snow and ice as on dry concrete. ^N $25.00 PER WEEK OR MORE der vou can’t, eet a girl in the 12th ington . NEW LOCATION — 228 Linden Avenue — Memphis, Tenn. Book of American Negro Poetry tirade. Look out for the prom suck­ er! . . PORTRAITS — COPIES — COMMERCIALS by James W. Johnson.; Office Phone 37-3052 Res. Phone 38-723—8-6794 TENNESSEE SAFETY COUNCIL On These I Stand, Couritee.Cullen These are the love birds at Ma­ nassas. Henry James and Advice To A BE AN AGENT Negro Year Book and the Who’s Ora Safety is not a sig­ Who in Colored America. ■ Lee Mitchell.T._,------Willie------McCain and Speed Demon FOR THE Dorothy McKissic. William (Billy) nal light, a. ¡ail sen­ Robinson and Mose Lewis and Aii- While racing on your reckless thvr Jean Anderson. Mary Beasley DUNGILL INTERNATIOUL way, tence, a divided high­ DEATH TO UCE! and Donald Valintlne. . It’s well to keep this thought i Jimmie Cooper is it true that vou view; way, or an enforce­ are shopping for a girl? If so look CONCERT COMPANY The traffic laws are here to sta ¡(1. 12-2a S. S. Nanetta Bradshaw —Are you?—' ment index. Safety is aren’t older than Floyd Swift? * SINGERS * INSTRUMENTALISTS —Stephen Schützer primarily a state of EXPLOSION AT HYDE PARK * ENTERTAINERS In Saturday Evening Post. Send Application To: KILLS IN SCHOOL America's Greatest and Most Versatile Concert Ensemble mind, under which all BY SAM BOYD, JR Age 8, 3-2 ’ Presented By people, realizing the THE'MEMPHIS world 15 MINUTES Grade Young Driver It was Friday morning Feb. 5. ALPHA CHI PI OMEGA SORORITY imminence and thé Circulation Department Let his hands upon the wheel Beale Avenue 1954 we were in school When all at' once a girl scream. All o f the AND FRATERNITY Know their power; help him feel consequences of acci­ Memphis, Tennessee. children.; lumped o>it of their seats, Proud, as one who understands Life and death are in his hands; dents, are' willing to > ■ to seH the Memphis World, Please start me as a salesman: and ran into the hall. And when Sunday Evening, March 7,1954 we heard on explosion The alarm Gallant, knowing all who share accept those restraints ring and we went outside. The Fire­ . AT-’«:00 P. M. Car and road are In his care; Conqueror of this wild steed, man and police and Fire Chief was 1— necessary to prevent there. Three men was hurt the ELLIS AUDITORIUM Master of himself and speed? ...... —Caroline!.Cain Durkee, them. —Unknown. windows was broken and the brick SOUTH HAli v »■ wall blown out .nie teachers were in The Saturday Evening Post afraid. The workers was lighting J: * ... MEMPHIS.WORLD « Tuesday, February 16,,1954 «3 S0iritÖif /Vferiiphis SetAt

Mason temple On April11 ■’ri

, .■■ ■ ■ t :. :. ’ BY ERNESTINE WRIGHT------“"Lead Me."Guide Me,” - wlth un- - The Kings of Voices and Masters Usual packground support from the of Singing all together will provide Travelers. Flipover is ‘Just Call His majestic singing, Suiiday April 11, Name,” by Brother Joe May! at Mason Temple. It Is the Presen­ Tlic Five Blind Boys with their tation of the Spirit of Memphis lead singer, Little Archie, will again Quartet. make their appearance with - the By JEWEL GENTRY Then- guests will be the nations' others. I think you will remember foremost console singers. The Pil­ them when he sings “Our Farther.” c. A. GIVES ANNUAL special events chairman; Mis. Car- I rived here from her home in the grim Travelers, of Los Angeles. A song .that is touching and lnspir- < MEMBERSHIP MEETING DINNER ...lotta------Stewart, - ----Mrs.... J. H. Seward;r ------“Windy City."-- ; ----- California; Big Brother Joe May, tng to all. ■'Ÿ?' AT WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL Miss Cornelia Sanders, chairman of CPL. MARY ELIZABETH (Thunderbolt of the Middle-West"!. Tlie Spirit of Meniphis Jr., like' CAFETERIA advisers; Mrs. Marie Eiland, build- THOMPSON arrived home last The Five Blind Boys. Illinois Jubilee. the orglnal Spirit of Memphis'tlfeiff.' Mr. Alveliy Marques of Brazil iings and equipments; Mrs, Laura week from Andrews Base just out Spirit of Memphis, Jr. , The Golden selves, will make progress with thé Guest Speaker 'Tyus; Mrs. Myrtle Collins Burwell, of Washington. D. C., for a visit Sunlight Girls and the Spirit of audience As the old saying goes." ■Mrs. Addie Jones, public affairs with her'parents, MR. and MRS. Memphis. "Like Father, like Son." Well these ,' h Mort than 300 members and1 j chairman; Mi's. Beulah Mackey RICHARD L. THOMPSON at 234 young men are not the sons'of the reuests attended, the annuii “mem- The Pilgrim Travelers, appeared lern-1 Williams,Williams. Mrs.' WW. B. Woods, co­ So. Camilla. Mary .Elizabeth is on the initial telecast of "Heaven­ senior group, neverthless, they are bership. dinner meeting of the. chairman YW-Wives, Mrs. Lessye popular among, a large circle of Vancé Avéniie Branch of the Y. W. ly Choir." January 9th. on tele­ well trained...... Sugarman and Mrs. Ida Mae friends at St. Augustine Catholic vision. and due to popular demand, The Spirit of Memphis, have made C. A. Friday night with Mrs, A. Qualls. Church and school where she fin­ a recently recording “Since Jesus Maceó Walker, chairman of the they were again featured bn the ished high school . . . She was «3 program January 30th. Came into MyHeart,” one of the1 board,-presiding. A few. of the other members at- graduated from Tennessee State c-.t.. t- tending ■ were Mrs Lucille Little- On one of their latest records. Bro. tastest selling records 1 n : the Guest. - speaker- .— ol- the evening- was- I john, Mrs. Lula Cobb, Mrs. Pearl College where she was a member of Joe May and Pilgrim Travelers are states Ill this song, Mr. Fred Mr. Aivehy Marques of Brazil who Elmore, Mrs. Rosa Winberiy, Mrs. the Deita Sigma Theta sorority. paired together. They have com­ Howard, is featured, with his magni­ gave the economic conditions of his I juanlta Grandberry, Mrs. C. C. MRS. W. S. WILLIS arrived in bined their vocal efforts on the ficent baritone voice, along to car­ couritry» aridj madej, a plea for .-jfriend—j ­ Ward, Mrs. Amanda Woodfin. Mrs. Memphis last week after three weeks Gospel “Lead Me.- Guide Me." The ry the' melody, is the Bass: singer, ship- for Brazil. Mr. Marques was • Marion Johns, Mrs. Rachel Carhee, in Hot Springs for a visit-with her vocal artistry of the artists was so Mr. Earl Malone; Mr. Jèthroe Bled- , introduced by Miss Rosa Robinson sister end a newphew and niece, captivating that the President of soe, Mr. Robert Reed. Mr. William , Mrs. Grace Young - Coming in with Broadnax, and Mr. Silas Steele. who'also introduced staff members ; Mrs. Young and Mrs. J. E. Walk- MRS. MAUDE BRIGHT and MR. Specialty. recorded the groups on who are Mrs. Addle G. Owen, exe­ AND MRS. LAWRENCE WESTLEY Thursday, and by the following The manager of this group is Mr. er was .Mrs. S. W; Willis, Mrs. Theo Wade, the most looked upon cutive' director; Miss Marjorie Mc­ ' Màude Bright’s sister from Dallas on East McLemore. Monday, the record was released.. Kinney ,teen-age program director; t. . . Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Bea­ The action on the part of Specialty person In the city. Announcement was made Wednes­ broke all records in recording and Along with these are the Sun­ Mrs. W. B. Meadow, residence di- trice Sn>pes, __Mrs. _ Jerry Shepherd, day, February 10, of ShelbyCoUn- 2®cWr/Mrs; Maud D. Bright, of- Mrs. Abbie Clay, Mrs. Jerry Stan- releasing a platter. light Girls, and the Illinois Jubi­ ty’s third new school to open in the Bro. May does the solo part on lee. —fice“and information “secretary; Miss’ liack and Mrs. L. ETBrown; s next three weeks. It is the $160,000 Willie Mae Williams, night clerk; Mrs. Thelma Coleman, Mrs Ger­ Ford RoRad School at Ford and Mrs. Bertha Stegall, night clerk and trude- Boslic, Mrs. Nannett Brad­ Mitchell Roads. This school will Mrs. Lilia Hall who has charge of. shaw, Mrs. Doris Bodden, Mrs.. served the large Walker Homes Fathers To March For maintenance. Lydis Collier, Miss-Emma Critten­ Subdivision. More than 400 students PROGRAM den, Mrs. Sarah Chamber, Mrs. in the eight grades will be able to Taking part on the well planned Wllla Meadow, Mrs. Violet Smith, fit its 12 classrooms and a cafete­ program’ were Mrs. Winnie Lou Mrs. Mildred Cochran, Mrs. Eve­ ria. Polio Friday Feb. 19 Hill,. Mrs. Eleanor Oglesby, Mrs." lyn Martin, Mrs. Zetta'Miller. Mrs. Eddie. O. Rodgers who had charge Gertrude Johnson, Mrs. Louise The Fathers will march Friday Johnson, Raymond Lynom, Rev. M. of election; Mrs. Leslie Taylor, and Hooks, Mrs. Ethel Nichols, Mrs. 20th Century might. Feb 19th. from 5 till 8 p. m. Winfield...... Howard J Jackson, Jr.. Bey. ^Mary E. Murphy headed the mem- Frankie Smlth. Mrs. Subina Day, and it will all be in tlic Interest of G. T. Yarbrough. Matthew Davis. Jbership .drive . Ballet dancers traln- Mrs.; Helen Sawyer/'Mi’s. Lovle -thé-lSSi-Polld-enmpalgnr1^------Cecil Goodlow. Rev. Luther Wil­ ed by Mrs. Addle Owen were Caro­ Myers, Mrs. Pauline'Slaughter and Club Reorganizes liamson. lyn Johnson. Jeanette Parrish, Mrs. Marguerite Edmonds. - J Thinking that the Polio Division _ Yvonne Tucker, Ptosha Von Ward Mrs. Ruth Moon, Mrs. Annie I' , 20TH CENTURY CLUB might not be able to obtain its $10.- AlsoT. R. McLemore, E. L. Wash- and Angela Griffin Owen r; I Tlie Mae Clemmons, Mrs . Issacleve Fer- ‘ ORGANI7.ES._in thelLlnital meet­ 000 quota George T. Isabel. Chair­ burn. Rev. Ci. Dnwson. Charles music was done by Mrs. Emma Lee guson, Mrs. Nancy Steele, Mrs. ing for 1954, at the residence ot man of the Polio. Division, called Marshall. P. W:... Thornton;...... J.'R.~Ari.. “ Wilson, Mrs. Sarah Jackson and Rachel McKinney, Mrs. Annie Till- Mrs. Katie Johnson, 544 E. Miss. upon the Civic Clubs of the com­ nold, H. Sandttdge. Charles Ter­ Mrs. Foster Wilson . . . Taking man, Mrs. Dorothy Ford, Mrs. Blvd. Monday night! January 25. munity and asked their coopera­ rell. George Brownlee, Rev. Alexan­ part in a play, 'The Whys Of The .■ Gladys Mayfield, Mrs. Laura Tyus, After an inspirational devotion led tion in making n dramatic climax der Gladney, Rev. A. W. Williams. were-Mrs^-Henrietta Craigen. Mrs. Alice Howard, Mrs. Marlon by .Mis,_Lula Davis, chaplain, the to ttie Campaign. _ Sam Bradley. Atty. J. F. Estes. Dav­ Mrs. Cooper Taylor, Mrs. Houston president, Mrs. S. Robinson con­ id Edmons andNoble Gatlin. —— Taylor, Mrs. Jay Horne, Mrs. Ka­ ducted a brief business session. James T. Walker, president of the Collier and Mrs; Marie L. Adams. tie Sexton, Mrs. Ida Page, Mrs. Bluff City and Shelby County. Coun­ Mrs. J. "E/ Walker, who gave a Belle Pettigrew, Mrs. Maggie Rat­ The main feature being the ad­ cil of Civic Clubs, consented to serve "life membership" several years ago, cliff, Mrs. P. F. Carruthers, Mrs. dition of two new members. Mrs. as Chairman. Serving with him is Leath School News presented another life membership a: L. Brown, Mrs. Mary Bradshaw, F. R. Lamarr, was elected chair­ William, C. Weathers, newly elected to Mrs. Maceo Walker ■ for Mrs. Mrs. Etta Paige, and Mrs. Rosa man of the sick committee, Mrs. Chairman of the Board of Directors Leath School won the city oham- ' Mary E. Murphy for her Inspiration­ Northcross. Beulah-Slaton was—elected-treas-- 01 the same organization; Dlonshlp In the junior high league al deeds. Mrs. Juanita Grandberry, Mrs. urer of said committee. Captain of each District for the games Friday afternoon by edging. BOARD MEMBERS AND Mildred Cochran, Mrs. Althea At the conclusion of the varied March on Friday will be the Pres­ La Rose School 36 to 32, Oh’’what NOMINATING COMMITTEE Price, Mrs. T. H. Hayes, Sr., Mrs. activity period, crocheting, knitting S"“?-,- a thrilling game! weaving, needle point, poster mak­ ident or Vice-President of the Var­ ELECTED Eunice McGhee. Miss Lucillq Hans- ious Civic Clubs. The men will so­ Members elected to the board of ing, and creative designing. The Lester licked Lincoln 27 to 15. borough, Mrs. Janie Irving, Mrs. licit money in their respective areas Hyde Park walloped Porter by a directors were Mrs Henrietta Crai­ Ida English, Mrs. Bertha Harris, hostess served a delicious menu. Dismissed by chaplain. and then report to ■ their Captains. score ot 37 to 22. gen. Mrs. Eleanor Sain, Mrs; Les­ Mrs. Hilda Helm, Mrs. Annette Ed­ The Captains'Will then report to lie Taylor, Mrs. Carlee Bailey, Mrs. wards, Mrs. Victoria Falls, Mrs. T. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Lorace B. Davis. Polio Division Headquarters, 378 The high point scorers in the Leath Jones, Mrs. Mary D. King, R. Fugh. Mrs. Mllda Nabore. Mrs. Beale Avenue. games were James Blake of Hyde Mrsi M. Coller and Miss Rosa Ro­ Fannie Fitch, Mrs. Charity Brooks, 224 Turley Street. February 8. at Impetus was given to the Father’s Park who netted 19' points. H. binson . . . Members elected to the Mrs. Trudy Arrington, Mrs. Aman­ 8:00 P m. Mrs. S. Robinson, pre­ sident. Mrs. L. B. Dnvls. rec. March on Sunday by Mr. Walker Rice of Leath School 16 points. C. nominating committee were Mrs. da„„ Ballard, Mrs. Mildred Hodges,... at the regular monthly meeting of Cage of Lester school 10 points. . ' W. B. Woods, Mrs. Rebecca Biram,' Mrs, Alma "Hunter ' and’ Mrs.’. Bes- sec’y, Mrs. F. R. Lamarr, publicity, chairman. the Council at Abe Scharff YMCA. The regular games were very lar­ _ Mrs. Susie Carruthers. Mrs. Lois I s;c Nelson. Declaring It a “civic duty” Mr. gely attended with more thah 1,000 •¡Greenwood, and Mrs. Mary . ~D. » ZETAS PLAN "FINER Walker charged the men with re­ in attepdapce at each óf thè games. •King. WOMANHOOD" WEEK sponsibility and asked each of them The Junior High League Tournal' ' COMMITTEE ON ACTIVITIES Club News to enlist the help of ten or more meat will be held at Booker-T. ADMINISTRATION Officers Installed THE HELPING HAND CLUB, met men In their vicinities to help in ■Washington Gymnasium Mjirch, 4,. Committee members on admi- ,s- Mrs. P. S. Bolden was hostess last this great effort. , 5. and 6. 1954; Regular games Will ' our Branch Y. W C. A. at the residence of Mrs. Burfore; week to members of the Zeta Phi 384 H. Fourth Street recently. There Members of the Board of the begin each night at 7:30 o’clock.’ are Mrs. Maceo Walker, chairman; Beta sorority members at the Leila Council who have consented to You and your friends are cordially Miss Rosa Robinson, vice chairman; Walker Club House with Mrs. Helen were 15 of the members, present. The nresident was in charge . of work Friday night Include: Sam­ Invited to attend. Prof. E. Mrs: Marie L. Adams, vice chair­ N; Waterford, the l'elected basileus, uel V. Knox, Henry Pilcher. Curtis Washburn, general manager. man; Mrs. Eleanor Oglesby, secre­ presiding The main business con­ the meeting. tary; .Mrs. Etta Boyd, personnel sisted of planning special activities The president is asking all mem­ chairman; Mrs. Mary Collier; Mrs. for their- “liner Womanhood week, bers to be present, at the next Henrietta Craigen, finance chair­ February ’21-28. and the' installa­ meeting, which will be held at the Modernize Now!! man: Mrs. Annie L. 'Higgins. hos­ tion bi officers of Alpha Eta Zeta residence of Mr. and Mrs. Golilday. pitality chairman; Mrs. Winnie chanter, . . . Mrs. Letha Haley of Mrs Auel Johnson, president, Mrs. Louis Hill, religious chairman; Mrs. Inez Brooks, vice president, Mrs. Repair • Redecorate - Covington. Tenn., installed the of­ Sadie Mae Gray, reporter. Pearl Jefferson, World Fellowship ficers in her usual'charmlng man­ chairman; Mrs. Mary D. King; ner according to' the ’members. THE ALSTON AVENUE COM­ Paint - Plaster - Paper Mrs? L. J. Lee. YW-Wives chair­ Officers to serve for 1954 are Mrs. REMODEL at, man; Mrs. Mary E. Murphy, mem­ Helen N. Waterford, re-elected MUNITY CLUB met at the beau­ These pictures give views from i Pictures No. 1 Rev. Brewster, ad.- the for'' ground bership chairman, Mrs. Cooper Tay­ (basileus: Mrs .Maudine Steward, tiful home of Mrs. J. A: Estes the Lincoln Douglas Banquet, spon­ dresses the group on the "Life of 0U8LD now! lor MrS Leslie Taylor and Mrs. Thursday night. sored by the Lincoln League, Feb. ' Frederick Douglas." ; ■ Picture No. 3, Mrs. Evelyn asileus; Mrs. Loretta Hicks S.i Stuart, president of the Wo­ Leath Jones .teen-age program Katoe, re-elected grammateus; Mrs. Mrs. Singleton Moore acted as 12 at the Elks Rest, 401 Beale Ave., chairman. chairman in the election of new 96 Precincts were represented and Picture No/ 2 Rev. P. c. Polk, men’s Lincoln League is address­ Laura Roberson, antl-grammateus; ing the group. $5.00 or more per month ... 22 years experience Other committee members are grammateus: Mrs. Bernadine officers which were as follows: Mrs. 400 people attended. and a number of ministers "are in Mrs.. Eddie O. Rodgers, publicity □ora .Williams, president: Mrs. Ro­ Picture No. 4 shows Atty. Ben CALL DRIVER BROTHERS Holmes, nhilacter; Mrs. Lucille manager. Hooks speaking on the “Life and chairman; Miss Katherine Perry, berta Benton, vice-president; Mrs. • * ♦ * Rhine: Woods, cplstoleus: Mrs. Ar- Mary Bradley, secretary: Mrs. Ra­ Porter School News Works of Abraham Lincoln.” delle Williams and Mrs. Mildred P. chel Russell, assistant secretary; THE MYSTERIOUS BRONZET­ The Lt. Lee who Is not seen in BETTER HOME IMPROVEMENT CO’ Horne, advisors to the undergrad­ Mrs. A. B. Owens, treasurer: Mrs TES.SOCIAL CLUB held their an­ THE PORl'ER PTA will observe either picture was.much in eviden­ uate chapter on the LeMoyne Col­ Jennie Walker. Mrs. Cora Harris, nual “Heart Party’ ’at the residence Found Diy nt' its Tegola'- mon- ce and surely the great motivating PHONE 4-1117 CHOIR ROBES lege campus. chaplain; Mrs. Frankie Smith. of Mrs. Zennie Mae Bledsoe. 1880 tliiy. meeting Thursday. February power behind the scenes. ) The. next meeting will be with chairman of Sunshine Band and Carver, Saturday night February 13 18, at 3:30 p m. in tbi- rehool.cale. Mrs. Susie Brittenum. March 6, “in­ from—til. teria. An en'oyablc program is Holly Springs, Miss. A bus will be Mrs. Baldwin, musical directors. ■I These officers will be installed The guests were given Red Hearts planned featuring parent and teaci. chartered to take members to the representing Valentine Day. En­ er talepls historical town . . . Mrs. Sara at the home of Mrs. A. B. Owens, 593 Williams at their meeting. tertainment was furnished in a Dixon Is chairman of transporta­ lavishing manner by the members The nnriiinl PTA tea drive WE ALL ENJOY tion. After the election a delicious re­ past was served by the lovely hos­ of the club. now in progress with the Lea slated MRS. FRANCES’ LAWS at 1338 for suaciay April 25. 4 to 7 p. m. tess. The hostess served a very de- Duhnivant has as her house guest lightful and tasty repast. in The ochó »1 cafcLpria. All pat­ THE MRS. MATTIE PRINCE who ar- THE LADIES COMMUNITY Among those present was Miss rons are urged to. send thcif con­ Katie Jean Williams. tributions promptly. This annual CLUB OF RIVERSIDE SUBDIVIS­ project has enabled many worth­ ION met at the residence of Mrs. The Memphis Mixers will meet nt while pi.J-ch-isrs ol’ educational MEMPHIS WORLD Ellen Conaway. 358 W. Person Ave., the residence of Mrs. Lottie Har­ equipment'’o hr made. meeting was presided over by the ris, 1234 Nicholas, Monday night. Mrs. G. M Bumpus. Hie presi­ nresident. Devotion was conducted February 15. -, dent urges .ill nimbes tn lie presant EVERY TUESDAY & FRIDAY by Mrs. Virginia Phillips. Mrs. Irone Cotton, president. and mákn thHr mHribut.ions ear­ The reports were made by various L. Morgan, reporter. committees. Mrs. Willie Epps ly, Mr K B Thonipsnn is priftr taught a very interesting lesson: ci pal. J. “Christ, the Living Bread." A delightful repast was enjoyed An Apology ATOMIC CANNONS YOU CAN TOO, SEND YOUR SUBSCRIPTION bv all. Thanks to the hostess was I regret writing the column that Six more atomic cannons will-bc given by Mrs. Hannah Holloway. was printed two weeks ago. entitled sent to Europe in the near future TO thus giving the NATO command The next meeting will be held at "St. Anthony School News." It I the residence ol Mrs| Lelia Craw­ was done without the permission of three batthllinns of six guns each. ford, 237 Ingle Ave Thursday, the faculty of the schoql. H. M, Two additional battalions might, Feb. 18, Mrs. B. D. Robinson, Dublin. t" go over later... president...... Mrs. L_ Hawkins, sec­ THE WORLD retary, Mrs. K. W. Green, report- er' for the club. ---- »j,. * THE VALIANTNETTS "SOCIAL 164 Beale Avenue, MemphTs Tennessee CLUB meeting will be held Wed­ — nesday night February 17 at 8:00 at Here's jhc ideal gift for the folks' who Have' moved away, for the youngsters the residence of away at school." A gift mail subscription to The Memphis World will keep them All members are. urged to be present and on time. Mrs. Vivian in touch with the people and places they know and love. It's a personal gift Crawford, president, Mrs. Earline yob'll be remembered for every day throughout the year. To place your order Williams, ’ reporter and business use the convenient order Blank or call The Memphis World, 8-4030, Mail FURNITURE-AUTOMOBILES Subscription Department. ' IT’S GUARANTEED SIGNATURES SUBSCRIPTION ■ The Memphis World. Circulation Department PROMPT, COURTEOUS, SERVICE B 164 Beale Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee B Enclosed is check or money order for $..... To our present and former customers we thank you for your RATES ■ lor glH mail subscription to the Memphis World patronage—to those we have not yet served we invite you months, semi-weekly Issue only. Send to come in and see why our customer list is growing daily. gift to: COME IN PHONE OR WRITE FOR THE NAME. ... 3. Months $1.50 1 - MONEY YOU NEED! g Address 6 Months ■ City. . State 8 WAYS O Your Name $5.00 Address Phone 152 MADISON AVE. PHONE 5-7614e" 4 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ hv f A$T LiOUID FORM Homefolks"

1.. ■ 7/ If. :8 '¡VAI' r. X ■ ♦ Tuesdayt>Febrüory16¿ 11954 ■fö Rev; Maynard Catchings Police Beat - Soldiers’ News REVIEWING (Continued From Page One) Pfc. Theodore R. Wilks, Jr, son battery charges. Willie Batcher, 32 of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Wilks, of 1334 Parkway was fined $11 on Sr, 1608 Pillow Street, Memphis, is Thrills Large Crowd assault battery charges. Willy P. a student at the School Bridge, Fort Hampton, 32. 1417 Nicholas faced The Sooth's Oldest and Leading Colored Semi-Weekly Newspaper Benning, Georgia. He enlisted in THE NEWS love. the judge on disorderly conduct Published by MEMPHIS WORLD I’HBLISHING' CO. ‘54 and now is eligible to make his The world in which we live is a charges and the charges were dis­ , . EVCTj TUESDAY and FRIDAY at 164 BEALE—Phone 8-4030 parachute -jump. -— —— — world of .chaos, in it is .fear, hate, missed. . . ’ . ■ ■ ■ . ■'■*'■ ■■ BY WILLIAM GORDON distress, prejudice and material- Entered In the Post Office at Memphis, Tepn., as second-class mail The course is designed to train under the Act of Congress,”March JQ 1879 volunteer officers and enlisted per­ Managing Editor, Atlanta Daily World The two worliis are in constant USCSC Exams iyK Member of SCOTT NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE sonnel ffom all arms and branches tension-. The essential task of the W. A. Scott, n,.Founder; C. A. Scott, General Manager of tile “service as qualified parachu­ Christian is to bring into har­ The United States Civil Service tists. Students are required, to make mony the world we live in with Commission has anounced a Sea­ Mrs. Rosa Brown Bracy . Acting Editor Jumps from an airplane in flight. the world- to whloh we belong. sonal Park Ranger examination for Charles W. Hairgrow, Jr. Circulation Manager One of the five required jumps is Through Foolish Pride, We Are Mr. Catchings told of the effort filling positions in parks, recrea­ made with full equipment. tional areas, monuments, and other The MEMPHIS WORLD is an independent newspaper—non-sectarian on tihe pant of Africans, to ‘bring Losing A Valuable Heritage their ease before the United Na­ sites operated by the National Part and non-partisan, printing news unbiasedly and supporting those thing's The airborne course is but one Service. The period of employ- , of 21, at the Infantry School open tions far consideration ar.d settle­ it believes to be of interest to its readers and opposing those things against We had walked around Boston for more than an hour when ment, ment varies with the location' and the interest of its readers. to officers and enlisted men of the may range from 60 to 180 days a SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Regular Army, Organized Reserve we suddenly came to a small upstairs smoke-ridden room used The African leader was asked why he did not first bring his case year. The salary is paid at the , Year $5.09 — 6 Months $3.00 — 3 Months $1.50 (In Advance) and National Guard. Courses range for a night club. Four Negro musicians occupied the band stand. rate of $3,175 a year. from training recruits to become to the ruling courts of Africa. The The jazz they played was alright except that jt lacked the real leader answered by asking. Do you I parachutists to training regimental quality—that quality which once gaveP'America happy feet and Appropriate education or exper­ commanders and division general think earn will be given justice in ience is required. No written test Sonnet - The Spirit of Abraham Lincoln staff officers. filled the. souls of millions with a rhythmic’beat whose roots run a court which, was made up of will be given. The minimum age Noble arm of fate and towering bold deep in African soil. In brief, these musicians were riot playing chickens?. limit is 21 years, There is no max­ An aviator once noticed as he real jazz music. imum. In every sky that tents the head of man; REV. MAYNARD CATCHINGS arose above a slum ridden- city, Today our hearts to thee in homage hold that, he was not able to discern Further information, including The drum-beat hurling forth the mighty plan My colleagues for the evening were a young Belgian econo­ Friday. February. 12 at the Con­ between the-sections in which the Instructions on how to apply, and mist and his wife. They had corne to.America to study. But out Around the world and meant for Freedom's stand gregational Church, 200 or more aristocrats lived! and1 the chaos of application forms may be secured COMEDY AT ST AUGUSTINE of the trip grew the deep urge to learn more about the life of the students and' citizens .were inspir­ the slummed area. It is thus evi­ from the Commission’s Examiner in The cantonments of love, the forts of God — "Professor, How Could You?” is L. Negro in America, the economic, social and cultural side, as­ ed- and challenged as they- listen­ dent that if. we rise high enough Charge, Mrs. Mildred L. Turner, Whose it is the fullness of the land the pass word around St. Augustine ed -to -the Rev, Maynard Catch­ In to -the realm of fair play justice located, at room 37, Post Office or Though starving men beneath the chastening rod High School these days. Some like fects the race in the total American structure. Music was one. of ings as he spoke on the subject of and truly accept the ideals of the from the U. S. Civil Service Com­ to change it to "Sisfbr, How Could the things these people had long heard about and they wanted to “God- in the Human Situations.” golden rule, and Brotherhood mission, Washington 25, D. C. Ap-; Groan in fear. We dedicate this pause You?” ” To thoi'e whose faith and feet shall follow him listed and enjoy it as only a Negro can sing and He read from the Book Romans there will be no line of demarka-. plications will be accepted until fur­ We were in the place for only a short while when my friends 5-2-101 tlon; ther notice. Till time shall know but freedom's noble laws; The seniors of St. Augustine High’ JL School-will-present-a comedy by the- ^suggested that we leave and look for another.(— ------———' He made vivid the situations- as ThaTPeace abides“— and through the flickering dim tltle "Professor, How Could You?”1 "This is alright," the young economist said, "but there seems they exist today in community Of dingy lamps, despised, rejected men state National and- World affairs to the public this coming Sunday to be something lacking in the quality and the way they play Might triumph over the flaming hells of sin. and Monday nights, Feb. 21 and 22 and declared that by" all standards Lieutenant George at 8:00 in the auditorium of the here." His wife nodded approval arid also suggested that we of ideal of righteousnes and sure­ school located at 903 Walker Ave. move on deep in the Boston Negro community in search of more ly -that of -the Golden Rule Society The Birthday Of Abraham Lincoln This will be. the first big perfor­ real music more representative of Negro life. Unfortunate for today should be placed behind bars. Washington Lee mance on the line o'f dramatics to them, we failed to find what they wanted. We finally gave up When time will recall that he saved the Union, that will be be presented by the high school. He told -the story of the son of And the world could join the the search and accepted what Arthur Schleshinger, Harvard histor­ sweet refrain sufficient for 'this- day the birthday of Abraham Lincoln to march James Neal, Jesse Pointer, Cleo a certain business man who had ian once said: "Negroes are becoming more sophisticated." sent son to college and pro­ Echoing from swamp to ‘Capital qn in a place by itself in the celebration of the birthdays of our Bridges, Helen Bolden, Frankie Lee Dome, Bradley, Delons Warr, Christopher There is absolutely nothing wrong with, becoming sophistica­ vided1 all those things he thought notables. Simple, like the birth of our Lord, there came into a That"Johnny” had come march- Brooks, Harry Robinson. and Joyce ted, but often durlngnhe-process-of changerthere“is a tendency .essential for his.well being. The Kentucky log-cabiri home a seer and a prophet to bless his and Levlson have a part in the cast. boy came home to spend the holi- Ing-nomeT ' Our Hero came back. from that future generations. The rest of the senior class will form to lose, much of a valuable heritage. The race has experienced days. The father was solicitous of this down through the years, particularly in. the area of music. the comfort of his son, he asked, fight, . To set apart a day of celebration dedicated to the memory the choral group for the evening -program; - - — ’———- Son are you happy?. The-son-an­ Ready^thru’ rock and steel, of Lincoln the man, the statesman, the president and the great The contention is that we are rapidly-becoming assimilated with­ smite; in the total population. Any effort to label us with the past is swered Yes, -and with -a look on Ills humanitarian is not enough. . THE REVEREND MAYNARD OA brow as if something was lacking He stopped in Memphis, Tennes­ viewed cfs handing'us d badge of inferiority. Negroes have been see Inasmuch as this life, lived close to earth and the hearts of REV. MAYNARD CATCHINGS ■he added'. I. would, be supremely ; Mr. Catchings is a native of Tex­ trying to forget their past. In the act of doing so, we have lost happy if I could have invited my LIEUTENANT GEORGE WASH­ his yoke-fellows-to finally cross the circuit of other fellows under INGTON LEE. as-. -^After- attending- Prairie View- many priceless contributions; r ------■—■ “ .- ■’—‘— friend—to-spend'-the -holidays—wi-th- the hard yoke of bondage, it leaves its imprint on the lintels ------6 _ , College, he'taught for a number of On the way back to Cambridge, We talked about this price­ me. -The father was struck with of the whole world. this statement and lie answered1 by years before receiving his BD and less heritage. We talked particularly about the Negro spirituals Abraham Lincoln belongs to the world. His greatness was MA degres from Howard Univer­ saying. I’m surprised'. You are my He did not seek a a boulevard, never seen more in the profuse of its service than at the present sity. He later studied in the area and how choirs and choral groups have tried desperately over the only son, all I have is for yotL We Frequented'by Poet, Cynic or of the sociology of religion at the have .a well appointed, home, with Bard; time; Men everywhere are groaning for freedom; in the economic years to overlook their value. Some choirs have been so bent. University of Chicago. From 1942- on becoming so sophisticated that spirituals they feel, are below rooms to spare, your friend arewel- Or great white-ways', fine and world, there-are-the wretched, poor“ and neglected despised. 44 he served as Student YMCA sec­ come. The young man looked'his“ high;------;------;------’ ...... There are dark corners in remote sectors of. the earth, retary in the Southern Region. He their dignity so they find themselves struggling with the mechan­ father in the eye, he said. Father Where only the cultured souls go where men, women and children are undergoing untold agonies was serving as a faculty member ics of the "white man's music," much of which has become obso­ perhaps I should not have said by; in the Social Science Institute at lete in our culture. ~ this to you. The father said- of Nor would he take a scorner’s seat, of hunger, ignorance and disease. Two wars ¡n the same genera­ Fisk when he was called to the pas­ course you should. I deserve your But cast his lot on OLE ’REAT.E tion have moved through Lincoln's spirit of freedom, making its My friends did a. lot of talking on .the way back to Cam­ By Dr. W. H. Brewster, Sr. torate of Plymouth Congregational bridge. j confidence.. Then.'the son said you STREET. ■ ' indelible imprint but hardly touching the surface of the great Church in Washington, D. C. in see my friend is a Negro. PASTOR OF EAST TRIGG AND PILGRIM CHURCHES ideal he laid down in his fundamentals of human liberty and 1947. At present he is an Asso­ "When we came here a year ago," the economist said, "we The father, with bowed- head, ciate Secretary for Interracial and went in search of music, but to our surprise, Negroes’*played too then said; Son- I have been hum-. justice. I’ve found men neither ■ small or The street that had a wicked Intercultural Relations on the staff much like white people." bled before you. In my. injustice fame, This nation is traveling by the hard route toward the goal of of the National Board of the YMC- arid bigotry I am not worthy to great, They could never understand the reason for this. The fact By blood, or race, or chance or Not ev’n Ninevah was a worse exchanging fear, want and privation for freedom.- It saved ths A. have a son like you and the son name; ■John Whittaker, choral director;- that people from all over the world still accept the Negro spirit­ This acknowledgement by fate; world and civilization, having been saved itself by the master said'; Where many a woman was a Reginald Williams, accompanist; uals and the original jazz as-the only-true American music,’made you makes me; know you are But every man is what he is, mind of Abraham Lincoln. By the measure of the mind that’s Jezeoel, Lionel Arnold, college ■ pastqr. - . it even more strange to these. Belgians as to why .Negroes were worthy. And then came the reali­ And every other house This day then becomes of itself an urge for liberty and zation and manifestation that the his; a gamb- justice; the symbol of a great mind that still lives; a prophet trying to get away from their heritage. This was not a matter of For such, a man, if you’d ask me, ling hell; West African republic. World in which human being of­ From it came' nothing but BAD ordained and sent of God to his generation, and timed to strike a joke with these Europeans as it is true with millions of other peo­ ten live is'not the which - I’d' call our own LIEUTENANT Secretary Hobby in commenting ple who search the world over for Negro music. LEE. news, the epoch_when the bold stroke was made against a chain of on the educational programs in Li­ they belong.. ’ 2 The birth place of the wailing . beria paid tribute to the remark­ In the Negro they see originality and a quality,not found in Mr. Catching-told, of a national blues. iron that bound captor to captive and decreeing in its power rrn;/ ntkor mrn _ _ ' _ f. r ‘‘ meeting of Social Workers which A rugged son of Southernsoil, '“ that such a government from which it emerged, should, not able progress being made by the na­ any other race of people. They view this as a quajity of genius. Who made his way, by honest toil; , . 8 L . V SHE» tion. - They feel we have a monoply on a quality of music and have was held in a Southern City. A He there, soon learned his leader- , perjsh - not only from the United States - BUT FROM THE EARTH. Negro man who /had become out­ To dis-advantage he was born, “The energy and initiative with begun to abuse it with foolish pride. In their search for real music But polished bright, at OLD AL­ ship touch, which the. people of Liberia have standing in his achievements in CORN From the great old Master-Ro- , moved toward the solution of their in America, this Belgian couple referred to contributions by the the area of Social Science had In youth, he dreamed of a better bert Church; , Annual Founders' Day educational problems is an inspir­ Hall Johnson choir, the Fisk Jubilee Singers and many others. The been scheduled, for one of the day, And then he rose, with rapid ing story. We are happy and proud millions of whites who travel thousands of miles in search of mus­ main addresses. When he came to And ’ho’ it seemed far away v pace, to have had some part in the the platform proceeding his pre­ He said-'Some day, a “ ' To be a.champion for his race; ic created and rendered by Negroes do so not with the intent of sentation he observed' that the MAÇ I’LL achievements of the Liberian peo­ fun, but more of a feeling of respect; be. s Deserting no friend, and fearing Mapped For A M & N Site ple.” ' people before him were all White Yes, such a goal had the boy no foe, Special training sessions for some Music is an area where whites have long admitted that we and when he looked up he observ­ . GEORGE LEE. Not ev’n ‘Miss Lilly White’ nor ed1 that the people of his race were By JOHN HOWARI) Housing from all over the nation in 1,100 Liberian teachers are con­ hold superiority and stand completely in a class to ourselves. 3 Mr ‘Jim Crow.’ x ducted during the summers. Many In t-he balcony. He was struck While still a youth all full of 9 One o fthe highlights of the An- the development of this forthcoming dumb because of. this situation, he' * nual Founder’s Day celebration at of these are taught on a volunteer plans. Just as in war, he was a fighter, • housing conference. basis by American wives now living felt helpless. He prayed to God to the A. M. & N. College, April 4-10, Persons "interested in ’ building His country called him to foreign He was a knockout, as a WRIT­ in Liberia who are former teachers, give him strength for the occasion lands; ER; will be a Housing Conference for homes or buying existing ones, will and direct his action.'. April 8 and 9 it was announced this be given details of the FHA- plan Mr. Yancy. reported. MY WEEKLY He h“ard the call to color, then, He giorlfied, the old boat and Among the other subjects discuss­ When he arose he said1. Ladies And joined with . other brave, barge, week by Dr. Lawrence A. Davis, for home ownership. The FHA has and Gentlemen it appears that I president. provided a means for many fam­ ed at the meeting were the'current young men; Bv his creation-’’RIVER GEOR­ efforts of the Office of Education to am in the wrong place. Please ex­ And as his train rolled up the GE;” The purpose of the conference ilies who have never before been a SERMON cuse me until I go to the balcony will be to discuss needs for minori­ home owner to buy or build homes help inaugurate pre - engineering, track, He earned a literary crown, training in the Liberian public i from which I will address you. He still dreamed on, of coming In the book he calls-“BEALE ties and ways and means of meet- they want. Full information about Groups arose, to prevent his ac­ ting these needs in Housing. The FHA insured loans will be available schools and the post-graduate train­ REV, BLAIR T. HUNT, back; STREET AT SUN DOWN.” ing of Liberian teachers in Ameri­ cent to the balcony, the President As his ship churned across the 10 A. M. & N. College has given at this housing eonference. It is sensing the situation requested thought for several years to a means also noted that due consideration can schools of education. PASTOR sea. For years, we’ve seen him go and of better. acquainting the citizenry Five Liberian teachers' are now those in the balcony to come to He still held hope-He was HOPE­ come will be given to home, building for the main floor. They did, and the of the state of Arkansas with the rural families and according to in­ taking, advanced training in the MISSISSIPPI BLVD. CHRISTIAN FUL LEE. Honored by hero, and by bum; United States under the auspices of meeting was carried' out without Pouring good deeds from jugs of potential housnig market and prob­ quiries received in the office of B. 4 lems surrounding this significant T. Henderson, Chairman of the the Office of Education, the For­ CHURCH, MEMPHIS physical mental or spiritual con­ dimes; eign Operations Administration, and tamination. ■ ■ O Yes! The world was full of For poor and needy, at Christmas market. Housing Committee for the College, dread,- . , It was disclosed by Dr. Davis that quite a deal- of interest is being the Department of State, and two The World in which we live is times: ’ “ * > more are en route here for the POTS AND PANS AND | Her pots and pans and good and not the world to which we belong. And trembling ‘neath the war­ By golden deed, he did the feat the college has been able to secure manifested in, this housing program OTHER THINGS horse tread; the services of Wm, F. McKinney, by people who live in rural com­ same purpose. Three of the teach­ I drink mastered her She wa*» nnt Mr Catchings made it clear that Of dignifying ‘bad Beale Street.’ ers are attending Howard Univer­ TEXT: (Please read Luke 10:['S | the mistress of her house. And so the world' in which we belong, is Our Hero went to World War Racial Relations Officer, Federal munities. 42) One, 11 Houslhg Administration, Northern Outstanding persons in the build­ sity in Washington, D. C., which is with us sometimes... the things we Our Father’s World'. It is ruled1 by He stands, today, a mighty moun­ partially supported by funds includ­ Pots and pans, houses and land,' seem; to posses posses us. What And met the mad, blood-thirsty tain, Section of Zone TV, to serve as con­ ing industry and the financing of clothes and cars, and so many other ; Hun; sultant along with top men in homes will appear on this program. ed in the budget of the Department about that automobile? What about From there, flows a glorious foun­ —--■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ------2------of Health, Education, and Welfare. things.. .things that should serve those clothes? What about those Arid lead his troops thru.’ dust tain, The Office of Education is at us, become not our servants but our pots and pans? Do you possess them and mud, Of deeds that sparkle in the sun,. present seeking experienced Amer­ masters. - or do they posses you? He streaked on thru’ to victory, Of wondrous good already done; I speak of the man-LIEUTEN- Liberian Official Confers ican teachers who are qualified to In Bethany there were two sis­ “We must see to it tKat we .poss­ No telling, yet what SHAJJj be. supervise the development of ele­ ters, Mary and Martha.. .also a bro- . ess wljat we have, rather than allow ANT LEE The writing, fighting, LIEUTENr mentary education, vocational edu­ ther, Lazarus., Their home was a ourselves to be possessed by It.” 5 ANT LEE. v ’ cation, teacher training and rural home of comfort, no dobut. To this Don’t let pots and pans, food and And when the lights came again, 12 . ’ With Top USA Officials extension work throughout Liberia, Jesus frequently retired. Mary was drink, clothes and cars possess you So. let us all SALUTE the man, Mrs. Hobby said. contemplative. She loved to sit at Don’t let things make you cross and Song; Mamie Johnson who sang Who, like old Custer .takes a The-Honorable Ernest J. Yancy, education since July 1952 and In Mr. Yancy also discussed the work the feet of Jesus.and listen to His crabby. Don’t let things upset you Tenderly; Alma Jean Riley who stand; ■ Secretary of Public Instruction of public health since 1944. This work in Liberia of the Public Health Ser­ words. Martha loved to cook and destroy the true values of life. gave .a dramatic reading; Robbie For a better day, for a rising the-Republic of Liberia, today call­ is carried out through the Foreign vice. another constituent organiza­ Cooking is imperative. We must -Let the spiritual master the things David who dramatized “Yellow race, ed on Secretary of Health, Educa­ Operations Administration. tion of the Department. At the re­ eat. There is an endless debate of the world. Boy;” Sharon Smith who sang "At For the muse pf history shall tion, and Welfare Oveta Culp Hobby quest of the Liberian government, over Martha and Mary. One preach­ Things are perishable. The spirit Dawnin, “I Love You; and Geor­ yield a place to discuss the progress of education At their meeting, Mr. Yancy des­1 the Public Health Service Mission er once said “I choose Martha be­ is eternal. After all things matter gia Thompson who .sang “Love Is Among the great names from in. his .country as a result of the cribed to Mrs. Hobby a model ele­ operates clinics, laboratories. X-ray fore dinner and Mary after dinner." little. What we do with things... Where You Find It.,, Tennessee, . ______technical .cooperation program of mentary school organized in the facilities, a nursing school, arid a One day Martha was fretful, pee­ what we do with self matters much? The winner’s name will be an­ The name of our own LIEUTEN­ the Foreign Operations Admlnistra- capital of Liberia, Monrovia, with medical library. vish. Jesus was there. Mary was Choose that good part which shall nounced next week. ANT LEE. tlon... , ; the cooperation of the Office of there sitting at the feet of Jesus, not be taken away from you. Education, a constituent organiza­ her ears attuned to His words ot Some day as a tired child leaves* The Department of Health, Edu­ tion of the Department.-- The mod­ wisdom. Martha was busy prepar­ his plaj’things on the floor and goes cation. and -Welfare has cooperated el school is used to demonstrate ing a meal for Jesus and the fam­ with mommy to bed, we will leave closely with Liberia in the field of modem teaching methods in the ily. We read. “Martha was cum­ our plaything, pots and pans, food bered about much serving.” and drink, Cars and clothes, houses ‘WE REPRESENT THE She came to Jesus and said “Lord jnd land, on the floor of this old One of your best dost thou not care that my sister world and be led by God's hand to MRS. LIZZIE M. HATCHER c hath left me to serve alone?" Bld that realm when things cumber US In loving memory of my dear wife WISHING WELL her, therefore that she help me.” not. who departed this life February 5, ’V Jesus said “Martha, Martha, thou BEST’ » • 1953. U. art careful and troubled about many food buys Gone but not forgotten ENTERTAINMENT FOR ANY-OCCASION. GOSPEL things, but one thing is needful, Fashion Show Set Husband, C. E. Hatcher and Mary hath chosen that good children GROUPS, COMEDY. ACTS, DANCE BANDS, SPIRIT­ part, which shall not be taken For February 28 Son, Major J. Anderton UAL GROUPS, PERSONAL PROMOTIONS, MUSIC from her.” Rosa M. Bobo PUBLICATIONS, CONTACT REPRESENTATIVES PER­ Probably this was a day when L. M. Ballard Memorial Chap­ Edna M. Bennett SONAL MANAGEMENT, NATIONAL TOUR MAN­ everything went wrong about the ter No. 127 will sponsor their an­ John W. Hatcher house. We all have days like this nual Fashion Show at the Leia Howrctte Woods. AGEMENT STAGE PRODUCTIONS AND PUBLICITY .. .everything seems to be out of Walker Club, on Walker Avenue AGENTS. place. Martha felt that, there was at Miss. Blvd. February 28 ofc 4 to work for two in place of one. ■ I 8 p. m Sister Ruby Lee Moody. W. Cotton-Makers imagine Martha threw, and slung M. Brother Sam Johnson, W. P. WE ARE LOOKING FOR TALENT and banged the pots and pans and Sister Geraldine Mills, secretary. Jubilee Staged skillets. I Imagine she made much This is the season for all of the write or call noise hoping to attract the atten­ fine entertaiamenta that I know LITTLE ROCK. ARK.— tion and thus gain the aid of Mary. you arc going .to have so won’t you preliminary contest far the Ar­ But no Mary came to her al'd. Then let mex know what they are and kansan' “Spirit, of Cotton-Makers she called Jesus’ attention to the when you are having them. Your Jubilee" for 1954 was given last JIMMY FRANKLIN ; i T T™1^ a Pleasant little game that will givg you a message every plight she.was. in and Mary's seem­ Worthy Grand'Matron is mwh im­ week at Budlqng Hall Mr. Rich- / \ J?- day.. Ills -a aumerical puzzle designed to spell out your.fortune. ing indifference...... proved your Prayers are still need arid Estick, managing editor of ths ’ " >Urit the letters in your first name. If the numbet of letters is fi or TAY5TEEBRËAQ ATTRACTIONS r Jesus replied, “Thou art careful eA-We ere waiting for her com­ Panther Journal Newspaper, spon- . subtract 4. If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result la. and troubled about many things...” plete recovery because her radiant soring group far the Jubilee, was BOX 142 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE 7 your kfy number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of .therec- What is the lesson? smile Is missed among ell groups master of ceremonies. PHONE 8-0518 ;.'’'fi’’,g’tah81e and check every one of your key numbers; left to right.-Then' Martha was a slave to things, a Your Honor Grand reporter, Polly Contestants - were Bertha Halil- : ’ ■■■ <■■ ■ ■;■';■;'■ -, ■ ■»■' ■ -'', A; victim ol jiote, pans, and drink. burtmx -wiio' .sang’ Italian.- '-Street ■■■MMaaMMawaaaM i faA SiiaW» 670 Ajw. ftone 37-9284. -r -.- ,1 ' 'm . ; I I;/;-.'-’ ’•V ' ■ 'V ■ JS MEMPHISMMORL&ir « Tuesday, febryary lá, 1954 » US CME Church Is Host li, » i I ...... I.11 '■ 1 "'.■" .I, I!"". ' ’ ------"...... Self-Employed People ;« »USDAReseardiienfer

JTo College Of Bishops And, Social- Security Gets; orlabor Saving Device j NEW YORK, N. Y. — Williams present and participated’ in the Self-employed: people can avoid <3> Be definite in stating the na­ The award of a salary increase of an average increase' ot 18 cents per —— Institutional CME Church, 2225 meeting: Bishops J, Arthur Ham- future trouble... and delay in get-, ture of your business, Use decrip- $80 a year has been given to John A. I day, bringing the dally wage bf ^cut- Seventh Avenue, 7was heist to the , Lett. Kansas City, Kansas; H. P. t-l'.g their ’ social; security benefits tive terms siich as “retail grocery," Weems, a : laborer«ab'theTBeltsvlllq,1 tors, for example, .from $3^.8?to . . is College of Bishops and the ses-' Porter, Loiusville, Ky.; W. Y. Bell, ¡if they will take care to fill , out ’barber shop, ‘Insuanee broker," Md., Research (Center of the U S. $3.34, plus the customary housing,', .. sions of the". Lower House (Min­ .South Boston, Va.; Luther Stew­ correctly Schedule C cf their Fed­ "electrical. contractor,” not “sole DeparXmeht of Agriculture, for de­ medical attention, and similar pre­ isters and Laymen’s Council) here art, Hopkinsville, Ky.; F. L. Lewis, eral income tax retrirn- on which owner." ’p i«tner,” ‘barbe; • tCa’èsT signing a device for pulling sheet requisite^. - ‘ : r. ' Wednesday, at which a large group Shreyeport, La; Bertram W, Doyle, they r eport their earnings for -so­ "odd jobs ’’ piling, ...... -, ■.. . ■ . . In the Virgin Islands, wages win of ministers and laymen, from ev­ Nashville, Tenn., and - Arthur A. cial securitly purposes. M-r. Joe W. t4) If you and your wife file a Adoption of the, ’.device, which continue at last year’s rates which ery, section of the nation were in Womack, Indianapolis, Ind. The Eanc«, manager of the - Memphis joint retur but. you own and op- makes it possible to pull up shoring range from S3.20 to $5.20 per eight- attendance. Senior Bishop, ■ of the present social security office, suggseted crate your bi:.:;ue;.s, put only your from ditch banks 12 times as fast hour day. However, the provision- " Rev. L. S. White, pa-stor -of the' bench, Bishop R. A. Carter, Chi­ forr points - which eelf-employsd name oil Eche-dvle C-A btejuxe as with chain or cable; will cut the for customary perquisites has been church, . Bishop W. Y. Bell, and the cago was not present due to slight people, should check againti when youlre the one who has the isel'f- cost of this work on the 12,000-acre eliminated. The wage rates werfe'C,.;- Rev. P. E. Bell, ' Presiding Elder, indisposition due to age. they fill out their Schedule C: employment Income, If you and research farm by about $600 a year, arrived at after public .hearing ... were the hosts to the large assem-. Numtrous outstanding leaders (i> Be cure to figure your . net your wife, are genuine business says Wade H. Roby, superintendent the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. bly ot Methodist, leaders. from various parts of America earnings correctly. List and deduct partners, Ilici. prepare separate it mechanical shops. Running Water Installed Last Year » Bishop j, Arthur Hamlett, sec­ were in attendance. Among them from your grots businc s Income Schedule;-. C—a for each- of you-.» The square cornered. U shaped de­ By 323. Va. Rural Negro Families j ond in, rank of seniority ot the -were, Doctors H. W. Evans, Chi­ all’ thfe ’allowable expense of oper­ A special guide Sheet tt> help vice with’ a loophole attachment on Three hundred Twenty-three ru- Bishops of the denomination, pre­ cago; J. U Tolbert, New Albany, ating your trade or business —de- sei-f-empioyed1 persons in correct- the side for being hooked to a crane ral Negro families of Virginia in-', . / sided in absence of the senior, Bi­ Michigan ; J. C> Allen, Gary, Ind., predation, in'iurance and taxes only, reporting their net Income for cable is simply slipped around the stalled running water in their shop R, A. Carter. . E.“P. Murchison, B. 'Julian Smith, any property. or equipment you ! Social Security tax purposes Is boards which have been driven into homes last year, reports Ross W. As chairman, ■ Bishop Hamlett Chicago; J. M. Pettigrew, D. S. own and use in. your busliie:®, as ¡ now available. This may be secur- the ground to, shore up ditcli banks. Newsome,. State. Extension agent ,'i also delivered a. stirring and scin< Cunningham, D. W. Browning, J well as salaries, wages, supplies, ed ait the Memphis Social Secur- Pull of the crane cable causes the with headquarters at Virginia State < ' ; tlllatlng message to the vast audi­ C. Clay, St. Louis;: M L. Breeding, Ughtlng, h-eait. telephone and oth- tty office. 145 ”Court>-•—» Avenue, Mr.»<- device to grip the board and pull it College. Petersburg, Va. ence at the morning hour of wor­ Indianapolis, C. A. Calhoun, Cin­ er business, Don't how­ Eane® said. up. The installation of the electric ship Wednesday morning. The cinnati, C. B. Chapman. Kansas ever, deduct any salary you pay Mr. Weems lives at Beltsville and pressure water systems was the re­ administration of the Htoly Com­ City, D. W. Bass, Pittsburgh, F. D. .yourself as owner of the business- has been employed at the Research sult of a concentrated drive by ex- @ munion followed tire message by Griggs, Alabama; E. M. Dozier, W. or any personal expenses. Heirs Summon Center since 1951. The wlthln-grade tension agents, vocational agricul­ salary Increase was awarded by the ture an dhome economics teachsrs, the Kansas City* Prelate. The H. Amon. A Ralph Davis, Detroit; (Continued From Page One) “lower House,” a. national gather I>, Q. Brown, Washipgton, D. C; (2) Report amd pay the social Efficiency Awards Committee of the local leaders, and the Virginia Farm . J.'B. - • ------security tax on only yourtelf em­ dren. of Nclse Isom, my oldest and Center. Before coming to tlie Cen; Electrification Council '7 ing ’of laymen and ministers of the Boyd, R. C. Burton, Mem- ployment income which is cover­ church was presided- over by Dr. phis; F.T.' .Jeans, Jackson.. Tenn.; deceased brothel'." ,. ter. he did similar work in pulling Mr. - Newsome says the average N. H. ' Humphreys, Tulso, Okla. N. L. Burton, Washington, D . C.; ed by social security—not on ren­ In the, "Pro Confesso Decree" by sheet piling for the Washington cost of rhe installations was $8.00. L. H. Pitts, Georgia, J. B- Bul- tals from real estate, dlvtd-i’nd’s. 01 Chancellor Holmes. Issued.- on Suburban Sanitary Commission for Farfn families were advised to raise There was keen and widespread in­ a number of years. this. amount by adding another terest displayed by the large body lock, G_ Mallard,______Dallas; N. H. taterest from securities, unlets you March 27, 1953 under part 4. it Humphrey; Tulsa, . _. operate a real estate, buslrie'.s 01 states in part, as- follows: "The Announces Wages For Sugarcane enterprise to their farming program. of ministers and laymen on mat- ~ ’ , Okla.; C. N. orc a dealer in securities and such Workers In Puerto Rico For example, Mr. Newsome and his -ters- designed to-clarify—certain- -Reid—Houston; E; J; Lott-, Abietene, court finds.-tha.t_there is _an ills- and VirgiiT Island T questionable laws, rules and regu­ Texas; G. W. Washington, Jack­ Income, practice ot law and'othei strument of record in the office ot .itiiH pointed out to the families 7— lations. This meeting was designed sonville, Fla.; R. T. Burton, Mont­ professions not covered by social tire Clerk of the Court bi Land The U. S. Department of Agri­ that five acres of high-yielding com, LUCIA JEAN BACOTE security culture has announced minimum or 500 good laying hens, three good as a “Clarifying” scheme for legis- gomery,,. N. C. Sells,.. Toledo,_ ___ Ohio,___ Book 83. page 267 which Is purport­ wage rates which must be paid sug­ brood sows, or two acres of potatoes latlon to be presented at the forth I and Rev. W. O. Flanagan of In­ ed to have been excu-tcd by Adolph Pom and Ophelia Isom, on No­ arcane field workers in Puerto Rico would net the cost of the water sys­ coming session of the General dianapolis, Ind. and the Vlrgln islands this' year by tem within a year. ?’■ of his right hand and bit down on outstanding contribution to Arkan­ them. He reportedly • attempted to owner of the simple title to said of Elementary School Teachers, in COLUMBIA, S, C.—Outstanding be accompanied by Dr. Newell C. undlvnded' Interest In said laud Three Louisiana Parishes." The sas education patterns. force hi$ hand loose with his left . ‘ J,- ;.' ‘ - .’ ’-. talent from fourteen leading col­ Fitzpatrick, head of the Departirient hand, and this one was bitten al­ free and-..clear of any and all study describes what elementary leges tn the South will appear in a of Music at Knoxville College. so. claims, right, title arid' interest musical review Sunday afternoon Other ’ notable artists to appear therein of the said defendant Har­ diVision In, the Republican party February 21 at Allen University. include Henry Blackmon, baritone.: riett Collier.” “We had to knock he"r aloose,” here. Wh|oh. makes it obvious^ that AG Exposition This combined musical recital of Shaw University, Raleigh, North police reported. She was then taken t h e f e are members within the re Í some of the most promising taler.! Carolina and Edythe Rachel Grady, to Grady. Before she was knocked Set For March to be found In Southern colleges organist, Johnson C. Smith Uni­ down,-police said, Byrd was knock-, Lincoln-Douglas group who would eliminate the Ne­ will climax the five days activities gro from ’the1 República« Party. .’ versity, Charlotte, North Carolina. cd against the windshield of the PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas — The to be held in connection with the ATLANTA SCHOOLS - car, and struck in his face. . r .. (Continued From Page One) Lieutenant George ‘ W. Lee, well eighty fourth anniversary celebra known Republican Leader here, First Annual Agricultural Exposi­ Other musical renditions will be After the affray, Miss Reid was tion will be held at Prairie View tlqn and Founders Day drive. o> charged with disorderly conduct­ tlst Church won an overwhelming evidenced appreciation for the made by talent from Benedict Col­ mammoth turn out and addressed A. and M- College, March 5,and 6. Allen University February 18-22. lege, Columbia, S.ZC., Claflin Col- cursing, resisting arrest, disturb­ applause when he said1. ■ “Be any­ Dr. S. R Higgins now complet­ thing else, except segregated. Stay his remarks in an appeal -to tire The Exposition will feature tire LINCOLN UNIVERSITY EXHIBIT OPENS - Dr. Horoce Mann Bond, lege,_Orangeburg.__S—C.,__Morris ance, malicious mischief and sus* exhibitions of Vocational Agricul­ ing his fourteenth year as Presi­ picion of stabbing, alive, at work and awake in the enthusiastic-group to support the president.of Lincoln University, Pa. and Arthur C. Kaufmann, Brown College, Atlanta, Georgiq, President Eisenhower, whose ac­ ture Teachers, Home Making Teach­ dent of Allen University announced Harbison College, Irmo. S. C., Mor­ citv of Memphis.” executive head jof Gimbel Brothers Department Store in Philadel- this week the principal artists who Rev. R. W. Norsworthy, pastor tions are .speaking louder than ers. County and Home Demonstra­ ris College, Sumter, S. C., Clark tion Agents, Soil Conservation Work ».’ phia are shown examining a photograph-pf Lincoln's faculty taken will appear and 'the cqlleges that of M-t. Moriah Baptist Church, words. He said- . Ike has already College, Atlanta, .Georgia, South eliminated segrégation in the Na­ ers and other Agricultural Agencies in 1892. Dr. Bond is pointing to Rev. Isaac N.~ Randall, first presi- will participate on the program of Carolina^State College, Orangeburg, "Reputation" Orange Mound, - said1 “this is a ->he-musical review—------great-time .to be .alive. .We need a tion’s .Capital- Tlie ’Armed- Servi­ throughout the ¿State. ' dent of the Chester County institution. The occasion was the offi­ S.“C'; Savannah State-CollegerSare FORT VALLEY LINGER vannah, Georgia, and Alien Uni­ Wins Freedom two party system ' in the South ces have almost, become Color First, second, third and fourth cial opening of an exhibit depicting Lincoln University's growth Among the promising but of versity, Columbia, S. C. Negroes who were saved' by the Blind. '-Segregation in Education is place prize-ribbons will'bé awarded P -during the 100 years ofitsexistence, held atGimbel's Little Gal­ state artists to be presented ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.—(INS) Republicans should be republi­ trembling in its boots. for corn, potatoes, syrup, livestock, lery. The exhibit, opened today (February 12, runs until February cital are Mary Elizabeth Wither­ The musical review being made —Phil Knuth, coach' of St. Peters­ cans.” Mr. Lee said if you. want " this beef cattle, sheep, cured meats, and 27. Lincoln Universityi-founde^ in 1854 as Ashmun Institute, is spoon, pianist, Fisk University, possible by. the cooperation of the burg’s undefeated high school, track Rev. Polk was presented and' in program to -continúe to go to the poultry. ■ . ; ... Nashville,. Tennessee; Tommie L._ participating, colleges and by the- team, .was acquitted in city court turn presented- a number of minis­ polls OB." April 2 and vote for 2 the world's oldest institution, of- higher learning, established orig­ Amos, soprano, Miami, Florida, re­ subsenptions that have been receiv­ of disorderly .conduct and promptly ters who were present for the men and one woman to serve as Mr, G. L. Smith, Dean, The School inally for Negroes. Lincoln-..-now has an- inter-racial Board of presenting Fort Valley State» Col­ ed from patrons and friends of. All­ resigned his post. meeting. •members of' Republican County of Agriculture, believes that, ..“Qur , First Agricultural r Exposition will Trustees, faculty and student body. Other Fouhder's Day events lege Fort Valley, Georgia and De­ ien University. A record attendance • Knuth, who guided the team to Mr, Lester Brenner was present, Committee.’ -. . .Ï ' c ■' . loria Clark, soloist. Norfolk, Vlr- ”f music lovers- from all parts of , ro-winners of the state champion­ >-« .-»»-lte briefly urging tatere^ MfssrVemta. Staw^rtung a 'beao- prove interesting arid worthwhile to of the day (February 12) were a Luncheon held abGimbel' •inia. representing___ Knoxville Col- 11 lie state and its borders are expect- i ship in 1953, said his resignation toward a mammoth vote on March Ufuli.eQlo. after .which.r.a.- chicken those, directly concerned Wliil UiQ lege, Knoxville, Tennessee,' who will Ied, -. - ■raailA. U.eifectta-

Ai . ■ i According to reports, Leroy (Sdtchell) Paige, the ageless relief pitcher of the Baltimore Orioles, (formerly the St. Louis Browns) has been given his outright release and is at liberty to make a deal for himself with any other club. We learn thdt the one-time great pitcher has already receiv­

-, ed an offer from the San Diego, Calif, club of the Pacific Coast League; calling for a reputed salary of $10,000. In a statement from* his home in Kansas City, Paige is quoted as saying that he has not accepted the offer and is hot interested in any minor league job. It may be stated that perhaps, Cleveland Alexander, Moses Grove, the’one and only Satchel, might George Earnshaw, Dizzy Dean, and have a few mere good relief jobs in numeiousothers. Although, he^, his strong right arm. and might be reached the majors late in his ca­ of some valuable help to another reer, his name may yet be enshrin­ Marquis Haynes, Gager Stars major league club. However, it is ed in the hall of fame. generally known that Paige is not We recalled in the early days of the t easiest player to handle. Man­ his pitching when we first saw him agers .have many overlooked pitch in the old Negro Southern To Play In Memphis Friday Nite his escapades and his tempermen- League at Lewis Park, now Mar­ tal attitude, especially as it con­ tin Stadium, we were impressed Marquis Haynes; ranked as the and since leading his own cerns the. observance of training with his tremendous speed and world’s greatest basketball drib­ has racked up 85 triumphs in 90 rules. easy-going motions and voiced the bler, will bring his caravan of starts. - A5we get It, some managers in- opinionthat he-could hold-his-owu stars to .Memphis-on Friday-night, - —Haynes wjas- named the—most dulged" or tolerated his eccentrici­ in any company. In those days we February ,19th to battle the Mem­ valuable player of the 18-day ties as they realized Paige was all were somewhat of a pitcher our- phis Y Big "5” in- a basketball at­ tournament staged between tile right with the front office, that is selves and admired the tall lanky traction booked for the Abe Globetrotters and the College All­ when Bill Veeck was the big man fellow immensely. Scharff Y gym on Lauderdale aqd Stars last year which drew record in the front office. It seemed that Now that he has . just about Linden. The main event is listed crowds in key çoast-tocoast cities. Veeck for some reason liked the reached the end of his great and for B:30 p. m. with the prelimi­ In addition to his sensational play tall lean pitcher and his managers fabulous career, we dare to say that nary game featuring the Y Mid­ Ing talents, the former Globetrot­ had to take him whether they liked the brilliance of his performance gets and an all-star Negro high ter No. 1 star, will also entertain him or hot. will shine as bright as that of any school outfit beginning at 7:30 p. the crowd in between' halves with Paige first went to the big lea­ other pitcher the game has ever m. a special exhibition of floor work gue with the Cleveland Indians when known. He was at his prm with wtethe HayneSi former captain aip-d one and dribbling. Veeck was boss pf the team. Paige Pittsburg Crawfords. Homestead of the main cogs of the Harlem' Several former Globetrotter a-ces had passed the peak of his career • Greys and Kansas City Monarchs. Globetrotters for the past seven will also share the spotlight with when he wawas_s «first“’st slopedsigned but was . jf the encj oj- a Kreat career is at years, is making his first appear­ Haynes which include Clarence stiliv able, to ,help - .,Cleveland , ,,win thehe | hand, here’s hoping for the great | •'Borna' Henderson, former Lang­ — pennant and world series. He-was ance in the South with his new ston University star-and voted the - ...... | one-nil the good things“ that the combination. The great N e g r o I not the fair-haired-child in the life"e i future can offer. He has shown thqt basketball ace-who has been nam-I most valuable player in an All- of Boudreau who was then mann"­ baseball ability is not confined to I A r m y tournament. The fancy ager of the Indians. As soon as ed on many-all-star pro-quintets, | ! any one group. left- the Globetrotters last I member of the Haynes quintet Veeck left thé Indians, Paige was will also perform to» between, released. -halves - with-his well-known - comedy When Veeck took over the St. tou tine and ball handling tricks Louis Browns, Paige was again which made him one cf the shin­ given a contract with the American ing'lights of the Globetrotters for league entry. It wasn’t long before matiy, years. he was in the doghouse of then Frank Hannibal, another fun.; manager Rogers Hornsby, but be- ster, will also appear with Haynes ~ cause’ oi the man in the front of­ and Henderson during intermis­ fice he was able to stick with the sion. Other former Globelfrotter team. It was expected that when stalwarts expected to display their Veeck sold . out to the Baltimore wares here include Phil Jefferson, interests, that Paige was on his By CLANTON III ; dumped in 76 points’for Tiger high 6’ .2" North Carolina Collège, ace way out as a pitcher for the potoit man while Luther Towers, tied Cleveland H a r p, all-star Browns. NASHVILLE—Tennessee's hard­ wood five dropped1 the curtain on Maurader captain and forward, member of Crispus Attacks High It can be said that the gre^t the regular season's play by hand1- collected 23 for game honors. Cap- School. The Haynes all-stars will hurler has had a brilliant and suc­ ing Central State College, a 72-68 lain Towers; consistent shooting come here with an imposing. rec­ cessful career, and as in the case licking in the “Little Garden". last i! from the . outside kept Central in. ord of 85 triumphs in 90 starts. with all athletes, he too, had to Monday night. j the game. Memphis’ Y Big “5" will be led come to the end of the trail. The In preparation for the comir? by Jimmy Graham, formerly of many years he toiled in the Negro With a 12-4 season's record and tournaments. Coach Cash started LeMoyne College star; Frank Leagues and in Porta Rica and only two conference-losses neatly “Big Ben” Jackson at center and. Lewis, Tennessee State University; other countries, his greatness was tucked1 under their-belts, :. Coach •George Altman at forward. Jack- Jimmy Scott, West Virginia sen­ known and his ability as one of the Clarence- Cash began getting his son. 6'6" center from New Cirleact sation and Richard .Halle1 tour- all-time great pitchers was broad­ three time national cage champs has been Cash's hope for a" tall den lormerly.o-f-Tennessee A and I. cast far and.wide. ready for their fourth straight bid Chris Roulhac.. manager of the Y If the color line in baseball had man in the pivot slot. So far this for national honors. With every season the sophomore center has will handle tickets which are been oroken some twenty-five •* or major basketball club gunning foT priced at $1.25. They will be serv­ 1 p? thirty years ago, Paige’s name and not developed a fast as was thought Cash’s scalp, Tennessee State Uni­ at the season’s opening. Altman ed oh a first come first served ba­ exploits would have gone down In sis and are now on sale at the Y. F the history of-the game of . baseball versity’s ice-water coach must win has gained more confidence from six-in-a-row to annex the' national his three starts and' played the en­ The Y Midgets , will battle the g alone^de-alJiValter Johnson, Chris- Booker T. Washington High Your local March of Dimes Chapter now has ç; ■ ty Matheson, Cy Ÿoung, Grover crown. tire game for the first time this ■ -• - year; School will battle to the prelimi­ Tennessee’s Hcst Tigers will nary game beginning at 7:30 p. hi. open its quest Thursday, February 18 through 20 in. the Mid-western $175,000, or 7/8 of a total goal of $199,999.99 conference tournament play-off in Nashville. The mid-westerh tour­ Douglass Cagers Down ney will represent the conference in the NAIA’s 29th District Tour­ desperately needed for patient care, production of nament March 1 through 3 for a crack .at ' the NAIA national play­ Manassas High School off in Kansas City. Last year Coach led the scoring with 15 points for MEMORIAL STUDIO Cash's five were the. first Negro In two regular prep league games Gamma Globulin, and mass tests of the new trial college quint to play in a National Thursday night the Douglass eagers Hamilton as they bowled over Mel­ Basketball Tournament. downed Manassas 51-33 in the first rose. “Skeeter” Martin was high 889 UNION AVENUE game and Hamilton knocked over point man for Melrose with 13. < In Monday night’s game 4,000 Melrose 71-47, at the Blair' T. ~Pos. ~Doiigiass (51) Manassas (33) Designers, Builders & Erectors or„ F-T. Robinson 16 E. Robinson (15) vaccine — the brightest hope in lb years of research Monuments. Outstanding many Tiger fans got sweet revenge 'for Hunt Gym. the 93-90 overtime defeat Central William Kincaide. stellar center; FiParrish 13 Sanfield 3 years for courteous service and reas­ 4 onable, prices. handed Tennessee at Central and accounted for 19 of Douglass’ total KC-iñcaide 19 Phillips little (5' 5") Remus Nesbit, veter­ to spark the victory E. Robinson, G-Ware Doggett 6 for complete victory over polio forever. We’re short PHONES 8-5466 & 37-7862 an guard, gave the Maurader s a Manassas forward led his mates G-Bolton______3 Heard3 lesson in ball handling during the with 15 points. Substitutes: Douglass - Ferguson, closing minutes of play. . Nesbit In the second game Edison Woods Turner, Hollis, Clark. Manassas - Jones2, Davis, Dickerson, Smith. Pos. Hamilton (71) Melrose (47) $25,000 —exactly 5c worth from each of the 500,000 F-Mayes 4 Crawford 8 F-J. Thompson 10 Martin 13 C-C» Thompson 12 Weeden 4 G-Jeans 5 Holmes 5 people in Shelby County. 500,000 times 5c is $25,000. G-Woods 15 , Nailor 6 Substitutions: Hamilton - Farm- er 2, Jones 7, Sanders 7, Griffin 4, Belden 5. Melrose-Hicks, 4; Mit­ $25,000 plus $175,000 already raised is' $200,000 chell -3, Hudson 4.

Basketball Scores COLLEGE for the great polio prevention program about to ALABAMA STATE thru Mor. 27 1954 SPRING MEETING MOREHOUSE 31 Days of High Cl»« Rxing I FLORIDA A&M begin: Don’t'miss it, because it’s your biggest nickel ------;------4 XAVIER (La.) . 5 BIG $5,000 FEATURES:^ MORGAN STATE Hol Springs ' * The King Cotloft LOYOLA (Baltimore) buy in polio protection in 16 years! Southland * The Oaklawo ★ N C COLLEGE The Preview POPE AIR FORGE BASE Plus 1 Sth Rcnewtl of the $10.000 ST. AUGUSTINE ... ARKANSAS DERBY WINSTON-SALEM . Adm. 8 RACES DAILY Except 5und»y 1 BETHUNE-COOKMAN . KNOXVILLE COLLEGE POST TIME 2 P. M. R»)n or Shine thru inc hco) Won t you send at least 5< more to Scab~ge»wo!y to'casrd bv 3 000 t,a~J turnstiles MORRIS BROWN . ■ new addition »o Combine Good Health with Good Racing FISK ...... 4. d'riin^ * “»-.Ti accomrnf'dai;»^g ^00 person*—-cl'O'cc -J »->«■ «,h0,r SAVANNAH STATE ÔAKLÀWN JOCKEY CLUB FLORIDA NORMAL New-silver dolhr ».im,t.i,$ x HOppRlNGl ARKANSAS at entrances. 1 benedict college J I... cckii*. ».<■. I Wtb,.. C'a. M^. I TU8KEGEE INSTITUTE (rack each"inofning from the early I élude the use of six coin type .“sil- Pqklthvti'Jockey dawn hours to late in the morning I ver dollar'' turnstiles'. installed... at MÔÎtRlS BROWN An official clockcr of the Daily Rac­ track entrances to eliminate the old FISK ...... MARCH OF DIMES |Clbb Ready For ing Form is expected to be on hand form of ticket taking admission during thé rest of the training pe­ procedure. SAVANNAH, STATE riod and many trainers will do More than 300 jockeys are now at MORRIS COLLEGE 879 Madison Ave February 20 some close clocking of their own. the track and include Ralph' Hlgh-_ . - TEioir SPRINGS." Ark. — (Special! More than 150 two-year-olds are shoe. Paul Kopper, E. “Popeye" SHAW UNIVERSITY . ^-tOfitbe.Mepiphls World) — Fair also in their last phase of training Hust. Ralph Senabra. Paul Ward. HOWARD UNIVERSITY . ’ — “ther JUid.-a fast track during the with veterari starter Carl Bums Bill Turnbull, Jimmie Dobson. Har­ ? Me m p h is, Tenn: ;;W6ek-Tie& enabled horsemen at schooling them In breaking from old Featherstone. Harry Holcomb, HIGH SCHOOL . — lawn Park to “catch-up” on the Bahr Electric Starting Gate. Eddie and Charlie Collins, H. Blake, (BOYS) - f training’ schedule with less The track’s new grandstand ad­ Don Wagner, Joe Dyer, Dale Hatch­ SOUTH FULTON ...... 10 »two weeks left before the 31- dition to provide 3,000. new theatre er. Hank Manifold, Charley Hughes BREMEN ...... 23 Sprlng meetopens February 20. type seats, à dining robin, and im­ and Frankie Keens. acihg Secretary Ken McIntosh pressive new front entrance, is ex- | From______advance information, _____many (GIRLS) I?yesterday that' more than 700 pected to be completel! .within the | Memphians are’ planning to attend BREMEN...... TÍ seS had been working out on die next-teh-dayszThc-new-fcaturcs in- ns'usuaV----- 3------— -SOUTH FULTON ...... vrf; Sv- TH E W O R L D In Nashville February 1 EARL S. CLANTON, ill Tennessee A. & l/s began getting his three-time .Na­ By Marion E. Jackton NASHVILLE •— Eight college tional Cage Champs ready for bid s quints from seven states open a Million Dollar Gym number four to national honors. With Every ¡laJot basketball dub three-day battle for the Mid­ Site Of Hoopfest gunning for Cflth’s scalp, Tennes­ ' Joe Echols, Morehouse College head football coach, will Western Athletic Association's see's Tigers must win six-ta-a- take over the Maroon Tiger baseball tegm while James (Pinky) hardwood crown and a shot at . .Lincoln boasts a 5-1 record while row to annex thi9 year’s national •’’i ï Haines is away for graduate study . .. y. . As it shapes up Tuske­ NAIA District 29 play in Tennes­ Tennessee has only lost 2 confer­ crown. ' • . ■ 7)’-V ence tilts. ■ 'WÏ gee .Institute will play host to the 1954 SIAC basketball tournament see State University's "Little Gar­ All teams are reporting Wednes­ but the all-losing Golden Tigers will sit out the noopfesi because day, February 17 for registration den" Thursday, February 18 Central State College is al strong at the “Little Gard De" In Rooms contender with a 3-3 split and is «Aiheir poor conference record . . . . Tennessee State plays through 20. 103-4, under the supervison . of » 1^9/ to the Midwestern Athletic Association basketball tourna­ MWAA's S-Jiilhcrn Dlvislo i led believed by many coaches to have Tennessee’s Howard Gentry. At ment February 18-20 in its million dollar gymnasium ...... Ed' by Texas Southern University, one of the best balanced teams in the same time George F. David the conference. Grambling also Hurt of Morgan State.”and Ox Clemons of Morris Brown are Houston, Texas; Jackson College, and Mack H Greene, Central State; of Jackson, Miss.; Grambling Col­ has a 3-3 split and could upset all Alexander Durley, Texas South­ plotting a football series ; ... . .'Xavier 1). a sure shot for the N. lege. Ln.; and Houston- Tllloston. conference predictions; while ern; W. Purvis, Lincoln Univer­ A. I. A. Elimination tournament March 1, 2, 3, Austin, Texas; will tangle with the Houston-Tilloston (0-6- , and Ken­ sity; A. J. Richards, Kentucky conference's Northern' half-Cen- tucky State (1-5) quints are not State; and Chairman 'Henry A. Xavier's wrath over being by­ tral-State College, Wilberforce, passed for last year’s N..A. I, A. • • completely out of the scrap ■ be­ Kean Sr., WMAA Basketball Tour­ NUTSHELL SPORTS — Tennes­ Ohio. Lincoln University, Jeffer­ cause on any given night they, tire nament Committee will begin meet tournament is likely,; to bear fruit. see State A. & I. University plays son City, Mo, Kentucky State Col­ Unless, the 49ners are mangled liable to shoot a team off the ing. Selections for the All Mid­ host to Midwestern Athletic Asso­ lege. Frankfort, Ky; and Tennes­ court. Western Basketball team, pairings something awful In tbeir remain­ ciation basketball tournament this see State University for MWAA ing conference dutingst they'll find With a 12-4 season record neatly and officials assignments will be weekend ...... Albany State’s next honors; tucked, under his belt, Coach Cash completed at this time...... /... sentiment high for them receiv­ president will be a ranking faculty Tennessee’s Tigers . are hast to ing a berth at the Nashville, Tenn, member of Fort Valley State Col­ the first. MWAA' Conference tour­ haopfest ...... lege ...... His current assignment ney play for a number of years, I " 9 9 is as registrar ...... B. T. Harvey, CASHES IN ON CHARITY TOSS - Offie Clark, between the Clark College Panthers and the and it is the first tournament play Savannah State College has been, commissioner of the SIAC, is seek- Fisk University Bulldogs Thursday night in Joe In the-newly dedicated (November Grambling Tigers Trip working behind the scenes for la- -lng_to revive-the Georgia-Alabama Clark College guard.(numbec.l4), collects two 4953J- -million-and-one-huH—buck bid. Yet the. Tigers chances are League. The circuit broke up when louis Gym. Clark came out on top by a score of •Little Garden." The MWAA tour­ hampered by the attitude of its con- Georgia members withdrew several' from the free throw line in a fa?t scoring battle 3$ |O 75, (Photo by Alexander L. Adams) ney winner will represent the con­ ! Terence. r years ago. Harmony has since been ference in the NAIA 29th District Alcorn Braves 78 To 70 I The Southeastern Athletic Con- restored ...... Basketball Tournament to beplny- ALCORN, MISS—(Speclaf)—The the Gramblings but Hopkins right I ’ ferenee has only one representa- Letter from Roscoe Ross. ex-Mor- ed in Nashville; Macrh 1 through-3 mhlinrr rT,l

...... whether Ole Case can- win himself . .We’d hate to bet against the Yau- \ I i ■ another flag al Yankee Stadium. kees in 1954, as of right now, if we I—“• W The genial manager of the world were the betting kind. Clark College Panthers Trip - Wéí champions, Casey Stengel, plans îÿf- to do jiisi that, and he looks like the favorite at his point. Prairie View Gets Who is .there in the American League to get in his way? Chicago Training Program Morehouse Maroons 73-65 and Cleveland? Neither. lias add­ ed enough power to become a ma­ “An” In-Service Training Program for second stanza; 13 points in the third ish behind Benjamin Silas with 7. jor threat. Ln fact, either of these secretarial employees at Prairie I BY MÀRION E. JACKSON teams might fold up in 1954. The View A. and M. College began re- I ATLANTA, Georgia — (SNS) — period, -and 13 in the final frame. MOREHOUSE FG. FT FS Tps. That was the story because Tur­ O. Bynum .... 10. •4 5 24 hurling acestof'the: .Indians can’t ' cently and will edntinute for a six- I Roman Turmon riveted ~44’ man upped his seasonal total to 445 J. Simmons 2 2 4 6 go on forever; And the- White Sox weeks period. 1 I points-through the baskets Sat- points and boosted his average in J. JdiI?!S”~'. . — 0 1 2- have run close for two years with­ The program, initiated and spon­ I urday night as Clark College excess of 28 points per game. J. Jones ...... -. 1 0 0 2 out being able to win it all. They sored by the College, is designed to might be weaker. provide in-sevlce training for. they ri turned back the Morehouse Ma- W. Penman .. ... 1 1 1 3 I ...Jnabillty. to.stop.Turmon .via the D.-Clendenon ...... 2 2 5 6 The Yankees, however,, have secretarial staff with the view of I roon Tigers 73-65. The victory- field goal route or at the charity Ben Sllar ...... 2 2 3 7 strengthened their club consider­ improving the competencies in the. I gave the Black Panthers a sweep toss line cost the Maroons the vic­ R. Johnson ...... 6 2 5 14 ably. They have a yoifng liurier secretarial field, thereby making I of the visitation series between tory. The losers had led 21-13 at D. Richardson ... 0 2 0 2 named Harrv Byrd this year and possible ' better job-classifications' the two institutions who play a the end of the first period and trail­ R. Mims ...... 1 0 1 2 have the added batting power oi and envisioned salary readjustments I ed 36-34 at halftime. Clark College — — — — Eddie Robinson going for them. in accordance with secretarial clas­ I benefit next Saturday night -at had a 56-50 advantage at the end Totals ...... 23 15 25 65 The real threat to the Yankees this sifications. I the David T. Howard High Gym. of the third marker. CLARK FG FT FS Pts. year (if there is one) might not Miss Velma Ramsey, Secretarial ■ fflgrk College won the initial The count was knotted 25-25, 42- H. Huobard ...... 3 0 4 6 come from Cleveland or Chicago. Science Instructor at Arlington .. 1 between the two Chestnut 42, 44-44, 46-46 and 48-48 before J. Cohen ...... 0 0 1 1 It could come from Boston. Ted State College, will serve as one of I ana Fair Streets rivals 77-72, but the Black Panthers pulled away for A. Ellis ...... '2 2‘ 4 6 Williams is back with the Sox, and tlie lectures during one of the ses­ I this time the winning spread was good. R. Threat ...... 2 4 5 8 every manager in the junior cir­ sions of the Training Program. I bettered' b • ythree. points. ‘ Ozzie Bynum was the, leading R. Turmon ...... 17 10 > 3 44 PASS WORK PAYED OFF Wednesday night at Joe shown passing out from under the basket to cuit says he will make a big dif­ 1 Tunhbà; thé one Than storing- ma- point’producer for the losers as he J. Bonn ...... 2 1 >1 <<-5 Louis Gym for the Clark College Panthers. The Cohen of the Panthers who had been, left un­ ference.- Also the Red Sox have Melbourne, the next ‘ Olympic I chipe, had been held . to ■ a; measly slammed 24 points through -the O. Claik 1 2 5 . 4 Panthers whipped'the Knoxville College Bull- guarded by the Bulldogs defense. Cohen having a young team, which could improve site, is .likened, to Boston. I three points—àll by-thé glft-foss knitted'circle. Donald Johnson cat1 — r — dogs. „ 93-65. in a thrilling_ scoring„ duel.. Reginald. _ ! plenty ;of time sank a set shot from the center Fapidly if several players sudden-/ K route in the first qquarter. He fired " apulted 14 points,' but Donn Clen-. Totals ...... 27 19 23 73 ly • caught fire. They might weU Movies buy Lindbergh, book- for 1115 points through the netsMii -the-- dehOrr fared poorly with 6 to fln- Threat No. 15 of the Clark College Panfhers is J of the key hole. — (Photo by Alexander Adorns) give the Yankees trouble. more than million,’ Mt—■' ' ' . ■ 'i- ' ii. ■■ -.'v :•/ V x. .WMvSís SS’í'j/'WÍ óW/' . ' --- TTM TYLER By LYMAN YOUNC

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INTERCULTURAL ACTIVITIES AT NCC; GOLDS­ freshman, who is president of the NCC German BORO GIRLS HEAD NCC GERMAN CLUB - Club, studies German paper that contains origi­ nal German poems read by noled reader. Edith DURHAM, N. C. Foreign language^studenls at London, center. NCC's chairman of German de­ North Carolina College, Durham, are getting partment and Ford Foundation Fellow, Doctor , first hand experiences in language arts in both Ernst Manasse, looks on approvingly. Miss Wil­ Economy, 2-Party System expression and interpretation. In photo above, liams is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Miss Vera Williams, (left), Goldsboro, N. C., Williams, 610 W. Pine Street, Goldsboro. Keys Tó Carolina Success Copyright. by D«o M»ck a Distributed by King Footorw Syndic** ' Why is North Carolina the "most Colored teachers enjoy equal pay yard, drawing her arm more close­ progressive" Southern state in race in the public schools and Negro WITH THE VA 8VNOPSIS to Dale s, and seeing rhe bl^nd in­ relations? . ■ ~ citizens have been free to vote in on ner way trull* a puljllshlne nouse nocence in the one parr of eyes. ly■ against nis side. "Every time . n New Vuik vnere ibe d lust signed Traditional liberalism, economic many parts of the state for a long ano oeneath the lowered lashes of 1 walk oy this school, l-want co .or rights ol ner rate nusband's novel go m and try those swings. Let's, wealth, educational progress and a time,, she stated. Durham, Greens­ During the past decade, the Huie Frasei lujne- Phu Parrish whom the other a faint tinge of color. two party political system were boro, Winston-Salem, Wilson and, World War H GI Bill has helped she o mei ihrre m a drink The un- he started to speak. Then, with a :shall we?" build up the nation’s reservoirs of tamiliai ootenl -onrortion sends net among reasons cited yesterday by Fayetteville have Negro council­ fast asleep and she is greatly emhar wrv shrug, he decided to leave it “Let's not," she said shortly. Dr. Helen Edmonds, professor of men. trained manpower in fields ranging raised .when she awakens tn ths apart alone. “Why!" By Rev. Taschereau Arnold from atomic physics to airplane mem shared hv Phil Parrish and his “It's kid stuff, isn't It? And, as history at North Carolina College. “Rural areas are yet difficut to brother Don ■Sugar?” he asked Dale. crack because election laws leave mechanics and from medicine to u "Cream-?”------>you said, nothing Is ever the same a'i the Southern s taies,_I. much-authorityto-registrarswh< Religious Editor the ministry. again." ' CHAPTER TEN •Please." she murmured, with­ would venture to say that North can make it difficult- or easy for I ublished Weekly In Interest of Religious Progress This fact w disclosed In a spe­ "Touche, eh?” But ne walked Carolina is the most progressive, rural Negroes,” Dr. Edmonds ex-, cial research study, released today DALE'S .bright dress as a ges- out looking at mm. on. ure oi defiance was entirely inef­ and that liberalism has accom­ plained. . by the Veterans Administration, Agatha outdid ner in a cup to Agatha. “Black as that Phil. Do you mind if we ride the the records of the 7,800,000 veterans '. oeige crepe emblazoned with great, told the Hungry Club Forum al •ri/-- More of the Signs of the Tinies; All who flatter themselves with who had received GI Bill training unregenerate old heart of yours rest oi the way?" the Butler Street YMCA. Bias Fades , Brother Billie Runs Across Some vain boasting should read the 6th gaudy poppies. On any other wom­ under all those fine red popples!" He nailed, the first empty cab, since the program began in June, an ner age it would nave looked "This liberalism has manifested (Continued From Page One) Interesting Items. chapter of Matthew.—The Kings ■1944. This total represents more The remainder of the evening and they sat apart, a companion­ Itself in vast expenditures in pub­ It was a real pleasure to meet Highway. slight iv vulgar Somehow, on than half of all veterans who serv­ passed pleasantly enough, and not able closeness that had almost been lic education, public health, men­ supported by public taxation. our'old good friend. Brother Bil MEDITATION ed in World War Two. Agatha it only looked gay. until it was tune to leave did-.Dale there gone. Only, leaving her, Phil tal institutions, prisons, colleges lie, the other day. He told us that I often wonder as to why we have He is a member of tlie executive According to the study, 2.600,000 ’Hau long are you staying tn realize, with a touch ot ruefulness, said. “Aggie was wrong. Red is universities and libraries.” board of The National Association he had come across some highly so many book published on "ways veterans trained as skilled • crafts­ New York. Mrs. Fraser?" Agatha how skilfully Agatha Galbraith nad your color—just because it w a interesting information he was by wnich to reap success,” when for thf Advancement of Colored men. askeo her. guided the conversation so that, badge oi courage. Good night. TOOK LIBERTIES SERIOUSLY People. The last of NAACP con­ . passing on to our many readers we have such a vast source of ma­ without being aware of It, Dale She said the early settlers of the Thait man. Brother Billie is a real terial found .right in the greatest ‘Not tong. A tew weeks, per­ Dale.” tentions with regard to what thé Another 1,500,000 studied for the naps had talked a great deal of herself. “Good night," she said. state “took their civil liberties, se­ Constitution provides is that even man and. tlje people like what he Book of. all time, the Bible. • professions: 700.000 took GI train­ Ln the morning, Dale took the riously.” They were “adventurous says, for it is the truth. No one.ob- In it one can find advice for "“F'nenda nere, nave you?" "Let s walk a bit of the way, such matters as as restricting cig^ ing in the fields of management shall we?" Phil suggested, hold­ signed contracts to Steven Car- frontiersmen.” tens in the use of golf links to -ri Jecte but people who are hit and sound end well balanced living. If and business administration. Dale nesitated. “Yes.” “The foundation of many private . can’t- take it. There is an old saying you are ill, you can find readings, ing ner coat. "By the way, that's rutbera. tain days is discrimination. More than 750.000 enrolled in in­ “She s nere on Justness, Aggie,” an elegant dress.” "Everything satisfactory?" be fortunes was laid in 1890,” Dr It Is recalled , that Attorney ■ Loo­ like, this: “A hit dog will holler.” as to guide you in your approach stitutional on-farm training, a Phu cut in He turned to Dale. Edmonds explained. “The Dukes, We . trust that you will enjoy what to God for restoration of your /Red is not Dale’s color," said asked ner. by opposed the establishment ol combination of classroom study and Don i mind this aunt ot mine. Agatha Irmly. "Any more than "If not, Td never know It with the Reynolds, the Carrs and the the’ “aU-Negro” golf course when Brother Billie passed on to us and health. If you are discouraged, the practical experience on the farm/ She nas to know everything about Andrews are all of this era. Ne­ are) gladly realizing the same, it Bible is teaming with gems of en­ these poppies are mine Odd, what all those confusing legal terms," gn ordinance, providing for It was A total of 434,000 trained for everybody. Compensation for liv­ she said. “But Agatha Galbraith groes were in on the economic introduced in City Council by follows: couragement. If bereaved, much clerical and sales jobs—secretaries, a dash of red does for one’s cour­ ing alone. I expect. She won't age, isn't it?" And the smile she seems Co, nave implicit faith tn ground floor of this decade: Mer­ Councilman Robert Lillard, the oth­ comfort can' be received from vari­ stenographers, business machine ritts, Morris, Dang and Spaulding.” CONVENTION LADIES ous passages of . Scripture. — Select, gossip, though. Safe as a church, gave Dale was as sudden and dis­ you, and I'm tnollned to take ner er colored member of the council, operators, _ insurance salesmen, Aggie IS." She said North Carolina is rich­ the city. , ■Since the new type preacher car-' »d. bank clerks,'and the like.. arming as a child's. “Bring her word tor your Integrity." ries his wife to the convention, with "Thanks."- said his aunt dryly. to me again; PhlL Soon."' “Met ner, nave you? Great old er than' neighboring states, point­ FAMOUS LAST WORDS GI high school and grade school ing out that “total taxable proper­ “EXCLUSION TREATMENT” hirh all the time, it is very pitiable students numbered nearly 300.000, To Dale, she said with a bland­ There was softness and warmth girl, Aggie." to isee so many ladies of the days By Dr.-Loo Koo Marke ness that masked Keen appraisal, in the air that touched their taces Smiling, Dale said, “Yes, she Is." ty in 1940 was $4 billion.” Textile To lay the ground work for a gorie hy standing around looking, PEOPLE SHOULD STICK many of whom went on to more spe­ mills and the lumber industry are test case, it was necessary for col­ cialized training. "What business, Mrs. Fraser?” as Dale and Phil stepped outside. She folded the advance royalty ored golfers to go to one of the for • excitement. In the days gone- BY THEIR WORDS “My nusband wrote a book. Tm He took ner arm so casually check and put It carelessly tn ner among the state's principal assets. by“ à; lady could,. come to■- the.... corj_ Tlie iest of the veterans trained “Roads are good and this per­ courses and get the “exclusion, arranging tor Its publication with that she was almost unaware of it. handbag. With a promise to send treatment." This had been done • version and some gallant man Il is bad to have a man lead­ for nearly all the remaining major a photograph and a brief biogra­ mits population mobility, and mo­ ing an organization who fails to occupations at which man earns his Carruthers and Scott." “How do you like 'my aunt?” he bility leads to moderation," Dr. many months ago by Dr. Herman woiild pay her taxi fare and pick "Steve Carruthers, h'm ? The asked. “ phy tor the jacket cover, she up rtbe check at dinner. stick by his word and will turn living. For the most part, the VA Edmonds declared. “Gov. Ken Long, of the Race Relations De­ over night against what he greed study reported, these were occupa­ oook must be extraordinarily "1 shouldn’t like to have to out­ turned to go. partment of a missionary, society smart her! She makes me tee) that “Are you leaving the city at Scott, 1948-52, stressed in his ‘Go Hfence such a lady would ___need to. It Is. also bad when a man tions also demanding a high degree good." Forward Program’ better rural with headquarters at Fisk Univer­ , nothing but railroad fare and lodg- who Is supposed to be a leader of skill and ability. "Y^S," said Dale. “It Is.” all my mental and ¿emotional pro­ once, Mrs. Fraser?" Carruthers sity, and the Rev. Paul Hayes, for­ cesses are lit up with neon." roads, and they became an ac- ingj. But today, these ladies must or leaders can’t take, wholesome Of the 2.600.000 craftsmen who “Where is your husband?” asked. tuality.” mer pastor of Kayne Avenue Bap­ foefu ALL THEIR bills as the criticism. A preacher at times learned their skills under the GI • Dale looked nelplessly at Phil, He laughed. "She does, rather., “Not Just yet." NEWSPAPER LEADERSHIP tist Church. preachers’ wives are on hand to use needs to be preached to, especi­ Bill, the largest proportion—711,000. ner mouth quivering. What ani I learned long ago not to try to "1 nope you are enjoying It?” North Carolina newspapers “have Attorney Looby, member of the Up (what;slack óioney the elder may ally if he gets a little careless with or 38 percent—studied mechanics: awtui old woman, she thought. keep any secrets from her.” She shrugged an' Indifferent championed unpopular causes with Nashville City Council, concedes • ha ye. It is rather sad therefore to his life. Now what's wrong with automobile mechanics was most But Phil was unresponsive to her “How does she get away with shoulder. “Oh, yes." success,” she said. . Professors in that great progress has been riiade see/ these well meaning but mis- giving him a little advice. And popular, and aircraft mechanics ran silent appeal, and she turned back: it? It everyone pried as ruthlessly “If 1 have, to get In touch with various fields at the University of as a result of Judge Davies deqflh ; \ guided ladies standing around lost that’s that. second. to Agatha. "My nusband," she■ into other people's affairs—" Dale; you, 1 can reach you at.the hotel?" North Carolina have studied socie.' sion, out holds that under the dating the recess period as the Television and radio trainees said, "us .deadr"!.,.^. ^ ... made a wry face. “But 1 do tike, “Yes—or at Swanscombe. if I've problems and have found “better S. Constitution, citizens cannot be preachers stream by with the Ma­ numbered 438.000; construction Phil said lazily. “Easy, Aggie." her." she confessed in mild sur­ gone home." . discriminated against because of She could go home, now ... ways of doing things.’’. dame urr their arms. Valiantnetts Gives Their workers, carpenters, bricklayers, “Bring in the dessert, will you. prise. "She reminds me of my The state “had more regularly race or color in use of public plac­ Everything comes to an end and plumbers and others—totaled 383, Phil? It's Sarahs Sunday oil grandfather.” That night she made a long-dis­ voting Republicans than any es of recreation or anything else if there lbj; any person with an idea IFirst Dance At 000; metal workers. 288.000: electri­ Eclairs, in the -etrigerator Can He gave her a sideways look. tance call and talked with Grandy, Southern state prior to 1952,” Dr. of . haying an exciting time at a cians. 138.000 and refrigeration and you manage the coffee?" And with "Are you really going back to that, halt hoping he would urge her to Edmonds said "It comes nearer Classified Ad convention without the expense; I *Johnnie Currie's air conditioning mechanics 116.000. Phi) out in the kitchen, Agatha farm?" ■ come home. approaching a healthy two-party $ouid ad’Kise a re-evaluation of the In the professions, the emphasis said to Dale. “Forgive me, my “Of course. And It's not a farm, But Grandy said, “It is still system than any state in the ? situation. yAll of which means that By Ernestine Wright has been on occunations requiring dear. I am a -curious and blunt now. It’s a thriving tourist de­ Apr ' here, honey." South. the tone ¡and atmosphere of con­ The Vallntnetts Social Club en­ a scientific background. ano often a rude old woman. If velopment. Yes," she said, “I shall She saw his smile touched with tertained their guests With a gal­ “There are 28 counties out of 100 Modernize Now!! ventions a re improving. i naa any sense. I would assume go back.” - - wisdom and tolerance, Celt his in the western part of the state STRANGE’. BIBLE FACTS lant dance last__Wednesday night Engineering was the number one at ¡east the appearance ot good “To what?” hand pushing ner off. Odd. Every- February 10 at Johnnie Currie’s choice, attracting 450,000 veterans: which voted the Republican ticket REMODEL, REPAIR, PAINT ON The learned Prince of ’Granada, manners Thougiu-as the Creoles Shy looked at him in astonish­ or ■ else, in their farewells, nad consistently from 1876 to 1928. heir to tl^e Spanish, throne, im­ Cupper Club from 9 to 1, another 180.000 studied medicine ment. “My family and my Job," ot said. "Don t forget to come back. EASY CREDIT TERMS! Music was furnished by Ben and related courses: 113.000 vete­ say. Good manners often cover These counties were Inhabited ear­ prisoned by"; order of’tjie crown for the devil’s taiL I am never. I course." Dale!" Everyone but Grandy, who ly by Scotch Irish Unionists who Courteous Free Estimates " fear he shot’ld aspire to the throne. Branch - arid his orchestra. The rans chose other branches of the had said, “You go!” mascular yet melody tons vocalist physical and natural sciences—-phy­ nope, intentionally unkind.” She "You made It all sound very never sympathized with the South­ Gladly Given! . was kept in J solitary confinement in added, with what Dale knew with bright and amusing to Aggie back Ashamed ot ner dismay, and ern side of te Civil War. They the/old pri on at the Place of tor the occasion was none other sics. biology, chemistry, geology, feeling curiously bereft. Dale Pi.EASE.CALL ... 4-1H7 than WDIA’s disc jockey and tele­ metallurgy and others. certainty was not irrelevance, “1 there at dinner—but what sort di went into the Republican party en Skulls, ' Maririd. After 33 years in am uncommonly fond ot Phil—of a jot is a rural mall route and thought, I don't belong anywhere. masse after 1865.” ■ this-living tomb, death came to his vision star. Mr. (Tiger-Man) Tho­ A. total of 238.000 school teachers With a sort ot frantic urgency, mas. were trained under the GI Bill, as both my nephews.’ bookkeeping in a country store, She said Negroes were in the Better Home release, and i the following remark­ “1 understand." Dale said stiffly. tor a girl like you?" she spent two days on sight-seeing minority in many of these coun­ able .-1 esear cries, taken from the Members of the club were casually well as 243.000 accountants ,107,000 buses, seeing aU the things every­ dressed in their “¿lue Jeans”. Blue lawyers, 83.000 social scientists.- 17, . Agatha looked al ner narrowly, “You don't know what kind ot ties. The area has been a "chal­ ¡improvement Co. ’ Bible, and rantked with an old nail and suddenly smiled. “Yes, you do girl 1 am." one came to New York to see. Af­ lenge to the Democratic Party on the rough walls of his cell, told and white leather weskits, ' and 000 writers and journalists. 4,000 terwards. worn out and at the be­ white leather jackets. They were social workers and 1.500 librarians Don’t worry, about it . Oh. bring "1 do know that If you go back, NEGRO PARTICIPATION how. trie brain sought employment you can’t nave everything, the ginning ot the tutile circle again, through the 'weary years: all beaming with radiant smiles for Students of the ministry—repre­ the eclairs to me, Phil. Will you pour the coffee?" same again," he said gravely. He she asked nerselt. What now ? ¿ri.,In ■ the Bil qj-1 the word “Lord” is their guests. senting all major faiths—number­ ITo Be Continued? found 1853 times. Among those observed were Mrs. ed 36,000. ’ ’ Phil glanced from Agatha s tace stopped at the gate of a school- The word “Jehovah” 3855 times. Zennie Mae Bledsoe, Mrs. -Earline Other types of GI Bill training , The word '"‘reverend” but once, Reed, Miss Katie Jean Williams, taken by veterans include the fol­ Mrs. Eula Harris,.Mrs. Lillie Chat-, lowing: • son warns against "the highly dan­ and.that in the 9th verse of Psalm gerous assumption that ‘all is over ill- . i man, Mrs. Evelyn Jackson, Miss; Art and design, nearly 210.000 Labor Urged To Support Fight The 3th vera » of the 97th Psalm Ruthie Lee McCullum, Miss Peggie> veterans. This field includes draft-. but the shouting*.’’ He declares: Jean Habe.Mrs.yirginia Flemmings.. ing,, commercial art, photography/ "This is the time for every de­ Is the . middle i ’erse of the Bible. mocratic people’s organization in : The. 9th ver'k' of the 8th chapter Mrs. Bernice Hill, Mrs. Sammie Leei various types of design, decorating ? of Esther is longest. Crawls. and window dressing. Against Segregated Schools the country to speak out in sup­ The 35th veru - of the 11th chap- Mr. Willie .Johnson, _.Mru_ Alex: Also barbers arid benuty cultu- port of the historic struggle be­ ■ ter of John is J the shortest. Bolden and Miss LaVerne Valen­. rists, 83,000: policemen and fire­ NEW YORK—Doxey A. Wilker­ the five school segregation cases ing led by the NAACP . It is es­ tine, your truly; and manq, many men. '13,000; bakers and meat cut­ pecially Important for the later ' .In the 107th Psalm four verses son declared this , week that “It is re-argued before the Supreme movement and the progressive -are’alike—the St.h. 15th, 21st and others. ters, 45,000; dressmakers and tai­ the-urgent responsibility of the Court last December, arid Is con­ 31SL \ Officers of the club are Vivian lors,-76000: shoemakers, 32,000; up­ white masses now to come forward whole labor7progressive movement tained in a pamphlet entitled,"The in demanding the abolition of Jim Ezra 7:21. contains all letters of Crawford, president: 'Louise Payne, holsterers, 55,000. now to rise so powerful a demand Historic Fight to Abolish School the alphabet except j. secretary; Susie Mitchell, assistant Music students numbered 62,000; for outlawing public school .segre­ Segregation in the United States,”. ■r?' Each verse , of th? 136th Psalm secretary, Aline Broady, treasurer; embalmers and undertakers, 9.000; gation 'forthwith' that the Supreme issued during Negro History.Week OUT, BACK IN 6 HOURS ends alike. Earline Williams, reporter and bus­ surveyors, 4,000; printers, engravers Court will not dare to come forward by' the Jefferson School of Social ■ , -No.iutmes or words' with mòre iness manager.' and typesetters, 61,000. with a negative or indecisive opin­ Science, 575 Sixth Avenue. NASHVILLE, TENN.— Released - thari-six syllables are fo*und in the The club wishes to thank ail of ion.” from prison after serving two years you for your presence at their first The VA survey further disclosed : Bible. ■; Wilkerson's statement refers to The new pamphlet traces the for auto larceny, Algle King, 25, . Hie 37th chapter of Isa’iah and dance and hope you will watch the that of the 7.800,000 World War Two- background of the Negro's'struggle veterans v?ho had taken GI train­ was behind bars again six hours the 19th chapter of II Kings are 'Memphis World newspaper for their for equality of educational oppor­ later, charged with attempted au­ -alike. , next affair. ’.e— ing, more than 2,000.000 had gone for practically all veterans came tunity, with emphasis on the lead­ to college; 3,500,000 attended schools to theft. Police found King, be­ O’: -. The ward “girl" occurs but once 'Also observing, Jhe club failed to to an end in July, 1951, the dead­ ing role of the National Association hind the wheel of someone else's ’ . in the Bible,- and that in the 3rd hesitate in hoping to be in the po­ below the college level; 1,500,000 line’ for starting training for the for the Advancement of Colored had trained on-the job, and more car but King explained he was verse of the 3rd chapter of Joel. sition’to extend prizes to the one majority of veterans. For the most People. A section on “Politics and,! 'Just listening to the motor run." There are found In both bocks that’s seen busy ; dancing • all over than 750,000 had trained on-the- part, the more than 300,000 veterans the Court—1896 and 1954" ex­ ;-ri- « the .Bible 3,538,483 letters, 7737=? the place as thelf'main guests were, farm’.——--—'—,—. still in training are those who plains why . the Supreme court: can 693, words, 31,373 verses, 1,189 chap- . Miss LaVerne Valentine ’and Mrs. Although training under the statrted their ■; courses before the not so readily uphold segregation SISTERS HAVE TRIPLE ~ ~ A simple cutting trick wilt give you another glamorous wayto'.ieriR World War Two GI Bill will not ters'and 66 books. . I Eula Harris. 1951 deadline. today as It did in the famous Ples- CEREMONY . those-miniature dune jelly -rolls from your grocer’s ready-to-eat caHr The 26th chapter of the Acts of 'expire until 1956, new enrollments The peak of the GI training pro­ sy v. Ferguson decision 60' years ROSELLE, N. 3f- T h e three department. . • ./;.-/ th? Apostles’is the finest chapter CHILD BITES SNAKE gram came in December, 1947, when ago. pretty Biack sisters— Betty, Flo­ Chill jelly rolls-,and then slice each lengthwise into-six thin slices. to 'read. ■>.. . ■ ’■ SHREVEPORT, DA^- m a bit- some 2,500,000 veterans were enroll­ MAY BREAK THROUGH rence and Doris—were married to' Keep the two rounded outside slices for family snacking. Cut the other The most beautiful chapter is the W batle between! little Gregory a doctor's examination of her son ed in the classroom, at the work­ Asserting that the school cases a triple ceremony recently at St four slices in half crosswise, making eight dainty jelly roll bars pretty TXiwnsend, 17 months old and a showed he received nothing more bench and on the farm. Current now before the Court open up the Mark’s Church In Elizabeth, N. J. enough for any entertainirient occasion. Good, too, for there baby jelly , /The four most inspiring promises yoWrig moccasin snake, the snake than a small wound on his right enrollments are only one^lghts of possibility of v fa major br^ak- They, married .Walter Flauer, Ed- rolls are made from a cook book recipe. - . '-.ero -toim 14'2 and 6:37, Matthew caine vp on the short - end. The hand. The snake died— minus his this" figure, and are continuing to through in the entire structure of iwardBHcharzand.Ri, chard.Lynch, Toserve, arrange op a plate arounda small bowl of jolly or whi»«4‘ 41:23, Psalm 37:4. . ■ .. oM&Jier, Mre. Mary Townsend, said tall. ' i ■’«ti drop. . ' ’ ■-. ■’ x ' ------~ w