IN YOUR MEMPHIS PERCOPY WORLD La«*»«* MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1954 Vacancies In Down-Town Area WASHINGTON - (ANP) - The lily-white hiring policy, which Seventy-Five Turn OutTc».' has for years been practiced by the Washington telephone com­ pany, is at last beginning to break under the weight of the President's- Contract Compliance- Committee. city, Negro golfers are now playing on a city-ówned links.héy^ U STREET OFFICE Seventy-five Negro llnksmen toured the 18-hole Shelby Park lay-out in East Nashville Wednesday. "It certainly is mlghlj) The first step toward racial Inte­ gration in its employment’ practices nice," was the only comment made by members of the first four- was taken last week when the Ches­ some to.plpy op the course. ' apeake and Potomac Telephone Co. transferred two clerks from its seg­ The course ,wa$ opened to Ne­ TEMPORARY RELIEF i regated U Street office io till va­ groes two days u week by Federal The, ease on which Judge Davies Judge Elmer Davies, of the United ruled. was for a temporary lnjunCj SEEN IN THE ABOVE PHOTO left to right are Willje Green, Robert cancies occurlng in its main, down­ States'District Court on February tlon against the City Park CommlM town, accountingotficert-----; ■.— — 2, pending'- completion of á nine- sloners, to' prevent them.'frontTHtf This move is the result of sev­ hole 'municipal course for Negroes eluding colored golfers from the eral conferences between C&P of- ,In Juné? - . ; . ?? .' . links. Later the court is expected ’to? tlclals and members of the com­ Judge--. Davies . ordered: that the I war the real case, when Attorney mittee—u;,-government contracts—a A. Alexander and his associates Nab Quarter Million group appointed by the President gÓIf,11IUCS, J)e mude available to col­ to see that firms holding govern­ ored players on Wednesdays and touch ufl a legal battle aimed , at ment contracts do not practice ra­ Syndtiys one week' and Wednesdays permanently enjoining the Park Dollar Safe Crackers cial diccrimination to hiring. and Saturdays tlie next week. Commission from denying colored —After g;White House hearing, H NO "INCIDENTS" players the use of all municipal . Tlier.e .were no '.'incidents,” when golf links.----- ----- ~’ .^t ■Yjt" By JIMMY COOPER The chain of events ..leading to. Holmes Vogel, C&P vice president TerryT'olston, JOhn Duffy Hodge, Judge Davies said Wednesday he their arrest started Wednesday said: Robert Lee Johnson of Columbus Roberta Davis and William Brewer, was "guided by several considera­ when Mr. Whitley notified Memphis. who comprised the first foursome, tions” when he ordered the Shelby Georgia and his two companions Police that the three were in Mem­ CLERICAL EMPLOYES'- "The company has for many years teed-olf and started down the fall­ Park Golf course opened to Ne­ Leroy Mott, 19, and Willie Green 28, phis with plans to Burglarize busi- way. groes. both of Columbus all three surrend­ aiess. places. He-said-that the three provided employment for Negroes in keeping with trie prevailing prac- — Sunny skies, and _warm_temperar. '"I tried to__ rule__to a. way.' I' ered weekly without incident when were in a black Buick sedan bear­ tures greeted the golfers and the thought was the best," he Bald, Police broke down, the doors ol ing Florida license plates. Follow­ tice of the community. Recently a their rooms at 646 Boston. number of changes have taken place day passed quietly, although offi­ "and I realized that I couldn't ing the Georgia Chief of Detectives cials at tlie course said they found please everybody when I did it." Branded “Dangerous" by law en­ warning an all - car alarm was here in Washington which reflect a growing trend toward full Inte­ a cross Saturday planted In the cup He also pointed out that Negroes forcement officers the trio is want­ sounded leading to. the direct cap­ of the No. 9 green; It stood about wanted an 18-hole course. Shelby ed by Georgia authorities for the ture of-the"suspected safecrackers. gration. In recognition of this trend, we have moved in this direction by «lx feet high and had been burned Is the only 18-hole course owned by $123,000 robbery of a safe in Colum­ At 10:30 A. M. Thursday a police during the night. (Continued On Page Eight) bus. H. T. Whitley, Columbus Chiel informer called headquarters stating Integrating certain of pur present clerical employes.” of Detectives charging the suspects that he had talked with Johnson "PRETTY LITTLE THING", Gilda Lee, as she was Lt. George W. Lee, Elks grand commissioner of with the safe burglary of a Fitz­ and knew of his whereabouts. Cap­ Actually several months of ne­ gotiations were necessary to bring called by President Eisenhower last week at the education of Memphis; Congressman B. Carroll gerald, Georgia hardware ' store on ture by detectives followed immedi­ Reese of Tennessee and Mrs. J. Findley Wilson, October 31, 1953. ately. about this change in the telephone White House greets the President 6f the United company’s hiring palicy in spite of States gs (L-R): Robert Johnson, grandexalted wife of the late former Elks grand exalted ruler the fact that it holds government look on in the President's office. Gilda is the contracts for phone service. ruler of the Negro Elks; Huey Shepard, Elks ora­ Court On Property Deal daughter of George W. lee, Memphis.—Photo by -The company contended, that It torical contest winner from Long Beach, Calif.,* Hairgrow. , was complying with the law by hir­ Sl’ECIAL TO MEMPHIS WORLD ing Negro clerks In its up-town The heirs of .518 acres < of fertile. jim-crow office. But John A. Roose­ Mississippi land located to Mar­ velt, chairman of the subcommit­ Securing Blood thall County, 12 miles ■north, ol tee ori' government contracts, who Holy Springs, on the edge of the Scouts of America, working toge­ conducted the talks, claimed that For Blood Bank . "black diamond section" (So called Cubs Scouts Pack. 135 sponsored by ther there'Is eyery reason to' believe this is not enough. because oil has been discovered in the Mississippi Boulevard Chritian that in this rdom tonight there are GIRLS AS OPERATORS the . section have been summoned Cijtirch, were host to Ten Boy The Ralph Bunch’s the J. E. Wal­ TRAFFIC COURT I was fined $22 on disorderly conduct Discussed Here to appear before the Chancery Scout Troops Thursday night in a kers The 'ThurghiU Marshalls of to­ It is hoped that the subcommittee Henry Hopkins, 18 of 662 Hast- | and drunk charges. headed by the son of the Number of citizens at the call of Court of Marshall County at Holly 44th Anniversary, observance of Boy morrow. ing was fined $51 on reckless driv­ Ernestine Pugh, 29, of 692 Hami­ Springs, on Mo-day, March 8 to Scouts of America. , Mr. Chatman Scout master di­ late President Franklin D. Roose­ ing charges and .$26 on defective lton was fined $11 on gamming and M, Thornton the Mayor of Beale velt, will not let up on the telephone Street met at LeMoyne College to defend the bill of sale or their land Many parents and friends of the recting troop No. 115’is to be com­ brakes charges. loitering charges. for the division of proceeds. Scouts were-on hand to observe the mended for the fine work he is do­ company until it employs some Ne­ Chalies Fletcher, 25, of 1486 Ro- discuss the importance of Securing gro gii Is as operators. Smith, 24, of 1527 Willis Blood for the Bipod Bank in the The bill was filed1 In the court by boys in action of a most dramatic ing not only for the troop he Im­ zelle Was fined $26 on. disorderly Albert Hammond, a White resi­ mediately directs but for his con­ conduct charges and $26 on no driv­ City of Memphis. program which’ revealed that the A committee was organized to dent of Holly Springs., who claims Boy. Scouts are engaged in activity tribution to the scout ? program. er license charges. he is the rightful owner of the When he was presented to the 250 Steve ?Jackson, " 46. of . Natchez,■ launch a campaign for Blood Don­ which is wholesome and healthy to­ Lincoln-Douglas Event ors. Chaifiuipn; Atty. B. F.. Jones, property by a "Pro Oonfesso De­ ward producing strong bodies keen or more who had come at his com­ Miss.,' was fined $11 on drunk' cree'rendered on March 27, 1953 in mand to participate ih or witness charges. ,. Alovze Rowland, 60, of Co-Chairman, M. Thornton. Cam- minds kind : hearts and worth while oalgn Manager, Chas. Washburn, Senatobia, Miss. spirits in those who will be our men this program he was overwhelmed, Rt. l.'B . No. 209 Cordava was fin- The Chancery summons, issued and could not. keep back the tears M..........’■drunk, running red light, Mrs. A. Maceo Walker, .secretary, of tomprow. Hailed As Fine Banquet Mrs. Mae Davenport, librarian of on January 8, 1954, demanded' the of joy) as he recalled the many jA license and defective apperrahce of Mra Bertha Isom Mr. Maceo Walker, president ol associations of* the past. cmu'ge. - ?.. ■ LeMoyne College,' ass't ■ secretary, By ROSA BROWN BRACY the fifteen million Negroes . today Mrs. Rosa Brown Bracy, Editor of Teague of Cleveland, Cihlo; Mrs Universal Life Insurance Company Rev. Blair T. Hunte spoke brief­ who desire first.,plass cltzen.-hlp tn city Court Harriet Collier of Memphis, Ten­ and an officer of-the Miss. Blvd. ly on How wonderful it is to be a The Precinot and Ward Work­ Stanley Laster, 53.
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