RUSSIA MEDIA SUSTAINABILITY INDEX 2019 Tracking Development of Sustainable Independent Media Around the World RUSSIA AT A GLANCE GENERAL MEDIA-SPECIFIC ▶ Population: 142,122,776 (July 2018 est., CIA ▶ Languages (% of population): Russian ▶ Number of active print outlets, radio ▶ Broadcast ratings: Top three channels by World Factbook) (official) 85.7%, Tatar 3.2%, Chechen 1%, stations, television stations, Internet daily audience: Russia-1 (12.8%); Channel One ▶ Capital city: Moscow other 10.1% (2010 est., CIA World Factbook) news portals: Print: 20,315 newspapers, (11.8%); NTV (9.3%) (Mediascope, 2018) ▶ Ethnic groups (% of population): Russian ▶ GNI (2016-Atlas): $1.356 trillion (World Bank 28,508 magazines; Radio Stations: 3,405; ▶ News agencies: ITAR-TASS (state), Russia 77.7%, Tatar 3.7%, Ukrainian 1.4%, Bashkir Development Indicators, 2017) TV Stations: 2,945; Online: 12,746 news Today (state), Interfax (private) sites (Federal Agency for Press and Mass 1.1%, Chuvash 1%, Chechen 1%, other 10.2%, ▶ GNI per capita (2016-PPP): $9,230 (World ▶ Annual advertising revenue in media Communication, 2018) unspecified 3.9% (2010 est., CIA World Bank Development Indicators, 2017) sector: RUB 469 billion ($7.3 billion) in 2018 Factbook) ▶ Literacy rate: 99.7% (male 99.7%, female ▶ Newspaper circulation statistics: Top three (Association of Russian Communication ▶ Religions (% of population): Russian 99.6%) (2015 est., CIA World Factbook) daily general new national newspapers by Agencies, 2019) readership (May–October 2018): Rossiyskaya Orthodox 15–20%, Muslim 10–15%, other ▶ President or top authority: President Christian 2% (2006 est., CIA World Factbook) Vladimir Putin (since May 7, 2012) Gazeta (737,800/1.2% of population, state-owned); Moskovskiy Komsomolets (690,700/1.1% of population, private); Izvestia (436,500/0.7% of population, private) (Mediascope, 2019) MEDIA SUSTAINABILITY INDEX: RUSSIA SCORE KEY Unsustainable, Anti-Free Press (0–1): Country does not meet or only minimally meets objectives.
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