60 bus time schedule & line map

60 Blairgowrie, Wellmeadow - Aberfeldy, Chapel Street View In Website Mode

The 60 bus line (Blairgowrie, Wellmeadow - Aberfeldy, Chapel Street) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Aberfeldy: 2:30 PM (2) Blairgowrie: 8:28 AM - 4:35 PM (3) Butterstone: 8:10 AM - 3:25 PM (4) : 7:25 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 60 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 60 bus arriving.

Direction: Aberfeldy 60 bus Time Schedule 26 stops Aberfeldy Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 2:30 PM Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie Wellmeadow, Tuesday 2:30 PM

St Marys Court, Blairgowrie Wednesday 2:30 PM

Jessie Street, Blairgowrie Thursday 2:30 PM 58 Perth Street, Scotland Friday 2:30 PM

Myreside Cottage, Blairgowrie Saturday Not Operational

Marlee Gardens, Kinloch

Telephone Box, Forneth 60 bus Info Telephone Box, Butterstone Direction: Aberfeldy Stops: 26 Cardney Lodge, Butterstone Trip Duration: 66 min Line Summary: Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie, St Marys Fungarth, Dunkeld Court, Blairgowrie, Jessie Street, Blairgowrie, Myreside Cottage, Blairgowrie, Marlee Gardens, North Car Park, Dunkeld Kinloch, Telephone Box, Forneth, Telephone Box, Butterstone, Cardney Lodge, Butterstone, Fungarth, Dunkeld, North Car Park, Dunkeld, Royal Dunkeld Royal Dunkeld Hotel, Dunkeld Hotel, Dunkeld, Bruce Gardens, Dunkeld, Rose 23 Atholl Street, Scotland Cottage, Inver, Incheld Cottages, Inchmagrannachan, Post Box, Dalguise, Kinnaird Bruce Gardens, Dunkeld House, Dalguise, Bus Shelter, Balnaguard, Hotel, A923, Scotland , Aultbeag Road, Little , Croftcap Cottage, Grandtully, Castle, Grandtully, Dewars World Rose Cottage, Inver Of Whisky, Aberfeldy, Caravan Site, Aberfeldy, Industrial Estate, Aberfeldy, Market Street, Aberfeldy, Incheld Cottages, Inchmagrannachan Chapel Street, Aberfeldy B898, Scotland

Post Box, Dalguise

Kinnaird House, Dalguise

Bus Shelter, Balnaguard Hotel, Grandtully

Aultbeag Road, Little Ballinluig

Croftcap Cottage, Grandtully

Castle, Grandtully

Dewars World Of Whisky, Aberfeldy Distillery Drive, Scotland

Caravan Site, Aberfeldy

Industrial Estate, Aberfeldy Breadalbane Terrace, Aberfeldy

Market Street, Aberfeldy

Chapel Street, Aberfeldy 1 Dunkeld Street, Aberfeldy Direction: Blairgowrie 60 bus Time Schedule 25 stops Blairgowrie Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:28 AM - 4:35 PM Chapel Street, Aberfeldy 1 Dunkeld Street, Aberfeldy Tuesday 8:28 AM - 4:35 PM

Industrial Estate, Aberfeldy Wednesday 8:28 AM - 4:35 PM Breadalbane Terrace, Aberfeldy Thursday 8:28 AM - 4:35 PM Caravan Site, Aberfeldy Friday 8:28 AM - 4:35 PM

Castle, Grandtully Saturday Not Operational

Croftcap Cottage, Grandtully

Aultbeag Road, Little Ballinluig 60 bus Info Hotel, Grandtully Direction: Blairgowrie Stops: 25 Bus Shelter, Balnaguard Trip Duration: 30 min Line Summary: Chapel Street, Aberfeldy, Industrial Kinnaird House, Dalguise Estate, Aberfeldy, Caravan Site, Aberfeldy, Castle, Grandtully, Croftcap Cottage, Grandtully, Aultbeag Road, Little Ballinluig, Hotel, Grandtully, Bus Shelter, Post Box, Dalguise Balnaguard, Kinnaird House, Dalguise, Post Box, Dalguise, Incheld Cottages, Inchmagrannachan, Incheld Cottages, Inchmagrannachan Rose Cottage, Inver, Bruce Gardens, Dunkeld, Royal B898, Scotland Dunkeld Hotel, Dunkeld, North Car Park, Dunkeld, Fungarth, Dunkeld, Cardney Lodge, Butterstone, Rose Cottage, Inver Telephone Box, Butterstone, Telephone Box, Forneth, Marlee Gardens, Kinloch, Dunkeld Road, Blairgowrie, Bruce Gardens, Dunkeld William Street, Blairgowrie, High Street, Blairgowrie, A923, Scotland Tesco, Blairgowrie, Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie

Royal Dunkeld Hotel, Dunkeld 23 Atholl Street, Scotland

North Car Park, Dunkeld

Fungarth, Dunkeld

Cardney Lodge, Butterstone

Telephone Box, Butterstone

Telephone Box, Forneth

Marlee Gardens, Kinloch

Dunkeld Road, Blairgowrie

William Street, Blairgowrie

High Street, Blairgowrie High Street, Scotland Tesco, Blairgowrie Terminus Street, Scotland

Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie Wellmeadow, Scotland Direction: Butterstone 60 bus Time Schedule 12 stops Butterstone Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:10 AM - 3:25 PM Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie Wellmeadow, Scotland Tuesday 8:10 AM - 3:25 PM

Altamount Road, Blairgowrie Wednesday 8:10 AM - 3:25 PM Drummond Road, Scotland Thursday 8:10 AM - 3:25 PM Clova Avenue, Blairgowrie Friday 8:10 AM - 3:25 PM Berrydale Road, Scotland Saturday Not Operational Community Campus, Blairgowrie

Berrydale Avenue, Blairgowrie

Blairgowrie High School, Blairgowrie 60 bus Info Direction: Butterstone West Altamount Lane, Blairgowrie Stops: 12 Trip Duration: 17 min Ann Street, Blairgowrie Line Summary: Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie, Altamount Road, Blairgowrie, Clova Avenue, Blairgowrie, Myreside Cottage, Blairgowrie Community Campus, Blairgowrie, Berrydale Avenue, Blairgowrie, Blairgowrie High School, Blairgowrie, Marlee Gardens, Kinloch West Altamount Lane, Blairgowrie, Ann Street, Blairgowrie, Myreside Cottage, Blairgowrie, Marlee Telephone Box, Forneth Gardens, Kinloch, Telephone Box, Forneth, Telephone Box, Butterstone Telephone Box, Butterstone Direction: Dunkeld 60 bus Time Schedule 10 stops Dunkeld Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:25 AM Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie Wellmeadow, Scotland Tuesday 7:25 AM - 1:55 PM

St Marys Court, Blairgowrie Wednesday 7:25 AM

Jessie Street, Blairgowrie Thursday 7:25 AM - 1:55 PM 58 Perth Street, Scotland Friday 7:25 AM

Myreside Cottage, Blairgowrie Saturday Not Operational

Marlee Gardens, Kinloch

Telephone Box, Forneth 60 bus Info Telephone Box, Butterstone Direction: Dunkeld Stops: 10 Cardney Lodge, Butterstone Trip Duration: 29 min Line Summary: Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie, St Marys Fungarth, Dunkeld Court, Blairgowrie, Jessie Street, Blairgowrie, Myreside Cottage, Blairgowrie, Marlee Gardens, North Car Park, Dunkeld Kinloch, Telephone Box, Forneth, Telephone Box, Butterstone, Cardney Lodge, Butterstone, Fungarth, Dunkeld, North Car Park, Dunkeld 60 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved