– April 2021 see England and Suffolk

Pocket sized guide to the NCN: £5.99 19: Norfolk Cycle Map (2016) http://shop.sustrans.org.uk/ to order on-line (1/21)

Norfolk Coast Cycleway Map Guide £4 www.norfolkcoastaonb.org.uk/partnership/norfolk-coast-cycleway/388 for details (1/21)

Wells and Holkham Circuit (NCN 1), 10 mls, part of the North Sea Cycle Route & the Norfolk Coast Cycleway (2004) https://wellsguide.com/downloads/Cycling-WellsHolkhamCircuit.pdf to download (4/21)

Mid Norfolk Cycle Map (NCN 13), Fakenham-Thetford (2005) http://cdn.innershed.com/cms_page_media/384/Mid%20Norfolk.pdf to download (4/21)

Cycling in Norfolk www.visitnorfolk.co.uk/activities-norfolk/cycling.aspx for details (4/21)

Norfolk Trails www.norfolk.gov.uk/out-and-about-in-norfolk/norfolk-trails for details Norfolk Cycle Routes for details of the Marriott's Way; Peddars Way; Weavers Way; ; North Norfolk Coast Cycleway; Norfolk Broads; Brecks; South Norfolk; ; Three Rivers Way www.norfolk.gov.uk/out-and-about-in-norfolk/norfolk-trails/cycle-routes for details (also see below) (4/21)

Marriott's Way, 26 ml route between and (OS 133) www.marriottsway.info to download guide book (4/21)

Peddars Way Cycle Guide, Thetford/Holme-next-the-Sea 50 mls (2016) www.nationaltrail.co.uk/sites/default/files/peddars-way-cycleguide.pdf to download (4/21)

National Trail Guide: Peddars Way and Norfolk Coast Path, Bruce Robinson £14.99 (2017, Aurum Press) Peddars Way & Norfolk Coast Path Adventure Atlas £8.95 (Aurum Press) https://shop.nationaltrail.co.uk/ to order on-line (the Norfolk Coast Path is not a cycle route and cyclists should use the Norfolk Coast Cycleway) (1/21)

Weavers Way www.norfolk.gov.uk/out-and-about-in-norfolk/norfolk-trails/cycle-routes/weavers-way for details (4/21)

Bure Valley Path, a 9 ml railway path from Aylsham to ,adjacent to the Line which carries cycles, Aylsham Station/ & Wroxham Station (OS 133,134, GR 195 265/303 187) 9 mls (2010) www.bvrw.co.uk/visitors/walk-cycle.asp for details (4/21)

The Broads By Bike, 14 circular rides www.thebroadsbybike.org.uk/ to download/obtain (4/21)

Bike It! South Norfolk Tour Map (OS 144) 88 mls & 9 circular routes (OS 134,144) 20/30 mls (2005) http://cdn.innershed.com/upload/ncms/bike_it_south_norfolk_tour_map.pdf to download (4/21)

Walking and Cycling in Broadland www.broadland.gov.uk/downloads/download/42/cycling_and_walking to download (4/21)

West Norfolk Cycle Map (2nd Edition 2020) www.klwnbug.co.uk/2020/06/16/cycle-routes-map-to-download-and-print/ to download (4/21)

Great Yarmouth Cycle Map (1st Edition 2017) www.great-yarmouth.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=2138&p=0 to download (4/21)

Norwich Cycle Map (3rd Edition 2018) Bitesize Cycle Routes, NE & SW Tours of Norwich www.norwich.gov.uk/cycling to download (4/21)

Norwich Green Travel Map (2009) http://mediafiles.thedms.co.uk/Publication/ee-nor/cms/pdf/GreenTravelMap.pdf to download (4/21)

Goldeneye Cycling Country Lanes Traffic-Free Family Routes: Norfolk £7.99 (4th Edition 2014) www.goldeneyeguides.co.uk/cycling-maps/norfolk-cycling-country-lanes to download (1/21)