Alumnus, Fall 1969

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Alumnus, Fall 1969 MOREHEAD STATE UNIJ'ERSITY ALUMNUS Published quarterly by the Mon:hcad Srare Unive rsity Departments of Alumni Relations and Public Relations on the campus of More head rare University wirh the belief that an info rmed alumni body is of great signiflcann: to an insti­ tution. Subscriptions are awarded ro all contributing membe rs of rhe Morehead State University Al umni Association. t\l<:mbcr of the American r\ lumni Council. Ronda! D Han. Ediwr Roger J ones Keirh Kappes /J rst. l:dl/()1'/ Art Director Jlldllfl)iinx f.dl/or C.ruer depicts /lr,muomiug '6') at J11ore­ b.-t~.l St.llt: lfllil'erJJt}. T ed Crosthwait, President, 20:! Barber Avenue, Bardswwn, Kenrucky 1000·1 D r. l arry Hillman, Fi m Vice President, 15101 Windmill Pointe Drivt, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan 482.?0 Dr. J ohn R. Duncan, Second Vice President, 15 Meado" brook Drive, Morehead, Kenwcky 40351 Lucien Rice, lmmtdiate Past President, 1405 Ma ple Avenue, Zanc:s,·ille, Ohio 4.?701 Ronda! D. H an, Executive ecrerary/T reasurtr, Morehead Sran: Uniq: rsiry, t\forehad, Kem ucky 10351 l\!crl Allen, 126 Colltge View Coun, Morehead, Kentucky <10)5 1 l\!arshall D. Banks, 2 105 HaLclwood Drive, Ape. 301, Urbana, Il linois 6 1801 Dr. W illiam Blair, 1152 Stafford Avenue, Paintsville, Kenwcky 11240 Anna B. Caner, 236 University Srreet, Morehead, Kemucky li 035 1 Roy C. Caudill, Roure 1, Hillcrest Road, Morehead, Kenwcky i 035 1 J oyce Chaney, li 20 West Sun Street, Morehead. Kentucky li035 1 H ubert Coun ts, Cross Street, Olive H ill, Kentucky i 11 6·1 J im D avis, Second Sm:et, Gr.1yson, Kentucky ·11113 Billy Joe J-lall, 4 12 \XI1•andoc Way, 1'Vlc. Sterling, Kenwcky li0 35.1 Gary H olcombe, 3613 orrento Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky !f0222 l\lary Alice Calvert J ayne, 115 Tippen Avenue, t\lure head, Kenwck)' 1035 1 Fred J ohnson, 916 Leawood Square, Frankfort, Kentucky •1060 I H a rry Mayhew, 2205 Concord Road, M uncie, Indiana 47304 Roger J\leade, 1907 Richmond Drive, M uncie, Indiana 17.3 01( Helen Nonhcu tr, -1 1 ~ \XIesr Sun Street, More head, Kentucky tf0)51 Arlene S. Tackett, 13 Sycamo re Drive, f lon:ncc, Kentucky H enderson Thompson, 660 Salisbury, Waverly, Ohio li5o90 Beery T odd, 11 08 Circle Drive, Lake Wales, Flonda 3385 3 D orothy Walte r, 2H52 Colonial Ridge Court, Cincinnati, O hio 1511 1 Terry Wicke r, 2288 Pine Knmt Drive, Dayton, Ohw tf5 ·13 1 Don Young, 453 Knapp Avenue, Morehead, Kentucky -1035 1 Gr,lct Crosthwaite, 9 12 Swift Avenue, Mo re head, Kentucky 4035 1 J ohn Harvey FitCh, 161 South 1\lain, Versaillt:;, Kentucky iO )!l) Dr. Paul Maddox, Campwn, Kentucky 4 130 I Bill Pierce, 42 1 Knapp Avenue, Morehead, Kenwcky li015 1 Harry Weber, 690 2 Deep Spring Court, Louisvil le, Kentucky ti022H Marvin Rammelsburg, 1191 R ollingridgc Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 151'18 Emcrcd .ls sNonJ <. lass m.Ht<:r .:u the: po~t offic.c .J.t Mortht.·J.t.l. Kenuu. l-;y . und..'r rht: A1.t of A u ~ U'it Ernest R. Begley, ) 169 l\!ilan Drive, Apt. 3 70, Lexington, Kentucky 10502 .20. 1911 Subsc..r i ption~ .t.rc tndud::d with U>n· E. Nc:lson Garner. Sharpsburg, Kentucky 403"4 1ributwn w t\s.soti ~l t i on .tnnu.t.l ~ih-. Jnd Prc'\idt:m·, Club Address .ti l (OTrt'c;punlk·nu.: \nnu:rmn,L; c:d1 James K. Copenhaver. 1610 J efferson Aven ue, Covingwn, Kc:nwcky i lO ll mri.t.l m;uu.:r or lin uhuion ro· D lrt.:(.wr ot Alumn1 Rcl.uwns, \h1rt.hcJd S l..tll' H arold L. Wilson, 11 9 Rondmeki Drive, .\h . Sterling, Kentutky lj())'i) l 'nJ\c;tSity Morehead, K) •O'c; t This Issue of Alumnus, Volume 6, Number 1 ARTICLES Homecoming '69 ... 2 What's Happening At M ..U. 5 ew Faculty · amed 7 100,000 In Research 8 ew Technique . lO Architects Award ro Morehead ... l3 l\fSU Coed 1s Stri p pe r 20 teve Faces Decision 21 Al umn i In the ews . 26 Alumni Awards . .42 Alumni Gatherings .. 43 Alumn i Conversation 49 DEPARTMENTS Grote Elected AVA Pres idem .... 11 McClure Named Vice President .. 11 OVC Championship ... 12 $100,000 For Project ewgate .. 11 Miss l yon Is Miss M U 15 Harrell , Black 1 amed Coaches .. 16 Foorball Schedule 20 Executive Council Plans .. 25 lotes About the Alumni 15 It's Your Move FEATURES Finesse . 14 Magnifico 15 Russia Visited by Coed IR Three Sons Graduate . 19 Smiley Family At MSU .. 19 rudenr Discovers America .. 22 Alumni " Faces In the Crowd" .15 1 HUMEGUMINti '69 "I just can't believe he's coming on ar a faculty-studenr convocation ro campus to si ng for H omecoming. I make "less noise and more lighr." A have all of his albums but they say he's even better in person." The freshman coed at Morehead Srare University was tell ing a fri end abour rhc Friday, Ocr. 10, concert by Johnny Mathis, rhe firsr of rwo fea­ tured cnn:rrainers booked for "Ken­ tucky's Greatest Collegiate Weekend" - the MSU H omecoming hailed by alumni, sr udenrs and friends as the best ever ar Mon.:head Stare. Congressman William Steigu is {ecllured speakEr for llomecnming cont·ocatiou [or facult), students, altnnni. and [rienrls of M orehead Eagle 011 tbe luose! ,)forehead Strife Unit erJitJ. Rubara Gallensrctn. a Maysv tile member of rhe House Education and sophomore, was crowned 1969 Home­ Labor Commirree, Rep. Srciger is con­ coming Queen ar the dance:. sidered a rising srar in rl·e Republican Saturday's activities srarred at 8 a.m. Parry. wirh alumni registration at rhe Un i­ A candlelight dinner starred at 6 versiry Cenrer ending ar 1 p.m. Re­ p.m. Friday at the Adron Doran U ni­ ceptions and "open house" rours were versity Cenrer and the bst diners Jefr conducred from 9 a.m. unril noon. at 8: 30p.m. ]o/m n ) Mathis thrills a capacity crou1d dllr­ ing llomecoming Concert. Considered one of the grear vocalists of all rime, Marhis has recorded 18 gold record albums, rhe music indus­ rr>•'s terminology for sales passing the one million mark. Mrs. Doran rwd Combo pia; for Candle­ Backed by his 30-piece orchestra, rhe light Dinner as Pt~rt n/ H omecoming '69. former track and basketball star sang many of his all -rime hits before an Stan Kemon, anorher gianr of the overflow crowd of more rhan 5,000 enrerrainment world, was in the spot­ persons in Laughlin Fieldhouse. light arurday night when his 18-man It was his fir st appearance at M SU orchestra played for the annual H ome­ and he was an unquestioned hit. coming Dance in Laughlin H ealth The weekend activities began earlier Buildi ng. The MSU Stage Band also friday when U. S. Rep. William A. performed in the fieldhouse and was H omecoming Queen Barbara Ga//enstei1~ Steiger ( R-Wisconsin ) urged srudenrs well received. and escort are fJr esentet! at balftime. 2 MOREHEAD ALUMNUS A smorgasbord luncheon was ar­ rangtd from 11 a. m. to 1:30 p.m., also at ADUC. Downing H all , the Uni­ versity's 5425,000 athletic dormitory, was dedicated at 1 p.m. O verlooking Breathitt Sports Center and housing 136 scholarship athletes, the two-srory, motel-l ike structure was named for George D . Downing, the university's first coach and athletic direcror. H e attended tht dediotion, whicn was set up by the Alumni "M " Club. i Al11m ni Director l? ondt~! liar/ Presents G eorge O r,rrning u·i1h tbe /irs/ H onorary Li[elime .1! emberJhip 1'/arf/le in !he Alflmni ",\1 '' Cl11b. D"'rning u•as 11 gflest of the Unirerst'l and tl'tiS honored later uilh the forn111l d;dicalion of Dorl' ninJ; l/a/1. athletic chrmt!MJ ho11sing 134 Morehead State Uni­ r·ersit.l Eagles. Alumni to11r the camp11s betueen the many schetl11hd ererlls ubicb incl11ded candlelight dinner. S1!1orgasb ortl l111tchemr. aCildemic coffees, open h"11ses. dormitory dedication. concert, T he MSU E:~g lc:s w:1ipped Austin footbt~/1 game, post gt~~ne {JIIffe:. and dt~nce. Peay's Governors, 29- 18, in the annual H omecoming Footb:dl G8me at Breath­ itt Stadium. Coach Jake H allum's MSU team rallied for 2 1 points in the last period to overcome a 18-8 deficit. l.ou is Rogan, the Eagles' star tailback, was named "most valuab le player" of the day. Fratern ity and sorority receptions and a butTer dinne r followed rhe game. John lligh mags til/Other Marston pass as Altmmi President Terl Crosthrl'ait anrl u •ife join Unil'ersity President Dr. Adron DMan anrl the Eagles beat Alfstin l'eay in H omecoming Mrs. D oran in opening the traditional H omecomil!g Smorgasbord. comest. FALL, 1969 3 Alumni til/end Ct~llrllelight Di11ner. Uedication of Doll'lllllg 1/ctll .rees Ceorxe O l,ll'llill!< pn.rcJIIed " fJ.untmg of tbe athletic d ormitory uamed 111 IJir honor. DOII'IIifl !< II elf tht /irs/ coach and athletit director /or M ore­ head Stale af!d held tim f>"-'1 / or tbirteef/ _~ea rs. }mt one of numy 1/omec mting decorations that 10.000 al11!1111i. students. and friends of M orehead Sttt!e sal/' during H omecoming /estil ities.
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