Alumnus, Fall 1969
MOREHEAD STATE UNIJ'ERSITY ALUMNUS Published quarterly by the Mon:hcad Srare Unive rsity Departments of Alumni Relations and Public Relations on the campus of More head rare University wirh the belief that an info rmed alumni body is of great signiflcann: to an insti tution. Subscriptions are awarded ro all contributing membe rs of rhe Morehead State University Al umni Association. t\l<:mbcr of the American r\ lumni Council. Ronda! D Han. Ediwr Roger J ones Keirh Kappes /J rst. l:dl/()1'/ Art Director Jlldllfl)iinx f.dl/or C.ruer depicts /lr,muomiug '6') at J11ore b.-t~.l St.llt: lfllil'erJJt}. T ed Crosthwait, President, 20:! Barber Avenue, Bardswwn, Kenrucky 1000·1 D r. l arry Hillman, Fi m Vice President, 15101 Windmill Pointe Drivt, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan 482.?0 Dr. J ohn R. Duncan, Second Vice President, 15 Meado" brook Drive, Morehead, Kenwcky 40351 Lucien Rice, lmmtdiate Past President, 1405 Ma ple Avenue, Zanc:s,·ille, Ohio 4.?701 Ronda! D. H an, Executive ecrerary/T reasurtr, Morehead Sran: Uniq: rsiry, t\forehad, Kem ucky 10351 l\!crl Allen, 126 Colltge View Coun, Morehead, Kentucky <10)5 1 l\!arshall D. Banks, 2 105 HaLclwood Drive, Ape. 301, Urbana, Il linois 6 1801 Dr. W illiam Blair, 1152 Stafford Avenue, Paintsville, Kenwcky 11240 Anna B. Caner, 236 University Srreet, Morehead, Kemucky li 035 1 Roy C. Caudill, Roure 1, Hillcrest Road, Morehead, Kenwcky i 035 1 J oyce Chaney, li 20 West Sun Street, Morehead. Kentucky li035 1 H ubert Coun ts, Cross Street, Olive H ill, Kentucky i 11 6·1 J im D avis, Second Sm:et, Gr.1yson, Kentucky ·11113 Billy Joe J-lall, 4 12 \XI1•andoc Way, 1'Vlc.
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