The Advocate - Dec

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The Advocate - Dec Seton Hall University eRepository @ Seton Hall The aC tholic Advocate Archives and Special Collections 12-19-1963 The Advocate - Dec. 19, 1963 Catholic Church Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Missions and World Christianity Commons 3 Cardinals The Advocate Will Travel Official Publication the of Archdiocese of Newark. N. J., and Diocese of Paterson, N. J. Vo! 12, No. 52 With Pontiff DECEMBER 1963 DON'T THURSDAY. 19, PRICE: 10 CENTS VATICAN CITY (NC> - H’HII.E THE complete Paul VI will be Pope accom- schedule of the Pope’* visit 1* MISS panied on hia not yet available, it Epiphany pil- wa* grimage to the Holy Land by learned he will leave Rome three Cardinal* are 8 a m. who top at 30 (Rome time) on THE experts on the Oriental Jan 4. The 1,500-mile Jet Churche* Eugene Clrdinal flight is due to arrive at the Tisserant. Amleto Cardinal Ci- outside airport Jordan's capit- BUS cognani and Gustavo Cardinal al. Amman, about two hours Testa later. Cardinal Tisserant, dean of Pope Paul is expected to the Sacred ON RENEWING YOUR College, was secre- reach Jrrusslem at 2 30 pm. SUBSCRIPTION tary of the Sacred he Congrega- Then will make hi* way tion for the Oriental along SEE the path that Chmt bore COUPON PAGE 2 Church from 1936 1959 the to Car- Cross and then to the dinal Cicognam followed m Basilica of the Holy Sepulch- that po»t for two years before er. the site of the hurial and ot becoming papal Secretary Resurrection ot the Lord. He State in Cardinal Testa to low 1961. is offer a Mata at the aerved Father hat a* secretary since aite of Christ's Bosio Dies; tomb. 1962 August. (Conlmued on Page 2) Other* named tn accompany Priest 60 Years the Pop* included members of the papal household and three Deadline officials of the Secretariat of Early MONTCLAIR—Rev Ixmi* A Mt Carmel. Jersey City, and State Among others listed to For Two Issues Bosio 64. nastor o( Mt. Car St Lucy's, Newark, before attend was Msgr Jan G M mel Church here, died Dec 15 being Recause of the Chnstma* appointed pastor of Mt Willehrands. secretary of the Mountainside and New at Hospital A Carmel Vrar • hero in ISM3 Secretariat for Promoting holidays, Solemn Mass be the Dec 26 Requiem will During his NEW MONSIGNORI Christian and Jan 2 is- pastorate, the - Bishop Navagh presided at the Christian D. Unity offered Dec 19 at 10 30 am. Msgr. Hoag pastor of St. Susses aue* of The Advocate rhurch debt vs as cleared and investiture of Monica's, w-ill three new domestic four at the church prelates and papal and dean of Susses go to press the church redecorated County Msgr Stanislaus J. Durka. IN Or- <m Monday in- after a chamberlains ot St. Johns CONSTANTINOPLE. A native of Italy, Fv'.her Cathedral Dec. 15. Left to of St. Thomas. stead of fire in time for the postor Msgr. J. thodox Pxtrlarch Athenagoras Tuesday. parish's right are Frank J Rodimer Ogdensburg; Joseph Gallo, Bosio attended school at Turin Msgr. assistant of St. Parish, club and golden jubilee In October. chancellor, pastor Josephs Newton, and Msgr. Vincent E. I received Rev Pierre ■ organ- Msgr. Joseph R. Brestel, pastor of St. 1961, Father Bosio purchas'd George 's. Paterson; Puma, director of the Paterson Diocese's Duprey. W F , Undersecretary isational news intended for John P. apostalate to and had Msgr. McHugh, diocesan director of publication those weeks renovated a public vocations. the Spanish speaking people. foe Orthodox Relations of th* »h<>uld be school to serve as the parish Vatican Secretariat for Pro- submitted no lat- er than Dec school, which now has 211 tin- Interview With Archbishop Boland moting Omstian Unity Enday. 20. for th# Dec 26 dent* from the kingergartrn Reliable source* *aid that Usue. or Fri- to th* day. Dec the fifth grade purpoe* of th* visit was 27. for Jan. 2 issue father Bosio also acquired s courtesy no* aimed at *up- he the Because of the property which turned into Council pljin* Patriarch with in- pres* of Seen other ? parking lot amt renovated Progress formation about th* papal news. The Advocate Satisfactory; will not be to the convent for the Religious trip It was not to b* eon- able handle Teachers items Filippim, who leach »trued as a visit to set up a publicity which ar# the submitted late at school summit meeting ’ between in Mass Plans Made th* two churchmen W \<s English Tills* Being to hasr hern a year of jubilees for Father By ED GRANT Bosio The parish had planned a celebration for his «nn in NEWARK Archbishop 1,500 More Students msersarv Oct 6 Boland said he which had to u satisfied be cancelled wher. the pastor with the accomplishment* entered the sev'und hospital in late the session of the September In Hi was aito due \atiean Council amt rrttieurd Newark Schools to mark die 2ith anniversary “armchair philosophers'' who of his II NEWARK pastorate Dee would judge the council s work Despite a reor- mar enrollment with 42.274 stu- I ather Bosio was described without “knowing the whole gamratioa of class** that «*w dents FATHER BOSIO his "a ** nine school* by assistants as simple •tory drop kindergarten, Th* figures for the other and humble man. noted for his The enrollment m the Newark Archbishop was inter Cotitle* are F.ssex. 34.712 a and the major seminary at kindness to the poor and the viewed at arrhdioretan school system his office here after drop of 221. Hudson. 37.417. a Asti He "* ha* was ordained Sept. sick hi* return from the council risen an even 1.500 stu- drop of 471. and Union. 22,2*4 19. I*C, at Asti. After serving Archbishop Boland will pre- Dec 12- dents over Sepwmhqr 1962 an increase of ITT. a» both assistant and side at the Th* pastor in Mass Dec 19. It ioe* m kindergarten en- There were (1x new gram- his home diocese. Father will be M\NV OF the results of offered by Msgr An rollment siiv• last year waa mar schools opened tn he the Hasio came te the US. Ihooi J council "cannot be gauged of V* archdiocese tn Calugaro. adm.nis’ra l ea*, which over waa this year Little 1325 and foe the because wav received into the tor of Mt Carmel. Newark, moment, they accounted ler by the a n* FViwer. Berkeley Heights, took Newark Diocese and Rev remain m the domain of grace eeheolt which eliminated the Joseph t eitaro, ad tn tea Student* m four grade*; and the toner rather ministrator of Immaculate sptnt. class There was a net drop St. Raphael*. Livingston. 381 than 3 ATHER ROMO an as- in tangible accomplish In school Conception. Newark grammar enrollment student* it four grade*; St sistant pastor at St Anthony i. The be mrnti.” the said of SI student* even preacher will Rev Archbishop though Agnes. Clark. 160 students in I nton City. St. \ But he added that the climbed intent's, Joseph Ferreehia. OKI. af coun first grad* enrollment four grades R!e«ted Sacra- Madison. Mt Virgin. Garfield. St Nicholas. cil can point with to 413 to 19.793 Palisades Park pride'' ment. Franklin Lake*. 94 stu- the fact that two schemas of dent* in four tirades; Our fjtdy prime importance have been HIGH ICMOOt increase* ac- Gets Award Dec. 20 ol Grace. Pain tew. 47 stu- ' thorough!* discussed, imrni! counted for the net gain shown dent* in two grade*, and voted ed. JjHin amt pmmul by the entire system with a Sacred Heart Haworth. 41 in gated of 1 last by the Pope," jump 5*9 since veir three grades The pace of the second sev ARCHBISHOP RETURNS New classes at four diocesan Lodi Boland returned from the second of Girl - Archbishop session the 111 DMIN sion was quite rapid, he said Vatican and one parish high school COUNTY con- Tops Council Dec. 12 left to with, right. Msgr. George lm- M. Shea, rector of this to “The pressure was on a| vtl macutate added 1.0*3 of total, while tinued lead m high school Concept ion Seminary who was theological advisor to the Newark times The Fathers met five Bishops Essex Catholic * enrollment enrollment with 1106 student*, Auxiliary Bishop Martin W. Stanton and A. with days a week, five hours a day Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Costello. They jumped 3ID anew fresh- but F.ssex is now just six stu- Advocate Drive returned on the ltalianliner, Christoforo Columbo. <65 behind li- and were discussing chapters man clast at dents with an even lt* of the schema on The total enrollment In Enrollment tn Bergen ecumenism Advocate s (pectal section ef those countries NEWARK Loretta Rojas of the (eg Canada I "D*eve two Holy Child.( high school up to minute the chapters wrre grammar climbed *o 7 09* Union th* the final of IMc 12 the two and high schonts ,s had of Immaculate Conception division), containing which have two nr mot* of- additions to the Summit, and Im- last working Dec schema <n 194,530, the the targes' increase with 635 session 2 ' schemas approved at the now highest in new High School Lodi, proved the maculate Lodi sc, ficial tongues Thus English ecumenism and Conception, om! only reach'd history of the archdiocese students for a total of 4.027.
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