Old Brooklyn wins Neighborhood Progress Grant; only CDC to win two years in a row intend to give people a chance to see, taste by Jason A Powers gym capture and express the dynamics of a and experience Old Brooklyn,” said Jeffrey
[email protected] community. T. Verespej, Executive Director. Snapchat will be one platform used, The Old Brooklyn Community The ambassadors will attend each event along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Development Corporation (OBCDC) is one along with guests ranging from a small group traditional promotion channels. OBCDC of nearly two dozen Community to dozens of people depending on the loca- will be using every possible means to pro- Development Corporations (CDC) which tion and focus of each program. Using social mote and market our community. applied for a Neighborhood Solutions Award media and a diverse audience of followers, The award is intended to support activi- (NSA) from Cleveland Neighborhood OBCDC expects these events to uniquely ties which promote organization, something Progress (CNP). Following a review of promote the neighborhood. Old Brooklyn CDC is well positioned to do. Old Brooklyn is something different to applications OBCDC was invited to present One such unique opportunity is in tak- In 2014 OBCDC formed a special Marketing everyone, a reality the organization has their proposal at CNP on Friday, November ing advantage of Snapchat, one of the newest Committee to discuss the neighborhood and learned from interviews, surveys and casual 6th. social media platforms. OBCDC is develop- its brand. The results formed our neighbor- conversations. As a comfortable and family- The Neighborhood Solutions Award is a ing a partnership with Snapchat which would hoods brand promise: friendly neighborhood, it invites everyone to unique opportunity for CDCs to apply for make Old Brooklyn the only community in We are the accessible, family-friendly come and develop his/her own story.