JfET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAJLY CIRCULATION THE WEATHER OF THE EVENING HERALD Forecast by D. S. Weather Barean. for the month of Maj*) 1927 Ke«y Havea Increasliig cloudiness tonight; 4,995 anrljPHlpr lEntning fitralb iday showers.

^'0L. XLL, NO. 214. Classified adrertlsing on page 12 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1927. PRICE THREE CENTS

Lindy at Buckingham Palace C.ARA ES LETTER “R” TWIN BANDITS ON STAR’S BODY DIRIGIBLE ORDERED Hollywood, Calif., June 9.— FETES AND HONORS Doris Dore, 21-year-old stage actress, was the victim of a gor- CAUGHT A H E R illa-like fiend 'who early today TO MEET LINDBERGH used a razor blade to carve the FOR BRAVE FLYERS letter “K” seven times on her 4 Yim HUNT body. LINDY LYRICS Miss Dore told police she was Los Angeles to Meet Mem­ awakened by a knock at her FLOOD MARKET apartment door, when she an­ IN GERMM CAPITAL swered the summons she was phis At Sea— Six Destroy­ Men Who Dynamited Train overpowered by a giant of a Songs by the HuntJreds Being man who held her helpless while Sent to Washington to be and KiUed Four, Are Ar­ he slashed her. Berlin's Enthusiasm Over Chamberlin and Levine Contin­ ers to Escort Hero; Wash­ Copyrighteci. ington Awaits Flyer. 'Washington, June 9.— A rested In Steubenville, ues As High As Ever— To Start For Vienna Sunday flood ot Lindbergh lyrics threatens to swamp the music Ohio. REDS CHARGE division of the copyright of­ Morning— May Visit Rome and Budapest In Trip Over On Board U. S. Cruiser Memphis, fice. ■Tune 9.— (B.\- Radio to INS)—The Every mail brings nexv songs Europe— Length of Stay Not Yet Determined. United States government today be­ to “immortalize” the epochal Steubenville, Ohio, June 9.— The’ BRITISH WITH gan putting the finishing touches achievement of Minnesota’s D’Autremont twins, Ray and Roy,j foremost Missouri colonel, and 27, sought all over- the world for | u]ion the arrangements for tlie veteran clerks, accustomed to Berlin, June 9.— Another day of IMU.MCH B E E R BEST greeting of Colonel Charles A. Lind- the extravagant emotional re­ nearly four years In connection, DEATH PLOTS fetes and honors, beginning with a FOR .V.MERICAX HEROES •iergh, the plucky young mail plane action which sweeps over their with the hold-up of a Southern Pa-^ formal breakfast with Foreign Min­ Aliinich. June 9.— Having pilot who flew from Now York to desks in the wake of every stir­ eifle railroad passenger train andj ister Gustave Stresemann as host, ring national event, pause in heard that Clarence Chamber­ Raris, and who is comii\g home the killing of four of the train crew j j confronted the American trans-At- dismay as Lindy's score Says Its "Hirelings" Came lin and Charles .A. Levine will -ipon this warship. mounts, first to the mark of at Siskiyou, Oregon, October 11, | ! lantic flyers, Clarence D. Chamber- arrive here on Sunday for a few 1923, were under lock and key to-j The Navy Dei>aitnient asked the General Pershing, then past Within Inch of Assassinat- ^ Charles a . Levine today. hours visit. is planning exact location ot iiie Mempliis in the record-breaking count of day. • j I Berlin's enthusiasm over the to attempt to convince the fliers order to have the navy dirigible Gertrude Ederle, and finally Ray Captured j record-breaking American airmen they were wrong in asking for over the sorrel top ot Red j Pilsner on their arrival in Los Angeles greet the craft at sea. The notorious brothers were tak-j ing Russia's Leaders; The ! continues as high as ever. This was Tliere has been modification of Grange. Germany. en into custody here last night by, I demonstrated bv the crowd which the program for dcstio\ers to meet “ We knew it was coming, federal authorities and local police.; Munich holds that its beer i.s xnd escort the Memphis, according the day he landed.” an official Ray was captured while at work iu ' Accusation. again gathered before the United J I 'superior to Pilsner and the to radiograms from Washington. explained at the Library of the local plant of the Wheeling: States Embassy shortly after day­ mayor plans to ^ake them to the One of the six destroyers sent out Congress. “ But we didn’t ex­ break in hope of getting a glimpse Seidel Hofbrau Haus. the larg­ Steel Corporation. He admitted his^ of the famous flyers. The crowd to escort the Memphis will come up ; pect a cre.st of such propor­ identity and told where his brother Moscow, June 9.— A Soviet est beer hall in the world, to tions— if, indeed, this is the ij V . J mi. = • . entirely orderly and contented convince them of the superiori­ with the cruiser at dawn tomorrow Itoy could befound. The officers j communique,issued today in con-j itself with shoutsof greeting and o take off the films and ‘'still" | crest.” He surveyed, almost ty of Munich beer. with a gesture of despair, a then "wentto Roys boarding house | with a demonstration of ' polite requests that the two men .'ictures taken aboard the .Memphis, and placed him under arrest. i • x- I qhnw rhpm«;pivp*; -O ru.sh them to New York. table of unopened Lindbergh Tj.. T i protest against the assassination souw inemseives. To Hi-ing l-'rieiuls pieces. The twins were traced here ^^°ikoff, envoy to Poland, al- | grateful for such to cast off the landing gear if neces­ -\nother destroyer will leave the “ Here's one entitled: ‘Lindy tlirough a letter written them by leged that “ British hirelings rc- j honors and we are touched by the sary, simultaneously dumping the operating base at Hampton Roads you’re all Wright,’ another their equally notorious brother, cently came within an inch of as­ cordiality of the German people," gas so the plane would float on today to bring Richard R. Blythe, 'Midnight Monoplane, (Black Hugh, who recently was arrested in water. Since we now intend flying Bottom).’ There are eleven sassinating Stalin, Rykov and said Levine. “ It is wonderful." a friend of Lindbergh's and the Charlie Lindbergh is here pictured leaving Buckingham Palace after the Philippines. The pair had been Tlie big Bellanca monoplane Co­ overland such arrangements are un­ •New York representative of the St. submitted under ‘Lindy, you're Bucharin,” the big three of the necessary and as soon as the bolts my boy.’ ” his visit to King George during which the British sovereign invested him here since January, both working lumbia is in perfect condition and [.ouis committee which backed the with the Air I'orce Cro.ss. With him is Frederick .\. Sterling, United iu the mills under assumed names. Moscow government. ■will be used by Chamberlin and Le­ are installed iu the landing gear night. States minister to Ireland. The three D’Autremont brothers, .According to the Soviets’ accu­ vine for traveling around Europe we will he ready to fly to Vienna.” Blythe will be Drought on board pictures of whom have been dis­ sation an attempt was planned to before their return home. Their I’liine Iinprovoiiicnts the Memphis to consult with Lind­ bring about the downfall of the first flight will begin Sunday when played In every postoffice in the “Take the Columbia a.s an in­ bergh upon plans for his return to country, are alleged to have held fgovernment through the assassina­ they set out for Vienna, having ac­ stance of the impro .-cnieiu in St. Louis, where a great reception STATE'S FIRE CHIEFS Objects To Her Lover up the Southern Pacific train in a tion of its three most powerful cepted the invitation of the .Aus­ awaits him. On the same destroyer tunnel. A mail car was dynamited leaders. trian government to visit that capi­ planes,” continued Chamberlin. will be a corps of newspaper re­ and one mail clerk killed In the ex­ The Charge tal. “ VA'e carry ten pounds per horse­ porters and photographers, but they MEET AT NORTH END So She Poisons Spouse plosion. An engineer, fireman and The communique declared that a To Hop Off Sunday power as compared to one pound will not be permitted to come brakeman were murdered and a group of “white’’ officers who for- Chamberlin and Levine will hop per horsepower carried by the first aboard the cruiser. huge sum of money was taken. merly served under Admiral Kolt- off at ei,ght o’clock Sunday morn­ mall planes used in the United States. Destroyer E.scort $25,000 In Rewards chak, and -(vho “were in direct con­ ing for Vienna, stopping for a few Glens Falls. N. Y,. June 9.— ^Byrou,'’ Mrs. Frasier Is alleged tact with the head of the consular This destroyer will return to o Government agents today refused hours enroute at Munich. They “ The Columbia carried twice its Hampton Roads, but four other Conduct Semi-Annual Busi­ Mrs. .Alice Frasier, 42, of Soutii have said in her confession. “ I department of the British mission are due in Vienna at 5:30 in the weight in gas alone. The plane to say what the amounts of reward in Moscow, plotted to dynamite the afternoon. destroyers will meet the Memphis Horicon, N*. Y., said by police to couldn’t do xvithout Steve, but By­ totaled for the capture of the weighs I.S5U pound.s and carried s ppro.ximately fifty miles off the ron objected to him.” - Kremlin and the great AIoscow It is possible that the airmen 3,6()0 pounds of gas. have confessed jioisoning her hus­ D’Autremonts, but it is believed to Virginia Capes -ibout 1:30 o'clock- ness Meeting, Eat Roast .According to the district attor­ theater during a convention of I may visit Rome and maybe Buda­ "If such advances have been band because he objected to her be in the neighborhood of $25,000. peasants and workers. pest before their return next week tomorrow afternoon. They will la­ ney's version of .Mrs. Frasier’s story The Secret Service men say they made in the past few years, there ter be joined by two others. lover, was in Waj-ren county jail Frasier went to work at Brant Lake The communique traced a series to greet their wives, who are due i.s no reason not to expect further Beef and Hear Addresses. today in Lake George, charged with have obtained from the belongings of “ Terrorist acts’’ against the Sov- 1 to reach this city on June 16. In addition to Blythe, customs a week ago. In his absence, Baker of the two brothers, sufficient evi­ advances with the possibility ot the officials will come aboard the first degree murder. let government since 1925. which | Many fresh honors are in store ■ivorked on the Frasier farm for dence to clear up the Oregon hold­ development of a plane capable of -Memphis to prepare for the land­ Stephen Baker, 51. the lover Mrs. Frasier, and lived at the farm­ had been inspired outside of Rus- j for Chamberlin and his flying up. sia. 1 companion before they set out to carrying sufficient fuel to 11/ ing. The semi-annual meeting of the named in the alleged confession, house. He departed Saturday after­ around the world. The -Memphis is expected to Connecticut Fire Chiefs’ club was was lielcl on the same charge as aji noon. shortly before the return of “Inspired on Outside” j “swing round the European circle " .After reciting details of numer-jin the Colnmhia on Sunday, Lcvine’.s Interests ■each Cape Henry at 4"p. m;,''rn'T ffeld at the headquarters of the accessory. He denied complicity in Frasier. day and to reach the Washington the death of Mrs. Frasier's luis- MILLIONS ARE OFFERED ous attempts at assassination the I Citizens of Berlin (,'liarles .A. Levine, who accom­ Manchester Fire department at Given Poison IMilk communique continued: I They will he made honorary citi- Navy Yard at eleven o'clock Sat­ bancl, Byron, 55. Both of the accus­ Suiuliiy morning Mrs. Frasier i panied Chamberlin on the epic urday morning. Lindbergh will go Main and Hilliard street today. ed waived examination, and await “Not one of these events had its ■ zens of Berlin by the .Municipal flight of the Bcllanca plane, told the watched lier husband drink from] FOR MATCH MONOPOLY roots in the Soviet Union. All were | Council and it is likely that streets ashore at once to be greeted first Fire chiefs were present from ev­ tho next session of the Grand Jury the poisoned bottle. He complained! International N'ews Service that he b.'- his mother, Mrs. Evangeline in October. inspired on the outside and it is I will be named after them and af- ery section of the state as well as a I that it -was sour, she said, and she! Tt • tj T-i . quite evident that England, intent i ter the monoplane Columbia by i.s more interested in the develop­ Lindbergh, and then by President number of guests of honor. Like .Snyder Case ; agreed that “ it mmst have been: 1 Oincare Lrges rrench Cham -[upon the forcing ^f war, has been ! the grateful aldermen. ment of a trans-.Atlantic aerial ser­ and Mrs. Coolidge and a large dele­ In many respects the case paral- left in the sun too long.” The session opened this morning her to Accept Bid Made BvUuemptiug to disrupt the peaceful.] One newspaper has suggested vice than in a non-stop flight gation of officials. lels the Snyder-Gray murder in New Then, acrording to "the alleged around tlie world. at 11:15 with Ex-Chief Fancher a Swedish Firm " ' ''elatlons between the countries.” that the German admiralty jdace a 800 -Miles From Cape ^ York. According to District Attor- confession, the wife went to the ' ' It is estimated that 50,000 work-I cruiser at their di.'^posal for thc "I am now comiihding plana to . Early today the Memphis was of New Haven presiding. In behalf i uey Fred -M. Beckwith, .Mrs. Fra-|home of her sister, Mrs. Maggie ers and public officials took part in I trip home if they decide against 1 iuve.«t two million dollaixs in tlie about 800 miles from Cape Henry, of the Manchester Fire department I after several hours’ 1 Rising, because "she couldn’t bear Paris, June 9.—-Premier Poin­ a public demonstration against the flying. con.sLnictioii of planes tor regular speeding in a great circle at 221^ Chief Edward Coleman gave ^ i grilling that she placed strychnine j to see her husband suffer.” care today urged the Chamber of assassination of M. Woikoff last I It is unlikely, however, that this trans-.Atlantic fli.ght," said Levine. knots an hour. When the cruiser short address of tvelcome whicli i^ bottle of her husbands winn. I ^ A\ hen the wife returned -u-ith her Deputies to accept the project for night. .Mass meetings were held ! suggestion will be carried into ef- “ I believe we will have such planes struck the Gulf sa-eam, wliere the was responded to by President ' watched !iim drink it. .After; sister. Frasier lay dead. Physicians giving tho French match monoply in front of the headquarters of the ’ feet, owing to inforiiiation from [ in operation within a year. stream meets the Labrador current Fancher. Duriug the business I ficath, she said, she and'first Imlieved the man had suffered to a Swedish firm for $80,000,000. Communist Internationale and i AVashington that the United States ' “An aroiind-the-woiid non-step from the north there was a sudden session resolutions -were read on j Baker concealed the Imttlu contaiii-|a stroke and had struck his Iiead so that France might have some other public buildings when fiery ■ government probably will offer a I flight har a sporting interest but it drop of eighteen degrees in tem­ the death of Chief Winchester of ing the remauuler of the poison | on a table corner as he fell. Coroner available cash when discussions of speeches were made. ; warship for the voyage to America, j jg particular importance It is perature and tho :e on board had to South Norwalk. These resolutions under a stone in a pasture. The! Howard B. Swan, however recog- the .American debt are resumed. There were parades headed with [ I>eiigth of Stay | unpractical. A trans-.Atlantic flight bundle up a little warmer. were ordered spread on the rec- woman led Sheriff Herbert C. Smiti. ' nized symptoms of poisoning and Possession of $80,000,000 would brass bands in which the marchers! The length ot the .\niericans | j. „sef„i trans-Ulantic Lindbergh is entirely ready for o»ds of the organization. to the spot, where the botUe wa?; Mrs. Frasier was held for investiga-. permit France to re-open the debt carried banners inscribed with | stay in Europe is brelj'fi»>atical. ; the "ordeal'' which awaits him in found. negotiations and to enter into dis- _ Fire Marshal M. J. Fleming of ; tioji. After long denial s'le finallvl such bitter inscriptions as “Imper-j Chamberlin is anxious to study i carrying...... ______mail- America. He knows from the adul­ New Haven gave a very interest­ Husl.aml Objected i r . i o k e down and confessed,' county i “^^''^“ tagously and free- iailstic Blackguards,” “ Enemies of | European commercial aviation at ation and honors of Europe what ing talk on the duties of a fire ‘I couldn't have both Steve aniilofficcr.s declare Premier said. the Soviets.” ' first hnd and Levine does not seem ' 10 e.\)>ecL at W'ashington, New marshal. Marshal Fleming and The experts advised us to sign A guard of 500 men prevented a | in any rush to get back to New | HK.VRST 01 i’FR York. St. Louis and other cities he Dr. F. A. Sweet were made honor­ that Mellon-Bereruger accord in or­ hostile demonstration in front of i York. In view of these circum- | ------may visit immediately after his ar­ ary members of the club. Frank der to obtain credits in America,” the Polish legation. j stances their visit may last beyond , Berlin. June' 9.— Neither Clar- rival. But he is “ all set." Cheney, Jr., president of the South ! N. Y. G. EXPRESS ' ‘GO SLOW’ ADVISE he continued. “ But Parliament la fortnight. Chamberlin is going to | cuco .\. Clmnibcrliii nor Charles A. No Oflicial ( are Manchester Fire department and ' hasn’t ratified that agreement and London, but his sta\ in that citv ; Levine have reai'hed a decision on The bold .xoiing aviator is with­ an honorary member of the club, doesn’t seem disposed to do so. will not be a lengthy one | „I•^villiam Randolph out an official care upon the cruis­ gave a talk on the work as it is car­ “ Where does that lead us? To This afternoon the i Hcarst of $100,O(ip for a return the obligation of some day resum­ TWO DEAD, 32 HURT er and is full of boyish enthusiasm ried on in his district. IN A COIllSION IN REGARD REDS will be entertained by the Aero | the Atlantic.Atlantic to New for everything he encounters. .yt An Invitation from the West I ing the conversations and in order club. to discuss the question advantage­ Friday will be a big day. They York in the Bellanca plane. The.v intervals Lindbergh is busy with Haven department was received I IN MOTOR BUS CRASH will not make a decision until they his future plans and in preparing and accepted for the club to meet i ously and freely we can mever have will be guests of the city at an offi­ there on the 19th of August. This | too much foreign currency. j cial reception at the City Hall. have consulted their wives, who are material for the work which he j due liere next week. will write about his flight. Mean­ will be held at the same time as the ! Crashes Head On Into Puil- Government Tells Business “ These eighty million dollars are | ' Friday evening they will be guests Fifth Avenue, New “ Everything depends on whether while radio messages continue to annual meeting ot the Connecticut J not negligible." York, honor at a dinner given by Min- pour in upon the ship from all sec­ Firemen's association. Following I mans At Rochester— 40 To Sell For Cash Only In| AutosI Collide as Brakes On ; ister of Transport Koch. our wives will let us liy back," said tions ot the world. During the past the business meeting there was a ! Larger Car Fail. Chamberlin will be in his cic- | Levine today, two days thirty ship.s that passed social hour and the men were es- i HOLD POLICE CHIEF ment on Saturday when he and j "The Hearst prize offer looks -.vithin radio distance of the Mem­ corted through the Bon .Ami fac­ Slightly Injured, the Russian Market. .Levine will be shown the great | fine and I like tl>o idea a great deal," phis sent messages of congratula­ tory. A roast beef dinner was All UTTDIYED rUADCC! 9-—Two men I plant ot Lufthansa, Germany's ; although we didn’t at first think of tion. then served at the headquarters of Un irlUlil/^Eilx VllAilUlj i dead, another ir dying and 31 | foremost commercial aviation con-' flying back. I would like to fly back the fire companies to the members persons are suffering from Injuries i cern. but I can't decide immediately." Lindberglt is meticulous about Rochester. N. Y., June 9.— On." Washington, June 9.— Despite! ------' as the result of a Fifth Avenue I ------answering them. Lieutenant Gaines, of the club and their guests. Sou­ hundred or more passeiigci's wei’c Can't .Say Vet venirs were distributed by the the policy of neutrality observed j Head of Canton, Ohio, Force! "^otor bus crash last night at Fifth CH.AMBERLIN’S PL.ANS 4 ship's communication officer, de­ hurled from their berths early to­ by this government iu tlie British- Avenue and 65th street. As the ; Berlin, June 9.— A non-stop I ,‘T don't know, I can't say yet,” Bon Ami company and by The Taken to Jail In the Don clared that the -Nlemphis has han­ day when the .New York Limited, a Russian break, .American business­ traffic lights were turned against | flight around the world is now thol®^*^ Chamberlin when questioned dled forty times the amount of ra- Manchester Evening Herald. crack niglit express of the New Among those present were Pres­ men who visioned big profits in the Mellett Case. the bus the brakes failed to work aim of Clarence -A. Chamberlin, j “Btout the pioposal. I am submerg- :!io traffic usually cared for -when York Central railroad, crashed Soviet market, unofficially have ' ed in technical problems and I will the cruiser is acting as flagship of ident Fancher ot the club, ex- head-on into two Pullmans, filled and it collided with a touring car, j who has accomplished one of the chief of the New Haven Fire de­ been advised to "go slow.” Canton, Ohio, June 9.— 'While topping over against Central Park | greatest feats in aviation in his have to think over the possibilities the cruiser fleet. with Rochester passengers, station­ Take the Casli Seranus A. Lengel, deposed Canton and study the topographical details. .A staff of seven men have been partment; Chiefs H. H. Griswold ed on a siding here waiting to he wall. j flight from New York to Germany and John Pashl, New Haven annex; “ Take the cash and let the credit chief of police, was In jail here to­ We zig-zagged all over Germany working day and night receiving attached to Boston Express KI. go” policy apparently is the posi- day awaiting arraignment on a The dead are Clyde Bowen o f ! breaking all distance records. Chief John C. Moran, Hartford; G. Several persons were slightly brui.-:- Billings, Montana; and Matthews “ If someone is v/illing to put up and the eastern Atlantic coming messages from all the stations S. Pitt, Middletown; J. F. Donovan, tion of the government in dealing ! charge of first degree 'murder over and I don’t want to do it along the .American coast. Most of ed but none was-seriously injured. Malumphy, of New York. | $2,000,000 fob research work, I am -Meriden; ex-Chief Francis Murrav,’ with Avhat is characterized as "an connection with the slaying of Don again. I must study the maps and hem are letters a! congratulations Prompt work on the jiart ot unlimited market for everything R. Mellett, Louis Mazer, indicted The driver of the bus, James convinced I would soon be able to Morris Cove; Chiefs Albert Foy Pullman porters, who remained in Brennan, and the driver of the auto. I produce a plane capable of a non- determine the best routes." of various kinds. They ranged in and Edward Coleman and Ex-Chief but with unlimited purchasing last fall as one ot the Mellett con­ ength from 2 5 to 100 or more their cars and reassured th*:' ptis- ability." Trade between the Unit­ spirators, was to be sentenced. Robert States, were held on a ' stop flight around the world, said Both Chamberlin and Levine John Limerick of Manchester; D. sengers, averted a panic. charge of homicide. I Chamberlin today in an Interview state they realize the magnitude of >vords. W. Harford, South Norwalk' ed States and Russia is neither dis­ Mazer, whose confession to bis From early 'VA'ednesday morning 40 .Sliglitly H urt couraged nor encouraged, but it i.s part in the plot to slay the young ------' with the International News Ser­ being the first to accomplish a non­ George B. Milne. Rockville; W. F. LLCETTI ON; TRIAL stop flight to Europe and a non­ until last night more than 100 ra- Clark, Naugatuck; John Stammers .All the passengers in the Rodies- regarded as the private affair of editor resulted in the conviction of vice. .liograms had been received. Official ter Pullmans were shaken up and .American corporations concerned. Floyd Streitenberger and in turn “ That is a large order, but I be- stop flight return to .America and and Charles Rose, New London; that the chances of accomplishing traffic greatly increased, also, ow­ Larry Reif. New Haven; M. r’. about forty of them required medi­ Many Iiiquirie.s the indictment of Lengel, has Rome, June 9.— Cino Lucetti , lieve that at the present rate of _ ing to instructions from the Navy Crockett. North Haven; Ex-Chief cal attention. Railroad physicians Since Canada and London broke thrown himself on the mercy of T\-as placed on trial today before a 1 improvement in planes it could be ! achievement occupy most Department at ’Washington. D. B. Mercer. Westville; W. S. administered to them and found with the Soviet hundreds of let­ the court. He is charged with military tribunal on charges of hav-1 done “ I thoughts new. Leek. Windsor; George Schlesser that, beyond bruises and slight ters have been received by officials first degree murder, but probably ing made an attempt on the life of ! Wings .Antique and E. Granfield, West Haven. lacerations, none of them was ser- here, inquiring as to the govern­ will receive a light sentence. Premier Mussolini last September. I Chamberlin was told that Ger-! iously hurt. ment attitude teward Russian Lengel, snow-white haired, 65- ucettl Is alleged to have thrown! aviation engineers were aston- ACTOR DREW SICK. Alaiiy of ihe passengers on the commerce. These communications year-oId_former chief, who had on­ a bomb at the premier’s car as he TW O BLOW N TO BIT.S S.OOO CX)PS FOR LINDY Limited xvere also thrown to the ished at the Columbia’s v.’ings of are belli,g answered unofficially. ly one more year to s&rve before he drove from hts summer residence. wood and canvas and considered San Francisco, Calif., June 9.— floor by the impact. The two Roch­ The writers are being advised that was eligible for pension, declared The bomb hit the car but rolled i .... = • .. .■ Butler. Pa., Juue 9.—Two men John Drew's physicians today e.x- ester Pullmans were driven nearly consideration must be given to the he was innocent. away and exploded without Injur-^ antique, arid possibly a third were killed New York. June 9.— Between 7,- fifty feet by the collision. “ That is why we were able to pressed anxiety over the veteran ac­ 000 and 8,000 policemen, the absence of relations between the ing the premier. when- a truck carrying nitro-glycer- tor's condition. Following a day of In Night .Attire United States and the Soviet, and carry so much useful load,” com­ largest number ever required for mented Chamberlin. “ The German iiie for shooting oil wells overturn­ apparent improvement, Mr. Drew Cites of the passengers went up to the peculiar condition of the HELPED CHAMBERLIN ed and was blown to bits when tho any kind of demonstration, will be ; on all sides. Many of the passeng­ Russian market. .MRS. SCHUBERT’S FUNERAL all-metal planes are more durable >iiffered a setback last night, caus­ assigned to parade duty on the re­ explosive was discharged near here ing his doctors to call for a consul- ers rushed for the exits iu night at­ Berlin, June 9.— Charles A. Le­ but they are too heavy. The wood turn of Colonel Charles A. Linid- The funeral of Mrs. Anna B. today. .ation. tire. The porters, however, quick­ KILLS WO.'VIAN, SHOOTS SELF vine is anxious to correct the im types burn, it is true, but so will The identified dead: F. H. Greer bergh next Monday, Commissioner ly calmed them. Wilmington, Del., June 9.— In­ Schubert was held at her home on the all-metal types if the gas Drew was stricken with arthritis "Warren announced today. This is ., _ . , J pression that he was a mere passen- and Richard Toxin, both of Rouse- and rheumatic fever ten days ago. An investigation this morning furiated because his attentions had 54 Cooper street yesterday after-, gej. jg the trans-ocean voyage of ignites. A burning brick building ville. nearly one-half of the entire police indicated, it was stated, that the been rejected, John Bove, 60. shot noon. ItT* was largely1 attended and Bellanca plane. force of the city. is just as hot as a wooden one if it M. T. Bowers, president of the wreck was probably due to an er­ and Irilled Mrs. Porlinni, 38, in the there were many floral tribute. is full of burning gas. TREASURY' BALANCE Mo.st of the uniformed men de­ "I relieved Clarence,” said Le­ Bowers Torpedo Co., employer of ror on the part of a yardman who bedroom of her home here early to­ Burial was in the East cemetery. vine today, “ but It didn’t seem to “ The Columbia is now in process tached from their regular duties threw a wrong switch. It was Ve- the victims, said a third man may "Washington, June 9—Treasury day and attempted to kill himself The bearers were Adolph Denske, do him much good. He couldn’t of being overhauled for a tour of have been riding on the truck when for the celebration will be station­ garded as fortunate that the Lim­ by firing a bullet Into his brain. Rudolph Heck, John Ropertz. John balance June 17th: $119,987,813.- ed along the line of march of the sleep. It is true I only flew for Central Europe, but she only needs the blast occurred. Only the .rem-* 32. ited was making slow time when Bove was rushed to the Delaware Schiebel, Paul Klotzer ond August sport, but I wouldn’t have flown the a few extra bolts in the landing parade. the imnact occurred. Hants of two bodies havs i liosDital In a dying condition. I Senkbell. Atlantic as dead ■weicht.” sear. \Ve had arraneed to be able found however.

» \ Mr-'-

_ MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1927. PAGE TWO REV. WILLIAM F. DAVIS P01ICE COURT REC SWIMMING CLASSES NORTH METHODISI^ DEATH COMES SUDDENLY RUBINOW’ S STORE ABOUT TOWN Today *s Best TO GEORGE GRAHAM, 32 IS CRITICALLY ILL GROW FAST IN INTEREST IS 20 YEARSOLD Charles J. McCann, merchan­ Radio B et Sergeant John Crockett and GREET NEW PASTOR dise manager of the J. W. Hale Patrolman John J. I^cGlinn round­ Manchester Green Man Ex­ company, is in. New York City to­ Betired Pastor Suffers Brain ed up a party of five men last eve­ day on a business trip. Hemorrhage and Shock At Enrollment of Both Men and pires After Taking Visitors “INDIAN LORE” PROGRAM ning, all of whom were Intoxicated. His Home Here. — WCAE Word reached the police station Women Increases Rapidly Informal Reception Tender­ Home In Car. Ladies’ Wear Sales of Un­ Property on Maple street owned about the actions of the men who With Latter Preponderant. by Gustave Florin has been sold George Graham of W'elcome Rev. William F. Davi", retired were hanging around the Home­ to Hilma Florin, according to minister and pastor of the South A program of ‘Tiudlan Lore” will stead Park section in the vicinity Enrollment in the new swimming street, Manchester Green, died sud­ usual Value Announced to warranty deed filed in the office of be broadcast from WCAE at 7 p. ed In Connection With denly last night. He had had visi­ Methodist Episcopal church for of the South Manchester railroad and life saving classes for men and the town clerk this morning. The la., eastern time ThursdaFi June 9. tors last night and had taken them property has a frontage of 76 feet seven years, is critically ill at his all day. The police lost no time in women at the School street Recre­ home at 4 5 Wadsworth street as Other picks are: Springtime Supper. home in his car. Returning, he died Celebrate Event. on that street and is 150 feet deep. WEAF, 6:30 p. m., eastern time gathering them in. The men all ation Center shows that an unprece­ almost at once. The cause of his the result of a shock he suffered at dented interest is being shown in — National Cavaliers Male Quartet. pleaded guilty to intoxication and a death had not been determined to­ A marriage license was issued 8 o’clock last night while sitting on fine of $10 and costs was imposed these activities. Women are promi­ WTIC, 6:30 p. m., eastern time day. Mr. Graham is known to William Rubinow, proprietor of today to Sharwood Behrend, son of the front porch .f hi: home. Mr. — The Wesleyan Jibers. in each case. In the party were Paul nent in the swimming classes and North Methodist folks in large Davis was rtrlcken with a hemor­ have complained frequently of ! Rubinow’s Garment Center, Ig ap- Joseph Behrend, and Miss Marga­ WIP, 8 p. m., eastern time— The Cleary, Thomas Connors, Paul Mc­ their sessions during the week are numbers and many other towns­ headaches. rhage of the brain and went Into a more than twice those o f' the men. nouncing his twentieth anniversary ret E. Fraser, daughter of William Philadelphia Quartet Club. Donald, John Fenton and John people gathered in the vestry of the He was In the bakery business, Fraser, both of this town. Mr. Beh­ coma a half hour later. He had not WJZ. 8:30 p. III., eastern time— Gribbon. With the exception of Life saving classes for men and church last evening for the in­ conducting a house-to-house baker as a merchandiser of ladies’ wear rend Is employed in a Hartford revived consciousness late this aft­ women were started some weeks Hires Harvesters. Gribbon all were able to pay. He formal reception tendered the new truck. It is said yesterday he had in Manchester. Ex-traordinary val­ bank and Misg Fraser has ' been ernoon. Due to his advanced age, w o e , 9:30 p. m., central time— was taken to jail to work out his ago and the original enrollment has engaged a substitute to take over with the Manchester Construction Mr. Davis’s condition is such that increased considerably. TVomen’s pastor, Rev. Marvin S. Stocking ues in women’s garments are to be Band concert. fine and costs. his route for today, feeling that company. his relatives have been called to swimming classes were conducted and his family. The affair was held a feature of the birthday celebra­ Horace E. Peckham who figured in connection with the springtime he would not be able to work. tion. The sale will continue for the bedside. throughout the winter with an al­ He was born in Rockville and In the unfortunate accident at supper by the Ladies Aid society several days and each day will find Line Foreman John Gordon and During his seven years service at Buckland a week ago when his au­ most perfect attendance and the was 32 years old. He had lived here new groups of articles featured at his force of men dismantled the the South Methodist church here new classes have started out in the and arrangements were in charge the greater part of hi? life and tomobile struck the two little of the president and the group of special prices. Attention is called poles at the carbarn yards at the from 19 03 to 191C, Rev. Davis daughters of Kristian Carlson, was same way. went to school in this town. During to the advertisetnent of this sale Center today. All wiring was strip­ made many friends. He was much workers for the month of May. the World War he was In the ser­ WTIC before the Manchester police court Until a little more than a year ped and the poles will be removed beloved by his congregation. In ago there were only three swim­ vice but did not go to France. He this morning on the charge of driv­ shortly. The sidewalk in front of 1924, Rev. Davis retired from ac­ ming periods for women at the Rec was married about a year ago to ^ ing an automobile with defective the carbarns, through which the tive service. At the time of his re­ Travelers Insnriince Oc^ tank. Today there are 12, for the Miss Helen Rankin. j rails formerly ran, Is being concret­ tirement he was preaching in Port­ Hartford, Conn. brakes. A representative of the in­ large number of students has made He is survived by his wife and i surance company was present and ed. land, Conn. 4rt7. it necessary to divide the larger an infant daughter, his parents, I Rev. Davis joined the New Eng­ made a plea for leniency. He said periods into smaller ones to accom­ Mr. and Mrs. John Graham of | Watkins Brothers Duncan Phyfe land Southern Conference in 1882 he thought it was one of those un­ Wadsworth street; two brothers. | modate the various classes. club held its final get-together of aand was placed in charge of the Program for Thursday avoidable accidents that seemingly The men's periods in swimming Thomas and Francis, both of this ; the season last evening at the Wap- church of Orleans In this state. must happen. A p ea of nolo con- town; two sjsters. Miss Eleanor and life saving have also been in­ 1%' ping school hall. A substantial sup­ From there, he went to Wareham, lendere was entered. Judge Johnson creased from three a week to five. Graham and Mrs. Catherine Smyth. Funeral arrangements had not per of cold meats, baked beans, Mass., serving there from 1883 to 6:00 p. m.— Dinner Music— The found Peckham guilty of driving Two of these periods are those in Vagabond Saxophones been completed today. scalloped potatoes, salads, pickles, 188 5. Other churches and his pe­ with improper brakes and Imposed which instruction is given in Red rolls and old-time strawberry short­ riods of service there follow: Fair- 6:15— Soprano Solos— Jane Corso a fine of $15 and costs. Cross life saving methods, while % Find Tumor on Brain An autopsy performed at llie cake was served by the Federated haven. 1886 to 1889; Bristol, 1889 6:30— Dinner Music continued— George Cohn of Lowell, Mass., the others are regular plunge peri­ The Vagabond Orchestra ' F ' M undertaking rooms of Thomas G. Workers. The weather outdoors to 1891; Middleboro, 1891 to 1895; paid a fine of $10 and costs for ods in which' no instruction is giv­ was so inviting the party picked up Urrcasville, 1895 to 1896; Taber- 6:50— News and Baseball Scores speeding. He was arrested by I Dougan this morning disclosed that en. death was due to the presence of u ! sides for a ball game, returning imcle Church in Providence from 7:00— Mid-week Religious Sing Patrolman R. H. Wirtalla on Cen­ A new springboard was installed ; tumor on the brain. | later to the hall for a business ses­ 1897 to 1898; Danielson 1899 to 7:30— Middletown Chamber of ter street last night who testified at the pool this week to replace the Mr. Graham, it was disclosed to- j sion. The next meeting of the club 1902; South .Manchester, 1903 to Commerce Program with the he was driving at the rate of 4 2 old one, which had been split. day, had been undergoing treat- j will be held in October. 1910; Pleasant Street Church in ■Wesleyan Jibers miles an hour. ment on his back for some time, j New Bedford. Mass.. 1911 to 1913; 8:00— Piano Selections— ; He told friends some time a,go that j The Concordia Lutheran church East Main conference and served in a. Premiere Ballade. . . . Chopin WILL ATTEND WEEK END Houlton, Maine, from 1913 to b. Lotus Land...... Cyril Scott ZION LUTHERAN SCHEDULE i his practice of driving his baker | will omit services here the coming MEET AT C.IMP PIONEER wagon with his back against the | 1916; Provincetown Center church c. Rondo Brlliant ...... -Weber Sunday and members of the con­ 8:15— Bridgeport Flectral Orches­ small drawer pulls on the shelves | gregation will attend the ninth an­ from 1917 to 1918; Fall River, New summer arrangements were At least eight scoutmasters and had caused him considerable pain. ] 1919 to 1922; Portland, Conn., to tra under the direction of Willis announced by Rev. H. F. R. Stech- niversary of the Old People s home committeemen from Manchester An examination by a doctor showed j retirement. J Crosl^y at Southbury. holz for the Zion Lutheran church plan to attend the annual outing at that some of the vertebrae in the j 9:00— “ What Shall I Read”— Wal­ on Cooper street today. Under the Camp Pioneer Saturday afternoon spinaJ column had been displaced At the annual meeting ot the ter F. Grueninger new schedule there will be no aft­ — Photo by Elite The Troubadours will have a re­ 9: 15— Baritone Solos— Harry Had­ and Sunday. Camp Pioneer is locat­ Rev. M. S. Stocking through continual riding this way. | William Rubinow Eight School & Utilities district, ernoon services and all regular He had kept this condition from hearsal this evening at the Center which will take place next Thurs­ ley Sc’ay.le; Laura C. Gaudett, services will be held at 10 o’clock ed at Highland Lake in Winsted. church at 6 p. m. and at 7:00 the The outing is for the scoutmasters The committee on decorating had his family. found on page six of today’s Her­ day evening, June 16, the voters Accompanist In the morning. Beginning with The headaches with which he ald. Hl-Y club will hold its meeting. At will be asked to make an appro­ 9:30— Colt Park Municipal Orches­ July there will be English services and committeemen of Hartford dis­ worked wonders with the vestry. 7:00 the Girl Reserves will come trict. Those from Manchester who The poles were entwined with was afflicted frequently were unu­ With the exception of the J. W. priation to cover the expense ot tra on the first Sunday in the month at Hale company store, Rubinow’s is together for their study period in 10:00— Gibbs Operatic Quartette are expected to go are Raymond strips of pale pink and green paper sually severe and it was said that putting in a sprinkler system in the 10 a. m., and on the third Sunday the oldest establishment in Man­ the life of Christ. 11:00— News and Weather Mercer, Ronald Hillman, David during some of the spells he was school buildings in the district. at 7:30, during the fall and win­ and festoons of the same were used forced to stop his car and wait un­ chester dealing exclusively in Hutchinson, Maurice Ferris, Frank ter months. All other services will at the windows and elsewhere til the headaches had passed. It frocks, gowns and garments for Mrs. WUlIam Black will be hos­ be in German. Ganney, Carl Prete, James A. Irvine throughout the large room. On the was during one of these severe the ladles. It was in 19 07 that tess for the meeting of the Wo­ and Olin Crough- The Manchester tables white flowers predominated. spells that he died. William Rubinow came to Man­ man’s Foreign Missionary society men will meet at the trolley termi­ The good things to eat included Mr. Graham was well known in chester from Hartford leasing the which will be held at the South nus at the south end at 1:30 Satur­ cold ham, salads, stuffed . eggs, CARD OF THANKS Manchester because of his wide ac­ store in the old Milo Russell Methodist church tomorrow at day afternoon. pickles, rolls, coffee and home­ quaintance and pleasing personali­ building situated just this side of 7:45. All mite boxes are to be turn­ tVe wish to thank all our friends made strawberry shortcake. ty. The news of his death came as the present South Manchester post ed in at this time. and neighbors for the sympathy An Arabian horse which has just During the evening Miss Caro­ a shock to an unusually large num­ office. There Mr. Rubinow did a thriving business and gained a and kindness shown during the been added to the Silver Lane Rid­ line Waterbury provided piano ber of persons. A well baby conference will be V acation Club Books reputation of being an honest and death of our beloved wife, mother ing Club’s stables, is attracting numbers and the Misses Buelah and held at the West Side Recreation reliable mercliant. and sister; especially those who much attention. A special afternoon Elizabeth Filbig madolin duets. Center tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. In 1919 :sir. Rubinow disposed contributed flowers. riding class for housewives is prov­ Ralph Pearson sang “ The Holy HIGH SCHOOL TO ROOT Mothers with children from one ing popular at the club. City’’ and responded to an encore. ot ills s ort. and for a sliort period Robert Schubert and Family. of time entered the real estate month to five years are invited. Dr. Miss Beatrice Shaw recited an ap­ Howard Boyd will be in attendance. Should be turned in propriate poem entitled “ Grant FOR ITS TEAM TODAY business. Duri'.ig hig dozen years This Church Strength” and Leon as a merchant .Mr. Rubinow hr.d invested wisely in local properties Miss Lillian Sheridan, daughter Holmes gave a humorous mono­ Game With East Hartford Sub­ and he had been so successful in of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sheridan logue. ject of Boosting at Thursday transferring tlieiu that he decided of North Main street is visiting her Rev. E. P. Phreaner, formerly sister, Miss Mabel Sheridan who Assembly. to devote his entire time to that pastor of the church and Mrs. Imisiiuo.-. He had purchased the graduates from Ohio-Wesleyan Phreaner assisted Rev. and Mrs. ONCE FOR I Park building and when real es­ University, Delaware, Ohio, this Stocking in receiving. Master Mer- The regular Thursday assembly tate transfers slackened Mr. Rubl- month. After the commencement at the Manchester High school was vin Tliresher presented Mrs. Stock­ nnw returned to the woman’s gar­ exercises on the 15th the sisters In order that the checks may be ing with a handsome bouquet of red held this morning instead of this ment business. He opened a store will return home together, spending roses. afternoon because of the baseball in the Park building in the store some time in New York City en GRADUATES | game betw'een Manchester High and now occupied by Gardner’s shoe mailed promptly. route. East Hartford High to be played store. We list below many articles in two groups that would ^ EMBLEM CLUB GETS this afternoon in East Hartford. Mr. Rubinow soon found that make a suitable graduation gift. ^ The program dealt entirely with his busines.s was growing too rap­ EIGHT LOCAL PERSONS sports. idly for such a small store and he CHARTER AT ROCKVILLE Five persons spoke on the base­ immediately made plans to occupy $1.00 to $5.00 $5.00 to $10.00 ball game, urging the students to the corner store which is just op­ SAILING FOR IRELA.ND Manchester Trust turn out enmasse to support their posite Park street on Main. .4s soon Leather Bill Fold Leather Bags as the Manchester Public Market Leather Gift Books I -V. number of Manchester women team this afternoon. The champion­ Watch Chain ' are among the members of the ship of the Central Connecticut In­ left this store. -Mr. Rubinow began Group, Largely of Women, to Cuff Links Pearl Necklaces i Emblem club of Rockville which terscholastic league hinges on the extensive alterations throughout Leave New York Saturday Pen and Pencil klesh Bags ! was given its charter in the Elks outcome of the contest. East Hart­ the Park building. This was just two years ago, in 1925. One of On the Caineronia. Pins Stone Rings i Home in that city yesterday after- ford is a slight favorite because it has “ Buddy” Brewer, a pitcher who the outstanding changes made by Signet Rings Slave Bracelets ’ noon. Three of the local women are Mr. Rubinow was the construction Passage for Ireland on the S. S. Knives Desk Sets among the officers who were elect­ has struck out 125 batsmen in 11 ot a beautiful store front with clev­ Cameronla of the Anchor Line, ed on May 12. They are Mrs. Henry games this season. He has beaten erly arranged show windows. This sailing from New York on Saturday Writing Paper Tourist Cases W. Gottschalk, vice-president: Mrs. Manchester once 7 to 3. The speak­ Clock store front allows for unusually has been booked by eight Manches­ Dress Sets Mary Danaher, treasurer and Mrs. ers included Principal C. P. Quim- beautiful displays and gives the ter persons. Most of those who are TO­ TO­ Belt and Buckle Traveling Sets Leontine Heatley, trustee. by, Warren Humes, Ben Radding, store a metropolitan finish. leaving expect to stay in Ireland The installation of the officers Ludwig Hansen, Andrew Peterson Last year Mr. Rubluow again al­ about three months, while one is te Come in. The services of this gift store are yours was performed by Mrs. Miles and Ty Holland. John Cervini spoke tered his store so tliat he would spend an indefinite period of time NIGHT to enjoy. Sweeney, head of the Providence on track athletics in connection have more room for stock and dis­ there. The Cameronia will dock at NIGHT '■A Emblem club. She was accompanied with the meet here tomorrow after­ play. He built the north wall out Londonderry. j by her staff and a number of other noon between Manchester High and meet Purnell Place and installed All- the passages were booked TONIGHT IS THE BIG NIGHT members of her club. Chapman Tech of New London, at windows along the north and east through the agency of Robert J. Entertainment followed, consist­ ihe West Side playgrounds. sides. Now Mr. Rubinow’s store Smith, Mr. and Mis. George Pools Dewey-Richnian Co. ing of solos by members of the affords natural light from three of Eldridge street have also secured Rockville club. Miantonomoh Tribe, No. 58, of sides. The daylight feature enab­ steamship tickets but will not sail COUNTRY STORE Jewelers, Stationers, Opticians 5 Red Men will hold a meeting In les customers to be absolutely sure until June 25. HERE’S THE SURPRISE Tinker Hall tonight at eight of the color of the garments they Those who will leave on Satur­ New Location, 767 Main Street. ^ Mrs. John Carlson of Main street are purchasing. has recovered from her long Illness o’clock. Officers for the ensuing day are Miss Margaret Stevenson of year will be nominated and all Fourteen employees work at of over a year. Rubinows. During rush seasons Ridge street. Miss Julia Gleason of members are asked to be present. Birch street. Miss Margaret Fitz­ “ Laschaway’ s Jazz Hounds” and sales Mr. Rubinow employs several more. An alteration de­ patrick of Eldridge street, Mrs. Music, Singuig and Dancing With Mary Giratt Alice Sween, Agnes Saltas and Miss Agnes Saltas Jimmy Baker and Rossa Ross. iiiiJiujiJiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiimiimiiii partment is conducted on the sec­ ond floor of the Park building and of Garden street, Miss Alice McCann DON’T MISS THE FUN AND GIFTS! and Miss Alice M. McGowan of two tailors are employed here. Dur­ NO ADVANCE IN PRICES “ Get them at Reyman- 7lotso^cC{\ i % ing rush times more tailors are em­ Florence street and James Mc- Caughey of 118 Summer street. der’s and your wife’ll ’V h^w. to = ployed. In the New York garment FEATURE PICTURE never know the differ- I Underwear of Merit center Rubinow's is represented by Miss Stevenson is undecided as to 7 {o u )^ huy the Hart-Flannigan corporation. how long she will stay. CONWAY TEARLE and IRENE RICH r ence. miM, to t?ke horn % FOR MEN AND BOYS Tiiis syndicate is composed of 130 The greater number of those stores and Rubinow’g is the smal­ sailing will stay In County Armagh lest in the chain. As a result this while they are in Ireland. in “MY OFFICIAL WIFE” Headquarters That suits your every requirement. Satisfaction in rdanchester house has the advan­ underwear is only received 'wdien you purchase the best tage possessed by some of the big­ = 15 known makes. Underwear for men and boys that fit, gest in the country. The syndicate BOY ILL WITH MUMPS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY has taken a particular interest in For Fresh Fish wear right, at a reasonable price. the 2Util anniversary and is coop­ 2__ GREAT FEATURES ON SAME PRO(xRA^ — 2 erating ill giving Rubinow’s some RUNS TO STREET, HIT very dependable merchandise at un usually low prices. Spedal For Featunng Apparently Uninjured, How­ vTBIHUSNES ever and Police Release N- RE.4IOVALS Y. Salesman’ Driver of Car. Friday Six household removals were re­ M i n d 4 11 ^ Carter’ s Union Suits ported today. Two families remov- Little three-year-old Edward EVEIYN MEOT/ OErANWIlH ''■! out ff towi. T. e li;^t: Henry Brzezinski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ig­ FRAN K *TUTTLE HADDOCK 9c perhaps the best known make in the Brunelle, from 32 Clinton street to nacy Brzezlnski, of 58 Blssell M^OD CT to N country. Quality and fit in every Minis, Mass.; Samuel Dermott, 49 street, was more scared than injur­ Halibut ...... 43c Pickerel ,fresh w ater .. 40c ed shortly after noon today when garment. All styles. Purnell Place to Birroklyn, N. Y.: Fresh Red Salmon .... 43c Yellow P e rch ...... _35c Mrs. Sarah Hayden. 25 Wl^'ier he was struck by an automobile op­ Dressed Bullheads .... 35c street to 14 Pearl stieet; Aaron erated by A. P. Goubelman, New Steak C o d ...... 20c B. V. D. Unions are always popular. York salesman. Robert J. Little, of W hitefish...... 30c Raddin.g, Strickland .•,treet to 142 Steak Blue ...... 20c Rockinchair Unions, we can fit any Summit streeM Edward F Lali Little and McKinney’s feed store Filet of Haddock...... 30c sieper, Haines street to 'I A Sura- was riding with him. The accident ADOLPH ZUKOK L WlKY d Qaramownt Qidure.^ Flounders...... 12c Live Eels ...... 35c build with Rockinchair Unions. occurred on Bisseil street. / .M.^r gireet; Andrew .''-climidt. Gar­ P orgies...... 25c Squ id...... 20c den street to 185 Center street. Goubelman and bystanders said The Woodman Athletic Suit war­ he was driving not more than 20 Alew ives...... 15c Bluefish...... 25c The most true-to-life racins ranted to wear, $1 per garment, 3 for miles an hoilr when the child, his story ever filmed. Thrilling $2.55. The best value in town. BANDIT COLLAPSES. face heavily bandaged because of Fresh Shad Bucks 30c and Roe 35c. the mumps, suddenly ran out from drama of a jockey who Hartford, June 9.— Virgil Gill. a bunch of children he had been S u n se t thought he lost his nerve and Little Neck Steaming Clams, Quohaugs BOYS’ NUBACK UNIONS 2 6, of New Britain, collapsed today playing with directly Into the path a girl who knew he didn’t— of the automobile. The driver put Deep Sea Scallops No tearing at when sentenced from five to seven set to the thudding hoof- ai'e the strongest built for active boys, years in state prison by Judge the brakes on quickly but the child the back, 75c. Christopher L. Avery, of the Super! was knocked down. He picked him­ beats of Kentucky thorough­ or Court, for participation in i self up quickly and scampered into breds! payroll robbery in Hartford on the house. Officer R. H. Wirtalla I Reymander’s Market April 9. Gill, with William Madone investigated and placed no respon­ f e a t u r i n g and Victor Poggi, of New Britain, sibility on the driver. I 1071 Main Street, Opposite Army & Navy Club GLENNEY'S both minors, held up Miss Mar­ MARY ASTOR garet Callahan, cashier of the K. B. In Chile, railroad conductors clap Phone 456 We Deliver Noble Co., on Pearl street. In a their hands as a signal for “ all daylight robbery and took $593. aboard.” ...... t Ma n ch ester xconn.) e v e n in g h e r a l d , thltrsday. jl n e g. igzr. K IG B THREE

this city will observe “ Better Home handcraft, study and in fact any­ Manchester today attending the Day” tomorrow. The morning ses­ thing that is interesting and useful Connecticut Fire Chiefs meeting sion will open in Bolton as far as and for which a teacher can be se­ held at the Manchester Fire De­ RockAdlle the local office is concerned, where cured, will be started in the fall. partment headquarters. After the automobiles will carry those who The social activities will be center­ meeting, the chiefs will be the Intend to be present. ed in and about the classes, but in guests of the district to a roast Miss Grace Sikes will conduct addition, dances, parties, whists, beef dinner and will be taken to the one inspection party, starting at teas and kindred events will be en­ factory of the Orford Scap Co. for COUNCIL TO FAVOR 9:30 standard time at the home of joyed to the full. Inspection. Mrs. Frank E. Collins of Bolton With the Influx of a fine diversi­ Mrs. Amy Meyers of Union street fied group of new girls into the Notch, from thence to the homes is spending the day with her club there is every reason to feel daughter in Manchester. of Mrs. Charles Wright and Mrs. A. 11 MILL TAX RATE that the work this splendid organi­ Mrs. Edna Thompson and Mrs. H. Benton of Andover. Mrs. Sara zation has carried on in the past Nellie Cooley attended the Trinity Unusual Opportunity Dimock will head another group will assume finer and bigger pro­ Past Noble Grands association starting from Bpgbee’s Garage at portions in the future. meeting held in Glastonbury Wed­ -IN- West Willington at 9:30 standard Grafid List of City Near Nine N otes nesday afternoon. time. The first stop will be at the Music for the dance to be given Miss Margaret Schmogro of home of Mrs. Julius Meyers of Wil­ by the 3 in 1 Social club at Elling­ Prospect street is spending a few Millions; Refunding Bonds lington, from thence to the home of ton Town hall Saturday evening days in New York. DINING SUITES Miss Edith Mason in Mansfield, and will be furnished by Cari Buck- to the grounds of Mrs. Raymond mister and his orchestra consisting OUR ENTIRE LINE OF FLOOR SAMPLES MARKED DOWN. For Sale. Clark’s home on Columbia Green. of Fred Kemnitzer, violinist; Bill At tw'elve o’clock standard time Hoffman, piano; Oscar Badstueb- START DRIVE HERE We have sold out most of our stock exceptionally all will meet for basket lunch on ner, trumpet; Jack Keeney, saxo­ Every suite is included, some of the best numbers of phone; Fred Hoffman, banjo and early and have had to ffo into the market for new. Con­ (Special to The Herald) the lawn of Mrs. Fanny Dixon the season—but very little stock, mostly the sample Welch’s home at Columbia Lake Carl Butkmister, diums. FOR COUNHY FUND sequently we w ant to close out our sample line now show­ Rockville, June 9.— The adjourn­ followed by demonstraHons. This Baseball fans of this city and ing’ and have put on some very attractive prices through­ suite only. Our Profit Sharing Club gives you the ben­ ed City meeting for the laying of a meeting is open to anyone in the contingent territory will be on out. efit of these reduced prices and a full year to pay. tax, which the council will recom­ county interested in home improve­ hand in goodly numbers Saturday mend as 11 mills, will be held June ment. During the social hour sev­ afternoon w'hen the Y. P. A. A. Local Committee Out to 15 in the Memorial building. The eral boats will be at the disposal team clash with the New Departure Our Leader grand list of the City of Rockville of those Avho enjoy being on the aggregation on the West end amounts to $8,861,984 and the run­ grounds as it promises to be one water. If stormy, this meeting will of the fastest and most important Raise |4,000 As Man­ ning expenses, as estimated in the be held the following day. budget leaves $132,000 for the city games of the season. $ Mrs. JuJia Anton 99.50 to pay. The 11 mill tax. Mayor John Next Sunday will be a big day chester’s Quota For Work. (Regular Price $145) Cameron said this morning, will he Mrs. Julia Anton, age 29, wife of at the Union church. Children's sufficient to meet the amount and Frank Anton, died in a Hartford Day, when the children will have a A Full Year to Pay carry on the work. Under the law hospital last evening. Death was prominent part in the service and due to pneumonia. She was born in a large number will be baptized. A two weeks’ campaign to raise There are eicht pieces included at this price, table, buffet, five it will he necessary to lay this tax, side cluiir.s and one guest chair. .Made in walnut over selected but the reason for delaying the tax Austria. Two' sons- Edward and All mothers wishing to have their $4,000 as Manchester’s quota in John, survive her as do her hus­ children baptized arc requested to the Hartford County Y. M. C. A. gumwoocl. Chair seats are in tapestry. The finish is very de­ rate was to await the completion of lightful. This .suite is from our regular line of high grade mer-% the grand list. The council at its band, her mother, a sister and five notify Mrs. Emma Ludw'ig Orchard drive for funds was begun here to­ brothers. street or Rev. Brookes. The service day by a team of eleven persons chandise and we have but one suite to offer. China extra at meeting Tuesday night had the fig­ who will make personal solicita­ $28.00. ures before them and after each de­ AVill Seek Recruits will be at 10;30 and it is expected Capt. Herbert Bissell, of Com­ that a large number will be out to tions. The group is composed of partment had been given an oppor­ hear the little ones recite and sing. Fayette B. Clark, Louis St. Clair tunity to look over the figures the pany G 169th Regiment of Man­ Eight Piece Suite chester has secured permission The Wonian'.s Missionary socie­ Burr, Lucius Foster, Leonard rate of 11 mills was the one that ty of the Union Congregational Beadle, Charles W. Holman, Clar­ they decided on to recommend to from Mayor Cameron, who is the chief of police _as well as mayor un­ church are preparing to send a box ence P. Quimby, Ray C. Pillsbury, the voters to lay. of clothing to the Pleasant Hill Robert Purinton, Stuart Segar, $ 129.50 Bonds For Sale der the Rockville charter, to take Scott H. Simon, J. E. Rand, Regular Price $172.50 the company to Rockville on the Academy in Tennessee, the first of Today the refunding bonds of the this month. They are requesting The soliciting committee was .A FuU Year to Pay. Rockville Sewer extension and com­ night of June 20, when the com­ anyone interested in the project to named at a meeting of the County pany will give an exhibition in drill­ pletion for the payment of the sew­ contribute and clothing may be left Y officials held at the Community 'W’e have two of these fine suites ers already laid, will be offered for ing and bayonet work. The idea is at the Maxwell Reading room. club at the north end Tuesday- to interest the young men in Rock­ left and they will not last long at sale. The Travelers Insurance Com The annual outing of the Mert’s night. Executive Secretary Elmer this price. There is a 60 inch buf­ ville in military work and to try pany of Hartford are acting as fis­ , Union of tlie Union Congregational T. Thienes of the Hartford County fet, table that opens to six feet and cal agents for the city in this work. and bring the company to full j church will be held at Vernon Cen- Y was present from Hartford and a set of six chairs with tapestry The bond issue was voted at the strength before the encampment ter on Saturday, June IS. The re outlined the work that has been seats. It ig in walnut over gum- last session of the General Assem­ next month. past will be prepared and served done by the County Y. M. C. A. wood. Finish is excellent, con­ bly and was for $54,000, the It is sometime since Rockville by the Vernou Grange. There will during the past year and the plans fo:' the present year. struction meets every requirement. same amount as was voted thirty has had a military company. The be featured the usi^al parade with A very popular suite that has sim­ years ago. It was signed by the old Company C of the First Con­ the American Bind of Rockville Much Camp Work Itir. Thienes said the Y. M. C. A. plicity and charm. China extra at governor on Tuesday and on Tues necticut, which went out at the call furnishing the music. The band $40. day night the council took action, of President McKinley in 1898, will give a concert at Vernon Cen­ in Hartford county has increased as the bonds issued thirty years ago twenty-nine years ago, was the last ter. is field of work extensively, espec­ are payable on July 1 of this year. active company that the city has The Rockville High school grad­ ially at Camp Woodstock near had. Manchester has a new state uating exercises will be held in the Putnam. This is the summer Another Good Dining It will not be found necessary to camp where many boys from Man­ aell the entire issue, allowed under armory and has two companies of Sykes auditorium Thursday, June militia. 23. The address to the graduat­ chester spend their vacations. This Suite the vote of the Legislature, but year there will be a leaders’ camp Contest Postponed ing class will be delivered by Rev. Nine Piece Suite as Shown only $40,000 of these bonds, at 4 Watson tVoodruff, pastor of the in addition to the regular boys’ per cent, will be offered for sale. It Due to the conflicting engage­ camp and r'so, at the conclusion ments planned for Saturday, June Center Congresational church of $ is expected that they will be sold at South Manchester. of the regular camp, there will be 149.50 $ 199.50 a bonus as the city debt, which in­ 18 when there will be field sports a special two weeks’ camping per­ Regular Price $215. and athletics events at Hyde Park, Miss Florence Theummler who Regular Price $288 cludes all of the bond issues now underwent an operation at the iod for high school football play­ A Full Year to Pay. only amounts to $103,000. The this city, and the Men's Union pa­ ers and coaches in the county. Sev­ Without China $169.50 Charter Oak hospital, Hartford, re­ -Anti a Full i'ea r to Pay sinking fund on the old bonds rade and picnic, George Eokis, eral of the best coaches in this This sult'e at the regular price is proprietor of Sandy Beach, Crystal turned to her home on Talcott ave­ amounted 4° $15,000 and $14,000 nue on Wednesday and is resting section of the state will be there good value at the markdown price it A perfect ensemble, showing the charm and friendliness of a magnificent dining suite with will be diverted to the payment of Lake has decided to hold the State to condition the players and to in­ is a rare bargain. Consists of a Queen Anne legs. Every detail has been worked out with infinite care. If you are looking championship orchestra concert the comfortably. the interest and retirement of the Many of the local firemen are struct them in new rules and com­ 66 inch buffet, 45x60 inch table that for a real fine dinfng suite of this .style you will find it in this suite. Finish is regular Ameri­ bonds to that'amount. This is why follow’ing Saturday, June 25 and plicated plays. opens to six feet, five diners and can walnut. today notified the orchestras en­ planning to attend the meeting the whole issue is not being offer­ tered to that effect. This announce­ held in the Ellington Town hall companion host chair upholstered m ed at this time. ment will be welcomed by many this evening at 7; 30, standard time HEADS KIWAMANS genuine leather. Tops are in 5 ply Cases Assigned who will be pleased to know it will when the Springfield Fire Chief walnut veneers, posts and legs of When Judge Yeomans comes to now be possible to attend both will give an address. His subject Memphis, Tenn., June 9.— Henry selected gum wood. A real fine G. E. Keith Furniture Co., Inc. Rockville next Monday, at which events. A large number from sur­ will be “Fire Protection in Rural C. Heinz of Atlanta, Georgia, w-as suite at a very low price. You can­ time the grand jury will be em­ rounding towns including Manches­ Communities.’’ today unanimously elected presi­ not afford to pass it up. CORNER MAIN AND SCHOOL STREETS. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. paneled to pass upon the indict­ ter, will take in the field day, Sat­ Fire Chief George B. Milne is in dent of the Kiwanis International ment of Leonard Cline, he will al­ urday, June 18, and will also hav^ at the closing session of the 11th so hear such criminal cases as it an opportunity to witness the big annual convention. win be possible to dispose of in the event at Sandy Beach the follow- j day. There are two cases that'went ing Saturday, June 25. lilany of I over from the April term, Thomas the summer cottages at Crystal i FILMS If** Herbert alias Thomas Hulburt, who Lake are now open for the season | was bound over from Stafford and a record crowd is sure to be on ! Developed and Springs on the charge of bigamy, hand for the contest at Sandy ! perjury and fornication. The case Beach on the 25th. | Printed of Myron Green of Mansfield, on an Girls’ Club Drive | appeal from that court for a viola­ The membership drive wiiich was i 24 Hour Service tion of the motor vehicle law is also conducted by the Rockville Girls’ down for trial on that date. club comes to a close this evening For the June term there is the at which time a supper party in case of John Wetstone on an appeal honor of the new' members and as KEMP'S a tribute to the regular members ! FR ADIN from a decision rendered in a Film Deposit Box at breach of the peace charge and that will be enjoyed at the club rooms. of Leonard Cline, on first degree A two and one-half dollar gold ' Store Entrance. piece will be presented to the girl murder from Mansfield. Judge Yeo­ who has secured the most mem­ JUNE STOCK REDUCING SALE mans has told the attorney for the bers. The Misses Lillian Fried­ state and also Mr. King, that if rich, Gertrude Butcher, Josephine both were ready he would be will­ Gregus and Mrs. Elsie Schmalz ing to allow the other cases to go have charge of the supper, while Typewriters over until September’s term, other­ the Misses Hattie Engleman, Idella COATS DRESSES and HATS wise he would dispose of the few Einseidel and Jennie Batz will, All makes. Sold, rented, ex­ oases and take up later the Cline without doubt, keep the gathering case. There seems to be no likeli­ w'ell entertained during the even­ changed and overhauled. hood that the case will be ready to ing. Special Discounts to Students. present or defend in the Cline case The club has started a vigorous since John Buckley has been en­ sport and health program and it is tered in the case and he will be un­ Pricedfir (fiikhT)isp)sal hoped that the work done along Telephone 821 able to prepare his defense for this these lines during the summer will term. prove an incentive to greater ef­ ft Civil Cases forts in these most interesting Kemp's Music Willis H- Reed, clerk of the phases of living long after the superior court of Tolland County, balmy w'eather is but a memory. today Issued the list of cases that Of course classes in cooking, art. House No Ga^rments were assigned by Judge Edward M. Yoemans for hearing on June 28, 29 and 30th w}ien he will be in niiiiiiiiim iim M iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiim iim iiiiiiiiiiiiiim m iiim niiiiiM iiiiiiiiim iH Rockville again. The first case on Tuesday June 28 will be that of Ellen E. Fisk vs. Julius Genovisi. I Service — Quality — Low Prices Carried Over The Fisk interests are being taken care of by Fred Corbett of Hanford ADVANCE SUMMER FASHIONS. WE ARE OFFERING RARE VALUES IN and Perkins, Wells and Davis, as- , sisted by Thomas Noone of this city ' 1 FRESH FISH BY EXPRESS ; represent Genovisi. I The second case assigned for that :: day is Beijjamin Superman against DRESSES COATS Dr. T. F. O’Loughlin of this city. I THURSDAY MORNING Dr. O'Loughlin is being represented 50 NEW SILK DRESSES For Every One Must Go. 4? by Edward Broder of Hartford, a I FINEST FRESH CAUGHT MACKEREL ...... 15c lb. former Rockville resident, and Old­ i STEAK C O D F IS H ...... 20c lb. That are a Treat at er and Older of Hartford are repre­ 5 STEAK P O L L A C K ...... 20c lb. SPORT COATS senting the plaintiff. * FRESH SHORE HADDOCK ...... 10c lb. For Wednesday June 29 Frank Dounda will be heard in his suit I FRESH FLOUNDERS ...... 10c lb. $ against the .\merican Railway Ex­ 5 FRESH HALIBUT STEAK ...... 39c lb. 5-00 press. E, D. Harvey of Hartford ap­ I FRESH H E R R IN G S ...... 10c Ib. You’d hardly believe it possible at the price. $ 7.98 peared for Douda and Bill & Bill I FILET OF COD. FILET OF HADDOCK.. Sizes to 52. also of Hartford, will represent W’ere Formerly $15.00 the American Railway Express I Best Pure L a r d ...... IBYzclh. Company. j = Best American Granulated , 14 lbs...... $1.00 IliiiiilUlllll MISSES’ and WOMEN’S The second case assigned for , I 2 lb. Box Royal Lunch Crackers...... 31c fnal is that of Anna May Felber vs. i s Finest Fresh Western E g g s ...... 32c dozen I Women’s, Misses’ and Larger William C. Felber- Judge W S. DRESSES I Gold Medal F lo u r...... $1.25 Bag Hyde appears for the plaintiff and | Latest Arrivals Women’s Coats former Attorney General King and j I Puritan Malt and H o p s...... 59c can his son, together with State’s At- j 9 Lion Brand Malt and H o p s...... 79c can iorney Noone represent the defense, i s 3 Rings Malt and H o p s...... 59c can Morris Goldstin Is represented by ' r Bear Brand Malt and Hops ...... 64c can William Danaher of Hartford in his ! $ 1 4 .9 8 luit against Louis Ellenberg, who is $ 10. being represented by W. A. King i I Home Cooked Food Specials . Were formerly $25.00 and J. H. King of Willimantic and ! Thomas F. Noone of this city. j i Fresh Baked M ackerel...... t ...... 35c each Youthful, Smart, Summery. The only case assigned for S Blueberry Pies, Lamb Pies, Squash Pies, Custard Pies The Better Grade Dresses Thursday of that week is that of I All kinds of Salads. The Better Grade Coats ,/aura Wyman vs. Samuel Hall. Extension Work Program I s{ Starting In three different sec- dons of Tolland County the Con- $ 15.00 iecticut Agricultural College, Unit- I Manchester Public Market I $ 19.98 (d States department of Agricul­ Formerly to $25.00 ture cooperating with the Tolland For Dress and Sport Wear. Were formerly $39.75 Sounty Farm bureau, with head- I A. Podrove, Prop. Phone 10 | luarters In the Prescott building in TO


idge for failing to include Charles second best dressed; for there were A. Levine, companion of Clarence years when the sartorial contests Ettfitlttg Upralb Chamberlin In the New York-Berlin between him and the late Berry flight, in his cablegram of con­ Wall, man of fashion, intrigued the WASHINGTON LETTER i>UBUSHED BY gratulation, taking the position interest of all New York. THE HERALD PRINTING CO. Also Bob was not averse to such BERKEY & GAY WEEK Founded by Elwood S. Ela that the slight was administered on Oct. 1. 18SI account of Levine being of Jewish publicity as came to both him and of the June Bride Sale Every Evening Except Sundays ,*,nd blood. to the late Maurice Barrymore as Holidays By RODNEY DUTCHER man -with such power will seek to Entered at the Post Office at Man­ The Day might be in better busi­ willing mixers with their fists. Hil­ increase it. chester as Second Class Mall Matter. liard Avas quite as ready to puncli SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mall ness. It should know, If it knows Washington, June 9.— “ If Gov­ “ If they want to hold the Fili­ six dollars a year, sixty cents a anything, that the President of the any dray driver who sneered at him ernor-General Leonard Wood sells pino people under the American ■ /J month for shorter periods. for a dude as be Avas to be a dude. the public utilities now OAvned by flag they ought to alloAv them the By carrier, eighteen certs r. week. United States is wholly above any liberties and privileges of all citi­ Single copies, three cents. the Filipinos, it Avill mean Avorse such prejudices. Mr. Coolidge prob­ Altogether be kept in the prints, zens of the United States. The Fili­ SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE- oppression than our people endur­ SE.N'TATIVE. Hamllton-De Llsser, ably did not know, as this newspa­ had Broadway engagements a-plen­ ed during the Spanish regime.” pino legislature is only a joke. Inc., 285 Madison Avenue, New York per and countless other American ty and Avas a leading figure on the This stirprising assestion was “ The few Americans in the is­ and 612 North Michigan Avenue, made in a recent Interview by Pe­ lands are causing the present bad Chicago. newspapers did not know, that Le­ metropolitan stage for many years. dro Guevara, one of the two Fili­ situation. They believe they should The Manchester Evening Herald Is vine was a Jew. There is nothing He was no ham actor but principal­ on. sale in New Vork City at Schultz’s pino resident commissioners in be .•iasslficd as a privileged piass News Stand. Sl.xlh Avenue and 42nd. especially distinctive or nationalis­ ly it Avas his clot’nes that made him. Washington. superior to all Filipinos. They for­ *.o to it for a short Avhile your foot off the laAv's processes so long, are homes and Avhat-not, the hope­ he is an able citizen. more than the preceding year and keep these technically equipped but eiglU billion more than in 1924. troubles Avill be a thing of the pasr. described as terribly mortified by lessness of her situation may be Legislature a Joke Don’t expect a single bottle to d.o fundamentally wrong kind of law­ appreciated. “ Economic oppression," he says, The national income increased 54.8 small-car economy— their manacles while on the Avay to per cent betAveen 1909 and 1926. it all at once but one bottle Ave yers out. “ is Avorse than political oppression. knoAv will shOAv you beyond all the Osining resort. The status of the broker, I might It is like a bandit that does not kill For this swarm of recruits there add, has been greatly chan,ged in STRIKING HINT question that you have at last dis­ Yet these chape could sit in their his victim, but takes his money and covered the way to solid foot com­ that’s the Erskine Six. Is no legitimate business. It is high­ late years. lets him starve. We blame our po­ offices as chufl as you please, ex­ Guest (at one o’clock in the fort. ly probable that if a full one-half Time Avas when a broker could litical condition for our present periencing never a sign of such a open an office on ?1.50,000. The morning); That’s a fine clock you Remember that Moone’s Emesald of the lawyers practising in Con­ troubles. How can you give a coun­ Oil. is a clean, powerful, penetrat­ thing as shame over the ruin they other day a yoinigster, sAvinging try an elective legislature and then have. necticut today were to leave the into the M'all Street game, paid Waitress: We don’t think much ing Antiseptic Oil that does not This Little Aristocrat is nimble as wrought among their innocent give them a governor-general Avith stain or leave a greasy residue and state or go into some other calling $215.OOU for a seat on the ex­ absolute poAver over the legisla­ of it. We call'it “ the guest.’’ dupes, so long as they were free to change. And the price goes up Guest-: Hoav come? that it must give complete satisfac­ 3 hare in the nip and tuck of traffic every item of necessary legal prac­ ture? Delegated nuthority ahvays tion or your money cheerfully re­ come and go. They could retain each season. The more active has been subject to abuses. Any Waitress: Because it never — turns in an 18-foot radius, ac­ funded.— adv. tice could be attended to by the re­ their full composure while the pres.'A must maintain branch doAvn toAvn goes.— Kasper, Stockholm. celerates from 5 to 25 miles in 8*/2 mainder without the slightest diffi­ offices and recently there has been revealed their criminal operations a rush for space in the Times seconds, takes an 1 1 % grade in high, culty. So that there are numbers of because they imagined they could Square district, particularly since attorneys in the state who, in order I l l and parks in less space than it beat the legal game and keep out of Wall Street and the films made \. Itching Piles heav ’ alliances. And Avith the takes to tell. to survive, must and do resort to jail. 3 ihady activities in order to live. exchange groAving stricter con- As a matter of fact. Fuller and cerniiiig the amount of operating Relieved Instantly With New What we are getting at is this' McGee, in handcuffs, have a good capital, a l)rokerage business needs Discovery. ERSKINE SIX Brooked bankruptcies are the logi- about $1,CUO,000 to set under deal less reason to be ashamed of Avay. :al outgrowth of a surplusage of No longer need you suffer the themselves than Fuller and McGee GILBERT SWAN. tortures of bleeding, Itching tender lawyers: the surplus lawyers are at liberty, because for the first time piles. A marvelous new scientific ^ 4 5 to * 9 9 5 Ihe outgrowth of mass production in their lives they are making, IN THE DARK discovery Is guaranteed to bring /• o. b. factory, including front and rear >n the part of the law schools and quick, soothing, gratifying relief. bumpers, 4»icheel brakes and moto meter, even if Involuntarily, some payment SUITOR: Tommy, coes a young aniversities which accept and fab- The marvelous new discovery is Studebaker models from $1165 to $2495. to society for the harm they have man call here every evening to see scientifically correct. It does not •icate any kind of raw material that done. your sister? Ok contain harmful substances like 5nds its way to the mill. The place TOM.MV; Not exactly to see her. Sulphate of Zinc, Oxgall, Lead, because there’s no light irk the room CITY AlUSEU.MS NOW trustees of the Newark Library to begin the reform of cheating CLOTHES AND THE MAN. Tannin, Opium, or Cocaine. It docs when he’s here.— Tit-Bits. CONSIDERED AIDS TO asked the city government to buy not merely deaden pain. It actually bankruptcies and other unethical Bob Hilliard, actor, dead at 7 0. DAY-BY-DAY M ELFARE for $10,000 a collection of Japa­ / soothes and restores a healthy con­ CONKE Y AUTO CO. legal practices is in the lawyer fac- is one of the few Americans Avho ar­ •MODERN CHIVALRY nese prints and curios, and present dition to the inflamed membranes. ;ories. So long as swarms of unfit rived at a high measure of success By DON E. MOWRY [ it, as the foundation of a public You will be amazed at the won­ Two men Avere seated in a Secretar.A, the .American Commu- museum, to a semi-public corpora­ 20 East Center, South Manchester persons are permitted to infiltrate I derful relief even the first day’s through his clothes. A clever player, croAvded tramcar. One. noticing iiity Advei-tislng Association ' tion chartered as the Newark Mu­ Eto the legal fraternity, as has treatment brings. *The inflamed he was never a genius of the stage. that the other had his eyes closed, Until quite recently, museums seum Association. membranes seem to lose their ten­ STUDEBAKER’S said: In 1926, after seventeen years of >een the case in recent years, occa- Fine looking, he Avas not more AA-ere considered dark and dismal der soreness. Itching seems to van­ ilonal grand jury probes and occa- “ Bill, ain’t yer well?’’ places filled with relics of a musty partnor.ship Avith the NeAvark Li- handsome than many another of his “ I’m all right, but I do liate to past in which only grinds and anti­ bray, th ' NeAvark Museum occupies ish almost like magic. And because iional disbarments of careless attor- profession. But he "wore clothes, see ladies standin’.’’— Dartford quarians Avere interested. In all on property .giv-m by the city, a the lubricating properties of the new treatment remain for a long leys caught red-handed will do lit- clothes and more clothes. He re­ Chronicle. too feAV cases was there any con­ handsome 'building given by one of ERSKINE SIX nection betAveen a museum and the the city’s great merchants, Louis time, normal bowel action is gradu­ permanent good. duced the dressing of his lithe fig­ The National Association of present. Bamberger. ally made possible and little by lit­ »u» SSI ssMSSssiisimssiuMis loim asim asasasasssasas.^ ure to a science. He gambled much Travelers’ Aid society helped 1,- NeAvark, N. J., for one example, In this building are exhibited tle the agonizing condition disap­ ' LEVIN E. money on tailors— and avod. He be­ 300.000 persons last year and a has shoAvn hoAv a museum cau be collections in science, art and in­ pears. The marvelous new treatment is A New York Jewish newspaper. came knoAvn as either the best million dollars Avas spent in the made an important factor in the dustry Avhose one unifying purpose task, according to the annual re- day-by-day life of any people. is to help NeAvarkers in the Avork knoAvn as Prox and can be obtain­ Day, berates President Cool- dressed man in Ngav York or the Dort. it all began in 1909, when the and play of their daily lives. ed at all. drug atoraa.— aAv, ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD. IT PAYS.?

1 I \ V v ' T '

-- ' • '*. •' A ,'. < MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, THtJRSDAY, KJNE 9, 192T. PA<5B -afl

In Connection With Our Jane Bride Sale— BERKEY AND GAY FURNITURE WEEK featuring the Nationally Advertised “Avon” Suite i See it described in today *s SATURDAY EVENING POST

See it exclusively at WATKINS BROTHERS Today!

ik e a smart hat or choice jewel, The Avon, sketched at If you are planning on a dining room suite this summer left, is far from common. It will find its way into few — or even for this fall— see the Avon now. Ordinarily a L homes, and only in those where there is discriminating suite at this price is not featured as a bargain. But after taste. For the number is limited. you have seen it, you will agree that we are justified in ad­ In style it is reminiscent of Jacobean England, Its woods vertising this group as a BARGAIN IN FINE FURNI­ possess the mellow finish of a rare antique, The hand- TURE. carved panels, colorful hand-painted decoration As with most good things in the furniture of the china cabinet, the soft shading of mould­ field, it is displayed exclusively in Manchester ings and tuimery, as well as the rich Jacquard at Watkins Brothers. Velour chair upholstery, and the mahogany China Cabinet...... $81 trays for silver and linens—all are examples of 303 exquisite workmanship. EIGHT PIECES Serving C hest...... $38

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^ A _ j_i i m —

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4 Piece Puritan Suite $ 2 5 9 9 Piece Elizabethan Suite $399 8 Piece Sheraton Suite $28 5 Elizabethan furniture, as originally made, would be too massive for our mod­ This delightful suite was inspired by the works of one of England’s most fam­ A niodein Berkey & Gny creation inspired by tlie designs of our Puritan fath­ ous cabinet makers— Thomas Sheraton. The graceful, reeded legs and the mahog­ ers! The suite is wrought of American walnut and guiuwood with butt and burl ern rooms, so Derkey & Gay have re-created it in tlie suite . '.;i ichcd above, with an eye to present day conditions of living. Buffet, tablf', clrliui. arm chair and 5 side any and fancy crotch veneers, are typical of his work. Table, buffet, arm chair and walnut and maple decorations. The design and hardware are topical of puiitanical 6 side chairs, as sketched above, formerly $350.00. simplicity. Bed. dresser, dressing table and bench as sketched, regular $302.00. chairs in walnut, butt walnut and gumwood. Regular $465.00.


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9 Piece Early American Group $219 4 Piece Colonial Group $229 9 Piece Pennsylvania Suite $539 Is'o furniture iiossesscs a truer h.armoii.v of outline and proportion than Colon­ There is in these pieces much of the charm and grace of the Dutch of Pennsylvaniv Simplicity, practiced in its highest degree of charm and refinement by our Pil­ ial pieces. Berkey f .- G.ey h.ive preserved much of their charm in the suite sketched Here, mahogany combined with maple has been wrought in pieces of unusuall.v grim fathers, has been captured in this suite by Berkey


•i* »i

3 Piece Colonial Suite $337 8 Piece Spanish Group $298 4 Piece Early Colonial Suite $259 Old Spain furnished the inspiration for the sturdy suite of walnut and gumwtwd The Berkey & Gay Suite was inspired by the simple old pieces our forefathers This Berkev & Gay suite shows to what heights the beauty of Colonial line can .r-Mphld aho-e The h°aw legs of the buffet, deeply carved mouldings, the old wrought of maple. Reproduced in curly maple, it has the characteristic ball feet attain. It is made of straight grain and fancy crotch mahogany with gumwood, brasses and decorated doors of t^e buffet, a^jill typical characteristics. Buffet, and wooden drawer pulls of the earliest pieces. Striped in green with hand applied some parts being ebonized. Bed. dresser and chest of drawers as sketched, make table, arm chair and 5 side chairs, regularly $40o.0U. floral decorations. Bed. dresser, chest and 3hair, sketched. Regular $355.00. up the suite. The other pieces, and twin beds, are also in stock. WATKINS BROTHERS,!®. Club Terms Future Deliveries Furnishings selecti d during the June Bride Sale will be stored for During the June Bride Scle complete home outfits as well as Glen- SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. future delivery if you ^sflsh. All goods stored in fireproof warehouses, wood Ranges can be purchased on Club Terms, giving you the low sales fully insured. prices on time payments.


tious the same corps of teaqhcrs ■ from the White school to accept a the rear of the schoolhouse and the Charles M. Larcomb of Willimantic will take the place of Mrs. Roger' l i r . l i . H . F M T i n U r S o ! e d th“ ycar^^L Se schools j position in another town. This va- ! C. B. Jones garage^ , , h " " ” " " GEO. A. JOHNSON ArtKiir Ai^ OPEN FORUM HEBRON of the town will be retained for the! cancy has not yet been filled. , Mis. Cla.^.son Ballej has been W. Porter, who is unable to finish j coming year. Miss Ellen Jones will Two antlered buck deer and two | engaged to teach the Amston school her work in the school. Mrs. Por-1 -i r • J P I Q»7K lu 'o in Ct- i teach at the Jones Street school in ' does were -jeen recently near the ' lor the rest of the term, the teach- ter has suffered from recurring at-1 y y j j fiDglllCBr HnO jUrVeyOF LVig,ln O l, ^ place of .Mrs. .N,feliie Skinner. Miss, green feeding on land owned by j er, .Miss Brousseau being ill with tacks of grip frem which her recov-1 DON’T CHANGE PRESENT daughter, Helen Imella. was Marcia Zabrisnie.-.has also resigned I the Misses Pendleton. They were in | mumps. In Ihe Center district, Mrs. ory has been retarded. j 299. South Manchester Insurance and Real Estate.,;:: born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. W. Sterry on Sunda}-, June 5th, in SCHEDULE, THIS PLEA Willimantic. Norman Wilson has nought Josh­ ua Brown place on the Bolton road. Editor. The Herald; This place was last owned by Mrs. I read willi interest what Mr. Emma Joyner. Robert La Motte Russell said on George Babcock of New Haven changinc: the opening niahts at the is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sher­ bank. Like him. I think- it would be wood Miner. wise indeed to let things stand as Mrs. Mary E. Tafft, who has been '.hey are. Cheney Brothers are the the guest of .Mr. and Mrs. Francis larae.sr emi'lo'ces of labor here, Waldo for the last week, has re­ but there are othei-e. If Cheney turned to her home in Hartford. Brothers pay on Thursday and Fri- School in Amston has been tem- da>-, others pay on Saturday, others I'orarily closed as the teacher. Miss pay on Monday and so on. Parmelia Brousseau, is ill witli If the late night is to be chang­ mumps. Ruth, daughter of Mr. and ed to Thursday it would interfere Mrs. Edward A. Raymond, one of with the half holiday and the store the pupils of the school is also ill emplojees would suffer the loss of with the disease and there are oth­ RUBINOW that, not to speak of the employees er cases. themselves. It is undoubtedly a The Rev. John Deeter has been great boon to storekeepers to have called to Texas on business. He ed- a Half day that they really can call pects to leave here on Thursday and their own. If withdrawn it would will make the trip by automobile. certainly be a misfortune, to my Fred Spohn, rural mail carrier on mind. It is a great wonder to me the Amston route has been engag­ how that there are any of the ed to can-y him to his destination. stores found open on that Thurs­ They expect that the trip down will day afternoon. It surely caimot be take about nine days. !Mr. Deeter greed that k'eeps them open, to will probablx' be absent for some gather the odd dollars that usually weeks. go into other stores, or, perhaps, it Miss Liliian Jones, daughter of Is their great love for work. I think I Mrs. Rose Jones of Amston is ill. A It is the former. j council of physicians was held on NNIVERSARY Now we all know we are not here I Monday. forever. We all ought to consider .Mrs. Mark H. W. Hills was.Tot­ cue another. No one shop.ld tak'e ed in as a member at the last meet- Having just passed the 20th year since our first store was the advantage of another. If a ' ing of the Young Women’s Club. regular half holiday has been es­ Graduation exercises for those opened, we take this occasion to extend to our many friends tablished let it be that way. All finishing the eighth grade in the honor to .Manchester. She may be schools of the town will be held on and customers our heartfelt thanks for the good will n’ d the only jilace that upholds a half I Wednesday evening the 15th of holiday in the eastern states all June at the Congregational church. patronage we have enjoyed during these 20 years and to the year through. It only goes to Mrs. Claude W. Jones and her show the sense Manche-stcr has in daughter. Aceynath. accompanied show our. appreciation in a modest way we shall endeavor to having it and the lack of sense of those wl do not take it, it is their Mrs. Kneeland Jones and son of ',0 I Bolton in a motor trip to North- celebrate this event by offering misfortune. Business will be b.ere after we field. Mass., to be present on the occasion of the graduation of Miss are all gone and we can take no Ruth Jones froea Nonthfield Semin­ dollars with us. If we want to do a little other business or to go any­ ary. The, graduation exercises oc­ Carefully Chosen and Dependable where we have alwa;'S that day. curred on -Monday. Miss Jones re­ Minds arc at rest, we kivjw. No turned as far as East Hartford with one gets the heavy end of things the motor party. She will be the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Charles Mil- Summer Wear at Special Prices for all are off dut,''. I have !ie\er seen a letter in tonnin of that place for a time af­ The Herald from any employee ter which she will return to Bolton, about "closing" question. I would where she makes her home witli like to see one or two just to get her sister, Mrs. Kneeland Jones. their ideas in general. I am per­ Miss Jones is a daughter of Carlton fectly sure the.v arc all one on the B. Jones of this place. question. It will be Iceep the -\n auction of household goods "Thursday afternoon holida.N" b> took place at the home of Mrs. all means. ■ Carrie Burnham Tuesday after- The FolIowiDg for Friday, June 10 The iiublic will not suffer any ! noon. Mrs. Burnham will move to f nconvenicncc. The storekeeiiers ' Hebron Center, where she has tak- will not lose anythinf; either. Most . en rooms at the place owned by people are fair minded. I have ' Harold Gray. SALE STARTS AT 9 A. M. spoken to many,peoi)le about it and ^ Miss Helen Hough was leader of every one sa;'s it is right for the the Christian Endea^■o^ at the Cen- Btorekeeiicrs to get a half holiday I ter Sunday evening. Her topic was Bs well as people in factories. I Health. j I Now, like Mr. Russell, just let Supervisor Charles M. Larcomb j things be as llicy are for a time. savs that with one or two excep-1 fThln^gs will right themselves. If in- Newest “Alligator” fcufficient business is done on a and Tuesday night, why keep open at iall that nicht. Business will spread DAVID CHAMBERS Itself all over the week. .U the end of the week there will be as CONTRACTOR RAIN much rash in the register as form­ er weeiis. when cvei‘,v one was and open on Tuesday, It is a long da," Indeed for anyone to stand from BUILDER Dress 7 a. 111. till 9 p. m.. is it not? One COATS day like that iu a week is enough. 68 Hollister Street, It is hard to brcaK a custom, let Newest Trench Model our humanity come first and let Manchester, Conn. Frocks our motto be do to others as you First and Second Mortgages Newest Shades would have others do to us. Coats 1 liave always had a great re­ arranged on all new work. spect for Mr. Russell, and also The Manchester Herald and trust that The Herald will be a pubWeation of Georgette that will make the ,colden rule its $5.20 motto, which I believe it docs. FAIR I'LAY. of Satin work airl no play makes Crepe de Chine Jack a dull bo,v. i and high shade Leatherette TwiU and General Auto Repairing and Mixtures Overhauling Satin SHELDON’S GAILAGB ^ Blf?DINTHE:HAND IS Rear of 2o Hollister Street. ^ WORTH TWO IN THE BUSH all of high grade Phone 2328-2 Residence 2328-3 BUy YOUl? COAL EARLY AND Long and Short I AVOID THE- BIQ PU SH - Sleeves fabrics and tailoring j YOU can get your share of i For Girls 6 to 16 MEN’S SOLES ! I j V inter warmth at so much a i Hat to Match sewed on, regular price §1.50, in my place SI.00. , ton next Fall— you can get i t ! Ladies’ soles sewed, regular I for so much less a ton now. j price S1.25, now in my place $5.20 75c. j We’ll be glad to help you save { Best material used. Prompt money. Delivering honest fuel | attention at the I at a fair price is appealing to a * Boston Shoe j lot of people. 841 Main Street Repair Shop ■ G. E. Willis & Son, Inc. Park Building 1 Mason Supplies. 105 Spruce St., So. Manchester I 2 Main Street Phone 50

SKETCHES RI BBSSEl Veranda Rockers THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: (1) The Universe SYNOPSIS BY BR.AUCUEU Large size, rush seat .wide anns, slat back, natural varnish. Regular price $5.50. Special Saturday o n ly ...... Porch Hammocks Waterproof cover, white cotton ( t i n O mattress, com plete...... Breakfast Sets \ \ / ! \ \ % / * Drop leaf table and 4 chairs U* 1 /f C? \ \ MERCURY V / unfinished ...... N ®**»***^ ^ Drop Leaf Table and 4 chairs, d! 1 Q C ^ n ------gray or ivory finish .*...... V * 0 * 0 U The%arth has undergone many changes. Earth­ If Captain Lindbergh could fly his plane away from, Our ball— the earth— spins on its axis just as quakes have torn apart its surface, volcanoes lave the world into the vast system we call the universe, and Proof of the fact that spouted forth and buried whole cities and vast creep­ see through powerful glasses, he would behold a won- our world is round is the other planets whirl William Ostrinsky through space. As the ing mountains, called glaciers have changed i s d'erful picture. In the center would be the sun, 93,000,- shown in the way a ship valleys. Ancient earth-folk feared volcanoes and wor- 000 miles from the earth. At the top is Saturn, then comes over the horizon earth turits around the 27 Oak Street. A Few Steps from Main. sun day follows night. shiped fire gods they believed the flames represented.. Jupiter, then Mars, then our world. The moon is shown — as if climbing a hill. ' “ (To B e Continued> iif just below the earth. ______68 6*8 e t M 7 WCA tCKVjCC. IWC.

I I ■ . • 'N;'- ’ -f u '9


needles. This man does not offer POSSIBLE HE READ THE ADS NEW UBRARY BOOKS NEARBY PANHANDLER anything of the kind for sale, bu:, I merely distributes tracts. Doctor: How often do you get "What are you turning around I By comparison with the advertis- the pain? BEGS THROUGH MAILS ' ing expenses of some of the smaller tor, John?” Seventy-seven new books dealing stores in Manchester, it is seen that Patient: Every five minutes. " I ’ve just discovered that we’ve with varied aubjects of Importance the mendicant is spending more Doctor: And how long does It come 610 miles singe mamlng. to Manchester readers have been Solicits Money By Letter to than a number of them for adver­ last? We’ll have to turn back to the 500- added to the shelves of the South Keep Him on Job of Distrib­ tising. Whether or not his return is Patient: A quarter of an hour. mile mark and change the oil.”— Manchester Public Library recently. — Kalikaturen, Islo. Life. uting Tracts. adequate is not known, but if his Librarian Miss Jessamine M. Smith advertising is bringing the usual today announced. Several of them results, he is probably well off. are gifts, these being indicated by A unique system of panhandling An excerpt from his letter reads- astericks in the following list: |has been brought to light by a ■\Vliat the Lord Sends. Expansion of Europe, Ramsay | prominent Manchester man who re­ "Just a sample of what I am Muir. ■’ ports that he has received a number sending to those that I have noi Facing Europe, Frederick Baus- of letters from a man living in a written to for about four months. man. nearby town, asking for money. All I have to do this with is what Foreign Trade and World Poli­ Enclosed in the letters are a the good Lord leads others to give tics. H. F. Fraser. number of religious tracts, which me. And in that way was able to ’ Glass, Histor', Manufacture and cost the sender nothing. They are send out 3,406 letters containing its Universal Application, Pitts­ put out free by various tract socie­ about 32,700 tracts between Octo­ burgh Plate Glass Company. ties in the middle west and are giv­ ber 1, 1926 and June 3, 1927. A H ARD J O B Golden Lotus, G. E. Locke. en to anyone who takes the trouble "Hope to hear from you soon and Granite, Clemence Dane. to write for them. The begging-let­ may God bless you and your family History of England, G. M. Trev­ ter man mentions in his communi­ is ever the wish of”— the signer. It’s about as much of a job elyan. cation that he has sent out 32,700 of the tracts within a period of ♦Home Builders Catalog; a Ref­ -MATERNAL CARES for a society climber to erence Work for Building Contrac­ nine months. According to his statement he tors and Home Owners. MOTHER: Darling, you were out penetrate the **400” as it Home Radio up to Date, A. H. sent out 3,406 letters between Octo­ ber 1 of last year and June 3 of awfully late last night. I’m afraid Verrill and E. E. Verrill. I’m dreadfully old-fashioned, but I is for a Used Car to gist How to Get Ahead Financially, this year. That he is in the business on a rather large scale is evident, should like to know where you go. access to our display floor. vW. A. Schnedler. when it is figured that his total ex­ DAUGHTER: Certainly, Mummy Judge Colt, W. M. MacLeod. pense cannot run to less than ?100. darling. I dined with— oh, well, you T h e c a r HAVE Key Above the Door, Maurice Employs Capital. don’t know him, and we went to MUST ■ Walsh. His 3,406 letters represent an several places I don’t suppose Law of the Talon, Louis Tracy. outlay of ?68.16 for stamps alone. you’ve been to, and we finished at THE GOODa Magic Garden, G. (S) Porter. Figuring the cost of the envelopes a queer little club— I forget its ’ Magnificent Idler, Cameron and paper at one cent each, his to­ name, but it’s in a cellar some­ DODGE SALES AND SERVICE Rogers. tal expense would be $102.24. This where. It’s all right, isn’t it. Mum­ Center and Knox Streets Manual of the Processes of Wind­ my? is only for nine months of the year South Manchester ing, Warping and Quilling by Sam- and It Is possible that he spends $25 MOTHER: Of course, darling. • uel Kline. more during the other three It’s only that I just wanted to Modern Drama, B. H. Clark. months. know.— Punch. A US&D CAR IS ONLY AS OSPSNDABlJfr More Ports, More Happy Places, Other panhandlers who employ .Mrs. C. (S) Parker. similar methods give their requests The American-Canadian bound­ AS TH& oeAiAR WHO setus nr Mother Knows Best, Edna Fer- a commercial atmosphere by offer­ ary line is 3,898 niiles long, from ber. ing for sale ties, court, plaster or Atlantic to Pacific. Music and Music-makers, Con­ stance Morse. Opinions of a Cheerful Yankee, ' I. A. Bacheller. ♦Paints, Varnishes and Brushes. Pittsburg Plate Glass Company. , -xne. LOWEST-Ji- Peppino, L. D. Ventura. Petenera’s Daughter, Henry Bel- lamann. Pheasant Jungles, C. W. Beebe. Proper Place, by Mrs, 0. E. (C) V b - I g • D a I Douglas. Quayle's Invention, John Taine. Auigel, Du Bose. V tVER BUI/'■■Cl ^ Best Continental Short Stories jbf 1926 and the Yearbook of the Continental Short Story, by Rich­ ard Eaton. Best French Short Stories of 1925-26 and the Yearbook of the French Short Story. Best Short Stories of 192 6 and the Yearbook of the American W M O D E L Short Story, E. J. O'Brien. ♦Bill the Conqueror, P. G. Wode- house. Black Angels, Mrs. M. (H) Love­ ^ A ^ lace. * Blue Jay, Max Brand. f o r $1 Q ^ Bounty of Earth, D. C. Peattie and L. R. Peattie. Consider Price also, Call of the House, R. C. Mitchell. OAYTON,OHtO Caaadian Plays From Hart House Theater, Vincent Massey. Caponsacchi, a Play in Three Acts, A. F. Goodrich and R. A. Pal­ mer. .... but NEVER Price alone Caravans and Cannibals, Mrs. M. Bradley. Causes and Their Champions; M. A. D. Mowc. Civil Liberty, E. M. Piielps. I The thousands of people Constant Wife, Somerset Maug- r'iam -..■ijtv. ' who came to Garber,Brothers Czechoslovakia, Jessie Mother- sole. did not buy furniture for the Dean Briggs, R. W. Brown. Dear Old Templeton, Alice K. single reason that our prices -Brown. •Dovits, P. G. Wodehouse. were the lowest possible. Drifting Home, E. R. Groves. Edgar Allan Poe; a Study in Genius, J. W. Krutch. They bought furniture here ' Eugene O’Neill, B. H. Clark. Europe Since 'Waterloo, W. S. because the low prices were wering the question Think of Davis. Questions of the Hour, J. E. backed by a standard of qual­ the quality, Think of the Johnson. Red Road, by Hugh Pendc.xter. Revolt in the Desert, T. E. Law­ f ity that left no room for ques­ workmanship, Imagine the rence. Riveri to Cross, Roland Pertwee. tion. It was positively the best furniture as it will look a few Rayal Seville. E. A. Peers. Safety First for Home and quality that could be pro­ years from now. School, H. E. Beard. Soul of Spain, Havelock Ellis. duced at the price. Spain, a Short History of its Pol­ X T E V E R in the history of Visit Garber Brothers the itics, Literature, and Art from the that you shouldn’t be without Earliest Times to the Present, H. ' electric refrigeration has Frigidaire another day. ... And . Garber Brothers first opportunity you get. See D. Sedgwick. Spanish Journey, Julius Meir- there been a more important Examine the new Frigidaire. backed up every purchase one of the largest displays of Graefe. Special Legislation for Women, announcement. An announce­ Sec for yourself the value it with a satisfaction guaran­ quality furniture gathered J. E. Johnson. Sunny Mateel. H. E. Knibbs. ment of an electric refrigerator that can satisfy warm-weather appetites offers. Compare the features you under one roof. Whole pages Sylvia of the Minute, Mrs. H. (R) tee. Martin. , „ many thousands have waited for xvith delicious frozen desserts, want in an electric refrigerator with of praising descriptions about That Island, Archibald Marshall. To-day... this tremendous Twelve One-Act Plays, with In­ General Motors to build. A Frigid- chilled salads and cooling drinks. those you will find in the new our store could not tell a troduction by alter Prichard Ea­ You can have care-free refrigeration ton. ^ , aire that puts all the convenience model. If has them all. family of satisfied customers Two Vagabonds in Sweden and more interesting and convinc­ Lapland, Jan Gordon and C. J. and economy of dependable electric that keeps foods fresh until you are It’s the Frigidaire you’ve waited is our most valued asset. Gordon. ready to use them. You can leave ing story than this visit. Verses New and Old, by John refrigeration within the reach of for! Galsworthy. your home at any time without a .When looking at furniture There are many things one ♦What is to Be, J. C. Snaith. every home that has electric current. See it! See it demonstrated. Sec What is What in Groceries, thought of ice supply. what it docs and how it docs it. .. . ask yourself this question can learn from our vast dis­ Alexander Aodoroff. Wild Honey. F. J. Niven. Now the Frigidaire you’ve prom­ All these advantages that Frigid­ Get full details of the General .. . “What do I get in return play. VISITORS ARE AL- ’ With Lawrence in Arabia, L. J. ised yourself is easily within your Thomas. aire brings to your home can now Motors convenient payment plan. for my money?” and in ans­ WAYS WELCOME. German Books Dor Kopf; Roman, Heinrich family budget. You can begin to be yours for the lowest price ever Find out what a small deposit is Mann. O Spanienl, Alfred Kerr. enjoy it at once. You can relieve asked—a price made possible only needed. Arrange to have your Verdi, Fran^ 'Werfel. yourself of troublesome duties that by General Motors. A price that Frigidaire now. Call at our dis^ Compare with Garber Brothers’ Standard TEST ANSWERS cut deeply into your time. You can be paid on terms so convenient flay room today. of Quality, Compare with Garber Brothers’ 1. Plugs in any convenient electric outlet—EASY TO MOVE. Below are the answers to the Everyday Prices "Now Yon AFk One" questions 2. Automatically maintains constant low temperaptres— printed on the comics page. without ice, without attention. 1 — Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote ;:: and you’ll find that furni ture of unquestioned qual- "The Autocrat of the Breakfast 3. Freezes FIVE POUNDS of ice cubes between meals. Table." 4‘ Has practically FIVE CUBIC FEET of food storage space. it}' costs no more than furniture of no particular quality 2— Will Durant wrote "The Story of Philosophy.’ ’ 3— Ichabod Crane is a character in Washington Irrlng's "Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” 4— James Fennimore Cooper wrote "The Leatherstocking Tales.” 5— "Nevermore” is the refrain to Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven.” 6— In writing to the president the correct form of salutation Is n I G I D A "Dear Mr. President.” 7— The Taj Mahal is a famous FINE FURNITURE MORGAN mausoleum in India. c U r o c t 8— Eiffel tower is 1,000 feet in ALFRED A . GREZEL M A R K E T S ^ icight. 829 MAIN STREET, SOUTH MANCHESTER 9— Russia on one side, and Tur- ■ ey. England, France and Sardinia H A R 1 V M » 3n the other fought in the Crimean HARTFORD War of 1854-56. . M ^ ^ 10— Mt. Pelee is in Martinique, ^ r f t . A ^ in island of the Indies. 1 c a at n One block from Main Street


BROWNS TO TRADE SISLER S.-.M. H. S. MUST BEAT! Amerkim U am e WATCHING CORBIN RED SOX PUYING .Vt N c «t Y o r k :— Y.V.NKS 12. W HITE SO X 11 THE SCOREBOARD NEW YORK AB. R,. H. PO. A. E. Baseball’s Latest Rumor Has Genial George on CHENEY BROTHERS TONIGHT Combs, cf ...... 4 YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Koenig, ss ...... 2 Eastern Lea^e EAST HARTFORD H, S. ?■ Dugan, 3b ...... 4 Verge of Changing Playing Scenes. Albany 10, Hartford 0. Ruth, rf ...... 4 1 1 0 Gehrig, lb ...... 4 1 1 3 2 Providence 10, Waterbury 3. Durst, If ...... 6 New Haven 9, Bridgeport 8. Game At West Side Field; Golfers Yoa Have Met Lazzeri, 3b. ss ...... 5 Springfield 8, Pittsfield 7. - by Kent Sci:aat OR THEY’LL LOSE OUT Morehart, 2b ...... 4 RCa u. & PAT. OFK. Grabowski, c ...... 3 .•\merlcan League Few Changes Made Nec­ Wera, xx ...... 0 Detroit 5, Boston 3. Collins, c ...... 1 Philadelphia 7, St. Louis 5. Ruether, p ...... 1 ■Moore, p ...... 1 Washington 2, Cleveland 1. essary In Local Lineup By Buddy Brewer and Lefty National League Paschal, xxx ...... 1 New York 12, Chicago 11 (11). Giard. p ...... 0 National League At Chicago:— Meusel. z ...... 1 Chicago 3, Brooklyn 2. Decision of Mill Depart­ Wiley Feeding Batters In CUBS 3, ROBINS 2 M. Thomas, p ...... 0 CHICAGO New York 8, Pittsburgh 7. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 41 12 15 33 21 1 Cincinnati 5. Philadelphia. ment. Beck. 2b ...... 3 1 0 2 'J’ 0 CHICAGO Boston 11, St. Louis 8. Crucial Struggle; Former English, ss ...... 3 0 0 2 3 1 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. XVebb, rf ...... r*. 1 1 0 0 .Metzler. cf ...... 6 1 4 0 0 0 tt'ilson, cf ...... 3 1 1 fi 0 0 Hunnefield. ss ...... 4 0 2 3 3 1 EasteiTi League Cheney Brothers’ baseball team Has Fanned 125 In 11 Stephenson, If ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 Clancy, lb ...... 6 1 1 12 2 0 W. L. PC. Grimm, lb ...... 3 0 0 8 0 0 Barrett, rf ...... G 2 2 3 0 0 will oppose the Corbin Red Sox of Hartnett, c ...... 3 0 1 4 0 0 Falk, If ...... 6 2 2 4 1 0 Pittsfield ...... 24 17 .585 Freigau, Sb . . . 3 0 0 3 1 0 Kamin, 3b ...... 5 0 1 3 1 (J Albany ...... 24 19 .558 New Britain tonight at the West Games. Carlson, p ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 AVard. 2b ...... 5 2 3 1 3 0 Grouse, c ...... 4 3 3 4 2 0 Waterbury ...... 23 21 .523 Side field. Umpire Ralph Russell 0 “ 3 6 27 11 1 F'aber, p ...... 3 0 1 0 4 0 Bridgeport ...... 21 20 .512 will call play at 6 o’clock. The b r o o k l y ;S' Connally, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Springfield ...... 23 23 .500 New Britain outfit is said to be a Great interest awaits the out­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Providence ...... 22 23 .489 come of this afternoon's crucial Statz. cf ...... 5 0 2 2 0 0 46 11 19 x30 IS 1 strong one and is a member of l.e baseball conflict between Manches­ Partridge, 2b ...... 4 0 1 0 4 0 Score by Innings; New Haven ...... 19 21 .4 75 Central Connecticut State League. ter High and East Hartford High Hendrick, rf ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 New York ...... 021 200 015 01—12 Hartford ...... 12 24 .333 Because it has been the policy of Herman, lb ...... 4 n <1 11 1 0 Chicago ...... 010 321 022 00—11 .American I^eague Cheney Brothers in the past not to on the latter’s field. East Hartford Meusel, if ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 Two base hits, Hunnefield, Metzler is a slight favorite to win but Butler, 3b ...... 4 0 1 1 0 2. Combs, Gelirig: three base hits, W. L. PC. allow its members to play with Flowers, ss . . . 3 1 2 1 .» 0 Durst; home runs, Falk, Lazzeri 3, New York ...... 33 1 5 .688 other teams, the mill lineup this there wasn't a single player on the n Clancy Barrett; stolen bases. More- Hen line, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 Chicago ...... 31 19 .620 evenicA will bear a few changes. t h e o n l y time she Manchester team that would con­ Deberrj-, c ...... 3 0 1 5 fi 0 hart. Barrett. Crouse; sacrifices, cede Coach Johnny McGrath’s out­ Gehrig. Faber 2. Hunnefield; double Philadelphia ....26 22 .542 Jack Linnell and Woody Walleti DISPLAYS GOOD FORM IS IN Barrett, xx ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 have decided to cast their lot with fit anything save the short end of Vance, p ...... 3 1 1 1 0 0 plays, Faber to Hunnefield to Clancy, Washington ...... 22 23 .489 th e Swimming pool— Felix, xx.x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Falk to Clancy to Kamm, Hunnefleid St- Loui.s ...... 22 25 .468 the Community ilub and Jack the score, when they left for East to Ward to Clancy, Crouse to Kamm; Hartford this afternoon. 'A large 0 Cleveland ...... 22 27 .449 Hunt and Elmo Mantelli have in­ 36 9 24 11 0 left on bases. New York 10. Chicago formed the (’. B. A. A. manage­ number of Manchester rooters ac­ Score by Innings: 11; bases on balls, off Reuther 1, off Detroit ...... 20 26 .435 companied the team. Play smarted Cliicago ...... !no 000 lOx—3 Jlooro 1, off Giard 2. off M. Thomas 1. Boston ...... 13 32 .289 ment they will stop playin.g with shortly before 4 o’clock. Brooklyn ...... 000 000 200—2 off Faber 7. off Connally 3; struck the Community club. Bill Brennan POSPISIL TO PITCH Two base hits, Deberry, Hartnett, out, by Ruether 1, by Moore 1, by National League has also vacated his duty a^ coach Evenly Matched Statz; liome runs, Webb. ‘Wilson; Giard 1. by Faber 3; hits, oft Ruether W. L. PC. If East Hartford wins this game of the Community club in prefer­ sacrifice, English; double plays. Par­ 8 in 4 innings (none out In 5th), off Pittsburgh ...... 3 0 1 4 .68 2 ence to Cheney Brothers. Pop Ed- AG.4INST COMMUNITY it will be crowned the baseball tridge to Flowers to Herman; left on Moore S in 4 innings, off Giard 3 in 1 Chicago ...... 26 19 .578 champions of the Central Connect­ bases, Brooklyn $, Chicago 2; bases inning, off M. Thomas 0 in 2 innings, ■ gar is the only qne.stion mark, but on balls, off Vance 1, Carlson 1 ; off Faber 12 in 8 1-3 innings, off Con­ St. Louis ...... 2 5 1 9 .6 58 it was made plain he will have to icut Interscholastic league as it has nally 3 in 1 2-3 innings (none out in Rudy I-’ospisil, former Trade lost but one lea,gue game while struck out, by Vance 5, by Carlson 3; .New York ...... 25 20 .556 Imake a decision one way or tlie umpires. Reardon, O’Day and Moran; eleventh): wild pltcli. Moore; winning Brooklyn ...... 23 28 .4 51 [other. School pitching sensation, will Manchester High has suffered de­ time, 1:30. pitcher. M. Tliomas; losing pitcher, V** • twirl for the youlhern New England feat twice. It will be the last X—Henline batted for Flowers in Connally; umpires. Owens, Geisel and Boston ...... 17 23 .419 Tins action was frafc’ly predicted 9th. urtnsliy; time, 3:15. Philadelphia ...,1S 25 .419 early this season. Tlie Herald Telephone Company of Hartford to­ game of the season for East Hart­ XX—Barrett ran for Deberry in 9th. X—None out when winning run was morrow night against the Com­ ford. Manchester High can tie ^or Cincinnati ...... 16 32 .333 claiming that it was not proper for XXX—Felix batted for Vance in 9th. scored. players or coaches to play witli munity club at Hickey’s Grove. He first place by beating East Hart­ XX—Wera ran for Grabowski in 8th. is the lad who was chiefly responsi­ ford today and taking both of its ,\t Pittnbiirgrh XXX—Pasclial batted for Moore in CAME-S TODAY more than one Manchester team. scheduled tames from Middletown 6 GI.VXTS 8, PIR.VTES Sth. I-!a.sterii lyeague While it is ti'ue that the loss of ble for the gj-eat record which the High next week. To date E. st AB. R. H. I’O. A. E. z—Meusel batted for Giard in 9th. New Haven at Hartford. Walleti and Linnell will be a se­ S, T. S. team compiled a year ago Tyson. If ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 vere blow to Cheney Brothers, it is when It won all of its twelve games. Hartford has won 10 games and . . 1 0 1 0 0 0 .Vf Philadelphia:— Waterbury at Springfield. lost 2 against 9 victories and 2 de­ Greenfield, p . . . 0 0 0 0 1 0 .VTHLETICS 7. BROW.NS 6 GEORGE SISLER Providence at Albany. the opinion of many that the action Another Manchester boy who feats for Manchester. Today’s en­ Devormer, z . .. 1 1 1 0 4.1 41 PHIL.ADELPHIA Otliers not scheduled. taken by the C. B. A. A .manage­ will be with the Hartford team, is Clarkson, p . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ment was the proper procedure. Billy Barrett, former member of counter should be a stirring battle. 9 0 American Iieague Llndstrom, 3b . . 3 1 1 3 3 0 Collins. 21) ...... 4 6 41 George Sisler will soon be traded by the St. Louis Browns—that is Elmo Mantelli will pitch tonight the old -Atlas A. C. Barrett will play In event of a tie in the final Harper, rf . . . , . . 0 0 0 3 0 u AVlieat, If ...... 5 0 A 1 0 0 Chicago at New York. 0 9 and Quido Giorgetti will start the lea.gue standing, however, there Hornsby, 2b ., .. 4 2 1 4 0 Cobh, rf ...... 4 44 1 0 0 Dame Rumor’s latest and choicest morsel of gossip! The chatter ha.s it Detroit at Boston- short. Islieb. another well-known Terry, lb . . . , . . 5 1 3 13 0 1 Simmons, cf . ... 0 0 game against Putnam here Satur­ will be no play off, according to a 0 0 0 that Sisler, since demoted from manager to mere player, has jerked some, St. Louis at Philadelpliia. player, who has often appeared in decision made recently by the offi­ •Tackson, ss . . , . . 5 1 3 fi () Fox. lb ...... 3 1 1 13 0 0 day afternoon. Jack Stratton will Manchester, will be with the visi­ Roush, cf ... .. 5 0 0 1 (1 44 Dykes, 3b ...... 4 1 0 n 0 Cleveland at Washington. cials of the league. Several of the 9 what with the perfect harmony of the club. That explains the trade— catch both igames. The Manchester tors. O'Neil, c ...... 0 1 1 ] 0 Perkins, c ...... 4 0 i 3 9 0 National League coaches are known to be against Ott. X ...... 0 Bolev, ss ...... lineup tonight will probably be: .. 1 0 1 0 0 ... 4 1 4 3 1 0 the desire for more harmony between players and Manager Dan Howley. Boston at St. Louis. this rule. Mueller, xx . , .. 0 1 0 0 4t n Quinn, p ...... 3 0 0 0 3 0 Stratton, r; 5[antelli, p: -Macdon­ j The John Burroughs memorial Cummings, c .. 1 1 1 2 0 0 Philadelphia at Cincinnati. Brewer's Kayo Record 0 The deal pending is said to be one of the biggest ever transacted in or­ ald, lb; Hunt. 2b; Plitt, ss: Hanna j medal will be awarded this year to Baines, p ...... 0 u 0 1 0 31 7 15 27 15 0 Brooklyn at Chicago. East Hartford beat Manchester Reese, If ...... 0 3b: Boyce, If; Edgar, cf, and I Ernest Thompson Seton tor his re- 0 1 0 0 0 ST. LOUIS ganized baseball. New York at Pittsburgh. earlier in the season 7 to 3 at the AB. R. H. PO. A. E. White, rf. 1 cent work on animal life. McKee street Stadium. “Buddy” 39 8 14 27 IS 1 0 Rourke. 3b ...... 4 1 1 1 1 0 Brewer retired twelve on strikes. PITTSBURGH Adams, 2b ...... 3 0 0 3 0 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Schang, x ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 Jerry Holmes pitched seven innings h. JVaner, cf . . 1 2 3 (1 Melillo, 2b ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 of the game and was touched up Barnhart, If ...... 3 2 2 3 44 Sisler, lb ...... 3 0 0 1 0 P. AVaner, rf . . . . 41 0 2 (1 E. Miller, If ___ ... 3 44 (4 for ten bingles but given ragged .) 1 0 (1 support, Manchester making eiight Wright, ss ...... 4 0 0 2 Rice, rf ...... 4 4) 4) 0 II 4) Grantham, 2b ...... 4 1 1 4 3 ScIiuUe, cf ...... 4 0 1 3 II 0 errors. Wiley finished the game, Travnor, 31> . . . . 4* 2 1 41 O'Neill, c ...... ___ 4 0 0 fi (4 holding the visitors hitless. He Harris, lb ...... 4 2 i 6 41 (rerher, ss ...... 1 1 3 4 0 took the mound against Brewer Goocli, c ...... 4 1 9 6 ] Bennett, xx ...... 1 1 1 (1 (\ 0 this afternoon. Manchester got nine Aldridge, p ...... 4 0 1 0 U 0. ss ...... 1 0 4) J 41 0 Stewart, p ...... 1 1 1 44 0 4) hits off his delivery in the last 3S I 13 27 fi Williani.s. xxx . . ... 1 0 0 44 0 4) game. Brewer has fanned some­ Score by innings; Van Glider, p ...... 1 1 1 0 1 0 thing like 12 5 batters in the elev­ New Yorlt ...... 020 000 201—S Pittsburgh ...... mu 120 120- „ , . . 33 5 S 24 lU 0 en games he has worked. Two base hits, Aldridge, Traynor, boore I»y uuungs: The teams practiced on the Burn­ Jackson, Ott; tliree base hits, Terry, Pliiladelphia ...... 211 300 OOx—7 side avenue diamond early this af­ P. Waner; home runs, Barnhart, Louis ...... 003 000 020—5 ternoon and just shortly before Grantham, Cummings, Hornsby; Two base hits, Wheat 2. Dykes, O ne aFter another press time took the field with the stolen bases. Traynor 1; sacrifices, ,‘Rchang; home run. Fox; sacrifices Lindstrom, Barnhart; double play. Simmons, Quinn, Sisler; left on/bases', following lineups; Hornsby to Terry; left on bases. New St. Louis 3, I'hiladelphia 7; ^ase ori M an che.ster...... East H artford York 8, Pittsburgh 9; bases on balls, balls, off Van Gilder 2; strucit out bv E. Dowd, rf G. Stangle, ss off Barnes 3, off Aldridge 2; struck Stewart 4, Van Gilder 2. QulXn ^ ■ hits F. Stangle, 2b out, by Barnes 1, l,y Aldridge 2; liits off Stewart 13 In 4 Van UildeS^’ in 4^ Foley, 2b off Barnes 8 in G innings, off Green­ bit by pitcher, by Quinn (E. MTlie-'•' Holland, rf Martin, If field 3 in 2 innings, off Clarkson o in lo.sing pitclier. Stewart: umpires, \o Winzler, 3b Waterhouse, lb 1 inning; liit by pitcher, by Aldridge (/rafian, Connolly and Rowland; tiin Farr, ss Strong, 3b (Hornsby), by Greenfield (Harris); 1; 4 I. Truex.rf winning pitcher, Greenfield: umpires, X—Schang batted for .Adams in 8th. \V. Dowd, lb Quigley, Wilson and Pflrman; time, Lupien. If Pilkien. cf 2:28. Powell, c -Vt Boston Boggini. c X—Ott batted for O’Neil in 7th. t ig e r s n. RED SOY 3 Wiley, p Brewer, p XX—Mueller ran for Ott in 7Hi. DETROIT ... ,, AB. R. H. PO, A. E. .Vt St. Louis:— Varner, 3b ...... 3 ti 0 u 4 0 BRAVES 11. C.VRDS 8 Gehringer, 2b ...... 5 u 11 2 2 0 BOSTON Manush, cf ...... 0 1 Hartford Game AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Pothergill, If ...... 3 \t .Mhaiiy:— -Moore, 2h ...... 3 2 2 2 3 u Ruble, rf ...... 4 (I M.B.V.M 10. H ARTFOlin 0 Riclibourg, rf ...... G 2 4 2 u 0 Blue, lb ...... 4 8 ALB.ANV Welsli, cf ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Tavener, ss ...... 3 .4.B. R. H. PO. .A.. E. High, 3b ...... 4 1 1 2 4 0 Bassler, c ...... 2 Helecth. 31, ...... 2 4 o 3 0 Fournier, lb ...... 3 2 0 1 2 2 1 Stoner, p ...... ]...... 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 I'.lcason. 2i, Hogan, c ...... 3 2 3 0 u (I H ■.r.sc. i;f .... Brown, If ...... 3 1 1 3 U 0 34 5 9 27 12 1 • 'affery. x;..x Bancroft, ss ...... 4 1 1 2 3 1 BOSTO.N Tord\'. If .... Goldsmith, p ...... 2 0 U 0 0 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Farrell, lb .. Mills, p ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 Regan. 2b ...... 4 ,//■ P.iirkrtt. s.= Genewicli. p ...... 2 0 I1 2 d 0 Hartley, zzzz ...... 1 0 Srdnmon. rf . Burrus, x ...... 1 0 1 0 U 0 MVer, ss ...... 4 Munn. c .... Tobin, rf ...... 4 Fuller, ]' .... 41 11 14 27 15 2 Carlyle, If ...... 2 ST. LOUIS Todt, II) ...... '/[ 3 40 in 12 27 1C AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Hofmann, c ...... ,3 H.ARTFI 'RD Douthit, cf ...... 4 1 1 1 0 0 Jacobson, zz'...... ] AB. R, Frisch, 2b ...... 5 1 2 3 R 0 Moore, c ...... (1 Kral-.c, ss ...... t Bottomley, lb ...... 3 1 1 14 0 0 Shancr. cf ...... 4 Mnrri.s.sc > , rf ...... t Hafey, If ...... 4 0 u 4 0 1 Rolling.^, 3b ...... 3 Hutlcr. 21, 4 .'Routhwortli, rf . . . . 4 2 2 1 0 0 V ingfield, p ...... 2 Kersey. 11, ...... 3 L. Bell, 3b ...... 3 2 3 1 3 2 Haney, z ...... 1 Hermann. 3ij ...... 4 Schulte, c ...... 5 1 1 1 1 0 Ruffing, p ...... [ II Si-hilikel. If ...... 4 The^•enow, ss ...... 3 o u 2 4 0 Rogcll, zzz ...... 1 Morrison, cf ...... 4 Rbem, p ...... 2 u u u 1 0 ' Uexander, p ...... u u 0 11 n o Viederknrn. c ...... 3 33 3 11 2; 9 .Maiipum, c ...... o H. Bell, p ...... (I 0 0 II 0 (I Score by innings: .-\ner. p ...... 1 ' Clark, z ...... 1 0 0 u 0 0 ...... 000 103 010—5 Topocer, zz ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hcitman. x ...... 1 ...... 000 100. 011—3 Kalin. )i ...... o Two base hits, BIu§, Jlyer and ,1 ablonowslii. XX ... 1 39 8 10 27 15 4 Slianer; three base hits, Mver and .•Vtwud, II ...... 0 Score by innings: Rogell: home runs, Fothergili; stolen Boston ...... 040 121 030—11 bases, lavener; sacrifices, Tavener 33 0 7 27 11 7 St. Louis ...... 015 001 001— 8 Bassler, Stoner Carlyle, Rollings- Score l,v innings: Two base bits. Southworth, High; double plays Tavener to Blue,’ Alliany ...... 1 40 01 1 012—10 tliree base hits, Douthit, L. Bell, Gehringer to Tavener to Blue, Regan Two base liils. Kralie. Hclgetli 2, Richbourg, Burrus; home runs, Bot­ 0° left op bases, Detroit Gleason. Burkett; sacrifice. Fuller; tomley, Schulte, Richbourg; stolen 8, Boston 8; base on balls, off Stner left on bases, Hartford 7, Albany 8; bases, Richbourg 2, Brown; double u off Wingfield 3; struck out. b- duble plac’s. Fuller to Burkett to plays. Frisch to Bottomley, Theve- Stoner 3; hits, off Wingfield 7 in 7 In'- I-'.'' ■iflI 2. Burkett to Gleason; bases now to Frisch to Bottomley, High to nings, off Ruffing 2 in 2 innings; wild I t’S the cigarette of the age — the triumph of all (oi ball.s, off Au, r 2. off Kahn 1. off Mocire to Fournier: left on bases, Bos­ Ruffing: losing pitcher, .Alworid 1. r.ff Fuller 1; .struck out, by ton 9, St. Louis 8; base on balls, off Wingfield; umpires, Hildebrand, Mc­ .\uer 4. .\tworld 1. Fuller 4: hits, off Gold.smith 1, Mills 2, Rbem 5. Ale..an- Gowan and Evans; time 1:53. smoking history. Just reflect—at the time when .\iicr 9 ill I'l innings, off Kalin 1 in 2. I der 1; struck out, by AlexandeY 1; _ z—Haney batted for Wingfield in "ff 2 ill I: I".sing pitclier, hits, off Goldsmitli 3 iu 1-3, .Milks 2 in I th. -\uer: iiiiipin Wliite and Kuhn; 1 2-3. Gcnewicli 3 in 3. Rbem S in 3, z/.--.Taco',son batted for Hofmann t:iie 1 Alexander 5 in 3. H. Bell 1 in 1 ; liit in Stli. more cigarettes are smoked than ever before— f —I'r iiinaii baneil f',r .Auer in Gtli. b\- iiitchcr, by .Mills (Hafe.x): wild batted for Ruffing in X— sl.i i,aiucl for Kalin I pitches. Mills; winning pitclier. Gcne- 'll Mi.. jwicli; losing pitcher, Rhem; umpires. zz;;:.;-Hai tley baited for Regan in Camels passed them all. XXX — Gaff!'r ’ ran fi'r Hesse in 2d Hart. Jorda and Rigler; time, 2:u2. 9tii, am. jtli l,y iwniiission. .Vt Cinciniiiiti;— RED.S .5. PHILLIES 2 CrNCIN.N.ATl At Wnshinginn:__ Why? Figure it out and you’ll find that Camel AB. R. H. PO,. A. -NATIONALS 2, INDINAS 1 1 n-f-.s'K-n. 31) ...... 3 u 1 4.' 2 WASHI.NGTU.N Golfers You Have Met ('liri'stensen. cf .... 4 1 1 \ 41 . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. is made for the particular smoker whose taste, day by Kent Straat I’ipp. 11) ...... ___ 3 1 1 7 (1 5 ^ ® 3 2 0 0 Kresslcr, If . . . . ___ 3 41 II Way."®’ 3 n 0 3 4 0 REG U. S PAT. OFF. 4 0 Goslin, If ...... 4 0 4 Q 0 Walker, rf ___ .... 4 1 3 5 1 by'day, is more knowing of quality. Camels are Hargrave, c . . . Cl Cl 4 0 •Speaker cf ...... 3 1 1 0 0 0 Ford, 21) ...... 3 1 2 3 3 .Judge, lb ...... 3 0 2 8 0 0 Wanninger, ss . ___ 4 1 1 0 2 ...... 3 0 1 9 (I 1 rolled of the choicest Turkish and Domestic Rixe\-, p ...... — 3 0 1 0 •> Bluege, 3b ...... 3 0 1 0 2 0 Reeves, ss ...... 4 1 1 1 4 0 30 5 10 27 10 Lisenbee, p ...... 3 0 1 0 2 0 tobaccos grown. And what blending! Camel’s PHIL.\DELPHIA AB. R. H. PO., A. 30 2 11 27 12 1 1 2 0 ;; CLEVEI^.AND smoothness and mellowness are qualities distinctive Tliunipsun, 2b . .... 7) 41 9 0 s T , , AB. R. H. PO. A. E. .Moltan, If ...... 0 1 3 41 •Tamieson, If ...... 4Q 3 3 q q Wrigiitstone, lb ... 4 44 4) 12 44 •••...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 to this cigarette. Jonnard. c . . . . ___ 4 1 2 2 1 4*ons6c&, 2L> ...... 4 0 1 9 9 n N'ixon, cf ...... ___ 4 0 0 1 44 f ™ lb ...... 4 0 I 7 3 0 Leach, rf ...... ___ 4 1 3 0 41 J. Sewell ss ...... 3 1 1 5 0 0 Friberg, 3b ...... 3 1 44 1 1 Hodapp, ,3b ...... 3 0 1 1 0 n If you haven’t yet tried them, you’ll find all Fergu.son, p ...... ;t 0 1 0 9 •summa. rf ...... 4 0 0 2 11 u O'Donnell, x ___ 1 0 0 0 0 I-*. Se\\ell, c ...... 4 0 1 1 1 n p ...... ^ I I ^ I 0 your smoking wishes come true in Camels. Mild, 38 4 11 24 15 Score by innings: c , 32 1 8 25 12 0 Cincinnati ...... 000 000 23x—5 Score by innings: clear and smooth from morning to night. Always Philadelphia ...... '. 000 000 004—4 Washington ...... OOO 100 00]—2 Two base hit. Ford; three base liits, Cleveland ...... 000 000 100 — 1 U Wanninger, Rixey; stolen bases, Three base bits. Rice, Speaker, L. so satisfyingly good! ^^Have a Camell*^ Dressen, Mokan, Sand; sacrifices. bases. Jamieson, Hargrave. Bressler; double plays. Bluege, Hodapp, Summa; sacrifices. Walker to Hargrave; Sand to Wright- Hodapp, Lisen- stone, Saijd to Thompson to Wright- bee, double plays. Burns to J. Sewell, stone; left on bases, Cincinnati 6, Harris to Judge; left on bases. Cleve- Philadelphia 8; base on balls, off » u j,^'^®bington 10; base on balls, Rixey 1, Ferguson 3; struck out, by oiT Hudlin 3; struck out, by Hudlin 2, C 1927, tL.i. S.7B.lil( ToImcco Rixey 2, Ferguson 2: umpires, Mc- Lisenbee 5; hit by pitcher, bv Hudlin Corapuir, WintteB-S«lm, N. C. THE. MAN WHO MADE Cormiek, Klein and .McLauglilin: 'Rur-ll, U.^enbec (J. Sewell); ^eild A HOUC IN ON^. time, 1:56. liilche.s, Hudlin; umpires, Dineen and NaiUn; tlm*. 1:U.


The funeral of Carl»F. .Della ABOUTTOWN Fera, of Oak street, wij[J be teld to­ morrow morning with serrlces at k PPI\ATE cte kcL the home and at St. James’s church. Additional Sports PAUL The following High school athle­ Burial will be In St. James’s ceme­ tic managers for the coming year tery. Members of the Christopher ADAMS have been named by the student Columbus society and the Sons ot jWilA. Service council: Basketball, Ludwig Han­ LEADING LEAGUE HITTERS h F2ANCE Italy Lodge of which he was a sen; baseball, Ben Radding: ten­ FARRELL IS PICKED nis, Louis Farr; swimming, Leslie I member, are expected to take part American League 1 in the services. Gehrig, New York, ..410. Buckland. E. Miller, St. Louis, .397. TO WIN THE OPEN Meusel, New York, .392. r Simmons, Phila., .379. Cobb. Philadelphia, .375. Leader a year ago today, Ruth, Q GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP New York, .389. National League Harris. Pittsburgh, .437. —and Now Norton’s Farrell, New York, .391. Walsh Thinks Bohhy Jones Harper, New York, .390. Hornsby, New York, .386. Electric P. Waner, Pittsburg, .364. Manchester Can Will Be Out Of It This Leader a year ago today Cuyler, Pittsfield, .371. Service ’The Big Five Ride in Pontiacs Hilliard Street Year— Other Favorites, Hornsby, .3386. Cobb, .3^5. If you have any J Ruth, .337. So great has been the demand for the PONTIAC au­ trouble with R.v DAVIS J. WALSH Speaker, .329. tomobile throughout the cotmtry that every agency has suffered from a shortage. .Manch«ter people want to I. X. S. Sports E()itor Collins, .323. The s see the popular PONTIAC and want to ride in one of our New York, June 9.— Largely in- motlels. We have kept after the factory pei-sistently, Generator siiired by the notion that a man aud as a result— on Your Car who wins five of Ills last nine ma­ Chapman Tech Here Better service on jor championships might be about generator, starter, due to fumble on the two-yard line, The grave of the French Unknow n Soldier is beneath the .Arch of Trl’umpli in Paris, This picture 2 CARLOADS OF ignition and mag­ the impression got about today shows troops niarclting past the grave during a recent celebration. neto repairs. for Seasons Final ❖ ------among* the boys in tlie lialf-coiumn PONTIACS Flate Rate on pants that Bobby Jones no longer This Is Chapter 53 in a series of VGuld be champion at the end of The Manchester High school articles written by it fonner have just been unloaded All Work a the national open golf champion­ track team will close its season to­ doughboy who is i-evisiting France Drive, Your Car in | ship in Pittsburgh next week. Per­ morrow afternoon when Chapman as a correspomleiit for The Herald. and are for Free Tests. centage, they say, will be against Tec of New London comes to the CHAPTER Lll We asked Devoe to create Hones and an outsider at Oakmont. West SiJe field. Competition will Much has been written about An ■•outsider.'’ of course, auto­ the grave of the Unknown Soldier NOW ON DISPLAY matically bars Walter Hagen, start promptly at 3 o’clock. Coach Pete Wigren is confident in Paris. It's under tlie Arc de NORTON xvhose game has suffered what this new beautiful enamel In Our Showrooms his charges will come through with Triomphe— in the "Etoile,” where might be called a bad rally. Nor the streets reach out to the points does it include Jim Barnes, Jock a victory to close the season with E le ctrica l tomorrow and has been training his ot a giant star. At the head of Hutchison, Gene Sarazen, Willie the grave is a '.lol; in the pave­ in 22 voguish tones - MacFaiiane and others who have athletes hard. Manchester has lost ment, where burns tlie flame of In stru m en t won big titles, including the invad­ three meets this season and won memorial tribute. It is fed liy gas one. The victory was over Meriden, for indoors or out ing British. The popular candidate, aud every day, around 5 o'clock in Silk City Oakland Co. in fact, is Johnny Farrell, who won while the defeats were administer­ the afternoon, the supply of gas is Co. the rungless atepladder in other ed by Bulkeley High, of New Lon­ exhausted. The flame dies, but a James Stevenson, Manager; Hilliard Street years as the man who didn’t win don, New Britain and Meriden In new supply is ready. U R customers demand­ Near Manchester anything. the C. C. I. L. Members of one of the many Phones 2169-2, 2169-4 Freight Station. UaiTell a Comer Captain Billy Hall, wlio is out veterans' orgaiiizafloits in Paris, O ed these new fashion­ 195 Center Street, South Manchester Farrell inuloubtedly is what is with an injured ankle, is not ex­ including the American Legion, able colors to provide beauty called "hot" riglit now, thanks to pected to be in shape to compote participate in tlie coreiiiony of re- m and variety in home decora­ Ills sensational victory over a great tomorrow- His absence was one of llghtiuig that flame. field in the Metropolitan open. He the main reasons why Manchester Almost every day someone lays tion. With Mirrolacyou can a wreath on this tomb of The Un­ has the golf, the temperament, the lost the league meet. Manager Ven- enamel anything from a pin nerve-control and almost every­ drillo reports that otlierwise, Man­ known Soltiicr. Individuals pay thing except the title.s. I’ll admit chester’s lineup will be intact to­ their respects in this manner— or­ box to an automobile. It will that the latter are a bit overdue. morrow. ganizations ami even goveriimeius not turn white, blister, check But it seems silly to attempt pay their tribute. All Pause Tb.ere or crack. Quick drying and Sale and even to hunch a man like Jones So many wreaths have been out of a championship. All he has placed there that a large room In easily applied. to do Is to play to the speed he has the Arch is hai: filled with those Demonstration been capable of in other medal LAZZERI HITS OUT which have been saved— and only tournaments of the last two or those wreaths wljicli have a par­ of three years aud most of the entries ticular significance are kept. Mil­ F. T. Blish wiii fold up like an empty pouch. lions of people, of low and liigh A Good Bet THREE HOME RUNS estate, have paused there and un­ Hardware Co. “Wear-Ever” One excellent bet is that Bobby covered in solemn respect for the South Manchester won't be more than three strokes bones that rest under the tablet-— Baptr Awiametic Oven Central behind the winner and another is the bones of "une soldat incoiinii" Aluminum that tlie latter must average 7 3 “Poosh em Up Tony” Smash­ — a soldier who died in the war strokes for the four rounds. whose identity was forever blotted Time and Temperature Farrell can do ft. But will he? out by a sliell conceived in the He has lacked the necessary physi­ ed Babe Ruth's World Se­ genius of a fellow man. W e’ll say that you are a wonderful cook—-that you cal and nervous stamina in other This is a humble description of always use the best ingredients—that you carefully years but his health is improved ries Record Yesterday. the grave of The Unknown Sol­ measure and mix them thoroughly—that you place now because Artie McGovern, the dier under the Arch of Triumph tomiTi^ thorn in the oven—yet, you cannot always be sure man who reclaimed George Ruth, which was erected liy Napoleon in IW h ITE ENAMEI-I $1.50 alias Merman, from the depths of | the lieart of Paris. It is a de­ LlilllllllJlii of consistent baking successes. his own stomach, Tias worked on | By LES CONKLIN scription known to many. ^ ^ , I, With a Roper Gas Range and its Roper Auto­ Colanders and with the golfer during recent I. N. S. CoiTespondent But down in the Bois la Prete, near Pont-a-Mousson, there's a matic Oven Control there is no guess work about 98c months. New York. June 9.— It’s the baking results. You can absolutely control the The hunch on Farrell in partic­ "home run triplets” of the New cemetery. It contains the graves ular and an outsider in general is York Yankee.s instead of the borne of perhaps 20,900 Fiench soldiers temperature of the oven. You set the control at who were killed in the terrific a reasonably good one, if only for run twins from now on and the the right temperature—put your baking in—and i It. A the fact that, in a competition In third member of the triumvirate Is ftehting during the four-year forget about it until the time set for it to be ready struggle for the possession of the which anyone of thirty or forty Anthony Michael Lazzeri. the handy to serve. men might win, all hunches are man of the New YoFn Infield and cross on the summit on the hill in good until after the tournament. In former home run king of the Pa­ this woods. This cemetery is in Let us explain how easy it is to prepare a dinner 75c an out-of-the-way place. It is sel­ this case, it is sounder than usual cific coast. Tony stole Babe Ruth’s in a Roper oven controlled range while you are In view of Hagen’s pre-champion- world Series stuff yesterday by dom visited. Notice To Housewives ' Square Cake Pans Eight Hundred Others miles away, enjoying yourself instead of standing .'hiji play; tiio recent illness of Mac walloping tliree homers in one of of the main Afternoon Riding Lessons at Special 59c Smith, the unimpressive scoring of the wildest games ever seen In this And near tiie end over a hot stove. path leading through between the Housewives Rates. (9 inches square, 21^ inches the British in the Ryder Cup man’s town. WHITE BREAD rows ot crosses is a single cross, deep) matches and the fact that Bobby “ Poosh ’em up Tony I” yelled S n k e i compreBM<5 yea»t;4 cups w.t^er, lake warm; J tablespoons »uearJ The rain has waslif.d mucli of the Saddle Horses to Rent X tablaapoona lard, melted; 3 quarta lifted flour, 1 tableipoon aalt. Stir t>- thousands of Lazzeri’s Italian ad­ Cruickshank seems to have fallen xvhite paint from it. But the in- eethar the yeait, water, auger and lard until thoroughly dieiolved. Then away from the mid-winter pace that mirers when he came up In the atir In halfof the flour until thoroughly mixed. Beat until amooth, then scription, stencilled with Ithtck add theialt the remainder ofthe flour, making the batter into a dough. made him the great money winner ninth, and Tony did. The tliird and paint, is still discernible. The in­ Silver Lane Riding Club Knead until smooth and elastic. Place in a greased bowl, cover and eet la homer climaxed a sensational five a warm place free from drafts until light (about iH hours). Knead well, of the southern tournaments. scription is: run rally which enabled the Yan­ mould into loavea and place In well greased bread pans, filling each on^ly Not Dangerous “858 Inconnu.” SILVER LANE ROAD half ft»Il. Cover, set In warm place and let rise for one hour, or u m ildoub^ Barnes and Hutchison have not kees to tie the White Sox. The It's the grave of "The Unknown Telephone 95-4. Opposite Hillstown Road their aiie. Prs-heat oven for 15 mlnutaa at 550 , then bake for 54 minute, been dangerous factors for sever­ Yanks won out In the eleventh, Soldiers." at 400® degrees. This recipe Is b r 2-pound loaves. al seasons: Sarazen and MacFarlane twelve to eleven, after Durst had never have been the same since tripled for his fourth hit, and n:>v.' TO IORROW : Touring. j , , ij- their great years in 1922 and 1925 led the Sox bv three game?, respectively. Ted Ray. tl;e Eryglish- 17 Homers Mrs. William M. Fenton and; man, probably is too old to play Seventeen homers were made daughter Elvira, of 108 Washing- i championship golf any longer and, yesterday, six of them in the Yau- ton street, are in New Aork City ] $2.25 of his team mates, only Aubrey kee-Sox game. The series thus far today atfending the commencement ; Double Boilers Boomeris said to have looked the has been a home run carnival, ten I exercises at The Greater New Aork | part of even a possible champion at circuit clouts having been deliver­ I Academy. Among the graduates is $1.69 Worcester. ed in two games. Ci'.irc I’enlon. wlio plans to j (1 [2 quart) Yes, iirovided Jones obligingly A homer liv Cummings and Mi.' enter a hospital in New York this m xs self-serve: flojis. Oakmont looKs like a great H ornsby’s tenth home run of the ^V.•.^V.A.•.^^YAV^.V.W season featured a sensational rally UlH cram to be a nurse. spot for the outsider, and he doesn’t ^ ,~Ti necessarily have to be Farrell. It by the Giants, who scored four cemid be Joe Turnesa, runner-up to runs in the ninth and nosed out the Jones at Scioto last year, or Leo Pirates, eight to seven. McGraw T O W A I T O N Ui(\vel, who finished in a tie for used three pinch hitters and all of second idace at Inverness as far them came through. It was New When You back as 1920 and hasn't been able York’s first victory over the Bucs to do anything about it since. It this season In six starts. could be John Gnlaen, the first pro May Mean Pennant Want To Prove Further $1.65 behind Jones in the southern open, It appears as if the acquisition of GAS RANGES French Fryers or A1 Watrous, who placed third in Swede Carlson from the Phillies Shoes repaired in the best man­ with the the Britisli open last year. It could may mean a pennant for the Cubs. ner, see 98c l>e Harry Cooper, who might get Carlson couldn’t xxnn for the Phils away on one of those scoring but he sceixted the pleasing frag­ That IT ROPER OVEN ,=prees such as he showed in the rance of World’s Series kale in CONTROL ten thousand dollar open at Los Chicago and beat Dazzy Vance of LOUIS DELL Angeles two years ago. Brooklyn, three to two, although State Theater Building ■ It, could be, as stated, any one Vance yielded only five hits. ‘Pays To Wait On Yourself’ of three dozen men; so why pick on Hack Wilson hit his eleventh Shoe Shine Parlor Farrell? And, above all, why at­ homer and now leads the National tempt to throw out Jones? I’d rath­ League sluggers. 'Wilson also star­ 90c er try to throw out a stationary red afield, covering more ground Demonstration washstand. than a circus tent, and Earl Webb Specials For Friday Sauce Pans walloped his ninth homer with one R . W. Joyner on. The Cubs jumped to second Campbell’s Tomato Soup, ca n ...... 8c 59c place. This W eek (Two quart) The Speeding Boston Braves won Contractor and their fourth game of their current We invite you, Miss or Mrs. Manchester, to come tour, beating the Cardinals again Rinso, large package...... 19c eleven to eight. The Braves took Builder in and sample cooking which has been done on the sixth place away from the Phillies, Roper Gas Range. Friday 'we shall feature while the Cards dropped to third. Alteration and Repair Work Mueller’s Spaghetti and Macaroni, Cincinnati, now playing ball for Given Prompt Attention. SALMON LOAF the first time this s-ason. Just last­ pkg...... 11c SCALLOPED CORN 35c ed to beat the Phillies, five to four, Residence 71 Pitkin Street. Jelly Cake Pans for their fourth straight place. South Manchester. Phone CAKE What is Bob Fothergill’s batting Fothergill’s homer featured De­ Sunbeam Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs...... 25c 2 for 49c average for the period he has been troit’s five to three victory over (De«p) in the big league?— A. K. J. the Red Sox. ARTESIAN WELI.S ROPER GAS STOVES—BASEMENT Fothergill's average for five Boley got four hits as the Athlet­ seasons is .338. ics outslugged the Browns, seven to Drilled Any Diameter— Van Camp’s Evaporated Milk, five, an>d the Brownies dropped Any Depth Any Place 3 large ca n s...... 29c What nationality is Eddie Kid back into the second division. Wagner?— O. F. M. Charles F. Volkert He is a Jewisli-Amerlcan. Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen ...... 39c Was Tommy Burns ever lieavy- Blast Hole Drilling Fancy large brown and white. v.c’fglu champion?— R. H. K. Quick,Callouses safe, sure relief from Test Drilling for Foundation Yes. F^rom 1006 to 1908. painful callouses on the feet. Water Systems At oU drug arui shoe stores Hale’s Famous Milk Bread, lo a f...... 8c Pumps for All Purposes. SOUTH ^MRNCHESTFR • CONN^ jirS chalT s It’s a larger and better loaf. Put one on—fnc Tel. 1375-5. pain U gone Read Herald Advs X in o -p a d s HIGHLAND PARK P. 0 .


ILLUSTKAXa Paul This And That In A h Kroeser? Today’s unmarried woman takes^ Injustice FICTION her independence, her privileges, Eighteen years of slavery to the her conceded “right to her own farm, doing her fatber’s and broth­ © 1927 6y KEA Service V Ben iiucien Bunnan Feminine Lore life,” so much for granted that she er’s work while they philandered dignant gesture of refusal. "You, = forgets occasionally the quite dif­ for adventure and gold, then her THIS HAS HAPPEXED Nanny?” g LIXCOLX XUXXALLY, elderly ferent lot of the unmarried woman father announced that he had sold American chemUt, myaterloualy The old man rather timidly took 3 of a generation ago. One of the the father. Thurston her younger Bummoned to the queer little out his own modest, mlld-flavored = most perfect pictures of the rebel­ brother, had urged him to. He need­ Jungle-bordered town of PORTO VERDE, In west central Brazil, package. "Er, thank you very j lious old maid of the 80s is Ellen ed cash and if Pa gave him the pro­ encountera an old friend, \ILAK, much. But I think . . . er . . . s These are the days when the^ The summer hats are bigger and Dacy, heroine of Helen Hull’s new ceeds he would "give him and Ellen who tell* him It waa he who had think I’d rather have my own. I g better this season, not the “Merry novel, “Islanders." The title comes a good home always.” aent for him. frosting is on the weddipg cake in Vllak'a cousin, ELISE BIAR- will take a . . • er . . . match S many homes and the kitchens are Widow” picture hats of a genera­ from a line of Matthew Arnold— “ Ellen stood motionless. Sell It, BERRV, an American girl, owns though.” a scenes of feverish activity for many tion ago, for shorn locks and the “Yes; in the sea of life enisled— ” the land? Why, it was hers! Her a coffee plantation and other land “You mean to say you’ve lost = near Porto Verde and has re­ cling to the old-fashioned home boyish, slender tendency of femin­ Ellen Dacy feels herself "enisled” life spread over the smooth acres. ceived mysterious warnings to get those two boxes I gave you this s wedding and take delight in pre­ ine attire and the brevity of the because of tne selfishness of “men “ ’I’d have you know this is my out of the country. Vllak Is afternoon?” J skirts demand a type of large hat folks,” because of the t^iversal ac­ land,’ said Ellen’s father. ’I settled alarmed, because several deaths paring with their own hands the already have occurred and the The old man looked at him ^ dainties to be offered the wedding never before designed. Today’s hat ceptance of their belief that women it. I cleared it and made it a home.' supersflflouB natives think some humbly. “Not lost exactly. Er g guests, with the assistance of rela­ must have a light airiness about it. should wait for what men give “ ‘You left it, didn’t you?’ asked supernatural force Is at work. . . . Not lost. They just slipped s The hat that has a brim too wide Ellen. ‘Y'ou left it, and for twenty The day Xunnally arrives an­ tives or mayhap neighbors. Wheth­ them and carve out no life for other man la killed, TOXY BAR- down into that lining of my coat ^ er it be a sit-down breakfast or a for its wearer to carry gracefully themselves. years I've worked day in and day BETTA, one of Ellse Marberry's again.” S is all wrong. Sides of brims out. Y’ou didn’t care then what I foremen. He had been hit with a stand-up luncheon the dishes must elul) In the hands of LIMEY “You’re hopeless. You’re posl- = be dainty, well chilled or if to be are often wider than the fronts and Ellen Was Typical sowed or reaped.’ rOTTS. another foreman. Before lively hopeless, Nanny,” Vilak g served warm, well heated. It Is no backs, or the brims are cut away One may not at first think Ellen he died a strange paralysis took shook his head. “If Ellse Is still = in the back. Trimmings usually typical of her day. One may think hold of him. and Vllak confides to fun to prepare a wedding collation Brotherly Love the good creature she was when 1 harmonize with the frocks. that the rebellious "old maid” who Xunnally that be Is certain Limey and most people prefer to saddle “ ‘Now, Ellen, it's not yours. It's Potts, though he may have struck she was a child she’ll sew up your 1 did not take her lot for granted the responsibility on a professional his. And he sees eye to eye with the victim, was not the murderer. pockets tomorrow. Here’s another § No doubt you read Allene Sum­ was the exception and not the rule. That evening Vllak Induces caterer, while they attend to the me. This is the time to sell It. You box of matches. Don’t lose this = ner’s comments on Helen Hull’s But I am inclined to think that all Xunnally to come with him on a decoration and other innumerable can’t work like a man all your life. visit to the house of GAYLORD one.” = details of a home or church wed- new book "Islanders.” If so you the seemed placid, acceptive old PRENTISS, a reticent and forbid­ will want to read her follow-up con­ maids of 50 years ago were in re­ I tell you I don’t want you crash­ ding ...an, known to be an enemy They lit cigarets, mounted, and = 1 ding. ing around in men’s boots, while I of Ellse. Vllak believes Prentiss versation with her friend Marie, re­ ality the same seething furnaces of rode toward the town. As they make the Dacy name mean some­ is som ehow Involved in the mys­ reached the spot where the bridge vealing somewhat the treatment ac­ revolt that was Eilen. Ellen was terious deaths. thing. Y'ou ought to be thankful Before going ,to Prentiss’ place. crossed the river they saw the light The dark fruit cake known as corded business women traveling just a girl when her lover, her fa­ the wedding or groom’s cake is or­ there’s a good home waiting for A'ilak and Xunnally call on Ellse of the torches at the railroad en­ unescorted. It hardly seems possi­ ther and her brother "joined the you.’ XIarherry. Against A’llak’s wishes, dered from some one who makes gold rush.” They talked much of she Insists on going along. "When campment, and upon Ellse’s ex­ ble. "A good home until she died. a business of preparing such im­ “going for the women folks—com­ A link knocks at Prentiss’ door, pressing a wish to see it rode They would give her that. "Without saying he Is Ellse's lawyer, Pren­ nearer. From the top of the em­ portant items of the feast, while In view of the local Interest in ing back with piles of gold for you tiss orders them away. these acres she was nothing. They- bankment they could look down and small cakes may be baked at homo. iris as evidenced by the number of — making your lives easy.” but El­ XOAV BEGIN THE STORY Recipes for two. Orange blossoms would take her life, her Job, her see the laborers still at work pitch­ exhibits at the flower show, a book len was not fooled by their flrue reason for being, away from her. CHAPTER XI and date meringues are printed be­ words, if her mother was. She ing their camp, their black shadowy on the cultivation of this flower by Profoundly she knew that she had low. These are equally appropriate knew that it was not unselfish love Y7ILAK shrugged his shoulders forms flitting about spectrally in John C. Wister, president of the been less barren, living there, mak- for "showers” or entertaining pre­ American Iris society, will introduce for their “women folks’ tha’t drove ' and returned to his com­ the ruddy light of the torches and i Ing the land yield. What could she vious to the wedding. these men out across the plains and panion^. the Are. to the iris lovers new methods and do? Until she died. Soon she would mountains, but the zest to "live “Did you learn anything?’’ Elise They were close enough to the new varieties. be 40, then 50— 60. Listening to Make your appointments now at their own lives,” unfettered from asked eagerly. encampment to be clearly seen by the light voice of Thurston’s wife “Perhaps a little. Perhaps too those below; the handsome, whlte- the Weldon Beauty Parlors, 853 Someone has said “In the color, family responsibilities, lives of ad­ Main street for an Edmond Perma­ making complaints. Her brother much.” he answered. linened chief with whom Vllak had the beauty and the fragrance of venture, romance, and drama. nent Wave, and be prepared for and father: they could do this. The moon disappeared behind a spoken several hours earlier flowers is written a message of They were strong against her im­ the warm days sure to come in late Pa Came Home cloud. The path became shrouded walked over to gaze up the em­ love.” They are a delight to every­ potence, in wanton, male arro­ June and the rest of the summer. Eighteen years went on, while in misty darkness. They were bankment and ascertain the iden­ body, while perhaps some are more gance.” "women folks” ran the unyielding slowly picking their way toward tity of his visitors. Recognizing ardent in their admiration and cul­ Cooking the breakfast cereal in huge farm. They almost starved. the gate when they heard a click Viiak and the chemist, he smiled tures of them than others. Many a thermos bottle while they sleep people have flower hobbies, while They suffered from cold and the Y\Tiy We Are! as of a door being opened in Pren­ and waved his hand cheerily. “You Well, they made her do It, amd tiss’ house. A moment later some­ is an idea which originated with others confess to a great love for terrible loneliness of remote places. ride late tonight, senhors,” he mothers whose heavy duties come Ellen plowed and sowed and reap­ that’s the rest of the storj'. But thing bounded through the brush called out in his clear, robust voice. all the flowers. The show by the early in the morning. Clever ones local Garden Club which ended yes­ ed, milked and cooked and sewed, such a reminder as this of a day toward them. “Will you not come down ^nd chat when women’s lives were products “He's let the dog out on us.” throug'n the hushes, a huge black discovered that by preparing the terday cannot help but stimulate en­ and. hardest of all. kept hope The (Jog came nearer, then burst a little?” cereal at night and putting it into blooming in her mother’s and sis­ of male decision may answer peo­ Vilak murmured. “Run to the monster xeith fiery, bJating eyes. thusiasm in the most casual observ­ "No, thanks a lot!” Vilak called thermos bottles, it would cook Just er of the beauties there spread be­ ter-in-law's lieart."!. and kept her ple who wonder what the modem in response. “We’re on our way to "old maid” gets out of life. She gets The girl took the old man s hand son by the dam at Avilos, but in his ing through the trees, snapped on as in a flreless cooker. In the morn­ fore him or her. Many will want to own corroding bitterness from bed.” the sweets of independence and the and darted off to the fence. Vilak house I’d be constantly afraid that his flashlight and under its bril­ ing it is finished, ready to serve, experiment with novelties or new showing through. Eighteen years “Ah, Indeed are you most lucky,” self-respect given only by an abili­ halted and tranquilly taking a vial one of these lakes would overflow liant rays examined the tiny wound. piping hot. Try it as a morning varieties of old standbys. later her fatlier, worn out by too the engineer answered. “Myself I ty to tell some managing male rel­ and a large handkerchief from his and start trouble. The ground He drew a breath of relief, then time-saver with any of the quick much freedom, too much adventure, shall be up all the night before the atives to go to the dickens! coat, saturated the cloth with the where his house is situated is so extinguished the light. “It’s all cooking cereals. Most of us are familiar with the too much unrewarded searching for extremely low. The lakes probably right. I thought it might be some­ camp is dene. Ah, the life of the old-fashioned, pinkish tinged ladies' the gold that was not out west but pungent liquid. engineer is not easy. But at least The dog came nearer, then burst aren’t large enough to do much thing else. But if you value your Orange Blossoms. slipper. Yellow ones, noticed at the had been in his own farm if he had you will smoke with me a cigaret. through the bushes, a huge black damage; nevertheless it wouldn’t life, keep on that glove. Let’s start 6 tablespoons butter. show were decided novelties. The only stayed there to till it, came REVERSE ENGLISH monster with fiery blazing eyes. It be pleasant if they broke through. walking again.” It would be most kind.” 2-3 cup fine granulated sugar. old favorite columbine in dainty home. leaped upon Vilak. He crumpled I’ve been in one flood and don’t They proceeded in single fils a “Sorry. We’ve really got to go," 1-2 teaspoon almond extract. new shapes and colorings^ excited Two-toned sports effect are re­ Wauted to Lord It under the impetus of its massive care to be in any more. I repeat few hundred feet. Vilak again Vilak responded. “Some other 1-2 cup cold water. much admiration. The lupines ex­ versing the color idea. The deep He resented Ellen’s feeling of that why he lives there isabsoiute- | halted. “Tm fairly certain now night, perhaps.” They chatted a 1 1-4 cups pastry flour. hibited were lovely. They are showy tone now forms the upper portion body. It sprang at his throat but possession of the farm. Ellen tried ly beyond me.” !we’re being followed.” he whis­ moment from the heights, then the 2 tablespoons corn starch. in the garden in their different col­ instead of the lower. he caught its neck in his strong to keep this feeling hidden, but She was about to speak again pered. “You and Elise walk ahead three called out a good night and 2 1-2 teaspoons Royal Baking ors. Early delphiniums in some of fingers and while its black body could not always do so. She was writhed violently and its ugly jaws when a warning pressure of her and talk to each other as loudly as touched spurs to their horses. Powder. the collections had remarkably you like. The louder the better. “Boa noite, senhorita, senhors,” 2 egg whites. large, fine looking spikes. No gar­ bitter and irritable those days. Un­ struggled to reach his flesh, thrust cousin’s hand checked her. ■ til she saw her father she thought the handkerchief against its moist “I thought I heard a noise,” he Keep talking. Have your pistol the engineer called out after them.. Cream butter very well. Add sug­ dener can have enough of the blue ready, Xanny, but don't shoot un­ “Have a care of the roads. They ar slowly, beating until light and flowers. she had long forgotten Matthew, nose. said softly to her and to the chem- 1 her lover. But when she saw herj less I tell you.” are not too safe.” fluffy. Add almond extract. Sift PILES In a moment its struggles began 1st behind. “It’s quite possible we 1 The old man and the girl moved “Charming fellow,” said Ellse as flour, corpstarch and baking powder ' Date YIeringues father— | to lessen: it gave at convulsive are being followed. Come toward | "Like flame, like the spring rest­ Go Quick With Harmless Internal obediently down the path. Vilak they turn’d into the highway lead­ together three or four times and add 2 egg whites gasp and lay stretched on the me and halt. Keep absolutely mo­ lessness in the colt, hope that she Remedy, or Money Back. crept into the brush and waited, alternately a little at a time with 1 cup confectioner’s sugar or ground, breathing heavily. The tionless.” I ing to her home. had done with years ago. burst listening intently. But he heard the water. Whip egg whites until 2-3 cup fine granulated sugar others came up to look. Vilak They obeyed quickly, and close “Delightful,” Vilak responded. through the stones she had laid Itching, bleeding or protruding nothing. After^a few moments he light but not dry; fold in, mixing 1-2 teaspoon vanilla brushed the mud off his clothes. to Vilak waited, the girl listening They rode a dark quarter of a heavy over it, swept in a storm Piles are enough to make anybody stepped out and rejoined the others. well with batter. Bake in greased 1-4 teaspoon “He won’t bother anyone else for to catch the faintest trembling of mile without seeing either beast or through her hard, strong body, so swear. Swearing, however, doesn’t “I was certainsomething was very small tins in moderate oven 1-2 cup finely cut almonds at least half an hour. I gave him the brush. Xunnally, glad of the traveler except a belated ox-cart that she twisted her hands into the banish or even relieve Pile misery. there,”he remarked. “It’s quite (365 degrees F) for 15 minutes. 1 cup sliced dates. a good dose of chloroform.” opportunity to rest from his un­ driving to town, which the cursing mane of the colt and clunp there. But here’s comforting news for possible my ears tricked me out Remove from pans, cool and cover Beat egg whites until stiff but The old man looked at the long usual exertions, leaned lightly Brazilian, driver told them had Then she saw her mother’s face, you. You can now quickly and safe­ iiere in the jungle whore there are with following icing: not dry; beat in the sugar, one- fangs, white in the rays of Vilak’s against the tree under which he broken down fifteen kilometers up stern, warning pity in the sunken ly get rid of Piles with a simple in­ so many noises. Don't often do it. Icing third at a time. Add salt and van­ flashlight. "Er . . . are you sure stood. Suddenly he gave a sharp the road and the powers of evil only eyes; ternal remedy that removes tha though.” 3 tablespoons butter. illa; fold In the nuts and dates; cause— blood congestion In the low­ you haven’t killed him?” ejaculation of pain. knew when he would get into the “ ‘Did you come alone?’ " she They reached the tree near the 2 cups confectioner’s sugar. drop the mixture by rounded tea­ “I don’t kill unless I have to. For the first time the old man city. Then they heard a sound of cried out. but she knew before she er bowel. thorn thicket where Elise, like the 1 tablespoon orange . spoonfuls in smooth mounds on a Forget about an operation and Not even a dog.” saw his friend lose his coolness. He men’s voices in argument and near­ asked. nther.s, had tied her horse. She Grated rind and pulp of half well oiled baking sheet or invert­ stop using messy ointments that They crawled through the gate wheeled violently and spoke in a ing the spot saw the two Italians “ ‘Rob has settled somewhere on looked back at the black hole small orange. ed pan. Bake in a slow oven for cannot reach the cause. For real, in the fashion they had entered. fever of anxiety of which Xunnally who had been there earlier in the the coast,’ ’’ Martha said. “ ‘Pa does through which they had just come. 1 egg white. about 30 minutes. Cool for one min­ honest, lasting Pile relief, just Join Vilak took a was impression of the had not believed him capable. “You evening, Pasquale Branza of the not know where Matthew is now.’ "Well, we ,£Tot through there with­ Candied orange peel. ute on taking from oven. Remove the thousands that are now using lock. They crossed the creek and hurt, Xanny? Quick! What’s the patched cheek and enormous Cream butter until soft and very “Oh. fool, fool, to let hope trick out any trouble, after all,” she said. from pan with a spatula or broad- Hem-Roid, a harmless internal rem­ climbed the sharp slope to the lake matter?” Adam’s apple and the one-armed light. Acid sugar very slowly, beat­ bladed knife. The meringues may her! Her knuckles scraped the “Er . . . nothing. Er . . . really "Your ears are playing tricks with rough wood and the smart gave edy discovered by Dr. Lgonhardt, above. Elise stooped to pull out Dette Cicerone of the broken teeth. ing well between each addition. Add be decorated while they are still you. aren’t they, Vilak? You’ve her angry relief. Th7 spring sun that you can get at Packard’s or her boot which had sunk deep into nothing.” orange juice, rind and pulp of on the pan with a bit of candied been smoking too many of those The Latins stopped arguing im­ had don£ it. and the suddenness. Murphy’s Drug Store and all drug­ its muddy shore. Nunnally’s voice was humble orange. Mix well and fold in egg cherry and two small strips of cit­ Chinese cigarets. It’s a wonder to mediately on seeing the travelers "What was Mi'.tthew, o.‘ any man to gists with absolute guarantee tha( “I don’t see why I should want and apologetic. “I'm sorry I cried white. Spread on cakes and placo I and swiftly snatching off their hats ron. Makes 8 dozen meringues. her'.’ She w.'S old and done with it will banish all Pile misery or his property even if it is mine,” she out. Er . . . sorry. I forgot about me that your nerves haven’t com- small piece of candied orange peel pletely gone to pieces. I’d hear a and bowing unctuously, murmured dreams.’ 1 money back.— adv. said thoughtfully, as she gazed out the er . . . glove and took it off on top of each. Xenia, Ohio, has a very active great many things that didn’t exist a salutation. The old man caught over the misty expanse of water. and stuck my hand on a . . . er Makes from 28 to 30 small cakes. garden club and this year, the if I smoked even two of them.” a glitter of steel at their belts. “Why he lives in that wretched thorn.” fourth, hopes to extend its mem­ (To Be Continued) spot is utterly beyond me. There’s “Xever mind about that. Let me Vilak smiled, and took out his One of London’s society girls bership to over 400. The zinnia has far too much of this water above see it!” He seized the old man's fantastically carved cigaret case. wore at her wedding recently an been adopted as the city’s flower. "Perhaps that's a hint that you’d I The mystery surrounding; Prentiss it. It’s bad enough on my fazenda, withered hand and disregarding \ nnd his retreat la as impenetrable exquisite gown of w-hite georgette, Beds of these gay blossoms have being threatened every rainy sea- any followers who might be stalk- like one now?” She made an in- i as ever. XVhat la the man up toT silver embroidered in tiers, with been laid out at the approaches to round neck, long sleeves, fringed the city and every member Is urged hem and long court tr^in. ’The veil to grow them somewhere on their cap was of rosepolnt lace and the grounds. The club buys the seeds ! why shouldn’t he have a signature? bouquet, gladiolas. cheaply In bulk, puts them into ' His work is tangible and lasting. packages and sells them at a small Home Page Editorials ! We cannot sign a sentiment but we Polka dotted materials are some­ profit for the treasury as the mem­ \ can sign a fact. A building is s- fact times used for evening wear, and bership fee is only 2 5 cents a Goxl Natute polka ddt ribbon is frequently the BEHOLD THE i and should be signed, year. a n d i j One sees big buildings arising to trimming employed on hats. MARY TAYLOR. ■MODEST ! heaven modestly hidden behind fif- 1 ty-foot placards giving the names ARCHITECT! i of the contracters, the plumbers, the landscape gardeners, et al. And ■Mm Good Ilea the master mind stands back and By Olive Roberts Barton HOW LIFE HAS HAS BEEN The past 2 5 years have seen says nothing, his work never to be THEfIX)UGANiD.YEtw:ORKS LENGTHENED IN publicly recognized! discovered the ca .-es of syphilis, J 'TYVENTY-FIVE YEARS sleeping sickness of tlii; Afri'an Every house should have on It a ^SffiSNSERSfXNDlDYERS type, whooping coii,:h, infectious bronze tablet In a conspicuous place TBLEPHONfi: 1510 By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN jaundice, scarlet fever and po.-rsi- with the architect’s name on It— no So. M oadieefae^CoeK Kiddies Like Milk Editor Journal of the American bly measles. Discovery of cause I talked with a great architect— matter how modest the house is. Medical Association and of Hygela, in. most instances means a method one of the world's greatest indeed, And the bronze tablet slxould be in the Health Magazine. of control. who has to his credit probably more a place where the world may see. beautiful buildings than Michael Served This Way Medicine has progressed amaz­ The constituents of the human ingly in the i'ast 2 5 years. That Angelo had pictures. And When It Comes body have been analyzed down to I. stupid, had not heard of him. I form of syslemaiic organization their fundamental substances. The h e r e ’s a n a d d e d z e s t to milk when served to which is distinctly American has said so In very shame. He laughed. modern hospital is built about the “Unless you are particularly Inter­ brought the benefits of medical pathologic laboratory as its center. To Silk! children in the original sterilized bottle with a science to the American communi­ ested In architecture you need not T ty. Medical knowledge has in­ Pharmacology today is studied apologize.” he said. "Few people Life's Niceties straw inserted through the cap opening. It’s so easy by medical schools to throw light A lifetijne of experience in handling and dye­ creased so tremendously that spec­ hear of the architect. We have no to do with our rich bottled milk because we use the ialization is required in many on the fundamental phenomena of signature,” ing silk for the most critical silk buyers all fields since few men are capable life, to permit the study of disease I thought of it later. "We have HINTS ON ETIQUET celebrated Sealright Pouring-Pull Milk Bottle C a p - of comprehending or putting into by producing artificial disease and no signature!’’ How many people in over the ■world. That is the record back of application all the intricacies and to furnish more efficient tools for the world are doing great, grand Dougan service. And your fine silk gar­ just lift the tab and insert straw. refinements of diagnosis and the treatment of disease. beautiful work— but have no signa­ treatment. In 1825 man's expectancy of life ture ! 1. Is it proper to use en­ ments deserve this careful skill when you Many children will drink milk served this delightful, was 35 years. In the period of An artist can put three crooked graved forms, filled in "with ■want them to take on new life and give long­ 100 years this expectancy has In­ novel way who would not drink it otherwise. Our lines on a paper and he has a sig­ ink, in accepting or sending er service by having them cleaned and dyed Nu-Bone Corsets creased by 20 years, so that a nature. A man may write a joke— rich, health-building milk, in tightly sealed, sanitary child born today may reasonably a woman a recine—and they have regrets to inidtations ? in one of the beautiful new shades of Spring. expect to reach the age of 5 5. The a signature. A singer has a signa­ 2. In accepting or sending bottles, delivered daily to yovir home or to any schooL Still Lead life expectancy after reaching the ture. especially If he sings over the age of 50 one hundred years ago regrets for an invitation, are A good fitting corset or corselet radio. He need not he known. Cleaning and dyeing promptly and perfectly done. was for 21 additional years, Sculptors have their names in the the day and hour repeated? Is the best foundation for your whereas today the life expectancy Your orders called for and delivered. They are taken gown. Dressmakers and tailors stone. 3. For -what occasions may after reaching 50 is for 21 2-10 But princes in business, magnifi­ care of as your individual things. . . . not huddled togeth­ will tell you that. years. If additional life expect­ a hostess use her visiting card Mrs. Gordon will call by appoint­ cent mothers in homes, the patient, for invitation? er in a “suburban bundle.” J. H. HEWITT ancy is to be accomplished after ment, take your measurements and striving, achieving world has large­ middle a«ge it will have to come ly no signature. doctor, lawyer, get you the perfect garment for by overcoming the hazards of The Ans'wers Telephone 1510 49 Holl St. Phone 2056 your figure. Surgical corsets if dr minister has none unless some early heart disease, high blood untoward event ta.xes place to lift 1. Never. needed. pressure and other degenerative him to the lieiglits—either of no­ 2. Y'es. diseases that have been mentioned. toriety or fame. 3. For an informal dance, tea to DRINJK M ORE MIETA Mrs. A. M. Gordon Such control must come through But to go back to the architect, meet a guest, picnic, bridge or mu- a a o M "* * " S t . , S n n t h M AZlcb.eaiar the periodic physical examination. Lhfl nxfl-kar of beautiful buildlnes— iflical. MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. THURSDAY, JUNE 9 ,192T,

solution are abundant in the story. where he lives with her. S U R P 1 « TONIGifr Miss Rich is ever the emotional ac­ The climax comes when Dan’s $ . tress and her work is ably supple­ wife finds the two in their boarding mented by that of Mr. Tearle. Tlie house and is about to leave for AT STATE THEATER former is the countess who is mis­ Cuba. Dan follows her and they ex­ treated by a group of Russian plain everything. noblemen who thinks she is a peas­ In “The Sunset Derby,” William Laschaway’s Band and Coun-i ant. The latter appears as one of Collier is given a difficult role, that Manchester’s Greatest Money- try Store on Program— “Mv' this group of irresponsible young of a coward without any backbone. Official Wife” Feature. i men. How he comes to life through the Scenes are laid on the snow-cov­ love of a girl and wins the race is ered plains of Russia and the set­ the plot of the film. The great Laschaway and his tings are exquisite. Good photogra­ coterie of jazz hounds are all ready phy gives tQ the film scenery enougli Saving Event In Years GOVERNOR TO SEE lor their first public appearance or. for a travalogue picture. any stage this evening. They will YALE BOAT RACES be heard in a concert as part of the Thomas Meighan, the screen's Hartford, Conn., June 9.— Gover­ Country Store. Laschaway, who most popular male actor, is the at­ nor Tiumbull and his 'jiaff are to comes from Bolton, and is the wide­ traction at the State tomorrow and ;>-e the Yale-Harvar d foat races SHOES, TENNIS SHOES, HOSIERY FOR ly known Charleston Champion who Satttrday in “ Blind Alleys,” a story (his year, or mors especially the made a reputation for himself here of New York's East Side. The sec­ varsity race. Adjutant-General a year or two ago and is quite weli ond feature on the same program is George M. Cole has ordered the known. "The Sunset Derby” starring 'Wil­ ,gov(-‘rnor’s staff to report “ at the liam Collier, Jr., and Mary Aat,or. MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN AT On tlie same program will be the l.indlng sta.se near the railroad sta­ gripping drama of Russian love, The story tells of a Captain Dan­ tion. New London, at 4:15 , p. m., starring Irene Rich and Conway iel Kcrby of the Merchant Marine, Friday, June 2 4.” A launch is to be SENSATIONALLY LOW PRICES Tearle. The title of the picture is who has arrived in New York with there fifteen minutes later to piclc “ .My Official AVife.’’ Tlie heroine of hi.s bride. He is struck by an auto­ tlie party up and take them out on tile story finds that after many mobile at one of the busy corners the river. The Governor is a mem­ years the man she hates tlie most and taken to a hospital, klaria, his ber ex-officio of the Yale corpora­ l.s the same man with whom she wife, looks for him but is captured tion. tias fallen in love. by a band of crooks. Dan, on the Peculiar situations and fight other hand, is picked up by a girl About eighty per cent of appen­ dicitis cases occur in males. piaces which s(''’m never pos.sible of and brought to a boarding house. Service Stores 1013 MAIN STREET, SOUTH MANCHESTER

HARTFORD CELEBRATES ITS m Is ANNIVERSARY And what a celebration! Prices that are positively startling! Our entire big stock—in­ cluding the very newest of Summer Shoes— marked at the lowest prices you have ever known! You may think you’ve had “bargains” before, but never anything to compare with the sensational savings you will make at this great sale. Not one or a few items DRESS WEEK— because our buyer has prepared for special new offerings in Dresses for every day this week. ' as “bait” to bring you in, but every pair of shoes slashed in price...... The buying power DRESS WEEK— because so many women will want to choose their summer Dresses this week. of your dollar is increased like magic—and right in the heart of the season. DRESS WTEK— because the assortments are at their height and the prices have been lowered to your great advantage. Smart New Summer Sale Starts. Friday, 9 a. m. Prompt Mammoth crowds will attend this sale— and they’re going to be so W ash Silk impressed with what they find that they’ll instantly spread the news to their friends___ The ever widening circle of buyers will keep our Crowds are Coming sales force hustling from Opening to closing time. Get here as early 1 / o Frocks as you can------Special for Dress Week '0 i> y ^ $1000 HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS /{ 0 0 , W ' t » C l .a In light soloi's for liot summer days and t e o featuring the new collarless neckline. NOT ADVERTISED Colors are varied and dainty. ©f O 10 ...... AT THE TERMINATION OF THIS SALE THIS STORE WILL BE KNOWN AS DIAMOND SHOE I'\ ’ ' STORES, AS WE HAVE GRADUALLY CONFINED OUR SELF-SERVICE TO OUR BARGAIN BASE­ li\ VF-.L -'"' Dainty Frocks MENT, AND ARE RUNNING TWO INDIVIDUAL DEPARTMENTS NOW. Special for Dress Week 'M.-' v’/ ^ WE ARE GLAD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE TAKEN ON THE QUEEN QUALITY AGEN­ CY AND SHOES ARE NOW IN PROCESS OF MANUFACTURE FOR OUR MANCHESTER STORE. O'} $16-98 THIS SALE WILL PROVE CONCLUSIVELY THAT THE VALUE-SEEKING PUBLIC GET AMP- LY REWARDED BY COMPARING OUR VALUES, OUR AIM IS TO BRING TO MANCHESTER THE In Figured Georgette generously ruf­ fled. Fascinating floral patterns in the BEST SHOE OFFERINGS AT ALL TIMES AND OUR FIVE YEAR RECORD 'IN MANCHESTER .., Ln most bewitching color combinations. SUBSTANTIATES THAT. llJi: ■U 'iU j Matrons^ The One and Only Shoe Bargain Basement in M anchester I Dresses Special for Dress Week Main Floor Offerings Bargain Basement Offerings $ J 7*98

Styles sufficiently youthful to please. In heavy figured Crepe de Chine, featur­ ing the smart new lloral patterns and ■ M crisscross designs. The predominating colors are beige, navy and black. £1 Young Women’s Misses’ and Children’s TENNIS! FOR MEN: SANDALS AND FOR BOYS AND MEN Dresses Suction sole, lace to the toe, O An assortment of High Shoes and Oxfords in all leather, tan and OXFORDS Special for Dress Week black, values $4.00 to $6.00. Of All Descriptions brown and white trimmed. ! l’ Sale Price, P a ir ...... VJ Genuine Imported Calfskin and Kid skin Oxfords and High Shoes, such as you would gladly pay $5.00 to $8.00 for. ^ 9 5 c 79 c m ; k Sale Price, P a ir ...... “ Better Than Ever” “COMPARE” Showing the two piece as well as the An extraordinary offering of Women’s Fashion Shoes. Hundreds one piece effect—and of course the fav- oi'cd straight line silhouette. The ex­ WOMEN’S NEWEST STYLES: and Hundreds of Four to Five Dollars, Pumps and d* 1 Q Ci Oxfords in dozens of different models at, P a ir ...... cellent heavy quality of the navy blue Smart and Exclusive Footwear with Unusual Values and Prices. An offering due to two great assets; close and constant contact with Georgette is one of the appealing fea­ You can always do better here in the way of larger selection, low­ tures of these frocks. the shoe markets; east, west, north and south; a tremendous pur­ est prices ...... Q C l 7 ^ chasing power that brings to you this vast quantity of smait up to 75 styles to choose from. Patent i>.. m f the minute shoes in so complete an assortment, sizes 3 to 8. Vi.sit the New Colt, Black Satins, Blonde, Grey, and many combinations, all sizes, all styles. Misses’ and Children’s $3.00 to $4.00 Patent Leather Pumps, Ties, Misses’ and Small • Skeezix, Oxfords, Wonder Values, d* 1 Q R Men’s Work Shoes, Ball Band, Endicott-Johnson, Pair . . . .F ...... V * •Z/%J Felt Slippers for Women, seven colors, ribbon trimmed Q 7 Women’s Apparel Thorogood. P a i r ...... O # C

Apartments— Flats— Apartment Buildings for Sale 69 : Houses for 7J Insurance 18 Want Ad Information Announcements Tenements for Rent 63 ON CENTER STREE^T .attractive si] Take an accident policy at 25o DELMONT STREET—Beautiful 10 CITY SHOE REPAIRING a room flat, always rented, nice shrubs room, bungalow In perfect condition, SHOE SHINE PARLOR day before you go on your vacation, 456 MAIN STREET— 6 room tenement and trees, two car garage. Price and Oak floors, fireplace, French doors Manchester is located at 31 Oak street. Let mo from Stuart J. Wasley, 827 Main St. A-1 condition, all Improvements, terms of Arthur A. Knofia, 875 Main large ppreh. fine shade 'trees, an4 ready June 15th. Apply to Benson’s street. Telephone 782-2. •shrubs, good'large lot, owner wlshei take care of your dress shoes and you Furniture Co. Telephone 53-3. Evening Herald will be satisfied. Millinery— ^Dressmaking 19 to sell. Tel. 885. SALVATORE REALE______A Remedy Classified Advertisements ON G-AMBRIDGE ST.— Flat ot six Farms and Land for Sale ,7t SIX ROOM COLONIAL ' house, all rooms, all modern Improvements, modern wUh more than 1-2 aero oi Count «lx average words *° * *!“ *■ CHARIS—The most comfortable gar­ also two garages. Inquire at 16 Cam­ ment ever designed for figure con­ HEMSTITCH W O RK — F. DION. land, good location. S flc e jndel initials, numbers and trol. In Charls, scientific designing 235 SPRUCE ST. T E E 1307-12. bridge street or telephone 604. NINE ROOM HOUSE with all Im­ S60UO. Stfe'Stuart J. Whsjey, 827 Main lias replaced hulk and weightl This For Household Worries provements, seven acres of land, street. Telephone 1428-2;. wordsTs two worda Minimum cost ON CENTER ST.— Five room fiat, all chicken house, cow and' horse, farm ingenious garment weighs a mere 15 modern Improvements, r’so garage. Is price of three lines. ounces, but into its cxtr*^ni6 llgnt- Movlng-Trucklng-Storago 180 and stable. For information tele­ WASHINGTON STREET — Nice six When things go wrong or your servants leave on short Inquire 147 East Center street. phone Mancliestcr 1463-5. room single, fire , place, steam heat< tor transient ne.-.s are woven designing principles T.lne rates per day so deft and skillful that its effectlve- notice or don't show up at all— don’t worry but just Re­ lot 65 feet, b y '155. A nice home. PERRETT AND GLENNET—Local OX DELMONT ST.—Five room fiat, OX PORTER STREET— corner lot. Terms. -Arthur A. Knofla, 875 Main nils. nc.ss is amar.Ing. For Charis service, member that a Want Ad in the Herald will quickly do first fioor. all modern Improvements, Ettectlvo March 17, 1927 pliouo ^Irs. ^I. ^il, Itockwoll— 1069-2. and long distance moving and truck­ the replacing and often within an hour or two after the ideal location for business, will sell street. Telephone 782-2. Cash Charge ing. Daily express to Hartford. lAv- ready about July 1st. Inquire at 37 reusonalilo if taken immediately. 9 cts ery car for hire. Telephone 7-'* paper Is off the preks. Delmont street. Ro.\ 51. Herald. r. Consecutive Days 7 cts STEAMSHIP TICKETS to and from Lots for Sale 73 9 cts 11 cts all parts of tiie world—Cunard In emergencies like this just reach for your telephona :! Consocuilvo Days 13 ots RENTALS—Several desirable rents 11 cts Anchor. White Star. French, Ameri­ Painting— Papering 21 and tell the Herald Want Ad Taker what you wish and with modern Improvements. Inquire 72 t Day .. can, Swedisli, North German Lloyd Houses for Sale JUST THE OPPORTUNITY you hava and several others. Assistance given the rest will be easy. Edward J. HolL TeL 560. l)cen looking for'. Two very desirable in securing passports. Robert J. P\INT'’NG and paperhanging. VTork and valuable lots on Cambridge done neatly and reasonably. Ted 6 ROOM TENEMENT all modern im­ BUNG.ALOW of five rooms, garage, 5 street. Must be sold immediately. Smith, 1009 Main streeu Phone. provements, with garage, 52 Russell acres ot land. Plenty ot wood- gas LeClalr. Tel. 2377. • ______^ Have You a Vacant Room?, Splendid Investment, in beautiful 750-2. street. Phone 303-2. engine saw and tools. Price reason­ residential section. Fine opportuni­ able. Phono 1932-2. The Manchester Upholstering Co. W\NTED—Painting done reasonab^ ty for the person who acts now. Call by day or Job work. Phone 2414. B. A Herald Want Ad Will Rent It. TENEMENT of four rooms with all 245-3. is now located at Improvements. Inquire 132 Maple PORTER STREET—Desirable loca­ 116 Spruce street r ’ Green, 1S2 Spruce street. street. tion, attractive Colonial house. 11 South Manchester rooms, arrange,' for one or two Repairing 28 5Vant Ads Are Cures for Household Worries* t h r e e ROQiMS—Heated apartments families, substantially good condi­ Automobiles for Sale with bath. Apply shoemaker. Trot­ tion. water, gas. electricity, furnace, We are in town torblcls": display lines not | ter Block. price and terms reasonable. Walton We have been in town No e x p e r t k e y f i t t i n g . LAwn m ow ­ PHONE 664 W. Grant Realtor 75 Pearl street, soM. Buick 1927 Master "6" Demonstra­ ers sharpened and repaired. ®-1m Hartford, 2-7584 or Manchester 221. We will be in town. Till' tor. ' scissors, knives and aawe aharpenet Houses for Rent 63 I for tuoro tiian One ordered for Buick, 192B Brougham. Work called for and delivered. SEVEN ROOM COTT.AGE, convenient ot any .vivertlscmont Uutek, 1925 Standard Sedan. To give service on all the car*, Harold Clemson, 108 North Elm COTTAGE at Lake Wagaumbaug for to school and trolleys, garage. All in.iro than one time. mcor- Uuiok, 1924 Touring. street. Manchester. Conn. Telephcne season. Inquire of Arthur Ayer. 11 I modern imitroveincnts. Price very we sell. Buick. 1923 Touring. 462 Ashworth street. South Mauchester. reasonable. .Api'ly to owner. Phone B\iicU, i;'23 Touring "4". y\ Otily by ranool..- Tcl. 172-2. 631-2 after six o'clock. the service render- Hupmohilo. 192.7 "S" Sedan. LAWN-MOWERS put in proper order, 43 A partments— Flats— nwido Tor Hupmohllo, 1 925 “4" Touring. phonographs, clocks, elMtrio Poultry and Supplies USEDCARS Tenements for Rent 6.3 NEW HOUSE at 117 1-2 Prospect Clievrolet, 1922 Sedan. ers irons, etc. repaired. Key making, street four rooms, two on (Irst floor Brnlthwalte. 160 Center street ORKENWAY' FAR.M— We have a sur­ and■ two on second , floor,------.1 all i~ -eov e- \a advertisements "'“^t conform J. M. SHEARER REAL BARGAINS plus ot milk, cream butter, and milk .APARTMENTS—Two, three and four ments, shades on all windows. Rcnt NEW PONTIACS HERE; C.VPITOL BUICK CO. TEL. 1600 fed broilers. Can tie oMalned by Private Instruction 28 room apartments, heat, janitor ser­ $24.90. Tel. 185-2 after five^____ sending to f.irm. Tel. Dairy 1647, vice, gas range, refrigerator, In-a- CHEVROLET RO.\DSTER late 1924 Poultry Dept. 609, SIX ROOM HOUSE with Improvo- ::;i^i/Volis'^or r'eVoct any copy con-, perfect c(^iulitioti, four now tires. door bed furnished- Call Manchester PLACED ON DISPLAY PRIVATE INSTRUCTION given In all Construction Company, 2100 or tele­ "-e n ts , garden and garage If desired. $20.00 D O W N 'Prico very i;^sonable, 2S 5V. Center 43 2309. 21 Warren street. ^'|^V■oslN^r nOUUS-Ciaaslfled ad» street. Tel. 923-3. grammar school subjects by former Articles for Sale phone 782-2. I’hone grammar school principal, for rates $5.00 A W EBS .l"ived^'ln"\1"o-cIocr nooV^ Dependable Used Cars call 215-5. DROP HEAD Sewing Machine, $15. FOUR ROOM FLAT, first floor, also Wanted to Rent James Stevenson, local manager Manchester Motor Sales Co. Expert repairing in your own home. one on second floor, at 168 Oak of the distribution of Oakland and NO RED TAPE lO::*" a. Ui. t. \ A 1069 Main St. So. Manchester S3 R. W. Garrard. 37 Edward street. street. all Improvements, with Money to Loan garage. Inquire 164 Oak street, ''.ill Pontiac automobiles, is announcing Telephone Your W ant Ads Open Eves & Sundays. Tel. 740 Telephone 715. 1923 FORD COUPE I'd over the telephone 61 6-5. today the arrival here of two car­ \,t.i sro aoocr.’ od over the tel ------1------iven \bove Ford Coupo fTiO. loads of Pontiac cars. Mr. Steven­ 1922 FORD RUNABOUT nt'tlio CllAKUF isers. but 3 1-2 PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE Household Goods 51 FIN'E ROOM upstair tenement, all 4 Ford Sedan modern Improvements, including son has lieen unable to get any wiirho'acceaccepted as Ford Touring Car $33. LOANS 1924 OVERLAND SEDAN the busl* We make temporary building loans licat on Elro street. I’hone 243-2 or models of Pontiacs for the past six or building loans Including your 1183-2. BROILERS FOR SALE SILK CITY OAKLAND CO. DIXIXG ROOM and living room suite. or eight weeks because of the great 1924 FORD TOURING CAR 193 Center St. Tel. 2169 permanent mortgage for 6 or 10 demand for this car throughout the dav following tlio the CHARGE years. Call at 49 Elro street. 35c per lb. FIVE ROO.M FLAT with all modern country and tiic resultant press at 1922 FORD TOURING CAR Studebaker 1924 Big 6 Sedan. FLOREXCE four burner oil stove bv weight at farm. Studebaker 1 924 Big "G" Touring. FIRST BOND AND MORTGAGE CO improvements. Inquire Wm. Kanehl. the factory. | OF HTARTFORD, INC, with wliite mantel. $15. W.itklns 519 Center street. | Oakhurst Poultry Farm, 1923 CLEVELAND TOURING ;;.';;r„."n,sumca .nd id.ir Studcluikcr 1924 I.iglit 6 Coupe. Hroihcrs Used Furniture Store, 1, Several Manchester people liavei Sludcbalier 1922 Special 6 Touring. .103 .Main St. Phone 2-3072 cannot be guaranteed. Oak street. ______5 ROO.M FLAT— 1st. floor, S3 Walnut | Rockville R. F. D. 1, Tel. 74-5 1921 FORD r u n a b o u t Stutz Roadster, 1924 been waiting for tlie arrival of thisl sircet, steam heat, other conven- I shipment and Mr. Stevenson is in-> (Pickup body), Help Wanted— Female 35 ionces, adults only $35. Inquire 85 Phone 664 Oldsmoblle 1925 Sedan ASK ' Oil WA.NT A1> SEItVlCE FOR S.ALE— A nice china closet. Call Walnut street. Phone 482-12 after , viting them to his showrooms at i Buick 1924 Master Six Coupe 341 East Center street. Tel. 1618-3. 195 Center street to see the new | MANY OTHERS Nasli 1923 Sedan W.AXTED—Stenographer with sev­ 5 I'. M. I Index of Classifications eral vears business experience for cars. His sluiwrooms are filled witii I YOUR OWN TER.MS. general bank worli. .Addres.s Bank, 5 R005I FL.AT nearly new on Ridge- j MASONIC VETERANS CONKEY AUTO CO-MPAXY GAS STOVE— Vulcan, smooth top, wood street, all improvements, $33 : the new models and there are soiu" ! 20 East C. utcr St. Tcl. S40 P O. Box E. South Manchester. Evening Her",\d Want AOS are now throe burner in excellent__condition, witli garage. Phone SGl-5 or inquire handsome jobs among them. i ■■ .1 ictordinR 1° classifications MANCHESTER grouped •'‘'V’'^ J V -pfe-ence vlll WOM.AX in do bouse work at sbore reasonably priced. Call IS, 1. of Elmore Holicntlial, 9 Ridgewood | MEET IN ANSONIA for month of July. Write Box H. street. Phone 1567. I MOTOR SALES CO. t^um^hcar^i^er indi­ USED CARS— 9 PIECE DIXIXG room suite, buffet, Herald. table, china and six chairs, $,a. 1069 Main street. So. Manchester cated; . 1 Overland Sedan 1926. 5 ROOM FLAT— New house, all Im­ Lost and bound ...... j Watkins Bros. Used Furniture Store. provements, $30. Inquire 164 Eld- Opposite .Yrmy and Navy Club Announcements ...... Cleveland Touring Car 1932. Help Wanted— Male 30 .An invitation has been extended Open Eves & Sund.ays Tel. 740 3 Essex Co.acli 1 92 4. ridge street. TO HOLDERS OF Personals ...... Ruick and Maxwell Tourings 1 922. l)v till' Masonic eVteran Association .Viitoiuolilles ^ Wanted— To Buy 58 5 ROOM TUXE.ME.VP, all imiirove- Automobiles for Sale ...... * - of Connecticut to all membeis CRAWFORD Alitro SUPPLY CO. P.AT.XTER— .Apply to Louis J. Cook, mi'ius, near Mtiin street. Inquire 58 SECOND LIBERTY LOAN BONDS Automobiles tor Exchange ------^ .School street. Rent $1S. Itliroughout the state to attend Uie Auto Accessories— lires ...... Center .t Trotter Sts. Tel. 1174 i 206 Vernon street, after 6 p, m. JUNK— 1 will pay highest prices f o r i ______Oldsinubilo and Marmon Sales and all kinds of Junk; also buy aU km ^^ at 92 AVells tifty-seventh aaniml reunion which .Auto Repairing—Painting ------Service Situations Wanted— Female 38 of chickens. Mo • | street, all modern improvements. In- will be held at Ansonia on Satur­ EXCHANGE OFFERING OF NEW Auto Scliools Easy terms—One year to pay Autos — Ship - by Truck ...... g phone 982-4.______Wells street. day, June 2:'), when the association TREASURY BONDS Autos— For i.4.ire ...... Insurance WANTED—Married woman desires RAGS. MAGAZINES— Bundled paper will 1)0 the guests of George AVash- Garages-Service-Storage ...... 10 Auto .-iccessories— Tires 6 FI YE ROOMS— New five-room work in private house in the eve­ and Junk bought at highest cash ^'^In- ington I.odgo No. 82. ning. Is good waitress. Apply No. 5 ment, alt improvements, garage, Nearly twenty-five (25)' S e d ^ " AuTo?-Moto%cyiie3 ‘’.V. 12 prices. P h.re 849-3 and I will call. 1. quire 22 Summer street. Any Mason who has for 2 5 years Kotice if* piven of a new ofTerinp of Ford street. Elsenberg. TTNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS, Uusincss and XKW CORD TIRE 34-4, $15.00. Apply lieen a member of some lodge and JOHNSON BLOCK. Main street. . 3 dated June 15, 1927, and bearinp interest years experience in Insuranco Business Services ...... 13 . a 207-207 School street. Tel. 2055-2. Live Stock— Vehicles 42 is in good and regular standing is from that date at the rate of 3H Household Services Offered ------14 Rooms Without Board 50 room apartment, all modern Im­ cent. The bonds will mature in twenty Building— contracting ...... provements. Apply to Albert Ha-rl- eligible to become a member. There years, but may be called for redemption ami kin(ire(i lines is at your ser­ Florists— Nurseries ...... g Auto Repairing— Painting 7 PIGS, six weeks old; also all kinds of son. 33 Myrtle streeL Phone 1770. are no duos and the admission fee after si.xteen years. flower plants, I’ eter Miller, Toll.and vice through this office. Healing—Funeral DirectorsPlumbing—Roofing ' • •' ' p L'O ""'" .. 17 FURNISHED ROOM private family. is one dollar. Members are urged to Second Liberty Loan bonds will be ac­ 11 PI’ RSOXAL ATTENTION given to all Turnpike. Teleplione 3G4-3. Inquire 86 Bissell street. cepted in exchange at par. Accrued in­ Insurance ...... ,9 repair work. Superior brake re-lin­ AB.VXDOXS FLIGHT. invite new memiicrs, yellow cards terest on the Second Liberty bonds of­ Millinery—Dressmaking ...... ^ ing and greasing service. .All .'ork for the old and white cards for new fered for exchange will be paid as of Moving—Trucking—Storage .... ^ Poultry and Supplies 43 June 15. 1927. fully guaranteed. Schaller's Garage. FURNISHED ROOM in private family Seward, -Alaska. June 9.— Cap­ members. It is requested tliat all Painting—Papering ...... 634 Center street. Tel. 1226-2. Second Liberty Loan bonds have been Professional Services ...... " at 73 Pine street. tain Hubert Wilkins lias abandoned who attend tlie reunion register. called for payment on November 15, 1927, Repairing L‘,‘ ■" ,1‘J ' ‘ “ "j AUTHORI-.ED SERVICE—Chevrolet, DRESSED POULTRY nice plump bis attempt to fly from Alaska to The business meting will be call­ and will cease to bear interest on that Travelers of Hartford Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning .. “ date. Holders of such bonds who desire O.akland and Pontiac. Flat rate or dressed broilers, milk and grain fed FURNISHED ROOMS. 205 Center Greenland, according to advices re­ ed to order at 11 p. m. Lunches Toilet Goods and Se^rvlces ...... - straight time. Prompt service, three now ready for "that good fried to take advantage of the exchange offer Wanted—Business Service ...... 4b .service men. .All work guaranteed. street, corner Rosemary I’lacc. ceived here today from Fairbanks. will lie furnished by the ladies of should consult their bank or trust com­ Educational ^ cliicken dinner." Special delivery of Life, Fire, and Gatlin's Service Station. 255 Center two or more to you on eitlter Wed­ I Wilkins and his partv arrived at Martlia Washington Chapter, O. E. pany at once. The exchange privilege Courses and Classes ...... „ •Street. Phone 669. LARGE PLEASANT front room on | rel-MPfl will be available for a limited period only, nesday or Friday each week. Re­ b.atliroom floor, suitable for one or hairDanits yesterday ana iti-tea s. at 5 0 cents each. and may expire about June 15th. Private Instruction ...... quire d.ays' notice. Phone 1063-3 Fred Casualty, Lines Dancing ...... ,9 two persons; centrally located. Tel. how, after they were 200 miles out, Further information may be obtained Garages— Service— Storage 10 Miller’s Coventry Poultry Farm from banks or trust companies, or* from Musical—Diamatlc ...... (Also wholesale quantities). 721. encountered a fog so dense that.it A Moscow workman won 100,000 Wanted—Instruction - ...... was impossible to procee.l with the any Federal Reserve Bank; Financial 3 OARAGES— For rent, at $3 per rubles in a Intcry and was so elat­ A. W. MELLON, Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ..... 3i montli. eacli. Free rent to Sept. 1st. Boarders Wauled 59-.\ flight. ed that lie left without claiming B.ABY CHICKS. Smith Standard Cert-I Business Opportunities ...... 4- Al.so a few fiirni.sliod rooms, all iin- his reward. Secretary of the Treasury. Money to Loan ...... „ Iirovements, $2 per week eacli. .Apply o-culd thoroughbred from free range — ------j EDWARD]. HOLL Money Wanted ...... H. Mintz. Cowles Hotel, Depot stock. Chicks on hand at all times. | ROOMS— AVith or without board, for , FLYKH 0\EKDUK ■Washington, May 31, 1927. Help and Situation* ♦ .Square, ilancliester. Manchester Grain and Coal Co. Apel ! two men or two girls, near Cheney j Help Wanted— Female ------35 P ace. Tel. 1760. I Mills. Call 2086. Rio Janeiro, June 9.— Major Tel. 560. 865 Main St. Help Wanted—-Male ...... 36 37 Wanted Autos— Motorcycles 12 I Sarmenito Belres, Portuguese avia- Help Wanted—Male or Female.. BABY CHICKS—Ducklings, Cert-O- . Bolton Notch Agents W lilted ...... --- ,37-A I tor, who made a flight across the At 38 Culd stock; popular breeds: guaran- , Situations '.Vanted—Female AUTOS—Will buy cars for Junk. teed live delivery; free catalogue. | HOSPITAL NOTES .Atlantic and wlio has lieen flying Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 Used parts for sale. General auto re­ Clark's Hatchery. East Hartford, pairing. Abel's Service Station, Oak down the Brazilian coast is report­ On State road nice single of Employment .Agencies ...... V-’ . ' . . ' Conn. Live Stock— Pets— Poultry— V elilcle.s , street. Tcl. 7S'.i. ed overdue at Cayenne. six rooms, 2 car garage, I' -i Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... ’ J The census at Memorial hospital acres of land set out to all kinds Live Stock— Vehicles ...... - Business Services Offered 13 WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS Poultry and Supplies ...... 42 ; eight weeks old—75c. today was reported at 38, a gain of of bearing fruit trees. An Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 | ten over yesterday’s enrollment. HOLLYWOOD For Sole— MUcellnneou* | ASHES REMOAfED and moving done. ideal place for poultry. Never Robert Creighton, 16 Knighton JIILK FED BROILERS This was caused chiefly by the Articles for Sale ...... 45 40c per lb. by weight GILLROY offered for sale before. Boats and Accessories ...... 4b 'J'oleiilione 195-5. weekly baby clinic for tonsil opera-1 Building Materials ...... 47 j tions. Six clinic children entered | East Side, 2 family 12 rooms, Your best bet either for investment or speculation Diamonds —Watches—Jewelry .. 48; Florists— Nurseries , 15 BOL.AND and GREENE yesterday and were operated on this i IS IN TOWN Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 ; 865 Middle Turnpike East morning .They are expected to re-: corner lot, tvalk and curbing. Fuel and Feed ...... Phone 477-5 Seventy per cent, of lots already sold. Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 50 BEDDING PL.ANTS of all kinds, turn to their homes on Saturday. f , rents for $840 year. Sale Household Goods ...... 51 geraniums, vines, ivy, flowing plants The baby clinic patients thls| $5.00 DRIVES A j price only $8,000. Small cask Thirty houses built or in course of constructioi^ Machinery and Tools ...... 5.. including asters, zinnias, verbenas, week are John and Slbina Bastos, i Musical Instruments ...... >.3 snap dragon. nian>' otliers. Wayside FLECHSIG— SYMINGTON i payment. Dfflee and Store Equipment ------54 Garrion.s, near Ilockvillc. Phone Oakland street; Patsy and Angelina j CAR HOME Some of the most desirable lots can still be obtained Sporting’ Goods~Guns ...... 714-2. Miss Anne Florence Symington, .Arianna, 103 Congress street; Ed-1 j Nice single on Haynes street, Specials at the Stores ...... 56 daughter of Mrs. Rachel Symington ward Benshe, 59 Maple street and j i six rooms, nearly new, well ar- at original prices. '■ Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 57 .'SPECIAL SALE ON FLOW ER AND Catherine Pelinshy, North School 'Vanted—To Buy ...... 58 vegetable plants, pansies, sweet W il­ of 19 Trotter street, south end, I ranged rooms, 2 car garage. Ilooms—Board—Hotels—Kesorf* liam, Delphiniums, Snapdragons, was married to Edwin A. Flechsig, street. ! 30 Reconditioned We also have several houses for sale'(Colonial and Kestnurnnts Calendulas, Zinnias, asters, straw- of Paterson, N. J. at 3 o’clock yes­ Other admissions were Mrs. Isa-; I $500,down buys six room cot- Rooms Without Board ...... 59 tlowers Jlarlgold, Petunias and bel Anderson, of 154 Cooper Hill | tage, brand new with modern English type). Modern in every particular. .oo.arders Wanted ...... 59-A Burning Bush, 25c. per dozen; Vinca terday afternoon. Cars i Ilountry Board— Resorts ...... 99 ^•ines .-nid .Ageratums 20c. eacli. The ceremony was performed at street, for a minor operation which j j conveniences. Price only $5,500. Hotels—Restaurants ...... 51 Heliotrope and Coleus, 15c. e.ach, the home by Rev. Joseph Cooper. was performed soon after her ad­ Our prices are reasonable and terms easy. ; Wanted — Rooms—Board ...... 62 Hollvliocks 00c. per dozen, gcrani- The bride was attended by her sis­ mittance and Mrs. Grace Stein, of Ik YOU HGX'T 0\V.N .\ C.\U N()\V Keeney street, well built sin- uni.s 25c, e;icli and $2.75 per dozen; IT S YOUR OWN F-VULT I Kt-nl Estate For Rent Miss Apartments, Flats, Tenem ents.. 63 -Martha Washington geraniums 40c. ter, Edna Symington as maid Adams street, Buckland. i gle, seven rooms, steam heat, Business Locations for Ren. . .. 64 each, Dracaenas 30c. each, English of honor and by Miss Martha Ka- A son was born this morning at Thing of it; Here's an opportunity i bath room, oak floors, etc. 2 Houses for Rent ...... 65 ivy; lemon Verbenas, Salvia, large sulki as bridesmaid. Lewis Flech­ the hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Sam­ to own a car and enjoy all the Suburban for Rent ...... 66 flowering cannas, Boston ferns. Har­ pleasures of motoring. Don't pas.s ! car garage, poultry house, l-yi. dy Plilox, Hardy chrysanthemuntg. sig of Brooklyn, N. Y., was the uel Robb, of 37 Clinton street. it up. Tills i.s the most unusu;il Summer Homes for Rent ...... 6'7 groomsman. Three patients were discharged ! acres. A real bargain for soibe Wanted to Rent ...... 61 graiievines. Barberry, California and most liberal u.sed car sale ever EDWARD ]. Real E.stafe For Sale Privet, Catalpa trees, ever-blooming Mr. and Mrs. Flechsig left for a yesterday: Ralph Taft, Jr., 87 attempted in Manchester. j one. \partment Buildings for Sale... 69 roses and evergreens, tomatoes and wedding trip which will Include Woodland street, Charles Carpen­ 865 Main St. business I'ruperty for Sale ...... 70 cauliflower 15c. per doz., $1 per 100; Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Tel. 560. '•';.rms aiiJ L;ind for Sale ...... 71 cabbage. Broccoli, lettuce 10c. per ter, Hotel Sheridan and Robert louses for Sale ...... 72 doz., 75c, per 100. All at low prices. They will live in. Paterson. Slocum, of ,67 Elro street. .ots tor Sale ...... 73 Always open. Michael Plnatello, 379 Suzanne MeSherry and Mary W . R. TINKER, Jr. I Robert J. Smith lesort Property for Sale ...... 74 Burnside Ave. Greenhouse, Station Pavelcak, nine-year-old Manches­ 130 CENTER STREET uliurban for Sale ...... 75 22, E.'ist Hartford. ; 1009 Main Street, ■Ral E.slate U r Exchange ...... 76 Berlin has a “ bug house” where ter children who underwent major SO. MANCHESTER, CONN. j Real E.state, Insurance, Vanted — Real Estate ...... 77 TOMATO AND CABBAGE plants for insects are bought and sold for operation^, are progressing satls- .Auction— Legal Notice* sale. Samuel Burgess, 116 Center factorllYj ■ Steamship Tickets. .•uclioii .Sales ...... 78 street. scientific purposes. cgal ' otlces ...... 73 By Frank Beck GAS BUGGIES— All Plans Look Alike to Beebe BLUEFIELDS A I REMEMBER IT, i W ELL, t h e r e i t IS . THE MORE I CANT IMAGINE I CAN EXPLAIN IT, IV E BEEN BENDING W HAT! AND LET I KNOW THIS AS IF YOU CAN MAKE COMPLICATED IT WHAT AILS MY r. BOS c o l r r b a n o t h e r OVERtTHIS BOARD TILL HEM G ET BY WITH SKETCH SHOWS A SWEETHEART, THE Formerly known as the “Proctor Farm” is rapidly de­ HEAD OR TAIL OUT OF’ IS^ THE HARDER MEMORY, BEEBE.V SAMPLE {OF HEM'S I'M DIZZY. ALL 1 CAN MURDER? NEVER!! LOT OF COGWHEELS PATENT OFFICE IT - YOU WIN THE IT WILL BE FOR veloping and we are now offering lots for sale in this THIS IS THE TENTH DIRTY W O R K ... HE REMEMBER IS WHERE HERE. RUN THROUGH AND IWHIRUVMAGIGS, GRANTED YOU A DIAMOND-STUDDED THEM TO REFUSE T IM E ' I’VE TRIED TD MADE HIS COMPRESSED THE WHEELS AND THIS I BUNCH OF AS YOU CALL TH EM , A P ATEN T ON A WIENEWURST. AT US A PATENT. most desirable section of Manchester. DRAW A SKETCH OF f AIR CAR SO COMPLICATED AXLES GO. I'LL JUST BRAINY IDEAS THAT BUT EVEN A BLIND PERCOLATOR WHEN LEAST, IT W'lLL GIVE THE NEXT STEP OUR , CONDENSED AIR THAT!YOU GOT ALL HAVE TO TELL OUR WERE SUPPOSED TO MAN CAN SEE ITfe ,YOU S EN T IN THIS A WASHING MACHINE PLAN. BUT LETfe THOSE SW IVEL CHAIR IS TO TAKE IT Opportunity to participate in the increased value that c a r ' b u t t h e m o r e BAWLED UP LOOKING LAWYER ABOUT THE SETt THE'WORLD ON NOT GET ON A COW BOYS IN THE TO OUR LAWYER I ^TRY THE WORSE A T IT a n d ' f o r g o t PREDICAMENT THAT FIRE YEARS AGO. HOWEVER / IF YOU must come to property owners in this section of our PATENT OFFICE A AND GET HIM r GET. rUL" ADMIT HOW y o u r ORIGINAL SCOUNDREL HEM HAS PICK OUT THE PLAN KNOW SO MUCH 'i DETOUR- - DON'T LITTLE SKULL PRIMED UP SO ITS BEEN YEARS . IDEA WORKED. SUCH GOT ME INTO, AND THAT LOOKS'THE A B O U T - IT------FORGET TO CHANGE Town is yours for the asking. THE TITLE "w ashing PRACTISE. E CAN PU SINCE i’v E w o r k e d LOW-LIVED CALL OFF THE MOST LIKE AN AIR IT O V E R . ON IT - 4EMER WHOLE CAR. AND m a c h i n e '* t o There are both business and residential sites in this E IT. CONDENSED AIR CAR. Tract— and our prices are low, and terpis easy.

“We Cut the Earth to Suit Your Taste.” I EDWARD 1. HOLL Tel. 560. 865 Main St. 1 6 - ? K3000tXX3;30tXX3£X3;3t30CX3t30t3(3tXXX5CXJOia6X3^^

. J l 'm MANCHESTER (CONNO EVENING HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1927. ^ raariBERTEEN' by Percy SKIPPY FLAPPER FANNY SAYS: SENSE and NONSENSE T o r e u . y a t m c t r o t h ' J ftoUtfOT 7b ASK HOW IS < o e c c , 1 N6U6< ^IPS X T N € \ / e R o e e o R e o t o The check girl gave him service IT vtu Aiwr’ Hrr 7W6 ^6Vffl?N0R and lOHAT 006J YA FAYH£R c£ a t h c r s e e r 6 o t OW 6? yp For a pa NTT With right hand out stood pat. MAireie UffCT ----- O; course he knew she craved a tip Dd FOR A LtVlYi*^ 3------That's why he tipped his hat. 1— About all some girls seem to learn at finishing schools is that they are better than their old friends back home. MM “Wilkins informs me that he is - ^ ^ 5 going to marry the lady with IL# whom he has been boarding.’’ "Why? Is he tired of paying board?’’ "No. He’s tired of being asked i to pay board.’’

T H E F O O L I had a friend the world called a fool, A man who had faith in the Gold­ en Rule, Copyright, P. L. Cro*by, 1927, Johnson Fetturei. Ine.. UO. U. t. FAT. OPT. Who smiled when things did not e i^ BY NBA knviCt. MC. go right WASHFNGTUiN TUBBS U How little men understand And refused to lose faith in friend­ The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains By Fontaine Fox women. They hare to. ship’s might. Playing the game according to B y C r a n e rule: And the world dubbed him a fool.

How they laughed at this fool as ^VEN IN THE Su m m e r t h e S k ipper c a r r ie s a pair. r fma cooK-wouse-, se e . AOiV Y\3 he went his way, Finding new pleasure in each ne : ^cu T^e PeRV015.^A6RS KM' THe stkff j day. OF' EAR MUFF'S To put on in c a s e h e m is s e s a eovTs ON Thc oTneR side op “tukt , Getting a smile from the simplest FUKP, NOO GUVS\L EW V0\tV\ A iU Ons thing, 'Tr a in w it h a bunch of Co m m u t e r s . US VOQ'iOfkiki’ ^AeN .^ctir,g as if he were a king. naOKS AND ALTHOUS Playing the game according to rule: Tl:e first five Questions in coday’s But the world called him a fool. quiz deal with .\merican literature. Answers to all the question? will be Little they knew of the things he’d found on another page. i seen, 1— \\'ho wrote "Tho Autocrat jof The planting of seed that soon the Breakfast Table?’ ’ I blossomed green, 2— A\’hat book by Will Durant! Things he had found in the hearts j of men, wa.s the best seller last year? j Wonderful friends he found now J — la what story by what author I and then. is Ichabod Crane a character? Playing the game, according to 4—What author'wrote the series rule: of novels known as "The Leather- And the world called him a fool. slocking Talcs?" a—What poem by what author But was he a tool, oh friends of has tho refrain “Nevermore?" mine. tj—In writing to the president of Or just a branch from a heavenly the United States, what is the cor­ line. rect way to begin your letter? The kind of a man you can depend 7—What is the Taj Mahal? u po n, BOt mvS BO2-0— s—What is the approximate Who knows he is right »and will c e e Gosw'. height of Eiffel tower in Paris? carry on: V^es m e R 1 TBOUCVkT AS£C. mous volcano? wise. Face powder has put more men A L L L O S T down and out than gun powder. Ko wonder one is filled with dread At thought of Cupid’s dart: “Does it pay to raise accredited O 'Tis difficult to keep one's head chickens?’’ If they are sold, yes. o CD When he has lost his heart. If they are stolen, no. o : “I want a pound of butter." "Believe me, sir,” said the deal­ "The best?■’ er, “that dog’s the best bred ani­ "What was the last I had?’’ mal in the world. Why, he won’t "The best." even ’ave 'is dinner without his "Give me a pound of the other.” collar on! Wife: Henry, you really must Too short for a bathinj suit— have the landlord come and see for must be a dress. himself the damage the rain did to T© Fontiine Fox, 1927, The Erll Inc Dur ceiling. Bus Conductor: One seat on Hub: I can’t without letting him top, ma'am, and one inside. tee the damage the children have Lady: You surely wouldn’t sep­ Jone to the rest of the house. arate a mother from her daughter? Conductor (ringing bell): Never Performance is the best adver- again, lady. I did it once and I FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A Good Sam aritan B y B l o s s e r llsement. have regretted it ever since. ( A/ODARE VOL> VES-W&'LL SE/OD AERE'S a LITTLE 6)RL MJAERE'S SORB AE'LL 6 E T A MONEY ORDER B iNCB 7UAT ASAS FOR MOMS'/ 7A6, FGECRLES IT A LL RIcSATF AA5 RECENED SO SME CAA^ BOy A AIS MOTASR DIAMO/OD RI/U6 = yo u PlNJE TAODS'AMD (jua/oTS A/M 03 Oj, 0 Q CBRTA>S>Ly A R SM T Dollars a s a 1 SAOLLD TDTZtkEA/S KM ClE^mRD POR , 60)f

SALESMAN SAM B y S m a l l

TOST \ VJJ(^^vrp^ Get T^(\T5 rr'L L 0 6 \'0 WpkTe UK6 UecK ) W T A CLASSY TH’ TP' COM6R U? THPT Tpx W(\\/e P'ViToMe. { U)oRRy yoO Rv Kt^\e\ 01LUPRD 0piLL w i t h ­ Kbiow OfA J p ^ 0 o u r o u t F016MOS f a l s e . MA\R'. t h p t — OeTCifi’ W\66\

/specTAcCes I fVR eUNO ir TtCBRS j

Fewey Hose For TASLe Less '=55^ Jl, ftx? A ^

i M T. - I,0 '6 | 9 2 7 b y NEA s e r v ic e , INC.

by Gilbert Patten (Read the Storj-, Then Color the Picture) JACK LOCKW ILL IN THE AIR The old King said, "Well, Scouty, lot of thrilling time was spent in \ !ad this deep sea floor is not so looking over queer shaped shells, 7 \ bad. I think you’ll have a lot of and very pretty stones. He saw 'un. At least, I hope you do.” Wee sc>mo white stuff just ahead. "111 Fcouty smiled atid said, “You bet. bet that’s ivory,” Scouty said. But Of course this water’s kinda wet. when he reached It, 'ne just laugh­ but I am very tickled and I’ll be ed. ‘Twas only old fish bones. real brave like you.” When for an hour he’d looked The king picked up a shining about, he suddenly felt tired out. - V Bhell and Scouty shouted, "Gee, "I must sit down,” said he. "I that’s swell. I’d like to have a lot wi.sh that 1 was back on dock.” His of those to carry back to shore.” legs grew tired. He couldn’t stand, Just then tho queer shell opened but didn’t dare sit in the sand, so wide. A funny thing swam right he was very tickled when he found Outside. "Oh, my, we must have a mossy rock. icared it. That’s too bad,” exclalm- He hadn’t been there very long, Bd King Roar. when something near at hand went Then Scouty turned around to w'rong. He saw a zudden swish or ee just where the funny thing two, then quickly seemed to know, "Inform Mr. Darmon that I will receive him and inspect his invei' ould be. He watched it wiggle a big swordfish was charging him. The flying mset at Rumford Aviation Field was drawing toward a It was Jack Lockwill who Jack had made a perfect tion, young man," said ths general to Jack. “If I find 'it all he claims. round a bit, then swim with all its My goodness, how that fish could ctoss whan Gsnsral Hooker spoke to some of the officials, near one had made that leap. For a mo­ jump, and ho made an excellent I'll recommend its adoption hy the army.” Jack was delighted. He night. And, In the meantime, old swim! So Scouty jumped to run of the hangars. "That crank with the perfect parachute hasn’t ap­ ment, he fell like a plummet. i landing on the field. A few had accomplished his work. . . . When he stepped out of Lieuten­ King Roar decided he would leave away, as fast as he could go. peared to give a demonstration," he said. “Look, general!” said I^Then the parachute opened, minutes -later, he was being ant Moore's plane at Rocklake Athletic Field that night, hundreds of Jnce more. When Scouty turned to one of his companions, indicating a white plane. From the plane a and the daring boy drifted congratulated by General students were there to cheer him. THE END. talk to him, he’d passed right out human figure projected itself into the air. > »-s gently downward. Hooker. cost s y nca tcnvica inc. i,e NEXT STORY: Jack LockwHI’a Police Dog. »f sight. (Scouty battles with the sword- , Along the bottom Seouiv went. A fiMli 1b ths n*xt Ktory.t - . . . .

THDRSDAT^ J f ^ 9, PAGE FOURTEElf^ iSldtur^Mit^r ^ufuUtg 3l9?rali>

1 ------,\ii I). Dc.xter of Laural OLD TIME DANCING LAWN FETE I street is entertaining her sister, Miss Azubah Latham, who Is pro- Old Time Fiddlers AT THE RAINBOW June 9, 10, 11 On “ White! College, New A'ork. Clan McLean, O. S. C., will hold TONIGHT House” Grounds its regular meeting in Tinker hall Admission 50c. tomorrow evening at 7:30. Manchester Community Club 2 Day SzJe --Starting ! LITTLE CARLSON GIRL OID FASHIONED DANCE Colt’s Band, Beethoven Glee NO LONGER IN DANGER Club, Center Flute Band, S. M. ’ i| The condition of Alice Carlson of Tomorrow Morning at 9 O'clock At City View Dance Hall H. S. Orchestra. j 31 Golway street, the little girl who I was run over by an automobile in KEENEY STREET, TONIGHT Admission 10 Cents. front of her father’s blacksmith ; shop in Buckland recently, is much TREAT S ORCHESTRA The Good Will club of the Fifth Admission ,50r. I improved, it was said by the at- district will give another whist so­ i tending physician. Her condition is cial at the Keeney street school- ! no longer regarded as serious. house tomorrow evening at eight I Alice suffered a fractured skull ABOUT TOWN o'clock. The committee in charge i and has been in Memorial hospital. is Mrs. Irving Wickham, chairman, : Horace Beckham, Lydall street, Mr. and Mrs. William Montie. Mrs. 5 0 RECONDITIONED driver of the car which also backed Officers will be nominated at Jemima Smith and Burton Hage- over Josephine, Alice's sister, now. There will be games as well the meeting of Miantonomoh tribe breaking her leg and arm, Is held as progressive whist. Six prizes will responsible by police. His case of of Red Men at its meeting this eve­ be awarded the winners at cards ning. The nominatlonf will be tak­ reckless driving has been postpon­ en up at the regular election which and refreshments will be served. ed to await the outcome of the lit­ will be held two weeks from to­ tle girls’ conditions. night. After the regular meeting of ELECTRIC the tribe there will be a meeting of See the Lawn Fete.— Adv. Attend the Lawn Fete.— Adv. the Hayloft, the subsidiary organi­ zation, and officers will also be nominated for that body at this miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiin time. Reports from the committee on the big degree and installation to he held here in July will be made. This affair will be one of the biggest In the history of the tribe I FUON PREMIER and the Milford Haymakers will he VACUUM CLEANERS visitors here and will work the de­ grees. SWEEPER Manchester Division No. 1, A. O. |j G O O D THINGS T O EAT VAC Reconditioned In The Same Factory H., will elect delegates to the state |: convention at its meeting next 11 Where Originally Manufactured Thursday evening. The conventions Is to be held in New London on ]; Pinehurst Fish News August IS and IP. Try Ph-e.sh IMsh for a change and Call 2000— you will be sure The fact that these va­ of getting the best. These cleaners are so like Dr. John J. .Vllison left this cuum cleaners have been morning for Philadelphia, wliere he E. ANCY WHITE FILET OF SOLE— Tender, delicate wliite- new you’ll think they’ve New Brushes will attend the reunion of the class flsh best fried in deep fat. never been used before. rebuilt and reconditioned of iniT of the University of Penn- SLICED HALIBUT in their own factories is .sylvania. School of Dentists, with FRESH COD— Good to fry. bake or 1>oiI. If yon want a This is the first time you New Bags which class Dr. Allison was gradu­ piece to bake or boil, we can give you a center chunk, or a nice have been able to buy your positive assurance ated. small whole cod weighing from 2 to 3 lbs. Tliese >vhole Cod vacuum cleaners recondi­ that they are rebuilt in a are dandy Uttie flsb for boiling or baking. New Cords better way and are in Children's night at Manchester RED KING SALMON— Now down to a reasonable price. tioned in the same fac­ Grange's regular session last even­ perfect working condi­ ing in Tinker hall, brought out a \ ery good fried or boiled. tory where originally larger number of children of the ITLET OF H.VDDOCK— .\lways a favorite. This week we manufactured. New Parts tion. members than on any previous oc­ will have extra nice thick filets. casion. Under the direction of the Dressed Haddock. Smoked Filet of Haddock. lecturer, Mrs. Charles Howard, and And last but much in demand Mrs. Frank Reig. the children pre­ F. ANCY FRESH MACKEREIj— drcsseect a few’ buted and games played after the more tomorrow. The supply will of necessity be limited, so entertainment, with the Mi.sses please order early if you want a qnaiA or two saved. M e will Mar.\' Wilcox and Ellen Rcic in also have some good Jersey berries at a very reasonable price. charge. Ice ci'eaiT, and fancy cakes were served and everxbod.'.’ thor­ Corn Flake.s. 4 for 25e oughly enjn>ed the evening. Tub Blitter...... 4.’>c EUREKA Confectionery A 15/ Botde of ' $ 2 1 . 5 0 A daughter was boi'n this moru- S u g a r ...... S tjc FREE iuc to .Mr. and Mrs. William Pitkin Use Pinehurst 8 :00 Buy ThU 60■' Bottle end f«t the I5,«t of r.4 Pitkin street. The baby was o’clock delivery, [dease Bottle FREE! U*e the ‘ rrall Bottle »nd if born at .Mrs. Howe'.^ .Maternity YOU are not Perfectly Pel'{:ht'*d retu^ if yon want yonr order Urge B-iUle ami Get Your Home on Wnd.-worih street. liefore nine. Orders Money Back. Every One Positively Guaranteed for this delivery should Th. Ifc rku HOOVER be in before 7:45. ScQtcli Ham AUTO TOPS I Canadian Bacon To Give Satisfactory Wear A irginia Ham vstm j 3 Pinehurst Sausage Auto Curtains ' 3 Meat MAKES OLP [ r Pinehurst Hamburg THINGS NEW WOODWORK I 3 25c lb. R t A M O * ' Celluloid Lights. rURMiTURS ~ Saturday we will have AUrOMORlkC* . Your Choice Of Any One Of These Six Made and Repaired. S some nice Native 3 Broilei'S. AVill we Carpets made to order. 2 save one for yon? Well Known Vacuum Cleaners

Z One of onr bakers will bring in a conjile of dozen of tasty 3 E Cofl'ee Cakes early Friday morning. M'onld yon like to try S Charles Laking 3 one? s Hoover Apex 314 Main Street TiiiimmmiiimiimmHimimiiiiiiPiimiiiMiiiiiiiiiiimmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii Eureka Premier Sweeper Vac Royal


Free Delivery, Free Parking’ Daily Anywhere Space in Rear in Town of Store. SOUTH '•MR NCHESTER • CONN '

The annual outin;: of the Man-; Mr. anzl Mrs. Francis P. Handley Chester Mothers clu'u will be lield I U’ Hudson street have purchased RUBBER tomorrow at the Kniyht cottage at j room cottage on Delmont Coventry Jake, cars leaving which the Manchester Con- Pay Yourself Dividends Ceuter at o:4u p. m. Games and _ . i -i. stunts, together with a picnic siii)-| sii-uc'.ion t ■jmp:in> recenll> bui. HEELS ;)er and marshmallow roast will be | foe Ai'ihur A. Knofia. Mr. and .Mrs. Regular 50c. on the program. Mrs. .Nelson Smith ' Haiwiic,'' will . lov.j lo the;r new ATTACHED NOW FOR E v e r y successful busi­ is the general chairman. | heme ness pays dividends on 25/ capital invested. The time and effort you ^^Now I sit down to iron” SAM YU LYES give to your work repre­ 701 Main S t, So. Manchester “I am very well pleased -with my Thor Folding Ironer for now I get my iron­ sent personal capital. Johnson Block. ing done sitting down” — Mrs. Frank Pugliese. [One of hundreds of letters Make it pay dividends by received from enthusiastic owners.} putting aside a definite per­ centage of the money you 10% of your income Thousands of women have discovered the new way to iron. They no longer earn. deposited 'with ns spend a back-breaking day over an ironing board. They merely roll a Thor SUMMER will equal a mootfa’s Folding Ironer out of a closet or comer, connect the plug who For safety, convenience, salary every ten An txcluiict feature. to a baseboard outlet and pull up a chair— two hours later When through /ron- 'will himish the Mafmals? VIOLIN and compound interest, months, not count­ ing, aimply fold up a week’s washing is completely ironed. and roll into a cloeet open an accountwith us and ing interest credited o r c o r n e r . TaJ^eo That will determine, often, whether or not your Gas or electric heat may be used as desired. The Thor about the epaee of a make deposits regularly. to your account. l^itchen chair. new home will be a thing of worth and comfort or SCHOOL Folding Ironer can be bought on small monthly payments. otherwise. All down the line, you’ll find high- Come in and try this marvelous new ironer for yourself. quality materials here,at right prices.For instance— For Beginners VIOLINS FURNISHED The Savings Bank of Manchester SHEETROCK South Manchester, Conn. The Manchester Electric Co. —the fireproof wallboard. Best there is. Pure Paying Interest at 4 H % Annually, Comiiounded gypsum rock in broad, high sheets, between tough Quarterly. 861 Main Street. Tel. 1700 fibre paper. Permanent. Decorates perfectly. Never FREE It Pays to Watch Our Show Windows. cracks, warps or buckles. Vermin-free. Time-tried. CLASS NOW FORMING APPROVED METHOD W. G. Glenney Co. ENROLL NOW Allen Place, Manchester. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD. IT PAYS. tlftH