Week 1 of 6 — 1 Reflect on the Word God’s Choice Read 1 16. Have you ever been determined to have things your own for King way? For two years I insisted on selling my house and moving. It gets old being questioned over and over, “Have you sold your house, yet?” And now I have to BIBLE STORY serve up humble pie because I finally realized and accepted that God wants me God Chose a King to wait. And all this time, I had been insisting on having my way. 1 Samuel 16 Israel insisted on having a king. They chose . Saul was the people’s choice. And though he was strong, handsome, and charismat- BIBLE TRUTH ic, Saul’s trust in God had failed at the most critical moments. Reflect on this: God chooses people to He had repeatedly grown impatient, distrustful, choosing to do His work. • Are you insisting do things his way. God’s spirit left Saul, never to return. Saul on your own way in sunk deeper and deeper into depression and paranoia. The This lesson will help early some area of your Israelites’ choice for a king was clearly not working out. elementary children . . . life right now? The writers of the Book of Samuel want us to know: • Know God chose David to • Are you willing David was chosen by God. And even before he was crowned be the king of Israel to consider God’s king, God was at work shaping David into the kind of leader • Realize that their love direction for you who would rule his people as God ruled His people. It’s and obedience is more even if it seems out not surprising, then, that God would choose a shepherd to of the ordinary? important to God than become king. He sent Samuel to anoint David. There was only what others think of one problem; Saul was still on the throne and his sons were them waiting to ascend the throne. • Feel encouraged that God has something for them to do for The youngest son of a common Benjaminite, David was not an obvious Him choice to follow King Saul as ruler of Israel. This is our first glimpse of David. He is still the little shepherd boy, almost forgotten when the prophet Samuel VERSE-A-MONTH calls upon his family. Samuel was not expecting this, for though David was “Teach me your way, Lord; lead me youthful and handsome, he certainly did not have the lineage or upbringing be- in a straight path” fitting a future king. However, we will soon find David possessed characteristics (Psalm 27:11). that made him uniquely qualified to slay giants and soothe troubled hearts, to defeat armies and unite a divided land. LESSON HELPS David’s story began with obedience. And David’s obedience is central to the HELPING HAND rest of his story. Both the aged prophet and the future king submitted to God’s Tips for teachers. decision not knowing what lay ahead. God chose David to rule a nation, but DIGGING DEEPER destined him to be a vessel through which salvation would come to the world. Important biblical and While none of our children may be chosen to be king or ruler of a nation, their theological insights. tender and willing hearts can reflect that of David’s, a man after God’s own heart.

Foundational words of the faith.

OLD TESTAMENT Before Jesus Was Born

AR OU E Y H E R E Exodus The Creation Noah & The Ark Deborah & Barak Abraham Sarah & David and 10 Commandments10 Jeremiah & Baruch Elijah Fed by Ravens Samuel Anoints David

6 LESSON PLANNER See Hear & Say Sing Do Solve Read & Write Choose from these activities to support the Bible story.

“God’s Shepherd King” Bulletin Board Resources, Item 2 Attention Bible Memory Walk Resources, Item 4 Getters Optional Activity: Pick a Play-Doh

Bible Story – “God Chose a King” Resources, Item 2 Bible Explorations Bible Story Review Optional Bible Activity: Anointing a King

Connections What Does God Want Me to Do? Connections, Sheet 1b To Life Shepherd’s Journal Connections, Sheet 1 Closing and Prayer Adventures; Parent Connections; Connections, Sheet 15 Optional Activity: Faith Words Resources, Item 3


Verse in Motion

[Bonus ideas for Lesson 1 of unit 1—give Verse-a-Month Club activity, etc.]

To help the children learn the new Verse-a-Month Club memory verse, teach them these motions to go with the words. “Teach [hands in open book motion] Me [point to self] Your way [palms facing each other, parallel, make river motion] Lord [“L” index and thumb, move from right shoulder to waist] Lead [offer right hand outstretched] Me [point to self] In a straight path” [palms facing each other, parallel, move hands straight out from body] Psalm 27:11. [open palm]

Time Line Prepare Resources, Items 1A and 1B as directed on the item. Mount the time line on a wall in your classroom. Use it each week to help the children understand how each Bible story is part of God’s story. Use it also to help them figure out the location of each story in the Bible.

NEW TESTAMENT When Jesus Was On Earth After Jesus Went Back To Heaven Mission Work Birth of Jesus Jesus’ Baptism Jesus As A Child Disciples Praying Disciples Mary Jesus Anointing Jesus Raising Lazarus Raising Jesus Philip & the Ethiopian Jesus Calms the Storm Cross, Tomb & AscensionTomb Cross, 7 ttention “God’s Shepherd King” Bulletin Board A Before class, Prepare Resources, Item 2, as Getters directed on the item. Cover the bulletin board You’ll need with paper and add a border. • Resources, Item 2 In class, Let students help assemble the • Bulletin board, paper, border bulletin board. Place the title strips and • Stapler or tacks picture of David on his throne as shown in the diagram. Keep the punch-out pieces to add each week after the Use these activities to help Bible story. Ask, Do you know the names of any kings from focus the children’s attention the Bible? Who do you think this king is? I wonder how he and prepare them to learn got to be a king. Let students offer their ideas. today’s Bible Truth. TRANSITION: Say, We will begin to find out about this man in our Bible story today. Listen carefully and see if The transition state- you can figure out who he is. ment provided at the end of each Attention Bible Memory Walk Getters activity is a tool to Before class, Prepare Resources, Item 4, as directed on the item. lead children to the Bible In class, Introduce the new Verse-a-Month Club memory verse, Psalm 27:11. Explorations section of the Show the children where the Book of Psalms is in the Bible. If the children lesson. You will only use one have their Bibles help them find the cor- transition statement—the rect chapter and verse. Read the verse two statement connected to the You’ll need • Bibles or three times to the students. Hold up the last activity used before Bible • Resources, Item 4 stones from Item 4 one at a time as you Explorations. • Cardboard or foam board, opt. repeat the verse. Then hand out the stones • Laminating machine and film or to six different students. Have the students Use these memory clear Con-Tact paper, opt. stand and try to line themselves up in the stones for a variety of correct order. Encourage other students memory activities: to help them. Say, This verse asks God to teach us His way and lead us in a • Hide them around the room straight path. What do you think that means? Let students share their ideas. and let students search for TRANSITION: Say, God shows us in the Bible how to them. When they find the live for Him. Our verse tells us that He will lead us stones they must arrange in a straight path which means the right path that them in the correct order. will lead us to God. In our Bible story today another • Place all the stones in order man asks God to lead him as he looks for a special on a table or the floor. Say person. Listen to find out who needed God’s direc- the verse together and then tion and why. begin removing one stone at a time while the students continue to say the verse. Pick a Play-Doh Before class, Obtain assorted colors of Play-Doh in jars and switch the lids so they do not match the colors in the jars. Lesson 1 In class, Let the children choose a jar of Play- ption You’ll need O Doh. Have children all open them at the same time. • Assorted colors of As the children notice the Play-Doh color does not jars of Play-Doh match the lid, ask, Is your Play-Doh the color you thought it would be? What were you expecting? Let children offer their ideas. Ask, Can we tell what people are like just by look- ing at them? While we cannot see what is inside someone’s heart or mind, God can. If you wish, allow the children to play with the Play-Doh for a few minutes. TRANSITION: Say, Today we are going to meet someone who looked one way, but God saw something different.

8 Bible Story Before class, Make an anointing horn by rolling construction paper into a cone You’ll need and fastening it with tape or glue. Fill the • Resources, Item 2, Picture 1 “horn” with torn pieces of tissue paper. • Brown construction paper In class, Have the children stand in a or cardstock line as if they are ’s sons (at least • Tissue paper confetti three sons and David). Walk back and forth • Glue or tape in front of them as you tell the story. Build Choose from these activities suspense during the story by pretending to tip the horn on each of the sons. to help students connect the When David is anointed in the story, pour confetti over the head of the child Bible Truth to life. standing there.

God Chose a King 1 Samuel 16 The people of Israel had cried out to God for a king. God gave the people ANOINT: To put oil on some- what they asked for and made Saul the first king. But Saul disobeyed God. one’s head. Kings, priests, So God sent Samuel to to anoint a new king. Samuel was nervous. and prophets were anointed King Saul did not know his prophet would be anointing another king. He in the Bible. This act showed would not be pleased. Samuel was afraid Saul would find out and kill him. that God had chosen them to Samuel filled his horn with oil. He chose a young cow to make an offer- do something special for Him. ing. When the elders of Bethlehem saw Samuel, they were afraid. He invited them to the offering. He invited Jesse and seven of his sons. They were strong GOD’S WORK: Everything that young men. Samuel saw Eliab, the oldest son. He thought that surely this man God does. God’s work is also would be the next king. God said, “No. Samuel, do not choose a man to be anything God asks people king just because he looks good.” to do. Samuel shook his head and stepped to the next son, Abinadab (A-bin-a- dab). Again, Samuel looked carefully into his eyes. Again God said, “No.” Samu- el stopped in front of each son, wondering which one God had chosen. Surely there was one here among them! Samuel walked up and down looking over the sons of Jesse. God continued to say, “No, no, no, no, and no.” Was this every- one? Samuel turned from the seven sons to ask Jesse, “Are there any more?” Surprised, Jesse said, “Yes, but he’s the youngest, and he’s tending sheep.” Samuel knew he needed to see this little shepherd boy, the youngest of Jesse’s sons. They brought David to Samuel. God said to Samuel, “Rise and anoint him; he is the one.” He poured the horn of anointing oil over David’s head. “The Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power.” Saul did not know God had cho- sen David to take his place as king. Hardly anyone knew this shepherd boy was destined to be the shepherd of God’s people. David was called upon to serve under Saul. Saul was deeply troubled and needed someone to play the harp to help him. David played the harp well. He was sent to the palace to play music for Saul. David’s music brought peace to Saul’s troubled heart. God’s shepherd king served the people’s king.

After the story, Have a child add the sheep from Item 2 to the bulletin board. Ask, What does this item have to do with our story? (David was a shepherd and took care of the sheep.) Samuel was looking for God’s chosen king. Where did they find David? (In the field taking care of sheep)

9 Bible Story Review Before class, Find a sheep button or tiny sheep figure to use for this game. In class, Have the children stand in a line with their hands, out in front of them, cupped together like a bowl. Give one child the sheep and have that You’ll need child walk along the line putting his or her hands in each pair of hands one by • Sheep button one. In one pair of hands the child drops the sheep but continues to touch the or tiny figure others’ hands so no one knows where the sheep is except the giver and receiver. Then have the child who dropped the sheep call out, “Sheep, sheep, who has the sheep?” Let each child in the line guess by saying, “[Mary] has the sheep.” If the guess is correct, [Mary] must answer a question and becomes the next player. If the guess is incorrect, play continues until the person with the sheep is identified. When the person with the sheep is found, he or she must answer a review question to become the next player (giver of the sheep). Questions: 1. How many sons of Jesse were older than David? (Seven) 2. What was David doing when Samuel asked for him? (Tending sheep) 3. What did Samuel do to show David was chosen by God to be king? (He anointed David with oil) 4. How did Samuel feel about anointing David? (Nervous) 5. Did David become king right away? (No) Anointing a King

Background Before class, Add a drop of rose or lavender essential oil to two table- music can be spoons of olive oil. Shake well and store in a small jar or vial. Lesson 1 In class, Tell the Bible story, “God Chose a King.” When you come to the helpful for some ption children. Play harp or O part of the story that tells how Samuel anointed David, stop and apply a small dab of oil to the wrist or forehead of each string music softly in the You’ll need background during the Bible child. Finish the story then say, Samuel was God’s • Olive oil story or as children work on prophet. God told him to go to Bethlehem to anoint • Rose or lavender other activities. a new king. David would not officially become the king for several more years. However, this anointing essential oil by Samuel, witnessed by the people, signaled the • Small jar or vial approval and blessing of God on His chosen king.

What Does God Want Me to Do? Say, Samuel anointed David You’ll need because God told him to. God • Connections, Sheet 1b chose David to be the next • Pencils king of Israel. You will probably not • Crayons be asked to become a king but what might God ask you to do? Let the children share their ideas. Give each child Sheet 1b. Say, Let’s read the words on this page. Now write words on the hand that tell what you think God wants you to do. Choose from the words printed on this page or think of other words. Then color the hand to match yours. Choose from these activities Ask, How can you show love to God and others this week? Can you do the to help students connect the things you think God wants you to do? Encourage the children, this week, to try Bible Truth to life. to do one of the things written on their Connections sheet.

10 Shepherd’s Journal Before class, Obtain cardstock to use for journal covers. Have You’ll need decorative items, such as ribbon and buttons, available for creating • Connections, Sheet 1 attractive covers. • Cardstock Read 1 Samuel 16:7 to the children. Discuss the mean- In class, • Decorative items, markers, ing of this verse with them. Say, God told Samuel to choose David ribbon, buttons, etc. even though he was the youngest and seemed less kingly than his brothers. But God knew that David was the right person to be king. God knows what is in our hearts. What does God see in your heart? Does He see love, obedience, and kindness? Or does He see anger, lying, and rebellion? Give each child Sheet 1. Say, Today we are going to begin work- ing on a journal. What does God see in you? Write some words on your journal page that describe what you think God sees in you. Are these things pleasing or disappointing to God? Let children create a cover for their journals using the cardstock and decorative items. Be sure to collect the journal pages and covers and clip them together for each child. Save to use again next week. At the end of this unit each child will create his or her own com- pleted journal for home. Closing and Prayer Say, God told Samuel to go and choose another king. Samuel obeyed. God chose David to be the new king. David obeyed. God still chooses people today to do His work. God may want to choose you to do something spe- cial for Him. Your love and obedience to You’ll need God are more important than what other • Take-home items for each people think about you. Keep asking God child (including Adventures and to teach you what you need to know and Parent Connections for Unit 1) to lead you in the right path. • Connections Verse-a-Month Have the children make a line. Go down Club reminder the line and pray for each child placing your hand on his or her head. Pray that God will bless each child and teach that child what he or she needs to know to love and follow Him. Thank God for what each child is going to do with his or her life. Hand out Adventures, Unit 1 Parent Connections, and Connections Verse-a-

Month Club verse reminder on page 15.



Faith Words i


esson 1 o

L t Before class, Prepare the Faith Words You’ll need ption s n word cards for Unit 1 from Resources, Item O o • Resources, Item 3 ti ec • Construction paper or 3. Designate one wall space in the classroom Conn cardstock as the Faith Words Wall. Create a title from con- • Marker struction paper or cardstock for this area. Add • Plasti-Tak new Faith Words word cards as they are used in the lessons. In class, Introduce the Faith Words for this lesson, anoint and God’s work. Show the word cards and read the definitions to the children. Say,Each unit will have new Faith Words for us to learn. We will add these Faith Words to our Faith Words Wall. Use the definitions found in the narrow column of this lesson to help explain what these words mean. Have the children read the words and try to give a definition for them. Then let volunteers use each word in a sentence.