circa 1480-1500

published for the Society bp

ANDREWS & CO., SADLER STREET, DURHAM, AND BERNARD QUARITCH, 11 GRAFTON STREET, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, W. 1930 At a Meeting of the Surtees Society, held in Durham Castle, on Tuesday, December 3rd, 1929, the Dean of Durham in the chair, it was ordered,

‘ That a third volume of Early Heraldic Visitations of the North of England he edited for the Society hy Mr. C. H. Hunter Blair.’ CONTENTS








This society printed in volumes 122 and 133 of its publica¬ tions certain sixteenth century herald’s visitations of the northern counties of England, edited by Dr. F. W. Dendy and entitled Visitations of the North. The Great War and other obstacles prevented the completion of the work as foreshadowed in the introduction to volume 122, pp. xlv-xlvi. Some years later the late Rev. C. V. Collier undertook to complete the series, but he had made little progress with it before his lamented death in 1929, when the present editor took over the work. To complete the plan outlined in volume 122, p. xlv, required only the publication of the 1575 visitation pedigrees of Northumberland and Yorkshire, but it was thought desirable to include, as suggested in the introduction to volume 133, the collection of early northern pedigrees contained in MS. Ashmole no. 831, the great value of which had been pointed out by Dr. H. H. E. Craster of the Bodleian Library, Oxford. When, however, the present editor had prepared the three visitations for the press it was found that the cost of printing them in one volume was prohibitive; it was therefore decided to print, in this volume, only the pedigrees in MS. Ashmole 831, leaving the two visitations of 1575 for a future volume. This volume therefore nOw contains only the pedigrees in MS. Ashmole no. 831, folios iv-87v, in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, collated with MS. Dodsworth no. 81 in the same library. The manuscript from which these pedigrees are copied is entitled Stemmata vetusta prosapiarum regiarum Angliae et Galliae nobiliumque multarum Anglicarum a Roberto Glovero collecta atque transcripta. The manuscript is thus a copy made by Robert Glover (1544-88), pursuivant and herald, of an old manuscript, now lost, which may have been the official record of an heraldic visitation of the northern counties made in the later part of the fifteenth century. The names of the possible visiting heralds are unknown, but during the relevant time John Wrythe (1478-1504) was VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Garter King of Arms and Roger Machado (1485-93) and Christopher Carhill (1493-1510) were successively Norroy Kings of Arms. Glover gives no title to his transcript, which is written in his formal secretary-hand with additions made by him in less formal writing. The Catalogue of the Ashmole manuscripts thus describes it: “ The first manuscript in this large folio volume is large enough to form a separate volume; it is fairly and widely written in the secretary-hand and vertically for the more ready continuation of the pedigrees from page to page; they are tricked in red roundles with red lines.” Roger Dodsworth (1585-1654) also made a copy, now contained in MS. Dodsworth no. 81, of the same roll though possibly from a different manuscript to that used by Glover. In his copy he refers to the original as “ my antient rolle of petigrees,” adding “ which are very authenticall and cited by Mr. Camden ” (post p. 23). Dodsworth’s copy is only a partial one, differing in details from Glover’s, but while it does not give all that are in the latter’s copy it does not include any pedigree which can be assigned to the late fifteenth century and which is not in MS. Ashmole 831. A collection of pedigrees similar to those here printed occurs in Add. MS. no. 5530 in the British Museum, in the hand¬ writing of sir Thomas Writh (or Wriothesley), Garter King of Arms (1504-34); a few also occur in Add. MS. 38133’ which is connected with Robert Aske (d. 1537); both these versions appear to have been taken from a common source. The version here printed is a verbatim copy of MS. Ashmole no. 831 collated with MS. Dodsworth no. 81. The additions from Dodsworth’s copy are printed in italics; the names omitted by him are enclosed in round brackets; any additions made by the present editor are in square brackets. This manuscript was evidently one of the primary sources of the Norcliffe MS. printed in volume XVI of the publications of the Harleian society,1 2 the original of which has hitherto been untraced. The compiler of that manuscript translated the greater part of his original into English, whilst sixteen of the pedigrees here printed do not appear in the Harleian volume.3

1 A list of the pedigrees contained in these MSS. is printed in the Appendices post pp. 167 and 171. 2 SS 122, p. xlvi if. 3 Ashton (2), Brandon, Darell, Daubeny, Fauconberg, Fitzhugh, ■Goushill, Helperby, Lassels, Montagu, Moubray, Poull, Roos, Saige and Toft. INTRODUCTION

If the suggestion made above, that the original manu¬ script contained the official record of a herald’s visitation is right, then it is the earliest known and the first fruits of the incorporation of the College of Arms by Richard III in 1483. The first visitation to be made under a Royal Commission was that of 1528-29.4 The pedigrees themselves bear authentic marks of being such a record; they are also, so far as the present editor has been able to test them, of high quality and of general accuracy, fully justifying Dodsworth’s verdict of “ very authenticall.” They are also remarkable for the intimate details recorded of the different families and give the impression that their maker got his information at first hand in personal touch with living members of the particular family whose pedigree he entered. Such details as the following seem, to the editor, to point to this. Stanhope (p. 13) holds the third part of Touxford in Clay by knight’s fee and can spend four hundred marks of rent per annum. Conyers (p. 92) can spend a thousand marks of rent a year. Clervaux (p. 104) can spend three hundred marks a year. Strangwais (p. 106) can spend a thousand marks or more a year and, not to extend the list unduly, Agnes a younger daughter of John Vavasour (p. 69) married John Bekwith of Clint who has twenty marks a year. The care taken to enumerate the numerous younger children of a family and to record their marriages or very frequent early deaths also leads to the same conclusion. So also do such details as that Richard, second son of John Vavasour and his wife Isabel de la Haye, is “ marred in the Spirit ” (p. 59) or that Joan and Eleanor, daughters of Henry lord Fitzhugh, are twins and Joan is a nun at Dartford (p. 133). The pedigrees are interesting to the student of the social history of the time, for they give first-hand evidence of the large families then usual, of the high death rate amongst young children, and of the frequent re-marriages of the heads of families and of heiresses as well as of the custom of unmarried daughters and widows adopting a religious life. Of the former, nuns are mentioned at the Yorkshire monasteries of Swine (p. 102), Watton (p. 131), Ellerton (p. 125), Sinningthwaite (pp. 69 and 118) and at others farther afield such as Rusper (p. 103), Dartford (pp. 132/3) and Barking (p. 139) as well as some whose monasteries are

4 SS 122, p. xiv ff. VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH not named. Of the latter, for example, Margery widow of lord Scrope became a minoress at London (p. 41). The widows of Nicholas Fitzwilliam (p. 76) and sir John Constable (p. 102) were both veiled after their husbands’ deaths. The pedigrees are in Latin except that of the royal house of France (pp. 6/8) and that of Montagu (pp. 49/50) which are in Old French. The manuscript begins with the pedigree of the sovereigns of England from William the Conqueror to Edward IV; this was apparently compiled to show the righteous claim by descent of the House of York, and Edward’s in particular, to the crown; it omits the Black Prince and Richard II. The pedigree of France gives four descents from St. Louis to show the right of Edward III to the throne of France. The pedigrees do not appear to have all been made in the same year, but fall, for the most part, within the last twenty years of the fifteenth century. That of the royal house dates before 9 April 1483, when Edward IV died, but it is not earlier than 10 November 1480, when his daughter Bridget was born.5 It will be seen from the notes appended to the pedigrees that most of them date a few years later than that of the royal house. The following examples, chosen more or less at random, show this: Knyvett (p. 10) is not earlier than 6 January 1486/87, when Henry Colet was mayor of London; he was knighted on that day when the king “ was keeping his estate at Whitehall being crowned.” Musgrave (p. 15) dates after 10 January 1483/84 when Edward Musgrave had license to marry his first wife and before 27 October 1496, the date of the license for his second marriage. Percy (p. 18) is before the murder of the fourth earl of Northumberland at Cock- lodge in 1489. Neville (p. 32) dates between the execution of William lord Hastings on 13 June 1483 and the restitu¬ tion of the barony to his son Edward on 15 December 1487. Clervaux (p. 104) dates before Richard Clervaux was knighted by Henry VII at Croft on St. Laurence Eve 1487. Vavasour (p. 59) dates after 1490 when John Vavasour was made “ one of the kinge’s justices of the Common Bank.” Fitzwilliam (p. 74) dates after 23 May 1491, when sir Thomas Wortley had license to marry Catherine Fitzwilliam. There are, however, at least two of the pedigrees which are of a later date; that of Mowbray (p. 86) goes to Thomas Howard, treasurer of England 1522, duke of Norfolk 1524;

Sandford, Genealogical History, p. 418 INTRODUCTION whilst that of Roos (Espec, p. 161) is carried down to Thomas Manners, created earl of Rutland 1525, and mentions William Harvey, Clarenceux, who did not fill that office until 21 November 1557. The shields also in this pedigree are blazoned in tinctures, not precious stones, and in Old French not Latin. These two are probably later additions to the original. The pedigrees therefore date in the main soon after the battle of Bosworth (1485)—Redmore it is called here—had ended the Wars of the Roses and seated the Tudors firmly upon the throne. The long civil wars had made an end of the pedigrees and broken in pieces the shields of most of the old feudal nobility, for though some of them are here they seem to be as memorials of a dead past, the words decapitatus, decollates or occisus marking the end. Of these may be noted the great house of Neville (p. 23) whose pedigree here shows clearly their descent from the heiress of Bulmer and from the Englishman, Robert son of Meldred; it agrees substantially with the latest study of the origins of that famous family.6 Others, of these old families, are Daubeny, Grey, Lacy, Percy and Moubray; in this last pedigree is included part of the pedigree of the Howards dukes of Norfolk—here spelt Haward, probably its original form. Many pedigrees of Yorkist families are here, but the new men who rose to eminence under the double rose of the Tudors also appear. Of these Brandon, Widville and Wingfield are examples. Sir William Brandon (p. 120) carries the shield of Henry Tudor at Redmore and is killed there, his brother sir Thomas was king Henry’s esquire at the later battle of Stoke (1487) and Thomas Wingfield (p. 122) was slain fighting on Henry’s side at Bosworth field. There is as yet little sign of the craze for Saxon or Norman ancestors, whose production formed so lucrative a trade for the kings of arms and heralds of later Tudor and early Stuart times. The circular and very unsatisfactory pedigree of Marking- ton (p. 135), whose form seems to show that the heralds had not yet learnt how to give such a pedigree the appear¬ ance of truth, is the only one here to claim a Saxon progenitor. Fitzwilliam (p. 74), however, comes with the Conqueror and is marshal of his army—vain tales fore¬ shadowing others so often to be told of even less distinguished families during the ensuing hundred years.

* Studies in Family Origins, pp. 54-9, by J. H. Round, 1930. VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

The care with which the numerous shields of arms and crests are blazoned is another proof that the whole is the official work of a “ learned herald.” Shields are given for about half of the families. The blazon is in Old French, and with one or two exceptions it is in terms of precious stones, part of that curious and fantastic pedantry, deriving probably from a German source, which, towards the end of the fifteenth century, did so much to bring the beautiful art of armory into ridicule.7 This fantasy blazoned the arms of sovereigns and princes in terms of the planets and of peers in those of precious stones; the arms of less important persons were left in the tinctures of ordinary blazon. Here, however, precious stones are used for very ordinary people as well as for lords of parliament. The following table explains the system:

Colour Tincture Planets Stones

Yellow Or Sol Topaz White Argent Luna Pearl Black Sable Saturn Diamond Red Gules Mars Ruby Blue Azure Jupiter Sapphire Green Vert Venus Emerald Purple Purpure Mercury Amethyst

The editor knows of no example of this method except in this manuscript. Even those authors who write of it most enthusiastically and most foolishly yet do not use it in actual practice but blazon in the ordinary terms of armory either in Latin, French or English. In the earliest book upon armorials known to the editor, the Tractatus de Insigniis et Armis, written circa 1353 by Dr. Bartholus de Saxoferrato, though the attributes of armorial colours are explained in the pseudo-philosophic manner of the time there is yet no mention of precious stones nor of their supposed properties nor is there in the similar work, written for Anne, wife of Richard II, who died in 1394, by Johannes de Bado Aureo (John of Guildford) entitled Tractatus de Armis cum

7 Those given in modem terms within brackets are additions by the present editor. INTRODUCTION

Francisco Foveis.8 The treatise of Nicholas Upton, canon of Salisbury and Wells, written circa 1441,9 contains the first mention, known to the editor, of the precious stone armorial fantasy. In the chapter entitled De Militari Officio, Liber III (p. 105), after a long dissertation de colore aureo the author proceeds “ hujus enim coloris aurei est quidam lapis vocatus Topasius qui quanto est rarior tanto est pretiosior; habet colorem ex auro et ethera, claritate lucens maxime quando tangitur radio soli.” He, however, leaves these vain imaginings when he comes to actual armorials, which he blazons in Latin and French after the ancient manner. Dame Juliane Berners, writing circa i486 in the armorial part of The Boke of St. Albans,10 which is in great part a trans¬ lation or paraphrase of Upton’s book, is the first author writing in English who discusses the precious stone fantasy; she says “ and thys lawe of Armys was grounded uppon the IV (sic) orderys of angelis in heven encrowned with IV dyvers precious stonys of colouris and of vertues dyveris, also of them are figured the IV colouris of armys. The first stone is calde Topasion signyfying golde in armys. This stone Topasion is a semy stone and golde it is called in armys. The vertue thereof is that the gentilman the whiche thys stone in his cote armure berith a fare messengere in his kynges batyll shall be ” and so on. The lady Juliane, however, does not venture to blazon in terms of these stones; like her predecessors she uses good Latin and French armorial terms, but she adds one in English as well, e.g., “ St. George: He beris a Selde of silver with a playne cros of gowles.” These early armorial writers therefore, whilst writing of a strange pseudo-science and indulging their wayward fancies in the narrative parts of their treatises, yet when it comes to actual practice restrain their imaginations and blazon in the usual way. Another feature of the manuscript of much interest to the student of armory is the precise, detailed descriptions of the crests with their mantling and “ torche,” i.e., torque or wreath. Such descriptions are very rare in early English armorial manuscripts and for many of the crests here there is no earlier record, except so far as some of them appear

8 Edition Edward Bysshe, London, 1654. 9 Edition Edward Bysshe, London, 1654. 10 Edition Blades, London, 1905. VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

on seals or effigies. The original of this MS. has evidently been one of the sources of Thomas Wall’s Book of Crests, of circa a.d. 1530, published in volumes XI or XII of The Ancestor. They are there blazoned in Tudor English, but in examples where the same crests appear in both works the English is a literal translation of the earlier French. For example: Stanhope (p. 13) wears his “ monceau de herbes qui ont les fleurs pendens comme clochettes,” Wall has . . . the flowers hanging like belles. Tancard (p. 46)— une buisson d’arbre olive which Wall gives as a bush of olive tree. Clervaux (p. 104)—une grue asisie en une torche . . . sans monstrer les jambes which Wall has a crane . . . sette without shewing his legs. Aske (p. 96)—une teste de Sarrasin nue, Wall a sarasin’s head naked. It will be seen therefore that the manuscript here printed is of much interest as well from the armorial as from the genealogical point of view. It remains only for the editor to give his grateful thanks to Dr. H. H. E. Craster who, in addition to discovering this “ antient rolle ” and pointing out its value, has given the editor much advice and generous assistance. The editor has also to acknowledge similar help from the society’s secretary, Dr. A. Hamilton Thompson, who has read many of the proofs and assisted much in putting the volume through the press.

28 August 1930. ABBREVIATIONS

AA Archaeologia Aeliana, published by the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne. AD Armorials of the county of Durham. AA, 4th ser., vol. IV. AN Armorials of Northumberland. AA, 3rd ser., vol. VI. BM British Museum. CDP The Extinct and Dormant Peerages of the northern counties of England by John William Clay, F.S.A. London, 1913. CP The Complete Peerage by G. E. C. New edition. Vols. I-VII. CVY Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, with additions by J. W. Clay, F.S.A. 3 vols. Exeter, 1899. DM Durham Monuments. Vol. V, Newcastle Records Committee publications. DNB Dictionary of National Biography. DS Catalogue of Seals in the treasury of the Dean and Chapter of Durham. AA, 3rd ser., vols. VII-XVII. FCW Cumberland and Westmorland Visitation Pedigrees, 1615 and 1666, edited by Joseph Foster. FVY The Visitations of Yorkshire in 1584-85 and 1612, edited by Joseph Foster. G The Genealogist. H The Publications of the Harleian Society. HN A History of Northumberland by John Hodgson. HP The Historic Peerage of England by Nicholas, edited by Courthope. MK A Book of Knights, 1426-1660, by W. C. Metcalfe. NBWC History of Westmorland and Cumberland by Nicholson and Bum. NCH A History of Northumberland. Vols. I-XH, County History Committee. NM Northumbrian Monuments. Vol. IV, Newcastle Records Committee. VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

OBE The Official Baronage of England by J. E. Doyle. 3 vols. PHY A History of Yorkshire by Plantagenet Harrison, i vol. RND A History of North Durham by James Raine. SD A History of the county of Durham by Robert Surtees.

SK The Knights of England by W. A. Shaw. 2 vols. SND The armorial seals of Northumberland and Durham. AA, 3rd ser., vols. XX-XXI. SS Publications of the Surtees Society. VCH The Victoria History of the counties of England. YRS The Record Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society. (MS. Ashmole 831.)

The first leaf, which is not numbered, contains the following index:



England . . . 1 Gascoigne . . . 79 Pigot .... 71 France 5 Hilton . . 6 Poull .... 83 Asheton . . 9 31 Hudswell . . . 26 Rocliff . . . 21 Aske ... 52 79 Hilyard . . 72 RadclifE . . . 27 Barton 48 Helperby . . . 78 Roos .... 85 Bruys .... 53 Hatfield . . . 87 Risom .... 28 Boynton . . . 61 Knyvet . . 8 Stanhope . . . 10 Burton .... 61 Kendall* . . . 71 Shorthose . . . 27 Brough . . . 66 Lassels . . . 21 Stapleton . . . 40 Brandon 66 Lovell . . . . 35 See. 43 Constable . 84 Lacy . . . . 36 Strangwais . . 57 Clarell* . . . 38 [Langley . . . 39] Saige .... 77 Constable de Lee . . . . . 83 Talbot .... 25 Holdernesse 54 Musgrave . . . 11 Tanckart . . . 26 Cogniers 50 Montague . . . 30 Tofte .... 43 Clervaux 56 Maleverer . . . 40 Tunstall . . 80 Chamberleyn . 77 Mowbrey . . . 46 Twyere . . . 73 Dynley 15 Montford . . . 62 Thorpe 75 Daubeny . . 80 Midelton . . . 67 Tateshall . 80 Eyland . . . 24 Markenfeld . . 68 Vavasour . . 35, 39 Eure [Yvers] 59 Markington . . 71 Wodrington . 23 Fitzwilliam . 38, 41 Malory . . 78 Widevill . . . 34 Frost .... 52 Nevill . . . 16, 26 Willestorpe . . 45 Fauconberg . . 53 Ogle . . . . 33 Witham . . 49 Fulthorpe . 60 Percy . . . 13, 38 Wandisford . . 63 Fitzhugh 70 Plais . . . . 23 Wingfeld . . . 64 Grey .... 32 Pulleyn* . . . 39 Warde .... 76 Gowshill . . . 55 Plumpton . . 45 Yvers [Eure] 59 Graystocke 74 Pykeringe . . 69 * There are no pedigrees of these families in the manuscript.



(MS. Ashmole 831, f. 5% 6') (ff. 4V, s' are blank.)


Ceste escripture declaire briefment par Et au contraire de ce figueres de genealogie et prochainete de aue quelque chose qui lignaige que Edward de Windesore Roy de depuis ait este faicte par France et Dangleterre le quel entre les Pmlippe Conte de Valois Roys Dengleterre premierement par succes¬ ses adherens ou fauor- sion vint au droit de la Coronne et du isans et ce que en apres Royaulme de Fraunce par ses Orateurs et sera fait par leurs hoirs Ambassadeurs fit par articles remonstrere ou Successeurs a len- et declairer a nostre Saint pere le Pape et contre de la dicte pour- a pluseurs temporelz Princes christiens en suite Royal doye par poursuiuant le bon droict quil avoit a la Raison estre dit et dicte couroune et au Royaulme. A fin se repute auoir este et en, apres pour celle cause lui convenoit faire estre iniuestement fait gueire quil fust notoire par tout le monde par gens obstinez de sa cause et sa querelle estre Iustes et couraige endurcy non raisonnables. Et semblablement que l’obeis- voulans recognoistre et sance des subgiectz et la faueur et adher¬ confesser la voye de ence des estrangiers qui en ceste partie verite et de Iustice. seroint faictes et donnes a luj et a Ses Successeurs es temps aduenir en continuant icelle poursuite par force darmes et autre- ment aucun ne puist par raison blamer ne callumpnier.

Monseigneur Saint Lois1 estoi en son viuant sur terre vray e paisible Roy de France

Phelippe2 filz du dit Saint Loys ful aussi paisible Roy: et de lui furent procrees le Roy Phelippe le Bel et Charles Conte de

freres au ligne collaterall Phelippe le Bel3 semblement paisible Roy de France en- Charles conte de Valois4 frere du gendra trois filz qui successi- Roy Phelippe le Bel engendra uement tous furent Roys de Phelippe de Valois qui iniustement Fraunce et vne fille mariee a se bouta enla couronne de Fraunce Edward de Carnarvan Roy au preiudice de Edward Roy Dangleterre VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 7

Phelippe Conte de Valois filz de Charles5 de Valois vsurpa et premierement iniustement occupa la couronne de france contre et au preiudice du dit Roy Edward I I Loys aisne filz® dudit Phelippe le Long? Charles8 le plus Ysabell fille de Roy Phelippe le Bel Roy apres Iehan ieune des trois filz Roy de France fut Roy apres le son nepueu engen- de Phelippe le Bel Philippe le Bel fut trespas de son dit dra trois filles des- fut paisible Roy mariee au Roy pereetengendre vne queles lune fut de france apres le Edward de Car- fille qui fut mariee au Roy Phelippe le narvan Roy Dan- filz du Roy de Na- Bourgoigne laul- Long son frere du gleterre11 du quel uarre9 et vne filz tre au Daulphinde quel Charles is- mariaige issit Ed¬ nomme Iehan lequel Viennois. Et la sirent deux filles ward deWyndesor fut Roy apres le dyt iije au Conte de qui au temps de Roy de France et Elandres son trespassement Dengleterre encores nestoient point mariees

I I La fille du dit Roy Iehan filz du dit Edward de Wyndesore12 plus Loys mariee en Royloys nevesqui prochain hoire masle en lignee Nauarre nauoit que ix iours apres directe dudit Roy Charles son ce quil fut repute oncle succeda apres au droit de fant quant icelluy et tenu pour Roy la couronne mais Philippe de Lois trespassa car de France et apres Valois qui estoit esloigne de lors nauoit elle que lui succeda a la lignage et venu de ligne collat- couronne Phelippe erall ininstement et parforce y le Long son Oncle mist empechement chainte de Iehan que depuis fut Roy

Se le droit divin cy dessoulz est parle a lieu disant se l'ome morte n'a point de filz que a sa fille aduendra leritage etc.- Phelippe de Valois et ses successeurs ne doiuent aucunement estre oiz en ceste partie car la matiere ne leur touche en Riens mais seullement y deuissent avoir este oyes se en temps deu encuissent fait querelle les filles des Roys cy dedens nommes et autres delies descenduz. Et se sans arrester au dit droit diuin on vouloit prendre le foundement du droit de chacun des con- tendans sur la constitution alleguee pour la partie de Valois Asses est euidement demonstre par ceste escripture que en la succession de la couronne de France aucun nest a preferer au dit Roy Edward ou a ces Successeurs. VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 9

(MS. Ashmole 831, f. 6V.)

Monsieur Robert de Hilton Port esquartele le premier quartier perle a trois chapeles Ruby le ijd quartier Perle a deulx barres saphir et vne flour de lis toupace1

to his second son William upon his marriage with Maud daughter of sir Roger Lascelles. The arms are blazoned for their son Robert in the roll of the battle of Boroughbridge D’argent ove iij chapeuz de rose (G n.s. II, 31), also in Nicolas’ roll. iS Quarters II and III__ of Hilton of Hilton deriving probably from barry shield of Grey (SS 41, - -, ' *• " ' ’ battle of Falkirk for “battle” of the bishop of Durham (Antony Bek)—d’argem „ ' barres.. d'azure.- (.Reliquary XVI, p. 30 ff.) Seals DS, nos. 1340-1353; SND, nos. 405-406. Pedigrees, SD II, 26/28; SS 41, p. 36; SS 122, p. 45, and SS 133, p. ~ — VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 11

jin i! till I - :« ria.-SS - i !»


(MS. Ashmole 831, f. 9r.) (MS. Dodsworth 8i, 179.)


for preceding part see below (Ash. 831 ff. 3QV, 311)

Thomas de= - Elizabeth filia (de Asheton1 Begun)* Iohannis miles Biron militis 17 H. 6

asks1 S^sey) r (deT

. VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 13

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 9V, ior) (MS. Dodsworth 8r, p. 182.)


Stanhope porte esmerande a trois loups pas- santz en pale toupace,3 et sus

monceau de herbes qui ont les fleurs pen- dans comme clochettes. Et tient la iij'm partie de Touxford en Les Armes Longleuers Clay per fee de Chevaler, et peult Dyamond a vng bende despendre par an quatre cents marcs de Rente. lettes perle.4

Dominus Stephanusy Elizabeth filia5 et heres Maluuell miles' I domini Thome Long- levers militis

Iohannes Stanhope*yElizabeth filia et here

= Dominus TIohanna (Dominus [sic] Markham "f filia doi ] I Ricardus filia | Iohann _ Stanhope Roberti Grimsby) Staley militis 1—’ [empty [empty roundel] roundel]

Elizabeth filia' Tohannes “Catherina filia1 Dominus domini Thome Stanhope domini Ricardi Radulphus Talbot militis Molyneux Radclefi vxor prima duos habuit maritos 14 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 15

(MS. Ashmole 831, (I ioT-nr)


Thomas Musgrave t filia domini de Hertley1 I Dacre I Dominus Ricardus=Margareta filia Elizabeth Musgrave miles domini Thome nupta Henrico Bethom militis Wharton [Azure six rings gold] I I Elizabeth nupta Isabella nupta Thome a garth obijt sine Mydelton

I— I I I Thomas Tohanna filiaet Iohannes Agnes Ricardus —Maria =baro de vna heredum Musgrave nupta Musgrave Hilton6 Willelmi obijt sine Roberto maritus primus Stapulton liberis War- secundus maritus militis2 coppe obijt

Margareta habuit maritos Rawlin Thome - Thorn- lyn War- Elderton borough coppe

Willelmus —Margareta Margareta fil>a filia Thornton nupta coheres Iohanni Willelmi Mydelton Heron de Tilioll vxor secunda [empty Chipchas5 vxor roundel]

Cuthbertus Musgrave Iohannes Iohannam Iohannes nupsit Margareta filiam filiam Nicholai Heron nupta et heredem de Ridley filio et heredi Ricardi Nicholai Ridley



I I Maria Iohanna Georgius Gilbeitus nupta Musgrave Musgrave Musgrave Georgio Markan- r dalle Marmaducus Musgrave [empty roundel] Leonardus Musgrave I Margareta nupta Iohanni Sandford

I Maria Musgrave nupta Nicholao de Rideley8

nupta Iohanni Rideley nupsit Heron Margaretam filiam Iohannis Heron de Chipchas5

I I soror Radulphi —Willelmus Anna nupta Bowes militis baro de Roberto Hilton9 Whytfeld

Willelmus Hilton

I I Radulphus Elizabeth Capitaneus nupta de Dunbarre Roberto Claxton

Aleonora nupta Eugenio domino de Ogle7

dominus de Ogle VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 17

3S£§ •PiLS-;Jd> ,Sf TSSJuS


(MS. Ashmoi.e 831 fo. I2r.i4r)



Willelmus Percy primus sepultus fEmma filia...... de apud Whitby in capitulo Port ibidem

AlanusI sepultusfEmma.“I ' apud Whitby de Gaunt I Willelmus Percy yAliza secundus

Willelmus — Marii Percy tertius j I Gosselinus primus- Agnes Percy filia el filius Godfridi postea heres post Ducis Lotharingie 2 mortem fratrum VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 19

I Henricus - quintus Henrici ducis Lancastrie

I Henricus yldonea Percy5 I Clifforde

Ista denique mortua Secunda filia = Henricus Percy1 : Margareta diu ante maritum domini de Lucy primus comes filia. suum dedit sibi et comitissa de Northumbrorum Neuill heredibus suis hono- Angousse de qua duas habuit rem de Kokermouth

Henricus Percy obijt in bello salopie ante

f Henricus Percy secundusT Aleonora filia comitis West- comes interfectus in bello merland ex vxore sua Sancti Albania filia Iohannis ducis Lancas-

1 1 1 1 Iohannes Catherina Thomas Radulphus Henricus= =filia Willelmus qui obijt nupta dominus Percy domini Episcopus Comiti de tertius de Carlio- tute Karre Egremond Comes Poyninges10 lensis 8 North- umbrie

.1 Ricardus 1 Georgius Rector de Rothburn9

I Anna nupta domino de Hungerford



Penbrochie 1 Henricus y [empty Aleonora Percy” roundel]

[empty = [empty roundel] roundel] 21

? < £

} i



et sepulta ii

26 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH mm. M^o3’°S§s|>! a § !*“i;iila^ri^i& aiSj i® - S i-s Jjl IMi S>*hlT6 511|1 a," «!l!?!8!-i.«f sl|*!.t S^l-Tp '§-sB“®!3&> -|j MHU'fJln&lH •a rt 3 2 3? 0.2'a -2- 1 a M 1 s f'ls-a^fisllfllllp •o 8 S a Si 2 B 'f-j j-gfgf s i l-g*§’l‘a!fc-a®-3 SBoU S < O.S K«-§&S'SE'dOgSSg eJJofl 3

I |s-S

—a1? —§ S.3-S1 (§ z| S (2 IS SPtS ^ I!|£ !■$iis?|i|||«|!I! IIp111i Sis ’ gQ g ®.rt-3 Jjg B -s ’3'§|ogm.^a t«8 3 " a-g-B s 1**11 S1.-J 38?s £as II j| ii.a <(3a> |i Its * sf

^-g“o'",'S'§sa'c -I i fsai!?lil!ll!ii!; S1"”* »-2 g fl.-a^S £® J 0,0 ’3 -a n 8 “Islagil 3s> 5 3| g./g-Bg-g rt^aJ- ^rt^l 3 g gJ^BBooB 15 31 i-lla^pl^lo (ifMlil si; iiiiii l-S^Soi ’S’5 So S “ti-lS ”2 H 27 28 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH rope de Vpshal) VISITATION OFCIRCAA.D.1480-1500 29 30 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH Roger

M 11! rlli ill 4 ], t| it iti ii 111111 VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 31


3’C je sH!5_ 8 o." a

'III!ill Isllfl! ill 111 Fitzhugh li if

if 'lili Iritailh i! i ill iilrfllt 11 32 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 33

(»«**<* V ’IC8

83i, «. 23', v) 831, f. 23') 81, P- 174) VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 37

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 23y, 24r) (MS. Dodsworth 81, f. 180)

Dominus Iohannesy filia domini Eyland miles Iohannis de Dancaster I Dominus Iohannes Dominus Robertas1 Eyland miles Robertas Eyland (ma:.da: of... Eyland Les Armes Eyland 2 Ratclyff of the Ruby a deux barres Toure. Que: entre six marlettes J I Robert Eland

[underlined part added in another hand]

Iohannes Eyland yMatildis filia et heres Petri Hertlond de comitatu Gloucestrie I I I Elizabeth nupta Matildis (Sr) Iohannes Helena filia (Robertas Ricardo Anson obijt Eyland Iacobi obijt sine posteaWillelmo virgo Radcliff liberis) Overton de Tour I

Wyllyam loan da: of Robert Eland sonne of Beverleye

Iohn Eland=Rose da: of

[underlined part in later hand] 38 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(Isabella (Iohanna Eyland) Eyland)

o.. s.„. a?£,ss„ri 39


(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 25r, v) (MS. Dodsworth 8l, p. 154) [1already collated with f 15V above, of Ashmole 831]


[Gules a saltire

Robertus Nevill do- Ranulphus Neuille 2 Radulphus de minus de Raby nup- dominus de Raby et Neuille dominus de sit Mariam filiam et de Mydelham nupsit Raby et de Mydel¬ heredem Radulphi Eufemiam filiam do¬ ham nupsit Alisiam domini de Mydel- mini Iohannis de filiam Hugonis do¬ ham- Claueringe mini de Audeley3 [see next pedigree]

1 1 1 1 i 1 Radulphus Robertus Radulphus Robertus Neuille de dominus de Neuille Raby et de Pavo dominus de Mydelham borialis Iohannes Neuille Raby et de dominus de Raby Mydelham 1 1 et de Mydelham primus Anastasia filia filia secunda 1 1 1 Radulphus Margareta 1 . 1 Willelmus Neuille de Neuille de Wanton Alexander Iohannes filia prima quartus 1 Iohanna Henricus 1 1 filia Neuille Iohanna Margareta Thomas- Neuille secunda filia tertia filia quarta electus de Ely3

1 1 1 1 Ranulphus Hericia Alicia filia Thomas Neuille filia quinta I quarta diaconus Alexander Neuille Dunel- archiepiscopus Anastasia Eboracensis6 filia quinta 1 1 Willelmus Anastasia filius sextus filia sexta VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 41 42 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmolb 831, f. 25’)



(MS. Ashmole 831, f. 26v) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 146)


Willelmns alias Witkyrr Tohanna filia (de) RadclefI filius bastardus Willelmi de Willelmi de Tatmerdyn2 Mansellis

Les Armes Rilestun sont dyamond a vne Saultier perle 4

Iacobus obijt puer Laurencius obijt puer

I (Elizabeth2 =(Iohannes = (filia (Chris- (Georgius Iohannes Elizabeth filia et Radcleff) Heli- toforus) obijt sine obijt puer son) liberis) Warthell 1 Willelmus Alicia nupta Waltero Iohannam Hawkesworth (Iohannes dictus filiam domini Hasworth Warthell) Iohannis Tempest militis I I Radulphus Margareta nupta Rogerus Elizabeth nupta Edwardus Gracia presbiter Thome Wans- Iohanna *oha"ni Radcleff °biit worth de rroctor virgo Eboraco . Ionetta

parish of Halifax. rish of Burnsall. For an account of family see maker's Craven, 3rd edi 18; for Radcliff of Todmorden who married the 19, 556. Will of a John Rilston is printed SS IV, ,S dated'tf April 1418!’ PP 4 The shield of Radclif on a bend engrailed sable an escallof ithin the church of Wath. Rilston passed from the Radcliffs iage. (YRS XXXIV, pp. 223 and 240.) VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 45

(MS. Ashmole 831, fo. 27') 46 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 27") VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 47

(MS. Ashmole 831, fo. 28') {MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 151)

Les Armes Risom saphir a vne Lion topace tenant auecques le premier pie vne croissette fermee et fichee perle2

Willelmus=f Elizabeth filia Risom I domini Stephani Thorpe militis

Cecilia=Willelmus: {Margret) Maria filia (Thomas relicta Risom Edmundi de obijt sine Willelmi Frotyngham Burcell

I I I r 1 Willelmus Cecilia Iohanna obijt puer nupta Thome Iacobus Mercatori obijt puer Londoniarum Catherina obijt virgo

1 H XVI, 270, under “ Rysum. 2 These arms are not recorded 3 Will of William Risom o: 21 May, 1500. (YRS VI, 138.) 48 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 28v, 29r) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 152)


(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 29v, 30O


Harold le noir sieur de Irland et Roy de Man per conqueste

Symon Montagu qui: Anfrike Reyne=01and Cronan Roy de Herald porte perle a trois de Man marie a Man x ans qui porte Ruby fusiaulx ruby Roy de Simon Montagu a trois Iambes en vne Man de par sa femme2 apres la mort iointe a genoullies en tri- Oland Cronan angle armes perle garnies son premier et espoirones topaee

mp Simon y: la fille de Montagu3 I Simon Montfort

I I Guillaume5 Sibille Philippe Conte de Contesse Contesse Salesbury de Arun- de la heritere de mourut delle la Marche Thomas la premiere Monthermer fille 50 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

rvnLG^Tti „, ffiSaar * ,*su‘.»ars«


ZTa *a &£?&'lsrjs “ •" “Mrs^TSf TW VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 53

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 3iv-32v) (MS. Dodsworth 82, p. 136)


Thomas de Broderton1 Lancastrie Brotherton co . Northfolk

1 i Iohannes- =Iohanna Iohannes == Margareta Sir Walter Mawney3 Moubray dominus *(Duchesse of (Knight of the Gar- comes de Lancastrie) de Segraue Norfif)coheire ter Foundour of the Notting- primus vir \ to her father Charterhouse in London) 2 vir

1 Anne maried (dux Norffblke)

(Gules a lion ram¬ pant and a border engrailed silver)

Gray de Barwick

(Dominus) Iohannes GrayTloneUa- Anne (miles) with the croked filia ducis foote (vel Thomas) Norfolcie

Sr John GrayTfilia et Thomas Alice Thomas Elizabeth filia et comes de | heres de Gray10 filia Moubray coheres Thos.Fitz Tankervile7 I Powes co. miles de Comitis dux Nor- Alan Comitis de Tankervil Heton Westmer-f0lcij5 Arundell et Surry 54 VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 55

(MS. Ashmole 831, f. 33r) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 157)


(Quarterly I and IV *Dominus: silver, a fess between Robertus domini Iohannis three crescents gules, Gray militis Ogle^; II and III gold Ogill

-i-~ (Dominus Robertus5 Margareta nupta Dominus" filia et nupta domino Ogill miles nupsit domino Roberto Robertus heres Willelmo Matildem filiam Gray Harbottell primus Ricardi Heron de domini Iohannis3 (militi) postea dominus Kyrkeby Forde6 militi Gray militis) Bellingham Ogill4 et postea do¬ mino Iohanni de Mydelton militi I

I I - nupta Iohanni Heron nupta I domino Dominus de Shipches Chipches Edmundo Iohannes et postea renupta. Hastinges Mydelton Wedrington9

filia el hen -domino Iohanni Willelmi Heron militi filia filij Willelmi domini nupta Heron de Roberti Taylbois Wettynam Harcourt

\ I Constancia nupta nupta domino nupta Iohanni Iohanni Matheo Mydford filio Lilburne Whitfeld militi domini Iohannis j Mydford 7 militis


A C D I I Iohannes Mydford8 occisus in bello de Yorke nupsit filiam Thome Welden

I Midford nupsit VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 57

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 33' 34')

Ricardus v filia Wideuille I de armiger Bedelsgate

(Willelmus :(Wideuille) (Ricardus=(Iaquetta filia Iohannes: (Wide¬ Hault [fir] primus comitis Sancti Pasheiey uille) armiger) Comes Pauli antea [tie] de nupta Duci Ryviers1) Bedfordie)

1 1 1 Dominus Willel-- =filia Ricardus- primo nupta Iohannes- - mus Hault miles Hault domino Roberto Pasheiey heres Darcy postea armiger Thome 1 Ricardo Hault Gower Thomas Hault filia Tyrell nupsit filiam domini Thome Frowik militis Edmundus 1 filia nupta filius filia Hault i

Dominus Edwardus Darell miles duxit3.filiam domini Ricardi Crofte militis

Willelmus Pasheiey duxit.filiam de Rosemotrel ilhWPf 58 Edward thefourth,Lowys,Rich Richard ErieRyversandIaq Lciuueu latexmuiuveislianu.—j VISITATIONS OFTHENORTH , aftertotheErieofKent, *vss Pasheley 1dus Elizabeth -rReginal- sola heres) I (filia et _l II, 13.) Pympe C (MS. Ashmole 831, f. 34v) (MS. Dodsworth 81, 60 VISITATIONS OF THE (MS. Ashmole 83 VISITATION OFCIRCAA.D.1480-1500G1 —S a-g| g eSS*> 62 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, (o. 35v)


Willelmus2 ‘Alicia Alia. dominus Louuell1 domini Grey de Rotherfelde

I r Dominus =Iohanna Willelmus3 Robertus Henricus Iohannes (ilia dominus Louuell Louuell Louuell2 domini de de Morley

I Dominus=Alia=Dominus Hugo Andreas Coksey Hoggard

[four empty roundels] VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 63

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 36% v)


Gilbertus de Lascy comes Lincolnie

1 Robertus de Lascy primus Hildebertus de Lascy fundator prioratus de nupsit Aliciam Gaunt Pontefracto et ibi et obijt sine prole sepelitur

1 h.„L Robertus obijt sine prole Lascy et sepultus est apud Kyrkstall Ricardus HelLpAl Constabularius

I Iohannes fundator2 Monasterij de Staniaw et ibi sepelitur

■ 1 ; Rogerus alias3 dictus Hellerto

Iohannes mutauit nomen de Hell et se fecit vocari de Lascy4 Dux Britannie

Edmundus fundauit domum fratrum predicatorum de Margareta= Edmundus Pontefracto et ibidem sepelitur5 habuit Lancastrie7 maritos

Philippus—Iohanna pulcher filia et Rex heres regis Francie Nauarie



-O VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 67


(MS. Ashmole 831, f. 38r) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 159)

PERCY 1 Les Armes Percy

Ruby party par fesse a vne lyon dyamant et Ruby party come de- uant a vne chayne Iohannes- "filia Ricardi perle entour son Bernand de coll et au travers Gnansburgh Knaresburgh Saphir *PS arme

Iohannes ; Agnes filia =Robertus William=Elizabeth Burdett Iohannis Percy Percy Humframle Normanville Ricardus Tho. Percy Percy Presbiter

Radulphus Robertus=Cecilia (Willelmus=(Elizabeth Pulleyn filia etheres Percy filia Percy) Vmfreuille) Iohannis Medcalf Burdett

| (Ricardus (Thomas [five empty Percy) presbiter) roundels]

William Robert-us Robertus=Agnes Thomas Lampton Ricardus ob. pueri

I I Iohannes=Gracia filia domini Margareta Pullein Pullein3 Iohannis Mauleurier nupta Ricardo Mauleuerer militis Banke (MS. Ashmole 831, fo. 3&) (ms- Dodsworth 81, Margar VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 71 72 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH 73

133, p. 119; FVY 332; H XVI,

31348/49 ^andf died ^ 74 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmolk 831, ff. 40v-42r) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 172)

FITZWILLIAM (Willelmus venit in Angliara cum Conquestore et fuit Marescallus sui exercitus1 I

Fitzwilliam =j= Albreda filia Comitis I Lincoln soror Edmundi Lascy relicta domini de Lesours Lysures

Fitz william11-y filia domi

Dominus WillelmusTfilia Fitzwilliam 3 domini Deyncourt

Dominus Iohannes4- : Elizabeth filia domini Fitzwilliam miles Clynton comitis Huntingdon

[empty roundel] [empty roundel]

1 \ 1 Dominus3 - -Domitia Matildis Edmundus- “Matildis filia Iohannes obijt Willelmus filia domini • Fitzwilliam Fitzwilliam Radulphi de Iohannis de Cromwell domini Hothom de | de Tatersall Holdernes Ricardus

1 liberis Reginaldis Elizabeth nupta Rockley 1 1 armigero Thomas obijt nupta (domino) Henrico Hastinges de Iohanna Pikeringlithe

Henrico | | Soutill nupta domino nupta domino Sothill Edmundo Briano Thornell Perpoint militi Thornhill militi VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 75

Dominus =Aleonora filia Katerin v. Edmundus filia domini Iohannes domini Henrici Ricardi Fitzwilliam Iohannis Fitzwilliam Greene militis Sutton of A Idwark Clifton

Iohannes Fitzwilliam1 Margaretanupta obijt apud Rotho- (sic MS.) magum 7 1 fit. filia (Iohanni [See above Ash. 831, fo. 37r,T] filio) Thome Clarel postea nupta Roberto Waterton et postea Willelmo Gascoyn militi_

Radulphus Fitzwilliam Caftayne of Sana terra

tempore H. 6 Iohannam

Anna filia et _ vna heredum | Iohannis Iohanna Nicho- Alicia Paslew nupta Thome [ Holme Nicholaus Fitzwilliam _ S-P- Mlrger.j

I Margareta [empty roundel] ^


(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 42', v)

Rol>ertus=Anicia de Tofft filia Iohannis

1 There is a pedigree of Toft of Toft in Cheshire in Ormerod’s History of Cheshire I, 384. 78 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 42’, 43r) {MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 149)

Les Armes de Martin de See Saphir a deulx vndes perle. Et sus son heaulme vne demye pucelle en vne torche perle et Ruby et sur sa teste vne chapellet Iohannes=f filia de Rosis Ruby 2 de See I Hedon Rauenser

Iohannes dexfilia Roberti See de I de Holym Sheffeild

Petrus de See =Margareta filia domini Iohannis


Brianus' ■Matildis filia et Iohannes- ~ [empty de See heres Iohannis de See roundel] de Monceux4 de Barneston 1 filia Henrici=Patricius Petrus=[empty 1 1 Hansard de See de roundel] Margareta Lucia nupta See - Maria nupta Iohanni Roberto de Philippo 1 Thweng Barde de Margareta Stephanus=Anna Kelsey in de See filia Heliard Lincolne

i 1 (Iohanna nupta Magister Edmundus Alicia nupta Matildis Thome de Reston) (presbiter) Christoforo Capellanus Regine Roberto Thome Stapilton Helard Hiliard VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 79


(MS. Ashmole 831, fo. 43v, 44O (MS. Dodsworth 8l, p. 194)

Nicholai Harington

I 1 Aleonora filia-f Dominus Thomas Willelmus= f Anna filia domini Fitz- I Tunstall miles3 Tunstall .de hugh tres |_ armiger Parre

maritos 1 1 Elizabeth Margareta Henricus Isabella nupta obijt llromflete Nicholao virgo dominus Wortesley armigero

i Elizaibeth Elizabeth Margaret! nupta nupta 1 domino, domino Iohannes nu'a Iacobo Iohannii disponsauit Radcliff Strangwais Cogniers Katerinam militi5 militi

1 1 Idonia nupta Catherina nupta Ntcholao Clyfford6) Pudsey militi Iohanni Pennyngton I (Anna filia=(Henricus domini de dominus 1 1 Saint Iohn) de nupta domino Nicholaus Clyfford i) Redman relictam Charleton

(Roberta) Alicia nupta nupta Roberto domino Bellingham Thome Parre armigero militi VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 81


(Margaret ri. and one (Elizabeth—(John VISITATIONS OFTHENORTH OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500

83i, f- 45r) 81, p.. 157)

Les Armes de Bancke perle a vne cheueron

corteaux rasees Dya-


(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 45v-47r) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 158^


Robertus Moubrey comes Northumbrorum anno do- mini 1088. 5?aTpostea (per regem Willelmum rufum morti indicatus erat)1 (Gulesalion rampant rebellauit contra W. Rufum silver)

Nigellus de Albyneo cui = 'Gundreda filia Hugonis de rex H.I. dedit terras Gourneys cui rex Henricus Roberti desconteville, de primus dedit omnes terras Stutteuille, et postea (dicti de Gournay) terras Roberti de Mou-

Rogerus quem rex Henricus primus T Alicia de Gaunt fecit vocari de Moubray, et sic mutatum fuit nomen de Albineo 3

Robertus Nigellus deyMabilla 4 Moubray Moubray

Willelmus-filia domini Rogeri Robertus Philippus Rogerus Moubray de Cramville5

I I Nigellus qui obijt patre Rogerus — Matildis filia et suo viuente in Britannia Moubray6 heres Willelmi et est sepultus apud de Bellocampo Nouum burgum

Rogerus de Moubray tertius— Rosa soror Gilberti conies Glocestrie sepultus est de Clare in Monasterio de Fontibus7

Iohannes = Helena filia domini Willelmi Moubray8 Brus in Wallia sepulta in choro fratrum predicatorum in Eboraco: alij dicunt in Fontibus



B _L I (Anna filia=(Thomas HawariF ^(Elizabeth filia (Edmondus regis dux Norff. thes- ducis Haward Edwardi aurarius Anglie Buckinghamie miles) quarti sans miles ordines vxor secunda) yssue) garterij)19 [sic MS.] VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 47v, 48') (MS. Dodsworth 81, /. 150,)


Les armes de Barton sont esquartilus le premier quartier herminez a vne fesse Rubyet sus [en]la dicte fesse trois anneletz topace, sur le ijd annelet vne croissant perle. Et sus le ijd quartier Ruby a vne bende perle escotissee perle saphir et dyamond goubonnee sus la dicte bende trois lionseaulx dyamont. Et sus son heaulme vne teste de Tigre hermyne assise sus vne torche hermynez et dyamond2

Thomas BartonTfilia et vna heredum de Grynston 3 domini Iohannis Moryn4

Iohannes de=Christiana Barton of filia. Whenby Aske

Iohanna filia Roberti Strangwais postea nupta Christophoro Boynton 5 i I Tsabella Elizabeth Elizabeth filia nupta nupta Iohannis Tailbois domino Norton Gerardo of Norton Wedrington

ChristoforusTMargareta filia Elizabeth Barton7 domini Roberti nupta Danbi Iustici- Willelmo Nany [? Nancy] 90 VISITATIOI OF THE NORTH

13/14.) VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 91

Robertas—Margareta filia Witham2 I Ricardi Skendelby

1 1 1 Thomas Witham3==Agnes filia Iohanries- =Margarets t Magister olim Cancellar- et heres Witham filia. Willelmus ius Scaccarii Willelmi Witham domini Thweng decanus Regis Wellensis6

1 1 1 Henricus ; Ricardus Robertus miles presbiter sine liberis Iohannis

Georgius- = Margareta filia Thomas —Iueta Ineta filia Agnes Margareta Witham4 etvnaheredum Witham 1 et vna heredum religiosa Iohannis Iohannis Wauton Wauton Lepton

\1 1 | I 1 Iohannes Thomas Matheus Willelmus Witham3 Witham Witham 1 | Margareta Henricus Agnes obijt puer

He ena 1 FVY 260/61, and for fully annotated pedigree CVY II, pp. 366 ff. their tanor of Cliffe see VCH, No. Rid.,. I, pp. 188/89. 2 Will dated 30 Dec. 1439. (CVY II, 366.) 3 Will proved 18 April 1481. (SS 3, pp. 264/68.) 4 Died 1479. (CVY II, 367.) 5 Will proved 25 Jan. 1514/15. (CVY II, 367.) 6 His preferments are detailed SS 45, note pp. 266/67. He was elected in 1469, died 16 July 1472, (Fast. Eccles. Angl. I, 152.) 1 There authority for this shiel The ( of Crests a mayien fro the navel af-ward arrayed ... in a crown, gold is the same crest as that of de la See, but without the chaplet. SffirfSSi VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 93

heredum domini Willelmi de Neuille comitis

I Catherina Alicia filia nupta Conano Iohannis Aske postea Wicleff I I Roulando Willelmus Margeria Cogniers I- I Robertus Dominus Rogerus Margareta Margaretam desponsauit filia et vn; filiam et'here- Sibillam Radulpho dem Darcy Damby domini heredem Roberti Thome I Claxton Langhton Aleonora militis de episco- Roberto I . de Soursby7 Elizabeth Margeria Soureby nupta nupta Willelmo Roberto Margeria vel Borough Wicleff Margareta nupta Radulpho Bowis

Aleonora Elena nupta domino Thome Markenfeld militi9

Willelmus =f Elizabeth Georgiusy Isabella filia Cognyers et heres Christoforus nupsit Cogniers filia et heres Roberti Cutberti Iohannam filiam Franc Thome Monteford Cleesby 94 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 95

(MS. Ashmole 831, fo. 51')


[empty -n[empty roundel] roundel] I Dominus - =filia domini Iohanna Brianus Thome WHlelmo Stapelton Ramston Ploumton domino Willelmo Ingilby

I 1 I I Dominus Tohanna filia Agnes Thomas Brianus domini obijt virgo Stapelton5 Stapelton Lovell

Brianus Stapelton 4

SS 41. pp. 1-3; SS 122, p. 115; SS 133, p. 119; FVY, p. 332; H XVI, 295. Died 28 March 1486. Made banneret 24 July 1482. (SK 17.) Knighted 18 Feb. 1503/04. (SK 34.) Will proved 9 Oct. 1550. (SS 106, pp. 219/20.) Will proved 15 June 1526. (SS 106, pp. 11/12.) (MS. Ashmole 831, fo. Siv, 52r) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 147) 96 VISITATIONS OFTHENORTH VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 97 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, f. S2r)


Les Armes de Frost Perle a vne fesse Ruby entre trois branches de trois fetdles et du maple Saphir2

Thomas y [empty Frost roundel]

Walterus=Elizabeth Willelmus Iohannes nupta monialis Frost3 filia obijt sine obijt sine Batt de de Rogeri liberis liberis Lincolnia Moncoton Banestre

Thomas=Margareta Frost filia Iohannis Holmeby

no earlier record of this shie was proved 10 Jan. 1477/78. of this family see notes pp. 237/38.) VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff, 52v-53v) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 142; (In the old rolle of petegrees.)

Les Armes de Robert Les Armes de Bruys qui vint avec Robert Brus Guillame le Con- querour en Engle- Ananderdall terre. Perle a vne Topace a vne lion Saphir arme fece [should be Ruby3 cheif Ruby2

Robertus Bruys qui=f Agnes vxor eius venit in Angliam I filia et heres cum Willelmo Con- Fulconis Pannell questore

Defuncto Petro de Bruys tertio sine Adam de Bruys liberis successerunt ei quatuor sorores filius primogenitus suae Scilicet Agnes, Lucia, Margareta, et Ladrina, inter quas haereditas diuisa fuit Adam de Bruys hoc modo. Agnes quam duxerat Walterus Fauconbruge dominus de Rise Petrus de Bruys in Holdernes habuit pro parte sua Castra de Skelton, Mersk, Vplyon, scilicet Swesk- by (Westly) et Esbourn. Lucia secunda soror quam duxerat Marmaducus Walterus = Petrus de Brus Thwenge habuit partem suam Danby, Melsa • secundus qui Brotton et Leikburh (Kyrkburn) Mar¬ : obijt apud gareta tertia soror quam duxerat :.Marsilliam Robertus le Roos dominus Castri de Petrus= Werck habuit partem suam totam Kendale. Ladrina quarta soror quam duxerat Iohannes de Bellew habuit partem suam Carleton, Kamesford Walterus (Kamelsford), Thorp des arches. Thyb- thorp et certas bouatas terrae in South- burn (Southburton). Dominus = Petrus :

Petrus de Agnes filia= =Walterus Lucia secunda Margareta Robertus de Bruys prima Faucon- filia nupta tertia filia Bruys domi¬ tertius s.p. berge de Marmaduco nupta nus de Anan- Ryse4 Thwenge Roberto derall le Roos Anandale de Werk


I I Walterus Walterus: :Anastasiam Faucon- Faucon- filiam Ran- brege 5 brege 6 filia Neville Robertus Robertas istediscep- de I I tauit cum Iohanne Bruis9 Walterus Iohannes Balliolo coram rege secundus Faucon- Faucon- Edwardo/. pro iure j berge berge11 regni Scotiae. Sed Iohannes de Balliolo Robertus obtinuit. Iste Rob- de ertus obijt in valle Bruys de Anander Anande tertius9 filia Iohannis=fWalterus=Isabella et sepultus est apud Pateshullvxor i Faucon- domina de prima : berge" Harlesay Gyseburgh I Robertus t Comitissa de Bruys de quartus10 Carrick I Robertus de (Robertus iste insurrexit con¬ Bruys quintas tra regem Angliae et fecit se postea Rex coronari in regem Scotorum: cotte et postea dedit regi Edwardo terras suas valli Anandise Davyd le Bruys Comiti de Herdford inper- rex Scocie captus petuum) (ad bellum de Durham) apud Dublin r Thomas—soror Thome VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 101



Si Ulrz i"/.r- A-“d*1-M- *“> fst blazoned if the same foil fir Peter (d. 1273): d'Argent ou, ung lean

“HU ‘HasS (MS. 831. ff- 53v. S4r)


2 Oct. VISITATION OF CIRCA AJD. 1480-1500 103

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 54v) [,/. 151)


Willelmus^ “[empty roundel] de Constantia f. Gousill domini Stephani de Thorp militis

Iohannes' “lohanna Willelmus de filia domine Goussill Thome Saintquintin militis , I I T (Constancia Iohannes Anthonies Matildis=Willelmus lohanna monialis obijt filia Goussill filia Iohannis Iohannis Rouspare)1 liberis Fadumby Lasellis Fadundly de Sourby Walteri EsttofE

(Willelmus (Margaria Iohannes (Elizabeth Robertus (lohanna obijt puer) obijt virgo) obijt virgo) 104 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, S. S5r-56r) (MS, Dodsworth 81, p. 144)



under a high tomb in the south aisle of Croft; for 106 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 56v-s8r) (MS, Dodsworth 81, p. 144) (Out of my old rolle of Petegrees)


Les Armes de Strangwais dyamont a deulx Lions passants perle et Ruby pales de vj. pieces armes topace. Etsussonheaulme vne pareill Lion. Et peult despendre par an mille marcs ou plus.2

1 I Iohanna filia Alicia filia Nicholai Roberti Orell Orell

heredum Philippi domini 1 Darcy de Thomas= =Catherina (Isabella Menille3 nupta Petro de nupta Norffolcie43 Workesley) Willelmo Aske de CrU (CatheriLa (Catherina Gray’) obijt Radulpho puer) Buksley) 1 Iohanna= William (Elizabeth (Margareta nupta Willoughby (Iohannes nupta domino nupta Thome domino Thome Montfort Surtees filio et de Barkley militi) heredi domini 2 vir. Thome Sur¬ tees militis) (Agnes nupta (Galfridus Ade Wotton) (Isabella nupta (Catherina liberis) Petro Gerard WUlelmo Romnondby) (Sibilla nupta Ricardo (Petrus de Luirton obijt sine obijt sine

(Cecilia ot>ijt puella) VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500

A L Elizabeth filia: Dominus=(Iohanna 7 et vna here- Ricardus filia dum Comitis Strang- domini wais Iohannis' domini Fau- miles Asketon conbrigge 6 militis) I Dominus =Anna filia et 1 Jacobus heres Iohanna (Elizabeth) Roberti Cogniers de Ranulpho Ormesby in Pygot Clyffland10

I I i (Willelmus (Thomas Margareta primo Aleonora Iacobus obijt puer) obijt puer) nupta Iohanni Ingleby postea Edmundo Ricardo domino Mauleurier Sir Iacobus (Margeria) de Welles et de Strangwais 8 Willoughby Aliciam (Willelmus (Philippus) domini Scrope obijt puer) de Vpshall

(Georgius (Christo- (Sir) ThoJas clericus) Strangwais9 (wedded. sister to the (Henricus) (Iohanna lord Dacre obijt virgo) (Margeria) I (Iohannes) (Robertus) Ricardus 1 (Iohannes I (Iohanna (Thomas Iacobus obijt puer)

(Leonardus) (Iohannes) (Elizabeth nupta (Thomas) Marmaduco Clervaulx) M 1 ' 108 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

1 1 (Iohannes o°o Thomas- =Aleonora filia Strangwais) Strang- Walteri Taillebois Erie of Kyme11 1 (Iohanna (lacobus | 1 obijt puella) obijt Thomas Iohanna nupta puer) Strangwais Iohanni Henry Champeney 1 (Agnes obijt (Margareta 1 virgo) obijt virgo) (Iohannes) lacobus Strangwayes nupsit Katerine da. to

(Robertus (Henricus obijt sine liberis) Thomas Henry Strang- = Dorothea filia" domini (Iohannis) Arundell (vxor secunda: sed qutere au sit mater


i I Iohannes Strangwais Christian Margret

lane da. o/^Egidius Sr Iohn \ Sr Gyles Mordant \

(Malia) VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 109


JfJKS 11111

etnas* 110

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. s8v-59v) (MS. Dodsworth 8i, f. 181



Isabella (Iohannes Yvers) Iohanni de Langton

1 1 Catherina Thomas Yvers- ;Margareta filia nupta domino Damby Danby Roberto mercatoris de Weight Eboraco militi 1 I Matildis Willelmus Yvers Yvers [sic MS.] [sic MS.]

Anna filia1 = Robertus Iohanna primo Roberti nupta domino Tempest Roberto de Ogle: de (epis- postea Iohanni copatu) de Pennyngton

Radulphus Willelmus Yvers obijt puer

1 1 (Iohanna Yvers Elizabeth nupta obijt virgo) Iohanni Ellercar

(Margeria (Radulphus monialis apud Yvers obijt Watton) puer)

1 Dominus = = Margeria filia Willelmus domini Roberti Constable militis

1 Robertus miles (Henricus et (Agnes obijt ordinis Sancti Iohanna virgo) Iohannis gemelli qui obierunt)


1 113 114 VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 115

(MS., Ashmole 831, f. 6r) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 175)


RobertusTMargareta filia et Burton 1 vna heredum 1 Iohannis Belveys

1 1 1 1 Iohannes de--Elizabeth filia Thomas Edwardus Cecilia obijt Burton et heres Oliveri obijt sine Burton virgo Pikburn. liberis (Pikburn [x*r]) Robertus

1 1 1 1 (Willelmus)1 Iacobis Margareta (Alexander) Guido Burton obijt obijt puer

1 1 Iohannes Edwardus Burton obijt puer

1 AHda Ricardus obijt puer

Robertus Burton


(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 6lv-6av) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p, 145)


Les Armes de Montfort Perle vng lion saphir le champ seme de crois Dominus croisselettes Ruby. Et sus Alexander son heaulme vne teste de Montford lion saphir Mantele Ruby double dermynes 2 I Dominus Alexander Thomas Montford

Dominus =filia dom: Laurencius Montford

Dominus =Margareta filia e Thomas heredum Swynov Montford

Thoma! ; Elizabeth (Margareta Iohannes=f Margareta Mont¬ filia nupta Welden Cogniers I Saint ford Conani N orthumbrie) 4 Quintin Aske

Dominus : Elizabeth (Aleonora6 (Christoferus (filia nupta Thomas filia Iacobi nupta presbiter Iohanni Montford Strangwais Iohanni de Alexander) Lomley) Iudicis5 Wansford)

Thomas Agnes filia (Iohanna Mont¬ ford Iohannis virgo) de Kilom 7 VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 117


, 23sr in the w!ndow of the 118 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 62* 63r)


Iohannes: =Elizabeth Wandis- filia et fords domini Robert! Monsteres

Les Armes de Wandysford Musters port argent vng topace a vne Lion saphir bend gules et vne bor- la queue fourchie. Et sus dure endente gules3 son heaulme vne moustier2 I Iohannes—filia et vna Wandis- I her[e]dum domini ford Iohannis Couell

I Colevile de Iohannes-pAleonora OOO Dale, port Wandis- I filia or vng fece ford 6 Montford7 gules trois torteulx en 1 Sibilla filia= -Christoferus Iohannis Wandisford Thwayttes

1 1 I Iohanna=Iohannes Robertus Thomas nupsi't Isabellam filia Wandis- obijt puer filiam Iohannis Nakeley Domini ford8 Galfridi I I Pigot Elizabeth Willelmus militis monialis apud obijt sine Synyngh- liberis 1 1 thwayt Christoferus Thomas Wandisford Wandisford I I Iohanna nupta Isabella 1 1 nupta Aleonora nupta Iohanna nupta Lasyngby Thome Willelmo Roos Willelmo Helperby de comitatu Norton Notingham VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 119


(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 63v-65r)

(Silver on a bend gules cotised sable three pairs of wings conjoined silver) Dominus Thomas Wingfeld

Dominus filia domini Robertus Hastinges Wingfeld

Dominus Robertus=Elizabeth filia Wingfeld miles3 domini Willelmi Gaussell per Ducissam Norff4

Dominus =f Elizabeth filia domini Iohannes I Iohannis Fitzlowis per Wyngfeld filiam comitis Sarum miles s‘ postea Ducissa Exonie

Elizabeth nupta domino Willelmo Brandon militi

nupta filio et nupta filio et heredi domini heredi domini de La Ware Thome Fulford militis VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500

A B C I I I Dominus Willelmus Thomas Wing- Wingfeld feld miles

Dominus Henricus Margareta Wingfeld miles obijt desponsauit Aliciam virgo filiam Rokis et postea Dominam Elizabeth

Nicholaus Elizabeth Anna nupta Iacobus Fremyng- filio et heredi Fremyng- ham Bardwell ham

1 Elizabeth-= Dominus Willelmus Iohannes= = Elizabeth =f Iohannes filia et Brandon miles qui Candishe Brandon Lem- portauit clipeum nupta thorppe regis Henrici septimi Iohanna secundus domini apud bellum de Candish maritus Mauricij Redmore vbi occisus fuit’ Iohanni

Malory Lemthorppe 1 1 filia Willelmus Brandon 1 1 Ricardus Anna nupta 1 1 Candishe Iohanni filia Carolus Brandon nupsit filiam Loveday Edwardi Grymston


1 Thomas Brandon armiger Margareta nupta pro corpore regis Henrici domino Gregorio septimi et portauit eius Louuell militi clipeum apud bellum de Stoke10

1 1 Iacobus obijt puer Dominus Robertus Brandon miles nupsit filiam de Calthorpe 122 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 123

G L !- Catherina nupta Walterus Wingfeld

I Elizabeth nupta Francisco Haull

Edmundus Wyngfeld

Humfredus Wingfeld



(MS. Ashmole 831, ft. 6sv, 660 Dodsworth 81, p. 146)


Les Armes de Ely et Richemond Perle a vne (Elyas de fesse engraillee entre six Richemond) flour de lis Dyamond 2 I (Ricardus de —(Elizabeth Alia et Richemond) I herers [rrV] Willelmi Borough)3

I Iohannes qui —Catherina Alia This Katherin Aske did se vocauit Rogeri Aske build the church of Borough4 Katerik.

Willelmus=Matildis Alia Boroughs Laselles de Sourby

Christopherus"T Anna Alia Hugonis Willelmus = Helena Alia Borough I Cledrow Borough6 Pykeringe

Iohanna Beatrix Agnes

Elizabeth Alia—(Willelmus (Elizabeth)=[empty Christopheri | Borough)7 roundel]

1 1 1 . Iohannes (Georgius (Thoias obijt virgo obijt puer nupsit in Borough) Calisia) 8 1 | Margareta Lucia nupta | 1 obijt virgo Iohanni (Ricardus (Elena nupta Katerick nupsit Iacobo Aleonbram Marshall) 1 Aliam domini Margareta’ Willelmus Henrici Borough Spencer) nupsit Ceciliam Aliam Thome Medcalf A B .as c.rriS„r:~


(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 66v-68r) {MS. Dodsworth 81, p, 160)


Les Armes de Mydelton perle a vne saultier en- Thomas de: greille Dyamond. Et sus Mydelton son heaulme vng marmoi- de Midle- set en sa propre coulleur ton hall in en chayne topace et lye com. West¬ sus vne block2 morland

I Iohannes; =filia Ricardus= =Alicia filia (Margareta (Agnes nupta de de Thome Iohanni de Mydel- Med- Mydel- Mydelton de Iohanni de Chambre) calffe comitatu Morley) Lancastr.

(Catherina 1 nupta Willelmo Isabella (filia= -Thomas et (lacomina de Withyngton) domini Reginaldus Ricardi Mus- gemelli (et iste Ricardo Reginaldus Preston) (Iohanna nupta militis)3 Mausar) ■vxor Thome Isabellam Musgraue) (Isabella filia—(Alexander (Iohanna (Alicia nupta domini More) I Mydelton) nupta Thome Nicholao Gibson) Clapam) (Margareta (Alexander Mydelton) Mydelton) Galfridus T Alicia filia et vna Mydelton heredum Iacobi I Croffte de Dalton (Ricardus nupsit Margeriam filiam \ Bourbon et obijt Robertus —Anna filia et heres Mydelton Rogeri Bethun .(Bethun) I (Iohanna nupta iohanni de Thomas Mydelton (Galfridus Wraton) nupsit Iohannam Mydelton) filiam domini Thome Strickeland militis (Emma monialis de Shapp)

(Iohannes (Anna Mydelton Mydelton) Georgius obijt puer) VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 127


(Willelmus nupsit (Georgius nupsit Agnetam filiam .in comitatu Iohannis Bernyke Somerset) et obijt sine liberis)

(Oliverus Mydelton (Isabella nupta nupsit Iohannam Thome Akynson) filiam et heredem Iohannis Grandson f Iohanna nupta Leonardo de (Alicia nupta (Elizabeth nupta iohanni Warffe) Iohanni Roos)

Edwardus (Carolus obijt sine (Alicia nupta Mydelton Iohanni de Manzat) I Iohanna r filia Edmundi= =Arthurus= =Margery Margareta I Redmayn Mydel- filia Iohannis Redmayn Thomas vxor secunda Mydelton

\3 u 1 I' Willelmus a!u Lucia nupta Thomas \ Margareta Mydelton Iohanni Mydelton Burton \2 Ann! \2 | / A ^ Iohannes Ricardus Willelmus Mydelton Mydelton Mydelton

I 'Margareta filia Maria nupta (Reginaldus (Galfridus Mabilla Rogeri Ricardo obijt Mydelton) Lasellis Redman iuuenis) Rogero Belling¬ ham Belling-

(Elizabeth (Mydelton nupsit (Ricardus (Agnes nupta Elizabeth filiam Robertus) obijt Thome Roberti Senns) puella) Dokett)



[ all these added \ | in later ini'] | (Thomas (Margareta) Iohannes Ricardus Mydelton) Mydelton obijt puer

1 u4 Robertus 1 Elizabeth (Galfridus)4 nupta Iohanni Hamerton

(Georgius) (Edwardus) (Rogerus obijt puer)

is that of Middleton of Cumberland and Westmor- arms. Crest in Wall’s Bool chayne at hys myddell go VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 12!) (MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 67v-68v) SS£" ^Sir VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 131

(MS. Ashmole 831, f. 69') 132 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. f>9v, 7or)

Henricus r Elizabeth filia dominus Fitzhugh1 domini Iohannis de Marmeon (Azure fretty and a chief gold)

1 1 1 1 Willelmus==Margareta Henricus Matildis Aleonora nupta dominus filia nupta domino Darcy Fitzhugh2 domino postea domino Wiloughby Willelmo Thome Tunstall et postea domino

1 1 1 1 Dominus Dominus Radulphus Herbertus Galfridus Robertus obijt sine Fitzhugh episcopus liberis London23

1 1 1 1 Iohannes Lora nupta Ricardus Elizabeth nupta Fitzhugh domino Fitzhugh domino Radulpho Mauricio de Grey Barkeley

Henricus Aleonora nupta Matildis nupta dominus Ricardi Ranulpho domino Fitzhugh 3 Comitis domino Dacres Willelmo Bowys militi

I I Iohannes1 Alicia filia Margeria Lora nupta domino rici domini Marmeduco Iohanni Fitzhugh3 Constable et Constable obijt sine r Margeria nupta Iohanna nupta Iohannide Iohanni Melton domino le


(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 70v, 71')

z z *. - VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 135

(MS. Ashmole 831, f. 71')


Les Armes Markington sont perle et dyamond endente per bende2

Lulphus de Markington tempore Herauldi et Willelmi conquestoris ( Herbertus ( Reginaldus ( Henricus

Alicia filia et heres Nicholai nupta [written thus, only Howgano Kendall more of a circle, in de Markington the MS.]


Iohannes dictus Geliot de ) Markington

XVI, 197/98. in West Riding, Ripon. ere is no othe this shield. VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 7iv, 72O (MS.. Dodsworth 81, /. 178)


I Matildis filia-r Robertas - =Isabella filia Lovell | Helyard2a et vna heredum domini Roberti Hilton militis Iohannes Helyard obijt sine liberis

1 1 Agnes filia=Robertns - =Catherina filia (Matildis Iohanna Roberti Helyard3 et vna heredum obijt Fraunces Thome de la virgo) Iacobo Haye Hutton Mydelton Isabella nupta (Robertus Iohanni Roos Helyard)

Iohannes = Isabella =renupta Dominus (Iohannes Robertus - f Elizabeth filia Hotham filia Thomas de obijt Helyard 5 ^ Iohannis Roberti Metham miles puer) Hastinges de Helyard Fenwicke

1 1 1 1 Petrus Catherina Robers Margeria Thomas (Iohannes Helyard6 Helyard obijt puer) Roberto Hyde de Marbery)


(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 72T, 73')



31, ff. 74v, 75r)


(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 75v, 76')

Dominus Simon Les Armes de Warde Ward miles I patee toupace. Et Dominus Simon sus son heaulme la Warde miles teste dune chiuere I Dominus Iohannes Warde miles I I. .1 I I I Iohannes Dominus—Iohanna filia Nicholaus Dominus Willelmus nupta Warde Rogerus domini obijt Simon Warde Thome obijt sine Warde Thome sine Warde obijt sine Hawles- liberis miles3 Markenfeld4 liberis presbiter liberis worth

I I. Iohanna Catherina Beatrix Margareta Dominus- Iohanna Warde nupta Rogerus filia domini Ricardo Thome de Warde Thome a Borough Ledis Tunstall militi militis

1 1 Simon vna alia Dominus== Margareta Warde Iohanna Christo- etiam Willelmi obijt Warde Gascoyn virgo miles6 militis

1 i Anna filia Margareta Christoferi Warde

II III Iohannes Elizabeth Margareta Aleonora Robertus Warde obijt nupta obijt obijt virgo Iohanni virgo puer

Iohannes obijt puer et ante Iratrem suum seniorem Rogerum11 OF THE NORTH 1 VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 145

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 76')


Les Armes Chamber- lein perle a vne cheue- Willelmus feulles Dyamond a Chamberlain _I

Elizabeth Willelmus3 Thomas - =Catherina Iohannes Ricardus obijt Cham¬ filia Iohannam berlain Radulphi

Lepton4 Barton

Robertas outline 146 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, f. 77')


Willelmusy Matildis filia Saige1 I Roberti Acclom H Willelmus—Catherina filia Saige Iohannis de Thornton I Willelmus—Agnes filia Saige Thome Rightwis

Willelmus Saige Thomas y Alicia filia Nicholaus Iohannes obijt sine Saige8 I Roberti Pert Saige Saige nupsit liberis mercatoris in London Eboracensis

Agnes3 filia Thome Saige VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 147

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 77v)

Iohanna filia Iohannis Waddeff

Isabella nupta Willelmus= =Elizabeth filia Ricardus Margareta Iohanni Helperby Willelmi Brigan nupsit Chamberlain 3 de Holdernes filiam Iohanni Anthonij Aldlot Browne

1 1 Thomas obijt Iohanna nupta sine liberis Ranulpho Gibson

Willelmus Iohanna Willelmus Thomas=Isabella filia

-Boroughbridge in the parish of 1 William Helperby < of the manor of Killerby (near son and heir was nam (VCH, No. Rid. II. 432.) ree of Chamberlain abc 148 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, f. 78') (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 176)


Les Armes Malory toupace a vne lion Ruby a vne colier jkikik Les Armes Wesh- perle. Et sus son eyngton port heaulme la teste Ruby a deulx dung cheual Ruby Barres et sur le

torche perle et lettes perle3 dyamondla

(Dominus Christo- phorus Malory miles)

= =Dionisia filia et (vna here- dum) heres Willelmi Tempest militis

DominusYElizabeth filia (Willelmus (Aleonora (Henricus) (Isabella Iohannes domini obijt sine obijt obijt virgo) Malory Willelmi liberis) virgo) miles6 Hamerton

Tohanna filia domini Iohannis Constable de Holdernes VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 149

(Christoferus (Elizabeth obijt (Iohanna) (Robertus Malory)» virgo) obijt puer)

(Margareta nupta (Thomas (Ricardus domino Iohanni Malory) Malory) Constable de Holdernes) 150 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, f{. 78v, 79r) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 146)

Margareta (nupta in Willelmus Aske nupsit Felicie filiam comitatu Lincolnie) domini Iacobi Strangways militis

(Rogerus Aske de Aske et vxor eius Margeria filia Humfridi Sigiswike de Walburum) 1 (Anna vxor Radnlphi (Elizabeth vxor Bui me 1 militis) Ricardi Bu-Ae-) VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 151

(MS. Ashmoi.e 831, f. 79r) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 180)


Elizabeth filia < IT Iohannes=Margareta filia heres Roberti Neville domini Will- Newmarch de de Wym- elmi Plumton Wymersley ersley militis relicta _ I Georgij Darell r1 militis 1. Dominus = Iohanna-pA Iacobus WiUelmus filia et I Harington miles I Gascoigne heres dominus de (Thomas)3 (Iohanna)4 Iohannis Hornebie Neuille | I I-1 (Willelmus) ([blank Iohannes Thomas roundel]) Harington obijt puer

Willelmus Harington

Dominus Margareta (Iohannes Margareta (Elizabeth (Humfredus Willelmus filia comitis Gascoyn) filia nupta obijt virgo) Gascoyn Northum- Rogero obijt puer) Warde

1 FVY 384/5 extends some generations both upwards and downwards. 2 Died 30 March 1160. His widow, who re-inarried John Neville of Womersley, died 14 May 1487. She administered John Neville's effects 15 April 1484. (SS 53, . p. 172 note.) For account of the Darells and their manor of Sessay see VCH, No. Rid. I, 447/48. 3 Will proved 18 Sept. 1502. (SS 53, 172/3.) He was the last of his family, Dawnay. (VCH.ojS. cit., 4470 ** ° 1S SIS " * ” 4 Wife of sir Guy Dawnay; she died in 1525 and was succeeded by her son, John Dawnay. (VCH, as above.) s Sir William Gascoigne of Gawt- v-* in Scotland hy the duke of Glouceste r 24 July 1482. (SK II, 17.) ' r Scotland by the earl 30 Sept? 1497. “sK6 II, 31.)® His^ife the daughter of Henry who was killed at Towton field in 1461. 7 Knighted on Flodden field 9 Sept. 1513. (SK II, 23 March 1551/52. (SS 106, pp. 234/5 and note.) 152 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 79v-8iv) (MS. Dodsworth 81, p. 183) Let the writs in y* old rolle be transcribed.


(Iste Willelmus tenuit castrum de [This is evidently not an accurate Boukenham de domino rege per copy:—] seruitium essendi Pincerna in coro- natione regis) Hugo Daubeny post mortem Willelmi Comitis Arundell fratris sui finem fecit cum domino rege pro duo millia Willelmus Daubeney =(Matildis filia marcarum et quinquaginta marc' [sic venit in Angliamcum Rogeri Bigot JUS.] pro habendo seisinam et Willelmo Conques- comitis Nor- termino Regis vsque ad legitimam tore etfundauit abba- ffolcij) aetatem suam de omnibus castris et thiam de Wymond- cum pertinentiis quae fuerunt praedicti ham et ibidem sepeli- comitis fratris sui et de quibus fuit seisitus die quo obijt, et de terris quae I ad ipsum Hugonem iure contingunt Willelmus Daubeney- =Adeliza relicta haereditario de terris quae fuerunt Henrici primi Ranulphi comitis Cestriae et Lincolniae Darundell fundauit regis avunculi sui et quae extiterunt in prioratum de custodia regis occasione aetatis suae, Boukenham et saluo domino regi Donationibus sepultus est in domo ecclesiarum de omnibus terris praedic- capitulari de tis quas infra aetatem praedicti Wymondham 2 Hugonis vacare continget, et saluis oh. 3. II. 2. regi omnibus bladis et catallis Regis quod rex habet in praedictis terris. Ita quod cum praedictus Hugo Willelmus (nomen cepit= ' [empty habeat exitum praedictarum terrarum in parliamento consula- roundel] qui inde peruenerit post xv™ dies tus [sic MS.] Sussex et Matilda a festo Sancti Michaelis proximo Arundell construxit filia et heres praeterito anno regni regis nunc capellam beate Thome Iacobi de XV. Saluis regi maritagiis haeredum inWimondhametsepeli- militum et liberorum hominum Hillario de ipso Hugone tenentium quos tur in abbathia pre¬ infra dictam aetatem suam decedere dicta) 3 Daubeney Rogeri contigerit. Ita quod regi rema- comes Arundel neant maritagia haeredum ipsorum ob. 22. II 2. Clara et ipsi Hugoni custodiam terrarum suarum, et similiter eo regi saluo quod postquam praedictus Hugo receperit seisinam suam de omnibus terris praedictis nihilominus tamen I permittat quosdam milites regis et Willelmus Daubeney- - [empty alios quibus rex commisit de terris comes de Arundell roundel] praedictis ad sustentacionem suam in sepultus in Abbathia Mabilia filia seruitio regis terras illas tenere vsque predicta4 ob. 1. lo. ad aetatem ipsius Hugonis. Et Ranulfi co. similiter et eo regi saluo quod post¬ Ceslrie quam receperit seisinam castrorum suorum de Arundell Boukenham et de Rising ipse incontinenter liberet et eadem castra tribus militibus suis de eo tenentibus custodiam vsque ad A VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 153

A aetatem suam qui securi regi prestent __1 iuramentum quod de praedictis 1 castris infra custodiam suam damnum Mabilla filia et=Willelmus non eueniet regi vel terrae suae. vna heredum Daubeney comes Castrum scilicet de Arundell Hugoni Radulphi Arundell nullum Sangauer postea per litteras patentes, comitis Cestrie habuit exitum6 Castrum de Boukenham Thomae (et Lincolnie)5 ob. S. H. 3. Ingoldestropp et Castrum de Rising \written and Rogero Brome. Et si humanitus contingat de praedicto Hugone ante- Dods. 67.] quam ad legitimam aetatem peruen- erit, plegii quos praedictus Hugo inuenit de praedicto fine reddendo I quieti erunt de residuo suis [mistake Hugo comes Arundell=filia for finis] praedicti quod regi inde post mortem Willelmi domini restabat reddendum que et de residuo fratris sui non habuit finis praedicti se capiet rex ad haeredes exitum et sepelitur in praedicti Hugonis. Et mandatum est abbathia predicta7 P. de Riuall quod de terris praedictis ob. 28. H. 3. et castris eidem Hugoni plenam seisinam habere faciat sicut praedic- tum est. Teste Rege apud Herff octauo die Nouembris Anno regni Mandatum est Galfrido Langell regis Henrici tertij xviij0.10 quod in parte manerij de War- ington quod fuit Hugonis Comitis Arundell liberet iijbus haeredibus ipsius Comitis perci- Rex Galfrido de Langell salutem piendam inter ipsos retentam in Sciatis quod de terris quae fuerunt manu regis quartern [sic MS.] quondam Hugonis Comitis Arundell et partem eiusdem manerij ad quae extiterunt in custodia nostra per opus Iohannis filij Iohannis filij praeceptum nostrum assignauimus Alani quarti haeredis eiusdem Roberto Tateshall filio Roberti de comitis existentis in custodia Tateshall et primogenito haeredi regis Teste Rege apud Redinge praefati Comitis Castrum et manerium de Boukenham cum pertinentijs per viij° die Februarij' Anno regni [sic] capitali messuagio. Et Iohanni regis Henrici tertij 28. filio Iohannis Fitz Aleyn secundo [See Excerpta e Rotulis haeredi praefati Comitis qui est in Finium, p. 411.] custodia nostra castrum et manerium de Arundell cum pertinentiis pro capitali messuagio suo. Et Rogero i I Somerey qui desponsauit Nicholaam Robertus =pAnabilia Isabella sororem et vnam haeredum praefati Tateshall : Amabilia Comitis manerium de Barowe cum j Daubeney Iohanni pertinentiis pro capitali messuagio i prima filiaE Fitz- suo. Et Rogero Monthault qui Aleyn desponsauit Ceciliam sororem et vnam (militi)9 haeredum praefati Comitis Castrum et manerium de Rysing cum pertinentiis Robertus pro capitali messuagio suo, et Nicholaa Cecilia nupta homagia illorum inde cepimus. Ita Tateshall nupta Roberto miles= quod singulis perficiantur porciones Rogero Rogero de suas de terris et redditibus qui pro- Somerey Montealto pinquiores fuerunt singulis manerijs. (militi) (militi) Et ad hoc nomine nostro faciendum et filium Iohannis Fitzalleyn inde con- . B C 154 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

B C ' : _J_ tinget recipiendam. Vobis assignaui- : I mus pro infurr’ (sic MS.) quod terras Robertas Tateshall miles11 quae datae fuerunt in maritagio de (obiit anno 33 H. 3) [rir] haereditate praedicti Comitis cadant in partem. Et ideo vobis mandamus Robertus Tateshall obijt quod ad pramissa complenda dili- infra etatem in custodia genter intendatis salua Comitissae domini Regis 12 quae fuit vxor prafati comitis dote sua per nos ei assignata. Retinendo tamen in manu nostra Manerio de Inquisicio capta apud Sanctum Belsington in Comitatu Cancie quod Bartholomeum de terris quae est tempore normannorum. Teste fuerunt Robert! Tateshall apud Westmonasterium xxvij0 die militis qui obijt die Veneris Nouembris anno regni regis Henrici proximum ante festum Sanctae tercij xxviij0.13 Margaretae anno regni regis Henrici tertij. 33. Et quod Robertus Tateshall filius Roberti praedicti propinquior haeres eius est, et est aetatis 26. annorum etc. Et resident inquisitiones post mortem praedicti patris Roberti in quarta parte bundellae de tempore dicti regis Henrici tertij.

Thomas Cayly Cay lies miles16 f RogerusyMargeria filia Cliflton I et heres (miles) domini Thome I Cayly

Dominus y Aleonora

(Iohannes=Maria filia Roos de et heres Hamelake) obijt sine exitu) VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 15&

, 2\ (Radulphu: (Matildis nupta1 Cromwell domino Willel- [These two filia mo Fitzwilliam J- omitted in domini de Sprot- j Dods. 81} Willelmi borough) de la Powlle militis)

Dominus Radulphus dominus de Cromwell obijt sine liber is26 Ricardus— Matildis27 Dominus Willelmus Stannope miles [ Willelmus first •written and then (Margareta filia struck out and domini Roberti Ricardus written Howard de Estwynche militis) 1 Henricus Matildis nupta domino Dominus : Stannope Roberto (de) Wilough- Iohannes by et post mortem dicti Clifton Roberti et aliorum duo- miles19

(Dominus= (Margareta Andreas Clifton obijt sin Iohanna filia et coh. primo Ogard exitu viuente nupta Humfrido Bourgh- miles) Iohanne patre chier (militi) postea Roberto Radcleff2®

Dominus Iohannes

(Alicia filia (Margareta)

heredum Willelmi 156 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

(Elizabeth (Christina) (Margeria) Knyvet) in

T. (.Ibid.) VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 157

(MS. Ashmole 831, ft. 8iv, 82')


Willelmus Poull de Poull in


(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 82v, 83')


(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 83r, 84r) [MS. Dodsworth 81, f. 170)

CONSTABLE 1 Dominus :filia et h. Les Armes de Constable Marmeducus Roberti de Flamborough Rubyet Willelmus Comerworth verre esquartele a vne Constable Comberworth bende topace2 de comitatu Lincoln’

Agnes filia domini (Iohannes obijt Willelmi Gascoyn sine liberis) militis et Iusticiarij I I Agnes filia Rogeri Elizabeth (Ricardus Wentworth (or nupta Constable) otherways: da. of Roberto Sr Philip Went¬ Twyere worth of Suffock) 1 Iohanna nupta (Magister [underlined part Iohanni Wellis Willelmus added later by Neuill presbiter another hand] decanus) 5

\ 1 Margeria Margeria=(Dominus) Ioysa filia Agnes nupta Margareta nupta filia Marme- domini domino Wal- Domino Domini ducus Humfredi tero Griffith Radulpho Willelmo Fitzhugh Constable Stafford militi (postea Bigot militi Yvers (miles)6 (of Grafton) domino Eiiers militis Gervasio Clifton militi) (Three empty (Three empty roundels) roundels)

I I 1 Elizabeth Anna nupta Elizabeth (Robertus (Philippus gemella ct nupta Thome Constable)? Constable predicta Willelmo Metham Margareta Tirwhit Eboraci) obijt virgo Turoughwhitts I (Iohannes (Willelmus 1 I I I presbiter)8 Constable) (Robertus (Iohannes (Ann Tyrwhit Tirwhit) nupsit) (Rogerus (Catherina) Constable) VISITATIONS* OF THE NORTH

srtus (Constable 9 ill Jill ,e : filia Gulielmi Hen'e'g^l. ISHP r lo: Barklye) Guh°eTmus) mr militis)

J , (Anna nupta

k^bii) lohanmsWoodettngton

onstableT(Anna: filia et 1 de Flambo :)12 | Husse de. (Gulielmus)

eerbahcknto Ivo de Vescy. FVY, pp. 197-98; also

.jsSSiSi fsk II, 30, Attainted 1.7/38. II, 37.) VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 101

(MS. Ashmole 831, ff. 84v-86r)

Espec port gules cartwheles

Dominus Hawisia nupta NichoIaus=Albreda Petrus= Walterus Willelmo Basty Trayly4 de Espec alias Bushy4

Robertus—Sibilla filia Petrus de Roos port de Roos de Wallonge asur vng cartwheel [rose] d’or. Et sus son heaulme vng pecock en son or- gueille assisse sur vne Edwardus-rE°sa torche d’argent et de de Roos gules. Supporte dun vnicorne argent Ainsy Galfridi diet W. Hervy Claren- Trusbusz

Robertus dominus= = Isabella Furfan qui leuauit fiiia Regis castra de Helraes- Scotie ley et de Warlce et Londini sepelitur9 I Willelmus Roos y Lucia filia domini Robertus Roos de Blawleueny dominus de Warke1 monasterio de in Wallia de quo descendit Kirkham10 dominus Roos de Scotia

Dominus = Isabella filia et Robertus heres de Dalbeney de Beauvoyre Dawbeney port or deulx cheuerons gules 162 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Vaulx port checque g dargent et de gules W' I Dominus 7Mariona de Willelmus I Badilsmer et Roos14 vna heredum

Dominus = : Margareta Margareta Matildis Dominus Thomas^= Beatrix Willelmus filia domini Roos obijt apud filia Roos qui Radulphi Reginaldo Vssyngton16 Radulphi Neuille Grey comitis domino Stafford de s'ine'exitu15 Rythyn

1 ! 1 Iohannes qui=Maria de Dominus == Margareta filia Thomas obijt a pud Orbe filia Willelmus domini Roos >us comitis Iohannis Northumbrie Arundell Scotiam [sic]

masculo 1 1 1 Robertus Elizabeth Margareta

1 1 I Dominus =Margareta Dominus Thomas= =Aleonora filia Iohannes Willelmus Ricardi de Roos Philippi le qui obijt Bellocampo obijt in despencer cum fratre comitis Warwici': Francia que postea suo in postea nupta sepelitur nupta fuit Edmundo duci Wentworth vigilia Pasche Somerset Belwen’15 anno 1421.”

R C VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 163

Dominus: Anna filia Ricardus Robertus Iohannis Roos Halsam obijt sine

Margareta Elizabeth I nupta domino domina Henricus Awdeley Morley Roos miles Ricardus Roos duxit Aleonora ter nupta: Margaretam filiam Roberto Lovell: Ricardi Vernon militis Thome Prownd et Ricardo Hawte

1 Thomas dominus 4= Philippa soror Roos fuit attinctus per Iohannis Tip- parliamentum tofte comitis anno primo Wigornie et Edwardi quarti heres 3 partis vivente Aleonora comitis Cancij matre sua22 et fuit attinctus

Robertus=Aleonora Dominus Edmundus Thomas=Isabella relicta Mannei Roos fuit restitutus Lovell Thome ad omnes dignitates ordinis Everingham parentum et obijt garterij. militis vocata miles27 Elizabeth parentum

Ricardus Cecilia filia Dux Radulphi Eborum comitis Westmerland

'Anna = Henricus ducissa Holland Exonie28 dux

Georgius' Manners dominus 164 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH VISITATION OF CIRCA A.D. 1480-1500 165

(MS. Ashmole 831, S. 86v, 87')


Stephanus de Half eld 2 _L I Willelmus2 = Margareta Hatfeld 3 filia Stanton

1 1 1 1 1 Robertus - -Matildis Stephanus Iohannes Ricardus Thomas Hatfeld filia obijt sine Hatfeld Hatfeld Iohannis liberis de Boynton 1 1 1 Iohanna nupta Elizabeth Constancia Roberto de Hatfeld obijt puella

1 1 1 1 Robertus Willelmus Matildis Margareta--Iohannes- = Elizabeth obijt sine nupta filia Hatfeld filia liberis Rogero Andree Iohannis Gousill Hutton

1 1 1 Robertas Iohannes Thomas Hatfeld Hatfeld obijt puer

1 1 Matildis Stephanus Hatfeld4 Hatfeld 1 1 Anthonius Willelmus Hatfeld Hatfeld 1 1 Iohanna Elizabeth obijt virgo

1 1 Robertus Thomas Hatfeld Hatfeld 1 1 Margeria Margareta obijt virgo


1 1 1 Anthemius Stephanus Ricardus Thomas obijt sine Hatfeld Hatfeld obijt liberis obijt sine peer liberis

1 1 1 1 Elizabeth Constancia Margareta Agnes obijt obijt virgo obijt virgo obijt virgo virgo

r of Hatfield temp.

f Flamborough, and d APPENDIX I*


Pedigrees of the Nobility by Sir Tho. Wriothesley, Garter Begins with 52 Harington [left blank] 16 Gray, Wedrington 53 Medylton [left blank] 17 Clyfford, Dacre, Musgrave, 54 Belingham 55 Huderwell, Plays, etc. [left 18 Scrope, Oresnore, Bigot, blank] Barnarde, Badilsmere, Typtot 56 Rateclyff, etc. [left blank] 19 Salisbury [left blank] 58 [sic] Pigot, etc. [left blank] 20 Bergavenny 59 Sage, Talbot, etc. [left blank] 21 Graystok [left blank] 60 Bouthe, Weyland [left blank] 22 Nevylle, Montagu 61 Stanhop, etc. [crossed out] 23 Ogill, Vavasour [left blank] 24 Gray [left blank] 62 Cressi, Bevercotes, Stanhop. 25 Scotland and Earl of Chester 63 blank • [left blank] 64 Molineux, Chaworth [left 26 John D. of Lancaster blank] 27 Fitzwilliam, Clarell, Percy, 65 Ld. Roos and Borough [left Vavasour blank] 28 Stapultone, Malyverer 66 Rouclyff, Fairfax [left blank] 29 Fitzhew [left blank] 67 & 68 blank 30 Fitzwilliam 69 & 70 Baldewin, Earl of Nauld, 31 Conyers etc. 32 Strangways 71 E. of Flanders, Brabant, etc. 33 Gaston [left blank] '72 & 73 E. of Bourgoyne, etc. 34 Constable of Flamborough [left 76-81 [sic] Warwick, Beaumont, blank] etc. 35 Yvers [left blank] 90 Wedrington 36 Kyldare and Darcy [left blank] 91 Nevylle 37 Plumton [left blank\ 92-4 Salisbury, E. of, etc. 38 Melton and Malory [left blank] 94 Norfolk, E. of 39 Asheton of Asheton [left ,95 Ogill blank] 96 Wydeville, etc. 41 [sic] Constable of Holdemess, 97-8 Vavasour Clervaux [left blank] 99 Lovell 42 Willoughby of Eresby 100 Lacy, E. of Lincoln 43 Montford 102 Scrop, Clarell, etc. 44 Tankersley, Sayvyle, Thornhell, 103 Percy Eyland [left blank] 104 Burton, Vavasour 45 Pykeryng, Denham [left blank] 105 Maleverer 46 Dauoney, Witham [left blank] 106-7 Fitzwilliam, Pierpont, etc. 47 Martin of the See, Toft 109 de See 48 Stapleton, Sheffeld [left blank] no Toft 49 The lord ClySord [left blank] in Stapleton 50 Tunstall [left blank] 112 Tunstall, Darcy, etc. 51 Hilton, Ogle, Musgrave [left 113 Plumpton blank] 114 Moubray See Introduction, ante, p. xii. 167 168 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

115 Barton 163 Talbot 116 Wytham 164-5 Eyland 117-8 Conyers 166-7 Aske, Stapelton !ii9 Bruys 168-9 Arundel, Tatersal, etc. 120 Constable of Holderness 170-2 Knyvet, etc. 121-2 Strangways 173 Musgrave 123 Gousill 174 Stanhope 124 Frost 175-6 Saige 125 Clervaulx 177-8 Clarence, D. of Gloucs., etc. 126-7 Fulthorp, Burgh, Lacey :i79-8o Percy 128 Risom 181-5 Nevyll, Westmoreland 129 Montford 186-8 Wyngfeld, Brandon, etc. 130-1 Medleton 189-93 St. Pol, Grey, etc. 132 Fitzhugh, Melton, etc. 194-6 Leveson 133 Pikering 197-205 Percy, Northumberland, 134-5 Markenfeld E. of 136 Twyere 206-9 Tison, Vescy, etc. 137 Helyard 210 Shirley 138-9 Graystock, etc. 212 Cotton, etc. 140 Radclifi 2x3 Meleemo, etc. 141 Hudswell 2x5 Willoughby 142 Shorthose, Tankard 217 Barton 143 Dynley 219 Crome, Longchamp, etc. ,145 Burton, Plays, Boynton 222-5 Stanley, Molineux, etc. 146 Richemont, Bourough 226-8 Harding, Barkley, Compton 147 Pigot 229 Arundal, Warren, Moubray, 148 Wandisford 149 Malory 241 Bradeston, Delapole, etc. 150 Ward, Aske 243 Brwere, Bryan, Mohun, 151 Asheton Wake, etc. 152 Constable of Flamborough 246 Brwere, Ferrers, Chaworth, 154 Hatfeld 155 Espec, Roos, Maners 247 Brwere, Breux, Cantelo, etc. 156 Bourough, Powes, Tiptot, etc. 249 Mortemer 157 Helperby 251 Venables 158 Chamberleyn 253 Wellys, Graynsby, etc. 159 Thorpe 255 Dawbeny, Chediocke 160 Nevil of Wermesley and 258 Jemyngham Gascoyn 259 Hampton 161-2 Yvers ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO APPENDIX I

Appendix, MS. 5530, alphabetical Dauoney list of pedigrees contained in, Denham pp. 167, 168 Dinley Arundel Ashton of Ashton Eresby, Willoughby of Aske Eyland Badilsmere Baldwin, earl of Nauld Barkley Ferrers Barnard Fitzhugh Fitzwilliam Beaumont Flamborough, Constable of Bellingham Flanders, earl of Bergavenny Bevercotes Ful thorp Bigot Bothe Bourgoyne, earl of Gascoyn Bourough Gaston Boynton Gloucester, Clarence duke of Brabant Gousill Bradeston Grainsby Brandon Gray Graystock

Hampton Harding Harrington Burton Hatfield Helperby Cantelo Hilton Carre Hilyard Chamberlain Holderness, Constable of Chaworth Huderwell Chediocke Hudswell Chester, earl of Clarell Jerningham Clervaux Clifford Kildare Compton Knyvet Constable of Flamborough Constable of Holderness Conyers Lancaster, John duke of Cotton Leveson Lincoln, earl of Longchamp Lovell

Maleverer Daubeny I Malory 169 170 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Manners Scotland Markenfield Scrope Martin of the See See, de Meleemo Sheffield Melton Shirley Middleton Shorthose Mohun Stanhope Molineux Stanley Montague Stapelton Montford Strangways Mortimer Mowbray Talbot Musgrave Tankard Tankersley Nauld, Baldwin earl of Tatersall Neville Thornhill Neville of Wermesley •Thorpe Norfolk, earl of Tiptot Northumberland, Percy earl of Tison Toft Ogle Tunstall Oresnore Twyere Typtot Percy, earl of Northumberland Pierpont Vavasour Pigot Venables Pikering Plays Plumpton Wake Plumton Wandisford Pole, de la Ward Powes Warwick Radclifi Wellis Richemont Wermesley, Neville of Westmorland Weyland Roos and Borough, lord Widdrington Rouclyff Widvill Willoughby of Eresby Sage Wingfield St. Pol Witham Salisbury, earl of Saville Yvers APPENDIX II


List of pedigrees from Calendar

[Descriptions and notes given Calendar—only list made here]

1 Ibgrave, Segam, Langley 26 Stapleton (of Carleton, co. (Arms), f. 136 York and of co. Norf.) 2 Tatersall, Caly Clifton, f. 14, 27 Fossard, Mauley (de Malo La- I4b cu). Gaunt 3 Darell (Sussex), Arms, f. 17 28 Hamerton to Sir Steph. H. 4 Earls of Gloucester (" Consull ” pendu a Tyborne a1 29 H. 8 Clare) and Dukes of Clarence 29 Scrape of Bolton, Masham, (Plantagenet), f. 17s Upsall 5 Skipwith, jff. I7b-i8 30, Waterton, Willoughby 6 Wrottesley, Vere, Young (Wor¬ 31 Metham, descents from, etc. cester) (Arms), ff. i8b-ig 32 Husy (co. Sussex) 7 Goring (descent from St. John) 33 Fleming, Cancefelde, Havering- 8 Gifford, Cartwright 9 Tychemarche, Bray, Atcliff 34 Scrape, Bigot, Boynton, Rat¬ cliff, Nevil 10 Craycroft, Belleyne (Arms) 35 Badeiismere, Tiptoft, Scrape 11 Thornhill (Dorset), Husy 36 Mowbray (Heissey) 37 Berners 12 Salisbury (Wales) (Arms) 38 Descendants of Sir John Gysors 13 Norris, Maylocke, Arnold, (of London) Porter, Le More, Ragland, 39 Descendants of Matthew de Basset, Coker, Welsh, Turber- Fumeaux (co. Som.) ville (Arms) 40 Descendants of “ Lord Warin 14 Crosse (Arms) of Rali" (Sir Warine de 15 Broke of Leighton, co. Chest., Raleigh, co. Som.) Maneryng (Arms) 41 Danvers and families therefrom 16 Fitzwarine (Whittington, co. descended Salop) 42 Descendants of Wm. de Valence 17 Radcliff (co. Lane.) 1st Earl Pembroke, viz., etc. 18 Butler (descent from Wotton) 43 Fitzwarine of Whittington 19 De Lacy, Earls of Lincoln, 44 Twnnynge (Twining, co. Glos.) Bigod, Earls of Norfolk, Clare, 45 De Ruda (Routh), Baxter Earls of Goloucester, descent 46 Hastings from, etc. 47 Broke (Brooke) of Leighton 20 Descent of Prideaux (co. Chester) 21 Hulton (co. Lane.), Mascy, 48 [Clare] Marshal, Earls of Pembroke 22 Percy, E8 of Northumberland 49 Righbe (Rigby, co. Lane.) .23 Clifford, Aske 50 Brikhed 24 Bohyme, Cooke, Brampshot, 51 Twedy (co. Essex) Sholvestrod, Aske, Grey, 52 Mowbray, Howard, Dukes of Ellerker Norfolk, Camvile, Astley, 25 Smyth, with note of sale of Grey of Ruthin land from Thos. S. to Geo. 53 House of Oldenburg, Kings of Denmark 171 172 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

54 Descent (from De Redvers) of 65 Deneband, Brent, Pawlet Peverell, Courteney- 66 Chichester 55 Fleming, Cancefield, Harring- 67 Golaffre, Whightham 68 Brueley (co. Worcs.), Golaffre 56 Children of John Howard, D. (ib.), Clotteshale (co. Warw.) of Norfolk and 2a wife 69 Venables (co. Chester) 57 Courtenay (descent from Hen. 70 Bruis (Bruce), Stapleton, 3), De Bohun Earls of North¬ Fauconbridge ampton, etc. 71 Goussill (identical with 5530 58 Bigod, Mowbray, Howard, f. 101) Cheyne, Tylney 72 Mountford (identical with 5530 59 Howard, arms of wives f. 101) 60 Descendants of John of Gaunt 73 De la Twyere (identical with 61 Descendants of Chas. V of ff. 1x3-114) Later additions: 62 Descendants of Henry VII of 74 Howard, D. of Norfolk England, Jas. VI of Scotland 75 Blunt, St. John, Shirley from John, Earl of Somerset 76 Brygandyne, Myrffyn (London), 63 Descendants of Chas. VI of North (Somerset), E. of France (Hen. VII of Engl., Worcester etc.) 77 Guildford, Shelley 64 Descendants of Louis D. of Orleans ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO APPENDIX II

Appendix, additional MS. 38133, Danvers alphabetical list of pedigrees Darell contained in, pp. 171, 172 Deneband Arnold Denmark, Oldenburg kings of Aske Astley Ellerker Atclifl Fauconbridge Fitzwaren Badelismere Fitzwarin of Whittington Fleming Baxter Fossard Belleyne France, Charles V of Furneaux, Matthew de Bigod, earls of Norfolk Bigot Blunt Gaunt, John of Bohun, de, earls of Northampton Gifford Bohyme Gloucester, Clare earls of Bolton, Scrope of Golaffre Boynton Goring Brampshot Goussill Bray Grey Brent Grey of Ruthin Brigandine Guildford Brikhed Gysors, sir John Broke of Leighton Brooke of Leighton Hamerton Harrington Brueley Hastings Butler Haverington Henry VII Howard, dukes of Norfolk Caly Hulton Cam vile Husy Cancefield Cartwright Ibgrave Charles V of France Charles VI of France James VI of Scotland Cheyne Chichester Lacy, earl of Lincoln Clare, earls of Gloucester Langley Clarence, duke of Leighton, Brooke of Clifford Le More Clifton Lincoln, Lacy earls of Clotteshale Coker Manley Mannering Courteney Mascy Craycroft Masham, Scrope of Maylocke 173 174 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Metham Scrope of Bolton, Masham and Mirffin Upsall Mountford Segam Mowbray Shelley Shirley Neville Sholvestrod Norfolk, Bigod earls of Skipwith Norfolk, Howard dukes of Smyth Somerset, John earl of North Stapleton Northampton, de Bohun earls of Northumberland, Percy earls of Tatersall Thornhill Oldenburg kings of Denmark Tichemarche Orleans, Louis duke of Tiptoft Turberville I’awlet Twedy Pembroke, Wm. de Valence earl Twining Percy earls of Northumberland Twyere, de la Peverell Porter Prideaux Upsall, Scrope of

Radcliff Valence, Wm. de, earl Pembroke Ragland Venables Raleigh, sir Warine de Vere RatcliS Redvers, de Waterton Rigby Welsh Routh Whightham Ruthin, Grey of Whittington, Fitzwarin of Willoughby St. John Worcester, earls of Salisbury Wrattesley Scotland, James VI of Young INDEX

Names in capitals indicate a pedigree; an asterisk after a name means that a shield of arms is blazoned.

Abergavenny. See Bergavenny Aquitaine, Aleonora dau. of the Acclom, Matilda dau. of Robert, duke of, 2 146 Arragon, Isabella dau. of the king -, Robert, 146 of, 2 A clay, George, 14 Arun, Richard Sutton of, 65 Adelaide widow of Henry I, 152 Arundel, 29 A garth, Thomas, 13 -, Aleonora dau. of the earl of, Akinson, Thomas, 127 18 Alan the Red, duke of Brittany, --, Dorothy dau. of John lord 23 of, 108 Albini, Nigel, 86 • -, earl of, 31 Alborow, Isabella dau. of William, -, Elizabeth dau. of Richard 73 earl of, 87 -, William, 73 -, John of, 31, 162 Aldborough, Alice dau. of -, Margaret dau. of John of, Richard, 46 162 -—, Richard, 46, 83 -, Sibil Montagu countess of, Aldlot, John, 147 49 Aldwark, Edmund Fitzwilliam of, -, Thos. Fitz Alan earl of, 53 65 -, William Daubeney earl of, -, Richard Fitzwilliam of, 66 152, 153 Aleonora dau. of the duke of Ascu. See Askew Aquitaine, 2 Ashton,* 12, 51 Aleonora dau. of the king of Ashton, Agnes, 52 Castille, 2 Alfonse VIII of Spain, 3 -, Anna, 51, 52 Alfonse IX of Spain, 3 * -, Catherine, 52 Alfonse X of Spain, 3 Alfonse XI of Spain, 3 -, Edmund. 12 Aliza, 18 -, Elizabeth, 12, 51, 32 Allerton, sir Thomas Maleverer of, -, Jane, 12 -, Johanna, 51, 85 Allwoodley (Allenley), Frank of, 21 -, John, 12, 51, 52 Ananderall. See Annandale -, Lucy, 52 Anderton, Thurston of, 113 -, Margaret, 12, 51, 52 Anfrike queen of Man, 49 -, Margery, 52 Angouleme, Isabella dau. of the -, Orme, 51 count of, 2 -, Philippa, 52 Angus, countess of, 19 -, Ralph, 12, 51, 52 Anjou, Fulk the Good count of, -, Richard, 52 -, Robert, 51, 52 Anna dau. of Edward IV, 5 -, Thomas, 12, 51, 83 Annandale, Robert Brus lord of, -, William, 51, 52 99 Aske of Aske,* 150 Anson, Richard, 37 Aske of Ousthorpe,* 96 176 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Aske, Agnes, 96 Bank, Richard, 68, 71 -, .... Richard Willestrop •-, Anna, 97 marries dau. of, 85 -, Catherine, 97, 124 Barde, John Philip, of Kelsey in -, Christina, 89 Lincoln, 78 -, Christopher, 105, 150 Bardwell, .... 121 -, Conan, 93, 116, 134, 150 Barking, Catherine Greystock nun -, Elizabeth, 97, 116, 150 at, 30, 139 -, Euphemia, 96 «-, monastery at, xiii -, George, 97 Barkley, Barkelye. See Berkley -, Helen, 150 Barmston, Barneston, John de -, Henry, 97 Monceaux lord of, 78, 138 -, James, 97 -, Thomas, 59 -, Johanna, 96, 150 Barnake, John, 153 -, John, 96, 97 -, Matilda dau. of, 154 -, Margaret, 97, 150 Barnes, Richard, 45 -, Nicholas, 97 Bartholus de Saxoferrato, xvi -, Ralph, 97 Barton,* 89 -, Richard, 96, 97 Barton, Anna, 90 -, Robert, xii, 97 -, Christopher, 89, 90 -, Roger, 93, 124, 150 -, Conan, 89 -, Thomas, 96, 97, 150 -, Elizabeth, 89 -, William, 97, 106, 150 -, John, 51, 89, 90 —:—, . . . dau. of, 59 -, Margaret, 51 Asketon, Tohanna dau. of, 107 -, Phillippa, 90 -, John, 107 -, Ralph Gray of, 145 Askew, Ascu, Christopher, 81 -Richard, 90 -, Cicely, 94 -, Robert, 90 --, Henry, 94 -, Thomas, 89, 90 -, John, 81 Barwick. See Berwick -, Richard, 94 Basset, Aleonora dau. of, 10 Aston, Astan, John, 158 -, Ralph, of Weldon, 10 -, Richard, 46 Basty (Bushy), William, 161 -, William Lee of, 138 Batt of Lincoln, 98 Astyn, Thomas, 138 Beauchamp, Aleonora dau. of Athol, dau. of the earl of, 65 Richard, 162 Atilborough, Robert Mortimer of, -, Isabella dau. of William, 43 154 -, Matilda dau. of William, 86 Aton, William of, no -, Richard, 162 Audley, Alice dau. of Hugh lord, -, William, of Carlisle, 43 Beauley of Cumberland, 85 -, Anna dau. of lord, 122 Beaumont, Johanna dau. of lord. -, Hugh lord, 26, 40 62 -, lord, dau. of, 54 -, Lady, dau. of Humphrey -, Margaret Roos marries lord, duke of Buckingham, 11, 156 163 Beauvoyre, Daubeney of, 161 Beckwith. See Bekwith Babthrop, Isabel dau. of Robert, Bedelsgate, . . . , dau. of, 57 83 Bedford, duke of, 57 — -, Robert, 83 Beeston, Brian of, 71 Badilsmer, Marian, 162 Bekwith, Beckwith, .... Helen Bado Aureo, Johannes de, xvi dau. of, 34, 69 Bagot, Grace, 158 -, John, of Clynt, xiii, 69 Banester, Elizabeth dau. of -, William, 83 Roger, .98 Bellewe, John of, 100 -, Roger, 98 -, Sybil, 100 Bank, Banke Bellingham, Henry, 56 -, Alison dau. of Richard, 71 -, Robert, 80 INDEX 177

Bellingham, Roger, 127 Bouchier, Henry, 4, 87 -, .... Margaret Ogle -, Humphrey, 155 -, Margery, 126 Belveys, John, 115 Boughchier. See Bouchier -, Margaret dau. of, 115 Bowes, Elizabeth, 150 Belwood, Thomas, 138 -, Ralph, 16, 93 Benson, Giles, 138 -, Richard, 150 Bergavenny, dau. of lord, 54 Bowet, Elizabeth dau. of, 29 -, Edward lord, 30 '-, Thomas, 29 Berkley, Barklye -, William, 29 -, lord of, 106 Bowis, William, 132 -, Maurice, 132 Bowys, William, 139 -, Thomas lord, 87, 160 Boynton,* 114 -, William marquess of, 87 Boynton, Christopher, 89, 114 Bernand, Richard, of Knares- -, Elizabeth, 1x4 burgh, 68 -, Henry, 79, 114 Bernyke, Agnes dau. of John, 127 -, Johanna, 114 -, John, 114, 165 Bertram, Isabella dau. of, 25 -, Margaret, 114 -, Roger, baron Mitford, 25 -, Matilda, 165 Berwick, Gray of, 33 -, Robert, 114 Bethom, Margaret dau. of, 15 -, Thomas, 114 -, Thomas, 15 -, William, 114 Bethun, Anna dau. of Roger, 126 Boyuill, .... 120 -, Roger, 126 Brandon, xv Beverley, Joan dau. of Robert, 37 -, Aleonora, 122 Bigod, Elizabeth dau. of Ralph, 97 -, Catherine, 122 -, Maria dau. of Roger, 24 -, Charles, 121 -, Matilda dau. of Roger, 152 -, Elizabeth, 121 -, Ralph, 30, 97, 139, 159 -, James, 121 -, Roger, earl of Norfolk, 24 -, Margaret, 121 Bland, Catherine dau. of William, -, Robert, 121 113 -, Thomas, 121 -, William, 113 -, William, 120 Blawleueny, lord of, 161 Branze, Elizabeth dau. of Boldon, Alice dau. of, 73 Maurice, 121 -, Robert of, 75 -, Maurice, 121 -, .... Johanna dau. of, 75 Bridget dau. of Edward IV, 5 Bolton, Richard lord Scrope of, 29, Brigan, Elizabeth dau. of William, 147 Bonvill, John, 120 Brittany, Alan the Red duke of, Borough, Catherine dau. of 23 William, 113 -, duke of, 63 -, Elizabeth dau. of William. -, Margaret dau. of, 63 124 Broderton. See Brotherton -, William, 93, 113, 124 Bromflete, Henry, lord Vescy, 80 Borow, Thomas, 131 -, Margaret, 80 Boshall, Robert Constable of, 117 -, Thomas, 100 Bossewell, John, 76 Brotherton, Broderton, Thomas, Bosworth, battle of, xv earl marshal, 53, 87 Bothe, Ralph, 71 Brough, Agnes, 124 -, Thomas, 33, 51 -, Alice, 125 -, William, of Dunham, 12 -, Anna, 125 Botycort, Johanna dau. of, 10 --, Beatrix, 124 -, John, of Mendilsham, 10 ‘-, Catherine, 125 Bouchier, Boughchier, Burghchier -, Christopher, 124, 125 -, Aleonora dau. of Henry, 87 | -, Eleanor, 124 M 178 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Brough, Elizabeth, 124, 133 Burnsall, William Vavasour rector -, George, 124 -, Jacob, 125 Burton, 115 -, Johanna, 124 -, Alexander, 115 -, John, 124, 125 -, Alice, 115 -, Lucy, 124 -, Cecily, 115 -, Margaret, 124 -, Edward, 115 -, Margery, 124 -, Guy, 115 -, Richard, 124, 143 -, James, 115 -, Thomas, 124, 133 -, John, 115 -, William, 124 * -, Margaret, 1x5 Browne, Anthony, 147 -, Peter, no Brus,* 99 -, Richard 115 Bras, Adam, 99 1-, Robert, 115 -, Agatha, 24 -, Thomas, 115 -, Agnes, 99 -, William, 69, 115 -, Anna, 123 Bushy. See .also Basty Bykerton, Robert Stokys of, 84 -, Elizabeth, 123 Byron, Elizabeth dau. of John, -—, Helen, 86 12, 51 • -, Henry, 123 -, John, 12, 51 -, Isabella, 18 -, Margaret, 51 -, John, 123 • -, Richard, 52 • -, Ladrina, 100 • -, Lucy, 99 Calthorpe, . . . dau. of, 121 -, Margaret, 99, 123 Calverley, Agnes, 70 -, Walter, 129 -•, Robert, 24, 99, 123 -, William, 70 —-—, Thomas, 123 Cambridge, Henry son of Richard -, Walter, 99 earl of, 4 -, William, 86, 100 -, Richard earl of, 3 Buckingham, Elizabeth dau. of Candishe, Anna, 121 the duke of, 88 -, Catherine, 121 -, Humphrey duke of, ir, 30, -, John, 121 156 -, Richard, 121 Buksley, Ralph, 106 Carhill, Christopher, Norroy king Bulmer, Anna, 150 of arms, xii -, Ansketill, lord of Sheriff Carlisle, William bishop of, 19 Hutton, 23 -, William Beauchamp of, 43 -, Bertram, 24 Carr, John, 31 -, Emma, 24 Carrick, countess of, 100 -, Eva, 100 Castille and Leon, Ferdinand king -, Ralph, 150 of, 3 Burcell, Cecily, 47 -, Aleonora dau. of, 2 -, William, 47 Caterick, John, 124 Burdett, Johanna dau. of, 68 Cayly, Margery, 154 -■, John, 33, 68 -, Osbert, 154 Burg, Elizabeth dau. of Thomas -, Thomas, 154 — of, 116 Cecily dau. of Edward IV, 4 -, Thomas, 116 Cerfle of Newaye, Alice dau. of, Burgh, John of, or of Pembroke 37 48 Chamberlain,* 145 Burghchier. See Bouchier Chamberlain, Elizabeth, 145 Burgundy, John son of Charles -, Isabella, 145 duke of, 4 -, John, 145, 147 -, Thomas son of Charles duke -, Richard, 145 of, 4 —-—, Thomas, 145 Burnard, Robert, 71 -, William, 145 INDEX 179

Chambre, John de, 126 Clavering, John lord, 26, 40 Champney, John Henry, 108 Claxton, Elizabeth, 93 Charles IV, 7 -, Robert, 16, 35, 93 Charles count of Valois, 6 -, Roger, no Charleton, . . . Nicholas Tunstall Cledrow, Anna dau. of Hugh, 124 marries widow of, 80 -, Hugh, 124 Chaworth, Elizabeth dau. of Cleesby, Elizabeth dau. of Robert, Thomas, 75 93 -, Thomas, 75 Clerkson, William, 21 Chedioke, John, 42 Clervaux. See Clarvaux Chester, Agnes of, 48 Cleveland, Henry Boynton of, 79 -, Mabel dau. of Ralph earl of, Clifford. Aleonora, 80 152. 153 -, Nigel baron of Halton and - Elizabeth, 31, 83 constable of, 48 -, Henry lord, 80 -, Richard Hell constable of, -, Idonea, 19 63 -, Isabella, 139 -, William son of Nigel con¬ Johanna, 15, 30, 31, 80 stable of, 48 John lord, 30, 80 Chipchase, John Heron of, 15, 55 -, Mabel, 80 Cholmely, Roger, 160 -, Margaret, 30, 31 Clapam, Nicholas, 126 Matilda, 31 Clare, Gilbert of, 86 Reginald Lucy of, 41 -, Roger earl of, 152 -, Richard, 80 -, Rose sister of, 86 -, Robert, 31 Clare-Jenet, William, 105 -, Roger, 11, 30, 31, 156 Clarell, Alice, 66 -, Thomas lord, 15, 30, 31, --, Elizabeth, 65, 66 -, John, 65 Clifton, Adam, 154 -, Margaret, 65 -, Catherine, 65 -, Matilda, 66 -, Constantine lord, 10, 144 -, Robert, 65 -, Elizabeth, 10, 155 -, Thomas, 60, 61, 65, 66, 75 -, Gervase, 159 Clarence, George duke of, 4 -, John, 65, 155 -—, Lionel duke of, 3 -, Margaret, 155 -, Phillippa dau. of the duke -, Roger, 154 of, 3 Clint. See Clynt Clarvaux,* 104 Clynt, Clint, John Bekwith of, Clarvaux, Clervaux, xiii, xiv xiii, 69 -—, Agnes, 104, 105 Clynton, Elizabeth dau. of lord, -, Aleonora, 105 earl of Huntingdon, 74 -, Beatrix, 105 Cocklodge, murder of the 4th earl -, Catherine, 104 of Northumberland at, xiv -, Elizabeth, 105 Codnor, lord Grey of, 29 -, Henry, 105 Cogniers. See Conyers -, Isabella, 105 Coksey, Hugh, 62 -, Johanna, 105 Collet, Henry, mayor of London, -, John, 42, 104, 105 -, Margaret, 104, 105 -, Margery, 105 Collier, Rev.^C^V.^xi -, Marmaduke, 105, 107 Collingburn, William, 131 -, Nicholas, 104 Colvill, Colvile, John, 118 -, Richard, 42, 59, 104, 105 -, Thomas, 104 -, Robert, 104, 105 Comerworth, Robert, 159 -, Thomas, 104, 105 Constable,* 102, 159 -, William, 105 Constable, Agnes, 102, 138, 159, Clavering, Euphemia dau. of, 26, 40 -, Anna, 159, 160 180 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Constable, Catherine, 159, 160 Coudale, Ralph Neville of, 41 -, Elizabeth, 102, 159 Coverham, Ralph Glanville lord -, Isabella, 102 of, 24 -, Jocosa, 160 Cowton, Richard Cogniers of, 93 -, Johanna, 102, 148, 159 Cracanthorpe, Johanna dau. of, 17 -, John, 102, 132, 148, 149. -, John, 17 159, 160 Craithome, Elizabeth dau. of -, Margaret, 102, 159, 160 John, 113 -, Margery, 102, 159, 160 -, John, 113 -, Marmaduke, 132, 159, 160 Cramville, dau. of Roger, 86 -, Matilda, 33, 102 Cranay, . . . Proctor of, 125 -, Philip, 159 Craster, Dr. H. H. E., xi -, Ralph, 102 -, -, thanks expressed to, -, Richard, 159 xviii -, Robert, hi, 117. 138, 139. Cressy, John, 13 Crissatunica, Geoffrey of, 2 -, Koger, 159 Croft, Crofte -, Thomas, 159. 160 -, Alice, 126 -, William, 102, 159, 160 -, James, 126 Conyers,* 92 -, Richard, 57 Conyers, xiii -, Richard Clarvaux of, 59, Conyers, Coniers, Cogniers i°5 -, Aleonora, 93, 130 Cromwell, Elizabeth, 155 --, Alice, 92, 93 -, Matilda, 155 -, Anna, 93, 107 -, Ralph, 154, 155 -, Brian, 92 Cronan, Godred, king of Man, 49 -, Catherine, 93, 150 -, Herald son of Godred, 49 -, Christopher, 92, 93. 94- II0- -, Oland, king of Man, 49 116, 117, 124, 150 Croston, Thomas Ashton of, 85 -, Conan, 92 Crowmer, Jacob, 57 -, Elizabeth, 76, 93, 94. I24 Cumberland, Beauley of, 85 -, George, 93, 94 Curson, Alice dau. of, 37 -, Hawise, 93 -, John, 37 -, Henry, 92, 94 -, Isabella, 93, 105, 150 -, James, 93 Dacre, de Acres, George, 30 -, Johanna, 92, 94 -.-, Humphrey, 30 -, John, 36, 76, 80, 92-94. i°i. -, John, 30 116, 130 -, lord, 15, 41 -, Margaret, 92-94 -, Ralph lord, 30, 132 -, Margery, 36, 93, 94 -, Richard, 30 -, Nicholas, 92 -, Thomas lord, 29, 30, 140 -, Philip, 94 -, Thomas Strangways marries -, Ralph, 93 sister of, 107 -, Richard, 93 Dalton, James Croft of, 126 -, Robert, 92-94, 105, 107, 11 Danby, 33 -, Roger, 93, 105 -, Catherine, no -, Sybil, 92 -, Margaret, 89, m -, Thomas, 93 -, Ralph, 93 -, William, 31, 93. 94. 105 -, Robert, 89, no , 148 Darcy, Aleonora Fitzhugh marries 114 lord, 132 Copley, John, 134 -, Elizabeth dau. of Philip Cotton, . . . , 158 lord, 80, 106 Cotton in Holland, Rose dau. of -, Elizabeth dau. of Thomas Humphrey Littlebury of, 37 lord, 160 Cotys, John, 78 -, Johanna, 30 -, Margaret dau. of, 78 -, John lord, 139 INDEX 181

Darcy, Margaret, 80, 93 Durward, Margaret dau. of ■-, Margery dau. of Philip Richard, 122 lord, 92 --, Richard; 122 -, Philip lord, 80, 92, 106 Dutton, 158 -, Richard, 30 -, Roger, 12 -, Robert, 57 Dyneley,* 21 -, Thomas lord, 30, 160 Dyneley, Agnes, 21 -, William, 30 -, Alice, 21 Darell, Edward, 57 -, George, 83, 151 ——, Edward, 22 -, lord, 57 Dartford, Lucy Fitzhugh nun at -, Johanna, 21, 22 132 -, John, 21, 22 -, monastery at, xiii -, Laurence, 22 Daubeney, xv -, Margaret, 21, 22 -, Amabel, 153 -, Margery, 21 -, Cecily, 153 -, Oliver, 21, 22 -, Hugh, 153 -, Ralph, 22 -, Isabel, 153, 161 -, Richard, 21, 22 -, Nicholas, 153 -, Robert, 22 -, William, earl of Arundel, 152. 153 -, William, 21, 22 Daubeney of Beauvoyre, 161 Daudry, 21 Echingham, Edward, 122 Dayncort. See Deincourt -, Elizabeth, 122 Deincourt, Deyncourt, Dayncort -, John, 122 lord, . . . Fitzwilliam marries -, Margaret, 122 dau. of, 74 -, Maria, 122 -, William lord, 28, 42 Edward I, 2, 53, 87 Deisney, 33 Edward II, 2 Delason (Lason), Johanna, 60 Edward III, xiv, 3, 7 -, Nicholas, 60 Edward IV, xiv, 4, 54, 163 -, Thomas, 60 -, Anna dau. of, 5, 88 Dendy, Dr. F. W., Visitations of -, Bridget dau. of, 5 the North edited by, xi -, Cecily dau. of, 4 Derant, Thomas, 142 -, Elizabeth dau. of, 4 Derby, Thomas Stanley earl of. Edward V, 5 Edward duke of York, 3 Despencer, Margaret dau. of Egremont, Thomas lord, 19 Philip le, 162 Eland, Dionisia dau. of William. Devon, dau. of the earl of, 156 142 Digges, Thomas, 57 Elderton, Thomas, 15 Dodsworth, John, 117 Eldon, Robert Neville of, 41 -, Roger, xii Elena, 18 Dokenfield, John, 52 Elizabeth dau. of Edward IV, 4 Dokett, Thomas, 127 Ellercar, John, m Dolphin son of Octred, of Raby, Ellerton in Swaledale, Alice 24 Brough nun at, 125 Doncaster, John of, 37 -, monastery at, xiii Doneld, John, 142 Ely, Thomas Neville bishop elect Dorset, Thomas marquis of, 4, 32 Dryby, Alice, 154 •-, William bishop of, 30 -, Johanna, 154 -, William Gray bishop of, 54 Dudley, Margaret sister of the Empson, Jane dau. of Richard, lord of, 17 84 Dunbar, Ralph captain of, 16 -, Richard, 84 Dunham, William Bothe of, 12 England,* royal house of, 2, 3, 4 Durham, Robert bishop of, 29 England, Isabella queen of, 63 182 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

England, John Knyvet chancellor Fenwick, Henry, 51 of, 10 -, John, 35 -, Matilda queen of, 2 -, John Hastings of, 136 -, pedigree of the kings of, xiv Fenys, Anna, 132 English, Hugh, 46 --, Elizabeth, 30 Entwesell, Bertram, 52 -, John, 30, 132 Ermyn, John, 91 -, Richard, 29, 30, 132 -, Margaret dau. of, 91 1-, Robert, 29 Escrick, Richard Lascelles of, 33 -, Roger, 30 Espec* (Roos), 161 -, Thomas, 30, 132 Espec, Adelina, 161 -, William, 30 -, Albreda, 161 Ferdinand III, 3 -, Hawise, 161 Fergus lord of Galloway, 49 -, Walter, 161 Ferrers of Groby, Margaret Essex, countess of, 54 Montague wife of, 50 -, Henry Bouchier earl of, 87 Ferrers, Elizabeth, 28, 139 Esttoff, Walter, 103 -, Johanna, 28 Estwynche, Robert Howard of, -, Margaret, 140 155 -, Maria, 28 Eueringham. See Everingham 1-, Robert, 139 Eure. See Yvers -, Robert, baron Ousley, 27 Eustace son of John of Burgh, 48 Fiennes. See Fenys Everingham, Eueringham Fitton, Edward, 157 -, Catherine, 60, 61 Fitzalan, Agnes, 73 -, John, 61 -, Brian, 73 -, Reginald, 14 -, Elizabeth, 53 -, Thomas, 163 -, John, 153 Exeter, Anna duchess of, 4, 50, -, Thomas, earl of Arundel, 53 163 Fitzhenry, Margaret, 43 Exulby, William, 70 -, Thomas, 43, 104 Eyland,* 37 -, William, 105 Eyland, Alice, 37, 38 Fitzhugh,* 132 -, Dionisia, 38 Fitzhugh, Aleonora, 80, 132, 133 -, Edward, 38 -, Alice, 132 -, Elizabeth, 37, 38 -, Anna, 133 -, Isabella, 38 -, Edward, 133 -, Johanna, 38 -, Elizabeth, 29, 132, 133. 139 -, John, 33, 37, 38 -, Geoffrey, 132 -, Matilda, 37 -, George, 133 -, Robert, 37 -, Henry lord, xiii, 31, 102, 132 -, William, 37, 38 -, Herbert, 132 Eyzy, Johanna dau. of Robert, -, Joan, xiii 142 -, Johanna, 132, 133 -, Robert, 142 -, John, 132, 133 -, Laura, 102, 132 Fadumby, John, 103 -, Lucy, 132 -, Matilda dau. of John, 103 -, lord, dau. of, 54 Fairfax, Ena dau. of William, 104 -, Margery, 132, 159 -, William, 104 -, Matilda, nor 132 Fauconberg, Fauconberge -, Ralph, 132 -, Elizabeth dau. of lord, 107 -, Richard, 132, 133 -, Johanna, 101 -, Robert, 132 -, Thomas, 132 -, Thomas, 100 -, William, 132 -, Walter, 99, 100. 101 Fitzlewis, Elizabeth dau. of John, -, William lord, 29 Felton, Constance, 100 --, John, 120 -, William of, 100 Fitzrandolf, John, 92 INDEX 183

Fitzwalter, viscount, 87 Fremingham, Jacob, 121 Fitzwilliam,* 74 -, John, 120 Fitzwilliam, xiv, xv -, Nicholas, 121 -, Aleonora, 75 Frost,* 98 -, Anna, 66 Frost, John, 98 -, Catherine, 65, 66, 76 -, Thomas, 98 -, Edmund, 65, 66, 74 -, Walter, 98 -, Edward, 67, 75 -, William, 98 -, Elizabeth, 67, 74-76 Frotingham, Edmund of, 47 -, George, 67 -, Margaret Maria dau. of, 47 -, Humphrey, 67 Frowick, Thomas, 57 -, Isabella, 66, 75 Fulbarne, Thomas, 71 -, Johanna, 74-76 Fulford, Thomas, 120 -, John, 65, 74-76, 105 Fulk father of Geoffrey Plan- -, Margaret, 66, 75 -, Margery, 76, 105 runs i\erra, 2 -, Matilda, 76 Fulk Rethen, 2 -, Nicholas, xiv, 75 Fulk the Good, count of Anjou, 2 -, Ralph, 75 Fullshurst, Thomas, 158 -, Reginald, 74 Fulthorp, Alan, 125 -, Richard, 66, 67, 74, 76 Fulthorpe,* 113 -, Robert, 76 Fulthorpe, Agnes, 113 -, Thomas, 66, 74, 75, 96 ——-, William, 74-76, 94, 155 Flamborough, Robert, constable of -, Anna, 113 Chester gives, to his brother -, Catherine, 113 Roger, 48 -, Christopher, 1x3 -, Robert Constable of, 138, -, Elizabeth, 113 139, 160 -, George, 113 Flanders, Baldwin count of, 2 -, Johanna, 113 -, Matilda dau. of, 2 -, John, 113 Fogge, Anna, 58 -, Margaret, 113 -, Elizabeth, 58 -, Margery, 113 ——, Johanna, 58 -, Richard, 113 -, John, 57 -, Roger, 113 -, Margaret, 58 -, Rowland, 113 -, Thomas, 58 -, Thomas, 113 ■-, William, 57 -, William, 113 Folerige, Parker of, 21 Furfan, Robert lord, 161 Foljambe, Alice dau. of, 82 Furnivall, Thomas Neville lord, -, Godfrid, 82 28, 42 Ford, William Heron of. 55 France,* royal house of, 6, 8 Galloway, Fergus lord of, 49 France, Margaret dau. of the king Garicius, 2 of, 53 Garton, Robert, 165 -, pedigree of the kings of, xiv Gascoigne, Gascoyn -, Philip the Handsome, king -, Agnes, 83, 151, 159 of, 63 -, Aleonora, 151 -, St. Louis king of, 2 -, Dorothy, 130, 160 Franck, Elizabeth, 81 --, Elizabeth, 96, 151 -, William, 81 -, Humphrey, 151 Franckicke, John, 21 -, Johanna, 60, 61, 151 Frangois, Adam, 50 -, John, 151 -, Maud dau. of, 50 -, Margaret, 143, 151 Frank, Cuthbert, 93 -, Thomas, 151 -, Isabella dau. of, 93 -, William, 20, 60, 61, 65, 75, Fremingham, Anna, 121 83. 96, 130. 143. 151. 159. 160 -, Elizabeth, 12r Gaunt, Alice de, 63, 86 184 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Gaunt, Emma de, 18 Gray, Alice, n Gawthrop, Galiel Gascoign of, 160 -, Anna, 141 Gedney, Thomas, 71 -, Catherine, 34, 145 -, William, 71 -, Elizabeth, 35, 141 Gelyott, .... 60 -, Fitzwilliam marries dau. of -, John, 61 Geoffrey Martel, 2 —, Henry, 54 Geoffrey of Crissatunica, 2 -, John, 11, 53, 54, 55 Geoffrey son of Eustace, 48 —, Matilda, 54, 55 George son of Edward IV, 5 —, Ralph lord, 54, 145 Gerard, Peter, 106 —, Richard, 4 -, sir Thomas, 12 —, Robert, 55 Gerlington, Henry, 134 -, Thomas lord, 4, 29, 34, 35, Gibson, Randolph, 147 53, 54. no- !4i -, Thomas, 126 -, William, 54 Giseborough, . . . Alice dau. of, -, -, bishop of Ely, 54 82 Gray of Berwick, 53 Glanvile, Alice dau. of, 24 Gray of Powis, 54 -, Ralph, lord of Coverham, Graystoke. See Greystoke 24 Green, John of, 45, 82 Gleman, Anna, 122 -, Robert of, 46 Greene, Aleonora dau. of Henry, 75 -, William, 122 Gloucester, duke of, dau. of, 53 -, Isabella dau. of Thomas Grey, xv —, Alice, 62, 156 -, Richard duke of, 5 -, John, 30, 156 -, Roger Mowbray earl of, 86 —, lord, of Codnor, 29 -, Thomas earl of, 3 —, lord, of Rotherfield, 62 Glover, Robert, herald, xi -, Ralph lord, 29, 132 Goddard, dau. of, 73 -, Reginald, lord Ruthin, 162 -, John, 28 -, Thomas, marquess of Goldesborough, Richard, 83 Dorset, 32 Gospatric, 24 Greystoke,* 139 Gourney, Gundreda dau. of Hugh Greystoke, Graystoke de, 86 —, Aleonora, 29, no, 139 -, Hugh de, 86 —, Anna, 29, 139, 141 Gousill. See Gowsell —, baron of, 28 Gower, Thomas, dau. of, 57 —, Catherine, 30, 139 Gowsell, Gousill, 103 —, Elizabeth, 30, 134, 140 Gowsell, Gousill, Anthony, 103 —, Henry, 29, 139 -, Constance, 103 —, Isabella, 140 -, Elizabeth, 103, 120 —, Johanna, 29, 139, 140 -, Johanna, 103 —, John, 29, 139, 140 -, John, 103 -, Margery, 141 -, Margery, 103 -, Maria, 141 -, Robert, 103 -, Matilda, 30, 139 -, Roger, 165 -, Ralph, lord, 29, 132, 139, -, William, 103, 120 Grafton, Humphrey Stafford of, -, Richard, 29, 139, 140 159 -, Robert, 30, 140 Grandson, Granson -, Thomas, 29, 139, 141 -, Catherine, 49 -, William, 29, 139, 141 -, Johanna dau. of, 127 Griffith, Rees ap, 87 -, John, 127 -, Walter, 28, 159 Grinston, Thomas Barton of, 89 Gray, Aleonora, 54 Grisseley, Thomas, 65 INDEX 185

Groby, Ferrers of, 50 Hastings, John, 136 -, Margaret Ferrers of, 140 -, John, earl of Pembroke, 53 Grymston, Edward, dau. of, 121 -, lord, 120 Gubion, Constance dau. of Hugh, -, Ralph, 81 -, Richard lord, 32, 65 -——, Hugh, 104 -, William lord, xiv, 32 Guenee, Anna, 77 Hatfield, 165 -, Christina, 77 -, Agnes, 166 -, Gervase, 77 -, Anthony, 165, 166 -—, Iohanna, 77 -, Constance, 165, 166 -, Leonard, 77 -, Elizabeth, 166 -, William, 77 -, Johanna, 166 Gymby, Clemencia dau. of John, -, John, 165 138 -, Margaret, 165 -, Margery, 165, 166 Haggerston, .... dau. of, 56 -, Matilda, 165, 166 Hainault, Philippa dau. of the -, Robert, 165 count of, 3 ——, Richard, 165, 166 Halnaby, Catherine dau. of, 36 -, Stephen, 165, 166 -, Halnath of, 36 -, Thomas, 165, 166 Halsam, Anna dau. of John, 163 -, William, 165 Halton, Nigel baron of, 48 Hault, Alan, 58 Hamerton, Elizabeth dau. of -, Alice, 57 William, 148 -, Edmund, 57 -, John, 128 -, Edward, 58 -, Richard, 52 -, Henry, 58 •-■, William, T48 -, James, 58 Hamlake, John Roos of, 154 -, Johanna, 57 Hampole, Alice Clarell prioress or. -, Margaret, 58 -, Richard, 57, 58 Hansard, Henry, 78 -, Thomas, 57 -, Richard, 96 -, William, 57 Harcourt, Robert, dau. of, 55 Hawkesworth, Walter, 44 Harlesay, Isabella lady, 100 Hawlesworth, Thomas, 143 Harleton, John, 158 Hawte, Richard, 163 Harold the Black of Ireland and Haye, Catherine de la, 136 king of Man, 49 -, Elizabeth, 59 Harrington, Agnes dau. of Jacob -, German, 96 William, 12 -, Isabel, xiii -, Cecily, 4 -, Thomas de la, 59, 136 -, Helen dau. of Richard, 131 Hedlam, John, 105 -, Isabella dau. of Nicholas, 80 Hedon, .... dau. of, 78 -, James, 28, 34, 151 Helison, . . . John Radcliff -, James William, 12 marries, 44 -, John, 151 Hell, John, 63 -, Nicholas, 80 -, Richard, constable of -, Richard, i3r Chester, 63 -, Thomas lord, 4, 32, 32, 54. -, Roger called Hellerto, 63 151 Helperby, 147 -, William, t5r -, Isabella, 147 Hartley, Thomas Musgrave of, 15 -, Johanna, 145, 147 Harvey, William, xv -, Margaret, 147 Hastings, Anna, 32 -, Richard, 147 -, Catherine, 81 -, Thomas, 118, 147 -, Edmund lord, 32, 55. -, William, 145, 147 -, Elizabeth, 32, 136 Helyard,* 136 -, George, 32 Helyard, Adam, 137 -, Henry, of Pikeringlithe, 74 -, Anna, 78, 137 186 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Helyard, Catherine, 136 Horwood, Taillboys of, 150 -, Edward, 137 Hotham, John, of Holderness, 65, -. Henry, 137 74, no, 136 -, Hugh, 137 -, Matilda, 65, 74 -, Isabella, 136 Houghe, Margaret, 157 -, John, 136 Howard, Edmond, 88 -, Margery, 136 -, John, 87 -, Matilda, 136 -, Margaret, 155 -, Peter, 136 -, Meriel, 88 -, Ralph, 137 -, Robert, 87 -, Robert, 136 ——•, Thomas, duke of Norfolk, -, Stephen, 137 -, Thomas, 78, 136 -, William, 87 Hemyrton, Stephen, 83 Hudswell,* 43 Henry I, 2, 152 Hudswell, Agnes, 43 -, Adelaide widow of, 152 -, Aleonora, 43 Henry II, 2 ——, Catherine, 43 Henry III, 2 -, Christabel, 43 Herbert, William, earl of Pem- -, Christopher, 43 -, Elizabeth, 43 Heron, John, of Chipchase, 15, 16, -, Geoffrey, 43 35. 55 -, Hawise, 43 -, Margaret, 15 -, Henry, 43 -, Roger, 55 -, Isabella, 43 -, William, of Ford, 55 -—, Johanna, 43 Hertland, Peter, 37 -, John, 43 Heton, Thomas Gray of, 53 -, Margaret, 43 Hilton,* 9 -, Rowland, 43 -, baron of, 55, 56 -, Thomas, 43 -, Isabella, 136 -, William, 36, 43 -, Matilda, 102 Humphrey son of John duke of -, Robert, 9, 136 Suffolk, 5 -, William, 16 Hungerford, lord, 19 Hockenell, . . . , 158 Huntingdon, Elizabeth dau. of Hoggard, Andrew, 62 lord Clynton earl of, 74 Holderness, John Constable of. Huntley, Catherine dau. of coun¬ 148 tess, 108 -, John Hothom of, 65, 74 Husse, George, 160 -, Stephen Thorp of, 38 Hutton, Andrew, 165 ——, William Brigan of, 147 -, James, 136 Holland, Aleonora dau. ot, 50 •-, Margaret, 165 —-—, Thomas, earl of Kent, 50 -, Ralph, 69 -, William Eland of, 142 Hyde, Robert, of Marbury, 136 Holme, Elizabeth, 75 -, Johanna, 37 Ingleby, John, 107, 160 -, John, 33, 37, 75, 98 -, Julius, 160 -, Margaret, 75, 98 ——, William, 95 -, Margery, 75 Ireland, Harold the Black of, 49 :-, Thomas, 75 Ironside, Edward, 2 -, William, 75, 102 Isabella dau. of the count of Holym, John See of, 78 Angouleme, queen of England, Hopton, Elizabeth, 39 2, 63 -, John, 129 Isabella dau. of the king of ■-, Robert, 39 Arragon, 2 Hornby, James Harrington of, Isabella dau. of the king of 151 France, 2 -, John Cogniers of, 92 Isabella dau. of the king of Scot¬ Horne, Henry, 57 land, 161 INDEX 18T

Lacy, Albreda, 63, 74 -, Alice, 64 -, Edmund, 63, 64, 74 Johanna dau. of the king of -, Henry, earl of Lincoln, 63, Navarre, 2 64 John, king, 2 -, Hildebert, 63 ■-, John, 48, 63 Karre, earl, 19. See Kent -, Robert, 48, 63 Kelsey in Lincoln, John Philip -, Roger, 48 Barde of, 78 Lambert, Aleonora dau. of Kelynghall, John, 105 Thomas, 113 Kendall, Howgan, of Markington, -, Thomas, 113 135 Lampton, Agnes, 68 -, John, of Markington, 135 Lancaster, Christopher, 17 Kent (Karre) earl of, husband of -, Edmund earl of, 63 Catherine Percy, 19 -, Gilbert of, 29 -, Elizabeth dau. of the earl -, Henry earl of, 53, 87 of, 140 -, Johanna dau. of duke of, -, Elizabeth dau. of lord 27. 87, 139 Fauconberg and earl of, 107 -, Maria sister of Henry duke -, . . . Langley of, 71 -, Thomas Holland earl of, 50 --, Thomas earl of, 64 -, William Neville earl of, 93 Langdale, . . . , Cecily dau. of, Keteringham, Henry Gray of, 54 Killom, Agnes dau. of John, 116 Langley, Constance dau. of -, George Salveyn of, 138 Edmund of, 3 -, John, 116 -, Edmund de, duke of York, Kirkby, Richard, dau. of, 55 3 Knaresburgh, Richard Bernand of, , Johanna widow of. 68 7i Knyvet, 10 -, Thomas, 52 Knyvet, Anna, n Langman, 49 -, Benedicta, n Langton, John of, 59, 1x1 • -, Charles, n -, Thomas of, 96 -, Christina, n, 156 Lascelles,* 33 -, Edmond, n Lascelles, Lasellis, Catherine, 33 -, Edward, 11 -•, Cecily, 33 -, Elizabeth, 10, IX, 156 --, Elizabeth, 33 -, Geoffrey, 33 -, Johanna, 10, 155 -, Helen, 33 -, John, 10, 155 -, Henry, 34 -, Margaret, 10, 155 -, Johanna, 33, 34, 103 -, Margery, 11, 156 -, John, 33, 34, 103 -, Margaret, 33, 34, 127 -, Milicent, 10 -, Matilda, 124 -, Ralph, 10 -, Ralph, 33. 34 -, Richard, 10 -, Richard, 33, 34 • , Robert, 10 -■, Robert, 34, 93 -, William, 11, 156 -, Roger, 92, 127 Knyvett, xiv -, Thomas, 33, 34 Kyghley, Alice dau. of, 21 -, Walter, 33, 34 -, Richard, 21 -, William, 33, 34 Kyme, Walter Tailbois earl of, Lasellis. See Lascelles 108 Lason. See Delason Lasyngby, Thomas, 118 Lacy,* 48 Laton, Robert, of Serreston, 107 Lacy, 63 -, Thomas, of Saxho, 105 Lacy, xv Latymer, George lord, 30 188 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Lauder, Johanna dau. of, 15 Longvillers, John of, 14 -, Richard, 15 -, Thomas of, 13 Laughton, Sybil dau. of Thomas, Louis IX, 6 93 Louis X, 7 Laxton, Everard, 33 Lovell,* 62 Ledis. See Leeds Lovell, Francis lord, 133 Ledys. See Leeds -, Gregory, 121 -, Henry, 62 Lee, Beatrix, 158 -, Joan, 73 -, Henry, 158 -, Johanna, 95 -, Isabella, 158 -, John, 62 -, James, 158 -, Matilda, 136 -, John, 158 -, Robert, 62, 163 ——, Maria, 158 -, Thomas, 163 -, Richard, 158 -, William, 62 -, Robert, 158 Lucy, lord, 19 -, Thomas, 158 -, Reginald, of Clifford, 41 -, William, 158 Luirton, Richard of, 10C Leeds, Ledis, Ledys, Thomas, 82, Lumley, Alienora lady, 28, 42 M3 -, Catherine, 42 Leigh, Margery, 51 -, George, 139 -, Perkin, 51 -, John, xi6 Lemthorpe, John, 121 -, lord, 28 Leon, Ferdinand king of, 3 -, Margaret, 105 Lepton, Agnes, 91 -, Ralph, 105 -, Johanna, 145 Luterell (Loterell), Alexander, 71 -, Thomas, 91 -, Milicent dau. of, 71 -, William, 145 Lynne, Alice dau. of, 10 Lesours, Albreda widow of ... , -, William, 10, 155 74 Le Strange, lord, 32 Lever, Adam, Margaret dau. of, 52 Machado, Roger, Norroy king of Levesay, John, 39 Lilbume, John, 55, 56 Mainwaring, John, 157 Lille, Thomas, 53, 56 Malcolm king of Scotland, 2 Lincoln, Albreda dau. of the earl Maleverer, Maluvel, 71 of, 74 Maleverer, Maluvel -—, Alice dau. of Henry earl -, Alison, 71 -, Alnath, 71, 72 -, Batt of, 98 -, Anna, 71 -, Gilbert Lacy earl of. 63 -, Beatrix, 104 -, John earl of, 3 -, Bridget, 70 --, Roger Lacy earl of, 48 -, Edmund, 107 -, William Gray bishop of, 54 -, Elizabeth, 13, 14 Lioff, William, 138 -, Geoffrey, 71 Lithe, Simeon rector of, 104 -, George, 71 Littlebury, Humphrey, 37 -, Graee, 68, 72 -, Rose dau. of, 37 -, Helen, 71 Lockwood, Elizabeth dau. of, 43 -, Johanna, 71 -, John, 43 -, John, 68, 71, 104, 129 London, Henry Colet mayor of, -, Katherine, 94 -, Margaret, 45, 71 -, Thomas merchant of, 47 -, Ralph, 94 -, William Gray bishop of, 54 -, Richard, 83 Longvillers (Longlevers) -, Robert, 61, 72 -, Agnes of, 14 -, Stephen, 13, 14 -, Elizabeth, 14 -, Thomas, 70, 72, 83 -, - dau. of Thomas of, 13 -, William, 45, 71 INDEX

Malolacu. See Mauley Markham, Elizabeth dau. of, 13 Malory,* 148 Markington,* 135 Malory, Aleonora, 148 Markington, xv --, Alice, dau. of Nicholas, 135. -, Christopher, 148, 149 -, Geliot, 135 -, Elizabeth, 149 -, Henry, 135 -, George, 149 -, Herbert, 135 -, Henry, 148, 149 -, Howgan Kendall of, 135 -, Isabella, 148 -, Hugh, 135 -, Johanna, 148 -, John, 135 --, John, 148, 149 -, John Kendall of, 135 -, Margaret, 149 -, Lulphus, 135 -, Richard, 149 -, Nicolas, 135 -, Robert, 148, 149 -, Reginald, 135 -, Thomas, 149 -, Richard, 135 -, William, .59, 102, 148 ——, Thomas, 135 -, William, 135 Man, Anfrike queen of, 49 Marley. See Merlay -, Harold the Black king of, Marmion, Elizabeth dau. of Johr» 49 -, Oland Cronan king of. 49 Manners, George, lord Roos, 109 Marshall, James, 124 *-, Margaret, 109 Marsk, William Cogniers of, 94 -, Robert, 55, 163 Matilda queen of England, 2 -, Thomas, earl of Rutland, Mauley, Malolacu ——, Matilda lady, 28 --, -, lord Roos, 164 -, Peter, 138 Manney, sir Walter,' 53 Medcalf. See Metcalf Mansellis, Johanna dau. of, 44 Meldred son of Dolphin, 24 -, William de, 44 Melton, John of, 132 Manston, Alice dau. of, 22 Mendilsham, John Botycort of, io- --, Robert, 22 Menille, Philip lord Darcy of, iofr Manzat, John, 127 Merlay, Marlay, no Marbury, Robert Hyde of, 136 -, Richard, 82 March, Roger Mortimer earl of, 3 Mersden, Margaret dau. of, 21 Marche, Philippa countess de la, -, William, 21 49 Metcalf, Medcalf, 34 Margaret dau. of Edward IV, 5 -, Cecily, 68, 124 Maria dau. of Edward IV, 4 -, Jane, 94 Markandalle, George, 16 ——, Thomas, 94, 124, 126 Markenfield,* 129 Metham, .... dau. of, 102 Markenfield, Andrew, 129 -, Thomas, 136, 159 -, Anna, 130 Middleham, Maria dau. of, 25 -, Christopher, 130, 140 -, Ralph lord, 24, 25, 26, 40, -, Elizabeth, 129 42 -, Isabella, 71, 129 -, Robert lord, 24 -, Johanna, 129, 130, 143 Middleton,* 126 ——, John, 129, 130 Middleton, Agnes, 126, 127, 136 -, Lawrence, 129 -, Alexander, 126 -, Margaret, 129 -, Alice, 126, 127 -, Ninian, 130 -■, Anna, 126, 127, 128 -, Peter, 129 -, Catherine, 126 -, Robert, 129, 130 -, Charles, 127 -, Roger, 129 -, Edward, 127, 128 -, Thomas, 91, 93, 129, 130, -, Elizabeth, 127, 128 143 -, Emma, 126 -, William, 129, 130 -, Geoffrey, 126-128 Markham, 13 -, George, 126-128 190 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Middleton, Isabella, 127 Montford, Ha wise, 117 -, Jacob, 128 -, James, 116 -, Jacomina, 126 -, Johanna, 116, 117 -, Johanna, 126, 127 -, John, 117 --, John, 55, 126-129 -, Lawrence, 116 -, Lucy, 127 -, Margaret, 116, 117 -, Mabel, 127 -, Margery, 117 -, Margaret, 69, 126-129 -, Richard, 1x7 -, Maria, 127 -, Thomas, 106, 117 -, Oliver, 127 -, William, 117 -, Peter, 69 Montfort, Simon de, 49, 54 -, Piers, 60, 61 Monthermer, Margaret dau. of, 49 -, Ralph Ashton of, 12 -, Ralph, 49 -, Reginald, 126, 127 -, Thomas, 49 -, Richard, 126-128, 136 Mordant, Jane dau. of John, 108 -, Robert, 128 -, John, 108 -, Thomas, 15, 83, 126-128 More, Elizabeth de la, 33 --, William, 127 Morley, Elizabeth lady, 163 Mitford, John, 55, 56 -, John of, 126 -, Roger Bertram baron of, 25 -, William lord, 62 Molyneux, Catherine dau. of, 13 Mortimer, Aleonora, 154 -, Richard, 13 Molyns, Catherine, 87 -, Edmund, 3 Monceaux, Monseulx -, Robert, 154 -, John, lord of Barmston, 78, -, Roger, 3 138 Moryn, John, 89 -, Matilda dau. of, 78 Mowbray,* Moubray, 86 Moncoton, . . . Frost nun at, 98 Mowbray, Moubray, xiv, xv Montague,* 49 -, Isabella, 87 Montague, Alice, 50 -, John, 53, 54, 86, 87, 150 -, Anne, 50 -, Margaret, 87 ——, Elizabeth, 50 -, Nigel, 86 -, Philip. 86 -, John, "earl of Salisbury, 31, --, Robert, 86 49. 5°, -, Roger, 86 -, Margaret, 50 -, Thomas, 53, 86, 87 -—, Philippa, countess de la ——, William, 86 Marche, 49 -, . . . , 82 -, Richard, 29 Musgrave, xiv -, Simon, 49 -, Agnes, 15 -, Sybil, countess of Arundel, -, Alienora, 15, 17 49 -, Anna, 17 ■-, Thomas, 29, 50 ——, Cuthbert, 15 -, William, earl of Salisbury, -, Edward, 15 49 -, Elizabeth, 15 Montalt (Montealto), Roger, 153 -, George, 16 Montgomery, Matilda dau. of, 65 -, Gilbert? 16 -, Nicholas of, 65 -, Isabella, 15, 17, 126 Montford,* 116 -, Johanna, 16 Montford, Aleonora, 46, 116, 117, -, John, 15, 17, 31 118 -, Lancelot, 17 -, Alexander, 116 -, Leonard, 16 -, Anna, 117 -, Margaret, 16, 17 -, Catherine, 116 -, Maria, 16 -, Cecilia, 117 -, Marmaduke, 16 ——, Christopher, 116, 117 -, Nicholas, 17 -, Elizabeth, 106, 117 -, Oliver, 17 -, George, 117 -, Richard, 15, 16, 17, 126 INDEX 191

Musgrave, Thomas, 15, 17 Neville, Richard, earl of Salisbury, -, William, 15 50 Musgrave of Hartley,* 15 -, Richard, earl of Warwick, Musters, Elizabeth dau. of 4- 3i Robert, 118 -, Robert, lord Raby, 25, 29, -, Robert, 118 40, 41 Myniot, Mynyot, Johanna dau. of -, Thomas, 29, 31, 40, 42 John, 134 -, -, lord Furnivall, 28 -, .... 129 -, William, 29, 40, 42, 93, 101, 114 Newbiggin, John Cracanthorpe of, 17 Newmarch, Elizabeth dau. of -, John, 118 Robert, 151 Navarre, Johanna dau. of the -, Robert, 151 king of, 2, 63 Newton, John Vavasour of, 70 -, king of, 63 Nonwickthornes, Robert Wyck- Nelson, Elizabeth dau. of Thomas, thoms of, 85 92 Norfolk, Anne dau. of John duke -, Thomas, 92 of, 54 Netilton, . . . , Helen Pikering --, Catherine widow of the duke of, 106 Neville,* 23, 40 -, Cuthbert son of John duke Neville, 42 Neville (Gascoigne), 151 -, Henry son of John duke of, Neville, xiv -, Aleonora, 29, 31, 41, 105 —-, Ionetta Anne dau. of the -, Alexander, 40, no duke of, 53 -, Alice, 29, 31, 40, 93, 101 -, John duke of, 29 -, Anastasia, 40, 100 -, John Howard duke of, xiv. -, Anna, 29 87 -, Catherine, 29, 32, 41, 54 -, John Mowbray duke of, 87 -, John Twyer of, 138 -, Cuthbert, 29 -, Margaret duchess of, 53, 87 -, Edward, 29 -, Roger Bigod earl of, 24 -, Eleanor, 42 -, Thomas Moubray duke of. -, Elizabeth, 28, 101 53. 87 -, Euphemia, 41 -, Thomas son of John duke -, Geoffrey, 24, 25 -, George, 31 Normandy, William the Conqueror -•, Gilbert, 23 duke of, 2 -Henry, 29, 40 Normanville, Agnes dau. of, 68 -, Hericia, 40 -, Humphrey, 30 Northumberland, Alienora coun¬ -, Idonea, 28 tess of, 29 -, Johanna, 31, 40, 151 -, Henry Percy 1st earl of, 19 -, John, 27-29, 40, 42, 151 -, Margaret dau. of the earl of, -, Margaret, 27, 29, 40, 41 151 162 -, Maria Orbe dau. of the earl -, Philippa, 29 -, murder of the 4th earl of. -, Ralph, 28, 40, 41, 42, 100, -, Octred son of Waldeve earl -, - baron Ousley, 28 of, 23 -, - earl of Westmorland, -, Ralph earl of, 24 27. 54 -, Robert Mowbray earl of, 86 -, - lord Raby, 26 Norton, Anna, 83 -, Ranulph, 40 192 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Norton, Isabella, 89, 1x7 Paslew, Anna dau. of John, 75 -, John, 70, 83, 89, 117, 134. -, John, 75 143 Paston, Aleonora dau. of William, -, William, 118 -, . . . Anastasia Vavasour —William, 164 marries, 69 Pateshull, John, 100 Norwich, John of, 81 Patrick son of Meldred, 24 -, Simon of, 81 Pembroke, John de Burgo or of, Norwoode, John, 131 48 -, Margaret dau. of, 131 -, John Hastings earl of, 53 Nottingham, John Moubray earl -, William earl of, 54 of, 53. 87 Pennington, John, 80, ill -, John Tanseley of, 75 Percy,* 18, 68 Nouwell, Thomas, 21 Percy, xiv, xv -, Agnes, x8, 68 Octred son of Gospatric, 24 -, Alan, 18 Octred son of Waldeve, earl of -, Aleonora, 20, 104 Northumberland, 23 -, Alexander, 104 Ogard, Andrew, 155 -, Anastasia, 25 -, Anna, 19, 20 Ogle, Alwin, 55 -, Catherine, 19 -, Constance, 55 -, Elizabeth, 20 -, Isabella, 35 -, George, 19 -, Margaret, 55 -, Henry, 18, 19, 20, 27, 41, -, Owen lord, 16 42 -, Robert lord, 54, 55, in, -, Jocelin, 18 139 -, John, 19, 68 Orbe, Maria, dau. of the earl of -, Margaret, 20 Northumberland, 162 -, Matilda, 27, 42 Orell, Alice, 106 -, Ralph, 19 -, Johanna, 106 -, Richard, 18, 19, 68 -, Nicholas, 106 -, Robert, 68 -, Robert, 106 -, Thomas, 19, 68 Orby, Johanna, 154 -, William, 18, 19, 25, 68 -, John, 154 Person, Anice dau. of John, 77 -, Maria, 154 -, John, 77 -, Philip, 154 Pert, Alice dau. of Robert, 146 Ormesby, Robert Cogniers of, 107 Peter king Castille and Leon, 3 Ormsby, . . . Cogniers of, 114 Philip king of France, 63 Oughtred. See Ughtred Philip the Handsome of France, 2 Ouldwercke. See Aldwark Philip son of St. Louis of France, Ousley, Ralph Neville baron, 28 -, Robert Ferrers baron, 27, Philippa dau. of the count of 139 Hainault, 3 OUSTHORPE, ASKE OF,* 96 Phillip III son of Louis IX, 6 Overton, William, 37 Phillip IV, 6 Oxford, countess of, 87 Phillip VII, 7 -, John earl of, 31 Phillip count of Valois, 6 Pickering. See Pykering Pannell, Agnes dau. of Fulk, 99 Pierpont, Edmund, 74 -, Fulk, 99 PlGOT,* I34 Parre, Alice, 133 Pigott, Anna, 134 -, Anna, 80 -, Elizabeth, 134 -, Thomas, 80 -, Emma, 134 -, William, 133 -, Geoffrey, 118, 134 Pashley, Elizabeth, 58 -, Johanna, 118, 134 -, John, 57 --, John, 134 -, William, 57 -, Ralph, 82, 107, 134 INDEX 193

Pigott, Randolph, 134 Poole, Margaret, 157 -, Richard, 134 -, Randolph, 157 -, Thomas, 134 -, Thomas, 157 -, William, 134 -, William, 157 Pikburn, Elizabeth dau. of Oliver, Pouliain. See Pulleyn 115 Powis, Gray of, 53, 54 -, Oliver, 115 Poynings, lord, 19 Pikeringlithe, Henry Hastings of, Proctor, John, 44 74 -, .... of Cranay, 125 Pikworth, Agnes dau. of, 47 Preston, Leonard of, 127 -, Thomas, 47 -, Richard, 126 Plantagenet, Geoffrey, count of Prownd, Thomas, 163 Anjou, 2 Pudsey,, Agnes, 22 Plays,* Plais, 36 -, Henry, 92 Plays, Plais -, Isabella, 36 -, Alexander, 36 -, John, 92, 150 -, Anna, 36 -, Nicholas, 80 -, Bernard, 36 -, Ralph, 22, 36, no -, Cuthbert, 36 -, Roland, 93, 160 -, Elizabeth, 36, 43 Pulleyn, Pouliain -, Halnath, 36 -, John, 68, 72 -, Johanna, 36 -, Margaret, 68, 72 -, John, 36 -, Ralph, 68, 72 -, Margaret, 36 Pykering,* Pickering, 131 -, Margery, 36 Pykering, Pickering -, Robert, 36, 94 ——, Agnes, 131 -, Roland, 36, 94 -, Anna, 131 •-, Thomas, 36 -, Brian, 131 --, William, 36 ——, Catherine, 131 Plumpton,* 82 -, Elizabeth, 131 Plumpton, Agnes, 83 -, Helen, 124, 131 -, Alice, 82, 83 -, James, 34, 92, 131 -, Anne, 83 -, Johanna, 131 -, Brian, 82 -, John, 90, 131 -, Catherine, 82 -, Maria, 131 -—, Dionis, 83 -, Robert, 131 -, Dorothy, 83 -, Roger, 131 -, Elizabeth, 83, 84 -, George, 82 Quartern, Henry, 92 -, Godric, 82 -, Thomas, 92 -, Isabella, 82, 83, 142 -, Jane, 83 Raby, Dolphin son of Octred of,. -, Johanna, 82, 83 24 -, John, 134 ——, Meldred lord of, 24 -, Margaret, 82-84, 131. 151 -, Ralph Neville lord of, 26 -, Mary, 83 -, Robert Neville lord of, 25, -, Richard, 82, 83 ——, Robert, 31, 82, 83, 151 Raby and Middleham, John -, Thomas, 82 Neville lord of, 42 —-, William, 31, 82-84, 95- I5I Radcliff,* 44 Plympe, Reginald, 58 Radcliff, Alice, 15, 44 Pole, Catherine dau. of William de -, Christopher, 44 la, 155 -, Edward, 44 Pomerey, Thomas, 71 -, Elizabeth, 44 Poole, 157 -, George, 44 Poole, Blanche, 157 -, Grace, 44 -, Isabella, 157 -, Helen, 37 ——, John, 157 -, James, of the Tower, 37, 44 194 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Radcliff, Johanna, 13, 44 Risom, Robert, 47 -, sir John, 12 -, Stephen, 47 -, Jonetta, 44 -, Thomas, 47 -, Laurence, 44 -, William, 47 -, Margaret, 44 Rivers. See Ryvers -, Miles, 44 Robert son of Meldred, lord of -, Ralph, 13, 44, 144 Raby, 24 -Robert, 155 Rockford, viscountess, 88 -, Roger, 44 Rockley, .... 74 -, Thomas, 15, 44 Rocliffe, Agnes dau. of, 33 -, Thomasina, 144 -, Cecilia dau. of, 33 -, William, 15, 44 —-, Richard, 33 Ramston, Isabella. 73 Romonby, Johanna, 134 -, Thomas, 95 -, William, 106, 134 Rauden, John, 21 Roos,* 162 Redman, Richard, 127 Roos, xiv ..80 Roos, Rouche, Aleonora, 163 Redmayn, Edmund, 127 -, Alice, 163 -, John, 127 --, Beatrix, 163 -, Margery, 127 -, Edmund, 163 Reresby, John, 33 -, Elizabeth, 162, 163 -, Ralph, 66 -, George Manners lord, 109, -, Richard, 66 163 -, Thomas, 66 -, Henry, 54, 163 Reston, Thomas of, 78 -, John, 102, 127, 136, 154, Ribald brother of Alan the Red duke of Brittany, 23 -, Margaret, 162, 163 Ribald called Taillebois, 24 -, Matilda, 162 Richard II, xiv -, Peter, 161 Richard son of Eustace, 48 -, Richard, 163 Richmond,* 124 -, Robert, 99, 131, 161-163 Richmond, Elias, 124 -, Thomas, 131, 162, 163 -, Isabella dau. of Richard, -, Thomas Manners lord, 164 --, William, 33, 118, 161, 162 -, Richard, 104, 124 Rosemotrel, . . . dau. of, 57 Ridley, Nicholas, 15, 16 Rothburn (Rothbury), George Riduys, Elizabeth dau. of John, rector of, 19 165 Rotherfield, Alice dau. of Gray of, -, John, 165 62 Rigate, 33 Rouche. See Roos Rightwis, Agnes dau. of Thomas, Rouspare (Rusper), Constance 146 Gowsell nun at, 103 -, Thomas, 146 Routhe, Jolxn of, 102 Rigmaiden, . . . Auella dau. of, Rowcliff, Alice, 84 39 -, Brian, 84 Rilston, Rileston, Elenor, 92 -, Elizabeth, 84 -, Isabella, 44 -, John, 84 -, John, 44 Rowley, Alexander, 39 Ripon, John Pigot of, 134 -, Margaret dau. of, -39 Rise, Walter Fauconberge of, 99 Rusper, monastery of, xiii Risom,* 47 Ruthin, Reginald lord Grey of, Risom, Catherine, 47 162 -, Cecilia, 47 Rutland, Edmund earl of, 4 -, James, 47 -, Thomas Manners earl of, -, Johanna, 47 -, John, 47 Ryder, William, 75 -, Margaret, 47 Ryuere, . . . de la, Elizabeth dau. '-, Peter, 47 of, 72 Ryvers, Rivers, Margaret dau. of Scotland, David Brus king of, earl, 122 -, Richard Wideville earl, 4, -, Isabella dau. of the king of, 57 161 -, Malcolm king of, 2 Sage, 146 -, St. Margaret queen of, 2 Sage, Agnes, 146 SCROPE, 65 -, John, 146 Scrope, Agnes, 114 -, Nicholas, 146 -, Alice, 107, 140 -, Thomas, 146 -: Anna, 140 -, William, 146 -, Elizabeth, 65, 130, 140 St. Hillary, Jacob, 152 -, Geoffrey, 140 -, Matilda dau. of, 152 -, Isabella, 82 St. John, Anna dau. of lord, 80 -, John lord, 65, 114, 132, 140 St. Louis, xiv, 2 -, Matilda, 28 St. Martin, . . . dau. of, 78 -, Ralph, 140 St. Paul, Jaquetta dau. of count, -, Richard, lord of Bolton, 29 57 -, Stephen, 82 St. Philibert, Alice dau. of John, Scrope of Upshall, 1 ', 29, 30. 41. 73 42, 139 -, John, of Water Etton, 73 See,* St. Quintin, Agnes, 138 See, Alice, 78 -, Anthony, 92, 116 -, Brian, 78 -, Johanna, 103 -, Edmund, 78 -, Margaret, 92, 116 -, Johanna, 78, 79 -, Thomas, 103 -, John, 78 -, William, 102 -, Lucy, 78 Saintleger, Anna dau. of Thomas, -, Margaret, 78 163 -, Margery, 79 -, Thomas, 163 -, Martin, 79 Salebury. See Salisbury -, Matilda, 78 Salisbury, Edward earl of, 5 -, Patrick, 78 -, John Montagu earl of, 50 -, Peter, 78 -, John Talbot of, 51, 52 -, Stephen, 78 -, Nicholas Upton canon of, Segrave, Elizabeth dau. of John, 87 ——, Richard earl of, 29 -, John lord, 53, 87 -, Richard Neville earl of, 50 -, Margaret, 53 -, Thomas earl of, 29 -, William, 87 -, Thomas Montagu earl of, 50 Segswyke, Eleanor dau. of Hum¬ -, William Montagu earl of, 49 phrey, 94 Salveyn, Salvin, Salueyn -, Humphrey, 94 -, Constance, 138 Selyngsby, . . . , Margery widow -, Edmund, 141 of, 94 -, George, 138 Senns, Elizabeth dau. of Robert, -, lord, 29 127 -, Ralph, 141 -, Thomas, 141 Sancius III, 3 Sancius (Sancho), Gartius, 3 -, Robert, 104 -, son of Ferdinand king of Serlo brother of John of Burgh, Castille and Leon, 3 48 Sandford, John, 16 Serreston, Robert Laton of, 107 Saveli, Thomas, 150 Sewarby, John, 59 Saxhow, Sexo, Thomas Laton of, Sexo. See Saxhow r°5 Shapp, Emma Middleton nun at, 126 Sheffield, Robert of, 78 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Shelfred, Johanna dau. of John, Southill, Thomas, 84 96 Southlay, Scoithlay, Anna dau. of Shelton, John, 71 Thomas, 104 -, Robert, 72 -, Thomas, 104 Sheriff Hutton, Ansketill Bulmer Spencer, Aleonora, 124 lord of, 23 -, Christopher, 79 Shrewsbury, Elizabeth dau. of -, Henry, 124 Talbot earl of, 54, 87 Spenser, Elizabeth lady, 50 -, Richard of, 87, 132 Sprotborough, John Fitz william Shorthose,* 45 of, 65, 105 Shorthose, Agnes, 45 -, William Fitzwilliam of, 94, -, Alice, 45 155 -, Anastasia, 45 Stafford, Beatrix dau. of Ralph -, Anthony, 45 earl of, 162 -, Gadauerus, 45 -, Humphrey, 159 -, Isabella, 45 -, Joysa, 159 -, Johanna, 45 -, Margaret dau. of Hugh earl -, Margaret, 45 of, 27 --, Owen, 45 Staley, Johanna dau. of Robert, -, Richard, 45 13 -, Thomas, 45 Stanhope,* 13 -, William, 45 Stanhope, xiii Sidgwick, Humphrey, of Wal- -, Alienora, 14 burum, 150 -, Anna, 14 Sidney, John, 122 -, Henry, 14, 155 -, William, 122 -, Johanna, 155 Simeon rector of Lithe, 104 Simon, Aleonora dau. of, 77 -, Margaret, 14 --, John, 77 -, Ralph, 14 Sinningthwaite. See Swining- -, Richard, 13, 14 thwaite -, Robert, 14 Skelton, Robert Brus of, 24 -, Stephen, 14 Skendelby, Margaret dau. of -, Thomas, 14 Richard, 91 -, William, 14, 155 -, Richard, 91 Stanley, Agnes, 32 Skipwith, 59 -, Aleonora, 32 -, William, 102 -, Alice, 32 Sockburn, Robert Cogniers of, -, Anna, 32 105, no -, Anthony, 32 Somerset, Edmund duke of, 162 :-, Catherine, 32 Somerey, Roger, 153 -, Edward, 32 Sontill, Beatrix, 129 -, Elizabeth, 12, 32 -, Dionisia, 46 -, George, 32 -, Henry, 46 •-, James, 32 Sotell (Sothill), John, 104 -, John, 32 Souche, . . . , Catherine Plump- -, Ralph, 12, 106 ton marries, 82 -, Richard, 32 Sourby, Soursby, John Lacelles of, -, Thomas, 32 103 -, -earl of Derby, 32 -, Margaret Lascelles of, 124 -, William, 32 -, Robert Lascelles of, 93 Stanton, Margaret, 165 Sou thill, Anne, 84 Stapelton, . . . , 131 -, Arthur, 84 Staple, Thomas Thyrske’ (11), -, Elizabeth, 84 mayor of the, 71 -, Gerard, 84 Stapleton,* 73 -, Henry, 74, 84 Stapleton, 95 -, John, 84 -, Agnes, 95 -, Robert, 84 -, Brian, 73, 82, 95 INDEX 197

Stapleton, Christopher, 78 Suffolk, Anna dau. of John duke -, Elizabeth, 82 of, 5 -, Johanna, 15 -, Edmund son of John duke --, Maria, 15 of, 5 -, Miles, 100 -, Edward son of John duke -, Nicholas, 100 of, 5 -, Thomas, 73, 95 -, Elizabeth dau. of John -, William, 81 duke of, 5 Stockeld, Thomas Middleton of, -, John duke of, 4, 5 83 Stoke, battle of, xv -, Thomas, 106 Stokes, John, 71 Sutton, Hamon, 59 Stokys, Anthony, 84 -, Richard, of Arun, 65 -, Leonard, 84 Swall, .... Alice dau. of, 45 --, Margaret, 84 Swan, Johanna dau. of, 38 -, Robert, 84 -, John, 38 Strang ways,* 106 Swardby, John, 134 Strangways, xiii -, Margaret dau. of, 134 Strangways, Strangwais Swillington, John Hopton of, 129 -, Agnes, 106, 108 -, Aleonora, 107 Swine, monastery of, xiii -, Anna, 107 Swinow, Margaret, 116 -, Catherine, 106, 107 Swyningthwaite, Elizabeth Wan- --, Cecily, 106 desford nun at, 118 -, Christopher, 107 Swyningthwaite, Synygthwyte, -, Edward, 106 Beatrix Clarvaux nun at, 105 ---, Elizabeth, 105-107, 109, 116 -, Johanna nun at, 102 -, Felice, 150 Swyningthwaite, Synyngthwayt, -, Geoffrey, 106 Isabella Vavasour nun at, 69 ■-, George, 107 Synyngthwayt. See Swyning¬ --, Giles, 108, 109 thwaite ---, Henry, 106-109 Syser, Thomas Strickland of, 126 -, Isabella, 106 -, James, 80, 105-108, 116, 140, 150 Tailbois, Tailboys -, Johanna, 89, 106-108, 114, -, Aleonora, 108 134 -, Elizabeth, 59 -, John, 106-108 -, Henry, 105 -, Laurence, 107 -, Robert, 59 -, Leonard, 107 -, Walter, 108 -, Margaret, 106-108 -, .... 55, 89, 150 -, Margery, 107 •Talbot,* 39 -, Maria, 108 Talbot, Anna, 39 -, Matilda, 106 -, Edmund, 39, 52 -, Peter, 106 -, Elizabeth, 13, 39 -, Philip, 107 -, Gilbert, 140 -, Ralph, 106 -, Giles, 39 -, Richard, 12, 101, 107, 134, -, Isabella, 52 140 -, John, 51, 52 -, Robert, 89, 107, 108, 114 -, Nicholas, 39 -, Roger, 106 -, Peter, 39 -, Sybil, 106 -, Richard, 39 -, Thomas, 29, 106, 107, 108 -, Robert, 39 -, William, 107 -, Thomas, 13, 51 Strickland, Thomas, of Syser, -, William, 39, 117 Tank art,* 46 Studow, .... Agnes Clarvaux Tankart, Beatrix, 46 marries, 104 -, Catherine, 46 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Tankart, George, 46 Thweng, William, 91 -, Hugh, 46 Thyrske(ll), Thomas, 71 -, Isabella, 46 Tiliol, Felice, 15 -, Thomas, 46 -, William, 15 -, William, 46 Tilney, Agnes, 87 Tankerville, sir John Gray earl Tiptofte, John, 163 of, 53 -, Philippa, 163 Tanseley, John, of Nottingham, Tirwhit, Tyrwhit 75 -, Adam, 42 -, Margery dau. Of, 75 -, John, 159 Tateshall, Emma, 154 -, Robert, 159 --, Robert, 153, 154 -, Thomas, 159 Tempest, Anna, in Toft, 77 -, Dionisia, 148 -, John, 77 -, Elizabeth, 21 -, Robert, 77 -, Johanna, 44 -, Thomas, 77 -, John, 44 -, Waren, 77 -, Richard, 31 Tormorden, William of, 44 -, Robert, 31, in Tothwel, John, 71 -, Roger, 21, 31 Touxford in Clay, xiii -, William, 148 Tower, James Radcliff of the, 37 Terell, Elizabeth dau. of John, TraSord, Dulce, 12 139 -, Edmund, 12, 51 -, John, 139 Thomas merchant of London, 47 Trayly, Nicholas, 161 Thompson, Dr. A. Hamilton, Trenchard, Thomas, 109 thanks to, xviii Trusbusz, Geoffrey, 161 Thonciwton, . . . Philippa Ash- Tunstall,* 80 -, Aleonora, 81 Thornborough, Rawlin, 15 -, Alice, 80 Thornhill, Brian, 74 -, Anna, 81 Thornton, Catherine, 146 -, Catherine, 80 -, John, 146 -, Elizabeth, 80 -, Margaret, 15 -, Henry, 81 -, Roger, 30, 139 -, Idonia, 80 Thorntonbrygges, William Neville -, Isabella, 81 of, 114 -, Johanna, 81 Thorpe,* 142 —■—, John, 80, 81 -, Anna, 142 -, Margaret, 80, 81 -, Constance, 103 -, Nicholas, 80 -, Dionisia, 142 -, Richard, 81 -, Edmund, 155 -, Roberta, 80 -, Elizabeth, 47, 142 -, Thomas, 8of 81, 132, 143 -, Henry, 142 -, William, 80, 81 -, Isabella, 142 Twyer,* 138 -, Johanna, 142, 155 Twyer, Elizabeth, 138 -, Stephen, 38, 47, 103, 142 -, Helen, 138 -, William, 142 -, John, 138 Thuresby, Isabella, 104 -, Margaret, 138 -, Thuroesby, 104 -, Matilda, 138 Thurston of Anderton, 113 -, Peter, 138 Thwaites, Elizabeth, 69 -, Robt., 138, 159 -, Henry, 69 -, William, 138 -, John, 118 Tyrwhit. See Tirwhit -, Sybil, 118 Thweng, Agnes, 91 Ughtred, Utreight, Oughtred -, Marmaduke, 99 -, Henry, 160 -, Robert, 78 -, Margaret, 96 INDEX 199

Ughtred, Robert, 96, in Wadylley, Margaret dau. of Ulster, Elizabeth dau. of the ear! Robert, 92 - of, 3 -, Robert, 92 Umfraville, Elizabeth, 68 Wadysley, Elizabeth dau. of -, Gilbert, 29 Robert, 94 -, Margaret, 102 -, Robert, 94 ‘-, Robert, 102 Wakefield, John, 117 Upshall, Scrope of, 29, 30, 107, Walden, John, 125 130, 139, 140 Waldeve, earl of Northumberland, Upton, Nicholas, treatise of, xvii Octred son of, 23 Ursula dau. of George duke of Wales, Edward prince of Clarence, 5 (Edward V), 5 Utreight. See Ughtred Wall, Thomas, Book of Crests„ Valois, Charles count of, 6 Wallonge, Sibil, 161 -, Phillip count of, 7 Walshe, Thomas, 91 Vaux, Matilda, 162 -, Thomasina dau. of, 91 -, Nicholas, 133 Walton, William, 97 Vavasour,* 59, 69 Wandesford,* 118 Vavasour, 61 Wandesford, Aleonora, 118 Vavasour, xiv -, Anna, 119 -, Brian, 119 -, Christopher, 118 -, Anastasia, 69 -, Elizabeth, 118 -, Avice, 61 -—, George, 119 -, Catherine, 60, 61, 69 -, Isabella, 118 -, Eleanor, 70 -, Johanna, 118 -, Elizabeth, 42, 59-61, 70, -, John, 118, 119, 134 105 -, Margaret, 119 -, Henry, 42, 59-61, 69, 70. -, Richard, 119 105 -, Robert, 118 -, Isabella, 69 -, Roger, 119 -, Janet, 59 -, Thomas, 118 -, Johanna, 59, 69 -, William, 118 -, John, xiii, 59-61, 69, 70 Wandsworth, . . . ,114 -, Katherine, 60 Wansford, John of, 116 -, Leonard, 60, 61 Wansworth, Thomas, of York, 44L -, Margaret, 59, 60, 70 Wantisworth, John, 147 -, Mary, 83 Warcoppe, Robert, 15 -, Nicholas, 60 -, Thomlin, 15 -, Percival, 70 Ward,* 143 -, Peter, 69 -, Aleonora, 144 -, Richard, 59, 69 -, Anna, 143, 144 -, Robert, 69 -, Beatrix, 143 -, Thomas, 69 -, Catherine, 143 -, William, 59, 60, 70, 83 -, Christopher, 143 Vernon, Margaret dau. of Richard, -, Dionisia, 144 163 -, Elizabeth, 143, 144 -, Richard, 163 -, Johanna, 143, 144 Vescy, Aleonora Fitzhugh marries -, John, 143, 144 lord, 132 -, Margaret, 143 -, Henry Bromflete lord, 80 -, Nicholas, 143, 144 Vincent, William, 105 -, Robert, 143 -, Roger, 81, 129, 143, isr Wadam, John, 108 ——, Simon, 143 Waddefi, Johanna dau. of John, -, Thos., 143 147 -, William, 143, 144 -, John, 147 Ware, de la, . . . . 120 200 VISITATIONS OF THE NORTH

Ware, lord de la, 20 Westmorland, Cecily dau. of Ralph Warffe, John, 127 earl of, 4, 163 Wark, Werk, Robert Roos of, 99 -, Ralph earl of, 4, 27, 29, 42, Warren, Margaret dau. o’f the earl 54, 87, 105 of, 18 Weston, John Vavasour of, 70 -, Richard earl of, 74, 87 Westrop, Richard, 52 Wartell, Henry, 33 Wharton, Henry, 15 Warthell, John called, 44 Whitfield, Matthew, 55 Warwick, Anna dau. of the earl -, Robert, 16, 56 of, 5 Whytfeld. See Whitfield -, Isabella dau. of, 5 Wicliff, Alice, 93 -, Henry duke of, 31 —, John, 93 -, Herald, Johanna widow of, —, Robert, 93 39 Widdrington* (Wedrington), 35 -, Richard Beauchamp earl of. —, Alexander, 35 162 -, Richard earl of, 3, 31 —, David, 35 -, Richard Neville earl of, 4 —, Elizabeth, 35 Water Etton, John St. Philibert —, Gerard, 35, 89, 1x4 of, 73 —, Isabella, 34, 35 Waterton, Robert, 75 —, Johanna, 35 Watton, Elizabeth Aske nun at, —,'John, 35, 160 97 —, Lucia, 35 -, Margery Yvers nun at, iii —, Margaret, 35 -, Maria Pikering nun at, 131 —, Ralph, 35 -, monastery of, xiii —, Robert, 35 Wauton, John, 91 —, Roger, 35 -, Ineta dau. of, 91 —, Thomas, 35 -, Margaret dau. of, 91 —, William, 35, 126 Weldon, Margaret, 116 30, 55 -, Thomas, 56 Widville, xv, 57 -, Ralph Basset of, 10 —, Elizabeth, 4 Welles, Christopher, 138 —, Richard, 4, 57 -, John, 159 Willestorp,* 85 -, lord, r39 Willestrop, Miles, 85 -, Richard lord, 107 —, Richard, 85 Wells, Nicholas Upton canon of, —, Robert, 85 William son of Nigel constable of -, William Witham dean of, 91 Chester, 48 Wentworth, Agnes, 159 William the Conqueror, xiv, 2 -, Catherine, 66 Willoughby, Elizabeth lady, 50 -, Elizabeth, 66, 79 -, Margaret, 132 -, Margaret, 66 -, Matilda, 31 „ -, Philip, 79 -, Richard, 107 -, Richard, 75 -, Robert lord, 155 -, Roger, 159 -, William, 106 -, William, 66, 75 Winchester, Richard earl of, 3 Werk. See Wark Wingfield,* 120 Wesheyngton, Aleonora dau. of Wingfield, xv William, 148 -, William, 148 Westley, sir James Harington of, —, Anthony, 122 —, Catherine, 120, 123 Westmorland, Aleonora dau. of —, Edmund, 122, 123 the earl of, 19 —, Elizabeth, 120, 122, 123 -, Alice dau. of the earl of, 53 -, Catherine dau. of Ralph earl -! Hugh? I221’ 122 of, 87 —, Humphrey, 123 INDEX 201

Wingfield, James, 122 Wrythe, John, garter king of -, John, 120, 122 -, Lewis, 123 Wyckthorns, Agnes dau. of -, Margaret, 121 Robert, 85 •-, Robert, of Nonwickthomes, -, Richard, 120, 123 85 -, Robert, 120, 122, Wylryn, Alice, 138 -, Thomas, 120, i2r, 122 Wymersley, Robert Newmarch of, -, Walter, 123 151 -, William, 121, 122 Wyuell, Robert, 134 Wintringham, Alice, 82 -, Catherine, 82 Yersley, William, 113 -, Thomas, 82 York, Alexander Neville arch¬ Witham,* 91 bishop of, 40 -, Agnes, 91 -, Edmund de Langley duke -, George, 91 of, 3 -, Helen, 91 -, Edward duke of, 3 -, Henry, 91 -, George archbishop of, 3r -, Richard duke of, 4, 5, 30. -Lawrence, 91 54. 163 -, Margaret, 91 -, Thomas Wansworth of, 44 -—, Matthew, 91 Yvers* (Eure), no -, Richard, 91 Yvers, Ivers, Eure -, Robert, 91 -■, Thomas, 91 -, William, 91 -, Catherine, III Wode, Robert, 69 ——, Elizabeth, 106, no, in, Wodsom, Ralph Maleverer of, 94 Wonwell, John, 59 -,’ Hugh!’ i™' 112 Workesley, Peter of, 106 -, Idonia, no Wormesley, John Neville of, 28 -, Isabella, 102, no, in Wortesley, Nicholas, 80 -,' Johanna, no, in Wortley, sir Thomas, xiv, 76 Wotton, Ade, 106 -, Margaret, no Woursley, Agnes dau. of, 21 -, Margery, no, in, 112 -, Matilda, in Wourth, Johanna dau. of, 10 -, Ralph, 30, no-112, 139 -, sir Robert, 10 -, Robert, 102, 106, no-112 Wraton, John of, 126 -, Thomas, in Writh, sir Thomas, xii ■ , William, no-112, 132