Possibly t h e handsomest shade of sta­ These are the latestand handsom- tionery ever offered lovers of p r e t t y aet creations In home decoration. F.v- writing paper. We show a n e l e g a n t ery lady can make th“m. They are very Inexpensive. Just received new s u p p ly o f Passe-Partout Binding, M atting, 3 shades, Bottle Paste. | It may be you need a new ' Patent Safety Envelopes for m ail­ » INDEX, a Bill or Letter File, ! ing photographs. ! or anything in Office or Desk \ Calling Cards in latest style. ' necessities. We have tnem. ATLAS STATIONERY DEPT. ► Atlas Pbinting Co. 1


A Free Slelghiide. Tbe Ladies Aid Society of the Pres- bytferian church wiil give a 10 cent Personal social and old fashioned spelling school this Friday evening at the Mention, home of Mr. Chas. Dauer, 2 miles east of town. Free bob sled ride will be Farmers Institute Held in Delta furnished. A cordial invitation is Where Some of the Dollars Go. Judge L. W Brown of Wauseon was given to all. Those desiring to go At a meeting of the county com­ Makes the food more delicious and wholesome in town Monday. will meet at seven o’clock at Barthol­ missioners, Monday, the matter of Easter Sunday will come on April 7, completing the soldiers monument, in Jim Atwater of Liberty Center had omew & Benfer’s store. th is year. Monumental park, Wauseon, was the mumps recently. Attention O. E. »• brought before the Board, and they There will be a special meeting of Listen for the wedding bells to jin­ Heavy Snow storm Won’t Keep Rev. and Mr9 Vinton returned from decided to submit the matter of levy­ Aurora Chapter, No. 75, Wednesday gle, next week. tlie People From a n i n s t i ­ President Wm. Salsbery. Findlay, Wednesday. ing a tax of five-tenths mills for com­ evening, Feb. 13, for drill and decid­ Revival services commenced at M. tute In C ity Hall. Peter Shoub of Butler, Ind., is in pleting said monument, to the voters Swamon's Rational Union Elect Will Send Delegates to Cleveland ing on refreshments. E. church Thursday night. town for a day or two. at the spring election. Monday morning was abont as dis­ ' Officers. February is. HARRIED, T h e big s d o w Sunday night made couraging as any morning conld be' to Mrs. McCoy of Bryan, is the guest Tbe following orders were drawn on Following are tbe new officers elect W hitm er—B ixlbb —At th e resi­ any public enterprise, but a goodly The following Republicans have of her brother, Dr. Bishop. the morning train from the west near­ the County Treasury since Feb. 1, ’01. of Swanton lodge, National Union: dence of and by Rev. E. D. Johnson, number braved the storm and were been selected by the Fulton County Jno. Gehring of Elmore came over ly an hour late. W. W. Croninger, subscription President—Wm. Salsbery, Feb. 5, 1901, M r. Jo h n W. W h itm er present at the first session. But af­ Republican Olub to represent the Club a t C arm o n ’s Thursday just to see the people. Kansas saloonists seem to be suffer­ Democratic Expositor,...... 8 5.64 V ice P resid en t—Geo. Haynes, 1 VALENTINES Drug Store. and Miss Florence Bixler, all of Swan ter dinner when the people began to at the meeting of the Ohio League of Atty. Everett was called to Henry ing from an aggravated stroke of Dr. S. Odell, med. wit. St. vs. Financial Secretary—E. E. Haynes Creek tw p.______crowd in, the State speakers began to Republican Clubs to be held in Cleve­ Oonster Nation.^ M. Strayer and St. vs. Estella Treasurer—E. C. Wilcox, county last Monday on business wonder where they were all coming land, O., Feb. 12,1901: Didn’t Even Steal the Depot. Grove, lunacy,...... 7.50 Secretary—E. I. Kline, Mrs. E. B. Guthrie entertained her Carl Waldeck recently sold in this from, and from that on the success of John C. Rorick, Charles L. Allen, J. The Detroit & Lima Northern de­ F. J. Curtis, Feb. allowance for Speaker—B. V. Ludlum, aunt., Mrs. L. D. Boyer Tuesday. market 17 head of seven month pigs tbe Institute was assured. F. Outcalt, J. S. Brailey, Ed L. Bar­ pot at this place was burglarized last soldiers relief, F u lto n T w p .,. 19.00 Chaplain—W. A. Fenton, A. Clayton Schlappi has been taking in w hich averaged 256 lbs. Promptly on time President B. E. ber, E. Murbach, J. S. Brailey, Jr., Sunday night. They pried open a A- A. Whipple, janitor Court Usher—Frank Wales, the sights of Chicago the past week. Grover opened the institute aud called M. B. Hoyt, Fred Longnecker, J. K. window and did some slight damage, Dr. H. M. Parker was called to Mc­ House, one week,...... 10.50 S argent—C. F. Sm ith, for music by the Instute Chorus Club. Campbell, J. L. Shinaberger, A Q. Mrs. L. D. Boyer of Swanton was but so far as can be learned they failed Clure, last Friday, where he removed Dan’i J. Braum Mfg. Co., elec­ Door Keeper—L. N. Pilliod, This was followed by au earnest and Price, W, H. Fuller, F. S. Ham, C. R. the guest of Mrs. Jas. Bruce Tuesday. to carry off anything of value.—Wau­ a kidney for a lady patient. Trustees—F. E. Pilliod; Geo. Stout; P. BISHOP. M. D. trical fixtures Court H ouse,. _~4PfcOO elpquent prayer by Rev. F. A. Zim­ P. Waltz, Orra Curtis, J. H. Johnson, W. L. Smith and wife went out and seon Tribune. J. K Campbell, Com. salary for Peter Drumm. Physician and Surgeon. Several runaways occurred coming merman. Mr. Grover then delivered I. J. Loveland, A. R. Shaffer, S. W. spent Sunday at Chas. Welson’s south J a n u a ry ,...... 66.67 Office and Residence, Cor., Main and Wood AtfclnsouHamilton Wedding. to the institute the other night in his address in which be urged that Burke. of tow n. B uxton, Com. salary for J a n . 66.67 Death of Col. Jno. J. Vinton, streets. Delta, Ohio. A t high noon, Wednesday, occurred sleighs, but no one was hurt L. while it is a pleasure to attend an in­ Probably tbe largest Tree in Special attention given to fitting Spectac.oo ond Mrs. Frank Pianson of Wauseon, W. A. Fenton, Com. salary Jan 66.67 Fulton Co. the marriage of Miss Lena Erdene If you are short g i good hard Coal, stitute, all ought to seek to remember1 Father of Rev. J. A. Vinton of treatment of disease, of the Eye. tor, Note and has been spending the past week with H . W. Ely, A ud. salary J a n ... 132.66 Atkinson, daughter of Mrs. Louise we will have a car here on track first and to appropriate to their own use Della. Frazier & Mills of the Dewey Stave T h ro at. her parents here. AtkiDSOn, to Mr. G ail S elkirk H am il­ Palmer & Palmer, work on doors O ffice b o u rn . 7 t o 9 a m . , 12 t o 2 and 7to9p m of week. Sargent Bros. & Saxton. and profit whatever of good they may On Friday of last week Rev. Co., have had cut and hauled to their W. E. Ramsey and family were ton, of Coshocton. The Episcopal and shutters at Court House, 4 24 J. A. bear. Vinton was called to Findlay by factory by John Zeller and D. B. Wil­ guests of V. W. Weeks and family, In service was used, Rev. J. A. Vinton of A big sleigh load of young people R. R. Johnson, window shades a S. H. Ellis, of Warren Co., then gave1 telegram announcing the serious ill­ liams, a sycamore tree making six Pike twp., Suuday. of Delta, and Rev. C. L. Herald of went out to Virge Week’s Wednesday / - for Court House, ...... 9.50 a brief and Interesting history and de­ ness of his father. On Saturday logs that measured 7100' feet. This Findlay, officiating, master Donald night and made the night miserable Eugene Aldrich, work on keys J H. Gehring left for Elmore last scription of the Ohio Experiment morning word came that the aged mammoth tree was cut on the Au­ Atkinson, of Kenton, being the ring for V irge. 4 and locks a t C ourt H o u se ,. . . . 1.75 Thursday. Mrs. Gehring will join Farm, what it is, where it is, and how sufferer had just passed away, at 4 mend farm 5 miles south west of Del­ him in a few weeks. bearer. C. D. Atkinson,* wife and Mrs. J. A. Wilkins gaVe an old fash­ it is operated. He said that from o’clock. ta. The tree was decayed at the child, of Kenton, and Mrs. Cora Ben­ Wabash Surveyors Coming. General Bai Miss Ruby Isbell returned Monday ioned “quiltin’ bee” for her daughter^ four to twelve bulletins were pub-, Mr. Vinton with his aged wife vis­ stump and had blown down and was nett, sister of the bride, of Toledo, The Wabash surveyors are working from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Frank Pianson on Wednesday lished each year giving .the results of ited Delta only a few weeks ago, both considered worthless bnt after cutting Business. were present. After the wedding a mile or so west of town to-day, on Aldrich in Detroit. ^ afternoon, experiments and investigations and were 80 years of age. He has a splen­ off about 6 feet of the butt end of the service an elaborate wedding dinner the same line as run a few weeks ago, any farmer in any part of Ohio, who .Monty Loaned on Real-E«- Mrs. Thos. Barnes and Miss Pear) This evening Thiraa Assembly of did war record being a member of the tree it was found to be sound and per­ tate at a low rate of was served to all present. The bridal which strikes Delta on the north edge will take the trouble to write to the Prickett of Thelma, were guests of Pythian Sisterhood %ill make up a 5th Virginia Infty., through the war. fect. interest. couple left on the afternoon train for of town. This time they are cutting “Ohio Experiment Station, Wooster If you want to send money Mrs. J. C. Paxson this week. sleighride party and visit the Swanton He was an iron worker and assisted in B l a n k Rooks, away, send a Bank Draft- Cleveland and other eastern cities and the timbers and removing anything O.,” will receive these bulletins free Sisterhood. . - building tbe first works of the great E yk Sh a d es, Fire,Tornado, Plate Glass, Miss Pearl Vinton returned f-om will be at home after March fourth at that comes in their road. The road of any cost. Cambria Iron Works at Johnstown, and Life Insurance B'indlay yesterday accompanied by Empire hotel, Coshocton, O., with Some concern has pulled the coun­ will be built'this summer and it looks D esk Blo t te r s. w ritten. In regard to feeding cattle Mr. El­ Pa., and was well known by all the ber friend, Miss Mollie Scott. which Mr. Hamilton is connected. cil’s leg several rods longer, at least very bright for the north survey. A tla s St a t io n e r y Co u n t e r . lis said that steers which were not great iron producers of the country. Mrs. Geo. Green and Mrs. W. H. Mrs. Hamilton will be missed by fier they have just purchased about 300 Rural Eree Delivery. tied up, but had the freedom of the They had seven children ail of whom CASHIER Eiger of Wau9eon were guests of Del­ many friends who all join in wishing feet of new hose. The two rural delivery routes from stall, though all other conditions with their aged mother were at the ta friends last Saturday afternoon. her the richest blessings in her new The Horticultural and Floricultural the Delta office are gradually increas­ were the same took on more fat from funeral, at 2 o’clock Monday. He was Mrs. Mary L. Carter,, of Siney re­ home. 4 , societies of this county bad a largely ing in mail handled. Following shows the same feeding than steers kept tied a member of the 2nd Presbyterian All the butter and . cently suffered a stroke of paralysis. Chicago’s mayor and police warn attended and interesting meeting at number of pieces handled in January: up in tbe stall. church of Findlay. eggs. You can bring for 1 Seems to be little hope of recovery. Mrs. Natioo not to come to that city. Swanton last Friday. Route No. I, W. W. Tappan Carrier. T. J. Miller, of Leipsic, gave an in­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geyser took a DELIVERED. structive talk on the value of barn­ CHAPMAN SMITH. They may succeed in scaring Carrie On Wednesday Pete Kinney gave G a s h . All advertisements undap this head, will sleighride up from Swanton last Mon­ Letters, 741; Postal Cards, 124; Pa­ yard manure. Many farmers are find­ Was born in Whately, Mass., and be set in this type, and m a s t be paid in' ad­ away, but there’s one Nation that will an exhibition on Main street in light­ vance. Cheapest advertisement in the pers, 3478; Circulars, 159; packages, 77; ing out that they are wasting more died at his home at Siney, O., Feb. G. W. HULL. day and called on their Delta friends. get some of their plug-uglies, sooner OHIO wdrld, only costs one Half a cent a word ning speed upsetting and righting up 3rd 1901, aged 83 years, 7 months and DELTA, e a c h w eek . S. K. Davis is tramping over the old or la ter, aDd his in itia ls are D. A. M. T otal, 4580. value In not saving their barnyard a cutter., Pete Ss immense. 29 days. He leaves to mourn his de­ a t Ca rm o n ’s Richland Co., hills, where he used to N ation. Collected, 518. manure thau commercial fertilizers Good horse and buj kfor sale cheap, The several papers which published are w orth. parture, his wife, three sisters, four D rug Frank Fenton, 4 m iles*!1 (of Delta. 36-2 dig angle worms to fish in th e Clear St o r e . Word has been received from Dr. A. ‘the program or gave other notice of Route, No. 2, W. H. Gee, Carrier. After dinner Mr. Ellis gave a lec­ brothers, three sons, eleven grand­ FOR SALE—1 horse, bug! id harness, Fork. * M. Wilkins, the letter being mailed double buggy, wide tire ws . p lo w a n d tbe farmers Institute at this place, DELIVERED. ture on “The Corn Ciop.” He said children and seven great grand-chil­ Mrs. J. B. Templeton and Mrs. Jen­ drag, -ork harness, log chaii 5V. F. W at- at one of the Bermuda islands. Arch have the thanks of the society. Letters, 1146; Postal Cards, 175; Pa­ that while he still raises some wheat, dren. kins, Delta. nie McAlister of Swanton, visited says they are all well and having a pers, 3638; Circulars, 329; Packages, he is still of the opinion that Ohio’s He moved to this county in 1865, in Mrs. Thos. Watkins one day last Mrs. A. Fairchild of Swanton was FOR RENT—Good forty acre farm 4 miles very fine time. He says it is warm T o tal 5136. Collected, 828. glory as a wheat producing state is 1862 he. becam e a m em ber of th e M. U n d e rw e a r. N. E. of Delta Chas. Fletcher, Delta. 36-4 week. called to Leipsic by telegram the lat­ and flies and Bermuda onions are T otal pieces delivered, 10,016, past. Wheat is grown in all the E. church and has ever lived up to hi# FOR SALE—Polan China Sow and pigs. thick on the island. ter part of last week to attend the Underwear i MONT MILLER. ______36-2w Benj. Snyder arrived home from De­ “ “ collected 1,346. northern states and in many of thd profession and been an efficient worker All our winter troit, Tuesday evening, where he bad funeral of a child of a relative. off. ' , Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 29, we will run Last week was a busy one on the C. J. Dauer, of Haskins, was over foreign countries, while corn is raised while healtn permitted. our feed mill every Tuesday and Friday. been for an opperation ltor appendici- We forgot last week to mention the # .25 1 9 C T S . Sawsgummed and wood turning done. E. reservoir and a great deal of fine qual­ last week to see his parents, for a day in but few of the foreign countries We kindly thank our neighbors and Underwear,.. tes. He is gaining rapidly. advent of the new grandson over at A. OTTGEN, 3 miles southwest of M etamora. ity of ice was taken out. I t was a poor or so. but not to any great extent in any friends for their assistance and sym­ .35 Underwear, 2 6 C T S . 35-5 Jo Falors. The boy is a bouncer and S. T. Shaffers have got located very hand indeed that couldn’t cut any ice and but to a belt across the United pathy at the time of the death and .50 Underwear,. 3 8 C T S . FOR SALE—A baby carriage, with rubber delightfully in Perrysbutrg, and Thurb last week. A number of tbe boys got Jo is the proudest “granddad” in Pike Notice. States, and it is fast growing in popu­ tires, half price. Inquire at Atlas office. burial of our husband and Father. S 6 CTS. is rqnning his own shop and sees pros­ into the water too by stepping off the tw p. ^ ______The Committee on Revision of the larity the world over as a food as well .75 Underwear, M r s . C. Sm ith and Fam ily. 1.00 T 5 C T S . perity ahead. They will be pleased thick onto tbe thin ice. Premium list for the Fulton county as for feeding. A general discussion Underwear, A big party of ladies chartered most CHURCH NOTICES. If You Suffer from to see their old frieDds at their new of the available sleighs in town yes­ fair, to be held Sept. 17—20, 1901, will followed on best time to plant aud home. Gov. Nash is not afraid of the right. terday and took a sleigh-ride to Wau­ meet at the Court house In Wauseon, how to cultivate corn, by Watson PRESBYTERIAN. He declares, in the face of opposition on W ednesday, F ebruary 20, 1901, a t Gardinier, who favored late planting John A. Vinton, Pastor; Maj J. M. Longnecker and wife seon, stopping at the hotel Blair for Sunday School at 9 a, m. wiil leave on Monday for a delightful from many republicans of Cincinnati, supper. 10 a. m. All who are interested in or not planting until the ground is Y. P. S. C. E., a t 6 p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. trip to the coast and will sail for that no prize fignt shall be pulled off this work will please be present, or warm and in good cqndition, by Ar­ The young fol ks of Centerville school Preaching a t 10:30 a. m, and 7 p. m. of any kind you are cordially invited Honolulu the latter part of thism onth. in Ohio. The Immergency Board send tbeir suggestions to nold Waldeck, F. S. Wolcott, C. A. to call and have your eyes tested. district, are enjoying the winter eve­ CHURCH OF CHRI8T. They expect to return about the 1st have placed $50,000 a t bis disposal, to Thos. M ikbskll, Sec. Dauer, H. G. Zeller, B. E. Grover. nings by holding old time debates and C. R. Oakley, Minister. of A pril. . . \ i defend his position by the use of the Mr. Ellis selects his seed from his own Sunday School at 9 o’clock a. m. Glasses Fitted for the Re- m ilitia. spelling schools. Meet every Friday Preaching at 10:30 o’clock a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Childs three crops and keeps it up next the joists Y. P. S. C. E., a t 6 p. m. LIEF OF HEADACHE evening. P r e a c h in g a t 7 p. m . miles southwest of town drove over to in his cellar, which is dry and warm. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening, I have something new and up-to- a specialty. In Delta Post office. Ridgeville Corners Sunday to visit The Bryan Telephone Co, supcenaed Our marshals, Zeigler and Raker de­ Mr. Miller of Leipsic then gave an FREE METHODIST. -r date in Ladies Corsets, called their daughter. They had a nice thirty-six witnesses from Bryan in the serve especial praise for the excellent Mrs. Lucinda Murry, Edward Kirk, interesting lecture on “Program for H. F. H all, Pastor. Herbert S. Sheley, suit with the Bell Co. The costs in condition of the hall for the institute the farm,” and captured the ladies Sunday School at 9:0o a. m. time getting home, facing the storm Mrs. L. M. Hooley, E . P. Grow. Preaching at 00:00 a. m. 423 Spitzer Bid. Toledo, O. all the way. th e case am o u n t to about 8500, all of and the attention they gave during » C. R. P. W a l t z , P. M. with almost his first thought; that Prayer and Class m eeting 11:00 a. m. which the Bell will have to pay. This every session. the first thing necessay in setting up Prayer meeting W ednesday evening. rWiAAAAAAAAAAiAAAAAAAAAAA WWWWW f? f f VVVVf Vf ff f Vf A. L. Guthrie and wife were the Quarterly meeting at Raker 8th, 9th and is the second time they have been for farming, is a wife. He keeps a re­ 10th. Presiding Elder F. L. Hall, will be guests of M ayor C. M. A gler and wife The L. A. S., ot the church of Christ Theatre Train. p r e s e n t. licked in this state by independent pair shop and in it a slate and on that at Millbury last week. Mr. Agler has will hold an all day session at the companies.—Expositor. On Feb. 11, the Lake Shore & Mich­ keeps a record oLall repairs necessary METHODIST EPISCOPAL, bought a couple of flnei lots, and Mr. home of Mrs. Jacob FIuth, east Main igan Southern Ry. will run a theatre F. A. Zimmerman, Pastor. to be made and as near as it is possi­ Sunday School, 9 a. m. s Guthrie bas taken the contract to put street, Feb. 13. Dinner 10 cents. train to Toledo, leaving Delta at 3:01 As Jno. Goodwin sr., was coming to ble has regular times fbr doing cer­ Preaching at 10:30 a. m. followed by Clast up a nice residence. Everybody invited. p. m. Fare 50 cents for the round M eetin g . town Friday with a sawlog on a pair tain kinds of work. Epworth League at 6 p.m . W. S. Worden and wife were called trip. For attractions at different Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. of bobs, the sleds upset and Mr; Good­ To the members of Ruby council N. The President thought it was all Rev. J. M.jAvann Di D., will preach Satur to Wauseon last Friday by the serious theatres see hand bills win^ was thrown off and the log U. It will be necessary that you pay right only having a particular place day j night a | M. E. church, and hold Quarter ; condition of his grandfather, Dr. S. ly Con erence Sunday morning Dr. Avann dragged over the lower part of one your assessment not later than Mon­ for everything. He said when he used will ■ preach fend, con act the Communion ser­ T. Worden. The Doctor has been vice. Evei^rjbody is iuvited to these services. leg. The leg was badly bruised and day noon the 11th, don’t fail to pay. Frank Moyer, of tbe grocery firm of a hammer he laid it down where he quite sick for the past six months, lascerated about the ankle. It was a J. A. G r a n d y , F i. Sec. Moyer & Moseley, Wauseon, has sold used it and then when he wanted it UNITED BRETHREN. but suffered a stroke of paralysis la9t his interest in that popular store to he went there and got it—if somebody S. G. N e il P a s to r . Delta Markets. # narrow escape fqr an old man. . The people again proved their faith Sunday School at 9 a. m. week and is iu a critical condition at Loye J. Richardson, the firm now else hadn’t used it in the mean time. Prayer and Class Meeting at 10 a. m. Wheat, No. 2, ...... 73 in Delta as an institute town. City Y. P.C. U., at 6p.m . i 8 p resent standing Moseley & Richardson. Mr. A. B. Thompson thought that much P r e a c h in g a t 0 p m. W heat, No. 3, ...... 69 Last Sunday evening people in Desta- Hall was packed. The speakers said, The following ladies enjoyed a Richardson has had a number of years of his success had been on account Prayer Meeting Thursday night. A lsyke,...... 000 0.00 ler bad the pleasure of remaining in “We have heard of your Delta insti­ Preaching at 10:30 a. m. The Shalin, - O a ts , . old .25 sleighride to Wauseon yesterday af­ experience as salesman with Moyer & that he through all his life had tried their own parlors at home and enjoy­ tutes, biit we didn’t expect the whole This Corset, The Shalin, has no R ye,...... 42 ternoon, Mesdames. M. S, Sargent, Gelzer, H. J. Gelzer and E. C. White. to have system iu his work. Cloverseed,... ing the entire services at the Presby­ county.’’’ at Carmon’s Laces, no Strings, no Hooks, no Clasps, . . . OOOtcOOO Wm. Cately, J. M Longnecker, J. T. Messrs. Moseley and Ricbardson are A t 3:30 Miss Snyder in charge of th e Corn, ...... ,50t p e r cw t terian church in BowlingGreen. The Drug- Store. no heavy Steels. They are the most Hamilton, F. A. Zimmerman, W. E. both popular and enterprising young primary department of the Delta P R O O U C t. reading, singing, prayers and the ser­ Chapman Smith, ex-postmaster at Ramsey, Mary Clossen. G. R. White- men and will make the enterprise a schools came in and to the music of a B u tte r,... mon were all distinct. The only Siney, died Monday morning after a march played by Miss Julia Baldwin E g g s,. . . . horne, C. R. P. Waltz, W. T. Saxton, complete success. thing they missed was the collection. long illness and a | a ripe old age. He the sixty little people took position Mr. Merchant L a rd , . . . C. C. Quiggle, Jno. Crisman, S. P. had a large acquaintance and was on the stage and gave the flag drill T a llo w ,.. and salute. Though their ages only W h e r e Do You Buy Your Ink ? Bishop and F. Briggs. ( honored and respected by all who How to Cure the Grip. P o tato es, To- mo rue w Pelton, Beta and Platt- run from 5 to 7 years they move with We want to supply you. Sanford’s WOOL ston post-offices will cease business. knew him . Remain quietly at home and take the precision of well drilled soldiers Black Ink. Will not mold or freeze, Wool All the merchants in Delta, using Beta was one of the oldest in the Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as di­ and won the hearty applause of the Big P in t Bottles, 45c. S anford’s Copy­ gasoline forlighting purposes, received county though it always existed in a NOTICE. rected and a quick recovery is 9ure to great audience who through their ing Fluid, Pints, 60c. That’s the way Dressed Chickens evolutions had given the strictest at­ to buy ink. 8 notice from F. L. Band, Dist. Inspec­ farm house at the roadside. Esq. All persons indebted to estate of Oscar follow. That remedy counteracts any Dressed Ducks...... 9 Soles are hereby forbidden to pay any part tentio n . A t l a s S t a t i o n e r y C o u n t e r . tor of Oils, warning them against fur­ thereof to any person except his legal guar­ tendency of the grip to result in pneu­ Dressed Turkeys ...... Gunn was the first master and, though Concluded o q Fourth Page. 8 ther use of same under penalties of d ia n . R o b e r t M o o r e , Dressed Geese...... 0 the office has not always beed in the 35-3 guardian of Oscar Soles. - monia, which is really the only serious LIVE POULTRY. law. Some have returned to electric same family, its last master was a son danger. Among the tens.of thousands C h ic k e n s,...... 64 lighting, others are debating. The of its first. FARM for sale or rent, for particulars in- who have used it for the grip not one REMEMBER Old Roosters,...... 0 quire of H. B. SMITH 3$4 miles east of Delta. law permits the use of gasoline for il­ 19tf. case has ever been reported that did Capes, Spring Chickens,...... luminating purposes when the gaso­ Geese...... With the beautiful sleighing now, not recover. For sale by Pratt Bros. I am closing out all fall line is storea outside the building and W anted,-at Deltq, Feed Mill, 100 cords, 20- Jackets, Capons, live , dressed every day and night is made merry inch stove wood, 20 tons baled hay and 5 tons underground. We understand some and winter goods at T u rk e y s ...... to 00 with nupaerous sleigh-ride parties of baled straw. „ Wt J. Curry, it t f Suits, \ - STOCK will arrange their plants to comply jolly yqung people, and giddy old knock down prices. perfect fitting and health Corset on V eal C a lv e # ' —5 with that section. I will have a cajnoad of stone barn blocks DRESSED P H Dress Skirts, L iv e H ogs , .4-.2S to 5.00 folks, going in every direction, to some soon, will be soldzat Low price if taken from the market to-day. Come and see car. A. J. FRAnvER. D ressed H o g s,.. .0.00 to 0.00 town or country home where they t o m e a n d g e t t h e h i g h ­ Furs, G. W . HULL, them. THE SHALIN. Live poultry subject' to Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of spend an hour in thawing out the daily changes. De W itt’s W itch Hazel. Salve worthless e s t p r ic e . Delta, Ohio. G. W. HULL, The original quickly cures piles, sores “shivers” ancL fro st and th e n hom e at .Carmon’s Sargent Bros. & and all skin diseases. Pratt Bros. again. O, the gay find festive bob. Drug Store. G. W . HULL, Delta, 0 Delta, - Ohio. DIARY O F A BOARDER. was my two cleaners laid out on a heap I’ve run, so you can see I’ve a pretty wished to capitalize as a limited liabil­ Ferghaus, the famous cartographar,who The Ticks of a Watch, of ashes, dead drunk. good record with the company. I’ve HOW TO WOO S LE E P . ity company.a-t $25,000,000. The cent ANIMALS UNDER BAN. made his great map of the Alps long Many watches make five beats per MONDAY. Here was a pretty mess, for it would never seen Billy since, and I don't be­ election, however, puts his political before his first pilgrimage to the play second, 300 each minute, 18,000 every certainly take me until midnight to get lieve he wants to see me. for Bob told enemies into power, and they are de­ ground of Europe. It was said of Berg- hour, or 482,000 per day. Thus It will Boast beef to-night for dinner! METHODS EMPLOYED TO COUN­ MANY OF THEM ARE BARRED the machine in proper trim Dor the next me the last time I saw him that they cidedly opposed to his schemes. So far haus that distinguished geographers be seen that a half dozen turns of thi I ate to beat the Dutch, TERACT INSOMNIA. as the capital is concerned, the com­ FROM THIS COUNTRY. key once a day, taking up a few sec­ A treat like that’s unusual; day’s run; and a hot; greasy job it was called the old man “Martin’s fireman,” fresh from the Alps were often Im­ We don’t get many such. in any weather, but ou suc-b a night as that he knew it, and naturally didn’t pany could undoubtedly have been pressed by the fact while talking with onds of time, stores, up a modicum of that It was frightful to tliink of it.' like it. There’s my mate signaling for Difficult for Many to Enter tlie Km started with no difficulty. Premier Operation of Protective Law Which him that his knowledge of the moun­ power In the spring which Is cut up Into TUESDAY. - . However, there was no helprfor it, and me now, sir. and 1 must go. brace of Morpheus-Means Adopted Bond, however, has now announced Recently Took Kffect—Certain Beasts, tains he had not seen was fuller, deep­ nearly 500,000 beats. If we multiply I started ia. by Persia’s. Hnler—Orientals Ensace the terms on which the new Govern­ Birds and Fiah that We Do Not Want er, clearer than their own. To make the dally beats by 365^, the number ot The aftermath we’ve garnered I had barely made a beginning when MADE A SLIGHT MISTAKE. Their Frieftds to Flog Tbem, ment will allow Mr. Reid to convert his in This Country. his trip Berghaus, of course, used all days In a year, we flad that the watch Of yesterday’s delight. I heard someone coming in at the door. private holdings Into a company. the best material accessible, rejecting ticks 157,788,000 times while the earth From that fine roast they gave us Looking up, I saw that it was Billy W hite Hibhons Do Not Mean i he 8 a n it- "Sleep, oh gentle sleep, how have I Mr. Reid must give the telegraph that whjeh his critical sense told him is making one annugl trip around thi Some nice .cold cuts to-night. ill ng in Ail Places. A new and important law in regard to ran. Thedford. In a very excited voice he frightened thee?” asks the distracted lines back to the colony; he must was not worthy of the utmost credence. During the recent convention of the amend his land grants so that no animals has just gone Into effect It His geographic instinct told him what WEDNESDAY. asked where Hunter was. kffig in Shakspeare’s play of “Henry enlarges the powers of the United Woman's Christian Temperance Union settlers are dispossessed of home­ to use and how to use it. Finding no “Home,” I said, “aud so sick he can’t IV.,” and it is a question which thou­ States department of agriculture, seeks in this city members of the reception steads. and he must give guaranties as cartographic symbolism adequate for That luscious roast of Monday hold his head up.” sands of weary mortals both before and to protect birds more thoroughly than committee were on duty at the rail­ to the amount of mortgage money he depicting the mountains as they are he 1 Is lingering with us yet; “Heavens!” said he; “I shall be ruin­ road passenger stations for the {purpose after that sovereign’s time have been before and guards against the introduc­ C v i re s Tw as served to Us this evening. ed!” will spend in labor and the develop­ invented it. It was said for many years of according a proper welcome to in­ in the habit of framing, though no an­ tion into this country of animals which Disguised as beef c r o q u e tte . ment of the colony. that his great map of the Alps was the Then he went on to say that if he coming delegates. Among those as­ swer has been forthcoming. Tbat sev­ might if allowed to increase, become wasn’t in Chicago the next day. some Mr. Bond Is not so definite In his clearest and best guide that tourists Night Colds signed to the work at the Pennsylvania eral ingenious persons have, however, a p e st THURSDAY. deal, I think he called it, would fall plans as to the railway. He hopes, could buy to help them on their jour­ depot was a particularly attractive solved the problem of inducing sleep Tbe English sparrow plague could through, and it would cost liiim a quar­ however, to come to a satisfactory neys through this mountain region. f It seems Miss Skimp’s investment young woman, who was,ambitious as the following peculiar methods of coun­ have been avoided had this law been ter of a million. ownership of the lines, Mr. Reid con­ How will your cough be to­ In roast was not so rash teracting insomnia will clearly demon­ formerly in operation and perhaps, too, “There’s a train goes through Junc­ she was inexperienced as regards the tinuing his right to operate them for As we supposed. This evening work of greeting strangers. strate: fifty years. The Premier is not slow to there' would not now be In the forests night ? Worse, probably. ’Twas served again—as hash. tion City at 11:05 that will get you to A train rolled iu, and as the pas­ His imperial Majesty the Shah of hint at legislative action shonld Mr. tbe “silence which speaks” so loudly of Chicago in time,” says I. Persia was a martyr to insomnia for a wanton cruelty and recklessness in the You can stop it any time. FRIDAY. "What good'll that do me?” says he. sengers alighted therefrom tlie attrac­ Reid prove obstreperous. But, In spite tive.young woman was all iu a flutter. long time until, ill a happy moment of of this reverse, Mr. Reid’s fortune must shooting of birds. Then stop it tonight. You “I’ve been away for two days, aud only inspiration, one of the court physicians There are forty islands in tbe Seilly To-day we were all grateful just now gotthe telegram. If Hunter Sbe scanned the stream of humanity continue to increase. His lands are The object and purpose of this act are isles, with a total area of fifty-five will cough less and sleep better, hit upon the extraordinary notion of to aid In the restoration of such birds in To get a little fish. was here he might get me down; hut as it tiled through the big gate and at full of valuable mineral deposits, and square miles. patting the autocrat on the arms and those parts of the United States adapt­ and by tomorrow at this bine No beef, we hope, remaining as it is I may as well go home and let length espied a well-dressed gentleman, are well covered with lumber areas. The State of Pennsylvania has pur­ To form another dish. who not only wore a silk hat but also back until sleep weighed down his eye­ ed thereto where the same have be­ the money go.” chased acres of land for a for­ you will be greatly improved. a white ribbon attached to the lapel lids. So admirable was this specific come scarce or extinct, and also to reg­ 100,000 SATURDAY. “Mr. Thedford,” said I, “Bob is sick, found to be that It was immediately estry preserve. but I can run this machine to Junction of his coat. The attractive young wo­ ulate the introduction of American or adopted by the Shah, and It is stated foreign birds In localities where they In the Black forest district ot Ger­ City in time to connect with the train man rushed to meet the well-dressed Science Ah, me! To-night we greeted gentleman as eagerly as though he that the suite which accompanied him have not heretofore existed.” Further m any a re 1,400 m aster clockm akers and A y e r ' s Once more our dear old friend— you want; but you will have to fire for to Europe contained, among other func­ on Is the important clause which makes 6,000 workmen. The beef bones boiled for “potage!” me, as my two cleaners are drunk, as were her long-lost brother. tionaries, two “patters,” whose sole oc­ It unlawful for anyone to “transport Seventy-one degrees below zero was Well, this must be the end. you see, and there isn’t another man in “So glad to see you.” she exclaimed. ivention Come right along and I will conduct cupation took tbe form of helping to from one State to another the dead the record low temperature registered Cherry this village knows the engine from the you to comfortable quarters.” send their master into the realms of the bodies qf any wild animal or bird killed by Schwatka on the Great Fish River SUNDAY. tender hardly.” The wearer of the silk bat and the drowsy Morpheus. An oak tree of average size, with In violation of local laws” rln Canada. I hope that I have been forgiven that At the Paris exhibition there is shown Pectoral Gee whis! This beats the record! white ribbon was rendered speechless The new law deals with the Importa­ He, forthere were two or three men that 700,000 leaves lifts from th e earth Into The funnels of the steamer Oceanic Last Thursday’s hash—oh, my— for a moment. He finally managed to the model of a cave once occupied by a tion of all kinds of animals as well as could have fired all right, but it struck the air about 123 tons of w ater during are of such gigantic proportions that cures night coughs, day coughs, , With crust and raisins added, famous Greek brigand, who was in the birds. The word “animal” Is taken to me all of a sudden that here: was a fine gasp: tbe five months it is In leaf. two tram cars could pass through them, , Is served as hot mince pie. “Beg pardon, miss, but Isn’t tbis a habit of being sent to sleep by the include reptiles and “birds" to Include all kinds o f coughs. Help —Catholic Standard and Times. chance to get even with 3illy, and let A German scientist recently declared side by,, side. dropping of pieces of gold from the roof all warm-blooded animals provided him see whether it took any knowhow m istake?” tbat tbe age of fishes can be told by The jellyfish has no teeth, but uses Nature a little and see what “Can’t be a mistake,” tbe attractive of the cave on a carpet beneath. The with wings, aud therefore bats, appar­ to fire an engine for a 110-mile run. It their scales. When placed under the himself as if he were a piece of paper young woman hurriedly declared. “You gold thus dropped represented some of ently. she will do for you. so happened that we had jmst wooded microscope these show stripes similar when he is hungry, getting his food see, we both wear the white ribbon.” the booty that he had acquired from Every importer is required to apply Three sizes; 25c, 50c. JIW. up on the home trip at a little station to the bands in the cross section of a and then wrapping himself about it. “And what does yours represent?” passing travelers, and so dear had the to the secretary of agriculture for a three miles from Georgetown, so we tree, which indicate the age of the fish. the stranger then wanted to know. sound of coin become to him that noth­ permit to import domesticated fowls, It Is a strange fact that the right If your druggist cannot supply you, tend had plenty of fuel aboard to make the The north pole is the mathematical us $ snd we will express u Urge bottle “Why, it’s the badge of the W. C. T. ing but its chink upon the -y ground pigeons, etc., and cage birds, such as hand, which Is more sensitive to the 1.00 run with. point at the northern termination of to you, nil charges prepaid. Be sure snd U„ of course.” would soothe his eyelids to sleep. Of parrots and canaries. Specimens for touch than the left, is less sensitive give us your nearest express office. “Can you do it?” says he, "remember the earth’s axis. Whether land or wa­ J. c. A m Co., Lowell, all queer methods of inducing drowsi­ museums or scientific collections are than the latter to the effect of heat or ID you ever hear of a railway it is 110 miles, and it is 8:30 now, so “Well, mine is the color of the win­ ness the' foregoing would certainly ter be there, the phenomena of the sun also admitted without permits, provid­ cold. president ruuplng as fireman on you have only two and a half hours to ning horse in the last race at the Ben- nings race track this afternoon,” smil­ seem to be the queerest during the polar day or of the stars ed the purpose of their importation is In the United States there are 134 an engine’/ Well, I know of one make the run that generally takes during the night would indicate its po­ P ingly explained the well-dressed gentle­ A gentleman who resided for many clear. cities which have a population exceed­ who did, and, if you’ve got time to lis­ double that time.” sition. man. years in the town of Worcester was un­ Some animals are not under any cir­ ing thirty thousand. They have a total ten to It, I vrill tell you the story now. “I can do It,” says I, “if yon will jump Some estimation of the disorganized I t w as In the summer of 1885 th a t I Consternation and apologies followed. able to drop off to sleep unless half a cumstances to be imported, except for population of 18,872,402. The average aboard, pull off your coat, and do just and miserable state of the Belgian gov­ wan firing on a single track line that —Washington Star. dozen peaches were placed under his museums. Those under tbe ban at pres­ population Is 140,839. / as I tell you.” \ -. ? I pillow, as-be averred that the perfume ernment railways may be gathered runs up from Junction City through No sooner said than done, and in ten ent are the mongoose, the “flying fox” An example of patient industry is the Georgetown, a m atter of 110 milea. The AS HE SAW A GRAND OPERA. of the fruit brought with it a certain from the fact that recently while a or fruit bat, the English sparrow and sorting of hogs’ bristles as It is carried minutes wd had the old engine on the train was traveling at a moderate speed Hue was owned mostly by a man degree of drowsiness. the starling. These are “absolutely on at Tien Tsln, China. Each one of turntable, turned her around and were Philadelphia Reporter Glvea His Im­ one of the carriages dropped to pieces. named Thedford, who was president Somewhat similar to the device of prohibited.” the bristles has to be picked out, meas­ off. pressions of the Performance. The passengers Were shaken up, and and superintendent all In one. this worthy was the plain of a Parisian Tbe mongoose, to most Americans,'is ured and placed in the bundle of hairs If the road was rough when we ran At the opera last evening Philadel­ merchant whose only remedy for sleep­ one man had bis legs cut off. I had been firing on the line for two at our usual speed, that night making known chiefly as the deadly enemy of of corresponding length. phia’s best and bonniest turned out to lessness was the insertion beneath his While engaged in fishing off Lowes­ years back; all the time with* one double time. It was just awful. As we snakes. But his tribe are as fond of The area under tea culture in India at driver. Bob Hunter by ftatne, and a listen to the delightful strains: Mme. pillow of a sachet of lavender, the smell toft recently a fisherman landed in his flew around the curves it seemed as if Melba sang the leading role and every chickens as of tbe cobra and the the end of 1899 w as over 516,732 acres,: finer man never lived. I suppose It of which, he declared, would send him net a unique piece of amber. It resem­ python. we should lose the track at every turn box was tilled—her voice being in ex­ to sleep in less than five minutes. sixty per cent of this acreage being In would be only natural for me to speak bled a huge pebble, was oblong in As for the flying fox, he is a most un­ Assam, In tbe valleys of tbe Brahama- of the drivers, and the poor old machine cellent condition—in all three tiers. De Very peculiar was the following: A well of Bob, anyway, for I was clean shape, weighed 11 pounds 14 ounces, welcome addition to the fauna of any putra and Surma rivers, twenty-five per rocked and swayed so that used as I Rezke also sang, the Van Buster-Bid- middle-aged engineer who had lived for head over ears In love with his pretty and is the finest specimen of amber country. A foot and a half long on cent being in Bengal and the other ten was to It I could hardly keep- on my dles occupying the first prosecenium many years close to the beach of a sea­ daughter, Molly, and was only waiting seat by the lever. tbat bas been discovered on the English on average, bnt sometimes much larger, per cent being divided between the for a bit of rise in my pay to make her box of Germantown. Mrs. Van Bus- side town bad grown so accustomed to coast for several years. It realized R Cure* Colds. Comhs. Sort Throat, Cross, la* If It was hard on me, what must It ter-Biddle wore a corn-colored gown he lives wholly on fruit and his one northwest province* and the Punjab, •aonio.WhooplngCoash.BroncMtlaoiuMsUtiaa. Mrs. Jim Martlm. Though I didn’t see the lullaby of the waves that when $137.50. A coruin euro lor Consecution in trot stag**, have been to poor old Billy? I could trimmed with Yildiz sequins in business took him to Manchester, where redeeming feature seems to be that be In northern India, and Nilgris, Malabar tad a sure rails! In adnuicad stagss. Moo al any chance for that rise where I was, In France a so-called lamp bas been Is esteemed good eating in the coun­ and Travancore, in southern India. hardly keep from laughing in his face, bunches, the bodice cut on the slant. De he was thenceforward compelled to live, ooso. Yob will too tho excellent at set after I didn’t like to leave and go on an­ invented for the production of dark tries of tbe east in which be flourishes. Mint the tret dost. Sold by deetere every- as I watched him and heard him groan Rezke never sang his role with better he found that the absence of the sea In the canary breeding establishments, where. Lugo bottle* 25 costs and SO costs. other line, for that would take me away radiations which, although themselves In regard to this matter of prohibited as he bandied the heavy sticks we used effect. Three of the boxes contained murmurs robbed him of sleep. He of Germany, only the male birds are from Molly. invisible, are capable of imparting a animals the powers of the secretary of for fuel. tbe Bigler-DeGauze wedding party, therefore fitted up in bis bedchamber valued, for tbe females never sing. One day Bob says to me: The heat of the weather, added to phosphorescent glow to certain objects agriculture are unlimited. He may at The,method of training tbe birds to >LD MEXICO “Jim, ain’t you and Molly never go­ while the fourth In the lower tier was an apparatus which was so constructed brought within their influence. A stat­ that of the furqace and t£he unusual occupied by Mrs. Fitz Boodle, it being that the sound of the waves as they any time Increase the list sing is to put them iu a room where ing, to get married?” uette coated with lime sulphide, for in­ work, made him look as if he was in a her flrst appearance in society since broke upon the shore was most cleverly Twenty-five years ago the roseate there Is an automatic whistle, which THOMPSON’S “Just as soon as I can get my rise,” stance, when placed in total darkness spoonbill curlew, for instance, was ex­ Turkish bath. The water ran down his obtaining her decree. The orchestra imitated. Aided by this fictitious ap­ they all strive to Imitate. The breeder ■ays I, “btrt I don’t see bow I’m going near a “dark lamp” soon begins to Personally Conducted face, his stiff, white collar hung down was unusually good, though the gems pliance, the engineer was enabled to tremely common in Florida. The great listens to the efforts of the birds and to get it here.’' , shine, emerging into sight as If It had on his shoulders Bke a wet rag, and his of the score were somewhat outclassed sleep perfectly, and the apparatus con­ beauty of its plumage attracted the at­ picks out the most apt pupils, which 1901 Wabash Mexico Tour. “Why don’t yon go and ask Billy?” beautiful, smooth bosom looked as if been created out of nothing. tention of the milliners, with the result are then placed in another room for fur­ says he. by the gems displayed by Mrs. Fair- tinued In constant use until the day of Leaving Fort Wayne via Wa­ some one had thrown a pail of dirty mount Todgers, whose tiara was a his death, some years later. It ts reported that the Department of that the bird is now protected only' by ther Instruction. You see, Billy was always what we Imposing a fine of $250 on^nyone found bash R. B. Wednesday, Febru­ water over him. His hands were torn blaze.of iridescent splendor. In some oriental climes the natives Agriculture will set aside as forest re­ The castle of Kingsgoberg, which called Mr. Thedford—behind his back, shooting It in Florida. ary 27. Special Pullman train; and cut from handling the wood, and The entrance of a majority of the who find themselves unable to sleep by serves the island of Romblon, north of stands at the southern extremity of of course—for warrant you, we were take it altogether he was the most un­ Panay, and the Island of Pauitaui In The snowy heron, the great blue six cars; composite car, dining mighty polite to his face. elite was largely marred by the stupid­ natural means prevail upon .their Jutland, took 204 years from the laying likely looking railway president I ever the Jolo group. United States army heron, even the seagull, have become car, compartment sleepers, ‘He won’t do anything for me,” says ity of the manager, who persisted in friends, to administer to them very of the foundation stone to the rigging saw. Once in a while I had to shout at continuing the first act while Iso many sound floggings with bamboo canes. officers report that these are perhaps & prey to the milliner—or rather to the of Its master’s banner on its highest drawing room car, with elegant I, “for you know either one of the clean­ fashionable woman—and are rapidly de­ him to lay the wood even in the fur­ of our society’s best were seeking their The pain thus sustained is supposed by the richest Islands in the world for rub- flagstaff. Its foundation stone was the connecting suites; library and ers up to Georgetown would be glad nace. and would tell him hie would get ber-trees. In Zanzibar a new kind of creasing. observation car. . enough to jump Into my place, and he seats. Another gaucherie that was the natives ia question to induce a sen­ skull of its builder’s bitterest enemy. the knack of It in time. gutta-percha is said to have been The powers of the State gamekeep­ 3,400 miles of travel in Mexi­ ain’t going to give me a rise just to widely criticised was Mme. Melba’s sation of drowsiness, followed by sleep. Tbree months after its laying Count Whenever he tried to rest I told him found. It is produced by a tree bearing ers are not in any w'ay diminished, but co. Whole tour covers 7,500 please me.” lack of good taste in responding to a All the same, there are few insomnia Jnorsing, the builder of tbe castle, was we were losing steam, and if he wanted final call when our leading society patients in this country who would a peach-shaped fruit which attains the the whole work of saving the forests killed. His sou was then in swaddling miles. We go 400 miles south “Well,” says Bob, “It won’t do any to catch' that train he mustn’t idle over from being depopulated for the sake h u rt to try It.” dames had already quite as much as resort to so drastic a measure for cur­ size of a sihall melon. clothes. He did not continue his fath­ of the Tropic of Cancer into the work. If I had thought to hitch a they wanted of the opera, donning their ing their complaint.—London Tit-Bits. of trimming a “stunning” hat for some er's work until aged twenty-four. Tropical Mexico. Six full days So next day I washed up and went to car on when we started we should have Arthur J. Evans, the discoverer of the ermine and sable wraps preparatory to fine woman is now centralized and des­ “It has been estimated,” says a man in Mexico City at Hotel Sanz, the com pany’s office, and asked for Mr. run much smoother; but It was too late remains of a great prehistoric palace at ignated. returning home. WHAT A FALL WAS THERE. Knossos in Crete, which is believed to quoted by the Philadelphia Record, the Waldorf-Astoria of Mexico. Thedford. After a few minutes he sent to think of that now, anjl so on we Tbe purchasing of birds for those re­ All in all, however, it was a highly be the original of the fabled “Laby­ “th a t there are about 350,000,000 hens word to me that he would see me, and ruslied( now through woodlands, now Industrial Magnate of Newfoundland gions where they once flourished but Only tour making this Islegant successful performance, it being rough­ in the United States. During the year in I went. There he sat—a large, heav­ past grain fields, lurching first to one Has Been Repudiated. rinth,” says that the revelations made are now seldom found has not been sys­ hotel headquarters. All large ly estimated that there were at least there carry back the existence of writ­ 1900 they produced approxim ately 14,- ily built man, with big side whiskers side and then to the othen, until I ex­ The Czar of Newfoundland has been tematically carried on. Now that the cities of Mexico visited, Includ­ $250,000 worth of good jewelry dis­ ten documents on Greek soil some eight , eggs, which represent in and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on pected every minute to land wrong side deposed. After an uninterrupted and power to do this is vested in the de­ 000 000,000 ing Monterey, San Luis Poto- played by the glided social favorites centuries beyond the earliest known the neighborhood of $175,000,000. That his nose. up in the ditch. almost despotic sway in business af- partment of agriculture this work will si, Aguas Calientes, Leon, Za­ ■who favored the operatic management monuments of Greek writing, and flve seems a lot of money, but just wait a, “A^hatls It, my man? I’m very busy,” However, luck was with us that fairsfhsting for mauy years, Robert doubtless be much more energetically catecas, Guanajuato, Guadala­ by their presence. ' centuries beyond the earliest dated minute.” He figured on a slip of pa­ says he. night, and we pulled up at Junction Gillespie Reid, industrial magnate' of carried on and much of the harm done jara, Mexico City, Toluca, The opera was “Faust.”—Philadel­ Phoenician record as seen on the M«ab- per with a pencil. “The living value So I up and told him what I wanted. City at just 11. Poor old Billy could the province, failed to receive an In­ by hitherto lax laws and uneducated 1 phia Inquirer. ite stone. These discoveries, therefore, of hens at thirty cents apiece.” he con­ Cuernavaca, Orizaba, Tampico, “How much are you getting now?” hardly climb down from the engine, dorsement at the recent election, and public conscience will be remedied. “place the whole question of the origin tinued, “Is not far from $ , , , Tula, returning via El Paso, says he. but he managed to gasp out: Frail Human Nature. now finds hiinself in a novel position. The importance of the “prohibited 100 000 000 of writing on a new basis.” Mr. Evans besides which abont $130,000,000 worth Las Vegas Hot Springs, Color­ “Forty-five dollars a month,” says I. “Come to my office at 2 o'clock next “The many schemes to which pedple Reid’s life has been a romance with animal” clause is apparent when the thinks that the Cretan hierpglyphics of poultry is eaten in this country in ado Springs and Denver. Side “I don’t see how we can give you any­ Saturday.” resort iu attempting to swindle us out few parallels. He was born a poor boy figures of the amount spent to destroy exactly correspond with what. In virtue {he course of a year. So you see the trips to California if desired. thing more, my good fellow. You see, I learned afterward that finding the of paltry sums of money are calcu­ in Coupar-Augus, Scotland, and by his rabbits in Australia are taken into ac­ of their names, t»e must suppose to hen. while a humble bird, cuts quite a The most complete educa­ yours Is not a very responsible position; Chicago train was behind time, he bunt lated to make a man lose all confidence own efforts and foresight has acquired count. They am ount up to $5,000,000 have been tbe pictorial originals of the merely one that requires a little bodily ed up a clothing shop andl rigged him in human nature sometimes,” remark­ wealth that makes him probably the figure in the financial world.” tional tour and finest Pullman Phoenician letters on which the alpha­ and the plague has exhausted the in­ strength. And we can find plenty of self up so as to look like a civilized ed the cashier of a Baltimore restaur­ richest man in the world to-day. It was genuity of solence. Train ever sent to Old Mexico. bet ts based. Among these are Aleph, men who would be only too glad to take man, which he didn’t when be left me. ant the other night. “A man who through no ordinary course of building Housekeeping for a Millionaire. Entire cost, including every­ the ox’s head; Beth, the house; Daleth, In Jamaica the mongoose is a plague your place at that salary.” 1 managed to find a fireman who was seemed to have plenty of money beat up a business that his vast riches were In tlie mansion of a modem million­ thing for the thirty days, about the door, and so forth. This contra­ that destroys much valuable poultry. With that he turned to a letter he was willing to make the run back with me, us out of a small sum to-day. He came amassed. lie practically bought the aire the most interesting feature is the1 $10.00 a day. venes the old theory of De Rouge that It is only luck that has kepi this coun­ writing, and I knew I had no more busi­ and I finally got home at 3 o’clock, and in with a well-dressed woman and sat Islands of Newfoundland on risky spec­ invisibility of the housekeeping ma­ the Phoenician letters were derived try from Buffering from this pest, as it MEMBERSHIP POSITIVE­ ness there. I tell you I felt sore to be finding the cleaners a little sobered up, a t a table w ith her. She c-ame out ulations; he risked time after time chinery. Everything in us with preci­ from early Egyptian forms signifying would flourish in the Southern States. LY LIMITED TO SIXTY. told it didn’t take much to know how got to bed as soon as possible, for I was first, with the man eight or ten steps when there seemed no hope of gain, but sion, and one never .sees “the wheels quite different objects. —New York Tribune. to fire an engine, and I came mighty clean played out. I told Bob about my behind her. She walked coolly past he always came out with another small go round.” By 9 o’clock in the morning' An elegant 68-page Art Sou­ every department is immaculately near throwing my job up aad trying to trip next day. and thought he would die the desk without paying and out of the fortune to put in his pocket. Reid went THEY NEVER SAW THE ALPS. venir Itinerary now ready. IX get on another line. B ut Molly persuad­ laughing to think of old Billy playing to A ustralia in 1805. "Very little is Collected by a London Paper. clean and in perfect order, except the door. I said nothing, I supposed, Any number of ingenious answers Interested, apply early to ed me to hold on a little longer. fireman. But all he said was: known of his life there, but when he Beat Descriptions of the Re.ion Writ­ bed chambers, where rho# who dwell R . G. A ., of course, that the man intended pay­ have been given to the riddle, “Why THOMPSON, P. & T. Now, before 1 come to the particular “I'm afraid that’ll settle your hash ing her bill, but I asked blm as sbe cam e to America in 1871 and settled in ten by Men Who Were Never There, In the lap of luxu#y may still be slum­ did Anthony Hope?” but none is quite Wabash R. R., Fort Wayne. point of this yam, I want to tell you a Jim, for he will find out that you work­ reached the door, ‘ s that lady with Newfoundland he soon became promi­ Any poet may win a new title to dis­ bering: or perchance they may be 1 so good as tbtToriginai answer sent by little about tbe line. I have said it was ed him more than was needed. you?’ He turned his head and pretend­ nent iuthe affairs of the colony. Five tinction if he Is able In his verse to breakfasting in lonely grandeur. M1I- the perpetrator of the riddle, “Why a single track one running from Junc­ Tbe next Saturday, at 2 o’clock, I re­ ed not to hear me. I repeated tbe or six years ago he was given a con did please the most critical geographers by HonairedDm lies abed late—tlie fem inine c 150 KINDS Anthony Hope?—Because Mrs. Camp­ tion «City to Georgetown. The latter ported a t the president’s office, wonder­ question and still he did not answer, tract for the construction of a railroad the accuracy of his geographic descrip­ part especially, to whom "beauty sleep” bell Praed.” There is no end to the place Was a little town of 500 or 000 ing whether I was going to be reward­ until he saw that she was' some dis­ across the island. The ministry be- tions. Schiller was such a poet is an imperative necessity. In a great making of these riddles, and their com­ ito m e r s . W e r e c e iv e d 170,000. W e inhabitants; but in the summer a great ed for my extra work or get kicked out tance up the street, aud then said, cool­ enme finaucially embarrassed, aud by Schiller never saw the Alps, but the house, whatever the size of the family w h e r e o n o n r b o o k s 1,110,000 n a m e s , position is by no means a bad way of e w is h 890,000 m o r e in l £ f l , m a k in g many Chicago people came up there, for my impudence. ly: ‘No, she was not with me; I never a sljr^wd deal Reid persuaded them truthfulness as well as the splendor of proper, two or ten, it matters not a 1,600*000 f u l l , h e n o e t h i s u n p r e c e d e n t e d beguiling half an hour over the after­ offer for 16 cents postpaid of and so I suppose the line paid. Any­ Wlieli 1 entered the office there sat saw her before.’ And yet I had; seen tlffit they could only lose money by his descriptions id “Wilhelm Tell” of certain number of servants is always tt k in d s e f r a r e s t lu « e f o u * i noon teacups. There are riddles to be 18 asnsm lteent earliest melons, how, Thedford, who had a .summer the old man, spick and span as ever, them talking confidentially together at operating the road, so it was turned the Swiss mountains gave him the new requisite to insure tlie proper conduct 1 8 e o r t a f f l e r io n a t o m a t o e s . place there, was rich enough to run it and showing no signs of hfs hard work. made out of politics, art, literature, • 6 p o o r le a e le t t n c e v a r i e t i e s , the table. I let It pass, but as a-matter over to him. This deal netted him a title of the Poet of Alpine Land. As of the affairs of the household. If the 18 splendid beet sorts. for himself alone If he wanted to. “Well, young man." says tie, “you sport, the stage. We venture to give W beantlfnl flower seeds of curiosity I sent one of tbe waiters g ran t of 5,000 acres for each mile of far as the knowledge of his day went people live elegantly and entertain fre­ aH 150 kind*. sure to delight and pleat* aud Bob lived at Georgetown and I board­ helped me out the other night, but I examples, “Why did Mrs. Brown Pot­ quently the department of service must rat* Tour hearu. together with our great after tbem and tbe man overtook tbe the G30-mile road. A fterw ard he se­ Schiller’s word painting of the stupen­ trated Plant and Seed Catalog. tolling all ed with him. Our trips began at 8 in would not go through thejsame experi­ ter?” “Because, of course, she saw be composed of skilled hands, who are t Billion Dollar Grata. Peaoat, TeosinU. woman around tlie corner and they cured another 2,500 acres of land for dous Alpine rock masses with their ana. Sptlta. Onion Seed at Me., etc.. all the morning, and we generally ran the ence again for $10,000. {At the same Herbert Standing.” crowns of snow, their ice rivers, their inmates of the house. The cljef arid v r 1 6 c e n t s s t a m p s a n d t h la n o t ic e . went off together." each mile of track and tlie right to oper­ Catalog positively worth |100 to any 110 miles in five hours. Then rit 3 in time I think you were trying-to get ate the road for fifty years. "Why did Dhuleep Singh?”—“To winged and four-footed inhabitants and butler.only may sleep out.-4,adies’ planter ef garden and farm teeda. King of Sweden a Linguist. the afternoon we came back, getting even with me for’ not doing' what This w as all done a t a cost of $1,000, make Ivan C&ryll.” “W hen does Rus­ their struggling flora is true to nature. Home Journal. JOHN A. 8ALZER SKID CO. Tlie King of Sweden aud Norway is home at 8. As soon as we reached the asked about your salary J aud I have 000 to Mr. KetU. The road is now said sia leather?”—"When Turkey Sponges.” Ernst Muller, of Germany, has re­ noted as a‘u admirable linguist. When roundhouse at Georgetown our day’s concluded that this line (can dispense to be w orth $10,0CH*0fK). In much the “Why did Hall Caine?”—“To make cently thrown some light upon Schil­ A Floating Monte Carlo. tbe oriental congress met at Stockholm, work was over, for the cleaners took with your services." same way he acquired the Government Hawley Smart." ‘Why did Huntley ler’s geographic preparation for the A syndicate has been formed for a EXCURSION RATES years ago, lie addressed the as­ toWestenbCanadaend par* fhe engine then, cleaned and polished At this my heart went down into my som e drydock at St. John’s for $325,000, and Wright?”—“Because he heard Charles writing of “Wilhelm Tell.” He shows floating Monte Carlo to be moored off ticulars As to how to secure sembled scholars in tlie languages of ISO acres of the best Wheat her, and laid the fire already to start 1 toot s. for I can tell you it isn’t an easy the telegraph lines around the coast for Reade.” “Why sang Ada Crossley?”— the sources from which the poet drew the English coast somewhere Just be­ growing land on the Conti* the nationalities to which they respec­ the next morning. thing to get a new job when you can’t $125,000. The dock w as being operated "To make Plunkett ;Greene.” "Why his information and his chief depend­ nent, can be secured on ap­ tively belonged, and spoke with equal yond the three-mile limit. Negotia­ plication to the Superin­ Well, as I said, I hung on to my job. bring a recommendation I'iout your last by tbe Government at an annual loss did Mabel Love?” “Because Mr. Henry ence upon the admirable Alpine ^writ­ tendent of Immigration, fluency in English. French, German, tions are pending for an obsolete At­ Ottawa, Canada, or the nn- hoping that something Would turn up place. Wood.” “Why was Hilda Moody?”— ings of Selieuehzer. In preparing to SpeciidljM Italian, Russian and Spanish. of $12,400. The telegraph line cost lantic liner, which could be -turned into that would give me a lift, till one day Then lie went ou to tbem a loss of $18,000 yearly. -Because she heard Hayden Coffiu.” write his poem Schiller made copious a miniature casino, at a total cost, in­ andSd Tuesday Tn each month, and specially low rates “What gave Barry Pain?”—To see Flo­ on all lines of railway are being quoted for excursions in August. The whole summer had been “I have a letter here frdun the super­ Cotton Mills in Mexico. Mr. Reid then agreed to build at a notes from Scheuchzer upon the nature cluding the first outlay for the bulk, of leaving St. Paul on March 28th and April 4th, for Manl* uncommon hot, but that day went intendent of the Chicago mil Western, The 112 cotton mills of Mexico con­ cost of $1,000,000 eight steamers of the ra Steele.” Another, “Why was Rider of glaciers with their moraines, crev­ £50,000. The idea is to provide a haunt toba, Aasiaiboia. Saskatchewan and Alberta. Haggard?”—“Because he had to Marie W rite to F. Pedley, Snpt, Immigration, Ottawa, ahead of anything I ever saw. Of asking if I can recommend to them a sumed last year 57,1)00.000 poun4s of latest pattern. For that he received asses and stratification, “like the par­ for gamblers within easy reach of Lon­ Canada, or the undersigned, who will mail you at­ course while we were running we had a driver who has a sharp eye and cool mail subsidies by steamers and trains Corelli.” A very neat one. lases, pamphlets, etc., freeoLcost: E. T. Holmes, cotton and produced nearly 10,000,000 allel strata that show the annual growth don, but beyond the reach of the bet­ Room 6, Big Four Building. Indianapolis, Ind.; breeze, but the minute we stopped it head to run their new fkst night ex­ pieces of woven and printed goods. of $177,000. He undertook to build at of trees.” The w hite mountain lily, ting laws of the realm; and, of course, M. V . M clnnes, No. 2^*terrill Block, Detroit, Poking Fun at His Prisoner. Mich., Agents for the Gdv’t of Canada. seemed as if we were in a furnace, and press. I have w ritten in[ reply that I These mills give employment to 22,000 his own cost great hotels in St. John’s the purple Alpine rose, the torrent, the capital for running the tables would A trooper in Paget’s horse who was naturally, wording as we were near a can recommend such a man. oue James operatives, and tlie sales for tlie (year and other terminal points and at what­ various aspects of the snow peaks, the have to be provided to the additional vaken prisoner writes home to relatives hot fire didn't improve things. Martin, who will report for service tlie amounted to more than $ , , . ever points would attract tourists to manifold phases of Alpine life and phe­ tune of some hundred thousand pounds. 28 000 000 in England that a certain Boer com­ VIRGINIA FARMS FOR S A IJ E ^S M Ou the home trip Bob was taken sick 1st of September. The pay will be $100 the interior. He has also acquired the nomena, all formed a part qf his pre­ It is understood that the Brighton coast o f Farms for sale by A. T . St'bw a r t . mandant, slyly pointing to the letters Carson, Virginia. and had all he could do to hold out till a month. I may add to you privately Taking His Measure. electric street railways in St. John’s, liminary study, and thus it was that is thought of.—Norwich Dally Press. we got to the home station, when he got that I shall never apply tju you for tlie “What kind of a man is this John the charter of which gives him the use P. H. on his prisoner’s helmet asked: Schiller gave actual truth to his poetic home as soon as possible. After the position uf fireman. Good day, sir." Sm ith?” of extensive water works in the sub­ “What does ■‘P. II.’ stand for? ‘Per­ pictures. With the clear vision of a fectly Harmless?’ ” Astrology is an ignorant mother, but train was emptiedsl ran the engine to T h a t's all there is to my: story. Molly “Ot, he’s the kind that thinks he can urbs and the right to generate electricity great genius he saw the Alps as they !u astronomy she has a wise daughter. the roundhouse, expecting to go and I were married and [went to Chi­ hold ou to his umbrella by havinj for lighting and mechanical purposes. are. straight home and wash up. But when cago to live. I took the new train, aud bis name engraved on tbe haudle."- This contract is worth a cool $1,000,000. A rxia.ii who can earn a dollar in pol­ The other man who did enduring The tailor-made girl is all right but I rau the engine in the first thing I saw have brougat her ia ou tiiue every trip New York Evening World. This immense property Mr. Reid itics can earn ten In any other Luxe. work with the Alps as his subject was most men prefer vhe ready maid. forged several bills and, upon obtain­ Arithmetic 3,600 Years Ago. Jules Verne. A Remedy fbr the Grippe. ing tbe money, fled the country. The Probably the oldest book for home Jules Verne is an officer of the Le­ Physicians recommend KEMP’S BAL­ CHIM DINNER SET FREE! princess, deserted and alone, shamed lessons in arithmetic was recently an- gion of Honor. There are many others SAM as a remedy for patients afllicted LADIES! Send us your address and we wilt EPIDEMIC OF GRIP place you in position to obtain, without m ad: her parentage by joining the legion of earthed in Egypt The papyrus, which who wear this distinction, and there with the grip, as it is especially adapted e ffo rt, o n e o f o u r Handsome Decorated a n d O tlt adventuresses at Buda-Pesth and fell was in excellent condition, dates from is nothing noteworthy about this fact for the throat and lungs. Do not wait Chino Dinner Set*, Latest Pattern. ABSOLUT- for the first symptoms of the disease, but LY FREE T T h e r e Is n o d e c e p tio n a b o u t thl lower and lower as her beauty grad­ about 1700 B. C.—th a t is, about 100 except that the decree conferring the get a bottle to-day and keep it on hand we guarantee______wbat we say. Many others haveha' WORST EVER KNOWN years before the time of Moses. It o b ta in e d a ■Set fro m UN. why should not yon? honor upon him was signed only two ually faded. After being discSarged for use the moment it is needed. If neg­ W r ite to u s a t onco. y o u w ill N o t R xqrk x it . l"l 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 l l t'H I t t l ; 1 ! H 1 ' ’ I f-q,* * * .!.** * ,!., from the hospital as cured after a long proves that the Egyptians had a thor­ hours before the fall of the empire. His lected the grip has a tendency to bring NATIONAL MERCHANDISE CO, ough knowledge of the elementary on pneumonia. KEMP’S BALSAM pre­ 62 W e st B r o a d w a y . N ew Y o rk . and dangerous illness she found her­ well-known book, “Round the World vents this by keeping the cough loose and SRIP BACILLUS EVERYWHERE— 1* THE AIR WE BREATHE. mathematics almost to the extent of in Eighty Days,” bas brought his pub­ self entirely without resources and the lungs free from inflammation. A ll p . am w m am Full Roll Back Reed Rocker. It is said that Ruth Bryan, daughter took to begging for a livelihood. Until our own. The papyrus has a long head­ lishers about $2,000,000 and to him self druggists sell K EM P’S BALSAM at 25c f * f f g * Oak Morris Chair. Reverst- IR THE WATER WE DftlHK, IR THE FOOD WE EAT. :: ing, “Directim How to Attain the and 50c. ______o s o B o B b le C u sh io n s, o r 41-00 U p -to - of William Jennings Bryan, started to her death she depended solely Upon a goodly share of the proceeds. Date Ladles’ or Men’s shoes. ■ No money school one morning, not long ago, and, the charity of the benevolent. Ex­ Knowledge U L All Dark Things,” etc. A woman prefers a man to be utterly wanted from you. A little pleasant personal Hundreds of carloads of Pernna Numerous eSftaples show that their The Pow er of the Preae. effort with only four friends. Send 4 cts. tor Bacillus of drip. after a desperate run for a street-car, posure and want shortened her days miserable when he asks her to make p o s ta g e On b o o k. New Idea Codfoh Co., U t are shipped in all directions to meet principal operations with entire units Is a common expression, but few realize its the extraordinary1 demands of the . > finally succeeded in catching it. As she and she was buried in a common grave actual power. Great a s la tbe inflaence o f him happy. Chamber of Commerce Bid.. Detroit, Mich. grip epidemic. took her seat she gasped: “Well, I’m without a single attendant mourner. and fractions were made by means of tbe press, It cannot begin to equal tbe p o w e r addition and multiplication. Subtrac­ of H ostetter’s Stomach Bitters over disease. Everybody laying in a stock of <£■ glad one of the family can run for The Bitters strengthens the stomaeb, puri­ tion and division were not known in this valuable remedy in time to meet ‘; something and get it.” g a Im e . fies tho blood, aud cures dyspepsia, indiges­ AGREE TO PRESERVE their present form, but correct results tion and constipation. It w ill tone up tbe the terrible enemy, the Grip. The late Henry Russell, the veteran nervea, stimulate Inactive kidneys, aBd as were obtained, nevertheless. Equa­ The extensive facilities of the T IBnglish composer of “Cheer, Boys, N ation. Interested in Africa Have a on appetizer, It is unequalled. If yon went Compact to Protect A nim als tions were also found in the papyrus. to get well, and keep well, use Hoetetter’s manufacturers taxed to their ut- • > Cheer,” and of more than 800 other Stomach Bitters. An act of great importance to all most to meet the urgent demand for * ’ songs which were popular in their day, those who are interested in preserving Peruna. had many amusing experiences when PRESIDENT OF PRESIDENTS. No Drunkard Can Marry. from extermination the wild animals Almost everybody has the grip. A D istinguished Lady, Indeed, la Mrs. In Waldeek, a little German prin­ he sang his ballads on various occa­ of the world, was recently taken by rep­ Almost everybody must have Pe­ sions. Once, after rendering “Wood­ M ary E. Poole, of W hiting, Ind. cipality, a decree has been proclaimed resentatives of the various European runa. man, Spare That Tree,” a gentleman W hiting, Ind., Feb. 4, 1901.—(Spe­ that a license to marry will not be powers that control territory in Africa, Taken at the appearance of the .. rose in the gallery, and asked, “Was cial.)— The presidents of the Ladies of granted to any individual who has been first symptoms of the grip, nof only | • by which the larger portion of that the Grand Army of the Republic have in the habit of getting drunk. If any for the tree spared?” On being answered is Peruna a prompt cure for the ], continent becomes, to all intents and an association composed exclusively of in the affirmative, he, with a sigh of one who has been a drunkard applies grip but it prevents those disastrous « > purposes a vast game preserve. All tbe presidents of the different State heartfelt relief, exclaimed: “Thank for such a license be m ust produce suf­ after effects so characteristic of this \ \ game, both great and small, is in dan­ associations. This Presidents’ Associa­ Magnified 16,000 times. dread disei^e. Gad for that!” After singing the song ficient proof of reformation to warrant Skin-TorM Babies ger of disappearing before the persist­ tion chooses a president, and to this his receiving it. Peruna not only cures the grip, but prevents it. |of “The Dog Carlo,” who jumped off ence of sportsmen and of the gatherers very high and distinguished position Taken in time tho^^pds of lives will be saved in this present epidemic. an Atlantic liner and saved a child’s Mrs. Mary E. Poole of this place has of hides and ivory. been elected. Mrs. Poole is thorough­ Chronic Nasal Catarrh poisons And Rest for Every family should take the precaution to secure a supply of Peruna | j life, Russell was gravely waited upon Africa is still rich in animals, birds every breath that is drawn into the lungs. at once, for the retail and wholesale stock of the remedy may be exhausted ly deserving of this great honor. Her by a couple of Yorkshire miners, who and fishes, and by placing certain re­ There is procurable from any druggist the by the enormous demand for it. devotion to the interests of the associa­ remedy for its cure. small quantity of begged him for a pup. One of Russell’s strictions npon their destruction many A It is wisdom to have Peruna in the house even before the grip attacks .. songs, of which the words were tion is very marked, and her experi­ Ely’s Cream Balm placed into the nostrils the household. species that would otherwise be exter­ ence w ith the old soldiers of th e G. A. spreads ov er sn inflamed and angry surface, Tired Mothers changed in accordance with the altered R. is wide. Mrs. Poole is never slow It has been ascertained by reporter that the following people of minated may be fostered and perpetu­ relieves immediately the painful inflamma­ a conditions, is our national anthem, “Co­ ated. In London a convention was to take advantage of anything that tion, eleansea, heals and cures. Drying fa- ’ ’ national reputation hate given public indorsement and testimonials to lumbia, the Gem of the Ocean.” may benefit the veterans, and her zeal halants, fumes, smokes and snuffs simply ! I Peruna as a remedy for la grippe: signed by the diplomatic representa­ Ex-President Benjamin Harrison, one tives of Great Britain, Germany, Spain, has resulted in much that is good to develop dry eatarrh; they dry up the secre­ *’ Congressman Howard of, Alabama says: “I have taken Pernna for the tions which adhere to the membrane aud of the ablest men who has figured in Belgium, France, Italy and Portugal these grand old men. She writes of her I grip and recommend it as an excellent remedy to all fellow-sufferert.” experiences: “Honor to whom honor decompose, causing afar more serious trou­ our public life, has always been hand­ for the protection of the wild animals, ble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid J | Congressman White of North Carolina says: “I find Pernna to be an icapped by his unresponsive, cold man­ is due, and having seen the nu&erous I ! excellent remedy for the grip. I have used it in my family and they all join < ■ birds and fishes of Africa, which con­ all drying inhalants, use Ely’s Cream Balm. ner. When he was in the Senate, at cures effected through the use of < > me in recommending i t ” ., vention, after being ratified by the Dodd's Kidney Pills, I gladly endorse It is reliable and will cure catarrh, cold in Washington, D. C., in the early ’80s, he the head and hay fever easily and pleasantly. Miss Frances M. Anderson of Washington. D. C., daughter of Judge • ‘ powers, is to remain in force for fifteen them as being particularly effective to always brought his luncheon to the years. By thus acting in concert the All iruggists sell it at 50 cents or it will be Anderson of‘Virginia, says: “I was taken very ill with the grip. I took ] [ cure that dreaded disease of so many mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St..lN.Y. Peruna and was able to leave my bed in a week.” eommittee-room. He carried it in his European nations who are most inter­ of our old soldiers, Bright’s Disease, Mrs. Harrietts A. S. Marsh, President of the Woman’s Benevolent Asso- ' | coat-pocket, and would eat it while he ested in Africa, through their exten­ and Kidney Disorders of different Miss Ellen Terry. ciation of Chicago, writes: “I suffered with grip seven weeks. Nothing helped went on with his work. One day when sive colonial possessions, have formed kinds. Kidney Disease soon poisons Miss Ellen Terry cannot sleep spon­ me. Tried Peruna and within three weeks I was fully restored. Shall be got It out as usual from bis pocket, themselves into a powerful game pro­ the entire system, and as a result the vital organs are attacked, and I have taneously; she has to be hypnotized into never be without it again.” he looked it ail over ruefully, for it did tective association, with jurisdiction rest by the voice of some one reading At the appearance of the first symptoms of grip people should stay in- * ‘ look rather flat and dubious. He final­ found that no remedy so surely, com­ over the most extensive game preserve pletely and quickly finds the weak spot aloud. Therefore, her girl friends take doors and take Peruna in small doses (teaspoonful every hour) until the . • ly remarked to those near by that he in tbe world. turns at some books every afternoon symptoms disappear. This will prevent a long, disastrous sickness and ] ’ and heals it as Dodd’s Kidney Pills. guessed he must have sat on it acci­ The area over which the provisions “I have used them myself in slight during her long engagements. ’ [ perhaps fatal results. dentally. One of his colleagues—one of the convention are to apply includes attacks of biliousness and indigestion, who had recently been ignored by Har­ all that portion of the dark continent and usually find that from three to Fiso’s Cuffe is the best medicine we rison—spoke up impulsively: “Well, extending from the twentieth parallel four pills do the work.” ever used for ail affections of the throat by Jove, Harrison, if you’ve sat on it, of north latitude to the southern line Such evidence from a lady of so and lungs.—Wm. O. Endsley, Vanburen, No- 80 I’oft, Taking Command. Ind., Feb. 10, 1900. In a Warm Bath with I’ll bet you a sixpence it is frozen sol­ much distinction and experience should A poor man ealed one day at a farm­ Even when bent on showing appre­ of the German possessions in south­ id;” and of course a shout went up convince any sufferer from Kidney house while the good wife was dishing ciation, the manners of a crowd of hero- western Africa, and from the Atlantic from the whole committee. Harrison Trouble that Dodd’s Kidney Pills is In the Crash. up a huge plate of dumplings. worsbipers may leave sometlhing to be Ocean to the Indian Ocean and the took the joke kindly, and joined in the Red Sea. th e remedy th a t never fails. 50c a box, Doctor—Don’t ride to and from work. “I'll bet thee a penny, mussus,” said desired; but if the hero of! the occa­ six boxes for $2.50. Buy them from laugh. Under the terms of the convention You shouldn’t sit down so mncb. he, “that I could eat tliy dumplings, sion which has brought them together your local druggist If you can. If he Patient—I don’t. "When I was in Springfield, Abraham the hunting and destruction of vul­ plate and all, for my dinner.” is a man accustomed to being obeyed can’t supply you, send to the Dodds Doctor—Ah! You walk, then? tures, secretary birds, owls, giraffes, Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. “I’ll bet thee a penny thee can’t,” said the result may be a good story, like the Lincoln and General Baker, who whs Patient—Np.—1 hang on to a strap killed at Leesburg, Va., during the Civ­ gorillas, chimpanzees, mountain zebras, the good wife. * one below, taken from Uppincott’s mostly.—Philadelphia Press. il War. made the race for the Whig wild asses, white-tailed gnus, elands J n s t T hink. "I’ll bet thee I can,” again said Jock. Magazine. Arctic Explorer—An Arctic night, “Then do It, Jock,” said Mistress It was at a Grand Army encampment nomination for Congress,” says Dr. D. and the little Liberian hippopotamus is prohibited. The yonng of certaiD ani­ lasting as it does 141 days, is no joke, Lanws Family Medicine Hodge. in a Western city, and Gen. William B. Hill. "Both were Whigs, and both Moves the bowels each day. in order to were keen for the nomination. Both mals, including the elephant, rhinoc­ I can tell you. I should not care to go Thus bidden, Jock threw his legs un­ Tecumseh Sherman was the guest of through It again! be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently der the table, calmly devoured the con­ honor. No sooner, however, had he had a strong personal following, and if eros, hippopotamus, zebra, antelope, on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick gazelle, ibex and chevrotain, are pro­ Friend—Why, man, I think it is headache. Price 26 and 50c. tents of the plate, and, heaving a deep reached the rooms reserved for him in both ran the Democrat would win in splendid. Fancy saying to a creditor, sigh, said: the hotel than there was a cnowd at the the district. So a primary election was tected, and also the same species when accompanied by their young. “Please call again to-morrow morn­ “Missus, I’ll hev to pay ’e the penny, door. necessary to settle the contest. Baker ing.” • .______Twenty excellent stories and anec­ after all, for I find that I can’t eat the Some of tbe old soldiers were admit­ won. Both men were at Springfield Particular emphasis is laid on the dotes of Theodore Roosevelt, never protection of young elephants, and all S t a t s o f O h i o , C i t t o f T o l i d o , i plate.”—Pearson’s Weekly. ted, and many who were not old sol­ when the news came. Lincoln was de­ LVC AS COUKTT. t before printed, and told anonymously And a single anointing with CUTICURA, diers pushed their way in. The gen­ pressed. The crowd, to cheer him up, elephants’ tusks weighing less than P r a n k J . C h e n e y makes oath that he la tha by the “intimates” and closest friends Coogblns Lcada to Consumption. twenty pounds are to be confiscated senior partner ol the firm of P. J. Chehky A Co., purest of emollients and greatest of skin cures# eral made the best of things and un­ called on him for a speech. Getting np, doing bnslneea in tbe City of Toledo, Connty of the Vice-President-elect, will be Kemp’s Balsam will stop the cough at dertook to shake hands with all. But he said: “Gentlemen, I’d like to com­ by the Government If the animal was and State aforesaid, and that aaid firm will pay This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, per­ onoe. Go to your druggist to-day and get killed after the convention went into tbe enm of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eacfa published in the next issue of The a sample bottle free. Sold in 23 and SO this was not satisfactory to a few, who ply with your request, but I can’t make aad every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured Ladies’ Home Journal. w anted to pass the time of day with a speech now. I expected to receive effect A limited number of lions, by the uae of H u t's Catabkh Cube. manent, and economical treatment for torturing, cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dan­ leopards, hyenas, otters, baboons and PRANK J. CHENEY. gerous. ______the veteran, and incidentally to look the nomination, bnt I failed. If I bad Sworn to before me and subscribed In mv PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, him over as if he were a prize ox in a won I know Baker would have got up other harmless monkeys, large birds of presence, this 6t h d a y of December, A spot, streak or give your goods an un­ prey, crocodiles, poisonous snakes and , —■— , A. W. GLEA) A p r o p o s . stock show. here and so charmed you with hia elo­ ■J BEAL, f notary’ evenly dyed appearance. crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humors, “A man can’t be too careful about Finally the crowd in front! of him be­ quence as to' make you believe you had pythons may be killed. trifles in this world,” remarked the HAll's Catarrh Core is taken internally and American tourists in Japan are said rashes, irritations, and chafings, with loss of came so dense that it blocked the way done him a favor by nominating me. sets directly npon tbe blood and mnoons inr- to number three times the total of all moralist. “‘You go along' with your of others who were trying to get near But I can’t do it.’ ” RECENT INVENTIONS. feces oi tbe system. Send for testimouiale, free. mind intent npon some big plan, and F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. other foreign travelers. hair, of infants and children, and is sure to him, and the whole line came to a FA"Sold by Druggists, 76 cents. the first thing you know some little After making out a list of its awards An improved razor has a removable standstill. Several persons tried to of medals and prizes, one of the juries blade which can be taken out for steril­ succeed when all other remedies fail* thing upsets you that you never no­ Cost of French Books. Unde S a m A i n u straighten the tangle, but without suc­ of the Paris exposition decided to cele­ izing, the back having a grooved chan­ ticed.” Last year the price of unbound j)ll\ ibe best or everything, which is cess. Then General Sherman took brate the completion of its labors by "by be uses Carter’s Ink. H e k n o w s “That’s right,” replied the other, nel into whieh the blade slides, with a French books was raised from 50 cents w h a t 8 good. Millions of Mothers Use CuticuraSoap command. “and, say, there ought to be a law giving an informal little dinner at spring catcb entering a depression in Assisted by C uticusa O intm ent, the great skin cure, foRpreservlng, purifying, and beau­ “Salute and fall back!” he said in a to 55. Recently another 5 cents was against throwing banana skins on the which the members of the Jury, repre­ th* shank to lock it in place. In order to be much missed one must tifying the skin of infants and children, for rashes, itching*, and chaings, for cleansing the added, in consequence of tbe Increased scalp of crnsts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whiten­ pavement.”—Philadelphia Press. tone impossible to disregard, at the senting many nationalities, could meet be a great nuisance or a great bless- same time extending his hand toward In an Improved massage apparatus a twice of paper. ing, and healing red, rough, and sore hands, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and far Aore agreeably as private individ­ small motor is used to revolve a flexible Insr. ______nursery. Millions of Women use Cuticura-Soap in the form of baths for annoying irrita­ the gawking fellow nearest him, who Eat Mrs. Austin’s famous pancakes, ready uals. Hence, it was decidedly unex­ shaft, carrying a roller at the outer TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY When the crispy mornings come, you’ll tions, inflammations, and excoriations, for too free or offensive penpirstior in the form ef In a jiffy, so good you always want more. took it rather sheepishly and speedily Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily pected when, after they had reached end, by which an electric current is ap­ be delighted if you have Mrs. Austin’s suggest themselves to women, especially mothers. Ne amount of persuasion can indue* retired. the stage of coffee and cigars, the Brit­ druggists refund the money if it fails to core. plied to the body as tbe roller is rapidly E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box.~26c. famous pancakes for breakfast. Your those who have once used thesegreat skin purifiers and beautifiers to use any others, espe­ The fastest flowing river In the world “Salute and fell back!” repeated the ish memhers of the jury rose with great grocer waits to supply you. cially for preserving and purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children. C un- turned and drawn over the flesh. c u ra Soap combines delicate emollient properties derived from C uticura, the great skin is tbe Sutlej, in India. Its descent is general. solemnity and said: “Gentlemen, I pro­ W here the Tronble Waa. For the protection of banks and other cure, with the purest a t cleansing ingredient* and the most refreshing of flower odors. No 12,000 feet in 180 miles. In less than a minute the line was pose the health of her Majesty the Blobbs—Why don’t you get married": A standing committee is apt to be a buildings from safe-breakers an elec­ o th e r m edicated soap is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying moving again, and the crowd rapidly Queen.” This staggered everybody for I believe you are lacking in will. (Handing nuisance. the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expen­ trical alarm matting has been patented, W hen Yon Are Planning melted away. a moment; but, innate courtesy over­ Slobbs—No; it’s the girl who has a sive,is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery.] Thus it having hollow cells with two contact combines in One Soap at One Price, viz.,TwE 5rrY -rrvrE C e n ts , th e b e s t sk in and com* To attend the magnificent Pan-American coming national prejudice, they quickly superabundance of won’t.—Philadel- Sellers’ Rates Csuirht Her Listening. plates inside, which spring together plexion soap and the b e st toilet and baby soap in the world. Exposition at Buffalo, give a thought to pulled themselves together and drank Dhia Record. Via the Nickel Plate Road. Beginning tlie fact that tbe Nickel Plate Road will be Mrs. Highbiower—Don’t forget, my when stepped on and give an alarm. with Tuesday, February 12. Low rate dear, that in conversation the interest the toast will all the honors. No soon­ Complete External and Internal Treatment for Eiery Humor, the most pleasant, shortest and cheapest To assist in quickly determining the Do you eat Mrs. Austin’s famous pan­ Setlers’ tickets will be on sale every Tues­ Consisting of CnnctrHA Soaf (25c.), to cleanse the skin of crnsta rente in getting there, and one also that m ust not be allowed to flag. er, however, had this been accom­ cakes? ______day to and including April 36, to Ore­ ©ticura and scales and soften the thickened cuticle, C uticura O rarim rr plished than the American member weight of a load on the scales the rod (50c.), to instantly allay itching, Inflammation, and irritation, and will land passengers without transfer Clara—But I’m sure I do my best, The Jagerfontein diamond mine, 70 gon, Montana, Washington and all points mamma. rose and, poising his glass in the air, carrying the weights at the end of the THF \FT Al 7 h soothe and heal, and C u tic u r a R esolvext (50c.), to cool and right at the Exposition gates. miles southwest of Bloemfontein, pro­ in the Northwest. IIIL U k l, ■ iiliiti cleanse the blood. A Sengle Set. costing but tl.25, is often sn«. “May be so. But while the pianist said simply, “And other ladies.” Need­ scale beam is graduated on its face, to Write, wire, ’phone or call on the near­ ’ S, and humiliating skin, scalp, and blood, Write, wire, ’phone or call on nearest duces stones of the annual value of Sold throughout the world. agent. C. A Asterlin, T. P. A., Fort was- playing I thought, once or twice, less to say this equally unexpected indicate the total value of the weights est Agent. C. A. Asterlin, T. P. A., Fort without the necessity of adding them. £400,000, and their quality is excellent. Wayne, Ind. Wayne, Ind. that I detected you listening to him.”— toast was received with enthusiasm by F. W. N. TJ A Canadian has patented a chimney EiTO Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness of ter 'M C lm U JnHN W. MORRIS, N o. 6 —1801. Life. all. H I w first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Re­ ■ n U IU Il Washington, D.C! which increases the amount of light storer. Send for FREE 82.00 trial bottle and treatise. >Wth DR. R. B . KLINE. Ltd.. 931 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Allmyg pkiH. cures wind coiic. 25 c e u u k bottleT 9uccessfully Principal Examiner Prosecutes U.S. pension Claims. Bureau, W hen W riting to Advertisers please say SAD FATE OF A PRINCESS diffused by a flame, a number of glass tin civil war 15 adjudicating claims, atty since you saw the Advertisem ent in this paper# THE DUTY OF MOTHERS. rings of triangular shape in cross-sec­ D a u g h t e r o f a Famous Russian Dies in Hungary a Beggar. tion forming a tube to surround the Wliat suffering frequently results flame, the inner surface being smooth spooooooooocKKXxxxsooaoosaooKxxxxxsoooaooassaossaoBaoBoo A few days ago, writes a Vienna cor­ and the outside corrugated. from a mother’s ignorance:; or more respondent, an old beggar woman, well frequently from a mother’s neglect to known to the police for her drunken­ In a toy cue for a small billiard ta­ properly instruct her daughter ! ness, was buried by the parish in the ble a cylinder is fitted with an internal spring, a sliding rod being placed in­ Tradition says “woman must suf- suburbs of Buda-Pesth. As she had t h e F a m i l y lived for the. last ten years entirely up­ side the spring and engaging it at the For fer,” and young women are iso tapght. front end to propel it forward and drive an others kill end barn on charity there were few benevolent dp from excessive heat There is a little truth and a great deal the ball, the rod carrying- a tip at one All ages hail with delight the coming of the most wonderful, nferitorious preparation that will lighten the ills And lack of sufficient of exaggeration in this. Ii* a young persons in that city to whom she was moisture. Grows where unknown. Clothed in rags as she was, end and a grip at the other. of humanity and will do away with the taking of obnoxious, violent purges, inconvenient liquids, and pills that tear nhers winter kill woman suffers severely she needs -— freeze out 3 to 7 and always cowering at the corner of Wagons can be rapidly loaded with your life out. .Simply because in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic you will find just what you want, convenient in tons of magnificent hay treatment, and her mother should see per acre and lots of pas* some street, she still retained traces of dirt by a Western man’s device, a hoard tur&ge besides. form, pleasant of taste (just like candy) and of never-failing remedial action. They have found a place in millions that she gets it. her former remarkable beauty. Her being placed at the rear of the wagon of homes, and are the favorite medicine of the whole family, from baby to good old grandpa. S1.20 and up a Many mothers hesitate to take their story, known to some few persons in to form a track, up which the scraper Barrel. daughters to a physician for examina­ is drawn with its load of dirt, the tion ; but no mother need hesitate to Pesth, was a lamentable one. Born as Dont be fooled w ith substitutes for CASCARETS! write freely about her daughter or a princess of a well-known Russian horses being spread apart far enough house, she began life surrounded by to pass on either side of the wagon. a respite.—Ciccu,-.a Enquirer. G Catalogue Telia. herself to Mrs. Pinkham and secure the most efficient advice without every luxury. She was, however, a true When Wolcott, JVas Governor. Fer 10 Cants and this Notice charge. Mrs. Pinkham’s address is daughter of the South Russian steppes, During the lh...... W inam eg g l v e n o n a p p l i c a t i o n present. After a eouple of songs Miss growing germ, precisely as J. Q. B a td o rf___ .\...... Ai Marjorie French and Miss Bell Mc- mouldy cheese is destruction A. Q u i l l e t .... . \ ...... Ai A N N U A L I Quillin gave recitations. P ete r M ohr...... L y tto n Cards of Thanks,...... 25 C en ts Rev. J. Kauffman Versailles, Mo. Obituary poetry ovortwo vorsos, 2% cts * lino The following committees were ap­ of cheese by a growing germ. Resolutions of R.spoet 2 H eont. . lino pointed : On resolutions—Byron Yar Chas. L is t...... L y tto n If you kill the germ, you Oscar Rex. s ...... W auseon SALE— | E . W a l t z , Editor. nell, Sherman McColiough, Jas. W L. James Dowling ...... Ai C. R. P- W a l t z, M a mger. MeQuiliin and J. W. Sturtevant. On stop the consumption. You . A clean-house sale on all selection of officers for ensuing year Wm. S ch lap p i...... D elta can or can’t, according to N. H, K eiser ...... Eureka, Mich. IS IX THE BEGINNING OF THE Carl W aldeck, A. B. Thom pson, F. S. broken lots of Wolcott; W. H. Strong and A. H. when you begin. Mary M. H o p k in s...... Siney T S m ith . F. B. Snyder...... Spring Arbor, Mich. Rev. F. A. Zimmerman gave an elo­ Take Scott’s Emulsion of Elisha Strong ...... Campbell, Mich. For many years prior to the war of Real Appetizers. quent lecture calculated to stimulate F. H. Adams...... Toledo I S H O E S . the rebellion we had in the north a Cod Liver O il: take a little To look at our line of Table Delica­ the sons and daughters of farmers to Riel Standish ...... Lyons party, which though it had changed cies makes you wish to taste them. secure an education and to cause par­ at first. Chas. W eh ...... D e lta 3 its name several times, never changed That means Bargains 13? ents to afford their children an oppor­ Samuel Hoffman ...... Colton T O N G U E t i c k l e r s its object, which was the abolition of tunity to secure an education. It was It acts as a Mrs. Boyd D u n b a r...... D elta are not scarce her*, every article in for Shoe Buyers. slavery. This party always seen to it our stock of Groceries can lay claim a faithful, earnest and eloquent ef­ fo o d ; it is the Jno. Blondel ...... D elta that it had a presidential candidate, to the title. Our assortment of fort. Frank Derby...... W inam eg yet it never grew in numbers so as to easi e s t fo o d . T. J. Miiller followed with his lec­ Lee Westbrook...... D elta Staple and Fancy Groceries endanger the success of one or tlie ture on “The Farmer as a Citizen and Seems not to be Wm. Cately/...... D elta consists entirely of high class goods. ^ S . S . T ho rley. ^ other of the old dominant parties. a Factor in Society.” Both these lec David Eltop ...... D elta Nothing of inferior qualify ib permit­ If the people in the slave states had food ; makes.vou ted to en rer our store If you will tures were calculated to elevate and 0. J. Reginall...... Swanton ever entertained any fears that this leave us an order we will fill it to your stimulate to higher and better attain­ hungry ; eating J. T. Hamilton ...... D e lta party would eventually succeed in entire satisfaction and prove that we m ents. is comfortable G. W Roush®...... W inam eg do not indulge iu empty words. their object they seemed to have got­ Tuesday’s session commenced at 9 a. C. L . S h u m a k e r...... Toledo ten over it, and as time passed be­ ______Yougrow strong;- m. and T. J. Miller took up the ques­ The genuine has . Chas. Welson ...... D elta A. B. THOMPSON, JR. came more arrogant, and one of the this picture ou it, et*. 1 SKe mOTC tion of “Poultry for Profit.” This take no Other. H. Lenhart ...... D elta great leaders of the south at one time was an excellent lecture and deserves Wm. MeQuiliin...... D elta said “The time will come when I will not too m u ch ; enough is :> more than a passing notice. The Jas. Wagoner... Shepherd. Micb. call the roll of my slaves from Bunker- most important feature of it being his much as you like and agree T. E Goodwin...... D elta hlll monument.” If he ever did his instruction on the cause and cure of Burton Wilson...... Ada slaves were not there in person to an­ with you. Satisfy hungt chicken cholera, roup, and gapes. He Isaac Rhcades ...... Toledo swer. says th ey keep from 260 to 300 hens on B. M. D a r t...... M illbury Time passed, and one day a “crank,” with usual food ; jwhateve their farm all the time and depend on J. G. L u k e ...... - .....Siney a “fanatic,” a “lunatic,” out in Kan the eggs for their profit. His reme­ you like and agrees with you J. J. Zellner...... W inam eg sas conceived the idea of becoming dies for the diseases we will give in a When you are strong Fred’k Brinkman ...... W auseon the leader in a demonstration against Albert Dowell ...... Ai future number of the A t l a s . To OFF? the government to free the slaves. make hens lay they must have plenty again, have recovered youi Alex Cameron...... W auseon Excitement grew rife and Kansas was of range, good food, plenty of oyster W. W. Watkins North Platt, Neb. called “Bloody Kansas.” With strength—-the germs arc shells or other egg-shell producing S. J. W hitm ire ...... L . C enter handful of men armed with rifles and food and grit. dead ; you have killed them W. H. Dillman ...... Bryan pikes he made his way east to Harper’s A Glean Sweep, All Must Go! Mrs. Elmer Harmon followed with Job E rw in ...... M etam ora Ferry and their seized a government If you have not tried it, sent China Goods, Lamps, an excellent paper on the raising, fat­ W. J. Brost...... Monroe, Mich. arsenal. He was captured, tried for for free sample, its agreeable I will continue my big Slaughtering sale of i off until -February 16, 1901, Toilet Sets, decorated and plain, ting and marketing of poultry, recom­ taste will surprise you. Clarence Bartlett...... D elta on.all treason and hung. John Brown died, mending but one variety and that of Frank Patterson ...... D elta In Ulckle Ware, Tea Kettles, but his soul went marching on, and SCOTT & BOWNE, the best. Her ideas on foods, water R. J. Sharp ...... D elta the strife never ended until every C hem ists, Coffee and Tea Pots, Glassware^ and range did not differ from those of *409 Pearl St., New Yor! C. A. Moore...... D elta m m S E l slave was made free. The work of the P. D. Seager...... D elta L A D I E S , . Granite Iron Ware, Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller says they 50c. and $1.00; all drug; risto Abolition party was done, and it now make an average of one dollar per Julius Hines...... D elta CHlLDREm TOrs. Pots Sad Irons. only exists in history. head profit on their poultry. C. E. Worden Klamath Falls, Ore. Another party took its place, and Mr. Ellis took'up the “Bond of Un­ Wm. Mack Jr ...... D elta JACKETS, COATS the history of the Prohibition party I D C A P E S ion Among Farmers.” This was Here Are tbe Names Royal Reighard ...... D elta to the present is very nearly like that AT f,,,,,i,il500 POUNDS OF magnificent argument in favor of T. Segrist...... Wauseon of tne Abolition party. Its numbers G. W. W a tk in s...... D elta farmers organizing themSelves into so­ Of tbe Good People Wbo Paid ns : S w eet C uba • has never scared anybody or party, H. Greisinger...... L ytton cieties, or rather it might be said to Subscription In January:. 25 CENTS PER POUND. but it will not down. D. Ottlnger ...... D elta 1 - 3 O F F have been a strong argument in favor T h e A t la s is feeling good over the W l l l J Recently another “crank” “fanatic” A. H. Stine ...... Sw anton of the Grange though the speaker did following array of names of subscribers or “lunatic” has arisen, and strangely Ella Snyder , ...... D elta from the regular price, in order to close them out, nothing to he reserved, not mention any organization, simply who paid up during the month of Jan­ all must be sold to make room for Spring Goads. THIS IS enough, in Kansas, and Carrie Nation E . C. P r a y ...... D elta A SPECIAL recommending organization. He, was uary. We think we have missed one SA L E. _ is making her presence felt. Call her Susan Stilw ell...,...... M etam ora Hank & Jack. followed by F. S. Wolcott who was in name, if so please let us know so we fanatic or lunatic, her madness is Kittle Deibel...... L. C enter full accord with the’ first speaker. can correct it. spreading faster than did that of John After dinner the committee on res­ C. F. M ills...... Sw anton REMEM BER 1-3 OFF. W W W W W W W W ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ Brown. The saloon element like that We have every reason to expect a olutions made the following report: L. E. Rowe ...... Toledo Now is your chance to buy a Jacket or Cape cheap at a of the South before the war, has only good report for February. Please do Slaughtering Resolved, That we extend our D. G. Patterson ...... Lyons Price. 1 have reduced many Goods all along the line to close them grown more arrogant and defying rn not disappoint us. out. thanks to the people of Delta for Rev. W, A. Brundige...... L im a these years, but whether the crusade Rev. David Berkebile...... D elta their generous hospitality; that we Alpha Barlow ...... Lauratown, Ark. Geo. F. H u it ...... D elta inaugurated by Mrs. Nation will be as extend our thanks to the State speak­ Fred Richards...... D e lta far reaching in its results as was the Jacob Gehring ...... Sw anton E liza M. E r b ...... Beatrice, Neb. Evefybody C o m e! O u r N e w ers for their helpful instruction J. G. Rorabeck ...... D elta crusade inaugurated by John Brown, That the Institute extend to Prof. Mrs. J. K. Brown...... Napoleon who can tell. She believes she R. H. Shannon ...... Toledo Chas. Smith ...... Toledo I will save you money, for I am making a CLEAN SWEEP, dont for­ Davis and class its hearty thanks for Mrs. E. J. Eldred ...... Sw anton get my Special Sale. No trouble to show Goods. Silver and Stand Tickets right and no doubt many thousands of their excellent .music, and to. the Del­ Samuel Kohl ...... M etam ora G. T ro w b rid g e...... Waldo, Fla. given with every purchase. good people silently hope for the® suc­ ta schools for their excellent drill ex­ Mary Crispen ...... D elta J. M. Snyder...... D elta cess of the movement if they do not hibition and oar hearty approval of A. A. Chatfleld...... W inam eg W. T. N.Ttynd ...... Seward openly express their desires. their motto, “One Country and One H. B. Smith Swanton Dress Goods! D. V. Stoddard...... W inam eg I r a B rig g s...... Oak. Shade How to Dure the ‘Grip. Flag.” Also that our thanks are due G. W. H ULL, Delta, Ohio. F. H. Knapp ...... W inam eg A. D e a n ...... D elta Remain quietly at home and take the officers and all who contributed to K. K. Watkins ...... D elta 1. W. D e n n is ...... M etam ora Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as di­ the success of the Institute. "W e have just received a full and com­ A. H. Rose.. .-cr..Franklinville, N. Y. John Miller...... D elta rected and a quick recovery is sure to Resolved, That in the interest of D. Schlegel...... B atdorf honesty and justice, and in opposition James Bruce...... D elta plete line of New Fall Dress Goods, eompris. follow. That remedy counteracts any J. T. Rose...... D e l t a tendency of the grip to result in pneu­ to counterfeiting and fraud we favor E. II. Sheffield...... D elta in g a ll th e E . W. W h ita k e r...... W auseon F red M ock ...... D elta monia, which is really the only serious the speedy enactment into law of “the L. D. A to n ...... Lake City, Ia. Grout bill” now pending in the U. R. E. Terwilllger ...... D e lta Public Announcem ent danger. Among the tens of thousands Sarah A. Shrock,...Waupekong, Ind. who have used it for the grip not one Senate. And to accomplish this end S. H effelbow er ...... D elta Geo. Frybarger...... — Siney G. D. Johnson...... "...Metamora case has ever been reported that did we request our Senators to give this R . G. C a rm o n ...... Adrian, Mich. Wm. Galloway...... ; ..D e lta Latest S tyles not recover. For sale by Pratt Bros, measure their earnest and active sup­ Frank M errill...... Ai J..A. McClure — .Tampa, Fla. TO MY MANY port. That a copy of this resolution Sheep growers And that the finer Mrs. John Atkinson Delta E . G. P e n n y ...... Ai signed by the President and Secretary John Fenton ...... 1______S w anton the wool the poorer is the skin for be at once forwarded to each of our H. W. Barden ...... S in e y and Shades. tanning purposes. C. L P e a se ...... D e lta W. A. D aily ...... D elta CUSTOMERS: senators at Washingtdn. ■ Clarence Keller...... Ricbvllle When you want a physic that is The committee on officers for the Mary A. Smout...... Ai mild and gentle, easy to take and Daniel M ohr ...... L y tto n Ann E. Carpenter...... L yons ensuing year reported as follows : Daniel Habel...... *...... L y tto n AU goods in my store pleasant in effect use Chamberlain’s For President, Arnold Waldeck; S. S. B a r r ...... LaPorte, Ind. PRICES FROM Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, Jo h n R obb ...... *___ D elta Minnie Hollis ...... Swanton will be sold for Cash or 25 cents. Samples free. Every box for Vice-President, Geo. J, Fleming; Geo. Fenton Delta J. H. Tappan ...... Toledo on And Alter guaranteed. For sale by Pratt Bros. Secretary, E. L. Waltz; Executive Gertrude Wilson...... O berlin Ready Pay only . No goods D ruggists. Committee, J. M. Robinson, Jas. W. Mrs. E. C. Brailey...... Milroy Mrs. Josiah Stair...... Sw anton Jo h n H a b e l...... L ytton will be charged after CHEAPEST TO «A Georgia pastor, who resigned be­ M eQ uiliin, O. O. W alters, Mrs. O. O. above E. M. S an d ers...... M etam ora C. L. R ow ley...... R eading, Minn. Jan’y isi cause he couldn’t collect his salary, Walters, and Mrs. Elmer Harmon; S. V. Rohrbaugh Nimisilla, Mich. S. M. Rowley...... Ai date. My books are full ex­ said in his farewell sermon : “I have Musical Director, Geo. Geitgy. R. Eckley ...... Sw anton R. E. Brisben ...... Sw anton little else to add, dear brethren, save Both reports were unanimously cept my Cash Book and my THE BEST, A. A. Dumaresq...... D elta C. W aldeck...... W auseon ... 1901.... this, you were all in, favor of free sal­ adopted. Frank Davis...... Colton Rev. O. L. Wales...... Sw anton Pocket Book. They a r e vation, and the manner in which you After the reports of the committees Scott McArthur...... D elta Miss S later gav e an in terestin g recita­ L. E. Lutton ...... B atd o rf treated me is proof you got it.” Howard Davis...... Colton both empty and are the only tion on the counties, cities, lakes and David Harmon ...... -...Delta Eunice Dennis...... : ...... Jav a A Convincing Answer, i rivers of Ohio, and little Miss -— — ones I will use after Janu­ "W e have a complete Line of all kinds of Joseph Oberla ...... D elta “I hobbled into Mr. Blackmon’s Taylor spoke a piece. FREQUENT COUGHING drug store orfe evening,” says W esley John Elton ...... D elta ary 1st, 1*901. Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga., “and he The Women’s Hour having arrived, J. T. Williams...... D elta inflames the lungs. Foley’s Honey Mrs. L. D. Boyer of Swanton, was in­ and Tar stops the coughing and heals The others will ali be closed for settlement, thereby asked me to try Chamberlain’s Pain D avid F y e ...... D elta the luBgs. The ordinary cough medi­ Balm for rheumatism with which I troduced and read an able paper on cines which are simply expectorants hoping to change the order of business. Trusting my LADIES FURNISHING had suffered fora longtime. I told “Will it Pay.”. This was followed by A new supply of Dr. J. A. Drake’s wili not do this, as they keep the. him I had no faith in any medicine as popular remedies. Every bottle war­ they all failed. He said : ‘Well if another paper read -by’ Miss Anna ranted, by N. F. Carmon, Delta, or G. lungs Irritated in throwing off the many customers will appreciate this step on my part, re­ Chamberlain's Pain Balm does not Waid on “An Age of Progress,” and K oder, Ai. phiegm. Pratt Bros. alizing that GOODS AND help you, you need not pay for it.’ I this was followed by Mr. T. J. Miller took a bottle of it home and used it with an address on “Woman’s Mis­ according to the directions and itj one week I was cured, and have not Since sion.” During this pdrt of the exer­ Som e Good Bargains been troubled with rheumatism ” cises Mrs. W. J. Curry sung several FANCY NOTIONS. Sold by P ratt Bros. Druggists. beautiful solos with guitar accompan­ iment. The Woman’s Hour of this ALWAYS FOUND WITH Uf. “He that slanders me,” says Cowper Institute was by far the most success­ ooooooooooooooooo than after you go. As an inducement for cash trade on the poet, “paints me blacker than I ful of any yet held. am, and he that flatters me, whiter ; the above date, I will offer the following prices : The usual vote was taken and car­ Fine Furniture. Best Pianos. Sewing Machines j they both daub me, and when I look ried unanimously that an institute A handsome line of New < > Lakeside, Baldwin, Story < Domestic, Standard, < into the glass of conscience I see my­ Style Furniture. J>and C lark ,E d n a O rg an s. On all Felt and Rubber combinations, would be held next season. It would MILLINERY GOODS! self disguised by both.” have been a pleasure to us to report in 1-4 off regular prices. Woulds’t thou be eloquent? then full all the good things said, but we On-all Leather Boots and Shoes, 1-4 off. always say have not the space. Throughout the Jewett, Bement and Cribl & Saxton’s Stoves. Wilson Air Tight Heaters. We hive all the latest Styles and Plain, simple things in plainest, exercises were interspersed with ap­ Full Line of Crockery. I ne line of Undertaking Goods. I deliver On aH Underwear and W inter Goods of Novelties of the season. simplest way goods to any part of the county. A homely thought is like an honest propriate songs rendered by a chorus every class, 1-4 off m aid, choir under the direction of Mr. S. K. Most ill at ease in spangled toys ar­ Davis, who has proved himself fully F. A. SEELEY, METAMORA, 0 On all Dress Goods, - 1-4 off rayed. up to all the requirements of the part Granulated Sugar, - - 6c lb. Call and see us and set our Prices. so necessary to the complete success of the institute and tbe-^atisfaction Coffee A Sugar, - 5 l-2c lb. of the people. President Grover has Lion Coffee, 12c lb. A rbuckle Coffee, 12c. S. E. W ILLIA M S . made an excellent record as a presid­ Dr. F. A. Greene ing officer. C arpets of all K inds stands at the head of ah physicians The best Tea in the market, 40 & 50c as the recogniqed authority on alhner Right here we want to say that Ordered on short notice at lowest prices. We have a vous diseases. Dr. Greene has per Messrs. Zeigler and Raker in the care Call and see me, get prices on everything in feet ed a remedy in tablet form for weak few rugs left which we ur^splling at wholesale cost the store and debilitated men These tablets of th e Hall and attention to the peo­ prices. We are showing a l^tge and handsome line of P aten t Roof is now complete. Ta-I® give new strength, vitality and lifj? to and you will be surprised to see how cheap you can buy per Eave Trough, is like a natural P the nervous system, thereby curing: ple are deserving of special commen­ Nervous Debility, Nervous Headache. dation: G e o . H u t h stream, small at the head and large ^ Sexual Weakness, threatened paraly­ goods for cash. at the outlet. sis and all nervous complaints. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Mats, STOVES, HOLLOWARE. c a s h o r t r a d e Tlie I sfe of A MISUNDERSTANDING. if CAPS, HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, for.ajl kinds of Rags, Rubber, old Iron Misunderstood symptoms of disease Marufacturer of all kinds of Dr. Greene’s Nerve Tablets leads doctors to treat something else (J» Morenci Gold Lace Flour IfrflTllrlill Copper, Brrss Zinc Lead and Pewter. . Roofing, Spouting awl Guarantees a Cure. when the kidneys are out of order. SB Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. ilU U a llil OLD IRON. I w iil pay from 25 to Dr. Greene’s Nqrve Tablets cad be Foley’s Kidney Cure will bring you T in w a r e in obtained at his office, 89 E. Madison 40 cts. per 100 for old Iron trade, or St., Chicago, or wiil be sent by mall. health when other medicines have G. D. Brown, METAMORA. OHIO. to order. make a small discount and-pay cash. Thr } boxes, 50 cents. failed. -Take no substitute. Pratt ELS a Bros. SEW ARD, O., DEC. 27, 1900. I Fatal delays are caused by experi- j I menting with cough and cold cures. I An Oklahoma Boomer | Foley’s Honey ana Tar will prevent, a ! cold from resulting in pneumodi».! 1 INTERESTED i n Pain In Stom ach I F ratt Bros. TeIIs the Wonderfuil Progress Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things Logs W anted 1 S p r a y i n g ? Flatulency, soxtmess, bad taste, loss of M ade toy tbe P eople of T hai M ew “Every little noise would startle me and as they ought to be done. If so you will miss it T erritory Mow A sking to Be­ appetite, a sense of weight or fullness after set my nerves to trembling from head to PILES OF PEOPLE ‘if you fail to come in and see my com e a State eating, together with uneasiness, impa­ foot. I got very little sleep at night and testify to the merit of Banner Salve in curing piles. It is guaiante. d. tience, irritability of temper, nervousness, I could scarcely eat the lightest food with­ Pratt Bros. .* FOUNTAIN l .K T T K R T O T H E A T L A S anxiety, lost energy, depression of spirits, out having awful pains in my stomach. I SPRAYER. sick headache, bad dreams and sleepless­ took no end of medicine, but nothing lo horses the pulse at rest b eats 40 It be lts anything ever Invented for Ey a Lady Who was an

Ludwig & Co. Stodart Piano Co. = O V E R NO PIANO HOUSE QAN GIVE FULLY WARRANTED. 2 0 0 P IA N O S MORE VALUE FOR AND OTHER WELL KNOWN MAKES. IN S T O C K . T H E M O N E Y . PIANOS AEOLIANS AND PIANOLAS. Correspondence Solicited. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiimmimimminniiiniiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ tie. Pa., controlled by the American Steel hazardous expeditions against outlaws, RODERMUND IN CUSTODY. The Delta Atlas. and Wire Company, have received orders made a bold dash upon the encampment TE X A S STKEA M OF O IL Prolessional Cards. % to resume work as soon as possible. of Snake’s Indians near Eufaula and cap­ The Appleton Doctor Arrested by the DELTA, OHIO. ' More than 800 men are employed in the tured Chitto Harjo, Crazy Snake. Police of Milwaukee, Jobs A. WilUss, M. O. A. M. Wilkies, M. ft. three concerns. A smallpox epidemic is -Sweeping over SURPASSES EVERYTHING IN PE- Dr. M. J. Rodermund, the Appleton, Congress, j BY THE ATLAS Pfflim K O CO. The Pittsburg Chronicle-'Delegraph is Kansas. The State Board of Health has TROLEUM HISTORY. Wis.. physician who, it is claimed, delib­ W ILK IN S & W IL K IN S. a . a. w a l t z , E a i t o r . c ' r . p . w a l t z , m e r . authority for the denial of the story that reports from forty localities in the State erately exposed himself to smallpox aud Physicians and Surgeons. the Carnegie interests have acquired con­ where the disease has made its appear­ later escaped from Office and Residence corner of Wood and trol of the Pressed Steel Car Company. ance. The town of Agra has been quar­ quarantine and The Senate made little progress with „ _ Front street*, Delta, O A Great Lake of Precious Fluid Sur­ the Indian appropriation bill on Friday. Calls answered at any time day or nigh* 1901. JANUARY. 1901. The two companies, it says, however, antined, and the State Board of Health rounds the Weil—The State Is Oil went to Terre will have to quarantine a half-dozen oth­ Haute, Ind.. was Listened to a speech by Senator Depew cial; work closely together. Crazy—Thousands of Dollars Ready in favor of the shipping subsidy bill. S. P. BISHOP. M. D. 8 u Mo Tu W e Th Fr S i Two women were killed, four men were er places. arrested in Milwau­ for Investment. kee Tuesday night. Passed a number of private pension bills. New York—There has been practically Physician and Surgeon. j injured and several other persons nar­ The House adopted the conference re­ no change, either in speculative or gen­ • - • rowly escaped death in n fire which de­ SOUTHERN. His identity was Office and Residence, Cor., *>«<- and Wood 1 2 3 4 5 discovered and with port on the army reorganization bill and eral business conditions, this week. The etreeta, Delta, Ohio. stroyed the Hotel Jefferson, a seven- Excitement is still intense throughout seventy-seven private pension bills. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A landslide on the Atlantic, Ivnexville the State of over the remarkable all possible haste stock market has developed into a trad­ Office hours, 7 to la. m., 12to2 and 7 to*p.as story brick building at 102-106 E ast F if­ On Saturday the Senate discussed na­ ers’ affair, and its movement during the 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 teenth street. New York. and Northern road threw a freight train discovery of oil at Beaumont, which is the officers hurried and three ears in the Hiawgsee river at him to the isolation tional irrigation, the text being an greater part of the time has been nerv­ HAL. M. PARKER, M. D. Three Italian laborers were killed in a eighty miles east of Houston. This is 20 21 2 2 23 2 4 25 2 6 McFarland, Tenu. Engineer B. D. Fel- certainly the most wonderful discovery hospital of that amendment to the Indian appropriation ous and erratic. Liquidation of small Physician and Surgeon. • • collision on the W est Shore Railroad at met and Fireman J. W. Collette were city. State' author- bill providing for surveys, looking to the holdings makes its appearance every time Office, Bishop’s Block, Dp Stairs, Delta, O 27 2 8 29 3 0 31 Weehawken, N. Y. An incoming pas­ in the history of the petroleum industry killed and Steam Shovel Foreman Green and it is not surprising that the State has 1>R. KODBKMUNO. ities throughout Il­ construction of an irrigation dam and the market hardens, but on the other • • •• • • • senger train ran into a gravel train Perry fatally injured. ditches for the watering of the reserva­ hand there is good buying on all the im­ smashing several cars and seriously in­ gone oil mad and that, everyone with linois and Indiana had for several days The body of Judge N. Pearl, of Grand money to invest -wants to buy a derrick been scouring the country in search of tion of the Pima and Maricopa Indians, portant declines. There is not the activ­ juring a number of passengers. at San Carlos on the Gila river, Arizona. ity in the business world that has mark­ K*J 4th. ( f 12UL 21st. Gulf, Miss., who had been missing for and set drillers at work. Competent Dr. Rodermund. After escaping quaran­ E verett. Fe.eee John Zylankus, a young coal miner, tine in Appleton and making the sensa­ Mr. P latt of Connecticut led the opposi­ ed some periods- in the last two or three Q. A. J. c. two weeks, was found in a small but judges have estimated this flow to be tion, and was assisted by Mr. Quarles who was missing for over a week in the swift stream. He had his -watch and anywhere from 16,000 to 40,000 feet per tional statement that “smallpox is but a years, but that is only natural at this EVERETT A PAXSON. Green Ridge slope at Scranton, Pa., was of Wisconsin. Mr. Stewart, Mr. Chand­ season of the year. The iron and steel money on his person. The coroner’s in­ day; the largest flow ever known before superstition” he traveled to Terre Haute, ler and Mr. Thurston argued for the ex­ Attorneys and Counsellors at Law H ISTO K Y OF A W EEK . found in one of the headings acting like quest shows that the deceased met death was 6,000 feet, the product of a West Ind., where he was recognized. Roder­ industry is somewhat unsettled because a madman. In some unaccountable man­ periment. The report of the conference of reduced profits and friction between and Notaries Public. by accident, having fallen from the Virginia well. The stream of petroleum mund said: “I went directly to Chicago committee on the army reorganization Office over Carmon’e Drag Store, Delta, O ner he became lost in the mine. bridge. that gushes forth from the bowels of the and from there to Terre Haute, Ind. the large interests, but aside from that PEOPLE. PLACES AND THINGS As a result of a friendly boxing match bill was presented and Mr. Hawley an- the situation appears to be healthy and A decree has been entered in the Unit­ earth rises to a height of 120 feet. At After staying there until the Appleton nounced that he would call it up on Mon­ M. B . C O TTR ELL. OF THE WORLD. between George R. Ainsworth, a Har­ ed States Circuit Court in Nashville, its base it is six inches in diameter; at people could no longer interfere with full of promise. F urther gold shipments Attorney at Law, vard student, and Curtis L. Crane, of day. The House made good progress were announced this week, but the out­ Tenn., in the case of Gen. Russell A. its apex it is as many feet. me I returned. I am going back to Ap­ with the bill to revise and codify the Brookline, Mass., his most intimate pleton, where I shall at once begin suit flow is causing no disturbance in any and Notary PubUo Alger versus T. R. Anderson et al., Lake of Petroleum. postal laws. Only tweuty-eight of the Prompt attention to all business placed ia Rem of Crimea and Criminals. Ac­ friend, the lutter is lying dead at the whereby Gen. Alger is given a personal for $50,000 against that city for false quarter. Money is easy and apparently cidents, Fires, Etc., from North, Cambridge morgue. Heart disease caused About the well is a great lake of pe­ 221 pages remain to be disposed of. E f­ tending to still greater ease. . his bands judgment for $201,014.97. The litigation imprisonment.. Smallpox is not conta­ forts were persistently made to load the Money to Lo&son Approved Security. ■oatki Bast and West, Sanwlcbed death. arose out of the purchase of coal aud troleum, the output of the well Bince it gious. and I "shall prove it in court be­ Chicago—In the wheat market was dis­ ______Office over Longnecket’s Store with Minor Affairs. was "brought in.”. No way to control bill up with amendments to effect changes played an amount of strength toward The loss at sea of a boat’s crew of six mineral lands in Tennessee. fore I get through.” in the existing postal laws. The pressure O. O. ROLPH, men from the whaling’ schooner Charles the great flow has yet been found, and was especially strong in favor of re­ the close of the week of which there were A mistake caused by an engineer’s the petroleum falls into the lake, which but the slightest indications at the open­ Attorney at Law, Fear Vessel is Lost. H. Hodgdon of New Bedford, Mass., is sleeping a t his post caused a freight col­ HAY’S ORDERS TO CONGER. classifying certain classes of postofflce reported. The men had put off in chase has been constructed abont it, by running ------i employes, but Mr. Loud of California, ing. Numbers of the closest watchers and Notary PubUo, San Francisco special: Tbe English lision in which five persons were killed a plow through the ground and then Instructs Envoy Re - anting Punish­ and most successful operators on the lo­ underwriters are figuring on tbe loss of of a school of whales, but were caught in and one was seriously injured on the Bal­ in charge of the bill, fought all of them, Office at Residence, Bast Main Street. the school. Before help could reach them throwing up a levee. The first lake was ment and Indemnity. explaining that such amendments were cal exchange have been patiently looking DELTA, OHIO. either the ship Ardnamurichan or the timore and Ohio Railroad between Pe­ too small, and another twice the size of Secretary of State Hay has sent in­ for the effect npon domestic receipts of 1-44____ British ship Macbrihanish. Both vessels they disappeared. troleum and Volcano Junction, W. Va. out of place on a codification bill, and Edward Whalen, better known as the first was built, and this, too, wili be structions to Minister Conger relative to would, if adopted, mean its death ii the last season's crop failures in some of J. A . G R A N D Y . an bound from Fraser Kiver for Liver­ The engineer mistook the first section of too small also in a short time. Men are the policy he shall pursue in the settle­ the principal sections of both the win­ pool with salmon. The former is out fifty- “Boston Frank,” one of the cleverest a passing train for the second nnd pulled Senate. In this way every attempt to Notary Public and Conveyancer, night days and the latter twenty-six. A “pennyweight” trick operators in the now working night and day building iron ment of all the feature^ of the Chinese amend the bill was successfully resisted. ter and spring wheat territories. They out before his time. tanks to hold the oil, and as soon as a questions. This was the result of a cab­ believe their early conclusions are on Pension and Claim Agent little over a week ago a number of cases of country, is in the custody of the Balti­ The British steamship Gov. Blake, The latter part of the session was de­ aahnon were washed up on the Oregon few of them are finished they will be inet meeting. voted to eulogies upon the life and pub­ the point of realization to an extent that Office in City Ball, Delta, O. more police. H e was arrested ia W ash­ which has arrived at Mobile, Ala„ from in the near future will leave no room for —art. The cases were of a peculiar mark ington in company with Mabel Harris, hurried to Beaumont and work pushed Mr. Conger is to urge his colleagues not lic services of the late Senator Gear of Will prosecute pension claims with prompt Grand Cayman, brought news of the de­ bn others. to attem pt to compel China to do the im­ doubt in the minds of unbiased observ­ ness and dispatch. Special attention given and only tbe two ships mentioned carried of Philadelphia. ^ Iowa. to Increase claims. them. The rate of re-insurance has been struction of a bark by fire at sea. Pre­ The man who dug the well is Capt. A. possible in the matter of the execution of ers that the apparent abundant supplies The Cyclorama building at Royal and sumably the entire crew perished on the In the Senate on Monday Senator I. Q. Files, J. V. Emertisf placed at 15 per eent. on both vessels. W. Lucas, who for more than two years high Chinese officials; with respect to in­ Towne of Minnesota made a speech on so far this season have been altogether Maryland avenues, Baltimore, was de­ vessel, which is supposed to have been has been experimenting about Beaumont demnity, he will endeavor to reach an illusory. It is the result, they think, of Finest of Their Class. stroyed by fire. The only animals saved the Mary from New York. Seamen the government of the Philippines. Im­ ATTORNEYS-AT-LA IF, in an endeavor to locate the stream, agreement with his colleagues as to the mediately after Mr. Towne’s speech Mr. more of the season’s production coming WAUSEON. OHIO. Bids were opened at the Navy ^Depart­ in the “zoo” were a lion and a camel. could be seen clinging to the rigging, but which he was certain existed in that vi­ amount to be demanded, to decide npon into view than usual, because owing to All the others were burned to death. the vessel was enveloped in flames and Clapp, his successor, was sworn in. The m ent recently for the construction of three cinity. Others before him had been con­ its distribution and in case of failure of remainder of the day was devoted to con­ the wide gaps in the region of its pro­ protected cruisers designed to be the most Frank C. Bostwick estimates his loss on rescue was impossible. vinced that there was an, immense de­ agreement to have the question of distri­ duction, wheat had to be moved from one $200,000.00 GSoo.oo o'* upwards animals a t about $400,000. sideration of the Indian appropriation at a low rate ot interest: Oome aad see us formidable vessels in tbe world of their posit of oil, .but they lacked the pluck bution referred to The Hague court. He bill. District of Columbia business'oc­ State to another to an unnsual extent. niass. They will" resemble closely the FOREIGN. or the capital to find it. Lucas kept is alBo to urge the preparation of a gen-’ After long sifting of the evidence pro­ type of second-class armored cruisers and cupied the most of the day in the House. HAM, HAM. A HAM. WESTERN. steadily a t work. H e had ;ample capital eral agreement respecting the commer^ Bill to revise and codify postal laws pass­ curable as to the quantity of this sea­ anight easily be mistaken for such. The Count Tolstoy’s eldest soa is dead of behind him; men who trusted to his ex­ eial relations to exist between China and son’s Argentine wheat crop they have Attorneys, Practice in all Courts. •o t of Congress authorizing this class of meningitis. ed without amendment. Consideration of The Flour City National and the Se­ perience, and, who had as great faith in foreign powers. concluded that not much or any more •raisers stated that tbe vessels should Russia is said to be negotiating for the claims of Americans aggregating $28,- Rooms G. 8, 7, and 8, Bam Block, curity National banks of Minneapolis, his judgment As he had himself. A fter The impression is gaining gronnd in of­ 900,000 against Spain deferred until the can be spared from it for export than carry “tbe most powerful ordinance for WAUSEON. OH icy Minn., have consolidated. control of Manchuria. boring a number of holes, Which produc­ ficial circles that four more Chinese offij following Monday. Bill to extend char­ half the amount shipped the year before, vessels of their type and have the highest Viscomte Henri de Bornier, poet and ed a little oil and a considerable amount that Russia has no great quantity to ex­ Thomas F. Bam, late Probate Judge, will ■peed compatible with good cruising qual­ The plant of the Indianapolis Sun. an cials wiil be added to the list to be exe-; ters of national banks twenty years call­ dramatist, is dead at Paris, aged 75. of salt water, he finally struck the exact cuted, making eight in all who will suffer ed up, but went over on objection of Mr. port, taking her shipments so far this give special attention to Probate Practice, ities and great radius of action.” evening paper, was gutted ny fire. The spot, and when his drill pipe had gone season as criterion, and, therefore, this loss is $30,000; insurance, $15,000. Sword duel at Paris between Cau- the death penalty. The United States,- Richardson. Hot Manp Converts in the Philippines. malato and Damotte was won by the down some 600 feet he struck oil. That Rnssia and Japan are vigorously oppos-i In the Senate on Tuesday Senator Frye country, upon which Enrope is depen­ Rev. Samuel Andrews, a Presbyterian is a slang phrase that is familiar to ev­ ing the demand of Great Britain and dent for abont 63 per cent of her season’s DR. A. J. KLINE, Manila special: The cabled statement minister at Wabasso, Minn., was killed former. gave notice he inteuded to keep shipping that tbe movement towards protestantism eryone of the present generation. “Struck Germany for the execution of Prince’ bill to the front, eisen as against appro­ supply, is in a position to demand a much Veterinary Surgeon nnd Dentist, by a car. Both legs and left arm were French authorities seized a store of higher price for the remainder than was In the Philippines is growing with aston­ guns which a socialist paper was selling oil.1” It sounds rich and expresses riches. Tuan, Gen. Tung Fuh Siang and Duke priation bills, not yielding to them with­ WAUSEON. O. ishing rapidity is exaggerated. The severed. Capt. Lucas struck oil with a vengeance; Lan. realized for the first half of the season’s The three children of S. R. McCarty, to its subscribers. out vote of Senate. This indicated dispo­ Honorary graduate Honorary member On- Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians he struck more oil than was deemed pos­ In the instruction regarding indemnity; sition on part of Senate leaders to force exports. Ontario Veterinary terto Veterinary Med­ janitor of a Kansas City office building, The cession of Sibutu and Cagayan de Notwithstanding heavy receipts of College. ical Society. and British and American societies have sible, even by himself. When the flow no sum bas been named as the maximum to early issue question whether shipping Grad uate Toronto Member ot American t in Manila and its vicinity for two were burned to death in a fire th at de­ Jolo Islands to the United States has began he estimated it a t probably 5,000 that should be demanded, but the cabinet corn, the - market was firm, ahd specula­ been gazetted in Madrid. bill is going to pass at this session. Mr. Dental College. Veterinary Med. Assn. and the membership of the four stroyed their home. 4 Turner spoke in severe arraignment of tive interest based upon a belief in sub­ Passed examination before Ohio State Board sequent comparative scarcity well main­ Methodist missions is four hundred, and in Burglars blew open the safe in Barnea Ten thousand Catholic members of the PROPOSED ROUTE OF THE NICARAGUA CANAL. bill, declaring it to be "lawless, pirati­ Veterinary Examiners, July 20,1*97. • constituency of a thousand the Presby­ Brothers’ store a t Stewart, Mo. They Federal party in the Philippines have de­ cal raid upon the Treasury” in interest tained. The same to some extent was terian mission has a native membership of secured $1,000 and\escaped. The store cided to separate from the Church, of true of the oats market, in which prices thirty. ______of few private beneficiaries and commit­ nigh building was burned; Rome. ting government to expenditures aggre­ are observed to readily, recover any tem­ w ill receive prompt attention. porary decline. The speculative features M anx Soldiers FelL H. W. Pearson of Duluth, Minn., has Emperor of Germany was appointed a gating $270,000,000. Committee amend­ sued J. J. Hill and ,the Great Northern field marshal of the British army and ments were informally agreed to. In­ of the provision market have undergone Guerilla warfare continues in the east­ no marked change except that there is Dr. W. R. Meeker, T)FNTI^T ern part of Venezuela, but the reports of Railroad for $1,500,000 as compensation presented with the insignia of the Order dian appropriation bill was passed early waunson, Ohio. UL11 iiJI for discovering coal of the Garter iu diamonds, as birthday in day. The House spent day npon agri­ less apparent disposition to press for apy the victory of the government troops near further immediate advance. OFFICE OVER ORTH’S STOKE. Carunano, in the state of Bermudez, are Before Mrs. Carrie Nation gifts. cultural appropriation bill. Mx. Corliss amply ebnfirmed. The victory seems to Topeka two hours she engn The steamer Holland, from London, (Mich.) made vicious onslaught upon bu­ All kinds ot Dental Work done at have been decisive and the fighting was rough-and-tumble fight and was whipped was wrecked at the northern pier while ATLANTIC reau of animal industry of Agricultural reasonable prices. Department, but his attack raised host heavy. by the wife of a local saloonkeeper. entering Nienwewaterweg. at the en­ o «eW ALL WORK WARRANTED. J The papers also report that 200 govern­ Sheriff James Summers of Madison trance of the River Maas, Holland. Six­ »f defenders, and his amendment to re­ $ Few -Line Interview s. | m ent troops and a large number of insurg­ County, Mont, was shot and killed near teen of those on board were drowned. duce appropriation for bureau was over­ Jas. Greiser & Son ents were killed in the battle near Les Virginia City by John Woolf, 18 years whelmingly defeated. All that portion of Save the people of Cuevas, and it is rumored that the govern­ eld, whom he was trying to arrest. IN GENERAL. bill relating to reorganization of scien­ ment troops committed great atrocities. tific bureaus of Agricultural Department William Haywood of HonoIulD—I DELTA S20O ANNUALLY. A t Greenville, Ohio, fire destroyed the Rear Admiral Albert Kautz, in com­ went out on point of order raised by Mr. think that annexation of the. Hawaiian They without doubt have the best and Johnson & Trainor grain elevator and Mauds was better for the United States itrohgeet Fire Insurance Agency In Fulton Mistake Causes Wreck. mand of the Pacific station, has been Mahon (Pa.) County. ■’ SOt Owing to a misunderstanding of signals, contents. The origin of the blaze is said placed on the retired list on account of 1 The report of the Isthmian Canal Commission recommends that the canal be than for the islands. The islands gain to be incendiary. The loss is $20,000, built from Brito, on the Pacific coast, to Lake Nicaragua, a distance of 17.76_ Wednesday the Senate spent in debate nothing by annexation which they did • railway passenger train ran into the rear age. on the shipping bill after an unsuccess­ PARKER'S.. end of a coal train near Port Clinton, Pa. insurance $7,000. miles. The canal line then crosses the lake, .a distance of 71.34 miles. Leaving not get under the reciprocity laws, and HAIR / BALSAM Herbert Hallett, of Whitby, and his the lake, the canal adopts the San Juan river as its course for 56.96 miles, to ful attempt to secure an agreement to they lose a great many favorable laws Irin 8 . Fomwald of Reading, brakeman, The probate judge of Toledo, Ohio, has two cousins, Helen and Amelia Knight, the conference report on the army re­ was killed, and Lew Lengel of Reading, decided that all prisoners committed to Ochoa, three miles above the mouth of the San Carlos river. From there the and take ou American laws that are a of Bomanville, Ont., were instantly killed canal proper will be built to the Atlantic ocean, a distance of 43.98 miles. Lake organization bill. The House passed hardship. The high tariff laws, for in­ brakeman, was injured. Michael Calla­ the city workhouse without a transcript by a Grand Trunk train. They were han of Philadelphia, fireman on the pas­ of trial accompanying the commitments Nicaragua is about 100 feet above sea level, and there will be four locks between the agricultural appropriation hill. stance. Before annexation we never had senger train, was slightly hurt. are- unlawfully detained. driving and attempted to cross the Brito and the lake and six between Ochoa and the Atlantic. On Thursday the Senate, by a vote of a tariff law that was over per cent. tracks. 10 A highwayman entered the office of 53 to 25, agreed to the conference re­ But the people are enthusiastic over an­ Seven Thousand Killed in Battle. Sir Cavendish Boyle, K. C. M. G. port on the army reorganization bill. The nexation and the act has given a great the Standard Oil Company in the south­ (government secretary of British barrels a day, and that would have seemed to be of the opinion that $200,< A dispatch to tbe Paris Franoaise from meant great wealth to the owners of the shipping bill was discussed during the boom to new industries. I don’t know ern part of Kansas City, locked W. E. Guiana since 1894), has been appointed 000,000 would be ample, but that $100,- latter part of the day, and some progress Cairo says news has been received there Irvin, the cashier, in a closet, and then well. But 20,000 barrels means more 000,000 would be more just. whether Hawaii is Republican or Demo-1 from Abyssinia of a great battle in which governor of Newfoundland, succeeding was made on amendments. A speech by cratic. You cannot tell by the election stole between $500 and $700 in cash. Sir Henry Edward McCallum, recently than four times the wealth, for the labor 7.000 men were killed. It is supposed the to get the oil iB just the same outside DIVIDED ON CUBAN QUESTION. Mr. Rawlins of Utah against tbe bill was just past. They sent an independent chiefs rebelled during tbe absence of King The protest of W. E. Apperson and J. appointed governor of Natal, in progress at the close of the day. The representative to Congress. The natives M. Stuart against the patent issued to of the cost of tbe tanks necessary to hold Menelik, who has gone to the Egyptian j,,, An explosion occurred in the ware­ L Some Congressmen Favor Protector*, House passed the fortifications appropri­ haven’t indicated which party they will frontier. ______the Camp Bird-Tom Walsh Mining Com­ house of the Walkerville (Ont-j Match 1 ate. Others Free Sovereignty. ation bill and made fair progress with affiliate with. The Republican vote was pany for a mill site at Montrose, Colo., The gas pressure in the well is tremen­ Company, which resulted in the death of dous. While there is no way of accu­ According to a Washington correspon-, the postoffice appropriation bilL During heavier than the Democratic, but that Advance la Price of California Wines. has been dismissed by Land Receiver William Brindle and George Pmllips, dent members of the Senate and Hous« the general debate upon the former bill was among the Americans. If the na­ A general advance in the price of Cali­ Fink. employes. Several others were injured. have been discussing for some time the Mr. Lanham of Texas delivered a nota­ tives eome to one of the national parties fornia wines is announced. Sweet wines Mrs. Maud Lewis, aged 23 years, was The loss by fire is estimated a t $35,000. question as to whether the United States ble speech upon the future of the Demo­ they may disturb that balance. especially, have been advanced, and are struck down by a footpad near her home cratic party, making a strong plea for sow held from 9 to 12 cents per gallon Bradstreet’s says: "Speculation is limit­ shall permit Cuba to be free or insist up­ in Kansas City. Her assailant escaped. ed in nearly all lines of produce and in on the exercise of a protectorate, and the necessity of united Democracy and highqr. Clarets and white wines will be She is the fourth woman seriously injur­ Alonzo G. True of Sitka, Alaska—It qaoted at an advance of 5 to cents a gal­ stocks, and it is probable that clearing opinion is widely divided. Some members counseled the burial of the hatchet and seems to me the gateway to the north 8 ed by highwaymen at night within returns at present give a clearer idea of think that under the resolution passed the welcoming back of those who in the lon. ______month. pole is through Alaska. Wh^n the region actual business than for three months in 1898 the United States pledged itself last two presidential campaigns have de­ of tbe Klondike becomes thoroughly op­ Extra session of Congress. Dr. A. A. Ames, four times Mayor of past. Prices show few important changes, to give Cuba full sovereignty and that clined to suport the nominees of the par­ ened up explorers will have i\» r north­ President McKinley has definitely in­ Minneapolis, is shocked as the result of the cereals being slightly higher, while it cannot now- exercise a protectorate un­ ty. Many amendments were offered to ern base of supplies. It would b«,an easy formed tbe Senators and Congressmen that a midnight slumming tour and proposes hog products aud coffee are lower, with less Cubans invite the United States to the postofflce appropriation bill in the in­ m atter to winter at some mining Camp on D a i l t E x c u r s i o n s ta reform the saloons of the city. The dairy products w ea k . The feature of the exercise such authority. Senators anil terest of various claims of postofflce em­ be will call an extra session of Congress week in iron has been the placing of the Yukon and start with the early spring to consider legislation for Cuba and the order has goue forth that all winerooms Representatives, however, agree that the ployes, but they all went down before for the trip north. It would be overland large orders—200,000 tons—of Bessemer points of order raised by Mr. Loud, the TOLEDO 1 Philippines, even if the subsidy bill passes. must be torn out at once. Cubans in preparing a constitution which pig at equivalent to $13.25 at Pittsburg. travel to Point Barrow, or the mouth of Gov. Nash of Ohio has decided to con­ in every detail ignores the existence of chairman of the postofflce committee, the Mackenzie river, and when the sea This has steadied the market generally who was -in charge of the bill. A Fatal Wreck. vene a court-martial to hear charges except for foundry grades, which are the United States have shown themselves was reached tbe explorer would be many To Detroit = A Bessemer passenger train telescoped against Col. Zimmerman, Maj. Johu C. weak. A feature in the export lme was unmindful of their obligations to this miles within the arctic circle. Point B ar­ • Nickel Plate freight at Wallace Junction, Fulton, Assistant Surgeon William Guy country. This and That. row is in abont the same latitude as Baf­ the shipment of 3,000 tons of steel billets Indian Territory has more than doubled St. Glair Flats Pa. Freight Conductor Peter Donahue Wreen and two captains of the Fifth Congress does not want to act on thd to Glasgow from Birmingham, the larg­ Its population ia ten years. fin bay on the east, and the explorer was killed. Twenty passengers are re­ regiment, National Guard. est shipment of this material ever sent Cuban constitution at this session. Pre­ wonld have the advantage of being able ported to have been slightly hurt. F. A. Olden, a business man of St. nbroad from the South. Talk of a com­ dictions of trouble with the Cubans be­ Thieves stole a $2,500 brooch from to travel north from there in a straight d® Port Huron Joseph, Mo., in a pistol fighf with a burg­ ing big deal in May wheat at Chicago fore their constitution is approved by this Mrs. Louise Bowers, Chicago. line, instead of having to thread the tor­ t , th* Saentflemt St*am*r* * f th* WmTi STt* U S ! Big Boer Surrenders. country and their stable government set lar at his home, fatally wounded tbe rob­ has revived again.” Africa contains 80,000,000 Mohamme­ tuous and ice-choked channels of the Leaving footof Adams St. Dally St 9.10 a.m . A dispatch from Pretoria, announces ber and himself received a broken leg. up are freely made. In this resolution that Pretorius, one of the leading Boers, dans to about 200,000,000 inhabitants. eastern passage. after the arrival of morning train. Return­ The burglar turned out to be “Curly” MARKET REPORTS. the United States disclaims any dispo­ Said that Maj. Unge of the Swedish ing, arrive Weejc Day. 8.30 p. m., Sundays 9 has surrendered. Pretorius states, how­ sition to exercise “sovereignty” over the p.m. Pare toDsntolT, 75c.. u n lim ite d round ever, that the Boers are as determined as Pryor, well known as a “ereok.” army, has invented a noiseless torpedo. trip, ft.ss- Excursions to Detroit and The Lake Shore Railroad is about to Chicago—Cattle, common to prime. •slands. At the present moment this is Alfred C. Harmsworth, Editor of the return. W eek Days Sl.oo, Sundays 8 O0 . ever to fight. ______$3.00 to $5.85; hogs, shipping grades, the stone wall against which the gov­ Among the 670 members of the new London M ail—There is as great a differ­ ToPt. H uron and R eturn, a deli-fitful two establish immense car and locomotive House of Commons two are above 80 days trip, including meals and berth, only fy Torpedo Boat Sinks, repair shops, equipped with all the re­ $3.00 to $5.40; sheep, fair to choice, $3.00 ernment will run. ence between English and American pa­ years of age. pers as there is between the two peo­ SPECIAL RATES TO SOCIETIES Havre special: The French torpedo quirements of modern railroading, at Col- to $4.50; wheat, No. 2 red, 74c to 75c; Members of the committee" on foreign For further information aee nearest 8 - R. boat No. 24 sank within a mile of the har­ linwood, the suburban freight yards near corn. No. 2, 3(5e to 37e: oats. No. 2, 23c relations are positive in the opinion thal Lord Brougham commonly spent three ples. An Englishman would find noth­ A g e n t o r W rite bor, as the result of a boiler explosion. All Cleveland, a t a cost of $ , , . to 24c; rye. No. 2, 47c to 48c; butter, Congress has no jurisdiction over Cuba or four weeks in study before writing a ing interesting in one pf your papers, just C. F. BICLHAH. Thf. MSB. 8, BICKFCMO. 0. P. A 1 000 000 great speech. r as an American would find but little in DCTKOIT. MICH. TOhlfiO. O. the crew were lost with the exception ot Mrs. Henrietta R. Howell, wife of a choice creamery, 19c to 20c; eggs, fresh. in the face of the joint resolution rec­ two. 17c to 18c; potatoes, 41c to 47c per ognizing the independence of Cuba, ap E. It. Steyner, Pittsburg, Pa., presi­ an English paper. I f I secured the ser­ wealthy Chicago lumber dealer, who was vices of au American reporter I wonld reported to have been abducted from a bushel. proved April 20, 1898. W hat the Presi­ dent of the Federal Oil Company, is not A Noted Sport Dead. Indianapolis—Cattle, shipping, $3.00 to dent is being advised to do is to lock up enthused over the reported big strike at keep him six months before he would be Steve Brodie, the bridge jumper hud private sanitarium at San Francisco, has able to do the work. He wonld not know been found in a private residence, where $5.60; hogs, choice light, $4.00 to $5.37; the copy of the Cuban constitution when Beaumont, Texas. He says it’s a crevice ■porting man of New Tork, died at sheep, common to prime, $3.00 to $3.75: well. w h at we considered the news. Another San Antonio, Texas, of consumption. she had wandered during the night. it reaches here ami intimate to the Cu­ wheat, No. 2, 75e to 70c; corn, No; 2 bans that they cannot have an indepen Manila has about 165,000 inhabitants. thing, I do not believe that the present Sirs. Rademaker of Kansas City, Kan., white, 38c to 39c; oats, No. 2 white. hig headlines wiil be used in the future Big Fire at Toledo. was knocked down and rendered uncon­ dent government until they manifest s There is a smaller number of saloons 27c te 2Sc. disposition to protect the interests of th< there in proportion to the population than newspaper. I tried them over in London The Dolphin white lead works were scious near her home by a footpad. Her St. Louis—Cattle, $3.25 to $5.75; hogs, for three days and gave them up. They burned at Toledo, Ohio. The loss will be assailant struck her with a club, and be­ United States in their constitution. in any city of similar size in the United $3.00 to $5.35; sheep, $3.00 to $4.50; rately measuring it, it is estimated that States. w ere not w an ted. ssrer *75,000. ______coming alarmed by approaching pedes­ FOR IMMEDIATE STATEHOOD. trians ran away without robbing her. wheat. No, 2, 72c to 73c; corn. No. 2, it is fully 000 pounds to the square inch. '4'he National Live Stock Association Fatal Dnel Fonght 36c to 37c; oats. No. 2, 25c to 20c; rye, Such a pressure would be required to lift Samuel Vandersal of Helena—Utah Fifteen million dollars is the estimate Residents of the Two Territories-M ake selected Chicago as the place for holding Phoenix (Ariz.) special: News has been No. 2, 50c to 51c. such a stream of oil. This gas is the its annual meeting next year. A memo­ has had 9.500 cattle brands recorded received here of a duel between Tom put upon the fortune left by the late Cincinnati—Cattle, $3.00 to $4.75: hoes. Demands on Congress. natural gas to be found throughout the Immediate statehood was demanded ol rial was sent to President McKinley, since the last Legislature wiped out the Cbilds and Miguel Lasado at Ajo Mine, Philip D. Armour in a petition for letters $3.00 to $5.42; sheep, $3.00 to $4.25; oil regions of Ohio, Pennsylvania, West testamentary, filed in the Probate Court Congress in an enthusiastic convention asking that the association be allowed 30.000 Brands that were in existence two northwest of Phoenix, in which the latter' wheat. No. 2. 78c to 79c; corn. No. 2 Virginia and other States, and can be years ago. books in Chicago. The estate will be divided called to order at Guthrie, O. T., by Sid­ to select an assistant Secretary of Agri­ The were loaded down was killed. Childs is a wealthy cattleman mixed, 39c to 40c; oats, No. 2 mixed, 25c utilized for fuel just as readily at Beau­ with dead brands ,and it was almost im­ and Lasado a miner. Both were in love among the members of his family alone. ney E. Clark of Oklahoma City, chair culture. to 27e; rye, No. 2, 55c to 56c. mont as it can in Indiana or Ohio. possible to with a senorita, over whom they exchanged man of the statehood executive commit­ Col. Pink Hawkins, the oldest Creek get new ones—so the Legisla­ . In Springfield, Ohio, somewhat of a Detroit—Cattle, $2.50 to $4.60; hqgs. ture wisely decided to begin all over ■faota with pistols. sensation was crcnted in police court $3.00 to $5.25: sheep. $2.50 to $4.00: tee. Every county in both territories of the Creek nation, died at his home, INDIAN UPRISING IS QUELLED. was well represented. west of Eufaula, I. T, He went to the again. Montana now has 16,600 brands, A Fiend Sentenced. when Judge Miller ordered all prisoners wheat, No. 2, 78c to 80c; com. No, 2 with a yearly addition of 750; Idaho has in the city prison released. He said he yellow, 39c to 40e; oats. No. 2 white, 27c Warring Snakes Retnrn Home—Will Ex-Senator Haveus of Enid was elect­ Indian Territory with the first lot of At Catletlsburg, Ky., William Gibson ed temporary chairman and made an elo Creeks that came from Alabama, nnd 8.000 brands, Nevada 10,000, eastern released them because one was allowed to 28c; rye. 53c to 54c. Arrest 200. Oregon about 6,000, Arizona 8,000, New was found guilty and sentenced to life to get drunk and none had been required Toledo—Wheat, No. 2 mixed, 78c to quent plea for statehood The 200 oi/‘‘since that time has held many important Imprisonment. He tortured his stepchild A Muskogee, I. T., special says that offices of the tribe, at one time being Mexico 5.000, Colorado 15,00, North and to work. 79e; com. No. 2 mixed, 38c to 39c; oats, more delegates were unanimous for state South Dakota 10,000 together, whale Is death ’with a red hot poker. the Creek Indian uprising has been hood at the earliest minute possible. The second chief. There now seems to be ho doubt that No. 2 mixed, 25c to 26c; rye. No. 2, 51c quelled nnd after the capturt? of their Texas has 30,000. Brands multiply as to 52c; clover seed, prime, $6.00 to $6;70. majority of them favored single state Harry Ringwald, Great Falls, Mont., EASTERN. an immense new steel pliant is to be leaders the Snake bands have laid down the number of small herds or bunches of built at Norwalk, Ohio, and preparations Milwaukee—Wheat. No. 2 northern, hood for Oklahoma, although the minor bas sued Senator Clark for $9,750 for their arms and gone to their homes. Tom ity, who favor both territories being in­ services in gathering evidence for Clark cauie increase, and these latter increase 25 Through Car Line' Benjamin D. Silliman left $100,000 to have been pushed so vigorously recently 73c to 74c; com, No. .3, 36c to 37c; oats, Tiger, a Creek light horseman, was put as The population does. that all that is necessary ntw is to place No. 2 white, 26c to 27cf'rje, No. 1, 50e cluded in one State, were aggressive during the investigation by the Senate. DETROIT. DETROIT, Yale. in jail for posting notices ordering white He says Clark agreed to pay him $10,- the money to cover the coi$:raets for the ta 52e; barley, No. 2, 59c to 00c; pork, men out of the country. Enough infor­ enough to make their claims have weight TOLEDO A TOLEDO A “Badger” Moore, serving a fourteen- mess, $13.50 to $13.85. 000, and that he has received but $250. Prof. Walter A. Wyckoff of Princeton buildings. mation has been gathered to secure the th e CINCINNATI. COLUMBUS. year sentence in Sing Sing, has fallen B u ffa lo —Cattle; choice sh ip p in g s te e r s , Sparks from Wires. U n iv ersity —The present state of society The cable power h ouse of the Metro­ arrest of about fuil-bioods on a Ed. Ping was engaged in oiling some TOLEDO, COLUMBUS & heir to $123,000.' $ 3.00 to $5.50; hogs, fair to prime, $3.00 200 Rich gold strike, Euskokwin, Alaska, is artificial. Still, I think, we are devel­ politan Street R a ilw a y Company, at charge of treason against the United pulleys on a line shaft at the Silent CHARLESTON, W. VA. Fire wiped out the principal business to $5.45; sheep, fair to choice, $ 3 .0 0 to Thieves are terrorizing Washington, oping toward a form of social solidarity. Ninth and Washington streets, Kansas States government. Statements made by Friend mining plant at Galena, Kan., COLUMBUS & Hr A RIETTA. section of Mattewan, N. J., causing a loss $4,J5; lambs, common to extra, $4.50 to D . C. when his clothes were caught by a set­ In niv opinion, the institution of privnte of more than $ , . City, Mo., was destroyed iby fire. The Bear Trail and a few other full-bloods property, which is at the center of all Parlor Cars on Day Trains. 100 000 $5.80. show that the Indians had in mind a Great copper find made at Allendorf, screw and he was whipped around tha A social sensation bas been caused by loss is about $75,000 and is covered by New York—Cattle, $3.25 to $5.40; hogs. industrial iife and moral ideas, will un­ Sleeping Care on Night Trains. insurance. S ix ty cars and 1,200 gallons great conspiracy which embraced the rhll- Germany. shaft with lightning rapidity, his head the elopement of Ethel Wheatmo’re, $:>..00 to $5.85; sheep, $3.00 to $4:00; and limbs striking the timbers each rev­ dergo many changes and modifications j Rates Always Low as tbe I, welt. of coal oil were destroyed. bloods ef the five civilized tribes. In a Four hundred more Porto Ricans have during the present century. I also think Always Confer with Ohio Central Arts, daughter of a wealthy resident of Great wneat. No. 2 red, 80c to 81c; corn. No. 2, reached Honolulu. olution. Almost every bone in his body Deputy Marshal Grant Johnson and 45c to 46c; oats, No. 2 white, 31c to 32c; mongh more every white man’s house in that the wage earners will be the owners, or address Bend, Pa., and Swozey Gorton, her fath­ the Creek country would have been burn­ was broken and his head was mashed er’s married, hired man. Bunuie McIntosh of E u fa iila , I. T„ two butter, creamery, 21e to 22c; eggs, west­ Shelby, Ohio, Board of Health orders to a pulp. Life was extinct when the either direct or indirect, of all the pro­ ed but for discovery of the plot. all citizens vaccinated. Smallpox. MOULTON HOUK, i The nail, wire and rod mills of Newcas- men noted for their bravery and daring to ern, 19c to 20c. machinery was stopped. ductive activities of the future. B eal Passenger Am.,, < fIdO O ( A brought it up. The glass proved to he J RACE FOR A MINING CLAIM. an excellent one, and Clarence was n o t1 long in making the stranger out to be a Mid winter Bash to Secnre Possession THE Mexican, and an armed vessel at that. of a Rich Digging in Washington. | “And she is standing directly for us, An exciting race for a mine took place ; too,” concluded he. as he lowered the ia February, 1896. For many years it glass. had been known that the Colville In­ TEXAS “Then what’ll we do?” asked Max “By the great bar, ef I was ashore now, dian reservation was rich In minerals CRUISER r d know dreffui quick what to do; but and prospectors had slipped ' eluding —BY- ye see, here on the water I don’t stan’ tamped in thoroughly from the bottom the vigilance of the Indian police, to T. BDHLINRAM E ROSS a fair chance. Ivon we run away from to top. A gate hung to such a post will explore the mountains in northern •the fellow?” never sag. The post will not yield a Washington. But long before white “ I’m afraid not,” replied Clarence.' particle. It is a pleasure to go in and Codfish Cakes. men had entered the Indians knew that 00000000000000000000000000- “T hat fellow is directly to the windward Mix together equal quantities of fine­ Statute Labor. out at snch a gate. A child can open the top of a low mountain near the na­ I do not hold that the statute abor C H APTER VI.—(Continued.) of the vessel and the number of the men, of us, and I am sure his best polut of ly shredded boiled codfish and mashed tion’s border line waa covered with sailing is with the wind abaft his beam, New Farming Implement. and shut it with ease, nor will it break plan of road-making is wholly without Two day* paised away from the time by which he had been overcome. And a f ­ Benjam in F . Brown, of Wedington, the matron’s back to open and shut It potatoes. Add one-half of a table­ bright blue stones, so gaudy that many while that is our worst. Before the wind ierit, or that much honest work is not of the announcement to her of Tudel’a ter this he took his leave, promising; to Ark., has designed the apparatus when she finds it necessary, as all spoonful of melted butter and a well were carried off and placed In the wig­ we might run off seven knots, while that one under its operation. Many ot return, and on the afternoon of the third call again soon. \ beaten egg. Beat the mixture with a wams. The prospectors knew that these It was after sundown when Tudel left, chap can run nine; so you see he'd over­ shown in the picture for use iu destroy­ farmers’ matrons will find it once in a those working out their road tax «i» jthat man called again. As Irene had ex-, fork or wire spoon until light Form gay stones betokened the existence of pec ted, he came to her apartment alone. and as the rpaiden sat there in her room haul us in two hours at the farthest.” ing insects and noxious weeds and also while; a t least, mine has and doubtless Gwilling to do a fair day’s work, but ask “Then we’re as good as trapped, eh?” into balls or cakes the size of an egg, copper veins and many a hungry eye 'He smiled when he came in, and having alone and gazed out npon the garden, she for burning stumps of trees. It con­ will more than once in the future. yourself if you Save any choice be­ “I ’m afraid so.” roll In flour and stand in a cold place was cast at that rock-strewn patch of reached the place where the maiden sat, soon forgot the man who had just left sists of a firebox, which burns either Hinges .-do not cost much and a little tween working on the road and doing It was quickly arranged that the coal or wood, with a rotary fan to cre­ extra labor won’t kill.—Twentieth Cen­ for several hours. Fry In deep, very ground before tbe government lifted (he extended his hand; she toot it, and her, and her mind went away after ian- any other farm work? As boy on the without a shudder. She gazed calmly up­ other—after one who held a deeper seat schooner' should be kept away and run ate intense heat by forcing the draught. tury Farmer. hot fat. Drain on unglazed paper, place the ban tbat kept out pale-face intru­ a for the land; so tbe sheets were eased off farm I recall that the best team and on him. There was in her soul a con­ in her heart, and whose image formed The furnace is mounted on a two­ on a hot platter and garnish with pars­ ders. But Congress passed a law open­ the and the helm put up, and as soon as thej best plow were not sent to doroad scious superiority to the man before her, the clustering point of ail her earthly wheeled carriage, which makes it easy Among the Ponltry. ley. The flavor of the cakes is im­ ing part of the reservation to mineral work, hopes. So deeply engaged was she tjiat brig could notiee the movement sbe turn­ Air ont that henhouse. for the “hired man” used these in the aad yet, as much as she had cause to ed her course more to the northward. to transport it from place to place, and proved by boiling the fish and potatoes location. dread him, her only feeling now in his she noticed not the entrance of another A comfortable ‘ hen Is generally a together. The potatoes should be thor­ Waiting for the President to sign the regular farm work. An old mare, and. presence was one of deep, unmitigated person into her apartment, and it was “Captain Winter,” said Clarence, “I arrangement is made for adjusting the profitable hen. one of ker-«eolts, three years old, m ade am sorry I got you out here, for upon my size of the mouth through which the oughly mashed or riced before being formal proclamation, two parties ciet- disgust. not until a light hand was laid upon her Remember that a thoroughbred male the team. The plow was just ready to soul, I did not think of this.” fiery draught ie emitted and also for mixed with the fish, and the more light­ ly entered tire forbidden territory and “Irene,” Baid the visitor, in a tone shoulder that she realized the presence is half the flock. consign to the Junk heap. The “Don’t be sorry on my account,” re­ revolving the fan by hand when the ly the mixture is beaten the better the camped alongside tbe promising vein. scraper which he meant should have been very of an intruder. She looked quickly Before saying that poultry on the —of the drag kind—retaining • around, and met the gaze ot Cassandra, turned Max. “I ha’n't got no Maine cakes will be. At Marcus, the nearest telegraph sta­ about sweet, but which Bounded like the grat­ for ye. E f Pd a had tlie knowledge I machine is standing still, as when farm doesn’t pay, think twice. tenth of a cubic yard if well filled—-waa ing hinges when too carefully moved, her maid. burning a stumjf When utilized for tion, two young men waited with tense shonld ’a' ran ont here myself, so let A fat hen will cover eggs some bet­ Baked Apple Pndling. furnished by the district, in esse * “you came very nigh losing me.” This newcomer was a small, black-eyed destroying weeds or burning stubble nerves for the flrst tick that would tell 1 that drop. But we’re in a bad pickle, ter than a poor one, probably because Fill a three-quart earthen dish with could be located. With this outfit wm “ Ah, i» it possible?” uttered the maid- girl, not over seventeen years of age, the hood is adjusted ektse to the ground that the President had signed the proc­ though, and no mistake. What ken we she will produce more feverish heat. pared and quartered apples. Sprinkle ea, la a tone to o calm for terrorfi and yet with fair and handsome features, and lamation. It was a cold, gray winter would., make a long strip of road look exhibiting a degree of wit and intelli­ do?” and the machine propelled at a rapid At a recent convention held In the In­ on this one cupful of sugar, a slight ,very biack In day, and In two too sarcastic for joy. “I know of no way but to surrender,” day and the snow was piled high. Late a or three “Yes; I came nigh being a lost man- gence seldom fonnd in one of her class rate, when the gearing puts the fan in terest of ponltry It was decided that grating of nutmeg, one tablespoonful more days we conld make it assume 1 returned Clarence. in the afternoon the word came and a fell into the hands of a prowling Yankee and station. She was of Creole stock, motion and drives a fierce heat through 55 per cent Is about an average hatch of butter and half a cupful of water, decidedly hilly appearance along and "W e’ve got our rifles wi’ us. Would the opening in front; which cuts a there was a simultaneous dash Tor the —a Texan cruiser,” resumed Tudel. ap orphan, and had been with Irene from of an Incubator. coyer, and bake thirty minutes. Make somewhere near the center-Une. early childhood, her father having been tbem be of any kind o’ use?” horees that were waiting outside. ‘Then An­ "Ah'” said Irene, in a very guarded The fowl that is “stunted” at any a rich paste and roll a piece of the other half day with a farm a ranchero living upon a small farm be­ “Why not?” uttered Clarence, starting the race began. Plunging through harrow tone. with the thought; “how far can you shoot time while young never becomes the paste into a strip that will reach would work this down to “Yes; and but for my own wit and bold longing to St. Marc. drifts, tumbling down declines, toiling a fairly d.visg I should now have been in a “Cassandra,” said Irene, speaking in with any certainty?” fowl that it would have been under around the- pudding dish. Tbis strip smooth surface and make it, at tbe “Almost a mile, w\fh our tight slugs.” proper treatment. desperately up steep hills and bound­ Texan prison.” that sure manner which would indicate shonld be abont two inches deep. Cover ing at full speed over the level stretch­ same time, as mellow as an ash heap, that she was broaching no new thought, “By heavens, Maxr~'tpt’s have them People, like trees, are known by their the pudding with paste. Put In a mod­ on which travel would not go, except “Ah,” said Irene again, more guarded loaded. It’s a new mode of naval war­ es, these two horses bore their riders. aa even than before. “Who was it captured “suppose I were to be cast out on tbe fruit in one form or another, and he erate oven and bake for at least an compelled to by obstructions placed at fare, but it may work well.” Sometimes one was ahead and some­ world, a wanderer and beggar?” who knowingly sells poor eggs will hour. Serve with a cream sauce. both sides. you?” ► Max immediately ordered his men to times the other. The sun disappeared “A fellow named Howard. H e com­ “Then I would wander and beg with also be judged by his fruit.—Farmers’ But what right have we to expect get up their rifles—they had two each, and the hurrying pair blundered along sat­ manded a heavy vessel called the Lone you,” the girl replied, quickly and with Voice. Creamed WalnnK isfactory results from a method devised a beaming eye. and some three—and load them. They through the deepening twilight, and Star.” >-» were quickly brought up, and Clarence The white of one egg and an equal The maiden said nothing to this; she “If T should ask you,” said Irene. then in the light of the stars reflected to meet conditions of a century or mom knew, the moment he looked at them, Cabbage for Cows. amount of cold water, one teaspoon of ago? The statute labor plan waa only let her hand drop upon a sheet of “No, no—you should not drive me from A report received at the Department by the glistening snow. Spurs were you,” cried Cassandra, throwing ber that they would do mnch execution; they lemon, and one teaspoon of black cof­ adopted when the pioneer was music before her, and as soon as her of Agriculture discusses the feeding plunged so deep that flecks of blood engaged nerves were steady, she picked it up and arms about the neck of her mistress. “I were the heavy, long hunting rifle, made fee. Beat until thoroughly mixed, then in simply cutting a way through tha for great range, and faithful to their of cabbages and cabbage leaves to stained the snow. Almost side by side ran her eyes over the notes. would beg my food from door to door, beat in confectioner’s sugar, sifted, un­ forest and opening up trails over which “But I made my escape,” pursued the ere I would take the dark pirate for my aim. When one of their halls missed its milch cows. Cabbages are usually con­ til the dough is stiff enough to mold. they scrambled up the mountain. The mark its owner knew that he alone was yells of the riders were heard in the small farm products could be take*. dark lover, taking no note of his com­ hire band." demned as cow feed owing to their al­ Break off pieces tbe size of a nutmeg, He had lots of time and little money, panion’s peculiar emotions. “I was put Irene made no reply, but bowed her to blame. leged effect on the flavor of the milk. distance by the rival watchers, who did The brig was now a little over two roll them till smooth and round. Press and if any plan conld have been de­ in double irons, stout and strong but I head and burst into tears. A test made showed that the milk of the halved walnut meats on each side, not wait a further hint, but drove the cast them off. There was a stout man miles distant, and her character conld be stakes that were to locate the La Fleur vised by which he conld have paid Ma more plainly made out. She carried six­ INSECT AND WEED i?E3TBOTK*. cows fed on cabbages directly after letting the cream show slightly be­ other taxes by “working them ont," !» watching over me—but I overcame hi in­ CHAPTER VII. teen guns, and appeared to have a full swath of ashes through the field. By milking was untainted. In a report tween the meats. One egg will re­ mine. would doubtless have been done. Bat killed bim on the Bpot, and then Both Clarence Howard and the boy complement of men, though Clarence of the New Zealand Department of Then followed wordy disputes, fist “Killed him!” uttered Irene, in a quick, Peter had procured disguises, and after providing for the substitution of a fer­ quire about a pound and a quarter of now the farmer is quite as able to pay conld see that she was not bandied witb tilizer-spreading apparatus or seeder in Agriculture It is stated that forty tons sugar. fights and the flourishing of Winches­ terrified whisper. much debate with himself, the young much skill. ters, but before the mine was chris­ his road ta r In cash as his city friend ia “Ay; ef course I did.” captain resolved to go by water as far place of the firebox the machine’s utili­ to fifty tons of cabbages per acre have to pay his street tax. New conditloaa “Killed Captain Howard?” gasped the “They’re a set of lubbers as sure as been grown at the experimental farm Coffee in The Blazer. tened with blood one party concluded as Matamoras, and from there to take the world,” he said, “and if I am not ty can be greatly increased, and it will Mix four teaspoonfuls of powdered demand new methods, and among the maiden, letting both her hands drop, and his way as should then seem best. The be found a valuable addition to the and fed to cows with most satisfactory to withdraw and fight its battle In the much mistaken, I can handle the schoon­ coffee and four teaspoons of granulated courts.—Ainslee’s Magazine. new methods the following are sug­ seizing the edge of the table. » next mission of the Lone Star was te go stock of farm machinery. results. Dp to twenty pounds was giv­ gested: “No, BOt exactly him; though I wish it er so as to bother them some: they’re sugar in a small agate saucepan. Pour to New Orleans, and as soon as the full some squad of rancheros or leperos, who en to each cow night and morning, with Do aw ay w ith the office of pathmaa* might have been him. I t was the senti- complement of men could be made up, may have smelled salt water some, and About tbe Horae. the result that the Increase of butter in one pint of boiling water and hold ARMOUR AND HIS EMPLOYES. Bel he posted over me. But why does it Mr. Lofton agreed to take command dur­ tbe pan over the alcohol lamp until the ter and substitute the road engineer, to have taken advantage of a letter of To the ordinary mind the hair of the averaged one pound per cow. An Incident Showing the Kindneas ot have general charge of all the roade move you so? W hat bad it been to you ing his superior’s absence. Ere long, marque to change the field of their rob­ mixture boils up nearly over the pan. if I had killed the whole Yankee crew? horse would seem to be strongly “con­ the Great Chicago Packer, and bridges of the county. The imme­ Clarence found a small coaster which beries. Let the schooner be put off a ducive to healthy skin.” Other writers Where Creameries Prosper, Lift from the flame a moment to check “Nothing, nothing,” whispered Irene, would take him to the mouth of the Rio Perhaps “Phil” Armour had less trou­ diate care of the roads conld well be little, and when she gets within shooting say that “horse-clipping is a sanitary Creameries cannot prosper unless In the boiling, then place it over the flame with a mighty struggle; “only I thought Grande, which was distant nearly three a community where good cows abound, ble with his employes than almost any gtven to a practical road bnilder who of your hands being red with the blood of distance we’ll try a new scheme.” measure, as a long, heavy coat of again and repeat boiling and lifting hundred miles. I t was an old schoaner • Captain W inter had the utmost confi­ and good dairymen are as necessary as other great employer of labor In the shonld have charge of as mnch terri­ one who had spared yonr own life.” shaggy hair cannot be conducive to twice. Pour it through a fine strainer which had been used for carrying game dence in the young commander’s capac­ good cows, says the Texas Farm and country. He was exacting and re­ tory as experience should show to bo "Bah! He would have given me up and produce up and down the rivers, and healthy skin.” It Is beyond doubt that into the cups and serve with black quired punctuality and energy, but he to his^judges as a pirate, If he could. He ity for handling the schooner, and he fell Ranch. None but good dairymen have sugar. wise. The township would be fhe nat­ along the coast, and though by no means in with all Clarence proposed. horses regularly clipped are subject to always paid good wages and showed a would have brought me to the gallows, if mnch of a sea boat, yet she would an­ good cows, and good cows have none ural unit with which to start. Howatd “And now there is one thing more,” a number of ills that do not affect un­ Baked Oysters. personal interest In the welfare of each H. Gross, road expert of the U. S. It had been in his power. That is spar­ swer every purpose for so short and pafe clipped horses so generally or so seri­ but good dairymen. There is another De- ing my life with a vengeance!” resumed our ''hero, after a moment’s Put a round of toasted bread into a one of his employes. He never permit­ Pfrtment of Agriculture, says that two a voyage. thought. “I had start§jl on a peculiar ously. Nature may be trusted in the necessity without which creameries Irene soon composed herself, and then I t was early morning when the old small ramekin or baking cup. Spread ted himself to get into debt, and be men and four horses with the best road mission, and I took everything r could matter of fitting to each animal its cov­ cannot prosper, but it is rarely included she said, with the old coldness upon her: schooner got up her anchor, and as How­ think of that I might need. Among oth­ in “good dairymen”—this is good farm with butter, and fill the enp with smaH tried to Impress upon his employes the machinery, can repair more , road In a. “Yon werr very fo rta n atefc thus es­ ard lent a hand at the windlass and at ering. The horse’s coat is his entire oysters, or large ones cut in quarters. rule which he had followed. It is re­ day than ten men and twenty horses er things, I have a lot of small, keen files, wardrobe. His hair protects him in or dairy papers. Where creameries ex- caping, for if course the Texans would the halliards, he was very quickly on with edges like saws. Now if we are Season with salt, pepper and butter, lated that one day, on going Into his can do in a week, using the plow aad have hung you if they had found you in both summer and winter. If the hair lsj. It is good policy for each contribu­ excellent terms with the crew. The skip­ taken by that fellow we shall be put in and fill as many cups as are required. office, he found a policeman in the cor­ scraper and our present plan of statute their power long enough.” per's name was Max Winter. He was should be clipped from horses, why ting dairyman, as well as the creamery irons and huddled together somewhere, management,! to encourage by every Place them in a baking pan in the oven, ridor. labor. Permit townships to vote npew “Ay, lady. I waa most fortunate; and a short, stumpy fellow, some five-end- and why may we not contrive some plan should not the feathers be stripped “What are you doing here, sir7” he yet, in all the risk I ran, the thought of forty years of age, and spent about half legitimate means the circulation of cover with a pan, and bake about ten issuing twenty-year bonds with which of escape? By my soul,” continued the or clipped from birds, the shells from minutes, or till the oysters are plump. asked. meeting yon once more was all that nerv­ his time in the woods with his rifle and youth, warming with zeal, as the plan such papers in the community. It re­ to buy suitable machinery and build turtles, and the hair and wool from all Serve in the cups. “I am here to serve a paper,” was perhanent roads. ed me on. Ah, am I not fortunate in thus traps. The second in command v a t an more fully developed itself in his mind, animals? What did nature intend, quires intelligence to make tbe butter being spared to bask in the sunlight ot Arkansas ranger, named Jack Sloan, and the reply. Buy the best machinery and employ “we may capture the brig, after all. B e then, when she developed the horse factories go. yonr smiles once more.” about Winter’s age. And then there German Puff*. “What kind of a paper?” asked Mr. only men skilled in handling it. Have fore she can bring a shot to bear upon and put upon him his hair, tail and “Did you ever see me smile, senor?” were five men besides who constituted Weetl Out Cow Hoarders. The yolks of six eggs, five tablespoon­ Armour. the territory under the charge of each us, we can pick off a number of her men; maue? Who ever saw or beard of a tbe maiden asked, in a quaint tone. the crew. They were stout, hardy fel­ and then, after we are in irons on tw&rd There are two varieties of cows, says fuls of flour, one of melted batter, one “I want to garnishee one of your ^supervisor” large enough to employ diseased or unhealthy skin in a herd “Well—rea'ly—I don’t know as I ever lows, all hunters, and used to the dark their vessel, if we ean get the shackles the American Agriculturist, the cow pint of milk, one-half teaspoonful of men’s wages for debt,” said tbe police­ him continuously from early spring did. But you will smile; you must smile and rough ways of life, following their of wild horses? Removal of the natu­ to off undiscovered, why may we not over­ that gives more than she eats and the salt. Beat tbe yolks of the eggs light, man. when you are my wife.” leader in everything—at one time away ral coat must necessarily affect the late fall. The real worth of a road ma­ come them at night, when they think no! cow that eats more than she gives. add the milk to them and pour part of Indeed,” replied Mr. Armour, "and chine can be increased ten-fold by em­ “Perhaps I ought to.” at the headwaters of the great rivers af­ of it? We won’t fight a moment after horse's power to stand sudden chills “You ought to, and you must, sweet ter game, and at another running their Which variety would you prefer in mak­ this mixture on the flour. Beat light who is the man?” He thereupon asked ploying it during the season instead of our own lives are fully at stake, for that when heated, or quick heating when ing up a dairy herd? Which variety do lady. Why, ’twould be like night all the old schooner about the coast, selling the would be madness. As soon as we find and smooth. Then add the remainder |the policem an Into his p rivate offlcf-And a week or two in the spring. time to have a sun that would give no product of their labors. be finds himself out in the hot sun, or you actually have? Now there is no of the eggs and milk and the salt and ordered that the debtor come tn! He they must come alongside, we’ll surren­ radiation of warmth, or evaporation of Now, the practical question Is: Whero light. I think you do smile sometimes.” When the schooner had cleared the der at once.” difficulty about telling the cow of one butter. then asked the clerk how long he had shall we begin with this reform? It id “When I am happy, senor.” southern point of Galveston Island, the perspiration. class from the cow of the other. There “But,” suggested Sloan, “won’t they been in debt. The man replied that for easy'to find fault with old methods, and “Then it shall be the work of my every wind was found to be so near south that Queer ideas are the order of the day us»d to be, but there isn’t now. The Sweet Potato Slices. twenty years he had been behind, aad be likely to butcher us, out of clear re Peel and slice raw sweet potatoes Is not difficult to find those which a n thought to make you happy, Irene.” they had to beat titeir way down the in the horse world. For example, some '$9>cock test does it. The apparatus that he conld not catch up. “You can do so very easily, senor.” coast. Max knew nothing of the use of venge?” enough to fill a q u art pudding dish vastly superior. But the question now "Revenge for what?" horse writers insist that the working consists of a small scale, a Babcock “But you get a good salary,” said Mr. “ Ah—pray tell me how.” the sextant or the quadrant, and it was horse should go unshod. In soft and three-quarters full. Pour on them one is: How to shake off the traditional “Why, for shootin’ so many of theii fest, and a little gumption. By testing Armour, “don’t you?” statute labor plan and get started am “Jilok Tudel, leave me, and never think very seldom that b e was willing to trust stoneless dirt a horse might go unshod cup of boiling water, one-half cup of again of making me yonr wife, and I will himself where it could become absolutely men, ef we do shoot em, an’ I think 1 each cow separately a man can soon “Yes,” said the clerk, “but I can’t get the modern progressive system of per­ ken shoot a few on ’em ef my old shoot­ and do considerable work, but In stony sugar, small lump of butter and a little not only be very happy, bnt I will bless necessary that he shonld be gnided by the tell which ones are paying a profit and out of debt My life Is such that some­ manent road building? Legislation and you from the very depths of my soul.” compass, though he had a good tight) bin­ in’ iron don’t rebel.” localities the hoofs of unshod horses which are merely boarders. grated lemon peel. Bake In covered “You mistake these fellows,” said how or other I can’t get out.” education together can do It.—Prof. W. “Why couldn’t yon add, just by way of nacle and a good compass in it. The con­ would simply be broken and splintered dish for thirty minutes, then take off “But you must get out,” said Mr. Clarence, with a pitying look. “The poor up to the quick.—The Farmer’s Voice. Keep Up witb the Procession, cover and let them brown. R. Hoag, University of Minnesota. filling np the pleasant measure, that the sequence of all this was that the old In the chicken business, as in every Armour, "or you must leave here. How cutting off my head.would heighten your skipper seldom let his vessel get him out wretches will thank us roundly for every joy?—because of course I should do it. of sight of land. The day passed n v r une of their number we kill. Your cargo Stile for Wire Fences. other, the knowledge of yesterday is Qnick Waffles. much do you owe?” SECRET OF CHEERFULNESS. s a pretty valuable one, worth how The clerk then gave the amount. It O, yes—of course.” and the next morning they found tlm : A wire fence is an ugly affair to cross not sufficient for to-day, says Poultry Beat three eggs, yolks and whites sep­ much?1’ was less th a n $1,000. Mr. Armour took “It la to Cultivate the Spirit of Grati­ The man spoke this in a tone half of they had gained just about fifty miles either by climbing oyer or crawling un­ Success. With tbe new day come arately. Add to the yolks a pint of milk “P’r’aps three thousand dollars, be­ his check-book and wrote out a check tude,” Saxe a Writer. anger, and half of irony; but he did not on their way. which gave them a log of der or-between the'strands. The ac­ new ideas, new experiments, new les­ and a tablespoonful of melted butter To be cheerful is two-thirds of th« allsw his passion to manifest itself. about two miles an hour on their direct sides what money we’ve got, which is a for the amount. thousand more,” replied Sloan. companying illustration shows a handy sons. We are constantly learning some­ and pour upon a pint of prepared flour. battle and no one can long be cheerful “ Do net misunderstand* me, senor,” course. . thing, and the man who reaches a “There,” said he as he handed the Trene returned, very calmly. “I do not “Then I have a little.” resumed Clar­ Mix thoroughly, stir in the stiffened who is not temperate. The-secret Of “I guess we’d do better to stand out ence; “but call it four thousand dollars. point where he is so sure he knows it clerk the check. “There is enough to wish you harm. I only wish peace for farther,” suggested Clarence, as he made whites of the eggs, beat hard and make pay all your debts. Now I want you cheerfulness is like the secret of health These fellows are bound together by no all that he ceases making any attempt and long life; something near to us myself.” out the land upon the starboard bow. in greased waffle-irons. to keep out of debt, and if I hear of you and “So if I'should take a fancy for your other ties but those of aid in plunder; to learn becomes a back number In not something far off. Really thankfnl “ ’T don’t do, ye know, for heps to and you may be sure they will much pre­ Sgain getting into debt you will have head, and ask you to let ipe chop it off, just about twenty-four hours. persons are always cheerful, whetbea ventur arte’r ducks,” replied Max, “but fer to divide that plunder only among Batter Pudding. to leave.” I might swear that I wished you no harm, I tell ye what, Capt’in Howard, ef you’ll t - Hours Afloat. Into fonr eggs beaten very light stir sick or well, for really to feel grateful but only joy to myself. But It won’t ten than among fifty. You understand The man took the check, paid his keep the reck’nin’ an’ bring us to land now?” A Londou paper relates the trying ex­ a pint of milk and a pint of flour that is in itself a kind of cheerfulness. Tha york, lady. I thought that part of the agin, why, out ’tis. Eh?” debts and remodeled his life on a cash business was settled. When I reckon “Yes,” said Sloan. “And it’s jest like perience of an English sailor. He could has been twice sifted with a teaspoon- happiest family we ever stw wu Of course Clarence assented to this, ’em, too.” not swim, and was six hours in the ful of baking powder and a saltspoonful where the children were constantly up my observation at noon, after I have and as the wind still remained to the taken the sun, I don’t atop to find if two After this. Clarence went down to his water during a storm. of salt. Turn into a greased pudding How Trees Are Dwarfed. thankful to their parents, ant showed south’rd, the old schooner was put upon chest, and from thence took a bundle ol and two make four, because that was set­ the starboard tack, and stood out into the He had a life-preserver, but was in mold and steam for two hours. Eat Interest in the dwarfed forest trees it In every possible way; well they tled way back in the first lesson of math­ tools which he carried on deck. In the arrangement where one must cross a constant terror lest it should slip from with a hot brandy sauce. produced by Chinese and Japanese gar­ might be, for both the fattier and gulf. At nine o’clock the land wa3 out first place he had two curiously construct­ ematics. And so with this sum; that of sight, but Clarence kept her on till wire fence occasionally and does not his grasp. If it did he knew he could deners is growing in this country. In mother seemed to live entirely in and you are to be my wife is one of the solid noon. ed saws; the bows were of stout steel wish to lose the tension on the wires wire, covered with cotton cloth, and so never regain it. ^ Scrambled Eg-s, making the dwarf the gardener breaks for their children. In that house, facts of the past, tljat must last through “Aren’t it best to be standin’ in afore by cutting a gateway. This double Turn into a dish six eggs and half a a branch from a tree. Just below an strange as it may seem, the children all coming time; so now we have only to shaped that they could be worn about He bad fallen off the bow-chains of long?” said Max, rather suggestively. ‘ stepladder can be put together in a few cup of cream. Heat the chafing dish, “eye” on the branch be cuts and re­ were really thankful for pualshment reckon up from that. hope you under­ the neck as a part of the shirt binding. the vessel, and from midnight to day­ 1 “Pretty soon,” returned Clarence. “I Into these frames little saws, made like moments and will prove a very con­ with a tablespoonful of butter and a moves a ring of bark. Then he sticks when they deserved it, which was stand.” want to run about half an hour more, light the llfe-boat was searching for not “Yes, senor—very well.” a watch spring in size, could be quickly venient affair.—American Agricultur­ him while the ship lay to. Many cap­ dust of pepper and salt. Pour in the the branch in a ball of specially pre­ often. and then we shall easily fetch the Padre ist. “I’m glad of that, because you’ll know Lagoon to-night.” set. One of these he kept himself, and tains would have desisted In an hour or eggs and cream and stir constantly for pared earth. This he crams Into a The sweetest charm of Thanksgiving now how to work. But I will just say— “Eh—d’ye think so?” the other he gave to Max Winter, after Oleo and Process Batter. 'two, but this one persevered, and tie three mifiutes. Serve at once on hot flower pot and keeps it moist enough day is gratitude, says the Christian Ad­ just for your present satisfaction and for havihg explained to him how to use it. buttered toast. to start the roots. After the roots are vocate. To be thankful to the patriots “I know we shall if the wind don’t go Then to each of the men and to Peter It is asesrted that the renovated or men were finally rewarded with a sight yonr information for the future, and for down,” was Howard’s confident reply. process butter can be readily and sure­ of their comrade a mile away. A day’s well grown the water supply is lessen­ who fought for the country or by your guidance, too, that nothing on the he gave two small, sharp files, which their But there were other things beside the they werf” instructed to conceal in their ly detected by placing a small piece on rest restored his strength, and he re­ Remember These. ed. As the branch puts out limbs these wisdom founded its institutions, to be face of the earth can induce me to give winds to be considered, and which Clar­ A cup of strong coffee will remove the are clamped with wire bands to pro­ thankful to parents for loving patience you up. Nothing—not even death itself. shirt sleeves, just under the shoulder. a glass plate and pressing it to a thin sumed his dangerous duties. ence did not think of. He did not con­ odor of onions from the breath. duce a rugged and ancient look. The and constant care, for the husband 8o just consider that settled.” sider that vessels had before that! time After all this had been attended to. and film with a cover glass., It gives out a Couldn’t Get Through It. ^ te some instructions given about the best mottled appearance of'blue and yellow To remove paint splashes on window roots, are kept down by cutting. Honey be thankful to the wife and the wife tu “Certainly, senor—jf you say so.” sprung, aleak at sea. and gone down. It is related that the head of one of is smeared on the trunks to attract in­ “Well, I do say so; and I mean it, too. Perhaps that was because he had always method to file off the Mexican shackles, under a microscope with a selenite glass moisten the spots with a strong the husband, and all to God, is better their attention was once more turned to plate, while with butter freshly made the Christian missions at Pekin was solution of soda, then rub hard. sects whieh give it a worm-eaten ap­ than all the feasts of all the unloved And now to something more important been in the habit of sailing in new, the-br^j. passing a leisure hour during the height —now to working out the sum. When staunch crafts, and hence did not fallow there was only a plain blue appearance. To remove rust on steel make a paste pearance. It often requires twenty and unloving kings the world ever saw. (To be continued.) of the siege, in the intervals of the ar­ years to perfecg the dwarfing. shall we be married?” for the age and infirmities of the ojne h e The yellow appearance was due to fat of emery powder and kerosene; rub on, But while the gratitude is a cause of “As my wishes are not consulted in the was now in. And again, before thaj: time rival of the “boxer” bullets, by reading cheerfulness while it lasts, one cannot crystals formed by heating and cooling and let stand a little while; then polish French Elections. other matter, 1' see not why they should venturesome vessels had been captured Water Piled In Ridges, Lord Charles Beresford’s book, “The always be thinking of the favors during the renovating process. Normal w ith oil. Connected with French parliament­ he be in this,” replied Iren