Possibly t h e handsomest shade of sta­ These are the latestand handsom- tionery ever offered lovers of p r e t t y aet creations In home decoration. F.v- writing paper. We show a n e l e g a n t ery lady can make th“m. They are very Inexpensive. Just received new s u p p ly o f Passe-Partout Binding, M atting, 3 shades, Bottle Paste. | It may be you need a new ' Patent Safety Envelopes for m ail­ » INDEX, a Bill or Letter File, ! ing photographs. ! or anything in Office or Desk \ Calling Cards in latest style. ' necessities. We have tnem. ATLAS STATIONERY DEPT. ► Atlas Pbinting Co. 1 DELTA, OHIO. FRIDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY, 8, 1901 A Free Slelghiide. Tbe Ladies Aid Society of the Pres- bytferian church wiil give a 10 cent Personal social and old fashioned spelling school this Friday evening at the Mention, home of Mr. Chas. Dauer, 2 miles east of town. Free bob sled ride will be Farmers Institute Held in Delta furnished. A cordial invitation is Where Some of the Dollars Go. Judge L. W Brown of Wauseon was given to all. Those desiring to go At a meeting of the county com­ Makes the food more delicious and wholesome in town Monday. will meet at seven o’clock at Barthol­ missioners, Monday, the matter of Easter Sunday will come on April 7, completing the soldiers monument, in Jim Atwater of Liberty Center had omew & Benfer’s store. th is year. Monumental park, Wauseon, was the mumps recently. Attention O. E. »• brought before the Board, and they There will be a special meeting of Listen for the wedding bells to jin­ Heavy Snow storm Won’t Keep Rev. and Mr9 Vinton returned from decided to submit the matter of levy­ Aurora Chapter, No. 75, Wednesday gle, next week. tlie People From a n i n s t i ­ President Wm. Salsbery. Findlay, Wednesday. ing a tax of five-tenths mills for com­ evening, Feb. 13, for drill and decid­ Revival services commenced at M. tute In C ity Hall. Peter Shoub of Butler, Ind., is in pleting said monument, to the voters Swamon's Rational Union Elect Will Send Delegates to Cleveland ing on refreshments. E. church Thursday night. town for a day or two. at the spring election. Monday morning was abont as dis­ ' Officers. February is. HARRIED, T h e big s d o w Sunday night made couraging as any morning conld be' to Mrs. McCoy of Bryan, is the guest Tbe following orders were drawn on Following are tbe new officers elect W hitm er—B ixlbb —At th e resi­ any public enterprise, but a goodly The following Republicans have of her brother, Dr. Bishop. the morning train from the west near­ the County Treasury since Feb. 1, ’01. of Swanton lodge, National Union: dence of and by Rev. E. D. Johnson, number braved the storm and were been selected by the Fulton County Jno. Gehring of Elmore came over ly an hour late. W. W. Croninger, subscription President—Wm. Salsbery, Feb. 5, 1901, M r. Jo h n W. W h itm er present at the first session. But af­ Republican Olub to represent the Club a t C arm o n ’s Thursday just to see the people. Kansas saloonists seem to be suffer­ Democratic Expositor,.............. 8 5.64 V ice P resid en t—Geo. Haynes, 1 VALENTINES Drug Store. and Miss Florence Bixler, all of Swan ter dinner when the people began to at the meeting of the Ohio League of Atty. Everett was called to Henry ing from an aggravated stroke of Dr. S. Odell, med. wit. St. vs. Financial Secretary—E. E. Haynes Creek tw p._________________ crowd in, the State speakers began to Republican Clubs to be held in Cleve­ Oonster Nation.^ M. Strayer and St. vs. Estella Treasurer—E. C. Wilcox, county last Monday on business wonder where they were all coming land, O., Feb. 12,1901: Didn’t Even Steal the Depot. Grove, lunacy,............................. 7.50 Secretary—E. I. Kline, Mrs. E. B. Guthrie entertained her Carl Waldeck recently sold in this from, and from that on the success of John C. Rorick, Charles L. Allen, J. The Detroit & Lima Northern de­ F. J. Curtis, Feb. allowance for Speaker—B. V. Ludlum, aunt., Mrs. L. D. Boyer Tuesday. market 17 head of seven month pigs tbe Institute was assured. F. Outcalt, J. S. Brailey, Ed L. Bar­ pot at this place was burglarized last soldiers relief, F u lto n T w p .,. 19.00 Chaplain—W. A. Fenton, A. Clayton Schlappi has been taking in w hich averaged 256 lbs. Promptly on time President B. E. ber, E. Murbach, J. S. Brailey, Jr., Sunday night. They pried open a A- A. Whipple, janitor Court Usher—Frank Wales, the sights of Chicago the past week. Grover opened the institute aud called M. B. Hoyt, Fred Longnecker, J. K. window and did some slight damage, Dr. H. M. Parker was called to Mc­ House, one week,..................... 10.50 S argent—C. F. Sm ith, for music by the Instute Chorus Club. Campbell, J. L. Shinaberger, A Q. Mrs. L. D. Boyer of Swanton was but so far as can be learned they failed Clure, last Friday, where he removed Dan’i J. Braum Mfg. Co., elec­ Door Keeper—L. N. Pilliod, This was followed by au earnest and Price, W, H. Fuller, F. S. Ham, C. R. the guest of Mrs. Jas. Bruce Tuesday. to carry off anything of value.—Wau­ a kidney for a lady patient. Trustees—F. E. Pilliod; Geo. Stout; P. BISHOP. M. D. trical fixtures Court H ouse,. _~4PfcOO elpquent prayer by Rev. F. A. Zim­ P. Waltz, Orra Curtis, J. H. Johnson, W. L. Smith and wife went out and seon Tribune. J. K Campbell, Com. salary for Peter Drumm. Physician and Surgeon. Several runaways occurred coming merman. Mr. Grover then delivered I. J. Loveland, A. R. Shaffer, S. W. spent Sunday at Chas. Welson’s south J a n u a ry ,........................................ 66.67 Office and Residence, Cor., Main and Wood AtfclnsouHamilton Wedding. to the institute the other night in his address in which be urged that Burke. of tow n. B uxton, Com. salary for J a n . 66.67 Death of Col. Jno. J. Vinton, streets. Delta, Ohio. A t high noon, Wednesday, occurred sleighs, but no one was hurt L. while it is a pleasure to attend an in­ Probably tbe largest Tree in Special attention given to fitting Spectac.oo ond Mrs. Frank Pianson of Wauseon, W. A. Fenton, Com. salary Jan 66.67 Fulton Co. the marriage of Miss Lena Erdene If you are short g i good hard Coal, stitute, all ought to seek to remember1 Father of Rev. J. A. Vinton of treatment of disease, of the Eye. tor, Note and has been spending the past week with H . W. Ely, A ud. salary J a n ... 132.66 Atkinson, daughter of Mrs. Louise we will have a car here on track first and to appropriate to their own use Della. Frazier & Mills of the Dewey Stave T h ro at. her parents here. AtkiDSOn, to Mr. G ail S elkirk H am il­ Palmer & Palmer, work on doors O ffice b o u rn . 7 t o 9 a m . , 12 t o 2 and 7to9p m of week. Sargent Bros. & Saxton. and profit whatever of good they may On Friday of last week Rev. Co., have had cut and hauled to their W. E. Ramsey and family were ton, of Coshocton. The Episcopal and shutters at Court House, 4 24 J. A. bear. Vinton was called to Findlay by factory by John Zeller and D. B. Wil­ guests of V. W. Weeks and family, In service was used, Rev. J. A. Vinton of A big sleigh load of young people R. R. Johnson, window shades a S. H. Ellis, of Warren Co., then gave1 telegram announcing the serious ill­ liams, a sycamore tree making six Pike twp., Suuday. of Delta, and Rev. C. L. Herald of went out to Virge Week’s Wednesday / - for Court House, .................. 9.50 a brief and Interesting history and de­ ness of his father. On Saturday logs that measured 7100' feet. This Findlay, officiating, master Donald night and made the night miserable Eugene Aldrich, work on keys J H. Gehring left for Elmore last scription of the Ohio Experiment morning word came that the aged mammoth tree was cut on the Au­ Atkinson, of Kenton, being the ring for V irge. 4 and locks a t C ourt H o u se ,. 1.75 Thursday. Mrs. Gehring will join Farm, what it is, where it is, and how sufferer had just passed away, at 4 mend farm 5 miles south west of Del­ him in a few weeks. bearer. C. D. Atkinson,* wife and Mrs. J. A. Wilkins gaVe an old fash­ it is operated. He said that from o’clock. ta. The tree was decayed at the child, of Kenton, and Mrs. Cora Ben­ Wabash Surveyors Coming. General Bai Miss Ruby Isbell returned Monday ioned “quiltin’ bee” for her daughter^ four to twelve bulletins were pub-, Mr. Vinton with his aged wife vis­ stump and had blown down and was nett, sister of the bride, of Toledo, The Wabash surveyors are working from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Frank Pianson on Wednesday lished each year giving .the results of ited Delta only a few weeks ago, both considered worthless bnt after cutting Business.
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