Prendí ReEtreaentetiwe io Netatrel Election Officers In Sierra Blanca British and German Armies Con Strike Which for Ser era! Days Cmmifim Recjttwatcd by Pre- Fail to Report and ExecotHre tinue in Cloee Grip in Neigh- Has Wholly Paralysed Surface mier Brigand to Lay Most Committee Is Obliged to Take borhood of PozrWe Sector, Car Traffic in Bronx Spreads to ; VVorW Sriou Matter Before Govern-RMB- te Rooms Will Be Returned Where Half's Men Claim to Line of Third Avenan Railway to Which Accredited. Monday Nfocningf. Have Defeated Attacks. in Manhattan. FORCE WOMEN TO WORK COUNTY SURVEYOR IS CROWN PRINCE USES POLICE UNABLE TO UNDER FIERCE GUN FIRE ONLY OFFICE IN DOUBT TROOPS FROM MEUSE CONTROL DfSORDE Note Describes Various Forms of Seth Orndorff. for Sheriff. Has Infantry Unita From Verdun Dhv 1emporary Suspension of Busi Violence Teutona Are Accused Lead of 84 Without Counting trtet Thrown Into Battle ness Ordered Because of Wild of Having Practiced on People Missing Box; County Over- Against Advancing English in Scene of Mob Violence; Cam of Lille, Roubaix and Turcoing whelmingly Against Submis-- Effort to Save Important Posi- to Move Under Protection of in North France. of Prohibition Law. tion of Delville Wood. Police, Officials Declare.

Br Associated oversight or perhaps Igno- - By Associated Press By Arjoelsted Fres. Paris, July part of same election officers London, July 79 gXhe Importance attached !twTerk. Jaly t. After er Rrland saarissal rn com ny me tonight to I. J. Just MTgjTJrtti"ltí"' more or less serious Germans to the possession of Del demonstrsllons the strike of French ambassi arising before the nominees of nils wood is shown by lbs and conductors, which, for t Wuhln to the other F desperate char represan ay's primaries can b omelally of their constant counter snacks In days, hss psralyxed surface car trafflo to utiv itral countries, direct the Bronx and d Joining or them to to M ha county executive committee this wood since it was captured by the portions B the government to "We or canvass county, .which they are met y rosy tor the purpose nnnso. These counter sttscks. according spread to the lines or th respectively ccrdlteii, a ing or lo Thrhl avenue railway resdlnir ss follows the returns the primary, announcing the British reports, have been repulsed st Manhattan. the results and issuing certificates or noml on every occasion with heavy Oerman Cars Stoasd. I ae you to call or to the successful candidates. Ad losses the attention the nation Cars were stoned and government lb which you are in journment was taken until Monday rooming In ise neighborhood or there were scenes accredited Postares, siso, iba or disorder thst ihc police tlie treatment which the populations or at 10 o clock, when the committee will British and Germans In the apparently were continue closest unable to ror A Line, ftounalx-an- d Tonrrolnr hare again meet In the Forty first district court grips, and fight- control several honra. the severest temporary suspension of was subjected by the German aOthorlti room and make another effort to arrive at ing is going on incessantly. The British, service or or so however, dered but later an attempt waa made to run rrencn the correct returns the primaries, that mslntsln their advance toward the cars ine government In the presence who or votas with uniformed police guards on board. of revealed facts Invokes those received the majority remaining portion of th rising ground be- At a th application ot can be duly declared the nominees. tween Pozleres Bspaume, miss meeting attendee! Irr several or The Hague convention con- snd still In the employes of the avenue in. hands of the Oermsns. hundred Third rail cerning laws sad customs or conducting Sierra Blanca Returns Missing way. It was decided to strike In sympathy land warfare, to the y What Is looked upon by sorna ss a grave lafaslry From lerdea. end that German be Msny zor tne men now ouz m toe Bronx and held responsible rnr violations or these situation are the missing returns from pre German infantry units, withdrawn Westchester county. rules by Its armed forces clnct No. M, sierra Blanca. The returns from the Metise eres, have been recognized In lh forcea opposing progress Strlk sprasdtoe- Appeal to Justice could not be located yesterday. The ballot th of the boxes (ram th precinct were opened, but a British. This is the probable reason why Although leaden declared that when the "Until a derision by arms has penatttod search of their contents railed to the fighting around Verdun, as shown by rew hours the Third svenue railway Unes the disclose ' reconquering of tasas occupied regtons, the French reports, has developed in al- will be completely up. or ar.ytblng that resembled election returns. tied officials of the the sole means mafcSaf this elTort Is by Because or the failure to rind the returns most purely artillery engagements. Inter company Insisted that only a few or their pressing an appeal to the sentiments of adjournment was yesterday arter mutant minor lnrsntry sttacks, however, men had Joined In the strike movement justice and humanity or taken late neutral powers and noon 8 The re have occurred there. Initiated alternately It was announced that beginning at so the public or until o'clock last night. l opinion sil nations. turns ware not In evidence st the night by either side. In which Has French repon o'clock tomorrow morning the company "I the rare re ask you In presenting tnls meeting. It was suggested that with the some success with a gala In ground. "expects to resume the regular schedule note, to ask the government to giv It the consent of all parties adjournment would The Russian armies under Generáis with policemen on each car." tost serious srasarían, ss it constitutes the be taken until Monday morning. sad Letchltxky have pushed further Little Child Mile protest or the French government again xtt "This," said , Judge Ballard Coldwetl forward In a penetrating movement through Pauline Cohen. 4 years old, was killed ine connnions. wmrn It brings to the at- "looks like a pratense of some kind to get the line, snd their success today by car In the Bronx operated by tention or the civilised world, supported by In the boxes. Th Judges for that precinct Is admitted in the Berlín and Vienna re- strike breakers. testimony from many conrees." were appointed by the other side. I do not ports or todsy, which ssy: After rerlttmy the efforts mads by the know whether the committee would be Ge ruaos Admit Slav Successes. PACRIVG BKM 'BE STRIKE MAY government through the Spanish govern authorized .to adjourn over. The time la "Northwestward or Lutsk the enemy uc- - SPREJU) TB GH1CAUO AMD ment to stop Ine German practices m to ended ror making the count and lasnlng th ceeded m penetrating our lines and . we KANSAS Cm. varied regtons, the document adds: certificates." wiuiurew neiuna ine river." ay Associated Presi A belated Turkish offtctal repot East Louis. 111.. Inly M. ESoplore I rsaliaias Falvry Rale sa Aoo belittles St at rrstoals narveillot the Russian successes in the Gad casus, th packing bouse here this afternoon, "Today ail our niolsst havm besa "If th reports have been sent In within describes the capture f Bairbnrt and a proposition tbal they to comply Manhattan Island Delaware Militiamen SUBMISSION SHOWS return vain, we place the evtdenee before the eyes th four days to with th law," said All tingan as or lltua imporune to sb Ttrr-- work at the plants of Armour a Co., Swirt or neutral powers, assured or Has Jade Judge T. A. Fslvey. "It would b legal to genera) sebearte of operations. a cn.. and Mottii a co. this setton The by Explosión wis ment that universal conscience will pass up- count them. question Is amalasr tby Shaken Report Troop Train taken after the striken had been In formed on such conditions, and that It will be in have been sent In. ft may be that they ara fOBBEsra.Hjrjx'Cs: American f lbs Swift and Morris plants soma box county tvitb that their enmasa t on tas German government, fi hi in the clerk's mea. By Associated Press. Fired Upon and Stoned AMBAMADOB IN FRY AIT CASE. union would not be recognized. It. g. case 11 to In In they undertakes question this evidence If they bar been sent tune can Wear Jtuy 30.-J- L London. July to. Th foreign ome today Conway, general manager at to an counted, have In York, the Armour permit Impartial Inquiry. To this end be ir they not been sent hntten taland, Hroohlyn,xhnd ctttes published the communication It sent to th plant, said he would not object to the union, the Oerman government must authorize the within toe time specified by law, She re- jjQfricere of a troop train bear-m-g American ambassador, waiter H. Pure, eon snd would be willing to desl with employe, power I In New eVeeer, were attaken short- neutra as conduct sa Investigation turn esnuot be counted. do not see a cnaUngent Dela- Returns From Last Saturday's earning the esse or Captain Fryatt The through s grievance committee chosen hv notshly or the spent occurring at Lille, where anything would be lost by adjourning ly artor S o'clock this momliur by of the First ware Infantry, which reached Kl Primary Race by communication slates: them. He ssiri. however, that be would Roubaix, Turcolns and surrounding com to Monday morning." a terrino exxtoesoti. rranUo effort Canvassed "His majesty's government finds It dtr not reinstate men who bad been discharger), to Fawn ever the Texas At Pacific this mtmlttes from the and the I9th or April "The boxes were turned over to me," said waaw made by the pottoe to locate j County Committees. rtcult lo believe that a master or mer as they hsd been lard off because there IMA. In- 1 IBB, ir they refuse to authorize an John T. Cain. "They were not handed In Use scene ot dlnsujter morning; at reported that chant vessel, who, after a Oerman subma was no work tor them. quiry, It win be a recognition or the the evident by the presiding officer. The mat who stones had been hurled throogh rlne hsd sdopted the practice or sinking 4,100 m. veracity or the facts denounced." The xnost reb&ble report rew Final ami complete returns from the re About man are out hi East Losla brought them In aisled they had been given otdved np to 2:30 o'clock was that the windows of two cera and atx cent Democratic primaries were made pos merchant veasels without warning and with- Several hundred mea siso are out la st. Mass of Testlaaoey. to him by the presiding officer . I asked shots fired at the traltaat s point sible on Saturday, when the county execu- out regard tor the lives of the passengers Louts. Mo. him where the tally sheets were, and he the Eaaie Oil works, located on a or crew, look the step which appeared to The note Is accompanied by a mass or west of Sierra Btoaoa.n tive committees all over the state ortlclaJly Dennis Lake, national organiser said they ware not given to him. He said peninsula extending; from "in returns and afford the only chine or saving not only for th testimony concerning the seizure or work Light In tlie txarawwere d canvassed the certinad them Amalgamated Meat Cutters' and or or women he thought they ware at Sierra Blanca." tnunlpaw, N. J., Into New York to county tlie Demo- his vessel bul th Uves or lit on board Butcher. In fields thousands and young the conventions of Union or America, lold II Misting Box Afreets Only Burve up. and the train proceeded to can deliberately in cold the strikers tbat girls. The document says that the events bay, had blown cratic party. liars been shot were not El Paao wlthoat further mialutp. blood tor this action. ihs strike settled wlBwa a reas- which occurred st Lille, Roubaix and Tur The force of the explosion was The revised vote showed that submission onable time by concessions of tna packers, colar ware only the application of the cruel affect the result only or the county sur- After a brief stop here the troops emerged a msjortty "If lbs German government baa in fact so great that thooannda of haaiy from the elecllen with or lb Chicago, Kansas city snd omaha park system or work torced on the population, veyor's race With those returns In Albro left over the Hoathem PstrtfKi for or votes. Anti over the perpetrated such a crime In lbs esse s or plate trinas window a In orfire build- .t tiibmlssionlsts ing plants would be "closed tight to tie up has s vote and Baker i.810 Sierra None of aosdaera sus- stste had lieen hoping that the delayed re- British subject held prisoner by them. It ings la Manhattan asad Dcenlns. the or the meat supply or th country." (consumed on Paga Two.) (Continued on Pag two) lows any Injury, turns from ' El Paao county and other wet Is evident thst s most serious condition Brooklyn were steal liars Streets tained thoagh sesera! has d narrow escapes from flylns territory would wipe out the majority Tor affairs arlaen. for many blocks In the downtown had submission and tlie final count, to them, "The foreign secretary therefore Is ob- were literally strewn with glass. proved dlssppohittng. liged, on behalf of the government, to re- Office of II Progresso, U3 - Following sre the totals sa complied by quest thst sn urgent inquiry may be made THE NORTH AMERICAN Thousand ot persona swarmed the Texas election bureau: by th United States embassy in Berlin to Italian Newspaper, Is Camp Pershing and Fort Bliss submission ror 171.4s against 170,183. w nether the report or lb shooting or Cap Edition into the Burets la all parts of the Uln Kryatt is true, la order that the Brit- by sy Ast.t.a.ed Press. United Mates Sens TT,tt; Wrecked A ngry Mob city trota btUldtngs, subway escita Campbell. M,7S : ColeurU, Its.tW; Culber- ish government may bar, without delay, PHIUsDKLJHIA. PA., SUNDAY, JULT 10. ISIS. - Fort Monroe, Vs., July to Presiden! W1D aad railway auttsona running- about son, 3.977; Davis, B.StB; Henry, 3S.7M full and undoubted account or lb tocts By Associated Press. son arrived here thla trie moon on th perorei in a panic. Many wutsteu bexsune Ohler Justice Jenkins, IM.S3S. Phillips, them. Haw RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHILD nsvsl yacht Mayflower. The yacht an- 'rOREIOM OFFICE. York, July St. The business ornee PLAYING IN hystertcsU. Police Whistles were fto.in. or the newspaper II chored In the roads and the pro. Ideal did Associated Justice Hsll. I7,M; Y anils, July N " Italian Prograaao, In VICE CONDITIONS IS STREET IS RUN blown frantlcstlly, bat the police come ashore. this city, wss tonight by mob. DOWN not ttes. The communication adds thai Ambassador wrecked a PLACED ON ROBINSON BY AUTO AND themselves dxd not know what It Mr. Wilson has spent many hours or the .Governor Ferguson. iayi: Marshall, Pag sent to Foreign Minister any in an- which demanded thst the maiugemant or KILLED or a paper begin waa all about. crujse disposing qushtltyor work. Morris. IC7.tn. swer to his nat or July 11 snd to the ihs a campaign to obtain free TABTLlNfl TESTIMONY IS GIVEN BY CAR DRIVEN BY MMCI'KKN explosion was followed a psrt or his speech accepting th Attorney Ueearsl Looney. following paraphrase of s telegram from dom ror carlo Treses, a leader or the In- The first irM: or l.APTAIN Mcr.ADOEN OF THE FLORENCE zaeCRYSTAL KILLS by second adlarstly Democratic nomination ror the presidency. 7.01. woods. 154,6 Ambassador Gerard al Berlin. dustrial Workers the World, who Is a at 1:S, less Imprisoned in Minnesota. Is PHILADELPHIA POLICE. VOI NUeTEB AND BI NS WILD. violent, but which sgain shook all Hallroad Coimnlaalnnar Daniel, 1,08; "July rr. Referring to your telegram. I Trasca await- Mayfleld, MS,i78; Robbtns. brought the casa of Frystt lo the attention ing trial. It Is said, in connection with the wit- A ex New York and shattered many an; killing of s deputy sheriff II became known last night that lor car driven by llórenos McCrys-sl- , SUte Treasurer Baker. 1st. Edwards, about three nesses before the grand Jury placed the a nineteen year old girl, living CULBERSON THANKS 1U MS; Munn, H.M3. (C.onUnuod on Page Nine weeks sgo. at U -- IS4JM3; responsibility for wide open gambling and Wyncosnb avenue, Lsasdowne, struck and Judge criminal appeals Harper. vice in Philadelphia squarely up to Super- killed seven year-old Ida Baltsell at Mar Morrow. S07.MS. Offlcs U.411 ; intendent Robinson and Assistant Director koe sad Ogüen slraeu. Philadelphia w r. kt. ENUB CONVENTION. i ommissiuner Land asee. revels-tiun- Wl Hill. sO.uto; Boblson, BM.tflt. Davis. Moat important among the Ual night. Th cUM lived at S7S Nnrezn By As led press. sods HIS FOR of Agriculture Davis, II,- was the testimony of Police Captain J Mar koe and was plsyuig lu the Greet Falls. Mont.. July The FRIENDS Conumssioner street near biennial 151. TW William McFadden, or th Fourth district- - na Dome. 'i convention of the Western of l. Hslhert. federation cdnuitndler Terrel. M.0U. WIdto 14, asserted before lb grand Jury tbal After striking the child Miss Metryslal Miners, now In session her ror two weeks, tn pre- - mm. Camp Pershing and Camp Cotton Edition warrants sworn out by him for ta lost control of the machine It work today and adjourned. - and crashed concluded Hobertson Law lor gi.7i. against iot,- prtotors of gambling dsns and vie Jotott ink s lamp post She gave herself up The elosing session was latan up with GENEROUS SUPPORT mass., so, by to tn. Boston, svnday, juuy mi. jju tea ward wen token lbs police or th 8my first and Thompson farewell speech. Coegrcasieaal andldatea sgbeblnson and never served. He also streets station charged that slot machines confiscated 111 Standing of congressional candidate: ONLY TWO OUT OF 600 DEPARTMENT STORE pones in raids upon gaaxbhng joints F(rsl Blsck. I7J31. Todd. tstO. too SUCCESS Senator Announces Candidacy in Nowth. es MEN IN NAVAL BRIGADE MILITARY COMPANY ""Vera returned lo lb JolnM upon orders OF MARINE SacoBd nasi: li Regimental Officers Pramavy Be Pt.Hsyburn. 11.711. Ranaeii. CRUISE fnA Robinson. The tastttnooy or stereo RESERVE CORPS SURE Ran Off to Fourth t.0; SICK DURING LOCATED IN BOSTON lbs moat direct sad storuius art- - to Ban Held August 26. Wiley. 9BS. Teee it Refuse Place Sixth-- Hardy. 10.111; I ait; vi l DC BIN O SEVENTY ONE g. Suecas tor lbs saartna corps re SlSrsrS. in mi n THE ROUGH la tu.it EMPLOYES OF THE E serta MEN SI AMD STE.AR.Ng COMPANY body It look up the or tram log camp al Lansdowne Sunday Baseball mo syUUut AT SEA. mill I EVEMY dieting since lux was assured on Special to the Morning Times BevantbOretv, i.tM: nabar, TtUP FINE. me. gelling asjgxjgssas in ass uavsr-wor- yesterday afternoon when too itrr rtuoAY even si ra mora rub Washington. July SB Senator Culberson cuupbsll. t.M. Cook, 131" recruit lined up tor drill, ohagi-InTr- today all! be CfjthouEb majority of the is tonight gave out the following eapreagtoa FigtiUi Las-t- Beuey, tetar or too meen In re The only a busy on tor the s uto; Only two oten oal the depaniiieut store military Th investigation so fsr has actually un recruits. The entire or rleventh Pestnsylvanla or bis appreciation or th support of bis Mnth SchlePher 4.171; Davidson 4.10; or Bx brigada war tick during the or Ha kind iiKjrntng will be devoted to the naval is lh dssciipuoo ef .red Bájate graft and incempeiency ana drill lag and division opposed Header baseball, friends sad snnounosd the continuation or Mansfield. t.Ml Burgess, 1.771 two weeks' cui that osad yisnrsty th nülitary company, w th an aruvs politician. Thai la in afternoon lbs rookies will be re Robinson. 7.SS. Connelly. I, has inracved prununeal i his candidacy: Eleventh when the battleship keerearg arrived at or 71 man organised amóos the viewed by mends and a or society the rrelsneatal iiaisasaHisra igenusd gaaaMiag awl cuuuurclhed colarla Ta aba Paiaocraii of Tax: 64. He Co Hough. t.MB, the Cbartosaown navy yard. employ or tne n. H BbMJ opeo Ui people has dsn by AUiander Van the oppoadUon and the saeDwill be reifthCalloway, IJBs; .ice flourished wide and without heuuss gasas Th recent prtatary aléenos which Wllssa. Il.ati. Bad weather a a encountered nearly the given By Oacar L. Lrrtrs. loriárseos from lbs police has tsar. allowed to play the waa bald to nomínale rsadlrtan for Swiyas. MSB, sours trip and mad signalling work very tenant of the coaapany Ha beyond the shadow oí a doubt At s c oafseseos, the iiaxaVllslai.J Iba Cuitad gistes saai did not result Tidrtosnth stspBsai. Mas, busto, s.sn; difficult Alt of lb out of town sax salt vestarday that tbia organisation as sot -- case, opposed aha ptoytnc selection f Jone 11 III. Preaeou .Its. M tor hosts arter dl s casrls M Bwnsrtner. servias asa CONVENTIONAL HALL anjessBxhag Is lb a sns The mills' left their riñe club. penitentiary for the me on Moult) lito h.u law under which II wss held following tusssath Biantce, isjHi Bam. 14 sail mbarhia unce in to Lsxeem ATTRACTS ATTENTION arttbam. s.aw The insaggay saaats ery Friday a-- larceny of IMSs from ins Guard Trust chaplain dertared he, loo, weald lbs dear aad ala policy of lh Dear in tne CoznasoowasJlb Can arneiry. or company baa sisea valuaMs Muormsuou Thai p isajuai atauaday baseball Is Fasta ocrslt of lh slat requires s majority GENERAL COLE RESIGNS they have bSdn StMgasd s dressing room the massed eonvaauoa ball on the of the roast to secure a aiaBlaillna SsrraW. tiijMS. lo the grand jury H luid t raauraabia parkway will be meewaa peace ay 1. oa border, it I ad where lhay drill under the dirvcttoa expert Iba in of aula, tat lh sad as am barias; received such McLtaasrs. tarjar. TO RUN FOR GOVERNOR siory coate ra lag ata aere la many big conventions Is apparent fresa er Major George kyls of by Dick Kelker the sxafaaasaat. aaotber pi Unary u aaass-sar- Davii. isjsyr tsiubller bouse overs J auasber or lajtaVtei mat coxa -- atada Sdjulanl Oauaral wats also bare from mm as have 14,00 bead thy which will be said on lbs tosrth Kiurerald. atst The reatsaattoa at at TMFtasaia and Fttbsrt ureal sad Is w lbs snitotincsasent or hi aunts of geouey aassi. heriai uledaty lo-- Isssf day August aexL My asase Darwin, si.stw preltatlnary BASEBALL BJOMILr teaUftod test be to lar Aithuugb nearly a tear will slaps a pU. w si. befar They are fall of jroauag wu he siihsainsd ta this primary lapsa Byrn. is Lee .. John Hollands tismu ur structure is reay BS for governor waszaxaral Osea wall asset hss talara se Resuiu lor aggsjep. Owrbaa; say record as a DsBsosgal and upon lb Faddleford It rector naaman of me public works de vitality. the days formal sal wtthm s week, Brtdeeptut L Lyaa I. nrsl gusts or Jury has giv policies paletead by asa la the ssv rae asswiiin aba sraod esuroay of the week thaw see asp Basjg Coal y . Bi.7Tt ly after tb of z Hoveros Walsh, I yea s, Brtoreport I. second gasa. kings such s iu.e.i eonounaad thai s.sr, ral arktrasaii issued lo yea dttrtag eu Ike sssataers sad via aaj i u urganua hrUse eaaap Ua. V There wtli a s oof mess at lb beaao with shear aad th l aasapeign. H.ltt acere that they have th lender are thaws Bssaluttul sthsssaos will ran nadara plans eU be Mates fur r drt4 snjuety dsay The vats cast lor ate la Ms July Raw Lóenos I. Nw Have I. first tola, atsay leaas in ihair easly Usee, saw ewty, re mar a rail ..cape jail kav frees lbs aity- To oa ha day sT wa sauel graUfyhtg- - I 4. New Msvaa a. a nd Whey win other planea to go to the loyalty ssr- - i igbt the eld las irises district wss ss nad ssaisjli aad TB at II li NEW JSUUV say to u "SLACKERS" MAY HAVE itukH as aoUaantah's deserted vlUasa. ptenia whanh assy aat be bast Bar vtsss at Irtssda asynsarlield Htriford A ft Diractor Oaora a. Webs Mr of ihs TO FACE'COURT MARTIAL ta. of whsrvsj. docks tad Isrrla. uoaai orlara af By isimitasd Presa. I. HaxtfwrU . --J seis. LP louisi eat to as lor the second primar) touinkiaaslin. H. V July w Ito so an gjggat ntty to af at Sta A Lawell t, nrsl ....ged-Vi- t an litoral tot pat pier will be My prtee as aba sswabswa er axe greet f Mughea, RapuWican tirg4dQtll Hit' baTreraaes to toba Mt rsnarsl Lew! e gatea near Oa M ss Tea Me of ae Ml rlgBMBI lery Lineas of fcasi Fries ware ha tesase at the boar af aba fieri rau f and sseasb Sth bad iesrtt awreaoe A War at IBM A rtret was yesterday held k feat of Cherry save as sad aba ether al ass far Uraar toast at aasss io lb otear af ska treat. waaaylxaáaxwJ A WeseaataV A ay stasis l! worts sail It. below jSajSji The piers " kan and win raaeir about as hvtu sad at bs saaV Ceartjsatajai ssiaai C a. xasrtof lo dsilvsrc. gata BBSS he ressrud w. EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY. JULY 30. 1916.

pilMtl anpellea nut OWt she - impriaonl for two days. o wceeii, wore BORDERLAND ROUTE gnul vi u mayor being uncompleted urn, he wu atadri from tree Sr ovens of t rop-- passed under his arms and Hear the Following Artists Through f a wn Hrt m tma pnswn stsmit en hour " IN UPPER VALLEY The not rltea of men 7A to SB years old. mad to work of nmn fore ed to labor under the fire of French troops NEARS and of others rnmrlle1 to dlt trnrn COMPLETION TJie It also makes a r narra be sed on tJ trail moor of a wltneu, that lo October 1S14. Ih (Armaria took from the department of FU da (.alala a part of inhabitant" mat tn Road Engineer Willi uaad them aa ahlalda atralnat the nra of tha Goards Obtain Irench and that furty war thus killed. Data on Con NEW EDISON Tha document saya tha (Wtnan govern crete Highway Under Way. man I on January la, m. denied ml atrial mant of inhabitants: out. aya tha rranrn nota, aworn testimony resanltns tha meas No Road Constructed Unoei uraa takan in April at Lilla shoaa tha da More Rigid Supervision; Work troa of faith which can ba placed in lhair denial " Will Be Finished Oct. I. GIOVANI ZENAT ELLO MISSING PRECINCT HALTS Road enaineera from th various part LUCREZIA BORI tne i nitea Hiatea, Who are stationed In CANVASS OF COUNTY El Paso with th national guard tmopa, RETURNS are rinding murh to Interest thm In the JACQUES URLUS upper valley concrete highway, which Is (Cawtttnaed rrorn rage Owy) under construction. This road la known MME. MATZENAVER Blanca gave Albro o Votes ami Baker id aa the Borderland road, because it ronns Granting thai the Slam Blanca votes are at: important link In the Borderland rout, ANNA CASE not counted. Baker would have a total of which extends through tha atate or r.alirnr r.Ttl and Albro ?.7S0. Tha boi out would nla. Arlxona. New Mexico and Trias. With SPALDING race, without 1t the ALBERT All this goods. Values up to $4.00 at the re-- I not affect the aherlfTs for exception of this stretch from El Pssn season's the returns from the ether precincts would to tha atate line at Anthony, practically MME. MARIE RAPPOLD mnrkable low Drice of give Orndorff a lead of M. with It In his ail of the Borderland route haa been com- lead is Ul. pletad. Th contract with th Lee Moor There was no election held In precinct Conetructio company calls fur this piece FERRARI FONTANA so. Morrison's reach, and there war of roadway to ba completed by October no atate returns from precinct o. tl a number of th army and national GIOVANNI MARTINELLI 1 If the anil In the eastern part or tne state guard engineers have Inspected this road I Paso county to save was depending on El with view to getting information In re- ALESSANDRO BONCI the defeat of the prohibition proposition gard to lit construction or concrete high- $1.95 there was a disappointment. The proposi ways, uaa look for this sale, and which they will be able to when Our many customers always tion for th submission of an amendment they return to their homes. providing prohibition we call your attention again to it as the shirts are for Coal til.ooo a Mile. celved SM votes, Mi voted against It. while I, is being a anion a Assured. This road constructed at cost moving very rapidly. You better come tomorrow Election of 111.000 a mile. Including L. Blsntnn was on hand to the. culverts and Judge Thomas bridges, all of which will be concrete. From REALLY AIRE and next day and put in your supply. Look at win- see the eiecutlve committee count the re- Know Them at They the city to the Santa Fe crossing Is turns. Judre Blanton'a election as con there dow display, or better, come in and let us show you gressman congressional an asphalt pavement. From this point to of tha sixteenth Anthony, S of '6-CreaU-d" He to the con distance fifteen miles, the En Musk. this great bargain. district is easured. stated be About or ha would hold noth road will concrete. six miles vention veatcrdav mat th concrete highway has been completed MONDAY MONDAY lng against El Paso because tne county had years, and four mil as of this Is in usa. Trame SFKCIAZj! supported Judge smith for smith's on SPECIAli! Ortsham, MS, and will be turned the other two mllea vote here was S.M5. a few days. tV7. within 60 doaan nain- 100 doaan socks, Judge Planton'a. Th conerat Is seven Inches thick and Little Intern In Wat Cendldste. El Phonograph Company sook Union rolora. side or Paso all On or little thai eighteen feet wlds. either the Suits, rtoacd eewed, As an instance th" attention conerat there Is a three foot gravel run, double was paid to the atate candidates and state which makes S twenty four foot roadway. Two-O-Tw- crotch, elastic reinforced and In nreclnct VI. Socorro, where o Texas St. lames All of th bridges and culverts are twenty-fou- r band on fueran teed to vos were caat. only H war cast for the Ferguson got 10 feet wide. houtder wear or a new gubematlonal candidates. There wu perhaps never s road con and pair. He value. of these snd Morria one. Also In this pre- were only two votas cast for structed under mor rigid supervision than around Monday two cinct there used In me or three against. Two war is being construction tnis an one from it. It Is going to be snug, first or art, in connection modal borne. waiat; paira submission snd Tha county Inspectors pss upon bad arm about of them in with the for a the Robertson lew and four against. road. a few Brigadier Gen- all, and typical or the advantages within Plat, cskes, specimens of pastry, pickles, cast for every bit of gravel, all the sand, tha co- mlnuwa earlier. regular fl.00 206-1- 0 quarter Don't In some of precincts where it was hoped Leroy th attainment of modern, modest compet- preserves, not to say or San Antonio St. the mixing pouring, In fact, upon eral t. sweetaar of Massachusetts and what nothing values for BOc mtea these to pile up a large majority against tha pro- nerat, th snd wu among those present. Members or his ence. the more muy viands familiar to th wsa only s small vol every stags of the work, in addition to - a garment. El Paso, Texas. bargain a. hibition Issue there company has start were there. True. General Swectser "SUM Life bMbltlv Bom. students of French menu cards will be The vole as canvassed yesterday this inspection, tha cement dance, he on tbe side ably produced by experts expressly cast. on every of the time did not but remained "I don't know u yet about the parlor enlistad shows: man the ground minute lines throughout the pleasant proceedings. ror tne purpose. to aa that th specification! sre carried snd tbe sleeping rooms, which it would be Standing of Loral Candidate. No sign of embarrassment crossed bis fea- desirable to have in connection with this For Representative of tlte i 18th District out to the letter tures. ' ' On of Bast Rods. model 'Home, sweet Horn,' said Mrs. Cook) Dudley, 3,48$; Ramage. 1.170. "Doug" Ltwson, stable aergeant of bst 1 Says Soldiers County Engineer Charles S Hennlng Is on Sutherland. "But am quit decided that GER- tha Germana ara accused of having practic- For Representative of the ttoth District tary A, tbe millionaire battery or the Massa- the ATROCIOUS ACTS OF tha ground a good portion of the time. He kitchen, the pantry snd the dining ed. Thomuon. 3,393; Mulcahy, i.:.3i. chusetts artillery, wu the leading spirit room shall be s in their way. Took Cash and Pin la taking a great deal or interest in tue revelation If MANS IN FRANCE CALLS Judge or the Forty-firs- t Court Price, of th now famous rrollc. it is rsmous 1 carry my The not aayi: For of When the road can out wishes, this win be Whltaker, 3,774. construction this road. because all or Boston will read In Sundays more a M. employed as at OUT PROTEST Imga f,30; Mr. Hennlng believes It will than 'still life' exhibltlve ho an; Slsnrord. cher th Woaaaa laoaed. Por Judge of the Slxty-nn- Court is completed. Boston newspapers or the significant events be active, represent- hospital, reported to th police this of stretches or county there will human lire, "A woman who waa remorad from 3.007; Olllett, S.MS be one th finest which surrounded the arralr. In progress morning that ha bad been ketd up and Page United ed in tbe culinary operation (Continued from one) of tha h district road in the States. Young Lawson Is down here playing the robbed of SSI in cash and s Ardarmea, afflrma that bar (unbend wai For Judge sr working sbout ISO before the admiring yes of all spectators." diamond pin Dsn M. Jackson, s.471. Th contractors military game and he is Playing it clean And so seems Pinch of the valued st 866. The robbery, according to an1 describes the various forma of violence hot for refuaing lo obey an order to re- Court man on road and every effort to get It that Ruth Attorney Clark, 8.0SS; Brid- tbis and square. Tbe other day he wu dis- Im- Slsnrord, occurred at Boulevard St. For District by I is being unforgettable pie and tha and ges, the road completed October covered sedately wuhing bis own cailhlng. an Vrain between midnight and Th ,77. every October 1 that memorial parlor, heretofore lam. County Clerk Tbotnaa. S.73; McCUn-toc- made. For day Sfter Now, Douglas l awson could purchase one cher says he wu waiting for s car, whan For not completed the contractors unsurpassable heroine In the minds of all 3,05. the road la or El Paso's steam laundries out of his lovers or "Chuszlewltt," Is likely to be two men wearing army uniforms ap- 3,108; Vowel!, wilt forfeit 1100. pocket change and never It If he proached him. One match. As For County Attorney Fryar, or la complet miss cared eclipsed by s nymph In the "retchlngeat" requested When this stretch highway to, but It wouldn't b s soid'.erly proceed- or caps aprons, turning griddle Stanford put his hand In his pocket tbe MBA will be an excellent road from and cakes as Necessary McKinney. 3,613; Al- - d there ing on bis part. Therefore h prefers to or mayhap doing something still more other man produced pistol and ordered fflmSMk For District Clrk Anthony on th noSth, to Van Horn on th wuh his own clothes U the other soldiers appetltlng with a warne-iro- at tne forth- tb victim not to move. After taking his thm dereta, a.iat. a distance or about tan muea. Amunition For County clerk Greet. Bulger. aouth have to do. His friends cannot understand coming exposition lb El Paso. There wilt pin and money th robbers tied south on 11H $,; from El Paae to Yslet la being why anyone Th road should begrudge Mm a um be s school for lnrtructlon n the culinary St, Vrain toward the railroad yard. agm Ml. w th asnneik Tnia wors ia jSTfr Tax Collector RlcMy, 3,195; Watson, For oone Dy uw, 3 43. nrinar muii.r rves mm s pass to tlsit th ilty. camp. 2.869; s.ote. Wltnin we lie wait For Tax Assessor caln. YsleiS lo Clint, wnicii is neing' For county Wobb, S.981 Pon Btretch from Treasurer pavea by the Bltsjllthic company, will be der. 9,670. This same construction will be CANADA'S EXHIBITS For county School Superintendent Miss computed. on the eight-mil- e stretch, from Clint Mid-Summ- Myra Winkler, used er MIS. to FsJbens. Clearance Sale For Hide Animal Love, and inspector The comnletion or the roso 3.1 Dumont, 9.61. lower valley road will make paved .No. 1 Lyons. and th OF RESOURCES WILL commissioner Precinct highway from Anthony lo Pabeos, a dla 3,361; Sample, K.066. rtrty miles. AT BILLINGS' RESIDENTIAL PLANO SALESROOMS. For Pear No. tanca of about Justice of tha Preclnot t, The county la spending nearly a nair mil- Place Mo. 1 M. Deaver, 4.437; " J. lion dollars on permanent ruada. Th rim Jonas, L appears high, this will soon be BE AT EXPOSITION "We Sell the Best for Less" For Peace Ho. cost but Jusuca of tha Precinct I, in upkeep, the engineers say. Place Mo. 9 MctTwaaney, oso, Bryan, 1.480; saved No Rent No Salesmen No CommLtaions HAU, 1.949. No Solicitor No Prise. Fur constable Catares, 1,79, Garner . ECHO OF ANCIENT Part of Products Shown You gain this saving by purchasing your piano or phonograph For County Chairman Harris, 3JM Har- Panama-Pacifi- c Show Will per, 9437. AT BILLINGS. in the slate race the local return showed Be Brought Here, For united States Senator Brook, 146. MASS. SOCIAL WAR Campbell. 133; ColqultL 1.164; Culberson, Canada's resources will be represented at 1,664. Dsvla, M; Henry, 0S; Riddle, 66. me international Hon Products exposition Por Chief Justice Jenkins, 99; Phillips, in urtuuer. w. I. hrumrnond. chairman or 3.430. the board of goveiriur ur the International For Aasootata Justice Hail, 1,36; Y sou a. HEARD IN EL PASO harm congress, under the auspices or which Mat, organisation the exposition will b held, hu For Governor Ferguson. 8.990. Maraball, received word from the Canadian govern 377; Morris. 94u. ment arrirmlng Ita Intention to make ex- General Looaay, 1,093; Row- tensive display of agricultural ' for Atlornay Non-Cora- s Give Dance, Army lu and land. 1,047; Woods, 931. mineral wealth, and arranging details SB For Railroad Commissioner tiajrfield. Officers Attend, But Colonel to the amount or space and the location re- l sil; Daniel, i.uiu, Hoboina, 94s. of Regiment Refuse. quired. Fur 811 Treasurer baker, 1JSS; Ed- The Canadian exhibit will occupy SO front 1.991 ; Munn, SIS. or wards. of soclsl War tha elect reet s space in tbe International build- For Judge criminal Appeal Harper, echo s between ing, lnor Boston snd Brockllne, Maaa which has to be erected expressly for sxpoaition Morrow. 1.776. purposes, on In years, wu beard In fronting Leon strut. While I Far Comnissioaer of Land orric oears been progreta for in Canada on Friday night when some or the preparations sre in prograu ror Hill, 7SI ; Roblaon. 1.949. El Paso new reatures or the dominion's exhibit, it or officers of Battery A, For Commissioner Agriculture Davis cavalry, chartered tbe la userted mat by special arrangement, a 1,470; Halbert, 1,800. First Musachusetts or of the Paso del Norte and gave portion the exhibit which represented For Comptroller Terrell, 9.36, roof garden Canada at White, a which will be remembered for a the Panama Paclfla International dance exposition in Ban Franeieoo year will long time aa one or tbe most euioyable last For Congressman at Large Byrne, 136; be reassembled and to CI social events ever bald In these parta. forwarded Puo sold by Cooley, 173; Cox, 76; Deris, 944; ror this occasion Thla special $150 0O At Tlila model other desálete at 37, Darwin. Almost everybody In El Paso who "be faS hu - 301; Har- and pleasing who $50.00. Our price dor- AA not aottclt nor ahtp ordera from dry terrtterte In violation of Texas lawa. Pínula, St; Htsgerald. Garrett. 34; longa" this affair. The pople significance to thou Sf5 Wa do 979. atlndd visited the s exposition at San aale ONLY rington. 1.00, Lackland. 99. McLemore. one meets at the moat select gatherings SS.. $100.00 Ins tnia PüD.UU i 77. Francisco in well Paddleford, M Porter, were among tno8 present st s dance given iu, and who remember any Plays any make of record. 1,173 tbe Canadian exhibit there wu regarded Playa make of reword. There war volea caat for the reten- by enlisted men. ki Peso oeux ano u tion of tha Hoberteon law and SM against. they war there with an unprecedented marvel of Its kind. henea ware there and In connection with the Canadian exhibit bells on to make marry ror th gallant come across tha In El Paao there will be Individual provin- young fallows who hav cial exhibits. The grains, straws, sr eases ONE MORE DAY continent at tbelr country's call. society and military folk and other soli product of Saskatchewan. Yesterday the r Alberta and or Manitoba will be diversely Your last chance Monday to secure a tailored to ..f the city. who. by IB wy. nave practi and plctineequely represented. Thau ex- OO measure suit at ready made pricea cally merged, were discussing the motives tiasralar prion, $26 PAIN hibits will ba snipped a distance of from rNO impelled Colonel John M. Sherburne, which i.suu to I.Sao miles so Paae, aa win be By th Nw sjralam of Dentlatry there at ar- si la abaolutatly mo PAIN any upon commander of tbe Fir Mauaebueetla accompanied appointed dele $i5.oo íowBu,u UP.,0.M In work or hia atari by sap ctally "sizr. $32.50 la teeth. We as NO cocaine or soy tillery, to orttar the membera ate, and eir.erta. expressly mat the ( ana Playa f ita product la any form to away rrom the roor or lb Puo all make reawda. 3smV ' All Suite from 14 0 to $$.$$, PA remain dian exhibit may figure ootvspkuously ror del Norte oa Friday nltrbl. ten oeya in tne eye or tne rouiuiuq or ill al sepa stall Officer. Away. visitors, who will pour in upon El Paao. la maintained by some thai colonel It SUkAxdt as and many fall auiting m m, in ramalnius away from tha bop Canada's Beaver. Blue Serge included in Canada's annual ex tfjjjUjffaWA and by ordering bis alert also to decline exhibit at the tenth stmply up a social position Ul Denver lut year received U s invitations, wu keeping a very prlies. which baa in eoawn tor many, reward number of valuable reud alistad is especially interesting to not Canada's many year a it aeema that tb Society of it SB great agricul which pack 30 or mor odd salient participation thus uoaton. dales tural events, when one uaaanxbars tb yra. Is Jeatoua or fearful of something or Brookllne, which cannot arela, which la wr an Europe had keen or th Society upon resources Hsving her of more than too years of life. her uat gag ha Dental boast of man. price latast heat aaeewetMBtt the Boston society quarrel be lesiona snd her uncounted. Readier $.. WkTSkmYiTs9l!siiJS!kemmw science a plele without a roof, whist Just how treuure. to support tbe British done not Interfere with tasa r sa see. came mixed up with th hell Friday night la Ugar, SMeettfni. cause abroad, ranada wu etui 'there with $3.25 crrr national bank bldo. airong durable aad It a long story But ike dimpled debutan ia event k in a hurry, can be made Ss OS say. OS) army office ra war Sor the gooda," at Mb agricultural any of the city, th th a vaver abe will be Plays make Second Floor. uined ostM treat ax saeae wee n ru. and u la aliases sea Sil El Paao raft. ALL WCana I IBIIHSSM S3 VKaatS. doings ua the baratar this the social Mr. H a. aulhartivd. sreslSSBl of the run Seta eg Twath ffjs little else y as larda ire am ..4 brtge lvert. peg teeth S3 SS "'" T..TIBI Paae Wosaasfs esa, and ehairassa of ill WSW 66 tag the board of warn manager of Inur irar as Beat sTIieS St ..r 7 " some eveeiug T. It wu lolly national FesSaen isisstans. has out ll amBHBBWr- I smu twrvxagvae as lasessM asanas II,.""' sii L"? II E$aiamw- WL" yeawrday u II COMPANY c- -ga. anus. any pan-e- sw $7Lck UEVY GROCERY 1"" L aaaaen was without saejtae that it r o. p snetstgai pee tasoaaSSx. Playw-ptauaa- S3 I is not the eastern for saaataeSaSseeS affi - TT iisijsn of II oOsaee $$SS e II 2J: tae ! rTSsaTaeaaarW I army VrL- u $.00 V Se agapty LOW PRICES ereu SVe f leer gad tedsstad saea of the recalar Sf i lUl huía' sñll ins It reaied and $! W per sxwasstk. Beets apon sastgesaass II HsaV GssIsms Mssoss Jara. Of II y- TI mmwu a ta axata. ne. m W99 m ismm mU Ooasspere ser sxaao. uad aat$ea wtak esdaaaws 55c Dooms fs f Otart 65c HsJf nstt Jetty Gansees, gv T C. Billing Pisna --w- .er fa Dosjges we Two RsaMsaxfs 19c, IBZZZMMMSmaatensed the sitetr and Jrd aSsaiaa..,lt7 ptuJ.,;.iU, raptd. Esayeira, U 22 " IT GST WHAT YOU NEED AT THIS STIC1AL SALE. WANT AD BRING RKEULTbI ZJZ'JH?L JfLft.ZLiZ'JZ " 2T J-t- I 14 t lasisPssTi. Ita. 1 7 for oar sssisv II EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. JULY JO. 1916.

tea w. t Una, or Itks resolutions ecan CITIZENS CONTROL mrtnansat nil seats. ' I n Tweoasa that tha ballot bol Da WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS Tha eMraaaa 'mHM fa eattawtas I a reeotmt r tha votas mana a9f LadaWN committee. coesMSee on or "W ara rauarl lo .tart n.Iris Ms See Oar first saint tnsthr 4k COUNTY CONVENTION rantsatton J K Ouald. A I Wllaoa Bad and not In Interfere with tha primary alee Pint v fTaflormé C. L. Vowe Committee tfcm. said How. A Presenil lihig Jndga Ballard Cold wan. f K. felly and Tarea Pruínas eayeea li tsaiBwaa. ml Depta, P. R. Price. Committee on reaoiu A heated dtartisalnn waa prevented hen W. D. Howe, w H. Pelphrey add I chairman Brady called for a standing vota Fall Stma am offer SELECT DELEGATES Pollard ommlttee on rredenUali I I rwioeataa from Precincts II, t. and l dtd Third Floor Mahsa. Harria Walthall and W. H not vota for tha rvrnluUoa Tha resolution chairman Brady made a waa ram ao: by a big majority aa most of EVERYBODYS short addraaa and aaaa tnat an Democrats should stand to tha dalatatai voting war appointed by tas rather and pile np a big majority S fea ciuaena. b Adootod Rmum. reneral election for the reason that the Be Tee resolutions committee made rseolu fang Opening of Ballot Boma publicans weuM have a ticket out Hons that thara should be equal rights to and Recountint Vote. Judre Thorites L. ItIan ton. of Abilene, wai all and special privileges lo none. They then called upon to address the rnnveettou introduced a resolution endorsing all Demo Clean-U- p "unrortnnate ror me in the peat, your cretin nominees and pledging support to oí The mnnxy Final Democratic III Summer Dresses convention In nas nean ror my Democrats city opponent." said - yesterday M the raw house elected Judge Blantnn. "My policy will be to serve The alliens- ticket in the recent primary with I alar tlon entirely responsible for delegates to Km state convention at Honiton. be people efficiency If ran serve wis there the people of EI Paao. all you need to do la being i rnunty Democratic convention yea on August a. Tt craaane - Tea. party won tn touch the button and I win be at your tarda- Had It not been for the forethought a Including Sport Dresses. in of Evening victory controlling My policy the lo electing Afternoon and Net the convention. service In reipect to Mexico aniens' Urket deleirstes Tn political machine vara deeply In tar ww an that not a man in ei Paao win to the county convention, directly after tha he against ma " riming of the polls Saturday night, after estad in iba primary alaeUon and forgot Pavea PnrrbaeSse Mexlee tha primary election, El Paso would not Dresses, Wash Dresses. an shout Iba election of (lelegatee after tha Ha said have been represented at the state Demo- closing thai he believed that measures of tha polli Saturday night Tha could he introduced In Mexico so that the cratic convention on August ft, la Houston, Glutens' party met directly after tha clos- United Stated would have the opportunity Tat. ing polli and Etc. of the delegate! wre chosen or purrnaainr Mexico. Itrlegatrs appelated. the county northern for Democratic convention by "I am going to sec that the northern mill Chairman Ballard cnldwell. of the dele them. tary highway between Rrwwnaville and El rites committee, read the appointments of A resolution wis adopted by the conven- paao ts built" tna roiinwing delegates: tion that a reoommepdatlon' be made to the The convention adjourned from the Forty For delegates to the Forty-first- . Thirty-fourt- county executive committee to request that first district court room to the Thirty first and sixty-firt- judicial districts the ballot boiei tn El Paao county be op- district court room. Judge J. u. Sweeney Juan Smith, Volney Brown. W. D. Hows. ened and the votai of the recent primary reaa a resolution recommending tha open R L. HoHldsy. Mason Pollard. David election be recounted. ing of tha ballot boxes and a recount or r. a. Lonus. c. W. Croetn. j. a. T. A. Falvey. chairman of the county the rotei in the recent primary election. He Cocke, Bates NcFarland. Maury Kemp and Democratic executive committee, called the said that now was tha time to offer clean Sara Welsilger. convention to order and W. P. Brady was politics in the county of El Paao and that For delegates to the sit teen tn congres- nominated temporary chairman by Judge every candidate should be given a fair and sional District: W. D. Howe. R F. Burges. W D. Howe. He wai elected temporary square deal. C. 8. Folaom. Harry Roil. Joe Oram. Breed-lov- chairman by the convention and later made The delegate committee recommended Smith. Joe Esrajeda. J. I. purser. permanent chairman. that the resolution be considered without For delégales to the limb and 119th repre- volney Brown wai elected temporary sec- being referred to the resolution! commlt- sentative districts: j. j. Murphy. Dave Sul- livan and W. H. leuphrry. Delégales to Contention. The following are appointed delegates to the state convention John L. Dyer, F. J. Williams, B F. Burges. G. E. Kelly. C. B. Hudspeth. Ballard . P. R. Price. R. H. Crawford, J. U. Sweeney, Dave Sullivan, Norwood Hall, A. S. J. Eylar, Robert L. Holllday, John T. Cain. R. E. Htnei. M. Mccarty, J. E. Quald. A. E. Iballon, L. H. Dale, ioe cannon, w P. Brady, J. J. M alian. J. M. Pollard. W W Turney, C. M. Newman, Lamar Davta. W. J. Moran. Prank Judkloa. Ponder Carter. Frank Alderete, R. M. Dudley, Paul Thomas, Vol- ney Brown. T. A. Falvey, Harry Johnston. Howard Johnson, E. G. Wade, Jr.. W. D. Howa. R. L. Dorbandt, Charles Armstrong. SEE OUR EE THEN IN H. M. Maple, B. Smith, Harry Walt, Do- WINDOW DISPLAYS OUR SHOW WINDOWS mingo Montoya. Juan Smith. E. C. Davli, l J. a. Escajeda, Harry M. Hois. J. M. . Dave Mulcshy, c. L. Vowel!. Barney $12.50 Sport Oreases $25 Sport Dr eases $22.50 Ev'g Drewes $10.95 Voile Dresses $16.50 Net Dresses Early, Harris Walthall. C. 8. Folaom, C. W. Quality First Groom, Frank Feullle, James Brady, A. J. Wilson. E. B. Eirers, A, Martinet. C. T. CuMlum. Winkler. Dan M. Jackson, W. B. $6.95 $9.75 $14.95 $5.95 $9.75 Ware, J. M. noggin. Hunter Hurrsker. Bert Including some of the A beautiful showing of A wonderful group of A very attractive selec- An excellent selection Orndorff, Leigh Clark, laa Alderette and 'a in two-lon- e allover net, dainty priced W. C. Denton. seaaon moat favored aport dresses tion of medium of attractive models ECONOMY IS THE WORD AND ITS DEFINED modela Made, of lin- linens and pon- voiles and sheer organ- voile dresses with rib- made of dainty nets ens and fancy voiles. gees. Long sleeves. dy afternoon and eve- bon girdles and full with lace and embroid- DEUTSCHLAND ASKS Coats ere sport striped Strap belts. Nifty col- ning dresses, charming- fancy skirts. Some ery trimmings. Ideal and skirts are plain lars end cuffs of con- ly trimmed with em- have Irish lace covered for afternoon and eve- 3400 R.P.M. trimmed to match coat. trasting materials. broideries and ribbons. buttons. ning wear. U. S. NAVAL ESCORT It's cheaper in the long ran to buy a car like the 3400 r. p. ra. Chalmers at Desires German Underwater Mer Fine Table Linens Sheets, Pillow Cases, $1090 Detroit. chantman Protected Across low-pric- A car often doesn't pay. Three-Mil- e limit Towels, Blankets and Comforts Somewhat like the man who wanted to Napkins, Etc. By Associated Praea. SHEETS Size fence his farm and said wouldn't spend Washington. July Si It Is understood Having contracted he thit the appllcauon ror protection was made 81x90 inches. more than a certain sum of money. through the collector of customs at Balti- many months ago for A superior more and that Captain xCseatg. the subma- quality rWeU, for that price I can build yon a rina commander, desired a coast guard cut- our table linens and for ter or naval vessel to escort him down hotels and three-mil- towels, pre- fence two feet high that will keep the pigs Chesapeake bay and to the limit. we are cluba. Hemmed Unlets steps are taken lo prevent II, the out," said the hardware man . submarina probably will be followed out by pared to offer many and ready for a fleet or small craft carrying newspaper "Now, for just so much more I can build correspondents, photographers and sight- extraordinary values in seers. It la said, too, that the Germans fear Each . .79C a fence three feet high that will keep the some British merchant ihtp might go to set Damasks, Pattern Deuurhland and adver- out. And this I In the wake of the Seta, PILLOW sheep for amount can build tise ber presence to the allied cruisers welt- Cloth Hemmed CASES Size ing off the Virginia capes and of even at- a fence that will keep anything out." tempting to ram her ai soon u slit left Sets, Lunch Cloths, 42x36 inches. American territorial waters. These cases are You had better pay a couple of hundred Official, or the sute department held that, Tea Napkins, Towels, more, and get a car. Get while American neutrality must be fully well made from regular a car safeguarded. It would be a bad precedent etc Get our prices good, service- that fulfills exactly every wish. for the government to convoy or accord any other unusual attention to a vessel that can before purchasing. able muslins. One that does a good workday on Mon- be rated only as a merchantman. Precau- Soft finish. tions already bava been taken to see thai the TABLE LINEN 70 FINE Ioi it i, I D- BATH TOWELS A Hemmed ready Is within tha three-mil- day; that takes you anywhere on Tuesday; submarine not molested A stur- vary limit. Since the reported lncurilon of inohes wide. AMASKA superior quality Turk- miles on Wednesday; a between the Virginia capea heavy of of runs you 200 does the British crulsr dy, quality quality ish bath towel woven L. 12ic last weak tha armored rruiaer North Caro- pura Unen Damask double Damask in an errands on Thursday; takes the family to lina and three destroyers have been patroll-la- from fina soft yarn. BED LARGE COMFORTS off Cape Henry. In dainty floral and entirely new group of COLORED WOOL NAP call on Friday; one that's not only got large alae. SPREADS 11-- 4 BLANKET 1 1 - 4 u I aise. Filled the dot patterns. A aplen- - patterna from which Extra Each r FREIGHTER LIES SMUGGLED hemmed, ero e h atad gray or whits wool with pure white san- endurance, but gives you a feeling POINT BEMTIL did assortment from It will be easy' for you 6o; or S Bed Spreads In ptnk IN LOCUST nap with dsinty col itary cotton. C o v well. m Associated Presa which to select. A to select. $1.00 and blue. Floral de- of pride as Baltimore. July ta. The German sub me- Special ored stripe ef erad with price, par signa. Just ths thing border allkallne ia That, rma asa freighter Deutaeblsnd, wblcb ar- vary special value at. eleeplng designe. sir, is our definition of Economy. Germany $1.50 for QC fects. rich floral rived at thla port from three per yard HTJCK TOWELS epas.aFal0 $2.95 This new 1917 Chalmers with the 3400 weeks ago tomorrow night with a .cargo of $1.25 porchsa Each Plain sateen dyeatuffs, lay snuggled in bar barricaded yard ODD LOTS OP NAP- Large else H u c k border $2.95 berta at Locust i'otnt tonight, an re. BED COMFORTS Light r. p. m. engine the car that increased KINS A fd 00 Is rtlKGKD start on bar perilous homeward voy HEMMED Mollis-- . value Tow. in a good 11-- weight, food quality -- r. met' Mer- SPREADS QfALITY COM. Chalmers sales 792 in six months is one tug Thomas Tlmmliii, which taxtt lnchea. tn pura Unan napklna heavy weight. A fringed, cro (titled sanitary cotton with Deutacbland at the Virginia capea and con- PORTS Llfht. warm cerised Pattern Cloth. In both SS and 14 inch Bed Spreads. A splen- fancy floral designed that'll lure you the minute you sit behind voyed bar to Baltimore, waa close by with Nicely hemmed and pure white. A vary and fluffy. Dainty gleam up. sisee. Many rich pat- did quality. Pretty covering. You'll wheel. ready for Immediate pec woven deeigna. Long need t h a m on tha floral ooverlngt of the urriciala of the Eastern Forward com- terna from which to i lei value at It He pany. Use submersible' American agenis, uaa on your table. cut cornera for brasa e e p n g porches silkallne. A vary Idtie ring to their policy of reticence re- Specially select. Spe- each: or. t aA thssa cool aupertor t ne garding tha sailing plans of the underwater priced, each $1.00 cial, per doa $3.95 par dosen. wleasaf Each. $3.25 night. . . . $1.50 quality 9)ea7) linar, refused to comment on the Wash tngton dispatches sent out late today eon earning the probability of bar tailing to morrow or the üiumetiou thai protecluu President. waa desired for the Deuiec&laad in Aman- o'clock laal night, a few minutas after ficer Rcbeerer drove up In front or tha ean waters. That tbay art concerned about Wulfjeo ami a frisad had ten toa ear, to station wltb his prisoners. LONE STAR MOTOR O0 the boat's safety during bar run down walk around. SAND HOME FOR CONVALESCENTS Distributora. C be as peale bay seemed to be Indicated tn a Private William Andrews of Battery A. COKCSIIT. The Pasa i Ranch house at San Bllsario. twenty miles down the valley, report, regarded sa reliable, thai It is A free eaneert win be given in Y aleta by has bean converted into a home for patients convalescing from throat or 301-31- Flftk neid artillery, no aa driving ike 5 W. Son Antonio. Phono Ó100. p Hainan to have a second fag accompany the Eighth tuns trouble, undar supervision of physician with trained nurse. Priesa machine, and Corporal H. Ryan of Com- the Naaaaehueetls Inrantry band submarina and Usa Timmins as far as the from to t to o'clock. The con- til to tit per weak. Usa H. Thirty Michigan 70 capes to guard ageluai pseeUMuly of pany first infantry, cert waa arranged by Colonel Frank A for furvlvrr Information 'phoae IS Clint, or address Lark Box lit, "acáldente" an route. were captured by Motorcycle orrtcer Craves, la charas of tha Eighth Infantry. (Tint. Texas. c henear witn the kelp or Special Officer The entertainment will be open lo all. Two Soldiers Caught I. Nor ringtoo. who held the taUltlamsn. Mumeroua autuista from El Paao are to The mil Hainan and the regular were drive to rslata to hear tha concert, la Watson' Groceries Ait Tumt Far Qatlity taken before Captain James B. AIM sun, pas addition to the concert the choir of voice in Missing Car; Four vost marshal W. I Mulren waa walung rrom the Eighth Massachusetts Infantry for tus car at the police station whan of will sing during tha concert. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING REGULAR SHIP- Others Make Escape MENTS OF SELECTED and lour other escaped by dodging lour Y. W. C. A. Cafeteria búllala fruin Motorcycle ufftcar Scaesrer's revolver wnae the gasa jumped out or aa THE FASHIONABLE SALAD FRUIT FROM THE automobile sad ran down as alley near Plcdraa sod Alameda streets. A Title Guaranty Attractive Home Cooked Food Served Daily TROPICS KNOWN IN THE EAST AS THE Tk. which bekm. Sa w I Means Wulfjeo of grig crrton street, was taa.ee 11:30 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. from in front of Use Commercial bank BU Absoluts to Your Investment MUIS Protection Cool, Oaan, Cotnfortabse Room Alligator Pear i and eireei about al Dfehef It containa 20 pair cant fat and b an agreeable sub- When you buy real estate or lend money on same, you Rest atad Retadme Roetm stitute for meat, it is ao easily digested that persona should get a Title Guaranty. This can be We Appreciate the Patronetge of All unable to partake of animal fat can eat it with a relish. done at small coat. We have a number of useful salad recipe which ara Remember : "It ta better to be safe than sorry . " shall be glad to furnish to any one interested if they 314i TEXAS STREET will ask for them. (it 11 Title Guaranty Company rateeras! Maeaea CsaUial -- Stewart Gentlemen Welcome. WATSON'S GROCERY B JtoTUWIeS WltM lATMaV IT Capital $300,000.00. 210-21- Fourth Floor Two Republics Bldg. 3 if ffT'TTT'TP-'- fi Offices: r iv Ta I Mae. 5161 El Paao, GaJvejetots, Houston, San Antonio, . U You Want Results Use the Moeua. Tintas Want Asia. Every Day J9 EJL PA30 MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, JUY 30. 1916. Do Toa Dread Hot Weather? SLAYDEN DEFENDS FWmm li nit Wnmillll álatnrñ vntre Itnnarli nr hrlne fH Mar ueuaietiuat TV Ire's svtYaM erf kaL ir ADMINISTRATION Wff inBwt It H trytat on tbe wilraij body. A')VA BUILD UP YOUR STRENGTH THE POPULAR" AGAINST CHARGES smss Aw sysa asa aataes , J Besare Kseheage SjSB. Mr-- . (Since One a Satura ays .mill M m PERUNA INVIGORATES Texaa Contrieeaman Reviawt Movim á of National Guard p, Men! Kiii'ai Hurry Counts! aaweatal EveryMinute It xrlth la aaa. U CCkf ml Mh W aataeraal UP? Reeenta Crittciema of Army Sup- ply Corpa. Partirán News- "The Popular'," Men's to papers end Goeeip. Store Temporarily Take Advantage fperlal to the Morning to correct those dererte. "A Healthv Mind Times. Albuquerque's New in a Healthy Body," Is Ule slogan at me Washington. July ta. nepresentative Located Just Across university Isyrlen of an Antonio, on Olimos Y.M.C.A. Building Is Saturday Street From the war department and the Wilson The Of Our Great Ready for Students Beehive Mines Build admtnlslratir n on the floor of the house tsainst charges or Incompetency and in- Our New px-u-i Houses for 50 Miners By Times rnrrepondent efficiency and unwisdom in moving the Annex. Allwsvuenrue. July f In addition national guard to the Mexican border. TV lean-U- p the fairly complete By Times Speclsl Correspondent. X lAsrarl.. August C ninm-- i im and Through data supplied by the war depart- athletic equipment or the university pleat. Preacott. Aids., July contract for lb Undents at IIk I nlvertlty of New Mexico ment he showed that the troopt were during construction of new buildinrs and accomo- ten "lays' rauoaa for a not tlM coming and ruture college years, ror M journey dations miners has been let by tbe exceeding five rrom any or the rnihare at tkelr disposal tbe splendid new Beehive Mines company, dayt portion rymnatium, which Is prepailnr country; that the claim tbe soldiers should indoor track and wimminr to berln active operations adjnlnlnr the uc pool or the new Albuquerque M. C. hsve been provided Pullman tleepert wet Sale T. A. Of tave mine. Development operations are to building, hunt it a rott of more than ran. be to a depth abaurd: that the health rate of the border and carried rrral according to rtmpt It exceptionally high, and tbe Jutl opened to the public. L'te of an hy Charles the that Y. M announcement Zeiavr. new purpoae tbe C. A. athletir equipment for uni- owner. of mobilising to large a force waa versity undents will be on a peace move on the part or President Wil- conditioned the Resumption or an payment of a nominal fee and It In expert operstiont st early data son. He sharply resented critic: m of th ed general at the Dolphin mine will follow a reorgani- supply corps or army by Men's uae Suits that win be nude of iu or the "some prlvl letra. zation the company's sffsirs, which has newspapers and scandal niongert in Just been to S. Mock-wel- l With in largest arrerted. scrordlnr I. efforts to discredit capable officers and to ffethman clatt that ha or Evanrvllle. Ind., who hat Just re. ever entered the stale, university ready to tliow unfitness where a high decree of turned rrom the east. errir.lenry He denied rertMer on August , wben tbe exists." indlgntntly university Sylvester Bell, a UW opens lor tbe year. Physical direct- calirornla operator, It tlitt troopt are now being kept oji the or Ralph l. Hutchinson H prepartnr to preparing to establish a dry placer works border for political purposes. Congressman in on the Haatayampa below In for a year of aggressive athletic effort river the Climax Btsyden aald. in part In football, basket bail anfl mines A small rasoline entine drives the Artsy Moved WlUtnul Hitch. track Hutchin- and son Is mora than a coach. He la a phyalral washer pulveriser, which It It claimed "The fact is that a conetdersbla s.rmy has makes a recovery of over 100 per i Instructor In all that tbe title Implies, and cent. been moved rrom all parts of the nlon to be believes In rystematlo physical tralninr tbe Mexican border without hitch and with and development for every student. In fact all the dispatch the occasion required. Hutrhlnaon looks to his ay stem or required Sania Fe Brahman Hese troops were moved In safety and physical tralninr for all students, to de- rcrnrort. even If Pullman berths ami t velop the material ror bla teams, and thns Killed at Hanover linen sheets could not lie supplied to far It baa neevr railed him. Last year he ail the men. produced a winning was co- football learn, a win- By Times Ppectal Correipondent. "There complete and ning basket ball team, and a operation between the and the track team Hanover, !. M, July Mat hew R railways that took aeeond place In the inter sute Ryan, a military, one hundred and two thousand meeting brakeman In the employ or the coliere at Tucson In June. Physi- "anta Fe railway, wat killed here when national guardsmen were taken from placea cal Instruction for tbe Individual It carried he fell rrom the top or a box car while as remote as Massachusetts end Connecticut o Ma highest point In tira .New Mexico enraged In twitching In the local yarda, to the Mexican burder wta only one rolnor university. Every student Is examined on lie waa at yean old and unmarried. He accident. Three or a Minnesota held members entrance and a careful note made or all de- ntemberahip in the Bioiherhood of buttery were hurt, two very slightly and Railway Trainmen lodge F.I Rela- fects and physical weaknesses Thereafter at Paao. one seriously, but not dangerously. I have a special of tive! In Nashville. Tenn have been noti- - course individual tralninr is ried or Ms been advised at the war department that the mapped out and death. The body wat taken to persistently followed out llver City, following an loquen hire. railway eervice was wonderfully efficient. Indeed, waa told that 11 could not have ben bettered even from Hie military view- point, unlett the country, lis commerce and Itt citizens had been completely subordi- nated to the army- 1 need not say that if that had been attempted there would have been a roar of indignation that no officer, civil or military, could have stood tip against. TT1 Border Well Protected. "We now have an army on the border and across the international boundary so well prepared for any prospective duly that no citizen need gire himself the slightest Uvyriglit Uext Bchaffru-- r oc Man uneasiness ss to v. hat will happen. Of course, they are not all veterans, not all Titulars, hut they are both In comparison Willi any enemy they are apt to meet. In M AKE your selection while the assortment is still good and comprehensive, equipment, discipline and other military esser'tals, they tre completely ready for for many men are just waiting for this great opportunity to buy their tucb tasks at may be assigned them. As f to numbers but mind you, I only speak an only for o.iiii..u now I oelleve they eweed the suits, not for Summer, but Fall and early Winter as well. or an tne Tactions in Mexico ai any We Handle a Full Line Of one time since the outbreak of civil war in up-t- o that country In December, 1910. With the The suits offered are tailored in strictly date fashions, and styles are i:o operation or the navy and marine corpt "e. nave rorce enough on the border to conservative enough to be correct for the coming season. There is practically smother Mexico without tacririce and with- Upholstered out a call ror reinforcements. Or courte, Furniture we variety of patterns, of ir should be called on to rarrlson a no end to the materials and and the quality every country heavily, 800,000 square miles or Thei beet and moat complete line of Tapestry rrpholatrred Set In miiiioh. to suppress guerillas and mam suit, in both materials and workmanship, is typically "The Popular's" the city. We Invite tain order ror an Indefinite time, another comparison In prion with any store In Texaa. problem will have to be solved. Jluoors Uncomfortable. we're proud of it. "But, Mr. Speaker, all or us hope that there will he no conflict with Mexico, and II of Western begins vi appear that there svill be none. In the face of the high standard clothing offered, the prices are most Furniture Co. Every good citlien hopes that the president THE STORE will saacied in his efforts to keep us out remarkable. Judge for yourself. All sizes. THAT SAVES YOU MONEY of war and that order will soon be in Mexico. I am 1 convinced that 0 S. Stanton St. only an unimportant part or Use people want Phone 142 war, and I am also convinced thai those Phone 1482 who do want it will rurnith very few re- $5-8- Beach Suits, Worth to 5 the $8.00 We Take in Your Old in Exchange New cruits for service. It It much to be re Men's Palm at for gretted thtt a show of force in lis 'nature S mreat against a neighbor had to be made However, conditions teemed to reoulre it. The $15 Suits Are Now The $25. 00 Suits A re It waa made, and I sometimes think that t s my j nepuhllcan friends have been cha Reduced to 4 U Now Reduced to 1 grinned at lie success Comparative calm P $ 6.65 on the border hat tucceeded the tumult EDUCA TIONAL and threat of war that was disturbing tbe S country so days ago. And this very calm Si 6. 50 Hart chaff ner tf Marx The $30.00 Suits Are Now and prospect or peace la displeasing to some of the critics of the administration. It does Weaves' and the Reduced to not rtt In with "Dixie $20 certain commercial schemes and the newspapers some or lharo say it so me Woo!en $11 is aispieaaing national guard. Tropica! Suits Higher Priced Suits Worth to $45.00 Proportion- Quieting Cffeet "It It the duty of the government to oro ately Priced. and Blue Suits Excepted. tact Its etttseni and their property, and it The $18,00 Suits Are Now was in iv niscnarge of that duty the presl dent sent a military force to tbe frontier Reduced to $12 One-ThirdO- He aenl a greater force than was ever or ff on The gixi't the Any Man's Straw I cntiag, where ttacUrd ediioatioa udl border berore because the menace was MwtbMo. are oombloed to build psjnoB&lity. I greater I believe it It hit duty to keep .iu innr ions i mere is any danger The S22. so Suits Are Now or Panama Hat. Odd Lots of Men's I and I think be will Their presence on the international boundary hat had a quieting Reduced to $15 Footwear to $5.50 $2.95 effect. It will be dletlnetly a peace move, at and that. I sutpect, WCXETH OOLLMtiST it what displeases so TKXÉM TWMALK avao y people. The Men's Store Remains For Special Prices Prevail on Men's McLemore Is Grateful the Present in Its Temporary Furnishing Goods and Foot- for Support of Texas Quarters Across the wear. It's a Chance EL PASO SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Democrats in Primary Street to Save Mutt Mater aud Ml.t Tafel. Principela, till Terrace aueei Tel twg penal to tbe Morning Timet Washington. D. C. July SB I'ouglaa. and Calles asked that be be ra- Jeff McLemore, congressman at Alberto Garcia, Once le roed lo Sonora for punishment Governor Horn asaob bualneaa have you tost Lhr xiarti that dlarourxeysua large rrom Texas, employer who was renominated Hunt recognised the extradition papara, but m aaa u. n uiavurini) iruin your nan In Use recent DamocraUc to- Huerta General, Now the fml primary, prisoner opened a segal battle for bla SOS Milla 1886 SAN day rave out the folio log ttatemenl rieedom In Una battle he eon and criminal Hide. Intentatsonal Detective Agericy. ANTONIO ACADEMY 1916 "I am deeply grateful to Us Mexicali Policeman K Deovxrala action against blm was dropped aCJLEXTT M'HooI. t)H It.. VS. AS PKDHo PARK. of Texaa for again selecting asa aa ana Meantime however. Immigration author! Afruia tod rlUi rvrcy nllr-a- I'olvrv-alt- or aud In Use (sou Lb lMiduuta their congressmen at I By Times Special correspondent Ues had taken an in big ease Ha all I larga, and interest ...rr tl.r nftl Htmum. Graduate have won l.Urtt am especially grateful to those mends Tucson, Aril July St. Alberto Oairta, waa gives bearing and ordered deported. fsottora at lb beet EAHTr H l NIVKHSITItS Htruatt Faculty Rmall who interested say former Huerta general, bandit of Sonora, He expressed bis to lees By way of - tbemaeUat la be desire muown sHiaintsaenu r or u r hair and who arara unswerving Is their murderer of Americans la Use Pinos Alto Calaxico. cal and was granted this with Hl North Flore at., aan Antonio, Teaaa. loyally I do not by any meant coa district of Use stale souUi of Arlsoo. bad Ti ls waa I tule rater than oaa week ago NEW aider my nomination as a personal men gnrally. for whom Oovarnor I. tiles Three dayt after he left Tucano be Joined $86.10 YORK 986.10 but it waa rather an ersdoraaraeat Call of hoioue taut lawyert to ArUona, Can tus police forge. i my ha Seen to Lower California, Kuunu kip VIA tM 9tm tf I la jxTswt I aja tjta. of course to congress and uve aseas daporied I AsaWbaa, , J mm U mm bsjinwi ures ror wbtrS I stood I would Indeed where be la a policemen oa Use two of TOByg Beyaa 517 Time to Grow New Orleans bs aa larras did I not reel a deep 0a Caatu In Neairgli. Oercie was deported batUe seas of "blirtuna to Use thousands of after half year'a Ural la Some Forage Crop Montgomery Texaa Dassocrais who have so geo.r Ariaoaa. during which tint be derealed at Wdbl-lUriMto-iw umpu or to a By Tunes Special STOPOVERS usly supported ass burl eg Use cam calles extradite blm to St rea Cotretsxsadeat Wéxste, Tbae Carlsbad. N. M , July Tbe saiga I was mast tbe many üarrle waa first apprehended in Arisooe rarattrt ALLOWED faeahastprtka. Banking. object af AT bermniug 10 wake up to use that unjust newspaper Bsjl in tetl. Usen an asila fro fact at Baltimore awatinand.Tynwa riling, attacks these Bj User groa ALL PsMim.p.i.lpai.d were more charged with lb robbery of a Uve is still tune lo furaré and tuosr points s then conuesnsawd lor by ate already A great HimtffH. AtlBgseis DagaVtu....u teens. splendid loyalty retting busy planting NEW a of those friendly of air Ufa wsnauaaed by YORK AND NEW newspaper, met sj Save killed Americans He was taaao oral is being reas ORLEANS LIMITED to generously chaos m waa alack eiUver la Use forts of pastura or MMMtS say cause and whir a was ll.ru ladrad in tbe Leave New Oriesxcst not prison at Heru where be waa so Bay. As lbs rata Is alow to eaaiiag it may 935 p. m. littaib lag savor or asee a af- - Sate Hawttru Lm rm Uua frieaaaSio bean executed be Usat tbe demand for Matt wtu ba very NEW YORK FY pp tree. i i of y Bevoluttua use howe.ci ao.i he was W TaAfcri at I know my duty so lb great aaaseae. Leave New Orleesss mail ieleaae.1 Nayturene took Bat 830 a. an. & loug aa I r I charra of jpJli SHAW CO. sad at asuela bare l assail ss A roviramasi Soour and tbe prisons war rendara like J craaxford ara ta beat of any ability perform af aeurtar Per f iisaaHiuu Ara afa, Baw teat eeasxl f all available asaaertal for coat alfalfa bay te aa Ss tb read sot and H way coaacseauuusly and assy witavut ror several tuuuttss sad reported UstM suae bs sold Ml . Family Liqusr Dealers sgar af a ruictam that may a aora liarcta b bar at t. MlLnER, T. P. A., Soros Thau came Use calles s lea to b uaad Bar Use asirán oaa Houak, Tí YOU ;iCaV.1. fbaav ka uraa resta, I or t FOB sltl. is North ürtsas nil Hill jstwju and ''ásele liad Me was aura two iMdevra ace leasing scouts far suata SB9mUmSMB''u mmmmmmmm iál swasM Ata IB AwSSSSAV Sil EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. JULY 30, 191.

EntrancM to New Annex on 8n Antonio Htn Msjsm Atro. it Thin ?5 Rondar Will Bo Entered on Q Pono Plono Compony Your Anfuot Aceonnto On Txa Street THE POPULAR Buy Liberally 13TH YEAR. EL PASO. TEXAS. SUNDAY. JULY 30, 1916. EL PASO'S MOST PROGRESSIVE STORE.

A Determined With Reason Back Clean-U- p Effort a Logical of It - August the satisfaction of a "Clean-Up- " lie in the certainty of knowing that the values a store gives will make A ugust Clean Up HALF new friends and create permanent trade at least that's the foaling that prevails here strongly on the eve of Undermuslins of our annual disposal of all odd lots and "loose ends" of Summer merchandise. The spirit with which the of Undermuslins (Fourth Floor) entire organization has entered upon the task is one of enthusiastic endeavor. And why shouldn't each member be (Fourth Floor) enthusiastic, since more friends foretell more business for the store, and more will fairly abloom CRETONNES Fourth Floor be business brightens the future of every one here? AND CHINTZB Short lengths aad mill THE with fresh, new white undermuslins. at nd Lars variety of patterns and colora, marvelous reduction, sur- suitable for draperies and fancy bags, eta. the moat Many good goods have lingered too long. For us they serve no definite pur- Extra special, a yard, at 16c passing anything you have ever been offered at pose, but for you they present an opportunity to save up to half. The sale lasts SMALL PIECES OP CRETONNES our regular this time of the year. This announcement con- Prom but week. eight-thirt- y took. Including all th wanted color and patterns far tains only a representative number of the sale a It starts Monday morning- next at sharp. Sharp eyes will pick bed room and living room draperies. specials, and there will be many others at equally the cream of the offerings first, of course! Over 10 piece from which to choose. J f" I as great savings. Not only our regular stocks Extra special, at O J f f have been included in this event, but scores of SCRIMS In ecru, cream or white. Some new arrivals. plain, soms with satin borders, other with 43c lace stripes, and still others with floral -T fi UNDER- White & Colored Wash Sixth Floor Items That bordara August Clean Up Sal, a yard. at X f MUSLINS LACE AND NETS 41 Inches wide. Ecru white. 39c Low-Price- Lars assortment of patterns, suitable for Goods d curtains for any room In th house. Special. ( Gowns, & Table Linens. Are Very a yard, at J f Envelope jy QUAKER Sale On Fourth Floor Read Them Carefully LACE NETS" In white, N O V B L T T ecru and light WOMEN'S Arabian. A VOILES Sheer, BLOUSES A e qual- beautiful line ity, showing all clean up of of latest pat-tar- new weaves women's white and woven thread, em- lawn and organ- stripe for broidered novel-li- living rooms, die blouses in dining rooms sports strips, styles. and black and nifty or th dainty whit effects. if Odds and ends bed rooms to 41 inches wide. left from our A larga as- Nice assortment of great 59c sale. sortment of shades. The yard. OU While they last patterns to r S elect from. appreciate good lines if you wish and that won't Special, a 4SC be long, take yard, at JAPANESE KI- superior materials if you demand your choice, at MONO CREPES perfect workmanship and above each. 69C UNDERMUSLINS. 75c Hundreds of pret- Quaint designs. 95c Colorines of bias, "SUNTA8T" OVER DRAPERY Larga as Coven, Drawers, En- all if you insist upon faultless of patterns to seleot from. Come ty styles in Gowns. Corset green, pink, laven- 25c sortment and colon velope Chemise, Combination Suits, Wide Flare der rey. Reg- In greens, browns, blues, grvy. rose and and fitting then you will make WOMEN'S 18.00 Petticoats, Princesa Slips and Plain Chemise. ular 26c value, at no combination shades of same coloring. yard. '.JhSg WOOL SKIRTS Extra Special, a yard, at 98C The ribbon run effects are new and the laces the mistake in choosing American 12.76 Unexpected and embroideries used in trimming these beau- good fortune Is BTLK AND NEAR SILK OVERDRAPERT 3 1 Inches of lovely designs Lady Corsets. this, which coma wide, In figures. Come In rose, blue tiful garments are the most I9C and green and brown. Special, a yard, qualities. Our regular about through a and best WHITE DRESS purchase at 49C line, a asT AND BLOUSE The new models reflect fashion's chance 95c at V from a leading HAND VACUUM SWEEPERS Guaranteed to do th garment, M FABRICS Sheer every decree modish height noaatern and dainty. Strip- the maker. work satisfactorily. Th Keystone model combination are sweeper Is very inven- $1.45 UNDERMUSLINS. $1.23 Envelope ed novelties, mar- bust the beautiful straight back The skirts and vacuum ths latest result of Chemise, Suits, Gowns, Corset Cov- tailored tive genius The ourved metal top Is mad of Combination quisettes and good quality Drawers, Princess Slips Wide Flare Pet- weaves, rio the slightly nipped waist. from steel, highly enameled. It ha th latest hinged ers, and gabardine, nine-Inc- cloth, serfs. nossle, newest brush adjustment, h sweeper ticoats. These dainty garments are made from shadow plaid white and blsck and brush, steel frames and dust bag, and rollar bearing. fine nainsooks, cambric louscloth and muslin. embroidered There are American Lady Corsets powerful an strips. and 40 wool velour It has more suction than in laces, embroideries It checks, cravenettes vacuum coat nothing to Embellished handsome inches wide. Spe- for all figures, slender, medium electric and $5-9- 5 and ribbons. Our regular cial, and novelty mix- run. Special, each, at the yard, at and stout American Lady Corsets for All made line, a ture. ohlld'a play $1.45 at every occasion- - In style. All "KIDDIE KOOPB" Combination bad aad $1.23 11 house. Corns in see them. garment. Is waist and and UNDERMUSLINS, $1.48 Dreamy, lacy 25C length measure- Special, each, $1.95 WHITE BHIRT-lng- a Will you not ask, where you purchase at $17.00 Gowns, Envelope Chemise. Corset Covers, Draw- ments. Regular ft Herringbone your corsets, to see the American Lady value, at each, BISSELS CARPET SWEEPERS They are th best ers, Plain Chemise and Petticoats. Made of softest striped novel- and model, on Special. linserie cloth, nainsooks and longcloths, and ty affects. Extra Corset designed for "your" par- th market. special ticular each, trimmed in an artistic manner with sheerest em- values. St requirements? $2.75 at $1.49 broideries and finest laces. Some have hand to 40 lnohes wide. Priced at the yard, Try this model and note good! lines TURKISH BATH FIBRE AND WOOL MIXED RUGS at th fotlwln made flowers and cabashons. the TOWELS Bleach- ptioea: Our regular $1.95 line, at it gives you. ed quality. Sisa t sit foot ala .SS.Sk a garment, $1.48 35C tt x 44 Inchea 1.1x10 foot sise . ...S7.S6 towel are ' NEW WIDE FLARE MUSLIN PETTICOATS CROSS BARRED The t x I foot sis . Jttff NAINSOOK Read Our Special Quoted neatly hemmed. - AXMINSTBR RUGS Two vary special lota, priced as Daintily lace trimmed; also some with scalloped Inches wide. Ideal BSC Special- In th Au- flounces. They sell regularly for $2.95 and Below In the Famous gust 'laan-l'- Hale, follows: for general us. foot Axminster Rugs ...... SSI. 00 Clean-U- p Especially each, at t Sll $2.45. August adapted I 1x10.4 foot Axminster Rug . ...SlSOO Sale price, each, to the making of at $1.95 ' man's underwear, WILTON RUGS) Read thee special August Clean-U- p dreases, etc la 22C Sal price: MUSLIN CORSET COVERS Mad of fine soft three qualities. AMERICAN t xll ft. Wilton Rugs . . SST.SO muslin; embroidery trimmed. With or without botas, at PRINTS (Cali- Slxlt.t ft. Wilton Rugs SSS.S0 sleeves. Our regular 45c Si. 60, SI. IS, and coes) In shirting t S t ft. Wilton Rugs . (31.04) values, as well as dark ft Wilton Rug S b.Sb at each. kC tat27x04 in. Wilton Rug S t.SO only 2 colors. Wa own J 95C these fabric at a ALL LAMPS AND ODD FURNITURE AND SCREENS ROUND. JAPA- price that enables on th floor at a reduction DOILIB us lim- NESE to offer a off regular prioe. 1-- 4 Fine Crepe de Chine SETS Printed la ited quantity, (lim- of pleasing designs. it It yards te a Off TWO shads of customer), st the NEW LINE OP TRUNKS. HAND BAGS AND BUTT Undergarments blue. Bach set special price, of a OASES are bow oerrled in the Drapery Annex. En- contain six ( Inch, IMONDAY in our Fourth Floor Corset Shop, we offer beautiful Pink yard, trance from Messy Avenue. Fourth Floor) six 11 Inch and FANCY BASK IJfS Including Fruit Baskets, Bon Boa Broche Bask ata. Tray and various other novelty baskets aad Fourth Floor feature of the on center aleo to and White Batiste American Lady Corsets, trimmed with Irish 6 1-4- C match. Quaint and stands, are now carried In our Drapery Annex. En- ANOTHER Lace, 1 Clean- Up Sale will be the charm- good looking. A Crochet and ribbon run. Six extra strong hose supporters. Sizes 9 to trance from Mesa Avenue exquisite Crepe de Chine Lingerie. We est. PERCALES It ing, at 26. The manufacturer made us a special concession on these corsets to en Inch wide. A ELECTRIC LAMPS Solid mahogany, single light. have assembled a large new collection and added compute range of boudoir electric lampa, with silk pop- able us to offer them August C lean-U- p our own beautiful stocks. The prices are the $ 1. in our Pall Patterns, la lin shades Shown la roee. blue and you seen 00 both, or light gold Special, each, at Sr. 69 moat interesting have ever offered. PART Sale, at the extraordinarily dark LINEN colora T h e s e MIRRORS) copie of Included are handsomest Envelope Chemise and TABLE CLOTHS-71x7-1 PANEL With eld masterpiece low price of goods are all b- - mirror, by priced re- I hem-ma- $2.00 painted above ate It inches Camisoles, all at these wonderful ne a. o u t I y part fast It inchea-- With antique geld and gresn ductions: linen nd In a frame. Monday Only, each, at 95C DE CHINE CAMISOLES Pink table cloth. Aleo quality most CREPE or 71 Inch scalloped, FRKNCH PLATE AND BEVEL PLATE MIRRORS white. Some daintily trimmed with fine laces; for school round table cloths Silk Or Linene Brassieres, 75c or bous wear. With oak frame. For the bath or others show touches of hand embroidery. They Pretty and aeat yard, bed room. Priced according to sise. O Monday, a , fi fi are values that range from $1.93 to $3.43. design. Basra see. at only Ac, 60,-- SIS to clal value, To 7c While they last (limit one at each. They Are Regular Values $1.50 MAHOGANT AND OAK SMOKING TPAXDS to customer), at ui T fi fi and every one carries some distinctive to harmonize with the I-2- C ed baa, so they will not turn over. EACH note 12 The thin; for husband, brother ur lingerie, but every style, designed they are by corset experts, sweetheart Extra Special, eaea. at BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE as CHEMISE Mad of fine properly fulfills the brassiere's function ; namely, to shape the figure above the pink or white crepe do china. corset. We have pink silk brassieres trimmed with pretty laces; white linene Gorgeously lace trimmed; brassieres embellished with ecru or white heavy Laces; others trimmed with (Mec&bfiuávt also fute tailored style. embroideries and ribbons. Styles to wear beneath a coat or heavy blouse, and Actual $4 many to serve as backgrounds for the most transparent waist. See these choice a i mt m - s t $2.8$ coniecUoiis of undexdfessuig here tomorrow I rv iSbk ... L PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, JULY 30. 1916.

Songs From the Scriptures MilScoriccil SJ l W I Uts--Z ID IfeNlgnmages to i.vnek' By the) Beniztowri Bard a c tamsirvas.(mm ata. t turna a wLttm.i vmm.iwi (Fobjer McKlneey ) IN THE FIELDS inROBERT BRUCE AND THE SPIDER. sy not ye. there are vet four nnlhi To the majority of persons thai Utile, in himself, was homeless, but was attempting BIRTHPLACE com significant GREELEY'S AND HOME IN th harvest) Beheld, I My animal, known by the pietnr m mid for himself a comfortable sritdlnr up your eyes and look on the eaque asms or as. as familiar to m pisce rrom one rerun- or THE WOODS. .r a) the hut to the IBMV int nit ready to her- si in. ptder, it mi arachnid that moat the vest torn i it other diligent worker had triad to at- si offentlvt. probably for ths reason or Its ft tach luí web, but syary time he lost his " ' tMAV kM f tt S. mllianty in laying v Mu. a a In the fields the birds are singing. out its residence m foothold. flw, te asase placet weere ttt pretence may prove Baaa tmém. staa. miiii . In the fields sha flowers are sweet. moat Did bs give up in despair, tt did the bath m a mm Mingled ahadow winging uncomfortable, and not especially lendln man or great prowest reclining oa tiatii. sun aad to uniformity the le aWatef TlW. MM HV . t.H O'er the harvest of the wheat or appropriateness in lu bundle of straw r lot ef. Ataneida' He 7 Ctrtor I surround in gt went dllllgenUy at It for seventh MI aa f In the fields tha peace of summer. the time Batas MMmt. awl But that even the can serve Its This urn. Sgaaae u aa All Its calm and quiet spell. ttaneldt bit webby feat held rttt and m rata MM purpose, la pite of Ms apparent soma taw BU na a reu. Mrikj tu mm. ata n With the musís of ths murmur . inaurniri with satisfaction no doubt he tur ra- -, a, - "w .y. Of tha bees in grove and dell. ranea. It shown in lit having been the vtyed the wonderful ttrueuirt erected nTfff u Sa-- mttnt. In ths fourteenth century, Has W) Win mm tmm nw itMt muí! of ehsng through hit dllligenre. It it possible that gas Mean Mi avarau aun rjiaSiei m Mi Mi M(M In the fields the spirit calling. , ing the destiny of Bcottand. aad parti be was able to surmise wbst wat pttslng ka MM. Aflat II X IIIlntkftaraw. aawt WMI ate felM-- Calling man to come and be larly to the rortunet of ths brave Robert tbrourh the brain of the reclining klngl tWM OI mi smv One with all the blessing falling nnice. of the land of the thlttle. Hardly so. nor It It to be supposed that ;:mu STJíSSi From tha vine and from tha tree. the spider knew ti.ai in that seventh nina BS4S X Sartas taS MM In tbe fields there la no passion bs u making history. Such wtt the Sktl-- Aatwtuins aai OmMkarunl ra. Of hate and strife thst blind: cue, however, snd after Bruce taw this ttS'.-- MallMJ kM ! De. ,i Sawr" MV In the fields the gentle blossoms, seventh effort succeed, be no doubt felt B BaaaaaBsarS' ,,'"ig"TP' Tlllian II ta faU ta III Ml MMT napUa aad JIM; IB BBeeeeeetasBBXSBeeeeeeeeeeent sssñnV a I faaw av r t iMinm Mi mm t aarew Aad the peace of heart and mind. much the ssme Intuition that did Darius mi in Oreen later, when he soliloquised: ISRllB M MI IM fUaJIa. IM " wn' ut mm a ai mmm a mi xaaa w In tbe flelda no strife and struggle. "The birds can fly. and why can'! IT" M. M. mim-- v Old contentions, bitter pain; And with tha principle firmly established Miaus, '" Men with men In human combat In his mind that what a utile spider ran mtici t tni Over power and greed snd gain. accomplish through Its dllligenre, 1. In tha flslds ths patlsnt beauty 1. Rax Scotorum. of stout heart and ltekta 7 na rn.4 i mmm IM M mi MU law la skawaei l aun Of lowly, simple things brawny muscle, ahould also be able to sc Ma aiatar ar far um rf l i B. PAW TOO. COMTAirr uau Morns of dsw on raise and hillsides. compllin. he said to hlmteir "I have ronghf Blrtaa4.ee .f Greet Editor. And the anthem sings. tlx umes against the or my coun- ! with for nature enemies "Our Ooatntry In bar lnteroouwa try," snd he decided to be guided as to There ara two hornet of Horace Oreeley hooks remain, where I mean to gamer my elgn nartrana, may aha elwaya te right, bul In Oh, saying, his future, by and or in America which are being preterved treasures, snd wherein I propose to be at - the flslds cornel they're the failure tuecett ear ootuitry. rurni or wraiur- bi asanas, wwm. Corns from all your grind and heat, tbe little Intact who had to dllllgently with rare at shrines where lovers of the home to my rrlends at stated seasons." Where the birds and beasts are playing. worked upon ths rafters. eminent journalist and politician can visit And the "House In the Woods" wat s snd renew acquaintanceship with the man headquarters during tha presidential Where ths world Is true and swset! Brure s Regular Cat-U- It Is assumed that Bob threw ofr at once Winged we follow, the taken hold they much ednUre. Oreeley wat a typical campaign or 1871. To the Memory of Riley. with memories then Like all patriot! who have inertia that had to ttrongly Down In dreams we go to where heard the ctll or him, and issuing forth rrom the hut ror American and the valuable service he rend The one building Chappaqua Into tha to deliver up- at The Indiana eolonr In El Paso has arranged for a Love on through uielr country. Bob bad an the seventh and new ered to bit country, especially during itt erection or Oreeley all lsads hill and hollow hill latk of Tbe time, with lntplratlon, which threw hla Vesper memory of beloved poat Out trouble, care. it bonnle Scotch were a be only home grettett crtils. It well known and rully energy and a great memorial to tha thalr of out of brava people but they not built for himself a like enthusiasm snd skill wat feliowman at evening at larked t leader. the spider, but gave hit countrymen a rerognlxed. stone bam built in ism. It wts placed on and tha Christian church thla King Eddie of England wat heaping all or world-alng- In tha flslds there's rest gladness, kingdom of their own, and further blessed Even although Horses Oreeley wat one the cultivated portion or the upland near 7 o'clock. Tha eataem In which thla la hald and kinds of coals of humiliation upon them, country to many to Thoughts of gratitude and praise the guiding tptrtt In hit tmbitions to tha the mott prominent rigurei In American the summit or the hill. It wts a most in- throuchout tha la certain attract but they bad resigned themselves to the extent rrom politics during the entire middle hsir or the teresting experiment, the or Far from all the flame and madness Inevitable Billy thst that time forth to the building this the aervloea who do not claim Indiana, aa thalr nativa Of ignoble ways until Wallace threw himself present day. It a past century, it was on the farm that he bsrn, because lit walla were made enUrely the town's into the breach, feeling hat been considered most átate, but who, nevertheless, claim ktnahip .o ames In ths fields to be there, flee there, that they had suf- unlucky thing ror t Bruce to kill a tplder. round his greatest delight As a prominent or a cruda sort or concrete, there vu a Riley heritage which ha Dream In grass fered enough. Whether writer states "In temperament Oreeley good deal or discussion ss to Whltcomb for tha of verse there, lie there. the Hilly wat or not this reverence of the whether the Qantua la Where fragile fly not clever In eluding Xing Ed- Scotch ror tplder baa tha wat a farmer all his lire." concrete would withstand the great changes haa bequeathed to all the people. without ths fairies thsra die, and they finally got the been meant And elves pesa. him, took him to or race Horace Oreeley on a of temperature. Tbe risk waa taken geography. There waa no real kt In a" hia gentle song. the end pistes the Tower, he promulgating that of arachnid to the was born little fsrm and and paid Tor the trouble he extent In which they now overrun every In New Hsmpshlre, and hit etrly eiperi- - today tbe walls are aa solid aa rook. It waa not confinad to hla nativa tate. but crept aoftly had taken In of lb tha fields the crops are golden. behair his countrymen, by part or the world, tt an unanswerable s were those of terrlhle herd work and The building stands aa a monument to ovar of aparkla aweetneaa having hit Lon- the unlverae because the and In ths flslds ths flocks are fins; teed suspended from the Question. But the story or Bobby Bruce s meager living at Its reward. It It no won this pioneer builder In concrete. Before he of lta genius Ita love and Ita humanity. Far, far Quiet groves moaaas ofdan, don Bridge at a wtrnlnr ror all other wbe printing more promising died Oreeley bad made tome preparations and tnltrhi tempt a and the spider, nevertheless, remains at der that seemed from the Old Hooaler atate "Little Orphant Annie" told Lanes of shadow and of ahlne. similar fate. one or the best historical Incidents or the to him. toward making the bam into a bouse. Since But Bobby Bruce wat not to be deterred bit death plan af- her atory and the "Raggedy Man" opened young eye In ths fields Oh, life, grown lonely greatness or little things. For years 1SM, when Oree- thla hat been put Into In hit tcbsme. The tight of bit suspend- thirteen after fect by daughter. Mra. In wonder. And men In other climaa grew contemplative With this and this pain ley reached Maw York in search or work, hit clendenln. who In fields, green only. ed pal only goaded him on to seek a re now own tbe Chappaqua rarm. Ths severe aa they drammed of "That Old Sweetheart of Mine." So the ths fields venge. umes be lived In tha heart or tbe great metro i Let us walk with Ood again! sit he had matched hit prow- more lines or the barn have been softened by la vesper evening ess against enemies or polis. Bat at is he was able once It certain the memorial thla will be the his country. la He the addition or an oriel and a bow win- each or he to get In touch with the country. largely attended by alncer admirers of tha man who these made a Hairbreadth Har- includi- dow, at wall as other additions. ry escape. Match or bought a little rarm or eight acres, haa for them charmed ao many hours by the magic of the prowest Bruce ng- a a large wooden Tbo Oreeley e la mott commo- with the modern hero, the wooded ravine and hla lines the beloved singer who la sleeping today D. and latter It but by Bay, on the East River, dious and attractive in appeaarnca. It John Rockefeller says he sees prosperity on all a dim comparison. Robert seems to have houte, Turtle It amona; acensa people rrom root of Forty-nint- street completely furnlthed throughout, the raf- the and tha he knew and loved aides. John has evidently been studying his own bank been to clever In the wield, the hlstorlani not far the ao wall. And those going to thla testimonial to hla The placa waa then two miles rrom tbe ters being arranged in an ornamental way. accounti credit htm with finding little trouble In thickly part or Mew York, and really It contains many or the relics that ware memory will recall his lines "Away," and Join despatching a hair doten In every attack- tattled with him formed a delightful country test Hare secured during the lifetime of ths greet in the sentiment: Ths San ing party, and lnnicttng a bad case or cold editor, well as or po Francisco Chronicle thinks Sir Roger Case upon Oreeley lived for several years. at portraits eminent ment Is entitled to reet the remainder. litical and literary men, most or which were I cannot ear. I will not say considerable credit for not pleading But the odds eventually became too much Oréele y"s rarm. however, the runout Insanity. Chapptqua farm, wtt purchased by htm in presented to Oreeley. The large ilttlng-roo- That he la dead; he la Juat awayt against him, and In despair be decided to or e ta on 1S53. It Ilea on the Hudson railroad, tnlrty-riv- e the the third floor With a cheery smile and a wave of tha hand relinquish Ills rfortt. In hit wanderings of the bam, and aside from many Mr. suggestion or or miles north or the center or Raw York Its other He haa wandered Into an unknown land Colquitt's that ws get along without about In search some haven safety, anracnont, in rrom or the mr stone Bobby accidentally rail upon city. When the Oreeleys started to search fire And left ua dreaming how very the second senatorial primary, we take It, la not entirely tha ataneida waa place stands the cradle In which Oreeley fair which proved to be open sesame tor a ror a country home tbe first requisite disinterested. the Ores-le- y waa rocked. It needs must be, since, he lingers there. new Bruce snd the Spider. convenience to New York city, where inspiration Oreeley And you Oh, you, who the wildest yearn Tbe or a or waa respon- had already become a great editor. While Mrt. and tbelr members of event the unusual incident was Ths little spider the but the lived For e step glad Something In the Ban Francisco climate seems to in a Bobby ror or Mr. Oreeiey t rirst purchase in rsmlly at Chappaqua ror a good the and tha return ruined hut Scottish forest wat sible one the greatest battles or the New part or year, of on, breed anarchists, If we are to Judge from developments Ured or dodging about rinally up world, or Bannockburn, which brought county, which llet north of ths Oreeley himself waa able Think him faring aa dear and look that acres or ss un- to spend only on following the recent bomb outrage. a lodging the placa or PcoUand Its which H haa York city, wat about forty hit Saturdtyt tha rarm. In the love of There aa the love of in with a bundle freedom, ever as one Hair leaving Here! aa only upon and while promising rarm land aver saw. the "Tribune" office Friday after straw tbe available mattress maintained, today the brave Brota lop Ing to tbe noon and to weary body. are England. It was Bobby or it waa a wild, rooky hill I returning to the city on Sunday With the count of the vote In ths primary election of which recline hit While united with The western boundary or No the king or Bruce s north and watt .rening. Time For Quibbling. last Saturday still Incomplete, average tbut rapotint. valor and stubborn adherence rarm waa a rrom the At one the citizen has hit own making or Scotland waa seriously his that gained tor hit people equal the but stone's throw Ume Oréele v had a lam dalrv on Governor Ferguson's already forgotten ctuse stauon which gave direct ac- bis rarm and contention that the prohibition most of the candidates' charges and cutktiderlng wbslhar or not It would b bet- rights In tha Island klnrtom which ara to little railroad sent milk from bit hard or to New York. rorty cows g submission proposition Is defeated because s majority countercharges. ter ror him to relinquish hit kingly aspira- be enjoyed In tbe same way today aa they cess to Hew York hotels. of those voting In the primary did not and beat ror a place or tafety. been ror many centuries It waa an Ideal situation ror ths country was another industry at Chappaqua. Indicate their tions it bars that bsre He bought one Is. In If Halg. la While In contamplaUon pitted. home or a city worker, and to a farmer the or two orchards and planted desire for submission the Judgment of the Morning Wonder General who making so much thus serious bit Oreeley and some years eyes drifted In various directions, and place presented problems that others, sold aa manv aa Times. and unworthy of the governor. trouble for the Germana, la any kin to the Halg and way 600 lialg rail upon t little creature who, like Next Sunday John Paul Iones heartily enjoyed grappling with. Hair barráis of fruit If the complete and official returns show that a ma- concern that did ao much to put the kick in the up the western tide of a hill on the estate Oreeleys Scotch highball. Saturday holiday wat spent with jority of those voting' on the proposition favored sub- Oreeley built the "House In. the Woods." It his ax in tha woods. Or course, he chonned mission, then the next legislature ahould lose no time was a plain frame bouse or two stories, mainly Tor exercise, and he admitted that in framing and adopting a prohibition to Evan boose and boodle may be of real service to cltpbotrded and painted white. At a little despite! his youthrul trtlntng, he wat never amsndmsnt the away waa a simple outbuilding In an expert the state constitution for submission to the people In body politic alnce Cyclone Davla claims they deprived dlattnce woodsman. Amateur though be The Story Enrique do which the servants were housed. wat, be waa a practical forester, with huge ths manner provided by law. him of renomlnatlon for the office of congressman-at-larg- s of Said BY FOKBF.S V AKKIULL. Tbe bouts waa thrown up hurriedly aa a confidence In the commercial value of a Regardless of whether or not they are In favor of from this state. long ago was prohibition of temporary residence and woodiot "ir I linger fondlv the liquor traffic, the vast majority of to ground. waa a delightful among my trees, consider that people suooess burned the It here most the of Texas are in favor of majority rule, and The of former Oovernor Oscar B. Colquitt in "Vaya con Dios, tenor gringo! Orín to Just at green, and the secretarlo tmlled sylvan spot, but It waa not tt all a or my rarm work baa been dona, and her by to my majority rule we mean the will of the majority aa the race tor tha senatorial nomination can scarcely be gold la good! Now l can buy corn corn rrom the face of the bills aa he had ilte ror a dwelling. It proved be prorit haa been realised In tha thape or expreMed at the polla In an conaldered an by wayt tmlled. damp and when tbe wind swept down over health and vigor. When I am aaked the honest and fairly conducted endorsement the Texas votara of the for my little Bonlfaela and myself. When election. The men who vote are Wilson policy of watchful welting. une night I left the camp, and walked tbe hill back or It. the chimney would not usual question: 'How has your fsrm naidv the men to decide is Tío Sam coming to ua Mexico, to I can trutrfully answer public questions, and no man or body bare In bsck to Dublan and my Ytldora. It waa work sausractorily. that 'my part or of men who spring, I In IMS. tbe fsmlly moved to a It hat paid splendidly, being all income neglect or refuae to Indicate But, you bring American gold, and peace, and work, and near the planting time. had therefore, snd their choice on any propo- when think of It, Cipriano Caatro never to provide for my Ysldors and tha house st the edge or tbe village, which waa outgo and who can show a better sition to up senor? What! You are surprised that or submitted ths electorate has any right to be butchered a regiment of our cavalry. Hla moral turpi- who wat now rive years old. I close by the entrance to tbe driveway the balance sheet than thst?" we want gringos to come, down In Next Sunday considered In determining the result of ths vote. tude was too far from American soil to make a wel- the here talked with Manuel Porrada, and Jesus rarm. "But," Oreeley says, "the House Arlington. Home of Robert By him my home, my Lee. all means let the prohibition amendment be sub- come visitor to Unols Sam's domain. at Colonia Dublen? Ah, one Ume we were. Amurre and Onofre Estrada, who lived as the woodr Is still where mitted to the people If the majority of thoaa voting We had been taught to bate the gringos I. snd hsd not been Impressed to serve the on the proposition In The Woodrow Wilson first chief. the recent primary la found to be Independent League announces and now, behold my wire, my Y sectors, but hanxUig celling, and In favor of such submission. It la receiving many Bandits WouM Crops peppers from the Quibbling la not popular applications for membership from de mis ojos, is dead starved and her Sine waited. Bonlfaela wept and slant ror the with ths rank and Mia ad the Texas Democracy. prominent Progressives who were led to " 'PlantV tby tald In scorn. 'What will the Hughes linage, my litue Bonlfaela, Is living simply you wat hungry. trough but whs refused to plant, and where will you plant It and Tingos came. Glimpses of drink of ths bilge water. because I bare gotten gringo gold! Truly, "Tbe First wars the the Past Having wnst win you no when It la grown?" a on horseback. Each wore a uniform accepted Carransa's proposition, we will now they present know now, that where the gringo it, it told me 'As much at wa earn In just like the others. They were not betutl-ru-i watchfully wait for a few weeka accepts After the European squabble Is Ironed out It year will until Carranaa la petce, and plenty, and work for toe moto. not purchase seeds to plant Tha uniforms. Ilka ours are when they are our acceptances of his proposition. By said all the countries will teach the Russian languiure are despoiled. And when your TWteXTY -FOUR YEARS AGO TODAY. ths time the I neidt crops new, were dirty They first snow In the schools Thus It is "Yet, will tall you about It if you cara are grown, " but dusty, brown. files in Washington we shall havs probably to bs noted that the horrors they will be seised by bandits.' clattered into the town, and cowered to e 0. Ryan, ton or Minister Ryan, waa tt of war spars to hear, tenor. I am Enrique Esleído I I reached the point where we will be ready to send Car- neither the aged nor the Inoffensive youth. "And to did not plant my frijoles beam the Moor. They (tame, and they kept com- tbo Vendóme en route to the City of Mexico. ranaa our acceptance of hla acceptance of our acceptance plant frijole beans near Dublan when issi spring. ing the white men on hortaa, the black Capt T. 1. Beall returned to hit borne In The rranco-Prussia- "Then tbe terrible Psncho. whose area AutUn of hla proposition, with suggestions war commenced Just forty-seve- n mere are beans to plant Tan years ago men on horses, the ones who marched afoot, after attending the Judicial conven- for the broadening whirl Ilka wheels, snd who reeds on young tion scope years ago. I and the enormous guns. They were fol- of the of the commission and distinct Ths Germana of this day and age do not aaem there was plenty. Hare met my Taadora. names reservations able to pot up do not laugh, senor, the parda him lowed by great number, or chugging, Judge Wyndham lamp returned from thst the findings of thst body such a snappy gams of fighting aa Ws can seir Die shall not be binding upon they were celebrating the feast of El told ked Jand belonging to purring like had Mar fa and Abilene. any one. did in the days ef the grandfather no earn. rage or monttert. the beet that of tha present kaiser ilelerio, and the patio had been strewn with in. no Sara wat terri- flown over our heads, except that they J. R. Plum returned from a visit to rial las. ble. Why I do not know. Pancho han aa. on They were Fort Worth and Oalvsston. straw, and covered with manda, ror dáñe- tacked crawled the earth. covered The seems Poor John M Parker, ease ss great as to be our towns ror years, and killed our aa uni- J. P. Dieter, A. W. Susen and kaiser to have at last gotten around to nominated lo Her cheeks ware full and then, people, with tbe tame dirty brown the Herman for tbe on round and no one wat enraged. I I Hansel lert on a the position where he admits the possibility of the platform of ths mooing mi coraaonelta. a. forms. But t rrtghtened. ror bad hunting trip in the White defeat n f ."Ytldora bad not enough to eat, and the seen others, which were smaller, south at Oaks country. In a recent speech to tha troops on ths Prlratsat Hf privets' cltlsena Happy wat sick. Her cheeks, Sonune front uT' JVT know" yet, Viere Thee. that bad been so the ml oat. 1 learned their names when the The highest temperature waa gt tha WUhslm la quoted aa saying doesn't It but ha win long rull I and ths present English offen- before "We w.r or Ihe poor people, she and and rounded when met her at the one brought to the The Ice est 7 degrees. sive la Dane, were first wat mlnet. intended "to carry the operations to Oerrean aell 1. but we raised our rrljole beans and had seamed and teared. and like gringos called It a horseless carriage la Austria desires a little more aauaie The gave tate ear town and villages, to the peril andolng Information concerning enough to give to the padre, and were leather. curandera her not THIRTEEN YEARS AGO and of her attack on medicine, waa worse, that right tenor? TODAY. our helpless women the PetreUts. Woodrow should bappy. Ytadora, aha bung our peppers but ah. she could A- and children." it should be take the hardly carry Wealed TeRaeee. - 8. Belford. of Georgetown. waa however, from tbe rafter. polea to dry, ground the casual Is on her head rrom Dios, did Tuts that the speech comee to us after aad lbs river. "Madre da but the soldiers hi the city. passing through ths gaun.let of rest of us. haaa't forgotten all our cora. And then, laser, was little march through our town. They marched Mrs. Jultut Wallwork English and French rolling About and children censorship, and It may not be reported ÍteA and tumbling about tbe dirt named Gringo. and they marched, and It was three days reached Los Angeles on a vtalt fairly. floor or our adobe I had money ror "Tha slacked. I do not Mr. H. bout. jefe called ut together, and (Old us before thalr marching Daniel, a mining and cattleman Warden gambling, and to buy pulque, then money the gringos were know who or my people It was that flrat rrom Douglat. Genera! Santiago Ramirez, Molt Oeborne has Invented a sweeping down on us utt at the Sieger. former governor of ocketep. a "leaer" the panadería and carnicería would rrom the north lo tlso. our women, and to came out Ha wat not shot If tt had been Mra. J. thllberg and was among who If. Mg has the !. tea,. ale pu enero, some times, on impale he ton. Edwin, arrived those accepted at Its face value n w. and our bable, on tnalr bayouau. u. the bendita though, would have bean. f' the north Carranae'a to t "r,pln country by feast days, we would bare a chlquihulie, told the to The aaked him do you Invitation Mexicans of all factions to return n.2 although many " atorm Just women take their babies and gringos what think in safety to their native land are contemplating taking a few ie miad with turkey, aad brandy, and dried to aba went and left us to right the 'Where I'el they could get tome tobacco.' Hemlrea was promptly sons soon. com. peppers. Wa pesas, r. Why Make stood up before a firing aquad In and had and as ruresd gringos. Ha believed them mad. a Change? ths principal plasa did not want "All except my nous, u at Saltillo and executed In presence Ytadora aad Beau acta sty "I crawled from with the rf" Schenectady naiette.) the of a crowd of Abraham Roeenburg. 'Always we ha1 bandCte near Dublan. but Ytadora had net eaten a full empty rafters tha second day. But cov- tuny who have almorí .... several thousand people. It is who dlsd In Pittsburgh the other meal ror rrin.ii thus the first chief keeps f h under boa Porrino w. did not fear. After weeks, and the aat ta tha comer of the ered Bonlfaela up, so tha gringos could not ?hí.M!n, b"n ,M tbslr hetm his promises even to his oarn ylLt AbreT SÍS mked for k . ins revoluUon lbs house all countrymen. v saadivt increased. We day aad all night bsr reboso find her, and Impel, bar on their bayoneta, .M w" Patent, in tbelr hearts, ala., ETrlri... "Jned a rip. old had had many praaidanu and rule ra. The arm wrapped about bsr bead, rooking on as the jere bad tald. to In les cama through bar for In change, Oas day last week England bought ntll Pll indulge the ddiT'cof- - our taction, and we fed heels aad meaning Bo they look bar In a "Tha gringos saw ma come rrom ths t the hn k. h III. 000. 000 worth fin Uasm. for lbs Mood ran but our art. with to be "Why make a sat shells in thla country aad was negotiating la veins solid wheels, and I bid her good houte. and they stopped ms, and searched chante?" Thla la tt for with u.e love of our lend. Usee use banuiia bya. saying. Adds, chula: Hasta tbe place. They found my Boniraela. and thai is tocVeeaaT ask- - 111 nor n the day Lloyd came, mañanar 3"aaoa linr subs David Oeorgo and ws fad them, ror wa dared sot hut she just moaned, and Hule I screamed aloud to u.cm not to thrust r,t,Mn ' -i- rtoTii of hin pswdleted:" "We are going to not aav, been taken by surprise Roturaría their 2? TtTxi1 TT snatch victory In a fea ine s of an 9 refute. Than cam. the arnuea again, and six years old now Raid bar atotaer in bayoneta into bar. Taey could not un ehoiiM h. . . mentas " The canny Hrittsh had amn. .an w had no Ing aropa her miniH i. a Mrlke. but w. fail to underMandTh ui left but our In lbs rasa aad started at ass with wide ayea dsrataiid ms. but patted bar on the bead, m.Ul.W"!?n " known Wllty'tn this lag upon American ....i oom. ov.r rield. aad we could not give them tha "I threw my over my and on. of gav. : oioar cuidldat. la an un ammunition properly handled to tafeas rae. for them her sum. milk choco- known ens. arose. But they look them, what sear could we MMicene ara an emotional race, late from tb. pack or hit back a atas. ...ki. .., and go tenor Peril 'a no burned tha rest behind tbtav lbs aad I did not want the oihsrt to tea. Rut K.l Rultrte Rat Ueat time to change a certainty rur others could not an uiirwttintv subsist wbsa they caiue that afternoon say RonlfacU can. "Saaor. tkay did nut about me! Than I Anaoanaement la made from Mexico City through I believed bark that fifty it to be a aanSHi Mew. alear. Her mother, my T sedera, had began to learn that what tha jefe and ine million dollars la aM Carranaa currency U ss dtad u to be burned but is sosaina, señor, what we ha, lu the wagon, aad they had thrown bar body pear, sag told us about the grtngut wat North Being ssoa.y to euro ana nothing to eat la unique undertone .inc. to the of false. They did aetae "Oppretwed" the predica aids tha road a.e.. not wbelsvsr w. had. rTsaj i ksaaaajsbj - meat of the unfortunates was are aompeUed to Uve un rnitae. are i atea au go, so IBS as had tha bandiu They bought it and ur iae bvjbibb or ins as lacio sov.rnm.ut l planteo auy lujóles paid for u is good Amsrtsta gold, l soU aainm Uveas, "-i S by the a first chief rear. They were countested for our arm Ws a sight chick.ua Jo.ua had left behind of M0'! altad weak for tha tlaiaii ave a mZ " 1 la week I Red money las plantad egeut. That year I waa Un day X airada, wee bad uior. then I tver Jar th. r.d.r.l iil'.Z'l. .i uaofr. been my had in uiy III. befor. If only Ussy Whit, avast of us are agreed that powers pre tata into tas army I M est knew uilUor. rod. sad said lea gnugoe ould hat. va whtl. it southern p.,d t, the of the I I. eere com. just one day - kTaMN aui.. tsaai was rtguum for. that was I sooner: Thau my Yaa- BBSs. , ailed saetas govamaiaai are ahavuet UaUUeaa, 1S.MS I toast tt ii'imi iM oioert and laughed lo i rS w t. t . are lora, -I-dler. patriotic to right, ta I tatrsktl ashes I was sen awt awura nava we in.,itr iawkjlllod Lo east Uncle arana aaasssxta ana taatoal. tad told I ad that Sam lachlad a rweU, u. .uo I I hav. atuse m. ergu. a cas. rather each. aTbe able Jert i u. low what would da wbsa ths gnngee so uiran ai..n of tnlu.nc. nru, Urge t tnugoa noca your order was. he attempted to make that New provtdlas the farmer ere wall tJ?ZT pesivd. soldado, have haa jf. aw York city, bscsuts atesase kíwdiar-oae- easak led. I know your tit ra f tar t eanm da t saw lew. we retaliad MM Bui tha magos had wonderful ways as aat tlo um aaasa atavias latosas tag then t pasts a say of we oi besad, thangk. that ha a grasa asga ff as Just paaeed ou mis had It buy sxu nghaavg. auca at yeu steal knew, ssaor u en ordinance food The Ussy bsHSSUa star area bata ear Jala, or our lie! Taster M. aUiss. let I in chief of staff, ...... manias it aksreaaast. seras The rust of ktam atase out of tha uaure íf hvon. whs ausiakabi. i.. . worse, wo. give Berth. him rL2a iMVe Uto I: a oí c aad aad la aoi aa at much aaltd as Rao aaorsaaua bees ,, ., uh ..ill,' it uier ine uiuua iu e ntrattea as Maty had ora ear to Mag the grtngut to . bel atusas last M aad Imaged svai our u.o auj tttxico. aad pro Mot on.' settle. " " hm.e.ir aunar ear teje paean weaM u baa ths aorta, nena tat BSBuii aud uM tat collector. fZ aeauxMAaai oj v" is uw rM K, ef the MSNtfs rTTrate.Tr, " etgut oseas ewsva or uKu n, gracias, teeor You bare at row sold l tto sat know why la. I coala aet run with Math) ' J-- I to SeaaW are set awiwd uvl gtis at aad IB war toiuae, wRmr eg tt aiterst Sag'J""hi hati) ita. ItjiwURlVrntalM? to ths church

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa EL PA3Q MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY. JULY 30, 1916

during the year was a great offensive wave of the north Set swallowed t.tnt hours our airships are able tn reran restart rtalr in wee na at GERMANY IS PROUD British reaman end 11V. lit gentt real star. noltre the entire North Sea, end they did SECOND YEAR OE EUROPE'S WAR erían forres swept the Italian Invaden hark tons or shipping, while the Oerman raeetji vain ble ramee ra the battle o IT StSfeeygk. over a wtde atretrh of country tn tSa ware t.m man and to.Ttn tnna Thaee Marine aeroplanes aleo did excellent work southern Tyrol, rteataeri avert about tm rirurea were officially published on both end especially dleUnirtrlshed thetnrelres en square miles of Austrian territory and ar- the German sn.1 rtrltlsh sides. tha BalUr. where they ware of the utmost CLOSES WITH riad the bsttle into Italy. The Italiana rat OF NAVAL RECORDS Numberless suthnrttles. hoth hostile and value an various ways. On seversl oeea- - GERMAN SOLDIERS liad, however, and t the elote of the twelve neutral, have expressed opinions on the bat- sicns they were able even tn take the of months had regained a large portion of tle, but the Oarmtn people will not permit fensive with success, damagtng warships ground and were vigorously pressing t twelves to ha influanre.1 by any foreign with bombs and rapturing merchantmen counter offensive In accordance with the DURING LAST YEAR Judgment. They understand alone bow 'In the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, PLAYING GRIM DEFENSIVE GAME plans of the entente for concerted action. proud they may he of a navy whore qual German submarines, working with those of I On en ity and honor have stood the of th set the year witnessed event test battle i stria Hungary, operated successfully In of surpassing Interest. The Oerman grand with the strongest sea powers. They know war s gain ft commerce and destroyed fleet, steaming nut from lit mln rields and that Chancellor Von Retoman llnirweg numerous transports laden with troops and impregnable Kiel and wilhelm Critic Bexrllnar nrhtly expressed general In Battle of Champagne and Verdun and Opening of Franco-Britis- h harbors tt Captain Pert rut. of the sentiment war material. In the Black sea the Yawute shaven, engaged the British fleet In tha Tagablatt, Reviews Oitratione hit speech In the relchstag on June 6 when Sultan Sellm. formerly the Oerman cruiser mightiest naval battle or history. be said 'Thlt victory, ton. shall not make Oer- Offensive on Somme Features Gnaben. and the Mldlu, formerly the t ÁmVf The battle was rought off the coast of From Teutonic Standpoint. us vain glorious. We know that Knrland la man cruiser Breelau, bombarded Russian by of Recent Developments. Jutland on May 31. Its results are so ob not aubdiied or conquered thlt battle.' fortified towns on the Germen roast at scared by the conflicting claims or the Sy Associated Press Beside the battle of the gkarerrak the vcrimis times and damaged Russlsn com combatants that they will probably not fee Berlin. July to (vis iondon). Captain Par- other events or the second year or the war, maree. Hew York. July Mcond year of Una similar deeds that thrilled Ik trtíeh- - Into .Tha derinltely known until the war tt over, ir tios, the naval critic of the Berliner Tsg nevallN speaking, ptle Insignificance. "The Oerman OlSFrO St world ww closet with the 'Battle of In a world year the of riorions deeds of several then. The Oermans aatert that the British blata, baa written the following review of In the rirst activity German auxiliary to Europe." a concerted effort or the Allies Start Neva. sed general cruisers remain be mentioned Siiitttai losses were far heavier than thelrt and on navaj operations during the second year of submarines tro astonishment. The Moewe, under the command of Count on thraa frooM to crush tha rantral powers, Tha first move In the great allied affen 1st year activity waa that ground claim the victory. The British. the war. from the German viewpoint, ror the second their Von Dohna, made a into the whlrh hat developed Into a titanic struggle tlve waa not made by the Franco-Britis- successful raid denying greater losses, point to the fart that the Associated Press: , Sharply cireumtrribed, but nevertheless, Atlantic in January and February The Straw Hats oaf ora which auparlatlvaa, already exhaust however, but by the Russians, on June 4 In war upon commerce were they still control toe sets as the basis or "It seemed likely year or the successes one of the steamers raptured by It, ad, ara completely beggared. the trtoops of tha Emperor Nicholas opened that the second to comparison those of their right to the title of victors. London the war would end without a tea right or. ccr.tlderible alto carried the passengers and crews of other Franca and Oraat Britain m ma weat, tremendous assault on the clttmt that since the battle too British ships. the nrst year. raptured m east, In linea on a three hundred mile front ex- tne nrst magnitude, but May si brought a merchantmen to the irnlted States Half Price husils tha Italy Sm aouth. at which hid been tied up In Baltic ports proor "On the othetk hand, the deatrurUnn of raer command of Berg. The hurlinar wave after or man on tending from the Prtpat marshes to Hum- gratifying that our great battleships the lieutenant who armad since the beginning or the wsr, neen In asrships by submsrtnes occurred hut sel- Moewe home port safely we place sate tha Teutonic tinea, together an ane. The Teuton lines held firm In the north hte were not built vain and that our fleet, herseir made her MONDAY on with to make their way to Kngllsh ports dom. Tbo 77 destroyed an Kngllsh pro on March 4 booty. of ahella and aa tha to tha BruetltorT swept despite Beaming Inactivity, was quietly and laden with every bomhs such bat south oeneral unmolested by German warships tected cruiser to the north Scs on August Meteor Orelf at HALF PRICE world haa not up to preient with through airlduously preparing itself for a blow "Tha auxiliary cruisers end known tha irresistible forre tha Austrian 10, ISIS. Another of our busts ssnk the on August 7 to, re- straw hat in our shop. Mm. For tha flrat time are. defenses, tearing a great gap ion British and liennst Laxara. srainst the strongest sea power in the dertroyed and tebrutry tha Teutona about Trench armored cruiser Admiral ctitrnler spectively, the stronger armed temporarily at leaat. on tha defenece on miles in extent. Through The German official account or the right world. We still hesr the question ssked as murh British Regular price hala this tha Russians In eastern Mediterranean on February Ramsay and Alcantara. $2.00 of mllaa of at it or 117,110 who wss the reel vlrtor In the fight off the auxiliaries the thousands tha ail in poured, capturing Cternowltt. the capital ttyt that the British losses were tons ti A A or the S. 1916. number of minor war vessels "On the threshold of the third year to $10.00. all at battle fronte. Bukowlna and the erownland against 60,7 tons sunk by the British Skagerrok, comptnon clear, coa of HALF at else reports or the German r.taff sito were sunk. the war It to he pointed out Tha cnan in The Austrian lotas are declared to have The British tdmlrsity makes no attempt to sdmlrsliy remains that PRICE. r the situation, which the Admiral "English submarines did some d amarre to the German navy has hitherto year haa brought bean enormous, a after the offen- the loss In tonnage but unofficial with Jelllcoe't long winded re fulfilled Its la atrlklnr. although the month estimate ports, contain only a recta German commerce in tne Baltic and suc- chief task or keeping the enemy rrom Ger- resulta ao far have sive began the Russians making an ofrirlal British estimates place the German loss at which few been more potential tatves no doubt tnst German ceeded in torpedoing several of our war man coasts and beyond thlt, has scored s ano pactar K year ago announcement over too .000 prisoners 108.M0 tons against iu.kmi lor the British the official uier than radical. that at gives a ships, like the armored cruisers Prince of successes that exceeded our most tha Oarmane. has been taken and at an equal num- officially the Germans admitted the count thoroughly truthful series conttnulnr their treat drive leaat have siription or the battle The English Adelbert, October M; Undine, November 7 sanguine expectations. The German people against the Russians, hurled tha Blavi back ber killed or wounded. loss or only one rspltal ship, the Lutxow HWSW4JH tonnage with Its barrenness or facts, labors In and Bremen, December 17. do not Ignore tbe fact that the British sea aloof the entire eaatarn front, captured As the offensive developed tha Russians te.ooo tons, t vessel surpsstlng In "Special is merited hy toe bold power never- many vtln to conceal Its Improbability. mention still dominates the teas, but Warsaw, the great fortreaaea of Horno. won new surceases further north and at the and armament hattleshlpa. The uní flights or our marine aircraft an.l tiietr Im theless, look upon .09-11- 1 Novo Oeorgtavek two British Prettier Lost. they with confidence TEXAS ST and end es- close or the war year are engaged In a lah claim to have sunk In addition "Whatever tha final Judgment It of the portent scout work to the North sea and tbelr navy. They expect It to' show Itself tablished Unas far Inside Russian territory mighty struggle Lemberg, the capital of dreadnougts and probably a third. The were for ror battle in detail, the lots of British prestige Baltic. Attacks made against fortified able and willing to win victories In the which they maintained virtually unbroken Cállela. The righting haa also extended principal losses admitted by them tbelr of our on Englsnd's coast, and the i.ngtiah third year war hat done hitherto tne tt tea and the pronounced success places of the at It EL PASO until within the last three months. They to the extrama north. In the Riga rivtnsk tide are the three htttle cruisers, in r'eet remain Indisputable ir only the British were able tn destroy only two airships. Wo. and thus contribute Its part toward the gen- ail a great suca or the InderaUgable and the Queen seized roiana. Russia to region, but here the Germans have held vincible, losses to men and ships art rounted. The 15 on April I and Bo. 7 on May 4. Within t eral aim of securing tn honorable peace." the south of that country and expelled the their own and no decisive result hat as yet Mary. inv aders from Oallcla and Bukowlna. Field been gained by either tide. One the other event on the tea aroused von Marken-te- Marshals Hlndenburg and von Succeesea. Interest, on June S Field Marshal were the or Other Russian intente heroes these great succes- Tn or Kitchener, Great Britain's ramous min- ses. another theatre tha war the year wat Earl marked by other and Important Russian suc uter of war, was drowned with hit staff On the western front the changes in oosl- - cesses. Following the disasters on the eat OR the Orkneys when the cruiser Hamp- tlon during the year were comparatively tern front In the closing months of teili shire went down. It was at first thought small but tha twelve months were marked the Orand Duke Nicholas was removed as the cruiser had been the victim of a sub by three events of Interest: The battles of commander-ln-chle- r or the Russian armies marine but this theory was generally dis- Champagne and Verdun and the opening and sent to take charge or the operations carded when It wat learned that tha war- or the great offensive on the against tha Turks in the Caucasus. After ship had struck a mine and gone down to Somme took place tn this period. months or preparation he began a great the midst of t terrific storm. Battle of Champagne. drive across Armenia In January, 1916. which The second year or tha war wat a mem resulted In the rapture of Krzerum and the one as as United States waa The battle of Champagne on orable far the opened port of Treblxond and expelled the Turks It the apparent rmal September. 95. a bom- concerned. marked altar week's terrific from the greater part uf Armenia. After a or the this country bardment or the German lines passing crisis between by the comparative lull of some months the grand Oermany over tha submarine warfare French, British and Belgians. In a week and or duke returned hit advance simultaneous which threatened more than once a rup- the bloodiest righting that had been with a uprising against The stok- up to serins the Turks tura of relations and even war. known that time the antea announ- by the Arabs In Arabia. The Arabs took Arabic on ced that they had taken twenty ing of the white Stir liner miles of city of Mecca, Jlddah and Ttlf. 19 warning. H,000 tha tacred August by a submarine without tranches, tlx towns and prisoners. and besieged Medlnt. the city where Mo Uvea, But there they ballad. They could not In which two Americans lost their hammed was burled and one of the holiest made the situation acute. Oermany at first break through the mighty Oerman wall and spots or the Mohammedan world. In the and the grim deadlock which marked the refused to give adequate tatlsfactlon meantime the Russians took Mamakhatun on April 1 ! many re- guarantees and President Wilson front for to months wat and Batburt, operations have not congress. The The Battle or Champagne but these laid the situation berore turned. marked yet reached a definite conclusion. a noto to the removal of Sir John French, the British previous day he had dispatched , In connection with the Turkish campaign Oermany which wtt virtually an ultimatum. commander-m-ehlef- from the beginning or year saw for the war up to December, the a serious reverte War Croud Ufta. the that tima. In arms and a less Important, ten, it waa announced that had resigned to ror British. On May 5 Oermany promised that no more a but highly dramatic, disaster the take home command and Sir Douglas The of and liners or merchantmen would be sunk Hatg was disastrous attempt the French appointed hit successor. British to force the Dardanelles and seize without warning and without ample op GreatNo low priced car has such other In sheer human Interest the Battle of Ver- Constantinople was definitely abandoned In portunlty for the escape of crews and pas dun probably surpassed all other Individual November, 1915, and the allied troops with sengert. These promises were considered events or the war. On February ft the from Oalllpoll peninsula. About satisfactory by the president and the war drawn the or great power Oerman crown prince began his assault or 150,000 troops had been used In this ven cloud lifted. Since that time a number the historio French fortress, known though ture, supported by a mighty fleet. 81 ships have been sunk by Oerman and Aut out many centuries at the gateway to battleships, rive British and one French, trian tub ruarme, but the rules or Interna five Uonal have been generally observed. great comfort France. For months the defenders were tent to the bottom aa well at tome law "Vs. withstood a storm at tha fury or which the minor craft and the casualties were Another Caused Removea, stood by root, almost world a?nasi. Foot officially reported to be almost equal cause or rrlctlon between the by Inch, tha Oermans forged forward, Another great efficiency Inch the original number of the expeditionary United States and the centra powers was with t reckless disregard of their lives, force. This waa the result or six months during the year, since the a tenacity and eool courage which was or alto removed of soma tha most sangntniry righting outbreak of the war certain propagandists only equalled by the herolo determination or the war. to muni- great economy or On a an bad been busy Instigating strikes the French. June unofficial of 10,000 Troops. contracts with or Oerman at Verdun Surrender tion rectories which had estímala the losses The second of British was the In endeavoring In ways the at the appalling figure of disaster the the allies and other placed total or 10,000 troops under Oeneral with For hit ac- great beauty 450,000. rouget way surrender to Interfere this trade. The assailants their Kut El Amara on or Dr. a miles or Townthend to the Turki tt tivity in this respect the recall to within about three and hair Tigris. This expedition had made a ror several weeks have the Constantin Dumbta,, Austrian ambassador, the fortress, but dash more than 300 miles up the Wilson In Sep- so no progress and the force sensational wat requested by President No other popular priced car is complete. reported further river In an attempt to seize Bagdad. it The following December, their attacks appears to have lessened. tember. for of Was within ten miles or the city when It was similar reasons, tha president requested the Franr o British Offr Iva. decisively defeated by tha Turks and forced recall of Captain - and Captain von Yet price $635 is within the reach of all. The orrenstve on the Som- to rail back too miles. Here tt was sur- Papen, naval and military attaches respec- the me opened on July l, ISIS. It was preceded rounded and forced to surrender after a re- tively to me German embassy. A number by a bombardment or unparalleled dura- lief force had made several vain efforts at or convictions were obtained tn the criminal tion and Intensity, featured by the appear- recua. courts to other cases and the propaganda Order yours today. ance of new and gigantic British howltiers. Two new nation s entered the ranks or ceased. Under this awful hurricane or big gun fire the belligerents during the year. On October Apart from events tn the actual war the at- the Oerman rirst line defenses crumbled IS, 1915, Bulgaria threw in her lot with the eos the most striking event or the year- tn When the British and French troops ad central powers and on March 9, teto, connection with the conflict wat an upris- vanced they reported that they found the declared war on Portugal after the ing In Ireland to April. The outbreak wat trenches In which there was not a single republic bad seized all Oerman ships In- organised by a society known at the Sinn survivor, only the deed guarded the silent terned In her ports. Fein, committed to the principie of an In- rifles and machine guns. Oerman first The entranre or Bulgaria Into the arena dependent Ireland. Bloody righting took lines were carried over an extant of twen was signalised by a combined assault on place In Dublin tn which hundreds of lives miles and the second positions Serbia by Austria, Oermany and Bulgaria were lost and the heart or the business sec- pierced tt certain points, but up to the prts which resulted In the complete overwhelm- tion destroyed, at a coat or many millions ant tha righting has bean indecisive In so far ing of the hopelessly outnumbered Serbians or dollars. The fighting was sporadic else- as the rorcing of the Oermans to withdraw and the subjugation or their country. The where In the islands and or minor Import- their mala lines It concerned. The fight remnants or the Serbian army were driven ance. The revolt waa finally crushed and lng his been or the bitterest possible des- across the frontier Into the wilderness or ringleaders executed. It led, however, or the cription and the reporta press corre Albania whence they were retcued by the to an agitation which resulted to the gov- spondents at the front teem with accounts British, French and Italians. They were ernment preparing a temporary home rule or the most amazing heroism and devotion shipped to Corfu, where they were re- bill which it expects to pass through parlia- New Series on both stdet. Instances have been re- organized and and later, to the ment this rail. or tola survivor or company, of i 00 .000, joined Model 75 B corded tha t number about the Csat wounded and without hope, who manned t foreet at Salonika. The survivors stent's Arret. machine gun and rought to the last amid or the Oalllpoll campaign were alto gath- The day trier the outbreak or tne rebel- the bodies or his comrades; or Isolated de- ered tt the Grecian seaport at well at t lion Sir Roger Casement, formerly In the tachments who stood of r their roes ror days large British army from Egypt. This com- British consular service, was arretted on until succor reached warn or oeath; or bined force Is estimated at 600,000 men and the weat coast or Ireland, where be had at- surgeons who bound up the wounds Is persumably being bald for an attempt tempted to land t cargo or arms tent from or their raptor or heroic rescues or the to wrest Serbia from the Bulgarians. Oermany. He was tried later lor high wounded comrades under fire and or count- - The principal success won by Austrian treason and sentenced to death. No deftuite figures can be given or the cost or the (rest war to blood and gold, but the most reliable estimates present figures to vast that they become practically mean- ingless In March. 1916. the United States general army staff estimated that the total The Glory of losses to men to all the belligerents since the war began were ti.uM.otai. Of this num- ber France was debited with too ,000 dead, Motherhood Oermany tan ,000 dead, RuaaUn 1,000.000 dead. On June to a British governmejS esti- is the privilege mate of German casualties, staled r have Yours been compiled rrom ofrtrtal Oerman casu- to watch and cherish your alty lists, gtvt tne total or iti,etr. At til baby's life by patient, the belligerents its', r.eaaed Issuing casual- ty lists ror public consumption the exact tireless devotion hour by rigurea ror any country are unavailable. hour and day by day. Cesto U7i.ete.eet Weekly. Yours is the wonderful Aa to lbs money question figuras are more reward that cornea when reliable but still vague. The present sums life flourishes. which are to beyond anything previously that little known to international finance, to impossi- Above all, yours is the ble of any human comparison that they be- 4 cylinder an Woo Strtxevmllne body come little more then a Jumble of rigures. motor bore duty to see that his food In March Dr. Karl Heirerrtcb, secretary of 3" s Electric light. is right, for the food mat the imperial treasury or Germany, estimated 5" stroke gtfVJ that the war was costing all the combátante Electric starter more than all else. . ters aw SmjOSOO t week or eleven and a halt tires I Nurse your baby of coarse. If you can't wean him on billion dollars a year William Mlchaellt. nott-skl- ds on roar Magnetic-Speedomete- r Snnlher German financial expert, put 311 marly cost at the vastar sum or Cantilever rear biliiuns and other financial authontiet gave $020 pringa Complete equipment even higher figures UoiSer Nestlesfi ftMl On July 17 Hrglneld McKenna. British (A Feed Wet e Chancellor of the Exchequer, staled in Citulili tk gente of Commons that tira expendí tures fur Greet Britain atone war fSVISt,- - daily Ht did not say. however, bow sum taw eebr aa raw much of this incredible El Paso Overland Company, Distributors San at tea raw Weat) Bilk, Th. tt.m.m tt tea grael eeale aad tar aar eapentt. shsaaseeaiearritre-'-Vi snUklerewcow'e raar kaaur VrlUiin tha last few aarrarra Ska MM miU Ir . great far tha Mar atestase Saa tea , a Trial bren some talk ol ueara kt 120-2- 2 Cow aula la nasal fat calva, eat aIJ trierirj-- ia atnt lisa uaere ny San Francisco St. bittee. sal la has u.4i...iuL .otila unomcisi ara atetases, alaeitaerta. erarles various countries, but lastre gato re east eerjva B eaaxrxaar aa bean Utile Ukll.eUon thai the chancelleries Is tm carried to trxMae ta sew e COtSF AWT of kurofx are at present seriously consider The Willy Company, Toisxio, Ohio I la ether s ttVTLt. I000 ear Sfa or buaiilittes. Beast raar estar e 1? SI I In A." 1 turn ra ska ...rralarPkUi lUMMIaaloN HOVE " trial eejre ist 11 r,,i repondem Ker9eeSr' July a ( hartes H Dun rts rea swt tea aaat aav'e t I Or (lit urtilllir rasters' eawara. sstnaee Mi V ruTnT tneue uy tne res ta that at esses) rear hear. y uf Osier 1 h.. t.. at uuittory uf. law FaupUs Ice EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, JULY 30. 1916. GREATEST ERA OF PROSPERITY EL PASO HAS EVER KNOWN IS DAWNING, SAYS REALTY DEALER

BraMlent of th ResJ Estate Exchange Says This City Is Rugs At Much Grass Getting Beneficial Publicity Through the Soldier.

B lin l on the eve of one of the rreet I. W. Philips hta Jim completed three at era of prosperity the city Imi (von nice bungalows in Piedras street at a coal of fx.isai each laown. Tin is the opinion of R. E. . company president of the pim Meal f sute The Manhattan Heights has Just h completed the paving of Wheeling street Mr. In Mm Excitante Sherman haa been r in I tin u. Louisiana with asphalt at a real Mata business in El Paso ror many coat or (3. ton. federal street from Luna to Cost asphalt. years, and he hat never "-- the time Park ttreet It being paved with Wholesale Thla will The bad prospecU aa stretch cost 1600. coin when th rlty such britrhl fiction or this job will rorm the last "link at prM.ni In a paved maw ay from the foot of Mount The mobiiuatlon or apprntimaicly an.aon Prahklln to lha Port Bliss car line, a día- national guardsmen and regular soldiers In teme or about two miles. HIS aidvertuement outline the crowning bargain event of the until next season. Therefore, we have decided to offer them to you El Paao Mr. Sherman retards aa Uia greaieet felt of rraa d editing th city haa aver Three Bungalows Bold. entire sutamer at the big new Rogers Store. Io fact, our records this week AT WHOLESALE COST! This is positively the biggest feM. Among the Important real estate dealt or before baa Saardaaaea HurpriMtl. the week was one negotiated through the indicate that never this atore offered such splendid values opportunity you have ever had to purchase a good rug for little "The greater majority of the members of Really company. In tint deal in ta Rug Department. Here ia the whole story: We have just Ota national guard who arc now aMttonad in W. I, Field acquired three bungalowa on money. They are here in all sixes and colors, just unpacked! the El Paao," aald Mr. Sherman, "rama here Idalta atreet between Lackland and received a big shipment of Grass Rugs on which the delivery ia with the expectation of rinding a aqualld In firandview, for ea.MO, and a bunga- moat attractive rugs you ever saw. A glance at these prices will Iliaca of adobe houses, and they found low in Highland Park ror ag.lao. Por THREE MONTHS LATE. We are more than knee deep in the or I.. one of Oka moat modem rltlaa In the United consideration (11,000 J. Favter secur- Mr. or summer season now and we do not propose to carry these ruga over convince you that this is a sale of more than ordinary importance. mate i Instead or adobe they found ed rrom Field ten acres land alt brlrk structures. It waa revela- miles down the valley This la a highly Unproved ranch, as the PI. L. Metióla tion to many of them to find Kl Paao to be known owe of tna moat nearly fireproof rltlaa In homestead tract. the United States. They found beautiful The adobe houae on the corner or Aouln parka where they experted little else but El Paso and Fourth slreeta Is being torn Rug, Grass Rug, deten. They found a rlty that will meas- down to make room ror a two atory alora Grass ure up with any of the tame alia in the and hotel building, which will United Btataa. by Harry Turner at a coal of 114,000. plans Size 18x36, Size 24x48, "Ail of thlt meant that every national for the building were prepared by Hi tun ton guardsmen brought to EI Paao by this A Lelbert. Offered This Special This mobilisation order la sending noma to bla The property at the romar or Kansas or or and frlenda two three pottrardt letters overland streets waa sold laal week by W. Week Only each ieh and In every one of thorn he la H. Long, lo Ous Momeen ror a cash at Week at or talllM aomethlnr of the advantages this or MIAMI. Mr. Mom sen hat just placa. closed a contract with loe Morgan for the Wholesale 55Í Wholesale I 27Í npurrh.sahle Adverttele. erertion of a ralnrorred concrete building, TMa la a class of advertising that rannot which will contain the store and salea Each Price, Each be bought It is the most dlrert and bene rooms or the Myers company, wholesale Cost, nclal advertí sing that any city ran have. Implement dealers. The building Is to cost If El Paao did not meaaura up to the stand- about 9o,ooo. ard it would be bad advertising, but there The Hotel Oregon building on South la little danger of any of the soldiers sta- Oregon was week any atreet completed last tioned here sending home damaging and within a thort time John it Fulkerson. publicity about this city. The people of ssee of the second floor of the building, R1 Paao, realising the value of having the experts to have his furniture Installed and añidiera here, are eiteodlng them almost be ready to open the place to the public. Grass Rug, every courtesy All or Every housewife should avail possible. this makes one a good Impression and will redound to lha This Is of the most modern small In the city. will be nrty-sl- Size 36x72, good Of bótele There this rlty. heated rooms, with hot and cold herself of this unusual oppor- When la many or steam tola trouble over the In every room and every will In all proba water modern Offered This guardsmen stationed here convenience. The building la located near tunity to secure, at absolute bUtty remain They will become saturated the heart or the husmeas district and la with thlt spirit of the west and will caat very accessible. Week Only thatr lot with the llvest city In the ('lilted wholesale cost, one or more of Btataa. Two or the stores on the first floor have Real to been rented. The West Texas Saddlery these splendid rugs. Such prices At 95 Estate Be.eflt Actual "The aoldlera are turning loose an company will occupy one of the buildings, A com of money In every and the Bunsow supply Commission amount this city pany are seldom made. Cost, Each day TMa money Is going Into the another. Three of the stores have not correrá yet rented of the business men or El I'aeo and It will been eventually rind its way bark Into real estate. Thla building was erected at a coat or "Usually the brltk drmand for rent about $46.noi by Howard heuses and apartments does not herrín until Really company or St. Louis. This rtrin Is September. Local dealers are already ex- represented locally by Havle brothers. periencing a heavy demand for rent , Grass Rug. Here Is a Rug That 6x9 GRASS RUG. These Rugs both residence and business. "In the face or all these cirrumstanrea I Large Mining Deal at reel confidant that this city is about to ex- "Just Fits1' in Any Home. Size Are Going to "Move" Rapidly. perience the most profitable era or lu en- Silver City Planned tire e listen, e While Will They Will Not Be There It considerable building activity In Ry Times special Correspondent. 4x7. They Las. They Permitted to $1.65 Manhattan Heights, the addition which Is Silver City, W, M July n. A merger or being put on the market by Leavell A extensive mining properties in the pinos Be Sold at Wholesale Price of Stay On Our Floor Long at the bberman. Altos distrlcL nine miles north or this rlty, a T Oeorga W. Elliott Is building a modern which Is now In process or consummation, B bungalow In Wheeling street at a cott or will result In the largest mining deal or the Each . Wholesale Price of, Each ax .MO. year. .... SUac King la planning to build a beauU Arcordlng to authoritative reporta, a cor- rul ItlOO home at the corner or Wheeling poartlon will take the Copper Ill over Savanna and Kbit streets. company holdings, lire ;. A C. Mining A E. H. Orimth hat under construction a Milling company properties, the Silver Hill beautirul bungalow In Hold street between nunc and other claims. lie properties em- Elm and Louisiana streets. brace gold, sliver, copper, lead and xlnc and GRASS RUG. Size GRASS RUG. We Do GRASS RUG. A Big The home or L. W. Horrerker, a beauti- with a company backed by surriclent capi- rul two story retldence which cost lajxin tal to operate them would become among has Just been completed. the largest producers In the southwett. 8x10. Those Not Recall Offering Rug at a Tiny Price. Do Their Shopping You a More Splendid Size 9x12. As Long El $C.85 Sunday Services in Paso Churches Early Will Be Value. Size 9x9. $05 As They Last They to Buy Them rtr, 'B - Offered at Wholesale Will Be Offered For, SUNDAT Cost Each S SCHOOL Each . . . . of, Each SUPEHINTDTB.

BAPTIST Calvary Houston Square o. J. Wade t go II 00 7tt C. V. Hare. BOI Montana street THESE PRICES ARE NET CASH; COME EARLY MONDAY MORNING Mat Kl i'aeo C. H. Riddle a 11 00 7 at, T. A. Whitley. asi Alameda, ftrst Williams 40 Mat I ? got Magorrin avenue. Highland Park I. - Langatoa a lloo' l.Bu Dakota and Gold. Mexican - a C. l ares 11 to A. Mallet. 701 Stanton. Grand View Baptist Mlaalon.B. L. Halloway 00 R. M. Denmao. dalla and Mylaa. CATHOLIC CO Barry ROGERS FURNITURE Immaculate Conception Edward Campbell and Myrtle. lo.ao Guardian Angel Albert Ollbert 00 207-9-1- 7.00 1 NORTH STANTON STREET Kart Fruta. jq aerad Heart KL laagulrra 7: Mt B. oregotj. .) tea) 7 it (power house connection! ur aervlre Active construction work Started July. Rata at PreaMdle. Kl InuUvi .C Traarheea (ttea. 4x5 1 t feet openlnf: sitíele abutter W0. Tex., IBM Tk I Kl Presidio. July ..The first rain of INFORMATION REGARDING balance valve control rates, four balanced ronerew) pvaured tn mm ACCURATE First dam. iuB. the year came with a terrirtc wind Mon to 4 vajvea. I reel diameter openln 111. II day arternoon it blew down a or ..J. B. Alie IRRIGATION PROJECT IS COMPILED Tbe lower three peoatock rate nd the Completad 1916. number two sluice rate are twenty feat above the tents in soldiers' camp. The two com- 11.00 or approximately or Pira ...9. i. at In order that the world ma- - know )usl leal renter tu jnur the river level. The lower service twu Duration cotvrretlnr. panies Pennsylvania Infantry camped in p Uva Klepliant lióles, twelve, and seven reel. The upper pentlock three year. a flat field surfer u from tee wsltr rushlnt CMWSTUjTtcigl'tC-CBjaa- Sat Reader what a munater rojee It lirauiaae are leo elfhl three tales First serv Coat, sj,000,000. dots n from tbe bills, but nv haa cooled Church B. T Shirley a Ki Imite dani. the loral rhaiulter uf rum Inches In diameter. ere thirty reel hlfher. the two upper approximately rain Bcleoer Twenty or the tmospbere and tbe Ktgtktari and 8 union. lite re hai cuuiplled a. mu- Uiruriniln apillway. la a coiubutatlon and tun- Ice tales are thirty nine reel hither. .three talles waatsn road built settled dust, both 10.00 aelr of (Ineludlng of which are yre ally by Church or enr it J w Dunn in retard to the all of the dam the type nel type. service teles admit water Into a cham LautUi railroad terminal welcomed th Harnor. the or un irackt' miles. camisera. Mpsxtssta etas ui rouatrucUuii. aiwiuul water ITve ber from which the now la refulated by lit COMOBjrOATIOrtAL prartually ever quel The Weir la m reel, divided Into puunded. and lit fart aecllont the i. un balanced valvea. i. is ordlnarly aaked about the prujert. anil Üama Rio of Is t.tOT or l All In e separate and mande aeiu It tu all the leadme; technical pub Uevation rretl feel rates are installed L- or old OPA- were checked Id sleitt llfiual liter let el structure near the eeat aide the river of St. Qetsxenu Henry taater Mrs O. Rutlelge. id alum thu statistics to roadway la 7 before Ueln sent out Hei(in. crest uf dam. bed. This structure leans ntoeu ana stoutens enfiuecr feel. main dam. separata rrom u The Committee on Military Affairs I he ilam ttliich waa uiiipleled May tt. bul LUTHERAN Bale detkUi of ou 4 By I i l l I Bvsnsapett . r. at will be urricially dedicated by Preal itakar creel. fL i t, talle, far him. it it i dUHnfl Pl'iuww leal i sere on k.lkX ( sua Wllsui). It. This dam Is the si ai ) at depth crest, cubic dt The PHtaburch DlapwU h.) !glth at deul October sblr per BS. Paul s Lutheran piece uf masonry lot In purpstat-la- feel aecund Hume dam eemoa aT.TW) The attache had flnlehed tale, of leaaona learned at alona, laiacal ouUel have a r eSiffiSrr the world. It contains auajasi cubic ia inui lurliel díamele by calilewaya aat.tuu Iseaacm tauthi ua bavek In childhood by a. few befuddled Dona. KMfooPAi. or ten reel. By tjao And a wsus o r th Chamber Ilk a atllla Deep Vkata C yards ut inetonry. derrick hu.h calm that th Alia The Isaiawl to tu creel et. the weir to By team Ik.fUO Kre the at orm bleat bureta upon It; for the Chamber waa aalevep Ml 6 rt p. reel A beat Item the cMter or tunnel outlet, is St (wet. ST. feoajd a Mur f. asatery. by or Abuluicnu rail methods ujm The chairman etretched, awakened by th Utah inember'e snort. tu r a Th arli la senl uul the i. lumber i apti il aa tare depth It Lisa) cubic reel (tot hiti ST4V (sets And yawned a fierce Invectiva telnat the coatly art of war. at. o. porter 11 00 uiiirni Kiiitaiurd in lullowlnf pej set oud ' type, Total c ties stum I.. "Incrsatv th alandln' army; No, 8! rate, u can't be done. "rMoatatU p Ua Tue dam Is uf (tavliy elralfhl I he tlisiliaite is tonlitillrd by tro root II ou 7:S C. H. Breta rían, 11IT feel us at lit tup. diameter cyltader (alee With the Primaries upon ua and th Peace crowd to be won." At labia . acre reel -. Tn rlevtllon el top la 4.11 i H t alum or t y Under eae collar la tatt. i rapacity ISHJtw And he hammered wtlh his ravl till the pride of tr!- 'wok react to at cap 1 t r rarwrii John Harper. uo tup lt. Mood sKr-- tulal capacity, i tv: cre reet. total ion, a drwavm of porcine aad vote of Kanaaaa folk, M lis roadway it ciBitn it i. fate culler total rluha th prutws-te- aaül). at.Ai.uuujjju ltoiis. capacity. alandln army, way. mJBff-.L- c it uu as, by ceuwnl lourii ki creel ol wr. la iit.Oov acre niel "lncrsaa th with lha harvest on the - reel nifh Total esusaated rapacity of spillway lo ill.aat.uuQ.uU0 cubic feel. And farm hands acarra aa hen's leath; not while Kim" has a aay " cubic par sex ThU water 11 autwad out oae root deep VVhat'o Tkw belihl o( the Un above oriwei river elevsuuu i in l 140 reel or u thunder'e the mllUhy for?'' Thla tima 'twaa Maine who .poke. W. C BaKer I would cover 4JB tatuare sail Why. Comp'ay C 1. sel is at feel at keeptn alone haw gol atltowhatjaa broke 41. son iuueil area over twice that ui the f Blfo. kacaseiion is uiuc - lU "I'm not for ueeleea army poeta, th Injuns all era dead. mtwt E"U' A A DAVIS II Medium rrom deepest e testatum This wuuld- a pipe the nrlfbl solid rot a r. water M We need a dam at Pecos PUu." the Texas aald to lav ul prnel stall It Mt ltd. coenpUted alta or Uw pottwr houae seats, slack (four member it a W. bata, ooticr! la tu urlure IJB oh. Spirit born at Concord lay the teat thai thou art dead wtX- ontt&m l taai. lit atvatiiis.w idik al la til fel cubic yard leel diameter i I U4.TUU iitttee tout, at Mar- i'Misii u. u..ii Is ) topeen rutscret ly the oeid Haa tbe gloried race of York town thy Mammon fled? iv to lite Ta spill is apeuiu U by live tout ret set Ml) llmsl around 'for tarnished i tVuw r. a eajBt j u-- r the dram, Can thla be h of Mlchujan t uii up si. aireeia atibes ol tirty ne leel clear apeu each. Maatmusu depth of water tahua words aeeall th host? .ii.si forta. of roadway i sa lac reel, everete aUotb af water. real, "I'll vote for oae battalion if Patoakay gets Ira post klesaUou it us I Tbe ot upelreea laca té I Tarw IsVitep po.U are. at each aud one at era wtdlh of reservoir, It mite, Tala of Bull Run. Ra lain River and Uu.anla.namo were tost bMr B s . u or reeervstli. at u.u. a Lspauaitm bolilla aie plated etery tan fvel .ecu uil iiutsuTale Pi siuiuui leaiUi While I'aruiiua Croeaua callad for peace at aay aa.. dostualrran aw mil.- or sur feet se eteteliuti aud eaery av freí uitdalKsu it (loualed elsui. IUm area water ll Mem th Nay has got It." aald th chairman with a ltd J it 4V.ua frtn. rruaa M t taatet sd face, reservoir lull acre. Mini, th aas tar brewed f Utitg ut buret like ai.syxpuei from hid chia MB i 1.1 teatvdallssa U eet Uret lae dam Uae iwu alulce fate sMkseliattceta Not "We're la order for adjourumeiit Lett th. chaplauu render than a ra ' la arvumd as le batow ctjaataSS- - do utile uuitr That i he fate of thle graa.1 couavtry rayáis with us. and txot with es ta staat im anitsa usue. i alea, aa Iwr ore" EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY. JULY 30. 19M From sent s ropy of Ska verdict and rtndtnx Medktfs Masnachmctis When Ifs Wash Day m Second Pennsylvania Camp of CALLES TROOPS the roort to Oonersl Callea MANY DIE FROM der guarda It planned bv nei Davis. is teamed oa svjad satatorttsY to speevent . v shooting acron the International Irne under similar elrs lattaeaa to tbe I ENGAGE YAQUIS Rodnmea HEAT IN CHICAGO Mil " tata, la toe rotare ta to too asst. no persons win bo liMntstold to cross eder except at tbs tmnggi ttton sit gad sssrtrteg wiD Ba permitted by k Down Indiana and Four Soldiers ?aori ss saoet say Oto Parson Ewoxry 30 KM fa. Battle in Saharaipa Unites Stotto torrftory who fall halt Dxtrtntr Day. Accord - District. to do to. sag ha Potasa Rata oris.

By Associated Press Officers Bid Farewell By Associated Press Douglas. Aru July w -- me nrsi en to General G. A . Dodd Chicago, ill. Jury ft Excessive best ra rmeni of do facto Msiican troops with killed a parson every to mtnotai bore today, wording to reports made to tot pottos Yatprl Indiana tinca tba resumption of the By A assets ted Press. snd coroners office. Heat prtgaytatons a1sssfsr fcw xafll campaign for their srtermlnation Heedtm artera of American Expedition in were reported by seoree, tad ooenUeea acts Senses! P. Ellas Callea, took place Thurs Mexico, July ta. (By Wireless to Columbus, of violence and accidents from murder to s day morning, when to Mexican inran trsjaa n nabsrii spil- l- are attributed to tot btgb under Colonel M. Fierros surprised to Ya- It M.. July it.) At least one hundred of- teneper ature. Tba maximum temperatura quis St their campiña place tl a spring M ficers of tot rsgiiasass stations a Vre. to- today tras M degrees, it waa estimated part or tne sanuraipa distnr-- . the western day attended tbs farewell reception m boner tonight that ttn.OM or mors persons had s few mi lea north nr Tontchl, Boasrt. visited the various during of Brigadier Oeorge a. re- bttehtt tot Bar. Fierros reported that twelve Indians and Oenersl Dodd. At tot Clarion, lbs newest maaktlptl four of bis men were killed before the tired., wbo lert for the border. one man was Via jfl In too beach, injured snd about to swwwtgOn é Indians earaped to the hills nenerel Callas track tad nsld meet here today tr ore were by when a negro soldiers swept field tn osorcotaa tba boat has reached Empalme and established his tot nearly MX) to every event. They woo first, crowd of portent triad toree their heodSksarsars there. Ives O. Lelsvler. Mex second tad way through the doors which bad been Iran consul hare, ssld today Ha Is super- - third prises In the ion yard dash, first.. Former primary show that R ft. Ortshsm carried second snd third tn the rescue race closed becsuse all the suits were in use. Villa Colonel the county, securing Ml votes to Ml for Intending the distribution of bis army and Sahua-rlp- captured first honors in tot of war. Congressmsn w R. simlth and est for through the Hermnalllo, Urea and tut LIGHT WRAPS CAItrORT ABLE Denied Permission io Tlinmas L. Blentnn. Prohibition siibrn'ssion districts for the campaign IN NSW ENGLAND STATES. carried by tt to sar For senator the vote Ns Deater to rerelgaera. serried Hordes in des. Washington. July to While light wrapt Cross Consul confirmed the report Line at Coiumbus stood: Brooks. 441: Colquitt. 490: Oilber Lttevter that perate wars comfortable ta Raw England tad ex- son, Mt: Campbell. ot Henry, Davis Colonels Boaarfo 0arela and Frederlro Most, hand to hand treme northwestern Slates today, lit: of are encamped m residents By Associated Pre II. with t msnd vmistss. encounters or tot plaint and central valley continued Columbus. X M.. July w Mlliury su the Rermudes mountain snd the southern to temperaturas Sahuarlps Hs (Connnooct Prom Pare one.) swelter under which went thorllles hecc tonight denied permission to part of the district. dentad high 104 In upper Mi- was danger to foreign- or tn ts at degrees the cross into Mexico to Jesus Bul Velsaco, Getting however, that there tbe imperial foreign office writing on ssissippi lake scores Rid of Minor oa presence, saying the Iftth and and requested snd region, snd caused s former colonel in the Villi srmy. ers account of their ttnd in oppor- or deaths the number or government troops asm tunity to engage counsel and bstt prostrations. Tomor- Velasro Mid he desired to to to Cim Details Measure that a verbal reply row beat wava In the. QrsnriM to nr of into tbs Sahuarlps district will make It im- was made yesterday stating the had the will continue receive rarload Mtr which, trial part or and he Mid, been possible ror the VlU'.stss to raid mining been fixed for today at Bruges It central the continent tpread htd (hipped from Bl Puo sdded east, pre- to Wsshlngton. July 8. Conferees on the properties successfully. thst tbe foreign office bad requested post- to too weather bureau officials that point over the Mexico northwestern t ending railroad. naval bill spent another day working oa Prívete Tucker Exonerated ponement if possible I have today received dict, the cooling effect of tot "Hud minor points or difference and will take Prom Mexican sources it was learned to- a written reply stating II was impossible ta ton high," which his moderated tempers NOLAN CIH VTV BENDS ANTI DELEGATION up the large features next week. day thst the sealed verdict asm by General grant a postponement as German submarine tures along the Atlantic coast for two days, By Times special i.nrreapondent Among memberso r the house tbe reeling T. F. Davit to Washington after tbs con- witness could not be detained further. "ihundrrsbowers. such at cooled tot South Abilene. Texas. July olan county Is said to be growing In favor of the sen clusion of the Investigation or tbe shooting "Major Neumann baa been appointed by Atlantic snd east gulf states tod tba Rocky will nd u ant' prohibition delegates to ate program as approved by the president of Antonio Rodrigues, a Mexican musician, tbe Oermsn suthorittss to defend Fryatt He, mountain region today, msy occur tomor- Major J. R. Woodworth and Ft rat Ueutnant C. P. (Chemically Pure) - - the navy en- ovsr upper Michigan, Brown, the rmnrrti.- n,mention st Hnue- and department by Private Turksr. Eleventh inrantry. In civil tifa. It an attorney and Juatlxrst row but elsewhere offlcere of the Hospital Company No. 1. Massachusetts National Saturday's PAPER. IS WRECKED BY ANORY MOB General Davit there little Immediate hop ror Guard of Boston Offklal returna from last I tirety exonerated Tucker. 'queens rounael It relief

win ttUs election," said C. B. Stevens, can- HIII!l!ll!UulllllW REPUBLICANS didate ror county treasurer. "I'm going NAME to aee personally every voter In the county berore election. I never saw so many Re- publicans in El Paso county ss there sre new." TICKET TO OPPOSE The Republican county ticket Is made up or the rollowing, all or whom were nomi- nated by the unanimous vote of the con- vention: For representative. 18th, district, COUNTY DEMOCRATS James L. Man for representative, lloth district, t. s. Ooon; for district attorney, H. L. Gamble: for county attorney, L. L. Robinson; for sheriff, J. A. smith: for El Paso G. O. P. Followers Pre- county clerk, J. D. Btikey. ror tax collec- tor, C. (J. kiefer. ror tax assessor, J. C. dict Victory Over Split Ballot Rous, Jr.; for district court clerk. F. C. Your Neighbor's Car in Fall Election. Woolburn: for county treasurer, C. B. Ste vens; ror bide snd animal Inspector, Ovil aeene; ror constable, precinct I, R. J. A. Smith to Run for Sheriff, Mitchell; ror county commissioner, pre U. S. Stewart for Commissioner ; cinct l, u. s. Sjewert; ror county com Other Strong Men in Race. mlssloner, precinct t, M. L. Cadwallader; Super-Si- x and for county commissioner, precinct I, Suppose He Buys a Hudson Howard Coffin. Victory was predicted for Republicans tn Delegetes to District Meeting. El Paso county at the Republican county Tbe rollowing delegates to the district canventlon at tbe courthouse laat night convention to be held In El Paso in August were chosen: Fred C. knollenberg, L. More than 100 local Republicans attended Davis, L. L. Robinson. the convention, which placed in tbe El Csndldstes to the elate and congressional One thing we can't forget in buying cars. That I'aso political rield a tics made up prin- district convention are: u. S. Ooen, J. A. cipally of business men. Smith, R. B. Harrison snd P. A. Hsuard. Fred C Knollenberg presided at the con "We eapert get 4,noo In El Paso to votes vention. W. H. Case was made permanent is pride of ownership. The car is a pleasure county," assist fUarle JtTiiHe" Smith, the secretary. candidate for sheriff. "Tm tolnt in to "I'm mighty pleased st the attendance or Republicans here," ssld Chairman knot vehicle. And it spoils the fun to be hope- lenberg. "I notice that nearly all or the Democratic candidates sre worried enough, about what we're going to do to come to same-cla- M the Republican convention.' knollenberg- lessly outrivaled in about the car. Grand Opening pointed to s number ui Uemocrslic csndl- - dstes standing In the door or the court room. "We want to work on the national as well as the local ticket. You sll know bow strong the feeling sgalnat ! here is Super-Si- x like-cla- ss Wilson. You want to talk 'Hughes' to the The Hudson has proved itself supreme. service. How would you feel to have a SPECIAL Democrats. There Isn't s Democrat stand- ing in the doorway there wbo can tell us With this patented motor certified a stock motor car excel yours in these respects? thst Hughes Isn't a better man than Wil- son. Thare Isn't one or them who will say -- has done no other stock car ever did. ftom the depths of his heart that he Is it what 17 Jewel Waltham or the Demo- ror the policy Wilson snd bill-climbi- Means More Efficiency 20 Year Case cratic administration. It has made faster speed. It has done better 80fo Bore. Democrats Here pick-u- p. 17 Jewel Elgin All tbe Democrats here sre sore st tbs It has shown quicker It has 20 Year Case dlsb Washington is dealing out to us. The Super-S-ix motor a Hudson invention adds Many Democrats who will vole ror Hughes gone 1819 miles in 24 hours, breaking the best will vote tbe remainder of tbe Republican 80 to motor efficiency. That is, from a small, ticket, right straight down too line. former stock car record by 52 percent Ths une thing we have to rear here It light motor it gets 76 horsepower. The same size vote, slresdy has Jawa tbe illiterate which been It race cars by the dozen cars of a organised, snd msy be figured on by our has beaten of motor heretofore yielded us 42 h. p. Lpponents st so many dollars a bead. "The SI Paso Republicans haven't any- very costly type. It has shown much more power one bui clean man on their ticket. The This result comes through ending vibration, the people are willing to believe all that tbe than this sise motor ever before developed. It has Democratic Tactions have said about one cause of motor friction. It gives such smoothness another. There are an immense number proved matchless endurance. oi silent Republicans in El raso business as you never knew before. And it means a long-live- d men who do got care to advertías the rtct, Suppose your neighbor gets car. you, but who will vote for Republican candi this And motor. date. "Tba Democratic candidate ror county while paying as much or more, get something less clerk was accused or being s Republican, It comes in a car, evolved under Howard E. Coffin, and the accusation actually gained msny efficient How will you feel when the two cars meet? votes for blm- which has long stood for the acme in fine engineer- Be going to sung In "No publican is mud best-equipp- this campaign. Lst all that come from tbe ing. And it comes in the handsomest ed Democratic aids." What These Things Signify $10.50 Caa't kef oree Primary Law. model that Hudson has ever designed. As a , means of Introducing to "Unela Jimnua" Smith and chairman the people of El Paao this beau- knollenberg explained that the Democratic you it may tiful new Jewelry Store, wo aro primary law would not hinder Republicans You do not care for reckless speed. Such If your neighbor gets it and don't talon-day- from voting aa they please It toe Rovetn offering for tomorrow ) Super-Si- perform- only, one of tbe greatest bar election. "The law was passed by the power is rarely needed. But the x has mean to you years of regret In looks and Watch Specials ever made In Democrats to hold their men in line." this city or elsewhere. the letter. "Tbe provision that those wbo the capacity. You know it to be the master of the ance, in prestige and endurance, he will have the look part in the Democratic primaries csn stop and- - we Just think what not vols sny ticket they choose is illegal, road. It will do what you want with- advantage of you. Your Hudson really are offering We are and cannot be enforced.' placing a limited number of an official should teak to - "If election out taxing ability. And dealer can prove these things be- these high grade railroad prove that a voter cast a ballot other than half its that Some Hudson Records watches on aale. A 17 Jewel a Dasaocrauc one, explained ' uncie jun yond any possible question. And Elfin or Waltham movement, smith, "be would be committing a means economy. guaranteed by ua personally, as ate" csssttrxn sxeyoa vtetxsu by a cejrttosd stock car penitentiary offense. He would have or stock tisiasa. and iSkng at torsoer you know them before you wall as the manufacturer, to open the voter's ballot, and this Is illegal should will cover more ground than stock cara So three testa. Mop parf sat railroad time, C. Steven aaid the Democrat were It S. gstilste high-gra- de car. which means a variation of not relying upon tbe moral obligation aasumed 10 In 80 miti.. 21.4 tato., ni attates buy any going any 7 txxar- - over If esconda a month. This lien a voter took part to the nemo, ram lesser cars, without faster. 7447 milae par hour tor a psxaessxsjw Is as near perfect as any watch tag, car wttn driver asad Super-Si- in unary. There Is no moral obligation. get-aw- ay Any x owner there are can bo made to run; In a he said. "A man is emulad to change bis This because of its quick In one Hour with driver god case that we guarantee to 7 cost- years. mind, or lo vote for whatever candidate or stop. to a pee naer tosrx -' now more than 10,000 can tell you wear for St This watch as chooses '' when you slow down start to 50 mflsa an hoar to laJ aee. has been eold by retail Jewelers I H Uial he Davis said was inforsned OtsasafloaUÜiasxstoof IBS W mates par bessr. what it means to own one. all over the United Statoa from that one judge In the Democretu pruna I special price greatest supremacy of ISIS sasJlee las M hours at lit lit. Oar nee had oounied more than toe bailóle oa Its that HUDSON MOTOR CAR COMPANY tomorrow (Mon- w hich toe pledge to vela nr tba BtsSstv 7va day) onfy $10.50 crstlc candidates wee scratched out. endurance means years of extra DCTBXWT, BOCK HOTIffi We will allow a ton se celery Case distributed cards to at days' on these watches, aad givea to every Bepublican in SI Paso Tba trial gas If for any reason yon are dis- cards, aiattlg. ara to as i aunáis so 1475 OlJW Stjémm mi Oksxstt etwasf Clgatrf Soduu satisfied with your purchase, we ocuair Beaaibllsaa baadaasrteri st BU f at will refund your moaey. same MtlU buttsuat- tddlnoasl cards will bt price as paid. xui ui use signers "bl tots way we as poet to esubltsb aa Malm estate of Be Waooh H assailing Deyaitssusl procure a t ow publicans aad to tot neate ThÜdmmJP a i no every Bipabllnss ta tot itaaty," AS Work Caaraniavtil I tear. New Mexico Freight Rate Raises Suspended Nauman Motor Sales Co. FEDER&CO. J tur to Tas area ti i to to freight rasas aa coal aad sobs aai w. ir Antonio St. FjHort eiOO Wanltnl, tmd RatoJL o the fsaats e railroad from gsttolS S " Ss AadoosoSt xte Maatco to petals la Texas snd Louis 21', usas were esdartd M apángate tetter by tot Mail ui asa niBBif Hi ggearsists igstairis ciswjn Mains, Aa All asides' To. will be suede so datársela i use 10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. JULY 30.

Bakery at Fori Bliss Where 11,000 Loaves of Bread Are Baked Daily for CAMP OF EIGHTH 29jm Soldiers Here Jess Willard Says: MASS. INFANTRY BEING IMPROVED "Take Nuxated Iron plenty of 'stay A hitherto untold secret of his Board Sida About TenU, Brick If you want UrderlaM Water Faucet and there' strength end endurance great victory over Jack John- Othar Work Is Dona. and health end muecles like son and Frank Moran. When the members of the Flrhth Mass and take simple nuxited Iraa, I am ron huseita mrantry return to their cimrters mine. vlnced that the lives of thousands of per. sons might be 'saved, who bow 0a every at Camp cotton after their tow of outpost year from pneumonia, grippe, consumption, duty along the border from Fort Htnrrwk Ordinary Nuxated Iron will kidney, liver and heart trouble, etc. The to La Cruces tasty win be surprised I real and true cause wtuch started their diseases wis nothing more or laa than a the improvement la their ramp During often increase strength and weakened efrdtllon brought on Mr lack of their absence captain Charle H Morse of :ron In the blood iron i auimaasy aer essary to enable your blood to change rood company F, having placed endurance of the delicate ner- It board sides nio living osanr. wunui u. no maiir round the tents, the 6tter faucets under-lai- ...aÜkfl I iow much or what yoa eat. your fand with brick bat, the latrine arranre- vous folks 200 per cent in uereiv pastes through you without dome ments perrerted and other Improvements ou any rood You don't get the siren glh out of It and at conieqwence you be made at the camp The rcglmeni will be two weeks' time. t looking way rrom ramp which rem weak nale and alcklv lust the for II day, like a plant trvmg to grow in soil deft will give Captain Morae ample time clent of Iron. Ir you are not strong or well complete Ihe good work be ha started. to make the follow ..n, who I you owe It to yourself Inrvg you or Colonel Frank A. '.raves, commander of se i ICurof. has bcon rpensny avret t am s Inr test: Sea how can work the Eighth regiment, yesterday began thnrauah lnMtlcmlfin Into th ml mmv at Uta. how far you ran walk without becoming Inspection of Ihe company ramps of hi im .craiath. i an4 eadwanae .: Willanl, tired. Next take two rive train tablets of sad Uwt starvsJawa vsiaa at nmimá Iraa aa a ordinary nutated iron three times per dav regiment, which are scat tared frota La uwiaUi btilktae after meals for two week. Then lest Cruce to Fort Hancock. Veterdy OH itrengtb again tnd ee ror yourseir Cotoswl rode through the lower valley and .1EW YfTRK Upon being interviewed at Gar much you hive rlned. I have seen visited Ihe camps Ysleta. ( lint. Fabens. his apartment In the Colonhil Hotel, Mr. doxens of nervous people who it "Vea, I a He Willard said: have chemist with were lllnr the while, double thetr Fort Hancock and other point also ma to study tbe value of different food entirety get visited the ramps at smelter and Ihe strength nd endursnre and rid the and product as lo their power to produce of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and cement worka. Today he will Inspect th. great strength and endurance, both or other troubles ln rrom ten to fourteen days' camp at canutillo and Laa' cruces. which are so necessary in the prue ring time simply by taking Iron In the proper Ta Give Aataleur Play. on bli recommendation I have often taken form. And this after they had in some Klghtli to nuaated iron and I have particularly advo- cases been doctoring for mmtrii without Tt.e legiment planning (Iva cated free use of Iron all those or by Knemv" the by obtaining iny Jenerit. But don't take th all of the five acta "Held the who wish to obtain great physical and men- rVdured acetate charming old rorms of Iron. Iron or at an entertainment soon. Three tal power. Without It I am sure 'that I tincture of iron simply to sve a rew cents. H 1 El Pao girl hve agreed to Uke the fe- would never have been able to whip Jack You must take Iron In s form thai ran be A male parts. The was held Johnson so completely and easily as I did. and ssslnillate.1 like nux- first rehearsal easily absorbed yesterday. Ote young ladies, properly and while trilntnr for my bout with Frink ated Iron If vou wish It to do von any Moran. I regularly took Iron and being present. nuxated rood, otherwise It may prove worse than chaperoned, mu certain that It waa a most important uaeless. Tbe simal corps of the Massachusetts Tactor In my winning so easily.'- continu- located at camp Many an athlete or prize righter has won national guard, which la ing Dr. mailer said. "Mr. Wlllard's case is he knew the secret She only one or I the day simply because lershlnr. drew IDS horses rrom hundred which could rite of great strength and and rilled iPaMB iaaaafl uaaaaaaaaS afl jft from my own personal etperlence which endurance laVS slalom. Fifty additional horses and provea power his blood with Iron before h went Into the to fully conclusively the astonishing has gone tn in- tome mules still are needed equip or vi- arfray. while miny another nutated Iron to restore strength and simply the Iron. siaaaaafsaiS lite corps. These will be Issued to tbe tality even in complicated glorious defeat for lack'or jfWr H ' ihhT tÜHm most chronic E. Bauer, M. D. el. oigantzatlon on Monday. condition Private W. B. Campbell or the signal !'ot long ago a man came to me who wa a old. and asked me lo VOTE Nuislnl Iron, re nm man dart abm kg Mr corps recently received a consignment of nearly hair century niMUrln. Regret renwdv. Mit rive him a preliminary ror life Riiifr. Is not patent nrr balls rrom Manager i.tnnin of examination or which it wall known tn i unUti an.l .vhnaa trnn bats and I was to find hltn prescribed v Tlie boys imme insurance. astonished coniitjtuanta ara wtileta the Boston Red Sot. with the blood pressure of boy or 90 ami aeaorwliara Cnllke Ilia older Inxfaiul. Iron diately tried them out on a Fort bii as full or vigor, vim and vitality a a prorturti. It la eaallv aaalmllaUsi. .Ires not Inline the baseball a(gregatlon the guardsmen young man: In Tart a young man ho really teeth, masa uiara maca, ma- upe. i i ir .uiaax... and oontrafr. It la a tKetmt remedy. In ill 9 was notwithstanding his ce. The secret the defeated the regulars II to is H lndlaesU.ai U well as for ne rumkmu he said was taking Iron had mn- - I oree privates nuxated iron I consider that plenty of Iron la my lltlons. The uf. turrr have sOs treat filled hint with lire. At SO he in Nuxatawrl Lmi, that thev fftr to foiffltt B. Login or the head renewed Mood ia the aeoret of my great (tn Private frauds was in bad health, st tfi careworn and near 1M Oil lo any charitable Intltiulm If they cannot quarters company or the Mnth Massachu- ly all In. Now at 50 a or vitality power and enduranoe. take anv man or wnntiiu umlrr 0 who lack., Iron and miracle or orer ln A 1 Colonel tn emita their strerujlh 200 r oeiiL for setts infantry, woo brother of and his rare beaming with the buoyancy no I weeks time, provided they Hire srtoH orfanle Logan of tbe Ninth, yesterday wis pro of youth. As have said a hundred times also offer to rrfu.td your money M It or trouble. Thev to sergesnt. Privates Joseph over, iron It the greatest all strength not at laaat druhle your trenrt't end endwr moted t. would only away tinte by McOialh of the same builders, ir people throw nos In ten days' It b dlp'nal o connell and Edrar patent medicines and nauseous concoction Iru4f ro company, were alio made sergeants it the sahie time. There was received yesterday at tne of tbe second Massachusetts wa Angele papers as tor Walton today, '"that 1're.sldcnt WHlWl Elevan thousand toares of fine bread Fort Bliss a post bakery In a brick maker are easily supplying all or the headquarter CHAPLAIN WM ATKINSON quoted In the Los Mr has a consignment of toHet articles election or Hughes and the will be and that his majority building, but bakery Is bread soldiers an enlarged force of brlrade predicting the ara baked every morning In El Paso In tins maklnr bar, jtUi and medical supplies rrom Mr. and Mr. carrying or New Mexico by the Republican this year In 'New Mexico will be larger only for tbe In post; the bread bakers Ihey could supply approximately army ovens for at.ooo soldiers of soldiers the FahnstocJt of Bolton. The supplies except United sen- than it was in lU. Every sign points to bake the Camp Cotton, camp Pershing and Camp to.uuu TIM Ivanta division will Harry candidates, for States for ntv were sent to men of the brigade. ator, Democratic success In both state and na- Uncle Sam. woo are now sojourning In and la sll being in Held ovens soon be provided with u field bakery of the i Stewart msde On at camp of the city. Rich In nutriment, be. Thursday night the Walton ne talked poli- tion.'' about the amber which are operated by a rerular army its own. however, and there will lit Klghtli Senator declares In color and taaty to the palate, the bread machine gun company of the tics with no newspaper man or anyone That the purported Interview published field bakery company. neresslty for crowding tbe present fa smelter two Is as rood aa any obtainable anywhere Infantry ner the else while In Los Angele. In Los Angeles were manufactured out of This Held bakery company operataa six duties. stolen or chewed- - their or and better than the average civilian can Twenty one additional regiments are ex muleta were either He went to Calirornla for a brief "vaca- whole cloth was the positive statement "units" at Camp Cotton and nine units at la orr. purchase. pected to ..me to Faso before the ml halter rope two and wandered ins tion and no one wa mare surprised by Senator Walton. Bliss. A ol one field morning. Twenty - two thousand pounds of Fort unit consist ends, men who anules were rone yesterday the purported Interview than tbe senator oven and a of to operate It. lilla movement but Ihe men of Company "straight" flour are used dally In the force men every Oa Friday morning tbe Mmaeir. To some persons their memories are their The at Bliss make will make tbe bread are ready and a manufacture of tbe lt.OOO two pound nine units Fort the of I. of the Eighth Naasachueetts, arrested mm "I am absolutely conridant." (aid Sena worst enemies. the HjOuu st camp soldier will have his mil rallón fresh or bridges loaves. The flour comes from the best bread for soldiars every day. Japanese at the end the railroad Stewart aud sll of the troops remaining bread near the cement works. rrade of hard Kansas wheat. II Is tin All In the 1.1 Paso mili across the river at Camp Pershing. The six units si camp of the bakeries crossed the boundary bleached and Is the whole rraln with the tary district, which extends rrom hi Peso The Jap bad Just CosKlS are baking Ihe loaves that are con- rrom Metlco and wa armed with a exception of the two outer rosta of bran, to Marra, are under superviví. hi line sumed dally by the Michigan and Massa- lee He was brought Into town and which are removed. The reault Is an am- Captain C. A. Bach, bakery Here niiinl. I chusetts troops and the regulars at camp orricer. bridge mutua I ber colored loar which Is full or bone and D. lias sent across the International Cotton. In El Paso Sergeant J. WMdden muscle maklnr material and which has lisrge or Held bakrry company Mo. is his run. the right taste. With these fifteen units Ihe army bread which Is producing the tl.ooo loaves dally . ARMY ORDER! San Francisco to take charge of the med- special to the Morning Time. ical department of the army. He ha also Development Company Will Washington, July Colonel Eben Swift, TROOPS EXPECTED been sent as lnsiector. Captain Weed was general stafr. detailed acting commandant Important very much pleased with tbe progresa made Bore for Ud on Kanch of army aervlces scuoola. Major Jame W. st the ramp, and will soon be Joined M.Andrew, general taXr. detailed as assist by two assistants. Much or captain Weed's Slate Senator B. F. Pankey in.,ini aiinv service school!. The Popular Dry Goods Co. offers AT DEMINO TODAY time wilt be devoted to looking after the Following orricers detailed a instructor for sale at a bargain, two Otis Elec- completion or the hasp tala. Special to the Morning Times. in army service schools: Captain LeRoy B. Flske. Two units or the camp N. M., . Sap Mimav. cavalry: Harold Elevators; Cash are practically Santa Fe. July The Cris Howell tric also Lamson'i completed and others will he erected rapll-l- Twenty eighth mrantry; Wiley tobal ranch or State Senator B. F. Pankey. on..ben Kinir. Seventh In Carrier System. Apply to A. Schwartz I in- - A half mile of latrtasi are. in readi- i..r.nr. Everything Readiness for ap- ...... i i . start, in ness and a large force of workmen are near Law, this fotinty. comprising vv m.. sixteenth to- i -- cavalry: "The Popular." Three Regiment of the putting others in shape lor use. proximately 83.0DU acres of land, was i.m, H.,, ,r jr.. Eighth First at , i.--.. i?,..nk Mo,, reman. Eighteenth In Delaware Several units or the shower bath system day leased for oil exploration work by the Guard. fanlry. Jaime .Nadal, Porto Rico rerlment Chaplain William Atklnaon of the are Installed and things W.U be In read! New Mexico Petroleum and Oas Develop- Van Arnew, Thirty-firs- t Michigan regiment la neas the of regi- infantry; Veterinarian Robert fac By Times Special Correspondent. for reception at least a company, which week closed a tor Episcopal a I ment this lirih cavalry. of a Detroit church. Denting. S M. re orí ment day. Captain treitilnger very ...... sr. camarón July Advices ved contract with ihe state land nuns Besides his official religious duties. from nulllary headquarters to tbe much pleased with the manner la which commissioner. i.i director Chaplain Atkinson acta aa erfect Iteming Is :n or relieved (eneral staff. al(i0 official Dem-ln- r the completion Robert P Krvten, tot the or Re.nnn that the first troop tram will reach at army war college. postmaster of the regiment auad also ovar the Southern Pacific some time the camp. acres of state land. It Is posslbe that handlea money orders for the boys. today, sute that everything Is In readl-na- some ddltional prívale land may lie ,.r,.., .ii.iIh.i (eneral stall corps, vice He la popular with both officers and the or Environment and heredity are Insepara- leased by the company, and It ts probable for three regiments, first lot captatu S. J. Bayard Scblndel. captain nay enlisted men of the regiment. troops being rrom Delaware. ble. They work together like force and that rrom 7S to too well will be drilled Captain Frank W. Weed ha matter. the next two or years. arrived from witbln tbree Assignments to general Glade, aa terson, coast artillery; Herman Fifth II French lo central department Infantry. chief of start of that aeparuueni. ur. captain Malin Craig, rirat cavalry, Mexico nt Colonel trans w. uw, examining board, Douglas, Arts., vice Silver City, New . . -r . r Lieu ..hi- that deoartinenl captain WUIUin D. Chltty. First cavalry; - F. Martin. Major aainiiam Second Lieutenant iamei A. Pickering, coaal fT Six hours by automobile from El Paso, via Mini roe McFarland. anu t.apiii artillery, report board Washington, n C. . .. k r kereth relieved.- Wash to artillery. Mesilla. The Health Resort of all the ñus!, no departmeul a examination Tor transfer field Inglon. D. C to southern Major Philip B. ward, eoaat artillery, re- Southwest. Enjoy the cool breezes, beau- port board Waablngtuu. D. examination A. nugeni ana C ...... i ....erf. Masor Oeorre for transfer to field artillery. tiful mountain scenery, and visit the big ,., Edward. Briant ti wens coaat 'v ,.iivr depart Second Lieutenant Paul L. Ferron, ..k i. Ln anuiham artillery, report board Eagle Pas, exami- mining camps near by. A moot profitable meut as chler'i or itaJT provisional division tranarer to field artillery. Your nation for week-en- d trip. At resig- infantry Order announcing acceptance of M?L nnth of Lieutenant Reuben L. Rob- barracks, Leav nation First address. lo l nited sutes disciplinary ertson, medical resorre corps revoked For further information, enworth. Chaplain Francia P. Joyce. Fourth to Sev- enth field artillery. tram F Duckwall. meoirai i". CARL fflNTON, Secretary, Service southern department. starr. i.olonel Francia H. Francb. general New Power Line Is Chamber of Commerce, Silver Gty, N. M. With Pure Distilled Water Ice and Washington. im to Vancouver barrack. Soon to Be Finished Distilled Water. wrf.íu5: .... save. inraa nTt. Charle. ,ry placedrr.th captain By Timet Special Correspondent aa a ncrarer Una Uval H Hnur. iniauu) corps i.. an. iui uj.tur madlcal will connect every oparaUng mine tn Santa ' ... C i..,i mm Hausiun. reliev completed by the In Coupon roit w .v.. u . : cru county wtU be Books company within the next terntlonl Oa corps, who will proeead " "" ninety days. Tbe power Una. which laps Use Ice Coupon Books. Big con I MEN They are a becuna -- - . the line from nera to Daqueana. will CURE WOMEN enieenth mrantry. report board nect tbe World s Fair. Three R and othar Convenience and le Sere You Pts. emmalloo ior mining properties. Survey for the line ara now being mad. Money Ul.lrr.y .... w... h.n simal corsa, de Sacond Lieuleoaiu ...ii biatlon section l" a us, goat-- laa, tataasa, aauasb. IF YOU WANT A SATISFACTORY I .wnara 8 UlUtl mil n- Two Years in Prison a' BBl M u, ,t Seal Houston. etaumiwi"u WML rf SERVICE CALL for Liquor Violation salüisag vaarano- isaaraas of ueorg - Sliiili ?e, ooxl l.lrutenaui f7Z oaam, tkjfc kttaey. ..u...ti, mi.ntrv lo Fort aaai nuuHuu Tucaom. Alt., iaiy Baker, con yL iiiié atsras; ...... sacUOO aíloa r6 avlaliou . ,, ,,r .o, launa the Drolutuuoo amend a OJattoaa, bS Sll ear MavrMar. Ivroktsn rkawuuawuu ui..a. wi.ih tn second l.teuienani " . mint, baa baan lalairiH to two year 114 .H.ii... lurt Laevenworvn. the panltonuary anal total or M m unes r. Telephone "- - conviction rollo wad a sensational gyuj g Bakers oarrwi. McArthur, Slsleenth inlantrv raid on more ttaaa twenty satabllshmeiiia tt m. i U. SOU lMv. eitended fins , Lieuuuani ttaiur n n.. ... T,rM.. . .1.1 Han Iran SMarlaaaaaVS3iaaS( aWataaaatT We Our Own ..nr.... i. aaaaaa. Maintain Delivery Service Mucnell Senator W. B. Walton ,uco aecood Lteuteaasil MS "TarWI "afcaa- - cavalry. Mpert bo'. ""HSJ Denies Predicting svapbeii B WITHOUT OPERATION OR DETENTION FROM Henguatioo Second Lieutenant Republican Success BUSINESS IN MOST CASES. guard . El Paso Ice and Co. ...il..,,iI ai.as.t Special to atoralM TaBH. Refrigerator at Iweuly VaaVaaa gtvaaa teLa 1MUIUV H i wuiiasaaaa. ort Silver day. ft. M . lalf Sta Baaator - ac miaou y. llaham- national (sard, all W. a Wattoa. watt ha Ju r.iurnad froan Mills and Ochoa Street a trip la Call ranal a. brand purportaai tn 'Vattaia &MM r aVrewaaa carta ftau ui wtlh basa aa puMishM a ta artuta.y. etamtwng Ovswaal 11-1- uauttad 'ed. i ... a saf us tmtmti atu tha Laa Aotatai DR. MILAM. 2 Colee Bids. eattal ana- - Ttme as tavsaMnai of aatorvrtaaac ' ...... as. oil.. a. Uta ..ffl.si - o uuaeil ai Mkr waaast, waa M s naaSaas far bfaytaui Uaavtaa a rat ISa I s Slain fitly S' iatma It" n lar 1'aalirs EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1916. it NATIONAL GUARDSMEN! These Merchants Are Equipped to Take Care of Your Requirements and They Solicit Your Patronage A Bang of Sensational A Call to Hen Who Know Rug Values For National Guardsmen And Demand Good Shoes

We are in receipt of a new shipment of grata ruga, which arrived three months late. Rather than carry them oyer until next year we place them on sale this week at wholesale coat. National Guardsmen as well as civilians FOR THE BOYS have come to recognize Lerner's as ON The Shoe Store 4x7 GRASS RDGS THE BORDER X of El Paso. Since the arrival of the AY Will just fit in your tent 441 sfM While they last they will IL" The Gruen Military Watch Guard here we have catered to the spec- .r... LOO. Xrt. ial needs the men in khaki. We are The wrist watch la the Ideal tlma-pte- And it Is la likely, under rough of for tha aoldler. Thousand aarrlca. to meet with accident of officer private In Tha nam ORUBN on tha dial la and tha your guarantee of real timekeep- agents for the well known European trenoh are wearing It. ing qualities and durability.

GRASS RDGS pocket 15-- I 6x9 The regular watch, worn J. mo veniente In silver oases, under tightly buttoned uniform S to $15. J coat, la hard to sat at. But the I. These rugs going Sx . - Shoes are to Military Watch, a movement Nettleton f. at Oruan at In silver or gold I move rapidly. They will fij O imple turn of the wrist, la in- oases, f90 to $40. not be permitted to stay fjl? stantly available. You A 1! Call sad saa these watches. know them of course. full line on our floor long at the )Ffrlal Baeuraly strapped to tha wrist. It Mall orders will be filled prompt- wholesale prices of, each " f ta In no danger of bains; lost. ly at above prices. of accessories of all kinds CO Mills Mesa, SHOE and opposite Plaza. LERNER 229 San Antonio Street

ICE CREAM Men SODA National Guardsmen who Army Can find at our want to up" the in- shop at 109 Texas "fix Street terior of their tented homes KHAKI SHIRTS in hot weather weights. exceptional will find some MILITARY STOCKS, extra light bargains in this sale. pique. BLACK S in Keiser silks. STETSON HATS for offi- cers' wear. B. V. D. Union Suits and knee drawers. BATH ROBES, in washable materials. Here you get the Pureat PAJAMAS, popular priced and Coldeat Soda. El Paso & Southwestern styles. B mp I Co Our Candies are made daily. SYSTEM WILL INAUGURATE, COMMENCING Rogers Furniture HANDKERCHIEFS in the jfp X. Keiser sealed package. Peanut Candy 15c pound 107-9-1- 1 N. STANTON ST.

Pacific Ocean jjMBR Suburban passenger train service between Bl Paso (Freight . M k Wll'wlum Depot) and points between Fort Ullas and Tobln. Tens, for the B il f Ml KSSÜ j'IyklKa benefit of the militia, visitors, and those having business at Camp HLt M wm - 109-1- 1 Texas Street. Confectionery j!j!jpj The far toT the roud trlD blsakat rate of tl eenu be- El Paso. Mlf "Pearl 400 N. Oregon. fflliilll 121 Pa cu T1krt Office Railroad Ticket Of floe Oacnp 'Á " WHO CAN BEAT CT? " ' Jk Beer" lillfUnlMB Freight Depot, KraiiklU' St. YomX Eichangsa, (smp Stewart aaMMPV7 PATRONIZE Best With Your Meals HOME INDUSTRY TT!i Jk

ITS APPETISING, PLEASING and NOURISHING. I Lv. El Paso 12:00 P.M. Lv. Camp Stewart. . . iOO P.M. UllM i No family should be without a case Lv. El Paso 3:00 P.M. Lv. Camp Stewsrt . . . 4:00 P.M. ffcUl in the house, not only for their own 99 Lv. El Paso 5 :00 P.M Lv. Camp Stewart. . . 6:00 P.M. MI use, but to offer their guests. Lv. El Paso 6:30 P.M. Lv. Camp Stewart . . . 7:00 P.M. Premium Lv. El Paso 8:00 P.M. Lv. Camp Stewart. . . 8:30 P.M. If PHONE 395 Lv. El Paso 9:30 P.M. Lv. Camp Stewart ... I 0:00 P.M. illTWMl and and This schedule is tentative and will probably be changed to meet require- ORDER A CASE TODAY ments. To secure the benefit of theee reduced fares, passengers must MIWED AND BOTTLED BY THE buy tickets before boarding train. M Southern Bud KJ9mmwB I SAN ANTONIO BREWING ASSOCIATION GARNETT KING, Gen. Fm. Agent "hasaasB"' 401 East Main St., El Paso. Large bottles, per doi $1.50 Small bottles, per doz $1.00 Upon return of cases and bottles a re- Ws do not aolielt iter ship orders from dry tarritortas la violation of Tasa laws bate of 50c on the large sise and 25c on the small sice is allowed. Then Nahonal Guardsmen This Is What It Cost Who desire to send copies of the Times "back home'' will find it con- Desert Water Bags DELIVERED AT YOUR HOME. One Donen One Doejen venient to place orders at Times Branch No. 9, 105 Taza St Leave OUR STOCK OF WATER LARGE SIZE SMALL SIZE is BAGS IS MOST COMPLETE, the address when order placed and papers will be wrapped and NATIONAL GUARDSMEN mailed free of postage charges. ARE INVITED TO VISIT OUR $1.00 75c BIG BASEMENT. IN WHICH PHONE 4900 I WILL BE FOUND A NUMBER OF CAMP NECESSITIES. MM EL PASO MORNING TIMES Rogers Furniture Co. El Paso Brewing Assn. 907-9-1- 1 North "First now; First always" We Se ku( swuwt uwj aaav woui tt vat dry larriivrtas U vkiaUva u Teas) JaUM. EL PASO MORNI TIMES. SUNDAY. JULY 30. 19le. REFUSAL TO ENTER HUBBELL'S CHANGES Splendid Offerings For Monday RACE FOR GOVERNOR FOR NEW MEXICO'S Silk Dresses Satin Petticoats BOOST FOR PUTNEY SENATORSHIP GROW Authentic Styles SL For Early Fall Wear Princ's Slips Friertds of Mn Per Candidata'i Friand Work ly At $7.98 riin g. fat art Candidacy Despite in CanvaMtna; State There la an old say-In- $195 FINAL Clearance of about 67 Mt Hfa Behalf. Hk A Silk Dreasea. Broken linea which la trite held a similar sale to this true-Whe- never WElast Monday and before By Correspondent. Gov-rrno- one of this and one of that riwi pfii Putney Refuaal to Run for r but noon we had sold the entire lot Santa 1. M Jul f The nvnnnsonniia I F. eaves Democratic every aize in the lot' Principally in ia any- been care- niuUrlty with whir rlnnert It. Futney nf there Another assortment has Situation Uncertain. Taffetas combined with Georgette, fully selected, which consisto of Pet- Albtirnerrue l announcing that he haa not thing new to be had, it pnasl also atylea. ticoats and Prnicess Slips in all of Bean, will not Im. It not. couldn't fly Times Special CorreapoDdant, combination Same fancy ia shown at The White My will he light shades. be under no rimimetanrea Alhiiquerqua. N. M., July to Develop pongee dreaaes that formerly sold up the pretty and dark uid will not remotely ronuM'r tieins trw House FIRST. wonderful gathering. of g poaltlve character have occurred aa will be A perfectly ltemncretir nominee for governor In p hifrh as $14.50. placed will no on durln the laat week In the pre convention Kor Monday and all week These goods be placed on sale parenUy hartar effect whatever on sale Monday at very boosters; slid then- - Is II Ule tfnub! political campaign In New Mexico, both In we will abow a Monday. Values up to $6.75. e authorlta-Mv- s that bia Dam will in th mnven BM Democratic and Republican ranks, on only and bar oa Anirnat nest, despite Uv Alhn $7.98 II ne of new Fall ajmrqua business man' apparently weary the Democratic side the outstanding feature srL. at Ureases. Coala and Pulta. $1.95 aalaja even honor the week has the hy that ha wtll errept the been elimination, Urease, will piny a very If It la rtanrtxi to him on a diamond studded himself, of Robert F.. Pukney, or thla city, planar. Important role In Milady's told s a possible nominee ror the Mr. I'utnav's regular weekly denial ap governorship toilette thla Fall. Never pairad una week In the Albuquerque Eran Will Putney announced early In the aum berore have w shown Wash Blouses tBt Herald, rourbad la mora vigorous nier that be would not consider a nomina such pretty styles so early. tsrta, if potalbla, than any of bJa pre Wash "on for the or any Skirts new Moyen Age governorship other The "My errel re are vtous disavowals. buflneaa waa demanding all my time." he said, "and will office. It generally believed that straight linn models are very strong; being $1.49 oonUnua to demand all my Urn for an should a strong party senUment develop and are tadatmf) parlod. I am not a candidate ror rum and shoirid It be possible to lender shown In large variety. attractive Blouses for the pamocratlr nomination for gov- hlni a unanimous nomination, that the big At Navy, black, roe, array, ESPECIALLY $2.39 In just come in. ernor) I wtu not be a candidate, and l Wholesale merchant might change his mind wlaterla and other ahades wni not accept a nomination, no matter This belief has been metered IndusUlnusly sheer voiles and organdies. All 11 by have gone through en- are favored. Materials of bow might ha tendered me." mends and admirers of Putney, with our , Wool Hera-e- white also white with colored trim- Will Nominate Putney the result that a great many Demócrata In WE,tire line of cotton striped Broad clothe. to the rae of thla a prominent Demo all parte or the state have com to count Taffetas and Ratina. Our mings. Cool and pretty atylea for era aald today: ii him aa the party Mosea. Wash Skirta. aelecting the very nwe-e- line la ready and ranges these warm days. Regular $1.95, "I am confident a itmnt attempt will Karly in the week Mr. Putney returned In price from he made to nominate Putney tn the con- rrom hla summer home In the Pecos moun- models produced thia season, $2.50 and $2.95 waists. Extra vention. The sentiment for blm la rrow-lm- r tains tn find that rumors of a poealbillty with an idea in mind to close them I Bis UP TO fan no Jim a steadily aa Irla dacllnaUnna that he mlrht change his mind had de Putney would put on a new kind veloped Into positive statements that he out. In thia lot you will find akirte iff $1.49 of pontic campaifn In New Mexlro It bait changed his mind and reporta that he tfew Fall Goods Are Being Shown in All of Small Wear Dents. would be a whirlwind buatneaa campaign had aald be would become the Democratic that aold up aa high aa $3.95, and by a bnjlnaaa man who baa always been candidate under certain conditions. Putney's in some caaea higher. All will the esaot antltheali nf 4 profeaalnnal poll ability to act quickly and with vigor is be tldan. It would inject a new note Into well known, snd he rather placed in one lot Silk Sale outdid hlmseir at the special Parasol New aren no potinca and it would demon in thla instance. He sent for local news- atrato pretty coaiclurlmly that a man paper men. and In a straight from the FALL, doeant bare to be a politician to be afoulder statement, put the final silencer T. FOOTWEAR alertad of New Meilco. ba- on Putney boom. Tomorrow tnremor the His business Inter $2.39 styles in ilar Putney would be elerted In a walk. este, he asaerts, are In a poslUon which AUTHORITATIVE $3.50. $3.95. $4.50 & There la no doubt he would make the rorbld his even thinking or entering political are atete of new Mexico a prospermia bust activity He hints broadly tbat In some here and we are more than ready $4.95 Novelty SilK neaa Inatftuflon; and Republicana aa well ri lure campaign he would not be averse to to show you. Space does not Parasols tí? Q A aa rtamorrata admit II In the cainpa'rn considering mme profTered honor and op- r V Putney wouldn't need any manager. If portunity to serve he Miscellaneous permit us to describe the full line SpecUP'-Vr- the stele, but maket Extra would take a fast manarer to beep up with It very plain that he will not to Into the Below we quote two unusually 100 women's fancy novelty silk. him once he rot started. Putney would political game this year. Vivo Cream supply In numbers: whatever pep mlrht be lacking I attractive Parasols in Jap and regular shapea management-an- Nltuatron NW nee rial n . DKJC the party d be wouldn't he No. SS6, FINEST IVORY GtiACK Plain gold Novelty silk to spend Putney's rinal elimination as a .... and riba afraid money." possibility KID BOOT wave top, Na flfTect On Room. has left the Democratic situation as to tbe The new marvelous Cleansing whole combinations; plain and fancy AH rovernorship more quarter, aivlng perfect heel and. ankle of whirh Urea rise to the query as unrertaln than ever. Cream which carved handles. Your choice aa to whether or not It doe any rood Tor The candidacy or Dr. 8huler. mayor of soothes and refreshes. fitting; high arch. White Ivory, hand Raton, has gained some be- long as they laat, rgb v a rube rn alo rial possibility to deny that he strength. It A free bottle of Mavir Toilet Water waited sole, made with Ions;, graceful (J a la a candidate, and whether or not a situa- came known today that aeveral prominent vamp, which will be very much In each tion nuajbt artea In which no would b Pfmocrals. Including one or two federal with every purchase of cream. vogue kp.q ofrtre holders, had the taken Tor an answer. It la quite certain declared for him as the coming season at any rate that Putney's denials have had man next available to Putney. The llarUt $10.00 no mor effect on the Putney boom than candidacy is becoming more and more No. US Bam in black glace kid Redingote ultimatums have on Pancho Villa. acUve, and Is ralnlnr supporters from week vamp and heel, with white wash The Mysterloua MrDonald who, up to to week, and friends of Governor McDonald New kid date, has not announced publicly that he are exhibiting an activity which would In- Sport Chemise $1.00 CZáf. quarter. . . . will not be a candidate for renomlnatlon, dicate that the governor may yet seek the Windsor Tien.. viC $10.00 $1.25 in initiation to 5 and $1.45 dropped a little remark one night this succeed hlmseir. These Pink week In Introdurinr one or the ChaulaSqua three, Oovemor McDonald, Hhuler and A real new lot of Crepe de Chine Batiste REDINGOTE speakers hare, which may or may not be Rarth. make up the field of avallables up construed aa algniriranl He was present to this time. Unless some new and notably Silk Sport Ties. Stripes, polka dota Chemise (hi Carolina. "Uovernor ilenn ta a dtatlnrutshed stronger man appears as an activa seeker New afcleVJV--CfXJ .anilina. Glenn for the nomination, choice and embroidered designs. AH colora. Each .... "Uoernor la a dtattnrulshed tbe of the Demo 'ex.' " said tbe New Mexico executive. "A cratic nominee will be mads from among Fine pink batiste Redingote Chem- rood many or us." ka added, "are aolnr me uiree. Aitnougn the call for tbe Demo - ise, daintily Val lace trimmed. Edg- to be 'exes' before long.' rratle state con ventrón was Issued this The consensus of opinion remains week, there Is practically no Milliner;- ing and insertion. These are the that still general McDonald will not be a candidate for discussion of any other candidates than that Sterling Top usual. The White House Mil- newest idea in undergarments. the for governorship. Special -- -- W. B. Walton of Hat ASlinery Salon first for Monday rt a v v silver City. Who has Demócrata Pina. Pair. liJC announces the ConridrnL Just returned rrom Loa Angeles, will proba- only, each The situation Is In Small, dainty advance display of Autumn modes, 9aLs bly have more or 1ms explaining- to do curious that the Sterling top Hat Pina, VU for a Tew days. among Democrats generally la one or Tbe Los Angele Timet the greatest in new designa Always introducing authentic styles from the in a boxed interview with Walton quotes confidence, a feallnr thai the a In m as Republicans are preparing to nominate a 25c milliners saying- that tbe election or IliTglios pair. Special, pr. . . . 1 V-- C leading of New York and weak ticket and Muslinwear Special la certain because the "beauttrul promisees' that chances for succeaa or are greater for Democratic nominee;, Paria The new styles a distinct Woodrow Wilson have been "misun- in are 91.25 Fancy New Mexico than they have IP Women's derstood by the people." The Times has been for departure from the hats we have been Mr. Walton sayliir tltsl years, urdlnarlty such a reeling would Night Gowns will carry or qa New Mexico by a large majority. bring out flocks candidates ror every accustomed to during the past few ornee. The or Each . . L. Bradrord Prince, back lack asplranu cannot b Gold Top Waiat At. OVC nltribiited to lndirrerenre, lack O seasons. Pink from all weeks spent In New York, de- of confi- . . batiste, French crepe, novelty Ule dence or lack of men. Pin Seta, a aet clares tbat otoctlon or Hughes Is desirable Th candi- voile and nainsook gowns in fancy to be the easleat Job the Bepuakoaag dates may come out In flocka aa tbe con- Large hats with a dash and chif of have vention draws near, and thla Is Assorted atylea, sets gold striped and figured pinks had ror years, "rhe Progreaslvea a prediction military lines have arrived. They are and bluea have been entirely re absorbed.'' aald Go- made frequently by well Inrurmed men top Waist Pina Oval, Embroidered and lace trimmed, in vernor that the ten days Immediately square, dia- Prtnc, "and the party In tbe east preceding absolutely exclusive. new clever ideas. Sizes 15, 16, 17. appear to be strong and united every- the state convention will sea a rush for mond and oblong where." Uovaruor nominations for every offlca. fa You are cordially invited to Regular $ Prince was invited to state shapea Set inspect .25 gowns. Q g be preset a tthe llurbea notincation On the Republican aide of tbe fence the aaCC thia wonderful display. Monday, each but was rurced to decline. chief development or the week has been C appear It tolerably certain at u.ii Ume th notable gains scored by Frank A. Hub-be-ll that United States Senator A. H Kail will In the senabirlal race. Htibbell during the the b tenejtorary chalnnan or the hepub-llca- n pest days has put together an 01 gam stele convention on August and tatlon thai Is working with clock-lik- sys will delirar the keynote speech. The tem. Workers in teams are traveling rrom una week or the ronrerttjee rcunty 10 county liulug up delegates, and between Mr. Hughes and Senator rail on llubbell hlmseir Is rushing rrom county A Most the Mexican situation has added to ute lo- seat to county aaat and geuing piedres of cal prestige of Ule aeuator, whose recent votes wherever ha goes. He has not enough acbieneu. including a speech In nom- votes to nominate on the first ballot, but Pleasant ination or Theodore Roosevelt lor the he has made heavy inroads upon Senator bave rolrly weU convinced lila Catron's streurth. and the best Informed thai whatever elae may hep bib ma in the state aay Catron or be uue that Is Place the senator, he ha indubitably "arrived." eaten They do not aay that Hub bell will O. O. r. attluatoa Uaaeacefui. be nominated. Indeed, there Is more and To Ta situation 10 Hevubttcan rank is still more discussion of a dark bora. Any Shop rrom -- far being peaceful, HIvLsu de nurJer or ravorlto sons are available. Taoa." roUuwiur l the recent vialt or Se-- Mill Peansylvaalaa He turn m"" toinaro into tbat county, an Dona Ana county has H. B. Holt, Doswces that the Republicana or Taos county Ban are Miguel county has Prank Springer 04-ra- absolutely and rimdy united In sup and t Wash Long county has state Crampton. Kimo's jartof Mr. Romero ror the gubernatorial Senator Shirts $1.00 Mr. Hursuii, who it Is being said may be put forward by Parasols shipment of ceconUy 69c Ladles' Kimonos mad of reported th Republican powers in Ttu county safely behind CoMU county, Lawn Swiss. vary "J1 iiim who are without any enthusiasm ror N assortment of Ladies' Parasols, con- - Are Reduced ANEW and dotted Home "lH'U " ruu'""'l l beyond Uhé Catron atylea, "J or a and bitterly opposed to Huhbell. nicely trimmed In lace and abaw doubt and It U expected that Friends aiating of all new 1 en Galeón here of w h. Andrews imped up to the shape, and attractive SPECIAL purchase of a fine embrolderte. Including; all of th pretty ehadea. alar taiu ehortl) also go ret It. Aa lataraarng last minute that the veteran Pennsylvania! Bilk covera. Fancy polka dot, checked and lot of white Wash Skirts Value up to aa Man aa $1.7. deveioiniii this weak was would make good A rue attack m the Las (.rums bis repeated promlae and Special Monday lusei, return Tor atriped borders, and fancy just what you will general aaraam paper, upon cbexie. a a. armed tbe fray. Bul Ute Berna color combinations. nasa for $1.00 II" Doubly primary Thursday night for their allesred "atiuo tn elected Bell and mushroom atylea. Plain and fancy purpose wear throughput the bal- lb future ,r the delegations in the county contention com- bartv" i or "omero aa a posed entirely Huhbell men. and Andrews handles. Regular $1.00 values. ance of the season. They are in atelktn not only Praparly, a caupaw ror failed to show up for tbe contest ot many or Special White Twills. Percale reartarlng a his strongest local Gabardines. Striped Pettic'ts 29c nunibei aba Batesa workers miut up It la ...... lined with tbe Hubbeil forces Tbe Ber- 69c la a chano to buy a apaclal petticoat Mr. nalillo county primary or Gabardine. Waffle Cloth and other 2,naaathai Homero is dtscoverka- that marks th finish HERBJust about f tia value and really, ma At draws aa a political factor. material mod- luniiei inystrrloua A wide variety of the aarmeats are vary food for bow and Ü. Pringer Noiidnaiion of II. fi Burauui for governor also Ü?S5V, by Ib full. t wear. rrsnr noroee modela, In conaequanees are Lkf Republicana Is virtually conceded ela made very All the rail made block "íf"'.m""uaVxnero lite opiHiaiUon 10 him baa down and whit atTaota Haaalar a So sarmentó. u fulij convinced that narrowed pocket effect, belt, Otee tag do real Intooli . of seeing n,7 to secundum Homaro, and Hornero s mends etc Special at Mwro aoatlnaiad for poveruor or an admit ti.st me breaking down or lb Catron Linen Dusters 29c - You should have aeveral of these in lucrative Office; and 11 is een lutlaaaled Ustol ha- hopelessly weakened ate Laa may Vegss man aniaaro rat dear outraa the and left blm practically without your rtunk for your vacatiesa. Mi hope ta event be finds be baa bean fot suecas. He la likely to wind CSV t In furute ranee or up as a Han Miguel county officer, atore he $1.89 Willi the m At Muslinwear t wraaa or some dark boras being arsin has stated thai ir Uto governorship la da $1.25 Values 39c by Uto oortbern New Mexico rarltW Bled hi in be will sack no other piar on the REGULAR $3.95 value in a full length ...69c la a lot of UndarmuaUns with value atete Valúas . . ara aeto undine. linen coat, with large pockata and re- $1.60 98c HERB Think of burin wall Four New Members to At It standi today Uto probable Rep obi! A Qsvaraa Corsat Govora. Dewwar aad so Mao 10 sel IS aa follows versible collar. Just the garment wanted for $1'5 Values PatUooaU. all nicely For I 6129 trtmmad with ribbon, lavaos te ruled latea senate. Frank A aad aasarpaderlas all new. oriap Arizona 'W Faculty II.. I I.. o automobUing. On sale att $2.60 Va gamiana All 6149 la aa tot. wavrtk up to o congress, ongreeesna B. C. Mar Monday at ala a ato. h aaadeafr $3.95 Va Arts, July laT 61.93 OV7Cnri rj governor. H g ijara lour l"i 0. lata aakted toja. t,it, uf Fur tup reuse court lüsuce cater Issue inrte- ene J Huberts Pae of Mia-' lab heed T u r. Cretina,y wh has Bi. basa aaaoiated far state treasurer W. D. Murray, of Nee, af axateiiurgy aba - p! Kilter ty. fonatorly taw rrl. Fag af tait...,., of atete auditor Auditor W. U - -- wap fcas swat apuouttes to aes ""I. Par ietery of ut,. latdor Arnuio I tat Cruces W"ar m Miss auaa Biahap. waa has Foe aajorstoy general W naaey "Sfte House q WJWJ aasoad toaxrurtor 10 dreaamakms tin. For sopcrtotendatit 01 iblic tnstruetto. Courtesy" Phone J h Waastor. of aaula Fee use egpri.u 4560 auna M actúa, af la. "CMe Store of Service" I


Mr. and Mrv Chart Mfk MM Standar d will b msi n Dr. SB Mrs. James VMM. An Explosion of Bargains Davie Harmon car. coming from An gelea In noto they will nab SB Artaone and later visit the Oread Cany. MONDAY AT THE BOSTON STORE Mr. J. H. Enoat and email d.ugtitor. ae by Mr. K aoafa atnar, MM or Mississippi, left artel day ror Y we an - california to remain until the early fall V ONDA offer IN OUR- CIETV ception.! Im of new rtAGGET AND RAMS. O hi STORE MEN Misa Batotta Wolf was railed to aero in organdie, voile and FOR dalTsCold by til serious Illness of her brother. Jack model sq Wolf. Miss Wolf ten ror that place Fri- washable satin, up Cream o9C day. CPORT Shirts; most com- - $1.75 value. . . . 93c MISS GRACE GINTHBR AND MISS MARY GINTHER to plete assort- - and Mra. F. K. Sella nava returned OQ TbS "ebberd rink wedding hlfB mm Mr. piNGHAMS. stripe, plaid it Denver, they have been for Oaf C M tlw from wham ment Flnt Methodist Episcopal Chore, Mr has w and past few month Sells been Rus-sia- a wonderful the OONGEE Sport Dresses, n bold! llw interest or society for Um OHtttar traveling through the east and Joined rs. ment of colors; 121jc week. It In Denver. coatee effect. On utM placa next Saturday, Aurait SU TTNION Suits; good value; yard Yb bride to he la Uia deught-a- r 8c rhafmlnr home model natural; gtQ "Jf or Oeorfa E. Wallace haa returned J ment and styles; of Mr. and Mr, w. W. Fink, one the spent the past from the aaat. Where be one striped coatee . . tPOe f $1 79c pioneer ramillaa of El Paao. and tha bride- raw weeks. value. Monday taffeta. groom t pHIFFON u a too of Mrs. w. A. whlla, of tola city, though Iba laat years ha has foreign dyes; worth $2.00 several C. v. Male and daughter, Miss Mary bean ratldinr In tha aaat Misa Clara Fink, Mr. AM USLIN Underwear of every Mon- - who haa Nafa, left yesterday ror Calirornia and will Pants; several and $2.50. tam visiting In tha east, return will KHAKI fjsj ad bona yesterday, maid summer at the beaches. Nrs. Nafa description; very prettily JJ and will be the Miss Nafa $1.23 AO of trnor at her sitter's W A. return In about threa weeks. weddlnr. in the trimmed; up to White will attend the brlderroom at bast will remain, visiting friends and $1.75 value. Monday only 'OC man. Tha ushers are Messrs Randall un- fall will enter the California ünlveralty value 94c TCE CREAM Freezers, water burn. Harnld Kllburn. Harvay Wllooi, and at Berkeley Krneat Myles. Rev. Herman 0. Porter wUI coolers, filters, hammocks C. T. orrtelate. Mlas Sarah Small la visiting Mr. and trunks. Specially priced An Informal reception at the boma of tha Rao In doudcroft W7 OMEN'S recular 1 5c hose. bride's parents will follow the ceremony. Straw for Monday's selling. Mr. Hebberd and his brida will leave ror J. J. ormabee return to Hayden this lisle finish cotton hose, in Chicago, his Baaement and will be at home at the "Hyde evening arter spending the week with black and white. Mon- - In tha Park Hotel." Chicago. family at tha smelter 11 flfl V Mia rink win be fated much durtnr the day llC jjgVM Houae r'RASS Floor Mats, 9x12. week prior to her marriage, un Monday, at ruiim and Mrs. ISeaie and son. Wesley Includ- - 1 o'clock, Mrs. H. E. Eayser la to tire a Nagle. returned yesterday from New York f JH clean, sanitary and cool, luncheon at the Harvey ror her. im bouse and other eastern cines, wnere may E the following afternoon, the ladles or SPECIAL lot of shoes, Grecian border; the been ror several weaka. $10 fC Methodist Episcopal church will live a styles, vici, gun iL value or .several PD.D ahower for Miss Fink at the home Mr. Dr. L. M. Bowlby left yesterday for Kan- rria Albion Jones. R. Baaement Mrs. W. Brown will pre City to attend the national osteopathic and patent leath-- Ide an Informal on aka metal AO at luncheon Wednes- convention to be held tha first week in home, 'OC day at o'clock, at her sunset August. er. Monday Heights, In compliment to Miss link A rXOP Icing Refrigerator, hard bridge party will after- A be riven Thursdsy Mra. Lao Schuster expect to finish, noon by Mrs. A. E. Mr. and wood oak galvan Rowlands, at her home Naw York city, where COL-gat- Overalls; good Elm street. Mrs. R. E. Plether, s recent leave shortly for EN'S AND e OOYS' ized lined, they will spend a few weeks. MEN removable shelves; bride, who before her marrlare was Miss s Talcum assortment, $1 7.50. oartrude Lelrhlon, will assist Mrs. Row- 11 JQ regular Mr. and J. P. Hendereon, guests of . sfC lands In entertaining durtnr the afternoon. Mr. . . all sizes. Special . Monday $10.00 Dr. and Mrs. S. T. Turner, returned to Powder 111. Militiamen In El Paao, as well as other yeater Basemen t cities, add so much' to the social activities their horn m rort Worth. Texaa. amonr the smart act, and last week, par day afternoon. ticularly, was a rala one here. It waa equal to any of the social season, for the nr Leslie Hyde left yesterday ror Kan aoclal whirl took a decided turn and found ... r.itv whila there abe will attend tho held Mail society dining and dancing and entertalnlnr osteopathic convention that will be Phone 6800 Orders for the beeflt of the soldier boys most the first week In AugusL She will later Filled Same every afternoon and evening. A dance fol tn i:hiru and study ror rour weeks We Deliver lowed moat every aoclal function riven dur a visit In New York, will Day Received MISS GRACE GINTHER. and after abort Inr the week. return to El Paso. Last week round society girls, properly chaperoned by our stalely society matrons. Mia Veda Elckman will return boro at the various informal afralrs given at Fort today from Calirornia. where aba enjoyed Bliss and Camp Cotton. Society rilled the of two weexa wiui rooms at and probably a vlalt ball the dances, the in. by rour on, gayest or all, waa the one given Frl march. Excellent music waa furnished hostesses. Miss Adelaide Laws Mist Interarban Une will be held a fathering tbein Pan! Roach came down from bla ranch Ml day evening at the Hotel Paso del Norte by Edith Otddlnr. Emily Olddlng. Mr. of a hundred or more or these men, fea- H1U. N M.. to spend a raw day m ln" I many F. C. Mra. program the mllltamen rrom the Massachusetts and at pretty and unique costume and more Christian. i.swson. Mist Edith tured by a replete with wit, hu B. mor, song Rhode Island regimenté. The novel feature city. couples masked this year than laat. After Mitchell, Mrs. J. MrKenna, Mailer Alfred and music by union musicians. expense paid was and Max uhllg, whaatley and Harry together with or the ''cut In" dance proved quite popular Is had been 11. Arthur thletlo event by members Albert Jonas of Morencl. Arts., turned over to tba treasurer of tba McOlnnls. or the crafts The piece de and much amusement was derived rrom It. Mr. Mrs. reslstsnre will on the rueat of her párente, Mr. and A bridge party Is to be given t Mrs. J. n. McKenna leaves Monday, with be an tramp printers' stow, The larra benefit bridge and concert Mra. Jones Friday afternoon, at the Hotel Paso del y c Colenun, for two weeks. the pavilion Wednesdsy of next week to her four children and maid, for El Paso. general known among the rratern:ty as a rorroerty Miss Clarice Coleman. Mlas raise additional funds. Twenty-n- tablet Her sister, F. c. Christian, will accom- muiugwi. inner will be Norte, was a success. Mrs. Edward ws return Mr. rerrhnienu HUchcock was general chairman, assisted Meta Ormabee will most probably will be provided and players will com- pany her as far as El Paso, than continue enjoyed. The lovely short SO by Mrs. Joseph H. Hurxthal. Society came Mleeea Olnther ar the to Morencl with Mrs. Jone for s mence at I p. m. A charra of canta each her tour to other Texas cities. early and stayed late. The elder and a few daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oln- visit. sill be made, the same price tnal wa Ml Ruth Evan It spending the month or tha young set played cards. There were ther. For the past year they havs charged for the ticket to tba ball. This of August with Miss E. Olddlnr. spend a rew will be a splendid way for a hostess to Thursday Mlaa Martha uhllg. some three hundred present. The musical been at school In Denver and ara now Mr. Empress Arlington wiu Last assisted A Question riven rrom 5 30 to o o'clock, with Mrs days in the city. She will coma from entertain her friend. She can take on or by Miss Emmie Wheatley, entertained a few . In El pa Muoh N evening Hurxthal as rhalrmsn. waa most enjoyable Paso with their rests. the ranch at Hill. M., Monday more tables. guests with a bunco party at her cottage of Beauty 11 months-ol- In Mrs. r. C. christian, who leaves t the guests. sociability center at the Olnther Elitabetb Lea Miller, the honor of is slwaya s There will be four dances during tha Mrs. O- T. Lemon returned Mrs. Miller, soon for Wbltowrlrht, Taxes. Tha house on street, g Mr and bv daughter of Mr. and Edward of question of com- week on Wednesday r.lrht the hop at the Boma Montana CHy, wbars tbey spent a body waa was beautifully decorated with pina from Kansas Miami. Arli., died July II. Tne plexión. With s new officers club building will be given at short time. shipped to Miami for burial. breaches and sweat peas. There were II Bliss the rorm or a house warming plsyers. The flrat pin needle perfect complex Fort in year-ol- daugh- prts. to Its This from a Luellen Walker, tba three basket, woven by Mis E. Whaatley, waa ion you overcome to open the bulldlnr rrlends. Mrs. J. Wssb haa returned O. In army people and ter of Mr. and Mr. C. Walker, died won by Master Leon Kotosky. Mra. F. narure'a deficiencies. holds the Interest of tha hort vlalt to ner mim. a. m. or Paso. On the follow, aitr, Cloudcroft Saturday, July 1, at After the smart set El Phillips, t Dourl, Art. tn CbrUttan received the booby. the Gouraud's evening, weakly dance at the West Mr. and Mr. Walker reside sixteen game dglnty rerreshments were served. tor the Csnyon and had brought the little Y lleta Country club will be given. On the Lane, secretary of the Younr Springs ni.. nii jrlrl Into ciouarron ror mnimnnv in T Oriental same evening, a dance and social will be Christian association In this city. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR AJtD MOLES. Cream hall, down town Women's burial was In the cemetery at sixteen clear.rcfined, pesrly- - riven at the Odd Fellow's will leave Tuesday ror uaaianu. Removed permanently by electrolysis. Mrs. I rendersto the skin a by Manchester Orove, No. two Woodman Ml Lane win Sprinrs. A. Benson, dermatología!, room 0. white appearance - the perfect beauty. ahe wai make bar bom. Bom To Mr. and Mr, atenns, a noy Oraee Circle. The dance of the El Paao Country greatly missed by the friend she has cut buckler Bldg., over Ouarante Shoe Co Healing and refreshing given on the tennis be on July SO. club will, as usual, be made during ner stay in at rmmi. a AdV. io..i.r Mai mm curta or the old club bulldlnr, A number MISS MART GINTHBR. Bom To Mr. ana sir, toon waianp, 1. ISftiat 4 tot. 11 lull Jon I It Tarn probably will precede boy. The baby was named victor rrea-erlc- I"" of dinner parties, u tkera of Blab. Art., ar OI R WORK TALKS. dance. rm and Is the the or or rived In the city the put week L Motar. boy. Come and see our atyles of engraving Charles Burra" Is to entertain a party or Mississippi. The tenth the series SOCIETY PERSONALS D. Hurley, to Bom To Mr. and Mr. I to or her friend. Mrs. A. a visiting or wedding inviuuions the Harvey house this evenlnr-("over- benefit entertainments at Fort Bliss neat Born To Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, ror carda friends at Mary Caplea. Alexandria apartment. Mr. Akers win Co.. MS Mato SL Adv. will be laid ror eight Including the be riven on Thursday evenlnr. t the base miss daughter of Mr. and tha El Paao PrtnUnr hospital. Fort Bliss, for tne Dene in oí w Mrs. William Capíes, leavaa today for Cal be here ror some unto. Turkish Bath boat 01 to September. M, UNION MEN PLAN OtmNB. (Open Day and Ntctat) Misa White la to rive a dinner on Thurs- convalescent soldier. Tne laoiea ifornia visit friends until family will r- - HIGH ROLLS. N. are the ss h Ponsrord and A of members of the printers at the home or ber parents, Aid society of Temple Mount Slnal t. where number day evenlnr Mrs. Martin zieionsa Mr. Mra. Charles unnrfav rrom doudcroft, stereotype", mailer and preaaman's onions Hot and Cold Showers Meaa avenue. It will precede the rldlnr hostesses, with u and Vollertson and during the month A cuidy pull ws given Tuesday evening The program comprises soios, daughter, Dorothy, leave Tuesday ror they occupied a cot She was have taken It upon themselves to give what party that lncludea four couples of the chairman. at Miss Martha Uhll cottar. sanee or Phone For Appolnuttenta recently orrantaed a dances, vocal and piano solos, and read- Cloudcrort. where they have taken a cot- or July. by i.swson, miss is destined to be tba rtrt of younr set. who have assisted Mr. Beirtce outing or Qn Sun- club. ing or two. tage until September 1. vinsm KoMsky and Mlaa Emmie wneauey. annual 'mullirán." PASO DEL NORTE HOTEL rldlnr Miss Maa Cunningham win raturn August a, at a convenient spot on tha E. E. Clayton will entertain Inform- Chama Those who enjoyad the evening were the day, Mr. Informal Tea for Mtos Lass, rloudrroft tbe middle of the wek. ally at carda durtnr the week for her r. and Mra. John L. Dyer are vislttnf sufficiently from an oper- to daughter. Mra. W. K. atoa, h r. Bowles rave a deUgbUul In in Atlantic city and other eastern having recovered friends meet her point. at Providence hospital, to join her Balsón, wife or the attorney general or forms! tea vesterday afternoon at her home. ation Another a a farewell to Miss stsur who Is summerlnr thara. MIS Fort Boulevard, alater' will accompany Mtsa Call Lane, secretary of the Y. W. C. A., from California Cunningham on bar rasura. who leaves eoon for California, ana ra ra up ror the Y. W. fall will take the work w Lwt sod I. J. Ayars, spa-- HEALTH HINTS ciuriu - A. there. have gone to CIal vea ton to s war secretaries rtti uinu filled vr Bowie the of special treasury aganu Do not use Medicine to order or of Y. W. C. A.. tond a conference again consulting u or v.ur and board directora the improvjig in apeuai aver without Mra. T. J. Wooda:de. Mra. Hor- - concerning iiw; Doctor Keep Solitos wail corked to a Miss Lane. snd custom service. place. Always louow wtiuhj B. Btevena, Mra. M. A. Warner, ssra. J. A. Bawllnt. Mr, n. b. Human, sir, u. Arabella Perry, principal of on of Speoce, Mrs. W. Mlaa H. Campbell. Mrs. Frank tba schools in Sesltla, Wash.. Is visiting Pickles. Mrs. Haul Heermana, stra. u. old schoolmate, Mr. C. MeOlnnla. D. H. Mr, w. with bar w. Derwltor, Mr. Haffaker. of 70 north ochos street. pence. Mra. Loto Elrhmey. Mr, rtoreo oa Ulena. Mr. Maud Crosby and Ml Lena Th. Younr Peonie s Missionary society or F.iriiaker. Trinity Methodist church held an enjoyable Mr. Bowl I president of ua T. w. c. meeting Friday evening with Ml Juanita smith to ber borne, 101 North El Po street. Mr. J. C. Bsllard arranged the fol- Mis Whit to Be Dinner Hast lowing entertaining and instructive pro- Mis Mary WMt. daueSSar of Mr. and gram: Scripture leeaon by W. It. Harsh-man- ; Mrs Each T. White, wiu be dinner bostas prayer by Basil Hyan, a dialogue by of Cummins and Lucila L syv on Thursday venios at the bom her Dr and Mrs. E. J. CTf parents on Mass avenue, preceotn to no- Avars: vocal solos by Mlaa Virginia Bark, lo DSrty. Tha party Includes four couplea snd S SJUll on tne sue swmh caaas ua of tha younr smart sat, who have organ MiBMa Korea. Mlaa Lilia Thomas read lb mínate L pink, old roaa, and dark blu. and VKM gov Y5W f? Colon llht ffXet.Jl Ised s rldlngr club and enjoy nnraa B or the laat mealing ae Irvln caarry Will mbroldarad by hand In bird. dmon. ! Ov ! rtdlog mora Stan once a week. tha treaaurer'e report. A motion was mad J ÁP lvndr. 11.18, pereel past sala OZ1 atork and nowsr deSgiit and with ah M sa carried is bato s ñrV ,, 1 M'00' M tas second Friday night In September, tba t U 0' " on special Pledge krflTI I Charlea Burra will be dinner host this proceed to b applied the Chlldran's'' olsa In similar color and deelrn sraalag at tba Harvey bouse to law Of the society. During we social tune kjtlV' V'JJtÍ a reading $ Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Atosa. Henry Barton rave number of of but frtendt: sang tn Mr, (toorge PUon. MM KMbrtn ayer snd C C Ballard sang, all etoatoe (5, or Pride's Crossing. Mass Mlaa Enid Ainaa, SaM on Easy Tersas. "Akoto O'B." an tea court waa ser so A$Í M oa by tba boatoee. aeitod by tear BssSasr, ozz rjasr. EhgT colooel WUTs Stover of the Fifth Must Until 8 chose Bs Infantry, aa Major rrnk s. Wll Mr. J. N. Smith, and bar alater. Ml yj. 9j ándala of raas and colorad straw at Isa 4o f- praaaat were Mi e iflir - lea of use Eirntb snsesssMsi Smith Tho "nA -br- 0idWr B snd Ernestine Murry, Ban Bbaa. Lilla iM L CAW and 7i,h Wsirslb. Mrs. Ctortoa Is Thomas. Anne Boas Monuru. Laura Hen IK 1 ll rVA , " Usnjeat Importer. neb. i lia Boaxtharaat. Ev Oro Hsflln, Virginia Mr. E. E. Clayton, informally, wot en- Violins derson. Mia NOYwHiM ta tertain at card lb mMsue of the week Bark. Louisa Hooper, Lucila Bess Brown. Mr, r. for bar friend to bar asaetetor, Mr, yer. LMl " gjfcrr K Laf C (tiltil ÁQJ duatara, ivory booh mark, I. M a Keat ti w c Baaaon. wireiatof armrasy gsairai of Mandolins J Ballard s4 J. Ayars, her Byan. A. OOattMMf. llkVn purse, plan card cana, allk work Mmistinrt. was Is bar bou gaaat. Sanaa, Basil C ami xtLrlire card, u The Last Thing Bsllard. irrto clary. M n MaistoaiiL Hal llrj A tUrl baskets, pin cuahlona, ate., etc. b, dMfJQTBPtTlTllTWl rarty-Ear- Stacy. Dr E J Cuiantto. asteria sk Iimi Gassptog t Guitars liar Otoaguw and P B oorayan ar plan Tasto Uto uto Boatos Is taw Cars. Bias for a camping party to rUphani Suae on WedneeeUy. weak. The baya ar ras rrtoSto Cs. esa tepgdy correct Our too of ktextoan and Indian hand mad SrAaaaT Ulkuleles ery and sultobM toa for tfvJ to ly Bottle flato by asa jross assay abutotssly niakiu puns to gat HP s party for to "1 blank.!, basbat. pottary. at, nueJ i lMT I NaUonal Ouardamen ar oordlaJly ttVAáBsH9Wtt rnfl Us f iial it The Do- MM I completa WFMfW xe Mom as visiting carato. Mala St. Adr I I "TSe Art Shep." aad ooa will sBJBw ctor', orden bste barn faiilifull. rcd- - JjjSlWgsV. Invitad to vtoit rl P LW b aarafully packed and ahlppad If dealred. Wlfy """MBaanVHl BJ Kaai cato a beast aaed sud Ote buttle teas El Paao will meal with Mra. J I Hinaa If a Bes oa Thursday rtsraoon. S o'clock, at her Mr. H r. Tspp of Tula, okia arrlvad re tot waste to toa sun as BBS, flMA crnr m axiom sx bajtk subo. nil it. a far aVsacb Cssto. of n Paao. armad here to us) cato tásete. apead a weak wMk Ms fssauy A asas and social will Sa toas to jÍaBW Say evening at o'clock by Mai ff drove to tag. Wsasa Csreto. ban given WWB. day aaias at Bhs ssvtjion for to benefit uai th sad wu light far ato insslis, I2MM MM aaasa, Bast Aerada atrsst. coayto took peii tte Td EL PASO MORNING TIMES; SUNDAY. JULY ya. 1916.


sad apont tM day flahtof. At M MM hour aproad fn ror tM kin, wu served Ru sdt cnnint u num. trlir to tM crowd ennelitlng nr deliriously mod flab, fragrant corree, salada, lee rroom astd eat Amour those eajnylng afTalr Mn. end MIM Roger tort M ror this aaMMiln. wMr Iter will lttim frtoad were Mr. and Mr. Stamp and daurtiter Vara. Mr. and Mrs Thontu AM ana little MIM Kva Milfggsgl Of My. Mr. and Mr, Orear and oa, Mr. and JfTron It fe Mr, Mr bou guest and gluwein and children. Mr. and MM of Mr brower two or young Mr nd Mr, t. E. tbretadt Rimer Wadley, and three tr.MlM kva jtrkson. who netted Mr. and bar he lor Mr. Oeorf Jack son at Mobtn Mr. and Mr. T. T. Slk war to from lut wee. Volley View rrm Tuesday tPsepad rf Ml PaeM for A eort vtott with their Ian lYWada Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Ptneraon or Blmor br apont Monday In city. M of t.tvtngton. M M laat our little Mr. r Currto ". wu or Paca visitor iMt Wednesday Mr. H M. Jone returned Thursday lut Mr Hlldle Runnel lert wool for wook rrom Houaton, Taiu, at which placa lul a 10 friend HI M spent fortnlfht lll Puo. W. R. Hawkins Wed Mm Annl Jones or Rdmnrhee wo vtolt-tn- g Mr. entertained lut In Paoo lut Saturday. needay afternoon at aucUon brldro. After Mr. aad Mr. MM of Pjrrto wor Pseoe tM ram delicious talad course, followed visitor loot week. by troam and cake wu served. Those Ml Iwo Lorby and oiady Prewttt tM afternoon with Mrs Hawkins were Mlas Mils Beaucbamp, r gueat M lb Mill Cown rtnrb for Eberholt, Mr. weok or inoro. Knerholt, Mr. Frank Rarey. Mrs". Ed Doty, Mr. M. P. Tyler Irft Wednesday rtlPaSSS Mr w. A. Hudeon, Mr. John Howard, and fur Oklahoma City Mr. Wayer. Judge td Block of Brvw wu ta Poco Mrs. KMrholdt antenalnad in bonor of Mr loot Wednesday. alstor. Ml KMrholdt of Jarraraon. Forty-tw- Mr, toú MUI Smith Saturday for wa tb ram ror IM artemoon, and ln Mr. Ed Doty won tb prise, a boa or dainty Monohan. crape Mr. and Mr, t. H Hartley hv with them do china handkorr.hier. TM ruest thatr daughur. Mr. Tur or and bar chil- prise wu a pretty cat flu bottle. After dren of (Hobo. Ark. the tame a leiupuny aalad course, with Ice tea, ihe rollo winy Ml B. A. miman of Van Mora wo in rtrtt-tof- f wu Nrved lo ladle. tn our town overo day lul week. Eberholdt, Mr, ktrksey, Mr. Store Ward. W. c. Welters wa in town Friday end Mr, t. W Moore, Mr. Willi Runnels, Mr. aturda?. Prank Rarey. Mr. Albert lltk. Mr. Dour las, Mr, cuey, Mr. Buck. Mr. Deane, Mr. and Mr. Howard Collier won gueu Wsaafei wnMÍa ' ln i liífeSw wKSfJfíflHJtl Wfífvml of mono In tb rlty Sunday Mrs. ScMrmerboon. Mr. Weyar, Mra. W. ai StoJrmoBSlTR Mr. lt Duman wor In A. Hudson. Mrs. Ed Doty, Mrs. John Howard, and Mr. Ooorf Woody own from thotr horn In tb Davit moun-Ut- Mr. Tudor, Mr. Brownlnf, Mr. loot week. H. H. Johnson, Mr. Rowdeo; MUM Thomaaon Oolonol B. K. HMcom of BaragMa wa In Rannle Ms colllM, Rom own last Monday. of BM Antonio, and Mildred McCaiwor. Mia Floy or la w. M Mood of Bslmorhes wu to Pecoi Johnson Odu tM yuut laat Tuesday. of Mr. tnd Mr. J. Sev.HI Johnson. Mia Holon Ruth or BaUnnrbo wa (hop- Judye M. Dauyherty of Van Horn wu ping to out little rlty loot Tuaadsy and waa In Pecos lut Wednesday. roaiilorod at the orient W. H Colllna of Toyah wu business Mr. Leo Evan to visitor in our Utile town lut Wedaaadiy. and Mr. went the or or mountain laat week ror on indefinite tuy. TM members the Missionary council Judy Harry MoTler or Tryah tpeiM the Method it church Mid an unusually mee to parlor In Pro.. Interestlny liny tb church Jock bore wont up to Toyih ror loot Tuesday afternoon of lut wook. TM ub Tuesday and Wednesday. Ject ror th afternoon discussion waa Korea Mrs. and Mlas Jordan or Ltmpuua ro, and Korean lira In America, ably led by J. A. of Mr. and Mr. Charles B. Jordan. Mr. J. W. Ptrker. Mr. Suck read fueau an on l Misses Vornon or Monroe, Interesting paper Korean ife In Hemdon L., on Robins and Florence Johnson of Pecoi went America, and Mrs. 0. Curtía' ppr was In- up to Cloudcrolt for wook or two. Evaftfoliatlc work to Korea, also There will be an all day Ml Marlon Looby I the guest or Mist teresting. session Jewel Corran at tb latter' ranch of tb MIlonry council tM ftrat Tuady bom. in Auyust. urn study Japan Ml Carrie Sturkler I visum In Fori t which tM of ; woman ylvan. A Stockton. and apañase will M HTi?lL&Si jarrOnasaaiaBaa VH luncheon will M served by the members I y aaa4eal Ét4rShl BaW. 'Mrs. A. A. Sessions or Jacksonville is the of the council at the noon hour, to which f ! of daurbler, J. L. Morrison. ruest ber Mr. wall the Mrs. Tom Hart or To yah waa the ruest tM yentlemen, u a ladle, are or Mrs. Pst Moran last week. cordially Invited of Son la at I. T. Hobba or Zeragoee wa to town laat Mr. McCluson ham, tM Saturday. tractive yuesl of Mr. Bryan. Bryan rave A pleaeani boa party waa that airen Mr. charmlnr affair lut laat wook, from Tuesday until Saturday Friday afternoon at three thirty o'clock, complimentary U ber house ruest, Mr. by Mr. Chooake ror nor daughtsr. The game girla. however, with an invitation to this McCluson of Bontam. Tb popular wor: Francis Hubbard. Elsie and klenolr of forty-tw- wta tM diversion for the Roberson, Ruby MM Booucbomp. and Vara arternoun, after which tM hostess, uaUtad H. H. Johnson Col Blraa. by Mr. tnd Mr. San a deliclou lc course. TM Mlaa Alice Hawklna played forty-tw- at (In, served ladles attending very afTalr home Monday In- this pleasant her last afternoon quit Bon nam, Mr formally, girl the party were: Mr. McCluson of the composing of Chicago. Wil wora: Doease Irene pruett. Vara McOee and Mr. Cook Mr. Jone. liam Adama, Mra. W. E. Hudson, Mrs. Ed Sims, and tM hoateas. Doty. Mr Mrs waa con of Hubbard. Mr. AlMrt Bisk. It rental crowd mend that 0. Douglas, Simpson, Kirkaey went down on Toyah creek Tuesday 8. Mr. Mr. lut of San Antonio, Mr. EMrMrdt, Mll Eber hardt of Jrrrerson. Mr. Prouty, Mr. John 1 1 !bswvbS!V &fi2tjl Howard, Mr. J. A. Buck, Mr. Calila Prewitt, Mra. W. R. Hawkins. Mr. Suva Ward, Mr. Woody Browning. nd Mr. Learal. Dr. Betbana Coon, t physician or Peco It Reaches rnr a number or yean, lert lut week for Mr new location in Chicago. JB EiKa ( pt' H the Scalp MIDI. AND, TEXAS. a?ratl Miss Winnie Clayton of tM Mulo Shoe 9kBÍ BtSaaBWaaal Di HrojMfiBBB That's why it never fails in ranch, north of Blr Sprlnr. tM noua ruett of Mlt OIdyt Holt TM young relieving the multitude of ladles attended school together last year at trouble that beset the wo- national Park. man vainly Ml Beu Luther, wM graduated rrom who turns to tM El Paso high school to June and baa tonics, oil treatments, and ainc boon attending the normal at Yileta. shampoos. Ma returned home. Ml Mary Cotse of German 1 St ruact of Mr cousins. Mlsaei Pannle Beaa Taylor and Cordelia Taylor. C Mr. Loara Wright returned last Friday morning from Roswell tnd otMr point In Nw Mulco. Primarily bar visit wu made yÍLMoHN to tee Mr grandchild, tM Infant of Mr. and SCALP Mrs. Tom M assay. BM alto mad visit to C Cloudcroft, and tM two week or bar war greatly enjoyed. This I the is a powder for the hair that first trip away from Midland since tM rtocktt tk cafS, and that wo rid' s fair at si. iiin. uM nr i Hmith of noueias Aria.. Is reaches the cause Nor- of dan' now a guest or Mr slater. Mra. Frank .ví-i J. or im- . r ... i druff, brittlenesa, splitting wood, on tM ranch north Midland. Mf,":''í ti:t a Mlu Mary smith is a gueat or Mr Wand, .ataal v.. C yM' :í! 'A" - ends, etc Mlaa Van Crowley, on tM & W. Crowley Ifs the scalp that needs the ranc souiu oi jeiuiaou. i mnA Mrs J w oiann snenl laat Sun treatment. PoudreLeMohn day with Mr daughter. Mra. Wither Wad- - it. ley, on tM ranch nor in or town, supplies Prompt and pos- wr aid Mrs. Morris Durdln or Houston V itive in its action, it purifies are toe ruaau or Mr. and Mr. 0. P. Buch anan Mr, utiruin is niece oi mra. our-- and dranges, quickens the anan. blood arculatjon tosfadfrom Ed Phllltpa wu visitor this week from Abilene to see hit mother and other rala- - the hair and this Uvea root in way ' carries its Wiclir curtí. Jr., 1 thl wu vurting tonic action to hit unci, B. H. Rled. to Fort Worth. Pal eenr strand of hair. Light J. A. Goodwin and w. o. uevit arriveo here Tuesday front Lubbock ror few day as the finest talc, colorless on buslnau. W. L. Hathrot. a business man of Stiver fin aod without odor, it be City, Teta, wu rttltor tu Midland tins canes invisible with light H, A. Moore cam In tM first or this week fkager-ti- iTiiinsntT from hi ranch twenty mil rrom Midland Brigadier General William C.. Price. Jr.. commander of First Pennsylvania brigade, his military Pennsylvania guarda. Jake Muatnglll. ranching In Upton county, basan career in 1886 as an enlisted man in the He Try this sensible invention Kar. in. neat of the week Me reDoru wa comrniasioned as a aecond lieuUnant in 1891. and in 1898 had risen to the rank of lieutenant colonel. During the Spanish war he wa the youngest officer of that rank of a prominent Parisian dry weatoer and poverty on tM range in the service, his age being 29. In 1901 he waa commissioned as colonel of the Third Pennsylvania infantry and he waa made brigadier in 1910. Hi ia composed of the First, dbemist try it fairly under tM fir or tM week and M gave good command Second and Third regiment of infantry, the entire brigade being from Philadelphia. The armories of the three regiments are a dependable report or conditions out hla way. located on Broad straet General Price's home town is Chester, Pa. guarantee of Mr and Mrs a I r inn una complete satisfaction or week front Kerr county visiting tMtr a n. rank and Andrew. Tbey will remain Mre a several weeks' slay tt (laman, where abe tM picture play. "Battle Cry of Peace," Moren cl and D Kraa wars visitors m saf- itutg at fea Barrwa boma. Mrs. Altoa' arrived fresa El Pas your money back. some urn visitad Mr brotMr Monday evento, u fea guute of Mr K. ford Sunday evening. Mr. ohman drove par attending echool M la only ( P B. R at. JoM King, whose ranch tlgnt Meadasus barley Martin and Mar Roacb. hu ear from uirton. Mr. Bush and llttto son and Dorothy Captain Holdeneit u rrom . Fifty m town, in Midland tM tin are vuiung City. back Polvo. ctnf mites eut ol wu la Crystal Mra May lie Id or OtoM I v 11 tor to Bar Arthur Jennlng ton Thursday morning f?Yiiabgr1lii want to Wlllcot Friday for Captain and Mra. Furlon Mr ' n I IK. aih Mlaa rrom tad tad Ada Jom cam Sown Alpine ford this weak. for clirton, where M will visit with hi sis few day vlalt wife manda Mrs. S. 0. Glum motored orar from Sbsf The W. T. Holcomb and rtmlly returned lut Tuesday to vialt Mr. C J. HMKMS. tor, Mrs s. J. o. wa Baa Stoaon Weraar Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs W. R. ChemMit lert Tue Lehmaa. w. BaraiM a visitor tor Sunday and were fee guesU of Ctpum Saturday from an ttended vialt u rrieuu. Mlu Margaret Nuan returned rrom TM Daughter of HeMkah WIU give the Thursday. Ptlmsr. at Hope. and oilier hu day usomiug ror an attended visit wife Mr TMigiauii TS1. Tea. and relatives Freeron Rv. trgila or Uvalde Ms Man visum public an opportunity of Marng IM captain E O. U Pno. TMy war gun about Chamber, párenla, at cantraila. in TMy General gad W. B. MeKktsto were in HouaMls aad Ltoutgnant potnte in Arkansas bit sons here this week Mr. V. Norton of Loa Aug, Youngblood Mva to Tho Mall rrtar llowoo sevon weeks and enjoyed It returning by will stall different point to Illinois and lnr, from tM ranch Thursday. returned tMlr of enjoyad party at IM residence of Mr. and let. tevtog mad arranaaiawitt to Mv her WUI wen to Ajo tost wee to HI of tMlr old boas at ComancM and Mtoeourt before returning to Safford Sack M Mr. nw war Mrs W. W Young Monday evening fire an entenaiumant August The pro- sick J. H Weuiger wa to Maris by Knot City. Stamford and other points H C. MtUmark. geaerai t his brotMr Loam, afea wu fear. a m. Joan co. ,M i mwm Mr, c Down jr., aad MU Mary ceeds of IM iinnrtlHasaal will be usad to K. J. Mabuney rtsaastty Man uaigned B. tats k Midland rrom HaV i. freight agwal or fee A K R Ma Ho I Nov e C Swiftr Doami motored to treat tM ranch Tuo help defray IM of IM entruimng fee night key at uttogrsoh ofnea J. Shield and Mr. Ball Or dina, M. al., to load out wtfa tuppUu. through Safford Wedneaday evening on bit lnm fea Mra. Say of fee Grand lodge, which convenes la J W líateme of Paradlas to San Mart. K. T. Cobb, ranching near Oar dan city. way iu utooa. l wu Safford. AprU, IBIT. Sanara weak. cáptala toa ton wpak fel wiatpaay Mr wa ka Midland ror day or two oa bual Mr, w. W Young aotertafeaS St S. S. Mr aad Mr. Thoratoiuysn ton of last Sea m IM first Puieo. nee Ma report rood rain on tM stab Mr Mata oa WouMaday after feu weak to SiiigMatr to W. C. aVotows. J. Cortrtne and Frank noon vlalt tMlr S JsM BslSsMI M fear rrom Marts Orasaoa. ArU- - ror Major Aadaraoa apaat M Haaator wu la Midland unas tto Mlu Ocuvtt DowaM ton Saturday Mra J J. Chamber lain frog Oblar a of M. Mra. MlUray Maara Man Say bar S3 uvaral aar 'sr. SirMHy. to to rsMrasS Karl wu guaal S ln Marta tat waste sssvm captain Heintti week frota Fort Worth Ma wa guaal cal., mum Mr iudto Olobe tost weak after an ilb family raw week, stop. Paso to vtoU rrtoada far a weak, fee as fee at leaded visit and tor a days lut loan rnmmaad of J m Jossea and family univertlty. monde. corosnurg. to AIMgjUirgai to visa bar atutbsr sad la Mr Mrs. Aaatto Sou to of Kaowiae. ping ovr frosa tour rium LUutttuat PaUlfes to to Mwt aae- - aad Mrs M. hoeih. who M beeu vlatuog to City tohw for row weeks far The Paso del Norte M.. are tM t Kansu aad tatsSISf eeek Mre wife Mrs AilM Wurdea, wu callad by goo to Marry awry, who boon to Mlu I rear Moyar r M Mr Jud Wbiuaher hu Columbus. hu CaWtico. "csptato ktxM to hu turned M Naa, tM Saturday aavto ror kpanlka. Mote in El Peso after a vían to Mamie lerei aad tail M.. to work M tM (Miliary true Gal., fe tost five returned to Mlaa Vaaut. wM Ms Man ttttUM Mlu auoratag Mr Roacb wiu return to Saf Samoa weak. ror Certuichaet, lepalr hopa. Ssa last ROOF GARDEN Mrs A. T utrtor tM pul atoa fe. re rurd again to a raw aya as joto Mr moth TM new rweidoaca M W. M. Grant wu i ruasaay H H Mortua JoM Manto f La auraed ta Mr home in t Paau or wm leave Maw York tor Seflord about M d. Sítate last IMtraday srwatug by a house Mr and Mr. W August. were bar tost Tuesday rar M Ska stoua M tmmá eaai of de imaatog A hstjwi of good femgt to Fi M KtoadyM lmytaT tora toad for mmlm91 tlm 111 from k Wooiaa of ka parras s vetoptaeal irrigable farm eat wu iajf S hp Mt peeaeaL As Mr and Mrs Richard i order M Mrs aoach aad bar boatau. Mrs MM of W V. Thorp Uto u tas-- erd EH bou and will Use satoyabao tacs wu given t rrua fee Muuday Alice Woroeu. were eutartalaeu at toa by Mr Mlu Jegr Willi ton frtalay far Does MaisrAtiB The pew n 11 raab WuuUti wiu i baihtiag SsBarSty night. ragyittoM ara stud rfmbiiisli is p. Mr 1. S Sou It rlatafes relativa) ai Mra W D Fraorb. aeiuiday evania after auaue. uttaudiug to Miag toa and tistes to vutt friends ror a few Tja abaolui Whtofe bjoatees to toe wee ha. rUtuUu ig M., Tmiday. Tttaaraday aged Seas ni tM tontas Mr f waste suui heie. wear ato Meter IMkAAV d lavSMS Mia euiui BtUU SMS Ruth Tarpy M H Paos HmSfEau tofesrsa tl Mra N U roaoy. Mrs W D Frwaob. Mrs I Mr. and Mrs s I are Mu of Mr paaYtsVatSrd u i. ! aad mm at home uiliaa dujhtr esapt Iroaí am hsaaV of Paul 1 vuu I h Mtsura haw gblilss. WarsYsti aad iwv UN euaa, MvS Saugbter f uUTtuu Mr. BeasM 0MtM oil kart Altoa and family Miami sr rto and Mr. 4. L. of feu alas. Ms EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1916. 15

By JULIA OF INTEREST TO WOMEN f i LEE BROWN ATTRACTIVE EL PASO MISS M0BLIZAT10N OF GUARDSMEN VERSE LIBRE New York Stage By JULIA LSI BROW! By BRETT PAOS. They ware three little brother! and TO BORDER CAUSES POEMS AND They earn running blithely hand in hand New York, July fa. When Floren Cp th or Iter step, t library one ,iv raid produced hla rirat década They Bad or ago "Foil!" vision largo picture books everyone along Broadway sal right rnj with colored drawings and "took notice For ten years now ths SONGS TO SPRING MAGIC LIKE With fairies m pink robe and big brown coming or summer has been no mor rega- lion and gray elephants. lar than the coming or a new edition of the And Aladdin and his wonderful magic lamp "Folllei." "Uegfeld's Folliei of 1l" bava And all or those glorious. ranUetlc ptc- been crowding lb Hew Amsterdam the, RhymeleM and Often ThooghtteM, Jingle Rattle With Senti- lurag that children lova. ter ror tome weeka now. Tbe routine or lb They weren't rich in.: boya, performance hs been "Vr,",'jut aa ton th- O. so ment, Pathos, Unconscious Humor in nol hair rich ai your little boy! eft Jolly, which at Hrtt it rawer form-hm- , Bui they loved beautiful Ihlngi and kind "eu" with time. Take rxiOe Mr. Unfitting Paróme. smiles Zlegfeld ha had mighty "good luck" this Just as your own little boy doei. year. The "Folll" have "jelled" mio a They came into tbe reading room and their delightful confection. Even ir Omit m bo war between th wtooty wast h u real Swinburne In faces brightened with expectation. temperament, and a Kipling In style. While this summer's show may not United statat and Mexico the expedition real I smiled. I wss glad they bad chosen the very of national and a leas Wlllard for punishment much mental nourishment. H'i into Mexico and th romlnf library instead or the tireel. just the Wing to top guards to th border will b This 1 what be write to Bar: off the season's thea- emblxnd The two older one removed their hat. trical roast. Built on the usual ziegTeld in history That lst.tr 11 of tlM poetry that but the little one wa very utile wat Waal to Be WHS reripe ihe "Follies" is a revue which deal! ha been inspired by thlt expedition It 'I i Yam" And be forgot. HI brother leaned over and "When he is shining down on quito pleasantly with the pasting ihow, and published. For, poetry always baa been sun hottest removed the or mean or RJo Grande, and bal. shows the year. Although much of lu always will be tbe moat applicable the And silently and sweetly rebuked him ror I muale is original mora or n it lined rrom htstory. And the wind blowing fierce! and a dig bla lack or manners la ring up and. every source or entertainment the past sea-o- ProbaNy yon do not know It. but there the I untied again. It atad ma vary happy campa on tbe out When I'm feeling kind a gloomy, down has provided. Many of its laughs ar boused in noma of tbesa to ase sucb children. new, bat more or I Hornera, near hearted and perhaps, are memorable aklrta be city amateur blue. So in love with the better things or life. through Popes and When I'm reeling sort lonaaome, I Just notable associations The "talent" md withal lyrical Swlnburnei so much more in love with pictures and and or Yea, ara all there. want to be with you. the beauty tbe "Follies," however, heavenly Shelley. they rSirle and story book ar two thlngi ror For expectation or war, baa whlrh this perennial war, or the Than tbe street. Although their clotbe Zlegreid show baa In- While my singing ire ramous In their own way or Inspiring poetry. It always comrade showed tbey were the It. From the rar primitiva man. everywhere. right spired Products of the street, in reality tbey were IS hen war waa St Ita height, there haa been And. I know they're just tt to drive Scene In Follies we product or There Bar- handed down to us the crude but ssusrylng away their care. is Ins ciarte, Ann Pennington, Something muoh higher, something much Oranvllle, B. llnea: Then there come that feeling creepin' and nard Sam Hardy, Justine John- more wondrous than runes. son. Emma Haig, Rocjf, "I rn to war, I am sent; I know youe fait It ton i William Fanni And it made me strangely glad, strangely Brice. Alyn king, C. 1 go to rirht, I am sent." When I'm reeling sort lonesome, I Just William Field. Cart want to be with you. bappy. S Randall. Rett Williams. Don Barclay and Tbey ngr-e- d in hooka. more, more. an Persons seem to raallxe a became their lot In lis two art lb Zzá rorth. An librarian spied the little or this year need, soma effective way or expressing When the íun bai crossed tbe border, and asslflant "Folllei" presente eighteen feelings, their patriotism. And, la droppin' out of sight. brothers scenes many or them by the way, painted their warlike So In pages. by Joseph Urban, as poetry is universal art and mode of And the silence or the desert comes from interested the magic wiw bit usual leaning the She they were golds, oranges ejpresslon In writing, they choose the form the wings or night. approached tbe tabla where toward blues, crimsons, and or poetry. Then my thought are homeward flying, sluing, what not, that Mend together in one's mind Poetry, Perhaps. where there' some one waiting true. And, leaning over, took lbs book from out after leaving, into what Is really a daUgbt-ru- l It's or or of Ob, yes. poetry, enough. Far When It' night time down m Texa I Just tbe band reminiscence glorious nonsense. it well or or It me It doggerel, or even want to be with you. One the most enthused the three. There are travesties on "Julius Caesar." be from to call rue so lowly a name aa verse. Yea, they are utile fellow looked up, startled. "Romeo and Juliet" and "Otollo" to com- songs, wonderful song, put to tbe tune or I wonder If be lent bar a copy of tbat? rrid memorate we Shakespearean Tercentenary "Piperrary," or gems clear and beautiful aa Mora Pathos Than Poetry. Just is on feels upon tuddsnly felling still again. A motion pltcura ihlpwreck enmeos. Listen at una one: A lady who live somewhere In Texaa, but down seen causes one to grin with delighted who once lived in El Paso haa dedicated one "Do you know how to read?" the aiilstent memories or past movie thrills. The Pre- "It's a long way to Pennsylvania, to "The Boy m khaki." She say bar librarian asked them. paredness scene make one (mile a bit It'a a long way to go; heart Is still with El Paso a evidenced by The little brothers were frightened, and But when all is (aid about the "Foillea" ol We don't like It down here In Texaa, the poem. This Is what she writes. Tbey did not kuow what to say. and tbey this year or or any other year, then re- Where they don't bava any snow. Just dared at her with a tort mains uppermost hi the mind the beauty We'll all go back to Pennsylvania, "Ood bless the boys in kbaUl Of dumb animal frightened look. or the women, ihe swiftness with which on That's where we long to go, Who left their loved onaa. Tbe kind of look a dog glvaa a master scene gives pisca to the next and the gañ- , Back to the dear old homestead For any kind of sacrifice when the master era! "plessant" feeling or tbe entire To hell with Mexico!" To defend our Uves and honor. lives It s beating. Rarely does one remember moat "You can't ue the books it you don'l that he sees. How can be when the Zleg- Strong on Heme Stuff. This side the border. Father, hold them know how to read," reid recipe call ror beauty and personality, Even ir tbe author was vltrolic, be was And keep their brave hearts strong. Tho young woman told them, and replaced not ror tba punch or well rounded scene i sincere In bis desire to go back to bis Grant not one loving heart shall ache tho books in the shelve. Te Whom Credit la Doe. hearth and borne. And, or course If be By lot or one they gave along. And she beckoned to them to leave tbe Oeorge Hobart and Oene Buck wrote ths loves Pennsylvania batter than he does our room. book and lyrics or the show. The muslt beloved Texas, we cannot help that. H Ood lead our sunburnt 'regular,' The little brother were proud. They wss contributed by Louis Hlrsch. Jerome D, ever. It seems logical tbat such boya would Blazing, alien, desert soil. looked aheeplsbly about the Kern and David Stamper. Ned wayburt be glad to get a real breatb of air, or a For Justice to humanity,. Room n iff it any other Utile boys had staged the production. As was said Joseph glimpse or the sunshloo once in their live And their hero comrades' toil. noticed their disgrace, Urban painted the scenery. To tbesa last instead or smelling and swallowing coal For they felt their disgrace. 0! so keenly. two belongs tbe greater (bare or credit, dust forever. Any way, we all wish aim Wa love our boy In khaki! And the hurt was deeper than a kntre with Floren Zlegfeld. who is the ever well. Ood hlaaa tbe U. a A.I wound. hsppy bod of tba "Follies reaaL Tbe Author Like This! We're all to the tara and stripes. Tbe girl wbo had rebuked tbem returned Pennsylvania aeems to be turning out Brothers and sisters! Coma what may." to her work. Tbe shark scare along Atlantic coast of more poets than any other Mate. Hera Is I wondered ir she realised tbat (be had which front our eastern summer retorts, one written on the "March to Iba Border The boys In khaki ought to prick up under orrended three "or these lltti ones." haa joined with tbe early cool weather and by a real "sojer boy." that, surely. What greater incentive should They left aa silently as they entered. the lnfanule paralysis panic to make sum- poem to they want than a real dedicated But their heads were down and all of their mer park owner feel rather tad- - Business "We are tbe good old !. O. P., them? enthusiasm had gone. hasn't been nearly as good a might have from a good old righting town. And New Wa Have With Un- There were no In the world, they been expected rrom the general prosperity you rairtea I rom dear old Philadelphia, ir are not bothered with a stomach knew. wave on which the show business has been that nausuates at Impossible poetry, Where we can always be round. read A drawing; of some attractive sr.i in Bl Pasos younger set will be printed each Sunday in the Morning; Time. And tbey went to the street for the street riding. There seems to be an Invariable The rail to colors, we wefe the first tbat re this clssslc seemed beiulirul and gay slump In showmen's smiles whenever they piled. Compared the place they had left. tackle a summer retort proposition. Per- "America, I You." with And uuw wc are marching, Ida by aide. Lava in Black Red and nd their They'll never go to Wat library again. haps the reason ror this Is not the bsd busi- lova and Gold." WALTER DAVIS "I tbe Seventh cavalry London, similarly in When tbey pa It they always ness or which they're always complaining, a and Berlin and Vienna CHORUS. Juat like sweetheart of mina contrasting on "The Nationalism A Bishop recall a wa deeper than so much as it Is the vast hoparulnes with From troop 'M' Ilka one tints Sensible Will hurt that Hurrah, hurrah! we are marching on our 'A' to l just large Mairested by Women or Europe During knire which tbey sun out at the beginning or the troop tbe By Revé THOlsfAS B. OUOOHY. t wound, way! the crisis or the War." NEVER rorgeL season. With normal business no resort right Tor liberty. For children Hurrah, hurrah, we woo our right today. For they Apart rrom or No, never: owner ever is content. He wants ths "best You take the man who lead us the varied proceedings the And, let us hope that war congress. ell or which are not amendable The splendid piece or advice that was business ever." But tt really does seem In our land shall never dwell. Into the rights we've bad to as yet given not long ago by a western bishop thai things have been sucking pretty badly Oh, Mexico, a program particularity the For General Sherman said tbat you're little bit slow has la to I ha young men who were about to pass for 'em tht year. you meet Seventh cavalry." women's achievement department War only was hell!" When the preparation a great number of "durational rrom the theologtcsl school to the ministry Thoughts the Day and entertainment reaturea. The ladles win deserves a wider circulation than the for One or the amusement promising possibili There Is another versa. But, let's don'l Yea, Indeed, tbe border I lined with poets enlist tbe or the schools of peaker was able to give II. ties lor insiders of tbe show business hat and lyric. wTlters who simply bad to gat repeat It. El Pato and neighboring towns, and put on 1 ha bishop out by Inrormlng the 11 was Martin Luther who said "1 have been punctured. Nearly everyone Wought inspiration out or systems They stalled Humor In Hiking Song. their their an exhibit of pupils' work, which will be young gentlemen berore him that the min- no pleasure In any msn who despises there would be all sort or disagreeable rife are writing because they are Inactive and Here Is a better one. The author bad Indeed worth examining. Latest ideas in uter need, rtrst or til, to be holy man. music. It is no invention uf ours; It Is in the century theater when Florenx Zleg or even ir In bava no chance to right. ror 1 Dillingham real Idea art. he did couch it pedagógica, and means harmonising the Mow is meaning or that the girt or Ood. place it next to theol- reid and Charles started produc- or slang. ia called "Hiking Left bava WAS. or study, will be con- what the bottom ing The rollowtng plan the medium It various departments word "Holy.'" Bless you, the nawer la ogy, sttsn bate music, he knows it together. however, to Is sung I a roost con- - Seng." aud tbe air which it sidered. There will be elaborate WHOLE. drives the evil out or us." has been worked out tu avoid possible school and one no simply this it means manual training exhibit does evermore publish flu is. pretentious relating; to domestic The holy insn Is a man who is whole, Human character Waiting Love las IttSlr. It will not be concealed. It bate Instead or producing the various scene or "Hike and dust, and hike and dust, science. entire, "all there." la we say. darkness-- It rushes Into light The most the entertainment together wblcb by the Hiking I a case of to proclaim the Ooipel- - as must. or llanres to be Reproduced. Surreasfully way. Is to be a combination revue and light Hike you doughboys, hike or Love mine, tbe distance grows bust Devotee " thing, loa rmrpose ex- - opera Dillingham will produce one Doggone It! The shadows rail where the rose leaf blow of the Terpslcborean art will 222, TLtV'oo'ni a inUmated teens find something singularly worth their en ct cnurely alone and Zlegreid will have en- The thousand voices of tbe midnight air posaes, BHAINh. suLL wul HEALTH or body " J f,"0 kre" lh;rt"-you you a if tire charge or another. In Ibis way they Beer and highball rar away. echo softly In love and throe. ill still how rol-- the or women' and nerves. will through tbe a forget sashay. Every flower bloom lor then. under auspice tbe you sleep you Ihow it. Emerson. work entertainment to Just it and achievement department there will be stag- He must be, not a brain snd soul without happy ending it is hoped. For we are hare, and here to stay, Every bird that sing in Iba tras body the life should be made up of illusions A ed tbe sort of dance, "which really mean sound body, or s sound without or the Doggone It!" whispers only thy name. sound person must htve so much In him tbat his Another noveiues of production Is something." It I said tbat In Russi. danc- brain snd soul, but brain, soul snd said to engagement or gay friend never discovers II. Nature Ilk.- we be the of several libret- or glow ing Is not always an expression a body combined and composers, or raro, But of all types or persons sentimental. Love mine, the worms gleam, as iLgntaL must all withhold something We hear or tists instead Just to and light It A In the pale vivacious heartedneaa. m 1 Whole Msn. write the virions part or the production. and dreamy Romeo should not be allowed The fire flies float moon's beam. to be In America. For persons laying thai they underttend one strung generally deemed The In to be use- While Sam Bernard, Elite Jams Leon a chinee to protest their country. Hera Is The night la with a thousand eyes. Use express ancient ides tbat order another, pray let me never let my friend and Russians the most exquisite him- are the only so rar a real lyric written by a Romeo who left The charm that lies In the sort moonlight. or personal ful the minister needed to dehunisnlie understand me. Juat ai soon aa do be Erro! stars announced, sentiments the most poignant Is nu longer it possible Ills fairest lullet some where "up yonder' The charm tbat hold tbe golden night sorrows, or self as nearly as possible Is dona with ma. aa with an uninteresting it quite that each one la to bava or national by tbe nuance tbe Til part in mow own when be came out here to the wild and Is the charm that wait for thee. Pavlowa haa won her Im T popular. book. Some persona like an aaiay of hit ihe written by hla dancers' art. ire rivorile composer perishable distinction by the emotional There Is no virtue In asceticism. Asceti Kmerson: s lyric or Swinburne: an epic ind writer. or performance But, WIW cism is simply s ltd in of inssnily. an idea of Homer. W never finish knowing Wem versatility her or who like aa came to or or Ignóreme, superstition snd fear I some Thoie us our Ibsen presented us as a nation, dancing haa yet born There always intrinsic beauty very mean nothing much except Indulgence in The prescher who happens to have, along we see are in tbe best way and acted by the that did nol before There vary people, yet Women Will Find Much of Interest tbe Intoxication or rhythm and music and with the right kind of head and hesrl. s who are like dime novel we never beat wiw We emphasis still others placed where it be upon an aspiration for tbe attainment of physical sound body, rood digestion slid Ihe nabii went to see them gin. should placed, tbe Department or m will be none the play, will be interested in tbe announce- in Their at Exposition grace. The dance under tbe direction or enjoying hi dinner, Sk women's achievement department tl the :illyric toner, worse ror it as a preacher and pastor. ment that John D. Willi smt wlU present Paao'a Walter Davis. Bl "An Emey or the People" season. exposition will demonstrate that dsnrlng la leaving Tueoday for a concert tour Who wlU attempt to estimate the amount being ii able to find but little living In next Woman' skill In handiwork or every women, Irving a nomadic Ufa, with no other may be made poetirauy significant, a atavtee and will later ' misery lias been caused lu We terett In matters so remote and mlity a of tho southern that George B. Cortelyou's son. 0. S. refined variety, and woman' ambitious borne than a wretched wagon, which con artety or aeahatlr nancea win oe staged. So to Now York. Tho concert aro world by poor dyspepllc parsons St. Aug- Adam" and tbe f'FalL" C, Jr, plan or aortal con- veya their poor belonging and In or the exposition buildings: Ii a compos r. lieaae don't aay that ha for the improvement incidental tbe principal being given under the auapleaa of tbo ustine and John t.alvln. to mention no ot- The bishop i or Is discutí-e- ly rrom hav- convey- right, course b received bl early u annus rondUng not dition, will be demonstrated and their families placa to placa; and there will be "rolk dances" United Daughters of tba Confederacy, her. under the auspices of tbe Woman's ing no dormite aim. no definite goal in ing all the Impressionistic reeling or a Tba successful preacher of today It tbo when hi rather wa secretary or tbe treas- the Mississippi headquarters of which prsachera bad ilway been healthy, Achievement department, at the Internauon view? Such Is the fact, and something Yeats play. or a message rrom we tttne rary. If all one wbo lalka about the thing of today ury But however ha secured bla musical hava arranged the aa wall as good, tbey would never bv o. B. al Soil Products exposition, which open in should be dona about It The woaaaa' con- Comedie Humalne " In addition there will tho tour Mr. Davis without wealing hi prsclou time talking education, C jr., has componed the Paso, ror IT. gress After thought of ihe ugly dogmas lliat are al El ten Saya, oa uctosar will undertake to find a practical be topical dances In costume will visir New York, where ho I well about thing that are supposed to bava mulo ror a light opera calles' "A lieguiar erricient means. Already making to much ror the of yean ago- - " A fellow Mr h S. Sutherland, president of the in women's Kshlbtt MaSat atoase, known la profeaaioual anualoal cir- liretent happened thousand tb'nrs Olrl Harvard student u said yeater-da- club has made an Initial by dls huí cburchea or no Uie LI Peso Woman's club. In acepling effort remarkable feature of the women's cles Mr. Davis also contemplates vis- that are particular Importance whetb lo bv written libretto. The piece wui bar appointment as chairman or the tnbuting proper books among great num To be well la to be bappy. and when a er wey bajppened or did not happen. tee the light tometlme la tbe fall, when 11 wagon achievement department will be I tie "Model iting tho Thojnas A. Edteon plant at of woman manager of the Inter- bars of these Itinerant dweller a. Is he la good and "Ahra-ntml- by board Home." sited to show how beauty and Orange, N. J havlns received a per- preacher bappy nalured of more importance to u than tba will be produced tbe oreeley Producing Soil ptodm a IM rural ror an own national expuaiuoo. outlined Literatura trisáis! may he Joined with economy and sonal request Mr. Edison to full of hispe, fur bimtell ana Covenant" lb eovtant that wa company, a newcomer la tbe field or great progressive and aplrited policy. elegance from "Formerly, aucb a family other nrarti. al considerations when II la a make a teat song record No mailer how gifted or pious a man may make today with uur neighbor, that we things. Te atoan Variad aAhiaiu. comparatively erudite If It quesUon of Ihe selection of modern Lares Mr. Davis la wall knowa born, la be. It Is s crinas to slluw biin lo prssch wilL.be neighborly snd treat etcb other wiw or H. we shall nave aometmag new. ana battered almanac and a to end Panales, and an mat aoiongs warewtsn. musical and social drclaa of tho elty. unless be la fit to pat a nrai cUaa phyai Justice snd good will. H. Frasea, who stepped out of the ossav vital uaparauva to woman." or Longer r and Inwren from some mall order house. Tbe dlstn But a detailed description of lbs model Ho haa been leading; aololat at a num- cal auBUnsuon. Of mor coo sequence to us than tb tgemenl lb theater tome unto will Sutherland. "Also, we shall have far ago. baa auge. back bigb hopes Mr. button of literature asa baas andamian by boose la reserved for occasion ber of tho prominent churches. Hla a pier or to turn "Numbering II tbe number id acata with many or tbe old attractions, which are of now la Bane aow . It it hasardou business of the rnbea' or a bappy Mason. Early monto tbe club, it tbat radical ansa to make a notable vole la of the full, va- a man loose the of and right, next be Is perennial. mrailible Interest and without, the runner Mrs. 8 uwenand intends sick in pulpit Without las of today's deeds klad nata to reopen tho Longacr -- urea for education and isa women s la wsy riety and expressive quality that la any way man the community, tb .lowing Bui iii. h no exposition of this kind would be or (sature of achievements ths in intending il. iucb today's duties to the fsmily. tb to provement the nómada ware essayed It LabiMi or we rarest characteristic of the wall trained anS Almighty any mo Truth" farce now playing Chicago. complete. It goes without saying that la disheartening to think of great of horticulture liable to slander the at the atete and mankind. numbers and plant, grown In Tax as will be cultured singer me :uUnary. exhibits of rine prtservea. pickles or women wive and mothers, and or flower, at. The ucceful minister or today techaos Stop This Way bag (Sapped into Ska or asada i one woman from Texas town md pastry exhlbita of needle work and respectable intention- - sleeping under u and AnuWer bil or eacelleol advice gleu by the bad men in live city council, ia brtb Attor theater to inaugurate the transrsr of who I rapidly making bar fortune through uiiateur artJttlc production, will be most or by tbe road aide I beard a nun say tba good bishop to tbe c and Mistos waa ara around the jury botei the "hoodiera" the msnasemeul of that well known play aricóme from every source within tribu on souse lnoeaum rose culture, is e pectén to aeea toe iisi the following the politician who tbat country road be Not coached la words. "Don't In lb lagialaturea. houM fies lu haa and Harria tu the aant- - iary territory And wa heartily hope that once met party of such vagrant or exhibitors in the flower section COME begin your sermon with a dry disserts would dobaucb we and the hard and in the only will be a great vartely or rrarhia. til woaten in El Paso vast party including rawer, and Bui eshibiled Margaret Olive Jordan. Uon on Jsrmlsh. bis history and all or iba hearted lords of wealth who would drive El Paso is accessible ror miuer. roses brought to csreptinnal perfection, from which all their w latuea leading up to bina, wblcb no one the people into despair and than lulo dea Jsrue j is be sisead the purpose, wlU co operate with u By prove of inter est but the Instruction OS tbe corbeii said lo for com ever on tbe Sunny aide. carea about. Tell tba story, if you bav peraltan gad lawtessne. - part la "Mil Trail HoUioay " far Use prises and distinction, awraggwU' aaethod so surresaiuuy tb iter- the to caá atlas idawl7wiy a4 There's room enough all. ii.. nun else lo Mil. or HOW YOUR LIT Ths prear her believe in "bell" company Bow ereaaiMag to toar to be inmrSil far the neat exinayan of ly u Oxloplailea will still more decidedly 'i'Vrelicit the totereet" fur successful to the traveling s ewrt The Corns over on Iba Bunny III. BUY JUMN.tY FKI.L lltTO A Wtl.l Bui has a way of letting bit heareri region or Atlanta aU point tu asedio eran, of culinary art. aad the uiulti whore they war going of all spectators wbo haw "a ktaatng to aid. h aud touiii e.ked They said uluoan AND HOW YOU FIBHLD HIM 01 T WITH tbe bell ha U) la the Alísate, the Bsun to- rarvous prodactMa of tbe boana keeper y posies of all sorts from the maguí Where thougbla never fsll' know wat hat mind ñera Demon has see! tac didn't know of say piece la particular ward A Mi MIC "ik BAY SOMLIHIIO THAI aeiriahnraa and greed; of . to violet of Wtsiuusk Coas over where the abluios lineada bell ol the hail ured in lever uf tea palatial paiiors whet "There are. however tactical roncera ta which iiuui be ailed Weir deeuoatlun He ncm roagnoli that INTBHEST THE t I purns Weave rajkoptst gold win mil brutality and iiguaUcc.'th hell of ssatual-t- l ice cream sad i dttpenaad osj PigisSlBig Bleb It I nowaday conceived proper lor inquires! how tuug Ibey bad beea journey era Tow .n her w suple of sad of bead beading low." whim Where Light and Beauty trie) unite Lulls Johnuy down in in wall, bolduis j and beuliiy the hall ibal dettruk bu street. Jeme ought lu be bil m the role of woaaaa to be interested uo tea taaa to lu - gray, wttb meak 11 UU man happiness aud ash respect, tbat the af bar fmerer. aaaasBs. Twasdsy " riia- could never be forg- o- by him. who bad With Love. yoa. hi ml., Id oa for dear Ufe tut father gel bold ol break lb as b deader. mater aramias three up and ac on I tat or lour subjects, oare drunk of Its perfume "tnougn aa Usa, wttb your baart bcrolt af aU the boatbook with which to pull him out homes altera f. he. tbat fill bava uttaS thro Of up and pauper ablrb wdl plans Use callosity of the public Baa or deem kart' carea and shadow d gloom ia vary human tory Nobody but an out Jaula, penlleniiarle. There gloom atoan Tta faja aJsag There suj-i- all sad eaMet aba hearty eo uperatma af all will be to try to rata tbe statu, toast six Coat ovar lo lb sunny tide and out HI lot could go to sleep under i and lhl rtponsible for the la ae marte aa to place, where soar are of well aseaateg Mrs Butberland haa aoantnsted ud degrad lb rtawt TbsBgtar people, at the rorth a tog these lianas. a decid serve with no board Where Lite's fair rose btoosa asury like thai Bui million of sillein mat dfoiui world Mile After spendtng day tod ntgut - Uig upon a way or ly woaaaa to Mr a himb- ouagreas. to be held under the Mil lo . li.rssuie rep Coat, tun your aiind wiw Harmonies peopl go ready tu swear thai u is nugniy Tb bishop's advice wa timely and sound firing Worn wiw proper 11. .i.i iu.iiH to isi.ptra of Use worn f ecbtevenarol de reseat tba vsrtuus depa tnvset uf tba moni to songs Use sagels siag bard to keep awake wall the uuinaMr is nd w .nouid all he glad tu know thai in nimbler piano lulu out War aSBSga, IgM We intend to Ab. up. tin waning away at the is all we may go aten- " i tsalitj wad Mm basasen a, aortal sad Ireter tattle sad Uft your volcas - draw thai older kind of preacher ha bad la naiad is already asta that alter nol talo serve A uó, rossmo atea! With I rusel PrwJMaa nal organisation Of El Peso since the haitrii una than the pyramids tu actuality in in land Ha u no as yet baa caused the ana Ilia, "Oats tuple uf Mat ort boar uuue the ..ivil .ervi.e irform .hi JJ esMe ti wives of tbe leaauo nasa la tbses sensrel Coas ovar as lb kussay sate, To be tara, n it saud Hark TWaia aere i ery numerous, but ha t bar end w easy usia lo resit that baratan raafH lea sat sratjaaa af haa state of Teas, stow batees will be invited to assist A BQSsBsr Ibas M issont enough rar all uaoa a asas wfl al ate gaav of Adaai. only ear or aun what um poet tats af right You aa. all una war imp now ao many cansona af Bl Pane are aware that hi iwn win uf ths araay officers wives will he asked fbs gtouaiy seen we af for but Mark Twain was But aa u dinar y Batu Ahem fas urns "May his tbibs ih- - for uaug-B- i Ita a M restate MWaausn thr talks, m usos o bav Its serve oa I The itasf to Life's sweat caM. mi, aud U l tele ki tay ISO a poor hard wurhm auasgk MSaatfa, tea t Mi EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. JULY 30. 1916. UGH! CALOMEL IS HORRIBLE! IT ffi-Skf-e SHOCKS YOUR LIVER, IF BILIOUS Calomel Skkara! Don't Lorn m Day 's Work I Clean Ydut ' Liver and Bowel With Dodbon B Liver Tone." Mir rrrr N. M. I ager of the Bocorr,) mine al Mogollón, ar- MARGARET CLARA BARNES villi serge am a ajar S. I naevl rived here laat week, arrompan led by bar AND Fourth retas mrentry. returned Lnrdshurt maida and haa ranted one of the Walton Bergeant Boy Vaughan. of the medlrai n Ugh! you alck. ful If you ntu alai f'lomel make tt'a and It doeam't etralghten hotie on Wet Tenth treet ror the fall. Sé partmeni. made a business trip to El Paao horrible' Take a doaa or the a right up and make you feel fine and F Maytat B D. white nr the Meeker Mining '"m Mrt and deurhter. Mlaa this weak. drug tonight and tomorTOW vigorous I want yoa to back to tha penv. Wednedey from several Freda, will leave Ihla evening for their Miller and A. House, of Chicago. yau me y loae a day 's work. torn and get your money. Dodson a returned In Me Iowa, among day trip to El Pun and Demlng home ton, to upend eeveral arara our visitors tot week. Calomel la mercury or cjnlekallTar Liver Torta la destroying aale of bunlnmi They to bare Major seath lert on a rurtougn tha C. A stall nf Mogollón r moniht aipert return for Bertram ceoeee neeroala of calomel because It la medi- ni fsmih to vlalt hla ramlly in Ft. Worth which the bona. real liver Wednesdsy revere! the wmier. Thursday Calomel, when H cornea Into contact cine; entirely vegetable, turned from F.dii.o Miser, of the Fort Davit pott, waa therefore It Mr mechanictfíi Mrt Wllllamt. who hat been pn1lng eour It. bretvk-In- g you vlstl In Denver Stell II fm g In Marra with Mia craaha into cannot salivate or make abk. tne paal year here with her aon. I wt, visitor thlt week I ployed In UM Snrnrro mines young men or Marra and a number It up. Thla la when you feel that guarantee that one spoonful nf a called tn her home in Kant city The you Dodbnn's Liver Tone Lucy Boger snd non. Buel, leri or the ai my ofrireri gave a farsrtrell danre awful nausea and cramping If will out your Mri Mondaf by the. aetioot Hlneat of her luejajlah Wedneaday evening for aeveral weeke' visit Ihe opera house Monday, in nonor or miss are and "all knocked out," sluggish lifer to work and clean your father al IfVer with reltllves tt Plalnvlew. Tea, Luclle Snyder or Clayton, n If your la torpid and bowela bowela of that sour bile and consti- Otto PorMtr wont to Doming Saturday lo Mrt. 0 H Ooddrd arrived here Friday Lawyer A. Young lert for Dal Bin this or you have headache, dlaal-nee- pated waste which la clogging your and try HMWt hl wire and baby, who won re to Join her hiiahand and daughter, week on business. coated tonco. If breath le bad stem and making you feel miser- turning from several months' visit tn they will ipend ute remainder of toe Mrs H. B. Young and ramlly returned or etnmaoh sour, Just try a spoonful of able. I guarantee that a bottle of here. after several weeks' vu m Bbarter harmleaa Dodeon'a Liver Tone to- Dodaon'a Liver Tona will keep your F who to Loe Miss Ethol liwsrtney lert Saturday vp F"er of ntu, went Fred unrriii. or stiarter, wa n Marra night. entire family feeling fina for months. Angele week ago to a Paao mng her home in cutler, N M tn ra annul tit enter the first of the week, ha laft for El Here's my guarantee Go to any Olva it to your children. It Is harml- 'or ror an operation for eppendtcitl. main until the opening of the normal hotpllal Saturday. drug atore and aat a bottle of eaa; doesn't gripe and they like IU home Thuraday He haa com- 1. C. Mtdkirr M. Parry motor action). September 4 returned Dr. and W. Dodaon'a Liver Tone Take spoon pleasa.nl taata. Adv. pletely recovered from the operation. to Alamito Friday. A party, composed of the Mftrses Wltb ad Tom waa in from hit ranch on ma El Paao, and Aldrrs and Joan l.yont Mm The Letnpart. of here Schmidts tessr. iiia Thuraday. week vliiung Paarjon, Pred Hosenfte'd and J. R. th' thlt rrteada. tine, are visiting Mra. Poor mother, Mra. Paul Henry, Edwin Reaxlner, Earl Clcotte, Brant. T. S. Lowe and wife returned Thuraday having mol-re- 10 Fsywood laat Satur-da- Dr. and Mn. Weatherly are Ellen nine Oordnn Langham. Ward. from two vlalt with relatlvet in supper. weekf cottage erected on tne hiU above the school Jimmle watt la In Marfa rrom tha Wil- Mra. J. 0. Molr evening for Lo Angele and her niece. Mist Mere- Brown of Lordtburg. Bob bouse. son ranch. dith, are visiting during sea aon Toa Misses R Walton returned Thuraday the warm Feywood Vnator w Mra. Weatherly will open bar mualc studio aMr. and Mrt. Abbott and ramlly have mov- at Hatfield Frame and Fred Agee motored to from eeveral weeka' vtttt on the roaaL tha apartment, bouse tn cons In her new home. ed to San Antonio, where Mr. Abbott baa Beach and on evening laat weak. II l legal at participating in all the gayettes Allot, Terrell trannat ld lmlnei Mr. and Mra. K. C. Millar paid El Pato a accepted a position. of Mi Nell Watson of Plnot who the of tbe week. that popular resort Loril.burg riral visit thts week, returning Wednesday Gerald Young, of Shatter, is rialting hla Mlaa May has barn vlaltlnt In california, retiirned A SeegeT, after apendlng aeveral Mr. and Mr W Wahl and their A. Tippet, of Ft. Davit, waa a vialtor week. boma Tuesday. J. mother thlt weeka In Silver city attending the session daughiei. Mr Allen, will leave tomorrow In Mtrfa weak. Mra. T. A. Mulders and daugbter. Mildred, Vmett and aon, Alvls, went this o rtbe summer normal, apent the week-en- Mrt. S. I. for Boston to re.ide for a time. There will be a debate on equal suffrage daya In El Tuesday to vialt relatives. returned from aeveral vlalt in iteming aa the gueat of the to Demint Ml Kva rnrhurch. dangl.ier, of Mra. ror women, with Meadamea Barclay and Paso. Mrs. I. E Bobbins, daughter. Marjory, and lert Tuesday for lowa to apend a month Mamie rpchurrh if silver City, and John Bailey affirmative, and Messrs Sutton and Amoa Kerr la tn Marfa from tba Porter at and aon. dark, of Plnoa Alto Tueaday were her old home, returning to Demlng at ln Dye. a hanker of rlliilKiro. Blite negative, on Friday evening rtnch, near Sierra Blanra. the or for aaverml weeks' vlalt in t.ali evening al opening tbe acboolaatlc term. avanlnc married laat wedneaday the Hiirhert Hurnphrlea. who baa been attend Ituaeell klelnman, or Presidio, came In 1. Cooper, fnrnia. Miaa Marjory will remain In San P.ev. Earl college paat year at 0. wboee serious Illness borne of ih hildc mother ing busmen ror the town Tueaday, he la en route to El Paao, a to Diego in attend school tbi winter. BaplUl church, of- Monday evening Ulp the sanitarium lo El Paao, ta Pul.aney of the Hist San Antonio, returned to visit bis sister. reported rapidly recovering B B woodward left Tueaday evening for ficiated The young couple left immediate- R. McCammat for Prealdlo tbla week lift Clyde Ellison la tn rrom hla ranch thla Mra. A. J. Clossln. and Albuquerque to enroll in Hat State uni ly through Okla her little grand for a honeymoon trip on buslneaa. week. daugbter. Elisabeth Johnson, verslty for the coming year. homa, Uiey will go to Hllia- Clay and Loyd Mitchell Are In from the are enjoying a week after whlrh Tom Bawls la In trom hla "Casa Pedro" vlalt with frlenda In Klrlln, Mo. A chicken dinner waa giren laat u make home. The bride ana Mltrhel this waeg city horo their rinch ranch, to apend a few day. by a number of the young men of the bldegroom met while the bride teach Jake Baldwin lert ror Prealdlo thle week the Willie Bunion la in town thla week from BAR at the American kitchen for aome of ing in the public cnooi lasi to look aTter his buslneia STOW, TEXAS the Hilliboro the Bunion ranch near Sbarter. young ladiea who have been attending inter. Laat week rrom Friday until Sunday gave a Jerr and Floyd Claunch are in rrom their J. r. Canon or El Paso was bere .immer achool bere. The party Included: Mrs William E Wise and baby of El night. Mr. and Mrs. James Walker the flrtt and rtnch ror aeveral daya. or the week buying Silas L. Misses fectrmldt, Wltb. Aldera, Jarkaon Pano, are the unmier here house party at their ranch, elxteen miles cattle from Kred who spending Frank Jonea la a vialtor In town tbla King. Mr. Canon wat formerly and Meter. Tom N. Sherry. F Lee. went to her aaaaaaaaattsmf from Marra The psrticipanie were, irs district celdwin . with her father. -- week. Judge will con Whltehlll. W. W. Bogel, Jr., Mlssea Mary Olllett, at Van Horn. Texas. Rosenreld. Ward. home list Monday on a abort bualneaa trip. Mr. Mrs. Joe in A. J H. Ward. Kitty Barclay, Maud Murphy, and Blihop are from their a. Hamilton waa a business visitor over Harry Bridget and MU Jean ForjMlic la apendlng me wee Porter, Sarth Mra. family Sam C. R. Bogal, Jerr ranch for supplies. They are guest of at Pecos last Saturday. PbU Hornbuckle and and with n lends in Heming. Messrs Sutton. Edward Wednesday morning Olivar. Bogel, Major Blanc hard, 0 Turnar. L. E. Epperson, traveling salesman ror the Krwin and family left Mr J. P. condón and daughter. Mlaa Out E. Oleln, or waa trip on the Bogel and Sergeant Harmon. 0. Shatter, a visitor in Simmons Hardware company of SL Loula, for eeveral weeks camping Beth Freckman, and Fort Bayard and little Marra Monday. A waa coniummated thlt week where Mo., waa In town Tuesday. Olla. Ml Rachel lert Monday eve- tale Sorenstam A. Mitchell purchased W. A Rowdy Love returned to hla ranch Mon- John Yates waa In Bars tow rrom Grand Mra. J. D. Hunter are the par In San Diego. in F. from Mr. and ning for several week' vllt ranch aa the "Roberts day. ralli, Texaa, for a few daya during past of a who waa boru to them the Mcl.ay Mellie craw- - Matthews the known the ents ton. Nlsse Helen and located south of Marra The piare Mra. Robert Greenwood is reported much week. the week. who have ranch," flrtt of ford of Albuquerque, been 5,M0 acres 3to neaa 01 came better and will be about In a abort time J. W. Irby lert Monday a A. Mitchell of Alamogordo rontalna tnd night for two Bar. Thomat pending aeveral weeka here, returneo to waa. $38.000. Lee Flther li a vialtor in town this week months' visit patt two weeka to occupy the The consideration with relatives and friends in wat here the their home Monday. Mararnret and Clara Barnee, nlecaa of of Mr. and Mra. D. Q. Jonaa of Hop. W. T. Harper returned rrom a pleasure from hit ranch. Virginia. Mlsalsalppl and Arkansas. Mr. Irby pulpit at tbe Presbyterian church Mr. Chandler and daughter. Ml llelei to ana enarco Jim Sha' jn came in Tuesday hla will also boyhood or Tucson, Arlt., waa a n aa. and business trip kenneoy from visit hit bom la OUes Mr B. L Lincoln left Monday evening for aeveral weekf Tlilt Texaa. ranch. county. Tennessee. city week. She stay vialtor in the laat In Loa Angeles and san mego, en rouw came in rrom Sierra Blanca George Shannon la tn Shafter, A. V. waa up M on ana, weeka. She waa accompanied as rar aa El Paao by C. 0. Murrlfield. where an Imtructlva pro- Sam Wooley from visit Wlnter from ah Ir.g at Ftywood for aaveral they will vtall at the Orand canyon. Mlaa to see wire and baby lng big ramlly. Monday, to deliver tbe boxes rrom to El Paao Tuea- - her F. gram waa The topic for the Frtdav hit ballot Mla Carrie Boon, went Chandler mualc inatructor al the nor- anter, Mr. W. Veliacott. carried out. waa given Thursday Rio, aa a ti evening wat "Contentment and Ambition." An enjoyable party Mlaa Stickler, or Del it viaiung her that precinct, result of laat Saturday's day for a few daya' vlelL msl Harry Lamb returned Sunday rrom Ba- Heater at tne oeauu Mrs. P. D. Anderson. tbe in Mra. Ritchie aealated Mrt. Merrlfleld. Re- evening by Mlaa unte, sister, election. Mlaa Ann Harria la spending week Myrtle Naquln left Monday eenlng ltimore, whore he had been aa a delegate A large or R F. Mitt freshments were aarvad. ful Brlte realdence. number Walter of Denver, Colo., waa in El Paao. for her home In El Pao. She experta to to Hie Iks grand lodge. young people attended. Artar many DEMING. N. M Bar tow for aeveral daya week. of San Diego, Miss Margaret Buckner or weed la na- last Mita Elltabeth Holdrlng leave September for Detroit to flniah game, were served. Dr. w. E. and T. patt year here in Clinton Mmmlrk apent the week with iling rnenda In the city. refreshments Baker Captain John ..,. the her couraa in nuralng. After graduation aha hla Matar, Mrs. Dates, Tyrone. The History club met with Mn. Chat Mayor M. A. Ifordhaui entertained Satur- Sweatt or Orandralls, Texas, were in hn Tueaday Frank at Mitt Nona Prude baa returned from a - aunt, Mlaa Sloan, left to up tbe work or a trained Bailey on Tuesday, July 5. After an Inter- day at luncheon at the Harvey Houae on week! with her ripéela take Mra. Mum sriiirr raw or Mra. vlalt to rnenda in Tularoaa. laat business during the past for her home. .isited program, were eervou for the women, who assisted In the Red Dalsa! or Pecos waa a tn .nine gave a nurae Max SchulU's most intimate mends laat Mr. and Mrt. John Oreen or Weed are estlng rerreinmenw Jerone vialtor Mr. and Mrt. Frank W. veliacott Ml Mondty evening Mra. Charley Prulett entertained at rorty canvass. Hla guests were Mr. and Mra. Barslow Mr. laabel Ward left Wednesday to sew. Mrs. SrhulU bar on buetaeie. Croat laat week. Dalaal was looking ratty dancing party one evening laat week In MonteJvo, Cal. F.n route aha afternoon two, In of bar eoualn, Mlaa Bésale Harry Lane, Mra. Mayme Williams, Mr. and ror a In I for Iter home rrom Los Angele and Is apendlng sev- J. C. Buckner, a cattleman or tne Sacra- honor location this vicinity. 1. onera bouse for her alatar, ston at the canyon. Mias SmlUl. or Lockhart. Artar eeverai interest Mrs. J. Harrington MtLaughlln and Major W. Beckham, owner a large .h. rik' Sunday win crand wiru eral weeks here with relatives. Tea and mentos, is in the city. of ranch near cerlbel Fuhrmen, who left has been the Spanish teacher at me nor Ins: games, rerreahmenta were served. Wlllard Truby. Menabani, drove through Barslow tn vi. cake were preaent ware: Frank Prue baa received bit large taeo-lln- his her borne in Fort Dodge. may return to Silver City thlt served. Those Tbe Marfa musical met Wednesday morn- Mra. M. E. Hudson, accompanied by her car en route to Pecos. evening for a mal. She not Mrs. Sato SrhulU, Mrs. Lao SchulU, Mrt. angina, to be uaad al a well on hla Tbe muele wat furnltbed by veer. ing at the Methodist church. Bandmaster young niece, Miss Olive White Hill, left Miss Edna Bacon waa a visitor in Pecoe Iowa of Adolph gchulti. Mrs. Hyman Abraham, Mrs. abeep ranch waat of town. to piece orchestra. Refreshments Mra. S. A Miliar, who has been here the - O'Gallaghan having conaented (Jlrect Wednesday for Long Beach, Cel., for a vlalt laat week. three carl Hagen and Mra. M. W. Porter'ield. Mrs. Soman It tail eenoualy- 111 at Bar ny and candles were served ,ast iXmUT. .lltll Mlttle them, whlcb courtesy waa appreciated or aoiim weeks. Mrs. Hudson and Miss 01 it. M was punch cake v.ar vlsllllia llf I borne In Eaat Hope. t. rosier cariaoad, in were: Mlaae Leona and ror Miss Edith Wborley spent the patt two hill will Mrs. H. O. Buah or Those preaent Wiiliama. left Monday evening her home Master of Carlsbad is a the toclety. White join Barslow looking after business lafralrt. Bullock. SchlfT. weeka with the T. W. Woodard family at Wallace Vett A cal rally place at tne court Demlng the Lou Walton, Elinor Clara in Belen ' 00 nil took at Hotel De Luxe. Bliss 8. King of El Paso Is spending the Wilaon. wZU ... atesta, Tyrone. vlillor with relauvea in the city. Belie and Martha White, Ava iwiKun visited house last Friday night under tb auspice A wedding was that or Misa week at bis ranch eaat or town. , The Y ama Yam club entertained last Kmihe and Addle Hagen, Mary Florence ...1J. ik. ,k. nr.t or the week of tbe lint or old ticket. Leah Barracks and D. A. McCIure, which Poitmaater T. P. ingeraon is away on a Thursday afternoon ror Mlas Clartbel Fuhr-ro- MAREA, TEXAS. opera Marriott. Lucy Moormen, Helen chandler. J W Prichard left Wednesday evening The Red Cross ioclty mat at tne took place Tueaday, at 8 o'clock In the eve- business trip to Dallas, Tessa. During Mr. Bennett, Helen 101, at nian. one of its meanbar. who laft Sunday houa Thuraday morning wltb a good at Julia Beam. Marguerite an attended vlalt with relatlvet Mlat Lillian Kllenman, of El Pato, la ning at the residence of the bride's parents. Ingerson's absence the postorflce Is being Jean Strain, Peggy ror her home In Fon Dodge, Iowa. Mm tendance. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barrack. The spacious run by Mrt. Ingeraon and daughter, Mlaa tr.,r..t orlawold. Anton, Trxaa. - vialllng tne family of Mrt. L. D. Bunion. and Martha White waa tbe hosteaa. Five bun- cavalry band, and tbe Fourtn home was strain. Katharine Ooold, Edna Patchui Mlaa Marie Marshall, of Lordtburg, spent Sha will leave Tueaday tor PraatdJo to aee Tbe sixth decorated with da slea. Zoe Ingerson. LuZ John Blackwall. of tbe week dred waa played at four tablea, silk Texaa Infantry band, have been conaolldat-e- smllat and asparagus ferns. A hugh rioral C. T. was In rrom or r. Phil Bartlett. several daya here the flrat . her parents Smith hit ranch north were aw amen 10 purposes, a fute Walah. Herndon Lehr. Roy Jone, with Mr. and Mra C. C Hoy all sioiaings uie pn Mr. Mra. J. w. pool sunaay ror for concert and rendered bell rormed of daisies and amilax, and town. Hichsrd S. Tboae preaent ware: Misset Laona and lan Tueaday. langdon Bogert, FrltX BJaer, Jamet Mra. J. D. Iltnby and children. Adnenne San Antonio, where Mr. Pool will be operat concert caught with whit tulle, waa suspended A. Brown or Big Springs. Texas, was Joaaph and Lou Mary Marriott, waa given Thuraday at tne Hyan Peyton Moore. Jamea Boyall. and Howard, of Plalnwew, Tetat. who have Walton, Florence ed on far appendicitis. barbecue rrom the celling above place reserved for In Barslow this week buying mules for the Chapín W. E. Helen chandler, Entitle and Addle Hagen, ranger camp. In Bob Tyler' 1 pasture. It ceremony. Before or Bluett. B. R. Ryan. Charlie teen vittilng her daughter, Mr. Hoy Stew- Orin Bun ton is a visitor in Marra tnis the the entrance the government. Con Bullock, Clara Schlff, Lucy Moor- waa a neighboraooo anair. adoui may S. or Burntide. Tbeo. W Carter. John W. art and family here for the past two weeks, l.hnor week. bridal party Miss Frank Watktns tang with Mills Font Stockston. was a busi verse Fred Borenteln. Euo i.omplon. Wedneaday evening tor Calirornla man. Virginia Ooddard, Freda Maytag. Jen-n- Ira ci tne cam In from s barter Saturday people attended. exquisite erreet "A Perfect Day." Aa tbe ness visitor In this city. left May Doran, hospital in Harry' Luak, Tom McSherry. K. H Mlichell. they will Tlelt ror leveral weeki. Van Julia beam, Vara 10 spend aeveral daya wltb noma folk. The military ordered bunt laat note died away, the orchestra played D. Jamison a contractor of orandralls. D. H. where Mra. M. B war department, It being Harry Enginh. D. C C. Homan. B. Harold Cauiland. who is on a truck train Harah. Mra. F. W. Veliacott. Dave Jame or Hot Welle it a vialtor in Marfa by the "Hare Coroti tbe Bride" and the little rib- Texaa, waa In Barslow to bid on the new and Buchanan and Mra. rushed to completion with a larga fore of bon rrocked In en- i.udger, Oaorga Kennedy. Matt Fowler out or Columbus and who haa been here Luik. Msrfa tola week bearers, flurry white, achool soon to be erected. and Mra. Catron and Miss Amelia Weiah of Oeorge Howard, of El Paao, la In Marfa workmen. tered the parlors and marked with ribbons A. Kennlth Slack H. La Mr and Mra. M B. Buchanan. Mr. lor aeveral week on account of Une, Frank Tollver. and R. T. Kellogg. shopping in the city ririt viaiung big family for a raw Captain 0. Olllett waa a visitor in ror p roc as Ion. a Wayne Wilaon. Mr. and Mr returned to hit work Wednesday. Tyrone, were tbe tbla week I. tn aisle the bridal The Salle of El Paso msde business trip over and Mrs C. of the week. daya. Marfa tbla week rrom bit ranch near groom with his best man. his brother. Ord to Peooa Mr. Overland car. Mr. and Mrt. D. W. Lusk. Mr. C. C. Royall transacted legal butlneta In Jn Slack's W. 8. W. McOee baa returned rrom nil rancn. Valentine. McCIure awaiting the bride by the tide of D. M. Thompson, a of C RoyaJl. Mrt. F. B. 001. Mrt. Co, Santa Rita laat Saturday. rancher Fort Stock HOPE. M. M. where he haa been toa laat week. Crtwford Mitchell In from bit ranch tha orflrlatlng clergyman. Rev. 9. R. Mc- ton, wss Barstow Wedneaday. and Mra- - H. W Lamb Van A Pollock and Mn. Pol in Poitmaater Ed. Hunter waa in tb city tbla week week. m CIure. The bride entered with her rather, Oscar Clint of Big Texas, in p s Jone and Herbert Ettet apant Iba of Tyrone, were builnest vltltora in this Springs, was lock Dr. J. Odd Hamilton or rrom Use Thaxton ranch. Brian Cartwrlgbt U In Marfa from bit J. M. Barracks, and waa In an ex BaYstow un Mr. Clint a weak In El Paao on buslneaa. City Betunlav and Mn. radiant business. is whole put Conn., Silver K. M gueita at the Hotel Hope. Gut Bogel 11 in Marfa from hie ranch ranch, visiting bit ramlly. quisite toilet of white Georgette crepe over sale grocery salesman. Mrt M. R. Couch of Bedding. bat Mr. Mra. Wm. Royall. or Whit ire who and Mra. Lottie Hall Buckle and sons, Joseph tbla weak. A crowd or young people left for tne satin, carrying a shower bouquet or bride's Doro left ror El Paao Monday for a arrived here to Join her buaband. Signal, apant Monday m Mat city. from sev- ago to accept a po- - and Rodda Buckle, have returned rrom a Mr. and Mr. W. H. Cleveland are in Pool ranch Tueaday evening, to spend roses and fernt. Mutt Grace Martin at r. w days' stay. cama bere solo time H K. or the Burro mountains, waa Wad, long to rriendi in Terra Haute, l their ranch tbla week. eral days tending tbe bride, wore a simple frock or F. Meaton was In rrom a rirtt or the week. visit morn Barstow Fort charge vialtor tb and Covington, Ind. Mra. A. H. Kalatendtck left Sunday Jerr Oliver, or Alpine, waa a viaitor sm whit.- net, carrying bridesmaid's rosea and Stockton on "Sr" c. lloman. who bat bean in Corporal Edwin Schuti or Company H. visit buslneaa. hla Mlaa Calila Beed haa returned rrom Loa ing for Mart, and Navaaota, Tata, to week In our city. asparagus rema. The ringbearer waa lit Oeorge was ovar to Peco last or Dr. Chapín denial office during Mexico national guard. 11 home ror Tucker company H. Haw Angeles, where the baa bean attending relauvea. captain H agger man gave a watermelon Ue Edmond Layne, eoualn of the bride, and week to attend the installation services or abtence al Columbua wltb ten daya' rurlough Brara CI tne. wbo baa accepted a poalUon Paao Saturday chool. tupper to hla friends laat Saturday. ribbonbearera, likewise cousins, little the Masonic chspter. to hit borne In El Mr, ueorge McCreary apent aev- tn El la ramlly true week atay bare made Mr. and Mra. John Prude haa returned rrom tbe Paao, viaiung hit olonel Oaaton and wire raotorea 10 Al Missee Thelma and Wilms Barracks At Mrs. Elmo Trible and little daughter. Dr Homan during ble abort daya in El Paao laat week. croasen, wno naa oeen 111 tu be very glad eral ranch at Duncan, N. M. Mra Lítala pine thlt week on government bualneaa. the young couple turned to receive the at of trland. wbo would and Mary r.caiee wrrr. Prude paat Improved. hoil The Miases laabel Mra. Powell or Fort Stockton. Texas, la week. much O. C. Dowe is In rrom tne river uui congratulations of their frrteds, tha floral 10 nave him relurn to to city week or Mr. and Mrt- Davit are in Marra hl the gitaau tbe paat a guest of her daughter, Mrt. Frad Cleolnle and Hilda more visiting home rolka. ball, sent forth a abower or rose leaves Mrmananuy Dr. chapín baa realgned nonm bouse rrom the Croasen thii week. will not Ferguson at uieir Deauiuui Olbaon. ranch Jas. Kaiatendlck apant Saturday in Bnaf and rice upon them. Mr. and Mrs. McCIure nattt-- r ai aecood lieutenant and Charlie Htckt waa a vltttor tn Marra Moo the Big Burro. Mr and Mra. C. O. visited tar. recived a large number of elegant prea-ent- CASCARETS SELL to the border. u. wno na orou Merrlfleld day. He la working on tbe Bogal ranch. return Rat Prof. W. Bhumway. in Sunday. ealle and Harria Porter, or Sierra Blanca. and win make their bom with Mr. and C C. Bower went to Albuquerque achool raculry for mends r.artabad Mr. and Mrs. Jim walkar were in rrom member or Iba normal or N. natUng páranla In Marta Mra. J. M. ten daya' buelneee trip. Mr a Mr. and Mra. ft a Prude Weld. ranch ror a raw daya. are their Barrack. urday for iba paat two yeara. left last week for their aon. or vawnune, are The Oolden ooaalp Needle met Tues- I a member of tbe Bower Monu ara rutáis of Mr. and Mra. John Prurfe Mr. and Mra. Bogei. or vaien Sam E. Buntea and club TWENTY MILLION Bowera at hla boynooo nonw m iajw.ii, woodward day company of Albuquerque, which tbe tlalt The W. M. V. of the Baptist church met Una, motored Into Marfa Saturday visitors tn Marfa this week with Mrs Frank Thurmond In Weat roent Y Ha will later return to Albuquerque, hla rethei-- e a bandeóme ttona in tbe Wedneaday afternoon at the boina or Mrt Mi Murphy amona; our rtatt Leroy Cleveland is in from P ne street Tbe specious veranda of Mia nut weak erected he and Mr Douglaa are engaged in Maud was family plot of the W. D. Murray family where ors this week. She la tbe gueel of Mrs ranch ror a raw daya. Thurmond's home offered a cool and da waa tbe rattle bualneaa. Obela lert ror Prealdlo Tueaday llghtful meeung ror golden . YEAR U, city cemetery. The atone Jim Walker. Charlie place tbe BOXESPER uta M S. Ban Lorenao. waa a via- of Valen grave of Mr Murray'! mother Cleg, of and Mra A. Pool. Jr., are In Mr. and Mrt. John A. Pool, Jr., Mra. Thurmond was assisted in tier placed at tbe city tbe oi the week. John Elinor and Margaret Bullock are ltor in the flrtt rrom their ranch near Valentine thii week pleasant duties or hoaieai by tha Mleaea Mie J A and family are now occu a couple of week with fnend Harlan Mr. and Mr. Piar Ouyon are in thle week Mary M abone y and Theresa Clark. Mra. pending pytng the John coffay bom on Slitb Henry were Beat, saiast cathartic for livtn la B Paao. rrom tb Brlte ranch Hall and Mrs. Allte Sleeker til Albany . B. Y., wbo haa ttraet. Mr. 'Gets-I- t' n Knight la in Marfa the liver only gueats of tbe afternoon. Mlaa Ooold of or lordtburg Here's from aad bowela, and people college chum. Mlaa Fart V. Buah, editor the points this week visiting boaaa folka NO STOMACH PAIN, Mra Jeta Woodward returned during been bere viaiung bar trom two weeks' Rirun left Friday evening for 8t Liberal, came tn Sunday c emiten la m Marra rrom nia rancn lb week from Marfa. Texas, where aba know it. to vlalt in Ban Fnancltco. He apent the week had visiting daughter, Mrs. Byran Paul ror a vlalt before returning bar The Kew PI Care Aa Sure this week. been her bare wiui relauvea and ITtcadt. Cara Tbal'a ror a raw Cartwrlgbt. boaaa. Mía Jean Strain accompanied her Use Tom Meyers Is In front barter Mra F E uill and daughter. Mm Mary, Aa Rhtlaf Sua. INDIGESTION a. Mahonsy Chicago, aa aa Denting, daya aa bualneaa. GAS, J. la home from They're fine! Don't atay biiioua, far eve Tuesday evening for Long Beach, Cat., Os. ar waa tn rrom Brtos ran. n he on wm Maranie Foote leTt S'inday left weal you'" eev the raaor tn the wells tb where has been business haTpesaVajasIf iu ra the ruiure. Mlaa .II hr hy Of for eeteral weeka iall wltb relativa bar they wilt reeide corn. "I'll bleed lor you'" aaye the rom ror supplies Mayor Morn. Mordhaua tart ror El Paao tlf tit. or the public trhool to p. in Chicago and Raw York. Mary waf a member the raaor. Raaors and rorna love each and Mra. John Livingston lert tn Monday ou business and returned 10 Dean rirnrtip tod and fnend faculty for a of yeara olbrr. corns love to be cut. picked, gouged day ror rrom whence FIVE MINUTES Mra WbaelocJk. wboee hu abend la man number morning Kansas city, IN lng Wednesday night. Prof Lao Douglaa. wbo has been a mam tbay will go on an auto trip through colo Miss Elltabeth WaddlH expects to leave bar Of the normal faculty lor tbe paat redo. There will be a party or nine on tbe at aa early date for an extended eastern two years, left laat week ror ail boaaa trip. 'Tape's Dtapepain" ia the only toar with Mr and Mrs J. McTeer and their near Albuquerque Mr. Douglaa aad Mr Mr. C. C Carrutbart entertained tbe Utile sob Tbe parly will visit the principal retal This AdjtilJy Dwitalizes Shumwav ar engaged in the cattle bual Prise Ilia club Thuraday afternoon. itomaco retrtaiaior eastern cantera Including the great lake aaaa. Ha wtu not rturu to atlver City Mn John HtgbMttttb and baby, or ai districts of Wisconsin and Illinois ibis fail pine, returnad aome Tueaday, after apnd Mr and Mrt. Frank Mordhaua entertained big Mr Coarse Hairy Growths Mill Martha White la visiting bar mead. aeveral weeka wltb her mother, at aa elaboráis family dinner Sunday laat Greenwood put atorruvoha In Mra Martou Walkar. at Loiaeburg urn boat "Really doee" bad honor of the Seventy aevenih birthday E waa a In - overcome satajt iilllett. of Alpine, visitor order leally doee" of J. M Morns The table wat besuUfully Demmg. Marfa una week, working after Ute latere at aeetlon. dyapepala. ara, heartburn and Btubbasu of ooaraa heir which "Ñf Bd Mra Henry Baitbel. af -- appointed with dalouly arranged center batan by of a daugrbtei .sborn to theta of bit atore sourneaa tu five mtnutea that Jut with bav eataaii the unwtae uae ol u Uta páranla r. pleca of fluwert iparkling silver and Mra. waa lormr, tad Mra. FtugaUan Howard. that makes Papa's DLapapain the cut glaaa placed the board- Tb laatttoaia RJawaSTwhlch the weak rtatiaat Boerue. was In Uta eeveral 00 about ml nvereW ot daughtat of Mr. aad city days large! aelllng stomach regulator In gueil were, iu addlUon to Uie hodoree, Mr atair theeuiUu mt the akin, MM Bulb Miaaaan you rov. ua - 11 1. Miaaaan of uu city the world. If what eat ferment Murrli. Mr aud Mn 1. O Tucker. Mlaa aaa oadr b 4r- vi,. A. C paid El Paao a vían una rsl U ara Uva proud Into stubborn lumps, you belch gas Lucila Colonel or MU I te treed wtta is atu Karaond Pitta aad week in rortaeclton with Ma brokerage Ward. Wlllsoa lbs Lat BOM TOM eon. sun isj d eruclAt .our. undigested food tery or atoewell. tbe guest of M A Bat nl of a oorn """" which be la Marr taeUtute fiÜstá rZmF!? living at l ordtburg. business, eetbilabing al and dlsay al Mr and Mr. Pitta ara Barclay Monday acid, head is aad acbee Norbsua and Mr. Moms Be na aaa M la paranu. Mr Mlaa tetelie relumed foul, tongue , your luis. It "il a... but ar vinuog Mra PlUa' tbnrBabg froga Y ateta, aba breath coated tteairy Ward. tai Hall where aaa been IttdlgoaUble attB'"' ttst tb. and wV M attllweU. m city filled with bUa and A party of young paopl 'tía s. ., nr. gone Keep clean arla I Mlaa l' toreara Mairtoll has waste, remember tbe moment "Pepe's couples, enjoyed a hayrid out to Poll's Enjoy life! Inside wtth Mary Misa suits toung wrx. has been alien. one or two l.. . kir.aa lar MuaUl tisd wild friendt tag school Mat laat six moo tba to Waco. Dtapepelo" comae In contact with the Dairy Farm Thuraday uighi. duly tlaexwron I'aacarai Take al night of iba nlceet, gamiest liver Mlaa cetM Jataaa tart uts fust returned tbla weak atomaoh all auch daatreaa vanishes ed by Mrs Brut Woodward, Mia KaUasnn and enjoy tba and mmw - I M you aver tib wrotn ae weak for bar Boaaa ta lraabttrg mim Mra Marry o Hearu. of Ft. Worth. Tea It' truly satoolahlaar- a moat mar- wuwl and Dr Karl Brsey Upon arnv bewsi eieanetng experienced law aba. aaa 1 up feeling grand. Your ikBM. toe aortuai a. houl bar tbe salved, plastered and jerked out tbey grow arrived la Maria Wniuevdav titiiin lux velous, aad lb Joy ta lia harm sean tog al the area, a bare ont waa enjoyed Wake head iualrJ Mr Mr A cauta- - your neat years ana naa barn eWstad raater and Went and Cut If la kathaad, wbo I stationed an Marra large fifty cant of Papa's Farm products ware served to the guests will be clear, tongue clean, ..eri ateaa- - 11 tne unipte you ewwet aCtoSCaaa) k. ttacb ta IB ptjamc uuuu wonierfu! B. P Header, who baa been apaadliig tbe Oiapepetn will give a hundred Mrs Mile aterker returned to Iteming breath right, stomach and your aud nevrr faiu laiu tu apply your Monday attending tba aesalna af thirty feat af bowela iMVTg the ajtng ' la two aaaaaa, ih.anaa as ute com last two abttttb la El Paao. r turned laai dollars' worth at aaltafaction or uighl tfur liver and active W al tat you money in Mrs aay flSaWkjaSkSkMaSaW Mrs k A. Web aad daugbter. Miss M aotiawad itotatag to atteaj, ta uta ataasa- wait. druggtat band your back. lbs suianxer normal silver city Oat a bets at drug store and vtaittatj bar r Tbe M A T society mat with It weight gold lo osea Bierjxer aspects to leave shortly for a visit art 1 aisrh test up Mtoa tbe af La trajeare, bra biota uJgbtío alajt ttbei Kerr It'a worth la headache Sjaatere ee" dlaaara TaauVaáast Aa atuwyaMs lisa waa spent v two aa and women who oan't get their Mum along toe Pariría ao gal btlloua spells, bad cold nd bad day a. a ttrOuira, bare buñdTUii ruui Tim H I and daugh Sé You caá wear aaaaliar aaoaa luncheon waa served Misa Vena titea, of ache regulated It belongs In yotar MISS estarssaratglj Brighten up. Cheer tip. yLmZ if M aat aVba Mr aad Mra üeutge tie Yaag wttt rtatat "cleaa aa Clean up' - canta ettase eff a ataastpeas Taxes, waa a gtaeef of club handy frtsadi during gtws a f MtatiaaaalTbalt atfJtMg aVasOa Miaa gain- tuft iuid evening aaakMiy fleak tba horn should alweye be kept aarprie Mothers should whole Caacarat fiJakÍ2Í wbitur levar ianJjM H I Hawaii Mi I laexi sxsssstaati we MrtAday Tba RL a selling Mra case at a saca, attttr, uL,i b Uts to eJstldreu when croaa, billwo. yuaCSaml fa world cara cura Meat Blaghaia, favi a t' 1.Ueltuld by drvsaflau everv aad Mht Mariana activa Use day or at Peart tab or if tongue is coaled -- iba ara rauk aVvw wJTftHb ot Sai eveaeag. sosana da Baling, isa baa kstawa at tun war. abe a batata, or eaM llraet by I east estreat attd Lewraut k es. . Ctaaar. lit tVÉr. Wwth, Teaaa. an tbaar uve taguiauar u tb EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY. )ULY 30, 1916 17

ewffresj ; i (M not IfJEEt 9St f nTirsd b t. A1U Runyen ere Lawreac Mimati and J. A. Ford Ma tars mag it ra aw and also Sunday evening at tht they visited nooneoí, Hi August mends. hot will mast ital corp, of camp the Pecos river flshtn to tan marble rsmp Sunday returning the there tnd ratita, fat. merlin as the bandstand c. of Stock wm to as no o User Mlaa rrhln Hani fort meeting be srad Banish tomerfnrd entertained st din Mrs Allen Wslton snd children and Mr. same day. crnmiey wss nere last rnursosy nat Dtrk l athwrv) in laM Mr. a er lira isa and at vttitor Barstow wk. Hrrls lut Thursday the teachers ra fin nd alao at a d wring party. Miss lem Frnk Millar and son visited iheir parents. Jo Nash, fireman on on or th Bowto aga "Kg Bar" ranch in Daw son county Greenfiaid. ware in i visitor Hrmao Wo nwvasr of I lnr ranch near Win nrortB kt th Mgh serme nd Orar Fleck of F.I Pi. aaa Mr. Dock Gourley near Marfa. helpers, lasvr. m a tow day tor NoeBMft I reporto fteWnt shower, rtir changes, Snnday gava A mm Mr. Frank Hayner several fine read Rv. M. Baker nf the local freahrtartan gait wart where he hu taken a ran between Ben- good calf era. end 1st ratue. and Mra Newman were, A. revntractor g will Hat IP W. Hendricks. of ráeos, inga, ma number nf mnalcal selections churn, r,va fin lecture "Th rrUhvs Mrs. John Hlghsmlth and (on have re ton ami that plaee. Newt watosa ratarned this weak from man visitors Tuesday Wl waa to hid on to school house A npfiy Mon snd tolls'. km were rendered. tara Bad lenca attended of Lito" before tha Inafttute last two her Mrs. Dresser of Wilcox recently via ted various points in Kut Tetas, where he l m , turned from week visit with wits Adt ea Cmner went to ttoaHs) Cisco traveling IhB e ft rise ptrents In Mrr. her husband who It In the employ rT tha st two weeks on a vacation W'dneasay. a n M. Ml Th i. limine.. Ml Omit, I.uatta Browme and teachers of Us rastttat want to Lass Mr snd Mrs John Rooney f Fort tock rompen y at Ihl. pitre Blve wag ac D Knnt and N. M. Nanee were bus! Rev. J. Ova a. Mise Adelanta hied ara campiña In or bur dam ror picnic Thursday. A ton. Mr. gad Mrt Luke Brit of Msrfa. companied by her daurhter. i .isin.r. from El Paao. Ctovis, ft of Ormnrtrmn, lut a.. Hurry Tuu, wu t ran mountains at van patten. rin lunch wu preparad by tha clast in do tended th of Crystal Holland MeCrossln of Tucson, who bu token F Holromh waa la from the ranch In day. funeril Mr. or buslneae Tliftor bar durinf th put wek. B. Cado and Thnmaa nrthato motored to mettle seianra. All enjoyed tha trip ell list weak Tralnmutnr'i Murphy's pisca during his Upton county. Me reported the sal re Dr. Mor B. Barr. a dentist, who recently El Paso Wtdndy. sir. ana Mr. bMbbMbMsMMi BV LBJkK Spent baence In nogales, was in Bowl Wed- - a M. Harper or Aitornatny h froaa Poao as ron Monday borne Thursday Kl iMbMMbT company MARATHON, TEXAS. snored moekton. wat Mlu Bess Boyd left for har hi Peso. MIRA BLANCA. TEXAS oa husmas a btiainaat visitor in Baratow I tat weak. in Artest. for a two weeks' visit Mra. H. E. Galloway, who has bean an Mr. and Mra. Tarry Shely aad C. L. (uuin rrom Paao wat in Bar Freaman or Company Elephant ALPINE. TEXAS. Joying th hospitality nf a rort oai n John " Mrs. W. K. Yarbro and little eon, Dick. friends and Tetnu were Marathon ttow tha rirtt of to weak looking for a Butte, wag bom tor a tow daya with la Kant. Ohio, tor several weeks, stock inn. He wu here tha first Of uve vltltort Stturday. vllt and Mlu Hattle frost want to Kl Peso ' - location in 181)11111 a thop. Judge E. will the or weak on Ha uys ran- eondi- ollte Cleveland visited mend Si modem barber hi funny. and Mra. F. Hlggtna and Mrs. Tuesday, where they will visit friends. return first tha week, business her Mr. caatin waa eceompatned by wife Mr T. Williams hss Unnt fenerally are fair, but rain la badly urdsy. hit Paulina Swatn. Mlu Dorothy Jenkins of El Paso, are to Alptoa a tow l.esli Portar motored in rrom th Ctasasa returned from th rail Mlaa Nona Lownlay l road hospital Tucson, of Lampataa. Texu, Mlu Marian Cooper. Dale ane and daya n route to TarBngua. and Porter ranch Tuesday. at where ha went needed. yuiet t number or th out or town la bare for a taw the of bar Hobert Hrssonjs to Kleiihant Butte tor treatment of lnjurlu the teal, a ranchman, who lives near csme in for the weaka. rueit motored Mr. and Mra. John Booaay and son, Alvln. re received (t Saturday primary election. H. I Mr. and Mrs. Bnb Lnv and children P. pumphous Monshsm. Midland He unci and aunt, Mr. and, Mr. W. Lown- last Monday, where Mr. Seatom. who of Fort Stockton, are har friends. lut week. visited lut week. Mbert chambers visited bis mother here ley. and family. twrreaal to Company P. rejoined hi com vuittnr speaking a tow days In El Paso. I- O. Blanks will leave in a raw dav reported that rain la needed. thlt week. p. Oscar Miller left week tor Msrfa. Mlu Annie Oden, who guest Mrt. a. Black and titter. Mlaa BuUi mand. Since leaving cruce tor th thla has been th fbr Calirnrrt't to Join his wife snd dsn ah P. W. Price and K. W. McNutt war The young enjoyad dance at is. where be accepted a position of her slater. Mrs Bob Love, returned to re rntkt tha Hall, left Tuetdiy night for winter. Teiat. border. Mr. Sessoms ha been acting ser bu u tor, who are spending to summer there. tsltori rrom Hereford lut wk. They rink Saturdty evenlnr. where they win apend a month visiting gegjtt major, stationed at Columbua. If. M. government truck driver. her home In cum Sunday. r. snd Mrs. C. M Mumhv relumed ported th purchase or MO cows or Boone - r and Mrs and Mrt. parenta. or R. C. McKtnney C. W. White and family retornad Tuea- to Nogales Saturday after a brothers. Jim Roban Ju. their Mlu Isabella Springer El Paso hat Mr. nd children Of aan short visit at Manning motored to Alpine Stturday. Mita Alma copelln of Pecoe I Miss Bry- Marcoa, are dsy rrom Oklahoma, where they have apant their home In Bowl. i Yste rrom Rankin wu In Midland th ruatt bW vtatttnr her friend, Margaret the, rueatt of bar parents. e HSB-- i. their vacation. Lester Brenlter is enjoying week. H reports the range dry. Robert. Homer Cochran, kd of Mr. and Mr, clydo Black for aerar) an, slater of Mr. Phillip Warren. Laat Judre and Mra. W. H. Ragto. t vitlt from lut and Jack Rowland made a trip to H. Mra. P. B. ciine and children returaad to hit brother, who Mr. snd Mrs. A. W. Wight rrom Odessa dajr. week Mra. Warren entertained in honor of Lease spent a few days to Hay arrived lut wek from Alpine Saturday. H. a har bom in Marfi after spending several Austin, Texas. ware in Midland Monday. J. Miller baa returned from bualnett her ruest. Bridge was the diversion for the mond River Gaurds. Byman and Wsdswortn N. M. days here, the guest or Mrs. Werth Fruer. Zimmerman was In Midland this trip to Carlsbad, afternoon and twenty ruaste war prassaL Francia Hart of San Antonio. It the ruest made a trip to Mckinney Spring this week. Dirk Love accompanied by Mrs. M. B. ALAMOOORDO, M. week from Burnet, visiting relatives and Claude Black and children hare returned Rerrethmenta ware served by tie hostess. of Ms slstar. Mrs. Irving Gourley. . or Lov. Mra. Worth and children, W. Arm lead Alp In wu Mara from Childress, Texas, where they have Miases Blanche and Laura Cot entertain Leon Anderson bu returned from a tow Fruer friendt. thon visitor Monday. motored to Hot Walla and the Mallard ranck Twenty-on- e A was hare rrom Springs for the patt three yaara. Mr. Black ed at bridge In honor of their bona guests. day' visit to El Puo. of th teachers who were Fletcher Blr Bawner Wnrthlngton waa to rrom his Tuesday. attending the Thursday. H la thinking of locating and family will now make Baratow their Mlttet Orare and Dama Fleck, or El Paso Mrs. 8 1 wart Draper and left summer sestlon of the Stiver laat children of Blanca sol- ranch thlt week. bom araln. Mr. and Mrt. Durto are enjoying a vtalt thla week tor Blanca Mr. Th ladles sierra rave the City tttto normal have returned m ihair in Midland. Mrt. John Dragon Is to town Sierra to Join a cake Sunday, oeorre cam In laat Thursday from this week Mr. and Mr. C. M. Hsughton entertained rrom their daughter. Mrt. Jo Medlnger. Draper. diers shower homes In Otero county. Those who have Paitnn with a tick baby. with a dinner party at Hotel Barttow. The Jr., and Tyrone, N. M. Bart Parker and children returned Sun- retarired are Misses Eva sawyer, C. Johnson's ranch twenty rive miles children of Dr. and Mra. L. C. Otendwcth. Mrs. Will Gertrude on Mr. and Mrt. W. I.. Byman had at Ihelr affair waa tn uonor of their rueatt. The family of Harry Brminard return day from Marathón, :.ere they have been cauthen. Hettte Hlckton, I.llli nennev south He report a rood rain recently riven, hu Flow and little daughter of Kl Paso, were or dinner rueit Sunday ventor Mr. and Mr, MU Zadah and Mable Nudrett or Carls- ed San mero, they attended the visiting friends and relatlvet tor some lime. Georgia Hunter, Elian Hunter, Marlon a part that range and that rrtss it line. Denny from where bare to attend the funeral or Mra. Crystal son, shuttee. Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and bad, N. M. Those present war Mistes exposition They are now to th Jo Graham of the T. o. ranch came in Shaw, Llnnle Rhodes, KITte Dndgen, Jewell Henry Barrow aad whose ranch is Cragbaan. Ilvlnr Holland Spannell. Wednes- Mrs. Charlas Zadah and Mania Mudgatt, I. M. home or Mrs. Gerald To turn, aba It Tuesday tor medical attention. While work- Dodgan, otile Hudman. i.ornne steffev. Odessa, were In Midland lut large or a Mr. while Mr. and Mra. Will May of Sanderson, are nr says a on crowd younr folks enjoyed Hgughton. Messrs. willtsm and John in California. ing with cattle, Mr. Graham wu thrown Pbebe McAdama; Messrs J. M. Helm, H. day. Mr. Barrow there wu picnic old Sunday here visiting friendt. Sunday. st Fort Pen evanint Haughton and the and hostess Mr. and have rrom hit horse and wu considerably Clay Franklin, Jack Danley. Alamogordo-Mrs- inch rtlnrall The rain wu grettiy or boat Mrs. John Kennedy and family, who Mra. Joe La Bounty bu returned to be which was riven by a tow lb militia Mrs. C. M. Haurhton. been visiting In the home or Nlcholu Ken- bruised but will soon recover I.laaie Vlrden. La Lut: oma Smith. needed. boy of Company I. Infantry. Sup bom In Rui, Texas, after a raw week' Bill F.ply came In Thursday from hit Fourth Mira Zada Ma Brlrra wat tha ruatt or nedy, have returned to their home in Santa Sierra Blanca greatly enjoyed the rain Cloudrroft; Christine Wohlenherr, Tula- - latt per waa laid beneath th beautiful trees. visit with her mother, Mrs. M. 8. Oosselt Monday eighteen mllea or town. He Misa Dorothy Carton ror tha weak end at Rita, N. M. tbat fell here Sunday evenlnr and rota. ranch northeast ARer supper singing waa enjoyed unul a or this place. the ranga vary dry. "Rancho de lot Alamot." Mist Brlrrt, who Mlaa Calla J. Btley of Anthony la attend nlrht F. reports late hour when the crowd returaad to Leroy Stone spent s tow days In town or Charlet Prince left thlt week tor SL Frank Bell Roawell, N. M.. la in Mid la attending the Denton school or indus- the Mist Riley was H. A. Oualey Kl Paso wu a business Loul on of Marathon. Inr teachers' Institute. from hit near Hovey. and Chlcafn a business trip. He Thursday bringing trial Art at Denton, Texu, I spendlnr her a near Bogota. ranch visitor here Tuesday. land. arrived lut Mrs. Taylor Tuesday Cltna. missionary to tha Indiana, Mra. R. L. J. J. Dale and ramlly were from will the Elmer left for vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. aha waa ror Taylor arrived tola week Travis Clin returned to bit borne In visitors two race horses that be train for Texu, to vlalt her sitter, Mrt. Cutter. venexuela. where stationed Dr. cama daya Tillaros week. In September. e. several years. Failing health compelled her from Dallu. Taylor several Marra after aevaral daya here with hit lut races it the fair Mr. and Mrs. I.. F. Buttrlll and dtnrbtora. Brirr. ago. PL a or Mid Mayor Taylor Black, Councilman c. B. return to bar home In Boston, where physi- sitter, Mra. Worth Fruer. Mrt. i. M. Whitehead hu retornad rrom W. Pence, rormerly resident Msrton and Lnulana, and Miss Eddie Ma C. C. land, made a vlalt to Midland this Dodaon, C. M. Haurhton, R. A. Hamilton, cians ordered that aha be gent to New Mex- Judge Belnher of Marra, wat a hue Mr. V. Horh, delightfully entertained a trip to Denver and Pacific cottt points abort Todd motored to Alpine Mondsy evening to one He wu an rout from Kl Paao to Judge atarley, Burcb Carson and H. t ico to recover her health. Mitt Riley ha Ineaa visitor here day this week. Monday evenlnr with a musical a talad Junes Anderson, editor of the Tularosa week. attend a dance. D. Worth. From Fort Worth he expects Salle or El Pato. Texaa, made a trip to taught here tor a number of year. Mr. and Mrs. c. Anderson nd Mlu courte and delightful cake and punch were Tribuna, wu a visitor here this week. Fort Sy Adams la in from hit ranch thtt weak. Maud rrom Marfa go to Mineral wella tor a tow days crystal Water and return. The trip waa The Sew and So club wu entertained lut Strickland motored down aerved by the hostess. Bowman week. Sunday. Friday from El John of Lu crucha visited visit Edith Carrier son. made in three car. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Frank Ooodin. Jettl Williams returned friends here toil week. Mrs. Csmernn and Miss Dr. 8. H. or Texts The following members ware present: Mra. J. B. Irving has returned to her Paao, where he baa bean visiting. who have been here visiting her husband. Worrell, dean the H. K. FORT DAVIS, TEXAS. raso, In Leslie D. home In El Puo alter spending tome time J. B. English or the T. O. ranch spent the Carter hu bought a home In Cal Lieutenant Cameron, returned Tuesday to School of Mlnet at El Is expected Mesdtmes Ctrdwell. Jeff ltaars. lage Baa low th two weeks to make Frank Islas, J. If. Mine tree, Herbert Yeo. here the guest or Mrt. Rob Baaty. .week-en- with hit rtmlly. addition. their home In Mineral Wlls, Texas. within next J. A. was Rev. jnd Holt left tor San Antonio arter soil. Robert Roberts, D. W. Morgan. Thomas Mr. and Mra. L. M. Greenwood and fam- Sid Nabort spent a tow daya In town thla Tatum here from Cloudcrort an examination or the this week. a few weeks' visit with bla parentt. Mr. and Clyde Black entertained a Graham, Frank Welsenhorn, Thomas Gra- ily hare returned to their home in Globe, weak. MESILLA PARK. Mr. and Mr. D. Pi thop of valmont waa bare on Mrs. J. H. Holt. raw or their friend laat Monday nlrht tt ham, Geo. B. Johnson, Marrare I summer Aria., after spending some weeks here the Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Nonworth and little or aon or Flnlay the celebration here business this week. Roy visiting relatives In Abi 1. their home In honor or their house ruest. ford. L. Hlnea, H. V. Bundy, Fred Hess, guest their parent. Mr. and Mra. Bov. attended Fisher It F. Lewis, nephew of Rev. Hunter Ctrdwell. Mra. Rlgney, Bllaa Free- Greenwood. Saturday. Mr. and Mra. James jeffers or Orange lene. Lewis who recently came here from Rich- Mitt Alma Copelln. Many pleatlnr William on a peach man, James latacs, Misses Helen Burke Mr. and Mrt. Anja Wilson, Misses Erma Reed Smith spent a tow days In El Puo were here business and pleasure trip Mra Jetse Fisher spent a row daya thla mond, Vs., and expected to tour Arixona ware enjoyed after which thlt week. cream cake ware served. A very and Maxlne Line. Refreshments were serv Lee and Rubye Richardson, Messrs. John thla week. week visiting her parentt, Mr. and Mr. and Colorado, baa decided to remain her Ice and Mlai Williamson wu tha week-en- W. Prude, merchant and Indian trader a in the Dleasant waa enjoyed by the pres ed by the hostess. Young and Lea Harrington attended the Irene R. Davte. snd hu accepted position First evenlnr or Mrt. r. b. cook. or the Meaealero Indian reservation, National Bank of Lac cruces He oc- who were Misses Alma Copelln. Stella Mr. and Mra. Harold Scott of Elephant band 'concert at Marfa Thursday nlrht. ruest wis Mra. clothier visiting bar daughter In will ent, Mlu Elllcie carender vlttted mends In here on business this week. it cupy position Ull or Sewell, Fairy Neeley. Zada Mae Brlrrt, Butte are visiting the párenla of Mra. Scott, Miu Mary Wilcox of Texaa City, Texaa, Galveston. the the return Fred Mr. Mrt. A. D. or OUlett or El Pato thla weak. Edwin Mechein, an Alamogordo attorney. Lemon, who Is In the national ruard ser- Dorothy Carton, Mesara. Sam Relnhardt, and Brownie. Ms the guest Mrt. F. E thlt A. A. Sewing circle met at the home Rev. Baylus Cade, Baptist pastor at Wake Mrs. Earl Yarbo and little ton. Dick, and ha returned from a professional vlalt to The vice' Tom Carson, P. J. Lane, John ureen, urovar placa. week-en- or Alma Atkinson Friday afternoon. Carolina, Mlu Kettle Frost spent the in Lincoln county. Mlu Professor Bruce Sire, formerly dean of Neely. Lee Miles and Mr. and Mrt. Clyde Fourcot, North bu passed tha Adama Luu apant a tow dayt bare vlt Thoaa present were Mltaea Alloa Merrill, by a lato se- Kl Paao. Fred Moran, chief clerk at the Meaealero the engineering; department or the Near Mack. critical period, occuioned Itlnr hit parents. Ray Hill, Thelma Yarbo. Katharine and operation, now Is recuperatlnr Judge and Mra. Love returned Friday Indian reservation, wu here on a business Mxlco A. a M. college, accompanied by his A trip on tha Pecos river, to be rious and Mr. and Mra. Leon Anderton left this Lela tnd Dorothy Wlherly, Jewel and ftihlnr rapidly. Rev. Cade la the father of Mr. Bay- from El Paso. trip this week. ramlly, have left ror California some evenlnr durtnr the next week, week for Clint, where they win reside or guest Kathleen Crow, Laura and Nellie Cormack riven lus Cada, Jr., or Lu cruces. Mlaa Roblnaon El Paao la the H. B. Hamilton, district attorney, was Charlie Strickland hu been appolntod la belnr planned by the younrer social let In the ruture. of Mr. Mrt. T. B. Cook. rrom looking and Ruth Eapey. the Alvln N. White, state superintendent of Marra, and down Carriioto recently assistant superintendent of build' tig of Baratow. Mrt. Jack Childress of It the A supper given Instruction, of Santa Fe, wu present at the Mr. Walt Fruer is IIL after legal butlnett. aurprlse picnic wu Mlu and rroundt department or tha New Mex Mist Zada Mae will entertain with guest or her aunt, Mra. H. L. Lackey. or N. M Brlrra of Dona Ana county Miss Mary Lee Newton carlabad, William Sundby, a real estate and In Maud Cooktey laat Saturday by her mends ico A. A M. collera grounds. a or her parentt, Mr. opening the teachers' Mrs. Henry Reynold and two eons of or or all the dauce at the home now held on the Central arrived Friday to be the ruest her ttiranee man or Tularoaa, transacted butl In honor her birtrday. Nearly professor Hiram Had lev spoke it tha Mrs. George K. next Sswrday institute, belnr Marra, are here visiting bar mother, Mrt or town were present. and Brlrrt. building. Mr. White delivered an grandmother, Mrs. scaire. neis here recently. young people the tracheri' Institute belnr held In Lai Cru school Jamea Darling. D. nlrht. the usembly. Mr. and Mra. J. Williams and deurht Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kramer have arrived Mrs. Harold Thompson returned Satur ces on "The Rebirth or the country A. Hayes and family moved Wednes- address before Mlu Maule Lee Ford or Fort Davit, li Thelma, are ipendtng P. Ray a at the Amador era, Mtawa Annie and rrom Mesa. Aria., and will make their day rrom a visit to relatives In San Mar- School." one or Ed Miller cottares In the Palmer rave dance spending a raw daya In Alpine. tow daya El Paso. day to the hotel In honor or Misses Dama and Orare a In home here. They were rormerly residents coa. Profossor Hiram Hadley hu decided to weat part of town. Mra. 0. I. Ktrtley left thla week ror San Oscar Auihm made a business trip to El or this place ror several years. Rev. W. B. Bloya Is rilling hit regular ap- - enter the race ror county superintendent Fleck of El Paso, who have been bouse Mr. From M. W. Collins, manager of the Cox. Antonio to Join Klrtley. there Paso Tuesdsy. Charlie Hickman It hern from Carrtxoio iHiiiitment at Alpine. or school. Proressor Hadley really rounded guests or Mltaea Blanche and Laura Mlaaltslppl. rrom Telephone company, waa in Baratow from pet goat, the mascot or they will ro to Ed Love returned Frldsy El Puo. on a vlalt to his .parents, Mr. and Mrs Rev. J. R. Campbell li in narainon, ruling the New Mexico Coller or Agriculture and week, looking the com- Carrañas, tha OUlatt or Mtrathon, apent a tow he spent a tow daya. Mechanical Arts and been tecos thlt after company H, waa El Paso the John where C. A. Hickman. hla appointment there. bu connected taken to when spent week-en- pany's bualnett. boys were transfered week. daya bar the put weak. Orover Stevena the W. L. Oarrlton and Adam Garrison or Phil Anderson of Mtrfa waa a visitor here with the Institution since lta opening day, Key, who waa week taken to lut Ada from Aus Blanca. having as president, jesse last Rev. J. B. Blaa of Ban Miguel it attending Mlu Knrllah hu returned Valmont each made final proof on a home Monday. aerved tu and has the aroran sanitarium at Sweetwarter, tin, where abe bu been attending the .Mr. and Mrt. Bob Love and children ttead claim before A. F. Menger, U. S W. Keemum and wife were vltltort taken other principal parta In the hlatory the teachers' Institute. to El Tuesday. or He Texaa, It mow much Improved. B. T. Link has returned rrom Moon State University summer school. motored Puo commissioner, thlt weak. thlt weak. the collere. wu president alao of Mr. 1 Bill Barry of the T. O. ranch l speadlnft Mondsy the New Mexico state university All delegatus to tha Texas State Farmer's talnalr, where, aha wu a delegate to tha Glenn llson her visiting hi parents Oeorre Morrett. Democratic county chair I. w. McElror or Kent spent hero. a tow dtyt in town. Mlu Alice Stewart Is In Albuquerque vis- institute at Austin last week have returned C. T. U. convention. for a few days. man, wu here week rrom Oro Grande, Bob Corree was In Fort Dsvls from the W. ttata or T. B. Clin or arrived lut iting brother, home, arter a moat pleassnt and prorttabl Oso. H. Speert leader, Dr. Geo. W. Truett, pastor the First Mr. Mrfs Tut looking arter matters connected with the ranch Monday. with her Hubert Stewart aad Lu Cruces band. at bed tide or her daughter hla ramlly. 4 trip. Some or the delegates returned via gave plaxa In or tha Baptlat church or Dallas, accompanied by day to be the Democratic party. Herman l.erier or Junction City la vlalt aval a concert in the honor Mrt. Fraxer, who It 111. Ruut and Hylan liallas to take In the farm tractor demon- or Company H hla daughter, Mlu Jessie, were visitors to Worth E. W. Teed tnd two daughters. tog hit ramlly here. Hlua Gertrude have soldier boys stationed here. Mr. Mrs. Joe Oardenar and Mr. and Mr. stration. Baratow waa represented by B. program was given: March, Alpine laat week. and Mines Mibel and Alice, have arrived from Mrs. J. N. Mccutcneon. miu Marie ate returned from cloudcrort. where they bavn The following Mrs. Jess Mosley attended the barbecue rrom the bean spending vacation. Eurkholder, L. O. Farnum, Oeorr W. H. J. selec- Sheriff Anderson or Sanderson, made a silver city, and will spend several months Cutchenn and Kilo Feria were In short "Imperial Potentate," Woods; here Saturdty. Mrs. Allan Rlrketson and ramlly ara Brown, and J. W. E. Batham, representa- "King Dodo," Luder't musical abort visit to thla plana. her. ranch Tuesday tion from Bert Koen or Van Horn It the guest or - molng Into the Sage bout on Row tives or the Commercial club; W. E. Irv- comedy: March," W. Parte Mr. and Mr. T. V. Prutt and daughter Misses Mabel Keith. Hessle Graham and Mra. l ela Event and children are viait- college "Hottrsuser's and mother, Mr. and Mrt. M week. They occupy It com- represen tslng the Baa Keepers' asso- Ora, of Pecoe, are the guestt or Mr. hit rtther Jp Harriet Duncan have returned rrom an Inr Mra. J. V. ecu tc neon on the jerr this will this ing, Chamber: Chilean dance, "Mañana." J. Mlu Koen. ror a tow daya. ing school year. 1). Dyer, C. C. Dyer, W. N. Dalby; onestep, and Mra. W. W. Hlnson. outlnr trip In the Sacramento mountains. ranch. ciation, r. dance, "Flirtation," Mr. and Mra. Worth Fratar and Mrs. Roland Harwell professor In Townley and Mis K. Caldwell and ram W. E. Groom, or Groom's market, has Mra. W. P. Clark or Limpia It vltttlnr former tha Townley, Miss S. E. "Colonial Rag," J. Lenaeber. Mr. and Mrs. W. Clin Wednesday for Kl Paao, where college, but now agricultural agent Uy Marfa Monday. left returned rrom Liberty, Tenn , where he ber aon. J. H. Clark. tor OUIe Mae Stephen. Jeff D. Itaacka and family are entertain visited Mrs. Fraxer will undergo an operation tor Torrenre county, estimates bean Mra. R. L. NevllI, hsd been visiting relatives. Mrs. Clark of Whitney. Texu, la visit tha acre Th ice cream supper riven by tha ing the'ramlly of Mr. and Mrt. I. li. Itaeeki Mr. and Mrs. J. a Bird. appendicitis. age in tost county year at ItJNO or Commercial Rev. T. F. W. Ourney, proprietor of toe Cirri ing Mr. and Mra. J. H. Clark. this acres committee the of HacMta, M. M. Dr. Truett and daughter and Jas. Tom Bell It spending a raw days In town and sutes at the present conditions Satur- Hawley home Marra Valentin soto hotel, was In Alamogordo on buttness and club on the court bouse lian laat Mra. Frank It expected toon Tarrtt visited and the Bird Carender or N. M., made a M. price tha crop will be 1600.000. re- Oran. week. HAOEHMAN. N. worth day nlrht waa an enjoyable arralr and from llateavlll. Ark., where the wu called put weak. bualness trip here Saturday. lut miu Ruth Phelps and Margaret Maths ceived splendid patronar. Mr. Jenaou some week ago by the Illness and death Syl Adama, Jim Bhoemake. Louis Heat Mra. Oeorge Welgele left tor Anaheim. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Badar and little ion attended a picnic at toe Fort Sheldon di Ml Dorothy assisted the entertain- mother, Mrt. J. T. McDonald. Her Upson Taylor or Marathon, spent Cal., where aha wUI vlalt with her daugh- and of bar and BOWIE, ARIZ. or Arteala motored to Harermai version dam. given by the Institute. ment committee or the club. The proceeds many friend lymptlhlxe with Mra. Hawley few daya ter. She experta to visit a number of the Walter, t bar. returning. Sunday and ware tha ruestt or toe WIUn amounted to something more than nrty In her great loss. Mlu Hue! wiutama. who bu been th Mr. W. 0. McCampbell and Mr. T. I. beach towns before CLINT, TEXAS. rel- H. Psrdes, William James and L. R. Burck and every one bad a very pleasant Mrt. Will Shaw la In Texaa vltlttnr guest or her lister, Mra. E. R. Bntly Rlggi were Sunday of Mrs. K. F. Mr. and Mrt. W. Woodt have arrived dollars rueit range In the part of ramillas. evening- ative and friendt. ha returned to bar home at Bella, Texaa Ylday her home south of Bowie, rrom their southern Mis Halite Puflan, chief operator th it county. Mrs. Woods will leave tor a Mrs. W. JamaI, Mra. W D. Tounr. Mn tt The Sew and So club win meat Tuesday Guy Crawford or Sanderson, spent a lew Mr. Mrs. Fred Stncraugh have re- the telephone orflea. bu returned rrom a two or and at Mountain Park. R. Tanner. Mlaa Either Jamea and llttln LAB CMVCEM, N. M. evening at the borne Mr, J. 8. Nocture daya bare visiting hla parent. from a two months' vlalt st their old vlalt with relatives O' montht' vacation and will resume her po turned Rev. Oeorge H. Given, or ouie James Burck were Greenfield vltltort Anabelle Lane, who apant the put on the Alameda. The club bu Invitad the Clay Holland arrived Friday morning to home in Kenney, III. prealdlnr elder sition Monday. Mitt pro- tor Methodlit ut'Mlav. two week at Elephant Butte, has returned men and a box tupper will be held, apend a lew daya with hla mother. Lucy Ryan of Tueaon arrived Satur- th Albuquerque district the Sam Davla v tailed his lister In El Paso to Mlu and win make Ala- E. lily the and ton, Frank, cams in home. Ml Lane bu a brother and num- ceed! to go to fund tor prises be orrered Mra. John R. Morton and family arrived day for a abort vlalt with her parents, Mr. church, bu arrived j. Thursdy aba Dona hla headquarter! lor several Tuesday the body of Mrs. J. E. Biytne erous frlenda in Company D stationed at by the club tor fancy work at week rrom San Antonio to Joto Dr. and Mra. J. F. Ryan. mogordo with E. M McKlnney wu the guest of 0. H. thla His ramlly been here for who died villa, N. c, where the Ana county fair. Morton and apend the remainder or tha D. F. MUlner and J. A. Ford motored to months. hu at Ah Wheeler Thursday and Friday. the dam. family soma Uma. treatment Three sons and Mrs. Thomas Branlgan Is enjoying a visit Mrs. H B. Kemp and ara camping umme r here. Marble Camp, Sunday, returning th hid been under James Fuunim was in Clint Friday on , Range near tha th Blankanablp of El Paso visited two lb huabend. ard father, Mr rrom her sister, Mia Henrietta Monigoro-ery- In the Black mouutaina, Mist Lola Modi sett, who been the same day. Roicoe dturbteri bualnett. or Candler. hu friends here thlt week. and turvlve. who Is a missionary in China. Sha la ranch Mr. John gueal or Mr. and Mra. J. D. Jackson, bu Mrs. X. W. PuUlam returned Sunday rrom keltcn. litter Mlu Delia Sanford or El Paso. Is view The meeting of the Cruces J. H. Elcan bought a house In College Aa to tow came to the dance which wst on 4 her return to China, where she his business Lu to her home at Bartlett, Texu. Indian Hot Springs, at Fort Tbomu, where hu ing Mlu Hsllle Pollen. wu held at th bom returned addition and Is having it moved to his lots to have been held It lb Kemp building ror a number or years dona missionary Welfare association I. W. Kokernot or San Antonio, apent a the hu been receiving treatment. cllnt' young men gave a dance at too or mis- or 1. D. Walker. Mr. Geo. D. Johnson Fri- on Michigan avenue, where he will hare irlday evening, loose wf.o came decided to work, under the Presbyterian board Mr. lew daya bare tha guest or his daughter Mra. R. D. Tban.paon wu hostess hotel Saturday night. The Country club new president and Mr. Baylus Cads M. K. it remodeled ror occupancy. motor to Artes la inttetd of dancing sions. is th Mrs. L. 0. Kokernot day to tha Ladies' Aid of tha church down orcheatra rurnlahed the music. A number secretary. There are many needy and R. 8. Tipton, county superintendent nr A. C. and ton were Roiwrti visitor Rev. Father L. Mlgeon, rormerly of Tul the Mrs. L. F. Buttnil and daughters, Misses at her home on the south tlds. 8b wu Jonea of Kl Paso people sttended. people on the list, and but a meagre G. McCampbell schools, mad a business trip to La Lus Mondsy. srosa. baa been appointed by the bishop of alck Marlon and Louena, of Marathon, visited by Mrt. W. and Mra. Runic Olsone. son of Osspar Glson or Bchul&r, the rumi to supply tha dally call tor clothing spent recently. Mr. tnd Mrt. Weaver or Dexter attended the diocese. Rev. to succeed friendt here this week. F. L. Foarsnc. lb sftornoon wu ( super- Ban Kllaarto. died Thursday end wu bur-te- d Couloumbe, to and medicine. An appeal it made to all conversaUon and needle work, Lacy Slmmi. candidal tor county the r uner il or Mr. Blytb Tuasdty. Rev. Jos former assistant R-- D. Rumwalt, who with pleasant from the family bom Friday morn- Mlgeon will charitably Inclinad, to give to this toclety Mrs. hu been the intendent of schools on the Repobllcsn Harvey LltUc been in ror sav- - Rev. M. vandermaeaon. Rev. daughter, Mra. Gentry. after which dainty refreshment war Mrt. hu ing. or the convent school whatever can be spared of rood, clothing guest of bar John Ucket. hat returned from Akron, Ohio, daya. have paste ral chart, to noma in 1 ssrved. A. erl money and tt will be used to th hu returned her tieia where he dolnr Y. M. C. wort. C. Is tha Sitters or Loretto. Rev. Mlgeon does or Mamie, th little daughter or Mrs. Snow, bu bun W Jam recovertnr from uver N. M of D. C. Russell and Mlat Ethel Wind or peace - LOROSBI HU. coma a atranrer, having been its advantage possible. Mr. uncle, Dan Porter, C. D. Bowmer. Justice the at tcalp wound received irom a fall Thus- not u or Rankin. are the guests or It visiting her whoa a year aome time Mrs. Bremer hu u her guest her titter. ham Texu. Vsvspsl Canyon. Orange, wu here on a vitlt recently. dav. turned here for almost O'MaUor. bom is In the Farts V. Bush, editor of th Liberal, re- go. Mlu ElltabeiB uaviuaon or noney urove Miss Ora or In y McDonald, tut deputy ror ma and Mra. or Dexter war Hachan son, Guy, or Mrs. W D. Armstrong liga wu r. Forttad turned bom Saturday night afttr a tore or the Baptist Texas. She expects to spend th summer Mra Albert and -- Woodman or th World, hu reorrnlsed among at the runeral of The Missionary society or ,! Tnaaitav on bualnaU. the attendant trip on Pacific coast, where here. San Antonio, are the ruest Mr. In the Woodman camp her with eighteen new weeks' lb be peters or Mra. M. Richmond la visiting friends a. re. Myth. received medical treatment tor lnjurlu re- seuator and H. B. Holt and daughter Mr. Ro this place. members. r. or Mr. isfford Lov Dtler (liendra Mrs. in a mm soma um ago. and Misa Pearl Price, who have haga camp Mlu Kate Fritter left thlt week tor A. Cunningham, manager or in rily ceived acctdnl Rev. Joseph Raid, paator of the Catholic BlrttM's runeral Tuesdsy. waa visitor on Ruidoso, returned wash. Oklahoma, where she will reside in light and water companies, bu moved to on Kd Fry s busisvtu la ramfat Asthma ins th lut church at Solumunvllle, bald turvlcet la Mlaa one Cunnmrham hu been in He with Ronald Hay Fever and 1 rengar and daughter, rrom n. wm Saturday. motored down Mrs. Oeorge Laura ruture. Bowie Sunday. town mi ranch Aiainion atcK list tor aevaral dayt. have returned rrom a two momnt Mr. and Mrs M M. McFarhvnd and sort have charg or hi ranch. Kgon. l.outse, Yardmuter Hardy hu returned from a Mr. Joynar, eorreepondlnr secetary of Marshall In tha county the eaat. thla week rrom San Antonio. Miss Maria wu Worsted at Last! visit in arrived buatoeu trip to Tucson lb Baptltt Ladles' Aid society of .taw thla week attending; to Mondas svsntnr tha hoy of Company H Miss Minnie Relney entertained a nun MIDLAND, TEXAS. seat sever! dayt Mlu Florence bunch enjoying a Mexico, gave a talk to ins nagger legal an enchilada supper at their or Monday nlrht with i matters ware riven bar bar rnenda outing l the Marble Camp. man Baptist Ladles' Aid society Wedirat B. B. Ownby TI Kea.nn U Uesre to Spoil live PI asía-ar- e camp. Coffee, leinonaoe ana w party. Refreshments, consisting of Several good how art have rallen In vari constable Allen and took 8 rg, "tt" The little daughter ol K. C Davis, who t day. Mrs. Joynar it v letting each society in to SUvar City Mea- - and Comfort of ml Mexican dish, eochlladu, were served cake, war served. oua sections uf th Midland country during prisoner rrom Har hi ta Tu ice cream and wu seriously 111 with typhoid raver, was New Mexico. day. aha soldier boys by local woman and gins Mrt. A. 0. Rtrln en I ruined th Young to put week. lake ii to a hospital lu El Paso lut weak. It A heavy abowar toll Monday in Htger Kvary I being made by Lordaburg Among tha dlaordera which have After suppr lb young people adjourned to People society on day week Mill Dougherty or nuDiiara ciiy. ar effort Im- i hut tt reported that bis other two children are man. bul calendad over a vary narrow onlog of naUoaal baffled medical tclanc aince tima Agricultural hall where th upper floor were servad rived in Midland this week. He lelt Tuas clUsen to gel lb Itail th freahmtnU tick With th same disease ny area. Thla county la badly la of rata. troops memorial, non ha been ao puaallnc usad for dancing This wiitrwinrrtaal R. Benttey entertained Friday dav for home, accompanied itrt Bd guard her. wu Mrs. t llarvy Mftonbaugb wu to Superior laat Um uurlhara nal It proving vary in Assistant Attorney Vaughl of or devoid of sympathy aa hay fever, given farewell to that porttoa of a party of Dougherty who nu oeen in awsou iur u it District wu u MtM with "T" la honor bar weak. this yar. ttaneacWd teal of or it f Terminar, rose cold, and lta Company H that hu been WaMaaad har aha Refreshment were sons lime. dtauil Dealing business bar th sister, miu willleme. Th wadding of Mlu Mercedes Bajar lo naoy 1 Aid society or me Bspusi week. complication. bronohtol asthma oast month, and ten Lu cruce Wednesday evening r. F. Clark. Mrs ciara aaa ten Tha edB ah served during th jsan Itoppeill took plac Sunday after bald a vary pleasant meeting at the Miases Brown bav home Prompt rallef from thus apaamodlc Paso. Baa last Tuesday night for th Ustis mountain chucrk Th returned for tl Raymond Estop of lab, tt bar via noon at the Bom of th brida paranta. Mr weeks. hum of J. B. Milan Tliiireday arter rrom tha summer normal school affection ta invariably ob- Dora Hawley entertained T. They expect to a ton about tore Mr. attending bronchial Mlu itmg bit tiller. Mrt V. Meador. and Mra Miguel Bajar, Judge Thotapaoa Among preaeat ware: Mrs by burning; and inhaling th in of the Misses Fleck of Kl A. B. Wslker came in tut inuisusy irom inoon those gl Silver ity tained party honor Mr. and Mrt. Clarence Hord and family th ceremony. Tha young H. Davlaua. Mr, Safa A runa, Rem- performing sjursn A Taytor ranch, thru ml Us sarta Brt. Mr. 8. Read. Mr. J. fumes of Warner's t Paso. Mr. and Mra. Kpbram Williams and Mlu couple tuunedlilely ror Oloh. relurnn C. B. In cases or th class left tirauui. Mr. O. W ÍUwsoui, Mr. edy lis affect stubborn Bayltst cad, teacher Junior tag to Bowie Tuesday Btoaor means have la con- ra auntiay mo- Nawauu. Miu Myrtl hewsom. Mlu where other failed of hoya ta napiui srnuoi. Miss TumBaaoa gad leave following: to Mesilla dam Tbura-da- loia thr Hicks MtM Dorothy Hicks clusively proved by tha tored with to class tor Ban Francisco and o I tor aa outing. A ptoaie aaayaar. swua aatnrdav W. James is nursing aprensad hand u "Tow seat me a sample of Warner's points in california. Thar will be all MM runswsy aaaMlgai Bate Remedy which helped ming and fishing filiad to th hours of an Often Tuberculosis tha rssult of s SBBB B. B. Asthma party Mr and Mrs. Ranch Nerval sad daughter, Lilll.'B ma. I bought box of It and It cured only too short day. Th raturaad C. FRECKLES a P p. Mra. M Is Edith, and Mis Kttkti Cobiiy Mft me. much to my astonishment, as I at F in from Kerning N. M. aha win mm Mrt. W. P. LapotM have returned Is Much Relieved uaitt Tut inorólos oa a camp lug vtp to ike had triad many things without any Mr. and Now 1 live Tissv to Oat Had of Tboac aiy 1 8. from two weak vacation epeul at Hur White mount. us , miinis" a. It. Davis. ItJ Jflower of Miu Tom tl atoa. Laly Syoto. Ruy aon. Buy lev. Silver City and Fay wood Hot Spring may be called Mr and Mrs octbesd aad St., Loa Angeles Cal. by what th natural Mra. J P. Ryan and Hut ton. Jksun. ao longer the aeed Kv retained kav A fc Boyd. BUS Baa Boyd and Tins based uu Haul of freedtrtair Thera'a Jr and Mr Alfred indar Sua If you have tried other remedies Usui i. tort Thursday for cucar, where Use? will of feasllna aahamad of your freckle. to Pin Lodge. not despair, give Mra. J. N Muse ire drove to Kl Paeo laat a sufficiency of well cooked, pur foot lav truiu aasir trip without success, do aad a Lara mearan of rest. .lud s inouui istiuig relator. aa that proscription othtne doubl Rev W. W Turnar wu Hoswell vtiitor Remedy a b T Mllner Ml Saturday fur Lorain. Warner's oafs Asthma Mr. and Mrs. Jose Lucero and daughter This treauuent doe But always secure irenath la guaranteed to remove invariably It will Ill I Mai Ohio, Bgasa receiving a telegram from tus thorough trial, and have hoane to desired result. II toara is thaaa homely apoto. C. K Mount tnd liltl ao weal to Mus Jaasah. returned after need foi uwdlcalion ui orde 1 bring aboui wu uvTormuag of Us serv.es art. provo us merits. weaka at th Ho ata iltou imply an ouao of othtn - Huev.su Tuesday turnia From Usara thy a Safe Asthma pending several famous of Mr. MUnar aw tsar st R member Warner's aprtuss si Psywood. H. M. They report a doubl straasTthr from any druraiat wis so to Missouri to visit Mrs. Mount's Remedy la OO experiment It Is mad Mlu Varna Janatos of Cochi is s gueat apply a Utti of It nlTht and at uw aoaw of Bar aiaaar. Mrs a and by a reputable manufacturer and baa to such casas teamen's Kt aicoaei. morning and you should soon M that Mr Mrs. W. U. Yotjat rtotorad to Ruth Dar taltrtsiasd at har lilts May Whsator, fireman for ta SouUwrn aad been oa th market for 48 yaara. No street seasor of ass hsaa used with tsrg saaaaura th worst freckle have straw Saturday ant has on Griggs la sil man i tarea, aff. railroad, la vlaitug vn Rufwtii product, ao matter how extensively rayan ta la this whit llghiar oaee Brewa M tat Mag at th Mlaaas atora and Orara of Hi Par pareoOy yielded k it Aud Mr aad Mrs. J A WBjtalir to disappear, th Mtot Marlon advertised, could laat yaara unless Ms bu ntirely Twelve guaatt eauoyed noapuainy of fresa sttasna and Booctoua haw Mra. I. I. eyauood m have vanished It la aeldoiii fcuor aom. aear battor. tala we It met with popular approval of i ia A. Wad th Miu DeyaBd ffaoav to th troubles which Aid of Sha M ctturcB rndsy that more than an ounoa to Mr. aad Mr W lossy novad buying public Oat a package to- t add th ata to lupareatetai, ta i Bar Boats sMa was of completely clear th eh la aad alo irrffff SBtu their uaw bam Kt t Bagar day Cajea1 worm a u.al aaa. Stave a complexion served majJJlgfS) BBMjsMtM Of BOWl. beautiful At druggists, or postpaid. A and Mrs li SV atar asa douhi ftlted pstlatt si tha rreby It Mr its um it sais oia o y ton s PBBsma C. a li So ugh left UM lut of ma weak to far tha Mr aJtof th fra asimpla to prove how promptly It tu to visit frisa i strataaslb aa thla ta sold under avareu auiusajr oiarwjsai sac tog th Viatoa. Tea, UtiSksgsk iMitf uo . r iruf co has lag hsaa called tar by lb otblao artas relievos. Wai Bar's Sai Atenuad las mis a ( fi Als. guarantee of money bavh if it tolla U akiaar at Bar. ruSNntwi Mas aVutu Leapt. M. - Lttovt Co., tit Koohastar, I At. SSBsHjr Mra- - uaorg F rengar asi faasily aa H Lawraa, Mr. sad Mra. I. r. Ryan. IMABOVe freeklaa. Ad pretrial at u EL PA6Q MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1916. L5J What to See at the Movies This Week H right to show four tartar Relea Hokss at later desea. the Immortals" at the Two Favorite Star Who Will Be Mary Plckfotd as "Huida From There it aa eteaisret raixea program ror 'A Son of tonight. Don" furaal. Garden, Friday, August 4th Seen at the Grecian This Week Holland" at the Alhamhra Monday at sW a. am. prorsajrtly. EXTRA ATTRACTION AT BUOT TODAY hla Democratic rala, farm the basis ror a An extra attraction at the Buou today at CAST. sensational five act photoplay. "A ton of remlar Diirea. "The Duoe." a blah class prutee Alexia Dalarado. .1. warren Kerrigan eoelety drama, featuring Frank Mayo- - The the Immortals." with I. Warren Kerrigan Prince Michael Del grado Bertram Greeaby esarr is assao tssa aaniruuv nanoien. ore playing the leadinr role- - Of course the Alexander genu the mora complex aide of modern Princesa Delrrado OUrard nollMriana of hla realas aid not like his un I I Ufa. It Joan Cameron Lol W 11 too conventional met nod of popularising him Francia X. oe otile, and El anagaporr Harry Carter aeir with the the resulting plots Tueaday. Oea. and counter pinta that lead rloae to aaarrhv Counteaa Makotat Maude George and revolution provide earning tcenet to AT THE CARDEN THEATER TODAY. of American asreV at Sm udlidb' jH stir the enthusiasm aadlaneea SB I t HP The Garden will ahow a variad program LelU Poluakl. H. I. Holland to a degree unusual erra In these day of unusual Interest, Including the Hergi us Neslmir Oeorge Hernandex sensationalism in photopleytng. Great mobs li I scream, Where My Huaband?" "The in battles, the exciting Incidents attendant Lucky Gold Pleca, aa exceptional drama, Placing a Yankee usoa the throne lo rulo upon olote formed for aaaaeelnaUoB and the aten Wilson and IDs Animated Weekly. artth aa king of aa Imaginary nation tome where rmal triumph of the dashlnf Yankee provide which uves the world wide events. incidents that are aura to arouse to bigh it's a dune all the time. tn Europe, and Iba results that coma from pitch the rereor of photoplay enthusiasts

EVERYBODY'S TODAY ONLY! FAVORITE WEDNESDAY! BRAND NEW KEYSTONE! Vtev s. Hart Inrf - Ml KUr Blllle Burke In ' Gloria's Romeare." BILLIE la lilganllr Photo HOr. U If The CaatlvC GoS" Kesstoae Comedy Today. Keystone lovers will find their wiitin the Frtnceaa (..napa la concealed by grail ried today at tlx Grecian. The usual ber in a rave, lint later It diacovered by Sunday offering being a rollicking. iiiItUi the degenerate Mliltll. to whom Lolontl hai "Poor Papa" BURKE provoking Keystone Acresm There la no been promised hy her father, the ruler uee trytnr to desriiba Keystone fama fit Chlapa la sentenced to be sacrificed to toe NOTICE You Faithful Onea! It simply ran t h done. The manirold Aster god. His rearue la the blr thrill of WHY GO Don't Forget BilHe Will Be gyrations and awtn kalaldenropic irtuattOOl the production and la truly a magnificent dery description, and m thla respect spectacle INTO QUALITY Here One Day Only This offerlnr doe not differ from the real. Blllle Burke In "Gloria's Romance." Tenth DETAILS? IT! Week Wedneaday. except that It la raster than uaual. Thla Kptwiclr Meilnrsda) Only DID picture will be ahown today only. Purlng the first few days following her MARY PICKFORD discovery 1'rrneau, her fiance, had Waa. S. ta Captive God." thai Tit Fata east Play er amount StBM. Bart "The been murdered, Gloria Stafford yearned TIM Captive Cod." sgaln and again for the engagement ring CAST OF CHARACTERS. there It a great deal or tender p.tboa in Entire vinares consultar of pueMo rei which her father had at last Induced her to HULDA MARY I'ICk'FORD Miss Plckford's little Dutch girl, there la go dance war erected- - for the expensive dlacard. One day she stealtbily abatrcted It John Walton Frank Lotee much that I comic In ber interpretation "The Captive scenes Allan aon John Bower of the role, and there are so many delight- S. Walton, hla WM. and the historical detalla of the ion from Pterponls porget when he waan't 4 awaited William S. Hart Aitec atory, or Uncle Peter Russell Rateen ful little episodes In which three adorable "The looking. In heainnlng her Investigation Yacob Maater Haral Hollttchei children ably aaslat the star, that "Huida Captive God." showing at to- Little the Grecian r renesu's death she went first of all to the The Burgomaster Charlea E. Vernon rrom Holland" will undoubtedly rank aa ft morrow and Tueaday. A wealth of material of Mulry. partner, and while one or the Player Film company's j office Mrks REVIEW Famous la naed In thla massive, maftiirirent melo- there was amazed tip learn that Lots waa Marv Plrkrord has been starred In greatest contribution to motion picture uuu I I dramatic, apenarla, and the action at all on Mulry regarding Mr of many plriuri-squ- natlonall-tle- , humor, of course there I a love story HART alao calling "poor tlmee la flat and untlrlnr aod spectacular. Kreneau." Thla led Gloria to suspect Mck bul her lnten)retstlon of "Huida from Interwoven with Hulda's Joys and Bo- The wonderful and admired personality or had not true to her aa he had vow Holland" has never been surpassed tn hu rrow, which, before the picture I com- been at mor and genuine appeal. Though co mea a very serious affair: Mr. Hart la in no wlae lot in hla rarb of ed, and later on when she arrldently dla heart pleted, be TOMORROW Massive, Magnificent I an Indian of the elxleemh century in an- covered that the firm of Mulry t Kreneau AND cient Mexico, and hl eharacterltatlon or In or Melodramatic had branch orncea all the cltlea from (bow how they get at their figures. after having refused many tempting en- Chlapa la magnificent. In raf t, that la the had apparently Just which Freneau's letters Pavlov, h worked practically rive weeks In gagements. The result was that she had TUESDAY Spectacle one word to apply to the whole production. come, eaay It ahe understood at last how making The Dumb ulrl ur Portlcl." A- goers at ber feet for year, at Two thouaand five hundred extra men were to theater bad been for Frencau write the letter ccording to the iiiriclaJ tlmetheeta which her v inch time ene the Idol or the light uaed In the great fight arenca, too tona of to became In advance and give them tome other tlmekieoer kepi, the worked from three comedy atage. She waa by Wil- platter were uaed tn the aettlnra and , to back Induced member of the rtrin mall to her five hours a day. When summed up, her liam A. Brady to appear In motion plc- and 18 man were kept i,uay for three cities a THE CAPTIVE GOD" from each of the in which branch time averaged rive weeks, working rive turea. contracting to make three reatures WM. S. HART weeka maklnir the apeara and painting the office was lorated. tonea, days each week, rive houra per day. A for the World Film. Two or her pictures which the Indiana uae for their At last her eyes were open. She under- llrii.uun, to 110, -- weapon All ahe received this amounted have already been shown In this city, and Once a Newsboys' Hero. A Gigantic Spectacle the lncevllle Indiana take stood that Kreneau had deceived her. 000 t?.UO0 per MOV per In per week or day, hour her third, "The Crucial TesC will be the part the plrture. and their costuming is Thoroughly Indignant, he rushed home, per Pavlowa'a Based on the Story of one of the or Or lec.M minute which made attraction shown at the Albambra theater blr wondera the rifm. Enid only an hour later, to decide that Dirk nev 11.11 per She can DOW inim Now Markey playa salary second. today. the Idol of the Man Primitive Passion. the beautirul Prlnreaa Loloml er could have been raise, and that she was without fear of contradiction, that she re of the Altera and la happily ram. Dorothy Mean- of Means the Woman a wlrked girl to even suapert him. ceives more money per second for her ap HABOLD LOCK WOOD UNIQUE. -- Thoa. H. Biggest Dayton la a moat fascinating or the Ince's siren time Royre had cautioned Mulry against re pearanre In motion plcturea than the aver- The tiuque will show Harold Loekrwood of Culture the Classes brome tribe, and forras Matthewa any or to Gloria Production Since Civiliza- rive veallng Freneau's erridy age high rlast star receives per hour. and May Allison In "The Mtsked Rider" an appealing Interpretation of the little alave she come u htm and the Maries. should for Information today for the time Thla t Me- tion. rlrl Maya Rohert MrKim and Robert a waa cheerfully given. David last promise that tro Is Dill of and Kortman are erfertlve In the caat. meanwhile become more lover feature crammed action and l.ols scenery Is a Now Loved by Men Jaa Two Thousand Five Hun chlapa. the Spaniard, leader of the Te been In a long while and beautiful snd picture that like than they had two popular stars. The Worshipped by in huana, waa adopted by the tribe when a leave for the country home to enjoy a sec- Just suiu these Women dred the Cast, Including shows start at 11 :M a. ni., p. m., . child and acknowledged of aupertor wis- ond honeymoon, emending an invitation to Amusements lita and Idolized by Children. W. S. Markey, Dorothy 3 Enid dom. He leada hla people In At re- 'Advei IS. 1:30, 7. 8:15 and 9M. Charlie TALL their fierre Gloria to vlilt tli"in Hum flrat ahe llteineiit S:. Dalton and Mc-- battlet with their enemlea. the Alters. His fuse., but later arreplt, desiring an oppor i.haplln will be with us tomorrow, also the Robert I ODA I Athletic His Powerful Personality people are betrayed Into the Alters' hands tunlty to study l.ols at rloae range and de- H IGU BILL pathe Weekly and the reel, on't HART Kim. by Tecolete, the fatthleat woman, and later ride Tor herself ir Frcnesu can have been There Is some bill at the Wlgwgm today, I'alhe Weekly and the Athletic reel. Don't Fairly Bulge Out of the WHAN Chlapa, while apylnr on the walla of the paying her sister In law attention the while believe me. The Mutual Weekly Is chock It shows Jake Srhaefer, the wlstard, and Bigger "On the Axlers. la a or good tinngn. Among a Harry Cllne, champions: also one Screen and "Get's" Than wounded by guard. Seen by he waa rourtlnr heiself. full them It billiard AdulU raa Children lie Night Stage" laughable contest of amaleure who try to or the greatest wrestling matchee ever you. Better imitate the wurld'a greatest comedian. staged. Than "Hell's Hinges." I No Advance in Price Charlie Chaplin; the Custer massacre anni His Strength of Character Back Up Charlie! Arma PavloWa versary commemorated by a apectacle in LAMAR THEATER, Despite Enormous Was Shi Months in the which the Indian survivors appear; scenea We are happy to announce the first run COMPELS Attention I Making. on the border, vlewa or Russian truops In or Helen Holmes in ber latest success, Expense of Production Made More Than Dollar a Second France, etc. "Whlspertnr Hmlth." This Is a vary fine The big reature la "The Vigil." a pro- play and well wottb coming to see. We When Blllle Burke signed her contract to watch, the property or Anna Pavlowa, which duction made under the personal direction also announce that we have secured the appear In motion pictures, the wst engaged ticked off the aeronda when every tlrk of that master mind. Thomas H. Ince. Its and paid a definite sum par week while meant 11.11 to Pavlowa. east is composed or the real Japanese ac- the pictures were being made; Mary Plrk The 'Teruel' tors who appeared. In hit great spectacle. ford draws down the princely sum of or Pavlowa purrhaaed stop pur- - "The wrath the Goda." HO per week: Blanche Ring waa paid a this watch poaely for occasion, It Special music to fit the pictures on the certain amount for one picture; Anna Held tins and calls ber Portlcl" watch, one day when ahe Ito.sto unit orchestra rrom S will receive Its .uno for a number or pic- arrived at the theater and was gelling ready to to and rrom 7 to to. No lncreaae in : tures; Gersldlne Farrar. according to her work In the photoplay, sin- prices Come to the matinee. That beau Brass agents, received gt par minute ror sought the watch WIGWAM to give timekeeper, but the In the lobby waiting ror a chance THEATER appearance In her watch could standinr Iter "Carmen," but when not be Her get in. Anna Pavlowa signed a the round. six maids searrhed every tu rontrart with Inch of room, Largest Hope-Jon- es t'nlvrrsal Film Manufacturing company. It the dressinr and attendants Home of the Unit Orchestra in State of Texas looked all the stage GORDON Waa little she paid not around Finally her KITTY realised that wst manager went to stage. Wily the highest price ever paid a person ber suite a! the hotel, to After having runquered the British find It on Pavlowa'a came on TODAY ONLY AN EXTRA GOOD to appear In motion plrturea before, but es- dresser. Kitty Gordon to the United sutea PROGRAM TODAY ONLY tablished a record that would stand for a 1100 Per Hour. an extended pleasure trip. Theatrical tin loar time to come. When other high class tara have In presarlos trailed her for weeks, be sel gins formed of to In Receives Cash. the world the amount of money her with offers play American musi- IM.sM they It might be a gooo When Anna Pavlowa waa signed by the receive. mea to cal comadles, to which she succumbed THOMAS H. INCE PRESENTS Universal for "The Dumb Olrl of portlcl" UN1QÚE--Monda- y ahe demanded, and received, aso ,000 in cash 'The Mutual paid her before the completion of the pic Weekly' ture, and also retained a half Interest IB the plcturea. Now that all other Charlie Chaplin Vigil" A CHARLIE CHAPLIN s "The CONTEST have press led the fact that their alai wars drawing rabulous prices, the nmver Amateurs imitate the great star aay comas out with the real facts and fig Pathe Weekly A remarkable picture based on a Japanese ures, so plain that even a grammar school legend and produced by the real Japanese tblld ran figura It out for himself CUSTER MASSACRE ANNIVERSARY ATHXdOTIO REEL stars who appeared in Mr. Ince's master picture, Furrheae Interest la Opera to. TONIGHT Indian surtisuis in a big spectacle Pavlowa would not allow the publicity dr aUtowlnaT Dartman! to Mot aven that the waa receiving J ARK NCHAKFER PRESIDENT WILSON AT PHILADELPHIA at) gajeen per day. nour or minuta, as iuai The "The Wrath of the Gods" Ben Wilson Ny Billiard Wiser. - had become the popular paatlme of press Where Is CHICK EVANS He addresses the advertising- men agenta with little else to do. But when It Golf Champion. pointed out to her that the prlea she Husband?4 waa THE LUCKY GOLD PIECE ALSO A received a second would ahow toe Inuuenae GREAT WRESTLING No lncreaae in Prices No value of ber services, she eon an ltd. A Drama An Scrssaun MATCH. Increase in Prices No Increase in Prices The re la probably not aoollier atar tn aha world who u as alert for money mak ANIMATED WEEKLY, NO. 330. fir aaatbll1llst aa the great Pevlowe. Sha kvas a manager who attends to all minor World Wide Events. One Other Good Reel. details of ber bualaaaa. but when It la t aaaaataaa of do liars and rente ahe attends to thai herself. With the ato.000 which the Monday Carter DeHaven in received rrota the Universal she purchased "From Broadway to Throne.' half laurasi tn the Boston opera Corn- - It's Diane All the Time. TQDAY EXTRA ATTRACTION At the tires ahe signed for her appearance Et "The Dumb Olrl of HorUcl" Pavlowa was REGULAR PRICES playing at the Midway Gardens In Chicago, ALHAMBRA aad It was ntrasttry tar the Universal nun - Menaftrtii-1- -r company to lease Sana Bouci "The Dupe" FRANCIS BUSHMAN" TODAY- Bark aad there Build a studio for the pro rr Tuesday in tiir-- of this picture which coet the com A HIGH CLASS GRACEFUL neau ovar aaojBt. and It la to situated ad Harold Lockwood The Other Man" CHARMING DISTINGUISHED liking Midway Oat dent that Pavlowa could SOCIETY DRAMA átte rVeaa bar booatotr d resting room in tea taaaaar. BtJtealB IBs star door, wait twenty panes aad gat raaide the universal and May Allison atadto ta the park. Is WUl entertain you at the Unique Kitty Gordon asa vea iMratBS tBa Oar tune far Use Theater Today for the Universal aaa) rtasSwiat Bar ballast sad Last time in the Treroesvdous Metro asaría ta Uieiwajr aárdeas at aiftst u Wonderpky a s sere Batsy ttata far Baeasea. seal tee THE GORGEOUSLY GOWNED FAVORITE bbs veX erect seat aajaclsi. ir a cartaui TONIGHT MONDAY, JULY 31ST ata tres eat Bar Bar ta he at Baa Souci IN B A VIVID STORY OF SOCIAL M aaark far Strae Hours, save "THE MASKED RIDFR" Another Program HELEN HOLMES CONDITIONS Good ThsncB aa Hear I at tat Vtve-Jaa- el Saannssi A flvtvact of love and fast fB sal sate avaras far the uativataaL n OSrsSaa and Cnmira gsa tutr at Has eat at sur rasa Baas "Whispering Smith'' W rtra Show . Bw BBa tras trail a. aad at Just a Bat state abe 11:30 a. m., 12:415 p. 2, 3.16, 4:30. T:S at, 7, Stssaaaat SSavw Bare a. as. "The Cracial Test" km eaa sasasstredb 5:46, 8.16, 8:30. 4 baas tea aera tas artaaaai EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, JULY 30, 19,6

Popular Metro Star at Unique Today 'Where Are My Children?" a Daring LxtcKy Marin Safa; PEANUT INDUSTRY'S Play Dealing With Race SutdJe She Got Her WUh FUTURE IN VALLEY Many photoplay fans will perhaps remember reading an Interview with Marin Hats some montba ago In which BEING INVESTIGATED aha declared. "I wleh 1 could only play In a picture of the outdoor wast again, with plenty of rMIng and nerhapa a of Vegetable little shooting and all that " Marin Ofla waa at that time appearing la "The so- rVomiaee to Be A escultural cial Piratea," nd it see roed that aha Bonanza. would oarer again ba seen aetrlde a backing broncho. Emmet . Jones, chler or me stats n ind market bureau, And then sbe made her wleb Now JLasssssssssssssssB arrteuiture ami ST HflsSBBBSM . ' Industries department, a pent yesterday to "I'm the happiest girl on earth." chat- fl El Pato. Mr. Jone It Interested In the ters Marin as she hasties about tha rHjf " peanut nil Industry, sad la spendtnr Ml atadlo, the gar est player in com- .vacation making survey or this industry tha in tbe states or pany. Teiss. Oklahoma. Kan. Arkansas and Mississippi. From what fee Here's the whole story. For many letrned here yesterday he It Inclined to be- month exhibitors and fans hare beam lieve met the majntlty of the hand in this writing to the producers asking for pic- section on which paannts could be grown la too expensive to make mi industry toe- - ture of the west. "You gara na eeiiful. westerns years ago when picture mak- "The peanut promises to be the salva ing waa crude But yoo haven't giran tlon of Alabama." said Mr. Jena. "Practi- cally every oil mill in me equipped na western In recent year when s state is with peanut crushing machinery and we are o finely and carefully pro- have two sxrltitlvn peanut mills, the first duced. Our patrons are getting tired of me kind in the United state. mmm sss aw m. of morbid sickly themes, gire ua tha B 20.00. SO Worth Importe healthy weat for a change." ( , "There It tJo.ono.non worm of vegetable The demand tarted slowly bnt It oil imported by tbe ratted Stttei tvtry yetr. The greater portion or me vege- pic- gained In strength ateafllly. One table nils usee in this country come from ture manufacturer decided, "The fans France. Practlcillv none of the raw prod and exhibitors are right. Bnt 111 go urtt is rrnwn In France. The peanut, soy beans and ctttor beans, are importad i them one better. I'll glTe them high JHAROLD LOCKWOOD.in -THE.MASKED.RlDER to Prince from Africa ind manufactured Harold Lookwoo and STay Allison to appear In "" at quality pictures with the dnh and sWsV Into y egetable out and shipped to this Iba Unique today. rigor of the old westerna. but I'll show country. them a west they bare never seen 'We believe that the L'nlted States ctn the new weat the weat of irrigation produce all of its own vegetable oils and some rrush-m- r real mining hav for eiDort. The peinut projects, oil fields and the Industry was more or less in experi Popular Star, Gertrude McCoy, at New York waa wild to see "'Where Are My Children?" The above eh owe and ranch life." ment with us this year, but we hive gone huge crowds struggling to gain admittance to the Globe theater, Broadway, All this ronnd shnnt way did events fir enough with it to find that It it vtry the Wigwam Theater, Tuesday at Forty-sixt- h street. work to bring Marin Hala the fulfill- profitable. giste Buys the nil . A smashing, darlnr subject done In a stand why his wire was never blessed with ment of her wish. For then Kalem "We were handicapped this yetr by not Oertrude McCoy, the popular star of a money desperately. Hammer Is struck with smeshlnr, darlnr way, best describes any, take up the case on the confession made arrangements with Robert Welles hiving t rite on peanut oil which would her and simplicity. number of productions In feature film cbsrm "Where Are My Children?" the new mo- of the dying girl, lie throws his brother-in-la- Ritchie, the wall known writer of west- permit tie to ship It to the north and tut. will be seen Mrs. Hsmmer decides to keep her hold on MARIN Wo got round this by the state depart- Tuesday at the tion picture with Tyrone Power in the out or his home snd prosecutes the ern tales, to write "The Olrl From SAIS ' her husband until she Is ready to marry in. tht, Coming Ktkm 5eWM ment buying the oil and shipping It In "Oates of Divorce." This la a very time- leading part. The new picture preaches doctor Tor bis rrlmes. Krisco," fifteen And &rrd tt again, and so does not secure the evidence years a week serle. "Tea IFU. FPlOerrTUBCtf, ' government property it t government nte. ly picture against race suicide, and, matead or It being The doctor Is sentenced to fifteen s of modern society. It will be against him and Lucy West, the girl in the when It came time to choose the The department bought three tank a or toe shown case. a low life arralr, the Universal company snd In a terriric moment In court 1st at rerular prices. ac- title role of course Marin shonldcra must fall the task of battling oil, etch tank containing m gallons. I The husband wonders why it has not been has pictured a wonderfully dramatic story throws down his book of professional for tha Director Edwin Middle ton ha ohoten an I her- my wis sent to Chingo to tell the oil. I got his good to marry a girl at amid surroundings or luxury and wealth. counts ror the district attorney to pursue. Sala waa tha lucky one, for she against father's powerful enemies r cast to Interpret toe sit prominent fortune such as a some fancy offers from ptrtles who de Lucy and sincerely falls in love wltn Richard Walton, a district attorney, is Walton rinds his own wire's name a Caltfornlan. a girl of the In protecting his vast Interests. Bnt roles In "Oates or Divorce." Headed by her broken, self native sired to use the oil for the manufacture of He an appartment for her and after doctors who help race suicide. He Is patient and then, heart he under- Miss McCoy ind Alexander Oaden, this furnishes In outdoors and a daring horseback rider. In addition to thrilling outdoor ad- nitroglycerine ror war munitions, but thete sends for her mother. One of the first well to do and his wire moves In the stands and from the other names the consists or Iva Shepard, John highest social circles. It develops that many books be sees at last why there are no "Ia it aay wonder that I am the hap- ventures I will also get a chance to orrers were turned down beriuse we Rslnhard, Lucille Tart and Mathilda Baring. presents to her Is the dog he had taken to up s ror the oil In a moment anger. of the women In her set who don't want to children in the ramillas bis wife knows. piest girl on earth?" asks Marin. "In wear pretty gowns when the action build trtde thit Author Robert Bums fashioned the charact- aay from his wife of would hold up In the time or petce s well Driving In her car one day. Mrs. Hammer be bothered by motherhood are from time Many leadlnr clericals, including Rev. 'Tha Olrl From Frisco' I am Barbara of the picture carries to my home er or Ruth Hammer to suit Miss McCoy's en- in In time or wtr. I sold one of the ctr sees the dor and traces it to Lucys band to time patients or a certain doctor. Charles H. Pankhurst, have strongly of Ace Brent, em- flan Francisco. yon ts capabilities, and this exacting role affords Mrs. young picture. John Brlben Walker, Brent, daughter the So see, I have loads to Swift A Co.. with the tindersttmd-tn- an ror some apartment (lolng In to mske in Walton's brother visits them dorsed the the talented scress opportunity the at the same time young daugh- In commenting on the production said: pire h'illder. Fate rules that on mv everything that n woman could ask." that it to be manufactured Into or pow- qulrles she sees her husband's photograph the beautiful wti display her versatile and emotional ter or their housekeeper comes to the "Here Is a motion picture which should oleomarrerlne. ers of expression. Mr. Oaden Is exception- on the piano. Her rage knows no bounds (lleofnargarine. Sbe decides now to sue for divorce. This Walton home. It Is the old story with the be carried to every town and city of the Peanut ally convincing, and In the third act his young folks and sbe Is to the world on the screen over and This car brought seventy five rent gal- or re- she Is now willing to do, as she has fallen taken doctor. and thrown t portrayal the disillusioned lover Is every A sample of oleomai gertne mad In love herself with an attractive young The operation Is not a success and she over again, until every daughter and lon. the markably well hsndled, made tense thro urn was tu me. I have never or man. not knowing that his real name dies. District Attorney Walton, who loves son has had Its full significance impressed Francis X. Bushman Appears at from mi oil sent repression all melodramatic tendencies. and has never able to upon eaten butter than that peanut oil oleo- or de- Bob Colfax. The papers learn of her arfalr children, been under them. finer The opening- scenes this photoplay believe when prod- or and give It unpleasant publicity. Bijou Tuesday in Special Release marrerlne. that mis pict the disappointment John Hammer known have on young; Hammer goes to call on Lucy and learns uct becomes that it will in his wife, because she devotes her greatest .sties of spy substi- to His that she Is preparing to rive up the apart of the butler entire time frivolous affairs. wire, the produced. dainty, shallow brained creature, has not ment. He sees a man disappear into a "THE OTHER MAN." door with her child Mildred, suit tuir tht hss'ever been esse In hand, prepare to She can tank car of th oil sold to Brown in character with bar husband's closet. Lucy denies that there Is anyone Mighty Producing Co., Result of Harry Ross, returning from a long trip depart "Another wit progres. there. Hammer then says that there will be not go on. So It Bleeker Instead of Mil Proctor A Otmblo with th understanding taken when hi wife divorced him tt her who Is Into com Mrs. Hammer agrees to a nn hevm to tafil " Sis under the door. Players-Lask- y dred meets Boss at the hotel. Hiss thtt It wia to be manufactured Shortly sfter, Jt Famous Combine to given be suc- legal To se- Lucy rushes out and Hammer turns orr the father's behest marry Frederick Braddon, letter, locket end a photogvpl pound lard. Thli liso proved to t separation from her husband. or cure Hammer has ras, falling to the floor as ir he hlrnseir a millionaire, calls on her. She find the the baby. He understands and, a broken re tt. evidence for the divorce old A 1.000 his attorney negotiate with Bob Colfax, a were also overcome. What Is undoubtedly the most Important business that the moat far reaching ad love returning and consent to fly with man, leaves. splendid production, and "(if the third ctr we sold, about young or Lucy returns with a revolver, rinds the combination or producing Interests In the vantages of the combination will be attain him. But Bleeker, the old butler, stand at one you will enjoy. gallons, to a New York concern to be used dapper scoundrel the underworld. pro-re- CoUex agrees to rurnlsh a young woman, man she hes been duping is unconscious, history of the motion picture industry his ed. An effort hid Just been Inaugurated In dying silk. I do not understand the a drops the revolver as she runs to open been consummated by the formation of the by both companies previous to their con- by which th oil is used in dying silk, who will be found In damaging situation and Players-task- s Famous corporation, with solidation, to Induce the greatest modem 1 am dyes let In silk with with Hammer. However, the latter does the door. Bob Colfax, her to to but told thtt capitalization of II4.MO.000 none of which writers devote their ásmela the p. never not know of the part that Colfax plays in emerges. Hammer seises the revolver the officers said will be offered to the The Famous Player bad Just an Broadway to .unit nil will fide. the matter. Hammer calls upon the girl end drives the couple out. He then rushes public, representing the combined resources nounced the offer of 1100,000 and royalties 'From a Throne," at the The Interstate Ci iniiierce commission nai who Is very young and Innocent In appear to his borne. There Ruth greets him. over- and activities of the Famous I'ltyers Film ror photoplay ideas, ano ins essay company already granted us t rite on thit oil. which anre. She tells him that she Is making her come with repentance and they begin lire company ind Jesse L. Leaky Feature Play had moved It scenario department to new Garden Theater Monday, July 31st. Ii tbe saine is the rate on cottonseed on, self s because she needs anew together. company. York In order to more directly nd next year we ire rolnr to ship it by The officers or the new corporation are with authors. Bom these plans win go Instead or tbe tank car full. L. the trainlnid Adolpb Kukor, president; Jesse Lasky. forward and be extended. five-ree- l Universal Features sleep, to Goldfish, Production superinduced by another pur named Lied Adapted Peanuts. Samuel chairman "With (tudlos on the Atlantic snd Paci- In or or directors; s. Friend, Garter De Hevea As "Battling" Jlmatl, Killer Brlrgs. In other words, Jlmml The rreiter portion of the ltnd Ala board Arthur fic coa!, we will be enabled to obtain a Pugilist. a blow treasurer, and Klek J. Ludvlgh. secretary. any atmosphere needed for our subjects, takes knockout st the close of the bama Ii admirably tdtpted to the growing 'Happy Heroines My Favorites" By Marguerite The directors are In addition to the orricers however widely separated the geographical Reviewed by Robert C. McElravy. second round and dreams mat he is taken of peanuts. Much of thla Und has been named, Messrs. Cecil B. De Mllle, William requirements of our productions may be. This production, written tnd produced by abroad as a t prince. He Is Intro- farmed In cotton ind other product! until C. Demo rest, H. English. Darnel Clark, Who Appears at the Alhambra Soon William tit consolidation is distinctive uecause William Bowman, combines i sporting story duced to court life and some fairly good it la run down. Growing peinuts on tnti Frnhman. Albert A. Kaurman, Frederick O. in It there Is represented no financial or comedy results berore bis friends and man else to Lee, Emit E. with tale of the "Prisoner of Zend" type. arrive land will do more anything Shuer. film Interests other than those of the two The hero, Impersonated by Carter De Raven, tb deception found out. At this point It. The peanut Is toil minder tress, It would hve great del higher re The statement Isued by the orricers tali; companies afrected." up rebuild t ror sne an 1 Broadway youth, who crave prise nnr Jlmmle wskes and learn that he Is a instead of a soil destroyer is Is the cate gard ner ir snowed inclination Btalesseat by Officers. Introduced Stag t man. to combat the evlla which beset her, In "The essential purpose or the consolida- Star. honors. He Is me adopted son or a writer defeated with so many crops. We hive the facilities stead or ruining ner nanaaercnicr ana ner tion to meet the public These two companies were the first to and composer, known a Marlex, whom Tbe fight scenes are well staged. A for handling the crop tnu i oeneve wiu make-up- ror more and photoplays, present stage stir and plays in motion styles In Broadway parlance. large cast is In ill the oil w htva demand belter pictures, having introduced this policy four Jlnsnl nut. employed both sltusttons. rind t ready market for It seems to me that the average audi more interesting and human stories, snd ago, The tale drifts from Manhattan to a pro- Yon Landowikl, Malcolm Blevlns, Duke to sell mil year. ber- - more and The years when they errected affiliation ence prefers the heroine who helps careful elaborate setting. David vince in Europe known Manrolla, the Worne and Walter Belasco are also In the "There Ii mother advantage to oe usen -- tnougn consolidation It a with Bellico, Dintel ind Charles seir the eii reliant type, wnien, makes possible for Henry ex- Utter action taking place m Jimmie s long least. In the growing of pet- - frightened beyond expression, bites her lip thorough Interchange of ideas, material and Frohman and W. Svr for the Into contlderstlon and be it man or The western clusive rights to produce on the screen me nuts The peanut ctke and men. wntcn tackles the difficulty, facilities between eastern snd mese or beast. I have played both the weeping, studios of the corporstion, and therefore pisys controlled by lerltlmste is formed from the hetrt and nun ine helpless little girl and the heroine who offers a vastly increased efficiency over the managers. which tbe oil has been pressed, compañías BREVITIES nuts from takes matters Into her own hands, and It former conditions. Jointly these two producing is finer stock feed men cottonieeo men. ha been my experience that the Utter "For several yers, the Famous Pliyera control the largest number of the best Advertisement. I oil extracted from nave neen known or the stage and screen, In Alice Joyce to Remain After the rirmer hit the arouses more real sympatny man tne form- snd l.isky rompnies distribut- stars he still has practically all the er. I mink that we prefer to cheer a per- ing their productions Jointly, not only In eluding Vary Pickford, (Jeraldlne Farrar Or. Bhert, Dentist, na-lt- t Mill Building. his peanuts son on to big achievement rather than to lh I'nlted tjt. through Puramount. but Marguerite ngrk, Mari Doro, Pauline With Vitagraph Co. r, red value of hit crop left In hit cake tnd console him or her In moments of dis- In ijrest Britain, the continent. Australia Frederick, Blanche Sweet. Hazel Dawn Eat t Bolton', 110 Is. ntsnton. men. Thli meti ll fed like cottonseed metl tress. snd South Arnca. The satisfactory results Lou Tellegau. Fannt Ward, John Harry in eonoerUoe with some roughness. It Take, Instance, girl to obtained by Joint distribution have Inducen more, .Mae Murray. Victor Moore. Attn RESTORED TO CITIZENSHIP. will put on rat quicker than any feed that for the little to go Pennington and many In Molly the Paramount Pu- the executives of these cómprale others. addition special to me Morning Timet. bat aver been tried. I step snd not merely to to those who appear excluively In tha tin e produced by the Famous Players. further M to go In the but combine. Through this combination. productions of these companies, they nave Santa Fa, ff. . July tt Bias Ptlmt. Allium proposes further think she is going to win more sympathy who snd manufacture oil I the world market will be extended and an 'tirred such stage celebrities strih was sent to me penitentiary from vegetable oil builnesi than the most tearful heroine ever played. t sua. Both of these With never a thought of herself, sbe allows activa campaign for South America tnd Bernhardt, James k Hackett, Nri. lake, Mori county ror assault with Intent to from Soy ind castor be her cheerful, unselfish personality to itdl Asiatic distribution will be begun unmed Edith Wynne Mstthlson. James O'Neill. kill, tnd who his served his full sentence, beans no be grown tnywher tbtt th ate her letters, the spirit of which lately. II i rane, Maclyn Arhuckle. Mme. has to Uoy. will grow. The oil from the Ctttor from 1100.008 Photoplays. Hobert Edeaon. William urn. been restored citizenship by gradually affects the man who reads them for Pirn McDonald. promlies to be excellent substi- It Is In the producing end of the Donald Brian. Ina Clare and others. emor bean tn That. It serins to me. Is the sort of girl "But for Unseed oil, or which mere Is lim- we an most tuto t that admire. bed lupply tnd for which mere ti a grttl Reverting to happy heroines It has al- Try tha new Bar. You gst tb ways seemed to me that one or the causes best T. P. Keith, proprietor. demand. of Pepp s popularity In "Mice and Man" Is "These beans ctn be crushed with the the ract that ahe has a mind of her own BE MODERN Acquaint yourself with toe same machinery that It used tn crushing snd turns things topsy turvy when they do Why Your Stories Do Not Sell. way mm Clark'. Neat Vehicle Will lctrlc. Lerrabe Electric Co., petnuti." not suit bar. And Just because she Is lexis street. Mr. Jons stopped lu Houston. Austin tnd Be Releases. "spunky we sll love bar. ir the wept it By MARIN SAIS. the penut Sh her misfortunes instead of behaving as sbe Sin Antonio. Rt InveiUisted ( HirAr;o industry In til of those cltlea Around The persecuted heroine always arouses does, I'egry would have fewer friends than reader, player no right to talk to you SW'ELTKRS. or she seems to have mad both In the book Frankly, fritnd the picture has By Assoc Is ted Press. Houston he found gretl detl 1 department' tht compassion, but I sometimes think mat and on the atare and on the screen. concerning the writing of photoplay that the scenario i.hirsgo. July rvery government ii belnr Pid to mis industry 14, when ah weep and wills instead of Miss Clark's next picture, "Little l.dy business But ao many of the tana who write to me enclose scenarios or wcth'r station between the Alleghenles and to th publicity the nutter by Eileen," ba bean postponed oaa to Hucky thanks rlvn really dolar something about It all he for week ask me why they are unable to tell th one they tend the cenarlo in. mountains early tonight retried the oil mtUt In tint vicinity, there it a the audience and will be seen at the Alhambra on August depart un nt I believe I may be'pafMoned ttklng up subject. a iiiaiUiitim temperature of (r degrees or year lote sympathy of her that for the more, heavy crop or nuts planted mis snd t Though It I very sorry to see her In dls to. I player alao receive many requests of thla kind. end. in Chingo Hie mercury rose to luu tbe know that other ind broke all record unci toil. big yield it expected. He round thtt try aa w will, it la not always possible to keep up with the task of ans- industry had bean tllrhtly developed to wering as one would Ilk to. And editor are ao or San Antonio, but these letters cenarlo NATtONAL CLiARDHMKN : the vicinity Austin tnd disappointingly curt and brief In their treatment of aaplring writers. I not to tbe eilent mil it bat in th Houston Rube Goldberg, World's Greatest "Nuf am therefore going to take up my pen and writ here at greater extent Mexican Currency, low cotL Popular ami TT.eTr. Ur Jones believes me sandy than ia possible when answering hundred of latiera in spare time. atu aciixe aouveuira for to lulk back coast Uuds and toe lotmy aoll round ta boina, Mill Building. tata) Aa you might have expected, my first bit of advice ta: De not tend ait Hie southern and central portion of iba Draws "Boob Weekly" for Pathe to many reason thla, adapted to tb growing of your stories the players or director. There are for Dr. Anna Rium, Buckltr bldg., ov. ElltaCy Ii admirably on of the moat Important being that playera and director, with eery, When Alice Joyce, the popular motion peanut.. Soy betn. tnd o Ittor besot. -- theig atortee. wat the ftrmtti point With tbe advent or Rube" ooidber. This infant at tbe age or on week use a very few exceptlona. hvae little or no voice in the selection of picture tai, returned to Use screen titer OR. RAUCMBRT. tieetlst. Wins Site pa. 11 Pboenu. Art., creator or "Foolish Questions," "1 never safety raxor and play a good game of Another important reason might be labelled "Red Tape, but I assure yetr tnd t half or pnvtie lire it wet by weat vltlted by Mr. Jones you It tape. of are t way company of s contorrne yesterday imreooh Thought of That," ruber Was Right," "Old pinochle." le most important Thousands scenarios received at the of lb vitarripb Arter tor Alphabet." film company office every week. Bach firm hat elaborate Amarles who announced that sb would To Make Drummer Boy with Secretary Mr. Jon, urt Man Alt of the etc.. to the movie. "Lap Year." In lecond animated car tach ytm Frar. teveral day Oeorge Ade'a Uta of urend Blanr Matter toon. is. k MU II la Ooldberr owe word. and record to Insure return of stories when not used and to record tvtry pliy th feminine lead of Mary Wtrd In Oklehouu After .pndlnr la Battle Cry or sequel to the of Shiloh a Major h. iu ro to kauaat. where ExtisordsMry is in serious danger. "the story or maiden ettp in a atory't carter while it In ths company's possession The Wr," mat .tat vigttthto suu cartoons, who would hav more popular If II When you send your story to a player you are upeettlng aytttm. renewned success "Tht Battle Cry of be will further tovaittgeto the uiitiberr popular for this will SO ta newspapers, a men were bn si own react. General Retired ..it induatrv. From kinte be year pest the ar source tb nsarsirfettd." The player with world of caree and worries el their feel the MUtttampt of merriment, hi animated cartoon are "The fatal Pla." bis third creation, toll of responsibility of taking cars of your story. I know ef many player who ..muís to Bar new motion picture home, through Arkniatt and Special to Morning headquarter court leaver to tha hianyhnti. And when Lou Mincemeat, toe beautiful a route of therefore make It a rula never to read a elngle word of the lories they caillnr for her appear anr in in one r th Time. Alabama h. you add to tb ability of as erratic pea mi romane admired for her charm and receive, but to return them at once. only as ahe thought It would be wise Washington, July te Through to Montgomery. tb "reverse kngtish" be put on tus uues. rritnrmrnl. woo sal aoup without waking The playera mind la then clear. Otherwise. If fea were to lay the to ta how ah liked her nviroiuneut and mailt to tbe ermy appropriation gill, of you hev a hundred per cam misture of the baby and doe not look ror gold run us ttorles he received on hi dressing room table until he eeeured an oppor- hew bar producir like bar work before reved by Senator Morn Shepperd, Brig Pennsylvania Guard simon pur foolishness aoldberg ha tha the ringr bowl tunity to read them be must worry over the poetlblllty ef losing one of ilrmng for looser period. dtor oeueral John clem of San Antonio, animated cartoon Mechanic to Movie will to o major far created four comedie "From kitchen Mar the manuscripts or losing tht tddreat, or perhaps if he found a story Tht vittrrtpb officials thought mi be promoted in rank by Automobile; Use program "Th Boob Weak- or Achieving Sure vl tb Noodle on the retired Hat ueaerel cttm Struck for Pth -- Rout.'' have poaeibllltlee, it would b weeks before would wise plan tgreed to for teaeral "Leap Year." hi second Th cartoon re on to and weeks he have tnd well t staled hoy ly." his first. hi fourth leased June It tbe opportunity to dlteitta tt with scenario editor. ported of tliat before taking bar to I known lo rita tt th "Drummer to Stop Pie," laird, and "From kllcbea Me- Fata program, tills of "ajninouu Empty tht tht urn Driver Fails Fatal The thortaat cut Uv receiving consideration for your Story le to address rc .i.uon contract of Shiloh." chanic to Mana star." fourth. douse, booked up with a guy who needed Department " geea girl lace like It to th "tresnarlo It then through th different Tbl spec of has olepud she other de Cart setter of Coatgtbf .tV Quotation bar of a raw or the tut at aim regular basin property private k at started but ne hands In tb course of tea Your le safeguarded end delirbled with her new horn aad at Doctor in Chinese itilniry, peoatytvaai, wta run these creations ibould tend tha rather your story is glvsn Just aa careful consideration ae would he eaa tb her Slang to bis Funk ana s picture. Me bar "yoa aad ocíate, popular tur gladly tigued an automobile while wtinng to ribkt ia back ill by player himself. 1 knew I you of many tu for sew perversions. posing as a Just took per written the for oeuld tall atan i lout term contract Proüince Reads A bout alia, atrert car at Oregon tnd Be soots hiharr stk some of thee atara, who tried to ase- Although Mlas Joyce expected to be kstcJOf 1 a feetiy natural " aad lauannii leaps into playera aad hare aad tried write is streeu Mt we kiallBB The Boob Weekly burmaqu only on list nuk. witn fame and l announced broadcast on posters starlo to have them rejected after the ether by the cenarlo busy working In her new njrtura until the Siloer City Climate about bead aad bedy. Police Surgeon n Th starw Of year, Uoleberg rlnimae.lf to Ihee. "M M. Liver end T. J. coo. ef the editor. fall the other intuuacripta are O. a Calnan. who attended Usa. taya fee harming coming being prepared and will uol be very Ion top. office ate la atstred in a frock coat Liver and BeoB Producing .oiupeuj pre (Nest week the etar of the tsrlea. "Tbe Olrl From It By Tiste Special Correspondent i tufreruir from a rractered lew picture will once more claim -- swiped trousers the dignity of wttlcb I sent Asasnoelt bastardos, sha lloejoe rrlsoo." will tell of the reason ah ascribes for "the rejection of ninety before Silver City. N. M . July n That advar tim uva. utos htc struck Private Butcher ka flrat-claa- oaa awtáv 1 ue asstbM belled by as oatssTa satU sad tas tut Cosneey atar, ta ta reel raer oent of the atortee which are really In every way photo- ritMW watea ta llalur pa and that alto II reetbr the did not atup driver turnad sad you m ins a Pat Like Hamburg ttsak," ttsv, tag, plays") four toraert of earth, ia evidenced by ha uhcunscioea form of the atstuar wesin fellow. "Whan tht ti treat will olsmUlv mu. a UK uukutsrarg seat ertoea It atte "Netty the receipt of tn inquiry by tbe i bantber in th inset nd than until) the la ha assail' rat of new," sot tt first tie it a wsrakagi --ae Mta I uv only animal mat it inteiligeui loeiee the pul week of . la kUrr Iron, seat, am attack's, art not at coat i rare auotUBg at nut picture vises chana ta floja, igañir. a doctor Uviug m t retaoto Cains pro rsllew camrtttol tssje: Teta - Oaa week tat Bag arrice. ' Idta pet sous caaaol be wood. Work teset who read ut atlver uty and iu .ah ret Ife number of the tiac. may old sue uf M. atkd Mr. tiuiuthai M sb Be utile doubt ae men from tbe devn mate in an Asm rtcan ntsgmae Ths .lector rood uoa duet. aowag the result of the new kwu of READ THE WANT ADS It is said ta souls ii. ripee to coat bar tn Ufe rgll, with lu sagas to the aresn twee pees gad mb i taw tea aeotttgi ta tat otat taw Jtatatv MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, Jtl!. Y W. 1916.

SON-IN-LA- THAT W OF PA'S And She Was Only a Gasoline Water Bug After All By Wellington (AH9R b . T MEAN 15 vA I I TBCUBnT r--H NTKuweo'l 1 TEC its OTDrrroMT LATni nl QHkn.CW W ie!C.iWi??LLi H WA)Kr WCWK UP fTWfc EUQ4HíülTMn EVER iE PfHFin-F&- N OVER A,

L . T 'aHM- g- fcy aruaeaaer Foe eies ramwrttmt

Fenutle Help Wanted " BiisinesH Opptirtiinilirs t Lost and Found is Furniture for Sale Suecinl Notices Houses for Rent I CÓ7 gen HERE'S A NOTHI WANTI.Ii An experienced cooi once m". ir ope'-- i TEXAS PI RNrri'RE will buy. or ex it "i French aviator who to - Close In on Kama 8L ' Two lorie. Oerman or Swede preferred: reference. an aviation school and STRAYED OR srrtH.EN 11.1. PUP, ABOtT change furniture for old. TEXAS PVRNI- The Moore Beauty eihllililnn desire 40T7 Eight rooms. Two bath, two leaning Apply Ti Bonlér UM. party or partle to fnrntsh aeroplane. Hsvn TTRt CO.. B 8. El St. Phoav room Low rent Wt I WHITE, EXCEPT SIDES porches. Five furnished. ADVER I ISI KATE NVANTKH Al oñre, rlrl t.i iniwer phone rt credentials. Then- it a greet MONTHS OLD. BIG PRICE PAH POR Parlor to good ,(. tl Held In line tenant. CUglBD UMMM. tnd help In office. Call at Iff N. Camp, El Paso. First two months pupils In exchange for new. Phone Crawford TtseaRar BWy. Phone tl84. JJMBES L. at SJSS., mm alone will or Have or HEAD. TAIL BROKEN. WILL GIVE IM I mm ewd eeoti elli miiiln bell Ht. oont phone. retain amount machine. Furniture Co. . INSTANT ANEOl 'S HAIR REMEDY, 804. San Antonio St. Phone am IS "mm mm ar . MW. place also patent of aeroplane ror military HIOltKST prtsaa paid aeeoiid hand fur gray 1 rente Mr word Mil MM iMVtIM mill for pholu iludió, mul keep machines. Am EON RETURN AND M FOR INFORMATION for One application make or streaked FOR BENT. M. El St. Hive built several kitiier, a. wanton, or Easily applied. Price 8 E. 114 00 IIIH Paw well all world. IT Inter iiilure h lit rn.ii hair brown black. rooms and oath. Missouri known over tbe J Acme Remedy Box Los 8 88.60 WA!ÍTKÍ- Eperlenceii walfxe; mint rive jean de Villar, 9 El LEADING TO CONVICTION Or THIEP. FURNITURE of room, divided mr It. Co.. 64, rooms and bath, furnished. Boulevard 1MB ested addrea üutti pnone mr-m- . CaL (S80 Ak!r. 'relee JS, to Mil er e4 t. M reference. Phone 27M. Paso St. Will personally explain how a for- apartments; house for rent, cottage, furnished Bret - CO. rnuiiU Ow etet MM. tune can Alan would like to JNO PRANKLIN, PIANO atrie ; exceptionally nn tone PIANOS WANTED BY FOtTZ FOOfTHMC HcetEE RROS.. .oeOtl eeaMBle. sag be made here. for l.oan Valley MMM Mftunlionin Wanted Male enter croas continent rilslit There is Phone I or S5M. Phone linn what you have and the prle Rental. Land. tloBrflOB prtae offered. E. P S. W. BUM. ROOM HOI' Hat NEWLY r. ORATED. .... in I IU,. i"i Ml mn. eiierlenccc in reitera! mer- " 1ft Los Angelas St, In Sunset Heights: In WK WANT. IHMFDIATFI V. Wanted Miscellaneous. Personals Bee slrvS l u-- M cantile Olivine and office work, an walking distance; good neighborhood. Only ft fd TTTi. "L M wlahea to invent eotne eaah and work on extra rood rooinltir house In El Pato-- a LADIES Don't worry. delayed or Ir- so es w II Mum U Rood any For Sale cliMiieoun When per month. wmm Or, In tlmllar bualneiit. In general merchandise hutlnesa .lis month Baker regular use Lady Elgin Tableta: mall, 81 a., as m x.u., lar' eulllhed an Al H Per - jasses Ann desearte! mm are Kl or valley. Al where; good business for s man with Knit SALE Recipes for"dejlcTous soft ilrlnkt box. II 50. Every box gltar- 4860 kcnmmm let KL Pao reference!. Addreta 99, tM) WF. buy serond liand clothing double strength 804, San Antonio St. Phone aerate Not nwowii far aran then e A. W7. cash fEI Paso preferredr. n extra in , oneerilrated form, ttirtiidlnx root beer, anteed. Dr. Eva Pierce, Seattle Wash. caif Time. good opening an man with ra.oou FOR RENT one 4 room bungalow, with hy man experi- for office Jimi adding wager, sent tor si Annress etr.T nut mm do res. . . AANTH PiKitlnii. yminr cash: a clothing business, preferably In m- - and Accessories ANXIors about future, kive. business, sleeping porch; all modern conveniences; P lar edaenir aa ImmUUá pat eeaeee m enced In renera! office work, qualiried to - K.asnit itecipe io., m t. ivnin ot., Autos " Rend dime, stamp, date or birth for val- new on Altura Boule small Arizona town. We have huyera- real mona, Cal. building, facing south keep hooka, handle tnewr1ler, correapon-denc- buyers with caah money to Invest in the A GOOD I'SEll CAR 18 BsfTTER THAN A uable predictions covering the coming year. vard: 16 per month. If leaaed, .80. Ap and reraed In notarial and abilract above. imniAiN 14 foot bar, complete set or bar CHEAP NEW oim. Prof, J. Alison, Springfield. Ohio. ply Ft. E. McKee, 116 San Antonio St Phone B. SM, box, work: At referencea. Addreee car HOWELL MKAI.TV CO.. glasses, register, safe. Ice cigar one min National. 7 passenger, run very LAblES SandereoiVs Cotton Root Pills. Safe 4S4. dere. mm mmm - w Time etc. o San Jacinto 13.000 new R ago. rui rat, rat Buslines Brokers. Herald Bld. lighter, tables, chair, llitle; cost months and sure cure for delayed periods. Price FOR MENT 5 room house. 1400 Arliona. a a. TM. or would St. Phone gap. goes t tl.710 ear. IMI"-liY irtmillne enincer nut SAI. I. An cstalillhi-i- general merrhari- It for sacrifice M. Money refunded tr It rails. Address BOBKBOROUGH DYER, MMWI. mmmtM, to country. Comics, Otie 1WA Dodge, t, passenger 660 las dlemer mm Ml.ear keak rm sir like poaltlon; don't mind rolnr dtae, hay and grain business. Including in.ni ii5T i. Alius at a hsrsaln. Dr. T. Pierce. Seattle, Wash. Phone oo. far Iranee emouate Phone 7771. Engineer, E. San holiday samples at R. One Ford touring Sf tremarla Addrei lit Imililingj .i living rooms connection with, fancy. Also card, l1r SEXOID A cure weakness In A S readers eeWert to One Ford 810 marvelous for FOR RENT room house, modern, with 3iubi. Antonio nsv nam; im in i siegell's. its E. San Antonio St 116 roadster men. powers. store, wiin larre nteii iiii 161.". Hup. W Restorer lost Price II. glass porch; nice green yard; unfurnished. as aeJeaman col- machinery and 85- - One roadster Money WANTED Position city or valley In town of about t.onri potnilatlon and pon svi.f. I.aundrv One uu:. Maxwell touring, seat covers, refunded If It fall. Dr. T. Pierce, pnone 7g-w- . preaent employed, good A gnod thing R. E. Harris, MU BiirLT lector; at but deatre aiirroundlngs. for the hoisepower holler. and In perfect condition 7 Seattle. Wish. house, almost now, sleeping porch, chanre; 0. 574. care Times. right party. II will lake m.imo to rood tire K""l buy it. Alameda. One Overland, 5 passenger 40 YOLR future foretold. Year' prediction garare,' 1708 e. Missouri; 117.60. llood reason selling. A. 114 bath, SITl'ATKiÑ wanted by first clasT for Address íu.MINOTOrl typewrlser, vls'hle. HO. one IBit Patnnnder. r. passenger aa sent sealed for SOc, blrthdate (no stamps). Phone . mechanic, care Timer. Co 0P Mem. ;;one 7747. n o. TIMES BRANCH OFFICES automobile It years' experience, Typewriter One lots Krlt. passenger t iTor. sproui. wis St. cialr. Cleveland, THREE rooms, sleeping porch, Slf. Sundays eood d river. K. tiOl, care ni li Is a an momn, re rner-- yexrAjrr TUne. product lilaiiiur. trail over 'n Full B.M.É A gentle, good working mare, Terms, nair down ana sn a to EXPERT scalp treatment, halrdresslng snd evening after 8 o'clock phone SSBl-- bl WA.NTF.Ü 7 10 tlrely new route. We a MO. 013. ai Fsk roe a rw MaraM Work as chauffeur from to offer buslnc.s buggy nd harness. Only Phone sponsible parties. bleaching, manicuring and massaging 110. - to the man who can open G. HO AND A CO., 410 N. DINNER SET ror Fontx- Ri Pa. .l p. m. Teiaa Tavern. Call Mr. rteisor opportunity office Kit cheap PRED tel. Mine, lino gene Parlors, El Paso. and manage salesmen on an LAY piano, used since September, WS. Fooshe Co. tha raneealeaoe Investment of aanu. 0 W. San Antonia Phone LEE WARP: Call and U ,tTLÍ putas .mm. for quirk sale for registered letter phone br.iwh neTI at tsuo to II with exclusive territory that DODdE car. answer to one who loves you SIX large rooms and all conveniences, pay g:i,ixi FOR SALE One cutting and welding ma; touring and believes 1908. JaBrear 1 Tat awL . g, anould to lir.rsMi the first year. Hupmoblle touring car. in you, once. Ethyl. O r Bm eaa Immediately. 1473 N. complete. Phone 8008. at Braae M iMsrlsaal lalp and Female Help Inniitre Manufacturer. chlne. Reo roadster. 'ea.. rmro. Sarah St., St. I.ouls. Mo. bAll'lAIN - New Colt aiipimatlc pIsUiL r urnished Houses For Rent M pnone Willys truck. Drar Wanted OREATEST Opportunity-Wit- h small Invest whole.'ile pine, rn gait Pas D mmm .o Ford IT truck. Ta aa you can n a or fi DrveJ Blare. Be eeard,.!.end re- ment paruier owner or a BIG DISCOUNT on all parlor furniture. Cash Studebaker cylinder, ? WANTED Experienced cook; Foule-e- reference legitimate We For Rent Miscellaneous quired. Apply MM Los Angeles Phone business. travel in the prin- or terms, lout! roosnee t.o Overland 6. 7 passenger. FOB RENT. St cipal cities, In time. DESK ROOM Large, airy ofTlce. Deak ureal results snort SAFES fur sale, llave g seuond-band- . Ellis Overland and Nations Ave s room bungalow, investment tripled, if interested call sreiVj Hupmoblle 39 telephone for 111.50 month. Phone SMI or rur nare, garage, WANTED Good cook, man woman; Rros. Printing Co. roadster. furnished. or must Ei peso si Sunday to to t. Monday 10 Msxwell s passenger. sons. Louisville St 3 room, glassed-i- give reference. Phone tné. to If. See De Villar. LONE STAR MOTOR CO., sleeping porch, furnished. Experienced Wanted to Ruy Miscellaneous 6100, TV-n- ted WANTED herp, ill claaaes. FOR SALE Restaurant. A paying prnposl Chihuahua and San Antonio Sta. Ph. Store and Of fices Nation Avcg rooms and sleeping Malo Help oe Mill gano uccess r.afe. St. lion, mkes It Apply today IS1 Cot FOR SALE. FOR RENT porch, unfurnished. Store, suitable for groceries or Delias SL 8 rooms, heating plant, WANTED Experienced waiter or waitress. too Ave. other business reason for selling. A Newport National six, tM6. nry goods; basement; large back yard. none aw. car; run 6,000 miles; mechanically like new; rurnished. mín. win give lease. Apply jom a. atan ion. A ArtMM, lion to has lust been repainted a beautiful brown HILL, HUFFMAN HINTLEMAN, SituaUona Wanted Female and fitted with seat cover to match. Could Houses For Rent Insurance Bond. new car. This an op 811 Mills Bldg. Phona IM. -- not be told from is n gle. nuenispaniwt. .,..- rfl. ST yl..XZZ.,7!, portunity to own a ear for what DF.MIRARI.E HOI SES FOR RENT.. o. 1706 6 rooms, 137.80 ' ".TrJ Ve i vmi would nsv mr a cueap Arltona, modern u',, rirtll men tng; grade experience a aimnia RENT My home, uUruUv fur- ""'". 'a .i.r New first certincate, wewpori, rare nines M0 oro St.. 6 rooms, new 17.60 FOR bea MeTcn WÍ. ca'rienter; U govertiess; rererences given ana askect (.an 611 Los Angeles, room 60.00 nished. 3 rooms and bath, larca aleeeing SAI F. r. passenger Empire. In per t M.ñ'Wlte,l,.ered teacn eienieniary music and express on Ad- FOR One 4 garage, large yards, In ail drur SSKjBji rar.t MB IMS Aiixona, rooms M.M porch, modern mm ni.DO. ST dress Miss l.aUee SUIlwell. Rosebud. Texas. condition ISM Rampart, 6 rooms 10.00 respects, t diocx to car ano jtine, near Ait li i.s .,5v One 7 nassenaer electric lights (jpen 10 11 a. m. experienced white woman Studebaker. Dyer and Fort Boulevard, 8 rooms, new 86.00 Vista school: rent MS. and atarter w rtiMi (BILE mechsnlc. 4 week; cook warns situation r.ooklnr In a rood oj Federal, 6 rooms 6.oo P. HOLMES. carpenters, A 6814 J. SSI3 La Lux SL rallioad. 14:. month Jid roiutd. school or hospital: best of references. Miss Live Market Auto Sales Co. 8U7 N. Campbell, 7 rooms and garage. 60.00 Phone driller,. New Mexico 16 ate walker, mi e. Nevada, si Oakland lio E. Missouri, 4 rooms o.oo IF YOU WANT TO SAVE rlroad; churn 407 Myrtle phone 114. H 50. W. Wm, An YciUNO lady Ave. 1116 San Antonio, I rooms, 1 baths 40.00 monoy when you move, phona 639. Trunks 70c sec desires nermanent stenorraDh of The I ÍSns "maker. Mlsona. hour; Ic poaltlon; willing to accept moderate Back in the Want Ad pages I li. Ill Till RIM, IB AND HOAIIKIKR 1306 San Antonio, 6 rooms X... tt.&o battled Me anywhere in city. All hauling ta fion foreiltan. chln. i Electrically lighted ano eiecxncaiiy 8611 Frutas, S rooms ... 18.00 proportion we pack atora goods. Wf ovjrttmji San salary unui uinroinrn oiuce experience Times a busy market Times read- and drillers, mine. 4 k gained. Phone . equipped; no Junk or worn out ears, con- FURNISHED. HOUSTON TRANSFER AND STORAUB CO.. ranrlaro St. ers go there daily. dition mechanically perfect, and a good boy BIT Bliss SL, 6 room, sleeping porch. 146.00 m S. Stanton. i Nl NCI M BE RED white woman, n m. 301 4 86.00 MAN WtNTKit in a Hudson mooei Hold St.. rooms Nice liome, cook, wants situation cooking; also 4 FOR RBffT little completely cream rectory one who Is food Automobile have not replaced horses WEST TEXAS MOTOR CO., 131 Ohio. rooms, sleeping porch 86.00 Including chickens, large yard, tü work in Ice housekeeper; beat of reference. Phone ' 424. 133 Place, 6 41X0 rurnished. ' all this morning early . 40 Myrtle Ave. Phone robin room garage; IM .80 per roil afi sM of "k there's a steady demand at good prices JAMES L. MARR A CO., outbuilding and rent VELVET H E CREAM CO. month ; on Bliss car line, block EXPERIENCED drtHMmaker 804 San Antonio. Phone 4860. Fort I from fainlllaj- with El Ptao: want sewing for them right now. A Times Want Ad ONE VEI.TE TRICK. Manhattan Height. Phone 708S-- WANTED lc!.man toe aay or ai nome; renxxiMing Q s and salary, oj capacity, in condi- FOR Fina of a od riMiiminlon referees Phone will sell yours. on wheels. M. L. SALE furniture beaitttful ' Bottllnr Works, to. tion, new tires rear home of 7 room. Cash only and same required. vptl '" enoi isti.sPEAlflNO Mexican rlrl desires Nsquln. IIS W. Franklin St. Phone secnnil snd Dumngo. . The Times is a guide to those inter- place for rent, right In heart or exclusive ell poaltlon faun v W f. Pntterfleld 1W7 or 444. For Rent Boulevard. Phone 14, or Inquire i m mu wants aaleamen to residential li Phone xrj ested in the sale purchase of Real 55-6- El Paso wtidealers bargain neckties. Write and IF YOU ARE LOOKINO FOR at South street .si,."-- . Co., American woman deal rea poaltlon aa sick EL PASO AUTO WREGKINU CO. for tie. Newark Neckwear Estate. It matters not whether you wish HOUSES OR APARTMENTS FOR MODERN 4 room cottage. S screened Mo. nurse, i none 7ie. We buv. sell and exchange car of all RENT. EITHER FURNISHED OR parUy M0; Highland kan-- - CltF - paid ror porches. furnished; ar to buy or sell, the opportunity is pre- makes; also- part. Beat prices WE HAVE THEM. Park. Phone 480-- WANTED I tperlenced bookkeper and Agents rubber and met'l. See us before you send be under ; opportunity sented Ads. pew CALL RENTAL DEPARTMENT NEWLY furnished 4 rooms and sleeping countant: must - through the Want ror pert. Phone 486. Phillip Pollakorr. fur quick advancement. Call Monday. Ar- District Aírenla Wanted We want a live Manager. Anderson-Fille- porch. S01 Oold SL Phona Woodrome, i'jo. nan in every county In Taxaa to sell to Times is the paper of for tho r 70 Wyor MlM. sir t Tufrfey'i The and KoR SALE. msn a wheel to do autolsts tire tonic. It stop 107 TEXA8 ST. PHONE 4061. 4 1111 ... ill, riinnr with home is the paper results. 1 Hupmoblle u roadster. Room furnished brick bouse at White the progressive punctures immediately It minimises tire and for Oaks St.. 890 per Phona 431 for Ib- - general work ab'Ut Does not and 1 Chalmers 6 roadster, month. 417 N. Oregon. Rererenre re troubles. Injure rubber, It Pharmacy. adds Joy to motoring. Will Increase your t Fordstourlng car. rormsaiou. qui red. n tire mileage 10 to K per cent. No patching Henderson motorcycle. UNrilBNIKHED. FOR RENT 8 rooms, glassed-t- sUeptng UL YII IN I Ml'l llVMl NI III RF.AD necessary Exclusive regnon- - RI'Vl'OR MOTOR CO. Phone Í607. 8 rtHims. 411 San Marcial, furniture for porch. Completely rurnished. M6. Phone S. territory to lrorers contractors Plvone 40. 10 siuie i.i n write Auto Improvement Mrg. antomobii.es stored. M.m a "month sale 117.80 8116. Paso bt, secund flour, room 1. Co.. tta c Han niego, Cal. Best location In city: and 4 rooms. I4uu Missouri ..80.00 THREE bath, Phona sl, two washes 6 rooms. t Virginia Aug. 40.00 room, modern. energetic twHikkeetier I) you" gasoline" cupa greased twice a month. Deliveries on After I).. 8 a. m. and 7 p, m. WANTKI aiialilc nl sell at te gallon' If 7 rooms. 3oir Memphis M.fV before after be ober. Apply In wrIUng, giving so, you can sell at gf a rial arrangements, eoo myrtle, rnone SHA1JMB MABK Fou Co. ' must carhonvnld lube r rooms, 131S Arizona 40.00 In order. " care Mi Poai-'ie- l to m. Time; equivalent to gallona of gaaollne. 4 13U6 f. prevenía SOLTTHEBN MOTOR CO. rooms. california 13.00 NICE 4 room cottage Phona I AMBITli'l S man. quick, for detective and removes and carbon. Sand 8 rooms, 1300 Montana 70.00 I sample Quick a l vour city Hreat opportunl- for tube. aalra, rapid re Wanted to Buy FORD ton truck, ate model Ford, with 4 rooms. 30l Oold gb.oo Bl collector rr p. now, gaaollne I Business Opportunities Miscellaneous Wanted to Rent ty. Box C44& Akron, Ohio. .a orders Write while new truck. Attractive. AU ready for PI RNISHKD. up county FOR A "general faro-i- l Tailor, one win. imler.unils Exclusive agency proposition SALE merchandise business aervlce. 6 rooms, sum Savannah WANTED FuiiiUbad room In priva WANTHi to men. Carbonvold Chemical In New Mexico. MOTOR Co. En- - live Worka. In one of the best town LONE STAR CO.. 4 rooms. 301 Oold v must ha in walklnr distance, refer military work Apply Splcer. a 1 a nice 6100. Bradley Beach Well organised and doing business Used Car DepL Phone 3 rooms, Rio Grande oo ence given. Addres W. 07, cara Timas ' Is a good snd 180 A r TrL -- WE you III business, furnishing every-ÜX- can show that II propoaiiion wtMED-e-- my a me i can inake oon lnonev start furnace Installed In home WANTED Modern room, win recti with momi yrle asu , weekly s mouey maker. Have a clean slock other Ad- - - and garage built. Will Chalmers Co, Dorch. by young men; permanent with in.- Acme npiop .wespiar.. "- -" , -- ror selling. Address trade Newman Investment ..,.. ..Nw ,., ,:.nrt; Interests Is reason light 6. Ill At condition. For particulars dráaa T. O. W care Times. HO san Jarlnk ' ....i.v W. 166. care Time MO. too San Antonio BL Factories. Is me or small room anywhere phone U43 and &7u after 6 p. ta. Po WANTED Unfurnished bout, by A busheliuaii tor general tailor I or in WANTÜ. --CLEAN. WHITB RAGS. WILL PBHTISNT IV LYONsl li no ranvaaslni; opportunity llfeUine; book HHot till lincas, owner a working HAYNE3 Clover Leal roadster, iully L L couple (Japaneae); eent not over 811. Ad work. Cut Rat Cleaning Work, let Hagsdale o 14, u s local corporation Is forced In Wyoming, looms. furulsTied 60.00 repair free. Drawer Eaat tcreal PAY DELIV- llequipped; perferl condition; used five MM, cara TMsas. gggg Alasda. orange. N. J dispose of the same Immediately, ir yen FIVE ATS PER POUND, sania I e. i rooms, furnished 48.80 dress c month. 8,000 miles. 801 San Francisco SL 1117 N. El Pas.. room turn, PTKemen". 1) monthly; expert Big. quick are looking for a aulrmlid iiivealment. 777. I rial 480 sa brakemen. AliEN TS sellers; MxM gold ERED AT TIMES BUSINESS OFFICE. MUST Pbone v 180 Nevada, 6 40.00 Apart ten for Rent unnecessary Railwa rare flBSM ajram.-- and showing exceptional In an rstab room, furnished ms art religious pictures; lie InveaUgsllou SaXWEI.L roadster, in good running con 130 Nevada, 6 room, a U UNTNJRNI8HKD. Y. at. A., I. Booker llshed business, where fullrat unfurnUh LEARN actual auUi repairing. C I.i.n uerrn plrtuiea. Washing HE CLEAN. for aale Tor M6. or trade for mo kl4 n .o. 7 room a ion. eu hauls' ready made and dition. .im. tas Anailri min ' ion ycle call 73 after 6 p. av' 5 rooms, new i 14 A 1. riraaücra Aareuta' Head our magatlne 318 Sacramento. iiaiixceUte sigua. Itrio senaaUon. I'oople 4 4" WILL of s rooaaa tta Newman. rouma aj.un CLOBC-I- Wanted li. nepi a i miago. t:urrenl Issue contains 87 choice bargsms trade rurnllure and t APABTMENTB. Saleamen li new for automobile, pnone i7 7tsj Commerce, 3 rooms each... 18 I kleen-u- allSijAj..money makers Also brand plana leaping porches ii M.adern. all sixes, from to I rooms, JT easy to sell IWW4 4 hand SÓTHlNii salrsmau for largest tailoring IT8 cleansing Agents' Magaslnf. tn 45II-J- . - Huero. room . 16.00 porche, from MS so up. jelly Autolsts wild over It No water Two issuea lOr. (leaping aonceru In New York: must b Xeri i rank lln Bldg i hlraio. HiR SAI E or Hade Motor truck; Fisher WE HAVE MANY Palms court Apartment, Flak Apar- eart to take for suit and over needed In collapsible lubes. Exclusive HtMHEra APABTaWNTB Ramsey orders Write 46, aikai'wiLi. hair i in llie.li. Ihul piano 16 S. rsunuui. Pttuoe Ml. BLNUA LOWS. tment. Apartment, Sunset factory to wearer to territory kleeuupco, Box sla buv M'BNISHEII AND I li Apartments, to measure from a ii i. aito.. ,.,,,,. i, with eanert ill lor 'H p. n hslm-r- v MUM-'ll- Aiurniienla, olenmore aa I1ES0. good opporiu linn .in.. Ml "lie truck rood air New Baron iwUll at IttjO. preferred, i i tone y W. Newton, WANTED HuuecliunUri omc lo a run tal firm Meree.ieau AparUuenu. sellingm. ability. Uon AliEN TS Brat ing now ni. rae maker. To buy second hand lools sod illinium ui ,ler Plume w No. uiiy for man wiin api nailer ready; be guna. H. here you ran rind just what you want with Apartment. Call al Apt. I. Flak E Eleventh M tan top agents com money big field. MS JYMI Mnhr. M S. El St. Phone OR SALE peas ger Huptnobll. good delay MB W. Miaaouh. ob Custom Talloruig jta. op 431 Po lite Least trouble and Look over our AnaaaraU. Msrw YorlL of uur rree eejiijue at once. W. HiR SAI E or rrite Half Interest in ctandillon. II8U. Phona SMS. extensive Hal. nonsuit our city maps and let phone 1071. gs E. Westeru Sales t o Waalungtoii Ave., iter property, 8 hours run by auto from HEtHltakRVlOMN I VI HANI. Hi for stoves us eagy. TUVTri.iJ0 sgssm, why pmmá k ay tot nil Mat Hpeciai NoUcea a make your by (tallas, lets. II Peso. American n Addreee Meaa Fouls Foosbee Co. J IMF.M L. CO., 1073. Trust Bldg. cluUies? Earn Utein during spate uuie raaga av. HAM procuring uier.hanu- applications ror tal Av Mm kliY-- iiu'waalaru VATaKklng Co. "Ran tal Specialists. " paneros, price Itiisiiit ss Opportunities or nene ni I. slllilael M4 San Antonio Phone 4830 Lrtiig line feaiuriug 10 III Will nitral &.) - u 1117!. wboUaal. sj pailenis up to uiieinee. What liave )uuf Addros To F'liaii(jt- Mbccllaneous LAHBETH APARTIBMTB. al. W. JtlMS. IISM , MM Answer this quick. J. WE MAYE POR BrU, on account of oUier a MSB, Ml Ta). hAltl no Ui one 114 l!pt.n Ave Slricily moderu. a pay riunitv acuuire of Uir For Rent Mid city Bank. Chieato. busiueae. an auto supply business, tires, HAN I In s half interest in bral iiatiugi. liilllard and bow Una parlors, Modern 6 room buur alow, baaasa II tat and four rooms. 136 per mouth ilLkSM AN Cavablr aperlaliy man for etc at uitnir. tearing leuu per month. We ma garage for.iian exjtei lamrrü iitr.nanic der enure house, servant's room, oultoottaas BINELEY APARTMENTS Texas, staple line. ou new BiMi asorp no in tiar closest liivesagatlon About M.uuu A I e TIIIM lug small city, lunch en Mr, uibacco and An Ideal home. Moat reason rata rant ror lio Upe Ave. Furnished and y now. ai Terna can be arranged. Will trad tor El eoda con close property DellghUully located Four rooms All up to data in. fnuniain in net lion WbAla or in raaga. ngl-- - - rrjBtrart; Mi weafly ror aapaagai Paso real estate Itooiiiintj Houses lor al one hair InleresL 18, e)W TaHSM. u t peon, ano oaaiv ag par ta ta. aaa Take advantage of low I intier ixi, sat St CarUu Bldg i.im.ii i to. IN HI MM.ss Olh i ttii I RIO OB VNIMC APARTMEVn Mile Long OB AALE BY OWNKB. I" IhAliI la gauge li. in, ump gun 6 Marechal Nell Flour Rio vary i4e.elati.l iilun tt.Otai our ou terina lease at Mo ehote. for pistol not Davit Broa. orande and Ann. One i VSe anow you larger than M call n round floor tMaiC traveling, fslsfy aSjMBPl uttaiilli tan the reatutt bar; anual be good ramdIUna. Pay or 10 Texas aparuiant. with tAi i. lor Itala i la pnm ing only oar month be active, atnbltiou. lake dirference. K3S care Times let where quality the iwrrh siiao ur louuiUsaiou. uuel CAN SaKLl Vol .me of the best dowutown 4 AMES L. MAHB m CO.. willing; M fcsaru. aplrndid ..pp.iiii.iiii IN E(HANt new 1 .ling alinea at Invoice. About iaai l 00U fur furniture MBB H sunn A trial will M4 San Autonto Paoaa 4MB. axgterteui a uvt sstanllal. rin.ru a List your vacant bouaaa with Creel baten, e MONTHLY. Thla la worth kind of old roods louts- new 4 Co.. JJaoaer. Pa. ; i unfurnished, ra Miilavasa. wfth liar while. Inn 1 6 rtvoui itHitntiig hotia. rou. Realty Co. We give your property ui gall atom made skirts on ARE A NliBY MAN we loaed alerping h, aereen and cur our personal eUeotlon. Ian II VOI can nort 1 aajpsjpHMBB Agapa asa r ira ñas aaniw you Hat best In El I aso. The price is Islued ei ro ta all rented, Sal. Mr. merchant. If you ka I never CBEL BRALTY CO.. ,- aa lo.au, Apply a.7 N. M4 Mag Pbn SI7V rtghl utuet sed tttrap lot .aait. WILL SELL furtUlure ,,, laaaJ room 1 any we Have - latA ewaters and WE MAVB IMBEk KM RE aliista nouaa al aarrlflce. ataole or peri Inlaid its of oar flour, Mm BIB PiSSMbTii III CWWat. Us kl laugiug lu prtca front im In splen M rtta HAS. Paa at latoltr. tit Sir lootuma houer funUlur i araiasal aalaui la n t sulla. saaVsaaa PISWaW-f-ta 144. M.760 to jasiato. .ii.i ...ndiuoti. alltat'Uve terina. Wieh to bad. Royal WUtoo ruga. lack lay Broa. both lost aaoaay. Let's gag logailrer FOB RENT S an f.PlttlAlit .tMM hi ait MM a i,s aell o.ii.k nwuel leevlllg City HUlieo riaaira. IKaixraar '. large I rotara k a a law OJHT Ask ibM asa paaaos n w irraaxE at about i.au bosn trruas Fun AA1E R.wiuma houee. M dreaaiug lenir Clark alOVg .new tur ar a aro n si wet uig vurea This is Inarallgaluig Ala., laaae arrv yard. Will ee 'V,mVlviri orla Han player pi riowera la lea K- eral other. Ml. Si. .. '.nil. iv oitls. a El Paso funar.l dining eel etc tin Kii- lNT-- ONE or fatk avgar PAVING POsM. HAL lrwrtkael uew rurtaiura, katg ataa A ! BC Held Bros. Phillips Realty Co. iiarurv lao cMádr references ra4r u ANL i ItaAB STANDS coaaBlaavd lmS$ t4PAhiMNfs - MB. tut SSBBg 1 ownat- YOaV' WANT TO gaa bona -- oT losa a. BBk 11 ik Sr( JTwU k'tno-- a m HERE a A B ABC AIM NICE, aaw aparuiwuie aaJkinsta i BB V 3 US Buy, or Ki rteome. a ha. aaaeplua tar near El Paw ar at your aervloa. lor ih. o, n, ho .rae.)., h. IWI Sell Exchange I porches, isia "' ' ' Uileir MMM Ma n. ; rant otuy aaw par tu th 1 ou Tf-il- CmV; DMist act quickly fBr Rfiit'"" jHHHpTe A MS aare of i rANT r -tt assalJxaar Too much txr.,.,.for lAMBB L. sxamm to ir antra a be - Mk. gff K tut y re Cafi kasW. o Bnakaa buU fasnale luun. AlWIN APARTMEMTB will ka r a aided al fuaai Walker's, ad wa aow aav ror real one WÁNTaS-- sgasBÉ CSV. tag k rttv kraliin la 3 room arad bat T sai ar air sanar si bm Baa AaaaB j a gejod. Ma ba ssa garúa kf Hm t issa cretUl la kfael all work. laaadcr al 4 car etul While .1 UrtitJIa anal item, aut InsT ait luruaa l only teu ue.ii dlsuu. r BM BMB PAKTNIB we test for estahliihag tia si j f0jYm'H"'tM aery d angry asad car oat h lavas I . ante sasjagtlB Mm (tart I eleilraora rasiuires. LtiiT A .r4ariy Ptn. wit aaaBa4. H Al It lawwaaa Baa lsa taar sosas ar MBBan M aa and not i" un o- k alow HM" attgwavesl oavk i ratal re mtm. aB kkgl-- A VmTSXt Lgggrt - " mi P,W arayra) raa P Owna. t. SftetrankS et&B.aBim" 4l EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY. JULY 30, 1916. AiMU-tmen- tar Rem u R.mhii and Boitrd Offered Real Rítate CHy PropeH y Real Ksttatst A niv rMasBHii - cloae in a R5aa! - -- asaaa,- - m'TT etstol (toe ins poreh fir i story rvT butWHngi b Bungalow Wanted rear onnvatraafl into 1 CLASSFFIE fSne Will trade rtoae-l- eejrner lejej est 2)SJnma. making a refit f. Missouri St. 4 reoaa bang-alo- aaaaw AMI L. Alia a ti for I or Business, Telephone m4 fui Ant.mlo O0a. Rentals tiéi 'íaú I.OOII IN living ,aMsL..iTÍ Hira twn - - miIMnun. riirnimm wo penij mrnitnen: two oornef tots on t. p. traoas prjasaad ones mtsatraa. and Professional mm room ami bMb. anitsBte in the Magoffin addition. Toe own Nitolt I hat I ran BirsBhi for short -- tlmat nailv ay.yk4h4sto imt IktstHfi H. E. LYOW8, ttl mmBiRE CTORY Ow elegantly ai r,mi,.ilT furnished tinar iv on 4 room apartment, with large Mil front . Hong ThU Up in Your Home too nil w. tirano,., Apt, i. at office mg porch; furnsre toit" slithe latest feg. or Office for Quick Refer- bed modern tures, smith front; street parked end paved. apartment til nxnns outside exposure Jas. J. Watts An eeporiiiij k price for karpedlttS aaia. ence ll Will Saoe You Time front art bark rrhes; rloM In: Sunset PhotM 414. 104 San rranclaco St JAMES L. MARK a) O Heights. Phone si KM San Antonio st Phono atto. Intent wS sleeping A (XOEt lN lAlttAlll. If You Want Your Business Listed Here Call 5050 and norrh. IB tvright. Montan and Stanton Asian, lust Off Testa arflotanw lot sold inon ÉLU moma, tanta oorW recently for Btjoa. tHJOS. Double your Ask for the Advertising Department THE EFMOWD, rorftor rttWBktn aiM Magof- noard; tarara, til W. Bio Orando fin, new 4 room mrwr apartment Phone BOOMS , M p. For Sale ACCOUNTANTS. FEED AND I r. on This 7 w. East front; paved street. price :'wvi MSON, Mmt Bid! Pbone tens, new WLLTlR lUyMM iT KURNlSHtb tMrapanu Cruces UonrtMcant Hoaoa. TWO CORNER LOTS OR MESA AVE. KS: Broad I and .Frrtt Fairmont Hotel, 8i par waak. wnta Boi m. Yor, At tt rnone 3M. I . ttttt CO., hay snd grain tito tranafer"' Phooe,444. " two RniMl OÉ front room, suitable for two. with or OWE OP THE BEST VIEWS AND rnone asto. freight nrlvaUi hth flrt fLmr. wiinout Doaro. ani upton Montana trrtdHtr uyfh-it- ot M nimlihM r. .r LOCATIONS IN THE CITY. 'city1 wJmM tin nirni.l CXCBLLKNT board and nice, cool room, NO Two choice, level luu at mis price. National, Bank Bld. lgimi-sWf- and TROTE LotKalauty Upton xy. Tixnwlfit month Phone IS37 l, orrttj. PRICE .700. ADDtNi; AtSr.HINHH. Frept. mus Rodiiguaic Robertt "tSqür BENSON BOTEL Nicely ru ral sited N.;vadA. KlttThotraíO! bPMoMqhS macrrlnet OÍ Hüls .Id. ana apartments rnone law. TERMS. adtloi HIDES AND WOOL. cMróroej. completely ruralaMlC Livestock Por ale AAtgAYERJt HIWaWAl Turk, batha. SM kore. PhlQeA. VWK chance. E?sao! A '. nrat iiwr. tiw n. runner WANTE- To buy soo y ar old and 00 IrTDEPEN DENT ASSAY oFhCEAgeOI for ub uqu'ane (.KORGKTTK J. If. SMITH A SONS 10 lou. all for 1150. on terma of (to down N. M .. Douglaa, xj AMimaOm- - roomi, kltch yaarllnr steers. Hereforda or abort horns and (10 per month. Lots ore snippers' aaaaya and cnemlral anal; rawaau. ana.; IK R. A. HI60INI PhótM iWi MHTTaiAA enette, 71 n. A. B. Hall. Hlverdala, Cal, rough, but well ton. Arls lihlhuthui, Méx.; Parral. Max.iw bam Bunion. SO Texas Address p. o. no 437, EI Faao, Tax. tls. Mines examined and reportad Hospital for horses and dote. porch, St located. a San aTthacTjve i room, sleeping bath íur By owner, class union won specialty, Corner MAX MAiER, D. V. I. Fbone lliV. reaaolibta. Phooa toll. Pet Stock sale first bungalow, rranclaco and chihuahua Ble El Paso, Tex. uro vawmUIUIUL on Bliss St near Piedras. Verv eaa MtTALLuBOláfi-crltch- ato run es. YMMHÍ POB 8ALE7 thoroughbred Pita DuHdOf terms. MO down. aIsayeM. cMíMtíTÍ. ett Pure Tnetiuedia Wiatar. Rooms puppies it 410 E San Antonio. lTbjjojEjreoa k Ferguson, reoresenuilves for Pure DlttUled Water Ice. ansas WAOON YArlD Nortea ror aaia and ore shippers to EfPsso smelter: umpire snd Phone hlraThorses boara P 440. Real Estate, of coal, tato taesto - alcafar Farms and control work a apeclalty. analysis limi t' tuiiiaetretmrna- roomi. fur Poultry and water, eie paso, resss box 711. and yard; no aman Ranches si anTsuWMU nished. front back POB SAJJE ThU lot b Whit" Richmond Home W. ssssyer W.00O "itatRl HtAW machine Wh wold-- children; no pata, vacant Jury n Terrace 010. CAMBRÓN. and chemti to LoAH oh wsiches, mamondf at i n. ii I prtmm vmrllnr hena iavlna at low . Very pretty snd weu MH San St., P. o. Box cans, El P4S0, furnished Francisco per w atenea cleaned, toe. caan ror prlcaa. 1. C. McOUthery, Wawtnan. N. tí story B room house, sll modern snd id and sliver. 11.000 villa money ror tt THHEE or room newly furnished. S fta four POB bALK to Barrad Bock costly: full lou, 3. E. front, corner; BUY AN ACRE Bt, PhOTte TO. o, 'Box Ht . 8. Denver iewetry Co.. 104 San Antonio. MM Portland Avenue. Phone Sturgeon. titorourhbrM Isrge Cisco P. chickens. 1 year old; extra fina strain. brick gartge; heat- INSTEAD OP A LOT pAiKfNa miring omw noan. pnone asw. ing; unincumbered. Will aell at a out of the dutt and turmoil of the BARBECUED MEATS. JEwULiV S y vF.ÑfFÑ'Tí. furnUbad room for light sacrifice, come and make an offer. city, where you ran grow your own BAlBBClJC-Barb.c- WATCHES ctoattod HX BWin tprlnga MV; cloaa In, summer POB SALS 8 laytitr bana and is chicks, EL PAlO ued mean housekeeping; raiet vegetables, always have fresh eggs, Phone 34. crystal ic. All work guaranieed 3 cheap. Phone Taw. fresh dally. toH MUls St Geneva Al j . Mexico Realty and the air Is pure, the light place to Jewelry Co., tttrf Ban rKmsetsepIng; ana for aettma-- Ph. atao. bring up your little ones. Li pUNTi. TWO furnished rooms for white t J I NaT DE ALKRH 17 Co. A aieepinj porch; private reildence. Investment REAL SUBURBAN' HOME, with ILtj MHf 60. iidg. T Jaaaa- HatSJ St . MÍWaLH cola KL PAI0 ÍR0N AN tUTAL CO.. tlo Baa Say. Mta t. loulevard. Financial and Investments Hotel Sheldon Bldg. Phone MX). sll the comforts and conveniences of laalt the city. ELECTRIC TRANSPORTA- Antonio. Dealers In aersp iron, nihber. TWO Urge room for housekeeping. elsoT ClVII ENGINEERS. Bent reasonable TION at your door. Twenty minutes' W. Phone ILLINOIS BOTTLE AND JUME 00.. 1004 E room with kitchenette. Brokers Attention town. The L.ftwfl, HaroJtJ hid,. tg Call 5097. HEBE'S A ride from the heart of overland. Phone IMI BEAUTY N MANHATTAN land facet on the main paved county w-- w lutoiu atan. FRONT room, with kitchenette, l block HEIGHTS. ato aéralas laadse TstilsB. Itara. aw aee Important 4 rooms, boulevard. Wa are offering these mahIV PUB6T It Buckler Bldg Ph adit front public library, wn n. an raw rlassed norrh. rtlastered and Ideal acre tracts to toe ho me THE AMSMOP?", PtSO With to arrange with responsible party to t seeker Kk OAS HANIiES. " THE PCMNSULAK," told unieu. large conservatory, nnieneo. uirourn-ou- at a eacMflre. The prices are from aXANERS And PHEssaERV store, MlUt Bldg. act aa nsctl agent In placing securities of a in old Ivory, gao buffet and china cabi on easy r uo GOLD mine, with o.ooo tons of aso ore ready grt to ato par acre.- - Adjoining llau cleaned net, bookcases, beautirul mantel, large lands, no are telling from S. s Phone SM0 MONEY TO LOAN. ONE houeekeepingrooai 'and kitchen to mill. Special Inducements to right batter, tt and hlccred. ti7 lanl ASSe rront kitchen cabinet, Pltuburgh water boater. 400 to woo per acre. Investigate. K.ENtY OP MONtV so loan on dairy stock. it W. wala 4 ua 14 Paga t J4 a. aL S. ette: per month. Phone M7. party. Full report and samples at hand oaa noors. s near oar ana Jap Cleaning Wka. 51 W. Stanton. Ph. DTH. lit slngie, owner, u. no easement, lou, Use oar land aa your basis of com- horses, mules, rooming house furnish TWO room 15.50 per week ka AOTCTHter la r. w, mj scoooi. price only MJOO; terms. as to price, toil, locttlon, UVnTENoTNEERS. ' ings. suiomobiles or any approved tec art ty VENDOR lien ts.too, ,000 WANTEB LOTS parison piase, giu.w. rnuur nota, worth far etc. CÍNSULTÍÑO st current interest rates. Aotea bought and roomsT In, cheap. Saw cash; drawing S per cent Interest Phono In Orand view or Altura as o art nay on this F IL TODO, engineer aoia. TWO fine close our terms make a purchase within Municipal, hydraulic and sanitary work uuica action and confidential Phone 7T7a. 4080. beautirul glassed porch, oak floor, reac h of all SM DOWN AND $10 PER ings at sit Truat furniture. built-i- 101 Munoy Ave, pnone nóawau, auto CO tajst, rooma and sleeping features, aouth front m Manhattan MONTH. Think It over. Your rent wi can MAltl LsaanI on saiarús. catottleT. two houtekeeplnr Heights price S3 SOU. porch. WO w. sansas Auctioneer and Sales district money each month will pay for your c6LCtÍOM. diamonda. v4iuablaa, notes, etc. NEWTON, BCOTT SALES AND REALTY CO., you. Seeing water llght W. A. W1LLÍAM. land. Let us show is OL'R business collecting, tnd we collect irusi eiqg. T aaísna HOUSEKEEPING suite, trti. tnd 44 Mills Bldg. Phone 775a. believing, it J&ffi itiii siTsTi - pi. 7P7 meat. Auction Salaa and Commission Broker. uywnsrs. vyooos raercsinnv Apmj, iuy. Office Cigar Stand. A. N. MACHATE. Mar aad ta I ii at t s. ss.. amalea t.34 a, ts.. per week. 411 Orndorfr MQUNái road Y Hala. asas road RQblfiUVfM Mm. 1400 I or sale. W. H. AUSTIN AGENCY, HoVlWui Caii Odom't trantfaf 6o ank ta tsatk' ta fat k ' aell everything at auction private Paraa- - El Paso ta TlleU, Sta. CrSK. t4ai I asa. N. CampbeU St. pnone aaao-- Mlil ornee sai; nesioence Br. pArJtfERt, 0 Bids. PnonélsW toa. San tsc. tdtat FURNISHED rooma for light housekeeping. A Mills ttake WHITESIDE LICATA, Auctioneers. WB . Attention Dr. A. r. Brown, denutt. 4th floor Bid EXCHANGE your Old turejtttte 50t E. ."levada. 333 Builders for new. We Safara at Taa cut a rt a tata. produce results. Temporary otnee 4 full corner lou on Montana St Br. gtevens. ii n. Bldg: Hi. not pay more your than any " tiiilaiil iV(Vro..m.. "kitchenett, front porch, garage. Bldg. Phone M8. hi for goods other ua . Tniat this side of Piedras at your own firm in the city. 118-- 8. Stanton. Western jrrtsuiaf KM and A DEtTCTIV AGEN" ría V'lwara141 lauá aáaaa úaü í Anions. T nrice terms; unincumbered. nature Co. Pbone lass). tmm al Daalaa HorSÉKÉEPINO rooma. sleeping porches. Houses For Sale bargain. FORTY acres Irrlvated land near Carlabad. THE Bon Detersive Agency ta Vallar Barnaa Buaa Laaa. Williams NEW second-han- law tato Phone agoo N. M Must sell now. 11.300 buys. There made of civil and criminal raaea. snd furniture bought ai. FOR SALE modera cottage. Sacrifica 47S sold snd exchanged, S. Stanton. Pooua 80 N ,auo. wa-j- . Mexico Realty It a reason. Box First Nst Bank Bldg. Phono 440a. tit HOUSEKEEPING rooma. reasonable. for n Easy terms, raone and Matee, ore (ton TBACEAOE property ror long term. H. Bar CIAU0NM.' ' ' CoBaUWIUJJlTiaa Investment Co. rgss, nw WANlJB. i loHT housekeeping rooma. Ml W. El Pato. Real Estate and fire Utauraiice insi. DIAMONDS bought Newton. MS Trnat Bldg ME. Hotel Sheldon Bldg. Pbone (SB. EL PASO PIANO CO Oldest El imMJSAjAM4fS tT K. Overland! It. HILLAHO. Phone (eg. house in H8KPO. and tur, na. o Paso, suinway and Weber pianola pi- aas - Wanted to Buy Real Estate ka d ira aur t eart. ta a, at HOHT houiekeeptag- rooma. Phot 4182. BBOADDL'S 41 LE BARON. rexall vsMsmsmr anos. South aide, 308. Taint St MWia.AUMÓ AbfÓ to. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 41 MyrUe Bell at. People't Drug Store. Agents for Olbton KÜÚéííí M. a. Buc-- oi á 66., ana . san Tta tétala Nauta. WANTED. wster naxau remeaiea. asi An 14 a. Rooms Por Rent Sheldon Lobby. Phono 777. U PER CENT INVESTMENT. tonto. Phone tai or tos FRANKLIN PLUMBING CO. Cas Uttet ilfiytlt dallr at 14 ta, Furnished .ROOM BOUSE WITH STEAM (Successors to A. C Barnes It uo.i MaSa lias na sn aiti No. t fraat Kt Pase, wÁrrwt A. COLES BROS Real In- Tenement house, months old. 41 FRED SCHAEFFER. M yrs. Cal Saawdl a. ss. Msket laiatnMn tivur hvhrvrt r. ettaM and t MEAT, druggist Estab rsrtory plumbing. 131 E. Krtnkün. Ph. 3044. laana u butlrilng. elerantly surance. More house Block. Pbone 1H. rooms, sll rull; very close in; reve- prescriptions our specisity. 4 N. Stanton wlib Na 7 New new furniture, 4l03 not far out. modern, reasonable Citar .misar hath In everv nue per month; lot Mxlto feet have pur- - kUH TRY the Plumbing Co. Better plumbing tas fat Easy terms ror quirk sale sto.MO price. We immediate BRüffcó ror teas, rnone siua. n. uampneu Beat, atasss roonL Hatea to permanent people. 300 Room 4, Morehouse Block. Phone 9N. MS Texss, Cor. stsnton. rttonaa en ai. Meada, ata. mock Texas si. HILL. HLrMAN A ÉINTU11a. Real Ea- Davis Bros. MEXICÓ REALTY INVESTMENT CO., OWL bRÜO STORE, A."I. Ryan. Proprietor groBAt Was Botáis. 11 Tetncorarlly. or S rooms and Bldg. Hotel Sheldon Bldg. Phono M. FACT6hV-N- - n.c nc3T i tate and Insurance, n Bills Ph. t91. orjen all nliht. Phones 90S S ri. EL PASO TRUHK aw ware- Meeptnr porch, furnished for bouaekaep- C. lot Texas St Phone lia very DOUGLAS CR0WELL. WARNER'S DRUG CO.Telepllone house: sales! lucellúui potlUvely lowea! READ THE WANT ADS. lnr to couple without children, cheap. Real Estate tnd Insurance. IS4 Mills Bldg. pnone iota. Call Sunday. 3107 Sacra WANTED. Prompt deliveries. rites Main object cara. J. L. SLiRk CO.. SMALL HOUSE mento á Van, 1 or a nvan hniiaa not ovar 30.405 at Cap: las Bldg. Telephone 4MB. HNIMIIKIl KUUIlb. or ts.noo value, on which to acres or land Running Hot and Cold Water, MEXICO EALTY AND WvtflattNt ÉO. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? will be taken at i.5O0, balance cash or ver Itinilv FnnBshed. Hotel sneidon Bldg. pnone gag. You name the location and wa will nous. tl7 MACOríiN AVt. PHONE 5B77. HORACE B. STEVENS. help you to your choice of lots. JAY r. KNOX COMPANY. Real Estate and Some special offeiinga tm capíes Pbone sage. TWO elegantly furnished connecting rooms. Insurance. this week Bids. tulta-bl- e which you should Investigate before DOOMING É6I1HE VVANttD. private tUe bath, outside entrance, buying. for young ladles or married couple; ref- - Real Estate ft City Property Our party wants to pay cash ror good RAJMEY BROS., rooming bouse, bee ut today. erence requirnu. ruuuo 60 First Bank Bldg. Phone tingla and an suite; new Rat ME SCOTT SALES AND REALTY CO. ROOMS for rent, Phone TTtA I buiiomg, new miuiiui". u and cold water. í W. WILL for auto, farm In valley, near - shower bath; hot Would You Consider trade 1916- Missouri, pnone 7w El Paso. Stewart Product Service Station. 308 W. San Antonio. NICKXY furnished room, private bath, hot TMs? FOB SALE OH EXCHANGE. To prop- - water at all hours. Rooms cleaned with corner. Onlv five WANTED buy small piece Income no tas W. tract! lower vsilay; paved Beautirul I0lxl2l feet erty. Address wo. care Times. power vacuum cleaner; dust road; all Implements and livestock minutes' walk from postofflce. in fine Missouri St Included. The twice la so ridicu neighborhood. Easily worth Ho.ono. will sha6y front room In prívala boma, one lously low we won't advertise ft. sacrifice ror caan or trade ror income) prop aSxchauifje Real Estate block from car line, close to bath, can use Call and wa will tall you. rely. Muat be quick deal. sleeping porch. 11 ÍI. CampbeU. Phono A. r. BUWUEV With OF MEXICO ssuu. How About This? JAMES L. MAR II 41 CO., Exchange LUt MAP HAAJONA UOTCL. 610 N. Stanion Centrally 304 San Antonio St Phono 4MB. CALIFORNIA FOR EL PASO LAND. A house, close In. (to located: cool rooms, wuu sata. . aide, Modern bungalow, corner lot day. special ratea by wfc. or mo. Ph. taig west pavad street full base- 150). best residence section San Diego, ment, and the price only g7,oooi Íy 7,500. KATHRYNE HOTEL Furnltbad OUltlde Look Home. Will trade for valley. Prlcet - at It Grant Ave. LOS ANGELES FOR EL PASO. New and Complete Size 19x28 Inches ana a wwm up; m Haass) nirsx. One of the moat attractive buB slews In Modem houae. to rooms, comar lot (7S by free. 110V4 S-- Stanton, ovar Savoy Raatanrant now boys a bungalow, with El Paso. Stucco large porehea, I66T1 ...... ataanlna- finish. aouth hhrhly imwoved grounds. West Lake .nil nor sleeping porch, East El Paso, suulh tout 011 full loU, paving paid, oak floors, Cost $11.000. Miuar'ea opposite i districi, clear. Will trade from Dostofflce. park rront Part cash, balance easy. built in buffet, bookcases, kitchen cabins u for El Paso or valley. and library. 418 N. El Paso 8t tnd linen closets; nesting plant, garage, CASS1DY NEEL, 311 Mills St i Ovar Want a Home lawn a real homo. MOO. Easy -- mon hotel, toSH San Antonio. tine .Price WANTED To trade 40 acres of valley land Showing Army andForts, rooms Posts Union RankLtrre. beautiful or a building It, terms. Must be In first class con alter We have tag LKAVEXL A ror Ford car. runnlnr water, pnone sow. pert or city any price, ua. SHERMAN. dltlon. Address Balen, Texas. Pbone 4M7-- J and call 114 Texaa Phono IBM, TOR RENT Furnished rooms, s blocks from Bt Ytleu. Edgar Luvdsay. Jf-v- as par wees; nderson-Fille- r NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW. ALL MODERN Mills Bldg.. to noara ir A Fur sai r rent or trade for El Peso nron- -' Distances Between Built in fetturet, including large oenrea. i. u rwu 107 Texas St Pbone 40M. mirror erty. 40 arrea mile from Alamo gordo. H N bedroom, nlreíy dcors, white tile draliiboard and back to M., mam road. P. O. Bos KM, Kl KOh F frestrtbla fur Ule In N. on nishad. connecting bath, ríos in, raaaoo- - kitchen cabinet; floor bathroom; gas psao, Texaa. . soas-- heaters built in wall; oak floors through- abie pnone Be a Booster. Try a Classified Ad aud Ports, Railroads, All Cities, Towns, Etc. Ivory, place out, woodwork finished in old walls your grow. modern room, with bath, for auto' Ne wman Inves Co. In washable paint; large garage; back yard watch business mobile: Just north of Masonic Temple. tment ranee; SHJttMJtH HattltMsTE. paso. Baal Estate. Insurance. Bonds. fenced with solid board cement is n. ti walks and euro laid, ror terms see ROLLS MOTEL. of Cooi 4,1404 BOOttS Furnace, glased room. HIGH Together with an Index PAYETTE All outsloa rooms. and hardwood floors, mahogany rinlsA. Cott A. A. I.AWUCR. operated by owner this Ilesos, hobos clean. i.7 weaa. cioae in. sit miiis at. mis pace in ttis. Equity to trade for sou Will consider lou. Phone te7 good service assured. If you desire s or land: This la a beautiful home, on Rio pleasant and restful vacation or summer. Wtl I. veuUlatad sleeping room, running urauoe at High RolU It where you should go. Rates water; K weak. Phono taW-a- 717 R. El 44.JO0 J BOOM BUNGALOW t lota Doug PINE INVESTMENT. raaaonuhle. and furnished noon aoollcatlon. Towns, Mexican Statistics, las si.; nw; lurnace, oaa noors, garage 10 rooms, t halt) a. full cellar, Also isve partially furnished collages tor ROOMS, newly renovated, rofuralahad, ruiv Ttka auto, piano or lota part payment, pal steam heat, 1 rull lou, iron fencing, rent, e. noioawg. aneo easy terms. pretty lawn. At a real bargain 3.150 4 BOOM BUNGALOW leu Mc lea. Do not mlee it Uoal Notices Pronunciation of Geographical Names, Kmiey Ave.; rooms, floor, B O REALTY INVESTMENT CO., DELMAR ROOMS, 417 N. StlMOn-Runñ-iiif oak bath (ule Alt wrrBf abb floor), large glased room, walks In; fur- Hotel Sheldon Bldg. Phone tw. tot nmula w autm:uaa water; fraa batnt; t day; ttupwaaa. aggo To ibma estilad illas as nished, cash, balance monthly and easy aa - at Jaw a S i jila easaasaS: ROOM, ill. o! slet ping porch, private bath, prtvata Tba talar- a- was esa ttse I lieslilnlli at Chronology Mexican Revolutions entrance Phono tnt. Anoly 1019 Mundy. tXSfO BUNGALO W Aouth front the 1844411 Jaaus S. aadrlavaa. ISSMlii. lata ai NICELY furnUbaP"rooina for rant; very near ear Una. Small rash payment, balancé Now, mixlaVrT buns4l ap vonTularosa t uuw awraara. ria jtisd ktw. nmuiii. 1 full terraced lots: navies, walka and m pamae la Mad u Id saute la assaa faraard LA ROE. i.cool sleeping ate--4 BOOMS, i porches, t lots, near wall all paid; urge rooma a aka .iitl -- 1. 1 ihaa a --artos dak room and porch. tainins t end aatasa aa u aa Dana, rnone sotw H glaseo porto; Utas 14 la una' at kit not water always, large tieepiag hardwood raudas- -. Ma 144 4 Sniad Was. as eta Uv UWW6 kOCKlNta, Oa gTUiMMDr 'iEMfeT girtck floors and all the latest built-t- features aad f Bl Pasa. Taaaa. kart aa i Mas it t room apartruanis. large atoreroom he sold can S46. on paymanta Co. corner, paved This bouse must and be bought aad laaalns a Easy to Study. In Three Colors on a White close in, street; aaeeose sue at a tar nine NEWLY fisrtilshad rooaaa. M par was to f loo Mr ntonu. JAME L M AMR A CO., A I cauca) Y l.o apartment, W iotal Xocatta. a a This sida aleta; Bs4 San Antonio Phone ute KORMANMt, WtTttU MH Ban Antonio for Home in P.I tt a Background. It's anona for lata nsapey. Co. WELL ventilated rooma. bath, hot and cold Newman Investment 1 CHOICE LOTS ON Tt L ABOSA ST. rotaa Myrtle Phone M. ou pawenteul and cat Una. aouth MEXICO. Readers of The Times r,.u áSTailr 1, a oTi rooma. lTghü front High terrace A cholee build- 1916 MAP OF watar and bath- - ing alte at right Jgjna, r- -t ills MAMEY tiLm of rool rooms, tmsat w rases NAM. BROS., ' v es COUPON can secure one these I Bank Bldg. lv I . 14 N Sania Fa. Ti4íf New room bungalow, hardwood W Ftrat Nat Phone 4U. Name Mom. ktri pawtav atiirinlBg floors, built in iraturea. sldawalkt. maps by pre- bath; iktwiota antoua. fence, ouihulldiaga; 3.10. Easy State valuable lenui, W. W CAJDL Town ÍU II Y furnlsWbaOtZ eoel lottCb 130 (ABM, REAL HBTATE VALLEY LAND A Stroet P. O. Box coupon 10c MB per month, including interest, WILL EXCHANGE senting and rn.nl .o...... nri.at. eñtrw.e ISoS new 4 room I ror Coupon eontg nt Timen Office Uhi.t pnone bungalow, full lou. close-l- busiuess pioperiy land or tots. Present and It WsaatUBS savi n. hardwood floors, built In raaturaa, Ooon auto for lots or house. Will assume (or nap If map to to bo mailed add t oeaU at TIMES OFFICE, or 1 0 lenca and outbuildings. I of Tworsaory Colo- NÍCtl furnished bedrooms. J p. block trie residence. Bessemer. lor pool eat c nod mailing vil y El raso. Nine-1-05 IAK.,1 Ml On frW::::::::tt4Tto toTaetZ Branch Texas Bnag-alo- ITg) M halan re tike rant now a roana gj hardwood floors, buut-t- fee rnone as or ia. Nil t ir rooaa, prívate (san turea, iuntry cluhsirtct. ag,7M. Efcona MAIL, CT& gsattttaan Now bajsgaaow. GET YOUR MAP TODAY. BY 18 bath; emir Hardwood M ROOM APARTMENT M4MJM atoas to. briugtng to per as rooaaa, prtvaaa faaafxy' iesyJSnHg? our out only MAUt. It tOu d 4W aou Hxj tU a, with hath Phone TaWt ais Nula Bldg. lftssa 14 4say Morning Times mow 42.410. The IN..AIOH Thought '5 "XL lacing south, t sec Question for you sjaur ope rae in anos sat for 11. sur PASO, TEXAS eu- -i. .ash nayuui. be :::::::::::::::::::::: EL ani. rrosu car 11ns? Jjg 'rwéas parek Tin price lor Kow-Fiiitai- Wam par in Big rst lwiyi mm ::::::::::::t The Swthwest's One Ncwsptpcr-Ti- taUOO attTJ to foseti ssMtoe eesutng tksr MM Prtse I TEXAS STREET BAtvUAIS si sou wiu lake MM in dear kuu. aalaor 4 tots, oh earner near Ptadraa. SHM ass. BBflfe O'toirU 4A h MSA UNHPAMV, I MAVBAA SMtTHMAH. gag enpass aasa- - BR1NO Its t MKidVtM. ááKSi BsHav PHssna saas, ' ua uses HA rfeaata WANT AD8 MSULTt ntt. Bfan ...... fesHnhite ": íiííiüúfeSSs ító EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY. JULY 30, 1916.

ant; then waa am to brittle md com ataaa the action or the set nncr QunuQ r..iu JOE STECHER NEXT fares ta satire to Billing. If fan of that WW DM TO MT ULUUL UIIUUU U1111 MMMa ii ta trsa form, hat haea wrest rtty would rlse tenoo and deposit M IMUgl WKjll mi mire gk isSEdta'::::::::::::::: iRt l.at raraksrly ta heap in shape has But, whan Mexican SÍ pmred ana each bout by piektn up p or this, they g Net Mway f tlesiee H ers triHti the meet defeated MlrMHBtM fvfown thet pmnm suck Kansas Í15 Ooteh on the ceJher hand necessary to change his place of rest WatjitSkitri Satrattja Missouri. and Testa pt"".'- - FOR COPPER STOCKS WRESTLING CHAMP Minio gateo art Pacific been out or Uve nme. aside from a few ei U Per CM hMt. 187 uv Van- I which have rlled pitt him in The war ha rslaed the dickens with ffcil Mwaye ef ttetle city t far SeaSe. MT7 I tame wonderful far ha Mataras a few couver at a nsaehaii burgh, and at that M (M Im Nevfcig a NidMll aaftstay tteslre Jt09r York ier. ind worn of til had hi mind It second only to Seattle in normal town, J Ta. Trend of Ganar! Market in Day. Gotch Getting Alona; in Yearm. off the game for a year or patronage only worked IiatlsHatl I 4m Ml N N.MH or taso the lack has not "mi mwiM. O, .rl.dkl.ü and Western Trading b IWUetai est Will Have F.xperience Only The Lawn boat should not be taken too hardship on Brown, but the other club M r.i Pm, Trias. H Northern Psciric Red Metal Market. to Stand by Him. seriously, for the RtraotT WOTMed OS Mat owner throughout Use circuit. The Moa "eearttle M Pacific Mall detenslv entirely, thus making Sterner' Una cltle. Butt end Ore at Palla, bare 3 '" mt Pacific Tal and Tel leak doubly dirrteulL proved the stvtoar of the league tblt Pennsylvania tvslry by Manning Co. written ror the Tiroes By a. rye if be Ray .onsoltdated o rurolsiaVI r.urtlss. Pa it notch meets stacker win reslit blocks Ronda. National Rank M. M he Readme and First Hurley. My ist must a in quick, or not at ill in wast slam pawata as. Rutldtnt El Plan. Tetas aa the matter of endurance and Joe With Beaut Eddie err the St touts Nrpuhllr Iron and Sleel i fans aalf kt well stamina 11. oailab. Ttxaa. dipper storks showed taint at lb close all edge gumshoeing FMtrte as flhattuck Arlfna Copper of yestrrdiy't market, reflecting the trrnJ (hampsoa Eraak Retrb peetkya. aatt hat the And when It aomes to cardinals, around the QAbjj as, av aa rns rtass Southern Pacillc or the) a feral market tees) lark far ata Hilary, lew ear pinning the shoulders of a man. who win do coast circuit, rumors Kave arisen that Mil Otatsasts. Hoiitnern Railway to 411. i t his share or grreilve work, sterner ha Mr Muggins- club It considering a deal t vsnrrd inre ka krekl a aa FEW TRANSACTIONS Kliidetisker snd Ariscáis to At American snd rata lea la no equal In the fame todly. whereby the famous Sealer in ivory, non Tennesae Copper aoriiaaa enmrxny stork advanced to MS on aalie Iraret tat wllb a rims Providing sterher take proper care of other than Ping Bodle, will again wear a Tnas company ai apella - Pacific 52ÚW favorable Mr lean report, aa did tlso last about "flabr- la hit aafa aa htmlf. It ippear in almost foregone con big lesrue "aa!." nu.n . coppers on the Sew York $103.65 Do preferred 2J UUe aalter provltlag be flvee tee elusion that ha will ha the next champ Bodle had a trial with the White Sox ror rum were active just a Ooteh a or btg dis- ON STOCK EXCHANGE U. a. Industrial Alcohol .fZf and Insi ateener. Ike teatral ehalleager. a matea tare, at meets htm on the couple laieoni, bat proved teel Jerome mat appointment a He ha never I'nltrd Mates Zz stron snd hnidlnjr advance of Friday techar has bean forging Mm is (lugger ro their to fore by as a 7Sl ,,Tr,n Monster sold st 1H snd Haw Cornells leapt ind bounds, and aside from bit rive e m e been rated (peed merchant. In fart he tali loppor If the national league teams continue I or the tortol variety, when speaking KUUNty Wanash prd B hour driw with fttranalar Lewis recently. YORK Multe and Superior their "Let George do It" policy depend or speed-- The big park the main I Ik. won every match be had In the put and under Western n Ion alumet and Arttona ... bat on someone to tent permitted to Trua Dealing at Irreducible Minimum, iVesiinghouse mm. couple of years Furthermore root! or bit else stop the Dodger, tint major league outfielders Klertne "rpper Hang-- Mv, nrooiiyn to ramp under long riles over and St talon Could Wall Total sales tor the day. ton.min shares creerte opponents bare been the best men In the crowd likely land nother that drifted the metropotM a won Ctnanet. gn4', fiar ror the city or churcbe grav- ' oast league will ror homers Been Insplrattnn .teedlei game, aside rrom Ooteh. tnd derful "Expowtioo Hare Omitted. kennecott eyard, after many barran seasons spent Pina baa been playing great ball ror Cay' íMt A" onlr artwhack to a Btecher-- I largely In the second division Frisco this season, both at bat tnd (field. in New Cornelia Ootcr or cltss all it splendor. Laraje, WHEAT MARKET Butt match, hat beta the unwillingness Should Brooklyn cop, fans will With (hortnelder Jack correy oat of the nr HUOdllM Pre. .lorth the rsnner to give tee tabas ateansert :ve pur Ray Herróles Iowa the Omahi wonder another bunch of misfit or In giro. I remit of being beened. Bodle loub ta York. July ft For ill prctlrl chance the crown. ctatofrs the pom i. todays session of the vrk msrkt Shannon i it Utle rola, ror Ilka the Phillies or Ittt, nd ha been rilling hli thoet. ir Bodle could "San Jacinto" might hav been omitted i"'Mngs tp at Shattnck It It doubtful In the minds of many If the Brevet or lti4. the Brooklyn are com- hit In the majors a he doet in the minors, -- an Irreducible mlniimun. rvrn for a mid CLOSES WEAK lilted Verde Eltenslon notch conld hive betten 8techer it my posed to i larga degree of players shunted he would be an tsset. despite bit slowness Concho" "CemaT aummer werk c nu. thr total tiarely appruk period during the past year. S sec her bat off by other leigue of foot. SAILING EVERY SATURDAY una tins- tAOMO unarm. tf lhl iinl the Mr tetma. iim r.OTTOM MAnKETb. youth, height, reach and weight In hit Chief Myera Bub Galveston to New Yorf usual Utile. Ilk- lilted iai steel, and Manmard, at well Marine Meii.iui and a rivor. with experience the only advantage as Manager wilbert Robtnton. are former Far Bsclurles all meak and iau siaasx At New Voi k Ooteh have mat. law prominent Industrial, made Hp mora By would carried to the oianto. Lirry Chancy wu formerly a cub. (board ship. Retara by taasr or 50 per Advantage Re- Associated Press Coomb than cent Bear Have on York, July Spot cotton rpilei. Pottlbly Ooteh will regain the use of hit Jack an Athletic, Jake Daubert rail, (ara is the suae. Fuji ialwiaati ill at any rw had a In point or activity and Impórtame inter port of Increasing Receipts Middling uplands. Italic. !o lile. leg fully and will liter content to wrestle trial, hot wis found wanting by the STRCrsfCTVI CAPSULES tsawad ticket oftc or writs national Bond Itsuei the real Region. Futiirei closed steidy .it I net decline of Mtecher ror the Championship rttber than cievtianari. tus it cuishaw' second j I feature or ti dy. Anglo French 5 From Winter Crop 1 to 1 points. October. I34r. December. trtp up, while (Hton with , . retire underetted ind hind the laurel lvn hat been MALLORY LINE Changed the 13.4-- bands to exvm of almoai 1.V-- January. March. May. us Joe on a or Cleveland and Cincinnati. Mike Mowrry: GALVESTON. TEX A5 mostly at a small cmVession. no ia.c wreath platter silver. 9' By Associated Press. sile. wis with Pittsburgh, at. Loult nd ins Ueal Office, 704 1st Nttt'l B.nk Bid, . El Fa the new notes aere ni lo But tr Ooteh re- a and French traded Chicago. July Increasing receipts doet meet sterner the Kedertls. Jimmy a w. Oswald co iia-- w. atas St.. n. r. total or almost all st the suli from sult Ii almost a roregone conclusion Joe Johnston, outfielder, wit wgGwraá'T-Y- Hmi. " ",tM crop lotelher with pre LOW PRICED t.OPPEn SALE. sent to the arter a year the acrlpilon price at which this Hsu. seems rel..n. Ry press. has beaten Demetrel, Americui, Cutler, minors with to oe pegged die tlon or slightly cooler weather In the Associated Cubt. gave an inc. New July In addition to rumors Beall, Roller, and the balance or news Included sevrril June slate northwest, snvsntage today to York. All or which bring to mind the question Oenrlor bears In wheat Largely In oiisequen thit some Urge ules or low priced copper, the first raters in quicker time than Ooteh menta railway earning, ' anadian Pa maybe tblt cittorr Idea I being over- rifir thAwm. ti.i oi.m.M. ,.r aiiiitu n..ir. tile uigrget weak, to IVc net low partly re sale, metal, hid taken place has turned the tuck. thit t cleaning up of the low worked. A glance at the Natlonil league than atrmnrsn snd orrnlk A Wrsterti i:ji f, lth septeiuitier at II ÍIWI ll and around t4Vir. most notch Ii getting ilrmg In for l copper, It was said that larger yeiri in shows every team URINARY On) Mci rsntlli' srrm lr. referred niitlini. cember imai In corn the out priced athlete, evidenced by the wty hit rosters that ha a hair come varied rt ni lc l.decline to a like ad agencies, while Itllt Ik. Ming nominally at wtt doxen or more regulsrs, rormerly with DISCHARGES 2V making leg tnapped under the In recent wane damage to onU Hnlshed Vi lo c down and pro around to WUc, hid been silei strain i other major league lorthwest. where rrons It at to eshlbltlon. Five yean tgo limb team. RKLUCVKD IM ippreneiiiinj ror last quarter delivery n trfac. notch's The National league ha seen many W,U1 hnwed notnli Iron was unchanged doubtless would not hive tnapped, at It trade Locil bank contlltloni were strengthened and ales the past raw year and these saaaaBfTl by further smill cash gain ind Increase Enlarged demand for lLS III HOURS i METAL MARKETM. have tended to Inject new lire and Interest 24 ii winter In Total sales of bonds osr value iirgreirateil belt hears somewhst as the that circuit jtiat when it clats appeared Wfwwxm It, 450X10 movement or new wheat to primary markets At New York to be below par. Sending dlssatlsried anU bearsMlOY) By Pres to new field y i linen iies .i and Panama vs sovsm en iready sno noiihle excess over last Assorlited PRODUCE MARKET pliyers hi certainly proved ViVlllalV the Panama Ii S and Lnlted states s de- yeir't total irrivils it the corresponding New York. July Drra. Elec beneficial rrom every point. lined v. im can during ine wees, time, me nutiong ror somewnit lower tern trolytic. 4t4J17c. On the other hand the American league closing stock quotations. iierilurr norihwest tended pi hanalcio the Iron itesdy. No. northern, tto.toOtl bat been much more backward tbout ALL Dht'OOWTH - No. taoOtn.SO; No. 1 touthern, Vawrlcin Beet Sugir MS hulls, is the prospect tended to mike spec- t northern, engineering Club have can Inclined tlO.ttOM.75; No. southern, tlt.7KqW.tt. trades with stars uneriran ulalors more to like chances on the t Priesa iikolaaaa itaalaw ate puna tot ralsar me refuted to them ror any or American Car and Foundry j theory that cinidlan rields might escape Tin. tMM itked trade number Vmertran Locomotive with rcntively smaller losses rrom black Lead. tc,s& asked. players, or sell ror any amount or cash. VnWl' an Smelling ami Hi fining ta ind from heit blight thin baa been the Spelter datl. Spot. East SL Loult deliv- Alftlfa. luo, wholesale. pr too.. ttt.M with few exceptions. Speaker' sale tnd ruit ery, ine suurs. isaqr. .glS.M or Hebulldlntt, Rcipalrlnjt, Suppllea, im 'rise south of the International line. itkMd. AUsaa. No. I. tiavs the breaking up the Mark perinsnt In the Allana, no. i. dbt lam most Machines of All Makes, $10 to SSS. 1lii! Scittered showert southwest tend nuil ..ttt.M winner ire the notable Instances, Din.N BURT A BIT. Unericin Zinc, Lead and 8 SI ed to ene the deferred options of corn. At London. Coia. hnlasala, gar eat. i whereby the rule ha been proved. f Twelve Years' Experience. knai ondi Copper Wm were bearlshly affected by reporta of By Assoclited Press. coit. rstsUVjst set l.aa oils Spot, xonusro wuiia esas, wnmssess. 1 M Tike the Cubs In the Nitlonal. Tinker ttchlaoii 103 excellent conditions ror the harvest London, July fill; NarUMra I)K oau. ratal1 Rebuilt Typewriter Co. 124...... iii with Cincinnati. McConnell, Fischer. lildwin Locomotive euC, Provisions iveragefl higher, with hog. (HM. electrolytic, ion rae inte a aua. t látale ...... IIS wis tali inn ire and Ohio tn pile iiioiinl of business done, though, waa Tin Spot, fifi; future,, tint ir.s. IIS Hendrli, Brown. Zelder, Knabe, McCarthy, We are the originators 1? WE CAN'T REPAIR IT Irooklyn Rapid Transit nun. Lead. 38 5s. Yerkes. Minn. Kelly, Seaton and Vaughn, WE WILL BUY IT. Sutle and Superior quotitlons- Spelter, C60. have been In big Copper closing arse. wImisj. per ewt. I til with other team the Phone ST47. 40 Meaa Ave. :alirornla Petroleum Wheal Moleinlier. tl.il: December. Bran, rstsu. tar sat. how. of Modern Painless El ... t l.tt ;anidlan Pacific 178 tl.tSH- Pise Smelter Quotation. i.i, neo. soMHie, gar set a s Herxor, Oroh, CbAte, Louden, (Hindy A Hirmon.j LOicsas gas g s. Likewise lentnl Leather lWi Corn September.: Deceinber, 7c. isea. isasu. set. Fisher, Wlngo and Toney, have served .besapeakr md Ohio MrV, IP.c Herelnber. 4Uc Bar sliver, 3Wc. in El AM under the big canvas than with the Dentistry Pase thlcao, Milwaukee snd St. Paul. 94i Pork-Ju- ly. ttrvTR; September. $V4.7. London le.id. s. MINING .blcagu and Northwestern 1t7 Lird -- sepuunber, tlí.7ti: October, ttt.7. Copper wire bi raakses. Use. ia. ' ' ISa Red. ne member, we doan ciaba to have any MACHINERY i, h I. and P. Hy Ileki 113 Mi; September, 13.(0. Pit lead, AMi. a il tartan, tts; nklrlaaa. Ír to i Ditto for Ootueles, Hugglnv Miller, Wil patented method that other do not or Wire us st our expense regarding tuno copper sriiu ton, Bescher, Perdue, Ame and other, cannot ute. Tbeae belong to the quack uras new installation. ui tolondo Fuel and Iron 43 Kansas t Ity Grain. PROOIJCE MARKETS. (miW kg Bsau Ornai Maaa) upon or tee la Ironclad. aesur. t cara. Likewise Art wiison, doc jonnston. who play tbe Ignorance their oru Products Herining 13'a y Associated Press .tat Hlnchman. SchoJtt, Harmon ind Jcons. or patient regarding dentistry. These tort The Southwestern .ruclble Steel ais k ansas City, July -- When -- No. hard. At Chlrage. are or offlcet last a certain length or time, No the Pirates not serving with their first Mitlllera' decurltlet I.I70I.M; t red, tLttOlM; July. By Associated Presa. WEEKLY FINANCIAL STATEMENT. big league team at Pittsburgh. then depirt tor new fields or sell out. Wrecking Co. trie , I VÁ. nepvenujer. December Chicago, July Butter higher, year ft I..T. it. Fifty By Assoclited Pre. The, tame true or Rtrlden, Perrttt, We bavt been In El Pao three 11 Pursngo 81. E II Electric in'., ni m tubs told at Sac. New York. July The rorelgn cut od are building our business on sfe In N..rthrtti prd IH4 Corn No. mixed. Ttsaoc: N. 3 while. Benton. Saltee. Anderson, MeKechnle. Doo- - ground; putting our whole soul and en- 3ret Northeni ore rtft 34 Mc. No. 3 yellow. sot4c; July, .c , Sep- At Kansaa City. rtndi the United Stales at the high tide of lan. Lobert. and Housch, of the Olant. deavor Into eaob undertaking. Wa want Illinois central tember. 7ASc in cember, 7Hc. By Assoclited Press While Europe's powers con Hence any team that wlnt In the Nation! tbe good will and beat word or our fal- 1 Írogperlty. nterborough Consol. Corp oat- - No. Willie. 43c; No. t mixed. Kansas city. July It. Butter, eg expenditure or blood ind treas- Is likely to be referred to a a bunch or low being, and mean to bar IV Umbrella Covered and nsplritmn Copper Míete. poultry unchanged. ure In Incalculable rolume. financial experts rattorr snd with Just cua. The price hit or dental work published point out that the wealth of this country is herewith cin be absolutely relied upon, Repaired up on at testified to by the very beat clleutele Lack key piling so generally and such solid There Is talk In American league circlet and Wert. rouiidtilon at to remove all appreherulon or in El Po. The price are the lowest Safe Opened Specialty. inflation that Samuel Crawford prominent barber or possible for fine, accurate work. clearing, bountiful crops, earnings wehoo, md who ha also acquired con Gold Crowns, SS karat. S4 to SB. 00 WE CAN FIX IT SHOP or the nllro and industrial companies. slderable fame is a gardner ind slugger Bridge Work $4 to S6.00 S7 Myrtle. Phone ili. the enormous output or steel and Iron I due to figure In i trade between De .SS and up foreign trade balance ror the flical year or troit and ome other Bin Johnson league Rubber Plate ..... ft, lUXXIOjOOa these and counties other team. Gold Filling .S1 and up King signs point to the unparalleled prestige or Silver FU Un- - SO up The Is and Famous Silver Nine Providing this not ill hot ttr. It It the only leading nation or the world not l war. likely Cleveland will get the rimous out Patalea Ki traction 50c A guaranteed. Lady Now By It I assumed siso that cessation of ho fielder. abort right field fence In that lutely attendant. Moat Controlled The Kl In- Ulltles wlU uiaugurtte a heavy repurchatlng city, would give Sam i new lease on Ufe unitary offices in Paso. Call and movement In our securities by rorelgn in as his weak underpinning would not be spect them. vettort who deemed It necetstry to Haul rilled upon ror so many bursts or tpeed. No dentist avith let than it years' ex- Silver King of Arizona Nining Company date while war was raging. To what Also his clubbing would be assisted, as be perience an our orne I. All work sbso thla country my be able lo hold the Is a dead tight field swatter, hitting lert Re-Open- rorelgn trade tlready gained and yet to be Is Be ed acquired seeint problematical. Leader of binded About To finance and Industry hold that the colt of ir Detroit could big i pitcher In exchange liuor and material will enlarge heavily In ror Sam, both clubs would benefit. Sim New York Painless 7th. is the solution or this momentous Question. would be worth considerable to the Indian! Work was resumed July This mine reported to have produced between The coming week expected to bring de- it t plneh bitter against right handed $10,000,000 and $15.000,000 above the 1,000 level velopment or Interest In the railway labor hurling-- md as a regular la game on the Dentists Phone foot many years ago and when situation. Indutuial condition otherwise, borne side rrom local disturbances, era more lot it wu over 100 miles from a railroad. IT IS NOW WITHIN ONE MILE The than ordinarily encouraging;. a a BUCKLER BLDO Talk by Owner Bob Brown of tht Van SILVER KING and the SILVER QUEEN (now MAGMA COPPER) closed down WEEKLY BANK STATEMENT. V cotiver. Northwestern legue, team that he OVER ELITE CONFECnOKIR Y. within about ten days of each other because of the decline in price of silver metal, Bv Associated Pre. would shift the club to Billings, wis merely NEW LOCATION. New York, July 19. The statement or the t come-o- ror the Canuck, Judging from the increase of copper values in the ore as depth dis- tctual condition or clearing houe bank and 5050 was attained and the great truil compute ror the weak shows that tance to the railroad. they hold tlua.xsOto reaerve In excaaa of nearest legal requirement!. Tblt I an lncr or ti.lou.uoo over last weak. The statement rol lows: MAGMA resumed some years ago, is now working to a depth of I 700 feet, is how Loan, discount, ate- - a,tSMaiJSi in- cítate. ,uou. paying regular quarterly dividends because of copper production and is valued on Heser.ve lu own vault (or which BMa.137,-UO- is spcle. Ui8.vll.ooo. lacrea, mt.ooo. the New YorkXurb at around $3.000.000. He nerve In federal reterve bank, Masqat,. HOD; increase, tM.u0U. Heaerve lu other depositaries, tas,7tu,0W: Increase, 101,000. ! SILVER KING IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF MAGNA COPPER Net demand deposite, tl.ttt.tto.uoo; In Notice Public create, n .." ..' to the Net time deuottta, fltMMAK; decrease. SMMMB. Circulation, l3l.W7.uoo; decrease, at&MO. SILVER KING has been favorably reported on by Professor Wm. P. Blake, Alex- Aggregate reterve. M7 .46.080. B. Downe, 1. M. I.vitm reserve, lt0V.JIU; Uleree, ti, ander A. E.. and others. Copies of all reports, maps, etc., are on leu.tto. file in the offices of C. V. Summary r sute bank and trust com- KOONTZ AND COMPANY, 25 Broad Street, New panies in Greater New York nut lnclud d in York City, will rleaiiii house statetneat: Recent developments in the Mexican situation and other matters of interest and be shown on request. Loans, discounts, etc., re.s.-- I7.ktt.auu. to the general public has caused a veritable flood of telephonic inquiries through . teu.lir7.tu): decreaae the Times telephone exchange. While it is the desire of the Times to furnish its Professor Wm. P. Blake in his extensive report states. "That the strength of the ore Legal lenders, t.loa.iuo; decrease, ttt.tuo roiai iiepusiu. tata.aajr; lucre. j. readers with information over the phone whenever it is requested, the Time re- to the lowest level is very encouraging for the future of the mine below, and it in- tsLeuo. niiikt' ctth reserve In vaults, tl.atu.tuu. quests that the public lend their by observing the following rules: dicates also that the upper lévela may be more extensively opened to advantage. trust lumpanlet' cult reserve m vault, &7 'JSt.tuO. 1 So far. there is nothing to indicate any going out of the ore at depth." From 7 a. m. until 0 p. m. on week days for all departments call 5050. This LIVESTOCK MARKET. private Alexander B. Downe. A. I. M. E.. has stated that as soon as the SILVER KING is connects you with the Times exchange which has five trunk lines. If you wish talk to the news department ask to you Edi- partially unwatered he expects to commence shipments of about 100 tons of ore By Associated Praa. to the operator connect with the chicar, July S. loXk). Rooms. If you wish to insert a ask carrying at least $50 to the ton weekly, and that this will be increased as develop- Market nrni. unchanged to above yesser torial classified advertisement the operator to day aver ase Bulk. tttoOlout. Helii. Classified Department. ment progresses. IUUXJIO.I, heavy. MI.stlOtu.lt; pigs. ? H connect you with the If you wish to subscribe to the ate. Times, change your address or discuss delivery of your paper, the Cattle -- Bereipts. 400 Market tteady. N the ask operator Officers include: Uve beer cdtle. rJtOu. western steers. to you with the Circulation Department. E. Cowper Thwaite of London and New York. F. C. Masson of ea.Tta9a.S9; slockrr. neSi cgwtv tttotyt ti. connect New York and Alexander B. Downe. A. I. M. E.. of Duarte. California. The office calves. tttoOW x After 10 o'clock nights and on Sundays and Holidays after 7 p. m. call the of the company, 32 Broadway. New At H City. following : York. Registrar and Transfer Agent. Security By Aoi tiled Wtrss numbers Registrar and Transfer Company of New York. kail City, July . Hobs Be.eipi 500 Market .ii. mi nut Higher Bulk. asVKsflt.Tt; Cameral Manager SO 48 X heavy. ttTueyvau. luriu, p 7, pits tmjw m Editorial and Sport Departments SO50-- The stock of the SILVER KING OF i ni. Hr.eliil. . Market toady Prune ARIZONA MINING COMPANY, it is ex- red steers. toousiiilU. wetteru steers. 7 Society Editreaa or Compoaing Room 5049 X pected, will be actively traded in the sio- - aei. astjsti came, taaotyii on New York and Boston Curbs in the near tit.Sheep Receipt suu Market Heady rdvertiaing and Circulation Departments 505 future. Lamo iiucjiuT, i cat lings ft.Ttsaa.to withers. i totji a. ee in Mailing Depattnient and Spantah Editor 5 03 IX MUNkt MARK. ta. (Ploaae do not (ail to say "X" after each number.) IÍ!.r!ÍÍD,;NED OFFER. SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. THE UNSUB Si krk. Sy Aisso Ifted lie.. By observing these rules the public will greatly facilitate the handling of calls SCRIBED PORTION OF 200.000 SHARES Met OF THE SILVER KING OF Nea turk. Jul r. entile paper to office at all times and at the same time secure the ARIZONA MINING COMPANY 35c par cetn the correct connection without AT A SHARE. WIRE INSTRUC- iter salver. Shj delay. TIONS WITHOUT DELAY Mesicwi dutUrs. V TO US OR TO YOUR OWN BROKER ttovarikiueut le ud. steady Maisiuad bonda eaelei C. V. KOONTZ AND COMPANY Cable Address: iPuruisncd by "twTjjaf. catatar of The El Paso Morning Times frees! 24274, 240 3tocto ' First Now First Always 25 Broad Street New York City 'ttaaai s m " T MstSaut ioRNING TIMES. SUNDAY. JULY 30. 1916.

wj ih, Basse sax esweasaawaB mea waa faarw Loohgton to Hold Deming Mayor Stop mine tn waa not reliable i im, ta m tssass f ac A. A. WOBSLEY WILL ma present is ta in smiunt snijfksar asset say let Annual Picnic Soon Sirup by Having eluded end ma saattatlc skerw sxasag omar ate auditor nsxsss sóror Taxpayer- - eo wiisst m mm nena win n We Want Your Account Mexicans thin that th saililaMs. treasary psM oniy Arretted operating ith county taxing aaTlaaaaS SS ha stats ad by auditors warrant "a the aarteaisursl HAYDEN IN ma atase tas insraaltstar,. sitasatd redor aasurn Kddr craxstv baa a 3 OPPOSE nimcMitT aivontiantij' ruin. rista ttoas nam sfejtasi km in twasty-o- or taster eity, known aa I ovingi"" Tnougn We want business of the rfaht sort, but this does not ka tweaty el aoaaa. rssurtng from it tor sway rrom railroad, it trad terri refer to size. All depositors large or small aro renta In Dona An Director James reviews Ms urgent rac tory has great reeourcea that have attracted eountv men county tad reaching a total asvtsg eassadttfwi. mad vrai mnittss ago tn arre.ive equally welcomed here end receive the seme attention RACE FOR CONGRESS eftad hand-Ba- or majas v tte ess of sum orneara and boards Lovington reentlv m tj led electric faada ladependenuly or me states at our hands. Facilities here keep pace with the Th srtseae is seacutjaalal by an fair tima a three dv oi ratio, with núñtv a sasTseseae matr rsts-Uo-n stersteg omeert. that aU runda be kBt racing to ' up ror aaaiysu of he isvtas k ma asa- variety of amusement from horee demands of the times, and we respectfully solicit your r tor aoasewUtis turn ma wants form-tn- g U state treasury and subtest to l held, k barbecue reatare th Water of tima, in raw. jaag noi to abe nw tax laws, only by sedttort warrant. bahn. be a large one be welcome. they had baa aoaupiloa s stroof aigassant for state bodge rse! account, which need not to Arbona's Democratic Primary tw roars. system sad Umiuuoo on taxation atpraa Th Inly Tax Review This jresr the píenle begli August M poittlses for about are ready to i a laraer al o ef trouble ad m (Iter mra urnas of ssttts. The am- reprint of ta amela They entertain Interest Seringa by Wbn M" H undsnoe man s year ago. whan MÓ0 people We Pay 4 Percent on lot busy tad indacad a number of th ele i one or rsrmsnaal importance and val- sais St Makln by William lb quit work, the mayor railed ue u every man who wish to he mor tte National Tax Association BnlHtin. and One Dollar Opens an Account. Srverlal to Mm Mo rata Manual Tabor ana gad upon aettal esaoT with the sum amela by Mr Tim. re Of onghiy aoenrauiy lallnas Phoeelx, Arts,. July t.-T- be murky wst-r-i the arrest th present day levy ooodl ttoas la Set Jame on the theory of public finance, They will b promptly aemuaa tax oT Art son a' i Democratic primary "lée their ttsu. "Why bother with Theory?" and nos war to Micky thiesnesa court squad. IM7 will tet m value of theory In prac- muddled lodarma free, but at the and of M of the proving sound and Savings Bank Ej with ta aitnounczoet. of It la the first comnl ilsssmrm administration. BANKING BY NAIL Amtrican Trust tut vwk weak may weal draw aacb. kind that haa ever bean aaeetnhled tn Haw tical fE A. Worslsr. of Tucaoa. u candida to ap & no miamiptlonjs In the Haydsn. rse Thar forera Mexico, and will be increasingly valuable roa Carl of Phoenix. In ta ror compensan far OHM Waaaa laairiiimaa. Woreleye aa an available basts future Compound to placas. In levy making. It It shown that New Max tea aasiumsltaas would feat secured thunder bolt, and rendered ctosttot Bin tor A5SAYER and CHEMIST cratlo tteket which waa juat aarhallfiif to actual reduction or about ev but Interest Raton's radical increase or 111,000 In It oteo. w. OAiaKnoM. rind itsatf. EXPERT ANALYZES our Woraley la a labor candidate, putbed city tsx requirement. shjxpr at ta ARBQU-S- T tar nw by the onion man or Arltona'e ratnlna Another in the July Review deala SrssiniJvar "Banklni by article ass St raaa. Taaaa. campa However, he la an activa and avow- with th financial tutus of itate institu- tss rreatUM St. "htall," oarrtaa with It no LOS ANGELES AND RETURN $35.00 , ed opponent of Oovernor Oaorra W. P. TAXES tions other man educational which do not obligation ta open aa account SAN DIEGO AND RETURN $35.00 Hunt, candidate ror and the NEW MEXICO receive and disburse runda direct through and all wa aak U an opportunity the man or ANtoaa. which have SAN RETURN $45.00 favorita of ahorma sUU auditor and treasurer but dearly why your aav-In- s FRANCISCO AND Ha haa been heard to advocate a chanre in own disbursing system These Include to explain their arn 4 par oent. atad the avjhernatortal chair, and la the next the insane asylum, reform school, minera should VIA bream to advocate the canea or labor. FOR LEVY OF 1915 hospital, deaf and dumb and blind schools ELLIS BROS. PRINTING CO. why your money will b bo- - in snoounctnr Ma candidacy Woraley de- and me article mows mat not oniy are an lutly sais it aent by mail clared: "The labor party or the átate hare operating on vary close cash balanoas. but thla To may have They PRINTERS Institution. artad me tn make the rae. have mat several have violated sections SIM to oooaalon ta thank us tor thla bean haalatent In their contention that I am or the prohibiting stet officers Stamps Mad Dally." The 510 laws "Ranter sueTSastlon. bettor rittad than any other to repreaent Director Jama of State Taxpay- or institutions to borrow money In excess eon 110 & St. Two today, and aak far our them In that battle. It la ror una rea that ers' Association Make Statistical or .appropriations, or otherwise to use the Oron Writ ! am taking the labor banner and flauntlnr of tha tUte without specific author- New Booklet. or Futura. credit it tn the race Governor Hunt. Outline for ity rrom tha governor. Believe la Labora Cao. It is held mat the accounting systems ot "I believe in the labor man' a caue. I y Times Special Correspondent EL PASO BANK Californian believe In putting a man In Ota chair In the Santa Fa. N. M.. July In the July OPEN ALL NIGHT (Daily at 645 a. m.) itate houae. who represents labor, t do number or the New Mexico Tax Review, is- Prorlptlona filiad aad deliver AND TRUST CO. BEST Dot believe In Hunt and hla altered labor sued today. Director A. E. lames, or ma THIS IS THE TRAIN m-- at any Urn day or night. Mali aland He li no more a labor representa- BUM Txpyr ' association, gives tne HONE AUTO SERVICE A Guaranty Fund Bank COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU WHY tive than U the bead or one or the out state corcDlet statamant of all New Mexico tax Orders Filled Promptly. corporation. While I am a supporter of levies or 115 and furnishes the founda- B. TOM HCTO, Mfr. A. E. RYAN ft CO. Paso, Texas PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPING, DINING labor, and am making this rae aa the rep- tion tor a complete sutlstical and compar - DRUGGIST OBSERVATION CAR. resentative or the working- man of ative record of all classes or ux levies ror AND or Phone 2379 I cannot support , a man whom I do the years to come. A partial review not believe it supporting u. the tais levies was made by Mr. Jama tn CITY TICKET OFFICE 206 N. OREGON ST. "I nava been urged to make tola raoa ror the first Issue or the Tax Renew in labor. I win stand on the labor platform, At mat time, however, all the levies and will work for. the betterment of the had not been finally certified or approved laboring; man. l win endeavor to combat, to my b ability every element, which H oppoaad to my creed. Ana, wnue i am in KEYSTONA. the rae to elect A. A. Worsley. the repre Ttv flat, wee hablo wall paint. I not turn my band sentatlve of labor, shall Ask for color cattL The bis. modern plant of tha Southwaat where most ot the beat printing to th benefit of the campaign Of 0. W. P St, Hunt." Obtain THE TUTTLE PAINT & otase from. Now location W. San Antonio Mr. Worsley refused to state If ha will GLASS COMPANY Phone 27t. Mall ordara eoli citad. actively oppose the candidate for governor Fares 3 Na. SUaUa Phone Summer Vacation put forward by toa organlxed classes of the the Advantages state. However, tt Is tbourht that he win VIA at least take a Daaatve interest in the rae and that be may accomplish some little tn of every facility in the trans- the defeat or th candidate. and Harvard banking busi- CO. Yale cuta Ticket Nearly rilled. action of your R. B. BIAS FUEL FIREPROOF SAM ANTONIO, TEXAS. EUROPEAN "The White Flyers" Th átate tickets now are nearly rilled In ness by having an account 1510 Ear salasourt. Pbone S4. Boat for the Clámete bom th Republican and Democratic ract All Kinds of Poultry Sup p Haa. A Hotel Valley T. P. A. A A. A. A. ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO. SAN DIEGO To data the prohibitionists and the social with the Rio Grande COAJU WOOD AND FEED. PEROT TYRRELL. Uanar. Official Ueadqiirtr LOS ists hare not placad man in the field. It L. limit days. will remain Bank & Trust Company. We manufacture ear own Poultry $10.50 A. to Sea Francisco and return; 90 is d resumed the socialists L. A. to San Diego return; passive in me election, throwing their Account subject to check One way $6.36; $2.50 sad welrbt to Hunt, who la considered li limit days. One way $2.35. Tickets oa sale till Sept. 30. as What ac so- 30 socialistic ranks "a brother." (large or small) are de- the prohibitionists win take has aot During your Saa Shore vacation include tn your Itinerary a tion Diego (Waiting "Panama-Californi- a In- yet bean determined by the leaders of the licited. U effective la trsslUt lightful ocean trip to San party, who are now engaged in the pro- unnatural dleehrg) ternational Expoeltlon") ; thence to San Francisco snd return to a noo- - aoaoaa Bank pal law, pol National Btsamahtpa. alleged bootleggers throughout State Los Angel aboard tha Luxurious Tala or Harvard. secution of SSL wui Established April, 1851. the state. fio Grande Vallcy BigG Bailing weekly I Special at earner train a. Bailing weekly ase or Two Partía. ai.n ww DBCUi Capital. Surplus and Profits $200,000.00 to Saa Francia- - I laavas "Salt Legal M to San Diego The the two majority partus art rsrssl ToU lfd;rd-rr!e- n Jl, or 8 bottlss 12.75. stasis of Savings Accounts. oo Sun.. Tu.. I Rout" depot I p j aV Thursday aad about as follows St th present time. Interest Paid on I 1 Co tjhlB BVANS CMBSUtAX Oí.. CUCirNATl. O. 4 Ttaura. snd Frt ra sailing days. Saturday. Bank Trust MAGOFFIN, Vice-Pr- e, C. R. MOREHEAD. President. JOSEPH S hours to San Diego. It hours to Ban Francisco. i N. BASSETT, t. GEORGE D. FLOR Y, Cashier. EL PASO, TEXAS. a Portland, Seattle. Puget Sound snd Alaskan point L J. GILCHRIST. Asst. Cashier. Thru ticket to For further Information, booklets on any Paclflo coaat trip. rear, Capital $500.000.00. Custom ASSAY Office Boston Correspondents National Shawm ut Bank. vations, etc., writs Surplus and Profits rsauussM PACIFIC NAVIGATION CO. Chemists. Matallurclsts. LOS ANGELES, CAL. $125.000.00. tattras for Or snippers. 410 PACTFIO ELECTRIC BLDG. san CITY TICKET OFFICE I SPRING ST. jtajejaaTaataa rranciaco Bt Sll a ewjraaa Oeart: su Paso, Tasas.

Dr.KVPTCRB,GarlUXOOD,SmitfeMUM. Ttaaaarw: EAT AT inc. BB, lUDNET JkJTD BUkJ. BROS., DEK DISEASES. Tha Ma west aad Bee HEID Seeleural Roonaa SST-S- Dealers in Hay, Grain, Field Seed, Flour, Fuel and DIRECTORY W Oeaw rirsjt National Bank Bids. Club I House Cafe ABC m a. a s s lB T full Amm f in Builders' Supplies. i . ut business ana rroTessiorai w I. Vaataa Jaak BaUaS SC. Texas and Dallas Streets. SotXKJt aupartnundnt: T. A. Tlasasstast C Cridar Phones 35 and 36. Men of El Paso W. B. Illltiel ft táaSTs llir IsERTlPO PUÜUG ICGHITMT3 DELICIOUS ICE CREAMS Hang XHias Up For Resmdy HmtmrxGm Cerfli City Mattooai Bank Bulldinr. SHERBETS and CANDIES Phone atS Phones 347 sad 348 J. MUUf ISFSSL Odom's Transfer Co. We deliver "RIGHT NOW" If BAGGAGE imarsst to m major race. that of th wanted or PROMPTLY say Phone 707 con at Democratic candida tor governor T as" given a. general tima between at. and Unua to hold the boards. Prom s INTERNATIONAL CAFE 11 p. m. aurvev of the SUM taken recently by Im partial politicians or bom tha Democratic American and Chinas Service. aad RSBUDUean P"y. utaey at preaani n Booths for Ladle or ParUsa Phone Us Your Orders - con - leading- in popularity. It Is now toe CLEANERS "SS- cansus or opinion that ir the primary were S. El Paso St., next to The 826.AND80RETURN 2 Olney would win by about Elite Confectionery Co. GALVESTON bald tomorrow IS Bars. 416 E. Overland St. Phone 343 uino SjOoo vosea lo iba suu ovar Hunt. Those On tale Bvery Frtday. Uasitea who make this estimate have also esumst VIA sd mat If th Outer campaign U conducted A as successfully during th next it dsys The Out Fir Fro Drug Store preceedtag; tte election Olney will win by nDllftftlCTC Schaefer's at least s.ooo vote in tne tate WESTERN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. on Idle Special mWUUIUig 216 North Stanton 8tre.t These e tímate are not baaed SSS B. Statassa W Sunshine roa Id. either. In Tucson recently four of tha trainman1 organisations V member war talking at th door or s cigar stand. SUN DRUG CO They were agreed that Olney will win. and nDlinCICTCI each said b Inundad voting lor th new UIAÜUUIO O Cor T aruj gtanton 8ta pa taj Bust Not Phone 781 and 792 Hunt ain't our kind." on of Ibero de- clared, and th other aequlearad. In EHctiontury LLfsiatfÍttaJ alabe sad Oils eouatr. Mtiara tetas. oiny New. Universities clubs have rot the pled of more than a majority vote throufb personal canvas p.Lci Mojsv county, a Hunt COUPON FRITZ'S of tha voters. In Prasante a by of All Kinds atronarbold. vrl Democrats, who know 78 and Drinks Sunt have entered the flrht aralnal him. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 122 w. San Antonio They bare secured many of bis active sup porters to their cansa. St Cochlea county recent attempt to orfsnlt Hunt club bsv met with almost complete failure, aad so phone fe have attended the ma sitar thsl new LUMBER 1535 paeans of attracflnr tapportere are SseaT ffico. sausrht by Hunt s Hunt clubs tn the vartoue mlaia eeaaaa at ais th vesjits or uwonaaaaaa ror tea t'ARX C. UllL. SSt MKSA AVENUE, u uSall .sawa uisststssllsa. ThrottS tasas daba a OaTasa. U waa teas word is passed to Hunt voter a Hual i How saaM atar rt GLASaaa ra to Get ft Presestt or to OPTICIAN tache minsisainiii in ineeae cwtiniy a non fJU BOLL. THE OFTICIAN Of rHtOUtUUSI . eaaasi word waa las sad to vets tor M JfflfflHiB mm Prsaa Car ley ror il rarest tor inspector, Teaas St., three epa How for tss sttomey saaarai tad A a posas like the above Wtth esaaataaSxsstr. rt a sxessfsv S rr-rws- tor irded bi ocats a eev-- sr Are You Preparing? asatlsssss pisslsasetr. Lisisssi r baasracttofta wot s redes ann of l abor bjsadquartara east eat h pésa- ahead aad preparina for the tuns OSTEOPATHS gradual. Offlcaa. Itl Milla sUda. Hunt ttckat wui csawk ate. Ars rea lookia ataba soon, aad that the las, bar, quickly he time when east, Ras. SesT. áw OUed 3980 a tar when cash may he needed - - seoawaTaWNEV. d an. emaei Ars Waakaas k S i8 sirknses. accadsat or old tuje may call for ready Candidas for slate offices r arUvaly Piral... bearai k saal husvu hinds) saiSWl a prassrseen for u p 'caasT wtsaa win be poned in a dsys VSSa--J Now is just the tima te preparo for saca Hiss DI L McChesney Saf itse sta avfasxc carter two FILLSCD with IIMRPPQ m JararaswaS Now it tha time to start an account is. fttr MajaVaVjaaV W8faVta nri to m wm9 OuUMTw dJMsMlt of the ateas 4 Par Cesst iaterest Paid on Savings flhCV sfOsxMIa IsarVaxa Ml dsws Ml listn aa Anutl (or their causa- Sol tsaaa u tu 26 Id K-f WCTilONAraES IN ONE For Information and Advertising Kates In the t -5- ILT D Mo, Sltt IH . tsasay P. Oshara. A TheJirst National Bank cuy AIL If a saatrly every EH Above ABC Directory! Phone 5050 Ni Ask "Ui ej wmw iiiWaul wu EL PASO. TEXAS iiT iILii for the Advertising Department eSa essjíaajs i ssajtai as .' mi 1i n1188 EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY. JULY 30. 1916,

I California Excursion Fares

Los Angeles snd San Diego $40.00 San Francisco $50.00 On Sale Daily Pinal Limit Oct. 31.

Los Angelea and Sen Diego $35.00 Make Early Arrangements for Your Summer Vacation Sen Fmndsco $45.00 READ THE ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CALIFORNIA'S FAMOUS HOTELS. HEALTH. BEACH AND On Sale July 23 to 30 Inclusive. MOUNTAIN RESORTS AND SOLVE "THAT OUTING PROBLEM." LITERATURE AND FULL Final Limit Two Months From Date of Sale. INFORMATION BY WRITING DIRECT OR AT Have Your Tickets Read via the FREE INFORMATION BUREAU at Times Branch 9, 105 Texas Street Golden Premier Train of theStateSouthwest. LimitedThrough Pullman FRK AUTO BUS Equipment to Loa Angeles, Santa Barbara MESTS ALL trains and San Francisco. STOP at CÁm NFW Leave 13 Paso 2:55 p. m. nREPROOFíflTlsi Arrive Los Angeles 2:30 p. m.


NORTMfRN MOTEL CO..rR0c. CkTT. RANK L CAAMPTON. píen. V DCMtDA ONbUMHb CaWECTlOlf IWTÜtLOOWeAY.u. Two Army Kitchens With Cooking MILL ITMIT BCT COOLEST POINTS ON THE COAST 4TM AND ITH The rentar of ahoBaaaa. EL PASO trtaal dbrMeta. any Capacity for Regiment, Are Tried A quiet, hostelry. af- Caa.il sal to an Unaa HEAOQUARTERB luxurious see entsiae lu.au with prtrato ROOM ALL WITH PRIVATE fording tne elegtnce snd t ATM. EUROPEAN PLAN. Ceaveeleat of s nr.nl boms. The I. All yalsts leteraal. RATES Iran Virginia typifies the utmost In Hotal of raaafatt and aarftoa." comfort, serviré snd refinement "Free Ante Bus Meets All Trains." T DIMMICK. Leasee A hotel supreme In all sppolnt Imperial PREE AUTB BUS MEETS ALL Hotel . ments. The cerner or summer 919 South Grand Ave., Los Angeles. TRAINS. Vlill tM drill. aortal activities. Countless di- JIBT .OUR TEXAS FRIENDS AT THE Iimperial, x. I versions including tennis, roir, Tares Work, from aualsess oxr. rrjteoN, iu pn.au Vath. SI M par day and surr. surr snd plunge bslhlns. nao se. ttb en rata bask. as par I motoring, norsebsc two n tl dap aad 5 I riding, ystcblng, IP SOLID COMFORT. I Hotel fishing snd dsnctnr. Seminole Apartment on the Lm a nasi" Cal Conrturted Melrose tt A. Flmt ttreet Arnrrlren plan. Ab IM to IM South Grand Avo.,HotelLos Angeles. The rtnsat ruml.h1 and last locaUsi hlfh olaes solutely fireproof. Summer Rale Now On. Lam AncwlM. Twenty mile ROOMS IK rlil wl bout in WITHOUT week up; V1 aaaaanaasaBBaaaavss to taaaaVsit otiuMe rooms. iM llMtlM fsst. boulevard di- month up. a uept.-s- pain eourl; wall aprouited YOUNG ttt mm Hi. law rect rrom Los An HOTEL FOR MEN APARTMENTS ROOMS WITH BATH K M week up; ail bBUsra awl Pool room. MUM aortsi fir up til mualr Sfirt rsrn psjoai twuTT geles. F.aslly access- (irand Ave. at 17th Street tnoith naoctna. or CAKE fw iMTinunU ara vary lana, seel ible to all points LM ANGBLSS IN CONNECTION. Interest In Southern ad Phone v Home 1097a Hull. ana. an.1 tha last TabU rinse, stlrst evilne ran California. Write for a and ex- - JOSKPH O ROE. Proprleor. anaurpaaaartl. and day phone HOTEL FOR WOMEN luxurious completa boma Is the baat- llaiM Hlshl ilescrlptlvs folder elusiva Young. ABSOLUTELY F1RK DBWWka "stasis rasa. wtUi bath. U N par dap. snd rales. POPULAR PRIOES ta and three roam mol UHiM.nMAf IrlMrmmi Unala apartmanta comprise (ma larta llrtng mam. VVM. P. NR8TT.K. and elegantly furnished suites. Very rea- lana bath and alionan aamiplla for housakaapttis. sonable ratos. Reference required. Mí ta M wall Hopa Straata. Apts. Doubla apartmanU, .arr larta. Waotous aad tUIk Kaniwald rumlahad. S to 111. 1114 LAKE ST. LOS ANGELES Tbaaa prtraa Inrluna yas light, phone aervloa. BaganUy fumlshad In Eidaelrs Westlake DlaUlet baat. laundry and apartment rlsened eeasly. PAUL STRAII APART-MENT- fort Hospitality. fcPaXIAL BUMMER BATBS WILSHIRE VISTA vsaeiy-- - aiLgias. sie.se. Douaua, sis.es. sunuur Blades. uTn up. Daublat. ta op. PVe m Wast nut Can. at ara Uxtes fare rafuadad. CLOSE TO BEACH CARS. AMBITIOUS MEN WANTED SIS 00. VIROIL AVE.. OS ANbSLES. Anatytana WaUrJna. r'aThTtwssTBW HOTEL SHERMAN hi tha United States atudrnta aara Uvatr Itvlti svhlls laarnln. Raadrada of HOTEL VICTORIA lllusualed ratal ay us aad toar ralea TODAT 114 W. 4th, Mr It road way, Los Angeles Cor. Seventh, sad Hope Hta Loa Angetee. NATIONAL SCHOOL OP INSINIIRINS too light, airy modern rooms. Hates, 00 im rooms, unexcelled in itustloa, 107 SOS SI Saatb Fltaecsa SL per day. Spectsl weekly rstes. Opposite cleanliness. 84 wk. up; II day snd HoblnsOQ'z new million oollsr depsrtmeot sp. Msin 70R7. Ft&ii. Tsks soy bus to store. Tike Los Angeles Trsnsrer bus st our expense. 9treet cars direct rrom depot its hotel; fare refunded. NATIONAL W. C. T. U. to hotel. Oarage In connection. Tajara, C. B. SAYRE8 Proprietor. ".MIhw ai.tr "j' 8aM rSrwlWflmVEBmmmmmmmmmiJSmm Morning BtatamsaaaaVls-aaa- - Times aVBWBs1 BtaaTV ssatsaaaaaaKsaaaasBsB U. a DAILY WEATHER Bl l.l.triN. aateTaaafcaPTaBaawV aUs7átfjBaLsasaH aaaaTmaunfBml. HOTEL VENDOME Hotel and Resort Information Bureau DOUBLES CAPACITY KLral rnnriitinna that nrevalled st the various fHw saVjsWti Call at Times Information Bureau for literature or other weather bureau stations throughout the United States st S p. O., seventy-fift- me MMÉ tt- V. W. C. information concerning California Hotels and Resorts. ridlan time, yesaeraay Per tlay mmé us Ptr was .1 o an- - y. Temp. rn-.- Bath 05 Texas Street. Phone 5050. OF HOSPITAL MOVIE Wtnd. FIwmi: Mista M07 aaaaaaaTaTaaaaWnRUH

will preach and relehrate mass for mem president of the club, lived In Marlon, Ind.. Arlada STATIOltTfD STATE or the Twenty- on or Extension Is to Platform hers third the banks the where Hlley was engaged In the sign paint OF WEATHER. or Accommodate) IGE FAMINE canal adjoinlne the aruumls bis regí ing business when a young man, and where to Chorus FEARED ments. s number or his signs still exist of 200 Voices. Clserks to Employe tiuards. Check: !HI continue to arrive in rsmn ror or s A up employes the 8tudehaker snd snout of appreciation want from the Abilene, pt. eldy SW 10 78 6 IN NATIONAL GUARD Axle companies. It Is said by orneers Milwaukee Sheriff several thousand men at the moving picture Amarillo, cloudy 8 .. 70 to 64 .Tt I the Jackson i ouipanlns that severs! firms Victim Pickpocket show In the Twentieth Infantry camp when Atlanta, cloudy SS is 7t at 7t .80 In that city Induced their wen to snllst on of It was learned that the seating cspaelty was Boise, clear ..MM tbr pronuse of continued pay. but that tha to be doubled. Mrs. Ells Hoover Thacber Boston, cloudy SW II 86 76 only company which has kept Its promise Who Takes $240 Roll superintendent of the department for sol Chicago, clear ...... MM CAMPS; SUPPLY CUT is company. of W. C. T Cincinnati, clear army camp tn the Nichiran t.enlral Hallroad dlrrs snd sailors the national Denver, cloudy N W..MM7B Si It the portable kitchens, herewith portrayed the two rnilnian. of coinpaoy 11, re V., telegraphed Chaplain John T. Alton the ttU accompanying; cute, prove successful are adopted by the United Aiirust has While en route to El Paso from Mi- Detroit, clear S .. M and States ceived word from Ills lfe an Invest! money with which to make the lmpro SS to army, American will no longer nave own that lwaukee, Was., to s prisoner into Dululh, clear .SW soldier to cook their meal In srator ror the Kurd company has celled take mem. an tbe the EL PASO, . K B0 BS AS field upon sl custody, who. It Is alleged, Within hour from time clear tt the nor depend the old reliable corned beef and hardtack when Demand her home, snd has promlsod the Kurd com rortad message came the lumber was on the Ualveston, rain . E 16 BO to 78 11 making; rapid marche. From Soldiers Has cheeks amounting to ;u. J. 88 60 .11 pany will care ror her during- the absence Snerirr r gmuiiil and vo volunteers from the Tweo Havre, clear NW .. 64 For the portable camp will while Engiebreek had his pockets picked by .. SO 8 76 ... kitchen work the men walk or Forced Army Companies to or her husband. lieth Infantry snd the Firth and Eighth Jacksonville, clear .. ride. Justt aa engine generate while making; fire, s fellow passenger on the train shortly l ittle Rock, clear ... . . 80 88 74 .08 fire steam a run to a Economise The or sjsTMEMl r the two Michi- Delcl no camp d Share. attention artillery were at work with hammers Los Angeles, clear . 10 74 81 66 will the new kitchens generate a meal while being; gan regiments been called to an before entering the I'nlon station early has ordi- Friday evening. ami taws making the improvements. Nashville, clear E .. 86 tt 7t hauled alona; wtth a body of soldier. When the column stops for luncheon nance, winch prohibits past 84 .14 t'eapii- - toe H driving a This is only one of several grsclous acts New Orleans, clear.. SE i 76 the luncheon will be ready. rait that Paso bcJbqqí Itouse In hi Paso a A stranger boarded the train st 8 an New York. pt. cldy 9W 10 66 769 61 II manufai lal at faster spaed upon the part or tlw national W. will be noticed that the kitchen is in two eectlona. One U the tunnr artiru Ice and lhao eight miles an hour. Antonio and took a sest alongside Omaha, clear ...... to 84 70 kitchen proper IBS! all LUe other cities uf and contentment or the 108 7 where the cooking; take place, and the other la the pmitry Trias tan auily Major tleorge Mexican Phertrf Englebreak He engaged in con- toward the comfort 1'hoenli, clear . 100 ia an la Waldo's hairless u They means ror install- 78 and refrigerator combined. The combined outfit reeerahlea a piece ar- oemr seni in. lee famine ilirrslru An- rn. provided the Rapid City, rain ... .. tt tt u of dog. Atul. has been rorinally adopted by the versation with him between San J tillery, eo. rnnay earn wiupany of Hie Mirhivan ing electric faun in the base hospital, tbe Roswell, cloudy ... w .. 78 81 the kitchen being tbe field piece, while the pantry ia the limber. TMrtj ni-- as lis olfi.-ia- mascot tonio snd El Paso As they were crowd- iroopa was allowed iuo iNiunds. Inateail money been to Col. Alfred Hsa-- I St Louis, clear .... Each field kitchen will cook enough food for 600 men and It will do Major John Hitehl Is a tamiliar rigure ing the Isle or the passenger coach s having sent ..MM ios cunomary sw. Today In tu during of Chsplsln Salt Lake, clear Bl the cooking while the outfit la in motion over rough ground if neceeeary. order (et anion the of Hie Ll Paso few moments before the rouck the absence s sufficient amount, several rarloada were horseback riders train entered They also a great quantity Bui Antonio, pt cldy.SW Bach kitchen entalne four large bollera, veeeele In which four district the city, the stranger reached Into En Alton. rurnlsbed San Francisco, clear.. SW "8 to different tsoslttsd rrom Port Hlley. Tlie extra supply i uf grape and ror the refresh- a u thing may be cooked at the same time. It aleo contains two other bollare A large force of man Is rspldly apportion glebreak's trousers pocket snd relieved juice lemons Santa Fe, pt cldy SW .. 64 74 in ine eastern pan or the sute la taken up ing drinks st the hospital, this benersctlou M .. 78 for tea, or coffee or both. Also two extra, large baking pans for either meat by Ing the. new clolliltig. uhhli has been drswn him on s neatly wrapped mil of bills v stile clear the San Aiitooio, Laredo and - having accomplished through Miss or bread. The limber room a large supply of In- olorr by tan Thirty second. amounting- to HMO He turned around been Washington, clear ... ss contain for foodstuff. Anaa Axton. Wichita, pt cluding ice and all kinds of condimenta. suspecting something unusual snd the pick Yuma, pt oAr SWl ..::ü5 At Despite the prophesied rush ror dis- pocket was gone and his pocket was With the big extension thst has been msde the preaent time the Maasachuaetta artillery at Camp Penning la turned ' equipped charges by Michigan men. one estimate Indiana Society Will Inside out. to tbe platform so ss to accommodate s Hole. Wind velocity of lass than with two of thee interesting kitchen and vuritoro to that camp piscina' miles an amount are Invited Inspect They erare tn tha number between I7i and Search was mads cKi'tie of sou voice and the additional tests hour and af orecibltstluu to them. made Canada and It Is said that for Has Thirty Mrs atone, of tas train. Evi of les than M or an inch ar ae published British regiment Cosoosl Have Vesper Service dently the nesrly S.0OU ,Ma sa now be tested for tha all military organisations are equipped with rhem. Bartow had reoelved but eu applluaUons at thtef had jumped from the in this table. sea train was slowing down Sunday night services. today Cosonal Covins of tlw Twenty in Riley's Memory In lieu of a sermon Chaplain Alton has s third has received leas than that number popular address for Sunday night, bis about som money being ton by a friend Three or Masas- The robbery was reported to tbe El New Mexico Moose to companies of tins the Meinhrrs of the Inelsiis society all theme being "Tbe Power of an Apron In Brownsville, Texas. Silver City Baptist ueeMs re gin tente has lo s sad Paso police. Bbartrr hagiebreak will te been aaalfoed aovara of Jauaes Wnltcooub Hlley. ii in Is an in which will The letter day on They return with John kolb. alias It address be Meet in Convention at slates thai she euelad at tne It detail bordar duty. wiu Hoosler pool, will a vesper Jsrk urn have message young raen rao nave Oregoa bótate on Kl Paso one Pastor to Clovis, N. M. a up the bate memorial mer, fugntvs from Justice. Kolb Is a for street aad at travel quite distance border. service mis et riling at the homes. The congrega time was proprietor of a looming ho awe marching seveu daya. away rrom camp snd rirsi t.tiriauan wanted for allseed forgery or two recently left their Santa Fe, August 31st By church, opposite Carnegie square in nal staging will be conducted by James here. Perry Candle of Brownsvtlto writes Timet Special corresponde L seven daya will be eoaaumed in ronung checks for sit each sad ror wife de- City. . BI., The narmorial servio will be gut al T A. Dick and old time hymns as well ss sum Silver July tt ft Earl Du baca. Now that the Michigan troops have sertion In Man to woe wis. Bfjeclal ta Morn Ine I.aney. o'esuok. and will cunlinue until 7 m when the Billy Rundey hymn he used. tha Tim atoa for Miss 8wart and important Daator of the First u..,n.t all of will BL other received their rqulpmmi It Is eipecled the luilltaiy baud concert Cleveland santa Va. ML. Julv SB. Tbe call ' aigos uioniiia, sosas suca will soon be in Col. Oeorge It. Moore is to be el the piano. tnfunuliou. ntevss asslgainsut recelv by the ProgreMiv caalral tosHBMtoto for a auguai i tor crovis, he bes BBS square starts. The Indians soclsty of LI Miss Zula Robinson will sang the solo of tha The police city Bl where will Sal by am Class of First peaamNsemsf re on au have searched th of casarca m arty. Paso has anangml the serviré in memory Aid evening. "My Tssk." by Ashford. snd Chief enaseaatsaTa la aeaie ror Mum so no Brace ' aepiiBt to More Hying camp UÁUM SI. nubUahed today. Invite "all lade Pate Swartt aad rr Mr. Du Caney be bad bullets otrr of the Hieialer sweat singer, and has In Musician Ooeu will play a cornet solo. "My auat of bar cam f"" rernsrksbl tt IS o'clock Is Creating Interest pany he round. with the His about last mgul. from the Men viled lbs public to alten. Hie service hoaary " by Nvla. The prelude by tbe peudeni voters ragardlass of former krl church. reilgnaUoo was tan side of lbs border a abort Jiaianie The program will begin with an organ siriiiaiiua, who ar aaslruu of improve seepled by Uta oonsregetaoa wlta the ' Twentieth Infantry bead Is "sTslBSlf of Mas island ruaay or the Among Women o 1,1 m now Le rraetott reluctance, bat fine Ctovtt asnal caused prelude played by Miss Ural La Palmer on El Paso Prayer," by HUTATaeL in olio, s Vira.... k. tines ansa SSMt aETieera to teat a quarters Army Chaplains to fatal offer kveer gniaftolMlis for their the pipe organ, and coiiaisllug or on tbe The completo order of exercise tat Ueve in au quJbbes dletrtonatta af taa work L tauten SBI Charles Barton uf the intlnn of tne project SBst toeo tad sarrtts wtth it a usaverlal tdvaac in banks Wabash," the Indiana state that probably Is creating more ORDER OP WORSHIP. burden of uutaUoo to feet an to Trinity ary, reSuraed Uals ue.nnns rrata a lea song, sod other Indians and botae song. lanares than anything alas thst Is under n, aaiu. hallan na she nsaTns sBanlfl be Preach at salary, the eall wes by the loci .nogales way Pi elude "Evening Prayer" otorgyman. Hi ss lays' trip to Tucson and Lieuicu W. M. case, ursaulaal uf Lbs society, wui at present Is Miss Annette Cow las' tepreseatod by aa Of BSBIstltoa unfettored bar hat yti to get beck to camp Twentieth infantry betva. Methodist Church lint preside snd wilt Utliodurs the speakara. A lass in first aid to the injured, held every by nailgsnstsl to Stay apeetai snaeraai sw ahelea of alley will be given by einny ana mursosy st tl Praia OaS, from wheal all bIsiiIbbs now, asBBut rusa rrns ttesm asa self suits of las storm watch struck U lógales a person of isaTaTeanry. flit OBITUARY Walker reminiscence HUB aU ora nth activity af oorrupt aad unfit bo as ss lato j, p. D. D.. or tha vaaao Thursday nigra, la which u uf ilea port be given by Uuwsrd Prals aturas her below, otitis. .i wiu br who to aas aiBBajngntiii a ctotal eraaw. will sssspy Trial Lv camp flooded sad one man tost lus son. Mary Platos Man above ye baavealy has. seek 8sa8tt la ass tllisbeih will .e. it teal own naa am Batata i uv. ar. a taavaa let. Hilars rsua.ua Utile - sr. W. 8. Mr oa la subject, says says Invocation a kBSnai sato to awtos aavowt tkatr iinini- cbapltto Jestopa flit i wis neeupy the The futtoral aarvtoas ef calvnr, Maay orneara sad sasa Ml camp bad Mrs. hotsert U Holhday will stag, "There hues cowles ease old. who w killed at KLautoo tisst she is greatly pleased the enttta Hyvaa Oas tloa w higa orrioa ae vtoai f their pelnR 88 to eeaa tsrrtoa, rears and pleoaaM to ature Ihisalsresi la civilian l.nue HIM Don't Cry" Mrs J I- Pearcs with OtartoBd streets whan was run stosea they shew, past The oeli esto res, that a masto tfce : at down Chens and aasaal the bull fight si Juasea will play bar accouipanlraent a vaspei and the numbers that career." 8atl rat laormag tarno by wttt be held antosva. aevnaly five SaaeM IS to be BSBIRStS1 "lf MtJ Basrtal "An Totoya SB sutttantol. rroet the Sea gay WVrd was pasead slung tha Hue pray r i nl tie said by has ArUsur c already have earoUed kcrtpaura sepárale Wry ParU raalatoi to we ror Use course will Comet suau "The Hoaary" atatsto.M o "One BweeOy Scaoma Cuitar at wumlng. tt t yisesissj taat sura action nil be on Herns of the Sl Paul thai coattaue uattl riasintl Twtftnr.. thtt aftoraona. The laaansssat Wens, aseas, Use uto first of Bin Ilea, bj. I tab I ettoak wui to say taa cud ea s result aitb pipe organ ouligsto saaamaaa HI Be to ftaaottSM ftottttry Tbe ast It The Indiana society bad planned to have Tato week MU Cowiee AwmÜB a BaJUrn. to iBtfg Sat BlnS teak a BsahiBU. My Tea-k- Small Fortune a ef t. naaaBbta tJM owing tSS seeseea nf See. Mean esV MS upswung sansvaat uf the fall a Hlley east It reportad by soma ef too erke Boto' etal tan sl tor Us sesnis ártica, of el i Unarm s hpiaou. sl Batrak iiism un i sane s.!. .,. Mia asna iiBlnamv Girl Sought in City tjtawtot TXjr tt bytag la to W tfceatsla vviaUaa Alknaaoa af Use rturty saasabsa uf tea Indiana poet Itseat "If Yeur wui oes ear ase nsaw coa Bul autos u aVeaU W ne tana ens "The Power of aa Apron a a atssbra first She dAy evening St T.SO lo Br B. Basto, is years eelltar a sermon in the raurrb w'ctock enSnS to have the memorial rBtohato learn aataa A teteu fortuna tato a eld. died tl service lueteed day tognt SB apt tut mars are e a Prteaad We Havef Ml ing viol arana wn seat, gtl Meas stoaatoy sftsraeaa Mato Cawtss wU t toaaara. Beau Hjrea. cían atol TA body I at Uto Metas ua, bass Swstee, J. asaatii rs etsspat. , atas SsNMneSS nf SkS Tbsrty rust tots oa kaes aeaMMnTBMI ajkt roils, henee, by toe petloa Tbe pettos U rssyete.b.W ra. - sxMMy Leesre st T ' sttt TV SUL7 ttttrS. tos- There asea will be a sjuia. IblsuUj nasa to tied bar aad ber p at General Sports Automobiles



Reds' New Pilot Gets Even Break Rowland's Gang Make Clean in Doable Header With Sweep of Athletic Double Pacemaker. Bill; Cleveland Wins.

Bp Aaaalsll Proa. Ivaalbxa. tea- UVra MM nil fu liilhlMll MasastetW CMk MIims ad a Cat spa as tea le fcH fMd MUr Mi taw the M. eraek eves wtui Mw IN- - wasT oahx tmsBMMtr Nil AIM! a. pa a. a. BR.K1KI.IN TComae. if. a i t Kill tb.hpo.Lt. Wetea. lb I I í a J ! arman, k.1 1 1 I i i I J If 4 1 Ortímk..Vis tí fl 'mill. rf I l lrkaet. .... Kaa. lb 1 t laa a t la ta... i it i innw, n.t t i tTnrds. lb. I II 1 Matt. f 1 a 1 a tresis: ... .4 I Ml. if. .4 a.... t I I tl Maaa. a I n.4 i i IBewr. i IIo i ros. ro a Tarry. a. ss....t ar...... 4 114 W.hwvi ..i :oi, P.... I t t i paita. lit flit " IttaHa. P4 ratea.... is 1 ir il : : : Tessa.,, I 14 i i1 nuk it it n it rTTTTT hi! 3 1 a a M I IT II i

Appleton la ashta. .TesalS - J5 i I a a a a i jta. jen I t I - 1 Vrffa",aa- ssonrrp t 4 lUNtj, aaasCaPssspw aw yJa, X " oaxte Hto tmmui. imm thv dm aie BBHafl'j iaf!ñaa3&a'SLP Éfl sss-lVi'- ". rñn.APULfmi Z-- itaJ laWtnaajtaalt!"- -" aaB6íiJA. aaiafV .Basssw11"-- ! . X V I Witt. SS.- -1 t I ( faSaaSLtfl gSjssWPPsfcsaaw fcfcgBB5tsieeBto r. .1 t lb j ÍmmmWJ WtífflBñStMtzSStto. - . aMaaa taoktoa. If 4 I 0 Kim Ik titIt Kin,. of it tlanb, SSCQND QAM rvk. lb I 3 tl oapp. iterr CINCINNATI BROOKLYN tb h po tb h. do. a. a. t t a al of. 0 tbawiT Ml Jobation, I I CATCHER CONWAY. Bn,LY HEAD. p a 1 S Deabart, lb. 4 CATCHER MCSKOPF. t s III I Seventh Infantry. Captain and Swond Baaeman of Fridmana. Seventh Infantry. Total. .13 j 14 is Toula IT II JS&SkA 'Batted for Buen Stsxgst. It t, ninth. Htlhn. lb... Mil Conway, on th left, and Muakopf, at the rlaTht. are the reliable backstops of the Seventh Infantry club. Manager Lieutenant Bertram It particularly fortunate aa to catchers ! Í SÍ1 r 1 t- 4 M In that besides Conway and Muakopf hs has Galtaa-he- to fall beck on. Any one of the three are strong- enoUffh to hold their own with any of the other receivers of the leajrue. Besides being ES2aua "i .1 - HV.bwr. . I 1 t Wlnto, o. ...1 t 1 a utility ball player, Muakopf Is a bear with the boxing glove anal an athlete. Captain Billy Head, shown In the center. Is the leader of the Feldmana and. Ilk the greater num- eaaa Motel, p. ToUde. IT 11 1 ber of players on his team, la of the great Twentieth Infantry Army league team of last season. Billy drove Mulkey horn wltth ths first run of last Sunday's clash when they held the Every- ; t m STb;. TuV i t0? SI aZSI-if"- body outfit to a shutout. Sergeant Claude Graham pitched a t. n game. Head, in the same inning, figured in a double steal when Catcher McCracken stole home and the cap- S5V tain went to second. Head scored when Hunter dropped Buchanan's fly and made the total three runs tor his boys In the last inning. By sana. I: by Butk, J: bTci- - mmiata... 1 14 BtathTV etlVtUABB It: WASHINGTON a -- . awiaad opontd Ha series wttk WtthlnrtonSIS: br Irnln I l . . . aisS'ttwESSrT - . . . i - VETERANS FIGHT SHY SANTA RITA READY Wrkwtnoerhl Mu w.U itMnrl JuiZJSá cüériajjfS ffiatlararTCtaHit Off toast,ibalnOr,l.si washi.votom i. ah. h. pa a. e. King Horse Comes Back to Chicago a a Marsmn. lb. I 1 at4 4 10 I; .at.. I t t I PHIlAPtLPMIA OF THE OLD ASH CAN FOR HURLEY TEAM ... a 1 ó By HY SCHNEIDER. among those in on the privilege and exposition had there been no racing. 5. ' 4 9 IAoottt. ... a aad PUleófclpñle "soniae. .. aa ÍF THE game of horse racing Is such Dhere were also one or two of the That was a weak objection. Gener- n., 1 I iK00""- t CHICAGO PWtUaPCTHIA desirable adjunct to the, prosperi- old Juare gang there, operating un- al ly, people of that city favored ras asto. ... 1 h. po. a. I t m.'.t f. J a. no. a. a as. a Math e-- son Should Make Succc ty of a city like Chicago that the der their smothering cloak of per- ing and the San Diego Union's spe- Smith' Men Mean to Stop Vis- raaaart. of . I I IDuraont. 5 lb. T t 1 a asso- centage. The sooner of US v nSL Ktoooff. ib i as Manager Because He I leading business men form an the names cial writer Juat finishes telling hi itors on Their Appearance To Shank, af".I it aak. lb. ...4 a 0 ciation for the successful revival of that outfit are erased from things readers that probably more than a ...1 otao.il 1 0 Otad, 4 1 a ( JSV. tb.1 II I ff t Sensible. racing, the sooner the sport will b quarter of a million dollars was day; Nose Victories Order. TbtaJ .... 1 14 V 1 Whltton. lf . 4 1 t the sport, the handcuffers of the II I I on footing. in ataran. - SoSaa. aa. 1 Uatanaj. lb I if I public morals of the common peo- a sound brought there through tha race meeti- . . oatnt Kentucky drove out, ng: By JACK OOBDOrt. ple of these United States are on them Jhst In recently closed. Special to tbs Morning Timet. Msr.. "::::::::5 - the wrong lack with their armful of the nick of time, to save ths great- Everywhere, the business man of Baatar. Pottar. New York, July Js. With Cartsty Beato Rito. V M , July . With a T7. !!!!!!- ttZ decency est breeding state In the union. Mary- racing strong Mr5fr"" tl'lMSSZ.ll alleged common axes to' former cities are for 1; off T 14 Ortralh ...1 Msthewsoa reUrrd perauaenUy from aleo saw defeat tomorrow locals mess- S OtfUt. J: off bamJtTl TMala...ll t - grind. My, but Wouldn't this world land the light Juat In time. the revival of the running- game. If far the uwueiua, a tn r Inaaaaa: off ..Ü it. tae sttriua- tsaS, with Cltartle Deets Virginia too Mon- ?''... Dtsaoni. J to Totahv t H I be a fit running mate for a country waited long, aa did there is to be wagering, they gener- ing s Us fer the leadership with Hur- ?". r Baato. 1 L relegaied to the miaora. Nap Lao4e tana, Washington, " Banad for AJaaanoW toaaweth. village graveyard if those of the Idaho, California, ally favor the machine method: but. ley. Manager Tommy Smith's paatiseers barely asie to thuin la the only Florida, Arkansas and Louisiana. The If it must be book or no racing-h- ave IN G SCAT fWiitt-bi- 1 titas tribe oculd have MVtlJPOST ITU NT. i' aiurliy with manor In latter two, hoWsver, war book heve been slaving at practice tola week Boaja tun Paaaort. Baa taaddwa etub the whole say ? the first ths bridled as they are two u ll Itatai off to atage ."aa kttt at sana. tori., .ta at Haodrt. 1: aft Alaxaadar. I; s major league, and with Big Real Ed But, worm the comeback aad, while tn New Orleans and have a man of as they never slaved before. Net oaly am muí of uvea, tsktas tha a the in turning turning the bookmaker 1 a party to bus- na Wales fiirkrrlng OS the screen, it le than ever before, and some-- the the Joseph Murphy stamp at the w asalt a resets sseaa ths loss of ths 4 ; OaarJaaw. J. iness of racing, as conducted In ft bodrlt. 1 : br Alaundef bj sear that the baseball year of 1IM Is slipping in It those head of all. Perhaps never in tha irtwYW-y-hr- r tha slims and State al present, tie is controlled by htotos-- of racing was there a winter- lead, bat It would atos mesa tare I UI be ataraed chiefly lay tas trail of ort of racinav Cortad ríTTT n. pa. a. a a. .conn nils - orriciais ana a governing body more noted cleanli- steal ant detests for ths rata tow anttar. of 4 to. mind cap that time met for l ' atenea who, g rapte m the twillgbt, the master of Industry and has bean showins: jAvatta. or tne gnet city are successful in him ness and consistency han ths last lb i stumbled on age and fell by the ital west's lar at all time just where he. t at and session at the Crescent City. rrtat JItí of greater Intellectual caliber and tnat he la a one cheering fact about the two defest oSi'kí;í Ms more capable of doing things really but small potato; a sort People along the border Interested I I fililí I of Incidental Just var- u the peat two weeks It that on each occa flatiis. tb.t lid í .' But there consolttlon for the while the same as In the J ares track from the point t ; worth than those of the 2x4 nish on an ax of partic- TfumTWr while It u probable' that Bis Six gold leaf who do good handle no of breeder and owners have bean Hon Hurley won out by t lone margin of rSS?W, 4 1 mmllUadaraa. lb. J reformers little ular use, Just Wkittn. : .!e.-p:- 1 ai.t t will not again, he Is cer- but there because ha lead to believe will be : 1 J.ijtsaW- - twirl pracUetlly by misrepresentations, that machines one run, retting the break and playing Caldwell. i t J ! 1 Í their masked Is there. "lb....l 1 tain to mike a good manager for the Cin- used here If conditions In Mexico Kñaaár. o . I tjaana. c.... under a sour, but generally puritanic good Mo Totah....a s 17 IT VOmám. p.. 8a n Diego Sport. bill. team can expect to get ths llDaawaa. i . cinnati Reds. He has everything that goes meln. , for make it possible for a meeting to be ToUla. " Dles-o'- s .!! " í There are a few of San a to make a good manager; experience a held this fall and wintar. For the brisks til ths time snd .Santa Rita fan rew Yaak' 1 : ... Chicago was without racing for people were t i'I ?s'píp. a quick mind, and the ability to command a business who opposed to benefit of the gang that laid price I mm. ..a tí I long, long time. Boxing and other tne na only and player alike figure It snout time K..UT the reaped and Admiration of hit men. juana meeting because here last fall it might be said that gate. 00 laUlt-- I tidawU. : I pastimes the borne guards sgsln got snare of lTmn; "il Aad be Is getting year, is had come to be more or they thought the- crowds that went their abseno from the ring will be their rt 14 11 tooo which out-- B, CalriJill. - r...... n t les of a frost through bridling by to the races would have gone to a pleasing luck. Stnwk f la- Dtnpart'"' Sottas tm PTr.d In MU enough to buy a lot of ham and eggs, but foggy the feature. a 1 isn't too much for managing a legislator, and the people with ball club red blood, a wait, sim- Porter and Pate are both In grand condl In s town where the open season for man- aftsr lengthy SSSSr haa'ftaatar. Maaaft Faatajl. Tbjaa ply howled for thor- Hon Are Weeks and Goodman, and I! agers never closet. the return of the k- 4 1 1 oughbred. , , good pitching eta stop the Hurley slug viAUttin, I 1 I It it poeUc justice, the Irony of fate or S.lJ I - pp iV...,'J rW.Mllltr. rf .I!" whatever you wlsn to call It Clncln- - Racing- for Racing Only. Bausman tort. Cap tain Robertson believes tbst the Staler, 4 that or Sorenson Work for lb... Now, do Rot get me wrong by tlrtrtnr. if.. 4 I Prau. Ik.. .4 tl. of all teams, should get the old mas tak mill town have to be content Uiimui O I 1 to : Paaaaraa outfit will tk t alMarttnt. U oft an. njv tar. ing It for granted that I wlah to Boon.. Sb. .4 ef.j TT. I: br Brow.f 1; Jb It wat Cincinnati that tat him adrift with few hit sad s shrinkage or baiting t Bixueu years ago. not considering him convey the Impression that the peo- waitan, S Johnton.' SS.! aiaiaa. A ple wanted book making-- fo come Hurley in Santa Rita Contest averages tomorrow In tbs gsme scheduled p.. I 1 f worth s trial. Now Cincinnati, in order back Mise. MAVIS ALL THI WAV. to Chi with 1 won both to get him give up tome of its most val- the runner. Far be It here. Bobxi Boaton from such. Of Tate.. .14 I pt"íoa íoaar. tha tint 4 W t. asi uable players, and then agrees to pay him all the thousands who - in- Atnta Rita tutting order bs been It 141 saw Dodge win Special to the Morning- Times. lAsh,...TT IT 4 Ttaa. raa: 13.000 a year in real American money in the renewal of the shifted wltb Orlssom tinting in the cleanup " tout GAMX-- American Derby at UURDET. N. M., July Bam atd for faa.1 Is Btotk war timas. Hawthorne on the t. Bausman or Harold Sorenson will heave snd BItnchXteid firm. Ybarrondo is bat' "swaaq for Jofmtnn tn ilrt ;i at 4 opening day of the meeting lust end Rita, aw. Tax a s - - Hurlsy at Santa tomorrow If present plana are not changed. lint second snd Atkint seventh. I a. .a a Walsh wrracaiNG away ed under the promotorlal aruldlna- 111 Porter, Pate or Week are likely to While unssom It not st long s hitter MÜto. ' AS STAR BEMHOI DEALS. hand of the Illinois Jookey club. hurl for Santa Rita with Goodman a Doaküpíá N Toik! I BaST, possibility. Wllfley as Blaochrield. be bat been tucking them teawU-- , off ai. .4 not at all surprising to probably less than five In 100 made Jim will, In all likelihood, play second baas In placa of btamport. J fUv.1 Lñtt. It would be hear In toe and won no than Pttenport. 1. 4 1 ctoj. lb 4 I IT on outcome pinches bat let " jaff Stniok avA By m t E J Ed bets tne of the carded Milan, as with Glbba on by T BW.,. tilt04 at Walsh had followed the tame back deck, the outfield la well fortified with Slebel, four garnet ror Hants Hit by timely twstt SattaU. t: P.. aai.lt. aroaoa. J ; 1 events. The thousand went to af..f f course 1 Matty and signad up at manager out Clark and Glbba performing In up game Tí1 4 1 j see the ponies run, thereby there. Wllflev fielded rrtat atvta ih two Hs also putting t blgb class adw .. t of torn big league club. Walsh, like placing Boataa ' : !!?!? . .4 l T s he performed at first bate, Improving with each contest. .wftartd a ET-- P Matty, hsa tried bard for the past two their stamp of approval on the ef- at the keystone sack while he has hit better than any bouoft II: forts of .sou an oubU "i" s eoT5 - years to come back. The heart was willing, the association to bring the er on either team and for this reason should be In the game Blanclifleld It batting above and la sad f to J. aaai I e sport back to Chicago for keepa. odd thing I that while a right handed t t the brain was there, and the cour- Providing Pate pitches. Sorenson íípa;::: J : a age wasn't absent either, but somehow tuvery or the 10,000 who batter, practically all bis Mows go to right . the went to Che will likely If Weeks tb old toup bone wat mostly marrow. Hit track that day was a liv- hurl, but Porter, rield. And ror a dead right field hitter to If.. I Vttt. 4 1 ing CORDOVA-ANDERSO- s 1 tai.I I Sbaa...á4 1 14 II fsst onea would Jump, his curve testimonial of the popularity In N or Goodman heave, Bushman will swat above .auo It quite a boost ror his t 1 wouldn't Ik... I t 11 t par ta atraaat. and the present-da- which the thoroughbred la h.M in ability with tbs willow, since opposing Oaiatir. Ib .S tot.iaa In atatk. break wleldert of the city. , likely grace the mound. Pate la a CS for willow were to allow that players laying he is expected a.. t Vaaeh. .. .1 not Inclined tentl tre atiere OarSAw, at. 1 lit ! ment to aland in the wty of their belling Other Craters Boost. southpaw and Bausman a to hit, making hi task twice harder than il I a a Is, only I t I averages. Chlcsgo on of the larger batter, hence the aversion of the lo- ir be were free hitter who clubbed to léanla, a. .1 Ma BaaoVw. Itaaaa cities of the country working; FIGHT LABOR DAY Cas...... ! ííÍ5bp; Walsh has made two slant this year, for a cal management to uss Sam, should ten rield tnd center tt ortta ss to right. Throe at, e. .1 i return of the sport. California pso-pl- both with ditattrout results. He Is leagaer dish up ths of- Tommy Smith e short it Juat shout wettwr, capitalists, breeders business ths Western IT in having at bu boa Charles Com and got a tney "! i ! ! S Toads... u 11 u rj-a- St men want the ponies to come back fering for Santa Rita. Bcranaon osar perfection make thsaa. tl. Itkey, for the Roman will see to it that Jscksonvllle, long hi eye on the ball again Sunday and teems to exert every ounce of strength re SS.,:.! old Cab tamer shall not fall upon Fla.. suffering from Promoter Forster Signs Battlers .1 t the lack of a stirring hit them hard and often. Bausman throwing to first bate from toon, but .1 t t aCOMP OAM evil days. pastime, la City t t also on the waiting list with good for Silver Attraction; I a sweet hitter snd If "Sorry" keep when he hat to do to hs can put Just " up good work Rita is sure enough more on 11 to Yssa. ..r a t Tj FLYING hustlers back of the move. Monta- Plan Special Train. the Santa DLTLHMA.N two llvest to have nine regular hitters to ovsr-oo- if he to go behind third base tnd STILL ON IOS. na's cities Butte and Ana- reel bat tlltaiad far Orsxs'a rana. conda are pulling every game. Milam played a make s long it .4 But All I not wire for a coma-bac- Special to the ThaMS. H aarkclolh and ashes for The Morales brilliant game at second base In Sil- a le handed who out ItttttS--t it I state fair at Helena, havi- btttor waits that Tes'ka'ai the cM timers. There the decrepit, ng- M , 2 -P- 31 rK." proved aa UTuiiua.lt fled BJJver City. N. July roesetor ver City on the Fourth, but has had tie it kh Ideal leadoff rasa. 4 a taotaa. biilUed boned, ssugmaalc, asthmatic octo fllwor fisrtBa 7 am. c ta.i 11 without the help of otto has Bessy uvreeva his troublss since, while his hitting bs Is around MX. A Das thief batrolt.' genarian. Hoant Wagner, of Pittsburgh, the running rsrsttr by Wllfley. aittiiit t hone, la up In just ha not been all desired he the edge on sil tbs other players I woo I aeartng hi twenue... year in base the air to tad Sud As sarasa lar a leag tight here ha I In I what to do to save the Treasure He hits both right and hi this circuit by a big 1ST Sin He I not OM la Ml ball, aad wbuee ruoersl byma Is sung state Leber Bay. The have eg u off Tata at 1 is pumpkin show since racing: was boxers reed pitching hard, while Milam, a v..,miriruJiy knows when Ant! to IS: ? . year. The Hying Dutchman get ev lea rt. but hs oátl .t lalated out welsh to st 1st senas st 1 o'clock la batter. Is best against right- go and starts tbs minute s pitcher (tarts Total. 4 t M It ery thing coming hi wty, manage to stoal ITp Hence belief Wll- until late last nlgrht there was the sftorass the day st the sees. A handers. the that 10 deliver the ball to IBs bailer sosrroK when the stealing Is good, sed he ta bat talk of fley at second may add considerable as. gfl many an extension of b Chicago purse of be ttag trssd the mark. There's guaranteed H.tSt to sprllt strength to the olub on the offensive Porter, Rl Paso college pbeoons, Pats, BMP. rf I 1 VMS, a aa who expects to as to ""a ' "o nawiaorg but It la tJoodnuvn, b S tailI I Bask tea. hs bops 7 sad K Is Slsdssd by rernter. as well aa defensive. lato of tbs Western league: also tt a tee, of Dutch campaigner intra will Be no such Rue ra. Buea í the stmt lbs old foolish move. The IllinoU Por prelimlnsrtot. Portier proposes to Hurley csn again tis Santa Rita for s collegian, snd Weeks gives Santa k'ea). 111I i I Cata I at She top of the Hat when October rolla quanu r. Ill.1 a 1 club officials have t... get lbs best men of the southwest. Trad tbs toad by winning Sunday. Twice Boasljtrtlt pitching stair both In a. i airease, s. view. stated that they I into win stand for no Anderson, to have the I. ..ala tied the mine town ty aad bsst of til in quality Psto no 7: I 1 W-- W additional brother Bud. snd Jkok Lopes rM at . -- dates. attar Is of leegue, m aaaaaea. a. 1 !; aT a . A - ' o will go us tn a Big dub, but never have they been In the ths toutowtnder the till t 'i ill:1 3aT Moran, whose by " stepping tn and smoke isaaa. p.. I Frank recent defeat running another meet beerlnni.- U son lead thla season. If they continue to but hs bat just about a good control a Twi resY Ullloii tuu aorely WIU seek to - Jack Johnson and Fred Is hats alto si ast is nettled bun. morrow The owner signed. play the class of ball exhibited the say totthsjtasr to capuvuy Totals SS 11 S 1 y rejhillti Masse if ta the good graces of ths of Hawthorn, bees first announced that hs Would not last two game It la certain the third Portor or Weeks win probably start ror pugilistic fan colony. bit match with Anderson is working tn tbs mint at sent prove Hur- She plant to be used for a tags time will a charm and see lbs local losaorrow, sltbougb cart Morn ti ivits. usia on Labor CratJt period Rita, but hat bean to Irs taint tor ley tnat d HEW than the regular ached in front for a chana of usen if TOSS day. Ths bout will be s fifteen round session. many weeks past. Cordova Is to wall known second fiddle being tarsia bosun un I aa ala playing and forced be great gun week at Hurley aa. a P. A fair, and Mora has trained diligently The in tas nttte fsat of the ttktowl that be fight uphill each went iat feeler" meeting has done Us uo Mis to Hurley rana, largely member of 1 Utile thing he forgot wltb fatal reaulta In bit. has proved beyond needs introduction. last right took ha been getting soma high Tese. 4 e ss 11 e. a 1 I the amallest pipefitter' gang, have offered a to boaut t ! f i Bout with DUKm. toma na margin ofdonbt that pisca tl Alhutjusrtjus early this Ml mi net grade pitching while the players have of rbeeae. from pltlu lceoan. warn when hs scored s technical knockout over to tbs pieytrs ir 1 ' a o,b and It la al been hitting well and If the defen- ra but lie I rated likely that at LV rtoyd. sive work come up to expectations two tautat. hxthl : : the next likely f M i Ha la m Ths Pselfie coast rtgblsr says be to will find Hurley a week from traatwrow. II Is ts Santa Rita tha going much purse will be rsued here bg S. 1111 ' way with the Ida. '," good right now s bs aver was. sad thai harder from now on than It has been t limilar 10 fall like use. to MM result of the psatch ""r- If bs succeed In putttng Cordovs sway be at time thla season. loyal ton ror lb aucsis If they win tb ins ''ntmpjaaaan I the people dependa largely at to whether he la la s i. a store). will go after the scalps of the boat light with ths last several gasa as next two suelen for Santo Rita fallutg or (alilog mood on la soto to is I toe Murleylte outdo ar Jasa, s rasa. eas r aa a Labor day never will Illinois see toaja ky one run the fans of both are not racing Uiatn in sayuuag If they esn kasp euaeo. wins Oooamahere as a side Una Mr. foriter propose to arrange a spa ire oa edge and a large crowd a Wtr8 s gtSSM Tuitle Baseball Team 3 attnuatosj. rial train frota SI Psse end other towai tasted for Sunday. Probably Ths iBwsupt for tomorrow JgT -3 'i i The ubsetlag just ended has been I SHver Ctjjr aa tas Sag f the sersp. the largest gathering of Hurley fans towi H j-. I! .- BSKvl HI i no to ever Plays at Park Today ...I s s sceptlun the rule of all that has Invaded Santa Rita for Hurley seise!, tí. Uarka, of; Sllllgir, 11 em gasss Manager Metis to Tatta i if ta meetings of recent date where the a will visit tasa Sunday If good tbi WUfaty, tb or p; utbhs. rfj Rysxt. of Tutae tnmZl ooosnaaaer was eoun tone " If weather prevails. Hurler fan will Italy, lb, Saustnan. aoTMiaoa. pj tsSoasrar Special atoo be out p s w shop savs Wtj jiSA na was the old. eld story of 4 per oent Correspoudeul In large numbers a week ta. MUaiu. uulity ta t a st uver sow at use players who Arts July to. Bid os fsratttaa from Sunday for tha fourth cup sain park as t Mats taorning Ths Patotorx' atoe uu sanie up Cooper, ware of Iron clad nerve sptrru- - art 10 the MM 01 Tucson. All employes will get off at t o'clock renews. cadthsr. Kagt. ton Tva MVtVs. aad ' is, rf MM aiaj ana tae psnsd by the eris luanas r so n that day and with tha band out. BSfeSfaaw aead. Psetor. scaysa bass; Dwser. tira !wtBSaMán faraiua Srtsaow, .1 a--saaj, tjjlJjMM J2ib iSCaW July ID- - Ths city hs recently tooptsd s a gala uovaaton Is assured Mauls Ri bat Ortstny; & turn : - taw uuurhty 3Kl-- rut requiring uuU All water toMui) Btutt ta am also send dowa a bsjj 1st, rsSA, Pttt, ids!, bae utoun. stole ftolt. k. fevifTTl is.. I ill.a a t of Ututsvtlle. tin. ft tfi SCMf M fJSaai I ajstaaar. nK - tiiiaiiL 4 I ciuaati. New York and Caaaags Uoa. sBAa. 7 f till(I i I I la U I wta EL PA9Q MORNING TIMES, SUNDAY, JULY , 1916, 'Fighting Ninth' Wants Chance GAME WARDENS HAVE tocnerviuje: trolley ONE EYE LOOSES A the To Crack Clubs T 9. VOX Meet Baseball TROUBLES ON COAST When I get little Mt etiew , (Bf PR VATIC H. to. HDLDIK.) PARTHIAN ARROW I d like te be dene with hard kneeka. Mnunt1 Orderlle. Ninth Ml rhu tt Infantry And I think I'll apply for m fob to itat i on oouata for anything, tha basaban team of Um 'TlerhUit. Tha wsii known esrtnnn sr T. Tv rum regiment of MuMrhuwtit ma destined to make a nam for J Besrner Marra Buerr- - For I want to hire out aa Bklppsr IIJII of The arrival of th on eyed man at old have to be paid fo', whether yo' take It or the In baaeball olrclaa around El Psao Enrollad on th roatar of tha s (Who dodajea life's atreea end Ita th bodiea Whan Doing Level sssb Oreenlaw-- IIMJ tSSnon en levee asi," And he looked hrtently at the owe strain) team ara torn pleysre that ara wall known throughout college and TW th Of th Trolley, the Toonervllle Trollsy. Boat to Servas. State. in Arkanaas City just at the tira when th eyed mas as tr to make sur that this last Th Trolley Meet ranka In Naw England That thaaa playara ara ahla to Ilea up te mmds of sil who wars share war rued on tutement aa thoroughly understnod. that all the Train. tbatr raputationa haa alraady bJn avtncad In tha paat two waka by tha htm wss opportune, though renernly AS for that gentleman, he to y remained tn It rune (whan Ita t game which tha taam haa won slnsi team from othar regiment. In th aewaelatad Press. With th solitary exception of th appear in re entirely Indifferent to minor humor's for running BOB Prendera, Jaly -- The Mot TTtroeaTh a country that's sweetly at thraa ama tha taam haa played atnc It reel org anlaatlon. It haa It (.enterals dove of peace, all tha regular rreejueniers matter even Baa sett's deadly insult Through pad aaay In an e iasalaala ese kls a M eerreet of the saloon ware there Mr. Owen Pep shook his composure wta aa If hav a country that loaf with Ita coat off mm horn an wlnnar aarh contaat. Tha playara hava all ahown it And gone from It vest noaa ta idea srhtek they Uiak la srereleat per. who rreepiented it Irregularly, wss bag determined ror rateens of his own to three buttons ability to hit tha "Amanean appla" on tha at all tlmaa and fact ruidlng. Aad I went to hire out aa tha skipper . combinad with good bos work haa mada th victoria coma aaay and by meavg a glen sad beat se t there siso. put himself in t position in which hit per sons! safety wta no longer to be taken Into Who. whether it hlnea or It rains. d acora , waresas arks stake Use raawaat aee Th addition of th on eyed man to the ercount no other appealed to Run th Trolley, the Toonervllle Trolley, All r tha i lay ant tha many rant 10 tha lanrU) or Mm. Ha waa M lac WO aserta as aavs ere aatoeverteg te little Circle made It a practical certainty consideration art tm ilesas him Th Trolley that Meet alt tha Train. ta rariman t, ara pulling strongly ror toa for poaitlon on tha All Southern" root take skew ef the atalas rtty reate la that tuning events would ansa without aa league or ball two yaar was any great delay. And Why he hsd done It no one but htmealf formation of inter legtroenul taan for yaari. Laai ha . Th aee ataaply are performing under th rlrcum Unhurried, Uiat tha taam b to aoma aort of a selected aa of tha Stances It could hardly be questioned that understood, and the mystery wss never unflurrled. unworrted. admitted sthieur dirartor Woreee their darty Iks f work which By league thay can stack up against rat- - Mr Trad aehool and did ta the dove of peace had shown remarkable thereafter cleared up, but IBS general be- Chrono completely unvext. where wondart durtnf they are alf waa Mr competition. Tba rana th raft- - tha yaar th Mama or to da la eetaservla acumen absenting as abe bad, lief that be had been ma so Inratusted If I should ml a train I would murmurt bailara laat with athletic that to la herseir. by or man i la rapraaamad by a taam which can initltuUon. wild Ufa ef the state. brore Oh lye s arrival the pursuit gambling aa a profession "Perhaps I'll connect with tha next"' any According agents. that he had staked hit lire la the venture ror If I then m laser! th next no matter) (tend tha arid taat again! of la in tha uulflald lha Mam hat thraa hard to the eommlsston. their For a single moment there was no re- on, a meat- - who are the pur lore or'exclMment without the I shouldn't go blow out my term pro train around El Paao and hitting and rait Maiding playara who would distributed throughout the atM, sponse to One Bye's question, propounded brains BSg or can Da secure their or hope of any adequate winning to be made If th Trollay, th Trolley. aotna Iba Mama not oe an aasat to nearly any irem ontaine oi positions only by reason ss he st th door. In rsct s reply Toonervllle m any to having the entered la say event Should fall to soma of ln quickly loll tba mint requisite qualifications Th seemed luparfluoua. meet th traína. camp cotton. corara left garden He la everc deputy not only knows almost Bom inkling of Ibis came to Jim Blaladell lather another parts wants tn as a) BirSBSf Boston English high whaee he everything there la to about wild is they anybody In these be noted the Impassive demeanor of the In th and. whan I mat up iter, lrn mo with Charon. HW TENANT MUIOM T played both baseball and rootball. He waa Jlfe. but la one whoa manner, ambitions. see BMT" u sesea, ana lor uuu single msn be hated with no test Intensity than did Waiting there by the Stygian bank. rnent the audacity or the question the and TEAM COM H captain of th football team for two years mi utal aleruMca and general scop of sublime others, being blmaeir of s somewhet I'd remark to htm: "Oarsman Immortal. Tha management and coaching of tha Mam He Phillips Andovar academy u such as to Impress the board stunned them all. alminar disposition M wss Irresistibly Tou impresa me your later entered waa, to give oan't with swank! haa been plaoad In tha bandf of Lieutenant and waa captain of the football team which examinara who represent the civil Slight ss tba delay It sufficed to express his admiration of On Tou treat me aa Skipper to Skipper tne one man an to step i. WUllam Maboney. adjutant or tba aacona Wasted Andover for the first time In many servic. eyed opportunity Eye's dauntless bearing. My corpse la no common so l eaning his remains! battalion, aad Lieutenant Joaaph w. O'Con- year. He then entered Harvard and play- Erary eandldaM for the poaitlon of game up to the bsr. snd he did "Yo" all sbo" la kin' to the devil," be said, Tor I ran th Trollay, Toonervllle Trollay, he offhandedly. "Let's no th nor, commander of tba Mounted orderlies ed In the outfield there. He baa been one warden la oxamined and bis characteristics elbow an It, said, knowing blghec compliment to offer. And Tha Trolley that Met all tha Trainsl" Botts tbeaa omcera have bad extensive or tha beat hitters ror the Mara thua far noted. Mas sppaaraaca. hit knowledge, hit liquor." AS be said It he leered offensive- the other's solitary optic gleamed with ap- daaJing aport and tha Mam la build, bow hla ly SS If to show his comprehension of the preciation or his roe's tribute. with aural? and in the last game gathered four hita for mind work, whether siert, Don Marquis In tha Sun Dial, Naw Tork Bun lucky in baring them to handle Ita affaira. five In to the platter. He quick and sure, alow and aura, or lacking hollow mockery of bis words. "I reckon If us sa' you was to travel an' base four tripa or 1 lanténant Mahoney waa fortnorly a atar It a mounted in decision, an are noted and count toward Never berore In the history mat aaioon act In together." he said, thoughtfully, orderly to the football and baeabaJl player, being on of "Lefty" Loulae Callahan, another Wor an appointment. had the two magic words tailed be "they wouldn't nobody be liable fo' to get r y or away wttn a the attr atblatei of caster boy in 0 company, la playing center Of rourae. there la a necessary fund of prelude to s ceremonial observance neimva kii. i nsin't never bad to a or. no during hla schoolboy career Ha alto field. Callaban played with the South high knowledge or outdoor lire. He muat under what at lesat pretended he toctsi aide pardner. bain' 'S I never knowed being had old man railed nobody aro' no game baa ranuiy ronnectieoa ttt baaeball, Mam of Wi n ester and later with Worcester stsnd horses, pack animals and tba habita csslon Nerer before the what played kynd of s brother-in-la- he a to Patay Donovan, formerly academy. He then 'entered semi pro cir- or wild anímala. proffer refreahrnenU when heard wuth r'nald'rln'! But sf yo' sil 'd keer Western League aa American league outfielder and man cles, playing with several or th In abort, th game warden must be thor them. And nerer before had tne otneri about tekin' a flyer dunno but what I'd agar now fittest But of the Boston Red Soi and man Mama In central Massachusetts oughly fit In every way for tbe poaitlon failed tn sMp forward at the inriutlon. take i rnsnat." gar of the Buffalo team of the Interna E company, right he holds, and behind hla sunburned race thla time no. "I reckon th' ain't nótala' yo' sil would- "Mush" Collins. the man tlonal league, which Mam be piloted to the r who muat lie a brain that Is thoroughly de There is hardly a doubt that old n't take." replied BlsisdsU, "p'vldUY 'twain t ficui. la another player ha been any of MMNCMCIBJ. ebamplonehip laat aeaaon. baseball rrom the inside. Collin Is veloped and trained to meet all tha emerg oreenlaw thirsted sa greedily as did nailed down." LgASUS STABS It I leutenam O'Connor waa alao cloaaly con or tha vengeance on the miscreant The implied Omaha 1 S 0 S a I I It It 1 . . v: Irt W. Pet a native or Plttsrield, Meat., and played on encias his business others for words Indifference, and be Dsanr .. I o a ft o o S IS 1 nacted baaeball rootball dur- raamy ror tne nu to t I with both and the high school team there. Hla ehow-in- m m m who had intruded thus strove make his tone correspond to Batlirtel Mars. Nnrtk and klartBall: Manen- and m ing hla at Holy Croia I on successful career to step Into LIDV IM.IR PROFITS merous outrages be had committed the them, but there wss no one present so HOW fSSm. gar him tha chance fular re- THBT Plat tooat. collage and later while Uklng graduate BY III ME S MISTAKE. premises on previous occasions, ah Ignorant or tbe method of draw poker sa Manual ram Patdawa is. Wala. company and after playing semi pro ball a?twur. work at Harvard. Ha waa rrack foot- old man had an declared M rail to .tee he wss Inter- St JoMPh. Ma. Flrn Itni. Purlt ra he waa signed up by Savannah of the Ludy Langer, national champion long membered that the that least Infanurketelto ball player, being one or the beat enda hirrfkeir. snd his sincerity waa not to be ested in the tentative proposal. And they aoranth g tesiraaa. Southern league. Hla baseball playing wat distance swimmer of Loa Angeles, profiting win rrote Ska who erer wore Holy Croan unirorm. questioned, indeed he had proved it only perceived a new peril In presence the lot cut abort by the call to tha border but bit by the misuke mad by Duke Kahana-mok- the of a h. b. NATIONAL LCASUI STAM0IBSS. While not a star at baaeball. ha knowa the few minutos berore by financing a inp most dangerous person lb the Mississippi Stout CIT e a a s W i. iMi ar L. Pet hard hitting In tha games thua fsr haa arranged his plana so s to permit e i a o a o s a Brooklyn game rrom atari to rinlth and gained waa about to take for Valley. Mot one in re- at jétate ... .t t ...61 tt .Set Chtea u .art shown the reason he picked up by pro- of plenty of time to which Joe Baasett Just the room failed to Bailarlas Gspar and Utlnsstoni 1. William and Pltkaburah or thii knw ledge while be waa ill become sccllmated purpose finding tbe one eyed 57t ar .ass fessional baaeball. before competing In eastern aquatic events the sole of member that Blalsdell's wonderful skill Barrí an .ooa St. uom. st tat manager of tba moat famoua baaeball Mam away him. When the ''Ck. 4S set) Several candidates have been given try in which he la enMred. man and doing with with cards wss st least on or tbe main ClneuuiU at its ever at Holy Cross In lain. old man put up money ror anything be factors or Arkansas City prosperity, and stducn vrsTEsntv outs behind the bat but not until Tommy I anger wltl compete In the open water Topete, Boa ton Bt SB. Naw 1.1 SIMM, On thla Mam were Tom 8 tankard, who more of the man L'la TM l.a Quirk. L company, waa giren a trial last quarter mile championship which la sched- wanted It especially success of old Mátetela In'nsU I t. Br'kljn I ( Ckt'as PtiU nhU later went to Pittsburg; Andy Coakley, who of is complex, Greenlaw s t te 1 I Sunday, was backstop Job taken care or uled in New York on S, The mind man. however, business. a. B WHSRS THBT PLAT TODAT. played with toe Athletics. Olanta, Cuba and the August and timed Greenlaw wst satisfactorily. Quirk Is the "goods" Denind his the srd in the esse or old man it They had always counted, not without ríkisiDa. . .s the Pete No. .nun, who went to M. Ptul arrival at Atlantic seaboard to allow 1 S 1 0 1 11II WHXBX THET íítTTOktnssow Red; fine- alao agile. On tbe Instant his desire leaped reison, on Blalsdell's good faith toward Topaka t ssssisss8 J He stops everything, throws at a Bt LouU of the American association and later to St. the bat. laaat week in which to become accus the Etitwtte Be aad Bran i Doria and Altai. st Bnataa. PlUa burgh st Saw Tork. ly, uaes his head well and shows Indira-uon- tomed to rrom on consummation to another, and them. Too shrewd a man to run counter to mcmnau at arocsvn. cotraao a Louis Nationals, Jack Flynn. first baseman climatic and waMr conditions. was I. being a heavy comes moral grandeur of his rugged nature bia own mteresu by double crossing bis Uaaels t: WlaMts ror Pittsburgh, inter in the International of atlcker. Quirk kshanamoku In his recent eastern Invasion WlrMU, Whan P Con- never more conclusively shown than It was associates, he had always played so1 Ba., into t AMtSIOAM LSAflUB BTAMOIBSS. now and manager from Natlck. Masa., th home of Tom literally tupped from tba. car Into th fair Maw up toda WloblU loll Us ate w. league and by prompttude with which be acted In far aa they were concerned, re could la or the Springfield iMasa.) team of the nolly, th American league umpire; Eddie water, with unsataractory results. th but tbe 53 10 ixaroii u al .isr emergency, and by the charac-U- be no his the Uneote 1 I ss as WMaanassa Mahan. the noted Harvard athlete and the A the present doubt, despite words, that SSSSSSSS-S-o a e J .tr ts Eastern league; Prank Nekeon, a New week after the New York event Linear sprang a a s j. j .53 at. Lonla as aa .uitra Yale of bit utterance when Bessett prospect of an alliance with the only man wuiia Johnaoo. Prte, M alaran and tt York state player; Jtmmle Funis, a minor Reitly brothers who have helped to will compete in the national Raturlas Hills sal 51 It 51 PhUa peda ..IS SS manslaughter in his mind. who wss his peer at the poker was Ttmth. Jit league player and now an umpire In the Tame on the athletic field. Bealdea playing in St Louis. He will return to the forward with table Kuua TawraauiAT. on high school Mam. Quirk caught ror to hands uplifted. alluring to blm. And their own poker Cbtteeo I S. Ftlll'ptUs Dwurolt 10 T. Boalon Eastern taagu; Tom Skelly, later In I he hit coast in time participate In th mil same rmis i lor asa 10, Waak'u Maples or one of the rastest piscine one hand on the bar at tne sense was too highly developed tor them HAMILTON RACE ENTRIES Connecticut league; and Jimmy Spring, who the stlrk, championship at ocean Park. In tbe ro If T'k semi-pr- 1. time that be grabbed his bungstarter to fall to perceive It, later pitched for L'ntveratty of Pennsyl- Mams In Maaaachuaetta anger haa been training assiduously for TlXleledl. 106. WHKBJI TMkT PLAT TODAT. ror box acme othar, be ros In the air with surprising Ones more Mr. Owen Pepper murmured to wi. arra air mrlonrs: Phlkaettptua st Chlraso. Bo vania. This team won out or n games There were plenty of candidates weeks, aad expects to be in perfect irr?- 107; Nsw and sftor tracing beautirul psrs-bol- himself, "Oh, I And be ii t torn., Thomdifr. sir James, Tork si L Louis Waak'tan st CWraUsd. and bad nine to All honora reported for the team but from these physical conditnn. He said to have re agility, don't know." 811k, TOMOajtOW. shutouts their credit. is chunky landed with s 107; Bed Mart. 110; Corn three of the Mama which defeated them. Harley Holden. a mountad orderly, and signed his business position In order to with his frame chuckled Inwardly with malicious glee. 9lr Arthur. ijsii rut Derost, heavy directly between Baa ecu and the "I reckon no call the 11; Paral. 110; Johnnie Austin. Ita Harvard. TufM and Fordham, were laMr "Bud" Fisher. H company, have survived cevote ma enure time to conditioning him thud , th' ain't fo' to d'lsy waving tne muí-- i twp whlMwaahed. LMuMnant O'Connor ha the discard. Both pitchers have plenty or ssir. object of hla onslaught, p'ceedln's no mo", now the drinks Is paid Perond Race Steeplechase about auch feahlon sa 111- 137: J WSSTtSB LSASUS STAB0IBSS. rootball Holy Croas ror and should hold up their end or tne É starter aloft meanwhile in fo'," said the old man, and be picked up bit ...... IrrllaanMe RlltlbOO. 06 w. w. been coaching at "ttuff" a or tha be Top, u Petl past years eama with th beat or them. Holden an LOOK FOR NEW to lesve no doubt In th minds bungstarter again and came around to the Oalety, 1S7; Lady Butterfly, 137i Cotton Ornaba .... 5 14 Pairar tt tba three CHAMPION to ns ... .SI 40 Wlcbite where he holders that be wss fully prepared front or tbe bar less suddenly than he had ISO; ohuio, co unooln U These two orflcers have bad strenous other plajear from WorceiMr, IN RIVER MARATHON. - Jack Winston, iw; ". " Dm Motna U Txsteke It csae necessity. Ana wnen no atigui- corns 4t time weeding out the large number of can- played on th south high Mam and also A new champion annual in of before, but with s quick step and 147; Hals. 147. 10- IS 4 St. Jaaeak....is for th three faolng toward Baasett. tn eye. i didates who reported ror trial on tha with several amateur and professions! mile Willamette river marathón swimming ed be stood conatderable fire hit futen nere Plve furlongs: Little Wonder. or Merrlftolds "If they is a massacre to ne oía m uio Quick as be wss, however, he was too TfXAS LSABUB STABPIHS. Mam; but the Mam which they nava select He wss a member the race is expected to be proclaimed .. . .nr. tot : w árenla. 101: OraU i ha aain nsrsmnioruv. io to make use of weapon the nM.ruaa 110; ed to represent the regiment certainly snows of WoreaaMr, togtbr with Donnelly and August ts, the date set for the test. This late bis in losi Bella C. CTatrry Blle. won Worcea-ta- r to be me on to irgiu way he had evidently to do wben tud, I; their ability to pick live playera. Callahan, when thla taam tba race, which ts one of the Portland blue gwin intended May Beck, 110-- Lltue spiaer, 11 play-a- got to least p'eeedln'l. All be a) a county ehamptonabtp. Holden alao ribbon events, waa won laat yaar by Nor orr Utey's be star tsd. Mr. Baaaett had beat htm to It '11 an' tn order, as a rage Fourth Race One mile: Ssads of Pleasure. TOMMY BOLE CHOSEN at BaMa college. He attained torn fame man Roae, at present one of the swim things be did decent With roar of that seemed to shake Fay, HO; star says. S long s i m ruaum W; Prohibition. N; Fountain Water TO LEAD BOYS ON FIELD. ts a track athlete and was a member of mars competing the or tba Oood Booh lb room that gentleman hsd sprung for- under colors the on Lady, llSt Soueeler. 1U. TIXAS LCASUI acoeis. Tommy Boles, a mounted orderly, haa the laat Olympic Mni at Stockholm. Olympic club of San Francisco. Ross won the place. ward, reaching out ror tbe eyed man InMrcol-legiat- a men osus to miles: been chosen as captain or the team. Bolea Sweden. He bald the New England the title while a member of the Multnomahh " "Oordin" to law, u ss If grapple him In s deadly embrace. Fifth Race One and Dslus astawi n" into a public house the a,.,., list- IOS: Ooldy, Is well qualified to lead the Mam In lte record ror two year and Amateur Athletic la expected drinks And Winter bo Horn snd Pears all bad both iro.ini Roomaedre. club, but not to serv "em, an' thla Hrbard,'l07i Hsy o" Light, BaW; 'raíate 'mi playing. Captain Bole started bis baaeball ttlll holds In Maine intercollegiate record. io uerend nis title. u'plelor's 'bleaged fo' produced firearhnit. Mr. WUitorboltom tak- me; Oboius, I07i sd aa a or Boston Latin high and ver'a a nubile hour n" I'm the p'pletor. ing an old fashioned derringer from hit career member the Lstln Flaher played with Roxbury Hun" Douglaa, who placed third lr an ltd. Boles Phillip haa alao played They'll be fo' bite coroln" fo' tbe round, vest pocket and Mr. Peersall retching s Otyle, ST; school Mam. then entered liter with Colby collage. He 1018. already is In training for tbe race money Sixth Race flu furlongs: Miss semi-pr- In lettlu' that much academy and here as shortstop, on reet amatuer and Mama around James Burke, who finished second to Ross th' ain't no aenae heavy revolver from somewhere In bis rear. Batlna, 101 vitoy. 10; Paymaster, toa; BSatetrksWaBnaaa Principles la got to be maintain Mr. looked on as If well at he made auch an Impression that he was his home town. ineligible, having been appointed swim git sway. Pepper pleased c...k tna- Pont reset. 104: Recluse, 10. aa or tha rorm in the h ir tha roof eaves tn." the prospect, Mr. Blaladell Bev'. tOSi rhoaen captain team hla final The Mam ha shown its best mlng instructor in the Portland public but withdrew Enver 107; Martin Cass, Privet Sbn-js- which aespiva wo himself year. Bolea flnlahed hla educational career last two raines, defeating the Eighth Mast scnoois, mus rorreitlng his amateur stand rmrins this uttorsnce. slightly and assumed sa sir of Petal, till Dignity, 114. at college and waa a regular week w and on of the occsslon wss delivered abstraction. They had often seen him look Battateijtsptir' aai SadtbV Williams arhueetu Mara laat lo I lr.g. exclterosnt to Seventh Race One snd miles: shortstop ror that Mam ror three years. the Thirty Second caimiv end deliberately. Bassett was fit thus when considering whether to eali, Sunday smothering Pels, 101; Ask Ma. 104: Cadena. 04; Stlrup, At Wis Besrai Baseball runs in bis family, ror bis broth- an to a score. The be tied. He fairly frothed at the mouth to raise or lay down Waon Michigan Mam under is . Crtsty. liOi All 8 ml tea. 117. er, Billy. Is the noted Harvard baaeball and well in both tbeae Silver Service for great wss hla rury. naa it not uwuu Mr. Bassett hsd only a few feat to go. sad ins. Oslratun 11 11 "Ninth pitchers worked have Bsturue Bin. rasa and Eak aad Me rootball player. Bolea' work at short thua tha heavy slugging drove sev- bungstarter he would undoubtedly he moved with remarkable agility, consider- ramea and tbe one eyed far haa shown that he haa lost non of hi eral opposing pitchers to the stables. The Battleship Arizona continued hla advance toward ing lb sis of blm, but whan he arrived coast aoosss. hla heady on been a at Prison Sentence and liaoue former skill and directing or Mam ineeu the Fifth Massachusetts Mam man. But be would hv lsa tba spot where tbe man waa At Panissdr-gt- at Mail Soat: B. B. ror y Special wss hsd he been a playa has resulted favorably tba team tba Camp Cotton diamond tfils afternoon. Times correspondent fishier than h standing the one eyed man wss elsewhere. Given San rmatuu In respected th old man Fine of $250 ' several instances. Phoenix. Art., July Tbe new sliver leas wary, snd he Some eight feel sway was another spot, BstarMrélsrn ' 'aaul Br'i akaV Saras' 'and Ptaic ' At base the Mam nx for the armed. tit third bat another service battleship Arlions, which is urns roused and thus from which be could much more con Spanish Bootlegger Sassid taase eaars: tremely valuable player Thla man It Jim to be presented whan the dreadnought gees seemed practically certain that hla da centently leap through window was San FrascteM XXIt t S It t that PorUand 11 my Loughlln or A company Loughlln Is THIRD PENNSYLVANIA into commission in September, will be plac- for the extinction or tbe one eyed msn partly open, he could I 6 sire case, than from bis station a r , a ,,. rorresnonclent. Baiterka Batat asd Sayalvtla; Sotnoroo as player who haa been through the mill rrom CAMP NOTES ed on exhibition at Bltbee shortly. The ser would vary ehortly be gratified tn any by the bar, snd by utilizing this ss s Stafford, Arts.. July W Picking bis way Loa high school to professional baseball. He vice will be exhibited at Douglaa, Tucson and though ha girded heavily at th old ate uon he absented himself In two At Intala Suae: game blmself rr,.,n Ihr CoOtrtl It OT IflS Ur 101X11 lUOUU Sail Lake BBSI t 1 broke into the with the Boston Eng- ana pnoentx, berore tu being sent a divagating, b restrained Jumps, seemingly - a a man or unconcerned by the fact - - - .riih a honciM train or burros. Teo Loa sneak t t lish High Mam and his great playing here By jtoBBt babbib, Ofem Brooklyn. than run the very apparent nek that tha window sash wss incidentally spoil Bsttertea Planar . HalL Deesa sad Hannah. rather took Amarara, a Span tara, waa arreetau BorateuA caused the Western league to sign him up. to SI Pass. with the bungstarter. It ad. It waa perfectly apparent be doro Saaadrt. asd Stake. cm nasi le tba aJ.leJ disuse being brained that had charged with violating tha proniDluon At Bs rranrteeo Score: S He continued his star work In this league, cast of Iks mm. whss aranosa asas atas was a deal to bring Mr. Bassett to a pauae changed hla mind aa to or BBTí TTss sad great th sdblssbtllty had ITS pinta of th Vaneo I I attracting the attention or the big league aj u Um luMisbls cut. torul.btns l.rothat and a rw potete Bsaaru on quarrel, but this amendment. Ajnarsg Oaklssd S I sot' ts nawtod f han. when he entered s changad hla mind sa to the advisability or ,.,.., mrmAm e,t when raptured. t scouts and waa rinally drafted by tha New lEntUm. iWtU. aid M would not tura m los m te sisal, list bar up against s great wtuakev reuse tnouai It Um oank't reply Ho didn't aa tune be was certainly will often change nis wind as th chance or at at IMissnn. aad Bate. York Before he had a TeTase tit It s tin leesl u ates; Uus ss Ha bad been aelllng It Miami. Amona, Balltria Utoasnlaa Whalia! Oianu chance to ear aiway aaaaaii tsy. obstacle. Therefore ha paused, furious the gam varies. to Piiuisti aaa Barwosd. prairie land to U sa ' Wains aw,, um W 60 a pint. He was aentencea eigni make good In the big circle he was stricken s u at I Wrui alsaeataS Mr. or i tad siM. but t Um as soulfa. al tesarían tea wuSmJr Pepper being unwilling to mje any Imprisonment snd given tine or with aa attack or appendleltla and thla sn 01 .ad tarar tnm amala observing this, temov-e- months t AMBBI0AM ASSOCIATION SOOStS. Doaoaaa. of is Tasks ! leant Tha on eyed man. the detalla roiiowed tne three men who w , Ksuasa Mtantepslta, a his rrom game oarksr, OS be Al cit Clt, it; caused retirement the for tut oti iku hla band rrom tbe pocket whore ruabed violently outside, leaving Blaladell At Totetto, many for th s sws slana o MSI nauta S OOMPABY. Calf tea islstekas, I; I. months, since then ha haa Uoue a ur In knife, drawing s Al Irullajiapolto IndlanapnUa. taearrUte. 1 imi MM ' srssur MB Barry BUlohatl. a ...... ii. arrisa s and. and old man Oreenlaw alone La lb room t: little playing roots w U Prliau susnaoll alapped At HUnaulM stlloaukM I T, St, Paul. but bit work raspan ad leakr iddsí rteltSateBIa, wana h orsaBtea an aUUaUe olub. small wad from another pocket, that It wu ta if the old man's heart wss too regimental íuoKfórs Added mm srslrt and Son of Silver City with the Mam both In tba field tistsku da m va w raaanaia, u prasrtaalns. on the bar aa evioenee ui m " heavy for him to join to tbe Ha and at shows b ted sue, not g Bar I assimream Cossn. noted far T'all la down pursuit SOVTNSBB ABBOOIATlOa S0OSCS. bat that la sttu a classy rltl. Uk ar""V,, sail to drinks. Temerarious aa looker! Blaladell the grsvesl appre ball plajear. uiu. Bui uul latest f"" te Uw and teas:" "i an mu aksst arrasa' Is ska uon pay for tba al with Marshal Gains Fame At Naafcrul. NaahrUla. ft ksukk, 1 aaay I" Ha u a s Boms in th very Jaws . MskO. in UUe ItrisltS dlraaisr al he waa in venturing thus benslon. Al BtraasghsM Birateatiaa J a Th Mam baa two good playera at second pesassk aad asa ....rt. mnnmrnm. wt ssa at muai rasura. neglectful c.r At ChatUnouca -- u ras? May te assnsn um tiav. at of death, he wss by no meant I" all ain't gwtne to listan to no slrh Swimmer baae, Dutch" Manan or A company, u tsd tos ron or mtsM llunlat. whs ksa to real- as Amateur (Bauond MM Mils ss flrtk; rate I. and rlou kuas asd IsnaU revorabla sad he seamed preposition sa that, be you', Jim?" be said a "Shorty" FIMglbbont of l company chare, ts it ill tsi s Mahan dumlnu In is am, asd sos karái pavéate. an appeal to tbe old man's aequisl Hla voice spoke, TWO (.ataaai skswe U ise that broke ts be and the words By Timas Special Correepondent. played the riret couple or games but utarad Is ta s, Ussnsasi Cetwwal Wk, UkaabU Msadlas, ska Salsa st the mo flu SI wss Ms on best bet sounded like a plteoua entreaty, but Mr. m.. SB. gibbons ha been showing more speed IsMly nonti. a Uaetttemd uuulaa fotte uadaa Us tod. mm mm is tiveneaa aiiwaw rat it Julv Jack Kllburn. I Xswrt eat aiansa toon. Mass ment. Blaladell waa unmoved. City boy, be and at present haa the call for the I I BS ttsead ibh 17 years old. a former Silver position S 181111 Carl Bwfc. It stsMknai este Baa bad rushed toward him he I reckon I'll travel Ska rives fo' s spell," woo Manan neing as MBlsln asd rg tsd Cantáis kattaa fa war a Wben tell ing a eon or Wt H. Kllburn wane vim rarrtra utility infield MUur Ositial CI I. aaatklsa tasa las or with no r. Mahan fuiaasa la ase had stood expectant the shock said. "If One Bye gate away." serving years sajo as city maranai waa started baaeball with the Lincoln Sus M akssa avoid It. but if big Mam topearen ce of any desir to ahm and ruled u rainlna fama at Los and then enMrad Will lame college CeBPABV. wta to be , be QOBPAMV aaea when he" said that tbe fracas .... an an amateur awtmiltsr. Th BOV where played his regular position He t aeawe te ranea be waa. pre Sjri7i Infantry Team semi-pr- Tut Dsotai tos u UM ateas f th water utnaeontUae art poitponed he remained where is regarded as tba corning Pacific coast baseball alter Itavtne col is tesa, este Jut HarCa h islas M Bia might lege i tar aarsaanmi us pared, aa It aeemed, tor anything that 12-1- champion. Recently he woo s and ror some time waa manager of tbe An uñaste, iss l. aw. Oasajkaew aava Casa an atea os tes Beats 1 tseuika Is Itate bar nsIB Me tai wholly indlffsrent aa to what Sixteenth, of RockUnd taam In the Maine suit Mague "Would ru lM tr ta far tartae M happen, and wtmmlng race In tbe remarkable time sr. iteUad. Usa máa oosw and be. For tbe moment al laaat the aaa aateuu tarea seconda He Uret Fiixgibbons played with Boston English IB asm f it might and Four brviasT wu U twain dm M oalMd aitMMt Matea, alul truce, snd had Baaiaekai s Ml Mule ta asy M Emma s. KUburn, In high and then v. a a of vat STMS asS ategas, old man had established Cesas with Ms mother. Mrs. number the Mas asd brauan. Uiüs. SatltB. BtsaiaaL Jaaaw. can. position sa tbe of elxtfc the aeehuaett Baadfng company, aaam csuet. Lake, aaeteas, CuUsa asd Biiaktaaa. art tha alao aaublltbed hla own toast the lalaetry defeat Loe Angel. which Tas ara aU Guard Mea. a And Baaaett teesptay I teaaa Saateeelfc I won Mm state amateur csatmplooahk) a nllaea aad raui master of catemonle. sine af the u.a poaitlon no one elaa Wedaeeday by Use ecere ef U to of years sao. Bines then ha haa tfaaiaas'siMpasd b. did not dtsputo that rtr It e iiiaali I to so. II. Heavy kitllag era the erder rough Regents of State playing semi pro ball with h!i Stonanó COBPAM io the room cared do l tesina ska ""Ota at BWBafU Lots' nstai. aad seamed inevitable at, bat tbe neldere dM aeed week esa ksa BUs asUaa Ian tor aeesi seaat. i""as Neiertbetoas th fracas I Mr. Owen Pepper lb aaakeakltt playtai 14, Normal School Will weak asas, ks'S ais a te Miara. Oh. don't know." aldertuv B OOMPABY. BanttSjlat atsUM tea atad to "I reckon they be aa adlk aa wtm te murmured blmself. cavanaugh. Malaaay sad Lenta ware tha Cawrtet stwav kalss Ira ka asá atea asd ka astoi test tes aste- - Building Bids Ntd awcu Utfaia ll'a to' ate old man Is don aura, geresrtag Seek kte ts m M sssnswa. Tasa waa aomepin" did toons tuning aaeh three has saMllMSUkstsS Teaaa ur. Sergeant Ralph DeoaeUy Iw PrlMis B WUsssm wsktes aaed atek a mb e lected to' tbem drinks." bits. First a mn Jackson, of the autb, af Um BSMSaM war. asttasaa as a tena aw ana. asd IS MUUS te wttk aTUa te kte aSBasta. coocluaioo waa possible in coo a, Hlg- - By Tinta Special Coireepoodent to praeent bolder of toe first baa job a um rtnussaaa uwskte. IMuimii.i kultes. aaa NO other aocaeetad with thre two baser while i.laa. u. Iu, toe company aaver City. ft. M . July SBWith tbe ac i anower aa tne asa arttea Mas kara m stoeraatoa of tha stu tucks of ung. ration toa Latin got one sssa. n,ti,t, .it.i.t,, tu us Strsasst cepunre of ptaaa for a new science build ta ate cernes from Wot heater te HMte, M ka la sat toward lb on eyed man. It was nouns, The ttneupa We do am toil till aar sfato ardars from Mskts." as testa Me ttt i la Tkse ésSaaasS a wteatem person tng, by the board of regenu of tbe Nev dry to violation where as a member of the laeekal high baaaasli Ulula, ka tes um at teteeatej tsd however, that Baaaett wss the only Biilh Infantry Mulaney. cantar Rig territories asís tates a aaasal ras ras on nld, Mexico BUM normal school, bids will be vsasoau niiMU Mama Be wad SB ven preeenl who refused to drink with th third baa Jackson, first baae. Fallon, en mmmiiVmÍmm&lm te Ms oseen baring at. called for St one that tbe contract may be aviabto reputation lte took bia roiiega fea - eyed man. when oto msn Oreenlaw, iicher, Smith, pitcher, Cavaaaugk. second dM wt iwtewlar k kaaus tan a ta or Oaargetowa sw MMPAMV. proclamation. Sod baring sattftod aset Dama, right Conway, swarded sad eonatructton work started AO TO unueralty and nude Bit field. aborts kuo. building, which ts to cost, wane corn hi work He Msvsd opf himself that tba desired Status waa to be Brady, ten field. the tr MPABV. ÍM??teMn-- xr resum- pi ssojooo. Tkia new buiidiag will YOUNG'S CAFE urst nee raw uiree years on the aura mm maintained temporarily, turned sod SUteentb lufanny Stewart, third baae, sud. BM M ateCall. Mask Kassw pawa m care growing Desdi of ta an tseia sou v.a eo.i ,,u tt,s aaS ni n.ia tst.wal ed keadBd tit bar much teas Perce, baae. for th rata ror tbe Ortswrafd San irtala asas asd Masases last m ta te BsteBi af tes kit station suuivan. second baa, flret sad a. so wtU permit building now used toiiJkTte atan Usad waa. hete precipitately than be bad atit It Blearer, shortstop. Shield, toft ftehl. Flu fsBstsBaitl atea sat draft and m ss a building aaa hoyr aormitory, A mm ama to raed, sal atesSMM mu Very ty but without delay, be 4 SOB, (laid. science Pialaría, Hot stain deliberated Patrick tenter field. after toft to be resraodetod toada taso a dormitory, ell kinds of Mostrean tmrnm mm aSseaa Sw a of whiskey and a suf- Click, sad 1ms. produced bottle Lanu. catcher. pitcher, SSOfkSSfirtsilnr 40 boys. It Is proposed sud OtsM t SBfSlBS L OOMPABV. of for all. and spread tt CHICH KlnRS-PILL- ficient number slasess cor by tanioga. have building ready for us by MOT BBBBsSJJikl. swrasp. Mea antea La Mi te ka on snd all with th ex th January S te them out tbe bar. Sixth S w .5zrt'mirrsrm asta é masi promptly Mr it I. IStT 11 Hi FABO BT. iTmmt Tmm BU toS". i.puon uoksd sletvetl forward llxMaokk Ilttlltt S it Rl tT. míflt Basest! however, raised bis voice. a coarsai I am't gwtae to arts wish no " ha CHICAGO RACE RESULTS ateajawxa Ajaesaski aeiaaa 9ffm as" traía sate, and went on with s bus of heats see aeaaety ta MISS. TÍwk mS'mSmss wW skt? w kw Mt ates- - ahet would not assair First oee Bate aad aawarstjr yards. not tpeciftcaliy atete uwt raa. Although h did V Ileal, rvat. leabr. aectaud, Itaaukaeiria. mmUmrr'mmJm'mmi be aBBreaBaSBsBka at ene eyw asee. W kj fjajJll wta third all ouster etoud Ike be ketlSiSSS fete words . 1 a?. . . am-ft-eT sssa WWaU AM M aaa tetes ui apply to bo oee el aMM T, Jerry. Today! aek?kM first. Base Ball f!-- fuaal to drink with alas 8MPSV. MS, Ulild RIO PARK m&Xm7mmmmmT,mm'mmmWm h Ska desire is seisjet Thim rece, ala fur long eMeMy, flret, GRANDE could BS Of tSrpJmTmmmmtZA tsVXts t stoat etipreaae uvligaitj tbal atoras, sotad i Mor run-.- Gavoke, 10; JO SV tn fared Aa far tha other a In tea roaaa. khay Mrasr. f I Lac. CartAtatsUBteUstl. Oc. tea i Si ' wmSmi la um tktef fur i of mrStmW SMskatokwsw r ...if rare. Double P. M. jl aaasPAa tJaar." sail the M sets) askat ty wees Peaky, Header 2:16 Ties Fsavs Cei mink' Baaaett aad fail a til, ts mstasi fo' go' aU auua rao, o out sate one at BltteKer. 25c, Cirsuatiaesuta. 35c ssv By seen sssssg ye" two Te mWSÍÍV'Sgarm3; 1mm Maestri mm eaart askat mm as. aaa tie i Or asesara first Star of Lor, aseaste Bo Seats. 10c extra BsMest akajaaM aaatas aew teajaete a eaaat tan. A mm tas ess mmm. ril e eftee M easts keen act tu. aa it'u Beaajjaja, tbtta. ÍCTTMES. SUNDAY, JULY 30. IT FORD DELIVERY TRUCKS Will Solve Your Delivery Problem

NBWH Or TM KTVnt MOTOR t larger, business than ever h MorUnien. tearing: W. H compny on sam aw. fore. Denny, runabout. Savoy hotel: H. a I. W. Clrkpetrlrk. prnMmi ano manar" Thomas, touring; Jamas A. nick company They economy of with low original Motor company, combine operation cost of lust returned The Pord agent rrora Demlng. 1 M J. truck; I. C. Byara. tnurtngS; 1. P- Tanea. the east, eJ t from and while there visited S. Kerr, made a business trip to the Trí- lift Arltona street, touring. of automobile accessory houaaa. the Motor company last week, and nmlrraro rectory atele this and alan the homo nffln of the while there purchased a fresh supply of The Trl State Motor company and their dependability and endurance is known through- rtrtone Tire Rubber company at Urea, tabea, automobile arceseortea iM rmiowing carload shipment or eight Korda Ohio. Mr. Klrkpttrtok aspect to parta, also a touring oar. each to. Ocean to ocean garage. Magdalena, hand Ik about nre In thousand Porda his M mitad car or tourings and run territory neit year. J. T. Hood, Pord agent at Douglas. AMI., annuls; Urn rings to It. K. Basaett, Sliver out the motor world. spent a couple or days at the Trl State ary. It. M.i J. T. Hood, noughts, Aria., and Mr. Bryant, Ford agent at Artesi. new Motor company, selecting a large quantity Dr. I.. A. W. Surten. Clifton, Arltona. tour Me uro. paid a ruat to the TH State Motor or all kinds of automobile supplies. inga. oompany. and ordered a larra quantity or automnMIe aqpplle. The Motor company report the RBWURT OF WEEK'S SALES BY Ford Delivery Trucks never tirenever "feel the heat" and following rara sala this weak: Captain 0. LONE STAB MOTM COMPANY W. Roo. Ford arant at Laa Cruce, apant T. Camp Pershiep; captain Colonel A. Haabrourk. Twentieth Infantry. fresh, Lorertnr. truck. several daya selecting a larra slock elementa, truck. Camp stawart: V. 8. im- Fort Bliss. Dodge touring. of arare supplies for the year. day and night, if your business r romlnr migration service, touring; U. 8. depot Capuin J. H. Barnard, seventh cavalry are at your service requires. quartermaster, t trucks; Mlehelson cigar Fort Bliss, Dodge tnurlng. Mr. Darr, purrhaslnr agent Tor N. P. company, truck; M. J. Martines, touting. Captain K. M. Morfcin, Twentieth Infantry Baton, Ford arant at San Marcial, was at 08 B. Mlaourl; American Bible society, run Fort Bliss. Dodge touring. the Tr I state Motor company this weak B. Strong. sboul: Dr. t. Lieutenant H. Strlngfellnw, Jr., Seven unloaded big shipment of chassis automobile accessories, company, We have just a Ford purrhaslnr parti, building, touring: City Service teenth cavalry. Fort Bliss, Dodge roadster ate.. Tor their business at Ban Marcial, and touring; John B. Watson, truck; drove a touring car back to San Marcial. company, D. B. Colonel Hushmsn. Ft. Bayard, I. M. Coffee runabout; Dodge touring. Cleaver, runabout, 10 E. Boulevard; Un- bodies suit all lines I of business. F. to Captain U. S. 'Den- ánd commercial Bay Prltchett, traveling salesman rnr the derwood Typewriter company, truck; T. M. stntzinger, A., las', N. M., Dodge tnurlng. Motor company. Just returned York, touring, SMO Rivera street: L. S. from hit regular trip, and reporta that be Patterson. tourings, IIS 8. Stanton; J. A. A. Houston, 43 Trowbridge, Dodge touring.. 0. 8. Thompson, 3 7 Huero street. Dodge May we show you how to save money on your delivery? Four-To- roadster. New Moreland n Truck Ruf. Jones, Lordsburgh, M. M Dodge. touring. H. Welsch, WIS Teiaa street. Dodge roadster. Tri-Sta- te 0. J. Rudolph, Hotel Fisher. Liggett Motor Co., Inc. Meyers representative. Dodge roadster. Ous Hnbbs. Demlng. N. M., Dodge tnurlng Burt Ranibolt. Lordtburg, Ft. M., Dodge LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE UNE OF roadster A. H. Stubbs. Oreat Northern hotel, Dodge ACCESSORIES IN THE SOUTHWEST touring. Mrs. Soria Apodara, 18 MyrUO, Dodge & rwus touring. Phone 6100 West San Antonio Leon Sts. .ELPASO.TrlXAS Young Bounds. Separ N. M., Dodge tour lot. J. D. Totlhunter. Demlng. H. M. Dodge touring. P. . H. Lurkett, 14.11 Hawthorne. Dodge touring. GO O. St) Dodge FORDS Mrs. W. Crosby. 1. ochoa, "WATCH THE BY roadster. , John l.anday, Midway Inn, 1900 Alameda 1 treat. Dodge touring. J. K Upton. Htllsboro, .1. M., Dodge tour- ing. the extension and building or a railroad by that he believed It would be impossible to farm. He Is eonnccted with a Depot quartermsster, r. S. A.. 4 Dodge the government, according to announcement poeehMM organization of the system In house at Kansas Clly. and is as s OVERLAND SALES made today by the department or cnmmu lens than six and It might not one roadsters, and bodge touring car. actively months that of the best saleimen (bout the siieep nlctlon. work la now being be in Tille ia a photograph of one of a fleet of 34 trucks operated by the Lieutenant colonel Oeorge Hugh Smith. an rrom La or actual operation before neit spring. pushed on extension line The men a mem- Bperry company of Loa Angelen. The Moreland company, laat week, placed 7th, lids. Dlv. Penn. state gustd, Camp Mena. Durango. to Concepción del Oro, con lour nominated today Mr. Baker orrered no nnlnlnn nn tlie nut. company rrom ber or are: Charle C Lobdell the agency with the Toltalk Motor and now have the new trucka Stewart. Chalmers touring. necting with the line running south the board look rnr the sheep feeder, thourh he art- - on the way to El Paao. W. D. crossln. representative Pararnne SHOW REMARKABLE-ANNUA- Saltollo. to open rich mining country. The or Kansaa; Oeorge W. Morn or Pennsyl- mlttod rranklv that nearly every L engineers are now surveying for a r W. S. A. or Iowa, reeder Paint company, San Francisco, Chalmers vania, Smith and Herbert mane money me last season. While In tea Six in tunnel through the mountains in the Quick of Virginia. Tha president U roadster. dIMrlct. wait valley he visited Roswell and other points la F. C. Martina. China Copper company. expected to designate either Mr. Morris or Chaves rountv. He also spent a day around Hurley, N. M Chalmers touring. INCREASE Mr. Quick, the Democratic members or the Hope with the reedcrs In that district C. m Dtvlt. Mills building, Chalmers Six- Farm board, to act as rarm loan commission and to roadster Federal Loan Board executive head of the ftrm loan system. The Car I H. A. grocery. EXPERIMENT STATION' nil Biltwel High-Price- Saamonda, Dakota Chalm- Nominated by President TICMV of d ers six cylinder seven paaenger. model H Times Special Correspondent. Lieutenant W. 0. Ryan, Fort Bliss, Cars Built by Salesman Says Price Tucson. Aril.. July so --word has been re. Line V Placad End to End By Associated Press. MM J roadster. reived here that the secretary or the in- Laat Make Lina M. or J. W. Iteeae, Hupmnhlle touring. Company Year Washington, July Division the of Lambs Is Highest terior has authorized the establishment nf W. L. Tooley, First Mortagage company. 860 Mile Long. country Into twelve federal land bank dlt a mine experiment station st Tucson. The Features land Chandler convartable sedan. Ulet and location of rederil banks By Times Special correspondent. station will be conducted m i o operation J. w. Reese, chandler six touring car. In each or them under Hat new rural cred- with the aiate unlyerstiv A baa gataarad together tome carlabad, M. M.. Jnly go. The price or J. D. King, Chandler six lourlhg csr atfttatlctan its law will 1 uiidri ulkflii ui ii Uy tha interesting the magnitude I 1. C. N. M.. Chandler data whlrh show federal rami loan board. Four of whoso choice reader lamba is the highest I ever OVERLAND SALES till PAST WEEK. McDanlels. Durant, or the Ha took a a automobile business. members ere nominated today by Presi- saw F. E. Baker as Bailey Motor Salea company. rnadstar. had the Willys overland capacity or tfioo bare." said today be Roswell. L. J. Trottl, of the Lone Star Motor com car per figured out the dent Wilton. started back to Kansas city. Mr. Baker ha It. M., on Modal M, Clover Leaf roadster. pany a of Dodge roartstera dy nd than Secretary MrAdoo, who an been coming Carlsbad every Kloyd hospital. made delivery average length of the various models to summer for Kramer, Bate Fort Bliss, to at Demlng week. completes the board, said tonight year to lambs his Tex., one Model TVB the quartemaster this 14 I feat. member, buy feeder for Illinois touring. Heavy shipments of all model cart sold t by the Lone Star MAtor compsny, ware Tha factory's output for t tingle day received during the past weak and orders would extend In a straight Una for a dis- arc still unfilled. Many Dodge cars were tance or about I mile, if tha car were delivered this week to army officers, who placed end to end and touching each other. have Just returned rrom Mexico, and are In a year's time this stream nf rara would transferred to Fort BHti. ne mo mile long an unbroken line or au- tomobtlee rrom Toledo to New York and EL PASO AITO SALES COMPANY i hen back again a far a Albany. Bswjafw nin DELIVERS NEW MODEL MITCHELLS. Even more startling war. the flguraa com- "'tMMkBsw" E. J. Shlarer. . pilad showing the value or tha Overland Haw Mexico. rectory's output. The enormous man ufar Sam Farrls. El Paao. luring ranunes of tha plant enable It to ship out rinlshad car valuad al approxi- Mwey-Savin-g Bigger Better More Power NEW 117 MAXWELL TOURING CAMS mately aoo.OOO every twenty-fou- r hour. In The DELIVERED THIS WEEK BY s year' lime at the rat or I .MO par day. 1917 Velie- - Bl 01 OR MOTOR COMPANY. these shipments would represent over you seen the new the W. H. Fryer, Maxwell touring, 008 Pros- XX. HAVE of high-pric- ed features? Scores pect avenue. The sensational growth or tha L. E. Oamble, Maxwell touring. 1414 t company during the last eight come to our salesroom to ex- California years ha changed the rertorv rrom a raw amine this remarkable car by far the greatest Abrirlo Baaallla. Maxwell touring, 40t S. buildings, scsttered ovar sevan-s- r lot, El Paso. to that cf tha largest individual automobile combination of values ever offered at low price. Dr. C. P Austin, Maxwell touring, WJ plant in the world, in la than a decade muís building. tha Toledo ha doubled and treb- world-wid- lnltutln Velie bodies have a e fame. This year R. J. astlin, Msx wall touring, MM N. led In !te, until today it boasts or 10 Velie body builders have outdone themselves. The Campbell aerea of floor apace available for manu- Maxwell Lordt- give Hudson body, roomier, genuine f. P. Buchanan. rosBster. facturing purposes and employment new larger and with its deep, burg N M. to more than seventeen thousand men. leather and enriad hair upholstery and mirror finish, Oeorge H. Wilson, Maxwell touring. Art During this parlad of etpanalon. the out- baa both luxury and grace unsurpassed. Its substan- xona street. put of tha factory ha Jumped from twelve M. M. Taylor. Maxwell louring, Portland cart a day to nearly I jooo cars a day, or an tial oak frame and heavy steel insure permanence. Cement company. Increase or over g.ono per rant In eight Think of Tim kan Axles front and rear! This M. Lander. Maxwell touring. El Paao, Tax. year. This I a record nevar berora fea. ture comea In the Greater Veils for 1917. Other features T. T. TunataU. Maxwell touring, ISM equalled by any other producer of medium are of corree ponding superiority powerful Richmond. or motor car. x motor mnltiple disc a clutch long, nnderahing spring Oeorge Colvert. Maxwell touring. Fort Dally hlpreenu that at one tuna required Super-Si- push bntton starting. EverythingIn and on. Road the Hat. Stockton, Tax. but three or four frtegbt car now leave Juan Woeasner. Torreón, Maxtoo. the Toledo plant in solid trtnloads. At al- Two carload of Maxwell touring cara most any time of the day these long freight win be unloaded Monday. train can be seen, pulling out of the Over- Thorvald Jensen, or the Jeffry Motor com- land yards, loaded with automobiles for all pany, was with ma Buauor Motor compear parta of the world. weak. this EXTENDING MEXICAN RAILROADS. A. P. Buquor will leave for New Mexico By Associated Prca. Ies to up go point Saturday night, sign Xleilco City July -- Eight core or oWrtl Costs s to b for the new season for Maxwell cara. engineers are now In the field preparing for uj? and less to run tiian AUTOMOBILE PARTY RUNS OVER DOG; Velie Valuét-v- Elht Body Style LAUGHINGLY LEAVE IT SUFFERING most high-grad- e caitv

At jfnoss ' ! The opened the a swtuag ahla Vó?saeVéasiSalaaáIIa T driver throttle be "Oet back.'' said the Mexican "He'll bite two-p- into Mage, crin avenue froga Antonio year ttoasAy assart tyis J4JBJ; tea you can afford a sMsfkafec p oxlulr. fUMS. treat. There u a jar, hardly noticeable Pallid and wide eyed, the boy started at If sa Hie two men and two weeaaa In the the creature dragging iiaetr aeree the pave- S.aaaA'CabcteWt." fl fcYÍi' sT ear) Usen one short yate. Oat woman ment a mo snoot. looked behind, and shuddered. The men "Me- my Boh." he shotted, and a To cSlbmT aaU $iooo save ctnEra, laughed. a car you can' diva for tha creature. The aalatal aeweeeá U.S. PATH NT Back ue the pavement, opposite the Tel- to the pavement What waa hi ntaatu go- Bleiee ow VI'! i'IÜTÍ'wh ase dub, a small dog, of nondescript bceil, ing to Madn'i HQ. 11058! - da? Pealth htaat h been 43 ta. p.. rae. ied trena- ralead itaelf tu lie rore feet. Its coat punished enough, already What taw of had been Aerea a use rrfrfnrTrlT, WrrV wbtte oae. tee dor asa had he iranagreeeed What had be moneyin years a tanaaat. Btsadsjuarier shewed a Bread Bead of dual. dee, atal the gysat. rehhe arad mamm dug yeh agate See posar seams Vahe desda lar. Th. didn't It didn't evea should heve horn aewa oa Mm, leavtag Ask (or a coarlaráa eeaaoo.trattoe aMeavat to move, lu longua hung out a blai dragging nitaeair erees the pevatnant Super-Si- x. it panted to Ma sua like ihi.t He bered at teeth et as meser, by buying the flare or four auiosaetMlee Bssisfl. ra aa iba boy ftehed hMa it. The front pan dog didn't attempt lo evade Ikses I eg Ms body sju reared aad treathlad. hi A Mexican started te crea gee street hJMipgrlir hung ttza. MU yate sub rrora ta aoi lot wbar ttv street clean sided to short, horrlhte lllUe throat noises Motor Cxirnex enjr, Mnthrte, H leg wagon are kept st nlgwL Ha steeped The hey augwed the ding not aulas! te set Mat dee a a Mated. The eaUaai t ana. four eg rtre Maucaas stood ahoui NAQUIN. Diatóbutar, El Paao snapped al bita, j4 be withdrew bl head. them, wsutung T all right Bob W-- u M. L Ha looked at lb dog for a o ru r up." said the hey. trottae the dog saw tae broad bead or dajet at roe lu Co. a saMiaairiari saw ta way Ma has ees ef MM heaaa a aa- - Nauman Motor Sales alrruhrd prooa attuned the dee hi the bey ana a eaw tb limp nintagaartara. "Mes lam, while i esjed seat. Tee dog threw It l get say gue." h said to a Mexican Two forward oe II for feet, ana ssrug tear weaea lute Ms eye of the 321 W. San Antonio St. tone 6100 I with mm Wsbbb. he hum into and fled aate the heu Wkta Be sees of Mas yeas a arres Dowe the aoautty teed n aeer alswaji 1 ead a tsaeii hey rea ovi wd 4ag. the two mm asu asaÉL tiara yea tale Ms street. la M ttataMsMaf eat gtstUag

- 28 EL PASO MORNING TIMES. PY l916 Disabled British Soldiers Taught MAXWELL CAR GIVES Useful Trade GREAT SERVICE FOR The Proof of the Pudding Is in the Eating


AsjkmoMIs Carrisjs Field "secre- tary oa 5.600 Mías Toar, Boosting Good Roads. With M speedometer of his Maiwll OAKLAND "SIX" touring mora VSW rar registering Uian NON-STO- W It. nilbregUi. field secretary or ON A P RUN i'- - nitl Highway asanciauon, motored Inlu Tuesday Morning at o'Clock and Finished Wednesday Morning at 8 o'Clock Detroit last k. arlar sn estended tup Which Started 8 on through the aouth, he has been presrhlng the r'M'l oflngood roads. Naturally. Mr fltlbreath sniirM innae fir Um south where the travel si Read This THE ACTUAL GASOLINE CONSUMPTION ron siles t tn makf hi. message Innn rfp. Proof: H over tle. drove hi. Mas well matin lhat Ttie) nnn-ato- p Oakland wan rhrv-ke- Impassable and the rar responded seemed by the. Aato Kdltor of The Kl Paso tn ii... severe i araat atyia. Th Wale i,. Herald. Nereiata whet The Herald hare some good TiTclihood hlahwav rrrtirv. pasefng through De In ofúcr that disabled soidien mar Jtr as gaTlsai or vid the run. In part: the troll, sailed the general the if the srsr, and mar not rvrn at present be a burden on coraMoaty, Mainrii company " psy s personal tribute Miles to the Gallon have instituted vocational schools for such soldiers. to thfi prowess of Iba car. NON-STO- P 28h the British RUN IS illustration taken from a recent iaaue of the Likitm- Dmh fw "I hsva nevar seen s rar get a herder The way FINISHED BY CARR of the convalescent men are being taught automobile pounding." he said, "and lha It Mood Oil hows how some up under tha alrsln proved It tn be s mar- The Actual Consumption vel In ronatmrtlnn II IWl ool stood the The run by the engineering. by Fl. C. Oarr, ' ' m the wear and of ruada in rine "six." driven with hu The Nobby Tread Tire which it so much in evidenc tear th muirti ell l.nng as reller driver, finished In rront atyle, but It made aoma speed recordé snd Was of picture show the immense popularity in England as wdl as m the r The Herald at s on o'clock on Wednea at the Rate some economy records or which lo be day mornlnr- anu-slu- d casings. United Sutes of these famous proud. When the Oakland rolled tn a atop In M Mile on a Mlaa. rront of Tha Herald, the' Soyre registered its derreea, full proof "Frequently. I msde leala of the numlier KOMI MM I Frr minutes rrum the. rinish. thst the motor did not heat up on the test. MtVlllll Uls rotllston oí miles I was getting on a of the it tore, a shoe, ami finished sn rallón Mr. Carr stated that he maintained an A Maxwrll ear won the Fourth Annual ... she severe or the of 125 Miles nstiire temperature degrees Gallon and despite durlnr to earning ruimning on ttie rim The the brash 682 tow Mexico mart rmsus, xne I as high SS twenty eight the entire run. rare eat rtttnry han erasjtM a lot or M well en- travel. oilen St a si or Uie service to ulnrh 341 Se ptaad sgslnsl rtCsl "f isrtiS tsrtcrs. thiisiasm In the southwest. miles In view Ttie speedometer registered miles for mprtsnag I n ni ir ihe industry. ?(o the rar was subjected, this Is s remsrkslile the trip, an average speed of a Utile over The run proved conclusively that the Oakland "Six" motor does not mechanical was lull showing. And the Maxwell could show a 14 mile, per hour. The rasollne consump trouble rutierlcnred, was gallons. s rot eleven minuten in Be or your baggag of when I needed apeed. I tlon approximately If This Hie winner oat l.nntwell caref.il burst speed an average or 28 to heat up under continuous driving. t to gires miles tha rallón, the early SMgM or the rsre. Ins s rlecka. Leave at I.ongwall's. Tel. I. made the run from Tsllahassee, Fla.. which, considering the low apeed, was Macon. Os., in eight hours, s distance of good. 00. 1 miles. I was forced to observe the The run was msde on city streets snd At the conclusion of the run, only one pint of water was needed to speed limits In every town I psssed down the valley severs! times. From S through." o'clock. Wedneaday morning, when Mr. Carr got back at the wheel, tbe car waa fill the radiator. s Mas-le-d Las December. operated between Fnrt Bllaa and the busi- Mr. Ollbeeath'e tour started Isat Decem- ness section end carried full loads of The average temperature the motor was 125 degrees. ber from Detroit. He lert that city on D- every trip. of ecember fist In s anow atorm. When he returned lo Detroit last week, the rrnnt wheels still csrrlcd the aame two Urea with which he started. The tire on the lert mum it. front wheel stlil had nan air in A BIG ROOMY, GER CAR, $870 f. o. h. El Paao. OAKLAND SETS Let us show you the OAKLAND "SIX." You'U like it We will be glad to PROVE OUR CLAIMS to your satisfaction NEW GAS MARK OAKLAND AUTO CO. Non-Sto- SALES p Car Makes Ovar 28 Miles to Gallon in 24 E. M. FORD, General Manager. R. C. CARR, Manager El Paso Sales Hour Run. PHONE 1142 405-40- 9 MYRTLE AVE r.nnrratiilatlons are pouring In on the Osklsnd Auto Hales company from all parts of on the fine marks set by the southwest have been to Demlng. beyond Oskland touring In the routed but the tablishes any question the straight the "six" Olds Resigns Is non stop run, which started Tuesday morn Head transportatlon department not advised as titles that can be given to homesteaders. AMERICAN GOODS to route has ins:. what been selected. Mine Driven hv H. C. :arr snd with Russell i CaatUaaisad. Long s relief driver, the little six made President Is Honored. C. M. Cotton and Colonel P. R. Smith o a nil mili without Hie motor being stopped HOLD THEIR OWN President Wilson has been elected thla city have Just capitalised a large mine The run was msrte between El Psao snd member of the Demlng Cbember of Com- san merce a very fine in Juan county, the proposition being MORELAND r.nl r.llíí with trips down the Yalets rosd and hsa written letter so productive that they raised 100,000 in t or s rood part el tjia time the rar carried under hia own hand acknowledging tbe courtesy. ten days, it Is their purpose to erect a four passenrers beside tne driver. smelter tn the near future. he rasollne record snowa that a imleere United States Made Auto Tires Motor (.rented Deed Hade In ISM. Distillate Trucks or 78.44 lo the rallón wss obtained, while Sell Over Other Makes in LABOR MEN TO MEET AT TL'CSON. exactly a hair rallón or Monogram lubrlrat-ui- r Hsrry W. Turner has been granted New Zealand. Just By Times Special Correspondent. nil wss used for the entire trip. Thotirh a deed under an art of congress on April heavy dm in;- Tucson, Arts., July 88. July M The an- tho car was In the traffic the 13, tggo. This being tbe first public land Built on the Pacific Coast for Pacific Coast service. day and mornlnr. the motor waa cool at all The Amerlcsn commercial Invsslon or nual convention or the state federation or long law enacted In the United States. Tbe be held t inea. A Boyce multimeter showed Ihst the foreign markets hss been a matter of labor will at Tucson, beginning granting Of this deed to Turner Is the first August 7. The or motor exceeded 160 de-- ; concern to merchants In vsrlous parts or the sessions of the convention, only world built temperature the of Its kind in this region so far as the rec- will be The truck in the to operate on Distillate. gveea only one time, when world. which held in the armory, will last si that belnr ords show, and Is Important In that It es a week. car made a stop with the How to stop the steedy Increase In sales about Cuts the fuel cost of operation in half. the or bm tnr running, tot a puncture late on American made goods snd substitute Tueaday evenlnr. their own domestic products in une of the Equipped with Timken Worm Drive Rear Axles, which When the car rolled tn i atop at 8 o'cloca vital trade queatlons that such merchants are upon to solve. will outwear I 2 chains, 2 front sprockets and 6 rear on Wedneaday inorninr. the radiator waa called mil rniiiirli t" keep s lists hund on II. Tne The superiority of American goods, the sprockets and reduce tire wear 20 per cent. Kilometer rerlstered li derrcea. lor tne red that they are durable, handsome In rreater pari of the lour run, the rrtlster eppesrance. and made to sell st an attractive My Reason for Advertising There's a Model for every purpose. stood at derreea. price bas held these markets Tor America Mr. Carr naV msintsined thai the nskland d spite the boycotts snd crusades carried When a physician hats attained that degree of 34 Ton. Ton. Vi Ton. 2Vi Ton. 4 Ton. "six." In the hands nr the average owner. en agslnst such articles . success in a certain ailment where he never fails will show s ii '. une conaumptlon or around How this affects the automobile and tire In K mile, in the ssllnn. anil the fact JAY HALL. trade, and how American tires are success to effect a cure, and when it is a well known fact that the car exceeded at milea'tto the rallón fully competing In foreign lands Is shown that this ailment formerly required a surgical A runner shift In tha complexion or by s recently received Mr. Nor- - the teat run Is very rcstlfyinr to him letter from I has been by - feel it injustice all (Jeneiel Manager K M. Kurd, or automobile Industry created man L. Emma, proprietor of the Takaka- operation, would be an to TOLTELK MOTOR and lo the or Hall, general CO., Inc. Auto Sales the resignation Jay salea !elann Mulor service or New Zealand. Mr. sufferers of this condition, if the physician did Oakland comieny. r or not r. to close a niaiiaa-e- and associate executive the did limns tate thai his motor stages opérete Ford will leave today been announce his success broadcast. tn New Mexico, Motor works. No announcement has over bed roeds and severe grades and thai M. F. BYRNS. Manager. dealer coiilrart and stales as to Hall's plans, It la generally that two large contracts with Arizona msde but despite the ra t his American cars, wblch Having used my PAINLESS INFILTRATION believed his resignation merely roreshadowa t were closed week. The Dak are enuinoed with lilted Stales "Nobhv" "" CURE Distributors for West Texas and New Mexico. dealers this an appointment of aven greater responsible for PILES for over two years without a land sslea in El Paso are showtnr a healthy Tread Urea make their runs regularly and Itv- than the duties he Is now relinquishing. single failure, and knowing that OVER TWENTY-- MORELAND MOTOR TRUCK CO., Manufacturers Increase and the prospect ror a new aeaaon carry loads that would be railed heavy s very encouraglnr. even ror levl. highway traffic. FIVE THOUSAND CASES have been treated by this Los Angeles, Cal. Frank Williams has been placed In this "Our runs," writes Mr. Emms, "would put method without a alngle failure or complication. I teal that It Is my Firestone Tire Ads the best to tbe moat severe testa. The Urrltory rur the oskland and la now lu New tire duty to announce It to the public, and tell them that under my treat-me- Mexico. sleep grades and the fact lhat the roads sre they can be CURED, and CURED being DETAINED Produce 38 Per Cent orten muddy, cell ror the best sort or ami without 1 he naklaJid ip.in; la making a fealui e FROM THEIR WORRY, WITHOUT ANT PAIN, and WITH VERT or aervlre, both ror Oakland cars and 1. H. akld protection.. We have round lhat with Increase in Business we LITTLE EXPENSE, compared to the cost of operation, and its at- trucks. Lulled Slates 'Nobby' Tread Urea tendant expense at hoapltala. reive Uc better anti skid service than An Increase of M per cent In volume or can with any others; and rurthermorn, ih. I WILL GLADLY REFER ANY MAN TO ALL PATIENTS I Is Is In the new and rrom to 14. Packard Chosen husmea announced we gel mileage averaging ti.ouu HAVE TREATED, OR SHOW HIM LET- striking newapaper advertisements being two mile- - to over some of the HUNDREDS OF the tire, thla I for Presidential put out by the Firestone Tire and Rubber hardest roads to be found In the world." TERS HAVE RECEIVED. (I rompaoy. Mr. Emms' letter, telling as It does of the I also treat with the aame decree of aucceaa tha following alimenta, WE HAVE Parade in Detroit How many people realise the significance nske good quality of American made Urea, which are also embraced in my apeclalty. and to which I have de- or this? and or united States Urea particularly, voted eighteen years of etudy and apeclallslng. do a volume or calher unusual ci.im.litiient wa paid lo The Ktrealone people shows why these goods are holding their VARICOCELE, s Detroit automobile this week on the oc- around twenly-tlv- million doliera yearly. uwn in the rere or hen e competition. HYDROCELE, HERNIA. or I dally A cisión of President Wilson's viall to Kor such an industtry s yearly increase demonetrate that theee condition own be cured In nearly all THROUGH SLEEPER In connection with the World's even I per rent to IS par cent would seem caaea by one treatment - never more than three. No eevere opsaratton congress. a splendid showing. OF MOTOR detention from home or excessive fees. I am prepared to cur the The arranicineiila for law pi idcimal In their newapaper advertising the Fire- TRAIN condition by the most modern methode by having- tha beat equipped parade were made by a roinmltlee consist-In- stone people point oul. and rightly, thai medical off! est in th Southwest aad by eighteen year of apeclalls- Isrrely uf autotuublle manuracturera, such an Increase means lha delivery or lng in a limited number of ailments. ho SSMHted uuolliual UUt Ihr ra 'k freiinina quality. It la an argument the BLOOD POISON After having; personally convey mind of the business man uuaereiend. tried out and lnveatl ard was the lorlesi choice of cara to TRUCKS TO DEMING gated almost every known treatmsnt- - "S0" among; others I am tn tie prraldentlel party and mriiuieis ine When one realises the new competition a poastlon to state that the the llnduatry by tbe de "British CURE" (aa practiced by men in WASHINGTON, D. C. leceptlnn i ninniltlee Thla de lalon waa brought into tire reached without any aurreation from the eioiiinenl nf new rompsniea and the grow CURarioTBÍoodPpo1Íonntt,d " th' n'y Ab"'Ut ing demand or consumers. II strikes us Packard company and reaulted in five Twin tire NERVOUS DEBILiITT I pride nr ss mighty good advertising ta tell of ibis First bastjtUiMnt, With Fifty two myself In th results obtained In Hiea belnr placed st the head tne thla common condition, I (DAILY AT S e A. M.) anma significance Firestone SS per cent lncreaee In volume ol and attribute my eucca to tha thai 1 parade Tha Incident has Drivera, Goes Into Active DIAOSE CORRBCTLT. find CAL'ÍB, Í, aa showing the broad luiiiueu apirii or te tnuineas th. andramove VIA KIDNICT. BLADDER. PROSTATIC AND CHRONIC troll autouinblU man AltST SightSSSI years CONDITIONS FEW iaMniv,-siv-j of apclallln,. .tudy and xprl menu I oan Motor company mm mm "M mm allen. Though, the Franklin Car Hy Tunes Mpt rial Correa0i'dent ...... i "I.... "TTi . . lrouDIM th very beat of Inquiries were received from various Is receiving many inquiries from all parts Vemlug. N M July t - The fir II war iwui a uc in almost every case - Lie ur Referene: The Sunset Limited parla or the eoulliwesi, thla week, regard- of west leva- Naw Mexico and Ansona installment or oil Bg la s tram molur Banks and leading bualn men of this city ing new Allen models. These cars, an- regarding aunagencies. Manager L. I. Trost trueka under . niuoaoo of John C. Sheets t'HAKOK lbs "O POR CONHl LTATION . nounced a week ago. are something of the. aletea Uval the retail demand for lbs new any. government truck master The trucks Offloa Hour.; S a. as. 7 to p. as. SaissUy. by InlSSsWI nature of "luaurjr" budira on Use well l r snk l in is so heavy lhat Its will place but were accompanied by arty two drivers end rr CITY TICKET OFFICE, 206 NO. OREGON. known Allen che si. and Manager S. B. aery few dealer contracts While Mr Troel were taken Into camp, where they were wiaemaa. ur the cactus Motor company, secured s much Increased allotment of entered Uilo active service. PhotM 3400, Branch 11. ti lleve II,. I nee in. ..lei. Will lie ex.ee.1 cars from the Franklin rectory for the new The aaact hour of lha arrival or uta DR. KETGHERSID wgiy popular in Uie aouthweat. season, be did not gel as many aa be want troops can not be determinad ua ereouot INTERNATIONAL ed end be stales that he will rare for or delay in making the railroad Conner t. SPECIALIST. our ha Spanish Realauianl moved rrom the retail demand before entering into liona Ws.se atures Kl Paao, TV. 7 en la Fa alio ato R. Orvgou Ph. no Adv wholesale cu Ir acta. II is kimwu thai two or three regiments Cactus Motor Company (ENERAf Automobile Accessories J i Phone 3886 "Smrvict and Satisfaction" 606 Hess Ave. TIRES arV raaaea 5,000 MILES ii énmé ) MORNING TIMES. SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1916.

Moük Adreuu Like Overland Cars TOURING WEEK TO

BE BIG EVENT IN THE MOTOR WORLD Last Week Auto Owners and l'tessMsctrwe to Saja) Native State Waak of Ancnct . Deliveries National Tmirtnt week, the nation wide motoring vacation officially scheduled to begin August a. has roused the touring spar It In sutomobilists from the Atlantic shore to the Pacific ocesn. Linked with the slogan "Buy Tour-Car Now." and spreading broadcast the aenll mem "See America Flrat by Seeing Your Own State First.'' the movement has gained a headway that will carry the touring Im pulse all the stay through the rag end of summer. The greatest organised automobile travel this country has ever seen Is assured for national Touting week Itself. The Idea of an official automobile tour participated In by every motorist who ran make his vara tlon coincide with the erk of August 6 baa gripped the Interest of the owners of mo tor cara through the land. The early mo 41 Dodge Brothers Cars mentiim the movement has rained has sur prised the orglnators of the Idea. All Col. A. Haabrouck, Touring. Ame tíceos who think of automobiles and Fort Bliss. Texas. vacations In the same breath are thinking with the red letter date "August " brand- Capt. J. H. Barnard, Touring. Fort Bliss, Texas. ad oa the thought. The automobile trade and automobile duba have enlisted in toe Capt. E. M. Norton. Touring, Fort Bliss. Texas. movement, and are driving It ahead with their characteristic force. Lieut. H. Stringfallow, Jr., Roadster, Fort Bliss. Texas. That American motorists should spend their vacations in their automobilea on the Col. Bushman, Touring, Fort Bayard, N. M. road Is common sense. Thst as many of them should attempt to do so on an official F. I. N. M. touring week Is merely an efficient method Capt. Stritzinger, Touring, Darning, of arousing the nation to seeing America new. I. A. Houston, Touring, El Paso, Texas. The organisation or National Touring week is neglecting no department or phase G. S. Thompson, Roadster, El Paso, Texas. of this nstionwide motoring outing. Hotels ara being stimulated to provide for Iba Ruf Jones, Touring, Lordsburg, N. M. week, and they are making extra prepara- tions to cara for the exceptional travel at H. Welsch. Roadster, El Paso, Texas. that lime, supply dealers are strengthen- ing their organisation to meet the demands Rudolph, El Paso, Texas. of the greatest coincident mileage they have G. J. Roadster, aver faced. "Bee America first by seeing your own Gus. Hobbs, Touring, Deming, N. M. sute first." Is s timely reminder to the mo torist thst the finest vacation offered blm Burt Rambolt, Roadster, Lordsburg. N. M. la the one nearest a vacation tour of bia own sute in bis own car. A. H. Stubbs, Touring, El Paso, Texas. The average automoblllst knows leas about the beauty and natural wonders of hit Mrs. El Paso, Texas. own sute than any other part or nis coun- Sofia Apodaca. Touring, try, notwithstanding the fact that, what ever his sute, tpou of picturesque charm Young Bounds, Touring, Separ, N. M. are hidden without number within a radtua The Overland lutomoblle Is popular with The other picture Is that of Juanita Han- "I prefer It," she wrles, "Because of Its of a hundred miles of his garage. With a J. D. Todhunter, "Whiring, Deming, N. M. moving picture actresses. sen .star of a new serial. "The Serreta of cae or operation, the convenient and handy mad man and an Intelligent eye for guide TIM accompanying' Illustration shows Lil- the Submarine," In tier new overland Model arrangement of all Instruments and control posts, he may link them on a circuit ins P. H. Luckett. Touring, El Paso, Texas. lian Walker, Vltagrapi star better known ?5 b Roadster. buttons, the power, snap and daab of us will stand forth as the tour of his lire to the "movie" fans as "Dimples" In rer in a recent latter to the Willys overland motor. I hare tried larger and much nlgrer The motorist who rails to tune up hit El Paso, Texas. Overland coupe, just before taking a spin factory Miss Hansen praises the perfor- priced cara, but In none of them did I feel car tor the weak of August 8 Is jeopardising Mrs. G. W. Crosby, Roadster, so between pictures. ante of this great little car. much at ease as In my Modal the rull joy or his vacation. -- Buv a new car for that vacation tour.' John Landay. Touring, El Paso. Texas. th. eiitnmahile dealer Dertlnently suggests year by talking nothing but gear shift. And it ta a amad thought to think in these dull J. E. Upton, Touring, Hillsboro, N. M. NEW PREMIER CAR these are only two of the features of the FADS AND FANCIES dog days from both the buying and telling new Premier. It is literally alive with good and or the thought. Roadsters, Maria, Texas. 'copy.' M' only question Is how the Amer- U. S. Quartermaster, 4 ican public will receive such a bewildering number of improvements. Might It not be U. S. Quartermaster, 6 Roadsters El Paso, Texas. PROMISES TO BE better to let them have these good things FOR THE MOTORIST PERFECTION IS one at a time so that they would appre- U. S. Quartermaster, 8 Tourings, El Paso, Texas. ciate each of them to the utmost)" U. S. Quartermaster. 2 Roadsters, Deming, N. M. GREAT SENSATION THE PACKARD COMPANY Novelties in Hats, Wrap and Ac ATTAINED! cessories tittered for Use in Automobile. CAR fcuto Has So Many Good Features NEW JORDAN 5 HAS NEW MANAGER Specialties In motor chintzes are shown Chalmers Cars Advertising Is Puzzled Man in the exclusive shops with a few striae In Which to English block printed linens. The chlnts Lt. Col. Geo. Hugh Smith, Touring, Camp Stewart. T designs Include s black and white bird and gassiest Product of the Ante new Premier, which U soon to be tree designs Include a black and white plaid El Paso, Texas. The Emlen S. Hare Succeeds Edwin B. un Is Offered W. D. Croesin, Roadster. announced as the Aluminum Six with Dig pink roses scattered over the sur- - Builders' Art Now Jackson, Who Goes to Willis-Overla- race, blue and tun awning Bulgarian magnetic gear a haft, la so replete with new stripes, to the Public. F. G Martinez. Touring, Hurley, N. M. Interesting features that the advertising de- Company. stripes and several floral patterns. The or Motor corpora- block prima are beautiful in coloring, not partment the Premier It baa arrived congratulations ara Davie, Roadster, El Paso, Texas. tion Is having some difficulty in determin- withstanding the exaggerated patterns. Pil G M Emlen S. Hare Is the new manager or the lows, cushions and are made to go eases ing which or the new Premier Improvements company cumins same manner tbat a dlttta Packard Motor Car of New York. with the coverings. The pillows are in the Much in the Touring. El Paso. Texas. deserved to be emphasised. "If there were In taking over the In or the social and literary H. A. Seamonda. Alum- executive duties this muftln Dupe. gulabed leader nothing more to talk about than the Important territory, he Edwin R might make nis or ner nr appw-anc- e man- succeeds world inum motor." says Premier advertising Jackson, who resigned to accept an at in the cultured circlet or this country ager. Homer MeEee, "we would have a Cut Bolivia clout Is the material usad automobile, rull or dig tractive offer from toe one of the new wraps designed for new world of good selling argument enough company. late splendid qualities, has been added years summer and early autumn Dear. The coat nity and to constitute material for a whole As Packard manager In Philadelphia and to that ever growing list of different makes a moss preen and la trimmed wita black . , Of campairn. The whole sales plan of later as president or the Mew York and - tt la IhA nrnrtnet the Cars -- Chandler satin 4 It is and favorably known American car It I 1 car company of Cleveland, o Philadelphia branches, Mr. Jackson was models fr.length harden Motor at the present time based solely on toe leading- - figure tn Packard retail with front and clase, style, power ana epeea or activities back, with ncfp pointed sides. It baa and for real W. L. Tooky, Convertible Sedan, El Paso, T fact tbat It Is built largely aluminum, He la the type or man that reflects credit 11 immediately asiimea 'a position high In ad- triple corded y ke effect and la an this Is one or the most successful upon any concern with which he may be the ranks or the best types 01 nsnor vertising campaigns now appearing. with very large black buttons laced no with v'f W. Reese. Touring, El Paso. Texas. associated. green com. ore vehicles. J. our motor Is built by Earl o. Ounn, who Although new In coun silk An attractive midsummer who knew Edward s. joraan oes. comparatively the coat or silk Is tn saque Thnu lb IMS built the first aluminum motor ever or Mr. Hare black full modal. It he meant aertouaiy juat snu D. Touring, El Paso, Taxaa, ells the Packard organisation, crepe a realise that J. King. erodutxd in América, and we could certain la well equipped to assume the responslbt Is lined with cer.se and baa collar mm a few weeks ago wnen In and gold a he ly attract enough attention on the aluminum lues relinquished by Mr. Jackson. He wai braided cerise cord with dou- cod be would soon pul on the N. ble or silk st or noun that J. G McDaniels, Roadster. Duran, M, motor argument atone to assure me saie formerly or the Commercial ruffle cerise the back the market a medium priced car which would of our first yesrs production especially Truck Company or America. neck. .n.wer the renul remema of rastldlous buy only since our car will sell st li.egs. Hta success In handling blr business for ers WTO heretofore have been satisfied "But wa bave other features even more the Packard company waa so marked that Indian Dhurrie rugs ara a new summer moat coaUy makes of automobiles. use. The rugs with the evolutionary and advanced. Take our be waa appointed manager of the New York departure for motor are For that reason extraordinary ínteres wee magnetic gear shift for Motor Truck department and it was but woven tn black and a colored stripe which manifested in the plans of the orden Motor as startling blenda with the chlnts. or they may be bad waa Hupmobile Here Is s feature he was given and much speculation Cars Just lately of 2 that entire charge Car company as was the electric starter In its day. The sales in the New York branch. When ot be In plaids or black and color. They are pe- aroused as to what unusual type of car tn weave and look rather and r people have something like cama necessary to name Mr. Jackson's sue culiar bard would be torth coming, now uw Lt W. O. Ryan, Roadster, Fort Bliss, Texas. thirty tbo'isand requests for the name or cessor Mr. Hare was the logical choice. He harsh, but In reality are ton and pliable. here. Jordan is receiving congratulatles en the car which la to use the magnetic gear Is thorougrly qualified to uphold the high every aide and the car la the most talked pig- J. W. Reese, Touring, shirt as regular equipment. We could sell traditions or Packard sales and service in Toilet rolla ror men'a uae are In soft about new product in the automobile trade. twice as many cars as wa could the first the Metropolitan district skin lined with rubberised silk. When fill- "The realisation or a Oreat Ideal" Is the ed they are. easily rolled and fastened with way In which the new Jordan Luxury oar a leather strap like an old fashioned wallet. aa tro seven passenger ""n" -- . referred to. The taeai or lia ouiui Sport bats are shown In a bewildering m Mvnatniet a car to sell st lea etnas hU variety of materials to suit all tastes, but whleb would have all the luxury, beauty pill iiewTiaM the more exclusive designs are toe little and fine points of the ntgn pnceo autora real tucked or stitched hats to match the sweat sUU make it suoaiannai uiruugn Jft bile and era or the wide brimmed soft felt hats In to confine its neauw ana moot .cjv It Speaks solid colors. Black sailors ara also papular qualities to surface alone but to Stake It sad are worn with the large, polka dotted thoroughbred from top to bottom. Tea vails. Elderly women who like the ton most noted experts and engineers ra tw bonnets instead or bats will find the new automobile building were railed into con pongee bonnets, with the soft flaring ruma saltation and the raeuit 01 iaw around the fare, becoming and a little more efforts reveals use joman w. For Itself dressy Use staff silk beau usually used -- Proof Rings Wee tern Motor Supply than Co. Super-Si- x leak Many atea are adopting tat Palm Beach With Pitaste M. sit Sea rreactaoo St. suit for louring and camping wear. They ara cool aad no dust east at ratanias ever Racing Body W ins They are in gray, tea or olive green. Texas Speedway Saaaa of use suits made to oroer ara assign on BORDERLAND AUTO ed in the smock modal tntlaad of the fa SUPPLY CO. fssUlar fsorfoik aiyle aerara a bis crowd a Hudson Super-Si- s touring car. fitted lita a racing body, won nvonnn raoor. va mile event on use oenirvree. isaaa. PHONE OOMJfKel MY Hi LA. aaat silk a asas aril nf Russian blouses In old is. Wit. steeeae pink or Mue. having white cellars, cuffs Thla is rated one of On Use country. Super tlx sad i sanea are ew aad conveeseol for dirt tracks in The leutiaw use. The coats are aurecuve at as waa driven by attar, of asesase. Bast are amis ea were as ear as waa captured a purse ef am the other proofed meienass Teta asa the flrat victory of CADILLAC SALES CO. Bros of Sheuuck. Okie wtta the Super pur. E. P. ft. W. ftiJIUMNi TELEPHONE 511) mttss tMuif asurar. tourUia isr they The Cactus Motor company delivered Hudson distrainors at Perisho axe Otar for tasarle g to Dr. E D. LaasS, the express purpose of raeka" a Hand-Mad- e -- 5.000 Miles Guarantee. on rnoay afternoon The Cáctea recently atea u..v made In Oa car ax v. REPUBLIC look U agency for uua car Ut El raes. tn. touiinx Uody end luDiuwi. ELK AUTO SUPPLY CO., The Cadillac bales ooeepaay assorts use beds gad put aa a Water gear rea, TIRES eeMvery of a Cediuee eigni sell known all and four were beaten Lone Star rae Oakland ante salas a anisas y deirv Oakland ated an Oakland "sis" roeaettr to C. keen or the inatiattiartartataiia ef the Bad Auto Salas Co. na a toarte to J cnttdera. w tea Super-Si- s 1 seranea east it was sis parpases. raerean stanusvTeaa M aidrtcb gets aa Oakland Ikakr tearing aaensa to est Str recias aaaceay ee- ta Otflaaneti ' sea ai i u. a mea, tas OaSfcaed ose ese estas tewn. tteesenS. Co. Oakland B-- reaa. tter n.eawd Oakland "MX" tourings to C T. .ay sne gg Motor rerre aI and pete tee regular list price fur It fart she I aa aa asaatahits deaie WINTOW SEC El Paso Auto Salsa Co. not get ate a taniual hut I ant thoroughly Taw Eraj aaatlled edth say perene, and aalleheja M was Mat arts race l esterad tt NT that it MitetmU 'XT 117 MM it is a aealejval esa-- m


WE ARE THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF TENTS AND AWNINGS SUPERIOR IN THE SOUTHWEST Homes. That Is What We When Home Yean of experience, best of material, high graae work- You Buy a manship that's why our Tents and Awnings stand the Starting at the Foundation and r test of time. BUY A MACON HOME Finishing With the Roof, We Dae All material usad in a MACON REALTY CO. home is PORCH, LAWN and the bast that the market affords. Every department of work is presided CAMP FURNITURE Stone Work our construction Brick over by expert workmen. Work If yon want the best for less money. See us about that Largest and most com- Frame Work new bungalow that you are going to build. plete stock in El Paso Inside Finish Plastering and the lowest Macón Co. at Plumbing Realty Superior 426 Mills Bldg possible prices. Painting Phots 8879 Carpentering Wiring Largest Lime Mydrating El Paso Tent and Awning Co. Electric Fixtures Plant Roofing Material 314 SAN FRANCISCO ST. PHONE 2044 in the Southwest Chamber of Commerce Next Door H. J. Collins. Mgr. Brick, Lime, Cement,, Roofing, Fire Brick and Phoenix-E- l Paso Building Co. Fire Qey, Coal, Wood, Grain and Hay SUPERIOR HOMES MT. FRANKLIN FUEL AND Brighten Up Your Home 107 Texas St Phone 4061 FEED CO. Wholesale and Retail with new EL PASO, TEXAS Office and Yards Cor. C. H. 8. A. Tracks. Phones 186, 5144 Electric Fixtures Piedlas aad

JL Visit our show room. See the many new ' i&MfVv SSSS- -. and pretty patterns and how moderately priced they are. Baw

Arnold Vibrators. Electric Irons. GAS Electric cooking devices of all kinds. All-Seas- An on I TEXAS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. 1 9 NORTH STANTON. PHONE 1120 FUEL WW Quality and Price Count We Win. Gas is not a one season fuel any more than water is a one season drink. To the housewife the gas range is just a valuable in one season as in another. The same sound arguments that have placed millions of SjpS ranges in millions of kitchens make gas desirable as an proposition. Of these arguments, those of cleanliness and time and labor-savin- g ability come first. Practically all of the concentrated heating value in gas is Geo. W. made to work in a modern range. Sharp gas The range means punctual meals in winter as in summer - in BUILDER shorter hours the kitchen more domestic happiness! OF IDEAL HOMES Residence of Mrs. Ren Jackson better satisfaction for all. If you want the best home at the lowest pos- Built By sible cost talk with me. EL PASO GAS CO. Telephone 3335 Phoenix-E- l Paso Building Co. Office and Salesroom 428 North Oregon Street

E. A. Henning Lumber Co. Notice to the Public

Building Loans Recent developments tn tbs Mexican situation and other matter of trttarsat to ths sanara! public Asa caused a veritable flood of tele- E. MORGAN phonic Inquirías through The Times telephone exchange. While It la J. the daatr of Ths Tlniaa to furnlah tta rea Sara with Information ever Put nished ths phone whenever It Is raqueetad. The Timas requests that the pubUo lead their by obaervlns Uto following rulee: Prom Tarn, until 10 p. ra. on week days for all depart men ta sail ! This ooa wests you with The Times private ssctuuure, which has 1700 Texas St. Phone 821 five trunk Haas If you wash to talk to ths newa department ask the operator to connect you with the Editorial Rooma. If you wlah to lnaert a claaained advertisement ask the operator to connect you with ths Claaained Department. 1Í you wlah to subsortbe to The Times, change your add rasa, or dlacuaa th delivery of your paper, ask the operator to connect you with the Circulation Department. After IS o'clock nlfhta and on Sundays and Holidays after I av. . call tas following numbers: The Sunday Times NATIONAL GUARDSMEN MU.X dltorlal aad Sport Departments w ISIS-- aaalety Bdltrass or Cotnpoetas Room sOSS-- For Advertíalos Circulation Departa an ta sell X Baseball Goods, Cajnp Furniture, Leggings, Belts, Mailing Department Bad Spanish Editor 1011 X Is read by every one in El Paso. If you are a home Holsters, ("nil do not fall to aay "X" after sack number.) Scabbards, Arms and Ammunition and Other By builder of contractor of any plumber, electrical obaervlns tase ralas Ote pabilo wttl ras fly facilitate the kind m " Uma " tk mmM UBM Sporting Goods, Go to uteoonwot seaeeetasa "" dealer, architect, etc. and want the people to know thai you are in business, SHELTON-PAYN- E ARMS COMPANY El Paso Morning Times Get Your Ad On This Page first Naw-ft- rst AtWays

BBS ItfH. tafe! How s6oE rrmwi i r a!-- I I 7' 19 Polly Can You Blame Pa If He "Rares Up? ft ITS VAtiuUy 'VlTCH fbffkJ V ASKtO MR : - , kmnohi mr. osis! iLLhTzr ,;rr- r-":- .: iunos.s 7 Vftdgsfj í i i i . . i jl i - i i y iiA.it. n i . r z r.u- .. iu uuakk niih BKVt. .tts.i i1"nn uuuirami-- i k vitm Tk

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I ám DeuM ia rwehaeinf grlM And hop Is of thai Wd-worf- c jj tojooicopo The New Golconda Re-Ma- rk Your Price Card always one more good head In the THERE'S useless to one period is priceless to By HERBERT KAUFMAN the next "More wealth lurks in the mistakes of yourself for the bargain basement. No man it others than the mines of Golconda held. Values change Write your own price card but don't mark with time, worth more than the estimate of hit ambition. Under modern procesaos slag piles are yielding in- choice well. credible profits. The ditch digger's pick generally hit at Eren "Fool's gold" has become valuable we cant Existence continues to be a heart-wrenchi- ng ttrife for multitudes, not because many fail but make sulphuric acid without it Eventually well dis- cover nothing to be worthless. because few ever attempt how can there be falls without rises or defeats without fights? Humanity awaits with breathless interest the full Feebles, dunces and cripples excepted, the rettrictiont of environment exist only by personal list of new German ingenuities. Necessities of war have stimulated the investigation of all types of matter. content. Chemistry will quite likely endow the century with dis- We are not all born under equally favorable auspices, but we are of one caste and cast coveries which will offset the depletions of Continental armies. There's e substitute for everything and it's before opportunity. usually in the last place Imaginable. sentenced to the of early circum- We found dynamite hiding in soap-maker- s' waste Careers are not ready made. None are wear uniform and fossil manure, stance for a permanent livery. Destiny it not a tailor but a fabric to be cuf and refashioned until it fits the wearer's will When Is an Adult? If you disagree with the present valuation of your services, don't growl but grow and show. law considers every adult accountable for his I Dissatisfaction that does not stimulate endeavor it a snivelling whimper. THE and misdemeanors. But what is adult-ag- e Pasts cannot nor futures becloud constructive discontent. a state of mind or a period of years f fetter Suppose you place a child in the jungle to remain On the other hand, mere change of scene does not advantage aimless men. until maturity. Despite a thousand years of pious, All foot of where de- cultured ancestry he would grow up an out and out the jostle and crowding it down there at the affairs brains sleep and savage ruled solely by instinct passionate, preda- termination dulls and imaginations die among the won and don't-care- s. cious, pitiless a reversion to primitive type. and cheap priceless. Restored to civilization, it would be extremely dif- Hands feet are but heads are ficult for him to appreciate established distinctions be- Track walkers have counted the ties straight on to presidencies stenographers, who tween right and wrong. The bend in the sapling is fixed in the tree. If we do not gain early control of wouldn't let beginnings dictate their ends, are cabinet officers, judges and bankers salesmen our impulses, it is practically impossible to master them who bought a through ticket to "Bossville" when they started work, are "arriving" every day. later in life. Now, it would be manifestly unfair to hold a man Business and the professions draw their vitality from democracy. such as we've just mentioned, to the standards of re- The ablest conception, irrespective of source, mutt eventually assert its force. sponsibility imposed upon those who are reared in care- ful hornea, counseled at every step of the way, and in- Commerce, art and science the entire body economic would perish without new blood. durated tram boyhood with the necessity of repression All talk of conflict between classes and masses, is a lie on the face of it. The immigrants and morality. a Yet prisons are filled with convicts reared in the and paupers of one generation are the controlling factors of the next. equivalent of jungles; left to their own resources at But there and will always be, an implacable contest between organization and anarchy an age when character is moot impressionable. Some is of them never knew their fathers and would have been between zeal and listlessness between ignorance and intelligence between efficiency and better off if they were ignorant of their mothers. Many incompetence. are the offspring of drunkards and criminals. The streets in which they played reeked with immorality. There are no dead-line- s, no privileged persons or positions. You are entitled to be and have Before adolescence they were wise in all that they at much at you can gain and clinch. should not have seen or heard. It is not the number of years that a man spends Only a part of your day it engaged. The enjoyments; and employments of your leisure but where and how he has spent them that must be the momentt furnish the key to your character and intents. determining factor in estimating the character and ex- tent of his punishment. While foreign-bor- n citizens, by youth, handicapped language and a cowed slave at despised The antecedent history of a "crook" ia a strong tasks, save their spare hours and pennies for the study of law and medicine and reach factor in weighing his culpability. Birth, breeding, commanding positions while newsboys and arm lads challenge and thrash adversity as did education, opportunity and physiological condition are Hill and hundreds of others before him, excuses for your obscurity and inferiority are invalid. contributory evidence of decided import to real justice. There is just one helping hand and it's your own. "A Certain Rich Man 99 The Brutalization of Europe you're a millionaire, you're doubtlessly a very dull IFperson. Growing rich keeps men from growing HAT will the reflex be ? How will this prodigious and protracted various. Financial sagacity is a highly specialized react upon civilization? Tools and time will restore the devas- form of development which starves the other faculties w to nurture itself. tated areas. Modern man makes machines on a scale commensu Learning and earning are not synonyms. The rate with his necessities. Big engines, after all, are simply grown-u- p little OU wonder why you cannot bo change in your pocket hasn't necessarily changed your ones. All this is a problem in mechanics a matter of engineering. mKTA At mom you Mo; mind. When money talks it generally makes a fool ' RMo at your mm Ib ÍMt Michino; But the characteristics of folk are bound to alter under the strain noise. Smoka vintage crop and play tho poena; of a holocaust which spills blind men and unspeakable cripples into every Tour roll is impressive but your impressions are You're turo you novar had chanco. community from Daghestan to Hartlepool, crowds graveyards beyond not Tou haven t had sufficient leisure to form many. But if youll rite and taha a flanco precedent, creates five million widowt, blights the honor of a myriad girls, Because you've done one thing extraordinarily well At yonder Mirror on the wall reduces the gently bred to horrid poverty, hurls the prides of pasee into and were able to do it only through concentrating in Youll ind the aan to blaeae for alL one quarter, to the exclusion of general interests, you If you had triad inetoad of H(hod the pit, gives the lie direct to civilization's noblest vaunts, turns famine, have now arrived at the conclusion that your judgment Yon might km yacnt and cart to ride, fever, fear and force upon a world convinced of its security, and there- is sound on aU subjects. A country hauaa, a hank, tho root fore bare of any philosophy with which to accept the sudden soul-woun- d. You haven't been corrected in ao long that you It is inevitable that these years must dull humanity, fineness and confuse obeisance and obedience with concurrence. way from tho Their up rank and idealism. Moot everybody flatters power i they hope to share it Peoples will hate each other with feudal ferocity. Memory will Bankers aren't contradicted; that's why so many For place and power white you ohkkad of them have no coneeptian of actualities Kings are You You spit upon the enemy name. The men cannot forget their privations and dnki't loao. neror played notoriously the gi as test ignoramuses in the realm. Who The gaane. Chenco called) you wwj wounds are inerasible. The women will not forgive. would think of disturbing the demsiom of the Osar of Europe will boil with passions upon which only the centuries can You only taw tho run and paled. lay full restraint. Nations cannot be thrust back into barbarism and re- Diaoount it: your oofwmarcial rating isn't veuid You atuck ta self-contr- stored to ol over night. where dalla dent make etna. m M

"1r' sjHf Uncle Samlf éÉ fÉL i i New Gun Problem Present Resources of the United States Army and the Lines on Which The New Army Machine Rifle with Its Muule Rest in Position. Better Equip Ing the formidable wetpon, and mak- ly. Its cartridges are held In "clips" The army rifle can Are 26 shots a ing It ready for use. after It reaches of Ave. minute. It is a wonderful improve- the point of destination. The government small-arm- fac- ment on the old fashioned flintlock The war depaitment hug built one tories st Springfield. Mass., and musket used by United States troops Is 111., In which, ment Being breech-loadin- rifle, which Rock Island. can each turn out the first Mexican war. was recently emplaced at the Pacific new rifles at a rate of 1500 every loaded with a round ball by the help entrance of the Panama canal. Six 24 hours, running day and night of a ramrod, could shoot only once Pushed. others, of the same caliber, are to be shifts. But the private munitions In 60 seconds. Percussion rifles provided for the defence of the c concerns (whose product msy al- were already known In those days, waterway the Idea being to ways be commandeered by Uncle but they were much in the habit ot mount three of them on the main- Sam) are making- - them by tena of missing Are, and Gen Scott dlacour By Rene Bache. land at the Caribbean end, and four thousands weekly. The Frankford aged their employment by the sol on the four little Islanda which (con- Arsenal in Philadelphia is deliver- dlers under his command. veniently situated off the southern ing to the war department 10,000.000 Msrvellou Machino Rifle. entrance) have been converted Into rifle cartridgea every seven days even to The new army machine gun la a 8AM. relatively forts. (they cost 2Vi cents apiece), and UNCLEmalí forcea he la able Bv private concerns in New Hsven, weapon of French Invention, but is m Gun. for Harbors. promptly to throw Into the mm Bridgeport. Lowell and Cincinnati manufactured for Uncle Sam at Em guns are to be mount- five Ten similar are manufacturing tlmea as Springfield and Hartford. It is a Bald, la weak In artillery. The great ajar of the harbor many, export, sfl saBSír sM ed for the protection for marvellous weapon an automatic war Europe shown that can-io- Boston navy, In has ZmWM at 8an Francisco, eight at The army, the the marine machine rifle, designed jenable m Mmm mmmmm fmm HU en- to one In large numbers, under modern mm - and four for the defence of the corps and the organised militia all m M Bsssflsi mzmi bay. Hamp- conditions of conflict, are more Im- a jrf tral mm - HaV w mimMKJasan, basase. trance of Chesapeake at use the same rifle and the same cart- fcswzjr1 yeara, however, having portant than multitudes of men. Bat- aHeliBafl Bf. LM mt ton Roada. Several ridge the latter a copper them. Such a tles are won not by the strongest bat- will be required to build nickel Jacket and lead core. An flsBsl a weapon is neatly 50 feet long, infantryman carries 100 such cart talions, but by explosive sheila and BBBBsV SSV and fires a 2400 plenty of them. weighs MP tons, projectile 23 miles. The shell, In readiness for use. Uncle 8am has pound mmmm Lf containing 400 pounds of high ex- 15 batteries of heavy Seld artillery plosive aa a bursting charge. Is near ind 150 batteries of field Runs ly tall man (6 feet 4 inches) and guns as as a mountain howitzers. Four stood on Its base; and, fired compose a battery. The total when revél- mmmmk TCL x&..xHSmm with a load of 66Vs pounds of smoke- about the number of - ente less gunpowder. It strikes, st a dls- :annon necessary, ta Four-Inc- Deck oí the Destroyer Smith. and there a Operating a h Onn on the Forward lack of ammunition. over ordinary roads, three difficulty will be so contrived aa to aerve as howltsera The Mexican found the been perfecting designa for such tract ora sufficing to transport in- - from which. If desired, the man to fire the equivalent ot a vol United States this respect unpre- and h howttsers, but their platforms gun, carriage and ammunition, while begun. of or series of volleys, discharged pared. But for some time past the manufacture has not yet been weap0ns may be fired. In case providing a suitable firing platform, ffttk P field rapid-th- w, jÉB y sn entire platoon (one-thir- of a war department has been rushing The main difference between a emergency spur tracks can be ready-mad- As is reckoned, not it UW company. It weighs SO manufacture of cannon, some orun and a hsvwitaer.ls that the latter main lift an hour and a will be less than J Mtended rom the to s more than half pounds, operating Which are already being delivered can be used for fire and and mount- U and the marksman or bluff at any threatwMW required for "assembling' SaV wSsI Vom the arsenal, and contracta for with varying powder charges accord-- beach It Has flat nn his stomach, the mil may al- treat quantities of projectilea have log to range. Before long 12 inch, point, so that the cannon be sle being upheld and steadied by n teen placed with private concerns. and possibly howlt- - most Immediately available to repel slender steel fork. Dne such munitions plant is now sera will be made for the proposed invasion or stuck an approaching S Under service conditions such a a The '.urning out shells (mostly "travelling" coast defence. fleet. mm b w'" ol minute. s at or field guns) at a rate of 30,000 a The seacoast fortresses of the adapted for similar .mÉmmm sev marksman csn shoot one Hr nold,n lay, for the allies, so that, by good United States (protecting harbors use will carry heavy ,. aw tlmB or' by tne trtKei m a ick, the government can buy all it and river mouths) could not prevent SmMtm back, can deliver the bullets In leeds. a hostile army from landing a few jmmmM continuous stream. The cartridges miles away, out of reach of their . " re ordmary rlne cartridges, held In Famous 78. mmVA Mal of French gimt. and tuch orcel Btrong y (; gimSmtim LsssBsW mr cID 0( 30- Part o( the a" gfner - them k by xploslon of each car The artillery Uncfe Sam does pos- enough, might easily attack JsVM N Jsk ÍF bSbbbbbbbbbbH tad the ess is and as good aa any from behind and capture them, o the world, csllber for caliber. Meat Hence the value of the plan, now In mportant Is the field gun contemplation, whereby huge howlt- - I earned by experta fully equal to the sera are to be made transportable amous French '75 which throws a along ahore by rail and by motor projectile. There la also a tractors. 7 Inch field gun; and the howltsera For this purpose strategic rail-r- of and roads are to be built along the coasts .libers. The howitzer die-- and designs are being made for flat ridge operates the mechtnlsm hargea a shell weighing 130 pounds, cara of massive construction, capa throwing out the empty shell. Four For some time past the ordnance ble of carrying great guns snd their of these machine guns are allowed ureau of the war department has mounts. Not only this, but the cars for each regiment, with an extra ma- chine gun held In reserve, making a Transporting What Is Regarded as the Heaviest Onn in the total of five. The navy has plenty of guns for World, a Onn Made at the Watervleit Arsenal - T"1 . . . . Its own purposes, of all calibers Un fortunately, however, it lacks an ade In the Foreground a New Type of Seven-Inc- h Naval Onn. quate supply of projectiles, the short- age in thla reapect being very serl tsnce of three miles with force suf- - ridges In his belt, and an additional ous. Huge orders have recently been 120 In two over hie placed with private munitions con bbbVQbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbQ í flclent to lift 90.000 tons one foot bandoliers" bbv w WHiHL! tBal W A cavalryman Is provided corns for shells; but It takes a long WmSmmtm' 1 491 I The war department already haa shoulders. ' H SI 160 The men who time to make them, especially, tboae - newest with cartridges. i M 'NobbbbH I Mr- Wmr' tn stock 00.000 rifles of the and most Improved modal, snd. In operate machine guns have no rlflea, of large caliber. At least s year addition. 360.000 Kraga. which, but each of thorn carries a "bolo" must elapse before the warships of navy, though not strictly are ex a. heavy knife resembling s machete, the United States in this es cellent guns. The new 'regulation" though shorter, and copied sftor s eential Item, can be properly rifle shoots faater snd more accurate- - Filipino weapon. equipped for fighting. 4 Battery of 12 inch Mortars, Very Formidable in Bombardment or Defence. bbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb9 Wk .fjUsjaVal mmmy , mm F"V mmmñ BzssaaBHP' Mm 4tsXjM k Id ' MM

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I Novelized from the Mo- GLjODIA'5 tion Picture Romance romance same "name. átr MR. and RUPERT HUGHES v of the TENTH INSTALLMENT hnt we ham made tip. We're going to tha country certain of the manner of Freoeau's death, but the be hi possession of Froneaa's effects, so she called stenographer that she woutc telephone to Mr. Mul- honae for a new honeymoon. Come along, you two, published hints of suicide for financial reasons had on Mulry. never dreaming that Freneau had told ry. YNOPIII. awl have noma skating and akllng and toboggan put Mulry Into new financial difficulties. He had him of her own Interference in his plana to wed The crowded traffic, with Its delays, maddened viereent Stafford, banker and railroad work." used the money Freneau bad borrowed of Olorla'a Gloria, or that Mulry collaborated with Freneau In her, and when she reached her boose at tost ah with tile itoUM-rMr-o- daughter fltotal la winter Olorla shook her hand. She had other worlt to do. to save himself from a Ho wss sebease both women. was In s fronsy. She ran np to her denfe, took from Ing fsther crash. afraid his elaborate te trick Least at falm Beach Olería la a vivai itoua but willful father nrgel In make) change of Stafford would any moment, of all did would be strong box letters snd telegrams of lover, young Mr who añares iwiw Um restraining hand or liar her tha acerté. that demand It back at Lots dream that Olorla herself the tha bar governess from whom aba repeatedly aenapaa. Har She aair aha would think It orar. hnt. aha did not and he could not face such a demand. st Mulry 's office. Tha stenographer was moro Im- and compared them with tho letterhead, laying rhlMlah rapara ranee young Doctor Morra to fall In go, ax aha by were, love with flor. Mm atóala from bar room at night end Intend to planned to apend her wlta on Furthermore, his part la tha writing of the letters pregnad by Lois' clothes than by her attempt to be them out date date. There they the aamo In an auto plunges Into tho aurf where aha leaves tha Frank Mulry. Aa at ton aa aho could get rid of har and the sending of them end the telegrams from the casual In nor Inquiry as to Mulry and "the papers towns tn the same order, like a loathsome timetable rar. Becoming lost In tho everglades she fain Into and ahe own one very the han (ta of tha Bemtnole Indiana. Iha la raarnarl father brother ordered her car out vaiioua titles wss thst ho could not pleasantly of poor Mr. Frenes a." of deceit. Her lore revolted st the picture of and raturnod lo her father who had offered a reward for the long to) uro downtown. explain. He could think of no good He to tell, and The stenographer murmured to the bookkeeper: Freneau. She lost sll and Vrled at It: for har return. Olorla falla In lora with her rescuer, Mulry was not hla office person on you and Ms y ranean. Five reara later aha learea arhool and maeta Frank at when ahe the laat earth he wanted to moot was "Two swell dames cam pin' on Mr. Mttlrya trail the "Whoever killed whatever reason was, I'reneau at tha theater. Ma attention having been He had been summoned tn Doctor Royce'a 1. 1. .riu Stafford. samo dsyt Something goto' on here that ain't get-ti- yon lied to me. Dick. Ton never loved ma, and I tn with her atetar taw ha ha forgotten rí loria office by telephone. Thinking Royce probably him, waa Royce's me." ova you any more t I wear Olorla foola that her one dream la shattered Later that Fortunately for he at office loto tho letters ho dictates to don't won't mourning Freneau parauadaa har to forgive him. (llorta'a slster-I- So she did not toll Lots of Olorls's presence, and for you any more." law. Lota, ha oinaa rntinoaly jaalmia and Doctor Roye of as rang boll furiously star- dlarovers In har an ally to aaalat In thwarting Frenaau. Lots went swsy In a turmoil anxiety almost She her snd ordered bar Doctor Royce warna Freneeu that there la another groat SS that In Olorls's mind when she heard I,ols tled maid to bring her ths brightest gown In her woman beslrlee Olorla. Frenoau goea alalghlng with Mr. A knife-- of Jealousy She caught It from tha Olorla without her father'a knowledge It reoulta tn ask about "poor Freneau." wardrobe. maid's hands pneumonia for Olorla. whoaa family beromee Incencd wont lato Gloria's hesrt snd s hideous Intuition thst and drove the girl ooL then flinging the riotous col. at Freneau when thy learn the truth. Royra la d ora about her black gown like a scarf, sha broke to alleviate Olorla'a Buffering Frenaau'a finan bring low he approaches Iterpont Stafford for a loan. Into a dance, flinging her lithe body Into postures Doctor Royre again warna Freneau of hla conduct. of Joy and crying out thst she wss bsppy and Rut lxl. learning of Frenaau'a betrothal to Olorla, that tlireatena him with dire punlahment. Har huahand. ! 8yV her heart would never be tho fool of love agsln. (llorta'a brother David, be. o mee aiiaplrloua; he plana a T$KK0b jD Wt rfaraam gawSSsnr .dnW But she wss not strong snd her hysteria worn ran for hla wife. Freneau driven tn desperation hy tola' threata agreaa to apend a week with her In tha out speedily. Her hesrt swung bsck to Its love ' a t ak II la He plana to liava Mulry aend Olorla a bunch again snd she fell serosa the divan sobbing : of telegrama. T.oU' huahand threatena to hill a man. After Freneau takaa leave of Olorla she aeaa from her "Forgive me, Dick. I believe you in spite of tho window an attack made upon him whan hr goea to meet world. I lovs you In spite of everything and I'll !.! tx tor P.nyre cnnvtncea her that what aha haa en la Ib reault of delirium I.atr a teUgram, fol- find out the truth the truth the truth!" lowed by a letter, romee from Fren'eu. Rho repllea hut And now ltVould have been hard to say whether her telegrama are returned The flrat mornina ahe i .n! lowed from her room, ahe accldantly aoea the supposed Olorls's motive was one of loyalty to Freneau or of e'Jtfide of Franaau reported In the paper. Then Olorla suspicion of him. She had to acquit him of worn arara lo find the murderrr of her lover. Boyce ba-- i ornea alarmad and lella what ha knowa of Freneau tn than murder before the court of ber own heart as Mr. Stafford. Together they aeek to prevent sesuda) much ss to avenge him. If ho was the victim of from enveloping Olorla. She arcuaea them In her mind of conspiracy agalnat her. some conspiracy, she was ths victim of his. Tha StfiÉj riddle maddened her with Its uncertainties. Tangled Thread mlaLalnnnnnnn. BfesW Lar fíÉ Thst visit of Lots to Mulry's office seemed to BnNkMÉnVÍJI Involve her In Frenesa's duplicity. Lois had con- a ring on the finger la a badge of slavery that fessed to stealing the photograph of Freneau. She women re generally proud to wear, especially when had ssid thst she plsnned to have a miniature mad It la nn engagement ring, with a aparkle of diamonds for Gloria. But this seemed now to be only n hasty like the price mark of a princesa, aaylng. "See how excuse, a desperate lie to hide s discovered theft. much I cost !" or "He must love me a lot to hare She decided to question Lois further. But Lots was Gloria spent so much money on thla diamond advertise- r-.fi- ' going to ber country home. had decided not l ansnsnsaL ment." 'I af -a- s to go. "Now she decided thst she would. 8he went When Frenean slipped the gleaming circlet on to Lois' bouse to tell ber so. H nsfl Asar" $ J9IÉMal lilorlB's Bnecr she had laughed with Joy over It, I To ber smssement Doctor Royce wss there. He never dreaming that he had bought It on credit and tMsnx was saying to Lois thst Gloria wss on the hunt and mentioned her name aa security, and still leas warning ber to be both a bettor wife than she had dreaming that he had not yet freed himself from the been and a more discreet women. Just such n warn- ringlcHH engagement to l.oi. ing as he had given Mnlry. When Freneau died the gems that had looked to Mnlry had already taken the doctor's advice. H (iiorlu like Jeweled laughter became teardrops of had Invited himself to the country home of a friend undying grief. She had taken a dismal pleasure In of his, a home not far from David Stafford's. In kissing the ring and talking to It aa to her lost lover. Mfc ' eluding Gloria he had set out for the very region When her tender heart yielded to the jealousy of m9fP'sftÉBv 1 asnssansnl which she wss shout to visit In her investigation her father arid to his authority and she surrendered Jl- aBansKssj.H lar Lb of Lois. the ring tn him her finger seemed to be suddenly fuftSnfjran n si Gloria did not bear whst Doctor Royce was say- naked and ashamed of Itself. Her father's delight BBlWtHM-J- lfl BBBV"nsn Lnn Wm Wm ing to Lois when she wss shown Into tho living In his victory became only selfishness snd sn abuse room. But she. saw that they wer talking excited- of parental control. ly and that her appearance confused tbem. Glo- Her very Anger ached to have Its ring back snd ria was so disconcerted at thla that ahe could hardly, she determined to go to her father and demand tt. explain her errand. She went down the stairway to hla library with s "I Just dropped In to say thst I will accept Da- reaolute step. She upon go up to marched In him. He looked ansa! jBl Lsaxl 1 vid's Invitation to the farm with you." lonesome tn his big room at game of soli- bbsbbbsW anona fe fcRBafc, r Lois wss so reassured by dark his LW. una nV sfl nV aVafaTJBañnY anal nnnaJ this that she exclaimed taire. Her mother had baen dead for years and T"iii.iwiisM mMMMMtnaI m with delight. lie little girl and boy he had raised had outgrown m ! Royce sold to Glotis : "May I com up. too?" him. m ansnsaaaaaaaahsmV W Gloria answered him telly: "It Isn't my farm. He had not heard her. so she coughed. The look Good-by- , Lois." Then ahe walked out. of Joy thnt brightened his eyes when they rested irl Royce stored st Lois, then st the spot where on her tilled her with tenderness. He pushed back snH Gloria had been. Gloria was angry at him. Ho his enrds and opened his srms to her. She ran to i! could not Imagine why. Ha could not permit her bin) and seated herself on the arm of hla chair, em- ñn nsnsafa 9 to snub him like that. He had some rights ss a bracing him and twisting hia white hair into a Mr J physician If not as a lover. He bolted from Lois' single I KSanf M spear as she had dons from childhood. presence snd caught Gloria Just as she wss getting. Ss Lnm "My own little (loria haa coma home again '." be I anr aaai v Into her car. groaned In a childish rupture that showed how blue I v t 'i. 3 añas Ha. "I'm going to take you home at once," he said. mid deaerted he had felt. "And you're not going She answered with more Ice: "I'm not going to leave me again, are youl" home. I'm going to my father's office. Good-by.- " "NeTer, dsddy, never !" sighed. poor she "Ton aawfl Lnaa Royce helped her Into the car, hesitated a mo- old widower you have s little widow for s child. I nanT ment, then Jumped in after ber. Neither of tbem You'll never lose me now." spoke all the way downtown. She waa too angry. That did not sstisfy him either. He was too bewildered. Arrived at the Equitable ". yes, 1 will," he answered. "Tour smiles will building, she put out her bond to bid him good-b- come back and some day a handsome man " but ho shook his head snd went In with her. "Hush," she said, and put her linger to tosh hla Entering her fsther's suits, she brushed aside a lipa. "Don't aay It." protesting secretary and penetrated with Royce to It seemed treachery of the bssest sort to discusa the luxurious Inner office. sued a topic, site bent her hesd in apology to the Pierpont Stafford rose In amazement. memory of her lover. Her downcast eyes caught "Why, my child, what are you doing down hero? a sparkle In the depth of her father'a waistcoat You're not strong enough for this." And he looked pocket. She knew that it waa the ring he had taken Inquiringly st the doctor. from her. He had not yet put It In the ssfe or "I tried to take her home, but she would not listen thrown It Into the river. to me," Royce said helplessly. (loria was startled. Her lipa parted to apeak the Glotis advanced to her fsther with sodden anger. demand she had come to make. But her father waa "My health Is sll tight, father, hnt what neither Mating Into the fire with such a contented look that you nor Stephen realises Is that something must bo she could not bear to start auch a scene aa he would done for my pesco of mind." And drawing the pho- be sure to make. He waa a great msn for getting tograph from her breast, aha pointed to It with what he wanted snd for keeping it, once It wss flashing eyes, turning to each of them accusingly. got. "He waa not drowned. He wss murdered. Ton (loria had had no previous experience as a pick- don't care. You want only silence. But I wsnt the pocket, but she understood how exciting the profe- truth! I'm going to And ltl I'm going to hunt sión must be. Her fsther was an unsuspecting and yon me 1 down thst msn whether help or not t" an easy victim. She had only to lay her cheek There They Were, the Same Towns In ths Same Royce studied her uneasy Order. with admiration; har against his as a blindfold and while her hair got father tossed his hands In despair. 2 "Lois I Had Into his eyes and made hint squirm she recaptures! snd Hsvs a Little Misunderstand Royce thought a moment, beckoned Glo- ing, then to the ring. She was afraid at once that he would but We Have Made Up." ria snd said: "Come with me." mlas it. spesk of it, reach for It, and And It gone. S She Called at the Broker's Office. LnvanWrnf . WM Gloria followed him out woo daringly. A Knife of Jealousy 1 ansaansl aFfana.anBnBBT Ja She dared not linger. Went Into Gloria's Hesrt. Entering the corridor of the building, Royce "(o bach to your cards, you old 5 he Put It on a Little Chain and Fastened It dsrllng," she said, pressed the elevator button marked : "Up." He s About Her Neck. kissed him half s dosen snd left. guided Gloria loto a car that stopped for tbem. ran up to 6 ha Flung tha Riotous Colore About Her Black It She her room snd set the ring In piece waa an express snd shot them sip to the on finger. rejoiced down tike a Scarf. fortieth again her She in It a moment. floor. Alighting, Royce led her oat roof. 7 "I'll Find Out the Truth the Truth." to the It Then her heart sank. Her father would not toler- was surrounded by a high wsU, but a tarpon tor a a combination of robbery. a tip ate disobedience and The wanted on the market, and eager always for asddar chanced to be there, and Royce set It up that main thing waa to keep the ling. She put it on a a now customer. Mulry loot no time lu obeylug the Gloria might mount and across summons. .see the parapet. little chala and fastened it shout her neck. And He found Hoyes in a grim humor add her beloved Dick might hare bewitched Lota ss bs Wonderingty. Gloria allowed Royce to help her ahe wore I waa not at all polite. there until until her quest ended bewitched herself. Those ayes of his had been sor up. She shuddered as ah looked down Into ahe Much "air. Mulry." Royce the and had learned the truth. time and began, every word aa sharp naps a mus too winning. depths of the vast canyons. Then, great acetone many Burgeon's la adventures lay between this night snd that as a knife, "you know more about Richard . aWSLÍSJr'Srai Sha rebuked herself for allowing ths suspicion ness. Royce spoke. He stood on day. Freneau's the ladder with affairs than you would like to tell In tho even to flit through her brain snd began Jter note to her and pointed In s circle, beginning at the east Her father went hnek open, court. Is orsrg-bod- y te his solitaire and did not Mla Stafford susplelotia of Mnlry. Har ays fell on the letterhead. The branch snd turning south, then west, then north, aa he rulas the ring for hours. Then he raised s mighty who ever kuew Freneau. I Imagine thnt she onVos of tha brokerage firm were Usted In sn upper poke: pother. He had the old butler on sil fours looking will look you up. It Is the wish of her Albany. Ruffalo. Clsveisnd, father and when (loria arrived st his. She was received by corner: Detroit. Chica- "Ton aay yon saw a man kill Fraoeaa I any everywhere fay the ling. He even bed of myself that she shall I it the sshee la nut tlud out what a scoun- au Impertinent young stenographer who Boomed un- go, St. Loots, Pittsburgh. A new suspicion stabbed was delirium. If it were trae, yon dont know his the fireplace aifted He aueperted everybody but drel the man waa. Wt v. mm aparo to her, at least able to apara time from her gum chewing snd her Gloria. Tha telegrama and lettera In Dick's writing name, his country, or bis motive; roe would hardly (loria. She was asleep In s loneliness wss tilt ahe growa much aironger that and time haa healed appraisal of Gloria's looks gad clothes to Impart had baao sent from Just those cities In Just that know his face If you aaw him again. No one knowa Xged by fidelity mls- - hgr wounds n ! her snd bar little. It is to your Interest ss much any useful Information. Tet he had boon dead whan the ware who he la. He may have taken a ship ss ours to keep her In stress the the dark. Vou know how Gloria said sha would like to toara a noto for Mr. ocean yonder. H he to In that city, among those tetters were mailed ami those those telegrams sent. Mulry. The stenographer pointed to a table where- Tha earliest explanation was ths true one, snd millions, how cea ron hope to Look !" Tha next morning Olorla set Von know why tad htm? about her task with ,ei horrible trick on lay writing materials Olorla ant down to Invite Gloria guianil It tan mediately. Um could have sent The marvelous áspense of the harbor, the rivers sn analytical astaxd. She read moral ug paper on the poor girl beruwas engaged to. 1 InkhaX merely wish Mr. Mnlry to call upon har, them to tho branch offices in advance to bo sent and bridges, and finally the lasiTOOS city that Mulry. the partner tha to worn you that If you axe terrinod frank of late Richard Miss Uloria Stafford Now Lois Stafford had also an Important errand to bar to order or ho could hsvs Intrusted tbem to Uloria. bet aba pooaded her little tat on para- r ranean, had decided te incorporate arm coming your way you get out the the under of her sight, no met- at thla office. Her whole future and reputation lay someone traveling tho round of the offices. Her In pet and shook It the infinite sky above of Frank Mulry. in. It how when. If you at her to Iha MM made her angry ier or don't you'll be mixed np In ths packet of letters that Freneau had prom- tuition hit on tho truth, without knowing IL Tha regtotiatioo of her vow. to thiah of thla beatosmsUke hasta. But she In a murder trial that may prove disastrous to yost very disgusted her-ae- realised ised to return to her. She waa sure that they warn eaae of tha trick har. She felt "i n find him somshow saasahaul Roane that after all. she know nothing of Mulry and that not on his body, for had they been found tho la tha shadow of some hateful conspiracy, ana whan'" be must know a groat deal Mulry a about her poor rreneau. usual anille waa twisted Into a look of ter- or the police would ham mentioned those began to doubt bar own msmory aa to the letters Royce stared at Ms was the first nan to vtott. She was happy Ui ror. He had enora rananin than even Royce sus- To recover those lettera waa now har (Ms lMilraaaM.il. Bar brother Da rid dropped ,u pected for wishing to keep the searchlights of tha to Ufa. to Saw. "lota sod I had a little nusunderatauding. and the police out of hla oAce. He waa uu thought of Mnlry ss the one Hasat likely to sho toft the to M costruruaD.) Putting fePuneh Into the SueoKpBattb First Hand Advice to the Young by Men Who Look at the Problems of Life from Various Angles jSSasfeSl Reported by Robert Kennedy

College Education Not Necessary, Says Charles M. Schwab Ha em of 18 he was deluthtea v ni i. a mrA i.romoted-- career In American Industrial Ufa haa urn si the i. yon wiU to get a job as In engineer "B sure of your facta. Otherwise been ot stake driver the NO mar spectacular than that corpa Bdgar Steel Works at lea esteem of your superior. of the Thomson the own. Charlea M Schwab. Step by atep he Braddock. was not long before he wan "Marry early. Hare a home ot your But It enceur- - climbed from giocory clerk to made chief driver. Seven year later found "A man who Is not susceptible to Hla la fairy tala In real Ufa him superintendent of great Homestead gement will never succeed. carear a the neceaary tor a Barn amid surroundings and of Andrew Carnegie, and at the "A college education la not bumble steel plant to start so at the Ave years more he directed both the business man. What Is necessary Is bis success was rapid that end of workup. of 39 was president of the Homestead and Thomeon works. About st the bottom of the ladder and ace ha elected the study in hii largest corporation In the world the United this time men basan to point to him as an "very man ahould read and States Steal Corporation at a salary gen- example of success. Later he became presi- spare hours. Influence. Tou erally understood to be $1.000.000. dent the Carnegie company, and after the "No success le built on of yourself. Eren before ha was out of school young consolidation of the lending steel works into net win yonr position tor Is essen- Schwab showed work. Aa ha the United "States Steel Corporation he was -- there le another thing that his lore for hard Then employed to tells It hlmaelf, ha we driving a stage at odd placed at Its head. y must do what you are tial any anybody else does hours from Loretto, Pa., to C reason, while at- Regarding suecas he says: do a little better than do duty, but tending St. Collage. After being grad- should rely on himself. U. Everybody te expected te hi. Franela "One dutyland a lttlo more uated, ha says he want to work In a grocery la noblest expression of manhood he boy who does hla the boy who Is going to sue store at age of fS.60 a week and yourself Indispensable. Don't look Ms duty Is the 1 the It for his "stake than v board. He practically worked both day clock. caen In this world. r and at the in what you V a night, for "clerking It" he acted aa night "Win confidence of your employer. Work "You must tnke an Interest after the genuine Interest" f watchman and slept in the atore. him as II you were working tor yourself. are doing and it must be a Put Big Principles to Work, is Got. Ferguson's Advice We want young aav P. T. Oov. Fersruson he to say: "My ad-- ot endeavor are open to them. I HIT tiaed to about Barnum had this -- -- young today Is for them not men to come down nere auu - Y that everybody knew the great showman. vice to men of beautiful. to themselves too seriously They should our lands and make our etat anecdote waa that some one take on a farm near A favorite understand that ln reality they have not Oov. Ferguson waa born In New Zealand or Somallland wrote him only preparing to Temple, out learned anything, but are Te. FergusonJ left Inscribed it. "P. T. Bar- Young men should spend leee than At the age ot 1 TunK a letter and simply learn. got a lob ln the Of course. It waa delivered .they earn. good thing to save your Texas for the West, where he num. America." It'a a became a team- Bridgeport, Ct. money, for you can tell when you may vineyards of California. Ha at hie headquarters ln never ln the Rocky one than that on James need It. The young man who, Is constantly ster, a helper" to placer miners But there's a better barb-wir- fac- Tormer President Taft. Governor Ferguson, o" Texaa. A la success ot Ufe. mountains, a roustabout ln a Texas B. Ferguson, the Governor of man on the Job going to maka a in to work will aid tory ln San Francisco and a worker the once wrote him a letter and was content with "Putting the big principles territory. He B. Furgson." Uncle you and la bound to push you beyond the lumber reglone ot Washington addressing It "James where he worked at vari-ou- a half-wa- you a profes- to Temple, Sam was unerring and the Governor promptly mark, whether chooee returned sional career or a political one. You must not occupatlone. received it. . records of no other Texas knows "Jim" Fergu- he s doser. You've got to keep wide awake It Is probable that the Every one ln show a greater victory worked In the vineyards of or the other fellow will beat you to the goal. gubernatorial contest sH son, who once birth and a stranger to a day laborer and Is now chief All young men should be ready to see oppor- for a man ot humble f California as never having sought or held public largest state with Its 63,000 tunity when it eeeks them. fame, who executive of the schemes of every com- ohe-nft- larger "There Is a wonderful chance for young office, overcame the square miles, which Is than politicians that aimed to empire. men starting In Ufe nowadaya I would like bination of astute the German many ambition and determination. When the question of success was put to to see them come to Texaa, where Balds curb his World Needs Truth, Says Former President Taft The BSSsfsVK being dfiM robust, cheerful, conscientious man, day making speeches to the court and a six dollar a week reporter In This thorough- who began as a reporter, then In turn became drilled ln readiness, alertness and i FROM ot the United States Is I my to President a lawyer, a Judge, a Governor, a secretary. ness. As I took back on it now know Btalh .jaLa I could the remarkable record of Prof William Panama canal executive and then President, experience ot those days waa the best example of what a aueceae- - was asked, "Would you advise a young have had at the time. Criminal law la not . Howard Taft. aa aa next practice, do. public office T" difficult to Tearn, and I enjoyed Its ful American anxious to achieve success can man to seek by dependa pon although I never did other than to prosecute Recently, when aaked to suggest a way ln reply he said: "That out in Ufe might what kind ot a man he la, hla bent of mind criminals. which young men starting business must heartily. It waa and his taste Is. My first public office "One who has engaged ln achieve success ha laughed what the made him famous was a splendid place for me, as waa a rough feel the satisfaction of achievement and the same Taft smile which himself and hla many while chief and tumble experience in the law at the time pleasure of independence for and gained him so friends occupations have thelt of Ufe when I was ready for It I was taught household. But all executive of the nation. The fascinations ot puhlio you have got to tell a ths necessity of facta and how to get them. upe and downs. "The truth is what ln power it gives he won t I to search for truth and to value evi- Ufe are to be found the young man starting Ufe, but what learned opportunities it offers. It happy. The training 1 then received has been snd the wholesome believe Is. 'Be good and you will be dence. can look back on untiringly to a high of the highest importance to me ever since. ons hss been fortunate and If he wlU devote himself well done. It compensates tor the loss keep It up, and sacrifice Truth, that Is what the world needs all the things purpose and Just of many others. It is a Joy to do things, to by avoiding all dlversione and make time. himself "Besides, I was on my feet nearly every be useful and helpful." hlmoeU valuable, he will succeed."

Various Qualities Blended, is T. P. Shonts's Requirement ánasal IbbbbW ajwjsaan simplify the com Bsam Í Law anal Law loyalty, amiability, ambltlousnesa. crowned bank to standardise and of the greatest millionaire railroad Later I SjMaaajJjjjSjBB with work. Honeet to his employer and pany's methods of world la Theodore Perry bard to the bar. 1, ONE ln the honest to himself. Sober In all thoughts sad atudled law and waa admitted who step by atep haa climbed retains however, always had a fondness for the en- LaanLmam, saw Jasa! Ln Shonta. habits. Integrity, in that be gains and his first Job as an employer and aU those gineering profession, so I gave up the law the ladder of success from the confidence of hie railroading." Centrevllle. la. to head of with whom he comes ln contact. Loyal to and started to learn out In knowledge which he ac- rnTareateat underground, elevated and surface each and every trust imposed ln him. Ami- To the technical both dnrlng and after roeS.Tn York, the largest city In the able in that it will make hla work seem lighter quired by study, his m New years, Mr- Shonta said that he added two of the greatest snd scatter rays of sunshine around him. Am- collage a san worUt He solved knowledge that can only be ob- M. S&tí2JSí: Theodore T problems ever presented bitious in that he should always strive to do the practical Charles Schwab Shonts transit by work In the construction and TmanUh. creative work on the great Pan- hla work Just a little better than the 'other tained actual u of a vast sub- - will gain him advancement operating departments of a railroad system. ama canal and the planning fellow,' which leading to final success." Limitless capacity tor hard work, Mr. WMrr,nonts deek recently and Mr. Shonts graduated from collega with Shonts says, is perhaps responsible for hla sat at his says the degree of B. A. When aaked what he did remarkable success. Hs business Is a only leaving collage, president said: science and those who study It as a acianos ''""To teeyouug man atartlng Ufe there is on the railroad ' I became an accountant are bound to succeed. Men only fall, be saya, g to suecas." eald he. "After graduation one read vary time was employed in a when they do things ln the wrong way. ntlala: noneiij, and In a short "Get Into The Open," Says Mayor Thompson of Chicago own battles, made good. was W aw" si THOMPSON oace waa do ths same. This is It: 'All young men fighting his It B ii i I AM HALE wonder he rose In a from outfit In Cheyenne. should drive the stakes ot their ambitions no short tlms a a cook tor a cUl. a position second to none aa sefli tp ths cattls coun- high and if not successful In attaining their humbls cook to a And It is still told roper man, and then fore- W hardly kn.v. stew cherished desire they will gat very much rider, sad corral as try that, although "Bill" js man of the ranch. snH whso hs , further on In life than If they bad attempted kettle from a trying P .tertedj goals.' Besides his robust body, "Big Bill" brought he was balled as to regulate the lone before 1 ranges an the mayor of Twenty years age played football ln back with him from ths Innate love coo? the ranga. Now he on Chicago. Sad as an alderman I waa the first to ot outdoor recreation. .Safl secure a playground for the children. Believe "The young man who' wants to succeed CWSIUns how he traveled the path of sue' jj ,' I to fight to put that ordinance should get out In the open and take plenty range to the may-3- me. had of cook on a cattle through, and when I did I realised for the first exercise," says Mayor Thompson, "it will Chicago. Mayor Tbomnaon said: dwfl way tlms that PUSH wins success." fill hla lungs with good, sweet air and give aWsaaW "SSfthlng I so achieved in the have far ranges. In great out- blm a clear brain. If he la honeet to aawgaaaaaaLaafl to an old adage my It waa out on the the hla JmZm, hiM been due fellow-me- and always does best sao. and I have doors where men are quickly estimated and the he can, I .... rears am aura he will be successful." to Is to counterfeits aoen eliminated, that this hoy. toUawnd U out, and my advice others Big Smile Wins," Says "Diamond Jim". Brady laSjaJgaBnl "A Great " word or two will serve the purpose. eaaVH Buchanan mend Jim He drinks nothing stronger than ant Look UI. inas from James your eye, ta oraaae lulos aad hs doss not smoke cuaiouier sirugni in ins and con- 1 Brady, ons of the greatest aaleamen Fifty years as he was Just a fat Irish vince blm you are at hla service. Do thia and rfl M cheerfully te Never Uw world, aad be glvss lad who was born ln Cedar street. New York. the ante le You re permit the grouch who young to get the beet of your patience, for millions ot budding young aaleemea He was not favored with the advantages It means the today have, waa catapulted Into a time lost, and ths ehsaoss are tan te one you are trying to sinks a success of We. man of but cold, unfeeling world at aa early Ms- Undis- will not bs any good te wait on ths nest Brady live wire, Mr la aa mayed, be Jsanped right la and took a double customer , Uvlag. breathing, ha never aborttrculted a hammsrlock grip on the situation aad "It's a good Idea for young men nowadays Ideas sad activities. He toe. aaaa power house of to be cheerful. Aad It's necessary lor them In the New York Cea becaa as a isitimjir he courteous to all they meet You never says he was determinad te This is what Mr Brady haa te say on te tral depot, aad ho you may 1 vary Hs has seeds can tell whan need a friend go higher from the start ees young finest collections "A great big anille always wins Be good would like te all fallows follow out ajlUtm aad has one el the y country He U kaowa saturad, uo matter bow grouchy your cus that old saying. 'Bart to bed aad early te ot diamonds la the wealthy " 1 be. Yea sua rent assured s pleas rise sashes a aaaa healthy, aad whs,' , JdmeS Buchanan Brddg ftiaftas from Broadway te the Golden Gate as "Din Maqor TrVpfion.sy-CíMcaijo- frámaCiCHO pi Lift How YOU Science Exposes FALLACY of Special PREDISPOSITION for This Prevalent MALADY Can indicating reslat- autumn creased, that the while leas frequent than the now haa been lowsred form, are Important, not only be- "The development of hay fever cause they represent I tha aggre- about the tima that hay wss harvest- gate a considerable number, but aleo ed lad to tha belief that thla as tha because they are frequently of longer Avoid CATCHING cauee It waa not V majority of pa- of this dlaeeoe. but duration. While the until about 1S70 that tha relation tients have a pojlinoan for tha rag- ahlp of polls waa established weeds only, many react to a number HAY-FEVE- "The particular potlans causing of pisnts. each of which prolongs tie R thla dteease were for a lona tima un- attacks. identified As an llluatratlon of this, "The following list of hay fever when patients developed an attack weeda, arranged according to time of rV you ere on of the many nervous. partly owing to the eonetl- - In the neighborhoods of weeds, the blooming, la eufftclent to explain thousands who think thev ara tutlonal effect of the dlaeaae and consplcuona goldenrod wss at onto cases of nolllnoels tor every moata of the year in the United St atea: specuily pred.spcoed to an attach ",'rriutú Veen" "flower, unoi InZTZZ Ina.wlflnt Bastard feverfew. January to January. fever at a certain time of tha - " M mTmlUb. lo corrob- served. P. L. Rlckar, an aaalstant Deck. March to July. year, - - depart-tlon- . disabuse your mind of that no- OT1,e tbl. Tha afatement that par- botanlat of the United sutes Plantain. April to May. April to October. You are laboring delu- - son and with raent of agriculture, states his ob- Canary grass, under a of superior education weed, April to December. temperament In- - bees Careless elen. In rlaw of some recent dlseov- tha hlghar nervous aervatlons that are abundant Johnson raes. May to December eries in connection with thla moat cldent to modern life are mora Habla on the goldenrod. and that It ahould Coeklebur, Juns to December. widely prevalent of the non fatal die- - to hay favor la also a aubject for fur. be classified among; the Insect fertt-oess- Giant August to November. ragwesd. August to No- that Invaatlgatton. Used plants and not the wind fartl-"Th- Common vember. popular prwdta- - made by de-- Heed like the ragweed, on which doctrina of a "In tests our research Marsh elder. August to November. position for hay which pro- - part men t It was found that soma pa-- thane Insects sre never found. In fever -- great and Increas- duces susceptibility In soma persons tlents reacted to exposure to pollen spite of the fsct. therefore, that In view of the tha of hay fever patients, needs revising." declare Dr. William In two minutes, while In others tha goldenrod Is considered an Important ing number dlotraaa, the unsuc-ceasf- Bcheppegrell of New Orleans, prest- reaction did not develop for from Are factor In hay fever. It la responsible their prolonged resulta of all curative meas-ure- dent of tha American Hay Fever to SO minutes, and even aa late as In only a small percentage nf cases. preventable "With two or hours. In some cases "The plants which form type and the distinctive Prevention Association. tha three the dlaeaae, tha Ameri- development of bacteriology, hay there waa only a transient Irritation of hay weeda are character of the the The Wormwood Rag-wee- One Prevention Assocle-llo- fever was supposed to be of mlcroMc of the eyes and of the mucous mem- - common or wormwood ragweed Magnified Spicules of a Broken Mala and Female Sprays, Pol- can Hay Fever and a campaign of origin and Infectious. The more re-- brans, and In others thla was severe the giant ragweed. In the former of the Commonest of Hay Fruitball a Trae, Com- len Sacs of haa undertaken of Plana and Fruit a Plana followed In due time cent and accurate InrestlgaUona on and lasted from one to 48 houra. Not the pollen Is not only , Fever Producers. education, to be but monly Called tha Sycamore, Trae, (a) Male Spray, (b) legtalation. the pre- thla aubject have entirely disproved only were tests) In la produced in such by suitable for these made the abundance that the TKa. at n Flower, belief exposures alight blow win i.n Also Said to Irritate Eyes, Mala (c) Pollen Sacs, vention of hay fever. thla laboratory, but also the a dt.iodge It In raTnaaT have ? Th- ,. i . - .u- been found to be re Moae educational part of thla - m.rtt...... n.i ,.,iii" ' .nñ i. ii.k, .... - w,nu and Throat (d) Female Spray, (e) Female "In the ....ku.Z .1 Z ,"' IT" ... " sponsible for about 85 per cent, of wnrk the first consideration la the that there la present In ' . Flower, XT? ". all caaa of hay In (t)- Fruit. and pstlents some neuropathic condition TJir. When "... r..7.rr ' rr:;:.' VZ "'raM. 7" autumnal fever no common ragwteq is a native ' correct diagnosis of hay fever A developed, cllnl- - soil condUlons! weeT'i. J "nd '0Und 'n wlth th ot th makes them susceptible td tack haa once been and this ire 'nfvT TT" "" - and V" from . m,,-.- ...... ?r ...... h.v. r.ver are the re- pollinosls. While patients during cal experience shows that the sum found In every neglected field. on i , ... . N. niu w ...... c, iui at. anuncien over ouuu reel ney v. mine " - - p an ..t.xV nt h.v .v.r r. II v .n. Il.llll v nf h. nallant I. In. roadatdea and even In vacent int. m L T . lD onusu ooiumoia ana Men- weeds are uncom- suits oí ponen bbbbmbi '.'li me great rmgweea la common mon. At an elevation of from 2000 Tie laenuncauon oi iuo In moist soil from Quebec to Florida, to 4000 feet, for instance, along the weeda and plants that may develop and west to Nebraska, Colorado and Allegheny range In North Carolina, hay fever la of the utmoat Impor-Ne- Mexico. In the molat land near Tennessee and Virginia, the rag- - tanca, but will gradually follow the Birth of "BLUE BABIES" Is Due to HEART the Gulf coast, it forms about 90 per weed la very common and hay fever, eatabliehlng of the etiology of polli-cen- Disorders of all the ragweeds, while in correspondingly frequent. noala Aa these principles become the dryer Interior section of the coun- - "The p ragweede to understood, the physician, y DR. KEENE HIRSHBERG relational of the better LEONARD UbJct pula, la try. the reverse 1. the fall hay - consultad by patient with hay Ü. cae. fever, in which the develop- when a A. B., M. A., M. (Johns Hopkins University) nyWLtklrm 1 105 tC "Tbe ,rr,Ut,n Prlnelple of both ment of the dlaeaae, duration and fever. In.tead of limiting hie atten- - anatomy is Z it should be. minute: from" a Jrto ion no .. n . . it...... Aut vun o to n.w.. i. .vi.i. of grown-u- person. At blrth change, take place. SO be" T TNLrKB th. .rest It gradually decline.-t- orel Tn ihe thTng-peri- eating and" out If babe before The lung, open and expand just aa ' v r 11 nd rema,M the heart of a bfu 1?,year roun1 yowlsh, and almost as light aa has been clearly esUblished. A there are sny hay0.' IIW only a trifling adheelve plaater Is pulled apart when "8fh h!K.fJSSSt 72 ."P to W age. smoke. aoZ difficult more however, of birth sends , ! ! proportion weeda in the neighborhood the HV. muu ut U1LMJU UUUriQI LnrOUKLIOUl in spite of the popular belief la smount of blood to Its lungs. The atlcky aurfsce faces sticky surface. ,,,.,.,, tn llnw hlnnñ In .nv nn.n.l. . ..." that the identification of other planta patient's residence or vocation, and i ... ..nil! the rhllr) The eves one., and receive flashes of iv ., fj. . . ' "l"UB u" ""siaerapie innuence in which are responsible for the re-- If so. promptly have them eradl n..., .hm.K luo uuiiu ie yeere "oiu.TT"11 nav rever th a in .. and begin to dlstln fases ' i. "n.. miseie maining forms of hay. fever. These, cated." sees the light of day. receives the "lt. the eara The number of beats of the heart drop of blood 16 seconds to make " ...... ,...... gulsh sounds. The sudden demand that Is to say. the pulse differs complete revolution; whereas tn -- -- you your " " i me grown up toe same reo corpuscles yell. Thus with tears draw TT art-r-y - tu, artwi(gua.. or brtdg. be. Bx month intervals thereafter." Be- make the circuitous Journey in 22 your last - first breath, aa with teara tween the pulmonary artery and fore birth it is 130 beats to the mln- seconds. Ill health, fever, and other 6 Some breath may be taken. aorta to dry up and become a cord. ute. At months of age It 1. always abnormalities, of courae. alter thi. Mystifying TRICKS With the NUMBER "9" Rinr. th. requirements of the un- - Bv th tm tne normal child la beat to count the heart beats whan timetable. aa figure born youngster'a pulmonary depart- ana mete- surely nave the one odd aa eight numbers. Vary it by splitting PniuuDur-rvbK- from the time of tta lowest total as though it were 95. up the odd number into aeveral ment are so small, the greatest por- Try !t Pytbaworaa have attributed vari- - te var1ou combinations and parta For Instance. If tn the first tion of Its heart's blood takes a Why the STOMACH FEELS FULL When It Is EMPTY ous virtuee and properties to certain yOUr OWn) a temporary . be JlUr - branch road into little . . . JeZf". the same it the the number f.1, and in the sec- Urge " ws are split up. Tbe foreaolna num- - nnn n.ir it i .n in .hi i. artery which Is between the LEVEN of Paris explains the water will remain in it aeveral drinks In hia opinion are warm, such " "u"1" i. ih. have a biblical significance and they ber may be written 7J6.864.176.184,- - Is 8. then the final lowest will artery ot the lungs snd the great Medícale why bourn totai DR. the Pres.. " h"'d recur constantly as in the Trinity. 644.164.9, and its lowest be 6. Here la a artery of the heart. After roe,g W aorta tn ,tomcn IU" wnen V. M.IO- - n.. 886.612-Y- our 7. . : "1 another error n. nf the .en.etion. meal, fnr . ÁeTJ the .even capital .ins. and the like. . friend', number. this orancnr .nrin.s,r "I ome W" 64,387 birth d ho felt by sick, whleh 1. belief not get rid of food wTthin No pnbt you youm.II have what you Your own number. of a the th. doe. th. of th""e are and become, a cord In.tead how when dy,tic. shouldM that th. stomach i. full when It la that time call your lucky number. 'm..ntl" . Sal 830 Your friend's number. 761 channel. Similarly a window with absolutely empty, or it empty Thi. 1. the general . 01 " tM numbers, 9 is said to " Your own number. ornKi that I. schedule that f - - uave vne - - - 1,429 Your a curtain flap, called the oval win- He aaya that obaervatlon. of .nd craving for food when it Is real' Dr. lleven Kivea his natlent: A riva- - most curious properties. . 7 friend's number. realisation of the property Qw" uu a iubfi 01 paper. 8,510 Your own rinw nr "foramen ovale. ' between m. mo " i"" ' peptic who lunche. at noon and dine. number. "7 aa possible to a num- - Ubllshed belief Liquid of any sort added in any at 7:80 ahould drink five or six " perform It "T '"T. SIMM 246 two upp.r atorlea of the heart, when Der ol myaUfy 5' ' large quantity liquid A. tricas tnat win the ,. ' tnat waier noea noi rruiaiu luua m to the food swallowed ounces of hot at 11:30 m.,. im hj.n-.- th . w. h.h ! thrnwn on Ita owi M ...... j...... uninitiated. in. 'ou r.n ,ee' Placing eacn When you hare written the last .u the atomacn,...bill passes wiiuin h ir uuiues iiie nuiruno juil-b- iu uui mom man iwo or luree ounces : Fnincinr ..a" .fflii. h..t only rn,- ... pnenomena regarding th. source., hoals up snd les v.. a ,.ntlte. into the inte.tines. It is tru. excite, th. contraction of th. muscu- with th. lunch; five or six ounce. 'watt the to .h. 0L JSSTLStt fn.f "",7 nWht. em nartltinn between the two cham- - that water flows on quickly if - 111 nowever, : " " i paper your by any chance as hap- - stomach la empty, cold water taking- out an organ already weary or three ounces at dinner. In addition to rirsi, let us coin a phrase . wnile hers. It -- total. 'ar f.r,e,n a adding the figures 10 warm water Ave on Dr. advl.es dyspeptic, to the fluid of .uch soup, as finds Kw..t The separate figures fjg and slip nn and than this foramen minutes and lven h. " " con- - not for- - agree with him. He may also a in me ranoom number 178.246 total " wnen be has remains open and unsealed, the average. But If the stomsch drink before meal, but doe. take " will laboriously ovale on 28. The figures In 28 total 10, which numbr aacertalned. it be the arrived at the result he baby" la bora. taina tbe smallest quantity of food bid all drink at meal. The be.t hot drink rising. (7) which is a "blue In turn total 1. This last figure, then. "awe not a part will find, if his addition has been is the lowest 178.246. l"" wnai a. correct, tnat tt tallies with - total of The Try " the num- lowest total of any aet of figure, the experiment with six or ber you have given him. muat be any one of the numérala, ex- Lost HANDS cluding 0. Making the MOUTH Take the PLACE of Now we ahall examine the follow- ing numbers, also chosen at random: Sewer PIPES Made of Molten LAVA paper la kept In poeitlon by a rec- - to the tracing of aeparate letters and 7IS Lowest total 1. 5 civilisation haa en-- paralysis of both arms, attended with tangular brass ruler covering Ita left- - words. After getting through about 91 Lowest total la ie making of sewer pipe, and mouth-rlglaa- muscles. old crater to AnvAMrtNO lly Increasing atrophy ot the m 32 Lowest 2 the floor of dead Uva he,f dosen copy book. .. used In totai 1. THE of the molten lava from and "Prof. of Berlin, a . 46,278 thence .lmn.t tn th. k...w . merely vegetative organ Joarhlmathal 8yitem,ti0 training was.of course, schools, h. was able to writ, with Lowe.t total Is 3 M. the active volcano Kllauea la s 827 the pit of Halemaumau serving tor the introduction of food dletlngulshed orthopedist, induced requred ,0 acquaint tbe man with the utmoat eaae and as readably a. Lowest total is 8 advanced as a business proposition ... Dr. J. Qrunberg. to take the uae of thi. .rrengem.nt; begin- - many of hi. claaa with their right Notice that the loweet total In bv a ohtn m. ..,,, t declared that with proper ma with functlona ot growing complexity, d.ntl.t. rttrrt proceeded each eauee la the figure remaining - cn,n"y. Vpee could be molded - and to nlng by simple dashe.. he handa sewer pipes, who vlalted Hawai- from While an offan.lv. or de- charge of hi. unlucky patient the mo,,en no lonser after the figure 9 or the figures lan islands. The volcano la on jhe tne meterla! in foundries dealgn for him some aultable writing which Tb tensive weapon, it ha thua beaome total have been stricken Island of Hawaii, 82 miles from Hilo. pl'n ha bBn advanced to erect the organ ot speech and interpreter apparatua. out. A number in which there le a and reached directly by automoblls na!aaa bucket conveyors that could himself series of 9a as long taYa of U love. present war. which not "Bine the patl.nt had as a yardstick over a smooth road that dipe down Ptt. the of Th. 989,5a.99.9S, br to be made of a puts befom in vain to write by meana of a equals a will just through a break tn the waU of the ouckta special me ealy kllla but mutllatea, tried terial capable of withstanding - hia teeth, heat It another, meat charitable, taak: ea- pencil Introduced between " up to 3000 degrees suggea Fahrenheit. It la ablrag those poor cripples who have the dentist followed up this believed that the remain to dealgn some liquid during the loat their handa. to put down their tlon. setting himself Why DOG WAGS His short time It would patient a TAIL be en the way to the molde, writing and thua commu-- suitable mouthpiece. As the which thoughts in HEN a dog's tall whips to floor and holds dog could be placed In a building fulfill possessed a remarkably strong aet ot his sides, the near nlcate with their frtenda snd hia tall. The human beluga use or me crater, could be used and fro frantically he is not we their nrofeaalonal dutlea as before. teeth, the six Incisors ,n ,he altuaUoriT uescrlbeo above em For V" 10 a brick penholder carrrlna on an aimless mus- - vr com course, readily exclusive!) lo support the etrlvlng through phyalcal action to Peny naa been making building The left hand, of culsr exerctoe. He la signalling th- - oricke right The mouthpiece, moulded la aC rc.v. th. gtrmln on nrY.t from Uva rooks. It. plant is such functions as the thoughts and feelings which he can- - located cord an ce with tbe Interior of the Embarrassment muat be relieved la the dlatrtct of Katmukl. one Is ao longer able to perform, and not put words. It la hie own through some outward convulsion of where there Is s vast, outcropping ot mouth, about f ot Into .k ... mm record of persons embraces nueclea tTom flows. mu. - cede, and varies according to the ' These the crown, of the lower teeth, where- ,1do wHh ,oy' ar ray Inc"color who after losing their hands, gained message he wishes to flash on hie bcomM and have aa uper one. only real on It with his tall, like aafety the been 'used extensively skill with their feet. Thews the a vale, taieo In the coo wondrful leaving rearward semaphore. pressure off nervous svjteai. His structlon of buildings exception their lingual surface, thus hie aad particu ase, however, am th. He has a short twitching motion emotions must he tranelsted tato larl In sewer, manhole and fireplace expreeeee anxiety aad Internet. work, rather than eh. rule gaged. In tart, tbe mouthpiece re that ,am phyalcal maalfeatatlon a violent lashing that makes known described In Axed the lower teeth, even - A simple attachment malas to affection, a u" QaaBMaeamwaaBBsn when the mouth te opea his eathuelaam and the antanff- - American by Dr. Alfred ateady whipping from aide to side straight snd rigid penholder ob-- I the atoath. even "A hunger, a motlouiesa Oredeawtte eadowa lBCODV.D that spells and AGING and Clearing WINE by ELECTRICITY wmld and dis- sudar the least lev orabas olroauo- straining the muscles of droop that sígnale defeat aa( bei4oa couragement. exporte have aging clearing of wine, volved not only with remaraable doatertty la acck and Dr. Qrunberg Caalae the aad considerable akUl la ataacea. (oa ava able tn mad these wig nandttag. but wee pea. designed a penholder com always been INelectricity playo e moat important them often loss aerating the writing therefore but U too edeace to . piialna three, loinia. ous ot which eggiugs. Aa may not be generally -- why dog aaed then: part bis is now all nagagaH The special case that sug.e.fd oaa-- wea a the Tha hat fitted with known, considerable sediment for "i1?!am pasead ta Use coecrwnUoo of thla device." says Bvr(M eadowlag it with sufficient This le the explanation racks aaak pleased aad deHghted he meet la the ornease of aging wiuee made jas. at varióos etagea ot aging, they tH. Oiadeaella "waa. tor different elasticity. The penholder la made dea is soma outlet tor out eeiinga iron ma ! are traeOTorroa u electrical mtrtg It up to two tules siloing inaKin unr an Tag by Which the Armies Are to have taaauns. eapaetaiiy unfavorable "Mouth Pea" Enabled just aa a bashful hoy la the ureeeuce In the eaae of etui wines the pro erating ami gen ss. watch treeee th mas aot, a case of an invalid " " .. ot twtrie his rap or twists ceee can be carried oa la casks aad deaae liquid next ta the cork Thla ladni. ea ey meaaa ot s a uiu Write with tha Tooth. The Bolder Consists of Two Tabea. ladies a wuo. wildly la hia chair, or aa a the clear wine decanted off, hat la kt then scraped oat the cork aoasBar eau os wurauiau le arelerably uae wtU rounded or about ead re Sliding Insula One Another. Their Length Being Adjusted person beyond measure by the spark thag wtaee the tree tea oat passed A hotter product Bar et the age at at, aeghowt any appar- ball potat aad can be raplaoad by a tickled at lees ome Humorous sally rolls ou the meat ho dene la bottles. Tale la coat I. thus secured. ent mass, wwe attacked by growing at a momeat'e goatee. Tha by a SoUkaraw.

aMlii f tn a hi II J- sa w r - i - UL. k. bbbbbbbbbbbbbTTL r clceeionQP

sr LbBBBBBBBBBBBBBV 5 The Vogue for Hand Painted Shoes and Hose, and Bizarre Opportunities Offered by Sports Clothes Futurist Designs and New Motor Hats.

turned up brims or mushroom brims Bell, with of Ignored. One of sj WM tatloa Inset brilliants accessory Ssre noj. be bbbT sbbbV exexexesaW and others which have no brims at designs In colored enamel, are the smartest capes Is of moleskin - JM Of course, there it a hat which tremely effective. Other, smaller, with a wide, scalloped collar tall- ifiBi WBSSmmW predominates all others the sport combs are of amber eoating with less ermine. It wraps about the shoul- - SttUPfl hat. Whether embrold- - black enamel and studded with ders sad erosses over In front In flrhu rPQaMaS Wrftl In colored wool or silk, or ancles in red. gold, amethyst, green, fashion, clasping fas, to one side. An- - LbbbbbbbwW trimmed ribbon, applique, beads white or blue a trian- - with brilliants other design is made from sjbbibbbbbb vl or cretonne the hat for sport wear The shoulder searf once more guiar piece of ermine edged with smartness, an irresistible joy, the popularity accorded It e white, chenille fringe. The long IM WrW&tTK different from the usual out Bg the days of the Second Empire. point at the centre back Is finished mBM In hat is a mushroom of medium Now that evening gowns are sleeve-slip- . a teasel the two shorter Immmmmmi LbbbhMkIMbibbbeS It is covered with white orepe less, decollet-footgea- r l.olnts to line Am 1 or almost so. and the extend Just the waist BBF ti newer .saw embroidered in a deeign combining age dropped low over the shoulders, In front. The collar stands up about ilmmmmMjm! fL i the light than that windmills and "dutch kiddles" in the searf of tulle, chiffon, lace or net the nsok at the back. faVVYj present wools. Is of WL which at colored The underbrim is swathed about the shoulders sad Smart Kolinsky of hemp 0f Collaret. lI'SOSMr'J ft graces the feet white strsw. arms the fashionable woman, ( (air women. Both Just a breath of protection are the Collarettes sr kolinsky edged with ' irrw high and low shoes "w "otor exquisite scarfs of lace run with gold chiffon are particularly smart. Most mbbkI k of softest white kid There are fascinating little motor or silver threads. Borne of these are of them have collars that stand H are decorated with hats which hug the head so tightly qmte wide, almost of wrap-lik- e away from the neck. L One of designs. that not even the strongest portions and extend far below the a - quarter- There le yet delightful surprise pair flaunts butter- breezes can move them a waUt llM The debutantes have of which you have fl color-- them not even had a Alas, In gay inch one way or another. With adopted the scarf of chiffon. In a glimpse nechwear. The of chiffon, hand- - plainest fM inga, while another are worn motor veils pa,e Unt embroidered with steel frock would be sufficiently I " Coat Suit, Built with pan- - lace point trimmed fM Is adorned nio or beads intermingled with silk. White, by adding a collar and cuffs to mm LLbbw roses, violets or am sorry to note that there Is match bY sxem t on Military Linea. ales, i blu0 roM groes and lavender of organdie ornamented with lace or bbbbbsbbbb! i Sometimes a scarcity of hate. In . bbbbkB Ceialn heads are also used tor this embroldery. The collars are, as JbbkoEl' of Oyster-Whit-e hats a It Is the high shoes have their place fashion has elected purpo,e rule, very wide and crepe or the cuffs extend BH bbbW WuV Pongee tops of white kid f lsce. tulle. Georgette Because they ware relegated to half way to elbows - the or fall wall B&M LaaaW jrSMmm while the vamps and ,atln. Thore Is a fondness for all- tB ahalf for so long a time, pet- - over the hands. with Strap- gray, wear wun summer sBnseflrB9 Mm. heels are oi isn white millinery to tlc0ate have blossomed forth in Numbered among - prom- - the other arces- frocks materials, which - pings of Dark or black. of thin greater splendor than ever. Fash- sorles fsshlon are handbags sBBBaU'sBaaBxeWBBaBBrUWmr footwear iBes to tall- - decided novelty In extend into the lon'a magic shop is with girdles, costees, gloves, handker- Blue. a pair of slip- - The black of velvet or satin Of lace, for evening wear, le hat i0vely creations net, ribbon chiefs snd lingerie, but I will save Um&Sm&lSMm They are also appeared aa Is Its habit, flowers to pera of eleth of silver. has ani rrench destined bo these Interesting surprises for an- - sBaawÓaBBBÍBBBBr a painted design when the summer begins to wane. worn under frothy frocks ornamented with dance of other day. bbkM sbbbbBsB In fruit and the silk stockings gome of the smartest models have accompany tnem snow a tnii crowns of velvet ana mmi m which BBWJSSSBBBBBSja . SBBSSL By Suzanne Latour continuation of the same deeign. aatln. fYeeuently the brlme are BBBBBBBBBBBVBBxexexBkl nSB&BV.. Sports shoes of d linen, faced with black straw. They are m3ai Ct3l sKBsP1BaBt designs and coloring, simply with ornaments of m SHOP, In Futurist trimmed k in the (minina sense strapped with leather are among the grain "ribbon, fantasies of 1 km of rr0s the word, molt be a veri- which at present are ge or flat hows of ribbon, ' l Á A table magician's palace In causing much Interest In the fashion What of the parteóla that are ' ' V mW & BaxBTBBaaaKsVlD say S very nook and corner of which are world. They are unusual, to the ipread above the modish hats to least, and are sure to be well re-- ward off the rays of the tucked pleasant surprises, conjured Is by the sorceress eel ved by the sportswoman who un They are of every color and Fashion to please clothing my object ISbbS her devotees. Here, a showcase also an extremist where her ghape Imaginable, but at crowded with dainty confections is concerned. present Is to call to your attention tailed neckwear; there, Then there are lees conspicuous the "oddities" among the accesso-spor- t a counter high low, of white spread with attractive Importations shoes, and r(M jn tho realm of sunshades there with perforated tips and n jewelry charm-In- s buckskin ta nona mora worthy of special note destined to add a kid. The note to Uta smart costume, while, strap trimmings of white (ntn tn, early Victorian" parasol of - soles and heels are of white leather, k little further on, there la an allur- taffeta edged with narrow, silk LW Checks sad The It nM , ,ong Dandle of CS display oí veils whose gossamer Wnce Is sure to win approval girl." who prefers to dress in all white corved wood delicately tinted or assferH Stripes Com the upon Mm. of every fashionable woman. Under will "dote" these smart shoes. Uppod with porcelajn or enamel. In listing these interesting bits of jM4S binod in the general heading of "accessories" p these are truly an dress vanities I have started "feet "rt unending source of delight to the flrst" and It naturally follows that Since the fashion for high hair feminine heart. the head should come next. Milll- - dressing has returned to favor many At particular moment Is nery! At mere of the and beautiful are the combs and pins this there the mention lBaSBBBBBBBBX - SmmWMS J an unprecedented display of footwear, word a steady stream of hat sur- for the coiffure that ara dally appear-prise- fol- vision. lag. The Spanish IHj the manufacturers of shoes are dances before our Hats Influence Is very Jer8y lowing in the footsteps of the s small, large and of medium else: strong and large combs of carved BbbI I mssBaw and becoming artists. Daintier hata with narrow brims, wide brims, tortoise shell, n agree metal or lml- - v aafasxT W9'. - mmmW. I Shoes of Tan and White sen. H m Kid, with """ Hand Painted Pansias. Those Shoos Make a Happy ' slrr BBBBBBB BBBB Combination with Br B, nÉsasI Lst shÉarfAv' Bj Pongee jk rJm W BiSmm Baits. m IffA HP 'mmm9m1m V DVssxeal Slippors and Stockings of the Smmwm' WSNkwmYT tlMUM mWDL mjl Bams Color, Adorned with sVtlsXll ml Jk Hand Painted Designs Sport Shoos lsHi ST Am with Canvas B m vSaafl wA. A I Whoa frock black, bbbbbbbbbbbbbb! the Is the Spaces etUcoat Bust be of the same sable Painted Am lm I discovered tha most wonder in Hod and Am petticoat of black taffeta trimmed BbbbW Chan till y laoo. Two banda of HHaH AjJ iBMsKji insert loo are used above a wide BBBBkÍ Seance of Ohantilly arranged to .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKm Á painted scallops about the ham. UWwMIr Oar lands of tiny Preach pestes caught at the top with bows of nar row silver saute ribbon add m S pleasing touch of sole? le 2MbKibbbbbbbV' mW tfl mW JkW this striates petticoat Prssn dlsphaasvs tulles and always issatis tad with balmy days, to furs of winter is mmfrAm O"" a wida gap to ae bridged ST' LBSB gHBxexexexexexexexoH atoa lamp. but. ease has seen St BjgBJJBBJP tfttíf ratal to crown Ike summer costume with a cape of fur this important KID Or srn-- T rKt n i COMIC SECTION

NTJ RVA.D 2V Finds vmthYand

Sunday, July, 30, 1916 Smithy Is a Grand Fisherman

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