The North American U3
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TUR METAL MARKET. THE WEATHER. WM Tiiu-Hiind- if M MM wawtt Ttew Tart fjf xMrsSsev tbrt Mi I fln- - y Monrllv "ew Yat míe ago lorl jjfrtr Barwma 1 I I ta 36TH YEAR f EL PASO. TEXAS. SUNDAY. JULY 30. 1916. ENGLISH SECTION 38 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS Sr Another One Called to the Colors ATROCIOUS ACTS MISSING PRECINCT SERRIED HORDES CARS STONED BY OF GERMANS IN HALTS CANVASS IN DESPERATE SYMPATHIZERS FRANCE CALLS OF COUNTY HAND TO HAND OF NEW YORK OUTPROTffl RETURNS Prendí ReEtreaentetiwe io Netatrel Election Officers In Sierra Blanca British and German Armies Con Strike Which for Ser era! Days Cmmifim Recjttwatcd by Pre- Fail to Report and ExecotHre tinue in Cloee Grip in Neigh- Has Wholly Paralysed Surface mier Brigand to Lay Most Committee Is Obliged to Take borhood of PozrWe Sector, Car Traffic in Bronx Spreads to ; VVorW Sriou Matter Before Govern-RMB- te Rooms Will Be Returned Where Half's Men Claim to Line of Third Avenan Railway to Which Accredited. Monday Nfocningf. Have Defeated Attacks. in Manhattan. FORCE WOMEN TO WORK COUNTY SURVEYOR IS CROWN PRINCE USES POLICE UNABLE TO UNDER FIERCE GUN FIRE ONLY OFFICE IN DOUBT TROOPS FROM MEUSE CONTROL DfSORDE Note Describes Various Forms of Seth Orndorff. for Sheriff. Has Infantry Unita From Verdun Dhv 1emporary Suspension of Busi Violence Teutona Are Accused Lead of 84 Without Counting trtet Thrown Into Battle ness Ordered Because of Wild of Having Practiced on People Missing Box; County Over- Against Advancing English in Scene of Mob Violence; Cam of Lille, Roubaix and Turcoing whelmingly Against Submis-- Effort to Save Important Posi- to Move Under Protection of in North France. of Prohibition Law. tion of Delville Wood. Police, Officials Declare. Br Associated oversight or perhaps Igno- - By Associated Press By Arjoelsted Fres. Paris, July part of same election officers London, July 79 gXhe Importance attached !twTerk. Jaly t. After er Rrland saarissal rn com ny me tonight to I. J. Just MTgjTJrtti"ltí"' more or less serious Germans to the possession of Del demonstrsllons the strike of French ambassi arising before the nominees of nils wood is shown by lbs and conductors, which, for t Wuhln to the other F desperate char represan ay's primaries can b omelally of their constant counter snacks In days, hss psralyxed surface car trafflo to utiv itral countries, direct the Bronx and d Joining or them to to M ha county executive committee this wood since it was captured by the portions B the government to "We or canvass county, .which they are met y rosy tor the purpose nnnso. These counter sttscks. according spread to the lines or th respectively ccrdlteii, a ing or lo Thrhl avenue railway resdlnir ss follows the returns the primary, announcing the British reports, have been repulsed st Manhattan. the results and issuing certificates or noml on every occasion with heavy Oerman Cars Stoasd. I ae you to call or to the successful candidates. Ad losses the attention the nation Cars were stoned and government lb which you are in journment was taken until Monday rooming In ise neighborhood or there were scenes accredited Postares, siso, iba or disorder thst ihc police tlie treatment which the populations or at 10 o clock, when the committee will British and Germans In the apparently were continue closest unable to ror A Line, ftounalx-an- d Tonrrolnr hare again meet In the Forty first district court grips, and fight- control several honra. the severest temporary suspension of was subjected by the German aOthorlti room and make another effort to arrive at ing is going on incessantly. The British, service or or so however, dered but later an attempt waa made to run rrencn the correct returns the primaries, that mslntsln their advance toward the cars ine government In the presence who or votas with uniformed police guards on board. of revealed facts Invokes those received the majority remaining portion of th rising ground be- At a th application ot can be duly declared the nominees. tween Pozleres Bspaume, miss meeting attendee! Irr several or The Hague convention con- snd still In the employes of the avenue in. hands of the Oermsns. hundred Third rail cerning laws sad customs or conducting Sierra Blanca Returns Missing way. It was decided to strike In sympathy land warfare, to the y What Is looked upon by sorna ss a grave lafaslry From lerdea. end that German be Msny zor tne men now ouz m toe Bronx and held responsible rnr violations or these situation are the missing returns from pre German infantry units, withdrawn Westchester county. rules by Its armed forces clnct No. M, sierra Blanca. The returns from the Metise eres, have been recognized In lh forcea opposing progress Strlk sprasdtoe- Appeal to Justice could not be located yesterday. The ballot th of the boxes (ram th precinct were opened, but a British. This is the probable reason why Although leaden declared that when the "Until a derision by arms has penatttod search of their contents railed to the fighting around Verdun, as shown by rew hours the Third svenue railway Unes the disclose ' reconquering of tasas occupied regtons, the French reports, has developed in al- will be completely up. or ar.ytblng that resembled election returns. tied officials of the the sole means mafcSaf this elTort Is by Because or the failure to rind the returns most purely artillery engagements. Inter company Insisted that only a few or their pressing an appeal to the sentiments of adjournment was yesterday arter mutant minor lnrsntry sttacks, however, men had Joined In the strike movement justice and humanity or taken late neutral powers and noon 8 The re have occurred there. Initiated alternately It was announced that beginning at so the public or until o'clock last night. l opinion sil nations. turns ware not In evidence st the night by either side. In which Has French repon o'clock tomorrow morning the company "I the rare re ask you In presenting tnls meeting. It was suggested that with the some success with a gala In ground. "expects to resume the regular schedule note, to ask the government to giv It the consent of all parties adjournment would The Russian armies under Generáis with policemen on each car." tost serious srasarían, ss it constitutes the be taken until Monday morning. sad Letchltxky have pushed further Little Child Mile protest or the French government again xtt "This," said , Judge Ballard Coldwetl forward In a penetrating movement through Pauline Cohen. 4 years old, was killed ine connnions. wmrn It brings to the at- "looks like a pratense of some kind to get the line, snd their success today by car In the Bronx operated by tention or the civilised world, supported by In the boxes. Th Judges for that precinct Is admitted in the Berlín and Vienna re- strike breakers. testimony from many conrees." were appointed by the other side. I do not ports or todsy, which ssy: After rerlttmy the efforts mads by the know whether the committee would be Ge ruaos Admit Slav Successes. PACRIVG BKM 'BE STRIKE MAY government through the Spanish govern authorized .to adjourn over. The time la "Northwestward or Lutsk the enemy uc- - SPREJU) TB GH1CAUO AMD ment to stop Ine German practices m to ended ror making the count and lasnlng th ceeded m penetrating our lines and . we KANSAS Cm. varied regtons, the document adds: certificates." wiuiurew neiuna ine river." ay Associated Presi A belated Turkish offtctal repot East Louis. 111.. Inly M. ESoplore I rsaliaias Falvry Rale sa Aoo belittles St at rrstoals narveillot the Russian successes in the Gad casus, th packing bouse here this afternoon, "Today ail our niolsst havm besa "If th reports have been sent In within describes the capture f Bairbnrt and a proposition tbal they to comply Manhattan Island Delaware Militiamen SUBMISSION SHOWS return vain, we place the evtdenee before the eyes th four days to with th law," said All tingan as or lltua imporune to sb Ttrr-- work at the plants of Armour a Co., Swirt or neutral powers, assured or Has Jade Judge T. A. Fslvey. "It would b legal to genera) sebearte of operations. a cn.. and Mottii a co. this setton The by Explosión wis ment that universal conscience will pass up- count them. question Is amalasr tby Shaken Report Troop Train taken after the striken had been In formed on such conditions, and that It will be in have been sent In. ft may be that they ara fOBBEsra.Hjrjx'Cs: American f lbs Swift and Morris plants soma box county tvitb that their enmasa t on tas German government, fi hi in the clerk's mea. By Associated Press. Fired Upon and Stoned AMBAMADOB IN FRY AIT CASE. union would not be recognized. It. g. case 11 to In In they undertakes question this evidence If they bar been sent tune can Wear Jtuy 30.-J- L London. July to. Th foreign ome today Conway, general manager at to an counted, have In York, the Armour permit Impartial Inquiry. To this end be ir they not been sent hntten taland, Hroohlyn,xhnd ctttes published the communication It sent to th plant, said he would not object to the union, the Oerman government must authorize the within toe time specified by law, She re- jjQfricere of a troop train bear-m-g American ambassador, waiter H. Pure, eon snd would be willing to desl with employe, power I In New eVeeer, were attaken short- neutra as conduct sa Investigation turn esnuot be counted.