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This route has 190

been designed 6 to complement 14 O/S Explorer 15 5 map No. 190 2 1 4 3 Please respect the Countryside Code. 16 19 17 20 See 18 for download options and for more walking trails and information on the area.

Main route 12 Route keypoints Museum/gallery Cafe Picnic site Bridleway Public house Information Parking Mansion Footpath Ascent/descent Landscape feature Church Take care! Map Key

Lorem 1 The ipsumwalk begins dolor at the sit uphill. Along this track, gaps 11 De Walden Drive climbs to 16 Fork right when the wider amet,Unicorn consectetuer Inn in the centre of through the trees reveal splendid its highest point and this is the paved driveway is reached. Great Malvern. Walk up St. Ann's views of Great Malvern and behind is nearest point to the top of North (The downhill road leads adipiscingRoad. elit, sed a ne view of the summit of Hill (397m) directly into Great Malvern). diam nonummy nibh Beacon (424m). 2 Continue uphill, St Ann’s 12 As the track continues, the 17 Continue on this path over euismodRoad bears left,tincidunt however this ut 7 The path attens out shortly wide view to the north-west the crest of the hill at the next Directions laoreetwalk continues dolore up Happy magna Valley before Ivy Scar Rock, take the opens up. Continue along the intersection and begin the road. smaller uphill path to the left of the track as it begins to descend. descent back towards Great aliquam erat volutpat. main track signed North Hill. Malvern via St Ann’s Well. Ut 3 wisi Just enimpast the adlast house on Continue steadily uphill, with the 13 Further down the track the right at a low wooden shed, view both eastwards and where it splits in two directions, 18 Continue on the path as it minimdonkeys veniam,could once be quis hired by northwards widening as you climb, take the uphill track on the left curves down to the left to St nostrudpeople wishing exerci to ride tation to the until a rocky hairpin bend to the left past a small quarry. Continue Ann’s Well. Follow the paved top of the hills. Continue up is reached. until the path attens at the crest path that zig-zags steeply ullamcorperHappy Valley. suscipit of the ridge with a bench. down into Great Malvern. lobortis nisl ut aliquip 8 Keep following the stony 4 Further uphill, at the zig-zag path uphill until a level track 14 From here, paths and tracks 19 Take a right as the path exvehicle ea commodo turning point, take the is joined. to the right lead over or past meets St Ann’s Road, and bear consequat.path to the right Duis which leads Sugar Loaf Hill (350m) towards left following the ‘Public gently upwards. 9 Turn right here onto the Worcestershire Beacon. The Footpath’ sign down the ’99 autem vel eum iriure broader, level track - known as Lady route, however, continues steps’. dolor 5 You in will hendrerit shortly ahead in Howard de Walden Drive which was straight ahead over the crest of reach an intersection, continue cut as a carriageway in the 1890s to the ridge and begins descending. 20 Back into Great Malvern vulputateuphill in the same velit general esse encircle the North Hill - continue and the end of the walk. molestiedirection. consequat, along the track. 15 Cross a wide path and descend down into Happy Valley 10 vel 6 illum Remain dolore on the uphill eu path Continue along the same track passing into an avenue of which shortly joins a broader around the hill, the view westwards sycamore trees. feugiat nulla facilisis across now begins to atgravelled vero erostrack continuing et open up.

PLEASE LEAVE NO LITTER BECAUSE OF GRAZING LIVESTOCK, DOGS SHOULD BE KEPT UNDER PROPER CONTROL With thanks to Dudley Brook. Adapted from a Trail Guide produced by Trails Group