Mercia Rocks OUGS West Midlands Branch Newsletter Issue No 4 December 2020 High Tor Limestone Reef, Matlock, Derbyshire. Jun 2015 - Mike Hermolle Branch Officers Contents Branch Organiser – David Green Branch Treasurer - Susan Jackson Branch Organiser’s report p 2 Newsletter Editor – Mike Hermolle Message on events p 2 AGM 2021 p 3 Branch Committee Quiz p 4 Emma Askew Summary of a research topic p 6 Sandra Morgan Local Geology p 9 Alan Richardson Geo-etymology p 11 Adrian Wyatt Other Societies P 14 Stop Press p 15 If you would like to join the Online Talks p 16 committee please do get in touch 2020 AGM Draft Minutes p 17
[email protected] [email protected] 1 Branch Organiser’s Report This year has been a year we may be remembering for quite a while, unfortunately the Branch has not been able to organise any events this year and is not likely we will be able to have any events until the lock down restrictions are lifted. You will see in this newsletter that the AGM will be held virtually via Zoom this time. The meeting is being held in February and I hope by then we may have some better news regarding what events we may be able to hold next year. I would be very happy to try to help anyone who would like to join the AGM meeting but is unsure of using ZOOM. It is easy to use to join in meetings and is not that hard if anyone is unsure. We will not be having a speaker this year so it will only take up an hour or so of your time.