The Guardian, April 10, 1979
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Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 4-10-1979 The Guardian, April 10, 1979 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1979). The Guardian, April 10, 1979. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Weather thought Cloudy today with a high in the 'Those who expect to reap the upper 40s and a low tonight near blessings of freedom must, like 30. Continued cloudiness tomor- row with a chance of rain in the men, undergo the fatigue of late afternoon. The high tomor- supporting It.' Thomas Palne RAIN row will be near 60. The Daily Guardian April 10, 1979 Issue 88 Volume XV Wright State University Dayton, Ohio Wright State receives full accreditation By MIKE HOSIER lines. Wright State is now a lic" about the two new degree gram is reviewed by the Universi- the end of the baby boom was alao Gaaidhui Aaaacfete Editor recognized institution. WSU is offerings, said Kegerreis. ty between each of the visits complimented. Wright State has received full now also accredited on the doc- The area that received informal made by the NCA's team of "Prior to last week," said Dol- accreditation by the North Central toral level. " accreditation was WSU's new evaluators, which comes to the phin. WSU was accredited up Association of Colleges and Uni- THE THIRD specific area that Program Review Process. Ac- campus every five years. through the masters degree level versities (NCA) in three specific Kegerreis referred to was the cording to Robert Dolphin, dean The NCA, according to Dol- and the Doctorate level in the areas, and accreditation that is NCA's accreditation of WSU's of the school of Graduate Studies, phin. was very complimentary School of Medicine. "not quite that formal" in a Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Sci- the program, which was imple- about the University. Its ability to fourth, said WSU President Rob- ences, as well as the doctorate in mented this year, "meets our develop programs, such as the THE NCA, WHICH sent a team ert Kegerreis. the School of Professional Psy- (NCA) self-study requirements." new doctorate level degrees, du- of evaluators to the University Kegerreis received word late chiatry. ring a time when higher educa- back in January, will not be last week from the NCA that As a result of this. WSU "may UNDER THE program, each tion is suffering problems re- sending another team until 1984. "under the new 1978 NCA guide- now communicate with the pub- graduate and undergraduate pro- sulting from higher tuition and Financial Aid office prepares for $ 75 tuition hike By TOM VONDRUSKA 'historical patterns." "There will be a slight ad- Darr said "hat not knowing the ANOTHER OBSTACLE ham- Guardian Staff Writer THE OFFICE IS doing this to justment to whatever the tuition specific tuition for next year pering the computing of the Next year's financial aid insure that all qualified students will be." the director explained, makes the computing of awards awards is that the financial aid awards are now being computed, have their awards in time for the adding that lie expects mosl harder because of the possibility office has not been notified on the with an citra $75 for the year beginning of fall quarter. students will receive their awards that some applications will have amcunt of money it will receive being added to cover an antici- Darr emphasized that the ad- by August. to be processed twice in order to from locally administered federal pated tuition hike. Financial Aid ditional money is in no way con- SECRETARY TO the Board of bring them in line with the actual programs, such as the Nation Director David Dart said. nected to the actual amount of a Trustees 0. Edward Pollack said tuition. Direct Student Loan, Dsn said. Applications are being pro- tuition hike, or to the budgetii yesierday that he expects a He said that he expects that As for the tuition hike, Darr cessed as they are received, Darr process, but is a device which tuition hike to be proposed at the most adjustments will occur on explained the final award will be said, with the figures based on enables the awards to be figured. Board's June 5 meeting. Pollack the applications of students re- adjusted to bt in line with the said he didn't know the amount of ceiving the Basic Educational amount of funis received. Discrimination charged any proposed hike. Grant (BEOG). By DANIEL L. DEPASQUALE •he baccalaureate degree pro- WSU gets Gunrdlan Associate Writer gram is more well-rounded, and $164,000 in NDSL funds requires r,tuden(s (o enroll in Gertrude Torres, dean of (he cleclivc course. Wright Sta(e School of Nursing, Torres (hen (urned her remarks B? GAYLON V1CKERS WSU had requested $435,000 DARR POINTED to a decrease •as raised charges of discrimina- (o (he legisla(ors. "The people Guardian Editor in new NDSL fund, last year, but in ihe default rate at WSU, down ion against a bill aimed at pushing (his (hing should have Wright State ..ill now receive was denied the funds in early to 23.8 percent, as the reason for ncrcasing state grants for (aken a look a( (he bill. All (hey do in excess of $164,000 in new March of this year by the Office of '.he OE re-cvaluation that got nursing siudents. is say. 'oh. we'll give (he rurses National Direct Student Loan Education (OE). At that time the WSU an additional $164,000 in According to Torres, (he bill, som- money, oh isn'( (hat nice.' " funds, it was learned Friday. OE told WSU a default rate of 32 NDSL funding. which passed the Ohio House by a ••THIS IS A hard figh( for us," According to David Darr. direc- percent on the application would Another poinl in WSU's appcii vote of 93 - 9 Thursday, would she said. "We are no( arguing tor of Financial Aid, the exact mean (hat WSU would be as- that hfis garnered more funds was limit baccalaureate students to against get(ing extra money, but amount of NDSL aid that WSU signed a penalty in the form of Ihe section based on the OE's $600 per year, while diploma we can'( accep( (he bill in its will get will not be known until mandating that WSU collect moie method of calculating an average school students would receive present form. We feel this is May 1 of this year, when WSU outstanding NDSL debts. cos! of tuition ar.d fees. $1500. going to be a difficult campaign, gets notification of its award. DARR NOTED that colleges The method was to divide the DARR REPORTED that if the MIAMI VAIXEYt. for exam- but we at the Ohio Nursing As- nation-wide had been asked to total amount of tuition paid fcy the ple. would get $1500 per year for socia(ion will put as much pres- May 1 award is not satisfactory, collect 10 percent more of these number jf students at WSU lo get their hospi(al~based. nondegree sure as we can, in order to get a WSU will continue the appeals debts over previous yeus, but an average tuition. program. I feel (his is unfair. balanced bill." process through area legislators. WSU had been asked to collect DARR NOTED that WSU has Amounts should be the same for The bill calls for an increase in Darr also noted that area con- 84.5 percent of its debts. about 4.000 ii-dcnls who are less all nursing students. What rea- grants (o s(uden(s according io gressmen and senators are being "They (the OE) said that we than students. As a sons are (here not toT" Torres (heir needs. The requiremen(s for kept informed on WSU's situa- should have collected $705,000 result, he believes this average said. present grants will also cover the tion. total." stated Darr. This would did not give a true picture and "It discriminates agains( de- proposed grant. The next step in National Direct Student Loans have been $323,000 over the pre - had a detrimental effect on gree students." she con(inued. the bill's life is lo pass (he state are low-interest loans given to vious year. WSU's application. "Six hundred dollars is no( Senate. students of low-income families. Darr said his office puts (he In its sppcai. Darr's office said enough (o cover (wo quarters in "We plan on figh(ing (his (hing These loans do not have to be estimate closer to $500,000 in out- that tuition slurald be based on (ui(ion fees. Ie( alone books and in the Senate. All we ask for is repaid until after the student's standing NDSL monies for use mfttf tqtn." Tctra »4drt 'hpt fairness." Torres said. graduation. next year. •OFFICE," p»«* 2) 3 DAILY GUAIDMN Apr. It, if 9 University Divisionchanges criteria for transfer •y KEVIN TOOINTON to his major college, provided he could contact an advisor who is rather than an incoming fresh- policy has been initiated, there IMN Staff VHto hus 24 credit hours, regardless of experienced in that field.