STM32-P103 User's Manual

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STM32-P103 User's Manual STM-P103 development board User's manual Document revision C, August 2016 Copyright(c) 2014, OLIMEX Ltd, All rights reserved INTRODUCTION STM32-P103 board is development board which allows you to explore thee features of the ARM Cortex M3 STM32F103RBT6 microcontroller produced by ST Microelectronics Inc. The board has SD/MMC card connector and allows USB Mass storage device demo to be evaluated. The RS232 driver and connector allows USB to Virtual COM port demo to be evaluated. The CAN port and driver allows CAN applications to be developed. The UEXT connector allows access to all other UEXT modules produced by OLIMEX (like MOD-MP3, MOD-NRF24LR, MOD-NOKIA6610, etc) to be connected easily. In the prototype area the customer can solder his own custom circuits and interface them to USB, CAN, RS232 etc. STM32-P103 is almost identical in hardware design to STM32-P405. The major difference is the microcontroller used (STM32F103 vs STM32F405). Another board with STM32F103 and a display is STM32-103STK. A smaller (and cheaper board) with STM32F103 is the STM32-H103. Both boards mentioned also have a version with the newer microcontroller STM32F405 used. The names are respectively STM32-405STK and STM32-H405. BOARD FEATURES STM32-P103 board features: - CPU: STM32F103RBT6 ARM 32 bit CORTEX M3™ - JTAG connector with ARM 2×10 pin layout for programming/debugging with ARM-JTAG, ARM-USB- OCD, ARM-USB-TINY - USB connector - CAN driver and connector - RS232 driver and connector - UEXT connector which allow different modules to be connected (as MOD-MP3, MOD-NRF24LR, etc) - SD-MMC connector - backup battery connector - user button - RESET button - status LED - power supply LED - on board voltage regulator 3.3V with up to 800mA current - single power supply: takes power from USB port or extension connector pin - 8 Mhz crystal oscillator - 32768 Hz crystal and RTC backup battery connector - extension headers for all uC ports - RESET button - status LED - power supply LED - on board voltage regulator 3.3V with up to 800mA current single power supply: takes power from USB port or power supply jack - PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), soldermask, silkscreen component print - Dimensions: 100×90mm (3.94×3.5") ELECTROSTATIC WARNING The STM32-P103 board is shipped in protective anti-static packaging. The board must not be subject to high electrostatic potentials. General practice for working with static sensitive devices should be applied when working with this board. BOARD USE REQUIREMENTS Cables: USB A-B cable (up to 1.8 meters) to connect to USB host. Hardware: Any ARM JTAG programmer or debugger with standard 2×10 pin JTAG connector. You can use one of the Olimex ARM JTAG debuggers: ARM-JTAG, ARM-JTAG-EW, ARM-USB- OCD, ARM-USB-OCD-H, ARM-USB-OCD-TINY, ARM-USB-OCD-H. Note that Olimex OpenOCD debuggers lack SWD interface by default. There is the adapter ARM-JTAG-SWD that adds SWD to any of the programmers/debuggers mentioned above. Additionally you can use our ARM-JTAG-COOCOX debugger which has both JTAG and SWD interfaces and works with CooCox IDE natively and with Keil uVision via plug-in. Note the board can be programmed without a debugger using a serial cable with level shifter and the software provided by ST (STM32 Flash Loader demonstrator). Software: ARM C compiler and debugger software, among the possible options are: - The free open source platform: GNU C compiler + OpenOCD and Eclipse (support all low cost Olimex JTAG debuggers) - The free CooCox IDE – good choice for ARM Cortex microcontrollers - The commercial software IAR EW for ARM from IAR Systems AB - The commercial software CrossWorks from Rowley – supports all Olimex low cost JTAG debuggers and features of number of examples for Olimex boards BOARD LAYOUT VDDA VDDA 3.3V L1 GNDA 0 ferrite bead B1_H/B1_L 2 1 3.3V 1 3 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V_MCU_E U1 3.3V C11 C9 PB0 PB0/ADC8/TIM3_CH3/TIM1_CH2N 3.3V BAT_3V 13 26 100nF VDDA PB1 R54 C23 CON2PV2-2.54MM 10uF/10V100nF PB1/ADC9/TIM3_CH4/TIM1_CH3N27 UEXT-1 PB2 100K 12 PB2/BOOT128 UEXT-2 VSSA R59 R37 R36 USART1_TX 1 PB3/JTDO/TIM2_CH2/TRACESWO/SPI1_SCK55 TDO 10k UEXT-3 0 10K 10k USART1_RX 2 2 1 1 PB4/JTRST/TIM3_CH1/SPI1_MISO56 TRST UEXT-4 VBAT I2C1_SCL R8 BAT_E PB5/I2C1_SMBAI/TIM3_CH2/SPI1_MOSI57 UEXT-5 PB5 I2C1_SDA U2 10k 32 PB6/I2C1_SCL/TIM4_CH1/USART1_TX58 I2C1_SCL UEXT-6 VDD R4 SPI1_MISO NA 48 PB7/I2C1_SDA/TIM4_CH2/USART1_RX59 I2C1_SDA R18 UEXT-7 RST VDD 10K SPI1_MOSI 2 1 19 PB8/TIM4_CH3/I2C1_SCL/CANRX61 CAN_RX 10K UEXT-8 VCC RESET VDD PB8 SPI1_SCK 64 PB9/TIM4_CH4/I2C1_SDA/CANTX62 CAN_TX UEXT-9 VDD PB9 SPI1_NSS GND C5 C6 C7 C8 PB10/I2C2_SCL/USART3_TX/TIM2_CH329 UEXT-10 PB10 RESET C28 10uF/10V PB11/I2C2_SDA/USART3_RX/TIM2_CH430 100nF 100nF 100nF PB11 C222.2uF/6.3V 31 PB12/SPI2_NSS/I2C2_SMBAL/USART3_CK/TIM1_BKIN33 SPI2_NSS VSS VCAP_1 PB12 100nF C242.2uF/6.3V 47 PB13/SPI2_SCK/USART3_CTS/TIM1_CH1N34 SPI2_SCK 3.3V VSS VCAP_2 PB13 63 PB14/SPI2_MISO/USART3_RTS/TIM1_CH2N35 SPI2_MISO VSS PB14 18 PB15/SPI2_MOSI/TIM1_CH3N36 SPI2_MOSI RST VSS PB15 3.3V RST RST 7 PC0/ADC108 NRST PC0 PC1/ADC119 R15 PC1 R1 R13 R6 R5 R3 BOOT0 60 PC2/ADC1210 3.3V BOOT0 PC2 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k R-T PC3/ADC1311 R39 100K PC3 R38 2 1 WAKE-UP 14 PC4/ADC1424 USB_P 2K PA0-WKUP/USART2_CTS/ADC0/TIM2_CH1_ETR PC4 33K 4 3 TRST PA1 UART2_RTS 15 PC5/ADC1525 ADC15 WP_E PA1/USART2_RTS/ADC1/TIM2_CH2 PC5 SD/MMC 6 5 TDI USART2_TX 16 PC6/TIM3_CH137 WP PA2/USART2_TX/ADC2/TIM2_CH3 PC6 WP 2 1 10 8 7 TMS 2 USART2_RX 17 PC7/TIM3_CH238 CP WP1 PA3/USART2_RX/ADC3/TIM2_CH4 PC7 14 10 9 TCK SPI1_NSS 20 PC8/TIM3_CH339 WP2 10k PA4/SPI1_NSS/USART2_CK/ADC4 PC8 0 12 11 R2 SPI1_SCK 21 PC9/TIM3_CH440 PA5/SPI1_SCK/ADC5 PC9 SPI2_NSS 1 14 13 TDO SPI1_MISO 22 PC10/USART3_TX51 CNTRL CD/DAT3/CS PA6/SPI1_MISO/ADC6/TIM3_CH1/TIM1_BKIN PC10 SPI2_MOSI 2 16 15 RST SPI1_MOSI 23 PC11/USART3_RX52 DISC C15 10pF CMD/DI 10k PA7/SPI1_MOSI/ADC7/TIM3_CH2/TIM1_CH1N 3 18 17 R11 PA8 41 PC12/USART3_CK53 LED 3.3V VSS1 100K PA8/USART1_CK/TIM1_CH1/MCO PC12 Q232768 L2 4 20 19 R17 USART1_TX 42 PC13/ANTI_TAMP2 470nH VDD PA9/USART1_TX/TIM1_CH2 PC13 GND SPI2_SCK 5 USART1_RX 43 PC14/OSC32_IN3 CLK/SCLK PA10/USART1_RX/TIM1_CH3 6 USBDM 44 PC15/OSC32_OUT4 C14 10pF VSS2 JTAG PA11/USART1_CTS/CANRX/USBDM/TIM1_CH4 3.3V R49 10K SPI2_MISO 7 USBDP 45 DAT0/DO PA12/USART1_RTS/CANTX/USBDP/TIM1_ETR 3.3V R44 10K 8 TMS 46 PD0/OSC_IN5 C12 27pF DAT1/RES PA13/JTMS/SWDIO 3.3V R45 10K 9 TCK 49 PD1/OSC_OUT6 DAT2/RES D2 PA14/JTCK/SWCLK CP_E TDI 50 PD2/TIM3_ETR54 R12 Q1 PA15/JTDI/TIM2_CH1_ETR/SPI1_NSS PD2 CP 2 1 13 1N5819S 1M 8MHz CP1 15 STM32F405RET6(LQFP64) STM32F103RBT6(LQFP64) 0 CP2 C13 27pF R43 SD_CARDBOT USB_P R42 33K C20 C29 R19 TRST,TDI,TMS,TCK,TDO,RST 2K 1 2 USB_P 15K R24 22K STM32-P103, hardware revsion D 3.3V U5 3.3V ST3232 C27 +5V_USB CNTRL/HS +5V_USB 1 100n C1+ C19 CNTRL 1 3 V+ 2 100n R23 3 3.3V R20 C1- C25 V- 6 10k C26 100n NC 4 100n C2+ 1 R28 10K 2 6 Q4 5 R52 C2- 3 7 3.3V BC817 4 8 U3 47k USART2_TX11 T1OUT14 Q3 T1IN 5 9 CAN 8 RS 1 CAN_TX 1 2 10 T2OUT7 TXD R53 UART2_RTS CANH DISC BC817 R50 T2IN 3 7 2 RTS_E VSS 1K USART2_RX RS232_2 2 6 CANL 3 33k R51 12 R1IN 13 VDD R1OUT 1 5 VREF 4 CAN_RX 1.5K WAKE-UP 1 2 9 R2IN 8 RXD R2OUT C37 D1 CTS_E R16 330 U5PWR CON33.5MM SN65HVD230 1N5819S R27 100nF VCC GND 3.3V 16 15 120 3.3V U4 C41 USBLC6-2P6(NA) 100nF 1 1 6 R21 22 USBDP Notes: 3.3V 3.3V 2 2 5 ===== 3 3 4 R22 22 USBDM 4 C10 When STM32F103RBT6(LQFP64) is mounted, C22 and C24 must be short circuit(for example with 0 Ohm resistor) WAKE-UPC18 C17 C16 USB STAT 100nF 47pF(NA) RED 100nF R34 47pF(NA) WAKE-UP 1K 3.3V R35 VR1(3.3V) VIN 2k R33 VIN LM1117 22K 0 VCC LED 2 1 IN OUT 3.3V ADJ/GND LED_E G1 R10 PWR DB104(SMD) 240/1% C21 C1 C2 C3 C30 C4 PWR_JACK STM32-P103, hardware revsion D 100nF R9 R7 390/1% 2k R14 OLIMEX LTD, PLOVDIV, BULGARIA 5VAC 0R 0R(Board_Mounted) 6VDC GND PROCESSOR FEATURES STM-P103 board use ARM 32-bit Cortex™-M3 CPU STM32F103RBT6 from ST Microelectronics with these features: - CPU clock up to 72Mhz - FLASH 128KB - RAM 20KB - DMA x7 channels - RTC - WDT - Timers x3+1 - SPI x2 - I2C x2 - USART x3 - USB x1 - CAN x1 (multiplexed with USB so both can't be used at the same time) - GPIO up to 51 (multiplexed with peripherals) - 2 ADC 12-bit - operating voltage 2.0 – 3.6V - operating temperature (-40 to +85)C MEMORY MAP POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT STM32-P103 can take power from three sources: - USB connector where 5V power supply is applied by USB host - PWR jack where +6-9VDC or 5-9V AC may be applied, as there is bridge rectifier the polarity doesn’t matter - Li-Po battery attached to the BAT_3V connector. IMPORTANT: By default you can have either battery or external power supply connected. If you connect both you might damage the board or the battery.
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