The Republican Journal. YiiM'MK <»• BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1888. NUMBER 33.

PuMisliiii” < b Beeknnn Slr«’it. N* w 'ompanv. Generalities. Folitical Points. Are the Farmers Fools? Friend of the Soldiers. The on Origin of the Word HKiTnUi'AN .lorRNAL. York. Duty Sugar. Minneapolis and Minnesota Politics. Schooner. It is said that And now the Northwestern millers are The Press has been called upon no less the lirst schooner was built at so about There are nearly 1000 Republican clubs or- by DEATH or A KENOWXED HOSPITAL M USE. REMARKS OF IIOX. S. L. MIEI.IKEN* lX'KlXlS To THE Khitok or the Joi KNAI.: The .. VliMS'i J:t HIK „ri at lias been tin success of Tin- Writer, to organize a flour trust. ganized now in New York State. than six readers to to that foot-in-tln MU*. SWIIT. THE (iOOD SAM AH IT AX OF THE TIIE HE1IATE ON THE MILLS RILL. t.loiicester. Mass., and as the rig was then new tin* P.o-ion magazine f«»r literarv workers, that reply political campaign i> now opened in this State, VIUOIM \ IWMlWHiX. there was no name to it' « Mu* Mr. Milliken. Mr. in view of the designate it. When the craft I). ,V publishers propose to enlarge it in nuuvelVort is to he imnle to saw* the neck James A. a New York grave old chestnut about the farmer being tax- Chairman, and bids January, Whitney, prominent fair to outdo the great struggle of slid from the at the of the lie.M !<> >i It rook-, alia- Maxwell, the \V. V. Nickerson writes to the Boston (ilohe: fact that our friends on the other side have ways a bystander said, “Ob, don’t beiriuniiii: volume. and in- St. Louis murder- lawyer, ami 2s year" a Democrat, has conic out ed 95 per cent, on his flannel shirt. 57 per cent, u’-! voted to a 1n40. 1 well remember that and she crease the to two dollars a \'I he ; «*r. \Mrk siw of in just place duty of 08 per cent, on campaign, seoon.” “A schooner let her be then,” said price for Harrison and protection. as La-t the end a lift: Chelsea, on Ids coat, etc. Incredible it may seem and seem M”liter was started a and a half sugar, to stand by their schedule on although not a voter at that time 1 was a the hence the name. i:i and I only year tin of if written, wouhl furnish Whig imihler, The following lines City County. tort it lias made itself a Tin* date for adjourmnent of Congress i- set Senator Hoar contradicts the to the Democratic National -buy which, that I desire the Clerk to read an ex* already permanent emphatically intelligent people, subject, in and attended mass in the Ann Aitri-rtiser the Commer. e principle many of their recently appeared Cape ;< e anion- the standard mairazities. by Committee as i'ar oil as (».*- malicious falsehood with one of the mo>t remarkable as well as roman- tract from the Democratic which is pl monthly cliarging’him malign- Committee is insulting the intelligence of the platform headland ’•> I toher. the a to this I remember one at If el fast when Tragabizanda. fair, ;•••• ;•. : !. : .1 •*■. -J on >«:i 1 ; P i* earnest. praeti«*al. bright, and in- ing Scandinavians in recent speech. tie tales of modern times. The refer- pertinent question. meetings. <>f helpful, farmers of this State this ex- person old North Shore, the region where 1 ! i* *!i ■: tin* by circulating The Clerk as | tetvstiiur. and ii stand* unnpie a* the per- read follows: all of the towns in Waldo turned out Two centuries only M i Idle Tennessee iias S' worl h an old and red to was Mrs. B. renown- county ago, and more, in shipped Captain Derry, Sandy Hook pilot relic of free trade Joseph Swift, tin: iodieal the world devoted to discussing tin v ploded argument: It is repugnant to the erect of that Coasted in bo it the shore •' of m to tin* Northern markets this Democrat, nomocracy and of them along 1 V. 1 .•••••.,• .-l.i- iiirll ji.iiatoes says: “Pin the motto *No nurse large delegation- many brought ieal d< T i •' of olmt ion. li' carrying rises in the ed hospital and soldiers* friend, whose such taxation the cost of the necessaries of life Captain John Smith, on this land ■ praet literary pi Coder this tarifl'thc farmer morning, by who, -i K, :• ini *'t Free Trade’ on one of cabins with ’hem. I well remember one e.-ndiietors. \\ iiliam II. every my spars.” on common flannel shirt taxed !•“» should he unjustillnhly increased to all our log Of rock and rove and forest ■ ■ Ilib' and U -bert Lie puts his per fame a< a irood Samaritan the people. grand. 1 1 \ *!•*»' during bloody j are both < his coat taxed r»7 cent.; shoes 35 •Fudged by Democratic principles, the interests of came Restowed the Oriental name raile d m W'paper men. ami the con- At 'hamrelion, China, it i- reported that There i> a strong disaffection among Demo- cent.; per per that in from Searsmont drawn by twelve and hat taxed 02 cent.; takes the water campaign in Virginia in 1 sr>:> and is<;|. earned the people arc betrayed when, by unnecessary tax In memory of a Turkish dame; tent' of the maira/iue are full of that ieal ! 3«Mio death- from eholera have nn uned in tie cratic Maine lumbermen to the Mills cent., per praet relative trusts and combinations are to ex horses. It had a in the e o.tre of at “the harbor’’ from a bucket taxed 35 per cent., and wa.-lies his tier a world-wide ation, permitted liberty pole Here, of Cape Ann. '■oinnnot ii'< i' hO -. reputation. which tin- di>tim:ni*idm:wc 11, erst, a face and hands in a tin howl taxed 35 percent.: Mr>. Swift was which, unduly enriching tiie cabin, with the American Hag and a stalwart, vigorous man, aej. ristie i*f *u< s'lul m A r worker*. born in Calais. Me., about -V> Hying 'pap. dries them on a cotton tow el taxed 45 per combine, rob the body of our citizens by depriving One justly famed for work well done; i-alarmed ow r the fuuliie-s of Ex-(«ov. John s. of cheap of Aim liean She received live coon on of Arii -bv in the Aiilmi'1 numher. for iii'tanee. i’hiiadelphia Piilsburv, Minnesota, cent. years a^o, parents. them of the bcnellts of natural competition. top of the pole. The inside the Hi' name was Andrew Robinson. ie.-1 drill Water, and ■ <>n-i that the a common i I't O :i warn I kill:: quo lit inerea-e of says Republicans will carry the State by school education and in Hr builded and smaller I t. |-i- writ*:' n-aiiM dependence upon lie sits down to his humble meal and eats from early life, Mr. Milliken. I ask attention to the cabin was tilled with barrels of hard eider, ships craft t level*. •D.oon all allowance for the whilf slu: was in her teens, para- both li-i i' *«• I r:tvt*l •’Mood'." show them :t *‘P'c- for j phoid majority, making a taxed 50 cent., with a knife and fork yet married John “square rig*' and “fore-and-aft." practical plate per because our friends on the Prohibition vote. his Clark. Her maiden name was graph just read, one barrel on the rear end and one on He felled the timber, hewed the 1. ,1*. ■ ■: .!mi ■!. > .ok',“ make a critical anal.'!' of taxed 35 per cent.; drinks cotlec with sugar Lizzie Scott. beams. rap-lb A in the wilds of We-t other side the whole debate on this youthful couple Vir- taxed (»S seasons his food w ith sail tax- Alter in for a during Laid keel, frame, plank ami caulked the seams. 1 !**rmat!<*ii .-i d iiditosial P:a 1 per cent.; iivims Calais, Me., few years top. There were also -cveral mottoes oil •*N.-W'paper viui walked Mi-" Anna Dickinson is have seemed to la* oversensitive Jfimseli and a r <»!•■■:.*•? litty miles turret man led and then the first campaign ed (lit cent.; taxed (II per cent. her hii'oaml !eti her to come subject upon gang, canny crew, i ,i. " it a set per pepper to Boston to seek f -." foftii 'ome .Mi-take* of Would > the walk* i ha k heme orator assigned to the na- lie looks around on his wife and children, all the matter of “trusts." lienee, 1 have caused sides, one of which was “hard eider, All “builded better than they knew," a \\ iil li and Mow ajrain. duty by Republican work. Sia heard from him regularly for some Author'." and di'eii" ••Idea'. tional She taxed in the same takes a chew of tobacco to he A curious craft him committee. is to speak in New way; :-iii soon read the proposition in their platform roast beef and two dollars An- ; by designed, :• i •*•!!. An 1 »i'eo\t iuteresiiiie- Lh nh ( a time. Ids letters censed to reach her, per day.” Constructed to Ti»e> ivd.” with other 11;»nt T. d. lay. grandson of Henry taxed 10S per cent., or lights a cigar taxed per on tin’s in order to show how much his master mind, Jersey. and after some time, she decided to subject, other read "Have heard from Molted topic*. Puz/liiij questi*>::' about all sorts oi Clay, i- known a- tin* rifle shot cent. And, sir. even the sunlight from heaven waitin'; difference makes thusly: you and pinned, secure and staunch, I champion come to in it whether this matter of At iciieal matter' eoiimct- 'l with li'.i work ! of the l i.i d conic that into his humble must come Boston search of him. She had two Maine, length was for the launch. pi rary states arm) Returns in slowly in Tennessee. They pours dwelling “trusts" touches them or how she went hell bent for Kdward ready :n_ !\ 50 children at this somebody else. Removed the hauled the an- oi'W ered in an inter* 'tiu<: ami a'core indicate the usual in the through window glass taxed percent., and yet time, both jrirls. She arrived shores, tip ways, 1 a .1 if ami < x way. Republican majority When we lumber !; j A Russian eruiser ha- 1 u • n he thinks he lives in the freest under in Boston ami eouid learn protested against placing Kent, Tippecanoe and Tyler too?” Ah! but (A custom rife in earlier of **H* Hint'ami mi--* -stiou'" to writ«T' ordered to Helir- eastern section and Democratic government nothini; of her hus- days), !pfu slight gains heaven. on the free-list, because a great in .-mvured the bilge with chock and wedge. >' iiur-ea t prevent Lnirlish and \merican vessels band's w hen ahotits, so after a time she cnuai;- industry were in are oi\.n. I here aUo a unique reference elsewhere. they glorious political campaigns The bows with hawse and Then he starts to work ; puts a bridle taxed 35 of Maine and other Northern States, obliged to supplied kedge; writ tn Ii*: of about from lishimr in Ku-sian water-. cd with the family C. IL Lon<;. in Cheisea. A !. i i.i-' I-jo *Jdt*iar> Articles in IVriodi- j cent, on his horse, takes his horse that has with the lumber of Canada, those bygone days. Mr. Kditor. there are a -ambled crowds from far and wide Rev. Dr. Storrs na- per ami remained compete product v. .a vviil trai t* eai'" I-•• says that he thinks the with them until after the break- 'I > he there at !.<• printe*! during .Iijly. The j>resei.-t pi The An-trian lias been shod—the nails uscl in shoeing being taxed would be gentlemen cried few the “top of tide,” government announeed tional welfare will on out of the war. thereby destroyed, things the democrats of this State don't i. ami of Tin* Writer i' tell e* id* a one dol- be lust advanced the 52 a hammer taxed 20 ing lu wagon, cart, on horse, on ivlijiuii- number: tiiat it will tie. Suirar per cent., driven by per out the*lumber trust. foot, join it.»unties Convention lines which lie to When the call for was frantically against They like In ketch lar a \<-ar. A-ldr*": Tin* P. <* P»*i\ wishes see it by the success cent.—and hitches him to a plow taxed 45 per troops made and about the lb publicans. don't like shallop, and open float, Write!-. if s were to They the Cnited Slat and Hrazil do. of asked tell us where such a trust exist- to see the event Pan;.. i". the Republican party. cent., with chains taxed 5s per cent., and after the nurse- were needed for the in the Lager great P.o'toii. .M hospitals ed. or to some it our candidates. Harrison and M• *rt.*n. A \ >. it i•; 1 »trr w ;il labor is closed and hi< are all fi• < produce evidence that existed They of new style craft to water sent. A •.i bonds to he worth day’s family gather- !d. Mrs. lark spoke of i;oin>* to the front to 1 paeka-je supposed There are three organiza- i- x- at but failed to do so, and at last their don't liki our I lie “after block" i' knocked Vi ,t 11.1.• it• 1 •>;' 1 already separate ed around, he reads a from his Bible all, platform; don't lik> the away •Sio.oihi was -toh'ii from a chapter do what she could for the defenders of her they a*T.tleman in one of tion" among the Irish-Americans in New York kneels to (3'don an humble claims of the existence of a trust the to the ; 1 ed 25 per cent., and lumber Clearing passage bay the streets at country. She was di-snaded from «'oin£ the Kemibliean clubs, and above ill tilin g tlirv Lumber to be Protected. Alban) in broad daylight. for tiie taxed 51 cent.; and then lie rests his dwindled to a Trembling, she moves, she she flies,— ft city working Republican ticket. Eng- carpet per down the statement of supposed glides, ■; .. |’!i \> lphla. ti:>! year but after a time she overcame ail ob- A lish free trade limbs on a sheet taxed 45 per cent., and trust trom Weav- hate the old soldiers. Wo started a Harrison glorious sight to watching eyes, 'i’he new doesn't go down with the edu- weary stacles by the gentleman Iowa [Mr. Several of the Maim* Heuiocratie have (.overnor of the Canadian North- with a blanket that has l< 4 and was soon at her chosen vocation. And as she slides the tallowed shoon p;i|»ers cated I rishmau. covers himself paid er.! and Morton soldier eluh in this with .V- west ha- aholi-lied in that section Lver since she was a small she seemed to rity A strange voice erics, don’t she '< oon"’ he* i. eim.-kliiu over an assertion mad* in their prohibition jrir! “Oh, And no proposition has been more The tone and will irrant permits for the sale of liquors. Detweeu 400 and .*>00 citizens of Jennings Even the broom with which his good wife have a knack of alleviatin'; sutl'erinir, and when- definitely meud ers on the 4th of duh ; now we number is loud, distinct and clear, ... ■ :,i- w.,:•!>. ll i- own «dminis that tin- l-iii wa made and persistently repeated and reiterated Rising above the cheer. Senate tariil* uid county. Indiana, their to (tenoral sweeps the lloor is taxed per cent., and the ever any uf the neighbors were sick Lizzie IdOO hearty 1 .*■ \\ I i, "I Ceiieral Crnland lias loft paid respects than that these trust* were created and strong, and will have from 0000 t** When that voice the builder *r:ipi»> Attorney Kook cooking vessels used in preparing the husband's was one to sup- strange heard re*b.'-* tin tariil' on lumber, winch wa- a Harrison, at Indianapolis, Aug. 4th. Heneral always of the first lend a helping His 1. : 1 i\ in A1 step Limn for hi- home at Hill, n cals are taxed 42 cent, and tlie soda the tariff the articles involved It takes in about all the old quick mind grasped the curious word; percent. She in the different trusts. It was in vain that we improved Mu- was wi;Si the .Nineteenth veterans. There will not *be one -oidier in a ’" mainly of the tariff. sits down to her machine with a needle Massachusetts “Wi ll, then, a sclmom r let her be Mi!' b« sewing them to the .Standard Oil trust, where hi’]. Thi* has n placed b* for*- tin Volunteers at tirst. hut soon after on pointed Lie her aloft unfurled -i :'-n 1 '.in Mi;«i"t♦*r Lx-(io\ernor ALvr of Mhhiiran i< visiting taxed 2."> per cent, and a spool ol' thread taxed 74 arriving hundred who will his nose with the r 1 long flag ■ were there is no to that wipe i ra! i>- hunbernn’U. win* were w:$ v*-riir_- in There 20,000 Vermont Republicans at fis the lie! I she was found to he so duty operate, great monop- Proclaimed the schooner to the world. .. ■« ’. 1 » .»n\t i*tiotiu! tin* Cineinuati He loaned cent, to make a calico dress taxed 11; 1 .; 1! A exposition. his tin* per percent.: thoroughly which is said to have demoralized the handanmi. is t!n*i: faith, to bold tm-m st» idfa-t. Put the Rurlingtou mass Senator Ed- or if she w ishes to knit a warm of socks to well in was oly | That the original ami true em- t ■ : tin* pait> eolleethm "i to tin* art meeting. pair versed her work that she attached ; p.limine- exposition of one at to tli let is tin-re will I-* m» r* * I ti<•: i-*n made 1*\ munds says there will be something like 40.000 protect her husband and children from tl»o bitter to the of the Second Democracy State least and have blem of and communism, old soldier.- ■ 1.; A V inrinia irailef) hospital Corps, and the anarchy Obituary. tin- >enat*- l id ami limmei men m cd m»l be maioritv for Harrison and Morton cold she uses yarn taxed 120 per cent. been efficient in producing political results not ■ Republican in him* who were so unfortunate as to he i' !-• 'inn in pr. p ira- boys in come in and join our club who have voted tie* > in the State. as with the free will of the •• •• alarmed. That there will m> in he A from St. l’» the Might well make it unani- to wound* I or conformity people. Marten Overlook died at South >!• i>. !:.• M ft bail.;* despateli Pr-burir say- The object of this shallow circular is make sntleriiu: from sickness, very soon Liberty, Sunday, mous. It was in vain that we held the fact that Democratic ticket for and 2'dtli, at > at letinitch -fated from reliable information «Mr ha- irivui a fan well audience to Mr. the farmer believe the free trade theory enun- came to know the tender hand which minister- up thirty years, say •Lily o'clock, the residence of his son, J. i trusts existed in other countries than our B. K. < Kerloek. at the advanced of one him which lias be.-n tvc.i\,d hen and thi' :r .-it I.ntlinqi. who ha-just n-siirncd the American ciated drover Cleveland that the of ed to their wants; who it was that for that they are done with that forever. age The New Press by price heir^ed parly drcd >i\ s. « York that President own of a months and sixteen He was -I i'. i-» •! Iitii. imhi'tn ot Mail w iil «.•ntinm- to be p ni—ioii to Itu-sia. says a ami without the influence tariff. Al- years, day the domestic is increased choice morsel of some needed food for him We are to one (irecn <»t the Western In ion Com- product l»y exactly we have tent that will seat horn in Wauloboro, danuary 13, 17>s. H«* with Ins ■> Telegraph when to 1.000peo- ■i: .1 ar it. a voiiiiin- of tei'ted. the amount of the who most needed it; who it was that held the ways sought protect any industry |*i•• < duty. moved to at the of about T\v.. .• 11111)i11« e- of th.- I nited State- Senate pany subscribed s'lo.ouu for the Democratic marked for destruction in the Mills lull a tru*t then we have lie in parents Washington ago < Ill .. 1 11 111 l- ple: wigwams \ pol Here is a practical outcome of the concent rat- eooHi'u- drink to the par* -In have a grand mass years old he took rp one the first farms that w as Briuhtnn tattle Market. < amnia, those "tit of the (build lias declared himself in favor of the re- frighten into the free-trade ranks. \\ I ii: ! l.i.: ! Vi '.i I- T' e-pe-ialiy yrowing for gentlemen taken up in the one on w Inch he died. He of mon tlannel shirt costs in England Ms. lid., or weary head. Her efforts the comfort and of old Liberty election President Cleveland. Hut here is an where a real, indis- meeting soldiers from all over the State, served in the war ot lsp» for ; •! TO 1m* 1 li« 1. J' !\ ■l.ta- railway question. cost be for tin* live- s. 7. 1-", s4 cents. The here would therefore untiling, and Au; putable trust exist*. A trust that within a and also from Wi-con-iu. in (•ensiou at the time of his death. After returning : ai in !’«-•. \ 11 ■ ! 1; at -< < The in or The actual is si. the siiruvon* often told her that she would September. Ity stoek mark*** a:t!.\ I.nit Mr. li Vv'a-hhuru of Melre-o. Ma—.. be- Republican Senators liave succeeded nearly double, §1.iis. price from the war lie was to 1 few months has raised the of married Mahitablc Hood i. wear arbitrarily price that time we 'mil*' 71'!". *'i\in** lj.'.j;*; \ eaN. ne v« 1 an order which tin: Senate shall A common suit of clothes costs in quickly herself out if she did not take shall hear the lir-t gnu of the M •/. :■*. iia t. after experinn-ntin;: for two year-. passing by England 1 cent tax speed, of Camden, and they raised up a family of lh*. !:; *11mi**i• i' 1*1 W i. ni attic. sugar per pound, levying this upon Imin* 1ms in* et at 11 A. M. each an hour earlier Mbs., or £7.•">(). The cost here, therefore, would more rest. She seemed to take re-t when from he thirteen children, of whom are now 1 rali::i l.l n'.illi ion- i-eov ei eil tin* seefet of im-; day. only campaign Maine, and no doubt it will eight living, iir. i'lill- *■• N *! !'?*• < a !*•. ! IJ pi one of (lo.oeu.ono to all of whom than at The Democrats be sl:i..’»b. The actual cost i>* sT.ob. same as in eiiLUi;**! in the work in which site could allevi- every people, she died in I>*:s. He w as then married to >: v .! « aiitmii.'Mi from present. vigorously -«• May .i,i- a il I’: ;*•• "I I»• *i• | attic “• |(Hi tl ii\r elay. that article of food is a it loud that it w ill be heard from to weijrht- necessity, levying lleifa-t the -. opp* »ed this, wishing to prevent action on the England. An all wool sin suit such a* that ex- ate sutVerinir or supply stone want for Mi Hardner Meserve, of I'nion, w ho lived but a « A I\ i'irna I. 1 .1. —11 11! I.'tra. S'! -J *».•»«; -.7 lirst 11!; 11 i I > >•! (Mlix*! lj not for revenue not to in- few {■ 1'. \\ il-o.i. who wa- to Senate on costs 1*2, or the sick or wounded. purpose.*, encourage H olden Hate. We an* to win in thi- years. -■ -: t .-.* 7.u,i t orue reported haw Tarill bill and the lisheries hibited by McKinley just campaign. .... >; .: iS'mii a t-r\ :i*. ■•!•■ <•: :t 1 *|.:alit>. 7‘*. treaty. a con- arm} are now creased production and competition and Ho was a strictly tempi rate man and a linn -'- h it hi- involved, to the extent of sib, in Stories t*-l«i. those whom she suc- "•a -t jt-ii|c> •* coat *>\cn. lmll>, « tc.7' partner- >•»;«».- London. by Hour of Democratic misrule is ! aii! •■•ii. 1 no Tl: New York Herald's sequent reduction of prices, but to decrease years enough ( hristiau. After he became too old to work he t •no. I;-'.- Mini -e\era! < "h'ma^o paper- for lit*:!, Washington special In common boots cost Us. (si.ob) cor* >!. of her presence on the tield of battle at- •• ! :.!*.! i M'l.i-ll »i ol‘J- it i> understood that the letter England and till the of the member* for the of this have not read the Bible through seven times. He was al- iinj 1 h :it *n •:*•. t- a :: says President's t end iii”' the do production pocket* people They i_'m 1!.; i;: i- 1;T.»i; Tall" iiie -nit-ampa .rating ooo. and fair ones lbs. (s-J.ob). Instead of costing wounded ami in*: all that in country. a and of has not j lay of that trust, then the abhorrence of trusts on ways very healthy hard working man, never th Him lli.l.-'. t- t « oiintn Tn! acceptance been completed and that her for them. one-third more here the price is S'l.Mh for well power forgotten that in Ixd the Democrat- stole being sick enough to employ a physician until hi* !■••• .; J V 11.. all skli'. «- lh. sh, t> four tlani-and dollar- in has been none of the leaders ha> ever seen a the of our Democratic friends n inoii-y party rough and sii.ob for fair boots. Tiie advice of the surgeons was not part disappears, last sickness, i- -r his hair and beard .! I *11. tin 1 made brogans heeded, dollar we had in .-tole our many years 'kill'. in-fi : I.ami* *»kI!j~ t"'ii .»<• * found a < an farmer I on -•! and stand here and vote a of tis every the treasury, by idiau bur>e lii- land, draft it. Some of them have urged the but came was they for duty have been as white as the snows of winter but with- ;i v*.■ •;< !ii- t ■*: tif AMs. ol. (N4 cents) bat in can be their word- true, for she forced ; •. I. \1 I!• a •. W 1 “k111'. s 1 •’*<• it 7 ( \\ England 1 11 and it i- t-. !••• a relie of the President t>» issue his letter soon, but be ha- per emit, on this necessary article of food, and and ami then left u-with a in the two have turned *•' ■ m (>■„ jo supp'-eb pilla^im: 11» returned home, enfeebled, in tin? nr navy navy yard.-, past years ... A ii/* |... '* here for si, and it does not cost >*2, sprint: they nearly k* it*. durum the !.. ■ ion in < got nearly this is a which no undervaluation black, in some amnia. intimated that he doe- not think tlitre i- any summer specific duty four war on places being jet black. | -i It I lit ilt-manlow .• 111 as asserted. of 1n>4. year-* our hands. We ail remem- iiij-:ti' ~j• nt.*i-- haste. can reduce. The funeral services were conducted by Lev. K. '•: if li- a 'I M.i'!-.' ha\ shir t!" ti< M to themselves. < special A tin bowl 10d., or Mb cents, in One of those whom she had come in contact i ■■■•■/ 11. .*•! The ahh*' ompanie- haw .ill executed tin* costing Eng- What has become of the ber that during the ln-t twenty year- the It.- C. Shattuck, of Washington, at the Moody school Much < o\\ ami Irinaml ime with while at tin* front was Lieutenant loudly-protested oi •» a ,ir ; ! u itli s|*riliters—The *iurina jmreeiiit lit t<* a 1' ;iiio the rate t-> A eonf« ren e of the executive e- nimittce of land can be got here for about the price, Joseph house in at Z’o’clock, ■ twenty-live of on for Liberty, Monday.-July Until, ■ t ■: -1 -Hi* we* gentlemen the other side the lias tin1 debt, ■ \\**k I i:i*re a'i'1 *l.**vrr- IL win* went out in a anxiety publican party nearly paid public . ■ | activity, e**lli- a Wold, tin* la w rate to no into etfee! the t was or at most *J.'» cents, bn the other hand, kitch- Swift, Massachusetts p. m. lie aide discourse from Cuion and nited Labor parties held so produced very mimeil I letter We mil. >a I < tin new dear people whom they pretend much to pri'-e-. ■ After her return home reduced on to Proverbs 11—32. “The hath in his j• m1 r 1 and \ continue tor one \ .*ar. in < hieago to so; if a settlement of their dis- en utensils as a whole are cheaper in this company. she received interest the balance three per righteous hope milrh ro\v. -Tie .» a.w iiiilrli rows, s 17» lt; it love? For the consumer for whom ex- than in our in mak- letters from him, and some time after the close they death.” A large number of people met to pay their S 1.1 W S'*-*- "* agreements could be reached. The Tnited country England, ingenuity ••ent.. and turned to -prillu*!’-. -2 rani. | milril row. law • v,, much desire to furni*li food? the government back the !M*-.-on. tin inventor of tin* Moni- it is in of the war the two were married. press cheap last tribute oj respect to one they had long known ia:!*-li *'on>. .'*•'» ea*-h 1 new milrh cm-. •. | aptaiu Labor to di\ide such articles being greater than >; riirli; people proposed the electors ing Mr. < if is a and a : i i.■ 1 if t.ii.-N of t *r. !•«■<•« *eh-brated hi- birtk- The lived tirst in the Why. hairman, there duty upon Democrats with a treasury full t-» overturn- loved, many coming from long distance, m-w mii. !i I- 1 new milrh row s|n a■ ii; ntly eighty-liftli in the Tnited States between the Sev- England. couple West Hud in '■ \ iv. i parties. article that tin* it i- the some f the oldest people in town being among the ••ii ... w d and r? 1 milrh riiw s.’ii* each milrh cow1', s.;> per iy. annum eoii-rratu- eral were made but the conferees A cheap cotton towel in this tax ridden iamb nursing,ami af- ing. Democrats number •• proposition- use As I present. ( ; i -a: 1' -•; ait :** o, upon sugar. All the it. lira'll new 111 1 11 «-"W s, <■,a *. _• w milrh latioiis the him; of "wedon and for costs less here than in Eng- terwards removed to Chelsea. Four children duty people I lbs Norway. found it impossible to agree. quality quality, to it i* What di 1 they do at >l. Louis? otig will won is of advice be remembered by- ; | V miroinariii* '\\ .'.‘.jail racli ; I S."*:*: 1 new iiiilrli have before had occasion say. the larg- Simply ; prinjjer, land. The Press can prove this t<> the satisfac- were born to of whom has since died. all, both young and old that knew him. He ha* •• Million-"f small. est in.- r.ji of Iit « !or." si... mil' ll row -. s-:;7.."»'> rarli. Mht brown moth-, dead < i• food charge in every in the dole the !a-t emblem of tbe red ban- i Hadhurn Wells, of Atln Ca.. a promi- tion of all Democratic liars. Tim oth* r three, two hoys and a yirl, are still nearly family slavery longed for death to come t<> his release for several N < \va> and tin- t f his age could re taken at a *!« riine from last week. otima hell.-ath tin eie- I’.ie lights Tin* m->til- unprofit- of to the demand* they N >v recently. a I think Cleveland's Mr*. some was to tity sugar necessary supply be x pec ted t«• lie. He was kindly cared for in his ( 7* -1 Republican. message able one. Here is what the Hrafton Linen Switt for year* forced sup- to i.n their The Ameri- :i*n.' inner. ..«t upon astern Pennsylvania like w our own people, and without any reason- davs, e\erv want was gratilied and wish grant «• < and the >t. Louis ill the ma- In cut *p her be now « onimr i:. 1 lh.: !»..!*>. si i platform change Mills, who have on both sides of tic- At- port family, husband in;: i'll!- ::ll 11.- i*i j»rr dcu-e Old. places able hope of increasing tin; this hill can ting i- not eood enough for them. Hrami cl. •aeh. jority in at lea-t one Southern Slate. There is on this “We sell a an inmate <>; the Soldier** Home in i'oiriis, product, 11. in*' I ii. i.* lantic, say subject: large ffs i He was a kind and loving husnand, a tender and ■ that we shall a tariff' of per ''(*•! ( :itt Ir Ur. ! iaht. Ir'na ml lull. Tile more truth in the of the solid south our mills at (Jral- Maine. provide* pay patriotism, Tin* -tars ami are 1 in i*• in rip!> Italy iia- notiti d tin- Power- that .-lie ha- breaking up proportion of the product of truly! -tripes aibectionate parent and a friend that was ip i:•.i»> in fair i.mlitii.n l*u om. cent, upon ten times as much sugar a* we pro- respected »nrriim- slaughtering, tak'-n «>i a!: than ino't Northern people believe. The Dem- ton. at that are as low The bran; woman siniu'u'h *1 alom: to ilive her j and loved all who knew him. i■ ii- r oi om- pi*.-es-ioii Ma--ovv and tin* sur- Mass., prices absolutely -iili good enough for the Thank by Sunday' morning po\v. lat i* *!i' 17*. t w «* win n com- Republican-. Yearling !y ocratic attitude on the tarill’ has caused much children a *-dueatiou. and in this she sue- simply outrageous eve the clock tolled tlu* hour of his o! iii- rounding di-triet, estal»li-he.i a as obtained in Britain tor similar quali- _ood eight, spirit ! if al't i if- ihri-e \rar "hi-. -r 17 prohn-torat*.- prices with the in which tin; Mills bill '*od tor that. While we are wid< awake iu hard in the South.** a- a* in her pared way | took it' tltight to the liod who it. This" — eeeii«*d well She has al- calmly gave :roin —The were all fr*)m tliei’e, and ha- al-o rai »ed In-r ii ivr over the i feeling ties made at our mills in Johnstone. Scotland.*’ lay power. p-port- ■"li. rj» u*l I.aml.s arrlvaIs deal* with Northern industries that are I * tided* a a ad c\entful life. Com. wa\* iia• 1 that warm feel for the soldier. great mi' 'laic m .Vi;ii>n;sl mailers vw arc long to Waldo hr W.-t i. 11 si ;n : i. tak* n «ii- land "i /«■!!a. here are 100 cent, higher. ini: i.;, V \-i n:.*n. I’ri*" :m«l laimhteivr'; *'•>!. W. i’. Ta-sadv. sergeant at arms of the Wages per sufficient, in to meet the want* of our boro News. • Whenever there was a soldier sick or in trou- capacity *. ir.-t from ears !■ *-latmht**rh«»u -e, «••»'!inif lamlnl All knit are here than in Eng- aNo aiive to i> no o- *..* *. A. .v > Oik. Tnited States Senate and member of the Re- goods cheaper and which have caused the situation. Then* eorni;i- '•li"i i:7»r. ’• It*, i.tmhs. 7i’ ,ti7r. 11* live A new awnue will h* af <»• slniri: wear. ble -he would uro distance to leml him aid. people, by competition j |I, l1.. per opened tty land. especially jerseys such as women any iion in ot publican National Committee for North Caro- a reduction of prices of more than ffn j.( r j our state gnvcrmn* if f.*r tie- simple Mime Hi lag about the Town of Lincoln. -A !i:tio hook *\ ri-rlit. aiom: the line ban!** «»f Kani-worth*- So are the commoner grades of stockings and >hc was a iimmlmr of the Somerville Wom- lina. has returned to Washington from a cent, in the la*t '•wine The nrrhals lr >m the W 'w ivr.*ii tuiuade. A reunion •! the oriraiii/ation- c«»m- just en*.* Belief < ami was one of tin- twenty years. reason that it is and ha- been for ... a;-! Pit. it snoks. orp- foremost Republican. Lincoln is situated the Penobscot rhcr I’*1 -1 hi- along _• nr*I uliollv to home >iaii.L,h?*,r*,!s. amt \\*re the ha- to trip through State. He says that every- S in tin; course of the debate this morning the j ii'- •ifl -k* 1* ijfs po-imr brigade been culled determine American of all Kinds in forminir the Iir*l camp of the >n* of Veter- and will !»e >o for to nine. Wher- ui fanning implements years years mile-above It has a limn tr tin* r:iV' to the 'iauan'o r thing to the ( lection of the ■ from Louisiana Hatigor. large mill and 1 iiii-ectly tile exact point- gentleman pulp i i V iI’.t-i- line. Republican are and sold in with ans i Clii-jsi-a. she also assisted in the forma- [Mr. Wilkinson] ] Wf't* rn fat Ili'J-. Jhm*: 4r State ticket in North Carolina, with a exported competition criticised me because in tin* ever the I democrat* are in o\v< r look o.f i' r ;t in full Must, and (4lm>t::ti**ti' good tion **! iv-t-ni Son* of comparing duty | | large tannery here the .Jewell .; .. i i •*«•:-:. all*! e*.i!Utrv «11‘*•—*•*1. 7 «7 are latter, more i!.*•;• Camp, li*. Veterans pop- I* 11MI lh'. live wrialit 1: i-elainn-d that tin- dominion chance to the and secure English. They ingeniously with sunn* irowrnmeut carry Legislature the Si•!;;i• upon sugar the duty upon product* ; hoodie. The of m. Pan! lias Dranite Works are located. This has a ii.'i t!»fr in- lh. store in liuht s * •»\ the 'lenaimi ; made, more durable and than tin o! i"v ilie. :i!t'l always >j>okt‘ of them as “her city government eotnpany pm- 111 j i- investigatin'; tin- v ioiatiun ot the electoral vote for Harrison. cheaper of own State 1 had raised, a* he said, a >cc- t trai: *: •« nmah- Washington bo,-.' Sin- ”ave ih*• it- baiidsoine silk my track from .. ( .V : :•.«*! tiv at tin.- llio'i- on oiler 1*r*»u^:it nia’ke! <»* any in tie- camp j been I democratic for until ’.is; railway their <|i;arry to the and tin.- Anieri*-an irowrmneiit in tin- farming implements country tiona! uue-tion. years spring. depot 4 **' 1 ** f in all treaty by J t -' to < | i.*_ r‘t irs ami imvis. ami j ~»«! One of the most noticeable evidences of the world. uuidon- whiei* ire u>*?*l on parade and did Jive derricks. One of l.lp lieatna ui of ( anadian \e--el- \\ raise the sectional -- Now the council is two thirl- but large the derricks fell last :a 'liter **f win s from s 1 .'*■»« le h * •; t«J. a in I t nun pa--ini; through in much towards buildm" and Iiy. gentlumen, you qm Republican, desertion of workingmen from Cleveland to American cutlery is imported 1»> and sold up streiputlieniny week while lo lh ii\ ** weight. A incrieuu anal.-. lion yours. Ives in the hill which you have >uh- as an oil's.-t our of lew a I dem- hoi-ting stone, with twenty men all per Harrison was at 17d Does not this that the tin- camp. j city Miniwapo’i. given Butlalo, when England. prove price a he- ; i' iMi- a 11 a 1 mitted to thi- House—make distinction around it, hut strange to say, no one was hurt, A hail -lorm from the n-rthwe.-t ov*.*r \oters Co., is not higher than English cutlery? Buttery About a \t ar a_o -he found that she was suf- | ocratic Council. Itcfoiv our last «-h ion their *• pa-sed employed by Sclioelikopf sheep- tween the sections of the in treating ,- 11I •: \ 11 1' e mi Mil lit t iji* from ealie*-r in the stomach, country | i a tn a Mr. Hurd his foot but Si-'citon lb--* nation, find skin and morocco dre-sers. and window eost one third what did fering and last ■ got badly jammed, Mh-hiiran, Auir. paraded with glass they one section t«» free trade and low duties and ! cry was “retrenchment !*' Aft«• r *•!. i<>n i! wa> W i 1 i!. »v A Tremendous Sensation c>. lobt-r ami iiiiu d all the \ -watli was cut over Harri-on llags on their to the steamer when we on England to manufacture had an operation performed to relieve the doctor thinks no bones are broken_Mrs. A. crops. way depended the other to duties. I stated the to >,(• how < t 11 \ ./• i.\ .!. \.. : **'l‘iiM one hundred vein s have high simply much could make the i w .'ii 1 have hern i.ated ay a mile wnh-and ten lube- Ion::, ( loss of which took them down river on their annual these articles for us. The difference in tin- her. Sin* was obliged to another opera- | they < Milled fact. The fact came out most in the keeps a boa riling house at this place and •t •• L*" 11\ the .-iylit of "in' <.l our modern trains t’oii mi h from clearly government I 4‘xpre-- i- excursion. man, their foreman sail, is not the Ai:*r«• I.ainl thi* she never re- benefit tin democratic party. an property reported. Lvery price to-day duty. diseus-inn of the amendment of i; i> (lie line-t house in towai. ... are r> in l»« w h: /111 y army at the rate of sixty mile- hour. Co Vi my colleague ! They mostly was a of a Democratic and rice j •;■*•■!. s hers would have -tart d supporter Cleveland four years ago, Sugar is* industry, They tirst raised the salaries of the city otiicej '• ’• — ,’nst think how our fat from Maine this afternoon. here. C. : .. 'Is •:1 li»i i:> Lite.'* yraml Tin* natural irus experts of l'itt-hiirir, -»-nt to Tie In her death tin- Crand ami all true [Mr. IMngley] Republicans lion. W. Clark will be bal a-- but are now for Harrison without an ex- “taxed** 10*2 cent, is carefully ignored. Army it -ne|i a It take- a pud deal t*» < they per When he to reduce the on su- eighteen thousand dollars. The next mow m a /vi 'll’.TinI ii;:»T1-r. sjieetael'-' examine the alh ired di- >wry at Htavva. have soldi* rs lo-«- a stanch friend, and one who proposed duty lotrd for as at the conven- — «»i half the internal tax on has county attorney county uiiish people now ,i days, but nnc lbe marvel- ception. Republicans repealed to 41 cent, a dut\ to tin* aver- i-. N. w \ *rk. made an unfavorable the \wil- !.«:inir iiom* amlv.ouhl haw «l*>m* more gar per e<|iial was to create unr otlie< for w hi< h there was m- an ..| wrought b\ l»r. I’ierer report, tobacco in l*s:i, and would leave tin much had it tion held ie. Aug. I'th—There is a M. K. consumption. ■ repealed all articles in the dutiable !i-i Rangor ■ sliallow ami not of more age duty upon >. w id* than 'Tic Democratic wiil make a free < been for til** ill bill**. -id* ii Medical Ili-c very, hav ''rated capable twenty party balance last session 'arli-de re- po-siblr. boy* no need, to mak* warm •> s \ i11ii■ < *viii ami >iiai|i:, 1 he only speaker our on side vot- earthly simply pla church here, of w hich Rev. Mr. is a*', live 1**4. how readily friend* the other Hanghart pas -1'irad ama/eiuent. ( on-iiinpth»n i- at la-t pound- pressure. trade light in if it loses, it will make fused to for this ! nr:. ,/ :ii v\ i'i wM tin an e\- recognize .Judge Kelley pur- ed that down and insisted on bs tor friends and ward tor. Me has a know h'lyl curable. The “tioiden Medical Id-. amothcr in lsss.” < ourier-Journal, proposition political strikers, our splendid church. The Congregn ■ [Louisville What therefore, to talk about inn ■ i;: lit-n*:ttni!i llar- I i. milit ia! of tin- for lvs7. pose. folly, v* r\ i- the onlv known for it. ll taken output country March Ins*J. Maine Politics anil Politicians. per cent. lit costs tional church is about the same and Kev. Mr. remedy 22. cent, on tobacco. In free trade Health I depaiana us eleven thousand ■: 11 ! 11 i: in ive in mind, i- not when ncf-rdinu- lo the statement made the Division per chewing u'at from it the ri.i.dit time which, beat i»y This was written before the had If Vim look at the schedule you will tind that Democracy the workman l.*2uo on dollars more than it did last The Poor Kicker is pa-tor. There are seventeen stores here, > i' i. I' 1 hi* I ii'liaiia the limy'-are nearly yne it wid y nyht to the of Mining stalDtic-, is milch greater in value England pays. percent, while the duties on Northern arc year. hidden it- free trade lace behind the hypocriti- his Mr. Maine is mdnir to Providence in Septem- productions two harness shops, two barber shops, three black a ik This ii**v\* -eat of the di-ca.-e ami accomplish it.- work as tiian that of Inn*, and i- worth sb' tobacco. I perioil- cal tmi'k of “Tarilf reform.” It !" p to the Presiih ntial in to-da\ not more than an average of 27 per department costs us eighte* n thousand dollars smith and one hotel. A soldiers’ monument e!-e i»t the \vorM can. just managed Blankets van in cost here from si to ?-5 a open campaign Rhode -hops i: the ii'll of art nothin;*' more than ? hat of ls>A. cent., the on Southern in- 'land- in the The Wallace Circus to pul! through its “free trade tight’’ in lss4. is Island. duty productions, more than in any single previous year. l>uring square. was '• pair. The retail price in England practical- .1 ! i i matter ami Niuyara Landlord- ‘‘You hokti vii ;.iel th; -ty. and it is its “free trade cluding the high duties upon sugar and rice, is here uly Jd and the sharpers that follow cd it took 'i'li** < 11i« f «■ f tiie Secret S« rvi«v Bureau lia> entering upon tight” the same, and the blankets favor- the last months of (democratic A' mi —a^M wit 1j- W mi ;i water- < autioii- '■ mi ly compare (V!. K'ia> Millik' u. a I than when we ask for twenty rule it hundreds of dollars out ot the who hut on the ynti have ylassnf of Jsss a united and not a well known Augusta more To per cent. Still, boys issued a circular to national hank ul!ieer> <-ali- against divided Re- that is, a of blankets here would shell and [..r wfioha- tr.-oi about the Fall- "II* w mm'h i- ably; pair £5 lumber mat:, ami who ha* hern a Democrat, like a fair of duties, lias cost the two hundred thousand dollars pea game. in- to publican party. [Boston Journal. says something equalization city it ?" their aitciitioii counterfeits in circula- cost about 11, its equivalent in England. The ivmoval of the the tarill' 1'rom lumber is all you say we are raising a sectional question. more ii i.ii:ii' 1 a- a na- tion. and a ivi-nur them to brand counterfeits a recent of blankets than the preceding twenty months «.f When \V. II. who has re- government, in purchase **i‘- ili-dmess.** of Transfers in Real K.Mate. ••Had Bern Worried Kluhteen Years.” Perkins, recently Ah, gentlemen, you like to put the* State •••: .. i. : !n- \ nr ri'-an < .ar- as s,,(,11 as t them. diffen nee in rule. The I democrats tie-y m made abroad, discovered that the on Republican haw done tie' a was Maine the free-list. If seems good to you ': v% It -Imnld have read “married." but proof, turned from European trip, asked at the i' it liiuant for the the price was only 3n cents a pair. Prof. N. Rrackett, of West Virginia, who with contract labor and do the The are the transfers in real in imdei observed that it amounted toabout tlie-ame who at the invitation of to put the industries, great and small, of many away city work following estate, •; 1: ii :i'-. .• 11*{ iikeW'Le <'uptain Kennedy, Hotel A calico can he in this has been in l.ewiston r. e. “The Oxford yesterday what he had noticed dress bought country ntly, says: of States there, or Waldo and so did not draw his blue pencil through took command of the \e»el the Northern Republican labor. It is to add that no eoimtv. for the week ending Vug. 7th. '•aim. v\ i; •! in \ irioti" ihiny.> Franklin, as low as (> cents a sum to Mills* tarill'seheme i* makimr lots of voters for by day unnecessary part" dm error, there win e.»nsi*!efabie about free trade in he said: per yard, equivalent reduce them to the lowest hut when we rnfortmiately Brine*1 Albert, in the cxpe*lition of l>ho in Europe, limit, Ann M < henery Ih-lfad. to -John same .i:t: ;« :••!«■ Mia. I iny are other obscrvatioii. Thousands j»!ae.-s happiness. Ib>u. M. L. Stearns, irovernor of The fact they cost more England M Jo l-.dward R. MeAlli-ter, for better, d in* formerly received (*•<> cents while our tion as **A sta
