June 14th, 2017

To the Honorable Herb Wesson, President of the City Council To the Honorable Members cf the

RE; Indigenous Peoples Day (Council File lb-1343) i am writing to express my strong support for Counciimember Mitch O'Farrell's effort to repeal Coiumbus Day and replace it with Indigenous Peonies Day (Council File 15-1343) in the City of Los Angeles, on the second Monday in October.

Recognizing the contributions, history, and sacrifices made by the original inhabitants of the Los Angeles area is long overdue In recent years, there Is a greater awareness of the well documented history cf the Americas fr om the time Christopher Columbus set foot on the shores of what is hisxor icsliy referied to as Hispaniola in 1492. Indeed, Columbus returned three additional times to the "New World", setting in motion a genocide that would last centuries, the effects thereof are still felt today.

Later, tne Spanish missionaries came to , decimating native Tribes to the point of extinction in some cases It is time for Los Angeles to reflect on the legacy of these actions and create a permanent tribute to the people who mace it possible for the rest of us tc maxe a life for ourselves on the lands that the original inhabitants were so mercilessly removed from.

Thank you for voting in favor of rep'acing Coljmbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day

Sincerely, 2 2

[NAME] Jeremy Aldridge [ADDRESS] 11233 Borden Av*. #39 Los Angeles CA 90026 [PHONE/EMAILj 323.2^0.5095 jeremy&handle.lalggnai: corn June 14th, 2017

To the Honorable Herb Wesson, President of the Los Angeles City Council To the Honorable Members of the Los Angeles City Council

RE: Indigenous Peoples Day (Council File 15 1343)

I am writing to express my strong support for Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell's effort to repeal Columbus Day and replace it with Indigenous Peoples Day (Council Pile 15-1343) in the City of Los Angeles, on the second Monday in October.

Recognizing the contributions, history, and sacrifices made by the original inhabitants of the Los Ange'es area is long overdue In recent years, there is a greater awareness of the weil documented history of the Americas from the time Christopher Columbus set foot on the shores of what is historically referred to as Hispaniola in 1492. indeed, Columbus returned three additional times to the "New World", setting in motion a genocide that would last centuries, the effects thereof are still felt today.

Later, the Soanish missionaries came to California, decimating native Tribes to the point of extinction in some cases It is time for Los Angeles to reflect on the legacy of these actions and create a permanent tribute to the people who made it possible for the rest of us to make a life for ourselves or. the lands that the original inhabitants were so mercilessly removed from.

Thank you for voting in favor of replacing Columbus Day with indigenous Peoples Day


[NAME: Teresa Z. Saavedra

[ADDRESS] 2112 V2 S. Hobart Blvd.. los Angeles. CA 90018 [PHONE/EMAIL] 323,733-1981 [email protected] June 14th, 2017

To the Honorable Herb Wesson, President of the Los Angeles City Council To the Honorable Members of the Los Angeles City Council

RF: Indigenous Peoples Day (Council File 15-134?)

I am writing to express my strong support for Councilmember Mitch O'l-arrell's effort to repeal Columbus Day and replace ;t with Indigenous Peoples Day (Council File 15-1343) in the City of Los Angeles, on the second Monday in October.

Recognizing the contributions, history, and sacrifices made by the original inhabitants of the Los Angeles area is long overdue In recent years, the-e is a greater awareness of the well documented history of the Americas from the time Chrisiopher Columbus set foot on the shores of what is historically referred to as Hispaniola in 1492. Inoeed, Columbus returned three aaditionai times to the "New World", setting in motion a genocide that would last centuries, the effects thereof are still felt today.

Later, the Spanish missionaries came to California, decimating native Tribes to the point of extinction in some cases. It is time for Los Angeles to reflect on the legacy of these actions and create a permanent tribute to the people who made it possible for the rest of us to make a life for ourselves on the lands that the original inhabitants were so mercilessly removed from

Thank you for voting in favor of replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day


NAME, Fran Offenhauser [ADDRESS] 863o Hillside Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90069 [PHONE/EMAIL] [email protected] 6/14/2017 City of Los Angeies Mai - Indigenous Peoples Day

K LA Eric (Roderico) Villanueva rsi GEECS

Indigenous Peoples Day 1 message

Theresa A. Gonzalez Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 2:10 PM To: ’'[email protected]"

June 14th, 2017

To the Honorable Herb Wesson, President of the Los Angeles City Council

To the Honorable Members of the Los Ar.geles City Council

RE: Indigenous Peoples Day (Council File 15-1343)

I am writing to express my strong support for Councilmember Mitch O’F'arrelTs effort to repeal Columbus

Day and replace it with Indigenous Peoples Day (Council File 15-1343) in the City of Los Angeles, on the

second Monday in October.

Recognizing the contributions, history, and sacrifices made by the original inhabitants of the Los Angeles

area is long overdue. In recent years, there is a greater awareness of the well documented history of the

Americas from the time Chustopher Columbus set foot on the shores of what is historically referred to as

Hispaniola in 1492. Indeed, Columbus returned three additional times to the “New World”, setting in

motion a genocide that would last centuries, the effects thereof arc still felt today.

Later, the Spanish missionaries came to California, decimating native Tribes to the point of extinction in

some cases. It is time for Los Angeles to reflect on the legacy of these actions and create a permanent

tribute to the people who made it possible for the rest of us to make a life for ourselves cn the lands that

the original inhabitants were so mercilessly removed from.

Thank you for voting in favor of replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day.


https://niail.google.eom/mail/u/0/7u =2&ik=6da442a5b6&view=pt&cat=lndig9nous&search=cat&th=15ca34b229e43c6c&siQll=15ca34b229e43c6c 1/2 6/14/2017 City of Los Angeles Mail - Indigenous Peoples Day Theresa J4 (gonzaCez TLhf, CCM CXD Coordinator Xaiser Termanente-LXMC Thn-323-783-7345 Jax-323-783-1434 T-MaiC- [email protected]

TVhen the Tower of Love Overcomes the Love of Tower OnCy then widwe have True Teace JM

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To the Honorable Herb Wesson, President of the Los Angeles City Council To the Honorable Members of the Los Angeles City Council

RE: indigenous Peoples Day (Council File 15-1343)

I am writing to express my strong support for Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell's effort to repeal Columbus Day and replace it with Indigenous Peoples Day (Council File 15-1343) in the City of Los Ar-geles, on the second Monday in October

Recognizing the contributions, history, and sacrifices made by the original inhabitants of the Los Angeles area is long overdue. In recent years, there is a greater awareness of the well documented history of the Americas from the time Christopher Columbus set foot on the shores of what is historically referred to as Hispaniola in 1492. Indeed, Columbus returned three additional times to the "New World", setting in motion a genocide that would last centuries, the effects thereof are still felt today.

Later, tne Spanish missionaries came to California, decimating native Tribes to the point of extinction in some cases. It is time for Los Angeies to reflect on the legacy of these actions and create a permanent tribute to the people who made it possible for the rest of us to make a life for ourselves on the lands that the original inhabitants were so mercilessly removed from.

Thank you for voting in favor of replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day.


[NAME] Karen Brook [ADDRESS] 913 N Robinson St„ LA 90026 [PHONE/EMAIL] 323-379-7371/vbrockfdJearthlink.net June 14th, 2C17

To the Honorable Herb Wesson, President of the Los Angeles City Council To the Honorable Members of the Los Angeles City Council

RE: Indigenous Peoples Day (Council File 15-1343)

1 am writing to express my strong support for Ccunciimember Mitch O'Farrell's effort to repeal Columbus Day and replace it with Indigenous Peoples Day (Council File 15-1343) in tne City of Los Angeles, on the second Monday in October.

Recognizing the contributions, h'Story, and sacrifices made by the original inhabitants of the Lcs Angeles area is long overdue, in recent years, there is a greater awareness of the well documented history of the Americas from the time Christopher Columbus set foot on the shores of what is histoi ically referred to as Hispaniola in 1492. Indeed, Columbus returned three additional times to the "New World", setting in motion a genocide that would last centuries, the effects thereof are still felt today.

Later, the Spanish missionaries came to California, decimating native Tribes to the point of extinction in some cases. It is time for Los Angeles to reflect on the legacy of these actions and create a permanent tribute to the people who made it possible for the rest of us to make a life for ourselves on the lands that the original inhabitants were so mercilessly removed from.

Thank you for voting in favor of replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day.


[NAME] Vincent Brook [ADDRESS] 913 M Robinson St., LA 90026 [PHONE/EMAIL] 323-379-7370 G/14/2017 City of Los Argeies Mail - Indigenous Peoples Day

if . LA Eric (Roderico) Villanueva r* CfECS

Indigenous Peoples Day 1 message

Bob Johnson Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 1:17 PM To. "[email protected]"

Eric Villanueva,

My vote is NOT to create a new city holiday. We do not need another city holiaay. Our indigenous people must and should become Americans first.


Robed Johnson

Mid-West Wholesale Lighting Corporation Controller

Phone: (323) 957-6024

See us on the Web! http://www.midwestlighting.com

https://mail googie.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=6da442a5D6&V‘ew=pt&cat-lndigenous&searcri=cat&tri=15ca31ae360e7649&siml=15ca31ae360e764S 1/1