Emerging Applications of Geometric Multiscale Analysis 211
ICM 2002 Vol. I 209–233 · · Emerging Applications of Geometric Multiscale Analysis David L. Donoho∗ Abstract Classical multiscale analysis based on wavelets has a number of successful applications, e.g. in data compression, fast algorithms, and noise removal. Wavelets, however, are adapted to point singularities, and many phenom- ena in several variables exhibit intermediate-dimensional singularities, such as edges, filaments, and sheets. This suggests that in higher dimensions, wavelets ought to be replaced in certain applications by multiscale analysis adapted to intermediate-dimensional singularities, My lecture described various initial attempts in this direction. In partic- ular, I discussed two approaches to geometric multiscale analysis originally arising in the work of Harmonic Analysts Hart Smith and Peter Jones (and others): (a) a directional wavelet transform based on parabolic dilations; and (b) analysis via anistropic strips. Perhaps surprisingly, these tools have po- tential applications in data compression, inverse problems, noise removal, and signal detection; applied mathematicians, statisticians, and engineers are ea- gerly pursuing these leads. Note: Owing to space constraints, the article is a severely compressed version of the talk. An extended version of this article, with figures used in the presentation, is available online at: http://www-stat.stanford.edu/∼donoho/Lectures/ICM2002 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A30, 41A58, 41A63, 62G07, 62G08, 94A08, 94A11, 94A12, 94A29. Keywords and Phrases: Harmonic analysis, Multiscale analysis, Wavelets, Ridgelets, Curvelets, Directional wavelets. arXiv:math/0212395v1 [math.ST] 1 Dec 2002 1. Prologue Since the last ICM, we have lost three great mathematical scientists of the twentieth century: Alberto Pedro Calder´on (1922-1999), John Wilder Tukey (1915- 2000) and Claude Elwood Shannon (1916-2001).
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