Holomorphic Functions of Exponential Type and Duality for Stein Groups
HOLOMORPHIC FUNCTIONS OF EXPONENTIAL TYPE AND DUALITY FOR STEIN GROUPS WITH ALGEBRAIC CONNECTED COMPONENT OF IDENTITY S. S. Akbarov October 29, 2018 arXiv:0806.3205v4 [math.FA] 1 Nov 2009 2 Introduction Since in 1930s L. S. Pontryagin published his famous duality theorem for Abelian locally compact groups [27], the following problem engages the imagination of specialists in harmonic analysis from time to time: is it possible to generalize Pontryagin duality to non-Abelian locally compact groups in such a way that the dual object has the same nature as the initial one? As is known, the first attempts to generalize Pontryagin duality did not meet this requirement: in the M. G. Krein theory, for instance, the dual object G for a group G is a block-algebra [20] (but not a group, unlike Pontryagin theory). Apparently, a deep peculiarity in human psychology manifests itself here, but such a harmless trait like asymmetry betweenbG and G in the theory of representations – a trait that can be compared with difference between the left and the right in anatomy – leads to numerous and, because of the changing with time understanding of what theb notion of group should mean, continuing attempts to build a duality theory, where, on the one hand, “all” groups are covered, and, on the other, the Pontryagin symmetry between initial objects and their duals is preserved. In the category theory language, the unique one fitting for such speculative aspirations, one can formulate this task correctly using the following two definitions. 1. Let us call a contravariant functor A A∗ : K K on a given category K a duality functor in K, if its square, i.e.
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