Fellowship Day Marked No Defense Restaurant Plea Entered Check Madr
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Newark overwhelmingly voted for a new charter and C ents a new form *>f government. It has ended comm ivi ion govern ment there. The first election under the new charter te May 11. There is already some-doubt over whether Newark te gaining anything in the exchange of governments. There are three candidates for mayor and no fewer than M can didates for council. The ballot looks like a P»af of raisin bread. Maybe Newark voters are smarter than others and will be able to find their way through the mate of candi dates. We hope so. »* ru n vt % u k i m n i Alma*! a year of pUnntng M»t imvparatMn wtll «v* mi t-> f»uit*r»w iw * i « M th* Mwitw c w iwnmal of th e (••uM ing «4 H n r r svtVuol the « M I W h«| twgan un*v,®pt, *H*«l» a* a oiMnmaitity pro)** t by th* Rnr*f Howl P T A t* n»w r»«M*v aa th * bWt**»* *e~«»p*c*ti»* effttrt t j M hurst lua eapwewetrrd in *«*ny • The week will begin epurefwt «!«■>« w tth P vavet IH> o n M m 1 an<t bo M U w e d on M <*4ay. May 1 *t»h an •"panto* Ms the fiend m*nn*« at a ipeMil -B oard «*f Rdiataitnn mevlrng al lhe Itvif Ktwil Mh«kiiwwM fw Ih* enMMttt ihee members K-v*« R.« .1 ■ *«.* m y r" l»anre group from Mm Ivangelne t.u«lio«ii% eighth grade .ia~ at *«Imm1 peae lice* the Polish Polk4. which the* w ill dance m fcaturda* Mev I. tn the tn ilr d %aliMM wen* of the Cavalrade left to right are Trudt Hlareehy. Id* ard Munbi Albeit* farnonsht RainMd Kent. Victoria Hlsetewski Anthem ttrowilrski Clair* t.ne<.« H illtem iirsteea, tlisabeth l» Ai ello Nalph Parba. Virginia Coeeo. Anthoio Npana Ann /.earakl ttnh.ttd H Kleiner ralrfeia Ohs win*.in «nd Daniel t aatolgraatf Here's the Way H H H U H IiH I I U H S U*rw* shn te t** Ijrnd hstii w inm ttf m ppn ieipin* m lhe W«|ut «wnt*Mi *1 fMUtHMS A i i * « u r *y teens te ***** » fo llo w in g ia th e p rogram for .tolled al llte «• IMI Seaqui Ccntennta) Week. May I imtpte who *«* vaeohte i« he •» le M ay I •<do m a t h*a- th# * • • ' * * * Sunday May t Prayer Day who wants to buy the proparty, Monday. May ) Him lanuUoa that it is not for sale. ef . Staqui-CetHomital Vwh by Paymant of a $Mt bill for Hit Mayor James A Breslin and oavement «t River Road School Bftai'l of Education meeting at Ui Unite Crtipi, contractor, was River Road *choolh<>u»e at $ 90 authorised after Crupi answered pm Payment will be made of question* about the job from IM) prppaivuma- -rml specified Mm ria Setlriubi uui. Ixutrd prear- In original deed-to Iff. Ch*. Ir. lent Settembilno had objected W.’ Van'W inkle deerondont of lo th# price when the contract Jacob Van Wlnkb Special gueat was awarded two weeks ago. will tie Gtrvernar Hubert B May The board will advertise for R«r< Tuesdav. Mat 4 Alumni Ke bid* on supplied, returnable May union Night at Rive* Road School j S, and for installation of fluoi at I 00 p.m ascent lighting systems and inter Thuisday, May 0 Open House { tor painting Jobs in franklin snd *1 River Road Sch<*4 at I M pm Washington Schools, retainable 1st grade tlaas ol Mrs Hatel! May 19 Furniture bids will also Zaun will entertain be received at the May 19 meet Friday. May 7 HesquiCaeten *1*1 Cavalcade Part IMO to M# (ITS A mutual and dramatic ; The board *urthortxed an 9M IMgeant at the High Krhmil el t im p ro v em en t in th e H igh Srh«>ol p m attditoi turn lig h tin g system A $5 Saturday, May I S m» |ib O n , bid from Ralph Gordon. Jr, tenntal Cev.«l«edr Part || |g?|i to I MM H 15 p m Hmqui Centen Kearny painting contractor, for a m gl Pa rad* M n p m ('«»mmi* Fellowship *« affotd and equipment stored in sooner William P Gallagher 1 Day Marked I Lincoln School, was accepted I'-trade Marshal Tbe Annual May Fellowship Eastern Stars N ew O fficer Panel Day will be observed by the Lyndhurst CmmHI of Church Women on Friday. May 7. at th* Mayor Proclaims Lyndhurst Methodist Church Mm. Mabel Meek, president, A Sesqui Week will preside at the program meet ing at 2 00 o'clock The speaker will be Miss Harriet Seibert, well known speaker and lecturer. S4*c- retary of Field Cultivation af the Woman's Division of Christian Service of the Methodist Church in New York City A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Bernard College and an M A in religious education at Columbia Univermty. Miss Seibert was for IS years director of religion*edu cation « t C h rist C h u rch , Me|h<> dut, m New York City In 1M3 she became director of Social Welfare with the Womans Divi sion of Christian Service and in itiated an outstanding program mi the training centers for WACS on three Army poets So successful was her wartime No Defense Restaurant work of fostering friendly fwla- tions between the armed **rvicea Plea Entered Check Madr and the neighboring communi tie* and church** th*t she wa* invited by the United Council of Church Women to *erv* as their *piritu*l repreeenUtive. a* well. From Florida to California she Installation of o A cera featured a special meeting A F ra tfrm ty •r» housing >™» la Oaaland. Chapter, Order of the Eeetern Calif , work u u o | n - m r o t n New Firm Movinq ■ r ' •< t>»» U r n v m i t r a t Mirhtfan. awl lairiliaa of atwlnil To Lyndhurst Site vfUr an. al Wilknr Run Mua Saibrn had tha diMim lu.n n t ba I T 1 » V O C M m i m , *< IM in* tha .prakrr at lha »rat World Day a t Prmyrr ukaarvanc* bald a lha Pawnmraa RapuMx an lha PAGE TWO COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THI RSDAY. APRIL 29. 1951 Keep Your Faith, Co To Church Every Sunday A nd H oly D ays and also the Official Board meet RLTHERFORD BAPTIST He rang the bell b u t they told in Boston, Massa.huseUs. ing. CH URCH him to stop. As he turned away In arranging for the lecture, Wednesday: 8 p.m., Mid Week 23 Went Passaic Ave., Rutherford from the door, he tripped, fell the m em beis of the First Church Service. Rev. George Smith, Pastor and hit his head of Christ, Scientist, of Rutherfdrd, 59 Woodward Ave., Rutherford With him at Ihe time were Jo bvltexe they are providing a Phone GEneva 8-6795 seph Russo, 353 Thomas avenue, means for reaching many people Ridge Road tt New Jersey Ave. Lyndhurst, owner of Michael’* with answers to frequent q u e s Inn, s tavern on Stuyvesant ave tions about Christian S cience— Rev. Bernard Moore, Pastor Church School, 9:45 a.m . M o rn nue. Lyndhurst. and Albert Pat what is teaches, h w it heals, 'Masses at 6 30. 7 30. 8:30, 9:30 ing Worship, "The Staggering. terson, 516 Sixth street, Lynd- why thousands have become its 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Swaying Earth”. B.Y.F.. 6 30 p m hurst. adherents. A cordial welcome is Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m.. Rev. Patterson was knocked down extended to the public to attend. A. M Boggs, Missionary Speaker by Quirein's falling body as he from India. The lecture is free. walked up to the funeral home Wednesday evening, 8:00 p.m., to argue with Quirein. REED MEMORIAL ‘T h e H our of Po w er". A group of 31 boys of Cub UNITED PRESBYTERIAN The dead man is survived by Pack 9 with their C u b m a ste r fH C R C H his parents, Mr and Mrs. John George MiGuire, Gus Verdi, Al Stuyvesant near Valley Brook LATTER DAV SAINTS OF JESUS C IIRIST Quirein, Sr., and a brother, Fred, Kopf and John Sloan, w e n t o n a A venue all of Lyndhurst. chartered bus ride to V alley Rev. Chase H. Stafford, Minister A. E. Stark*. Pastor Services Every Sunday Forge, Pa., on Sunday. An inter 34€ Stuyvesant Avenue esting hike was one of the fea GEneva 8-0118 at the Adoniram Masonic Temple tures there. Sunday. M ay 2 9 45 a.m . B ib le 321 Second A venu e School.' Morning Worship, 11:00; Ly n d h u rst, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. William Kaiser, a.m., ‘The Divine Bookkeeper”. Church School, 10 a m. of Fifth avenue, and Mr. and M rs. Evening Worship, 7:30 p.m.. Preaching Service. 11 a.m. H. A. Antonius, of Teaneck, had •Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream”. Everybody Welcome dinner at Hackettstown on S u n Wednesday: Youth Club. 3 15 World Headquarters day, in celebration of Mrs. Kais p m Mid-Week Bible Study, 8 00 j Independence, Mo. er’s birthday anniversary which she marked on Monday. p.m., "Paul Before Roman Jus* ! Rev. John J. Dougherty, Pro tlce”.