ADVANCINGDTQ TLQATFL T EDEDB I AM ANDM8N M XN~ WAHNGO' ES R- 80 F aq. N. W., INTRLMUSI WNFINNWUALM .I.IN.IM..N ...W, BAit PLN---Geld, at Ut. i _k F1.1 arka y Ills t Jim; er.aW . t.' I 1;LLLLWhUah The Week in Business )CK EXCHANGE Liberal reward, 61J .eN 13 BAKSGAIN BIG by W. a Raft & C&, RNDSBIGSURUS D(.J-Mbedlem-doo isiteap l. 4:1aity KItmwaft;ta 304 £ the ir nal drive of the in the next . Retail mernhants will make year aaturdera 5:30I owr. to Jim; 68L. II twety-three business days to stia ulate saleal and to move seasoaable Meatrday 13:30 V1e washesa Tome will e87w are coiedent ti at the season will bW Clowe lugh. LAWe. 1 Cem M^sh saw. P.m. be glad to answer for its read- FU IT- merchandise Many holiday buying ere &bout 3o'cloas,CFFNWpadicnahe oheesdawb'tsor.breast. or aI the best figures of other ) &111 CImbere- l 30 3 J 74 M K. & T.. pt.. 7N 736 716 OFRAWMATERIALS inquiries investmeat Libe=l rawa1 So J. MIXI. 153II u proaching TO U. tr of record closely CREDITS S C proportions have been limited Allis.Chalm. pt. 73 73 73 L P369 I..... 126 Ol in stocks and bonds. It will give to ph ears. This view is based oan wet that purchase@ g 12% the best available information ru CUFF-K Sr. a 44 4rws r several weeks and the fact that there are bigns of easier money. "'i AL Chan & Du 634 b) 51 Mo. Pe. pf..... Disturbd World Conditions from the most authoritative Manufacturers, on the other ha ad, see no hope of resewed activitv Obligations of Nation Held by 6 Af, Agri.het 4M (6) ti16 416-4 N. Aa&*em C. 62 6J42h Wh06 sources. This service is entire- 2 Na.LL ly let- in their Gold, and it is generally ace epted that little in the way of spring Houses Am. Ag. Chm. pr. S 6 46" & NOp.. 47!j 47N 474 Have Reacted on Domestl without charge. and all Reward. are suc- Banking Inmran, tore will be held In strieteet wardt . Pb.AW., t 1 f can be before the A rst of the year. If retailers A. BeaU ...... 09 (J I034 NaL Lad...... 7ts% i0t lfb etpoeFahi buying expected Late Statistics Show. 694 Affairs, Report. cotildenhce. Every inquiry must ,e cessful in moving most of their fai ge stocks in the coming few weeks. I AS. Ca...... 26 t' b Nat.L M M. . % t t bf Says contain same and address of the HAXIDoAloe Muatimia eltve se th y will enter the market for 134 Nov. CoI. Disturbed world trade coanditiOi apiareF11IVtrnt bbepel & CANS it is reasonable to suppose that spring .igarrev.4tt additions of '.! milliona Old Am Car 4 Per 3,4 I24 91 Cop.. 9g . 99 916 writer and a 2-cent stamp tor ikat. 0. new Von- tu the of s34 X. W.. of Phui&@ Yrallis smd merchandise more confidently earls in the year. If buying hiioldingus Govertanent oblign. 46% An. H & LE pg. 46% 4% '6% 86 N-Y.Ar e6rah..- 86 3 36 have begun to react upon domestin reply. Whenc:ver this i done an tinues to be of small however, the period of uncertainty tionso. inrgely InI connectiona with thae 4 40% .0% 24 N. Y. .M. & 1l busintles affairs ils the shape of a answer will be made direct by betireg proportions, I isuaiw- un Nce.,mber 15 of 23. -iill. 42% Am.lIter.Corp... 22- 21% 21% is LOM7--Nisaday. Chevy Chase a" 60 mail. unletss the inquiry of Ueorila a s.. Rck 'reek PsA may be continued. ioas of losa et to Am. LIsee...... fl 0 75 N. T. Central... 75% heavier ourplus of raw materials in through on some factors to rtiitates. aceompanied 76 6%b generpI interest, whea it will be A gold watch; meegs "3. . There is a movement foot among urge spring by futthe-r liquiiations of luans and 14 AE. 1W..... 5a 14 04 58 X.06 T.A MOZ.... 62 t5% 62 certain bri.ancheis of productive cn- answired in the issue of Cleve. 819. after 6 o'clock. toward. soon as in on ler to mills and factories going daily ,Smewrist purchases as possible keep oth-r itsaositnmente, tre indieatri ti 0 Am. Safety 1am. 30 10 10 IQa% Nortolk 4 W... 103Y6 J0d% 1446 deavor, it was statef- today in a sur- The Weebaingas Timen if space PW ETDiAf-4.t lemam'e between 11th of the will not be too dimin- F d. ra l &. rve lioa&rd's gdEuclid and 12th ad usabIa road. nio that the purchasing power public greatly , 461 Ata, Umelig.... 4-j 4b 45> an North. Sb...8% $016 vey of the domesti- wi.ldl just con- permits. as use of news print off when the manu- Mtatemnaet of the cun lition on Nut c-i. gogj on No'v. ;4i reward. lhone McCullekgb, ished. Retailers have noticed that their sales fall th., weeilkl 14 Am.' Ship 'Co. 11% 11 il a Nova MDue Si 38 Ne3, cluded by th. reder-il Iteserve Ioard. paper is mow ilmitud by Govetn- tCol. 4.32. th a dull season and workers are bvr 19 (it 64 meemnier .anks InI lead- 3b1 to naent control. Addrea :facturing end of trade is passing rough j Am. tee0 Ydy. .- 29 30 3* O. Pr. e R.Co 3)i 3)- The inquiry cove-r. ,1 facts relative Nt'NIURNT PIN~ Pearl and diameed. ni. out of The Ic nger this continues the greater will ing cities. 3S 'olume: of tra-, buat did iot go Iuveeteswm laersaieslg sev S1st. -$100 reward and mo qoieesems thrown employment. .f t'aite.d State-- l-ndt and 9:1 Am. degw...... V31 2e 93i bat Oil Budt...... the and this will he reflectel in a 1loldinatcu 15i 1b6% 156 into ti, niatt- r ,f prirco. The Washnlgceu Imee, Ma. asked it returned to 646 Vermont ove. am. be the decrease in purchasing pov 'er, noteN oshow an increas. u. 4.41 'ena. Victory 72 Am.BumatraToh. 72. 72 72% 405% ML ki ... 40 tiug 1aw1ty .)f 4na1itin11 in the wooln ly Bulding. WemhigtlDes. .. iMHEP IJAO-Old sanswere to sales. o. Englias smaller volume of mnillions for thes u'k. wihile thotto Tel. & Tot. 9W6 ,7 Pa-Amer. P".. 76,, that .11 3r r -'-fit name "Bobble." Wdsme4ay. Reward, to disc at the convention 67.: 9 aAma 646 N 7t.' bt,% lndua-try dii,'ius'ii Iv? l N. W. The movement eliminate ounts, inaugurated Treasury certitietles inereaitaic' by 'vt. woul 114 Li. ..,ansurneli by tihe it. Franklitn 185. i Citv. has millioiis. As a&mir incr*anes V>, AM. Wool...... 71), '0 716 /1 I'n-AU. L. 7,4 7V" 7216 less ing NQtIRvImu ARt'T UIGE. MJuTOSS. of the Associated Dress Industrie of America in Atlantic te'hes tliis4 tall tlhanl a ar alxr, J. *lee VICTOltY 31JNii, with aU coupons loans Netur, 0 Am. Wr. Pa. L 336 36 A8% A06n 1-o. USe 01..... A6 factories yi K. 1., Ne.w lsamoeibre aene- aroused retailers of the East, accoi ding to expres'sion of opinion heard li, fovernmenat othliat- with conlst-aueient stagination and ioo' DO YOU consider leneral Motors attached. No. L 13U2t,2; reward. Apt. tions41 huw aL reduhction oif 14.9 ruiliat4 40.4 A1aconda ..... 40)4 3e 3/'a l PIelilip. Pto.--. 41i 84, 1601 Pa. ave. after the convention. The proposal will be net with determined opposi- 323 prices 1-r the raw prouelct. A hopeful common a safe investment, with a 1oans i.- ured by corporat. stocks nn8-J Associated Oil.. 14 104 104 a26 Piltts W Va.. 3'" a luweve-r. WAT(li-Lady'gmold. with old-fashioned retailers asserted. Retail assi iciations are expected to oppose the itnd re-liuetion of lign founid in the industry. fair chance of protfit if held? chain. Nov. 30. In Canter Market. Liberaj tion, about 7 rnillions, Atchies...... 6, t2* b4h Pierce ere.... now is a, Terms now range from 2-1 -30 to 8-10-60 per cent. and 04 2j% 2 S3 was the iaatc the-re tendincy Amwer-Owing to the perplexing reward. North 6;;4. 1303 Quincy st. X. 1.9 plan. ad tall other dloans inveistments, ,04 G. w. I.. 102v 104 Pond to reduce the j reentage of id.11. Much interest is manifested by jobbers in the announced clearance Icomoposi, 1.4rgely of coni rcialloan A". I05 14 CA. Coal.. 14 33V 1316 condjtions in the stock market we and arin of 88.3 At. Coast dae... 0 869% 90 434 Pure Ol ...... all4 woolei machinery. think that a man is a sales of several leading Western an I Middle Western jobbers today discouints. reduction .5 A decresetd number of idle cotton copmitting I4-C. GOjLD 1AIK for e-atch. Owner eta I that would be named which millions. s a consequine.-. total 39.% BIlto, A hio.. 39% .9 9b to)* Puata Al Sugar 524 1LL t-2 grievous error in buying any of the have same by calling at tomorrow. The impression prevaile prices spindles was reported by agents. motor common stocks just now. i, 62r at X. W.. and which would per- luon and invesLments of the report- &0 Ral. A Ohio Pt. 49% 419% 4V% k4It Pullman P. Car. 0 10b to oft heav- bMNOEl'al. '!Z1!! would move seasonable merchandisi immediately Ing 1eank. are '8.1 millions smaller M% Silk imports contiue fall This opinion is also based upon the unit retailers to make turnovei -s at fair profits. It was'felt that it W aiuedwin Loo.. 90 1.4>1 b6 ala; Itay Cou Cop C- 11% 11'#il' i liy. the Im.ports being less than one- fact that the motor NOTICES quick than on the preceding Friday. established la-st companies have SPECIAL would provide an opportunity for dc alera to work oft accumulated stocks 54% Both teel D... 55% L4% E5Se 73% Hoplogie Stool... .744 74 74 third of tue recordi been undergoing and are still under- season. 4'I Booth Fisher es 4!j 43 43* to slep. Aron 4 S.. year. going tremendous in CUBA ia the holiday CMANGES OF TEE WEEK. b6 tA ibie Further seasonal declines ore readjustments raw more people needed to eemplete 12 Urook Itapid '. 12 12 14 90 I & S merchandise account. in inventories to In The week's changes in the holdings Rtep. pt... C03 mi gAb shown in shipments of California and in party spend Xmso the tropics. Reoma Butte C. 4 Z... b.% s Atop. Motor financing. General Meters 310. Colorado Bldg.. Monday. Tuesday. of the member bankA In New York b5% 5% Ir.. k7j* 7 27h citrus fruits. figures being consider- Gammon is not an Investment. We W. dnesday. 7 to 9 p. m. only. * are as follow.A: city 116 canadian lacio. 1174 116% 1173. ONk ktOAd*ng*...... 83i 6/' 111 ably less than for Ile same period shall not advise you to put your money WHAT 38 TOUR NT INCOMU? bonds and Victory notes declined by 6% CaL Pal:...... t 03 e3 b% letail StereS.... 60% b7i 60. last year. into It. The iUberty Reeord will tell yon. A aSit Extension to about 3 millions, and Treasury certil- Chandler Motore 74 70h pie and effient bulsiness method that wi Credit 6% 76% 681 Dutch N T. cates increaseed 40.7 millions, while Boy 69,% 68%i 6'J enable you to makA your Income tax reta-: by Leather. 38, LIKI NEW YORi CENTRA . without assistance. Ask abet iL. loans secured lby Government .bl .entral 3836 3f8 17 Savage .Arms. ... r correctly obligt- 17!4 jsj 173* A. W. E.- am or mak- TTPE'RITR & OFFICE SUPPLT CO. tions decreased bay 16.8 millions, loans "t4 Cont.Leather pr.. 90 814 0 103 Near@ floubuck...-10. 1 195 thinking T?. 12th at. N. W. secured by corporatu stocks and bonds Cerro do Pasco. 32% 42S 4h2A Ing an investment it Sew Work Phonew Franklin 6100-601. * to Be .2,3* 1436 Sea. A. I. pt... 14,0 14 14 York Central Raitread wateek. Iv, L0.6 millions and all other loans 'ROADS by Urged 6b,% Ches. & Ohio... 65% 64% 644 1334 sneea Coppe.. 183 $30,000.000 you think it Is a safe and TREES Germany 18% wl' purchase bales of cotton exported and investments 32.9 the ixtension of credit to Germany and normally by millions, Chicago G. W. OA W6 93% d4 as as Cavity essenting. prusIng. plaatiag. countries for the before the war 3,0O,000 went to Ger- aggregato decline in total loans and y% Sinclair Oil..... 25 241 4 good any other-raiIroad stock orchards treated. traea supplied, landacape dssociaeed European P.. 4 33% for a I am told investments of the New York banks 34 C.. M.A SL 339 1L2A Sou. Pacific...- speculation? that gardners. yourchase of surplus supplies of food many. lig,% 1124 113)% it is sure FORESTEStI -. "The accumulation of enarse being =.6 imillions. S3% C.M. St. P. pg bi E3 b3 4414 Nouthera pretty eventually to sell DUREAU Or AND TREE and raw materials in the United large Ey... 264 24% 516 'SHY'INSEPETMBER much higher, despite the fact that RttURGEONU. Mtates will be strongly advocated by wool stocks appears to be a direct Accormodat ion of all the report- .31A C.. .L & P... 32d 31? 32 61o Standard Oil N.J. 620 %j() Noroh 6639. P. 0. BOX 3165. a the Central tit reserve already it has advanced nearly 5:0 organised agriculture at the Ameri- result of thn inability of ing banks thet.Federal as /7 Chi. & N. W.... 77's 77 77% 104 Stan. Oil N. J. a share from the I wili tint pay any debts contracted by former on thw of pt X5 114% M. low p'.int earlier 0 Van Farm Bureau Federation in India- European powers to buy their shown books the latter, do. a14% Chile Copper... 12A 113 .11 Interstate Commerce in the, other than myielf. J. MAN?. was announced clineod front 2,228. to 2,1193 nailllons. 444 bideba1ker .... 45 4431 4. Figures year. napolis next week, it quotas. - evidence is accumulat- while the accommodation of Now 60 Chin. Coa. Cop. 12i 16 13% 6tromberg COMp., Answer. --Measured by earnings iiy the federation hert today. "Abundant 443 43) 4?', 4231 Show Beturns Still Far alone, New York Central does THE SHADE SHOP our usual and to that the opening of York City banks at the local reserve Chi. Pseu Tool.. 66 61 tei St. . A Saa not "We must open up ing prove 4.. Y. 24>t 4S A44 rate up with Atehise. or Unien *acile Removed to 880 Thirtenth 8. iatural outlets for cotton, wool, grain foreign markets is the real key to bank declined from A1.O to $00.1 19% Con. Tex. Corp. 19% 19% 19% LML. W. ML. Below Six Per Cent. Our Dalarged Facilities. the solution of our eco- millions. 014 30'S 30;4 or several other big trunk systems. Own building. and meats, if we are to relieve the present 8014 Consol. Gas.... 60% 10 0 bub. of the Intcrentate Hased on FINEBT WINDOW gMRDED disastrous economic situation nomic ills and objection to an exten- g 1014 Boat Corp. 10 10 10 Official figures actual operation last year It To Order at ,-resent &j;% Cocoa Cola..... 2 2i de4 OiL Commerce Commission announced to- earned $6 a share dividend a mar- which has already cut the farmer's sion of credit to foreign countries is GOVT. DEPOSITS INCREASE. A 1.66 Sup. Corp... 10i 1416 14)* by L*WEST FACTORY PRICE. less each are P-. Fuel Irou 2914 29%i 293% day show that the railroads of the gin of $1. but has produced nothing ,ncome far below coat of production becoming day. l'eople Governmrent show an in- 26 T. P. C. & Oil 26 26 it deposits CoL GaS& EleO % -611 -1. EM United States lacked $30,000,000 of for the stock this year, nor have most aLnd is rapidly reacting to close shops beginning to ask whether might crease b53 %>F tobacco a chance on of 143.7 millions, uhich may 53 Prod... 54M 63 64 making a 6 per cent return on their of the other railroads. PERSONAL -and factories and throw millions out not be better to take be compared with an increase of 67.3 144 Columbia Grap 1% 14 14%I Times ,f said Silver, loaning a billion or so in Central or 51 116 Square.. 12% II 12.# investment, during the month of Sep- It is too early to know to what extent WANTE). employment," Gray millions in Treasury certificate Lold- 5 COnt. Candy 6s4 514 the first month in which in- the Central w ill benefit the Dy man. ;:3 years' experience detective oi" the Europe, rather than go through a 47% TaaS Co...... 48h 47.1 tember, by opera- officer, caretaker or Washington representative ings of the reporting banks. the 65 Con. Cigar 55 64U 54% 48N were in tion of the new railroad rates and many Stutus, position "ederation. period of reaction and non-produc- in Corp M4 Tranacont. 011.. 94 i creased rates operation. bodyguard Indiviulst or corporation; don't one larger increase government de- 749 Cora ProduoU.. 734 7214 72 The the com- the provisions of the new railroad touch or count hours: HERE. tion in this country while every traceable to 121 Union PacIta..-- figures compiled by intoxicants, gamble NO RA, SURPLUS is waiting for prices to touch bottom. posits being payments gg! Cors Prod. pt.. U"i% L06 100) 122% .2196 22a mission vary slightly from those law, but if it cannot produce profits expert shot, any weapon; nothing menial "There no real for certificates by private investors. United Food.... of volume its countenanced; no small proposition consilo- is surplus crop pro- "We already have a stake of some 4 , o dea Corp .... c2JS .14 at04 3ig 3g% ala 32h compiled by the Bureau of Railway sufficient to pay divi- ered; reasonable; references; capa- inction in this with the ex- of dollars in and Other demand deposits (net) show Union that roads in then there will be few salary country, ten billions Europe 129.6 oG Crucible Steel.. 90 , 87A 89, d2)4 01...... 22 4 2 Economics in different dend, mighty ble acting private secretary. Write for In- of corn, potatoes and apples to bo business to a decline of millions, and time six are used the bureau other big railway systems that can terview. evenings after 7. E. Chancellor, eption it ought good 93 United Fruit... 194 instances by a .he total production of most of the these loans advancing deposits a decline of 23.9 millions. .4% CuDS C. bugr.. 244 64.% 14>. 19694 The of pay their dividends, for, in a certain 321 lit at. N. E.. city. protect by I-or tho .ew York banks there U. S. Ind. Al". in its compilations. figures important farrh crops is under the the raw materials and food which will niay ,71 Cub C 8 P..... G5 t)8 63 'ag 7WIi 71)j 724 the commission, including 201 roads way, they are all in the boat. uAlItDREMSER wishes a few mere cus- tive-year average. Domestic and countries to on their tbc noted an increase of 64.7 millions Dem. & Rio G.. 1 1 b Utah Copper-. % and It would be idle for us to tomers for residential work; shampooing help foreign get in government deposits, accompanied 1 i54 to , and switching terminal stations. attempt and manicuring alao dono; combIngs an. iuropean demands have taken a feet again. G. U. IL Rub...... a net income of $10.- to forecast future prices. but the to b:, by a reduction of 34.5 millions in oth- 11 D. a IAO 9P. 1A Ui 131 t54 67 65 67 give operating switches made order; appointment m-cided slump, but one of our big URGES SKITH DILL PASSAGIP. U. S. 766,632, against an operating income stock has recently been very active card. Eureka Penn., 241 Virginia ave,. a,- roubles is that some of our normal er demand deposits and of 2.5 mil- 1: B rie ...... e 15)1 1414 16 % 617i Steel...... 82% 81ig b21% and almost touched the levels of The American Farm ilureau Fed- lions in time U. I. steel pt... of $11,759.355 last September, with high DR. WILLARD F. MILLER. Chiropractor outlets are closed. Of the 0,000,000 deposits. If4 Erie 2d t..... 16 316 1636 '06y 106%4 06)6 j0o3 the lower rates and wages for the 1919 and 1918. It is still about $20 and Electrical Therapy. S00 D st. N. E. eration has been urging the passage Reserve balances of the reporting iram. Las'y Play 54> 54 S% ,3 Va.-Car. Chem.. 37>, under the high of 1917 and about $3(0, Lincoln 1844. of Smith which authorizes show a .0 364 37 same carriers. FINANCIAL the bill, banks reduction for the week 14 .03 Va-Car. Chem pt. 98 $9 under the of 1916, and it was the Government to extend a billion of 25.0 millions in with the 14 Fiskeitubber.. £31 L3h 99 high MADAME COVER keeping Was... 4 4 43 Vanadium paying no more than now. As a Face peeling a specialty. Freckles. pir.- dollar credit to Germany. taking as decline in demand deposits. a%1 ca. h 4 Gaston 4 In... 43M 42 43 and all blemishes removed. the half-billion of Ger- Gen. A. Tank Car VIoeudou speculation Central probably is as ples, blackheads part security in vault decreased by 5.3 metllions. 60% 60A 0e 9j Inc.. g1 94 9g as of he rails, but we fall HaIr tInting and scalp treatment. For ap- man funds in the hands of the alien good any pointment. Frank. 1306-W. 926 K t. N.W.N. The Original Investment lFor New York -city banks decline-i of (ioGn. SlectriO... 127A 426 1261% 2434 Wabash pt A... 24$6 24% 24., to see how the rail shares can be property custodian and taking in ad- 23.2 millions in reserve balances and CUe. TOURISTS much if the indus- THL IDEAL BEAUTY PARLOR. Gen. MoL 1636 15h Asb? Weuafb=au.-.. pushed up higher Do not seek large interest re- dition a first lien on Germany ahead 4 n in cash are 15X 443 43 42%. 43 HARmNG Hair dressing. s-samage. shampooing and of mill shown. In turns and rtn the risk of see- of the reparation claims as provided Uoodrich B. P.. 42 41% 44 so Western UIlom. 66 trials continue disfavor and in manicuring. Our new blue scalp treat- lug a capital sum-perhaps. In- 86J1 86)b progressive decline. ment it proving a wonderful suceams for doed, your life's savins- in the peace treaty. MIL ADAIR HERE. Greene C. C ... 23 21 21 94% Weu. Air BL Co. 9o,% 96 9g failing hair. 407 Kresge bldg.. 11th and slowly dwindle away. To know "However, if the plan recently sug. Gt. North. Ore. 29% 294 294 11j West. Maayland. 0 sts. that your original Investment and John A. M. Adair, president ot the 29%3 1% 11% 11% ATSEA 200 AMY Treat- by Henry MILES gested Mforgenthau a arkr 59 1I) Wh. & Lake Erie ELLIS, Scalp is always wife and at par. and other prominent New York bankers international Finance Corporation, ar- 60 Slaake'I b9 59 11 11 11 MANICURING menit. 716 flith st. N. W., the Eame time )ieiding a rived from Co. 17 Wilson. Inc...... until I m. ilt is real stir- to make this half-billion credit to yesterday Portland, Ind., 17 Uendree Mfg. 17 1 46 44 44 44 Apartment Open evening* p. good Incornuflf a and expects to assume his dutie3 as ance of rafety aind prosperity. Germany under an Edge law syndi- 2 lhouston 1.... 834 2% 83 38 White Motors... 391 394 3Me4 on to Ja- TROOPSON GUARD GRIFFITH THE PAINTER. se- presiderit of the InternationAl Finance President-Elect, Way our Frst Mortguge Notes cate, I can see no objection." 12 Hupp@ Rot. Car. 11% 11%6 31% 7N WillysOverland.. 8 7% 6 Painting contractor. My work the beat in cured on improved real estate No mere banking arrangement to Corporation on December 1. Is Pleased With the city; first-cla" union workmen. . V. in the Nation's Capital, will W. ll. liatchelor, treasurer of the 6% Indiahom Ref Ce 6% 6% 6% 46> Wiliys Ov. pt.. 50:4 493 50)& maica, GRIFFITH, 320 B st. N. E. apt. St. you this of re- facilitate the transmission of goods P. Curitly.give feeling will suffice, Mir. Silver stated. What corporation, returned yesterday from j4 bnapiraton Cop're 34 34 34 45 Worth Ma... 47!4 47 47 Panama Visit. MISS CAIN Manicuring. Face and iea . where he has been 15 Sales to- IN Treatm4nt. 714 7th t must be said. Int. 15 15 REGION lie is Agricul.... STRIKE provided, money 15 up DAVD N. CHURCE. N. W.. Apart. 1. Main or credit. Not .nly would the Gov- several days in the interest of the inter. 11a.m. 12noon 1pm. 2p.r. My 999L. Swartzell, Rheem & organization. 14% NicKel.... 14% 14% 4% 176.900 280,100 Ilternationat News Sewrlce. OSTEOPATHIC and chiropractic treat- ernment he able to make the loan k Acceptances and Forein BID. .oIJ 46 Internat. Paper. 46% 463d 464 mente. electrocial-magnetic and spiritual Co. quicker than a banking syndicate. ho ABOARD THE S. F. PASTI)nTE Battalion of 500 From Camp development; free clinics every W noaday Hensey added, but it would be better able to NATIONAL BANKS CHARTERED. 22% ir.vincible OIL.. 2236 k1% 22 WITH PRESIDENT-EECT HARD- afternoon 2317 14th at. N. W 727 Fifteenth Street N. W. protect its interests abroad than a For the week ended November 26 be1 island 0. & T... 6% 5% t. ING. Nov. 29.-The Pastores, carrying Sherman on Duty in West MADAM LaBLANC privato enterprise. is,theCask Letters ofofCreditthe and traveii 4% Jewel Tea...... 4 4 4 President-elect Harding and his party. Faee and acalp treatment. manicring. Comptroller Currency. Is- was 200 mils Out Virginia. 10 to 3. 223 M ambington. 0. C. Jewel Tea pf 1036 :0)i 1011 SEES bound for Jamaica. W. 29.- 11 at. N. W.. Apt. 4. M. 4891. sued for 10% RISE WILLLIAMSON, Nov. chartors IN three VALUE national in the Caribbean sea early today, hav- Va.. banks witlh an aggregate capital of .1i Kan. City Bo... 213% 213 2156 Colon at 4 o'clock yesterday A provisional battalion of approxti- LADIES! The Nation's Home Town LAKE RIE ROAD WOULD .35A.00M: received ing left 500 from There is no need to remain stout and on- 4pplications for 456 Kan. City So. VL 454 40.% 454 afternoon. mately regular troops Camp comfortable. I can and will red1oo your charters for three national banks 9 Keystone Tire 93 6% 86% In leaving the Panama canal zone Sherman, Chillicothe, 0.. has arrived weight. I guarantee to give satistaen. NEW RENT with an aggregate capital of $300,000, OF Senator expressed great sat- here. Col. Herman Hall commanding. Phone North 3734. ISSUE NOTES Tie. LIBERTY Harding Kelly-Spg. 42S6 4236 BONDS 41% The Lake Erie Rail- and increased the capital of five na- 41% isfaction with his visit. lie sail lie Immediately took up his headquarters Wheeling and tional banks by an aggregate of 193 Kenneoott .... 163 19 19 at the Court House and armed MEDICAL road today applied to the Interstate $245,- felt considerably rested. County 000. 513 Lack&.Ute el...... 56 51% 52% Houston Thinks Securities Will Mr. Harding expressed himself espe- guards were thrown out around the DR. NiHOLSON. Commerce Commission for authority Lenigh Valley.. 49% rially impressed with the commercial building. Skin SpecialIst. NEW PRENCT OIL 49% 49% 49%1 The troops are here in response to Removes skin cAroer suecesfully- se to issue rent notes to the amount of COMPANY. 18 LAOWs(ne9. 18 176 '1716 Jump as Result of in possibilities of the Canal Zone. surgery; references of cures, by permission. Drop a state- a request of Governor John J. Corn- LIBERTY BONDS $13,620,000 to be used as security According to advices received here, Loft Without making formal 1316 H t N W. Sir Basil Zaharoff, through the.4ociete 9g6 Incorp... 10 10 10 H. C. L ment regarding the rumored differ- well, who decided tnat the disorders with the National Railway Service Maxwell M.G-.. 2$4 2)4 of the last few weeks had created a Navale de l'Ouest, one of the leading 234 23 Steady, Inrease in of ences among the people of Panama DETECTIVE SERVICE Corporation for loans obtained from French or- Marine con.... valu, Govern- the of the situation with which the State and FOREIGN BONDS the and from the shipping companies, has 15M6 15% 15 15 ment securities like long-term Liber- concerning administration ROYAL DETECTI\E BUREAU. corporation Gov- ganized a company in France for the zone, the senator assurances be- county officers could not cope. eTnment fund. The 5314 Marine Vi...... 54 521 52SA ty bonds. as a result of reduced prices gave of the .JUL33 3AC XRWIuEMU2. Pal. revolving money purpose of importing into France for fore leaving that he will do all that Since the arrival the troops impert iavatigationa et any is to be used for the purchase of I5VM Mexican PetroL 15834 I5% 15636 commodities and lower interest town has taken on the appearance of nature. crude and refined oils and of refining rates, was is possible to promote friendliness legitimate FOREIGN EXCHANGE equipment and betterments in the and distributing petroleum, kerosene, 33 Midvale Steel.... 33 32% 32% predicted today by Sccre. and when he is Presi- a military camp. The streets are COIMBRCIA1. WORK P0LII1TUI, road. ta'-y of the Treasury Hourton. Recre- co-operation with mules, trucks and (Censuitations free.) and fuel oil. An agreement has been 12)4 Middle States... 12% 12% 12% tary Houston said dent of the United States. fil'-d army Suite 05-4. Merchants 'ahsbl48. The road also applied for authority concluded. the advices state, between Con. Liberty bonds aru The Presidont-elect exys.ts to make other paraphernalia, and the side- 2413 0 at. N. W LOCAL SECURITIES to issue fi per cent rrtfunding mort- the 163i Cop 17 1/ 17 being widely absorbed by investor walks for long distances are piled the company and Anglo-Persian Mln. £ St.P.RR1.. 14 att attractive marloet a brief speech in Norfnlk. Yn.. on Do- SPhone (prvate) N. ?1'7._ gage bonds to the amount of $1.528.- Oil Co., by which large supplies of 14% 13%4 1316 currenit price,. cember 4. and wil! leave the same high with tents and similar equiP- 000. also to I'e used as security for oil are assured to the French '16 Montgomery W. "One of thle crowning achievementsu com- 20%4 .036 -0 of the war was the purchase night for !fedford, V'a., to address an mentt. BDUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Govenment leans. pany. 1316-Mo..KC. A Tez. 34 31 316 of Lib- Elk mnmoriai the-re next $unday. Ofricers in charge of the troe'ps will erty notes by 20,0ts,000 patriotln sub- billeted in the court house, and FOandSL-Lnhombarroom. scribers.'' said Mr. The P'astores was rigged out in be cheap; termns. Appy 1147 L et. N. W. ______FINANCI AL, FINANC1AL. FINANCIAL Ileuston. "Coneis- gala dress as she left Colon harbor the etalisted men are being quartered Fr. S140. tent buying of bonds by this great and an old hetel W. B. Hibbs & Co. army of at amid salutes from warships and other in the City Hall in B FARMS. 1 mercantile. 2 millInery best- investors present attrac- turned into a tive would which was recently nesses for sale In Charles Ce.. Md. Fer prices be a lasting benofit craft and thunderous cheers ashore. hospital. Detachments of soldiers terms, deacriptions, etc.. addreas DE to both themselves and the nation." have already been sentt to KermIt. LANGE ROBINSONK Waldorf. Md. * mMBERS Seeretary Hnuaton, announcing Borderland and Matewanl for guard WANTED-Immediate capital; good oppor- that the Treasury's savings division duty. No disorders have been reported tanit y In candy buelness for man or weim- T] [E NATIONAL C !ITY BANK will continue during 1021 to develop an withI business abitr; factory ew ran- at F at. N. W. the secnndary market for L.iberty MANN ISKEEN FOR rling. Call once. 475 New York Stock Exchange since the arrival of the troops. NEAR-BEER BARi and lunch. Ia nerth- OF NEW YO RK bonds, said that banks, employers and east, doIng fne business; reasonable priee O other agencies are re-establishing go quick buyer: leaving town. Line. 1536. Boston Stock 3 Exchange AND BRANCHI partial payment plans to fad'iitate HAVE you 5100 or more to invest in an instalimnirt pur.,hases er( bonde at POLITICALBATTLE honest propouition,. which will stand 9,.- Phila. Stock Exchange prevailing prices. -Great numbers of BOUCHRBRANDED vesir'tio. and share large and quick re- as Congressman "Jim" Mann of I111nois, Times efe.* Cotr densed Statement of Condition of November 15, 1920 bonds are being purchased out right long flepublican lender in the House, DuniBY I96, '.hicago Board of Trade CAPITAL, by enmail investors as savinge becomo and veteran of many skirmishes, hat- HELPWANTED-MALE available, Ilouston said. in Con- SURPLUS ties. and general engagements 626 per week and Handin / ASSETS Two new Treasury savings certifi- gress, promises to be a big factor !n PROBE DARBEUR-FIrst ciass INSAMIOAN cent Start N. Y. Cotton Exchange and CASH on cates will be issued the coming which 60 per ov~er M&. Monudav HadnFedera Reserve Bank, due year, affairs in Washington onco more this The naval esourt of inquiry morning. 3033 N' st. . W. Banks, Bankers and U. 5. a $1 Treasury savinogs stamp and a has been the naval ad- UNDIVIDED from1 asof Other Treasurer $272,842,939.96 winter. investigating BARBER--Wanted at once. Apply OS if Wash. Stock . 825 Exchange Banks,. ... 3,492.456.61 Treasury savings certificate, the Mrt. Matns health for the last two ministration of the affairs of the Ut. N. W. PRtOFITSAcetn U21,335,396. Secretary said. years or so has been poor and nna pre- island of Samoa reported by cable to Ahmerican Bankers Assn. Lonan I . 'As the accurity markets become eluded him from taking much of a the Secretary of the Navy today they $106,045,328.87 Discounts...... 626,571,419.03 morn settled," Houst"'u said, "Tress- part in the business of the Hostse. Hiad had recommended that charges 1be p United Sta tea Bonds. other Bonds and Securitieg 36,970,915.09 uary savings securities, bearing ferred Comdr. C. H..~ wheel, good posi- 21strict Bankers Asen, Stock in ederal Reserve . inter- his health been good, doubtlse theI against Lieut. BIOY-With 11 Bank . . . .* 2,550,000.00 666,092,337.12 est at 4 per cent, compounded quar- present House would have made hien Boucher and that ho be tried by court tion to rt~ht party. Apply terly, exempt from State and local peaker. martial. Mr. Wai. Huhn & C., I . . . . se e taxes VE3AX, eanking Kouse , v * . . . . 5,000,00.0 and from normal Federal in- This winter, Mr. Mann eomes back Liegutenanit Commander Iteucher had 7th and K its. N. W. Due froms Branches ...... 12,439,742.85 come tax, and redeemable substan- to Washington much improved In preferred charges gainst Commander tially on . Terhune, in of the Customneri 'LiaMlity AccountofAcceptances , demand, shtould prove in- health.. Hie is ilke his old self, with Warren charge ereasingly partienlarly to rapacity for work and capacity for American administratien of Samoan Other As. enaa a ... a . . . * a . . . 4,245,626.96 nttractive. BOY-To. work in atote and rem eram, the small denaing nc Ith ally sort of trouble at affairs, and the court headed by Hlear 2$12 N.YT. are. N. W. iulitutde of' the of the hat. Admiral Hlughes had been ordered to * S16 ,?26 investors."' drop UGTM and yeaiag men with 6iopoges e >TAL. . With House Leader Mendelt hama- Samoa to investiaatfi these charges, motoreycles; permanent: eta earn 035 0 LIABILITIES DREAD DROPS (ONE CENT pered by a broken leg andl unable to Shortly after the court wasn ordered 033 weeklf and comnmiealon, Apply TI? Hibbs Building . get sbnout except en crutches. it is Commander Terhune committed sul- 13th et. N W. nplmm..ndnvided Frnt. . . expected Mr. Mann will cut a large L''NAUFFEIIR'4-O'uP drivere will make ma e e . . 106.048,33.37 IN DEC. 1 fgure in House business this winter. cide by shooting himelf, cellent wages this Wiater on aooent * . * . . 700,162,066.74 many balls, reeptions and conventlei Reserved I or ne mnd PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 99.-- The One ef the first things Mann has booked;th reliable men with ablitty to drive Intrest'Accruisd:'. . 0 . . . 4,77,131.36 . of bread in en his hands is te call a meeting r Latet Price Unearned Discount ...... price Philadelphia will be et and fair knowledgye of eity are ssestaiv e .* . . . . . 3,S61,65464 the Committee on Committees and se- ippesied t. TIlE FUDER AL TAXICILII Circulatlor o . . redueed Otne cent a loaf D~ecember 1. CO., 3I3 11th st. K, W, Due to . . 1,431,942.50 to lect thae personnel to be added toa the Fe . accerding an announcement to- liuse Appron'a'inns c5~jK-Si70month averae,ettiwa; Other flat .t . . 123,318,367.47 night by Frank fl. Mct'lain. fair price "onvimittea. ISANORLNeS, Nov. 219-That re- mall; hundreds wanted: lst oetienh Endor oemmtssinner fot Pennsylvania. The BAWN NOTES cent severe electrical sto, mu in the tree orite immiediately. #1IANK LINKI- OVUI'%NNInWI, 01? T , 45-J, flonchester, N. TI Aceptan. reductioen wag decided upon by the National bank notes nut-t'nd'ng mountains have no terriied unruly 1iept. . . leading bakers the city at a re- indians that it may bie unneceseary to EAYRN 5: wektlysari it~mewriting for' 3~~ Soni Boi rowed ...... 105118.54 ef Nvember hal, *7;12.27N,614i Pede al magasines; esp. aenco.; dA- ~Wig ~*a amaa .. eent conference newspaper., ALL MARKETS with Air. Mcelain. Reserve notes, 238 ,81,50. For thea prosecuate themt was revealed by 5,u- lails free. PRtES8 NIe PICATS, 546 Si. as Wain strees . . . . The present retail price is eleven .eek ended Novy.muber 00 nal'ensl perintendent I', I. Hlofman, Louis. Me. New Terk 2,236,414.04 eents ft a e-epeund leaf and fifteen ank netes deeveased $l,684,133i Fed- it was stated that the Indians had PURNISHING goods saeaman, 6TL-am. ara s neats for a twenty-four-eunce leaf. eal Reserve notes inereased *451,000. been awed te such an extent by the (ihain stores reduced their psriee en a play of lightning en Devil Mountain, pound leaf te eight *ernte abeut tea in the Ran maetat region, that the? AnaeYOU~b NEM'S 2 dawn 5s. bed ppomite4 ebedlenee heresf'e-