Newark overwhelmingly voted for a new charter and C ents a new form *>f government. It has ended comm ivi ion govern­ ment there. The first election under the new charter te May 11. There is already some-doubt over whether Newark te gaining anything in the exchange of governments. There are three candidates for mayor and no fewer than M can­ didates for council. The ballot looks like a P»af of raisin bread. Maybe Newark voters are smarter than others and will be able to find their way through the mate of candi­ dates. We hope so. »* ru n vt % u k i m n i Alma*! a year of pUnntng M»t imvparatMn wtll «v* mi t-> f»uit*r»w iw * i « M th* Mwitw c w iwnmal of th e (••uM ing «4 H n r r svtVuol the « M I W h«| twgan un*v,®pt, *H*«l» a* a oiMnmaitity pro)** t by th* Rnr*f Howl P T A t* n»w r»«M*v aa th * bWt**»* *e~«»p*c*ti»* effttrt t j M hurst lua eapwewetrrd in *«*ny • The week will begin epurefwt «!«■>« w tth P vavet IH> o n M m 1 an<t bo M U w e d on M <*4ay. May 1 *t»h an •"panto* Ms the fiend m*nn*« at a ipeMil -B oard «*f Rdiataitnn mevlrng al lhe Itvif Ktwil Mh«kiiwwM fw Ih* enMMttt ihee members K-v*« R.« .1 ■ *«.* m y r" l»anre group from Mm Ivangelne t.u«lio«ii% eighth grade .ia~ at *«Imm1 peae lice* the Polish Polk4. which the* w ill dance m fcaturda* Mev I. tn the tn ilr d %aliMM wen* of the Cavalrade left to right are Trudt Hlareehy. Id* ard Munbi Albeit* farnonsht RainMd Kent. Victoria Hlsetewski Anthem ttrowilrski Clair* t.ne<.« H illtem iirsteea, tlisabeth l» Ai ello Nalph Parba. Virginia Coeeo. Anthoio Npana Ann /.earakl ttnh.ttd H Kleiner ralrfeia Ohs win*.in «nd Daniel t aatolgraatf Here's the Way H H H U H IiH I I U H S U*rw* shn te t** Ijrnd hstii w inm ttf m ppn ieipin* m lhe W«|ut «wnt*Mi *1 fMUtHMS A i i * « u r *y teens te ***** » fo llo w in g ia th e p rogram for .tolled al llte «• IMI Seaqui Ccntennta) Week. May I imtpte who *«* vaeohte i« he •» le M ay I •<do m a t h*a- th# * • • ' * * * Sunday May t Prayer Day who wants to buy the proparty, Monday. May ) Him lanuUoa that it is not for sale. ef . Staqui-CetHomital Vwh by Paymant of a $Mt bill for Hit Mayor James A Breslin and oavement «t River Road School Bftai'l of Education meeting at Ui Unite Crtipi, contractor, was River Road *choolh<>u»e at $ 90 authorised after Crupi answered pm Payment will be made of question* about the job from IM) prppaivuma- -rml specified Mm ria Setlriubi uui. Ixutrd prear- In original deed-to Iff. Ch*. Ir. lent Settembilno had objected W.’ Van'W inkle deerondont of lo th# price when the contract Jacob Van Wlnkb Special gueat was awarded two weeks ago. will tie Gtrvernar Hubert B May The board will advertise for R«r< Tuesdav. Mat 4 Alumni Ke bid* on supplied, returnable May union Night at Rive* Road School j S, and for installation of fluoi at I 00 p.m ascent lighting systems and inter Thuisday, May 0 Open House { tor painting Jobs in franklin snd *1 River Road Sch<*4 at I M pm Washington Schools, retainable 1st grade tlaas ol Mrs Hatel! May 19 Furniture bids will also Zaun will entertain be received at the May 19 meet Friday. May 7 HesquiCaeten *1*1 Cavalcade Part IMO to M# (ITS A mutual and dramatic ; The board *urthortxed an 9M IMgeant at the High Krhmil el t im p ro v em en t in th e H igh Srh«>ol p m attditoi turn lig h tin g system A $5 Saturday, May I S m» |ib O n , bid from Ralph Gordon. Jr, tenntal Cev.«l«edr Part || |g?|i to I MM H 15 p m Hmqui Centen Kearny painting contractor, for a m gl Pa rad* M n p m ('«»mmi* Fellowship *« affotd and equipment stored in sooner William P Gallagher 1 Day Marked I Lincoln School, was accepted I'-trade Marshal Tbe Annual May Fellowship Eastern Stars N ew O fficer Panel Day will be observed by the Lyndhurst CmmHI of Church Women on Friday. May 7. at th* Mayor Proclaims Lyndhurst Methodist Church Mm. Mabel Meek, president, A Sesqui Week will preside at the program meet­ ing at 2 00 o'clock The speaker will be Miss Harriet Seibert, well known speaker and lecturer. S4*c- retary of Field Cultivation af the Woman's Division of Christian Service of the Methodist Church in New York City A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Bernard College and an M A in religious education at Columbia Univermty. Miss Seibert was for IS years director of religion*edu­ cation « t C h rist C h u rch , Me|h<> dut, m New York City In 1M3 she became director of Social Welfare with the Womans Divi­ sion of Christian Service and in­ itiated an outstanding program mi the training centers for WACS on three Army poets So successful was her wartime No Defense Restaurant work of fostering friendly fwla- tions between the armed **rvicea Plea Entered Check Madr and the neighboring communi tie* and church** th*t she wa* invited by the United Council of Church Women to *erv* as their *piritu*l repreeenUtive. a* well. From Florida to California she Installation of o A cera featured a special meeting A F ra tfrm ty •r» housing >™» la Oaaland. Chapter, Order of the Eeetern Calif , work u u o | n - m r o t n New Firm Movinq ■ r ' •< t>»» U r n v m i t r a t Mirhtfan. awl lairiliaa of atwlnil To Lyndhurst Site vfUr an. al Wilknr Run Mua Saibrn had tha diMim lu.n n t ba­ I T 1 » V O C M m i m , *< IM in* tha .prakrr at lha »rat World Day a t Prmyrr ukaarvanc* bald a lha Pawnmraa RapuMx an lha PAGE TWO COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THI RSDAY. APRIL 29. 1951 Keep Your Faith, Co To Church Every Sunday A nd H oly D ays and also the Official Board meet­ RLTHERFORD BAPTIST He rang the bell b u t they told in Boston, Massa.huseUs. ing. CH URCH him to stop. As he turned away In arranging for the lecture, Wednesday: 8 p.m., Mid Week 23 Went Passaic Ave., Rutherford from the door, he tripped, fell the m em beis of the First Church Service. Rev. George Smith, Pastor and hit his head of Christ, Scientist, of Rutherfdrd, 59 Woodward Ave., Rutherford With him at Ihe time were Jo­ bvltexe they are providing a Phone GEneva 8-6795 seph Russo, 353 Thomas avenue, means for reaching many people Ridge Road tt New Jersey Ave. Lyndhurst, owner of Michael’* with answers to frequent q u e s­ Inn, s tavern on Stuyvesant ave­ tions about Christian S cience— Rev. Bernard Moore, Pastor Church School, 9:45 a.m . M o rn ­ nue. Lyndhurst. and Albert Pat­ what is teaches, h w it heals, 'Masses at 6 30. 7 30. 8:30, 9:30 ing Worship, "The Staggering. terson, 516 Sixth street, Lynd- why thousands have become its 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Swaying Earth”. B.Y.F.. 6 30 p m hurst. adherents. A cordial welcome is Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m.. Rev. Patterson was knocked down extended to the public to attend. A. M Boggs, Missionary Speaker by Quirein's falling body as he from India. The lecture is free. walked up to the funeral home Wednesday evening, 8:00 p.m., to argue with Quirein. REED MEMORIAL ‘T h e H our of Po w er". A group of 31 boys of Cub UNITED PRESBYTERIAN The dead man is survived by Pack 9 with their C u b m a ste r fH C R C H his parents, Mr and Mrs. John George MiGuire, Gus Verdi, Al Stuyvesant near Valley Brook LATTER DAV SAINTS OF JESUS C IIRIST Quirein, Sr., and a brother, Fred, Kopf and John Sloan, w e n t o n a A venue all of Lyndhurst. chartered bus ride to V alley Rev. Chase H. Stafford, Minister A. E. Stark*. Pastor Services Every Sunday Forge, Pa., on Sunday. An inter­ 34€ Stuyvesant Avenue esting hike was one of the fea­ GEneva 8-0118 at the Adoniram Masonic Temple tures there. Sunday. M ay 2 9 45 a.m . B ib le 321 Second A venu e School.' Morning Worship, 11:00; Ly n d h u rst, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. William Kaiser, a.m., ‘The Divine Bookkeeper”. Church School, 10 a m. of Fifth avenue, and Mr. and M rs. Evening Worship, 7:30 p.m.. Preaching Service. 11 a.m. H. A. Antonius, of Teaneck, had •Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream”. Everybody Welcome dinner at Hackettstown on S u n ­ Wednesday: Youth Club. 3 15 World Headquarters day, in celebration of Mrs. Kais­ p m Mid-Week Bible Study, 8 00 j Independence, Mo. er’s birthday anniversary which she marked on Monday. p.m., "Paul Before Roman Jus* ! Rev. John J. Dougherty, Pro­ tlce”.
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