THE TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 Volume 26, Number 39 Thursday, October 7, 2010 Louis Sullivan, 154 Years and Still Counting by Barbara Stodola The tale of famed architect Louis buildings are also on display, in ex- Henri Sullivan is the stuff of mod- hibits running thru Dec. 12. ern drama, ranging from triumph to Corresponding with this show tragedy, and still without an ending. is another exhibit, at the Chicago The Art Institute of Chicago is Cultural Center, of Sullivan’s writ- currently showcasing Sullivan’s ex- ings and architectural works, pre- quisite drawings, and photographs sented in the context of mid-19th of his buildings taken in the 1950s thru early 20th century cultural by three gifted photographers – history. Organized by Chicago art- John Szarkowski, Aaron Siskind ist Chris Ware and cultural histori- and Richard Nickel. Terra cotta an Tim Samuelson, it will run thru and metal fragments of demolished Nov. 28. Louis Sullivan Continued on Page 2 Louis Henri Sullivan (1856-1924) The curved corner of Krause Music Carson Store, with its Pirie Scott fabulous central & Co., with medallion, ornamental in Chicago’s façade Lincoln Park designed neighborhood by Louis Sullivan THE Page 2 October 7, 2010 THE 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 219/879-0088 • FAX 219/879-8070 In Case Of Emergency, Dial e-mail: News/Articles -
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