Name Students to Compete in Linfield Meet Dates Posted for Tamanawas Group Pictures Stadium Wins Third Annual Debate Meet CPS Ce

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Name Students to Compete in Linfield Meet Dates Posted for Tamanawas Group Pictures Stadium Wins Third Annual Debate Meet CPS Ce .- Vol. 13, No. 14 THE COU,EGE OF PUGET SOUND, TACOMA, WASHINGTON FEBRUARY 17, 1936 Name Students Dates Posted Tamanawas Picture Stadium Wins CPS Celebrates ' Schedule To Compete In For Tamanawas Monday- Third Annual Annual Patrons', Linfield Meet Group Pictures 12: 10 ScL1oo1 staff, 12:25 Science professors. Debate Meet Founders' Day Nine Women, Six Men En­ Time of Release Set for Third 12:40 Fine arts professors. tered in Debate, Extem­ Week of May Says 1.'ucsday- Bremerton Girl Leads in Ex­ Dr. C. K. Mahoney to Deliver pore, Oratory Divisions 12:10 Debate. tempore; Many Guests Main Acldress; 'l'rustees Editor Wcdnesday- Enjoy Tourney To Hold Meeting Students of CPS who will be sent Witl1 the date or release of the 12:10 Social science professors. to compete in the debate tow·na­ 1936 Tamanawas definitely set for 12:25 Language, literatw·e profs. Stadium High School's team com­ ment to be held at Linfield college t11e thil'd week of May, gJ:oup pic­ 12:40 Education, philosopJ::ly, psy- posed of Marie and Margaret Gil­ Annual Founders' and Patrons' in McMinnville, 01·egon this coming tul'es are being taken this week, be­ chelegy professors. strap, Judd Day, and Howard Day will be celebrated here tomor- weel.:-end have just been announc­ ginning today with sections of the 1.'hm·st1ay- Brownlee won first place in the row, February 18, with Dr. c. K. ed by Prof. Charles T. Ba;ttin, faculty group, according to the 12: 10 Physical education profs. third annual Invitational High Mahoney, superintendent of the Sa­ coach. edit0r, Jerry Freeman. Schedules 12:25 Central Board. School Debate Toumament held on Frhlay- the CPS campus last F1J.•iday and attle-Ta.coma district of the Metho~ Of the women's division of for­ for other organizaliions will be given ensics, Myrtle Foss, Elizabeth. Har­ in the later, he says. 12: 10 Junior Class officers. Satw·day, Feb111ary 14 a,nd 15. Puy- dist church, and member of the Col­ 12:25 Sophomore Class officers. dison, Olive Wllorley, Lora Btyn­ As has been announced before, in­ allup High School's team composed lege Board of Trustees, delivering 12 :40 Freshman Class officers. ing, Katherine McConron, Sara dividual pictures for juniors, fresh­ of Lillian Meyer, Mru:gru:et Buell, the main address. Regular chapel All in the pictures will meet in Louise Doub, Dorothy Gross, Maur­ men, and sophomores should be ;seth Mayo. and Richard Sloat has been scheduled for Tuesday a.t the reception room unless other­ ine Henderson, and Ida Larson will taken at the Smith studio, in order placed Second. The tournament was wise informed. sponsored by the Alpha chapter of eleven o'clock instead of the usual compete in debate; Lora Bryning, to have a reproduction of each Myrtle Foss and Maul'ine Hender­ member of the studenli body. To Pi Kappa Delta, national forensic period on. Wednesday, in honot' of son in extempore; and Olive Whor­ facilitate this, the a.nnual has de­ fraternity. the annua! observance. ley and Elizabeth Hardison in ora­ cided to use picttu·es taken :for that Gamble on Great The toumament opened with a C<mtinuing the program will be tory. pw·pose last year, or those taken generaJ. a&sembly Friday morning, a short talk by Mr. John Cochran, Things, Says Long and fow· rounds of deba.te were held Men who will debate are J ames at the same studio by students president of the alumni association; Docherty, Donald Roberts, Bill Bl'lln­ when seniors in high school. This the first da,y. The last two prelim­ numbers by the Adelphian Choral nister, Leik, Richard Dews and will J)e effected at a charge of fifty Rev. Harold B. Long, pastor of inary rounds. of debate were held Robert Byl'a; Jaclc Leilc and Bill cents. "We need student coopera­ the Immanuel Presbyterian church, Sattu·day morning, and by noon, society; and the prelude and post­ teams to compete in the qual·ter Bannister will compete in extem­ tion," Jerry says, adding thali as the in addressing the students in the lude played by Professor W. A. pore; and James Docherty and Jack seniors have already completed their finals were a.nnow1ced. They were: Eichinger. Mr. E. L. , Blaine, chair­ Leik in oratory. chapel hour, likened &hose who de­ Everett, Wenatchee, Yakima, Puy­ sections, the others also must be man of the Board of Trustees, will The debaters will leave earlY finished soon. vote l;heir lives te petty non-essen­ allup, and two teams from both Thtu·sday morning, February 20, and tia;ls as second rate gamblers risk­ Olympia and Stadiru11. Those oom­ preside, and the invocation will be It was urged that students notice delivered by Dr. Harry F. Pember­ will return la.te Satmday night, Feb­ the bulletin board, where announce­ ing their all on practically. He, peting in l;he semi-finals were Puy­ ruM·y 22. Doetors John Regester, allup, Wenatchee and two teams ton of Mount Vernon, supelinten­ ments will be posted, and that mem­ however, whose life revolves about dent of the Puget So·und disttict of Marvin Schafer, and Charles T. bers of . the faculty also loolc for a religious ideal is a gambler wager­ fl'Om Stadium. Concluding the t;lle Methodist church, and member Battin will aecompany the group. annotmcements in their mailboxes. ing his life on a gveat thing. tonrnament, Staclimn and Puyallup They will bt\' in competition with went to the finals to decide first of the Board of Tl:ustees. Elmer r •. Brec:k~~,·· snpm·m~ead­ colleges in Wasl~ington, Oregon, and s~cond places. Membe1·ship will be conferred in California, Monl;ana, Idaho, and Russell Pedcins, Frances ent of Tacoma's public schoel sys­ Ruth Brown of Bremet·ton High the order of Patrons ancl Flounders Utah. Srnith Win Flash Awards tem, spoke before the· Monday as­ School, and Wilma Ittmer of Sta­ to conclude the cl:J.apel progJ.·am. sembly on the necessity of definite dium Higll School placed first and Preceding the general assembly steps being taken to prevent soH the Board of Trustees will l:lold their A successful attempt to illumin­ seconcl places Tespectively in the $10 Offered Winaer erosion tl'lroughoue the United regular meeting at 9:30 a. m., ad­ . ate the campus with the first "Flash extemporaneous speaking oontest States. Mr. Breckner pointed out journing at 11 o'cloclt. After the A fixst prize oi ten dollars is be- Day" at CPS gave a few spots of held during the High School De­ the inestimable damage already bate Tournament. Betty Ann Rob­ convocation there will be a lunch­ ing offered to the winner of a play- color to the halls in honor of the wreaked and gave an insight into eon in the Commons to honor the writing contest being sponsored by visiting higl1 school debateJ:s, and bins of Olympia High School ranl>.ed the work of the department of agri­ members of the Patrons and Foun­ the Tacoma division of the Nationa.l the visit of "Charley's Aunt." First third. Cups were given the winners cultut•e in c.ombating fmther losses. der's organization. CoWlcil for the Prevention of War, prizes in the men's and women's of nrst a.nd second places. in which CPS students invited divisions of the contest were won to participate. Manuscripts must be by Russell Perkins :mel Frances INR Clubs lo Convene Gibnore as ~'Charley's Aunt' Gets sent to the local council by the end Smilih. Second awards went to of tWs month. Mary Young and Howard Hass. At Washington State llilarious Reception at CPS Prernier ('Tide' Receives Com1nending Letters The program for the UOil:thwest If the classmate seated beside you preposterous predicaments in which International Relations Ch.1bs con­ in any of the next few day's classes he !ouncl himself as the psueclo aunt From Colleges in · Several States ference to be held at the State Col­ suddenly snickers for no apparent o my mind, John Clarlte almest lege of Washington at Pullma.n on reason, and bursts out into loud stole the show with the W. C. Fields Don Kruzner, business manager struggles to stifle her own doubts. March 20 ancl 21 i.'> already under roaring laughter while the shock-eel technique he applied to the role of of the Tide, has received many However, let me cong1·atulate you way, with the CPS delegates plan­ professor glares, do not become ner­ Stephen Spettigue, ~natic 1.mcle and guardian. letters which have come in answer upon the choice of material for ning active participation in the vous. For the guffawer has not to excha,nge copies of bl'le first is­ student round table discussions to necessarily become suddenly Ul1bal­ A slight stiffness of manner and yom· first issue of Tide. The sub­ Slile of the magazine. be J.:leld on international questions. a;nced, but probably is just recalling action lcept Marc Miller's perform ject matter setting is particularly John, editor 0-f the Carle­ Mr. Ben H. Kizer of Spokane, one of the deliriously hilarious ance as J ack Chesney, infatuated appropriate. The choice of stock ton Algol at Carleton College, head of the Washington State Cow1- scenes of "Charley's Aunt;," the de- 1.mderclassman at Oxford, f1·om be for contents ancl cover is excellent; Northfield, Minnesota, said in part, cil of the Institute of Pacific rela­ lightful fa;rce presented last Friday ing a really exceilent one.
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