TABLE 1: Runx2 Target

Gene Symbol GenBank ID Annotation – Modified from Dragon Database

Cdc27 NM_001256 996 Anaphase promoting complex subunit 3, essential for cell division.

DC46 NM_006739 4174 Also known as MCM5, forms a complex with MCM2 and

is involved in DNA replication. May have a role in cell division

CCDC6 NM_001254 990 Involved in the initiation of DNA replication. Also

participates in checkpoint controls that ensure DNA replication is completed before is initiated.

Cdk4 NM_000075 1019 Involved in the control of the .

Cyclin B2 NM_004701 9133 Essential for the control of the cell cycle at the G2/M

(mitosis) transition.

Cyclin H NM_001239 902 Involved in cell cycle control and in RNA by

RNA polymerase II. Its expression and activity are constant throughout the cell cycle.

E2F-6 NM_001952 1876 Inhibitor of -dependent transcription lacks the

transcriptional activation and pocket binding domains. Controls E2F-dependent genes that are required for cell cycle entry but not progression.

GADD45 NM_001924 1647 Binds to proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Might affect

PCNA interaction with some CDK (cell division protein ) complexes; stimulates DNA excision repair in vitro and inhibits entry of cells into . p18/INK4C NM_078626 1031 Interacts strongly with CDK6, weakly with CDK4. Inhibits cell growth and proliferation with a correlated

dependence on endogenous RB.

P21/Waf1/CIP1 NM_000389 1026 Important intermediate for function in inhibition of cell proliferation in response to DNA damage. Inhibitor of

cyclin-dependent kinase activity and cell cycle progression.

RPA3 NM_002947 6119 Absolutely required for simian virus 40 DNA replication

in vitro. It participates in a very early step in initiation. RP-A is a single-stranded DNA-binding protein. Smad4/DPC4 NM_005359 4089 Common mediator (co-SMAD) of signal transduction by TGF-beta (transforming growth factor) superfamily.

Supports activation of transcription by regulatory SMADs (e.g., SMAD 1, 2, 3, and 5). May act as a tumor suppressor.

Smad5 NM_005903 4090 Transcriptional modulator activated by BMP (bone

morphogenetic ) type 1 kinase. SMAD5 is a receptor-regulated SMAD (R-SMAD).

VEGF NM_003376 7422 Growth factor active in angiogenesis, vasculogenesis and

endothelial cell growth. Induces endothelial cell proliferation, promotes cell migration, inhibits apoptosis, and induces permeabilization of blood vessels.