The U.S. Rosetta Project: Preparations for Prime Mission, 2014

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The U.S. Rosetta Project: Preparations for Prime Mission, 2014 The U.S. Rosetta Project: Preparations for Prime Mission, 2014 C. Alexander, A. Chmielewski, A.M. Aguinaldo, A. Ko, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91109 818-393-7773 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] A. Accomazzo European Space Agency European Operations Center Darmstadt, Germany +49-6151-90-0 [email protected] M. G. G. Taylor Scientific Support Office, ESTEC, European Space Agency, Keplerlaan 1, 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH, The Netherlands +31 (0)71 565 8009 [email protected] Abstract—In 2014, the International Rosetta mission will 5. SUMMARY ........................................................... 11 place a spacecraft in orbit around comet 67P/Churyumov- REFERENCES........................................................... 11 Gerasimenko and deliver a lander to the comet's surface. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................ 13 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's BIOGRAPHY ............................................................ 13 (NASA) contribution to the International Rosetta mission, designated the U.S. Rosetta Project, includes several 1. INTRODUCTION instruments, tracking support, and science support for some non-US payloads. In July 2011 the spacecraft was placed in ROSETTA, the third of ESA's cornerstone missions within a long-duration hibernation mode planned to last its Horizon 2000 science program, will place a spacecraft in approximately 37 months to conserve electrical power. orbit around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, deliver a Rosetta will rendezvous with 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko lander to the comet's surface, and perform detailed scientific in 2014. On the eve of the mission’s arrival at its target, this study of the comet including chemical /mineralogical paper highlights three issues related to Rosetta’s looming analyses, surface morphology studies, gas/dust interactions prime mission: (A) measures taken in 2009 to prepare the studies, and global characterization of asteroids encountered US Rosetta Project for the long-duration hibernation mode; during transit to the comet. The science objectives of the (B) risk reviews conducted in 2013 to prepare the US Rosetta mission are to study the origin of comets, the Rosetta Project for exit from hibernation; (C) ESA and relationship between cometary and interstellar material, NASA preparations for use of NASA Deep Space Network understand the origin and evolution of the solar system, and (DSN) assets related to keyword files. 1,2 perform asteroid science en route. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Rosetta spacecraft was launched from the Guiana Space Centre on 2 March 2004 in an Earth-escape trajectory with a 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 1 complicated set of gravity assists including Earth swing-bys 2. 2009 HIBERNATION PREPARATIONS ..................... 1 in March 2005, November 2007, and November 2009, and a 3. 2013 RISK REVIEWS .............................................. 7 Mars swing-by in February 2007 to accumulate the delta-V 4. ESA/NASA COLLABORATION ON DSN KEYWORDS: 2006-2014 .................................................................. 8 needed to match the spacecraft's heliocentric orbit with that of the comet. This trajectory provided for flybys and science opportunities at asteroid 2867 Steins in 2008 and asteroid 21 1 Lutetia in 2010 [1]. The present mission plan calls for 978-1-4799-1622-1/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE. 2 IEEEAC paper #2432, Version 5, Updated October 7, 2013 rendezvous with 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on 22 May 1 Figure 1. Trajectory of the Rosetta Mission. Hibernation takes place at aphelion (lower left area of the trajectory, for approximately 40 months, after the post-Lutetia maneuver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c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¶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³XSVHW´ RU ³UHVHW´ HYHQWV SHUIRUPHG VXFFHVVIXOO\ LQ -DQXDU\ 7KH 5RVHWWD RFFXUUHG²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able 1. Alice operations and consumables: October 2010. PLVVLRQSODQQLQJDFWLYLWLHV7KHPLVVLRQPXVWHPHUJHIURP KLEHUQDWLRQ UHDG\ IRU SULPH PLVVLRQ VFLHQFH ,QVWUXPHQW /DXQFK 0DUFK FRQFHUQV HQWHULQJ WKLV SKDVH RI WKH PLVVLRQ LQFOXGHG 2SHUDWLRQWLPH GD\V KRXUV JXDUDQWHHV RI D VWDEOH WKHUPDO HQYLURQPHQW DQG VRPH AliceSRZHUHG21 aWLPHVIRUDWRWDORIaKRXUV PHFKDQLFDO LVVXHV ZLWK ORQJGXUDWLRQ DQG FROG QRQDFWLYLW\ +936WXUQHG21 aWLPHVIRUDWRWDORIaKRXUV ZLWKFHUWDLQGRRUV7KLVSDSHUVXPPDUL]HVWKHVFLHQFHWHDP DFTXLVLWLRQV DFTXLVLWLRQVIRUDWRWDORI SODQQLQJRSHUDWLRQVDQGWHVWVSHUIRUPHGWRSUHSDUHWKH86 KRXUVRIH[SRVXUHWLPH 5RVHWWD 3URMHFW IRU ORQJGXUDWLRQ KLEHUQDWLRQ RQERDUG WKH $SHUWXUHGRRUIODSV aLQIOLJKWaWRWDO 5RVHWWDVSDFHFUDIW WRGDWH Qualified for >10,000 in mission. Expect a total of ~1100 flaps before comet arrival Both in flight and ground efforts to reproduce the upsets or bed utilized v2.07 and was unable to reproduce the upsets, determine the underlying cause were pursued. A repeat of but it appears that earlier software versions were executing the PC8 Interference Campaign timeline during which Alice when the upset
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