Celebrate Council cuts Happy festive season to all learning Campaign our members ...especially to those New course mounts as we PUBLIC programme face ‘worst delivering services over the holiday for 2016 out cuts in living WORKS: now - p2 memory’ p2-3 a million voices for public UNISON services in December 2015 No.117 scottish council activists bulletin Use these stories in your branch newsletter or circulate the pdf version to members THE LAW THAT AIMS TO ‘CLOSE UNIONS DOWN’ Communications Awards 2015 on’t be too modest! Enter Dthe 2015 UNISON Scotland Communications Awards. Not only is this competition a good opportunity to Beat the give you and your branch some well- deserved recognition for the excellent work you do, but it will also help us build a stronger union by sharing best practice, your anti-union innovative ideas and your enthusiasm. The categories are: l Best Printed Publication l Best Campaign l Best online presence l Special Recruitment Prize As usual, the UNISON bill ‘family’ is sponsoring the awards with cash prizes of £150 for first, then £100 and £50. by John Stevenson Branches and self organised SiU editor groups can enter at www.unison-scotland.org.uk/comms e should call by Friday 15 January 2016. Wthe Trade The awards will be presented Union Bill exactly at the February Scottish Council what it is, an anti- meeting. union bill, Scottish UNISON branches St Andrew’s day were told in a Defeating Refugees welcome campaign briefing SANTA RECRUITS FOR UNISON: UNISON’s Mrs Santa and elves ‘the bill is a brought festive cheer to Kilmarnock’s Crosshouse hospital last week and UH Ayr at the union’s Scottish Council. responsibility the week before, and recruited 22 new members into the bargain!. Peter Hunter, regional that rests with He welcomed pledges on their austerity cuts either. will be fought and won by manager, told delegates: us - we must from employers in “If we shelter behind the union.” “A Trade Union Bill Scotland who say they their rhetoric we’ll soon Peter outlined a three would set out measures lead from the will not comply with the find that’s no shelter at stage campaign now that empowering workers to front’ Peter Hunter law but warned that only all. Defeating the bill is a the bill is going through organise for their mutual the trade union campaign responsibility that rests the Lords. Marchers braved the weather in benefit. the legislation the name it would beat the bill. with us. A campaign we The union will oppose, and Aberdeen (above) “This bill aims to stop deserves. “The government and must lead from the front. resist and if necessary on 28 November for the STUC St us in our tracks. It aims to “This bill is the anti- employers won’t “Employers and mitigate through grass Andrew’s day rally against racism. close unions down. As union bill. There can be ‘willingly’ implement the Government support is roots organisation. This year’s theme was ‘Refugees with the Poll Tax we give no other name.” bill but they’re not that keen welcome, but the victory Turn to Page 2 Welcome Here’ as the first Syrian refugees arrived in Scotland.

government would: “Never Corbyn and Sturgeon say the bill must go ever employ agency workers to undermine rousing STUC rally We only realise Westminster, not the suits strike action. Ain Glasgow on 10 in the boardrooms, not the “If this bill is passed we December brought a ‘our power, when billionaires ensconced in are going to do everything in united front against we stand together their tax havens. You, the our power to make sure it the anti-union bill. as one’ Jeremy Corbyn people. will not succeed. We will not Labour leader Jeremy “But we only realise our stand by and let this bill Corbyn pledged to repeal speech to 2,000 people in power, when we stand undermine the relationship the bill if it becomes law the Royal Concert Hall, together as one”, he said. we have with trade unions.” and to introduce a positive Jeremy Corbyn pointed out “We will defeat this The rally also heard charter for workers' rights. that we already have the government, we will defeat from Mike Kirby, UNISON First Minister Nicola most restrictive labour laws austerity, we will repeal this Scottish Secretary, and Sturgeon said Holyrood Jeremy Corbyn in Europe but now the Nicola Sturgeon bill and, together, we can and Chris Stephens, a long time would continue to argue would be second best to it Tories are moving further: He said democracy we will build a better society.” UNISON activist and now that the bill should not not applying anywhere.” “They are trying to take means the people have the Nicola Sturgeon MP who leads for the SNP apply to Scotland but “that In an inspirational away your voice for good.” power: “Not the Tories in promised the Scottish on the bill at Westminster. www.unison-scotland.org.uk ScotlandinUNISON page 2 december 2015 College staff Respond to SSSC codes of practice consultation NISON Scotland’s The amended codes of practice first hand how the regulator they have no sanctions at their to vote on USocial Work Issues are now out for consultation, responds to our members when disposal where breaches occur. Group (SWIG) will call for along with proposals from the they are alleged to have breached “We think this needs to change new pay offer social service employers SSSC to move away from a their Codes of Practice. and the Strategic Review Group conduct based model of “We have supported many has been looking closely at this.” NISON Scotland’s Further to face sanctions if they regulation to a fitness to practise members, some of whom have Kate also urged members in Education Committee is to breach their codes of U model which can take into ended up at conduct hearings social work to come to their recommend acceptance of a practice in the same way new pay offer won after as social work staff are account of issues such as ill- facing deregistration and the UNISON rep right away if they are health which may temporarily ending of their career. being investigated by the SSSC. members in colleges threatened held accountable through impact on workers’ ability to do “In some of these cases, the “Before members reply to any industrial action. their regulator, the Members will have the final say on their jobs. employer has also breached their allegations of misconduct it is Scottish Social Services Kate said, “UNISON is urging codes of practice, and although essential that they seek advice from in a ballot from 7 to 21 January 2016. Council (SSSC). In November staff resoundingly our members to respond to the we can refer to that in our defence their steward or branch officer The SSSC are currently consultation which has a closing of our members, there seem to be immediately.” rejected the ‘final’ offer from the first reviewing their codes of practice ever round of Scottish pay negotiations date of 15 Jan 2016 and can be no mechanisms to investigate and She also called on members to for workers and employers and and called for an action ballot. That found at: www.sssc.uk.com by to hold them properly to account. encourage their colleagues to join SWIG member Kate Ramsden moved the employers’ to a clicking on ‘consultations’. “The Care Inspectorate is UNISON if they are not already significantly improved the offer sits on the Strategic Review “As a trade union we know at supposed to have that role but members. which now includes: Group on behalf of UNISON. The Living Wage from 1 April 2015 (moving to full accreditation for Anti-union bill all 26 colleges by December 2016). Celebrate learning as new Pay: A £300 consolidated flat rate From Page 1 rise from 1 April 2015 for all those Mass opposition has had a earning under £31k. This improves the course programme launched visible impact in the Commons offer for those earning £21 to £29k; 1% and the union is now opposing for the minority of support staff who by targeted lobbying of the earn over £30k; an unconsolidated 2015 by Nancy Kelly Lords on a host of technical rise of the same value to those on local Regional Organiser issues and maintaining the mass pay protection. campaign and that must be elegates from UNISON Leave and hours: Two days carefully co-ordinated. branches across additional ‘unconsolidated’ leave for all D It is essential that any contact for 2015 only and a minimum of 27 Scotland came to the with Lords is planned and days annual leave from 1 April 2015. union’s annual Celebrate coordinated through the Standardisation of a 35 hour week by 1 Learning Day in Edinburgh national campaign via the April 2016. on 1 December. Scottish Secretary. A spokesperson for UNISON They were welcomed by The aim is still to defeat the Scotland’s FE committee said: “On the chair and vice-chair of the bill but if it is enacted we will balance the FE Committee see the Learning and Organising need to resist through negotiating 2015 offer as a good platform to Committee, Lawrence Hunter commence national bargaining. now for commitments from and Maggie Cook. “We will build on this in 2016 to employers to resist some or all of achieve a flat rate settlement for all The guest speaker was the measures in the bill. staff across FE and to establish a fair Teresa Donegan, UNISON’s And if elements of the bill are pay and grading model and a set of new national head of learning enacted, branches will need to common term and conditions in FE and organising services who mitigate the effects through co- across Scotland.” set out the challenges facing ordinated organising and John Gallacher, Scottish Organiser us in delivering opportunities recruiting on the ground. and lead officer for the Sector, added: for members and activists. As its stands the bill would “2015 is the first step towards fairer pay The 2016 Activists stop subs deductions from across further education in Scotland. Programme for Scotland was wages, limit how unions can use UNISON Scotland will be at the launched and welcomed by their funds, interfere with facility vanguard of taking this forward and all. time and set ballot thresholds arguing for fair funding for the poor that will effectively remove the relation of Scottish tertiary education.” The programme is available on the UNISON right to strike. Scotland website at Delegates hard at work David Ng Hop www.unison-scotland.org.uk/ at the launch - and the Personal injury NISON’s Scottish Council was education/ new course programme settlements saddened to hear of the death Delegates then had the U NISON Scotland won of David Hop earlier this month. opportunity to attend two very These were warmly £126,213 in personal David held various interesting workshops - one on received and everyone U roles in the City of the anti-trade union bill and signed up to the learning injury settlements for Edinburgh branch and one on learning resources UNISON website at members in November 2015 at Scottish level available online. learning.unison.org.uk/ alone. including being secretary of the North Lanark fight for services jobs and conditions Scottish Black Members Committee and and the NISON’s North our sister unions for big set Scottish Disabled Members ULanarkshire branch is piece events like rallies and Committee. fighting council cuts which marches. Crucially we have He was on the STUC Black if passed would mean the been talking to local press and Members Committee at one time and loss of 1,100 full time using social media to make sure also served on UNISON’s Learning equivalent posts, the that we are responding to and Organising and International privatisation of services, council spin on what their plans Committees. and a reduction in take are.” He was also active in the Labour and home pay for some Marie continued “We have Cooperative Parties and the UNISON workers. been ready and prepared to act Scotland Labour Link Committee. The proposals also include on behalf of our members for Sarah Boyack MSP led the tributes at funding cuts of 15% to its months by planning the his funeral on 14 December. arms-length organisations, message and being ready to David had been suffering from North Lanarkshire Leisure and respond once the detail had cancer and colleagues Ravi Nathan Culture NL which will impact services destroyed. intend to build momentum been announced. snd Hamid Rasheed had visited him on UNISON members. Branch Secretary Marie involving the community using “We’re determined to make shortly before his death. In response to the council’s Quigley said: “It is vital that we clear messages, a consistent the council think again over Hamid said of David: “He was a proposals the branch has once get our messages across to all approach to materials, these cuts and to meet our red trade unionist for the same reason we again geared up for a massive UNISON members and the mobilisation of members at line positions of no compulsory should all be, that is to try to make campaign which will not only wider community in general. street stalls, lobbying redundancies, no cuts to terms things better for our fellow workers include UNISON members, but “We have built up councillors at surgeries, and and conditions, no privatisation and citizens. The thoughts of us all also community groups and campaigning skills and signing petition letters. of services and no reductions to are with David’s family and friends.” residents who will see local resources over the years and we “We are also working with take home pay.” page 3 december 2015 ScotlandinUNISON Tayside health branch wins low pay victory Welfare seminar

by Danny Phillips They will receive four years members and a major step within Tayside. It shows what ‘great success’ Communications Officer back pay from February 2012. forward to fulfilling UNISON’s can be achieved when we all by Andy Douglas All other Band 1 staff in commitment to improve the work together.” ‘There For You’ Trustee NISON Tayside NHS NHS Tayside will have a job lives of our low paid NHS NHS Tayside has also given a UHealth branch has review in line with Agenda for members in Tayside. commitment to the branch to ver 25 welfare officers and agreed a re-grading for all Change. They will get back pay “We should be proud of the begin discussion on Band 2 Omembers of the Welfare Band 1 staff. from July 2015. fact that we were able to Health Assistants roles. UNISON Committee attended the annual UNISON NHS laundry Raymond Marshall, joint achieve this working in full is seeking to ensure that all Band Welfare Seminar in November. members who are currently on branch secretary of UNISON partnership using the Agenda 2 Healthcare Assistant roles are Also present was Julie Grant, head Band 1 pay scale, will be re- Tayside Healthcare branch, for Change process. And this reviewed and developed to meet of There for You (UNISON’s own evaluated to the top increment said: “This is a tremendous has been achieved without any the current and future patient care welfare charity) and Jane Clack from of Band 2 by February 2016. victory for all our Band 1 disruption to our health services models. Payplan and UNISON debtline. The seminar was a great success with Council cuts will bring greater burden on NHS

uts to vital council Cservices will lead to poorer health and greater Andy Douglas and Welfare chair burdens on the NHS in Adanna McCue make a special coming years, says presentation to Maureen Whitelaw UNISON Scotland’s Local Government Committee. speakers covering areas of loan sharks, As councils prepare to update in welfare benefits, case studies introduce the worst package of and information sharing. cuts in living memory there are Lila Sneddon (South Lanarkshire) real concerns that with the gave a lovely recap of her welfare career reduction in services the health and Paul O’Donnell (Gas branch) gave of children, older people and an excellent talk on his expectations as a the disabled will suffer. new welfare officer. Inez Teece, vice-chair of the A special presentation was held for committee said: “All politicians Maureen Whitelaw of Stirling UNISON. are telling us that cuts have to Maureen has been involved in UNISON be made but of course Welfare for over 25 years and has governments and opposition helped hundreds of members throughout that time. MSPs alike always talk about Edinburgh branch backed Glasgow’s lobby of the on 10 protecting the NHS. Maureen will be retiring from her December to urge an end to the policy on restricting funding for council services “However when councils are welfare role in the branch in February forced to close public toilets, illness amongst children. Committee is writing to the Scottish budget ‘protecting 2016 and will be succeeded by Pam reduce the standard of cleaning in “And of course, cuts in Scottish Government calling on health’ includes protecting Campbell who also attended the schools and nurseries and cut the social work day care centres them to ensure that in the these vital council services. seminar. number of school support and libraries will mean assistants there is an impact on greater social isolation for Day of protest against cuts Cordia janitors the health of the community. older people leading to the ocal government protests, stalls, and other “A poorer cleansing service, likelihood of a greater burden branches will mount a initiatives. They are being in conditions less grounds maintenance L on doctors and other health ‘day of protest’ in the new encourage to use workers clearing dog dirt and services. year to highlight the effect facebook, twitter and other dispute ballot fewer environmental health “These cuts are a false of massive council cuts. social media to publicise inspections of shops and economy, storing up trouble for Each branch will the events and the real chool janitors, members of restaurants will inevitably lead the future.” organise different stunts, effects of cuts on services. SUNISON’s Glasgow City to increases in disease and The Local Government branch, are being balloted on action after their employer Cordia refused to pay Working Context UNISON welcomes NHS apprenticeship award and Demands (WCD) payments worth between £500 and over by Watty Gaffney Comms & Campaigns Cttee £1,000. The official ballot asks members if kills Development they are prepared to take action short of SScotland have awarded strikes and also if they will take strike NHS Greater Glasgow & action if there is a need to escalate. Clyde Public Sector The action short of strike would Employer of the Year 2015 involve refusing tasks like weeding, litter for showing exceptional picking, snow clearing, salt spreading, commitment to the Modern leaf clearing, heavy lifting, spillage Apprenticeship programme. clearing and animal clearing. UNISON 100 modern apprentices says these duties are associated with the (MAs) have been employed workers’ ‘working context’. across 13 different frameworks Brian Smith, Glasgow City branch - in both clinical and non- secretary, said: “Cordia are using clinical roles. spurious arguments to justify not All receive mentor support paying this non-core payment. and are given role-specific UNISON branch secretary Cathy Miller (front row fifth from left) with the apprentices UNISON is very clear that school training packages which janitors meet the scoring criteria to be ultimately lead to SQA with the means to recruit young sponsoring a Modern “UNISON NHS Glasgow awarded a WCD payment.” qualifications. people into permanent Apprentice of the Year prize. Clyde and CVS Branch is The action aims to force Cordia into Cathy Miller, branch employment within our “All of these apprentices proud to have sponsored and offering an acceptable WCD payment. secretary of UNISON NHS organisation. have gone on to secure posts supported these apprentices A UNISON letter to members says: Glasgow Clyde and CVS “I am pleased that NHS within the organisation or over the last three years, and “Your claim is modest and just. Please Branch, said: “Modern GGC & CVS Branch supports have chosen to progress to will continue to support this have your say and return your paper Apprenticeships provide us the Board’s MA programme by further education. innovative programme.” NOW! Vote YES and YES!” page 4 december 2015 ScotlandinUNISON UNISON made it clear what we Thousands march for climate, justice and jobs would like to see in Scotland. l At least 80% reduction in by Hamid Rasheed opportunity to addressing the rally, said: greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. International Committee lead the way “UNISON is clear in its l Statutory targets of at least NISON Green Network on reducing understanding that climate change 3% year on year emission Umembers alongside greenhouse is the greatest threat facing the reductions, including emissions some 5,000 climate activists gas emissions world’s poor, yet it is countries from international aviation and representing 60 different and to make a like our own who are responsible. shipping. huge “Here in Scotland we five organisations braved cold, l Strong targets for the public difference to million people are responsible for high winds and rain to join sector to lead by example with the millions of as much CO2 emissions as 150 Scotland’s Climate March in negotiated green workplace people million people in Bangladesh. agreements. Edinburgh on 28 November. Fiona Montgomery, Margaret Gallacher, and Hamid globally “We believe in keeping the rise A UNISON Green Network The march was part of a global Rasheed brave the weather at the march whose lives in global temperature below 2°C member said: “The UK climate campaign ahead of the COP21 The marchers sent a simple and livelihoods are already being otherwise hundreds of millions movement has united around three meeting of 200 countries in Paris message to the developed impacted by climate change. will face drought, floods, key slogans - climate, justice and to try to agree a deal on cutting countries, that by agreeing to a UNISON Scotland deputy starvation and disease.” jobs - mirroring the Public Service greenhouse gas emissions. deal; they must avail the convener Stephen Smellie, Stephen added that long ago International demands.”

NURSING CONFERENCE Speak up against police cuts Campaign for NISON is calling for Police staff are leaving Usenior Scottish on voluntary redundancy Retired Members conference call the profession police to speak out with packages with their jobs senior police in being subsumed into the and the NHS England and Wales remaining staff and when by Gordon McKay about the risk that there are not enough staff NEC and Ayrshire & Arran Health budget cuts present to left to carry out the task at public safety. hand, it falls to a police his year’s UNISON Scotland UNISON members are officer. This is backfilling. TNursing and Midwifery increasingly frustrated that David continued: “Police Conference again saw a packed nobody senior in Police Scotland may deny there is audience of nursing members who Scotland will even question a policy, but backfilling is listened to and engaged with a the pledge to maintain an now common place. How number of high profile speakers extra 1,000 police officers can the cost of redundancy who are setting the political, while having to make on top of the cost of an professional and clinical agenda for £1.1bn savings from officer on a higher rate of nursing in Scotland. budget. No one at a senior pay be justified? In reality Speakers included Jamie Hepburn, Minister level is willing to speak out this is happening and has for Health Improvement and Mental Health, and say this cannot be done. been happening for a and Jenny Marra, Labour spokesperson on David Malcolm, Scottish number of years. Equalities which includes health. Police branch “If a job needs done we From nursing, speakers were Ben Whur communications officer need the right person with the of the Nursing and Midwifery Council on said: “Despite ample skills to do it, at the best value Nurse Revalidation, Professor Ros Crocket opportunity at the Scottish for public money. We will cottish Retired Member STUC offices at 30 Woodlands the recently retired Director Of Nursing Parliament Police and continue to speak out against delegates (above) had a Road Glasgow. and Midwifery at NHS Greater Glasgow S and Clyde who spoke on the future Justice committee no-one backfilling, and the wholesale strong presence at their Sue Chalmers, Scottish Retired direction of nursing in Scotland, and Gail from Police Scotland has reduction of police staff. national conference in Members secretary, urged Adams Head of Nursing in UNISON who taken the government to “When will we see those members to mark the date in Brighton in October. Now it’s delivered a talk on safe staffing levels. task. They bury the issues at the top of Police Scotland time to plan for the Scottish advance: “Full details and delegate Eddie Fraser Director of Health and Social under a plethora of make a stand for police conference in April 2016. nomination forms will be sent out Care in East Ayrshire and John Gallacher, management speak. staff, police officers and our The UNISON Scotland to branches by the beginning of regional manager with UNISON Scotland, members against this blame “UNISON is the only conference will be held on February - please put the date in debated the future of health and social care one who is saying what is shirking Scottish Wednesday 13 April 2016 at the your diary NOW!” provision in Scotland. happening.” Government?” While all the speakers were leaders in their field, and it is a sign of the influence and respect that UNISON commands that Build links to save democracy in Turkey every year such high quality speakers line NISON’s Scottish Scores of trade union Turkish government wants to activists and members are up to speak, it was the contribution from UCouncil has voted to activists and members attack trade unions. currently held in maximum UNISON nurse members that really set the ‘ tone for the day with their expert build links with Turkish “They want to silence security prisons just for carrying unions KESK and DISK and are held in maximum opposition against the war, crush out trade union activities.” contributions and questions. to urge the Scottish and UK security prisons just Kurdish self-determination, quash Margaret stressed that Questions on the Trade Union Bill governments to push the for carrying out trade workers’ rights and subjugate UNISON members building elicited a commitment from Labour that Turkish AKP government to union activities’ women’s rights”, said Margaret. links and exchanges with KESK not only would they oppose the bill but restart the peace process “Women trade unionists and DISK and pressurising our would repeal it when in office. It was good with the Kurds and promote women’s groups, writers, artists denouncing violence against governments to act could have a to hear the SNP’s opposition but peace and democracy. and journalists. women are regularly repressed significant effect. disappointing that they would not pledge It also sent condolences to “The AKP government also particularly during celebrations “Although sometimes it’s not to refuse to implement it from Holyrood. families and colleagues of those aims to create state-controlled like International Women’s Day that obvious, the Turkish On nurse revalidation the view from killed in the Ankara bombing on government friendly trade unions the UN International Day for government still cares about UNISON was that while it presented no 10 October when 105 died and and oppress authentic trade unions the Elimination of Violence international opinion so we problems as regards achievability for our 400 were injured at a trade such as KESK and DISK.” Against Women. must use that to reinforce nurse members it did not really enhance union organised ‘workers for It was no surprise that the “Scores of trade union democracy in Turkey.” the profession or increase public safety. peace’ rally. The overwhelming message from the Unions lay responsibility for Inverclyde Christmas cinema treat day was that our members were proud to the bombings on the words and be nurses and proud of the NHS but that it NISON’s Inverclyde for the kids and The Coopers actions of the AKP government. was only by campaigning for both the branch has found a for the grown-ups. The government has since used U profession and the NHS that both would novel way of bringing UNISON stewards decorated continue in their present form, and that the excuse of a threat of terrorism the cinema with tinsel and together members from UNISON was the only health trade union to attack freedom and democracy, five employers with a UNISON balloons and the who could do that on a service wide basis. including media bans and shutting Christmas cinema treat. programme was preceded by a down social media. For the the second year the short powerpoint about the Margaret Gallacher, South branch worked with the union’s activities. of them”, said UNISON social We want to hear your news Lanarkshire branch, told Waterfront cinema in Greenock “We have been trying to convener Veronica SiU is your paper, we want to hear your delegates: “Our motion notes to bring 800 members and find ways to bring our Rassmussen. “We were stories. Contact John Stevenson (Editor) the violent attacks on political families to the movies. This membership together which is overwhelmed with the [email protected] opponents and trade unions, year it was The Good Dinosaur no easy task as there is 1,700 demand.” Danny Phillips [email protected]

Published by UNISON Scottish Council, 14 West Campbell Street, Glasgow G2 6RX. Origination by FLESH Ltd 11, Rutland Street, Edinburgh EH1 2DQ