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Lesley University DigitalCommons@Lesley Lesley College Current Special Collections and Archives Summer 1983 Lesley College Current (Summer,1983) Lesley College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lesley.edu/lesley_current Recommended Citation Lesley College, "Lesley College Current (Summer,1983)" (1983). Lesley College Current. 53. https://digitalcommons.lesley.edu/lesley_current/53 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections and Archives at DigitalCommons@Lesley. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lesley College Current by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Lesley. For more information, please contact digitalcommons@lesley.edu. The LE§LEYCOLLEgE CUJWNT Summer 1983 Jeannette Davidson Eaton, '33, and Barbara Ramsey Dudley, '33, pore over The Les/eyan at the Alumni Weekend Luncheon . Alumni New Alumni Plan Unveiled Responding to a mandate from start-up, a referendum for ratifica President Don Orton and the Board tion, and a request for nominations of Trustees, the ad hoc Alumni for Council members. The ad hoc Steering Committee has completed Alumni Steering Committee hopes its task of designing a new and that the alumni will read the by-laws dynamic organizational structure for carefully and will participate in rati the Lesley College Alumni Associa fication of this new model by voting tion and is entering the implementa in the referendum. On the same tion stage. Working diligently since ballot is space for alumni to volun October 1982, the Committee teer for nomination or to suggest sought to develop an organization others for consideration by the which would promote a relationship Nomination Committee, as candi of mutual benefit to the alumni and Jennifer Page, Vice President of External Relations, introduced members of the ad hoc Alumni Steer• dates for elected positions on the the College. Ing Committee (left to right): Lorraine Blondes Shapiro, '42, Naomi Neiman Fruitt, '64, Michelle Council. Starting with a small nucleus Nadeau, '82, Julie Paige, '76, '78G, Barbara Aschheim, '82G, and Hannah Roberts, Director of Alumni Relations. The ad hoc Alumni Steering appointed by President Orton, the Committee hopes that the ratifica Committee first examined its own The organizational model itself With the ink drying on the final tion and elections will proceed in a composition and invited other will have several special features; copy of the by-laws, the ad hoc timely fashion; once the Council is participants to join, in order to gain most prominent is the Alumni Coun Steering Committee has turned its duly elected, the Steering Commit greater diversity among its mem cil, the chief policy-making body of attention to the complex task of tee will be able to disband and pro bers. Actively participating on the the Association. A major role of the helping the new Association to enter vide encouragement and support for Committee were Barbara Aschheim , Council will be to set annual prior a start-up phase. The Committee the new Association. - Jennifer '82G, Naomi Neiman Fruitt, '64, ities for the Association and oversee has developed a "Start-up Plan," ap Page and Hannah Roberts. Michelle Nadeau, '82, Julie Paige, its activities. Council membership proved by President Orton. This '76 and '78G, Lorraine Blondes will include ten regional representa plan includes the appointment of the Shapiro, '42, Paula Sherin Stahl, tives, two each from five geographic Nomination and Election Committee '68, Denise Galvin Swan, '67, regions across the country. (The five and a time-line for the nominations An Open Letter Margery Stone Tanzer-Glou, '64, and elections of Council members. and, representing the College, The Start-up Plan also provides for From President Hannah Roberts, Director of Alumni "more channels for direct variable terms for some Council Relations, and Jennifer Page, Vice participation" members in order to phase in the Don Orton President for External Relations. staggered terms provided for in the After studying the responses from by-laws, and a strategy for ratifying As the ad hoc Alumni Steering geographic regions have been deter its questionnaire, (see The Current, the new by-laws. Committee enters the final phase of Winter /Spring, '83) the Committee mined roughly by the percentage of its assignment, I sincerely thank its alumni living in each area.) Six Members of the Nomination and found several mandates from the Election Committee in the start-up members for the tremendous alumni for the design of a new asso representatives from the three amount of work they have done on academic divisions of the College phase will be drawn from those in ciation. It noted that alumni were dividuals who volunteered for this an important and complex task. (two each from the Undergraduate particularly concerned that the new assignment, either on the 1983 After reading the new by-laws and a School, the Graduate School, and Association reflect the regional, Alumni Questionnaire or at Alumni draft of the policies and procedures PMBI) will be elected to the Council. school, and decade diversity of its Weekend. Approximately twenty-five handbook, I am convinced that Two Alumni Trustees, nominated to members. alumni have expressed an interest in Lesley College and its alumni are the Board of Trustees by the Alumni participating; at this writing they are entering a new and exciting relation body as a whole, will also sit on the " ... to be a dynamic network being polled to verify their continu ship-one that will benefit both. Alumni Council. ing interest in being a part of this I hope that you will take a few With the Council scheduled to of all alumni'' important implementation phase. Ad moments to read the by-laws and meet three times a year, there will hoc committee members were de the related articles in this Current . be extensive on-going committee Then I hope you will rally behind With their work now almost lighted to see that volunteers for the work by standing and ad hoc com Lesley's restructured Alumni Asso complete, Committee members Nomination and Election Committee mittees. Each standing committee ciation by participating in the commented on how the new came from many parts of the coun chairperson will be a member of the ratification process and by making Association will be different. try. Volunteers also represent many Alumni Council; membership of suggestions to the Nomination Com Highlights include: decades of graduates from both the committees will be a mix of Council mittee. We will need many creative, • The new Association will reflect a Undergraduate and Graduate members and other alumni volun dedicated, and enthusiastic partici new kind of partnership, for the Schools. (At the time of the ques teers. Standing committees will pants in this new Association and first time bringing together alum tionnaire, there were no graduates organize alumni involvement in such we turn to you, the alumni, for ideas ni from all parts of the College. areas as placement, admissions, from PMBI. The Steering Commit • A national leadership council will tee will seek PMBI participants for and involvement. fund raising, Alumni Weekend, and The Alumni Association will pro be formed, representative of special programs. the Nomination and Election Com mittee.) vide alumni many opportunities to school-affiliation, and geographic Alumni will be encouraged to or and decade diversity. stay in touch with each other. I look ganize local alumni chapters. Each forward to lending my support to the • The new Association will provide chapter will design its own annual "a relationship of mutual more channels for direct partici new Council and, with each of you, program, reflective of the interests to helping Lesley College maintain pation by alumni in on-going of alumni in that area. Regional rep benefit to the College work of the College and the its reputation as a strong and re- . resentatives will serve as resources and the alumni" spected institution. - Don Orton Association. for• chapters in their region. • Alumni will have more opportuni ty for networking. Elsewhere in this issue of The Current, readers will find the full text of the new by-laws, the plan for 2 1983 Alumni Weekend Seminars State of the College Report transferable skills from human services Alumni Luncheon courses in computers and specialized in are constantly used in management," mathematics. She later became well On June 11 of Alumni Weekend she said, "planning, organizing, motivat At the Luncheon, Kitty Dukakis, '63, acquainted with the Apple and learned President Don Orton opened the ing people, and evaluating. Look at your spoke on "Women in the 80s." LOGO as a graduate student in Lesley's program and gave a warm welcome background and your skills, and see "I encourage each of you to set a goal Computers in Education Program. Today to all alumni. In his State of the what you can apply to a management outside of yourself," she said. "My two she is chairman of the Computer particular interests are the plight of the College Address he spoke about the job." Advisory Committee at Belmont Informational interviews and intern homeless in the Commonwealth and the and teaches two computer science advances Lesley has made since refugees of the world." 1960. For example, the Full-Time ships are also helpful. Taking an courses at the high school. organizational behavior course is "Many of you are the daughters or Jennifer Howland, '82G, today is Equivalent Enrollment at Lesley has another possibility. "Management is a granddaughters of refugees," she con Assistant Creative Manager of the Chil increased from 407 students in potpourri," said Nancy. ''Target the area tinued. "Our ancestors didn't take their dren's Computer Workshop in New 1960-61 to 1,722 in 1982-83. To off . you want to go into. I chose to be a de country or education for granted, and York.