Potential Risk of Tree Regeneration Failure-AGUS SUSATYA - [email protected] - Email Universitas Bengkulu
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7/29/2021 Researcch article: Potential risk of tree regeneration failure-AGUS SUSATYA - [email protected] - Email Universitas Bengkulu [email protected] 898 Researcch aicle: Potential risk of tree regeneration failure-A Agus Susatya <[email protected]> kepada unsjournals Dear editors. Attached files are my research article intended to be published in BIODIVERSITAS. First file consists of cover letter and main manuscript. Second file contains supplements (list of species 1 hopefully, it will be published on BIODIVERSITAS. best regard Agus Susatya Head of ecology and conservation div. Dept of Forestry UNIB. mobile; +62 85236506354 2 Lampiran Tidak konta https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=rm&ogbl#search/unsjournals%40gmail.com/LXphbRLrghxkrJmvHlrrcKBqtLxmttpzVfDBRRlBpNq 1/1 7/29/2021 Email Universitas Bengkulu - Fwd: edited tree regeneration article Agus Susatya <[email protected]> Fwd: edited tree regeneration article 3 pesan Managing Editor <[email protected]> 18 Agustus 2018 05.07 Kepada: Agus Susatya <[email protected]> Please, find attached file for comment. Kindly use "CLEAN/without track change" file to improve the mss. The improved mss is awaited. Thank you, Regards, Ahmad Dwi Setyawan Managing Editor, - Biodiversitas, Journal of Biological Diversity (biodiversitas.mipa.uns.ac.id) (SCOPUS, DOAJ) - Nusantara Bioscience (biosains.mipa.uns.ac.id/N/index.htm) (Web of Science (ESCI), DOAJ) --- Chairman/Co-Chairman - National Seminar & International Conference on Biodiversity, http://biodiversitas.mipa.uns.ac.id/snmbi.html --- Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Solo 57126, Central Java, Indonesia, Tel. & Fax. +62-271-663375, e-mail: [email protected] ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: .............. Date: 2018-08-18 0:04 GMT+07:00 Subject: edited tree regeneration article To: Managing Editor <[email protected]> Yth Pak Ahmad: Assalamu'alaikum wr wb. Terlampir artikel tree regeneration yang sudah saya edit. Catatan artikel tree regeneration: 1. Artikel ini bagus sekali, pembahasannya komprehensif, menyitir banyak hasil studi lainnya, menunjukkan kepakaran penulisnya. Selain itu, artikel ini menawarkan ide, perlunya menambahkan satutus konservasi secara lokal pada IUCN Redlist. ............. 2. Dalam Results and Discussion, sebagian besar hasil penelitian disajikan dalam present tense. Tense tsb saya ubah ke dalam past tense karena hasil tersebut bersifat spesifik untuk saat https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=c367ee2064&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1609085673601529393&simpl=msg-f%3A16090856736… 1/3 7/29/2021 Email Universitas Bengkulu - Fwd: edited tree regeneration article penelitian berlangsung, yang keadaan bisa berubah dalam perjalanan waktu. Hasil study yang disitir dan teori tetap saya pertahankan dalam bentuk present tense dengan asumsi bahwa yang disampaikan sudah dianggap sebagai kebenaran umum. Jika kita menyajikan hasil penelitian dalam present tense maka kita bersumsi bhw hasil penelitian tersebut bersifat umum. Secara etika, lebih baik kita menyajikan hasil penelitian spesifik kita dalam bentuk past tense (kecuali untuk fakta yang memang berlaku umum atau interpretasi atas data yang akan dibuat generalisasi). 3. Frasa declining its population (baris 261 file asli) saya ganti dengan the population ... is dwindling, dan pada baris 327 frasa declining population saya ubah menjadi dwindling population. Dalam demografi, istilah populasi itu berarti jumlah penduduk, sedangkan dalam ekologi istilah populasi berarti sekelompok individu sejenis. Namun seringkali istilah populasi dalam arti demografi digunakan untuk menunjukkan jumlah individu, misalnya populasi gajah Sumatera menurun (yang dimaksud adalah jumlah gajah Sumatera menurun). Dalam ekologi, untuk menggambarkan jumlah individu dalam populasi bisa digunakan istilah population size (jika jumlah individunya banyak berarti populasinya besar, dan sebaliknya), atau bisa juga population density (jumlah individu per satuan luas banyak berarti kepadatannya tinggi dan sebaliknya). Secara ekologi frasa populasi gajah Sumatera menurun lebih baik diganti dengan kepadatan populasi gajah Sumatera menurun, atau ukuran populasi gajah Sumatera mengecil. Sejalan dengan itu, frasa maintain population (Results and discussion, baris 121, dan 234 file asli) saya ubah jadi maintain its population density. 4. Kata fruits (jamak), di baris 155, saya ubah jadi fruit (tunggal) jika yang dimaksud adalah jumlah buahnya. Kata fruit adalah uncountable jika menyangkut jumlahnya, tapi countable jika menyangkut jenisnya. Fruits berarti buah dari berbagai jenis tumbuhan. 5. Dalam artikel ini banyak digunakan istilah such as (sebagai contoh) untuk merinci suatu kategori. Penggunaan istilah tersebut kurang tepat karena semua item disebutkan dalam rinciannya, maka istilah tersebut saya ganti dengan namely (yaitu). Jika rincian itu belum pasti menyebutkan semua item, maka istilah such as tidak saya ubah. ................ 2 lampiran 03-AUG-WER-edited with track changes The potential risk of tree regeneration.doc 456K 03-aug-wer-edited without track changes.doc 424K Agus Susatya <[email protected]> 12 September 2018 14.44 Kepada: Managing Editor <[email protected]> dear editor attached file is corrected file according to edited comments. best regard agus susatya dept of forestry unib [Kutipan teks disembunyikan] https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=c367ee2064&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1609085673601529393&simpl=msg-f%3A16090856736… 2/3 7/29/2021 Email Universitas Bengkulu - Fwd: edited tree regeneration article corrected article forest tree regeneration agus susatya.doc 393K Managing Editor <[email protected]> 13 September 2018 07.35 Kepada: Agus Susatya <[email protected]> Thank you, Regards, Ahmad Dwi Setyawan Managing Editor, - Biodiversitas, Journal of Biological Diversity (biodiversitas.mipa.uns.ac.id) (SCOPUS, DOAJ) - Nusantara Bioscience (biosains.mipa.uns.ac.id/N/index.htm) (Web of Science (ESCI), DOAJ) --- Chairman/Co-Chairman - National Seminar & International Conference on Biodiversity, http://biodiversitas.mipa.uns.ac.id/snmbi.html --- Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Solo 57126, Central Java, Indonesia, Tel. & Fax. +62-271-663375, e-mail: [email protected] [Kutipan teks disembunyikan] https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=c367ee2064&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1609085673601529393&simpl=msg-f%3A16090856736… 3/3 1 The potential risk of tree regeneration failure in species-rich Taba 2 Penanjung lowland rain forest, Bengkulu, Indonesia 3 AGUS SUSATYA 4 Department of Foresty, University of Bengkulu, Indonesia. Jl. WR Supratman, Bengkulu, Indonesia. Email: [email protected] 5 6 Abstract. Tropical lowland rain forest is recognized by its high species richness with very few trees per species. It is also known for 7 having tendency to out crossing of its species with different floral sexualities, which requires the synchronization between flowering of 8 its trees and the presence of pollinators. Such ecological attributes raise possible constraints for the forest trees to regenerate. The 9 objective of the study is was to develop assess the potential risk of failed regeneration for each tree species of the forest. Each of species 10 with dbh of more than 5 cm in a one- ha plot was collected, identified, and further determined its ecological criteria, including rarity, 11 floral sexuality, seed size, and flowering phenology were determined. The potential risk of the failure of regeneration was calculated by 12 summing all scores from Analytical Hierarchical Process of the criteria. The results indicated that the forest consists consisted of 118 13 species belonging to 69 genera and 37 families. Rare species accounted to 52.10% of the total species. Of the 118 species, the 14 potential medium risk category contributed to 38.14 %, and more than 33% one third tree species arewere grouped into very high and 15 high risk or are were more prone to the failed regeneration in the future. All rare dioecious species were categorized into very high and 16 high risks. Only 21 species (17.79%) are listed in 2017’s IUCN red list. Among unevaluated species, 22 and 13 species are were 17 respectively included into very high and high potential risk categories. The results revealed more detailed the potential risk of failed 18 regeneration of tree species, and can serve as basic information to develop proper conservation managements. 19 Keywords: Bengkulu, dioeciousdioecy, hermaphrodite, phenology, rarity, rain forest, risk regeneration. 20 Running title: Risk of tree regeneration failure on in tropical forest 21 INTRODUCTION 22 The presence of tropical rain forests and theirs intangible functions are growing getting more important in the recent 23 years due to their vital roles in providing life-supporting and ecological services such as carbon reserves sequestration, and 24 water resources provision, and as well as in fighting prevention of global warming and its negative impacts. However, 25 their existences are constantly being threatened by economic as well as human population pressures. Indonesian lowland 26 rain forests especially in Sumatra and Kalimantan Islands, have been undergoing rapid deforestration and degradation as 27 the results of conversions into mainly oil palm tree plantations as well as into much simpler tree stand structures of