(2019) 30: 57–67 AN ANNOTATED LIST OF LATE QUATERNARY EXTINCT BIRDS OF CUBA Johanset Orihuela Department of Earth and Environment (Geosciences), Florida International University, Miami, Florida 33199, USA. E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract · Within the Antilles, Cuba has a peculiarly diverse fossil avifauna. However, information on this avifauna is scattered among the specialized literature. Here I provide an updated annotated taxonomic list of the fossil birds from Cuba. This list includes 35 taxa, of which 17 are endemic, 12 actually extirpated, and 6 are undefined species identified only to genus level. The list is richly diverse in raptors with varied adaptations, including giant owls with limited flight and four large barn-owls, all with anatomical adaptations that suggest pronounced ground-dwelling. The raptor list includes five hawks, five falcons, and three vultures. There are also records of an egret, a stork, a crane, a snipe, and a nighthawk. Most species seem to have become extinct in Cuba, probably during the Late Holocene. Resumen · Lista de la avifauna fósil de Cuba Cuba tiene una avifauna fósil peculiarmente diversa. No obstante, la información taxonómica al respecto se encuentra dispersa en la literatu- ra especializada. Se presenta aquí una lista actualizada sobre la taxonomía de la avifauna fósil de Cuba, reconociéndose 35 taxones extintos, incluyendo 17 endémicos y 12 taxones localmente extinguidos o extirpados y 6 taxones identificados solo al nivel de género. Entre la fauna extinguida conocida prevalecen las aves rapaces, incluyendo búhos gigantes, lechuzas y, un teratornítido con adaptaciones que indican capa- cidades nulas o limitadas de vuelo. Además, hay cinco gavilanes, cinco halcones y tres buitres.