ethologyinternational journal of behavioural biology

CURRENT ISSUES – PERSPECTIVES AND REVIEWS Perspectives: Hamilton’s Legacy: Mechanisms of Kin Recognition in Humans Jill M. Mateo

Department of Comparative Human Development, Institute for Mind and Biology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

(Invited Review)

Correspondence Abstract Jill M. Mateo, Department of Comparative Human Development & Institute for Mind and The behavior literature is replete with examples of individuals exhibiting Biology, The University of Chicago, 940 East costly acts that benefit someone else. These examples troubled Darwin so 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. much so that he thought they would be fatal to his theory of natural selec- E-mail: [email protected] tion. A century later, W. D. Hamilton refined that theory by showing, quantitatively, that such acts could be favored if the individuals involved Received: October 18, 2014 were relatives. His theory of inclusive fitness is generally considered one Initial acceptance: November 18, 2014 of the greatest theoretical advances in evolution since Darwin’s time. Less Final acceptance: December 26, 2014 appreciated from Hamilton’s 1964 paper is the hypothesis that mecha- (M. Hauber) nisms favoring accurate kin recognition will also be selected. Here, I doi: 10.1111/eth.12358 review those recognition mechanisms and survey the literature on human kin recognition. Although not often considered, humans both produce Keywords: kin recognition, humans, cues to that vary with genetic relatedness and have perceptual Hamilton, inclusive fitness, discrimination abilities to detect these cues in others and assess that relatedness. The potential functions of these abilities are discussed. Importantly, gaps in our understanding of the development and use of recognition mecha- nisms are noted.

perception of like genes in other individuals, at the Introduction minimum, genes should affect ‘(1) some perceptible Fifty years ago, W. D. Hamilton not only made the feature of the organism, (2) the perception of that fea- most significant refinement to Darwin’s theory of nat- ture, and (3) the social response consequent upon ural selection with his concept of inclusive fitness what was perceived’ (Hamilton 1964b; p. 25). Today, (Hamilton 1964a), but also predicted the evolution of an understanding of kin recognition involves three mechanisms to facilitate the accurate recognition of components: the production of unique phenotypic kin (Hamilton 1964b). He posited that if one ‘could cues, or ‘labels’, the perception of these labels and their learn to recognize those of his neighbors who were degree of correspondence with a ‘recognition template’ really close relatives and could devote his beneficial (these components are the mechanism of recognition), actions to them alone an advantage to inclusive fitness and the action taken by an animal as a function of the would at once appear’ (Hamilton 1964b, p. 21). Kin similarity between its template and an encountered recognition is an unobservable internal process of phenotype (Beecher 1982; Sherman & Holmes 1985; assessing genetic relatedness that is inferred by kin dis- Reeve 1989; Gamboa et al. 1991; Mateo 2003, 2004). crimination, the observable differential treatment of In this essay, honoring the 50th anniversary of Hamil- conspecifics based on cues that vary with relatedness. ton’s theory of inclusive fitness and mechanisms of kin Hamilton posited that if relationships persist, weak recognition, I discuss these processes in humans, selection could favor the evolution of discrimination, briefly summarize behaviors that influence inclusive even among distant kin. He added that although it fitness and then survey the literature on mechanisms may seem improbable that genes could cause the leading to kin-differentiated behaviors.

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Recognition can be based on prior association, as households than are genetic kin (Daly & Wilson 1980, organisms learn the labels of related individuals 1982a), demonstrating clear fitness differentials as a during early development (e.g., siblings) and later dis- function of relatedness. Adoption occurs more fre- criminate these familiar individuals from unfamiliar quently among close kin (r = 0.125–0.25) than more ones, or, organisms can learn their own phenotypes distant kin (r ≤ 0.0625); such acts may constrain and/or those of their familiar kin and later compare or future reproduction by the adopting parent (Silk match the phenotypes of unknown individuals to this 1980). People leave a larger proportion of their estate learned template (phenotype matching). Both mecha- to their close kin than to distant kin or non-kin nisms involve comparisons between phenotypes and (Smith et al. 1987; Judge & Hrdy 1992; see also Kal- templates, but prior association leads to recognition of barczyk-Steclik & Nicinska 2012 for data on financial familiar individuals only, whereas phenotype match- transfers to parents as a function of relatedness). ing, through generalization from templates, permits Genetic fathers also invest more in their children than ‘recognition’ of unfamiliar kin (Holmes & Sherman do stepfathers (e.g., Anderson et al. 1999). Differen- 1982; Sherman et al. 1997; Tang-Martinez 2001; tial financial investments may not be costly to the Mateo 2004). This distinction is important when con- parents, certainly not after death, but can have long- sidering kin-directed behaviors such as nepotism or lasting effects on the offspring, particularly when avoidance, because phenotype matching young. Although helping behaviors (e.g., with hous- allows more refined discrimination among kin classes ing, finances, health) are more likely to be recipro- than does prior association. Note that some species cated among friends, close kin help each other more can utilize both recognition mechanisms (and others) often than distant kin, and larger acts of helping are depending on the age of kin and the context (Mateo more likely to come from kin (e.g., Essock-Vitale & 2008). Finally, phenotype matching would be difficult McGuire 1985; see also Korchmaros 2006). These if production cues do not vary predictably with kin- helping behaviors are not costly in fitness terms and ship, but such cues could be used reliably for recogni- may only have short-term benefits, but demonstrate tion when prior association correlates with that even when the stakes are low, individuals pay relatedness, such as for parent–offspring recognition. attention to kinship and behave differentially. Kin-recognition abilities have been studied most How do humans assess genetic relatedness? Con- broadly in (reviewed in Mateo 2003), ventionally, we know who our kin are because we although several species in other taxa have been ele- grow up with them or our parents inform us (e.g., Lie- gantly studied (birds: Beecher 1988; insects: Getz berman et al. 2007), and the established kinship ter- 1991; Gamboa 1996; Waldman 1991; anurans: Blau- minology of each culture can provide additional stein & Waldman 1992; Pfennig et al. 1999; primates: indicators of relatedness (e.g., Fox 1967). Barring Kazem & Widdig 2013; Pfefferle et al. 2014). Most errors or intentional withholding of information (e.g., empirical studies of kin-recognition mechanisms have in cases of adoption), this is a reliable mechanism. focused on visual and olfactory discrimination of con- Indeed, sharing a parent and growing up together are specifics (see below), but relatedness potentially could excellent cues to relatedness, at least for close kin be assessed through other modalities, such as vibra- (Lieberman et al. 2007). However, humans are capa- tional signaling (e.g., Randall 1993; O’Connell-Ro- ble of using several perceptual modalities and physio- dwell et al. 2007), behavioral cues (e.g., Michener logical cues to discriminate among familiar kin and to 1973; Boncoraglio et al. 2009), or vocalizations (e.g., discriminate among unfamiliar kin and non-kin. Rendall et al. 1996; Insley 2001; Briefer et al. 2012; Akcay et al. 2013). It is important to note that there Visual Modality of Kin Recognition may be multiple, overlapping modalities indicating kinship (e.g., Coleman 2009). Given the reliance of humans on visual cues (indeed, According to Hamilton’s theory of inclusive fitness, there are neural areas that specifically respond to costly behaviors can evolve when the benefit (b)to faces; see below), facial resemblance might be the recipient, devalued by the coefficient of relation- expected to serve as indicators of kinship. Recognition ship (r), is greater than the cost (c) to the actor (rb>c). of offspring would be especially important for appro- Here, benefits and costs are measured in terms of fit- priate allocation of parental investment. Mothers can ness effects (Hamilton 1964a). Among humans, there recognize photographs of their infants within 33 h of are many examples of kin-biased behaviors, although birth, and strangers can match photographs of moth- not all involve costly behaviors. For example, spouses ers to their infants, suggesting a physical resemblance and step children are more likely to be killed in among kin (Porter et al. 1984). Because the mothers

420 Ethology 121 (2015) 419–427 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH J. M. Mateo Kin-Recognition Mechanisms in Humans had direct contact with their infants (X = 4.7 h), their among other methodological differences. For exam- recognition could be at the level of individual (via ple, female preferences for self-resemblant faces familiarity) or kin (via familiarity or phenotype change across the menstrual cycle, perhaps reflecting matching), but the strangers did not have contact shifting benefits of affiliating with kin (DeBruine with the infants, so their ability to match photographs et al. 2005). Finally, prosocial attitudes toward self- is based on kin recognition through phenotype resemblant faces are higher than for twin-resem- matching. Notably, however, in social situations, blant faces and do not differ between mono- and mothers and their families and friends are more likely dizygotic twins (Bressan & Zucchi 2009). American to say a newborn resembles its father more than its siblings report more closeness and prosocial behavior mother, perhaps to reassure the father of paternity toward siblings who more closely resemble them (Daly & Wilson 1982b; Regalski & Gaulin 1993; (Lewis 2011). Thus, facial similarity can affect the McLain et al. 2000; Alvergne et al. 2007). Using pho- nature of social dynamics within families. tographs of children at one, ten, and twenty years of Facial morphing techniques have been used to test age and their parents, Christenfeld & Hill (1995) predictions of inbreeding-avoidance theories; specifi- reported that people can match fathers to 1-yr-olds, cally, people should perceive faces closely resembling consistent with the idea that babies resemble their their family as unattractive (see DeBruine et al. 2008 fathers. However, subsequent efforts to replicate this for a review; see also Rushton & Bons 2005 for genetic study have found that subjects can better match chil- similarity and mate choice as a function of environ- dren to mothers (Nesse et al. 1990; McLain et al. mental factors). Same-sex faces morphed with a per- 2000), to both parents equally well (Bredart & French son’s own face are judged as more attractive than 1999; Bressan & Grassi 2004), or to mothers as new- other faces (DeBruine 2004a), whereas opposite-sex borns and then to same-sex parent starting at 2–3yr morphed faces are judged as more trustworthy but of age (Alvergne et al. 2007). People can also match less attractive for a short-term relationship (DeBruine faces of siblings to whom they are not related (Malo- 2005). Faces that are manipulated to be dissimilar to ney & Dal Martello 2006) and assess the relatedness of an individual (negative resemblance) are rated as less pairs of close and distant kin (e.g., grandparents and trustworthy and attractive (Krupp et al. 2012), which grandchildren, aunts and nephews/nieces; Kaminski the authors suggest could be a mechanism for the et al. 2009). Thus, there appear to be cues to genetic allocation of spite. Individuals rate photographs of relatedness in facial features, but it does not appear their romantic partners morphed with their own pho- that selection has favored newborns to look like (or tograph (beneath the level of detection) as more not look like) their fathers specifically. attractive than partners’ photographs morphed with Because of the risk of cuckoldry and misdirected other individuals’ photographs, consistent with an investment, and known preferential investment in optimal level of outbreeding and inbreeding (Laeng self-resemblant offspring (see above), many studies et al. 2013). have investigated the role of resemblance in hypo- In many taxonomic groups, young learn the fea- thetical social contexts, with mixed results. This tures of parents during critical periods of development work typically involves morphing an image of the and prefer those features in others when reproduc- subject with infant photographs, below the thresh- tively mature, a process called sexual (ten old of conscious detection, and asking the subject a Cate & Vos 1999; Kendrick et al. 2001). In turn, in series of questions about investment in or attraction humans, many studies also have found significant to that infant versus others. Platek and colleagues facial resemblance among married couples, and one found that males would be more likely to invest in study on adopted adult women suggests that such a child whose face had been morphed with their similarities come about through sexual imprinting on own, and would be more likely to adopt it and less opposite-sex parents rather than phenotype matching likely to punish it, whereas women are less affected (Bereczkei et al. 2004; but see Rantala & Mar- by self-resemblance (Platek et al. 2002, 2003, 2004; cinkowska 2011). This preference for self-resemblance Volk 2007). However, other studies have found no in opposite-sex, but not same-sex, individuals by sex difference or that women prefer self-resemblant women may be modulated by self-reports of emo- faces (DeBruine 2004b; Bressan et al. 2009; Welling tional closeness to fathers but not mothers (Watkins et al. 2011). And there is no evidence that males et al. 2011). are better than females at assessing resemblance. Which facial cues provide information about The equivocal findings may be due in part to the ages genetic relatedness? Although the eye region is more of the target children or the morphing algorithm, important than the mouth region, the upper half of

Ethology 121 (2015) 419–427 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 421 Kin-Recognition Mechanisms in Humans J. M. Mateo the face provides even more information than the reproductive status, or even genetic quality (Brown & eyes alone (Dal Martello & Maloney 2006; see also Al- MacDonald 1985; Penn & Potts 1998; Johnston 2003; vergne et al. 2014; Ghahramani et al. 2014). The Mateo 2006). lower face changes across development, especially in Studies of odor-based human discrimination began males, and thus provides fewer stable cues to genetic in earnest in the early 1980s by Richard Porter and relatedness (e.g., Dal Martello & Maloney 2006; Al- colleagues. For example, siblings and mothers can vergne et al. 2014). identify clothing worn by individual children in a fam- In humans, facial processing occurs largely in the ily, and parents can correctly distinguish between the fusiform gyrus (also called the fusiform facial area; odors of shirts worn by identical twins, demonstrating Platek & Kemp 2009; sheep and monkeys also have the robustness of odors for recognition (Porter & areas in the temporal cortex that respond preferen- Moore 1981; see also Weisfeld et al. 2003). Mothers, tially to faces; Kendrick & Baldwin 1987; Perrett et al. but not fathers, can identify their infant’s odor with as 1988). Functional magnetic resonance imaging little as 2 h of direct contact (Porter & Cernoch 1983; (fMRI) reveals that faces activate the fusiform gyrus Russell et al. 1983; and at all ages, women are better similarly in both male and female humans, as than men at identifying odors; Doty et al. 1985). expected for facial processing, but females show Fathers, grandmothers, and aunts can also identify greater activation when viewing children’s faces, as their related infant with little prior contact (Porter predicted by sex differences in parental investment et al. 1986; but see Russell et al. 1983 for contrasting (Platek et al. 2005). Detection of resemblance in chil- data on fathers), suggesting a shared genetic compo- dren’s faces activates the left frontal cortex in men, nent in the odors of family members. Infants are pref- but not women, suggesting possible decision-making erentially attracted to the breast or axillary odor of processes involved in assessment of paternity and pos- their mother as versus unfamiliar females within days sible investment (Platek et al. 2004). Kin faces (versus of birth (Schaal 1988; Porter et al. 1992). Note that unknown faces) activate regions involved in self-face the prior examples could be considered instances of recognition (e.g., anterior cingulate gyrus and medial odor-based individual recognition, rather than exam- frontal gyrus), whereas kin versus friend faces activate ples of kin recognition per se, but at the ultimate level posterior cingulate and cuneus, again suggesting a both yield the same fitness benefits. Also note that need to process for identification (Platek & Kemp odor-based recognition is not limited to kin. For exam- 2009). Multiple mechanisms for discriminating kin ple, high school students can pick the odor of their faces may have been favored by selection due to the friend from an array of odors, using the prior associa- need for fast and accurate recognition. tion mechanism (Olsson et al. 2006; see also Weisfeld et al. 2003). Odor-based recognition of kin can go beyond simple Olfactory Modality of Kin Recognition familiarity with individual’s cues, however. People Olfactory cues may be the most reliable kin labels for can match the odors of mothers and their children, assessing kinship, as they are known to covary with despite being unrelated to the odor donors, indicating genetic relatedness in a variety of taxa (insects: Jais- discrimination based on phenotype matching. That son 1991; Gamboa 1996; Dani et al. 2004; amphibi- husbands and wives cannot be reliably matched by ans: Waldman 1991; : Brown & MacDonald odor indicates that odor recognition is mediated 1985; Halpin 1986; Swaisgood et al. 1999; Beau- through shared genes rather than a shared environ- champ & Yamazaki 2003; Johnston 2003; fish: Olsen ment (Porter et al. 1985). Accordingly, extended peri- et al. 1998; Neff & Sherman 2003; birds: Coffin et al. ods of separation do not diminish the ability to 2011). Kin recognition in some vertebrates is facili- recognize kin (Porter et al. 1986). Finally, an habitua- tated by the major histocompatibility complex tion–discrimination study using rats shows that (MHC), which influences the production of distinct human odors covary directly with genetic relatedness, odors (Lenington & Coopersmith 1992; Brown & Ekl- with close kin (e.g., mother, sister) having more simi- und 1994; Olsen et al. 1998; Eggert et al. 1999). lar odors than distant kin (e.g., aunt, niece, grand- Odors, or other recognition cues, can have multiple mother), which in turn have more similar odors than functions, particularly in mammals where odors are non-kin (Ables et al. 2007). often complex mixtures of several to hundreds of Odors can also influence social interactions. For compounds (Albone 1984). In addition to indicating example, mothers who are better able to recognize an organism’s individual identity, age, sex, or related- their infant’s odor also report better nursing experi- ness, an odor may also reveal its location, diet, health, ences and positive mothering attitudes (Fleming et al.

422 Ethology 121 (2015) 419–427 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH J. M. Mateo Kin-Recognition Mechanisms in Humans

1995). Fathers have greater attachment and show recognition as well (see Rendall et al. 1996 for an more affection toward offspring they can identify by example in non-human primates). odor. In contrast, mothers use more punishment with offspring whose odors they cannot identify and use Development of Kin-Recognition Abilities less punishment with children with odors they rate as pleasant (Dubas et al. 2009). When presented with Hamilton (1964b) suggested that recognition of odors of 2-d-old infants while in an fMRI scanner, young will improve or become more accurate as mothers have increased processing in the thalamus the likelihood of young mixing with non-kin and dorsal caudate nucleus compared with nullipa- increases. For example, female Belding’s ground rous women, which suggests that infant odors might squirrels (Urocitellus beldingi) switch from spatially prepare mothers for reinforcement learning, and both based recognition of their young to prior associa- groups have increased processing in dopaminergic tion-based recognition when young emerge above- neostriatal areas, which might facilitate the bonding ground from their natal burrows and potentially process (Lundstrom et al. 2013). Higher levels of cor- encounter other juveniles, and those juveniles may tisol can facilitate recognition of and attraction to an enter that female’s own burrow (Holmes & Sher- infant’s odor by first-time mothers (Fleming et al. man 1982). Although many studies have focused 1997). In a population in Senegal, the amount of on the mechanisms of kin recognition in humans investment by fathers is positively correlated with the and other species, few have addressed the develop- degree of odor (and facial) similarity between fathers ment of such abilities. In humans, adults can match and children, suggesting that men attend to possible photographs of children and parent’s faces, and vice cues to paternity, and such discrimination influences versa (Kaminski et al. 2010; references above), but child growth and health (Alvergne et al. 2009). children do not perform as well (Kaminski et al. Finally, the MHC of humans, human leukocyte anti- 2012). Children aged 5–11 yr can match photo- gen (HLA), influences mate choice in at least one pop- graphs of infants to parents at levels above chance, ulation, leading to moderate disassortative mating but not parents to infants. The authors suggest this (Ober et al. 1997), and the HLA influences odor pref- difference in ability may be due to greater experi- erences (Jacob et al. 2002), suggesting that odors may ence with young faces, despite the presumed func- mediate mate choice. This has functional conse- tional benefit of recognizing adult kin. However, as quences, because couples with dissimilar HLAs have noted above, odor-based recognition abilities are fewer miscarriages than those with similar HLAs well developed in infants, perhaps because of pre- (Ober 1999; cf. Hedrick & Black 1997). The MHC/ natal exposure to kin odors or because odors are HLA may play a role in mate choice to increase heter- more developmentally stable than faces. ogeneity, especially in immune functioning, and to minimize inbreeding (e.g., Penn & Potts 1998), and Conclusion thus genetic diversity regarding the immune function of offspring would be increased by disassortative Hamilton’s seminal contribution to our understanding mating. of inclusive fitness in 1964 revolutionized how we think about social behavior across all taxa. Less appre- ciated but no less important was his attention to the Acoustic Modality of Kin Recognition proximate mechanisms that direct helping behaviors Because kin labels best serve as cues for relatedness to the appropriate targets. In humans, given our long when they are heritable, acoustic cues are seldom periods of development, social memories, and verbal good candidates. However, through prior association communication styles, physiological cues to kinship they can be used to recognize familiar kin. For exam- may seem unnecessary. But as I show here, there are ple, both mothers and fathers reliably recognize their many modalities producing such kin labels that co- infant’s cries with experience (Gustafsson et al. vary with genetic relatedness, particularly visual and 2013). Fetuses respond with tachycardia to their olfactory cues. How and when we use these cues can mother’s and father’s voices, but prefer their mother’s inform the ways that natural and voice after birth (Kisilevsky et al. 2003; Lee & Kisilev- have favored them. Future work is needed to explore sky 2014). This is likely due to differential exposure to the development of kin-recognition abilities, the use the voices, as fetuses are capable of learning speech of other modalities (e.g., acoustic) in kin discrimina- sounds during the third trimester (Decasper et al. tion, our ability to recognize unfamiliar kin, and the 1994). It is possible that adults use vocal cues for kin full extent to which these recognition mechanisms

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