
Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15

Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15

marking the end of the shuttle era. The patch design contest takes its inspiration from a traditi a from inspiration its takes contest design patch The era. shuttle the of end the marking The Program received 85 entries. The judges narrowed down the choices to the choices down narrowed judges The entries. 85 received The Program selection will be made no later than February. The winning The February. than later no made be will selection The Space Shuttle Program invited past and present Program workers to design an emblem emblem an design to workers Program present and past invited Program Shuttle The Space among shuttle crew members. crew shuttle among future shuttle mission. shuttle future

be will artwork design

15 entries. A A entries. 15 fl own on a a on own fin al al on on Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 – Americacolors. Columbia 1981–2010program . duration, elseisselfexplanatory red, Everything , andblue lost. The starsbetween thenamesrepresent theChallengerastronauts, the7clustered starsrepresent sideourflyingshuttles, ontheleft right Columbia andChallengerthat logodepicts My were tragically 1 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 despite many adversities. thecommitmentstripes to andresolve acknowledge oftheUnited States to accomplish theimpossible fleetofspacecraft. the vehiclesthisremarkable acknowledge The emblemisdrapedin red andwhite missions. The “Space Shuttle” isidenticalto text theoriginal Space ShuttleProgram emblem,andthenamesof Shuttle Program. Fourteen thesacrifice ofthefallenastronauts starsacknowledge ofthe51-LandSTS-107 Telescope represent allpastandfuture explorationandscience accomplishments madepossibleby theSpace becauseoftheshuttle’sdirectly uniquecapabilities. The InternationalSpace StationandtheHubbleSpace the Space ShuttleProgram. ofthespace shuttlelivesThe onthrough legacy programs thatexist payload thespace bay, withanempty shuttleorbiter soaringoverdepicts symbolizingthecompletion of Programyears ofexcellence nearlythirty emblem, reflecting inhumanspaceflight operations. Theemblem The shapeandcolors ofthespace shuttlecommemorative emblemare derived from theoriginal Space Shuttle 2 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 the sunset. Mission Completethe sunset.Mission andGodBless! tipping itswingto theworld, asway to say thankyou andfarewell, justasacowboy would wave goodbye into for theprogramdedicated support over thepast30years. shuttle ispositionedrightinthemiddleand The actual around thecircle. The red andwhite stripesandthewhite starsymbolize theUnited States ofAmericaandthe background glowing astheshuttletravels towards them,andalsotheyellowed outnamesofthespace ships to honor the brave menandwomen we lostontheColumbia andChallengerwiththetwo brightstarsinthe patch to designMy symbolize wassetforth thetruespiritandhonorofSpace Shuttleprogram. Ialsowanted 3 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 to theessence ofNASA. The dates onthepatch represent thefirstandlastflightsofSpace Shuttle. same blueandred colors thatare theSpace intheNASAMeatball, Shuttlehasbeen signifying whatalarge part appeared ontheSTS-51L andSTS-107 patches. The blueandred colors intheCommemorative patch are the nauts wholosttheirlives onChallengerandColumbia, andtheyare inthesame star configuration asthey beginning ofanewprogram, and(2) The sunsetdays oftheSpace ShuttleProgram. The starshonortheAstro- magnificence ofthemost complicated space inthe world, two The sunrise/sunsetmeans things: (1) The future inHumanSpace Exploration.Ipickedthemostdr design ofthe SpaceMy ShuttleProgram Commemorative patch isbasedonExpandingNewHorizons to our 4 amatic angleoftheShuttleIcould find to highlightthe Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 • byThe othernations. background andsupport globerepresents theparticipation added to represent ground processing. • The 3smallershuttles represent 3operationalphases, launch,onorbitandlanding. A4thcould be Several othersmallsatellites could alsobeadded. • The Space StationandHubble are to represent depicted 2ofthemajorshuttleprogram objectives • Smallstarsrepresent the50states. • The large starsrepresent the14crew memberslost. patch representsMy thefollowing: 5 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 one thatwe shouldallbeproud of. Shuttle Program wasan incredible achievement in.It and wastheoneIhadhonor andprivilegeto play apart The , GeminiandApolloprograms were the awe inspiringmissionsof my childhood. ButtheSpace September 2010. September 17,1976 “Constitution ” duringourBicentennial Year. The lastwheelsstop isscheduledto occur in from thesidelines. The dates 1976-2010were chosenbecausethefirstorbiter rolled outoftheassemblyplanton other ways. From theadministrators to the clericalstaffandmaintenance workers –and to thosewhocheered on Flag oftheUnited States ofAmerica–to theprogram honorthepeoplewhodesigned, in built, andsupported 107 missionsare goldto ontheirultimate reflect sacrifice. Theouter border prominently displays the colorsofthe intheatmospherictest oftheorbiterwork performed “Enterprise.” The starsrepresenting theSTS-51L andSTS- The innerborder ismadeupof135starsrepresenting shuttlemission. every The firststar isblue to honorthe international cooperation. . The InternationalSpace Stationpassesoverhead. Now complete, itcontinues itsmissionofscience and launchedby thespace shuttle.Observatories , Chandra, gainedfrom andtheknowledge those nently displayed astheyrepresent thegoalsofConstellation Program. isatribute toThe theGreat exploration? We hopeso. The crescent andthered “star” are promi- asseenfrom oftheplanetMars Earth goldenageof –thenext erawhiletheconstellation Orionrisesinthesky issettingonanextraordinary The focus ofthedesign istheorbiter coming homefor asafe landingattheconclusion ofit’s finalmission. The are too numerous to list. When you whentheprogram thinkaboutwhatwe star knew System –the “Space Shuttle.” learnto Onethat saw live usactually andwork inspace for longperiodsoftime. This design attempts ofthefirstSpace to honorthegenerationlongaccomplishments andhistory Transportation 6 ted andwhat wenow –theaccomplishments know Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 accomplishments inthelast30years. well asspace exploration.Andofcourse, thered white andblueofourNation’s flagmakesus proud ofthese remindsthis time. usto It strive ofexcellence for thatsamekind inthe future oftechnology development as of symbolized theexcellence achieved by theSTS system, itspeopleandthetechnology developed during astronauts whosacrificed theirlives for andtheSpace Shuttleprogram. The lonegoldstaratthe top hardware to produce theIntermnationalSpace Station. asareminderThe 14white ofthose starsserve allofthenecessary toll oftransporting playing after theimportant last landingonitshomeplanetEarth, patch showed theShuttlelaunchingtoward thetop ofthetriangle, thispatch hastheshuttle coming infor its This design waspurposelyshapedto theoriginal reflect Space Shuttle’s program patch. Where theoriginal 7 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 the crewmembers ofthosemissions. toColumbia memorialize thelossofthosevehicles, are to honor setapart starssurround asfourteen theEarth , represented whichare further by the sixrays emanatingfrom thesun. The namesChallengerand velocity.orbiter wingdenote25reentry itsMach The top of thepatch features thedesignations ofthesixnamed Shuttle’s mission,whilethethinlayer phases. ofatmosphere symbolizes theascent andentry The 25starsonthe the Space Shuttleto America’s space program. theorbitalphase of the depicts around theEarth The trajectory of thepatch inlaunchconfiguration. The flag overlays thestack to represent the contribution of comprisedThe oftheOrbiter, Space Shuttlestack, External Tank, RocketBoosters, andSolid occupies thecenter 8 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 remembered by. over and mysticism theyears with asenseofvibrancy thattheSpace ShuttleProgram willalways be much-beloved program andvehicle thatsomany peoplehave dedicated themselves to insomany capacities etc insuchanultimately confined space.Instead, Iha Hubble Telescope, creation oftheInternational , thesuccess oftheRemote ManipulatorSystem, Americans ratherthanattempting to somany reflect oftheexceptional program accomplishments suchasthe priate to focus onthesymbolismandiconography oftheShuttleprogram assimplisticallyrecognized by all While there have beenamultitude ofaccomplishments insuchalong, successful program, Ifelt itmore appro- prominent starsthatsignify the5Space Shuttlevehicles NASAhas hadinitsfleetthroughout theprogram. shuttles ChallengerandColumbia. ofthemiddlepanelto therightofShuttle, Inside there are 5larger, more design, there are 7prominent starsoneachsidewhichrepresent the14crew membersthatwere loston recognizable over icons thelast three in Americanhistory andrightpanelsofthe decades. thetop left In ing down into thetop rightcorner ofthedesign form theAmericanFlag astheShuttlehasbeenoneof around to to thetop alludeto left thesmoothnessofShuttleorbitingearth. The diagonallinescascad- the Shuttle’s ,butalso explorationwithinlow Earth and ouraimto explore it,astheShuttlehasdonesuccessfully for decades. The outlinedbluecircle represents patch fans outfrom afinepointatthebottom to awidearray across the top, thisevokes thevastnessofspace shape ofthepatch anditsfaceted panelsare reminiscent ofadiamondorotherfinejewel. As theshapeof Space Shuttle Program hasbeenaninnovative, iconic g patch that captured thevisualessence andspiritoftheprogram inaniconic andtriumphantmanner. As the To celebrate andretirement theupcoming 30thanniversary oftheSpace ShuttleProgram, Iaimedto design a ve designed thispatch asanoverall celebration ofthe 9 em in the history ofAmericanspaceflight, the overallem inthehistory creates from adynamicfluidity thebottom right Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 future ofspace exploration. outside oftheshuttlesilhouette to signify theywillcontinue to beremembered andhonored throughout the ground ofspace with14starsrepresents thefallencrews oftheChallenger andColumbia vehicles. The starsare logo andrepresents thespace shuttle’s innovation andachievement inaeronautics. Finally, theblackback- constellation Andromeda, isawingrepresenting . This echoesthered chevron intheNASAmeatball five orbital vehicles are listed intheorder inwhich they were built. The red chevron, inthealternate shapeofthe orbit. The years 1981and2010are shown to represent the29years ofthespace shuttle’s . The namesofthe System large andrepresents payloads ofthespace to shuttleto theuniqueability andfrom transport low earth from theshuttlethroughout itsmanyobservation missions. The letters STS standfor Space Transportation success ofthespace shuttleover through theyears andrepresents gainedabouttheearth theknowledge exploration. below symbolizes thethousandsofpeoplealloverThe earth theworld thathave contributed to the sun represents theendofshuttleera,whichwillleadto theriseofanewvehicle andusherinaneweraof The widelyrecognized silhouette oftheSpace Shuttleisshown withthesunsettingover theearth. The setting 10 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 And finally, theendofSpace theorbitalsunset ShuttleeraatNASA. reflects Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, andEndeavor, andrecognize the2vehicles lostasstarswhose lighthasfaded. manufacture, andoperationoftheShuttleare highlighted. The boldstarssymbolize the5Orbiters; Columbia, the backgroundIn theU.S. locationsanddedicated ground forces responsibilities for thedesign, withprimary Program, theOrbiter isboldlyshown inorbit,attheready forchallenge. thenext ous payloads, includingtheHubbleSpace Telescope, andspace science.ofthe As observation, theheart Earth of NASA. These includethecompleted assemblyoftheInternationalSpace Station,thedeployment ofnumer- The design commemorates themany theSpace missionobjectives ShuttleProgram initsservice hasperformed 11 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 ered dataandimagesfrom someoftheselocations. system thatwillbeexplored andinhabited inthefuture. Satellites, telescopes andprobes have already gath- February 1,2003. toThe destinationswithinandbeyond moonin thedistance oursolar beckonsmankind 28,1986andseven starsundertheISSrepresentJanuary thecrewmembers lostintheColumbia accident on anditsclimate. Seven starsundertheHSTrepresentEarth thecrewmembers lostintheChallengeraccident on medicine, materials, space andhabitation,isalsoanorbitingplatform ofthe for observation beyond thatcontributedknowledge. to scientific The ISSisamicrogravityfor laboratory research inbiology, onfourserviced/upgraded Shuttlemissions, andhasprovided and stunningimagesanddatafrom ourgalaxy launched by theShuttle, andtheInternationalSpace Station(ISS)appears ontheright. The HSTwas of theEarth. The HubbleSpace Telescope isoneofmany ontheleft science payloads andsatellites (HST) and STS-2), andtherighthalfisbare foam insulation. The blueatmosphere onthe horizon shows thecurvature halfoftheExternal The left ispaintedtwo whiteTank aswasdoneononlythefirst Shuttlemissions(STS-1 (ET) missions asthesteam from RocketBooster theSolid (SRB) sound suppression system risesaround thevehicle. The Space Shuttlevehicle offfrom isshown KennedySpace lifting ononeof overCenter (KSC) one-hundred 12 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 orbiters andtheseven memberastronaut crews ofeachthosemissions. The two seven pointed stars, placed nearthenamesofColumbia andChallengerpay tribute to thelossofthose Enterprise) surround thedesign. Sixsmallstarsrepresent thesixorbiters intheShuttlefleet. The namesofthesix vehicles ofthefleet(including science achievements theSpace Shuttleprogram hascontributed toward thosegoals. areThe and illustrated Moon to represent thefuture ofhumanspace direction exploration,andthemany the universe theHubblehasgiven us. several timesusingtheSpace represent Shuttle.and serviced of Starsandagalaxy theexpandingknowledge To therightoforbiter istheHubbleSpace Telescope. The Hubblewaslaunchedinto space, placed inorbit, was firstdemonstrated onaShuttleflight. Shown above theISSisanastronaut floatingfreeManeuvering inspaceManned Unit(MMU). usinga The MMU largely by Space Shuttlemissions(together withRussianmodulesandvehicles). To oftheShuttleisInternationalSpace Station(ISS),whichwaslaunched, theleft assembled, andpopulated this design, symbolizingjustafew ofthemany achievements made possibleby theShuttleprogram. The Space ShuttleOrbiter isshown prominently over theEarth. Three otherspacecraftjointheSpace Shuttlein accomplishments oftheSpace Shuttleprogram. The design celebrates theSpace Shuttle’s years oforbitaloperations(1981–2010)andthemany great thirty 13 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 Challenger andColumbia expeditions. voyages andgenerationsofspacecrafts. Finally, the14starsare paying homageto thelostcrew members ofthe golden flightpaths, eachoneoftheshuttlesisgoinginto adifferent leadingthe direction, way forfuture final farewell. Above arisingsun, exploration ofspace, ofanewera for mankind andleaving behindtheir The endoftheshuttleeraisrepresented by thefive historical space shuttlessoaring together into space asa 14 Space Shuttle Program Commemorative Patch Contest Top 15 human endeavors inSpace. of theAmericanflagleading to thesilver starsignify America’s commitment to the continuation offuture white starsinthepatch background, onefor eachoftheShuttlemissions. The stripescomprised three vertical ofthe14astronauts aboard thosemissions. goldstars honorthememory while thefourteen There are 134 Defense. The two goldorbiters represent ChallengerlostduringSTS-51-L andColumbia lostduringSTS-107; to recognize thejointventure ofsomemissionsbetween theShuttleProgram of andtheDepartment , anastronaut inaspace suite, andtheInternationalSpace onthe Station.Aneagleis portrayed border ofthepatch. These are objectives manifested intheimagesofHubbletelescope, asatellite, the boundaries ofExploration,, Science, Transpor edges ofthepatch. The protruding Orbiters suggesttherole oftheShuttleanditsmissions inpushingthe five Orbiters: Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, andEndeavour to the radiate outward from theEarth External Tank, RocketBoosters. andReusable Solid Launchingfrom KennedySpace Center, silhouettes ofthe Shuttle Program. The Space Shuttle Vehicle is shown here withtheOrbiter, Space Engines, ShuttleMain This patchandachievements commemorates ofthepeoplewhohave thelegacy contributed to theSpace 15 tation, andCooperation whichare written onthe