Clovis News, 07-21-1921 the Ewn S Print
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Clovis News, 1911-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-21-1921 Clovis News, 07-21-1921 The ewN s Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The eN ws Print. Co.. "Clovis News, 07-21-1921." (1921). This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clovis News, 1911-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' County Ckrk "V 0 IT. Ofdce Oldest Established Paper in (Jurry County Official Paner of S. Land CLOVIS NEWS. THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1321. THE I Wool Shipment Summoned for Wheat Marketing Has Made This Week furors Are O. M. Reese of tin' Clovis . Creaiv District Court Not Yet Reached Height i Produce shinned (iO.OOJ pounds of August Term wool from Mule-ho- this week and from GOOD YIELD. will make another shipnivnt - A Tk Merkntine Will Com- Clovis within the next few d iyi. Tht Search Made For Court Room To 21 DIVORCES menci Next WieU When Sl Claud Dodson, who lives in the wcol goes direct to Baltimore. tianery Threher Will Claud neighborhood, threshed wheat Mr. Reese lays while the price is Walk Program Get New Furniture Commence Work. this mut week that made 2C bushel to ::ot hih. u is in much bett ;r condi- ON DOCKET ,.,.., ThA v.iVl.l of wheat tins o few months ago when Luc w.v. tion than de- M. Bishop had charge of the Judge Bratton is making some to come into Gov- - be quite as heavy as it there were no cash buyers of wool in H. ScheduU. Wheat continues 'ear not in the district There Are 135 Catet On progri. m at the Kiwnnis Club Wednes- cided improvements is at u lively rate but the heaviest Wai) iuit year (jut there are going the market at all. of Which Are LUted Suman court room this week that will add Only Four will not be- - will turn out day of this week. Miss Ruby marketing of the season ts (,e many fields that as well as On the Criminal Docket C. W. HARRISON INJURED a reading that was appreciated much to its uppcarance next week when the' twenty-fiv- e bushels to the acre. gnvj Kin until abeut r new covering is be ... : .. C a AT SWIMMING POOL ard heartily encored by all present. convenience. A threshers will commence running. o court will convene on Mow-da- IMPROVING Wabier W. Mayes, secretary of the ing put on the floor and new furni District far, most of bite gram that bus been NELSON Judge Sam Brat C. W. Harrison was painfully inj Firjt Moitgage Loan Co., gave an ture installed. Aug. 1st with sold bus come from tliu combine . .. ............ J. C. Nelson, who is now at Marlin jureu uaomiay,t !.... uiutiiniun nm.. ....iri talk explaining why farm Since the new district has been ton presiding. On the docket there harvester-thresher- s. Up to the pres- his pool from likely good cases filed, nKhough some taking baths for rheumatism, had dived into the swimming loan money is not as available now as created there will be a are 135 ent time, local elevators have been cases that have tonsils removed nt on operation per- the second elevation, striking his was few years ago. Mr. Mayes many more cases heard in the cham- uf these are perhaps able to get enough cars to keep the it a up formed Mr. Nelson's the cement bottom of as Judge Bratton will been settled and will not come has last week. head against brought out the point that eastern bers here, grain moving nicely and there and many friends will be glad to know the pool. investors were finding bonds und oth- spend more of his time here for triul. been no cong-stio- like there was last will be able is accounted for by non-jur- y cases from other coun- Twenty-On- e Caaei ca- that he is improving and The accident er tax free securities more attractive many Divorco year. On aocount of greater twenty-on- to return home soon. the fact that the water in the pool land hence the lack of ties in the district will be heard in On tho docket thero arc e pacities and more elevators, as well than notes, was somewhat lower than usual. market for farm paper. Clovis. applications for divorce, or one as the fact that fright cars are more CHIROPRACTORS ARE Mr. Harrison received a wound on out. of nbout six of every case to bo plentiful loeni grair. men do not NOW LISCENSED Police Search Hatch FIRST the head besides painfully injuring PLAINVIEW TAKES tried. In these cases twelve women aro any trouble in taking care A good laugh was indulged in at FROM CLOVIS his neck and shoulders, however, his GAME listed as those bringing the action aa of the gruin this Dr. and Mrs. VVarrincr of this city the of Mr. Hatch when son. r.innv friends nre rdcaned that the compared to nine men. of last week nt .e -- e r..i:.... M nnA tlml Rain DeUyt Harveit returned the latter part will V'A. I'l Ul I ,'I'LV illiiyi: lu'lii'HiiLvii won Wednesday in the injury is not serious and that he h'i Plainview Few Criminal Caiea of delay has been ex- Fc where they both took warrant from - Quite a b!t from Santa again in li,. held a search issued first of two games of ball to be play- granted be able to bu at the bank Out of the cases, there ure perienced in harvesting on nccount of the examination nr.d were the court and proceeded to go thru term:. The score rir a few days. ed there by the local in- is still Dr. S. J. only four criminal cases which the continued rail s. There ('hinmraet'c the pockets of the members. He 4 took ten innings was 5 to and it Curry county has a most h in fields that city nlso took the ex- dicates tiiat n;u grain standing the Wright of this HOME FROM CONVENTION foumi Mr. Hatch sitting on a letter to decide it. could granted liscensc. law abiding set of people. Of course cannot be hurdled as fast as it amination and was which he for explanation. Cavan-aug- h relumed Step pitched for Cb.vis und may recognizes this meth- this number of criminal cases if the showers iKd not come. A new law now W. W. Honeycutt and G. A. Camp Ti-- sheet bad inscribed in huge let caught. Clovis made eleven hits bit increased when the grand jury od of treatment and a state beard "Th- - Kiwnnis Club Side Walk Shipped to Calveiton bell returned this week from the Elks ters I and eight errors. practitioner meets during the term of court. Practically all the whet being has been named and all Convention at Los Angeles. Mr. Program." Mr. Hatch explained to Scores: R H E Tho following jurors have been goc: direct to Gal- will bf required to pass an examina ull it was not he that was "sit 00 8 3 bought lure no'.v Campbell says there wns an enormous that riainview . 200 020 15 good before being liscinsed. summoned: veston for export. There is a tion crowd there and that the Elks parade ting on the sidewalk program," but Clovis 201 010 000 4 10 4 ... Grand Jury demand for export wheat ns the old was seven miles long. Others from ;lve incident brought to the minds of TAKING APPLICATIONS R. A. L. Cox. S. W. world countries have made a short here who visited the convention will all that nobbing constructive has real- R. F. ASPLUND HERE C. Herrin. FOR FEDERAL LOANS Cole, K. C. Childers, this year. of the week. ly been done toward putting over the Brooks, W. S. crop return the latter pint represent- clubs major program. R; F. Asplund, special R. E." Scarborough, J. H. Engrain, A. J. Redes, president of the Cur- - RAVING ANOTHfiR RAIN AT GRADY ative of the State Tux Commission, Roy Marks, A. M. Singleterry, Sam CRADINC. FOR iry county National r'arm Loan As- - The Attendance Record GOING AHEAD spent two or three duys in Clovis tins Stupp, J. A. Nichols, Sam Mitchell, I uf.i.laHr.n Kill's thnt. Iilank an- - Dr. A. L. D llion produced a chart C. L. Stanftelit was in from Grady week ndvisiin with the county com- Charley Denhof, J. D. Crawford, II. plications have be,, received for showing the number of times each The paving .rew is agiiin oin, Tuesday niwl says that neighbor missioners relative to th budget for G. Cy;;by, Bert Curless, U. D. Bevel, member of the club had been nbs'iit, - grading streets. The work n """"" "." hood got another rain Monday ni' V this year. .1. C. Mulluiir. A. V. Edmondson, J. lUad now preparing to und urged ft better attendance by Tow being pushed from vst Grand conization wh'ch intcrfi-re- with vlieat h: f B. P.onton, A. Rogers, J. P. Brocket I'll ni'inbeiw in the futut-J- INSTALLING BIG FAN Vf-t:- to suiii!- exteiit. H? says bm briiu( W B Mc3nyr, Chester A.