4 Cities Icture in 2 Days Dhio Lgbt Sports Eams

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4 Cities Icture in 2 Days Dhio Lgbt Sports Eams OHIO'S AIDS WALKS 4 CITIES ICTURE IN 2 DAYS DHIO LGBT SPORTS EAMS MEN STAGE 2015 qmunity The Month in Marriage; Man Admits Attack; Prosecutor Denies Hate Crime Alabama: Finally, a sane public official in Wisconsin: How has marriage equality af­ Alabama. Madison County Circuit Judge fected life in Wisconsin? Not at all, according felonious assault and aggravated robbery Karen Hall, who last year said she didn't have to 70 percent of people in a March poll by against Candice Rose Milligan, who suffered a the power to grant a divorce to a lesbian cou­ Public Policy Polling. Twelve percent said the fractured jaw and skull and needed two sur­ ple who had married in Iowa, approved the impact has been positive, while 18 percent geries after the attack. women's request on March 12. said the impact has been negative. Milligan was attacked by three men and has Nebraska: The state's 2000 marriage ban Nationwide: A national poll in 2004 said she was called by a derogatory name, but was struck down on March 2 by US District showed just 30 percent of Americans sup­ Assistant Lucas County Prosecutor Claudia Judge Joseph Bataillon, but weddings are on ported marriage equality, while 60 percent Ford told The Blade of Toledo that Temple did hold until a May hearing by the 8th US Court opposed. A March poll by NBC News and the not express hatred toward LGBT people when of Appeals. Wall Street Journal found the opposite: 59 he was interviewed by police. percent support, and 33 against. Oklahoma: Weren't we supposed to be Ford told the newspaper: "I don't know that the ones who destroyed marriage? Conserva­ 2016 Politics: Forget that speculation A Toledo man faces up to 19 years in prison this was a hate crime." Ohio law doesn't ad­ tives in the state House voted 67-24 in favor that likely presidential candidate Jeb Bush is when he's sentenced for his part in a Novem­ dress hate crimes based on a victims gender of a bill to end government-sanctioned mar­ staking out LGBT-friendly ground in the Re­ ber 2014 attack against a transgender woman identity or sexual orientation, but members of riage. It would put religious groups in charge publican field. "I believe in traditional mar­ on a Downtown street in broad daylight. the Toledo City Council asked the US Justice of issuing licenses. riage," he told a conservative gathering. Department to investigate the attack as a fed­ Christopher Temple pleaded guilty in March to eral hate crime. Texas: Conservative leaders and lawmak­ Peru: A committee of the federal legislature ers sliced a wedding cake to celebrate the killed a bill that would have allowed same- 10th - and most likely last - anniversary of sex couples to enter into civil unions. The de­ Dayton Billboards Promote LGBT Issues the state's marriage ban. bate was marked by a Catholic bishop's name-calling: Monsignor Luis Bambaren More than 300,000 people driving through called openly gay lawmaker Carlos Bruce a Dayton on 1-75 have been getting a greeting Utah: Although they vow to uphold the law, maricon, or "faggot," in Peruvian media. from Have a Gay Day over the last month. government officials would be able to refuse to marry people they don't like under a bill Michael Knote, whose Facebook page has be­ approved by the state Senate. Slovenia: Lawmakers voted 51-28 on come a worldwide lifeline for young LGBT peo­ March 3 for marriage equality and the right of same-sex couples to adopt children. ple, raised $1,700 from supporters in three days to pay for 13 messages on a digital bill­ board seen by drivers headed north and south Ohio's Gay Games Were Most Profitable Ever on the interstate. ("Hate Is Not Holy") and thankful ("If You Sup­ A final report on the 9th Gay •They had the largest num­ He was hoping to keep them up through April port the LGBT Community, Thank You"). Games from local organizers ber of competitive events, as well. showed the August 2014 with 36 different sports. "We have only heard positive responses with event was the most prof­ The messages include the inspirational ("Be them," Knote said. itable in the Games'32-year • They were the first to in­ the Change You Wish to See"), informational history. Those profits have clude a welcome from the ("41% of the Transgender Community in the The billboards also were the subject of news helped start a Gay Games host country's president. USA Have Attempted Suicide"), political stories on Dayton TV. LGBT Legacy Fund at the President Obama recorded a Cleveland Foundation and welcome that was broadcast Dolce & Gabbctna Elton John have given a boost to the Gay during the Aug 9 opening Community Endowment Fund ceremonies at Quicken Loans of Akron Community Founda­ Arena. "We oppose gay adop­ . ,w« ^are you refer to my beautiful A few years before they tion. tions. The only family is children as 'synthetic.' And shame on began, folks in other cities • They were the first to be the traditional one. ... you for wagging your judgmental little called on the Federation of The money will goto LGBT live-streamed. You are born to a mother fingers at [in vitro fertilization] - a mira­ Gay Games to take the 2014 groups and efforts designed and a father - or at least cle that has allowed legions of loving Games away from Cleveland to help the community in • They were the first to be that's how it should be. I people, both straight and gay, to fulfill and Akron, citing early trou­ each city. advertised on television. call children of chem­ their dream of having children. Your bles in funding and organi­ istry, synthetic children. archaic thinking is out of step with the zation. The final report on the North­ •They were the first Gay Rented uterus, semen times, just like your fashions. I shall east Ohio Games also de­ Games with a presenting chosen from a catalog." never wear Dolce and Gabbana ever But Northeast Ohio got the tailed several more bests and sponsor (The Cleveland again." #BoycottDolceGabbana last laugh. firsts: Foundation). 10 april 2015 Opponents of equality seem to be getting crazier and crazier. outlookohio.com Dating Apps Push Syphilis Testing I Around the State Save the Date Public health officials are painless and AKRON: Truth in advertis­ their academic work. say they're making often mistaken for ing! For a recent show at 7th TransOhio Trans and Ally Symposium progress against a blemishes or ingrown Cocktails, organizers listed COLUMBUS: Flaggots Ohio rise in syphilis cases hairs. the starting time as "7pm will perform in the Washing­ transohio.org in Columbus by get­ (drag time)." ton, DC, Pride parade on June May 29-31, Columbus ting the word out Condoms prevent 13. But don't worry: They'll through men's dating transmission of CINCINNATI: Organizers be back in plenty of time for HRC Columbus Gala apps and websites. syphilis if they pre­ of the Ohio Lesbian Archives, their annual performance at hrc.org/columbus vent contact with a collection of journals, mag­ Columbus Pride on Saturday, June 6, Columbus Public service announcements and sores, but sores on areas of the body azines and newsletters from June 20. bright red banner ads are greeting not covered obviously can still spread earlier days, are cataloging Dayton Pride Central Ohio users of Grindr, Growlr, infection. their holdings. If you'd like to DAYTON: The deadline is daytonlgbtcenter.org Adam4Adam and other social media. help, email April 15 to apply for college June 6, Dayton Syphilis cases in Columbus were up OLArchives@gmail.com. scholarships offered by "ATTENTION COLUMBUS/SYPHILIS 40 percent in 2014. Columbus Public PFLAG Dayton and the Love Big LGBT Wedding OUTBREAK/GET TESTED," they advise Health spokesman Jose Rodriguez CLEVELAND: Case Western Greater Dayton LGBT Center. Expo Columbus in big capital letters. said the local infection rate is twice Reserve University will host an They're awards of either lovebigweddingexpo.com Ohio's and three times the national LGBT Research Symposium on $1,000 or $2,000, offered to June 7, Columbus The ads'effect: THEY'RE rate. Thursday, April 23. Students LGBT or allied students. Click and faculty from all fields the Scholarships tab at Youngstown Pride Dwayne Steward, the LGBTQ liaison Of the people infected in Columbus, have been invited to present pflagdayton.org. prideyoungstown.org for Columbus Public Health, said the 84 percent are men, and three-quar­ June 12-13, Youngstown number of people visiting clinics and ters of that total are men who have community groups for syphilis testing sex with men. About 45 percent of the Ohio's Pride Calendar Set Columbus Pride increased 20 percent in January and people with syphilis also are HIV-posi­ columbuspride.org Ohio's Pride celebrations have runs both days. The parade, February over the first two months of tive. June 19-20, Columbus all circled their dates. And so with grand marshal Jim 2014. Free testing is offered at seven should you. Obergell. the Ohioan whose sites in Columbus, including Colum­ More than half of the Columbus cases Gay Day @ Cedar Point marriage-equality case will be bus Public Health's walk-in clinic five are among African-American resi­ FB: Gay Day at Dayton kicks off the season with heard by the US Supreme Court Cedar Point days a week. dents. its annual festival and parade on on April 28, is on Saturday. June 21, Sandusky Saturday.
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