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365Ink72.Pdf When I bought my house this fall, we asked They were predicting a foot of snow. I looked at the former owners why they were moving out. my driveway, now clean from a week of warm They had a good answer about moving closer weather and I got chills. Now just how do I to the restaurant they owned across the river. clear a foot of snow from this vast expanse, Then Christy asked the kids the same question. but more importantly, where the heck am I go- Kids, of course, have no social filter. Their an- ing to put it? Enter mom. God bless mom. Her swer: “Mom and dad don’t like the hill with the wonderful neighbors have been clearing her snow in the wintertime.” We bought it anyway, driveway for a couple of years and she hasn’t and with what must be record snowfall, we’re needed her snowblower. It’s a tiny little Toro learning what the kids were talking about. Lis- Featherlite or something. It looks worthless. ten to kids, everyone. They speak truthiness. Looks are deceiving, my friends. It’s little and wimpy in much the same way a badger is little This is my first driveway, but we didn’t take and wimpy. A couple pulls on the cord and she on this winter unprepared. We’ve got nice new roared to life. I’m not positive, but it’s possible shovels from Steve’s Ace and salt, or should I that when the little ‘snowblower that could’ say a salt-like substance that will not destroy chewed into the first few feet of the deep snow my concrete. I got it from Hendrick’s Feed in covering my driveway, I heard voices singing. downtown Dubuque. It’s odd but cool that “Hallelujah,” was it? Maybe it was “Sham- there’s still a feed store in the middle of down- bala.” Heck, they could sing “Jeremiah Was A town. Tools ... check. Bring on the snow. (Time Bullfrog,” I didn’t care. I was in snow removal passes.) Okay, then, that’s enough snow. Did heaven. It took an hour and half to do it all, I mention that my driveway is rather enor- but when I was done it was manicured like a mous? Not so big, like a lane, that I need to Martha Stewart Living cover photo. This little invest in a plow. But well more than is fun to guy was a pit bull. And it didn’t pile up the take on by oneself. I use to have some park- snow. It threw it a mile and spread it evenly ing behind my house on Bluff Street, but we across the yard with plenty of room for more pretty much just barreled headlong into those layers. What have I been missing? My advice, spaces and hoped the snow got packed down go to Steve’s Ace and get a Toro NOW! Unless enough to get back out. It also helps that I have you have parents with one they’re not using. I four-wheel drive. It doesn’t hurt either that my find that’s a great alternative. old SUV is long past worrying about things like appearance and external accessories like Like I said, I’m not a spiritual man, but maybe, mirrors or a grille. No matter the weather, I’m just maybe there was some divine intervention not afraid to hit the road. I can treat my truck at play here. I did get the gift offer from mom like a pinball out there and as long as I don’t just hours before snow armageddon hit. A day do damage to anyone else, I don’t really care later and it would have been too little too late. much what happens to me. But I’m sure my That’s sort of a winter miracle. It was for me. wife’s shiny new Nissan Altima that we didn’t have last winter appreciates actual pavement. Should I take time to go into details about The new driveway also has its special idiosyn- how much I love neighbors who park in front crasies. Like when snow melts it creates a di- of YOUR house instead of theirs so when the agonal water flow across the driveway which plow goes by, he can’t get a clean shot at clear- freezes after sundown, creating a Silver Surfer- ing out the end of your driveway? The only type path that is extra fun to encounter on foot. thing worse is neighbors who park in the space Even when you know it’s there, a light dusting you took hours to clear. This did not happen to of snow keeps you wondering where it is, like me, but I’m pretty sure if it did, that is worthy a special wintery land mine waiting for you to of vandalism. My neighbor Charlie (not one of let it slip your mind. the rogue parkers) was out clearing his very tiny driveway and he does need space in the We’re barely a month into snow season and street to park. So, when he saw a young man I’ve gone through all the “fine Corinthian salt” driving by with a plow on a pickup, he paid and broken in the shovels and then some. The him $10 to spend two minutes to clear him a snow is piling up at the edges of the driveway space in the street for his two cars. I gotta, say, and the way my property is shaped, there are it was the best $10 Charlie spent all month. large slopes on either side of my driveway. So, I think Charlie might be guarding his cov- it’s not just a matter of pushing the snow off the eted spots with a shotgun from the porch. He edge of the pavement. You need to put your should. They’re the best looking parking spots back into the stuff and launch it. on the street. Now, I’m not a very spiritual man, but I do I guess what we all need is a kid with a plow. know that the good book says there is no Maybe God sent him to Charlie. Lord knows greater gift than love. While I like the senti- we didn’t have a snowblower when I was a kid ment, I’m pretty sure the guy that wrote it was still living with Mom and Dad. We didn’t need never given a snowblower. And on the day of one then, of course. After all, why do you think The 365ink crew... faces you already know! a blizzard no less. We all knew it was coming. they had me? Tim Mike Tanya Jeff Kelli Ralph Gary Matt Lisa Chris Pam Joey Angela Ron Bob Roy Brad Bryce Issue #72 ___________________________The Inkwell DEC 26 - JAN 7 Publisher: Bryce Parks ([email protected]) In this Issue: Editor: Tim Brechlin 2008 into 2009: ([email protected]) Wrap-Up & Forecast 4 Advertising: Kelli Kerrigan ([email protected]) Community Shorts 5 563-451-9365 Paint-A-Pair for Charity Clarke Opera Scenes Writers & Content: Shalom Lunch & Movie Mike Ironside Annual Iowa Winter Games ([email protected]) Winter Farmer’s Market Tim Brechlin, Bryce Parks, L.A. Thunderbirds Hockey Hammer, Chris Wand, Mayor 365 Pop Quiz 6 Roy Buol, Matt Booth, Robert Gelms, Angela Koppes, Diamond Jo Entertainment Update 6 Pam Kress-Dunn, Jeff Stiles, Megan Dalsing and Pat Fisher. 180 Main Live Music 7 Designers: IceFest 2009 8 Tanya Tjarks ([email protected]) 180 Main Music Continued 9 Kristina Nesteby Tri-State New Year’s Eve 10 ([email protected]) Bryce, Tim & Mike Pam Kress-Dunn 11 Photography: Wando’s Movies 12 Mike Ironside, Ron Tigges, Bryce Parks The Impact Awards 13 Layout: Mindframe Movie Listings 13 Tim Brechlin, Bryce Parks Joe & Vicki Price @ Monks 14 Director of Operations: Dan Chapman New show for Fly-By-Night 14 Community, Incorporated Harlem Globetrotters 15 Brad Parks, C.E.O. Special Olympics Iowa Games 15 Special thank you to: Brad Parks, Bob & Fran Parks, Christy Budweiser Live Music 16 Monk, Katy Brechlin, Ralph Kluseman, Kay Kluseman, Jon Schmitz, Oliver Kane, Isabella’s Live Music 18 Patty Reisen-Ottavi, Todd Locher, Everett Buckardt, Julie Steffen, Sheila Castaneda, Silver Dollar Live Music 19 Gaile Schwickrath, Ron & Jennifer Tigges, bacon, the crew of Radio Dubuque and Mayor Roy Buol 20 all the 365 friends and advertisers for all your support. You are all 365. Reflections in the Park 20 Dubuque365 / 365ink Comedy Sports @ Bell Tower 21 210 West 1st Street, Midwest Concerts 21 Dubuque, IA, 52001 dubuque365.com Tri-State Recurring Nightlife 21 (563) 588-4365 Bob’s Book Reviews 22 All contents (c) 2008, Community, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Mattitude 23 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LifeStiles 24 Like our stuff? Eating Healthy w/ Hy-Vee 25 We can make yours too! Crosswords & Puzzles 27 Trixie Kitsch 28 Dr. Skrap’s Horoscopes 28 365 • Web Site Development • Puzzle / Pop Quiz Answers 28 • Graphic Design • • Photography • 2009 Forecast Continued 29 • Video Production • • Marketing / Consulting • Tri-State Comedy / Funnies 30 ............................. 2009 Forecast Continued 31 [email protected] 563.588.4365 MIRROR, MIRROR, ON THE WALL, WHO’S THE 365INKIEST OF THEM ALL? 4 DEC 26 - JAN 7 groundwork laid this year will translate to success in 2009. “The last year we’ve had a record number of new business recruit prospects that we’re working on right now,” he points out. “We have a record number of existing business prospects that are talk- ing expansion.
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