War-Time Regulations Will Affect Thousands of Local Boat Owners
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Harrison, North Street; Mrs. Eileen AND EAST HAVEN NEWS Sunday School will follow with Kearney, Sea Hall Road; Mrs 42 inch Sink and Tub Combinations Frank Frawley, Notch Hill Road; $34.95^ complete. Toilet Outfits PRICE FIVE CENTS Instructions by Dominican Nuns Branford, Connecticut, Christmas Day, 1941 from New Haven, Mrs. Alden J. Hill, Branford Road; with scat $16.95. Bathtubs $16.95. VOL. XIV—N6. 36 Mrs. Ellsworth E. Foote, Twin Lake Wall Basins $5.95. — The Conn. Holy Eucharist will be celebrated Road; Miss Marlon Doody, Totoket Plumbing & Heating Materials at 0:30 o'clock at ZIon Kplscopal Mrs. Herbert Page, Mill Road Vicin Co., 1730 State St., New Haven. To AH The Joy Of Hope! Church, Rev. Francis J. Smith, ity; Mr. Alexander McKcrman, New Board Approves Escaping Burglar Shot Rector, Mrs. Paul R. Hawkins, Haven Trap R^ck Quarry Plant; Phone 6-0028.- . War-Time Regulations organist and choir director. Mr. Frank, Haslett, Quarry Road and vicinity. The drive will close TYPEWRITERS — ALL MAKES Teacher Salary HAT Willi llio ImyB In camp mid Ono thing In suro: tho local Ilali- Morning worship will be at U December 28. i By Patrolman Ifkovic W liicronHL-d eniiiloyment diio to way ExpreflB ncent IR a good man o'clock at the North Branford CoDTenlent Terms Will Affect Thousands Gxunniliiif; nntloiinl dofciino produc- to know when It comes to shipping Increase Plan packages, dining tho liollduys—or Congregational Church. Rev. O. The Lucky Thirteen 4 H club is lion, we'll) Koliig to linvo the lilggcst at liny other tieaBon of tho year. New, Rebutlts, Rentals, Portables, Chi'lGliiiiin Honson In years, in tlio DIUard Lessloy, pastor, Mrs. having a • Chrljstnjas party on Supplies After Break At Oasis His oinco is ono of tho 23,000 main Douglas'B.Holabird, organist and The Board of Education at a opinion of Ilullwny Express Agency. tained by tho Kxpronn Agency. December 27 at the home of Mrs. Of Local Boat Ownersspecia l meeting in the high school They Bhollld know, for llio ox- Shipments sent' his way move on choir director. Alfred Balinseri of Sac Hill Road, RELIANCE XITPEWRITER CO. prcnanian In one of SantA'n mo»t fast passenger trains to recipients, Sunday School for the children of at 2 o'clock. The mothers of club 0. B. GUI, Mgr. Friday night took action on a re linportnnt nldcn find handles thou- and aro delivered at no extra quest of the teachers that the Martin Redway In Ne-w Heaven Hospital After Ransack charge, within regular Railway this parish will be at 10 o'clock. In members are Invited to attend and Seamen And Sportsmen "Using Coastal Waters" Re- imnds upon thousands of Chrlatmas the chapel. Mrs. Burton S. Hall is refreshments and a program are Telephone 7-Z73R board approve an adjustment in ing Eating Place—Recently Released From Jail- Itlfl pncknges In nil pnrta of tho Express vehlclo limits In all cities 109 Crown Street, New Baren - quired To Obtain Permits—Lieut. Commander John teacliers' salaries, because of the United Sliitcn. In fact, soma oxprosn and principal towns. tho superintendent. being planned for the enjoyment of Said He Wanted Money For Christmas. rnijiloyes Will be on tho job on Holiday Labels Frea all present, All members are re • K. Murphy, XJ. S. N. Retired, In Charge of Permits. Increased cost of living. "The board Christmas Day, to mBko surd that WANTED—Employment to do voted to approve the request and An urge to obtain money for For extra speed In shipping, air The ZIon Parish Oulld met on quested to bring their ribbons and housework, day or week. Willing holtddy shipments roach tho boines express Is tho modern mlraclo. It to bring a 10 cent gift for the grab Sport^'nen, oyster growers and the matter will be referred to the Christmas landed Martin Redway, intended before tho day is over. fltos packages at high' speed bo-' Monday at tho Rectory, Mrs, worker. Tel. Branford 899-5 Board of Finance. Chairman Bailey Shop Early—Ship Earlyl Francis J. Smith and Miss Caroline abg. otHer Seamen using the waters in Regional School 340 Lenox Street, New Haven, In tvoen moro than 370 points served Elliott Hawkes of Falmouth; Me., the Now Haven Hospital this Tho expressman respectfully re- direct by this supor-swift sorvlco. K. Smith serving as Joint hostesses. this vicinity were advised over the riuests tho publid to ship <iarly, pack Fast co-ordinated rail oxprosfl Plans wore made for the annual The annual Christmas party of WANTED—Woman for cooking we^k end it will be necesary for was appointed as Instructor of in Reports $2000 morning. makos air oxpross speed available SANTA GLAUS CAN HELP AMERICAN DEFENSE! This poster, and general housework. Phone FbrAirWardens cni'orully nnd write loKlbly, and to Chrlctmas party. the Ladies Sewing Society was held drawn by J.-W. and W. J. Wilkinson, a father and son artist team of thdm to obtain identification cards dustrial arts to fiU the position In the course of routine patrol Rlvc full Information in addresses, to all eblppers through tholr local 679. made vacant by the resignation of Tho latter should includo "stroot oxpross ofllces. on Wednesday in the chapel. A Ualtimore, reminds Americana that they can help the Defense Program for all their employes as stringent Raised In Drive duty at 5; 15 Patrolman Anthony ^ enforcement of war-time regula- To Start Jan. 6 Joseph Stearns who has joined the Ifkovic tried the door of the Oasis nh<l humlior" of recipients In largo Attractive holiday package labels •nio'Sunday School, of the Con picnic dinner \»as enjoyed at noon this Christmas by giving Defense Bonds and Stamps in addition to cities, and avoid obhrovlatlonB of can bo ohtainod at any Ilallway and a grab hag" furnished a gift for the usual present. Nation-wide distributioh of this poster has been' WORKING MOTHER'S Children 1') §, tidns'prohibit any uncredlted per- army, His salary will be $1,575, Mr Restaurant, Post Road and found state names. Express oOlco. gregational Church win have their The Board of Education has Hawkes is a graduate of the Gor- Rudolph F. Bailey, chairman of annual Christmas porty at 7:30 each) one. " ' made, especially in tho windows of'500,000 retail stores where Defense cared for in home of American "'' soli from using coastal waters. Ap the look forced and broken, In Stamps—for as low as 10 cents—are now on sale. practical nurse, 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. plications for these permits may be given permission for the use of the ham. Me. State Teachers' College the War Relief Fund and Roll Call side,, the contents of a strong box o'clock on December 22. high school auditorium for a for $8000 tor the Branford Branch The Youn^ Mr. and Mrs. Club $1.00 a day, plus milk, meals in lidd any week day from 10 to noon and has about six yeais' experience woi'o strewn about. Having noted cluded. Box 81, Short Beach. , in the Seamen's Bethel, 61 Water regional air raid warden's school in Falmouth..He will begin his of tho American Red Cross an that a car was parked at tho roar School chllclren of the Center met on Wednesday night at the -t and Sidney Murray Monroe, of this to serve wardens from -East nounces that $2000 of tho sum has CHURCH NOTES School will present a musical play parsonage for a' Christmas party. Street. , duties on January 5. of the 'building, Ifkovic wont. to place, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Haven, Branford, North Haven, been realized, tho back of tho oatlng place and In the town hall this week for Each one refceived a gift, and re WEDDINGS William Irving Monroe of Harbor WANTED TO RENT OT sub-let The applications are being Issued North Branford, Madison and Gull- I YET THERE IS PEACE 1 parents and friends. Miss Dorothy freshments and' entertainment was by Lieut. Comdr. John K. Murphy, Among tho solicitors aro: removed the keys bctoro further street, took place Monday in the for winter months — two ;,or ford, The school will begin January ,Rov. A. W. Jones, Sub-chalrinan, Stokes of Saybrook, siiperylsor of enjoyed by all present. home of the bridegroom's brother- U.8.NJi., retired, after credentials 6, at-7-.30 P. M. and will meet Tues "Glory to God in the hiiihcHt and on earth penoo, good will Inspection ot tlu: building. three room furnished apartment, are oliecKed' and- each applicant toward men." Thus the iingols grcolcd iiieii on earth, tins earth Business and Industrial Division; Returning Immediately; ho dis Masses In St.