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Santa Relies On Railway Expressmen FOU ALL LOCAL J NORTH BRANFORD NFAVS RE^VD THE TRE nOMB NEWSrAPER IS A To Handle Christmas Packages Quickly "VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TO^VN BEA>iFOKD REVIEW TO GRKET YOU •1 Services at the local churches on which will canva.S3 the town, and PORTRAYING AS IT DOES Sunday will be: check.'i given should bo mode pay­ . IN THE OLDEN WAY LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN Mass at 0:15 o'clock at St. able to the American Red Cross. Business Directory FAKOLIAR LANGUAGE Augustine's R. C. Church, Rev. John Canvassers are Ml.ss Mary Virginia A MEERY CHRISTMAS J McCarthy, pastor Mrs. Edward Holabird, Center; Ml.ss Shirley Wt\t prantbrti Eeb to Daly, organist and choir director. Harrison, North Street; Mrs. Eileen AND EAST HAVEN NEWS Sunday School will follow with Kearney, Sea Hall Road; Mrs 42 inch Sink and Tub Combinations Frank Frawley, Notch Hill Road; $34.95^ complete. Toilet Outfits PRICE FIVE CENTS Instructions by Dominican Nuns Branford, Connecticut, Christmas Day, 1941 from New Haven, Mrs. Alden J. Hill, Branford Road; with scat $16.95. Bathtubs $16.95. VOL. XIV—N6. 36 Mrs. Ellsworth E. Foote, Twin Lake Wall Basins $5.95. — The Conn. Holy Eucharist will be celebrated Road; Miss Marlon Doody, Totoket Plumbing & Heating Materials at 0:30 o'clock at ZIon Kplscopal Mrs. Herbert Page, Mill Road Vicin­ Co., 1730 State St., New Haven. To AH The Joy Of Hope! Church, Rev. Francis J. Smith, ity; Mr. Alexander McKcrman, New Board Approves Escaping Burglar Shot Rector, Mrs. Paul R. Hawkins, Haven Trap R^ck Quarry Plant; Phone 6-0028.- . War-Time Regulations organist and choir director. Mr. Frank, Haslett, Quarry Road and vicinity. The drive will close TYPEWRITERS — ALL MAKES Teacher Salary HAT Willi llio ImyB In camp mid Ono thing In suro: tho local Ilali- Morning worship will be at U December 28. i By Patrolman Ifkovic W liicronHL-d eniiiloyment diio to way ExpreflB ncent IR a good man o'clock at the North Branford CoDTenlent Terms Will Affect Thousands Gxunniliiif; nntloiinl dofciino produc- to know when It comes to shipping Increase Plan packages, dining tho liollduys—or Congregational Church. Rev. O. The Lucky Thirteen 4 H club is lion, we'll) Koliig to linvo the lilggcst at liny other tieaBon of tho year. New, Rebutlts, Rentals, Portables, Chi'lGliiiiin Honson In years, in tlio DIUard Lessloy, pastor, Mrs. having a • Chrljstnjas party on Supplies After Break At Oasis His oinco is ono of tho 23,000 main­ Douglas'B.Holabird, organist and The Board of Education at a opinion of Ilullwny Express Agency. tained by tho Kxpronn Agency. December 27 at the home of Mrs. Of Local Boat Ownersspecia l meeting in the high school They Bhollld know, for llio ox- Shipments sent' his way move on choir director. Alfred Balinseri of Sac Hill Road, RELIANCE XITPEWRITER CO. prcnanian In one of SantA'n mo»t fast passenger trains to recipients, Sunday School for the children of at 2 o'clock. The mothers of club 0. B. GUI, Mgr. Friday night took action on a re­ linportnnt nldcn find handles thou- and aro delivered at no extra quest of the teachers that the Martin Redway In Ne-w Heaven Hospital After Ransack­ charge, within regular Railway this parish will be at 10 o'clock. In members are Invited to attend and Seamen And Sportsmen "Using Coastal Waters" Re- imnds upon thousands of Chrlatmas the chapel. Mrs. Burton S. Hall is refreshments and a program are Telephone 7-Z73R board approve an adjustment in ing Eating Place—Recently Released From Jail- Itlfl pncknges In nil pnrta of tho Express vehlclo limits In all cities 109 Crown Street, New Baren - quired To Obtain Permits—Lieut. Commander John teacliers' salaries, because of the United Sliitcn. In fact, soma oxprosn and principal towns. tho superintendent. being planned for the enjoyment of Said He Wanted Money For Christmas. rnijiloyes Will be on tho job on Holiday Labels Frea all present, All members are re­ • K. Murphy, XJ. S. N. Retired, In Charge of Permits. Increased cost of living. "The board Christmas Day, to mBko surd that WANTED—Employment to do voted to approve the request and An urge to obtain money for For extra speed In shipping, air The ZIon Parish Oulld met on quested to bring their ribbons and housework, day or week. Willing holtddy shipments roach tho boines express Is tho modern mlraclo. It to bring a 10 cent gift for the grab Sport^'nen, oyster growers and the matter will be referred to the Christmas landed Martin Redway, intended before tho day is over. fltos packages at high' speed bo-' Monday at tho Rectory, Mrs, worker. Tel. Branford 899-5 Board of Finance. Chairman Bailey Shop Early—Ship Earlyl Francis J. Smith and Miss Caroline abg. otHer Seamen using the waters in Regional School 340 Lenox Street, New Haven, In tvoen moro than 370 points served Elliott Hawkes of Falmouth; Me., the Now Haven Hospital this Tho expressman respectfully re- direct by this supor-swift sorvlco. K. Smith serving as Joint hostesses. this vicinity were advised over the riuests tho publid to ship Rldov, Mrs. Albert Hoag, port iledway then attempted a get­ Minister waters as well as adjacent waters. East Haven's annual Community peace until tlie law ot-iiiqchanized might lias been abolished,'mi- away. When ho tailed to obey an Beds—James Tyler, Patty Neal, The Rev. Francis J. Smith was R. D. Schroeder, Mrs. C. J. Upson, gational Church. Friends are Invi­ Holman as bridesmaid. Mr. Holman ranges & frlgidai'res ' $29-$3'6'-;^49. be given, certificates awairded by Mrs. Wm; Meftort, Jr., Mrs. Fred Morning Worship, 10:45 Jimmy Cox, Marilyn Cox, Robert ' Seatnen's ipermits are being is­ Christmas carol sing Monday night til the selfish, ui'iKhrisliau leaders oil mcn.hayb.beooiiie history, it order to halt, Ifkovic shot and hit the guest speaker at the annual Mrs. Ernest W. Cadwell, Mrs. Dun­ ted.- . - was best mart. Following an un­ Guaranteed gas ranges $9-$12$-2'0. the State Defense Council. ushered In Christmas week. TPhe Houde, Miss Alma Ellsworth. Church School, 9.30. Nyholt, Jeanette Rider, Walter can MacArthur, Mrs. Rudolph announced wedding trip Mr! and Lamps, chairs, tables, rugs,.' radio's, sued first so as not to interfere is the task o£jtlie United Slates to rid the world of those forces him In tho calf of tho leg, when Yoimg People 8.45 P. M, at the banquet of the Knights of 'Wash­ A reception for the immediate It is expected that 100 of the 250 exercises under the general direc­ and So to proyido'a lasting peace of liberty under God. Mrs. Axel Mlchaclson, sub-chair Adams, Sandra Pratt, Harry Mor­ ington at Red Shutter Inn, MIschler, Mrs. Leroy Bartholomew, Mrs. Monroe will live in Branford mattresses $9-$ll-$17. Cash,.dis­ with business. Sportsmen permits wardens expected will be from that tailed to stop him the oRlccr Manse. • families.will follow at the home of tion ot Prank M. Dooley began at man; Mrs, Henry Holsenbeck, Mrs, gan, Ethel Johnson. Meriden. Mrs. August .Aitermott, Mrs. Guy the'brides parents. Mr. 'Monroe was honorably dls count 10% to 25% any article will then be- given as rapidly as Branford. The auditorium will ac­ But, for'ChriRlmas, Iflil, yet there is_ p'ouno'. Tlicro is tho fired again Injuring him in tjie Congregational Church School Play, Olirlstmas in many Lands: possible. the illuminated Christmas tree oi-t peace of unity,HviJ,hin the nation. 'I'liereiB the peace of trust in Roosevelt Enqulst, Mrs. Herbert thigh. Barker, Mrs. Harry Greer, Mrs. charged from the U. S. Army, re bought with Xmas Check. 59 Whal- commodate others interested but the green, the singing was led by Christmas party will be held Sat­ American Dlrl—Joyce Ferguson Raymbnd H. Boutelle. turning to Branford Dec. 6. He was ley Ave., Open Evenirigs. Gibson \ Ke _ Emphasized that roW boats, who do not care to pass the tests. the nation's le'SderB. In the words of tlio President, "There is Harrison. Ho was arrcstod and removed to urday, Deo. 27. Primary members Frencli Girl—Winifred Kreifiser, The North Branford Volunteer The' marrla.ge of Miss Winifred sailboats, out board motors etc, Mrs. John Strandberg, jsupervlsor the inner pence which comes from those great spiritual things Mrs. Edward Garrlty. sub-chair Now Haven Hospital whore he has Fire Department has volunteered Mrs. • Edmuiid''Hosley, co-chair­ Mallory Parmelee, daughter ot Mrs. with the finance section of the 43d Stores, Inc. '' , . '' District wardens here report that of n\}is!c In the schools. A number will meet in tho afternoon and the Engllst Girl—Virginia Adams, Swe­ Division at Camp Blanding. wSre iU included in the war time their sections are very well covered Without whicli iio country can win."/ro;)i the East Haven Comet man; MrsMrs.. ' Robert Mortz, MrsMrs.l-j,-„„^^,a„„^„(. , Jtiniors in the evening. dish girl—Winifred Taconis; Ital­ 100% for work in any field of local man, Mrs. R'aymohd Van Wie, Mrs. Mabel Parmelee of North Haven regulation and intimated that of local civic groups Joined with Gladys Johnson, Mrs R. L. Brow- Following a series of burglaries, emergency defense, They have Dovld Potter,'^rs. Raymond Spar- FOR SALE—Pai^'or oltculating but that anyone else willing to do the Girl Scouts and various choral Stmday morning services will ian girl—Marlon Swift; Spanish "lisliig. coastal waters" might be this work during the crisis present or, Mrs. Fred Swift, Mrs. Cilltord' onq of which was at tlw Oasis on now taken up a project of fixing Ico, Mrs. HoWard Bartholomew, heater for coal or •wood, like. hew. units, Reynolds, Mrs. Albert Johnson, Include a program of Christmas bpy-^RIchard Baldwin; Welsh girl Chester Bennett, Mrs. Edward R. Rod Cross rooms in the library also Gas Rangette with oyerr. Can Interpreted to apply to bathers as their names before Jan. 6th. July 6, 1930 he was arrested for —Louise Pond; Holland girl—Isa­ and filling pails with sand for resi­ Mrs. Frank Quinn, Mrs. Andrew Mc Cooper; Miss Minnie Harris, Mrs. I Tuesday night at the same place High Graduates Food, Nutrition Mrs, Carl Greenvall, Mrs. Clifford nuislc, Church School vespers will dences, so that In caso of a series be seen on premises. George My­ well.-' hold-up in Now- HavBft. -.md^wn- be at 4. bel Sweet; Russian girl—Jean Cutcheon,'Mi'ss Hazel Van Wie, Wallace H. Foote. will be closed all day, Dec. 24„ Dec. ron, Route 80, 1 mile east of.,Town I the younger chlldreii, those-In the Potorson,; BJj-s.^ .Rcgtaa^d fBabcook tSrvtia W twoav«af» i«u*«»i»ia Du Bols, Cather­ until 2 o'clock Monday' afternoon held January 5th at 3 o'clock in the Rev. Kenneth Brookes, Minister o'clock. beth Massey, Miss Lilly Kamb. ' the canceling machine registered Of considerable interest- to towns Mrs. Phelps Wall, sub-chairman, ney, formerly ot this place, was are asked to attend any of the ine Lucas, Camella ^asiilewskl, high school auditorium. Miss (taking place of Mrs Wm. Rice, be­ Church School—10 A, M. , Trinity Church school Christmas Mrs. E. F. Qarrity, co-chairman, 24,000. For Helen Brada people Is the handsome mdtor am­ Francis Whltcomb of Storrs will hold Saturday from W. 8. Clancy Morning Worship—11 A. M. drills called by department as an Janice Baldwin, Marjorle Baldwin, bulance provided to the town as cause of Illness.) Mrs. Clarence C. p'arty will be held Monday, Decern emergency precaution. Mrs. Charles Close, Mrs. Raymond I Temporary cases have been in­ speak and show motion plcturesi' U Sons mortuary homo, with req­ Pilgrim Fellowship—7:30 P. M, Ballou, Miss Ella McGrall, Mrs, Claire Rjalola,. Doris Skroza, Emily I one ot the community, services of Townsend, Mrs. C. P. Kimball, Mrs. uiem high mass In St. Mary's ber 20 at 4o'clock. Nygard, Nancy Jacocks, Betsy Sam-1 stalled to facilitate handling and Held Monday Mrs. Wilfred T. Nott, losal chair­ Catherine Dow, Mrs. Garl Erlcson. the following have been temparaily the Rotary club..The purchase was Carl Montelius, Mrs. Chas. Wright, church at 0. The Rev. Father Ed­ December 21—Church School's An auxiliary pumper has Just son, Elaine Bedardl Adele -Weted, made at this time .. as . a defense man announces the following list Mrs. Wm Adams, Miss Ruth Huglns Wlilte Christmas Service, 4:00 Branford Point — Mrs. Charles I added to the staff, William Proto, The death ot Miss Helen Julia ward J. Doinenske was, celebrant BAPTIST been received by the department as Freeman, co-chairman, Mrs. F. E, Laura Rozar, Ruth Crawford, Vir- measure, but the club has long felt of assistants Inaddition to the list Miss Vera Bartholomew, p.m. In the Church. a new unit to their oquipment. Robert Clark, Philip Anderson Brada of 49 Sliver Street occurred and the Rev. Father Edmund A. - Itaptiliit Sunday School Cook, Mrs.George Mason, Mrs. Mil­ ginlal-.Grelgl, Constance Hlnes, Walter Tamulevlch, Mrs." Mary that an ambulance. available here published last Thursday. Mrs. Geo, Hansen, sub-chairmari, Cotter, pastor. In the sanctuary, Christmas Party December 24-r-Carol Service and Flourigia Aceto, Edith Ceccollnl, Thursday in Laurel Heights, Shel- at all times for emerjjency use Brushy Plain: Mrs. Joseph Zu- ton Bradley, Mrs. Louis F. Watson, Grand, Michael Zvonkovlc and ton, following a long Illness. She Mrs. Chas. Freeman, Mrs. Harold James E. Cosgrove rendered "Moth­ The annual Christmas Party and mid-night Celebrotlon of the Holy The North , Branford Police De­ Mrs. Emil Nygard, Mrs. Addison Rose Aceto, Viola Klpjanskl, Evelyn would be a great public service. Wallack, cochalrman; Mrs. Edward Smith, Mrs. Wilfred Nott, Mrs. Communion. Carols at 11:15; partment has. volunteered 100% for Howard Bluege, All are higti school was born in Branford, a daughter er of Christ," accompanied by Mrs. entertainment tor the young folks Hopkins, Mrs.''Harry Carslen. Denhlson, Bernadette McCutcheon, or college graduates, Plans are now under way for the Perry. - ' Rudolph Josephson, Mrs. Stasia j.'j; Collins. ;• "... \ Serviod at 11:30. emergency defense'. Jennie Fraychack, Helen Duell, of Michael Brada and Margaret financing of the ambulance, the Miss Katherlne Donadlo, co- of the First Baptist Church Sunday Mrs; Gustafson, co-chairman, A marked Increase Is noted in Taraba. Pudlis, Miss Loraine Enlund, Miss Tho bearers wore Edward J,, Leo Docomber 25—Holy Communion Peggy Ann Murphy. machine having been, driven here chairman, Mrs. D. Leprlce, Mrs. P. Helen Longgard, Miss Leona John­ School is scheduled to take place, Mrs. George Hanson, Mrs. Hiinia air mall Insured and special de­ She leaves her parents: three D., and John T. Silnoy, F. Lee Mo- I^rlday evening, December 19, ot 7 9:00 a.m. The local Red Cross has been A limited number ot the four livery letters and packages. Satur­ from Boston after its inspection by Donadlo, Mrs. Leo ZuWallack, Miss son, Corcoran, Mrs.'Carl Brommels, Mrs, sisters; Mrs. Thomas Corcoran, a committee consisting, ot Frank Grail, all of this place; Leon Tlor- o'clock hi-tho Sundoy School. An December 20—Church 'Scl^ool asked to raise $500 as its quota to- Mildred Ciafeiia, . Mrs. George printings of the tuberculosis day, 160 sacks of parcel post were Qermaliie VanEgghen, Miss Gene­ John Donnelly, sub-chairman; Christmas Party; 7:00 p.m. in the ward the Emergency Fund which Is Miss Margaret Brada and Mrs. Clancy, Roy Perry and Dr. Arthur vieve Struzlnsky, Mrs. Igantlous ney of New Haven and Charles interesting program has been ar­ Schultz, Mrs. darol Neal, Mrs. Har­ Cliris.tmas Seals for this year has dispatched. Mrs. Daniel Cosgrove, Mrs. Alden Kelly ot Meriden. Tho burial was ranged, and both young ond old Parish House, now needed to relieve the suffering Just been received at the office of Nicholas Pesca; and two brothers, Bishop. Struzlnsky, Mrs. Michael Patynok ry Alien, Mrs. Maurits Montelius, Miss May O'Neill assisting out­ Frank and William, all of Branford Llrisley, Mrs. John Mullen, Mrs. M. In St, Agnes cemetery. are invited to be present. Trinity Aid held a Chrlstma.s of those of our countrymen woun the Connecticut Tuberculosis Asso­ side the window seperates first Mrs. John Bontatibus, Mrs. Michael A. Turner, Mrs, . Frank Williams, ded, in Jured, brpnade homeless by Mrs. Alfred Wodstrom, Miss Augus­ Funeral services were held Mon­ The program follows: •'•...•,. partjy. today In the Rectory. ta Johnson, Mrs.- Fred Prout, Jr., ciation, according to a statement class mail from the remainder and Nashwena Council D..of P. will Capplello, Mrs. Nick Huzar, Mrs. Mrs. Marshall Woqlson, Mls.'< Rose the onslaught beginning December made today by Ml^ Mabel Baird, day morning at 8:30 from her late John Plscltello, Mrs. P. DeLeon- The Drummers' Salute—James Trinity Triangle of the Trinity Mrs. William Johnson. speeds it on its way.. residence, with requiem high mass hold Its Christmas party December Donadlo, Miss Rosalind Mockevicz. 7. Mrs./Alden J. Hill, Roll Call campaign director. Miss Balrd ardo. Factory soUcitators: Mrs. Orvllle Cox, Charles -Morgan, Harvey Church will give a square dance at Chairman, attended a meeting at Mrs. William Crawford, co-chair­ Mistletoe, holly and fresh fruits In St. Mary's Church at 9 o'clock. 28 in Svea Hall. State Guard Off Barker; Recitation, Daddy's Girl- the Community House, Friday man, Mrs. swan Esborn, Mrs. Bur said that because so many requests are coming In from the southwest Paved Street area: Mrs. H. Q. Schmidt, Mrs. John Quinn, Mrs. headquarters and announced that have • come from stamp collectors Burial was in St. Agnes Cemetery.- Joan Blake; Queer Uncle Blll-^Pred evdnlrig.January 32rd. the membership drive which is now ton Sheperd, Mrs. Carl Klockars, and it is evident that the boys in Cooke, co-chairman: Mr. Bruno Harold DeFellce, Mrs. wm; Hitch- To Relief Jobs and- others. It was decided to ex­ service will receive gifts ot fruit CeccoUnl, Mr. H. G. Cooke, Mr, cocks, Jr., Mrs. Franklin Gates. Ashman; Stooklng.5-7 Charlene The' order of confirmation was in progress will make it, possible Mrs. Michael Dcrtzo, Mrs. Grin saws'S.'S'.SSiS MERRY CHRISTMAS Carlson; My ^ Christmas Plan- conferred by the Kt. Rev. Walter for persons to contribute to this Fletcher, Mrs. Clifford Cherry, Mrs change seals with Vermont, Ohio cake and cigarettes. . CAPT. ELMER TYLER Nelson B. Cooke, Mr. John Hlgglns, Branford's Company I of tiie Walter Jackson; A Mystery—Doris and Wisconsin, In order to secure Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kneuor, Ml'. Henry Gray, D. D., Suffragan emergency fund at the time they Carl Lendroth, Mrs. Ruel Llndberg; BURIED SATURDAY We have -written countless stories OBSERVERS NOTICE Connecticut-State Guard was mo- ' Swift; Christmas Eve Curiosity-- Bishop of Connecticut, In Trinity some of the other three printings, and Mrs. Addison Cooke, Mr, and pay memberships. Mrs. David Johnson. About our.local toum. Observers.-tor Aircraft Warning bllized at the armory Saturday • Bctty Ferguson; The First Christ church Sunday. ,. •. Johnson's Point — Mrs. George the Eureka Printing being the ones 1 JOHN T. HENLEY, JR. Mrs. Addltor) Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. morning at 1 and lett by bus for mas Gift—Ralph Plerpont; The generally circulated in this state. The funeral of Capt. Elmer S. And cast a. few opinions s; A. Petrillo, Mr. Harold Ceccollnl Service are remhided that the post' Candidates who were confirmed M. Page, co-chairman, Mrs. Win- DIES OP INJURIES Tyler of Pine Orchard Road was an undisclosed destination. The Best Plan—Milton HoUman. ' I Mrs. Hill has secured volunteers PROMPT, cou«no"s^j'S«ffi Only a few hundred sheets of In our column "Oita Round" Mr. John Ceccollnl. must be manned 24 hours dally. In were- Clara Dibble Crawford, Ann held Saturday with services In the order that this be worked out sa­ unit will relieve other guardsmen Play. A Doll For 'Liz'beth, by the Ely, , Mark WItherford Freeman, '""^?,'rr* We w»nt your Booi each of the Strobridge, and Ed­ John ThomaS" Henley, Jr., 21, funeral home ot Norman V. Lamb, Indian Neck: Mrs. Frederick R. who have been guarding factories Primary Department; The Doll 'Xlwciulyourworkl wards and Deutsch and the United Of our athletes by the dozen Houde; cochalrmari; Mrs. George tisfactorily all shifts must be Archibald Hanna,. Jr., Edith Sue son of John Thomas and Josephine the Rev. B. Kenneth Anthony, of You have had -a good report; In which vital defense operations Lady—Norma Petrle, Robin—Harty Hantia, Marie Rosslter Rice,'Audrey *" States Printing companies are Adanis, Mrs, Kenheth Burne, Mrs. prompt to arrive. A few more ob­ Economy Downs Henley of 221 North High the First Congregational Church If you've followed laithfully servers are required to complete are carried on. Morgan, V/llla—Sandra Pratt, The [schwanfelder, Edith Bloomberg available here, and for this reason street, died in St. Raphael's Hos­ Charles Neely, Mrs. Richard Jones Bastus Doll—Donald HoUman, The officiating. Relatives and friends The "Comment 'On a Sport" the holiday schedule.' Call Robert The Branford unit Is commanded •Whltcomb, John Richard Whit- Adjust brakes. Rtfjlign wheels. Adjust TWO «« tCOHOM;r^ExP«r. the siipply is being distributed di­ pital Sunday morning soon after Mrs. L; Clark Frost, Mrs. Irving Baby Dolls—Elizabeth Adams, and stocrin,; assembly and citeck front wheel attended from Branford, New Ha Gate or Mr. or Mrs. Flanders by Capt. John Ahern, with John Comb Jr., John,Richard 'Whltcomb, R.C.BALLOU Plumbing ine-in. Inspect tites—shift if necessary, rectly from the state headquarters his arrival, after having sustained ven and Hartford. The bearers were Adams, Mrs. Robert Stretch. Coolac as first lieutenant and Mau­ [^#V * C:beck and adjust IJKbts. polish re­ Our staff of able workers Smith. James Tyler, The Priscllla Doll- Stevan Pauk, Walter Joseph Pauk, at 43 Farmlngton Avenue, Hart injuries In an automobile accident May Coleman, cochalrman; Miss Ethel Johnson, The Wax Doll— flectors. Ciieck windshield wiper and proved '""''.r^asteoftiffle George Pond, Samuel Pond, Jr., Has had one end in view; rice Smith, as second lieutenant. Ruth Roller, Aubert Joseph Carless blade operation, includint; vacuum line Install new- spark pIuRS. New- ford, rather than through the local near State and James streets in Idah I. Baird, Mrs. Sterling Bald­ Jeanette- Rider, The Paper Doll— & Heating correction if required. '''"^"'l?,?/ Bor^ Parts gi« Donald Hotchklss, George Holcomb, To print all the news sincerely The officers,are all veterans of Magdelena Grace Carless. points ptecisiun set in dis­ associations, although all purchas­ New Haven when a car he was al­ John and Donald Oppel. The bur­ win, Mrs. Arthur Bowman, Mrs. FELLOWCRArr the. first World War. There are 50 tributor. New w-irint; where And give it straight to you: es of full sheets of these seals will legedly driving went out of control ial was In Center cemetery. Louis Mory, Mrs! S. B. Parkinson. At Its recent annual meeting held enlisted men, many of whom are Supply Co. leedcd. Generator checked, be credited to the local committee. Hotchklss Grove: Mrs. JosepJ> pe 1' • 3taiter checked. Lights check­ and overturned. in the Academy on the Green the also ex-servico men. Miss Baird said. Now that we close our volume Pizzol, cochalrman; Mrs. flarmon The World's News Seen" Through ed and reflectors polished. here you're a'"'""* j our Funeral services were held Tues­ MARYA GLOWACKA DIES And start anew 'for forty-two; Fellowcraft Club elected the follow Piston Ring and Tunc-Up Horn checked. • The various printings, according Roller, Mrs. Charles Callahan, Mrs. fv CIDER Boilers'— Radiators sound b""°" ,y "oueyou day from the Clancy mortuary The funeral of Marya Zatonskl, "May Christmas Greetings bless you Ing officers for 1942: President, TO CLOSE EARLY XMAS EVE THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Special to philatelists, have their ind'"idu- Raymond Schimmel, Mrs, Clarence &aa Steam Radiators crnVaysrelyoa. home at 43 KIrkham Avenue and wife ot Stanley Glowacka, former­ That's our wish from the "Re- Lewis W. Close; vice-president, All First National Stores will An Iniernatiottal Daily Newspaper Install new-typff rings.. Valves ground al plate markings on each sheet, King, Mrs. Walter Carlson, , Mrs. Harry Freslnlus; secretary, Howard '\' ii Trudiful—Constructive—Unbiased—Free from ScniatiionaU if needed or new valveseat inserts in* at St. Vincent do Paul's church at ly of this place, now of 13 Alton vieio," close Xmas Eve at T.OO P. M. in or­ Bathroom Fixtures stalled. Distributor removed und puinrs and the position selected this year 9 a. m. a requiem high mass was R. W. Flske, Mrs. Howard Badger, W. Prann; treasurer, Reginald S. w ism — Editorials Are Timely and l[n«tructivf, and Its Daily Street, New Haven, was held from der to give employees an opportun- ' reset. Spatk I'-UKS cleaned antl te- - for the Identification mark is on W. J. A. Mrs, F, A. Ford, Mrs. Arthur Hilsey Features, Together with tlie Wec'-ly Magazine Section, Mak« All Kinds — at Low Cost ;3ppcd. Caibutctor cleaned and ad' said. the mortuary hame of W. S. Clan­ Baldwin; chaplain, Frederick H. Ity to be with their families.. The the Monitor an Ideal NcHspapcr for the Home. usted. l-'uel pump cleaned and tested. the 56th seal, counting from the top Mrs. Ralph Baldwin. Ltnsley; custodian, Charles L, Air cleaner washed and re-oiled. Com­ cy & Sons, Branford, Monday at statement from First National jt of the sheet in a Horizontal posi- Close; board ot trustees, Norman HBr". Tho Christian Science Publishing Society Also Selected plete motor tune-up with final scien- NURSES ASK FOR TOYS 10 a. m., with requiem high mass NOTICE Mill Plain area; Mr. Roy H. Cox, headquarters announcing the 7:00 tilic Laboratory Machine Test. tiori, with an "E" on the lower left cochalrman, Mrs. F. Sherwood Boyd C. Clark, Norman V. Lamb, Charles One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts In St. Mary's Church, at 10:30. The closing requested customers ur­ TEL 570 corner over the word Merry on the Christmas toys and checks are New Years falling as U Mrs. Charles B. Goldsmith, Misses L. Close, Frederick P Slicker. • Price 912.00 Yearly, or 91.00 A Month. USED PLUMBING comliSg Into the Health Center burial was In St. Agnes cemetery. gently to shop early, and for their Saturday Issue, Including Magazine Section, ^Z.60 a Year. Eureka seals; an "S" for the Stro-' does VD. Thursday makes it Catherine and Roselyn Schwanfel­ convenience stores will remain op­ Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. and bridge; a"D" for Edwards and more slowly than last year. While der, Mrs. Casper Block, Miss Lydla CHRISTMAS AT ROTARY advisable to publish the Re­ en Tuesday until 9:30 P. M. Name...... -...——. .-—...... — -.—.v—...... ^ HEATING SUPPLIES Deutsch; and a "U" for the United the need this season is not great Willis. SELL V. 8. OEPENSE DONDS States, ' the Branford Visiting Nurses hope Rev. George Ross Morrell, rector view on Wednesday ot next The Branford Post Office sold Address . ALPS ROAD Wilson Auto Sales Co., Inc. if kM of Christ Church, Guilford, and a Pine Orchard: Mrs. Harrison M; Vasa Star Lodge will hold Its an-' Telephone 8-4Q47 to make the holiday a merry one week .News anil advertising: Lang, cochalrman; Mrs, Roger A $9,000'C. S. Defetise Bonds, (ex- SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST for a large number of youngsters Rotarlan, spoke on "Christmas, Baldwin,! elusive of stamps! during the nual Christmas party at Svea Hall 91 Water St!, New Haven .West Main Street Phone 698 Because of the hoUdays the First copy, jtherefore should be Benton, Mrs. John D Saturday night. so "contributions will be gladfy re- 1941" at the Rotary Club luncheon I Contfnueif ori page two month of November. Aid Class win not meet again until Monday noon. sent in as early as possible. Jan. 7. ceolved." -a .

A rff.i.,^-«

•tJV"*, v*^^ » tv I'V A. \>'"' ,»»«»*«•*•• • fc * <^W>».»-^'H. ' J**^t^-rW^'^ V=^^'

, THE BRANFORD RKVIEW, BRANFORD, CONN., DECEMBER 2G, 1041 PAGE THREE PAaE TWO THE BRANFO?lD REVIEW, BRAl^FORD, CONN., DECEMBER 25, 1041 «'1''*ilA-Sj:-,>itW!--'. ;•;;',,,:,}• .^',; ••-,;•.,,. ,',--Vv,- ,..^-.'..'.-, v-^r, - •-,•., '. Atwater, Joseph. Bbdner, Joseph EAST HAVEN Attendanee List Zurowskl, . What Nots W',\-cJ)!;?"^ Salvation Army Country Store BY GITA ROUNp iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' LAUREL STREET,'SCHOOL BatabUshed 1028 Is Announced Gradb'0—Stephen FlntB,) Walter ,YOUNG G. 0. P. CLUB Day given by tho Half Hour Read­ Serves Abroad Jackson; Jtan AMstln, Anne Mc- Records Show ing Club. Published Every Thuridajr At • High and Junior High School: CUtchebn, Georgia Milne, Helen ELECTS OFFICERS If I were Santa Claus I'd refuse Brantord, Conn. Action placing the 2000 centers of Grade 7; Donald Delgrego Ernest Moleske, Michael Nardclla, John Mrs. C. n. Sturges will bo hostess to give the school teachers a tem­ service maintained by- Tho Salva­ Priee Changes At the annual meeting of the by Johnston, David Samson, John Pallas, Joseph Sokolosky, Barbara at a niu.slcal program New Year's porary salary Increase I would tion Army Ih the UWled States and Davis, John Gentile, Leroy Altmans Yoimg G. O. P. Club the following Day given by the Half Hour Read­ THE BRANFORD REVIEW, INC. Baldwin, Blanche Bedard, Lorraine give th(;m a substantial iiernmncnt lis territories on a war footing and berger, Reginald Brulotte, Kenneth DcBernardi; Marie Donadlo, Flor­ Lester Nichols sends In this In­ officers were re-elected for thine g Club. increase- To the boys In service, 37.Rose Street pledging Its 5000 commissioned of- Erlckson, Eugene Plnskl,, William ence Ghlroll, Lcatrlce Johnson. teresting copy of a page appearing coming year: President, Matthew Anastasio; first • vice-president, to the boys and girls away at ncera and all equipment to the Corcoran, Clarence Hoyt, Walter Grade 5—Lillian Perelll, Helen In an old account book of a Con­ Tlie Girl Scouts of Troop No. 66 McCarthy, Thomas Pope, Francis Herbert Korn; second vice-presl schools and colleges and to my service of American communities In Gross, Robert Anderson, Robert necticut Country Store, 1840-41. win meet Dec. 30. UEYBR LESHINE Publisher Ralola, Margaret Mattson, June dent, Herman Hackbarth; secre­ neighbor I would give a subscrip­ war emergencies wis taken ycster- Potts, Francis Pervettl, George Zellnskl, Joan. Armstrong; Dorpthy Country stores then did the bus­ tary, William Osborn, and tion to the Review I would AUCE T.: PETERSON Editor dhy by Cbmmlssloner Edword' J. Gorbett, Carl Bloomqulst, Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mallinson St. Louis, PrlsolUa Shorey, Jean iness of foods; dry goods, crockery,, treasurer, Bert Klockers. send Reg Baldwin some encourage Parker, commanding The Salvation Anderson, John SOkoIosky, A'nn Ol­ of Foxon have returned from a va­ Walton, Kathcrlne Molesko, whiskey, shoes, cobbling, and'was ment in getting a tax payers asso Army In Aiuerlca.' • son, Dorothy Spadonl, Patsy Rey­ cation trip to St. Petersburg, Fla. Theresa Blaglarelll, Alberta Kane, in competition with practically all In compliance with an order elation started I would aid Gus Telephone BranfordiOO nolds, Liberate- Ferrelll, George kinds of business. Divisional and 'corps command­ Patricia White. from State Administrator Sahiuel Mr and Mrs. Supernaunt of Hamre for a sewage system for the Ghlroll,: John Nygard. Half; bushel Clams .38; 8. lbs. Bubjqrlptlon'Eatc: ers throughout the country were Grade 8: Grant Brlggs, Dewey Fisher, Chairman Anthony J. Car­ Guilford moved Saturday to center., 1 would give someone a !. Grade 4—Dolores Borzlllo, Helen Pork .80; U 3-4 lbs Cheese .82; 5 $2.00 a Year, Payable In Adrance Instructed to maintain such equip­ Ghlroll, Ernest Pozzl, Salvatore uso will supply 300 arm bands for Bradley Avenue. kick for killing off pi'ospects of a Boyle, Norma-Ann Clark, Marilyn Advertlalng Rates. On Application ment Iti readiness, Including trucks Donadlo, Jerome Garrlty, Walter lbs. Sugar ,50 8 3-4i lbs; Codfish ,31; civilian defense workers. Tlie home zoning plan BlirAheni asks for ''•;.;.*' • r i » Donadlo, Ruth- Hoadley; Ruth 1 gal. Molasses ,40; 10 doz. eggs $1; stocked with food' and'food-dispen­ Kremser, Francis Pallal Stephen dconomlcs classes of the high The schools wUl be closed until public tennis courts and a man- Johnson, Joan Kamlnsky, Maureen sing equipment, blankets and heavy Hanchuruok, Donald Hlgney, 1 gal. Vinegar .17; 5 -1-4 lbs. Beef school win make these arm bands January 5. sized basket-ball floor. Bill's a pal Member Of Nournlng, Barbara Pepe, Robert clothing packed and loaded' for Im­ Rudolph Prahovlc Wlola Kopjan^ ,37; 1-2 bu. Walnuts .63; 10 lbs. of white cloth with the letters^ "C. so I would luck those gifts In his New England Press Association Estrom, Robert Gullans, Warren Spare Ribs .60; 1 gal. Sperm Oil mediate dispatch upon news of ski, Shirley Wilcox, Nancy Boutelle D." In red. The Board of. Education has ac­ .sock To the police department I Hopper, Louis Locarno, John Mur­ $1,34; 1 bbl. Flour $6; 17; lbs; Cod­ need. Orders as to procedures to Mary Gordon, Margaret Morawskl cepted tho resignation, effective would give the Harrison Avenue phy; Frederick Simpson. fish' .59; 13 lbs. Swordflsh: .52; 2 be followed by corps officers In cit­ Eleanor Padlnskl, Rosella Alter- John S. Gibbons February 1. of Miss Jane Coe, school with best wishes As San­ Entered' ai second, olais matter HARRISON AVENUE qts. N. E. Rum .25; 2 lbs Butter..34; ies and towns throughout New Eng­ matt. Rose Clmono, Goraldlne De- The funeral of Mr. John S. Gib­ secretary to Principal William E. ta I would write a booklet' on tho October 18, 1828, at. the Post Otflce Grade 3—Edward Atwater, Rob­ land in case of bombings and other Bay Galdys Edwards,, Dorothy 2 lbs. Rice .10; 1 pt. Brandy .08; bons of 9 Meadow Street who died Fagerstron. virtues of Branford to be distribu­ at Branford, Conn, 'under Act ol ert Donadlo, StanleyKustra, Rocco emergencies wore Issued simultan­ Mlhallck, Emily Nygard, Isabella l-2> Ibj'K. H'Tea .42; 1 qt. Gin. at his home on Saturday was held ted free of charge lo prospective March J, 1807. Robertson, June Thompson, Ruth Luclan, Donald Thayer,.Joan Aus­ (American) .13; 2 drinks .06; 2. eously by Col. Edmund' C. Hoffman, December 16 from the funeral vacationists I'd heal the town TOmpson, tin Virginia Johnson. qts. Cider Brandy .34; 1 side Lea­ commanding New England Prov­ parlors of M. P. Walker and Sons hall. Poor, employees how Ihcy suf­ Thursday, Deoomboi' 25; 1941 Grade 2—Roger Anderson, Wil­ ther $1.50; l.bbl. Mldlln.Flour $4.35 in New Haven. The funeral mass ince. Steve Huzar, Vincent Ghlroll, fer with tlie thermomcler down to liam Hlgley, Harry Morgan, Alfred l-2:lb. Tobacco .13; l;qt. St. Rum .25, will be celebrated at St. 'Vincent de INDIAN NECK, Such action followed receipt by Htnry Olcjarczayk Henry Arm­ 98 or 100 I'd give the V. N. A. Paler, Johri Zurkus, Sonya Bodle, 1 qt. Maloga Wine .25;. 1 Aze.Helve Paul's Church on Taylor Avenue at Salvation Army authorities of am­ strong Alton Geccorulll, Leo Fln- By Richard Whitcomb a publicity agent....I'd sent some Agnes Dudley; Barbara Donadlo. .17; 5 weeks board; $.8.75; l,,ub. 9 A. M. Burial was place In Ithaca, PEAOErHOPE plified reports from Salvationist neran, Ernest. Bond, George soft white snow flakes. When the tary penny in riMnnnenition. If Grade 1—Evelyn Beshaw, Beverly Salt- .461 10 lbs. Chicken $1.12; 1 N. Y. units serving In the attacked areas Hansen Anthony Rroto, George CHRISTMAS rilOGRAM AT earth was covered I would clear the May CliriHlinii!< bring penco on Blgelow, Ann Morton, Barbara Na­ bar Soap .25; I paper Cinnamon tlic cxnniinalions were ajiprai.scd of Hawaii -and 'the Philippines. Tyler Joseph Polastrl, Louis Van INDIAN NECK SCHOOL sky and set is sparkling with Chris- M In The poleon, Patricia Sykes, Donald Coc- '.06; 5-lbs. Mackerel .30; Tapping Virginia Harrison Is a patient hi onrth." Hope. On this Chri.sliiiHB at the low figure of .$1(1, tlii'< Forty-nve Salvation Army ofncers Egghen, Rae Barnes, Victoria Welcome.Francis Malsano; Grade mas stars as a symbol of the Merry coruUl,-Carl: Hansen, James Ltilrd, Boots .67; 10 lbs. Dried Beef $1; New Haven Hospital. Dny muy the Hiur of IJoUilolicin would amount to an outright do­ of the Hawaiian 'Islands' division, Rbllls, Josephine Ralola, Mary 1 and 2, Play, "Santa Claus Visits Clirlstmas season....To B. K. An­ Fred: Struzinskl; Robert TorelU. 1 lr2,bu. Apples .03; 13 1-2 lbs. wiirin our hoiirls with, its iinmiiHO commanded By Brig. Arthur W. Baldwin, Theresa Borzlllo Mary Lou Mother Goose Land", Characters: thony I would send a wish for a nation of $20,()()0,0()() by I he medi­ Day's Work Kindergarten—Paul Anlskovlch, Ham $2.25; 10 1-3 lbs. Pork $1.03. Mrs. C. 3. Sturges will be hostess Brewer, are directing squads of Miller Janice Baldwin, Rose Old Woman Wlio Lives In A Shoe, pleasant year In his new parish in of pciiKO on eiirtli, A(?i"n Hope. cal profession to the eause of na­ By E C. and N. Q. C&ItFENTER Richard: Marlnelll, Gilbert Larra- at a musical program New Year's "soldiers'; and lay members on duty Cipriani Marie DeBernardl, Gay : Credit: 1-2; day: labor .38; 1, day- Gary Cudgma; Jack Be Nimble, Walerbury I would open the And without hopu whiit" IH Ihorot tional defense. And that eontri- Firrlngton, Alta Hagar, Catherine bgee; Fraiik Peluso, Marguerite 3u- In the stricken zones. Salvation­ labor; .75;. 2 days labor $1.67; 1-2 Charles Ely; Simple Simon, James Republican party's eyes I would Lucas, Norma Petre, Hazel Rose, dae. May Cln'islmnH daj; and Olu'iHt- bulioii has been nuule at a lime ist Institutions Irf the four islands. day, labor; .50. Corcoran; johnny Trout, Timothy give the town the low down on the Doris Skroza, Catherine A'shworth mas peace, whioh oiioo tlio ishep- when most grcnips are looking f(n' WHAT CAN THE CHURCH DO NOW Including one hospital and 18 Hannlford; Boy Blue, Eugene latest Welfare Department tangle.. Virginia Levesh Betty May Llnsley Bjorkman; Tommy Green, Ernest li.;rd« luiQW,, be ours this Clirist- lU'w ways to tap the Federal corps centers, are" administering to ,,.It would be fun being Santa Wo are so busy with a great Winifred: Taconls. Gifts for Babies Olson; Jack Hovney, James Manly; tho needs of the 'stricken populace eiJius because then I would give ma.s season. Treasury. many war projects that may bo Ideal for last minute buying Miss Mutfet, Ellen Rltzlnser; Santa and housing evacuees; In addition Grade 10: Mario Galdenzl, Robert Rosenthal and Jack Dwycr For years >ipoii years tile liopc there Is no need for special concern Sus\ Arrived; Claus, Donald Hollmann. TJiis nation's goal is not merely about the church. Let them take to these civilian activities, the USO Richard Sclarlnl, Clifford, DoebrlcR HOUDAY WRAPPINGS a light for their cigars If I were of the ,world has l)oen for peace to ercale and train a hig army. care of them selves, But Dr. Fosdlck Club at Schofleld Barracks, at Hon­ Roland. St, Louis, Robert Brulotte, Clothing, Toys, Trinkets Play, Grades 3 and 4; "The Day Santa Claus and feeling very very upon eartli. Now that wisli seems Richard Clasen, Gene PuUerton, After", Characters: David, Robert Tlie goal is an army wllich will Sunday In his radio sermon olulu, under the direction of Major Mr. and, Mrs.. William French generous I Would gi\o Short Beach Joseph Orsene', Donald Erlckson, Lingerie. Hosiery Tramontano; Ruth, Rosemary so far distant, so vague, so liope- made a most Impressive plea for Alva M., Holbrook, Salvationist of- Dow, of Stony Creek, announce the a new road someday I would be i)hysically and menially su­ Jean: Barker,; Lois Holmes; Adella Miss Alma Boucher, of Watervillo Carlson; Rebecca, Janet De lesR. Yet williout hope wliat is the churches. Ho pointed out the ncer sent from the organization's birth of a: son,. William, French Very Reasonable convert most summer cottages Into perior. Tile doclcu'S who , have Truksowskl; Angelina Randazlse, Maine- v;!ll spent her Christmas, Bernardl; Mother, Aile Forsman; great services that they can and Western headquarters at San Fran­ Dow:December 7 in.Grace Hospital. year-round Ironies Yes, if I lliore? Geraldlne Janettl: Marlon Blrbarle, vacation as guest of Mr,, and, Mrs, Flrts Wise Man, Arnold Knowlton; given their sorvloes so freely to ought to render In limes like these. cisco, is supplying "comforts" to the Mrs..Dow,,was Miss Mary C. Graur were the jolly old fellow I'd make Alberta Edwards,. Lois Altmanns- George Myron of North Branford. 2nd Wise.Man, George Sabo; 3rd We must olierisli hope' diu'inj,' the nation are doing much to Eventually wo must make a enlisted' personnel of' the Army, del of Stony Creek. the Drama Club a present of a di­ bergcr-, Dorothy Corcoran,, Lorraine CIAGLIA'S Wise Man, Billy Costello. thoBO serious days, ii wo arc ever bring that about. The examina­ peace. We cannot fight on forever. Navy and Marine Forces. rector f d use my Influence with Giordano, Angelina Pozzl, Miss Marie Zvonkovlc Is home HARBOR at MAPLE Piano Selection "Christmas Tree" to have peace on earlti. Hope liuit Wc must carry on business and No news, beyond,.., the bare an­ the Governor and his safety and tions jirovicled selectees are com­ A son, Steven Louis, has been from-Washington, D. C. for the Ruth Roller; The Entire School commerce with all nations. When nouncement.that ''Salvationists are Grade 11:-, Harry Carter, John highway departments to devise a in sonio snuilli inoaBurc pcauii nmy plete and searching. In tlimi- the time comes to make peace tho born to. Mr. and Mrs.. Stanley holiday season: She is secretary to In the field,'" has been received Mlhallch Austin: Ryor Domiplc Sokolosky (Evelyn Sanford). plan to eliminate auto accidents come to wcnvy lieads and lioart-s sands of instanees Uioy have been churches can exert a mighty In­ Congressman-James Shanley. from tho organization's posts In Giordano, John; Maddern, Joseph 'l»'"««.»»kiW^' I, at the west end of town If that that are and-. Hope tluit nut of fluence to see that a peace Is made ""'^'"'k'l Ihc means of unearthing disabil­ the Philippines, Including that at Romangnoll, Clifford. Swlrsky, seems too much I'd set up a hos­ that will deal justly with all na. Announcement has been made of Mrs . Irving; Fellner of. Pine. A. ^ >•' %„. tliis, sorry mess there shall bo ities that men did not know they Luzon'where- Japanese' forces.are Margaret Colbert, Laura Ellsworth, pital at Joe Drlscoll's, Albert Plants tlons, and not leave the seeds'ol i the blrthi of, a daughter, Louise, Orchard has issued Invitations for peace of niind for only then can reported to'Have-landed. No otflr •Anna Wo'ajwskl, 'Victoria Kund- and Thorwald'Hammer's homes had, and starting tlioni on a cur­ new war, as did the last peace. Tho Dec. 12 to. Mr., and Mrs. Ralph an at home eggnog, party strom, Elinor Skroza, Ruth eomo poauo au.oavth. ative progrum,, And after a sel- churches mhsk help the world to clal reports have.'''been, received Altrul of West End Avenue. Dec. 28. Her daughters Miss Anita Want to know what else I would jdui^lng' thO' paatiweok; from SMvar Symonds Lillian Barron- Ardls De- do? Neatly tied with tinsel bow ecton l8'lalten' iulo the-array, he look tieyond'i aomo • temporary" vic­ Fellner of. Cleveland; Ohio, Miss rT-^^^' tioiiTsts centers at Singapore; Hong Leone Helori Buell, Dorothy; Good M:-. and Mrs. Frederick. K. Fulton I'd send all parents son's aiid is given further e-xlniuiilivt oxiim- tory of advantage and see things Helen Fellner of; Sweetbrlar Gqllego ON'RESOLUTIONS In a largo and far off way. Kongi Shanghai' dr, 'the Netherlands j-lch, Reglna LlUqulst. of 853.Townsend,Ave. are receiving and Miss Leila Fellner -will •.' be daughters home for Christmas. inations and tests Uy tlio Army Indies. - I , ; Grade 12: Francis Beach, Calvin congratulations on the birth of a 1 5 Irfw i war stirs hatred" and resent­ present' with .their mother. 'Medical Corps, which is largely Horn, ' Donold Klssell, Robert daughter, Charleen.; Helen, on Sang "Christmas Music Every- Oood politics doesn't let Ihc ments as nothing else docs, news A force of 2500 Salvation Army right linnd Itunw what the left made up of reserve medical offl.- offlcors, who. in: peace times direct Fletcher Nancy Ghlroll; Alice December 17; Mrs,. Fulton- Is the• Mi:, and William; H; Crawford wliere; Farewell; Knute Hansen; come that .some loved one Is killed Hansen, Valentlna. Pudlls, Dorothy former Mary Elizabeth Paris of Miss Mary I Drlscoll, assisted. Miss luuul doeth. A', good politician cers who- have been called into or seriously Injured, or one's pro- the -vyork of organization In 1722 and,, daughter. Miss, Ruth, Crawford SUpermant LeRoy Knowlton, French, Ave; East Haven, Mary Murphy and Miss Teresa jierty stolen or damaged. It stirs a service,centers In the South Pacific of Branford Point, attended the springs~n cpiestiou ouiuoma victim, service from private life. Martha Taconls,, Ruth: Bergqulst; Vallctle. feeling of deep resentment and now are mobilized' for service on a graduation of- -their,; son. and. puts tho answer in liis moulli aiul Mary Czaplickl, 'Vadls Gumkowskl, it can be .said'categorically that loaves lasting hatreds. But the war basis. This Salvationist force Mr, • and Mrs. Herbert W. Korn brother, Ensign-William H..Craw.- Wishing all coi'.biders the moment well spout. this is the healthiest army we churches, with their message of Is'. rapidly being supplemented; Ih Tessle Harosklevlcz, Anna Ray­ ot.29.Sidney Street, East Haven an ford, Jr., from the U. S. Naval Alvin Lawrence is home for the More than liltely the unsuspect­ have ever had. Tho physical re­ peace and good' will, and their normal times-: Its. disposition Is asmond . : ;;;=«-i,:#| pounce tho birth of, a daughter Academy in. Annapolis, Friday. Christmas vacation from Fort Short. Beach—Grade 8: Arnold Mellnda^ Parker Korn in Grace Wayne, Indiana where he is at ing-victim eululics HiKdiroallii puts quirements are iinjireeedentodly vision of a final kingdom of God follows, according; to country, of fir A Very Merry Christmas where brotherhood and loVe will ccrs and corps and outposts: Peterson Cretghton- Johnson, Gail Hospital, Dec.-lO. Mrs. Korn.Is the tending college. on his Ihinlcing- cap and instead high — far higliei', for iiistunco,, Fred R. Courtsal will return Jan. prevail, can do much lo counteract •Australia'. .„: :... 2033. 1411 Bolter 'Virginia Herlth Jeannette former Alice Jones. In order that om- employees may spend tlie Holiday 'witli of agreeing -with liib political than, those prevailing in Rnrope. 'Thompson —Grade 5: Louise Locke 4i to his studies at the University of* The Indian Neck 4 H Club held a these hatreds and feelings of Burma 22: ' 10 their families; Howard Johnson's will be CLOSED all friend iinds lliat ho entirely dis- Joan Altmannsberger, Marjorle Connecticut., -, ,• Christmas partyj last Friday In the The doctor jilays a great role in revenge, eventually turn the world South. China 28 8 Mr. and Mrs, Donald Charlotte Christmas Day, December 25. Altmannsberger, Nancy Fox.— home of Miss Alice Daley and Miss agrocs. The politician won a point national defense. toward the ways of peace. Manohukuo 57 10 (Barbara Swanson) of. Pentococt Grade 4: None—Grade:3 Blake Street, Short Beach announce the Gertrude Daley. Games were en andthu victim, vows he'll not get Great sorrows will come to some Notlierland', Indies, ..„„„ 363 240 SUBSCRIBE TO THE Lehr Leah White—Grade 2: Paul birth of' a daughter,; Virginia Ann joyed by the group and refresh caught lilte that again. But he of our people, may be to many. Vfc Philippines 20 ' 31 Rinker, Charles Mason—Grade 1; in Grace Hospital on Saturday. ments served by the hoslcssess. cannot hope to escape the bitter BIlANFOnD REVIEW docs. Leo Brennan, Robert Peterson, harvest of agony that has come to Totals ;.. 2529. 1722 Food, Nutrition Jean 'Van Sands, Noreen Altmanns­ Tluit is how' town meetings ef so many. It Is even now beginning "All Salvation. Army strength In MINCE MEAT fiN^sr berger. Buy, and Read The Branford Review feat me. According to Iluj-le a Continued /rom page one to come. And in those days of heart men; materials, faith and zoal are ONE P3E MIWCE MEAT newspaper advertises the call- to Mrs. Heman Ely, Jr., Mrs. BDnuford break where will we turn? To the plfcdged toi the cause of righteous­ STONY CREEK For All Local News And Sports churches, of course, wllh tholr FINAST PUMPKIN meeting., all in form, five days I H. Reeves, Mrs, Leroy P. Sawyer, ness qndtho'servlcfc of human need ; Romona DeBay, Harriet DooUttle messages of con.solatlon and hope. In this critical time," said'Commis­ Doreen Wilson. Grade, 5—Anthony OPEN FROM 7 A. M. to 1 A. M.—— think it is we "are given to study Mrs. J. Blrnoy Tutlle FINAST SQUASH And In the break-up of nations sioner-Parker yesterday. "Thus wo Console, Charles Hoyt, Ronald Ma- Post Road Branford Hill Branfoi'd, Conn llie pros and cons if we can gel Mrs. William D. Plnkham, co- and long established Institutions It observe the tradition of The Sal­ gee, Leonard Page, Howard Sanzero Mugaay MIXED NUTS chairman; Mrs. Harold T. Braln- will be the church that will help us MAY THE SEASON anyone to tell us what they arc ivation' Army and the creed of Its ' Grade 4—John DeBay, Edward WALNUTS UIA'MOND , BUDDED and' oft wc go to the ('ommnnity ard; Mrs. James E. Cobey, Mrs.' rescue from oblivion some of the founder, Gen. William Booth." ' Murphy, Marilyn Erlckson, Miriam BE JOYFUL Harold De Felloe, Miss Margaret most valuable treasures of Magee. Grade 3^-Robert George, FINAST DATES PITIED House armed, with a neighbor to Grannls, Mrs. James E. Lathrop, humanity. This has always been so favor or defeat Hem 1 or 2. Robert, Janettl, Charles Lomartra, Rhoda Doty's MI'S. J. Hay MacLoan, Mrs. Frank ' The churches will see to It that Joan Baker, Jean. Ople. Grade 2— the Idea of "liberty shall not perish Up. vises a fellow townsman Lakosko, Mrs. Charles N. Baxter, Bruce DeBay. Grade iT-Mary Ann from the eahth". with a nigger-ui the wood pile Mrs. Benjamin English. Lomartra, Nancy Page, Patricia Gift Shop ealledi a Resolution. lu>lt'ss than Mrs. Samuel E. Doane, cochalr Yes, we need the churches, and Walsh, .Tohn Magee, Richard Wil­ man; Mrs. S. Dewey Brown, Mrs. good' citizens cannot afford to Wide Variety of CHOCOLATES three minutes, very likely, a. dear liams. Frederick T. Catlln, Mrs. H. E. H neglect them or treat them as If CHRISTMAS GIFTS CHOCOLATES spoken moderator' declares the Cox, Mrs Ernest Craig, Mrs. Her­ CANOE BROOK SCHOOL ; Grade 6—Paul Garrlty, Donald 103 Montowese Street RIBBON CANDY wiiolo thing "finis." 'IMie cro\\d bert Galladelte, Miss Maude Halght Mrs. E. V. Allen. Mrs. Philip Bug­ .ianis tlic door way. Mrs. J. Howard Marltn. Mrs. Virgil Welch, Richard Yanlsh, Mary Lou HARD FILLED CANDY ler, Mrs. K. Slicker, Mrs. Thomas Barba, Mary Crowley; Katherlne lib McNeil, Mrs. Roy Parsell. C. Bracken, Mrs. Lester Corning, HARD FILLED CANDY KYBO LUXURY BLEND 2 bagbag''ss 49c I'm just a slow .thinker, so it Prahovlc. Grade 5—Chester Kar- : AMAZING IMPROVEMENT IN U.S. isn't anymies fault but my own. Mrs. Harry. Clasen, cochalrnian; Mrs. Charles Devlne, Mrs. Thomas penski; Robert: Sobolewskl, Betty 5c CANDIES MD>T KINDS COPLEY VACUUM PACKED li^'b ^ 29c Mrs. A. J. Unfilcht, Mrs. J. Frank Fallon, Mrs.. Fred Maurer, Mrs. ' CHILDREN'S HEALTH ARE SELF-SACRIFICINS DOCTORS, can The ,iust moderator gave two or Ferguson, Mary Huzar, Barbara Flf/.gerald, Mrs, Monglllo Clarence Munger, Mrs. John H. NURSES AND PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS,- lib three people the Hoiu' lo cxiiross Rodney, Alice H. Struzlnsky. AND HARD-WORKING,ENLIGHTENED DAIRY FARMERS. JOHN ALDEN 2 bagIIIs 45c Mrs. C. B. Hitchcock, cochalr- Pardee, Mrs. C. O. Rathke, Mrs. they were of great concern. I hope . Grade 4.;-pAnne Fitzgerald, Bar­ Economy their vieVs. In a brief three min­ man;. Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. James J. Russell, Mrs. Loon B. It will not be takqn amiss If I say bara Rodman. , Grade 3^-Robert RICHMOND 2 bags wVC utes, u aonple. of, hundred people Roger Whipple, Mrs. George Milne. Shorey, Mrs. Harris Swanson, Mrs. a word about a subject that may Nyholt, David Vukslnlo, Grade 2— Plumbing ean decide'when, where and how Short Beach, Granite Bay: Mrs. J. J. Sullivan, Mrs. A. P. Tucker, be somewhat related to what I have James Fitzgerald,. Grade- 1—Shir­ •^ij^i^:-"\ Made tuith choice Ituits and nuts and to spend thousands of dollars hut Roy Enqulst, cochalrman; Mrs. Mrs Edward Grlnnell, Mrs. Louis written, through It Is a bit delicate. ley Vuslnlo, Mlchaei DXDnofrlo, ;'/?;^Vti7|*C, very reasonably ttriced. They make Herbert Baldwin, Mrs. J. M. Bower, Baer, Mrs. Burton Helser, Mrs. me, I'm a slow thinker. The pastorate of the largest Protes Alexander Karlowlcn; David Eefler; & Heating '•.^Yf'^f/'J' excellent Xmas nifls too Three sizes Mrs. Frank Lowe. George C. Throm tant Church In • East Haven Is Eugene Oplnski, Robert Prohovlch, Canarrow bigots Larry Del®o, John Kennedy, Also Selected DOUGHNUTS a,'(1A>10S SUGARED 10! 12c FLOUR FINAST FAMILY Since the. passage-ol, tho Selec­ Mrs. J. W: Beaver; cochalrman, Mrs. Edna Williams, Mrs. Charles are watited, no men of weak and Mary Gill. Grade 4—Frank D'Ami­ PI nun PALTRY tive Service Act, some (i44il medi- Mrs. John King, Mrs. H. F. Broad- Ople, Mrs. John BUrne, Mrs. John vacillating teraperment, no. men co, Charles Geli; WHbur Washing­ USED PLUMBING PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING r'-WJK OLD HOMESTEAD pf Inexperience, but men of natur­ cat boards have been established hurst, Mrs. Clhrenoo Johnson; 'Mrs. J. Spargo, Mrs. John Ross, Mrs. ton, Joan Cudgma, Ellen Meglln, 31b Lji^ lib \#AMIIIA DAINTY DOT Edward Dejon, Mrs, A, Knowlton, William Keast, Mrs. T. J. Con­ al leadership; and'taen who believe Mary Ziirowski; Grade 3:—Joseph and in this country.. They have used In the Chrlstlam message: VANILLA txTRAcr "Mrs, Stanley. Walton, Mrs. P, W- verse, Mrs. Charles Madiera, Mrs. Brlggs, Peter D'Amico, John Mon- can 67c ?.? 23c the .services of mono Ihain 2r),00() {^HIS COUNTRY NOW HAS, THE FINEST, PUREST ; HEATING SUPPLIES Dclbort, Mrs. I.' B. Horton, Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs, W. W. Hawkcs •Ses;,lt',ls;all' right; tb sing' the giUo, Salvatore Saturno, Grace Ha­ SWEETHSARTiJ I SOAP 3 ^«s 18: MARVO ?Jn' 57c phyhieiauH iind, COOO, demists. gar, Joan Nygard. MILK SUPPLY IN THE WORLD. ..DEATHS FROM Telephone 8-4047 Barnetf, Mrs. Burr, Mrs. E. R; Kel- Mrs. M. P. Northam cochalrman Christmas oarols, but It. is of more THETWO MAJOR INTESTINAL DISEASES OF CAKE FLOUR '^"" Tliese men hav^e examined up sey„Jr., Mr, E. R. Kclsey, Sr., Mrs. Mrs. William O'Nell, Mrs. Raymond consequence to put the Christmas Grade 2—Anno Cudgma, Ruth , INFANT CHILDREN, HAVE DECREASED ;91 "Water St;, New Haven message into pract.lce. iwards of 2,000,000'solcctecs—and B Allen-, Mrs J J Dwyer Gay, Mrs. William Spargo, Mrs. Pllvensl, Rosallfe Wiishlngton, Mi­ 60% IN 20 YEARS. ihov have not vcceived oiie soli ' Mrs Rutu.s Sheparrt, cochairninii. Seymour Runlt. '•: ' Erfiest'C: Carpenter chael Zaftino. Grade 1—Francis 240 MAIN STREET ^ BRANFORD


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'fetmag Oiir Wish for You . . . t;?

Our genuine'-'Merry ChriBlmas to AH" . . , (lur- & friends and cnsloiners. Pleasant times like Cliristnuis always rcnihul us of the pleasure we have hadin tile privilege of (loini; business with yon. May good luck allenil your every wish this Christmas! .\nd may holiday good elicer hriahlcn llief hours of lliis glorioul.ksciisonl . Ye Olde Town Toggery MAY THE LIGHT OF THE CHRISTMAS STAR BRIfeHTEN YOUR 270 MAIN:S1:REET # Gentral Garage CTfHE foundation of plea.surc to extend our CHRISTMAS SEASON THIS YEAR, WHILE IT SHEDS ITS EFFUL- BJRIMR G in the Yule log; best wishes and ri^iew make the hearthfire glow, and let _/ business is friend­ JULIUS ZDANOWICZ, Prop. TQ-YQIU .,.,., GENCE OVER A WORLD THAT IS SO TARDY IN LEARNING THE the spirit of joy bo unconflnedl It ship, and the basis of all our pledge of loyally to Is Christmas . . , that magic time enduring those whose WAY OF PEACE LAID DOWN TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO. Among our assets we would ike to for all tho v/orld! friendship we ••f(r.},v-T=,.-Ji--;;-i-'Rr-: -Jfi^-fipj-Jr^-Jtr^^.-JiR, Jpw .5it.:j,.:Jp}_Jir:i-..iJ(p(-L5ir:i..jfa,-;)--v;n%-^c^^ friend s'b i p s J^4P!r-y=R;-'«^; v'l^-f"^. count the only one that money can­ In this "happiest holiday season" cherlsb. We MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU—A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. THIS we can only wish for you that tho can be traced ^ & & not buy—your good will.. say now, with $ happiest possible Clirlstmas joy back to an & & &> IS THE HEARTFELT WISH OF EVERY MEMBER OF THIS ORGANI. be yours. eVen t wh ich the utmost fer­ &'m # And BO, at this holiday season, we It has been a source of genuine occurred some two thou­ vor and sincerity, may Qhristmas, extend to you, not as a customer ZATION, WHO JOIN IN EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR YOUR pleasure to have served you dur­ & sand years a^"'. your Christmas be truly alone, but as a friend, our very best ing the past year, and we hope liappy'and abounding in FRil-NDSHIP DURING THIS ANiJ OTHER YEARS. for a continuance of our friendly Each Christmastime it & & ^ wishes for a Merry Christmas. relations. gives us a great deal of joyousncss. ig* & ^^ Branford Plumbing 8c t;? Charles Lay #»: ^^ 0 Branford Auto Sales & & <^ Branford Printing Co. nUSSELL AVERILL Heating Supply Co. The Towne Toggery Joyful l|i GRKETINGS & &J 0 Apv,.:jaTn -,t^/lE;>..>.|r; /-'R.- ;1"-=1 ;ira.,';3^ vjt:^.;\a-; TO ALL OUR FRIENDS &

«S55ffi» Economy ^ ":Bt€lii?i;!;tmn.S'., @,ii Ward's if 'ffiom Qii c^ Ms to Gil c^ ^cu 'j§ Jlake(5DQil Cheep-' Meat Radio ^o Service Market }>y) I .•;ii^4fl,-.}..J;r:vjJre*.Jii^.-;fiPV-v-'^.--fa^.-^^^^^ ou ana 0 ^ #


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PAGE SIX THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, CONN., DECEMBER 25, 1041 THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, CONN., DECEMBER 25, 1041 PAGE SEVEN II MYSTERY DRAMA OPENS Boxing At State Theatre AT THE PARAMOUNT I Movie Guyed- Three Celebrate SHORT BEAGH By ROBERT R. PORTLE Hockey By Afijj Jcon SI AUermatt Basketball The State Theatre, "Hartford Five men went for her in a big Thirtieth Year man; Mrs. Donald Hayward, Mv'.'!." LATEST SPORT NEW way yet they all had reasons for ST. ELIZABETH'S PAHISH says, "Merry Christmas", to theater UOLLVWOOD COSSIP, Rose Lockyor, Mrs, Jack Beaver, wanting her out of the way. That EDITED BY W. J. AHERN Wrest! lieg gqers throughout the state with one Mickey Rooney rehearsing for his Mr. and Mrs. Terry Harding of FT. WUllam O'Brien Mrs. Edwin Whitings, Mrs. M. D. .Football is the background of the year's In Conn. Light of the grandest holiday stage shows new Hardy picture, due to start Im­ Sandy Point Maine and Rev. and Sunday School at 10:45 njn. Stanley, Mrs, Archer Knowlton, most exciting mystery drama, 20th ever presented, starting Thursday mediately. Mrs. Kenneth Brooks will spend Confessions—4;00 p. m. Saturday Mrs, Mary KoUock, Mrs. Alfred Century-Fox's"I Wake Up Scream Three executives of The Connec­ (Christmas Day), and continuing Jeanettfi MacDonald singing a preceding first Sunday. Burr, Mrs. Pearson, Miss, Amia Ing" whicli is slated to open tomor' ticut Light and . Power Company Christmas in Rookvlllo with Rov. & thru Friday, Sat. & Sun., Dec. 25 hot blues number for the first time Sunday Masses 10 A. M. Mooro, William Munger, Mrs. AAd- 5 ( Christtnaif Carols in the Camps roy at the Paramont Theatre. celebrated 30th service annivcrsar- Mrs. George Brooks. Football Officials Gain 26-27-28. Heading the powerful in "I Married An Angel." dlo Walker, Mrs. Frcdprlok p'Rollly Sporf Prattle Dear Mr. .Claus line-up of stellar names who will Hollywood's three mpst thrilling Bud Abbott and Lou Costello ies with the company on December Feature American Soldier's Yule personalities, Betty Grablc, Victor 10. President C. L. Campbell, Vice- Miss Rlna Mliilfl daughter of Mr. UNION CHAPEL appear in, person Is "The Ace throwing the cast of "Rio Rita" Into Harry Thompson is homo from I.UCKY Imlood is AH •will share tho spirit of Christ­ Mature and Carole Landis, have President A. J. Campbell and Irwin and Mrs. AchiUo Nlmtl and Mr, Sunday, December 28, 1041. U A. liiist year we wrote a (.ilirislmiis lelter In you and you eaino Drummer Man",- Gene' Krupa,, and a hilarious uproar the first day on Ronsselciir Polytechnic ' Iriatltulb, tho Boltller who ob- mas. Basketball fans throught the Fans' Plaudits In Loop the loading roles in this story of the W. Day, director and former vice- Harry Paul son of Mr, and MrsM. . Sermon,by the pastor. Rev. E. C. tnlnR n ChtiatmriB fur­ At this season the 1,C2n ch»p- town feel that Brantord .will make tlirouKii on a lifly-lU'ly liasis »Ulioii(:li now it .seems lis if you wori! his famous Orchestra. Featured in the set. Troy N. Y. ' ' girl who was taken out of the hah president, all began work for thoJame s Paul ot Bronford were Carpenter. Topic; Tho Things Wo lough and sponiln n laina in our Army take' stock of its real bid for state scholastic re­ 's sensational Orchestra Ann Rutherford giving a partyjtit portion of Iiio holiday their efforts through tho year, and oiiR luiiulreil percent in our I'livor. In lliat lelter we n«lu<(l'for Ilio house and made the darling of cafe C. L. and P. In 1011 married Deo. 18, Mr, Harry Paul Have Loft Behind. Anthem by tho cognition after the Christmas Holi­ The Infant Soutiiem Nov/ Eng­ are, Roy Eldrldge, all-Amerlcan, her Westwood home in celebration Edward Dejon of tho University nonson at home, but the Chief of Chaiilalns auvlBos tlie health for two of onr boys. One, Nick Wel(>d, rcliinicd I'rjnii tlui Hiok "Wizard of tho Trumpet", Anita society; was on furlough from Camp Mland Chior. • ' • ' • what ulTOut tliosc hun­ Chief of Start as well as the homo days. land Football LcaRue, embracing of her lead role In "This Time for President Campbell was born In of Qborgla Is spending his vacation bed to renew hh iis.soeintions in H|)iirt and the otlicr I'mil I'linU WIIM NewHavenUmps O'Day "Lovely, Lady of SongV, and Carole, despite her sister Betty's ing Florida. 9;45 A .M. Sunday School I George dreds of tlioUflrtnds of folks that moat encouraging prog­ The strange part about the Keeps? St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, with his mother, Mi's. Edwlird ress has been nmde for the spirit­ sonU-pro grlddcrs from Kcv>r Hav­ Johnny Desmond, "Hep-Cat" sing­ protests, agrees to let hersolf^ be Browii, SuRorintohdent: IJGSsori AmdHcnn boys in our Housatonic League scaison is that taken fvoni n world of piiin mid imeertainly, lintred iiiid I'i'iir nml Laraino Day being slapped seven In 1877 and accepted his first job Ddjdn. • Army who will re­ ual well-boing of tho troorai. en, Mllford, Branford and Chcili- ing star. Costarred with Gene glamorized, by Matul^e, a promoter, Tho Sund/iy Christmas Party ot Topic ' Tho cHvistldri's Hopo; •Where 11,640,000 soldiers attended mo.st of the teams In the league get borno on f.lie CJUIUIH oi' mercy,'tliroiigli llic slirDiid ol' dfiiilli, In in'or- Listed On New times by Stuart Crawford for with a mercantile firm in that city. main on duty in tlie religious ficrvicos during tlio last Krupa in this grand holiday show, Alan Mowbray, a well-known actor the Church of Christ will bo held Citizens of Two W6rlds. cnntonmcntn and island bases and a tremendously early start. Except Irc, compiled .somewhat of a rec­ scenes in "China Caravan." Short Beach Chapel Workers will fiscal year with an n%'orngo of 07.8 laHliiig Imjipiness. are, the incomparable zanies of the and' Ally Joslyn, a leading colum­ He later Joined tho Canadian Pa­ Tuesday bqoemW tho 30th at 7;30 Friday, Docembor 20, Choir re­ in (rftrrifioniiiff distant outposts? forStratford, Mllford, Shclton, ord dui-ing'tho Eoa.son which .iu,st Robert Young spending a brief Tho answer is voiced in a sont;— porsona at oncli »cr\'lce, it 1* Approved Roster silver screen, The Original Holiy- nist.. After she signs a Hollywood cific Railway Company at St. John hearsal omitted this week, hold;ri social January 0 at 2 o'clock tJcrby, and Branford ' the others Tliis yciir, Siiiita (llniis, iniiy M-e swcrvu I'roni llii' siH'ue of llie closed. , vacations at'Palm Springs following ft glorious hymn tliat will bo heard wobd 3. Stooges, Mos, Curly, and contract without her backers' con­ as an accountant. Richard Collins has gone to Wednesday, December 31, 7i30 P. In tho Chapol. There will bo prizes ftoitf virile younft thrbnta sinBlng schools get underway with their completion of "Joe Smith, sick—to II loiu'soiiii', de^oliile picture nf lirinirord sdldiei's and Hiiil- Squawks aBaln,st oftlclais and Fourteen Connecticut umpires Larry. These mad comedians of a sent, she is found murdered. He first moved to Connecticut in Missouri to tho Aviation Corp. M. Voung People's Fellowship. arid refreshments. Mrs, Clarence in praiso of Him in whom reposes liractlcos about the first or second American." ors; marines mid avintors, wlm, wlierevor tliey may bo in Iniiiiini^ their dccl.'ilons-' were conspicuous were among 73 listed on the ap­ thousand comedy picture hits will Laird Cregar, the detective placed 1001 when he took a position os ac­ Johnson is cholrman; assisted by manlilnd's steadfast hope'in this week In October. As a consequence Red.Skelton treating the twenty- daw hour of tho world's history. by their absence and had the ef­proved slate of baseball officials be seen in an all new, all different, In charge of the crime, seems more countant with Sanderson & Porter, Mrs. Mary Winters of Sag Harbor Mrs. Jack Boavcr, Mrs:' William' they look especially well during the nre, some fiii; tlic, (Irst time in tlioir lives, prepn'riiis to spend Clirisl- seven cl'iorus girls in the "I'll Take Jack. Boavcr and Donald Knowl­ The hymn, a favorite of the fect of keeping the teams intact announced today by John E. Far- funnier than ever act giving "you a interested in putting the finger on Inc., in Putnam. Thai 'Irm laid Now York,is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Watson, Mrs. Edward GrlnnoU and American soldier and of his fpro- oiicnlng stages of the Housatonic mas iiwiiy J!rotn lioinc. Manila" cast to dinner and his ton.' are on vacation from', the throughout the season. rcll, chairman of the baseball com­ laugh a second. For more laughs— Mature than finding tho real many of the trolley lines lu eastern Eorl Borger, loi; the holidays. Mrs. Ralph Bolter. bears in amis since colonial camp- .•icnson. radio show." UnlYorsity of Connecticut." until flrosj "0 Come, All Yo Balthful," 'In tlie hub oE a busy imitropolis the iiiiijor iiorlimi id' our local So pleased were the league heads mittee of the Association of New longer laughs, and a riot of fun, you murdeded, especially since most of Connecticut. Mr. Campbell re­ If Clark Gable enthusiastically tell­ JonI' 4 ' ' " - ••''• wile be, sung in 200 now Army But the real campaign gets un­ boys will lie Kitting |it ii tidile, huli'ii wiUi I'ood iis mily ilio l.I. S.wit h the caliber and character of England Colleges. must see the 3 stooges. Extra ad­ the clues point to him. The mystery mained with that company until Mr. George Morehouse of Elm- ehnpcls where this year Christmas ing of his experiences on his recent derway after the first of the year. the play that tiiey staged a ban­ ded to this terrific holiday stage is deepened even more when Betty 1005 when he became auditor of the hurst Long Island' is visiting Mr. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS soWcen will bo hold for the first Army ciiii Hcrve, They will linvc a siifl'iiiieiit number of their own .The Connecticut arbiters, given hunting trip. With funds given by the Womens time'. Then the football schools have got­ quet at the Colonial Hoyiso in Ham- show are Monroe & Grant, Amelia falls in lovo- with Vic and holds out Consolidated Railway Company, a and Mrs. Earl Borgcrduring the ten away froin their feel of foot­ towiisColk to cheer tlieni. Hut the other scene, liiis no eouiilerpart.' tho O.K. by tho organization for r Village Imprbyomcnt Society Wlion In his spiritual life. Army ch»p- den last v/eck in which members of Gllraore, and many other top-notch evidence which makes him look tOCALNEWS subsidiary of the New Haven Rail­ holidays.. Tho following real oslato trans­ latns declare, tho citizen soldier ball and arc beginning to find the service in the college ball games it dlsbanded'a foW years ago, tllb There aro_ liriinl'ord boys in the .service who lu'c stationed in all the teams participated. entertainers. even more guilty. "Swamp Water," the unsual story road Trolley Companyl In 1011 ho fers, Word received tor recording I flnrts tho closest tlo llnlclliB military hoop with striking accuracy. next Summer In New England, are Civic Associatlbn hhs deooraiod tho duties with tho cherlsheu'custnms siiolwy Alaska, in icy Groenland, i" sunny Bernuidii, in the warring Old timers, wlioso memories 'I Wake Up Screaming" has Vic­ of the foreboding and mysterious accepted a position as treasurer of Franklin Hnglin Jr. is homo on In thi) olllco of tho Town • Clot'k' Henry L. Drophy and Henry W. On the screen with this mighty Community Christmas tree at tho oi: .l)is homo. Especially among Consequently those In the know I'liillipiiies, ill, oiiiio heniUil'ii.l lluwiiii, in tlio jungle gnnvtlis of Pan-drift back to the days wlien the tor Mature in his first screen role swampland that shapes the lives the Dayton Power & Light Comp­ leave. young men from tho farming com­ look for tho Hornets to put on the Carrington of 'W'aterbury, Hubert holiday stage show will be presen­ .school and'It is hdw'ablate In dll'^^^^'iS '"|. ^^t' , " , ,^ pay envelope was the primary con-, since his hit on tho Broadway stage and loves and hates of tlie people any in Dayton, Ohio. He remained munities and the towns" and smaller pressure with the close of the holi­ anin, in tropical South America. J, Cannon, Milton R, Schroeder ted, John Boles In his latest picture Itiiitlnrv .". ". . Reginald S, Baldwin, liouso and sideratlon and when referee-batt­ in "Lady in the Dark." Betty and about it, is now showing ot the there for one year arid returned to Mr. Mike Palina Is sick at his cities'tho observance of Christmas days. Whether or not they will be From the rock hound const of New Kngland to the tlircatening and George F. Skclly of New Ha­ hit, "The Road To Happiness", a *. •'; lot. Hillside Avenue; Ilattle J.' in'(he camps will not bo unlike tho ing was not considered an overt Carole re-create the sister team Loew Poll College Theatre. Connecticut to become secretary- home with the grippe. a great team Is problematical but ven, Waiter R. Elliot, William F. powerful romantic story. This is the Polid estate to ' Hhrry J.' Pond, programs in churches throughout 'Waters of the Pncific; I'riini the snowy stCpjiesol: llie Canadian border act, sat in awe as .they lieard which received so much popular Another bright feature on the treasurer of the United Electric the land where friends and neigh­ one thing Is certain they have not Quinn, Herbert Oreficn and Pas- first! showing in Connecticut of this Solicitors.here for, the Rod Cross house and^lbt, Indian Nock; Harold' to tho sun soiikcd Hands bl! the Soiilhwesl; I'roni the gloomy marshes and. critical acclaim for their per­ same program Is "Small Town Light and Water Company. Randolph Bishop Is homo for tho i bors' nssomblo for tho Christian found their .shooting eyes as yet speakers extol tho sportmanahip fine picture. onroUmont ore: '' ' IM. Roth to Alden 3, Johnson et ux, fostivnl. In Army chapels tho quale R. Pinchora .of Hartford, formance in "Moon Over Miaihi." Deb." With Janes Withers. holidays from Coniveoticut. Univer­ and when they do they are going ol' tlic Southeusl to the lull, massive, tree growth of the Northwest, and good spirit whlcu permeated This holiday stage and screen When that coinpany was merged Mrs. Alice T. Peterson, sub-olinir- house and lot, 'Ton Acres. sninb midnight services will be Charles R. Frayor and William P. William Gargan completes the And on the same program is the sity where he is a Junior. heldl the youthful worshipper will to bo a pretty tough team to beat. the ranks. show will, be seen at the State with The Connecticut' Light,' and there arc Hraiil'oi;d liids who will sit at meals succulently iircparcd, Lyons of Hamdcn, John F. Mul- featured cast of" "I Wake Up news shots of the day. Join In the same inspiring music, ho Tho rivalries were intense and Theatre, Hartford, for 4 big dads, Power Company in 1017, Mr. Camp­ Critics who are raving that the butlaekiiig a motlier's touch. doon of West Hartford, Jacques L. Screaming which was directed by See you; In the movies Mrs. .Lura Burno will spend ,.n4 ' .- • — . • , 1 • . ,•••; .••,,„,• , , j^ will hear again the same mossngos the playing high grade and spiri­ starting Thursday (Christmas Day) bell was made secretary of tho.C.L.. of hope, the same fervent prnybra Bears are about the hot­ Grenier of Middletown and James H. Bruce Humberstono from the Your Moyieguyed Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Some v.'ill have presents J!roni lionie. Otliors will not have received ted but not once during tho season and continuing thi:u, Fri., Sat. & 8iP. He was named vice-president for peace and good will. test things who ever drew football H. O'Leary of Manchester, screen play by Dwlght Taylor. It is Lionel Sccombo and family of During YUletldo tho singing of llieiii as yet, ,Some will get nothing. was it necessary to call out tho Sun., Dec. 25-26-27-28. and, treasurer of the company in Wishing All,Our Patrons and.Eriends a Pleasant trousers have the stage these days, based on the novel "I Wake Up Ansonla. familiar carols ^vIll enliven, tho riot squads or to v.'aivo players to 1920 and succeeded J. Henry Rora- cnnips, not only in the training the outsandlng performance shown Perhaps, Santa, in tlieir minds/is a tlioUKht. The llionglit that Reserved seats are Now On Sale Screaming" by Steven Fisher. the' sidelines for over-zealous play. \ taack as president of the company areas at homo but tlie same music by Oeorge Heas' gladators In winn­ they might .never sec a ciM'tiiin iiddress in tlic old home town ajjiiiii. for the giant New Year's Eve Milton Sperling- was the producer. Christmas -and Prosperous New Year of cheer and comfort will echo from Tho league, over which Fred 1 Midnite Two-Hour stage show. A. .in 1037., ing tho league playoff last Sunday Our wish, Santa, is to Ijiivc you Avhisper In them, in that very The CO feature is "iClarry The Giiiema Ghatter Mr. and Mrs. John Burno ^vill tho clilTs of Iceland and the wastes Drlend ,of •• Mllford oHiciated as B. Marcus pi:esents his mammotli Mr. and,Mrs. Campbell have lived of Greenland as well as among tho pointed out that there is now a just about put the finishing It^EFENSB r Boss's Daughter", with Brenda spend Christmas 'With Mi's. Burne discreet way of yours, that hack in this town is a group of Americiiiis, .president, reported tho- campaign t Midnite Extravaganza,,"'A Night At in Hartford since 1027 apd have trouic sitorcs of Trinidad, Guiana, much larcur participation and a touches on any doubts which those Joyce Bruce Edwards. brother, Dr, William Veal of Ston- and tho Orient. For tho Chief of correaponciing incrcaHC in tho min­ hereabouts may entertain anent proud of their sucrifice, l!eiirful for their fear.s. A group of Americans a financial success as well as an I The Latin: Quarter", featuring ' a Cohchita Cintron, Mexico's two children. Mr. Campbell is a, Ingto'n Connecticut. istration of holy sacraments. 1 Betty's Beauty Studio, Chnplains has announced the dis­ tho Bears' ability. artistic one. Other ofllcers were giant cast, of 80, including 30, Inter­ Woman bull fighter, visits Warners member of the Hartford Club, the tribution' of the now' Army and Said a veteran clinplain: wdio thus ,rar Inivo consecrated their eH'orts to a local battery and « Btnr 1 Navy Hymnal, a book containing "Tho tradition established by Mel Ott has the wholesale back­ John Lukawsky, secretary and Ed­ w*BR u«rrEl>, national Beauties, In 23 daring for a screen test and a chat with an Twentieth Century. Club, the Hart­ have iioglectod the wiint.s of otliot' local youths serving the U.S,A. urcmsESHmxMisMYSxim'i.'WuM. Solicitors here for the Red Cross Betty A. Wiu'ltol, Prop, and Mf,'i'. the best in ancred themes, subdi­ those pioneer soldiers who bowed ing of all the Giant fans in this ward Taviilelli of New Haven Tri­ ^MM, "BTATB3 „ 1 scenes. Apply at the Manager's old friend, Anthony Quinn. ford Golf Club, tho Waterbury In nrayor on tho evo of Bunker Hill in their owli ^'.aljiiig. . , , ffWf S.\VISOS enrollment are: vided for Protestant,' Catholic, and vicinity. Branford's! number one angles, ti'easur'er. Office, or phone Hartford 2-2052 Funnyman Walter Catlett spends Country Club, and is a director ot .Towiah forms of worship. Special and in tlic storm-swept camps at i/M SW*SO»OL)IES Mrs. Puclflo Sanzero, sub-clialr- Valley Force is still alive In the Giant rooter Daniel (Dugan) Mc­ Tell tliciii, iSaiita, that hack linmo are local iico'pic linpiMg. wait­ Babe Gibb'ons of New Haven was for reservations. (XMAS DAY) three days in; bed—his hole in the New England Council and tho Careful GrooniingEor Tho Modern 'Woman visitntioha Will be mode to the hos­ man; Mrs. Howard Kolsoy, Mrs. pitals. Neitlier will tho inmates hearts of America's defenders in Carthy is already higli in his ing, praying, l!or tlieir safety..Warmed by" the knowledge that, heartily congratulated for his ef­ FRI. SAT. SUN 'Manpower" George Tobias is Connecticut Chamber ot Com­ arms." Martin Northan, Mrs. Mildred of tho guardhouse bo ovorlockcd. praises for the last'of the McGraw through their duty, this country shall liiivo a now birth of freedom. forts as chairman of the Board of enjoying his first week's vacation merce. In 1037 Mr, Campbell was HARTFORD DEC.25'26'27-28 Landos, Mrs; Leo Holloran, Mrs. Clan. Directors and Howard Cartland, since he began his film career A treasurer of the Manufacturers As­ Mr. and Mrs. Alvln L. Thompson That the [rovernment, of the people, by the people iind for the (leo- Frank Hagellri, Mrs. Raymond 220 Montoweso St, Phono 636 Branford, Oonn. East Haven High's basketball supervisor of officials, who served buncli of the gals, with Ann sociation ot Connecticut and is still of East Haven will be chaperons at plc shall not perish from the earth ; Sheridan as ringleader, toss a Barnes, Miss Mary Pavlgllonlti, team lost its fbrst decision to Sheito as toastmaster at tlio banquet, was vcnea, the league intends to ex­ Capitol Theatre a director in that group. the Junior Pomenade, Jan., 2 at shower for Martha Raye at Ruby Robert Opie, Lamar Karmany. College Notes last Friday night. Tlie margin was given generous prais2 for Ills \vork pand by admitting the Wallingford 281 MAIN ST.. EAST HAVEN A. J. Campbell, vice-president, Albcrltts Magnus College. Keeler's home.. Jack Oakle only about five, points but East in behalf of t;he circuit. ', V/alcos and the Bridgeport Rose­ was born in and was Havne Is maiklhg time lor when wants to do Otto Preminger's "The graduated from the Shettleld Sci- Dr. and Mrs. ilBmcs Coboy, Pino Bnrbat-a, daughti?r of Mr. and Next yeoj-, unless the war inter- buds. the tTi'o teams get together dater Easties, Bow Great 'White Wash" on the New.entiflc , Schggl; af. Yale JJnlyerslty. IM Oi'chnrd have with them their son, Mrs, R. Halstcad Mills of Pime in the season they are going o have York stage. .• ' - Ho later receivedTi de'gree In "min­ James, Jr., n student at Choato Ochard is home from Chatham Slu Clancy In the lineup. Stuart, Under Last Seen Around; Jeffrey Lynn tak­ ing from Columbia University; School, Wallingford. Hall, Chatham, Va. known locally has Bill, is on the BRANFORD COMMUNITY MEN'S Merry ing a fan mail aye-or-nay vote on After several year's of mining in sidelines at the present time i DUCKPIN LEAGUE whether or not to keep his newMexic o and California, Mr. Camp­ Jack Tweed, Jr. son of Mr. and Paul B. Doraln, son of Mi. and Half Rally mustache Bette Davis driving thanks to a case of "The Mumps". NATIONAL LEAGUE Christmas bell accepted a position as mana­ Mr.?. Jack Tweed of Pine Orchard, Mrs. Hugh A; Dorain, 17 'Dcerfield Critics of Bi-anford High are home with a station wagon full of ger ot the Norwich Gas and Elec­ Team Slandhig weenies and rolls for a huge hot a student at Chonlc is on..vacation, Street, East Haven is home from loud in their praise of the local Vin Murray's classy Shelton High tric Company and later as mana­ G L ^^%^.^,^^^c^^^-^ dog roast at her Rlverbottom Loomls Institute, Windsor. Junior Varsity which is commcnc School quintet continues to be the w ger of the New London Gas 8i Slec- Candy Shop 3D 29 10 Rancho Prlscllla Lane, with a Dale Fellner, son of Mrs. IrvlnE ing to roll up points against Jay talk of the Honsatonic ba.sketbaU trlc Company. Oa.sls 39 28 11 typewriter In her lap answering fan S. Feller of Pine Orchard took part Robert Beach, son of Mr. andve e opponents with increasing re­ circles as a subsequent climax for Book Shop 30 25 14 Wednesday, ]3eeember 2-1 He came to Waterbury 'n 1911 as In the carol service at Fessenden Mrs. David D, Beach of East Main gularity. - mail while sunning herself in an their v/ln over East Haven High Sliver Dollar 30 23 13 manager of the United Electric If you get on'jr letters from house'wives School on Sunday. St. has arrived home from Clarkson The St. Mikes of New Haven open convertible parked next to a last Friday night by virtue of a Red Men 30 5 34 LAW OF THE TROPICS sound stage. Light and Water Company, prede­ College, Potsdam, N. V. would like to have the Branford cessor of tho Connecticut Light and last half rally which edged tho Sportsmen ,„.3G 4 32 with Jeff.rey Lynn and Jane Wyman receiving compli­ just hinting that brooms njiake a lot of Richard Knowlton la enjoying a Sport.smen five as co sharers of Power Company. 'Wlien the latter Easttes by a 45 to 30 count. • December nth Results Constailoe Bennett ments on the dress she wears in holiday recess from Springfield Randolfih Bishop, and the. Misses Iheir court on Greene St. Although was formed, Mr. Campbell contin­ The big center of the valley club. Candy Shop 3 vs Sportsmen 0 for. "Bad Men of Missouri"—it's a College. Ploronco Watson, Alice Collins, manager Eddie Martin Is- reluc­ - ALSO - ued as an executive of the com­ dust or the old vacuum cleaner they still Bob Monustlk iield the scoring edge Red Men 0 vs Book Shop 3 snappy 1870 number Dennis tant to leave these parts as a homo Brenda Joyce, Jar« Darwell in pany and in 1039 •v^as made vice- over his mates as he found the Morgan malting a one-handed town, lack of playing surfaces in Oasis 1 vs Silver Dollar 2 president In charge of real estate. hoop for fifteen points and fed tho PRIVATE NURSE catch of a screaming line foul at a worry along with "came down the chim- this old burg has just about decl Postponement Mr. Campbell, who Is a 32d De­ ded him to make the move. ball to Shariley and Savarcse for Sliver Dollar vs Sportsmen local baseball game William CAST OP BO • i3 DRMNO SCENES gree Mason, is 'married, has five nine counters. Thurs., Pri., Sat., Dec. 25-26-27 Xundlgan and Marguerite Chapman long. , drive your rein­ December 17th Records children, and lives in Watertown. Chick DePilippo was tho main carving their initials on a bench in Edith -Carsten, and Dorralne Team—Sliver Dollar .,.. 1G6G BOIJ Hope, Paulette Ooddard in mmmmmmi^mwm^ii Irwin W. Day, formerly a vice- gun in the East Haven attack as the studio park Wayne Morris Bradley are among tho college folk Game—Oasis 573 NOTHING BUT president of the company and now deers over this way and look over our home for Christmas. lie rolled up eleven points In theTriple- W Packer, Oasis 370 building a canvas solarium in his THE TRUTH back yard. a director, was born in Utica, N.Y., closing cause. Rowley with ten to SInugle,—W. Packer, Oasis 145 in 1883. He was educated in the - ALSO - Brenda Marshall greeting friends real gift bargain—the Royal Vacuum Miss Mary C. Zawacki a student his credit pressed ills captain close­ ..ItRRR."--' Utica public schools and was grad­ at Pratt's Institute Brooklyn has ly to ring up ten markers tor his S""" at Warners after a long vacation.... AMERICAN LEAGUE BUY ME THAT TOWN Joan Leslie rollerskating down a uated from Cornell University with arrived to pass the holidays with personal account. Cleaner combination. Team Standing studio street on her way from one the degree of mechanical engineer. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. To score the victory the Shelton- with Lloyd Nolan and G ,W L sound stage to another Arthur Mr. Day was connected with sev­ Zawacki of WUtord Ave. ites liad to overcome a 27 to 21 Constance Moore A POWERTtn. STREAMLINED HCACUaHT MODEL Granite Bay No. 1 .,..39 27. 12 THE LEEPER CO. Kennedy thumbing a ride to theera l steamship companies as Mar­ FLOOR CLEANER WTTK MOIOHDBIVEH BROBH East Haven led. Noith Branford 39 20 13 studio after his own car broke down ine Engineer for six years after his '**• J. Allen OgUvie, son of Mr, .and Jack Lockery of Arnold College Stony Creek '39 24 . 15 graduation. Four • of those years AND A MOTOH-DMVEH BRUSH HAND CLEAMEB Mrs. James Ogilvio of Hemingway TelephoHe Office 6-8829 ~ Res. 4-0725M en rout Fred McMurray and handled the game to a king's taste. Hilltop Orchards ..,,39 14 25 Regis Toomey trickling ice-coldr were spent in duty at sea. Ave. is vacationing from his studies Tbe present thoC not only is RpprcciatccI by the ,oQe The summary: BUtzkrlgcrs 30 14 25 Jf49 Elm Street New Haven, Qomi. water into their leather, furllned at Moi^nt Herman, it's a Co;*'*"" Mr. Day entered the public utili­ who rcccires it, but bcoefits cV'Cry one in Amcricn. Granite Bay No. 2 39 • 12 27 "Dive Bomber" pilot's coats during Both for only *4705 Carloton Harrison, of East Haven EAST HAVEN, ties in field In 1912, when he be­ G F P , Fairmount ' the recent heat wave. came assistant secretary of the WITH VOOB OUB Is on vacation. December 17tl'i Results CLIANin Rowley If 3 -4 10 United Electric Light and Water Among the vacationing students No. Branford 2 vs Granite Bay 2, 1 Shieine,rf 0 1 1 WE'D LIKE TO TAKE YOUR MEASURE Company, In 1014 has was made Is Raymond Gay of the University Hilltop Or. 0 vs Granite Bay 1, 3 Theatre \ DeFabio c .,„.... 4 l 9 r-OR 0^3E OF- THESE FAMOUS SUITS secretary and treasurer of that BRANFORD OIL BURNER c^ Maine; Stony Creek 2 vs Blitzkrigers 1 33 Main St., Annex, New Haven Brache Ig 0 3 3 Among The Books company and was appointed a vice Elizabeth Jane Reeves, a Vassar December 17tli Records For solid carefree comfort this winter install a Miller rg ..2 1 . 5.,.. Team, Gran. Bay No. 1,... 1571 president of The Connecticut Light student Is on holiday from her and Power Company" in 1917 when studies. DeFllippo !g ...., 4 3 11 Game, Gran. Bay No. 1 532 Taylor^made Custom Clothes BETTY GRABIE New books added to the Black- Triple, E. Kamb, Gran. Bay 1 .. 330 stone Memorial Library recently the companies were merged. I Totals .,..,.. ; 13 13 39 Single, E. Kamb, Gran. Bay .... 117 $35-$45 ff^^-5ii=K-$P%-M^4«rv«=*r$^?3 ^ VICTOR MATURE are: He later became vice-president! Nurse Into Women—Marguerite In charge of operations, a post he SHELTON W. Pair, No. Branford 117 CAROLE LANDIS M. Marshall. Now, Voyager—Olive held until 1939, when he became ai Prodvot of ,. ,. G F P Locally Made LAIRD CREGAR Higglns Prouty. Some Lose Their member of the executive committee Shaulcy, if ., ,... !,...... 3 3 9 George Evans, Inc. UaUeable Iron Way—Eloise Liddou. The Fortunate of the board of directors. He is NationftUy R.C.BALLOU Jell'erson, rf .2 2 0 1098 Chapel St. Telephone 8-5421 New Haven, Conn. Season s Lady—Frank Swiniserton. Raiders still a member of that board. Fittlngi Oo'. Famous MBi'uistik, c 6 3 15 Johnsonian of the Cheroke Strip—George B. He is an active member of many Sffvarese, Ig , 4 19 Rodney. Botany Bay—Charles Nor- organizations which Include the Con'tlch, rg 1 1 , 3 Shoes DRINK hoff.and James N. Hall. All,That University Club, the Bankers Club THESE OFFERS GOOD Ott, If ;.,'. 0 2 Gllttens—Francis Parkinson Keyes. in New York, the Waterbury Club, ONLY WHILE PRESENT Dalton, rf ..,. 0 l 1 For Men and Boys Greetings Big Family— Bellamy Partridge, the Waterbury Country Club of STOCK LASTS Right around the comer In Branford Is pi;oduced an oU Dutner with War in the Air—David Garnett; which he is a past president, the recognized throughout the nation as being one of the the BOhTllne CIDER Totals .,,. n 11 45 Exclusively at WILLIAM GARGAN Restless Wave—Haru Matsul; By­ Hartford Club, the Adirondack ALAN MOWBRAY League Club, the Society of Naval outstanding Quality oU burners produced In America. ALIYN JOSLYN . ways of Mexico—^Mary" Austin; Out Door Cooking—Cora, Rose and Bob Architects and Marine Engineers, When you finally decide upon oil heat do not fall to take aS* Paul Cipriani ^53=ir$Rr5**4Rr5»=fc4^^:^^ COFEATURE I Brown; Foldboat Holidays—J. Kis- the American Institute of Electri­ vantage of this fact, SINCE 1897 TIRES Watch out Girls! He May sner: Secret History of the Ameri­ cal Engineers and the American —See U( or Your Dtalar— These dealeia will bo glad to give you complete details on wball Shoe Store can Revolution-Carl Van Doren. Society of Mechanical Engineers, Now and Old Tires, bought and Enduring The Teat of Time "MARRY THE BOSS'S a JBrantord Installation, will do, end what It will cost. 244 Main St.'Branford Who's Zoo to the Garden—jean- He Is also a' past president of the sold. All sizes. Prices worth Tues, AVed,—Dec. 23-24 DAUGHTER" Marle Putnam and Charles Palmer, New England Division of the Na New Haven EastHaven TEL 570 REPAIRING tlonal Electric Light Association. oo'Dsidering. Also MagazincB NORTHWEST PASSAGE with Two-Way Passage—Louis Adamlc, ECTICU iGHT & POWER New Haven Goal Co. East Haven Coal Oo, Brenda Joyce, Bruce Edward Elizabeth, England's Modern Queen and newspapers, 25o a hundred of the Better Kind with Spencer Tracy, Branford ^ R. C; Enquist —Cornelia Spencer.. Learning to Also Men's Work and Dress _ ALSO - Ride—Captain Piero Santlnl, Wings SUBSCRIBE TO THE , Phone 744 Branford, Conn. WALTER LORD on the Ice—Frederic M. Gardiner. 221 Montowese Street MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS QOIMPANX ALPS ROAD GLOVES Jean Hersholt as Dr. Ohriatlan Bnmlord, Oonn. Stone St., Granite Bay Have Set A Higher Standard of Quality Photography and the American BRANFORD REVIEW REMEpY FOR RICHES Scene^Robert Taft.


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THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, CONK,, DECEMBER 25, 1941 41 VA PAGE EIGHT Beach has enlisted in' the U. S. Air FOR ALti LOCAIJ Corps as a mechanic. He is now at -i! WEDDINGS Camp Devens waiting transfer to Happy Birthday NEWS READ THE • I., ', CHURCH NOTES Wi tkHe Boys Mississippi, • k-i • I- ' .BRANFORD .KEV1E^Y ,r; - IIUGINS—HOLABIBD In The Service Edward Kronberg, Jr,, son of Mr Mr. F. A,. Hagelln, whase birthday Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Huglns and Mrs, Kronberg of Laurel Street falls on January 3rd Greetings! •Masscn In St. Marys' Church on Carol, It Came Upon the Midnight has been accepted by the Navy, Business Directory II; AverlU Place, announce the coming Warren H, Clapp of 23 AvcrlU Sunday will be at 7:30, 0 and 10:30. Clear, Choir; Carol, The Little marriage of their daughter, Louise Mas.scs on Christmas Day will bo Town, Norwegian, Black, holr; Mrs. Place left last Tuesday morning for Crick, the b a rb e r, Anthony Alberta to Mr." Donald Harrison Induction. George- Bcecher Howard of B;30, 7;30, 0 and 10:30. C. N. Baxter, soloist;' Carol No, 78, Holabird on Saturday, December Donadio, to get real formal, was an 4t inch Sink and Tub Combinations O Little Town of Bethlehem, choir klmberly Ave., East Haven has en­ observer Monday. 27 at 2 P, M. In the First Congre­ listed In the Navy, (34.95 complete. Toilet Outflis and congregation; Carol, 'Lullaby gational Church, Friends are invi­ Word has been received that FIRST CONQREGATIONAli Steve Lipkvich ,jvhp has been In with seat $18.95. Bathtubs $18.95. of the Virgin Mary, words by Tho­ ted. Miss Lillian Levhie East Haven CHURCH mas Oaulklns, music by Elizabeth South Carollna,ils*jiow in Mass, Thomas Corcoran, Jr„ son. of Mr Wail Basins $5.95. — The Conn. Rev. Byron Kenneth Anthony A reception for the Immediate and Mrs. Thohiaa Corcoran of begins the New Year by having a Flombinr Ic Heating Materials Baldwin, Mrs, William Rice, solo­ families will follow at the home of •t-t- birthday. Minister ist, David Baldwin, vibraphone, Mrs, Flora Dudley of Cedar Street Sliver Street has Joined the Navy Co., 17J0 State St., New Haven. the brides parents. Two years ago he was discharged Morning Worship, 10:45 Carol No, 101, Joy 10 the World, received an air mail card from hec Fhsn* (-0028. Church School, 9.30, son Robert thlSfWcek reading "I am from four years duty. At the Leshlne home, 52 Forbes the Lord Is Come, choir and con­ DOUBLE CEREMONY Place, East Haven they are all set Ypung People 0.45 iP, M,. at the gregation; Carol, SUenl Night, Da­ well. Letter follows at first appor- .Manse. A double wedding ceremony took tunlty. It was dated December 8th William Levesh of Montowese to wish Meyer Leshlne a happy TTPETmiTERS — ALL MAKES vid Baldwin, vibraphone; Proces- Street, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry birthday on New Year's Day. ir Conui'egatlonal Church School oosslonal Hymn No, 72, "O Come lace Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock Christmas party, will be held Sat- in the parish house of the Old Levesh has Joined the Navy. CemTCBlcnt '^Ccrmi all Ye Faithful; Kyrle, Noble; an­ Dr, Ralph C* Cavallero has re­ Gone, but not forgotten. Elaine ui'day, Dec. 27. Primary members Stone Church when Miss Alice ceived an honorable discharge them "Jesu Bambino, Plotro Yon, Drennan of Takoma Park, Mary­ New, Rebullts, Rentals, Portabloi, will nicot In the allernoon and the Willis Pratt, soloist; Gloria Tlbl, LInnea Pearson was married to Mr. from the W, S.^ A^my. He received John Wardle of Lamphlers Cove Soppllei. Juniors In the evening. Russell Thomas Stuart, son of Mr. a shoulder Injluiy this summer has enlisted it the Navel Recruit­ land, formerly of East Haven who I Oratlas Tlbl, anon; Hymn No, 551 and Mrs, Charles J. Stuart of East ing Station, New Haven. became 21 on Sunday. Social Workers will hold a The First Nowell; Offertory Anthem while on maneuveVs in Louisiana, KELIANCE TTFEWRItEK CO. Haven, and her sister, Ruth Doro­ C. B. QD*, MfT. Christmas party and supper , A. Adam, Mrs, Wil­ thy Pearson was married to Mr, December 30 . liam Crawford, soloist. and Mrs, Robert Smith of New Joseph Stearns has resigned fpm 7-!t73l p. i I his teaching duties at the high Telephone Doxology; Sursum Corda, Sano- Haven, The brides are the 1st Crswn StrMt, 'N«w (UTID TABOR tus, Steggall; Communion Hymn, daughters of Mrs, Maria Pearson school to Join the army. The Contlrmatlon Class meets Silent Night; Gloria In Excolsis, of 23 Tuttle Place. The ceremony CHOWDER HOUSE WANTED—^'"P'oy"'^"*' ('0 <^<' Saturday mornings at 10; Old Chant; Nunc DImlttIs, Bee­ was performed by Rev. William G. Lieut. Frank MIntz is stationed housework, day or,week. Willing The annual meeting of Tabltha thoven; Sevenfold Amen, Stalner; West. Just outside Honolulu is the news Indian Neck Branford 451 worker. Tel. Branford 899-5 society will bo held Friday after Recessional Hymn No. 73, Hark the received in East Haven by his noon In the Church parlors. Herald Angels Sing; Organ, March parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlntz CUNNINGHAM—WOOD of Prank St. WANTED—Woman for cooking >"rr The confirmation class will meet of the Magi, F. Harkor. and general housework. Phone Jan 1 Anouncement has been made of Christmas Dinner 1.2 5 John William; Tbbln, son of Mr. Oyster — Shrimp — Clam or Tomato Cocktail 679. Next Sunday at 4 the 8 u n d a y . THE CHURCH OF CHRIST the marriage of Natalie Wood Mixed.Nuts — Celery — Olives School will held Its Chrlstraa? pro­ Stony Creek daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Ernest and Mrs. Edwafd F, Tobln of Roast Stuffed Turkey — Mashed Potatoes gram, W. Wood of 21 Palmer Road to Lincoln St, lia^ re-enlisted in the Mashed Turnips — Cranberry Sauce — Buttered Onions WORKING MOTHER'S Children Rev. Kenneth Brookes, Minister cared tor in home of,American Swedish Matlus will be celebrated Church School—10 A. M. Frederick J. Cunning ham, son of U, S. Navy as a( naval reservist. He Mince or Pumpkin Pie — Ice Cream Christmas morning at 5:30, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius J. Cunning­ was assigned to duty, Monday. Cheese and Crackers ^•~>- practical nurse; 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Morning Worship—U A. M. Coffee Tea Milk $1.00 a day, plus milk,;meala in­ Pilgrim Fellowship—7:30 P. M. ham of Hartford. The ceremony TRINrtY was performed December 12 In Major Adams;Slartln of East After Dinner Mints cluded. Box 81, Short Beach. Colli'nsvllle. Haven ha.s entered active service In Reservations Accepted 1 P. M. to 8 P. M. B:4D Holy Communion the United Stat'esVArmy, ,' AS MUCH AS YOU CAN EAT-1 0:30 Church School Lightand Power WANTED TO RENT or sub-let 10:45 Morning Prayer and Sermon In St. Andrew's Methodist for winter months — two or church the Misses Anna and Oscar Roganson. son of Mr, and three room lurnished apartment, 5:00 Confirmation Mrs, David Roganson of Short 0:30 Young Peoples Fellowship Issues Comment Alma Sansome were wed. Satur with garage and heat. Center of 8:00 Thanksgiving Serv/oe day afternoon, the former becom­ Branford or East Haven. Write Trinity Church school Christmas ing the bride of Paul Dobby of New daughter of Mr'.' and Mrs. Walter Box 47, Branford/ On Shortages York and the latter the bride of Delon of 10 Laurel Street to Mr. •We Hope that this •will prove a Happy Christmas party will be hold Monday, Decem­ BEAUTIFUL NEW • t-UHNITURE (3 ber 29 at 4o'clock. Garrison Kelly, also of Nev/ York, Anthony Ifkovic son of Mr! and Commenting today on a power both bridegrooms being in the Mrs. Anthony Ifkovic of 20 Monroe roorhs) $140. Comb. Ranges $79- December 25-Holy Commuiilon shortage story which was replaced United States Army. The double Street. The cci'emony will take Roberta's .Beauty Salon $99-$129 Rebuilt — Repossessed 0:00 a.m. ' by the , Office of Emergency double-ring ceremony was perfor­ place at 4 o'clock In St. M;ary's 232 Main Street ranges & frlgldaires •'$29-$39-$49. ' i Trinity Triangle of the Trinity Management, Mr. W, Sangster, Man med by the pastor, Dr. John L. Rectory. Guaranteed gas ranges.$9-$12$-20. Church win give a square dance at ager'ot The Connecticut Light and Gregory. Lamps, chairs, tables, rugs, radios, the Community House, Friday Power Company, outlined his Know the Joy of Giving niattresses $9-Jll-$17. ''Cash dis­ evening January 3rd. Company's position In the following WHEN IN NEED OF count 10% t ism — Editorial* Arc Timely «nd Inltructivc, and It« Daily drawn upon heavily to make up ..:'# 'Fcaturel, 'Toscther with the Wec*'ly MaKizina Section, Maka shortages in adjacent territories the Monitor an Ideal Nnwipaper for the Home. outside of New England; or, final­ ,-••'' V'' Xhe Christian Science Publishing Society ly, unless generating facilities ar­ One, Norwny Street, Boston, Massachusetts ranged for sometime ago, and al­ Price illZ.OO Yearly, or * 1,00 a Month. ready on order, are with held for Saturday Iisuo,'includins MttKazine Section, ^Z.60 a 'Year. reasons beyond our control. Introductory Offer, ti Issues 25 Cents. !' ' Name —i • « DEION—IFKOVIC Announcement Is made of the IT„ SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST coming marriage New Year's Day of Miss 'Ann Elizabeth Delon ZL . .t w

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