Inventory of the Annette Levy Ratkin Jewish Community Archives in Nashville, TN - 2021 The archives is a project of the Jewish Federation and Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee located at 801 Percy Warner Blvd., Nashville, TN 37205, phone 615-354-1655, email address:
[email protected] The digitization and web access has been provided by a grant from The Tennessee State Library and Archives. Only the highlighted materials are available for viewing. This site will be updated as resources become available. Please call the archive staff at the above number for further assistance. RG 1 Jewish Federation Box l: Brief History of the Jewish Federation (2000) 1920-1970 Jewish Community Council and Jewish Federation Copies of charters 1940, 1948, 1969 (Name change), 1984 Clippings, 1920-1926-1950, 1969 (Central Conference of Jewish Organizations, 1916) Correspondence from Nat Weise 1934-50 Jewish Welfare Fund Annual Report 1938 Correspondence on Community Hebrew School 1943-44 1949 “Study of Demographic and Organizational Aspects of the Nashville Jewish Community” 1949 Demographic Study 1959 Constitution 1954, 1958 letter, CJF Certificate of Membership 1961, 1962 Annual Meeting; Leadership Development 1964-66; Constitution 1965, Community Calendar 1966-67, 2010 Updates to Constitution Annual Meetings 1966-68 (30th anniv. Honoring Jacques Back), 1970-73, 1974; 1970 Mission to Israel; Leadership Development 1972; CRC 1973;1974-76 Financial Report, letterheads; Newcomers Committee 1975-76; 1976 ? chart of accounts; 1976 Planning Advisory, President’s meeting. UJA-TN State Com. Nat’l Women’s Div Meeting Memphis 1976 National Women’s Division UJA, Feb. 1959 (Blanche Fensterwald) Proceedings of the Community Orientation Institute, 1960-61 (synagogues, JCC, Jewish Social Service, NCJW, B’nai B’rith, Hadassah, ZOA) War of 1967; Salute to Israel Youth Rally 1970; 1970 Census 1 C:\Users\michal\Desktop\INVENTORY complete 2020.docx updated: August.