April 2, 1976, at 8: 15 P.M
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R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC. 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVI DEN CE, RI 02906 Arab Strike Becomes Clash With Israeli Security Forces NAZARETH, ISRAEL: In over contagious effect on the Israeli a dozen villages in the northern half Arabs, who were already seething of the country, violent clashes with over the Government's land security forces erupted following a expropriation program. general strike by Isra~l's Arab ~hatever the cause, the dimen citizens. The incident left at least sion of the day's disturbances clear five Arabs dead and about seventy ly startled Israeli officials. people wouf/ded. Acknowledging this at a news In order· to break up the conference in Jerusalem tonight, the demonstrations by Arabs who were Police Minister, Shlomo Hillel, protesting a government pl!'n to ap observed: "Due to the influence of propriate Arab land as part of a events on. the West Bank and the regional housing and development encouragement from abroad, we program in predominantly Arab have witnessed something none of Galilee, Israeli policemen and us in Israel has experienced before.·· security forces repeatedly opened He expressed hope that the riots fire. A spokesman said 38 of the would "prove to be a single. wounded were from the security isolated incident in the history of forces. Rioters set up roadblocks coexistence between Israelis ~nd and fought policemen and soldiers their Arab fellow citizens." with stones and flaming kerosene Few Israelis seemed to share th e bombs. police minister's expectations. Most seem to feel that the riots and Wont Vlaleace • Years the fatalities would inevitably in The violence was by far the worst crease tension between the com to erupt among the normally m unities and in effect open another quiescent 450,000 member Israeli front in lsrael"s growing difficulties Arab community since the founda with the 1.4 million Arabs under its tion of the stale. It reflected both rule. the growing political awareness More than a month ago, the pro among Israeli Arabs and the Moscow Israeli Communist party cumulative discontent of a group called for the general strike in that feels it has suffered political, protest against the land appropria- CommlttN memben dilcuul"9 the Annual lqulpment hent at a ,,_.. at the heme ef Ma,ferie Yaohar -• economic and social discrimination 1ion plans. Tension had been left ta rltht, front ryw, Barbaro •-n, Leelle Mehlman, Paula iz-, Milh ......_, Shkt.y K•-man, -. since 1948. building since then, with the Com Frank, Gerry Salter, llta Llst.....,rt, Mn. Yaahar, and Sophie T...,n. lack rew, Tine Crioafulll, Tevlo Siepl, Alice The demonstrators also appear lo munists encouraging the Arab pop Fooa and Len- Leach. have been encouraged by the strikes ulace and the government threaten and disorders staged almost con ing severe consequences to anyone reservation chairwoman, at 274- tinuously for several weeks by their who supported the strike. 8745. Women Feature fellow Palestinians on the occupied Nonetheless, the violence of the Chairwomen for the event are West Bank of the Jordan River. clashes appeared to startle both Mrs. James Y ashar, Mrs. Edward Those riots have apparently had a sides. 'Time For A Change' Listengart, and Mrs. Philip Torgan. Event advisors are Mrs. Alden The Women's Association of the held at the Marriott Inn in Blackman and Mrs. William E. Miriam Hospital is having their An Providence. A preview will be Reeves. Other committee members .I• nual Equipment Event, to raise shown or the fashions which come include Mrs. Howlll'd- R. Lewi.,, l funds for sophisticated machinery from Lord & Taylor. treasurer; Mrs. Victor Baxt and to be used for cardiac patients, on The categories for the luncheon Mrs. Lawrence Zelkind, Angels; Monday, April 12. "Time for a are Angels, Patrons, Sponsors and and Mrs. David Kitzes, Mrs. Change" is the theme of the Donors. Anyone wishing to attend Stanley Blacher and Mrs. Herbert luncheon and fashion show to be may contact Mrs. Sidney Meyer, Rakatanskey, Patronesses. around the premise that the last phrase in the Haggadah, "Next year Weils To Get Honor Award in Jerusalem," was taking on current meaning in the continuing work of Zionists to return to the At Annual 3rd Seder promised Land. One of the members of the Labor Zionist Movement, Samuel Black, was to go to Palestine on the first aliyah from Providence. In 1925, fifty peo ple attended the first Third Seder. Within a few years, Harry EINEST NATHAN ZIEDAN ATASHI Finkelstein took over the leadership of what was to become an annual DRUZE GUEST: Ziedan Atashi, the flnt Dn,ze head of information of the community affair. One Third Seder, 1.....t consulate in New York, and special advisor to Israel'• Permanent Mi•• held in the now defunct tlon to the United Natiant, will be the tpecial guett of Mr. and Mn. Ernett Narragansett Hotel, attracted 350 Nathan, 204 frNman Parkway, Providence. The occatlon It a cocktail guests. receptian in hanar of Mr. Atashi and in behalf of State of laroel Bonda to be Among th~ guest ..:;peakers have held at the home of Mr. and Mn. Nathan on Wedneaclay, April 7, at 8:00 been leaders of the Labor Zionist p.m. Movement, as well as Max Lerner, 8am in i940 in Qllfiya, 1.....t, ane of the two Dn,ze vlllageo on Mount the columnist and Harvard Carmel, Mr. Atashl HrYecl two and a half yean in the larael defenH forcea. professor, and the late Mrs. When the Hiatadrut ~uroted its flnt program of caunea for the training Archibald Silverman. Mrs. Silver of Arab youth in 1963, Mr. Atathl atarted -rking among youth of the man told her audience of attending Dru111 cammunlty and - after -• appointed Deputy DINCtor Gen-I of ' a Third Seder in South America. It the.Arab and DNze Worken Yauth Movement In whkh he wat active until was celebrated their regularly, she 1969. In August, 1975, he was appointed advltor to the luael Permanent said, without anyone knowing - Minion to the United Nations. until she told "them - that the Third MANFRED WEIL JEAN WEIL Seder was the creation of Manfred and Jean Weil will be . Federation of Rhode Island, and a · Providence Labor Zionists. · First Amerfc:an Hebrew Grammar Book presented with the Award of Honor member of the National Board of Part of the program, during and of the Histadruth Committee for the Council of Jewish Federations. after the holocaust, has been the Published For Harvard In 1735 Labor Israel at the Third Seder on She has been active in the Ladies observation of a moment of silence, NEW YORK: The first Hebrew Jews was an important aspect of Sunday, April 18, at 8:00 p.m. at Association of the Providence while the music of "Any Maamin Hebrew Day School, the Home for - I believe ... " played softly in the grammar printed in i\merica was Christian theology and a subject of Temple Emanu-EI. published in I 7J5 especially for the much interest. Jews were excluded Mr. Weil has been an active par the Aged, Hadassah and the background. Survivors of the use of Harvard College students. It from the Puritan colonies of New ticipant in the affairs of the Sisterhood of Temple Emanu-EI. concentration camps are asked to was compiled by Judah Monis England as were all dissenters from . Providence Jewish community for For the first time in its 50 year light six candles in memory of the history, the Third Seder will be six million martyrs. ( 1683-1764). Calvinist creed. Of the five New many years. He is now president of The Calvinist founders of the England colonies, only the Temple Emanu-EI, has been chair sponsored by the Dvorah Dayan Harry Finkelstein, ably assisted Massachusetts colonies cherished religiously tolerant Rhode Island man of the Israel Bond Drive for Club, Pioneer Women, with Mrs. by his wife, continued to run the Joseph Teverow as chairperson. Third Seder, until last year. He is the Old Testament and the Hebrew possessed an organized Jewish com two years and commander of the language. They saw themselves as munity in pre-Revolutionary times. Jewish War Veterans, Post 439. He The Third Seder, which has become now its honorary chairman. Mr. an international tradition - Finkelstein has been president for the "new Israelites" who had come One can find many examples of is a board member of the Jewish to found a "new Cannan.'; They Hebraic influences and interests in Theological Seminary and the celebrated all over the United ten years of the New England States, Canada, South America, Chapter of the Histadruth, compared their struggles with those the Colonial Period. National Board of H.I.A.S., as well of Old Testament heroes. as the Providence Hebrew Day Israel, and other countries - was treasurer of the Labor Zionist Far NEW IL FIVE NOTE School - New England Academy originated in Providence in 1925 by band for eight years. However, their admiration for JERUSALEM: A new IL five of Torah. four men: Alter Boman, Israel Mr. Finkelstein is a life member the descendants of Abraham could note has been issued here bearing Mrs. Weil is president of the Resnick, Henry Burt and Mr. of Club No. One of Pioneer Women be considered self-serving and am the portrait of Hadassah pioneer women's division of the Jewish Deever. They built its program and the Home for the Aged. bivalent since conversion of the Henrietta Szold. • , , I ' \ j / ; '1'1 1 \ I ) J I I 1:-:-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, APRlt 2, 1976 TO LUNCH WITH ALWN ~ - - -- Philanthropist Ediih ·Lehm~·n:· ::F"ri;~:f:ii~~~~~:: WASHINGTON - Israeli meetings in Latin American and with which she had been associated Foreign Minister Yigal Allon will U.S.