Local Men Decorat.Ed

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Local Men Decorat.Ed OFFICES IN ,CORONA DEL MAR, C:ALIFORNit. • A p1oposal to cha.rae a fee (OJ use of tidelands was outlined Tuesday momina at Call Santa a breakrast me etina ~or the Mar ine Division of the New.. port Harbor ChambeJ of on Dec. · 14 Conunerce and the Council C.,.. lllc'-1 J, P.,.t. Mol« 111111- T. R... tidelands tevenue commi "' (M•,.,• Ctw,$ (i/lolo) (ltlorine Corp& photo) tee. Ci ty Manaaet Harvey Hurl· burt submitted a detailed re­ ·' LOCAL MEN port on the s tudy of tide· lands use fees and a s~ maty of proposed acomen· dations. DECORAT.ED The proposals liue 10 be discussed in ruture mee~ in as wi th comme rcial. r e ~ cre8. ti onal and private use u or bayft ont properties ~ this week on the new building, and an adm inistrative area with offices, fote beina submitted for ch urch building and Sun day School fa cility at 3100 meeting rooms and a child care fac ility. The exterior ronnal consideration by the Pacific' VIew Or., Harbor :VIew Hill s, for tke Second wall s are to be of gray beige, spli(.face con crete · City Council. BIA party Church of Christ, I Newport Beach , which is bloCk. , wi th conc rete and plaster areas in white. Tall The suaaested rees, rana­ now meeting in the Uar School. The project redwood grilles will screen the full -h eight na rrow win· ing rrom 3 centS to 15 cents includes a a circul ar classroom pet square root of tidelands, dows. Total area is 10, 500 sQu are feet. would btina in an es timated Dec. 12 annual revenue or S80,000 to the city, E SURVIVED PEARL HARBOR Mt . Hurlbu rt uated in his rep01t "that one of the pri~ Lt. Col. Edward L 'lie lin• maty teasons the ciey reels alc:i of Costa Mesa, a Marine a tidelands use ree is neces­ flier who earned his Purple s aty at this time is the alP Heart Medal on the &round titudes use in Sacramento durina the Japanese attack with reaard to private use Pearl Harbor, was retired of tidelands. pendina Nov. H in rormal ceremonies s tate leaislation will im-­ at Marine Win a Support Group pose areater con trols on (MWSG)·31 at El Toro. tidelands arants held in tru st by local aaencies fot the s tate. In otdeJ to pre· serve the city' s tidelands atant and preclude state intervention any mote than is a bsolutley necessary, it is imperative that city tide-­ lands be available to the publicor S9ftlecompen s ation be paid to the public rot lbe private use and enjoyment or lbeae tideland a... C M - · .... U.dd.,. ,._. aona comnented. ••we had .._tfet put ow houaa i. • der berore the state does it for us." The ci ty manaaet sum-­ marized a tidelands use ree repott wh ich wu distributed to the Coun ci I last May 29 , ptoposina the followina fees: Cateaory l, includina Col. E4wenl ZloiiMkl boatyards , marine t ai\ways, marine conuacton and re si­ and American Football Lea· ean War, on combat c ar&o dential uses, a total or gue Commission er. mi nions ror the United Na· 1,7 53, 300 squaJe reel.,. 3 Col. Zielinski, who now ti ona command. cents per square root of anends Orange Coast Col· Before comin1 to El Toro tidelands conUolled; Cate-­ ' lege evening classes, en· he served with the Bureau or aory 2, othet commetci al tered the \1arine Corps OcL Naval Weapon s, now the uses, 895.700 squate ree l.,. 18, 113 7, as a private. He Naval Air Systems Command, 6 cents per square root; finished ni1ht school in in Waa:Unaton . D.C., and Cateaory 3, marine ruel June, 1~-11, and was com- with thefintMarioe Aircrart docks. 36 , 500 square feet,. missioned the nex t year. He Winz at Jwakuni, Japan. 9 cents pet squaJe root. served as the onl)' enlisted Col. Zi elinski be&an his He: reponed ru tthet on che aviator aboard the USS tour at El Toro as aviat ion ro!IO"'IR I tecorrmendations Lexington in the Paciric orficer or \tarine Aircraft dtafted at a meetina Nov. campaiW\ in early 1~2. Repair Squadron (MARS)-3 7 l-1 : An annual ree or $10 Later that year he was in Nov ember, 1%1. He com­ pc:t JnstallatJOn fot tecord commissioned a \1arin e manded Headquarters and ~c:ep1n1 purposes fot the "IJmner" or warrant offi · \ 1ai ntenance Squadron (H& pm•ilege o f ma intain in a har· cer. \1S)-37 at tim e or his retire· bor mstallatJOn S 1n the He was rev erted to mas ter menL Grand Canal and We s t New· ser1eant dter World War The colonel and his wire, pmt channels; a $10 re e on D. but was commissioned a Ooroth y, and their children, e ach of the 26-' ins ta ll~ second lieutenant in June, E. \iichael, 18, Christopher, t10n s 1n these: dedicated 1950. Durin& the winter of 1, and Patricia. 8, li ve at rights-of-way, Gtand Canal 1~5()-51, he rlew the C-54 3267 \iichiaan Ave., Costa and Wc: s t Newp01t channels; Signs are brightly shinling tun sport aircraft in the Kor- \1esa. one unit fee tln the 1,470,· ness manager. 000 squate feet of commer• He recently served in cia], rhuttiple residential and yacht club tidelands I Sacramento on Gov. Ronald EROSION BATTLE IS WON coo u olled, and a 2nd unit Reaaan' s special "loaned All those yean of payina day e venina and \ionday, vicinity of lAth to 0th 4 ree on the 1,700,000 squate h.iah taaea on West Newport buildina lhe beach out about Streets. executive" committee ror a reet of res1dential tide­ ocean frcmt homes realty 60 feeL , .. That hopefully will proa 2·month survey of effi ciency lands conttol\ed. and cost conuol of the ~ paid off for the owners. "They did that, and lhinas vide for 1 lma ranac solu· pattment of Mental Health. When hiab tides beaan are in pretty aood s hape tion to the pro_blem."' Mr. Mr. Hudson and hi s wire, ala""ins at espOaed bouse down there,'' \lr. DeOaine OeChainestated, '"and m.ny Betty, and theit 2 sons, foundations las t week, tbe aaid. p~eveo.t the annual haulina Orphan will Steve, 13, and Jeff, 10. li ve City of Newport Beac:b acted The und was brouaht down of sand that hu bad to be in Newport ShotCs. with. chc Or~nae Cc.anty Hu- from the Santa Ana River undertaken for the Jut 3 bor district on emeraency mouth. The carthmovina years. •• ..ndbea:ina. equipment worked around He c:apr-eued appreciation get gift Tf\ltty labor from the lhc clock, coverina all the for the volunteer labor, ~. • J · d k · '" K1m Duk in, a 7.,.eu-old Oranae County jaal, 111'1 fle roc 1, enormous tues and eqwpment and moo power · · · of 1 Koreaa. orph.n, will be ,.... Major Robert F. · Svuka. There, after droppina heav y Oranae County 01'111100 cement bu thcads placod in doftatod by ~lly "r' llor ~ d d ~ f "" membered at Cbrhen.t aon.tfl"'law of · ~. and Mrs. bombs, we noted three Foruuy, wo ...e aroan ~ne rant of smte nomu by ContractiQI Co. .ad tAw •- ~-~ d 11ain th ia year by lllo ' Fred H. ·Paulsen, 253 Sant a firu burnina aa we pulled c Ioc kfrom e dn eauay .... _.... esperate owners. Clark TNckina Co. o( ~·- •- b' . Th b 1 f lh .-,tive American ~&a, babel, Coata Mesa. led a off and turned for another ~,uay put" nc 1n a maaa1n e a tnce o e con· Hu.ntiqton Beach, and Ule recent F-4 Phantom fiahter~ srorqe areL · aandbaaaed wall to keep tract calla for around • donation o( roct by lbe the Junior ~11 a• ol bomber strike q:ainat 3 ..Over the last taqet, we the biabeat tides of tbe year little leu than 400,000 'Irvine Co. Newpon s.c:a. enemy taraeta in Norlh. encountered liaht and ran· away &om home~ cubicyarda to be de poaite~ The J•iota ..,._. Kill "Wilhoul their auiallace, 110 atrete.h the beach out &o IIALTIIS TIIISTALL lutyeu *lOIII) .. Ot.ril'"' Viatnam. · dom automatic weapons 1 lher• -ld bo.. bo.,. a IOOllOd ISO feet. Dido oa FMU'f • .,.. Joe. Coopetatina with the Cor· Air CaHfOJnia. will be made ' ••we llit lhne different fireaaweboaanOW'OC'cmance tme€a ~~-1120·· 1 oaa del Mea Cbnber or at lhe uee at 7:JO p.ra. Pri· UQetl in .,. area between delinry. We acCCMated ror a..tta&aatial propeny lou,.. lhia m., be opened by tiM The annual iaataUation 11iley ..... ,.. r. Coanerce, the M.H~ Sher• day. Dec. 21. Mite Sheila Roa .ad Quaq Khe. Tbe ae.,.n rortified po.it:iona hmea o.oaiae, aaailtMt ...t ol ant wee\, accordiq tt-quet o( d\e New,on Hu· MIPPGft ol tM u... Mr. - Pouaclation ia beaati· WilliMII, Mill Cotuna dell nraa. a ... cuao crate deltiOyocl•dclwe• ...... chr m-..r, aaid Taadey. to Mr. OeCbaia_e. 1nd .rter bor • Costa M.. a Boat4 or •n• - rQ •• • ....., r,ille •• Coif" oant. at Mu. will ...a •• awlldt. •cllclredinoa-tllorewat~. Mf«t pulti .. orr •d r•· Fri4a1 ....i ... .. a., .. ~ct II ....... RealtGU will be llehl .,. wri.U. ...... ., a...­ »47 E. Coast Hi ••.,. 0111.. •lln'lai-t hu1 Wll c•,M•Ir demoUtW &ami .. M t.uL" ol N...,... Beodr 104 .. - woll '""' .......t Dee.
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