Arxiv:1203.1369V1 [Nucl-Ex]

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Arxiv:1203.1369V1 [Nucl-Ex] Spectroscopy of Neutron-Unbound 27,28F G. Christian,1,2, ∗ N. Frank,3 S. Ash,3 T. Baumann,2 P. A. DeYoung,4 J. E. Finck,5 A. Gade,1,2 G. F. Grinyer,2, † B. Luther,6 M. Mosby,2,7 S. Mosby,1,2 J. K. Smith,1,2 J. Snyder,1,2 A. Spyrou,1,2 M. J. Strongman,1,2 M. Thoennessen,1,2 M. Warren,3 D. Weisshaar,2 and A. Wersal2 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA 2National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois 61201, USA 4Department of Physics, Hope College, Holland, Michigan 49423, USA 5Department of Physics, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48859, USA 6Department of Physics, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota 56562, USA 7Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA The ground state of 28F has been observed as an unbound resonance 220 keV above the ground state of 27F. Comparison of this result with USDA/USDB shell model predictions leads to the conclusion that the 28F ground state is primarily dominated by sd-shell configurations. Here we present a detailed report on the experiment in which the ground state resonance of 28F was first observed. Additionally, we report the first observation of a neutron-unbound excited state in 27F at an excitation energy of 2500(220) keV. PACS numbers: 21.10.Dr, 21.10.Pc I. INTRODUCTION paper we report the observation of the unbound ground state of 28F and an unbound excited state in 27F. The results of the 28 The neutron-rich region around N = 20 has been a topic of F experiment have been reported in a recent article [9]. active experimental and theoretical research for over 30 years, owing to the transition from pure sd to mixed sd-p f shell con- figurations first deduced from mass measurements of neutron- II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS rich sodium isotopes [1, 2]. As the available intensities at rare- isotope beam facilities have increased, it has become possible A. Setup to explore increasingly neutron-rich systems near N = 20, in- cluding those at and beyond the neutron dripline. The heavy fluorine isotopes represent some of the most The experiment was performed at the National neutron-rich N ∼ 20 systems that can be measured with Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan 27,28 present experimental techniques. A 2004 measurement [3] State University. Unbound states in F were populated 29 29 reported two γ-ray transitions in each of the 25,26,27F isotopes, by nucleon removal from a beam of Ne. The Ne beam 48 20+ with the higher-lying 26F transition confirmed in a recent ex- was produced by first accelerating Ca to 140 MeV/u in 48 periment [4]. In 27F, a transition was observed at 777(19) keV the NSCL coupled cyclotrons [10]. The Ca then impinged 2 9 and assigned to the first 1/2+ excited state. This is in poor upon a 1316 mg/cm Be production target. Products of the agreement with USD [5, 6] shell model predictions which calcium on beryllium reaction were sent through the A1900 place the 1/2+ at 1997 keV. SDPF-M Monte Carlo Shell fragment separator [11], which was tuned to optimize the 29 Model calculations [7], which allow for sd-p f shell mixing, transmission of Ne at 62 MeV/u. The A1900 included an are in better agreement with observation, placing the 1/2+ at achromatic aluminum wedge at its second image point to + 27 arXiv:1203.1369v1 [nucl-ex] 7 Mar 2012 1100 keV.This suggests that the first 1/2 excited state in F disperse fragments according to A/Z and improve separation. exhibits significant sd-p f configuration mixing. Additionally, After the A1900, a quadrupole triplet magnet focused the Ref. [3] reports a low-energy transition not predicted by USD beam onto a 288 mg/cm2 9Be reaction target. Upstream of in each of the 25,26,27F isotopes, speculating that these tran- the target, the beam passed through a pair of position-sensitive sitions might correspond to 1/2− states arising from proton cathode readout drift chambers (CRDCs) separated by 227 cm p-sd cross shell excitations. and a pair of plastic scintillators separated by 1044 cm. The Until recently only one measurement of neutron-unbound location of each of these detectors along the beam axis is states in fluorine isotopes has been reported. A 28 keV reso- shown in Fig. 1. The CRDC position measurements were used nant decay from 25F was assigned to a 1/2− excited state in to calculate the beam position on the reaction target by ray 25F at an excitation energy of 4249 keV [8]. In the present tracing through the quadrupole triplet. The upstream scintil- lator was 1010 µm thick, and the downstream (“target”) scin- tillator was 254 µm. Each scintillator recorded a time sig- nal, and these signals were used to calculate the beam time of ∗ Present address: TRIUMF, 4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 2A3, Canada. flight (tb). Additionally, the target scintillator recorded an en- ergy loss signal (∆Eb). As shown in Fig. 2, the various beam † Present address: GANIL, CEA/DSM-CNRS/IN2P3, Bvd Henri Becquerel, components were well separated in energy loss versus time of 14076 Caen, France. flight. The desired 29Ne composed approximately 2% of the 2 Beam tracking detectors Modular Neutron CsI(Na) Array Array (MoNA) Quadrupole triplet (CAESAR) Sweeper magnet 29Ne (62 MeV/u) 9 Ionization Be reaction target chamber (288 mg/cm2) 93 cm93 cm 71 cm 5 mm scintillator 150 mm scintillator Timing scintillators Charged fragment x x tracking detectors y z y z FIG. 1. (color online) Diagram of the experimental setup. put was indicative of the fragment energy. 20 Due to the size and complexity of the setup, separate 32 Mg data acquisition (DAQ) systems were used for MoNA and 102 15 29Ne Sweeper-CAESAR. Events in each DAQ were recorded with Wedge Fragments a timestamp, allowing coincidences to be reconstructed off- line. Although run separately, the triggering of each DAQ was 10 10 controlled by a shared logic module, which allowed for trig- [arbitrary] b ger conditions involving both subsystems. To reduce dead- E Δ 5 time, the experiment required coincidences between MoNA 1 and the 5 mm scintillator located at the back of the Sweeper box. CAESAR detected γ rays in coincidence, but they were 0 not a required trigger condition. 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 tb [ns] B. Data Analysis FIG. 2. Energy loss versus flight time of the secondary beam, show- ing its three components: 29Ne, 32Mg, and various lighter species (“wedge fragments”) produced in the A1900 wedge. 1. Charged Particle Separation The charged particle measurements allowed for event-by- beam, and the remainder was composed of 32Mg (87%) and event isotope identification after making a variety of correc- various lighter species produced in the aluminum wedge. tions to the data. The first step was to identify the various el- A diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. ements reaching the end of the Sweeper using measurements The experiment consisted of three subsystems, each used to of energy loss and total energy. Energy loss (∆E f ) was ob- measure a different type of reaction residue potentially re- tained from the ionization chamber signal. The fragment time 27,28 sulting from the breakup of neutron-unbound states in F: of flight (t f ) and charge output of the 150 mm scintillator (Q) neutrons, γ rays (from feeding to bound excited states in the were each used as an independent indicator of total energy. daughter), and residual charged particles. Neutrons were de- Figures 3(a) and 3(b) show the element separation in ∆E f -Q tected in the Modular Neutron Array (MoNA) [12], which and ∆E f -t f , respectively. In the final analysis, events were measured their time of flight, position, and the amount of light required to fulfill conditions in both parameter spaces. deposited. γ Rays were detected in the Caesium Iodide Array For a given element, isotopes were separated by construct- (CAESAR) [13], which measured their total energy and time ing a corrected time of flight parameter (tc) indicative of A/Z. of flight. Charged particles were first deflected 43◦ by the The corrections to the time of flight accounted for the vary- Sweeper magnet [14]. They were then detected in a pair of ing paths taken through the Sweeper, and the primary indica- CRDCs, an ionization chamber measuring energy loss, and tors of this path length were the dispersive position (x) and two plastic scintillators. The front face of each scintillator dispersive angle (θx) of the fragment as it exited the magnet. was 40cm×40cm, and each was coupled to four photo-tubes. Additionally, a variety of other parameters (c.f. Table I) were The upstream scintillator was 5 mm thick and recorded a time found to correlate with the time of flight of a given isotope signal; this signal was combined with the time output of the and were included in the corrections. Due to the lack of focus- target scintillator to determine the fragment time of flight. The ing elements, as well as non-homogeneities in the Sweeper’s downstream scintillator was 150 mm thick, and its charge out- magnetic field, it was necessary to consider three-dimensional 3 As shown in Fig. 3(e), plotting e(x,θ ) versus t reveals iso- TABLE I.
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